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The Ashoka Pillar is having a great history like the capital city Delhi.

The history of Ashoka pillar is a

bit complex because it was considered that during the time period of Mayuran king Ashoka, there
were a huge number of Ashoka pillars throughout the Northern India from Allahabad in Uttar
Pradesh to Topra in Haryana.
About Ashoka pillars.
It is said that during the 3rd century a huge number of ashoka pillar were erected which were made
up of two types of stones. Some of them were having a spotted red and white and the other pillars
where having a sandstone colour. The colour and quality of the pillars changed with the change in
location and availability of raw materials.
About Ashoka pillar
The Ashoka pillar is having sae patter all over India which symbolises that the craftsmen used for
this work where from a single region and they used to cut and craved the structure on their own.
There were crowning animals at the top of pillar which were standing or seating. They were always
round in shape and have the four lions on the peak of the pillar. The four lion were placed in four
directions North, South, East and West which depicted the region of Ashoka in all the direction.
The pillars of Ashoka are a series of columns dispersed throughout the northern Indian subcontinent, erected or at least inscribed with edict by the Mayuran king Ashoka during his reign in
the 3rd century BC. Originally, there must have been many pillars but only nineteen survive with
inscriptions. Many are preserved in a fragmentary state. Averaging between forty and fifty feet in
height, and weighing up to fifty tons each. All the pillars were quarried at Chunar, just south
of Varanasi and dragged sometimes hundreds of miles to where they were erected.
Ashoka's pillars are basically a series of pillars that are spread all over the northern part of the
Indian sub-continent. These pillars were set up during the time Emperor Ashoka reigned in India.
Most of the pillars though damaged to some extent still stand upright and are protected by the
concerned authorities. Out of all the pillars, the most famous is the Ashokan pillar located at
Sarnath. Most of King Ashoka's pillars have inscriptions of Ashoka's Dhama or philosophies. Read
the pillar at Sarnath is believed to mark the site where Lord Buddha preached his first sermon. It is
said to be placed where Buddha taught Dharma to five monks. The pillar at Sarnath has an edict
inscribed on it that reveals information about Ashoka's stand against divisions of any sort in the
society. When translated, it says "No one shall cause division in the order of monks". The pillar at
Sarnath is made of sandstone and is maintained in proper shape even today.

The appearance of the pillar is quite imposing. At the base of the pillar is an inverted lotus flower
which forms a platform for the pillar. At the top of the pillar there are four lions sitting back to back
facing the four prime directions. Other illustrations on the pillar include the Dharma Chakra (Wheel)
with 24 spokes which can be seen on the Indian national flag as well. All illustrations have their own
meaning and significance. There are four animals illustrated on the pillar. They stand for the

The illustration of an Elephant signifies Lord Buddha's conception. When Buddha was
conceived his mothers dream that a white elephant had entered the womb.
A Bull illustrated on the pillar signifies the zodiac sign of Taurus as it is said that Buddha was
born during the month of April - May and also attained enlightenment during this time. The
Bull also stands as a symbol of Lord Shiva.
The Horse stands for the horse named Kanthaka that Buddha rode when he departed from
his palace to practice asceticism and attain enlightenment.
The Lion that is illustrated signifies the attainment of enlightenment.

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