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Donald Freeman
School for International Training

A TeacherSource Book

Donald Freeman

Series Editor

Heinle & Heinle Publishers

Pacific Grove. Albany. Bonn. Boston. Cincinnati. Detroit. London

Madrid. Melbourne. Mexico City. New York. Paris

San Francisco. Tokyo. Toronto. Washington

The publication of Doing Teacher-Research: From Inquiry to Understanding

was directed by members of the Newbury House ESLIEFL
Team at Heinle & Heinle:
Erik Gundersen, Editorial Director
Jonathan Boggs, Marketing Director
Kristin M. Thalheimer, Senior Production Services Coordinator
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Manufactured in Canada
p. 19 Illustrations used by permission of Glenn Bernhardt 1996.
p. 93 Figure 5.2 From Teachers' Voices: Exploring Course Design in a Changing Cuuriculum.
Edited by Anne Burns and Susan Hood. Copyright 1995. Used by permission of NCELTR.
pp. 219-223 'Downsizing: How it feels to be fired' by Steve Lohr, Shelly Kaplan, Tom Scott,
Nancy K. McGuire, Eugene Versluysen, Michael McGinn, Diana Erani, James C. Megas,
Phillip Ruby, and Mary Berne copyright 1996, The New York Times. Used by permission.
pp. 172-174 Albert Shanker "Where We Stand: An Important Question" reprinted from
The New York Times. Copyright The American Federation Of Teachers. Used by permission.
p. 225-252 case studies by Maree Nicholson, Margaret Surguy, Maria Vithoulkas,
Athena Frangos, Roger Kennett reprinted' by kind permission of Languages In-Service Program
for Teachers (LIPT).

ISBN 0-8384-7900-6
10 9 8 7 6


DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

SERIES PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

CHAPTER 1: STARTING ANEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1




BY WAGNER VEILLARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41



CHAPTER 5: COLLECTING AND ANALYZING DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86



BY WAGNER VEILLARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

CHAPTER 7: GOING PUBLIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146



LIST OF TEACHER-RESEARCH ACCOUNTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196



WORKING WITH VIDEOTAPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198


B: DATA COLLECTION MATRIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

ApPENDIX C: DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

1. Anecdotal records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

2. Classroom diagrams and maps . ........................ 203

3. Discussions . ......................................


4. Archival data: Documents and student work . .............. 205

5. Feedback cards . ................................... 206

6. Making and transcribing audio recordings . ................


7. Making and transcribing video recordings . ................ 208

8. Class observation/Field notes . ......................... 209

9. Journals kept by the teacher or students . ................. 210

10. Lesson plans and teaching logs . ........................ 212

11. Sociograms ....................................... 213

12. Interviews . .......................................









5.5, 5.6,



17, 1996) ...................



PROJECT FOR TEACHERS (AUSTRALIA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

1. Using More Indonesian in the Classroom

2. It's Too Hard

by Maree Nicholson . . . . 225

by Margaret Surguy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

3. Mistakes Are for Learning by Maria

4. Towards a Positive Classroom
5. In French Please!

Vithoulkas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

by Athena Frangos . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

by Roger Kennett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253


Thank You
The series editor, authors and publisher would like to thank the following individuals who
offered many helpful insights throughout the development of the TeacherSource series.
Linda Lonon Blanton
Tommie Brasel
Jill Burton
Margaret B. Cassidy
Florence Decker
Silvia G. Diaz
Margo Downey
Alvino Fantini
Sandra Fradd
Jerry Gebhard
Fred Genesee
Stacy Gildenston
Jeannette Gordon
Else Hamayan
Sarah Hudelson
Joan Jamieson
Elliot L. Judd
Donald N. Larson
Numa Markee
Denise E. Murray
Meredith Pike-Baky
Sara L. Sanders
Lilia Savova
Donna Sievers
Ruth Spack
Leo van Lier

University of New Orleans

New Mexico School for the Deaf
University of South Australia
Brattleboro Union High School, Vermont
University of Texas at El Paso
Dade County Public Schools, Florida
Boston University
School for International Training
University of Miami
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
University of California at Davis
Colorado State University
Illinois Resource Center
Illinois Resource Center
Arizona State University
Northern Arizona University
University of Illinois at Chicago
Bethel College, Minnesota (Emeritus)
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
San Jose State University
University of California at Berkeley
Coastal Carolina University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Garden Grove Unified School District, California
Tufts University
Monterey Institute of International Studies


You Y

To Ann Freeman,

who has shown me that

teaching is about asking questions,

and that in asking questions,

you will learn.




Over the past ten years, I have had the opportunity and the privilege to work with many
teachers on the ideas and practices that have become the foundation of this book. My think
ing has evolved through our conversations, largely due to the interest and intelligence of these
colleagues around the world, from Slovakia, to South Africa, to Brazil, and the United States.
Two groups of teachers have been central to the genesis of this work. In Brazil, the par
ticipants and faculty of the Advanced Program for Teachers of English, sponsored in 1995 by

Alumni in Sao Paulo, took many of these ideas forward into their teaching and

brought them back to our work together. There I met Wagner Veillard, who generously con
tributed his research from the program in Chapters 3 and 6. In the United States, I have hfld
the great opportunity, over the past decade, to work on doing teacher-research with graduate
teachers-in-training in the Masters of Arts in Teaching Program at the School for
International Training. They have shaped my ideas in inestimable ways. To the six-Kristen
Fryling, Ann Hoganson, J.D. Klemme, Clare Landers, David Mathes, and Kim Mortimer
excerpts of whose work appears here, many thanks. I also want to recognize the countless
interactions and conversations with graduate students and my fellow faculty members that
have shaped this book.
My thanks, too, to the friends, colleagues, and mentors who have contributed to the evo
lution of this book; to Thomas Healy and Erik Gundersen at Heinle and Heinle and to
Jessica Robison and Mary Reed at ImageSet Design for helping so skillfully to bring the pro
ject to fruition. And, as always, my thanks to Emily, Laura, and Kathleen for putting up with
me in the process.




As I was driving just south of White River Junction, the snow had started falling in earnest.
The light was flat, although it was mid-morning, making it almost impossible to distin
guish the highway in the gray-white swirling snow. I turned on the radio, partly as a dis
traction and partly to help me concentrate on the road ahead; the announcer was talk
ing about the snow. "The state highway department advises motorists to



caution and to drive with their headlights on to ensure maximum visibility." He went on,
his tone shifting slightly, "Ray Burke, the state highway supervisor, just called to say that
one of the plows almost hit a car just south of Exit 6 because the person driving hadn't
turned on his lights. He really wants people to put their headlights on because it is very
tough to see in this stuff." I checked, almost reflexively, to be sure that my headlights
were on, as I drove into the churning snow.
How can information serve those who hear or read it in making sense of their own
worlds? How can it enable them to reason about what they do and to take appropriate
actions based on that reasoning? My experience with the radio in the snow storm illus
trates two different ways of providing the same message: the need to use your headlights
when you drive in heavy snow. The first offers dispassionate information; the second tells
the same content in a personal, compelling story. The first disguises its point of view; the
second explicitly grounds the general information in a particular time and place. Each
means of giving information has its role, but I believe the second is ultimately more use
ful in helping people make sense of what they are doing. When I heard Ray Burke's story
about the plow, I made sure my headlights were on.
In what is written about teaching, it is rare to find accounts in which the author's
experience and point of view are central. A point of view is not simply an opinion; nei
ther is it a whimsical or impressionistic claim. Rather, a point of view lays out what the
author thinks and why; to borrow the phrase from writing teacher Natalie Goldberg, "it
sets down the bones." The problem is that much of what is available in professional
development in language-teacher education concentrates on telling rather than on point
of view. The telling is prescriptive, like the radio announcer's first statement. It is emphcl
sizes what is important to know and do, what is current in theory and research, and
therefore what you - as a practicing teacher- should do. But this telling disguises the
teller; it hides the point of view that can enable you to make sense of what is told.
The TeacherSource series offers you a point of view on secondlforeign language teach
ing. Each author in this series has had to layout what she or he believes is central to the
topic, and how she or he has come to this understanding. So as a reader, you will find



this book has a personality; it is not anonaymous. It comes as a story, not as a directive,
and it is meant to create a relationship with you rather than assume your attention. As a
practitioner, its point of view can help you in your own work by providing a sounding
board for your ideas and a metric for your own thinking. It can suggest courses of action
and explain why these make sense to the author. And you can take from it what you will,
and do with it what you can. This book will not tell you what to think; it is meant to
help you make sense of what you do.
The point of view in TeacherSource is built out of three strands: Teachers' Voices,
Frameworks, and Investigations. Each author draws together these strands uniquely, as
suits his or her topic and more crucially his or her point of view. All materials in
TeacherSource have these three strands. The Teachers' Voices are practicing language
teachers from various settings who tell about their experience of the topic. The
Frameworks layout what the author believes is important to know about his or her topic
and its key concepts and issues. These fundamentals define the area of language teaching
and learning about which she or he is writing. The Investigations are meant to engage
you, the reader, in relating the topic to your own teaching, students, and classroom. TheY'
are activities which you can do alone or with colleagues, to reflect on teaching and learn
ing andlor tryout ideas in practice.
Each strand offers a point of view on the book's topic. The Teachers' Voices relate the
points of view of various practitioners; the Frameworks establish the point of view of the
professional community; and the Investigations invite you to develop your own point of
view, through experience with reference to your setting. Together these strands should
serve in making sense of the topic.
This book examines teacher-research as an activity that connects the 'doing' of teach
ing with the 'questioning' of research. I argue that these two ways of working can -


must - be united if teachers are to become fully recognized as contributors who shape
educational policy and define effective classroom practice. In harmonizing the often con
trapuntal and even discordant demands of getting the job of teaching done with seeking
to better understand how and why learning in classrooms happens as it does, teachers
will redefine the territory of their work.
The central notions which form the backbone of this argument originated in several
places. Some years ago, at a local meeting of teacher-researchers, a colleague, Catherine
Lacey, made the point that good teaching is not enough to recalibrate what counts as
knowledge of practice in education. Her comments broke the shell of what I had
assumed: namely, that doing a good job as a teacher would be enough to garner profes
sional respect. Simultaneously, as I worked with teachers in different settings on how


do teacher-research, I began to see that, in fact, the practices of research could be adapt
a ble to the demands of teaching. Finally, my own work in teachers' knowledge led me to
issues of genre and form, and to thinking closely about how the facts and stories of teach
ing are usually and naturally told. The confluence of these influences, along with many
others, have led to this book, to its presentation of how teacher-research can be done,



and to the assertion that teacher-research has a fundamental role in redefining the
knowledge-base of teaching.
This book, like all elements of the TeacherSource series, is intended to serve you in
understanding your work as a language teacher. It may lead you to thinking about what
you do in different ways andlor to taking specific actions in your teaching. Or it may do
neither. But we intend, through the variety of points of view presented in this fashion, to
offer you access to choices in teaching that you may not have thought of before and thus
to help your teaching make more sense.
- Donald Freeman, Series Editor




hen I started out teaching, doing research was the furthest thing from my
mind. I was teaching French in a rural high school. As a first-year teacher
my concerns centered on getting through the day, maintaining some semblance
of order in my classes, gaining and keeping students' interest, and hopefully
teaching them something. I don't think my experience is that different from
those of many teachers. In fact, it is probably quite similar (Bullough, 1989). My
first five years or so of teaching were pretty much consumed with getting the jorl
done. Gradually, though, I gained a sense of balance and control, of efficiency
in what I was doing in the classroom; I began to feel that I knew what I was
doing and how to do it.
Several years ensued during which I moved from teaching French in a rural
American high school to teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) to adults
in Asia. Along the way I increased my skills, deepened my understanding of stu
dents and different learning environments, and became a more proficient
teacher. In the process, the locus of my interests shifted. Because I now felt that
I had the basics under control, I became less concerned with getting the job done
and more interested in how I was teaching. Questions of method and curricu
lum became more engaging, while my interest in activities and technique per se
waned (Genberg, 1992; Berliner, 1988). To draw an analogy: It was like riding
a bicycle. Now that I knew how to balance, brake, and shift the gears smooth
ly, I became intrigued with how to speed up or slow down, how to navigate dif
ferent road surfaces such as gravel or dirt, and even how to ride without my
hands on the handlebars. With this proficiency, I became interested in where
bicycle riding could take me.
But even as my dexterity in teaching increased-and with it my self-confi
dence as a teacher-my sense of certainty did not. Knowing how things work in
the classroom is not the same as knowing that they will work. I continued to
puzzle about why a familiar activity or exercise that had worked so well in the
past did not work with a particular class, to speculate why one aspect of the lan
guage was difficult for students, or to ask myself why some students seemed to
benefit from an activity while others did not. In fact, if I am honest, the list of
these unresolved aspects of my work probably increased, rather than decreased,
the more I taught. As a teacher I was caught between increasing my proficiency
in the classroom and pondering this growing number of uncertainties. So I
turned my attention to proficiency, to getting the job done.


On the idea
of doing, see
Chapter 8,


On the social
context of
teachers' work,
see Apple 1986
and Sizer 1983.

Looking back, I realize I did so in large part because competence in teaching

is usually defined in terms of action and activity, by doing the job, and not by
speculating on the structure, efficacy, or outcomes of those actions. I found, as
other teachers often do, that frankly there was little reward in asking questions
about my work. I wasn;t paid to speculate or to wonder; I was paid to teach.
This emphasis on teaching as doing the job of managing students and delivering
the content did not mean that the other side of teaching-the wondering and
speculating, the doubting and having hunches, the puzzling and questioning
disappeared. Far from it. In my experience, this other side of teaching was sim
ply held in abeyance; it was driven underground.
These two sides of teaching are the heart of this book. As the title indicates,
I am writing about "teacher-research," which I see as the formal union of these
two sides of teaching. I see the labels "teaching" and "researching" as tied to
the inherent qualities of these processes and not to the individuals who perform
them or their social positions. Thus the book is about 'doing teacher-research,'
as the title says. "Doing" is about as basic as verbs get in English. It is a verb
that is as prosaic and functional as it is ubiquitous and fundamental. All of these
are qualities I want to associate with uniting these two sidfiS of teaching. In the
following chapters I will examine how these two often contradictory dimensions
of teachers' work come together within a common perspective of disciplined
inquiry. Like any union, however, the synergy is more than the respective parts.
The activity of teaching-indeed the whole notion of the teacher's work-is
changed when the process of research is introduced. Likewise, research and the
researcher's work are changed when these functions are undertaken by teachers.
Some of these changes are intimate, internal to the teacher, and small scale.
Some are broader and more sociopolitical in nature. They are changes that can
reposition teachers in relation to those in our society who are seen as creators
of knowledge, managers of educational policy, and who direct the ways in
which teachers do their jobs.
In my experience, these larger changes are neither easy nor benign. They can
bring teachers in conflict with the ways in which others see their jobs. When I
use the term "teacher" here and throughout the book, I refer to those individ
ual adults whose livelihood is based on enabling others to learn specified sub
ject matter in settings that are organized to that end (Pearson, 1989). Concretely,
I mean people who are paid to teach particular content to other people, both
children and adults, in organizational settings we call "classrooms."
Classrooms, whether located in schools or in other organizations, are embedded
in values and expectations that help to shape the teaching and learning that go
on within them. I want to acknowledge the real pressures that these social con
texts of teaching exert on the ways in which teachers' work is organized, how
their time is spent, and what is valued and expected of them by administrators,
parents, and the larger public community. In most educational systems around
the world, and certainly in the United States, this social context does little to rec
ognize or validate teachers who choose to speculate and, in the best sense, to
wonder about their work. However, this status-quo can be changed.
It is a short step, I believe, from reclaiming the ability to speculate, to puzzle,
and to question your work as a teacher to establishing the fact of your expertise


and authority for that work. Everyone has an OpInIOn about teaching and
schools, based in large part on the fact that they have been students (Lortie,
1975). In public discussions and debates, this social authority of experience can
translate into the fact that everyone is an expert on teaching. In these discus
sions, what can and will distinguish a teacher's view as professional, in the best
sense, from others in the school community and those of the public at large, is
the fact that it is based not simply on experience but on an articulated, disci
plined understanding of that experience. So in a larger sense, being or becoming
a teacher-researcher is about repositioning yourself as a teacher in relation to
what you are expected to do in your job. This repositioning hinges on articu
lating your knowledge and understanding. of teaching and learning. Here again
the terms are potentially confusing. Like separating the dancer from the dance,
it is difficult and even counterproductive to separate the function of teaching
from the individual who is doing it. For this reason, I use the words "teacher"
and "teaching," and "researcher" and "research" or "researching," rather flu
idly and often interchangeably. The arguments I make here refer to the process
es and functions of teaching and researching; however, I will often do so through
the names of people who carry out these functions.
This book is about uniting the two sides of teaching-the doing and the won
dering-into one form of practice I am calling "teacher-research." The chapters
that follow weave together the story of this unification with the skills and tech
niques for making it happen. The thread of the story of moving from teacher to
teacher-researcher is told in Chapters 3 and 6 by a teacher and colleague, Wagner
Veillard. His voice presents the larger canvas on which specific skills and tech
niques are sketched. Most of these skills and techniques derive from conven
tional social science and, in particular, from qualitative research in education. In
entering the classroom they are reshaped by the demands of teaching. This
refashioning is subtle but critical because it is what makes teacher-research
doable. The techniques and skills for doing teacher-research are hung on a series
of theoretical frameworks that serve as coathangers on which specific aspects of
the work of teacher-research can be displayed and examined closely. As they accu
mulate, these frameworks provide an overall view of the relations among the var
ious skills so that the cycle of teacher-research can be seen as an integral whole.
Interspersed throughout the text are investigations, which are tasks that will
anchor what you are reading in your experience. Some of the tasks assume you
have students with whom you are presently working as a teacher or intern; oth
ers can be done by reflecting on your own experiences as a person, learner, and
teacher. The investigations are meant to take you beyond the book into your
own thinking and practices as a teacher. They will help you to tryout and mas
ter particular research skills as well as examine this larger notion of reposition
ing your work as a teacher from doing to wondering. This is the overall aim of
the book: To help you to examine what you do as a teacher, how your work is
structured and how you carry. it out on a daily basis, why some things you do
work or don't work for the learners you teach, and how in large and small ways
t:he work can be done differently andlor better. This aim sits within the larger
frame of implications of what it means to reintroduce speculation, puzzlement,
and wondering into teaching and to strengthen the intimate connection between
these qualities and doing the job.

The structure
of the book

See The teacher

research cycle,
Chapter 2, p. 33.




Like any set of values, and the skills that are used to implement them, the think
ing and skills of teacher-research spring from a certain point of view. To set the
For work on

stage for the specifics of the teacher-research process, I want to outline this the

see Fine (1994).

oretical terrain in which teaching and research can be united. This larger frame

On validity

in research,

see Chapter 7,


work provides a rationale for repositioning the work of the teacher; making it
explicit serves a number of purposes. Most immediately this discussion can ori
ent you as the reader to the arguments I will make in this book. I am putting my
cards on the table so you can know what to expect; you can learn what I value
and what I assume or take for granted. It is a bit like knowing the kind of restau
rant you are in so you know what to expect on the menu. More generally, how
ever, I want to make explicit my point of view because I believe that any
research and the understandings and statements of facts or findings that result
from it serve larger purposes or ends. Research is never neutral; it is not simply
a matter of investigating the world and finding what is "true" about it. Rather,
it always involves elements of valuing, of assuming certain things and discount
ing others. By making explicit the assumptions from whichI depart, I intend to
own the starting point of my argument. Thus you can know what to expect
from me as the writer and why to expect it. You can position my arguments
within what you believe, and you can act accordingly on the ideas I provide.


Before you read further, I suggest that you do the following Investigation. The
aim is to explore your own thinking and assumptions about research.

Responding . ..

Work by yourself without consulting others. Using index cards or paper to write

on, respond to each of the following questions using the prompt. Don't limit

yourself; write as many answers as come to mind. The aim is to exhaust your

thinking, not to fashion a well-crafted response. Write each answer on a sepa

rate card or slip of paper.

How do you react to the word "research"?

"When I hear/see the word research, I ... "

How would you define the word "research"?

"To me, research means ... "

Analyzing . ..

After you have completed your responses to the questions, use one of the fol

lowing procedures to analyze what you have written:

If you are working alone: Set your responses aside and come back to
them after you have read the next section on the Five Propositions
(pp. 5-16).


If you are working with others: Arrange your responses on a surface

where everyone can see them easily. Use a table or the floor if there
are a lot of responses. Take one question at a time. Read through all
the responses silently. As you read, look for common elements or
patterns in what people have written. Also look for "outliers;" these
are single or distinctive responses that "lie outside" the common pat
terns found in the rest of the responses.

When everyone has read the responses, discuss the patterns and out
liers you see. You may want to list what you find. Ask yourselves,
"Where does the particular pattern come from? Why do we
think/believe it? What is its basis in our collective experience?"
Then stand back again from the patterns themselves and look for
themes among them. Look at how the outliers may also connect to
these same themes.
This process is called "grounded analysis;" it is discussed more fully
in Chapter 5, p. 10l.
What you have just done in this Investigation is to begin to articulate YOUt
individual point of view on what research is before you read mine. By compar
ing your ideas to those of your peers (if you did so) and to my point of view as
you read what follows, you should be able to sharpen your beliefs.

The following five propositions build a cumulative theoretical position on what

teacher-research is and how it can reshape the work of teachers and the knowl
edge-base of teaching. I call the statements "propositions" for two reasons.
First, they provide the foundation in a logical sense of my thinking about
teacher-research. Second, they contain the elements of the theory on which this
approach to melding the work of the teacher and that of the researcher is based.
They are propositions, however, because they are open to argument in the best
sense. They outline my thinking, but they must be tested against your experience
and beliefs as you read and do what follows.

Proposition 1: To truly make research a central part of teaching,

we must redefine research.
Teacher-research is the story of two nouns joined by a hyphen; being a teacher
researcher means working at that hyphen (Fine, 1996). As nouns, the two words
may seem somewhat asymmetrical, even logically unequal, parts of a new, com
posite whole. The "teacher" is a person and "research" is a process. Putting the
two together with a hyphen does several things: It creates a person-process,
which suggests the agency of the teacher who takes on a process-research
that is different from teaching. Thus in teacher-research, the doer and the doing
combine to mutually redefine one another. The hyphen also emphasizes both the
connection and the difference between the two elements in this new equation.
The connection speaks to the potential; teacher-research means teachers
researching teaching. But the hyphen also calls attention to the differences and

Working at
the hyphen
(Fine, 1996)


possible distance between two separate and separable professional roles and
processes: One can teach or one can research. To be and do both is to unite roles
by undertaking two processes, teaching and researching, that have convention
ally been separated and seen as distinct. Thus some writers will talk about
teacher-research as "blurring roles" (Boles, 1996) or "spanning boundaries"
(Fine, 1996).
While the boundaries between them have begun to blur in some settings, the
distinction in territory continues to be part of most teachers' and researchers'
experience as well as their perspectives on what they do. This separation
between teaching and researching is based on a view that the two communities
have very different aims. In the field of education, research is supposed to gen
erate knowledge, while teachers are supposed to implement it. Numerous ele
ments in the social contexts of teaching and research contribute to this assump
tion. Researchers receive one specialized form of training and teachers receive
another. Full-time researchers usually work in one setting while full-time teach
ers work in another. Researchers contribute to the understanding and knowl
edge of a professional community, while teachers have a community that is
based in large measure on activity, defined by their subjeot matters, the grade
levels or the school settings in which they teach. To generate knowledge that
transcends settings it is often assumed, perhaps erroneously, that a researcher
can enter a classroom without ever teaching or having taught, can understand
what is happening in that environment, can gather information about it, and can
understand what goes on there, while the teacher who works in that classroom
day-in-and-day-out does not have ready access to the same level of information,
nor can he or she articulate the same type of knowledge and understanding.
Issues of time and autonomy shape these respective roles of teacher
and researcher in critical ways. Time is an acknowledged central feature of
teachers' lives. In their book Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge.,
on teacher-research in the Philadelphia public-school system through Project
START (Student Teachers as Researching Teachers), Marilyn Cochran-Smith
and Susan Lytle (1993) write:
Time is one of the most critical factors in the formation and mainte
nance of learning communities for teacher research. Unlike other
professions which are organized to support research activities, teach
ing is a profession in which it is extraordinarily difficult to find
enough time to collect data and it is almost impossible to find time
to reflect, reread, or share with colleagues. (p. 91)
Like increasing numbers of professionals who practice for the public good, such
as social workers, general practitioners, or family doctors, read:: fer the most
part do not control their own professional schedules in thc:;t.u !le v;ays thal
researchers, who are often employed by colleges and universities, do. N( Ir do
teachers usually have the same degree of professional autonomy in directing
their work. In the case of teaching, it is usually other people who set the cur
riculum, select the materials, place the students, decide how the job is to be
done, and then evaluate it. Most researchers have far greater control over what
they do and how they do it than do their colleagues who are teachers. While this
is partly a function of the intensification of work in our society generally (Apple,


1986), it seems to be particularly true in education as teachers' work includes a

wider and wider range of responsibilities beyond actual classroom teaching.
Ultimately the two roles diverge in their goals. As I have argued, teaching is
generally concerned with doing things so others learn. Research is concerned
with asking questions, examining phenomena, and documenting understandings
for why things happen as they do. It is possible, of course, to overemphasize the
divergence between teaching and researching. Indeed, there are people who suc
cessfully combine both processes in one professional role. However, it is fair to
say that the tide of expectation and the social contexts of work generally run
against such integration of roles. This is unfortunate because, although they
may differ in terms of the means they employ to do their work and even the ends
they aim to achieve, the teacher and the researcher can share the common focus
of understanding teaching, learning, and learners within the organized settings of
classrooms and schools. James Baumann, a university researcher who returned
for a year to teach elementary school, describes the distinction in roles in terms
of his "emerging philosophy of teacher research." Baumann (1996) outlines his
philosophy in terms of two ethical principles: "the primacy of teaching and stu
dents, and the pragmatic constraints of classroom inquiry" which he describe?,
as follows:

On roles and
purpose in
see Wong (1995)
Wilson (1995)
and Baumann

1. the primacy of teaching and students ... means that research can
never interfere with or detract from a teacher's primary responsibili
ty to help students learn and grow;
2. the pragmatic constraints of classroom inquiry ... mean that the
work demands and realities of full-time teaching affect decisions
about the course of classroom inquiry. (p. 30)
Baumann's principles describe the friction inherent in combining the two roles.
He is alert to the fact that there are things that one does as a teacher that may
shape or even preclude one's role as a researcher, and ethically the teacher in
teacher-research must take precedence. Certainly, as they contribute to learning,
teacher-research efforts will always be ethically valid. However, the ways in
which research is carried out in classrooms by teachers will be shaped by their
basic responsibility to learners.
It is important also to see beyond this friction to where teaching and research
ing converge. At their most fundamental, both teaching and researching are con
cerned with processes of knowing and establishing knowledge. For teachers,
these processes focus on the learning of students; the knowledge established in
classroom teaching is what the students learn through the teaching-learning
process. For teacher-researchers, the processes concentrate on understanding
what is going on in classroom teaching and learning, and the knowledge estab
lished reflects those understandings. To put the connection simply: Teaching
seeks knowledge in students as its end; researching seeks knowledge of teach
ing-learning processes as a means toward that end.
Taken together, these differences in training, time, autonomy, and goals have
tended to distinguish-indeed separate-teaching from researching. They have
emphasized the roles of teacher and researcher, and the people who hold those
roles, over the processes in which they engage and what those processes may


have in common. Working at the hyphen brings together the two activities to
emphasize their common focus. However, it also reshapes both activities. For
teachers to do research, research must be redefined to make it sensibly and active
ly a part of teaching. This entails addressing the factors of time and autonomy
in the social context of work that shape teachers' professional lives, even as we
reconsider our basic definitions of "research." This task of finding the common
core is one that teacher-researchers are uniquely positioned to undertake.

Proposition 2: Research can be defined as an orientation toward

one's practice. It is a questioning attitude toward the world, leading
to inquiry conducted within a disciplined framework.
Like any professional domain, research, like teaching, depends on terminology
to define the terrain. This terminology creates a map that highlights certain fea
tures of the activity and, of course, also downplays others. This proposition
introduces three key words, orientation, inquiry, and discipline, on which the
conception of teacher-research in this book is built. To take the last word first,
educator Lee Shulman describes research as drawing on two interrelated mean
ings of the word "discipline" (Shulman, 1988): discipline a~ a methodical prac
tical undertaking and discipline as a field of study. The first, and perhaps more
common, meaning of "disciplined framework" captures this idea of a methodi
cal approach to doing things that can be scrutinized and, if need be, repeated by
others. This meaning of "discipline" is concerned with how the investigator
approaches the question or phenomenon he or she wants to study. Cronbach
and Suppes (1969) outline this meaning of discipline in this way:
Whatever the character of a study, if it is disciplined the investigator
... institutes control at each step of information collection and rea
soning to avoid sources of error.... If errors cannot be eliminated
he [or she] takes them into account by discussing the margin of error
in his [or her] conclusions. Thus, the report of a disciplined inquiry
has a texture that displays the raw materials entering the argument
and the logical processes by which they are compressed and
rearranged to make the conclusion credible. (pp. 15-16)
The central notion here is that being disciplined involves both how one exam
ines something and how one reports or makes public what one has found
through the investigation. If I tell you that the students in my reading class do
not like a certain book, that claim alone is not a disciplined statement. It is an
assertion based, perhaps, on my experience and their feedback. But you don't
know how I know it. If, on the other hand, I tell you that I had the students list
the five books they liked best among those we had read in the previous term,
and that this particular book was only listed by four out of thirty students, and
when it did come up it was listed in fourth or fifth place, I have made a disci
plined statement. This second statement is disciplined by the above criteria
because it tells you not only what I found-that only four out of thirty students
report liking the title- but also how I found it. So should you wish to repeat
or replicate-the procedure that generated this information, you could do so.
As Shulman (1988, p. 5) puts it: "What is important about disciplined inquiry


is that its data, arguments, and reasoning be capable of withstanding careful

scrutiny by another member of the scientific community." This, then, is
Shulman's first meaning of the term "disciplined," that the investigation reflects
both what is known and how it came to be known, and further that the latter
may permit others to replicate the how in order to verify the what.


This Investigation examines what it means to make disciplined-as opposed to
intuitive-statements about teaching.
Think about a class or lesson in which you have recently partici
pated. It may be a class that you taught or it may be one in which
you have been a student. Think about something that you know to
be true of that class. Write it down as a statement. Write down how
you know this statement and on what basis you make it.
Now, using the same statement, outline how someone else could
investigate it. What could he or she do to find out whether the state
ment is the case? Draft a set of instructions for how that person
could investigate the statement. The instructions can be in the for
mat: First, ... second, ... then ... etc.
Shulman uses the words "scientific community" to link to the second mean
ing of a discipline as a field of study. This is the meaning we refer to when we
talk about the academic disciplines of mathematics, philosophy, or linguistics,
for example. Here Shulman (1988) connects the two meanings:
Disciplined inquiry not only refers to the order, regular, or principled
nature ofinvestigation, it also refers to the disciplines themselves which
serve as the sources for the principles of regularity and canons of evi
dence employed by the investigator. What distinguishes disciplines
from one another is the manner in which they formulate their ques
tions, how they define the content of their domains and organize that
content conceptually, and the principles of discovery and verification
that constitute the ground rules for creating and testing knowledge
in their fields. (emphasis added) (p. 5)
Each discipline has its community, the group of practitioners who accept the
rules of its game. What makes a person a chemist or a literary critic is the fact
that he or she plays by the rules-which Shulman calls "the principles of regu
larity and canons of evidence"-of the community such that his or her ideas fit
within the discipline of that field of inquiry. These paradigms, which Shulman
refers to as "principles of regularity and canons of evidence," and I call the rules
of the game of particular disciplines, are not static. They, too, shift with time,
according to dominant meanings and values.
In this sense, then, chemistry is basically true for chemists and those who
accept the rules of chemistry as a discipline. Disciplines and their communities
are closed but permeable systems; you have to believe in their "ground rules for
creating and testing knowledge" in order to belong, and by learning to believe

On different
paradigms, see
Neuman (1991);
also McLaughlin
and Tierney


This relates to
the discussion
of genre; see
Chapter 7,

you come to belong. The circle works in both directions, however. When you
play by the rules of the disciplinary community, you are seen as belonging to
that community and you can critique and be critiqued according to its rules. So
acting like a member can get you into the community and thinking like a mem
ber can help you remain part of it. This takes us back to the two sides of teach
ing: as doing and as wondering. Are the rules of the community of teaching
defined primarily by action and by what members can do? Or are they defined
by how members think about what they do-how they puzzle, speculate, and
question the actions in which they are engaged and the outcomes of those
actions? When you hear a statement such as, "She is a great grammar teacher"
or "He works really well with teenagers," is the evidence for these statements
based primarily on activity and what these teachers do, or is it found in their
approach to their work?
While the dichotomy is, to some degree, overdrawn, it is not entirely a false
one. The problem is that teaching is not a discipline. It does not have unified or
commonly held "ground rules for creating and testing knowledge," to use
Shulman's phrase. In fact, when we speak of people "teaching a discipline" such
as math or biology, we are separating the knowledge or cOQ,tent from the activ
ity or the teaching. These traces of activity that teachers accumulate through the
doing of teaching are not seen as knowledge; they are referred to as experience.
Experience is the only real reference point teachers share: experiences as stu
dents that influence their views of teaching, experiences in professional prepa
ration, experience as members of society. This motley and diverse base of expe
rience unites people who teach, but it does not constitute a disciplinary com
munity. Shulman (1988,) argues that education is not a discipline but a field of
study, which he defines as "a locus containing phenomena, events, institutions,
problems, persons, and processes, which themselves constitute the raw materi
als for inquiries of many kinds." (p. 5) When researched, education in general
and teaching in particular is examined through the lenses of multiple disciplines.
When applied to education, these disciplines are themselves modified by the
objects of their investigations. Thus we have educational psychology, sociology
of education, educational statistics, and so on. These modifying terms highlight
the fact that the discipline is somehow transformed when it is applied to class
rooms, schools, teaching, and learning.

Proposition 3: There is, as yet, no publicly recognized "discipline"

of teaching. Teachers do not think of themselves as producing
knowledge; they think of themselves as using it.
On implementa
tion of policy see
Lipsky (~980); on
curricu lum see
Grossman (1990)
and Graves


Teachers are seen-and principally see themselves-as consumers rather than

producers of knowledge. Other people write curricula, develop teaching
methodologies, create published materials, and make policies and procedures
about education that teachers are called upon to implement. But the knowledge
always changes in the implementation. When you cook from a recipe, the food
you produce is always unique in some way. When teachers use exercises from a
textbook, they transform each activity from something that exists in a limbo
outside of time and place into the concrete messiness of their classrooms and
students. The pristine organization of curriculum, materials, or policies in their


received forms is always redefined in smaller or larger ways as these things are
enacted in the time and place of particular classrooms by particular people. This
fact is not subversive; it is simply true because teaching and learning are human
activities. People teach people who are learning, which creates a human envi
ronment in which the abstractions of curriculum, materials, and pedagogy are
transformed into actual practice. As Earl Stevick (1980) put it, teaching and
learning are concerned with "what goes inside and between people." (pp.4-5)
In the human environments of schools and classrooms, teachers are isolated
from one another. As educational sociologist Dan Lortie (1975) said, schools are
like "egg crates" in which individual teachers work largely in isolation within
their separate rooms with different groups of students, like eggs in the separate
sections of their carton (pp. 13-17). Given this structural isolation, it is hardly
surprising that a disciplinary community of teaching has not arisen. The knowl
edge or wisdom of practice that could make up a discipline of teaching resides in
individual teachers; it is not shared, exchanged, or communicated as in other dis
ciplines. Teachers learn to talk about what they do, about the techniques and mate
rials they use, about how students are doing, about local school politics, and so
on. These conversations center on doing; they refer to information about teach-~I
ing and learning as embedded in local circumstances and personal experience.
Because teachers' conversations are grounded in local circumstances and expe
rience, they tend to be highly individual and thus do not build a larger shared
realm of inquiry. Professional interaction among teachers is usually highly pro
cedural; it tends to focus on classroom issues, students, conditions of work, and
so on. On the whole, teachers do not talk about information in terms of princi
ples of regularity or canons of evidence, as other disciplinary communities do.
This becomes a major barrier to the creation of a "discipline of teaching." When
people hold isolated personal conversations about individual experiences and
particular teaching circumstances, they do not build a larger discipline or a pro
fessional community to support it. To do so requires a shift of focus. There needs
to be an alternative strategy that will build a set of shared assumptions about
what constitutes the understandings on which teaching is based. In its political
sense, the activity of teacher-research is this alternative strategy. Teacher
research makes public these private conversations and individual intuitions,
grounding them in the local circumstances and personal experience of teaching
on the one hand, and in the disciplined procedures of inquiry on the other. Thus
in a very real sense teacher-research is about the creation of a professional dis
ciplinary community.
There is an instructive parallel to be drawn here with the early days of what
we now know as experimental research. Experimental research is the form of
inquiry that we usually associate with conventional definitions of science and
the production of knowledge. Its assumptions and procedures are at the base of
common notions of scientific method: of proving or disproving hypotheses, of
research design, of objectively verifiable findings, of validity and generalizabili
ty, and so on. However, experimental research has not always been a so-called
"solid science." In fact, a disciplinary community of scientific practice had to be
created to sponsor and defend this type of work and its approach to knowledge.
The process happened in the 1700s, when the British Royal Academy of Sciences

On validity,

see Chapter 7,




established itself. Charles Bazerman, a teacher and historian of writing, has

studied the early written records, or "proceedings," of the Royal Academy to
see how what we now take for granted as the "objective nature of science" took
hold. Bazerman sees scientific writing as a key to understanding the establish
On genre, see

ment of science in the public mind, and he wondered how its distinctive genre
Chapter 7, p. 150
became established as the norm of communication for the scientific community.
In reviewing the records of the first 150 years of meetings of the Royal Academy,
Bazerman (1988) noted that the nature of what this community considered to
be "science" changed rather dramatically:
Those reported events identified as experiments change in character
over the period from 1665-1800. The definition of experiment
moves from any made or done thing, to an intentional investigation,
to a test of a theory, to finally a proof of, or evidence for, a claim.
The early definitions seemed to include any disturbance or manipula
tion of nature, not necessarily focused on demonstration of any pre
existing belief, nor even with the intention of discovery. With time,
experiments are represented as more clearly investigative, corrobo
rative, and argumentative. (emphasis added) (pp. 65"4,66)
Thus it seems that experimental science got its start in the same ways that the
discipline of teaching might. Experimental science began by simply doing things
or, as Bazerman puts it, by "any disturbance or manipulation of nature, not nec
essarily focused on demonstration of any pre-existing belief, nor even with the
intention of discovery." Over a century and a half this definition was refined and
made more disciplined. From an experiment as "any made or done thing," the
definition evolved through three phases: "an intentional investigation, ... a test
of a theory, . . . a proof of, or evidence for, a claim." Through this process of
evolving a definition, the disciplinary community of experimental science was
formed. To be a scientist and a member of that community, one had to play by
its rules. These rules defined, as Shulman said, the "principles of regularity or
canons of evidence" by which the community continues to operate to this day.
They defined the procedures that would generate "scientific" knowledge, a defi
nition that was not static but evolving. I wonder if teaching itself may well be in
the process of evolving rules of its own game, in the larger sense that Bazerman
talks about. Committing to a teacher-research perspective is part of that public
repositioning of teaching as it becomes an independent disciplinary community.
If you think about most of our professional meetings in language teaching
or indeed in other types of classroom teaching-they generally show a wide
variety of what is valued and worth knowing about teaching. In the best sense,
these gatherings of teachers represent a pluralism in both ways of knowing and
forms of knowledge. Like the early proceedings of the British Royal Academy,
the program books lack the standardization of other disciplines, where the
forms of knowledge are much more clearly delineated. I think the multiplicity is
due to the fact that there is not yet an established, generally recognized, and
accepted form of teaching knowledge. In its absence-perhaps until it devel
ops-we see a variety of account~ that range from demonstrations of tech
niques, activities, or technologies to discussions of teaching issues and problems,
to presentations of individual ways of doing things in the classroom, and so on.



Such multiplicity might be fine, were it not for the fact that teaching is such a
central social enterprise and therefore many people outside the classroom try to
define what teaching should or shouldn't be. In other words, as teachers we are
naive if we think we are somehow insulated from these attempts to define what
is important and worth knowing in teaching.
This is the central point in this proposition. Thus far, teachers have left it to
others to define the knowledge that forms the official basis of teaching. If they
are interested in contributing to that type of knowledge, teachers have general
ly been asked to change the ways of doing and thinking that serve them as teach
ers in order to become researchers and to do research. Thus the teacher's inter
est or concern must be tailored to a question to fit an existing discipline and the
rules of its game. In language teaching the so-called "parent" disciplines of psy
chology and linguistics; their offspring such as second language acquisition
research, curriculum development, and teaching methodologies; and the related
fields in educational research have shaped the questions asked about language
teaching (Stern 1983). These, therefore, have shaped what was thought to be
researchable in classrooms, whether by teachers or by researchers; in the broad
est sense, these disciplines of psychology and linguistics have circumscribed tht;,
questions that are asked about classroom language teaching and learning and
the types of data acceptable in response. These disciplinary communities have
created the norms and the discourse of research into which teachers have had to
fit if they wanted to be recognized in the study of their own practice (Freeman,
1994; van Lier, 1994). Recognition comes at a price; it shapes the concerns that
can be pursued and the findings that are accepted.
The alternative is to build an autonomous professional community of teach
ing to host its own questions and determine, as Shulman phrased it, its own
"principles of discovery and verification that constitute the ground rules for cre
ating and testing knowledge." This is the direction that teacher-research repre
sents. In moving from interests and questions that are completely embedded in
local circumstances and experience to a larger disciplinary framework of teach
ing, teacher-research is defining its own territory. Teachers are creating, in their
own terms, a new and viable community around the ideas and issues of teach
ing that are central to their work. At its core, this is a question of power and
participation because it means separating from the disciplinary communities
that have hosted educational research thus far, and defining new relationships
with them. However, it is worth noting that the process has historical roots. It
may be little different than the building of a professional community for exper
imental research through the Royal Academy that Bazerman describes.


In this Investigation, you gather information about the usual meanings of the
word "scientific." The aim is to uncover the deeper ideology that gives power
to the term and shapes our use of it.

If someone says to you "But that isn't scientific . .. " what does he

or she mean? Where do your ideas about what is or isn't scientific

come from?



Interview a couple of friends or colleagues. Ask them the same ques

tions and note their responses. It is also interesting to ask these ques
tions of children at various ages, as well as of adults from different

Proposition 4: Inquiry- and not procedure- is the basis

of teacher-research.

On inquiry,

see Chapter 2,



I believe that to some degree teachers are victims of conventional ideas of sci
ence. There is a feeling that systematic procedure, the first meaning of discipline,
holds the key to research and being a researcher. However, this leaves the sec
ond meaning of discipline, which is larger and ultimately more pervasive and
powerful, unchallenged. For teachers, focusing on procedure and not consider
ing the professional disciplinary community that gives meaning and value to
that procedure is a risky and disempowering proposition. It can trap teachers in
the ways in which their work is conventionally defined and valued. Teachers are
not, as I said at the beginning of this chapter, paid to ask questions about what
they do; they are paid to do. The professional community that hosts their work
is founded on the idea of action; it values doing, not asking q\iestions. Therefore,
the work is not seen to include building knowledge and understanding about
how teaching is done. Simply put, teachers are paid to get students to learn;
their job is to teach effectively. They are not paid to understand, document, and
generate public knowledge about how students learn and how best to teach
them. Out of this basic contradiction arises the imperative of working at the
hyphen, of teachers learning to research their teaching and learning with their
students in the classroom.
Teacher-research redefines these parameters of teachers' work. When teachers
start to puzzle about what, how, and why they do as they do and to ask ques
tions and speculate about alternatives, they incorporate the element of inquiry
into their work. Inquiry is a state of being engaged in what is going on in the
classroom that drives one to better understand what is happening-and can
happen-there. This orientation is antithetical to most of the ways in which
teachers' work is currently defined, valued, and organized (Freedman, Jackson,
and Boles, 1983). In medicine, physics, law, or architecture, for example, being
a professional entails being able to apply what is known in the discipline to
address new and previously undefined phenomena, contexts, and situations.
Practitioners in these fields learn to puzzle and speculate about what lies outside
the realm of the known (Schon, 1983). As professionals, they are valued for
their abilities to inquire and to apply the known to the new, novel, or unknown.
In teaching the process is reversed: Teachers are valued as professionals when
they know what to do. In classrooms, teachers usually have to deal with the
new, novel, or unknown without adequate time, support, or preparation to
investigate it. They often have 'to act on the unknown in terms of what they do
know, so that experience plays a key role in shaping action. The child who is a
"slow" reader is dealt with in part based on the teacher's experience with other
such learners. Speculating on why that child reads as he does is less a part of the
job than getting him to "perform at grade level." As action is rewarded, the psy
chological space for puzzlement and questioning is diminished.


Teacher-research comes about when teachers start to define inquiry as a routine

and expected function of their working lives in classrooms. Doing so, however,
means rethinking and restructuring the social organization of teaching and schools.
The so-called "egg crate profession" (Lortie, 1975) is not organized to support
inquiry or to foster disciplinary communities of teaching among practitioners in
schools. So the process of engaging in teacher-research is also a process of changing
both the ways in which schools work and what is expected of, and valued in, what
teachers do. It is an important step in transforming education from a practice of
implementation to a practice devoted to understanding learning.

proposition 5: Creating a discipline of teaching requires making

public one's findings. To do so teacher-researchers need to explore
new and different ways of telling what has been learned through
their inquiries.
Transforming education and the way in which teaching is viewed involves the wider
public sphere. When the inquiries and results of teacher-research remain private,
they have little impact on the public domain of teaching or on the ideas or practices
of others. Preaching to the choir has little effect on nonbelievers. Creating a disci..!'
pline of teaching requires public sharing and testing of ideas. It requires, as men
tioned in Proposition 2, the ability to present and argue for the results and how they
have been arrived at. Public expression of findings is critical; however, it can also be
problematic. When teacher-researchers adopt existing ways of making public their
ideas and findings, using the current language and genres of scientific debate, for
example, they do two things. On the one hand they gain some access to the prestige
and power that these forms of talking and writing have in society. Teacher
researchers can be taken seriously if they sound like other researchers. On the other
hand, by using these forms of expression teacher-researchers conform to existing
canons and disciplines and thus do not develop their own.


This Investigation examines the language we accept as sounding scientific. What

are the words or constructions that trigger the sense that we are reading or
listening to a scientific account?
Imagine you are reading a scientific article or listening to someone
present a scientific paper. Jot down some of the phrases you would
expect to read or hear.
Interview a couple of friends or colleagues. Ask them to do same
activity and note their responses. It is interesting to perform this
Investigation with children at various ages.
The power of existing ways of writing and talking scientifically should not be
underestimated. Charles Bazerman, a teacher of writing, argues (1988) that "sci
entific language serves to establish and maintain the authority of science... By
establishing the special and elevated character of science, scientific communica
tions accrete power to the scientific community" (p. 294). The problem is



we tend to forget that so-called scientific ways of writing and talking are first
and foremost human: People create them and people give them value. Analyzing
the use of language structures like the agentless passive voice ("Studies have
shown . . .") and the impersonal third person (" Subjects completed three
tasks ... ") common in scientific writing, Bazerman (1988) continues:
These [language] formulations are a human construction and
thus are heir to all the limitations of humanity. [They] do all the
social work of being human with no overt means of doing the empir
ical work which has been considered the work of science.
The appearance of reality projected in scientific texts is itself a social
construction. (emphasis added) (pp. 294-295)
On genre,

see Chapter 7,


Bazerman's observations about scientific writing are certainly true about lan
guage more generally. Genres, or language forms that have socially recognized
meanings and values, are based on and carry with them sociaJ assumptions
about and ways of viewing and acting in the world. For teacher-researchers to
talk and write like researchers gives them access to research communities; it also
constrains them to the issues and ways of thinking that are valued and mean
ingful to those communities. Therefore, to see teaching i~' new ways, teacher
researchers will need to create new forms of expression. New understandings
will need and compel new forms of expression, new genres, and new forms of
public conversation about teaching. There are numerous and emerging exam
ples of this process, as we will see in Chapter 7.
There will, no doubt, continue to be a role for conventional scientific genres in
teacher-research. Perhaps the aim should ultimately be one of bilingualism, with
teacher-researchers as comfortable in their own language and ways of displaying
their understandings as they are in the languages of other disciplinary communi
ties. However, because the language of teacher-research is currently so shrouded
by lack of public recognition and thus undervalued, this new genre needs to be
explored. Our first job, therefore, must be to discover and strengthen the indigenous
ways of telling what teachers come to know about teaching and learning through
inquiring into their work as teachers. It is from this position of some strength that
teacher-researchers can build an independent disciplinary community that cap
tures what they are capable of seeing (Freeman, 1996). Simply put, my argument
is that to tell a different story, we will need different words.



Through these five propositions, I have presented a case then !.c;H.her-researc!l

can fit into and reshape the larger social sphere of teaching and teachers' work.
I have thus positioned myself in relation to the ideas that follm'\ 11
chapters about what teacher-research is and ways in which ) I'. '(iertake it. 1
have begun with this larger argument because I don't believe that you as read
ers can engage with my ideas and the procedures I present withOl!1 recognizing
that they are animated, as anything, by a point of view. That point of view is as
important as the results it may produce. Teacher-research starts \\rith and brings
about a shift in the status-quo of teaching and learning; therein lies its joy, its
strength, and its challenge. Hugette Ducasse, a Franco-Brazilian teacher
researcher, explains the shift as she started to inquire into her work as a teacher:


I started from a perfect blank: "Research? Me? I have to do research?

On what? Why?" Then I started realizing how wonderful the classroom

is as a field for research. The Egyptologist needs a pyramid or an ancient

tomb thousands of miles away to carry out his research. But I can do it

everyday, the whole year round, right here in my own classroom.

Ducasse's comment suggests the reasoning behind this chapter's title. If you
accept the argument that teacher-research is about repositioning teaching and
about who generates the primary knowledge on which work in classrooms is
based, then doing teacher-research involves starting anew as a teacher. But start
ing anew doesn't mean abandoning what you know. It means moving away
from the perspective of doing and being certain that usually animates our work
as teachers to see teaching from a new and different perspective, one of puzzling,
questioning, wondering, and not knowing. This is not starting over as a teacher,
but starting anew from a different set of assumptions, realizing, as Ducasse says,
how wonderful the classroom is as a field for research.

Suggested Readings
Understanding teachers' expertise and how it develops over their careers is a rel
atively recent area of research in education. David Berliner's 1988 paper, "The
development of expertise in pedagogy," (Washington, DC: American Association
of Colleges for Teacher Education) is a seminal statement in this area. Victoria
Genburg's article, "Patterns and organizing perspectives: a view of expertise,"
(Teaching and Teacher Education 8 [5/6]. pp. 485-496), provides an excellent
summary. On the social context of teachers' work, I suggest two authors as
ways into this useful literature. Ted Sizer's 1983 book Horace's Compromise:
The Dilemma of the American High School (Boston: Houghton Mifflin) is a
classic and very readable statement of the issues. To follow Sizer's thinking and
the reform work that has resulted, see also Sizer's 1992 book Horace's School:
Redesigning the American High School (Boston: Houghton Mifflin). Michael
Apple's Teachers and Texts: A Political Economy of Class and Gender Relations
in Education (New York: Routledge, 1986) also presents a wide-ranging critical
theory perspective on the social context of schooling. Allen Pearson's book, The
Teacher: Theory and Practice in Teacher Education (New York: Routledge,
1989) is an excellent and clear discussion of the philosophical issues and con
cepts involved in defining teaching as a practice.
In the notion of teacher-research as work at the hyphen, I have been influenced
by Michelle Fine's thinking. Her chapter, "Working the hyphens: Reinventing
self and other in qualitative research," (in Handbook of Qualitative Research,
edited by N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994) is a dense
but worthwhile discussion of how the research process often hinges on creating
distinctions that are often based on power. In her 1996 book, Talking Across
Boundaries: Participatory Evaluation Research in an Urban Middle School
(New York: City University of New York Press), Fine applies this notion of
hyphens as connections and boundaries to teacher-research in schools.
The question of how research supports disciplines in the construction of knowl-



edge is a vast one. Two readings offer a good way into these issues: Chapter 3
in L. Neuman, Social Research Methods (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1991) pro
vides a good and readable overview. D. McLaughlin and W. Tierney's book
Naming Silenced Lives: Personal Narratives and Processes of Educational
Change (New York: Routledge, 1993) is a fine collection of papers from vari
ous perspectives that aim to raise experiences and issues that are "silenced" or
not addressed in usual research.
And on how implementation shapes policy and curriculum, Michael Lipsky's
book Street-level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Service (New
York: Russell Sage, 1980) argues that people like police and social workers are
actually making policy under the guise of interpreting it as they interact with
their clients. Pam Grossman's book The Making of a Teacher: Teacher
Knowledge and Teacher Education (New York: Teachers College Press, 1990)
looks at the same phenomenon in teaching as teachers transform curriculum
into what Shulman (1987) has called "pedagogical content knowledge." And
Kathleen Graves's edited collection, Teachers as Course Developers (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1996), presents six case studies of course develop
ment, written by practitioners in ESL/EFL settings, that 4examine curriculum
from the standpoint of implementation.







ike many complex phenomena-even the Grand Canyon-teaching and
learning look different depending on who you are, where you are standing,
and where you are looking. Like the children in the cartoon above, people are
naturally drawn to what they can see, not necessarily to what there is to see.
Observations about the world depend on where you look and who you are. In
the case of education, because teaching has usually been studied by people who
are not teachers or who are not involved in the act of teaching, it has been
described in terms that gloss over its messiness and complexity. Philip Jackson,
an educational researcher who wrote a seminal study of teaching from a class
room perspective called Life in Classrooms (1968), described just such a point
of view: "Not only is the classroom a relatively stable physical environment, it
also provides a fairly constant social context. Behind the same old desks sit the
same old students, in front of the familiar blackboard stands the familiar
teacher" (p. 7). To those who teach and learn there, classrooms are at times sta

The Good High
School (1983)
is an example of
research that
works to capture
the complexity
of schools as
they are.



ble, constant, and familiar, but they also have a fluid messiness and complexity
that is difficult to capture-much less understand and explain.
Two researchers, Rob Halkes and Jon Olson (1984), who pioneered the field
of teacher cognition, outline an alternative view of teachers' work which starts
to account for this tension between order and complexity. They write:
Looking from a teacher-thinking perspective at teaching and learn
ing, one is not so much striving for the disclosure of the effective
teacher, but for the explanation and understanding of teaching
processes as they are. After all, it is the teacher's subjective school
related knowledge which determines for the most part what happens
in the classroom; whether the teacher can articulate her/his knowl
edge or not. Instead of reducing the complexities of teaching-learn
ing situations into a few manageable research variables, one tries to
find out how teachers cope with these complexities. (p. 1)

Emie versus
etic distinction,
see Chapter 4,



For Jackson the challenge is to understand the stable, familiar, regularity of the
classroom, while for Halkes and Olson the challenge is to understand how
teachers cope with the "complexities" that make up their teaching. This differ
ence in point of view, to which we will return later in the chapter, lies at the
heart of teacher-research. Simply put, living teaching and looking at it are two
different things. Working at the hyphen of teaching and researching challenges
this gap; teacher-researchers have to combine both perspectives as they live and
investigate their teaching.
Because of the immediacy of teaching, the simultaneity of classrooms and
what it means to cope with complexities can quickly melt away when one is not
in them. In the following extended description, which captures part of a first
year middle school French class, I want to bring some complexity to life. I do so
as an outsider, observing the class, and as an insider to that class, hearing what
is going on in other rooms around me. (The sections in italics echo what I hear
from other rooms but do not see.) What I have written, based on field notes
taken in the class and from talking with the teacher, who is here known as
Charles, is a bit like the cartoon. It creates a small hole for you to look at, while
the larger landscape of the canyon is only hinted at in the distance.
Four six-digit numbers are written randomly on the board. The class
begins as the teacher, Charles, addresses the group of twenty-one sev
enth graders seated at desks in pairs: "Alors je vous donnerai quelques
minutes pour reflechir." [Okay, l'Illet you have a few minutes to think
about these.] Most kids seem to know implicitly that he is talking
about how they will say the numbers in French. They sit quietly,
some looking at the board, others involved in their books or looking
at the scene in the school parking lot outside the classroom window.

In the silence, through the modular partitions, the sounds of an

English class next door can be clearly made out. The teacher is talk
ing about capitalization: "Okay, open your books to page 39 and
let's look at capital letters here. Why are capitals important? . . .
That's right, they show the beginning of the sentence. Good, now
let's look at the exercise." In response to some inaudible student
noise, the teacher's voice rises, "Listen up you boys. There's a test on



this tomorrow and it's the last one in the quarter and you'd better
think about your grades. "
Charles rises from where he has been sitting, on the edge of his desk,
and speaks to the class: "Mettez-vous avec un partenaire, et vous
allez pratiquer comment dire ces numeros. Vous aurez un petit cinq
minutes." [Work with a partner and practice saying these numbers.
You'll have about five minutes.] The kids fall to work almost imme
diately. Most pairs are involved as they work through the six digits.
A student who is stuck on "924,429" turns to a neighboring pair:

Student 1: "Are you smart in French?"

Student 2: "Yeah . . ."
Student 1: "I know you are." She turns to the other
member of the pair.

Student 3: "So after the first number you say 'cent'."

Charles stops the pair work and the student raises her hand to ask
about the number she has been struggling with. "How do you say
that one. The 924 one ... " Charles moves across the front of the
room and begins to point silently at the numbers. Slowly at first, but
then with quick momentum and focus, the class recites: "Neuf cent
vingt-quatre milles, quatre cent vingt-neuf." "See, I told ya," says her
partner under her breath. Charles continues, reviewing the other
numbers. He sets up a rhythm of pointing and student response that
pulls the students into the exercise. He then sits at an empty desk and
asks for volunteers to tryout any of the numbers. There is lively
involvement as different kids tryout the long numbers; some can
handle the numbers fluently, others stumble. Charles gets up now
and then to help out by pointing to trouble spots. Generally, though,
there is the feeling of the students face-to-face with the numbers.
The volunteering comes to end after about five minutes; both the
kids and Charles seem to be satisfied.

In the brief silence, the teacher next door can be heard. "What about
the Elizabethan Age? That's number 6. Now that's something I know
a little about from my background in English. What's capitalized
there? Come on now, follow the rules at the top of the page. It's all
laid out for you . ... That's right, the teE" in Elizabethan and . ..
Okay, number 7 ... "
Charles switches the lesson to a review of verbs. Using stylized ges
tures, he mimes various verbs as the students call out the French. He
cocks one hand to the side of his mouth "Chanter." [Sing] the kids
call out. Then, in a fluid transition, he gives the French and the kids
do the gestures. Some falter; others look at their neighbors to check.
The pace is quick but not oppressive; the students seem involved by
it. It seems almost unremarkable that this is the first time, some fif
teen minutes into the lesson, that Charles has spoken except to give
instructions; all the other French, including corrections, has come
from the students.



He switches on the overhead projector, which shows a sheet of fif

teen small line drawings of the different verbs. Standing and holding
the felt marker in one hand, he looks around at the class. A student
asks, "You want us to write them up like last week?" Charles puts
down the pen and returns to the empty desk three rows away. By
now most of the students are perched on the edges of their chairs,
involved, straining to figure out the lesson. A girl next to the projec
tor picks up the marker and writes the first verb. There is discussion
as verbs go up in various spellings; most are close but not all are
accurate. After eight verbs, as squirming begins to take over, Charles
gets up and collects the marker. Without speaking he goes back over
what they have done, pointing to mistakes and waiting until the
correction surfaces.

From the adjoining classroom the English teacher is announcing the

quiz on capital letters for tomorrow: "Now, in the time you have left
you can start on your homework. That's on page 38,
the passage." She reads, 'This passage contains 28 errors in
capitalization. Can you find them?'"


This Investigation refers you to the previous portrait of Charles's French class.
You are asked to imagine two points of view: the first as an observer in the class
and the second as Charles, the teacher.
Rereading the French lesson described above, list three to five things
you might wonder or have questions about as an observer in the class
room. List them in any form you choose-as questions, phrases,
ideas, whatever.
Read through the description again, this time imagining that you are
the teacher. Add to your list another three to five things you might
speculate on or that might puzzle you in this lesson if you were Charles.
Compare the two lists to see where they overlap and where they
diverge. How are the concerns similar or different depending
on whether you are an outsider, an observer, or an (imagined) insid
er, the teacher? Any of these speculations could provide the seeds of
an inquiry.

The bed sheet

and the kayak


Organizing this fluidity and messiness of speculating, puzzling, and wonder

ing about classroom teaching and learning into a line of inquiry can be daunt
ing. It can feel like trying to fold a bed sheet alone without dirtying it on the
ground, or like trying to carry a kayak by yourself for the first time. With the
sheet you want to create some order and structure by folding the larger sheet
into a smaller, more manageable size so it can be put away, but without drop
ping the corners or dragging the edges in the dirt. With the kayak, it is a matter
of figuring out how to lift up the boat and then balance it on your shoulders,
over your head, so you can walk with it. Both tasks depend on structuring the
work. To get the job done, you have to decide what you need to control and


what you can leave alone or let go. With the sheet, it helps to organize the
order- first locate the four corners with one hand while you hold the bunched
up sheet with the other, and so on. With the kayak, you need to decide how to
interact with the object itself; how much strength to use to lift it and how to find
the center of gravity to balance it. Too much power and you will miss the bal
ance point; not enough and you may not find it.
Organizing initial wanderings, speculations, and puzzles into a coherent line
of inquiry has many of these same characteristics. In essence, you will need to
make some decisions about what to control in your teaching situation and how
to control it so that you can research it; by definition you will likewise be
deciding what to leave alone. The former will become your hole to look at
while the latter will become, temporarily, scenery in the background. This
organizing will involve structuring and ordering ideas and thoughts, using
energy and perseverance as you seek to clarify ideas and move ahead with the
process, and you will need to find the right balance among the many other
demands of being a teacher and the methodicalness and discipline of research
ing in your classroom.
In this chapter I layout two frameworks that are helpful-indeed are cen..,.
tral-in this organizing process. Both frameworks are schematic and visual, so
they are like maps of the whole territory of doing teacher-research. They are
also big-picture views of the dynamics and processes teacher-research
involves. The first framework outlines two basic principles that interact to
shape any research inquiry. In grasping these principles you are learning to
balance the yin and yang of organization and intervention in research. Like
lifting the kayak, this sense of balance is essential to carrying forward a
teacher-research project. The second framework is a cycle. It lays out the ele
ments of teacher-research and then connects them to the process of doing the
work. Like folding the sheet, it will suggest an order to activity in doing
research, and at the same time it should help to hold on to an image of the
whole research process.

Leo van Lier, an educator who has written about the educational research
process, suggests an interesting way to think about how researchers organize
their relationships and interactions with the environments they are studying. In
posing research questions and developing ways to respond to them, van Lier
(1988) argues that there are two basic principles at work. The first is the princi
ple of organization, which he calls "selectivity." The second is that of interven
tion. Together the two principles outline the kinds of control a researcher can
exert in designing an inquiry. In the principle of organization, the researcher is
deciding how he or she wants to structure the relationship with the participants
and the setting being studied. In the principle of intervention, the researcher is
deciding how far he or she wants to intervene and interact with what is hap
pening in that environment as part of the research process.

Principles of
control in
research design:
How to organize?
How to



Figure 2.1: van Lier's typology


More restructuring
and reorganizing of
teaching environment
for purposes of research


Less intervention
into teaching for
purposes of research

More intervention
into teaching for
purposes of research

Less restructuring
and reorganizing of
teaching environment
for purposes of research
(after van Lier 1988; p. 57)

Van Lier uses the two principles as axes. The vertical axis of organization rUllS
from greater to lesser structure and researcher-imposed order in the research
process, while the horizontal axis of intervention runs from more to less researcher
involvement and direct interaction with participants and the research setting.
The following are four vignettes of teacher-researchers organizing their
research processes and intervening in their environments. They are intended tn
describe how organization and intervention might be balanced in each 0 the
four quadrants in Figure 2.1.
Vignette 2A: Maya and using new information to solve a task
For details on

the data-gathering


mentioned here

(in bold), see

Appendix C,



Maya divides her class of thirty sixth graders into two groups, bal
ancing as far as possible the number, gender, and perceived abilities
of students in each group. She then teaches a lesson to the "experi
mental" group, while the "control" group is out of the room at art
class. The lesson, which is on giving spatial directions, includes both
easier and more idiomatic ways of expressing the same linguistic
functions that the whole class has already studied. The next day
Maya gives both groups the same task and she monitors how the stu


dents complete it. The task, which is an information-gap activity

using a city map, embeds the material Maya taught to the experi
mental group the previous day into material the whole class has
already worked with. She is interested in seeing whether the experi
mental group will use the extra material in solving the task. She has
the experimental and control groups work separately on the task and
audio tapes each group's work.
Vignette 2S: Joan and emerging literacy

Joan keeps a teaching journal on her class of first graders who are
learning to read. Using her class as it is, she concentrates in her jour
naling on the first part of the morning, when the children are
involved in free reading and writing. While they are at music in the
following period, she is able to spend about 20 minutes looking over
the work the students have just done and making notes on what went
on during the lesson. She is interested in how various students are
progressing in reading, particularly in how their writing and draw
ings reflect their emerging literacy skills. As she reviews the students'
work, she actively challenges herself by writing a short reflective
memo in which she addresses the following question: How am I see
ing this student's learning process-as a teacher who needs to inter
vene and support it or as a researcher who wants to document and
understand it? She often writes down her observations in two
columns, one titled "teacher" the other titled "researcher." After a
month, Joan decides to narrow her research focus by choosing two
students who seem to be encountering literacy in very different ways.
Every few weeks thereafter she reviews her notes and their work and
writes up an analytical memo on each of the two students.


Vignette 2C: Vera and what makes "good" conversationalists

Vera has an adult EFL class whose students have diverse interests. In
the part of the lesson devoted to conversational activities some stu
dents talk quite freely, while others seem less involved. Vera has noticed
that the participation varies and seems to depend on the topic and on
who is present in class on a given evening. Vera decides to give the
whole class a short written survey that asks them for some back
ground information (age, job, number of years studying English, use
of English professionally and socially) and to rate their interest in
various conversation topics. She also asks each student to note the
names of the three classmates the student considers the best conver
sationalists in the class and to explain why. She uses this information
to create a sociogram of the class.
Vignette 20: Setty and the comprehensibility of instructions

Betty is concerned with how well her adult beginning-level students

understand the instructions she gives for activities. After the first
month of class she decides to ask the students which instructional
format is easiest to understand. She chooses three formats: (1) oral
instructions, (2) oral instructions that a student paraphrases to the
group immediately after Betty has given them, and (3) written instruc
tions on the blackboard. She uses each format exclusively for a week



and at the end of that week asks her students for feedback. After she
has used all three formats, she asks the students to rate the formats
from one-most preferred-to three, and to say why they prefer the
one they rate most highly.
The teachers in each of these vignettes are initiating a teacher-research
process. They have each encountered something in their classrooms, among
their students, or in what they are doing that triggers some wonder, speculation,
or puzzlement. To pursue these lines of inquiry, each makes different decisions
about what to control in their situations, how to structure their relationships to
what is going on in their classrooms, and when and how much to intervene in
the phenomenon they are investigating. Each teacher-researcher's inquiry falls in
one of the four quadrants in van Lier's axes of organization and of intervention
(Figure 2.1). Within her line of inquiry, each of the four teacher-reseachers
makes choices about how to gather information or data. To act on these choices,
each must control certain aspects of the situation by organizing it in specific
ways and/or intervening in the usual flow of teaching to do things differently for
purposes of the research. For example, Maya organizes the class into two groups,
while Joan decides to gather her data from what the students are already doing
in her class. Vera intervenes to do a survey, while Betty structures her teaching
into three week-long formats and asks for student feedback on each one.


How TO


This Investigation uses van Lier's typology (Figure 2.1) to examine how the
teacher-researchers in the four vignettes balance organization and intervention
to control the situation and phenomenon each is investigating.
To do this Investigation take one of two approaches:
1. Reread the four vignettes and describe the research design the
teacher-researcher is using. What is she studying and how is she col
lecting information about it? Then place each vignette in one of the
four quadrants on Figure 2.1.
Explain to yourself-or to colleagues if you are working with oth
ers-why you put the vignette in that quadrant. How does the
research design reflect the adjacent axes? How does the teacher
researcher reorganize her setting for purposes of her research? How
does she intervene with students in the setting she is studying? Then
consult Figure 2.2 (p. 27).
2. To reverse the process, begin by looking at Figure 2.2. Then, before
reading the narrative that follows it, explain to yourself or your
classmates why each vignette is in that particular quadrant. How
does the research design reflect the adjacent axes? How does the
teacher-researcher reorganize her setting for purposes of her research?
How does she intervene with students in the setting she is studying?



Figure 2.2 incorporates the four vignettes into van Lier's typology. Each
vignette balances the two axes in some way. The vertical axis of organization
focuses on how to structure the research process; the horizontal axis concentrates
on how much to intervene in the flow of teaching to carry out the research. The
interaction of the axes highlights the range of choices in how each teacher
researcher controls teaching and the classroom setting to carry our her research.

figure 2.2:

van Lier's typology illustrated

More restructuring and
reorganizing of teaching
environment for purposes
of research


Does restructure
groups; post-test task)
Does intervene
new material)

Does restructure
(to do survey)
Does intervene
(treatment: new

More intervention
into teaching for
purposes of research

Less intervention
into teaching for
purposes of research

- - - -


Doesn't intervene

Less restructuring
and reorganizing of
teaching environment
for purposes of research



Doesn't restructure
Does intervene (three
formats for instruction;
elicits feedback)

(after van Lier 1988; p. 57)

Maya's vignette (2A) falls in the upper right quadrant, which is "plus restruc
turing and plus intervention." She wants to examine how a particular interven
tion-teaching specific additional language-may affect her students' overall
ahility to do the task of giving directions. Maya adapts a conventional experi
mental research design in which only half the class receives the "treatment" of
additional instruction for the task. She restructures the situation (the horizontal
axis) by subdividing the class into experimental and control groups that are as
matched as possible under the circumstances, and she intervenes (the vertical



axis) in her normal teaching to give only the experimental group the treatment

of the additional language content. She then uses a "post-test" design to com

pare how the two groups do the information-gap activity on how to give direc

.tions, which she audio-tapes. Maya thus restructures the classroom environment

by subdividing the class, and she intervenes in that new structure


additional content to one group. However, given the inherently messy complex

ity of teaching and classrooms, she cannot create a fully controlled experimen

tal design in which everything about the two groups would be comparable

except for the treatment of additional instruction.

In the lower right quadrant, Betty (2D) engages in a small-scale action research
on the clarity of her instructions Unlike Maya, Betty does not restruc
On teacher
basic flow of her teaching for the purposes of the research process (the
research as
vertical axis). She continues to teach the class as usual, however she intervenes
action research,
see Stringer
(the horizontal axis) by giving instructions to her students in three different for
(1996), or
mats, using one format a week over a three-week period. Because Betty works
Kemmis and
with her whole class over the three weeks, there is an inevitable cumulative
effect of one format of instructions on the next. She also intervenes by eliciting
(1995). See
feedback from the students each week and at the end of the
weeks, thus
Appendix E,
the LlPT case
studies, for
further examples to collectively engage in and respond to how she gives instructions, which is the
phenomenon she is investigating. Thus Betty'S project illustrates a typical action
of action
cycle in teaching. The teacher-researcher identifies an issue or problem
(in Betty's case, the comprehensibility of her instructions), intervenes in the
classroom setting to address that problem in some way (Betty tries out
different formats of giving instructions), and then assesses the impact of the
intervention (Betty asks for student feedback).
Contrasting Maya's and Betty's designs, we can see how each controls differ
ent dimensions of her classroom setting to accomplish her research. In her
research design, Maya intervenes to teach additional content tL the experimen
tal group of students. In hers, Betty intervenes in teaching by
how she
gives instructions each week and by asking for student feedback on each format.
But the two designs differ in how the teacher-researchers do or do not restruc
ture their classrooms to carry out their research. Maya divides her class in two
groups; Betty carries on as usual in her teaching.
Albert Einstein is supposed to have coined the term "thought experiment," in
which you simply think through a situation, research issue, or
usmg ,ar
ious alternatives and carrying them to their logical conclusiullS, :\s a mathe
matician and physicist Einstein's point was that a great deal 0f 1"('seCt reb ,vork is
Doing thought
possible using nothing more-or less-than one's own mind. It <'1i I
thought experiment to mentally convert Betty's action res(,;!Th
instructions into an experimental design like Maya's, or to convert Mava's
into an action research project like Betty's. What would Maya need to do in
order to make her research design like Betty's? What would she need to orga~
nize differently and why? And similarly, how would Betty reshape her project to
create a design like Maya's?



Figure 2.3:

Thought-experiment: Converting action research

to an experimental design and vice versa



as an
action research design

as an
experimental design


could work with the

whole class or could
keep the two groups

would need two

"matched" groups
for comparison


would introduce the

new material (the inter
vention) over a specified
time period
would documentby audio, video, and/or
observation notes
if/how students used
the new material in
solving the task
could also ask students
for their feedback on why
they did/didn't use it

would need to establish

a standard format of giving
instructions (perhaps
teacher given oral instruc
tions) for both groups
would then choose one
"new" format of instruc
tions as the "treatment"
for the "experimental"
group over a specified
time period
would need to audio or
videotape these experi
mental group sessions

Doing such thought-experiments to convert one research design to another

helps to clarify how each design balances organization and intervention. There
is no one way to strike this balance; one design is not better or more "scientific"
than the other. Rather, teacher-researchers make decisions for the purposes of
research, about what to control in their teaching situations and how to control
it. These decisions involve two basic principles: organization, whether and how
much to restructure the classroom to do the research, and intervention, whether
and how much to intervene in the regular course of teaching to carry out the
research. Together these two principles embed the notion of disciplined inquiry
into the teaching process. If we continue with the other two vignettes, we see
how these decisions about organization and intervention differ in the two left
hand quadrants on van Lier's typology (Figure 2.2),
Joan's vignette (2B) falls in the lower left quadrant. She uses what is called a
naturalistic research design (Lincoln and Guba, 1985); she does not intervene as
a researcher in her students' work. Joan does not alter her teaching; she does
nothing exceptional during the class, but rather collects her data afterwards
through keeping her teaching journal and reviewing the students' work. She also
monitors herself and her own thinking and reactions as part of the research
process by doing regular reflective memos as she is analyzing her data. She
develops case studies over time, out of her interest in and attention to what two
particular students are doing. She does not affect the organization of her class
(vertical axis) by selecting the two students in advance. Instead, she is intrigued



On grounded

theory, see
Strauss (1987;
pp. 5-6; 22-23).


by their differing styles of emerging literacy, on which she then focuses. Joan's
approach to her research is what in qualitative research is often called a grounded
approach (Strauss, 1987) since she is evolving her analysis and her understand
ing from the data as she collects them, rather than imposing preconceived or a
priori categories on the data. Anselm Strauss (1987), who pioneered the ground
ed theory in social science research, defines it this way: "Such theory ought to be
developed in intimate relationship with data, with researchers fully aware of
themselves as instruments for developing that grounded theory. This is true
whether they generate the data themselves [as Joan does in the vignette] or
ground their theoretical work in data collected by others." (p. 6)
Here is another thought experiment that illustrates the difference between
grounded and a priori theory. Let us say, for instance, that Joan decides before
beginning her project to focus on two particular first graders, Drew and Sergio.
She selects the two students because she knows that they come from very different
sociocultural and family-literacy backgrounds. Both of Drew's parents have white
collar jobs; he has three older siblings who are close in age, and there appears to
be a lot of literacy interaction in English at home. Sergio lives with an aunt who
works the night shift at a cannery; he often spends after-sch@ol hours with neigh
bors and friends in the Cape Verdian community, where his home language is a
Portuguese Creole. There probably isn't much formal literacy interaction in English
in his home life. Joan wants, therefore, to track how these two first graders enter
English literacy. She hypothesizes that for Drew the path of literacy in English will
be clearer and more direct than for Sergio. Because she speaks Portuguese, Joan
also plans to look at how Sergio navigates his way between Portuguese and English
in such things as invented spelling as he starts to write.
In this thought experiment Joan brings a number of articulated assumptions
to shape her research. She assumes, based on both other people's research (e.g.,
Heath, 1983) and her own experience as a teacher that family literacy interac
tions in English-such things as the amount and kinds of English-language
materials including newspapers, magazines, and books, around the henne; read
ing of bedtime stories; reading aloud; siblings close in age who are reading and
doing homework; and so on-will have an impact on Drew's learning. She
assumes that Sergio's experience will be different because he does not have the
same family literacy interactions in English and, further, that he may have some
interference from Portuguese as he learns to read English. Together these
assumptions form implicit and explicit ways in which Joan looks at the data
from these two children. These a priori theories, about family lite;ac'Y interac"
tions in English for example, and a priori categories, such as Portuguese versw:>
English invented spelling, shape the ways in which she will approacl~ ~:he
and how she will analyze her data.
Bringing a priori understandings to the research process is not a bad thing. It
is, arguably, a very human and necessary feature of how people lTI1kc sel1s(' of
their worlds, as teacher-researchers and as human beings in general. For instance,
on a November morning in New England, if you decide to bring a coa t when
you go out even though it is warm and sunny, you do so because you assume it
may turn cold at some point during the day. You make this prediction based on
a number of factors: your own experience, the fact that you have been told it is


so, observation and hearing about other people's experiences, and so on. Pre
diction is based on experience and on making assumptions about the world; it
is a feature of being human. It is also a crucial part of the research process.
Prediction can be built upon by using a priori understandings to structure the
research process (the vertical axis) andlor to guide how the researcher intervenes
with what is being studied (the horizontal axis) to collect and analyze the data,
as with Maya [2A] or Betty [2D] in the upper or lower right quadrants of Figure
2.2. The researcher can also actively track assumptions and temporarily set
them aside, as Joan does when she writes reflective memos in her vignette. She
thus harnesses prediction so that it works from the data itself to generate
grounded categories and theories.
Vera's project [2C], which falls in the upper left quadrant in Figure 2.2, dif
fers from Joan's in one major way. Like Joan, and unlike Betty or Maya, Vera
decides not to intervene in her teaching (horizontal axis) to gather data. Rather,
she decides to restructure her lesson in a minor way by having the students com
plete a brief written survey at the close of one class period. The survey is a struc
tured instrument through which she gathers information; she would not use it
unless she were doing the research. Vera designs the survey based on her a prh,
ori assumptions about what may affect the different levels of participation in the
class (i.e., choice of discussion topics, fluency and comfort with English, social
groupings within the class, etc.). Vera's approach is to leave the class as it is (hor
izontal axis), but to structure a specific time and instrument to gather informa
tion about what is going on. She also uses the survey data to build a sociogram
of students' perceptions of "good conversation" by asking each of them who he
or she sees as the best conversationalists in the class. The sociogram is one way
of collecting their views of the social phenomenon of conversation. Alongside
the data on topics and student backgrounds and preferences it provides an alter
native, "second-order" or participants' view of the phenomenon under study.
This typology provides a framework for looking at how the teacher-researcher
may structure the research process, along the vertical axis of organization the
horizontal axis of intervention. Both axes layout possible decisions you can
make as a teacher-researcher about how much to control the situation you are
investigating. As you move up the vertical axis of organization (Figure 2.2) you
are deciding to reorganize your teaching situation for purposes of your research.
This restructuring can mean a major change in the organization of your teach
ing, like Maya's dividing students into experimental and control groups [2A], or
a minor one, like Vera's [2C] doing the survey at the end of a class. As you move
down the vertical axis, you are deciding to leave your teaching situation as it is
and not to restructure it for the purposes of your research, like Joan [2B] and
Betty [2D]. A second set of decisions interacts with these decisions about orga
nization; they have to do with how and how much to intervene in your teach
ing as part of the research process. These decisions are represented on the hori
zontal axis of intervention. They range from not intervening at all, like Joan
[2B], to doing something fully different in your teaching for purposes of the
research, like Betty [2D] with her three formats of instructions. In contrast, after
they decide how to take action to restructure their teaching to pursue their lines
of inquiry, Vera and Maya do not intervene in the actual teaching they do.

For a full

discussion of

seco nd-orde r


see Chapter 4,




Figure 2.4: Modified van Lier's typology: Researoh design and researoh methods

More restructuring and

reorganizing of teaching
environment for purposes
of research



structured questionnaires
"systematic" observation
instruments /protocols



More intervention
into teaching for
purposes of research

Less intervention
into teaching for
purposes of research
participant observation;
field notes
case studies
stories/narrative studies
documenting student work
Less restructuring and
reorganizing of teaching
environment for purposes
of research

action research
collaborative research
interviews (structures and
open-ended questionnaires
elicitation (student journals;

(after van Lier 1988; p. 57)

Van Lier describes the principal concerns of the researcher in each quadrant
as controlling [Maya, 2A]; asking and doing [Betty, 2D]; watching [Joan, 2B],
and measuring [Vera, 2C]. One way to think about this display is to say that as
a teacher-researcher, when you develop a project you have to ask yourself,
"How do I want to structure this project?" and "What role do I want/need to
play-both within and outside my teaching-to gather data for it?" Your
response can be categorized in terms of one of these four dominant concerns.
Figure 2.4 shows how van Lier suggests that various types of research design
and approaches to data-gathering map onto this typology. Like the four vignettes,
the examples are illustrative and not complete or exhaustive; they do help to
clothe the abstraction of the two axes in the particulars of the research process.
This typology helps to layout the overall landscape of the research process
and the researcher's role within it. It frames crucial questions about how you
balance control over your teaching situation as you organize your research. If



you think about it architecturally, "restructuring" is like adding rooms or putting

in new walls in an existing building; "intervening" is like repainting or rewall
papering. When you reorganize your teaching for purposes of your research,
you generally add things to what you are doing in the classroom that would not
otherwise do. When you intervene in your teaching to accomplish your research,
you usually change something within your teaching to do it in another way
because of your research. Both restructuring and intervening are about decisions
to control-or not control-your work. In a sense, they both capture the idea
of possibly doing something differently than you would have done if your sole
concern were teaching. This is the work at the hyphen. It is like finding the point
of balance in lifting the kayak.

The second framework is meant to help organize the work of doing teacher

research. It is the framework around which the remainder of the book is orga

nized. The framework provides an overview of the teacher-research process; it

maps out the specific phases involved and offers a way into the skills associat~,

ed with each part of the process. The cycle has six basic elements. It is useful to

think about the elements individually before putting them in sequence, so I have

listed them below in no particular order.

- Understandings

- "Publishing"-making public

- Data collection

- Data analysis

- Question/puzzle

- Inquiry

The elements
of the teacher
research cycle


This Investigation is meant to familiarize you with the framework of teacher

research on which this book is based.

1. Define each of the following elements for yourself. Make your defi
nitions as concrete as possible; anchor them in your experience.
- Understandings

- "Publishing"-making public

- Data collection

- Data analysis

- Inquiry


If you are working with others, define the elements for yourself and
then compare your definitions with those of your colleagues.
In making the comparison, identify what you all consider essential to
the definition of each element.
2. Place the elements in the unlabeled framework in Figure 2.5 (p.34).
As you do so, consider why you put them in the order you do. You
will want to think through and/or explain to others, the relationships
among the elements.
Figure 2.6 (p. 38) shows the elements in the labeled framework.



Figure 2.5:

Teacher-research cycle (unlabeled)

To introduce the elements of the teacher-research cycle in the following dis

cussion, I define each element and then comment on it. The definitions are meant
to be a point of departure, while the comments are intended to begin to flesh out
some of the complexities and interrelations among the elements in the process.

INQUIRY: Inquiry is speculating about why something is as it is,

why it happens or works (or doesn't happen or work) the way it
does. It is a state of being engaged in what is going on in the class
room that drives one to better understanding. Inquiry includes both
the attitude that spawns this engagement and the energy and activi
ty that put it into action.
Comments: Inquiry is a state of mind that allows you to be unsure, off
balance, intrigued, interested, and wanting to find out more a bout something in
your classroom, your students, what or how you are teaching, or your work as
a teacher. If teaching is about knowing, inquiry is about not-knowing.
Psychologist and teacher-research advocate Eleanor Duckworth (1987) captured
this orientation in a wonderful statement that concludes her essay titled "The
virtues of not-knowing": "What you do [as a teacher] about what you don't
know is, in the final analysis, what determines what you will ultimately know."
(p. 68) Inquiry is motivated by the general sense of "what is going on here?" It
unfolds into a line of inquiry, a chain of speculation, wonderings, questions or
puzzles (see below) that can be transformed into a research plan and design.



QUESTION/PUZZLE: A question or puzzle is the concentration of

a line of inquiry into an articulated form. It focuses and specifies the
broader inquiry in a form that can be acted upon through investigation.
Comments: In conventional research design, research questions are supposed
to drive the research process. In fact, inquiry drives teacher-research. It provides
the deep structure of the process of speculation and wonder about teaching and
learning, while research-able questions become the surface-structure manifesta
tions of inquiry. Not all questions are research questions; some are simply too
broad, while others can be better unlocked through teaching alone, as we will
discuss later. So I use the hyphen in research-able on purpose, to emphasize the
"ability" that a question carries in it to be investigated. Research-able questions
change; they twist and turn throughout the research process and often redefine
themselves in the face of the data or with the insight of retrospection. However,
the line of inquiry remains the root out of which these questions grow; it is the
backdrop against which they can always be tested.
Dick Allwright (1997) uses the term "puzzle" in his work on exploratory
teaching to mean that which sparks the teacher-research process. To me, puzzles
and questions grow from the same root, but they are phased differently. As t'
said, not all questions are research-able; some may exceed the scope of teacher
research in time, resources, and access to data. Further, expressing inquiry is not
always sympathetic to the rhetorical structure of questions. Puzzles, on the other
hand, are more open-ended rhetorically. They can capture the sense of specu
lating, wondering, and not-knowing on which teacher-research is based without
forcing it into the format of a question. How you make the inquiry specific
whether through questions or puzzles-is less important, however, than the fact
that you will need to become clear on your inquiry in concrete, actionable terms.
This is what articulating a research-able question or puzzle does: It launches you
into action.

For the

discussion of

teaching versus



see Chapter 4,


DATA COLLECTION: Data collection is the process of gathering

information in a disciplined and systematic way about a puzzle or a
research-able question.
Comments: There are two facets reflected in the term data collection. There
is the issue of data: What kinds of information can respond to the question or
puzzle? If the inquiry deals with instructions, as Betty's does in the vignette [2D],
then class attendance figures are not data. However, if the inquiry deals with in
class conversation activities, as Vera's does [2C], then class attendance may be
relevant. For instance, Vera may discover a link between a student who attends
class regularly and becomes comfortable with fellow students and class norms
that can shed light on her inquiry. Having determined the types of data, the issue
is then how to collect them. The point in recognizing data and collection as sep
arate issues is that they are often confused. People assume that the data and way
they are gathered are one and the same. So "student talk," which is data, is con
fused with audiotaping, which is a means of collection. We will return to this
point in Chapter 4.



DATA ANALYSIS: Data analysis involves taking the data apart to

see what is there and then putting them together to see how they
respond to the question or puzzle under investigation.

The attendance
see Chapter 7.

Comments: The processes of disassembling and reassembling data, which

form the core of data analysis, are not symmetrical. In a sense, data come
prepackaged in assumptions. For instance, we assume data on class attendance
will tell us who was or wasn't present in class on a given day. While that is true,
these data can also potentially have more or other value, depending on how you
analyze them. So taking the data apart to see what is in them is a crucial step
that can allow-or push-you away from your assumptions. This step then
provides a basis for reassembling the data in different ways to provide new or
different information and perspectives on the inquiry.
The following account illustrates this issue of disassembling and reassembling
data. In a town in Alaska, I met some teachers at an alternative high school pro
gram for students who were "poorly motivated and had discipline problems."
These teachers discovered that a large number of their students were sent to the
program because of poor attendance and perennial tardiness. Many of these stu
dents, it turned out, were poor students of color. Their att~ndance records did
show that they often missed or were late to school, and it was assumed that the
problem lay in their lack of interest and motivation. When a couple of teachers
began to review the attendance data, to disassemble it, they noticed that many
students lived on outlying bus routes, often riding as much as an hour or more
to school. The teachers then analyzed, or reassembled, the attendance data by
students' home addresses, thus creating a map that showed where the students
lived. In this process, they noted a possible alternative explanation for these stu
dents' tardiness and poor attendance, namely that in bad weather, their buses
were often late or did not make it at all. This finding led the teachers to inter
view some of the students about the possible relation between the late buses,
their tardiness or absences, and their attitudes and motivation toward school.
The original data on student attendance had been understood in one way to
reflect students' lack of motivation. When it was disassembled and reassembled
to show the link between geography and student attendance, the data revealed
alternative interpretations.
UNDERSTANDINGS: Understandings are the new-or existing
information, interpretations, insights, and perspectives on the ques
tion or puzzle that accumulate through the research process.

Comments: Understandings do not necessarily exhaust a line of inquiry. They

do not always answer the question or solve the puzzle. Rather, they are the
building blocks of further work. The term "findings" is also used; however, it
suggests something more finite and resolved than the teacher-research process
usually allows. The understandings that result from the teacher-research process
by definition are disciplined, which means that they can show both what has
been learned and how it has been learned. So if the teachers in the previous
account wanted to challenge the administration's perception that student tardi
ness reflected only lack of motivation, they could argue their understanding that
transportation difficulties were also a factor. They could support this under



standing through the display of the attendance data by geographical location

and the student interviews they conducted. Such a discussion puts in play both
the understandings and how they were arrived at. It also suggests further
research within this line of inquiry. For example, how do transportation prob
lems interact with other factors to affect student attendance? Are there students
who somehow overcome the transportation issues, and what factors allow or
encourage them to do so?
"PUBLISHING"-MAKING PUBLIC: Publishing is the point at

which teachers voice their understandings and enter into public con

versations about them with others beyond the immediate research

setting. Publishing may be through discussion, presentations, or

advocacy; it may be in print or through other media.

Comment: The idea of publishing used here comes from the work on process
writing. In that context, the final phase involves students making public their
texts by reading them aloud andlor preparing bound versions that become part
of a class library. Becoming authors is a crucial part of the writing process for
young learners because it situates them among other literate people. Lucy
McCormack Calkins is an elementary school teacher and a teacher-researche;'
who has studied young children learning to write. Her first book, Lessons from
a Child: On the Teaching and Learning of Writing, one of the first teacher
research accounts published, gave substantial impetus both to the process writ
ing movement and to teacher-research in general. In a subsequent book, Calkins
(1986) quotes a seven-year-old writer-author named Greg who explains the con
nection between reading and publishing:
Before I ever wrote a book I used to think there was a big machine

and they typed in a title and then the machine went until the book

was done. Now I look at a book and know a guy wrote it and it's

been his project for a long time. After the guy wrote it, he probably

thinks of questions people will ask him and revises it like I do....


The same process happens in teacher-research. When teacher-researchers make

their findings public through whatever means, they begin to claim a place in the
production of recognized knowledge about teaching and learning. Just as Greg
says, they can see themselves as peers within the educational research commu
nity. As I said in Chapter 1, research and the generation of knowledge-or pub
licly recognized understandings-are intimately bound up with power, and
making public the understandings gained through teacher-research is a crucial
step in asserting such power. The second point that Greg makes is likewise true
of teacher-research. Publishing, or making understandings public, moves the
research process forward. Presenting your work leads to questions about it, to
the urge to revise or extend it, and thus to further work. Because teaching has
been an "egg crate profession," the notion of making public what has been pri
vate and autonomous classroom practice is not a familiar value for teachers. But
if teacher-researchers do not take this last step to make their work public, they
risk not achieving the external and public value of teacher-research in influenc
ing educational policy and practice (Freeman, 1996).



Figure 2.6: Teacher-research cycle (labeled)


of the teacher
research cycle


These, then, are the six elements in the complete cycle (Figure 2.6), which serves
to organize what you do as you enter into teacher-research. In subsequent chap
ters we will focus on the phases of the cycle and how the elements in each phase
interrelate. I want to make three general observations about the cycle at this
point. First, it is a cycle. This means that the process has momentum; it feeds
itself and carries itself forward. As the seven-year-old author Greg says of writ
ing, "After the guy wrote [the book], he probably thinks of questions people will
ask him and revises it.... " Similarly, the understandings in most lines of inquiry
spawn further questions and puzzles. The end comes when you decide to stop;
it rarely comes because you have found an answer.
Second, the cycle can have several points of entry, although to do the work
completely there is only one starting point. As a teacher you can get hooked at
pretty much any point in the process. You may decide to have your students keep
learning logs on their progress and this can become the data (data collection).
You may be looking over some students' written work and begin to speculate
about a particular pattern in their mistakes (data analysis). You may explain to a
colleague why you think a certain activity has been difficult for students at this level
(understanding), and then wonder if that is always the case (question/puzzle).
You may hear or read about someone's findings (publishing) and question them
from your experience (inquiry), and so on. However, the starting point of the


cycle-and the place to which the other five phases ultimately lead back-is
inquiry. Inquiry provides the headwaters of the process; it provides the energy
to keep it moving.
Third, if you choose, the whole cycle except for publishing can remain pri
vate to the teacher. Absent making it public, teacher-research need never be
known or indeed affect the outside world. But I believe that going public with
the understandings that result from teacher-research is critical for two reasons.
First, as I have said, making the understandings public gives power to the cycle.
Publishing engages the teacher-researcher in the creating of knowledge, which,
in turn, can shape policy, practice, and conditions of work as well as improve
and deepen understanding of teaching and learning (Kincheloe, 1991). Second,
going public is an important way to test one's findings. If teacher-research remains
entirely private, it can become solipsistic. Teacher-researchers need to hear oth
ers' reactions to their work, to engage in public debate, and to consider various
perspectives. Because they stem from research, these discussions are based on
information and analysis, not simply on opinion. So while there is a choice
about making the work public, there are also consequences of that choice. To
go public with the process of teacher-research and the understandings that result
from it, helps establish a new professional community. It helps to transform edu
cation from a practice of implementation to a practice devoted to understand
ing learning, and it can strengthen teachers' understandings of what they do by
attracting others' informed scrutiny of their work.

n this chapter I have outlined the teacher-research cycle conceptually. The two
frameworks presented are meant to provide maps to guide the work at the
hyphen. Doing teacher-research requires a special kind of balance in controlling
the dimensions and responsibilities of both roles. Like lifting a kayak, it takes a
certain amount of strength and energy to restructure your work in the classroom
so you can pursue a line of inquiry as you are teaching. It may also demand that
you intervene in what you would ordinarily do in teaching for purposes of your
research. Understanding teacher-research also requires organization to follow a
disciplined sequence from inquiry through data collection and analysis to under
standing. Like folding a sheet, the work of teacher-research has its own partic
ular logic and discipline. Finding it in the teacher-research cycle makes the work
more doable. But having read these two frameworks, which, as frameworks, are
rather abstract, you might well ask what does all this mean in practice? That is
the story of the next chapter.

Suggested Readings
There are various approaches to capturing context in doing research. Sara
Lawrence-Lightfoot's book, The Good High School: Portraits in Character and
Culture (New York: Basic Books, 1983), is a pioneering example of what the
author calls "portraiture," an approach that works to capture the texture and



complexity of teaching and learning. In his article "Tipping the balance,"

(Harvard Educational Review 60 (2) pp. 217-236, 1990) Joseph Cambone
applies the procedures of portraiture to write about a teacher working with
demanding special-needs students.
There has been a fair amount written about action research as a form of
teacher-research. I have found the clearest and most comprehensive account to
be Ernest Stringer'S book, Action Research: A Handbook for Practitioners
(Thousand Oaks CA: Sage, 1996). A more classic presentation of action
research in education is S. Kemmis and R. McTaggart's Action Research Planner
(Geelong, Australia: Deakin University Press, 1988),
For more on Leo van Lier's typogology of research methods~ see his book
The Classroom and the Language learner (London: Longman, 1988). Another
interesting discussion of this complex territory is L. Neuman's chapter, "The
meanings of methodology," (in his book Social Research Methods. Boston: Allyn
and Bacon, pp. 43-66, 1991). My chapter, "The 'Unstudied problem': Research in
teacher learning in language teaching," (in D . Freeman and J. C. Richards (eds).
Teacher Learning in Language Teaching (New York: Cambridge University
Press, pp. 351-378, 1996) outlines approaches to researching teachers' knowl
edge and perceptions of their work.






Wagner Veillard


Dear reader,
It is raining as I write this note to preface this chapter. I am trying to
imagine who you are and what you may find as you read this
account. As an author, I have to admit that I am excited, and I am
also a bit apprehensive. This is the first time I have "gone public" as
a teacher-researcher; what you will see here is my first work. To
introduce what you will read, I would like to tell you a bit about who
I am and what led me to do some teacher-research in my classroom.

wagner Veillard



I was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and started learning English at

a language school when I was 12. After finishing high school I
worked as a chemistry technician until I was awarded a scholarship
to attend college in the United States. I graduated with a major in
business and then went back to Brazil, where I taught English for five
years before returning to the United States to pursue a master's
degree in TESOL.
The events in the chapter you are about to read took place several years
ago, when I was a middle school English teacher teaching five classes
a day at an international school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The environment
blurred ESL and EFL: The school was in Brazil, but the medium of
instruction was English. Therefore, I was using materials prepared
for students who were native speakers of English, although more
than half of my students did not have English as their first language.
At the time, I was also participating in a teacher development pro
gram offered by the School for International Training in partnership
with Associa<;ao Alumni, a binational center in Sao Paulo. The pro
gram, which lasted the better part of a year, was div,jded into four
modules. There were two intensive modules of course work during
school breaks in January and July, which were combined with doing
teacher-research on-site from February to June, and then again from
August to November. This chapter describes my first work as a
teacher-researcher; Chapter 6 recounts my second project.
When I wrote up my first project, I did not think about publishing
it. In fact, I did not even have a computer, and the first version of this
chapter was handwritten, as you can see from the cover of the report,
which I drew. I used the carnival image as a metaphor for my first
experience with the discipline of the teacher-research process. I enjoy
using metaphors in writing because they help me assemble my ideas
within a new perspective. In developing my line of inquiry, I drew on
two things that I enjoy tremendously: writing and working with
teenagers, especially eighth graders ages 13 and 14 years old.
I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. I also hope that I will read,
sometime soon, your accounts of doing teacher-research, and how
you felt when you were carrying a kayak by yourself the first time.

Wagner Veillard



This Investigation asks you to examine how Wagner Veillard moves from a
teacher's toward a teacher-researcher '5 orientation over the course of this chapte1:

As you read the chapter, make a list of the ways in which the author,
Veillard, approaches his teaching as a teacher versus as a teacher



researcher. When is he acting as a teacher and when is he acting as a

If you are working with peers, do this Investigation alone as you read
the chapter and discuss your notes afterward.


The school term is over, and I feel like a child in an amusement park. The
atmosphere is fascinating: lights, music, movement. I do not know what to try
first or where to go next once I make my first choice. A small sign tells me that
I am not old enough for certain rides. When I focus my attention on the many
rides I am allowed to explore, I get mixed feelings of boredom, anxiety, antici
pation, and fear.
The school term is over, and I am fascinated by the possibilities of what one
can do with one's data. There are different ways not only of breaking informa
tion apart, but also of putting it together. I have learned about instruments,
sources, strategies, and the importance of analyzing data before collecting new
evidence. I realized how crucial it is to share what you are doing with colleagues
so that true collaboration occurs. Somehow overwhelmed by these insights, I
really do not know where or how to start my analysis. My only desire is to cri
tique my research procedures. I wish to focus on what I did not do and on what
I could have done better. I am anxious to redesign my plan and continue my
research with a new group of students when the next term begins in August.
Forced to go back and see what I can say based on the data I have, I feel
frustrated. The results are not the ones I would like to present. To make
matters worse, there are huge flames in my burning questions; but how did the
fire get started? In order to answer this question, we must move on to our first
carnival ride.

For Veillard's
account of his
subsequent work,
see Chapter 6.



I teach at a Catholic American school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Altogether, there

were 47 students in my research group: 21 in the first class, and 26 in the sec
ond. They were in eighth grade, 13-14 years old, and they had been my students
for one semester; they were known as "English 8" classes. The students were in
school from 8 A.M. to 3:10 P.M.; the school day was divided into eight periods
of 45 minutes each. I saw them every day, either from 12:45 to 1:30 or from
2:25 to 3:10 P.M. The first group came right after lunch, while the second group
was the last class of the day. The school used two basic textbooks for this level:
one for grammar and one for literature. Besides these, one novel per month was
to be assigned as outside reading. Over half of my students were upper-middle
class Brazilians. The non-Brazilians in the group were children of businessmen
and diplomats. In most cases, these students attended the school for only two
years, because their parents were then transferred out of Brazil. The following
table shows the nationalities of the students, in declining frequency, in my
research group:



Figure 3.1:

Research group: Nationality and number











U.S. American





On teaching




see Chapter 4,



Since I really enjoy writing, I decided at the start of the semester that my
inquiry would be related to this skill. Aware of my personal bias, however, I start
ed analyzing my own writing. I was intrigued by the steps of the process: what
happens from the moment I find an idea worth writing about, to the moment I
hand my final version to a reader. I finally stated my research question as:

1. How can my students assess their own writing?

As a teacher, my concern was to provide students with whatever tools they need
ed in order to judge their own writing. I now realize how difficult such an
endeavor is, but as I started the term my view of the process was a simple one.
These were my supporting questions:
1A. How can I get my students to write more and better?
IE. How can I get them used to rewriting?
I C. How can I provide them with opportunities for self and
peer correction so that I, as the teacher, am not the sale
evaluator of any specific writing?

On assumptions

in the research


see Chapter 4,


Although they were not clearly stated, the following expectations were deeply
rooted in my mind:
1. I want my students to see the teacher as a learner/reader in the
2. I want my students to understand that rewriting is an inevitable
step in refining ideas and polishing a writing piece.
3. As I give students the chance of reading one another's work, I hope
they will be able to find, and possibly correct, their own mistakes.
4. At some point, I expect students to hand me the final version of an
assignment and say, "This is the best I can do, both in terms of what
I know and how hard I can work."
As you can clearly see, there are many traps in my expectations. The most dan
gerous one is the idea that I want students to look at writing in the same way I
do. In hoping that they will eventually verbalize a sense of achievement, #4
above, I wonder if I am assuming that they need to say what they have done in
order to learn from it. Am I thus looking to be rewarded as the teacher with



their statements, even though the students may see their own rewards in the
work they do for themselves?
When you are up there on a Ferris wheel seat, you can usually see the entire
amusement park, and what lies around it as well. I have tried to give the reader an
overall impression of the research project: who my students were, what my initial
interest was, and the kind of environment in which we were operating. It is now
time to go down so that one can find out what I actually did in the classroom.


In accordance with this ride, I plan to explain very quickly the ups and downs
of how I worked with my students and their writing. I chose my journal as the
cart for this ride for it is the only piece of evidence on which I can rely to take
us from the beginning to the end of this adventure. In looking back at my own
work in the first module of the teacher development program, I saw that my
reflective writings were the most powerful element in the experience. So, on the
very first class, I asked my students to keep journals. I told them that nobody
would read their entries unless they agreed. I also told them that I would be
keeping a journal myself. To link us together in this common enterprise, I asked
them to sign their names on the cover of my journal.
In keeping with Gattegno's ideas on the Silent Way (Gattegno, 1976; Stevick,
1980), my objective was to "learn my students" while "they learned themselves
and the language." So I decided that I would ask students to write in their jour
nals in class at least twice a week for a two-month period. The entries might
relate to themes that the students would develop further in writing their compo
sitions, but they were not restricted to this focus. Below, I have listed some of
topics I assigned in journaling, and my reasons for assigning them:


For students . ..

Think of guidelines for group work

To come up with their own rules

Write about a book that had an

impact on you.

To share titles and popular authors

What makes a good presentation?

To create their own standards for

oral presentations

How did you feel when Marcio

was lecturing for ten minutes
in Finnish?

To experience how Marcio, and other

non-Portuguese speakers, might feel
when Brazilians used Portuguese in
English class activities

Go back to the predictions about

the book you chose to read.
Were you right?

To develop skills in predicting and

guessing as part of reading

Bring a special object to class

and describe it

To share something personal,

and to improve skills in
descriptive writing



On anecdotal
data, see
Appendix C,


Use your journal entries to think

about the first four weeks of
English class. Write a letter to a
friend telling him/her what we did
and how you felt about it.

To provide me with student feedback

on the first month of the teacher
research project

How do you start your day?

Compare your morning routine
to that of other classmates,
and then to Johnny Tremain's.

To move from their experience into

the novel Johnny Tremain, to explore
similarities and differences

Draw a class map. Go back

to the one you drew some
time ago. Are you sitting in
the same place?

To increase students' awareness

of possible social groups and cliques
in the class

There were a lot of advantages in asking my students to keep journals. By

ha ving them write most of the entries in class, usually for no longer than ten
minutes, I had the chance to write in my own journil during class time.
Therefore, my field notes referring to students' questions and comments are
quite accurate. Once the class was over I sat down, reread my notes, and tried
to analyze my students' reactions to the lesson by writing reflective memos to
myself. Beyond the research process, this procedure also helped me to prepare
materials for the following day. I also used the journals to help my students
understand themselves better as individuals and the class as a group. By the end
of the first week of school I was using the journal in class almost every day
because it had proved to be an excellent tool in preparation for pair work,
group tasks, and class discussions. In terms of my research question, I assigned
as many different types of journal entries as I could think of so that, later on,
my students would have a variety of options to choose from as springboards for
composition topics. The journals certainly made my students write more, if I
compare their entries to the amount of writing they had done in the previous
semester, during which time they wrote only four compositions.
I want to mention three incidents which I think illustrate the students' emerg
ing motivation to write, although I have no way of showing a direct connection
between motivation to write and the use of journals in the classroom. In the first
case, Marcio, a Finnish boy, continued writing in his journal even after I stopped
assigning writing tasks. He kept on making his entries until the last day of class,
and offered me his journal as a gift at the end of the semester. In the second,
Katia, Patricia and Neuza, in the sixth period class, and Edison, in the eighth
period class, got together and transformed a novel they had read during first
semester into a play. The play, entitled The Trojan War, had sixteen acts, which
were more like connected skits. The student actors and actresses interacted with
these writers in order to create and refine the dialogues. They plan to start
rehearsing next term. Finally, Elizabeth had one of her poems selected by a pub
lisher in the United States to appear in an anthology of works by teenage
authors to be published next year.


Despite all the good news, however, there were disadvantages in using the
journals. I became too involved in trying to find out how my students were feel
ing about the writing process, and so there were times when I digressed from my
research question. I do not regret what I did, but had I kept a narrower focus, I
would have more relevant data. I have since found it difficult to identify the
most useful journal entries to code, and the analysis is very time consuming. I
was. not able to analyze all of my students' journals because I could only work
with the journals willingly given to me at the end of the semester. As I had said
that they would control their journals, I had to respect my students' privacy.
Therefore, I only have six journals, not including my own, to include in the
study. When I assigned letters, had them prepare interviews, or organized class
discussions, I was able to get a sense of the contents of students' entries without
actually reading their journals, because they used their entries as a basis for
these activities.
However, when I read the actual journal entries for each day in the six jour
nals I had, I realized that there were many details which I was never aware of.
Students were paying more attention to my actions than I could ever have
imagined. For instance, Marcio wrote on February 15: "Veillard took notes a~'
he did yesterday." On April 26 he wrote: "I really don't like English now. And
Veillard is not Veillard, he's something else, 'regular,' only cares about grammar.
Gets angry easily." His entries made me wonder what was I taking for granted
in my teaching.
This carnival ride is over.

Although 1 do have samples of students' writing, in particular three drafts of the

same composition, 1 have no basis on which to state that my students became
better writers. I realize that I did not have clearly researchable criteria for what
"becoming a better writer" meant. In one coding, I counted the number of
words in their different drafts. The table below shows two examples:
Figure 3.2:

On a priori
data analYSis,
see Chapter 5,

Comparing lengths of composition drafts


Number of Words

Number of Words










What exactly do these data tell me? One might argue that if the number of
words increases through the drafting and revising process, students are learning
to be more specific and detailed in their descriptions. But someone else might
argue that if the number of words decreases, students are learning to be more
concise and that, as a result, their writing is more powerful. I realize that data
themselves don't tell you the answer. You always have to interpret them in some



On redefining



see Chapter 5,


way. I also tried to analyze the kinds of comments students wrote on one anoth
er's compositions when I gave them the chance to give one another peer feed
back. Unfortunately, I was not able to reduce these comments into categories
that made sense to me, partly because I didn't have enough data to make useful
comparisons and thus to see the categories.
If I look closely at my data, I am thrown towards the other end of this swing
boat. The only question I might be able to answer does not really deal with writ
ing, but rather with reading, a skill that is very much related to writing. My
research question would then become:
"What happens when my students choose what they read?"

To explain this shift, let me refresh the reader's memory. My students were
required to read one novel per month. According to school rules, the teacher
assigned the book, and the whole class read it. Last semester however, I gave my
students the opportunity to choose one of the novels they would read, the very
first one, so that each student was reading his or her own book. I have outlined
the process by which students chose and read their individual books below.
February 7: Homework- "Think of three books yo~' would like to
read, but for some reason have not managed to."
February 8: "In groups, share your titles and choose one book you
would like to read by February 24. We will all start reading our var
ious books on February 10."
February 9: "Think about a book that had an impact on you. What
was it like? What was the story about? Why and when did you read
it? Why did it have an impact on you? Would you recommend it? To
whom? Remember to bring this book to class tomorrow."
February 10: "Acquaint yourself with the book you brought in.
Describe it: the cover, the pictures, the number of pages, table of con
tents, title, author, year of publication. Why did you choose it? When
do you plan to read it? What kind of story do you expect?

"Prepare a reading contract and show it to a classmate. For example,

John intends to finish reading 1984 by February 24. If he
doesn't, he will not on his computer for three days."

February 13: "Write a brief paragraph about what you have read.
Make two predictions based on what you have read so far. Walk
around the classroom and share what you wrote with a classmate."
February 14: "Prepare a card according to this model:
Your name is reading title of your book by author of the book
y.ou are reading.

"Tomorrow I will post the cards around the classroom so that every
one knows what everybody else is reading. I want to try and create
the feeling of an art gallery by displaying each reader's choice. I will
also record all the book titles in my journal."



February 17: Homework- "Continue reading your book. Imagine

you are a character in the story. You can be yourself as an extra char
acter, or you can take the place of a character who already exists in
the story. What would you change or do differently in the story?"
February 20: "Find a partner and interview each other about
your character and the changes you would make."
February 21: "Go back to your predictions about the story
(February 13). Were you right?"
February 24: "Retrieve your cards that were posted on February 15.
If you are done reading, prepare a drawing that summarizes your
book. If you are not done, write a letter to yourself explaining why
you have not finished, what the penalty was in your reading con
tract, and what you can do to finish reading your book."
What can I say based on the evidence I possess? Twenty-six out of 47 students
chose to read suspense books. They opted for stories about ghosts, supernatural
beings, crimes and detectives, mysteries, or horror books. The table below sum
marizes the data on how many students read which types of book.
Figure 3.3:

On displaying
data, see
Chapter 5,


Students' reading choices






Books that have been turned into movies



Science Fiction


Thirty-five out of 47 students were able to finish reading their books by

February 24. It is interesting to look at the 12 students who did not finish read
ing their chosen books by the agreed-upon deadline. Alone in my office, I laugh
at how different our perceptions are. For example, I think I was fair in letting
the students decide what and how much they wanted to read by the deadline.
But Ayrton justifies not being able to finish his book, writing: "The teacher gave
little time." Or there is Rosangela, who, when asked to think about the first four
weeks of English class, writes in her letter dated March 12: "Until now we did
n't do any reading." In general, students were excited to be able to choose what
they were going to read as Benedito put it in his journal: "And what's good, we
can choose the next book." Nevertheless, they expressed concerns, such as:
~'Does it [the book] have to be in English? But what's going to happen if we can
choose whatever we want? How can we show that we have read it? Does it have



to be a book from the library? How are you going to grade/test us on this
book?" This opens up the whole issue of how students perceive what they are
doing. Sudeep comes to me at the end of class on February 10 and says: "This
class is better than the others, more active. We don't have to write so much."
He pauses, "I mean, we do, but it is not the same!" 1 say, "Hum, that's right.
You do write here, but how is it different?" Sudeep replies, "We don't have to
copy from a book."
As I have said before, 1 do not necessarily want to present these as research
results, but they do give a flavor of what actually happened.

Working at
the hyphen,
Chapter 1,
pp. 5-8 and
Chapter 8,



As a child I used to look at the carousel and wonder how it was possible for the
horses to move up and down and move around, without getting out of their
predetermined places in the circle. Looking at myself as a learner of teacher
research, 1 believe that my biggest mistake has been trying to make my research
work operate like a carousel. In other words, I have attempted to present neat
contrasts: writing as a process versus writing as a product; oral and written
comments in self and peer feedback versus number or letterv!grades; my person
al beliefs about learning and teaching versus institutional goals. Perhaps I am
setting myself up for failure if I take on the task of changing one of these parts
and try to keep it from affecting the whole. 1 see now that is impossible; the
parts are interconnected like the carousel horses. On the other hand, the disci
pline of research, as 1 understand it, does require structure and regularity, like
the spacing of the horses on the carousel. I need some space to figure out this
seeming contradiction: How do you separate a part of your teaching from the
whole of your work life in order to study it?
Now, I am out of my classroom, in the middle of an exciting ride of the third
module in this teacher development program. I am aware that my cart will twist
and turn, driven by doubts and insights. Every now and then, I may still grab
on to the handle of old beliefs, just for the sake of safety. But I can already pic
ture myself standing in line for the next promising ride, when I will again be
back in the classroom, with my students, perhaps to research again.


This Investigation asks you to analyze Veillard's account in a particular way,
according to the basic questions that drive the process of research design. You may
want to familiarize yourself with the Investigation before you read the chapter,
or you may want to return to what you have read in order to complete it.

Respond to the following questions in any order; they provide a

framework to move an inquiry toward a planned research project. (I
use the terms "youlthe reseacher" because the questions can apply
equally to reading other people's research.)



What is the inquiry? What is (are) the research

able question(s)/puzzle here? What are the sup
porting questions/puzzles?


What is the background or rationale of the

research? Why are youlthe researcher interested
in it? What motivates the work?


Where will the research be done?

In which particular classroom(s) or site(s)?
Who will be the participants in your study?

What role-if any-will colleagues play in the study?


What data are relevant to the research questions?

How do youlthe researcher plan to collect them?
How will youlthe researcher analyze them?


What is the provisional time line or schedule?

When and how often will you/the researcher
gather data?

- SO WHAT? Why will the research matter? To whom might it

make a difference? What might you/others under
stand differently as a result?


Answer these questions, as far as possible, from the information in

the chapter. As you do so, also make note of things that you find miss
ing. Which-if any-of these questions does Veillard not address in
this account? It can help to do this task in a 7 (rows) X 2 (columns)
matrix, in which you list the seven guide question words down the
left side, the information you find in this chapter in one column, and
things that are missing in the other.
After doing this Investigation, you may want to read Veillard's own
comments in Chapter 6, (pp.143-145), in which he offers a brief cri
tique of the work reported in this chapter.






One or two months is really too little time to be able to see what is
happening in a classroom. I need to go back again and again, to
see what is happening . .. whether the things I am finding continue
to be there.
Helena Portillo

t is one of life's ironies that sometimes you need to do things that seem com
plicated in order to arrive at simple insights or understandings. One of the two
characters in Edward Albee's one-act play Zoo Story captures this idea quite
wonderfully when he muses, "Sometimes you have to go a long distance out of

your way in order to come a short distance back correctly." This

Inquiry to Design,

the dilemma of moving from an inquiry to the questions and

that it
Figure #4.1

spawns. As I said in Chapter 2, inquiry drives the teacher-research process,

although it may not necessarily be its starting point. It is often only with the pas
sage of time and the commitment of energy to the process that the research-able
questions actually distill themselves from the inquiry. To expect otherwise is to
misunderstand the research process and perhaps to create unreal expectations
for yourself. As one colleague put it, "Teacher-research is a great opportunity
for Monday-morning quarterbacking. Once it's over, you recognize \vhat it has
been about." This attitude of Monday-morning quarterbacking, or (;econcl
guessing how the football game should have been played the da\ l.fterw~' !"ds,
what can propel the teacher-research process into another cycle
It is important to realize that being clear about your questions is not necessar
\01..1 end
ily where you begin the teacher-research process, but it is usu:11h
up. In this chapter we look at the parameters of inquiry morc '.
it can spawn questions, how teaching questions and research',lble questions dif
them, ?nd hcnv;
fer, how research-able questions suggest the data that respond
on this basis, to plan an overall project. This cycle forms the backbone of the
teacher-research process; in this chapter we will examine the mechanics of
launching yourself into that process.



Figure 4.1:

Teacher-research: FroDl inquiry to design

As you can see in Figure 4.1, this chapter focuses on the first part of the
teacher-research cycle: How you move through the initial stages of inquiry to
identify and elaborate questions, to determine the kinds of data that can
respond to those questions, and how you layout a research plan. However, this
first part of the cycle usually stems from what precedes it. It can, and usually
does, grow both out of assumptions you bring to the inquiry from your experi
ence, and from understandings that you may have gained through reading or
doing other teacher-research. This prior information inevitably shapes the form
of the new inquiry. From it grow the preconceptions you may have for why you
think things happen as they do in your teaching. An orientation of inquiry and
speculation holds these preconceptions up to scrutiny and questioning; an ori
entation of doing and action generally works simply to reconfirm them.

Kim Mortimer was a beginning teacher-researcher when she wrote the follow
ing in a memo. Here she sets out very clearly the intimate connection between
the preconceptions she brought into the research process, which she calls her
hypotheses, and how she framed her initial inquiry.




Account #4.1: Kim Mortimer,.

"Adolescents, anxiety, and second language learning"
When I began teaching Spanish to seventh and eighth grade students
(ages 12-14) at Marlboro Elementary School, I noticed that they
seemed unusually prone to "turning off." While paying attention, lis
tening or reading and comprehending well in English, they would
frequently stop listening or reading in Spanish. When I spoke in
Spanish for more than a few sentences at a time, they stopped listen
ing and would often speak over me or turn their heads away. They
said thing like, "I have no idea what you're saying. What are you
talking about?"
In contrast, the fifth and sixth grade students (ages 10-11) were much
more willing to listen to or read Spanish, even when it was unfamil
iar. They were clearly eager to comprehend the message, often guess
ing out loud in English about what was being said. When they were
wrong, they simply guessed again until they selected the correct
meaning. I began to wonder about the cause of this significant dif
ference in behavior between the two age groups. WhYtfA.!ere the older
students so much less likely to do the work of comprehension? Did
it have to do with how they felt about learning Spanish? This became
my line of inquiry:
How the seventh and eighth grade students felt about learning
Spanish, and what effects these feelings had upon their (appar
ent willingness to engage in) comprehension.
From the beginning 1 hypothesized that the students were "turning off"
because of substantial anxiety associated with trying to comprehend
an unfamiliar language. I believed that the intra personal risks involved
in interpreting Spanish, trying to respond correctly, were too great.
It was safer to refuse to understand at all, to refuse to listen. I derived
this hypothesis largely from my own experiences in adolescence and
with second-language learning and my observations of others. It
seems a basic human response to react to overwhelming pressure by
shutting down and refusing to address any portion of it. I assumed
that the pressure the seventh and eighth graders were feeling was
internal anxiety: that hearing and not understanding Spanish caused
them significant (and largely internal) stress, and that this anxiety
was outwardly manifested in their refusal to listen or respond. I also
assumed that by making meaning explicitly clear (usually with much
English) at every step of the way, their anxiety would be reduced.
Now 1 am not sure this was an appropriate assumption.
In this memo Mortimer elaborates preconceptions from her experiences as a stu
dent, as a teacher, and as an individual who holds a certain position in society.
These ideas, which she, like any of us, brings to teaching, inevitably shaped her
thinking. The teacher-research process, however, pulls her beyond them.
Inquiries, regardless of their nature, do not spring out of thin air; they are
rooted both directly and indirectly in who we are, what we believe, and the ques
tions we are socially positioned to ask. For instance, a first-year teacher may well
have different questions and perceptions of middle-school boys and classroom



discipline from those of a veteran teacher. Or it may be more likely to occur to a

gay or lesbian teacher than to a straight teacher to examine how teaching mate
rials represent the lives of gays and lesbians, if they do at all. This fact that
inquiry is shaped by the assumptions by which we live our lives suggests two
courses of action in embarking on a research project. First, you need to think seri
ously about what you believe to be true in teaching and learning. These assump
tions can provide a solid point of departure for developing a line of inquiry.
Second, it is important to review your specific preconceptions about your line of
inquiry as it is unfolding. It is worth asking yourself repeatedly, "What am I
assuming or taking for granted? How could I be wrong in what I am seeing?" By
questioning yourself, your assumptions about teaching and learning generally,
and the preconceptions you have about the particular inquiry, you keep yourself
slightly off-balance. Being unsure about what you know creates a sense of open
ness and vulnerability fundamental to good research. You chase down that open
ness as you organize your inquiry into a research plan, and thus build the disci
pline of your work.
This principle of challenging yourself to reexamine your assumptions and
preconceptions is also central to the notion of validity. Validity has to do with"
two things. One is procedural. It depends on getting the research process right
so the data respond to the research questions, analysis is appropriate to the data,
and findings are supported by the analysis. The solidness of this chain depends
on controlling the research situation, as we saw in the discussion of van Lier's
typology, and on the researcher's skills in carrying out the process. It goes back
to Shulman's first meaning of "discipline" as methodicalness. The other side of
validity has to do with confidence. Can you, as the researcher, and others who
will learn about your work reasonably believe in its results? These two aspects
of validity are clearly linked: Solid, disciplined procedures can create confidence
in their outcomes. Underlying how procedures are used, however, are the clari
ty and self-awareness of the researcher, which is why recognizing and articulat
ing your assumptions and preconceptions, as Kim Mortimer did in her memo,
is so important. Such insight is the foundation of your work as a teacher
researcher. No amount of good procedure will compensate for being blinded by
your own preconceptions.
When talking about research, people often think of validity as synonymous
with objectivity. In the conventional view detachment and distance are supposed
to come in large part through one person (the researcher) studying others (the
teacher and the students). In teacher-research this relationship is recast
since the teacher is the researcher. Objectivity cannot be located in two separate
people, the researcher and the researched (Fine, 1994). Rather, as mentioned in
Chapter 1, in teacher-research one person carries out two distinct functions that
establish different perspectives on the work he or she is doing. These hyphenat
ed functions of teaching and researching together offer the potential for unique
insights into the complexity of classroom teaching and learning. The order and
beauty of a landscape seen from afar are quite different from the texture and imme
diacy of walking through that same countryside. The objectivity of teacher
research is not a function of distance and detachment in a conventional sense.
Rather, it hinges on the discipline of how one is involved in both teaching and

On what
teachers bring to

teaching from

experience, see

Lortie, (1975);

see also Bailey

et al. (1996).

On validity,

see Chapter 7,

pp. 164-175.



researching, as mentioned in Chapter 2. In discipline, or the self-aware method

ical control over what you are doing and why, lies the foundation of validity in
teacher-research. This foundation begins with keeping track of assumptions that
animate the work.


This Investigation begins a series of Investigations throughout this chapter that
are aimed at helping you think through a research plan. In this Investigation
two alternatives are suggested: (AJ using reflective writing, and (BJ using video
tape as a prompt.

Alternative (A): Reflective writing

Think about the teaching you have done recently or that you will be
doing. Think about the school context, the students, and the content
you have been teaching.
Brainstorm the following questions, making notes for xourself as you
go along:
What do you wonder about in your teaching and your

students' learning?

What puzzles you about your students, the content, or the

organization of your classroom?

What aspects of the students' learning do you want to

understand better?

What are some aspects of your teaching situation that intrigue

or trouble you? Why?
What do you know about your teaching or their learning that
you are interested in verifying?
Use the loop-writing process, outlined in Appendix A (p. 198),
to sharpen your inquiry.

Alternative (B): A video prompt

Arrange to have your class, or a portion of it, videotaped. Ideally you
would have someone else run the camera as you are teaching.
Perhaps a colleague or even a student will do so for you. However,
you can also videotape yourself very satisfactorily without help. You
need to set up the camera using a wide-angle focus to take in as much
of the classroom as possible. Be sure the image catches as many stu
dents as possible. Start the tape recording at the beginning of the les
son and let it run until the tape runs out or the lesson ends.
Review the videotape. Look carefully at what is going on and who is
doing what. Think about the following prompts as you watch it:
What questions do you have about your teaching as you watch
your students' learning in this lesson?



What puzzles you about what you see? What are you unsure of?
What aspects of the students' learning do you want to better
Why do you think things are happening as they are on the tape?
How would you know? What speculations does this raise about
students' learning andlor your teaching?
What do you know about your teaching or their learning that
you are interested in verifying?
Refer to the video-viewing suggestions outlined in Appendix A
(pp. 198-199) for further ideas of how to work with the videotape.

At the beginning of this chapter, Helena Portillo, a Brazilian teacher-researcher,

was quoted about time in the research process. Portillo says, "1 need to go back
again and again, to see what is happening [in my classroom]." Time is at the
heart of teacher-research: the time it takes to do the research and, perhaps even"
more crucially, the time before the research begins. It literally takes time to con
ceptualize an inquiry, to think about what you take for granted, to look closely
at what you assume or hypothesize about a situation or a group of students. Most
fundamentally, doing teacher-research is about using your time as a teacher in
different ways. The irony is that even planning how to do things differently takes
time, which many teachers do not have.
It is useful to put this issue of time in a three-part frame, bracketing it
between purpose on one side and outcome on the other. Purpose raises basic
questions: Why am I interested in this inquiry? Where does it come from in my
experience as a teacher (or perhaps as a student, a parent, or a human being)?
Why am 1 asking these questions? Who is this inquiry actually for? Clearly a
component of the response to these questions will be personal, as in "I am doing
this for me, because I want to know or understand X or Y." There is usually
more to it, however. There may be a student or a group of students in your class
who indirectly suggest the inquiry to you by who they are or what they are doing.
Or it may be circumstances beyond the classroom: a change in the curriculum,
the schedule, or the status-quo in general, such as team teaching with a colleague,
or using new materials or technologies. Or the impetus may arise out of experi
ence, an intriguing or a nagging issue, or an interest in reexamining something
that has become familiar and predictable to try to see it in new ways.
While it has a personal dimension, a particular inquiry's purpose is usually
traceable to the situation you are in and the teaching you are doing or have
done. This fact grounds the work in your direct experience and in so doing, it
introduces the issue of time. Unlike colleagues who conduct other forms of
research, teacher-researchers always face the challenge of doing at least two
things at once. So the idea of doing teacher-research raises the question of how
you use your time as a teacher and to what ends. Seen from an external or etic
point of view, most of the time teachers are primarily engaged in accomplishing
purposes set by others, such as finishing the chapter or the unit because it is in




On teachers'

work lives, see

Freedman et al.




Some ethical


the curriculum, or monitoring the playground or the lunch room as called for in
the labor agreement or job description, and so on. Indeed, for many teachers,
the only individually managed time is what are euphemistically called their
"planning periods." In this frame, using time for inquiry is difficult; it often goes
against the grain of school. But it is not impossible.
Though there is an automatic structure to how teachers spend much of their
work time, there is also the space to think differently about what is going on in
the classroom. Simply put, it does not have to follow that because time is struc
tured, therefore ways of thinking-and indeed doing things-must be equally
structured. While you may have to take attendance at the beginning of the class
period, there are many different ways to do so. Calling names off the class roll
is only one. Because it is common to our experience, it seems the conventional
way to do the job. Too often, the demands of what has to get done in teaching
can crowd out creativity and exploration in how those demands are met. I
believe it is generally teachers' preconceptions that do most of this crowding.
Although inquiring into your work as a teacher does mean using time in some
what different ways, it also means rethinking the usual and conventional in your
work. It can often be harder to push this mental reorienta.~ion than to find the
time to do the work.
The use of time is closely related to the achievement of outcomes. Time in the
classroom is generally organized to achieve purposes that are set from the out
side, and these achievements are measured in terms of outcomes. Common mea
sures such as test scores, student progress and achievement, and so on are meant
to track the accomplishments of teaching, and to a degree they do. However,
when purposes are set and outcomes measured by those who are beyond the
classroom, the teacher is reduced to an element in an equation. Teacher-research
recasts these relationships by overlaying a set of teacher-determined purposes
and outcomes on those that already exist in the classroom. This is why doing
teacher-research can feel like doing two things at once, and why, therefore, time
can become such an issue. The social linguist Mikhail Bahktin wrote tha t words
are hardly empty, that they are "overpopulated with the intentions of others."
The same can be said of teachers' time and their classrooms, both of which are
formed and populated by other people's intentions. In engaging in an inquiry
into your teaching, you reestablish the primacy of your intentions in the class
room. You are setting a purpose-the inquiry and its questions-and aiming for
an outcome-the data and their analysis-that will accomplish that purpose
and respond to those questions. This process involves carving out time from the
fabric of your work life in order to achieve these ends: to think through a line
of inquiry to find its research-able questions and to plan the data that will
respond to them.
Rethinking how you use your time in the classroom will inevitably raise issues
of ethics and responsibility. Jim Baumann, the teacher-researcher cited in
Chapter 1, made the point that, of the two jobs, teaching must always take
precedence over researching. Put another way, you would not do something as
a researcher that directly contradicts or interferes with what you know, or must
do, as a teacher. However, drawing that line is not always simple or clear. Because


the research process involves reexamining preconceptions and assumptions, you

will need to question some of those beliefs. If you only do what you "know" to
be right as a teacher, you will be caught in the status~quo. Questioning your
assumptions will inevitably mean that you sometimes suspend the known to
inquire into the new or unsure. It is always a matter of judgment, and I think
the line is basically a personal one. I would not do something that knowingly
puts at a disadvantage or otherwise hurts my students or their learning. However,
I would also question whether what I believe to be effective is always so. In that
space between certainty and questions lies room for a line of inquiry that can
open possibilities of new perspectives, understandings, and visions. It also opens
the possibility of risk; once you question what you take for granted, you begin
to challenge the status quo.
Educational researchers like Baumann have argued the issue of ethics from a
number of points of view. Mainly, however, their issues have centered on how a
research project might change the norms of the teaching and learning process in
a classroom or a school. But since teacher-research is, by definition, a compos
ite undertaking, changing those norms falls under the direct control of one-and
the-same person: the teacher who is researching his or her own teaching,.
Writing about large-scale educational research projects, Kenneth Howe and
Katharine Dougherty (1993, p. 20) outline the following list of caveats for
research activities that take place with students in classrooms. The list, which is
adopted from the University of Colorado-Boulder School of Education's Policy
on Educational Research, is aimed at large, multi-site research undertakings in
which researchers come from outside the schools and classrooms they are study
ing. The scale notwithstanding, these guidelines offer a useful point of departure,
particularly when put alongside Baumann's list from Chapter 1 (p. 7). To high
light the contrast in scale, I have annotated each item according to how it relates
particularly to teacher-research:
Research activities in classrooms andlor schools will:
1. Not differ in any significant ways from the normal range of

activities of the classroom, school, or district.

Since teacher-research is embedded in the classroom, this caveat seems a natur

alone. However, teacher-research may involve challenging what is "normal" or
"usual" in the classroom or school in order to better understand or perhaps
reshape it. Consider the example of the the teachers who examined problems
with school attendance in Chapter 2. If we always live by what is considered
"normal," we may trap ourselves in the status quo.
2. Involve only customary and noncontroversial instructional goals.
In general this makes sense. However, again, "customary" and "normal" spring
from the same root ("custom" or "norm"), and sometimes the aim of teacher
research is to interrupt what is usual in order to look at it in a different or
new way.
3. Not deny any students educational benefits they would

otherwise receive.



This caveat is bedrock to me. Teacher-research should not involve putting stu
dents at a disadvantage. However, since you are the teacher, you already have
responsibility for what happens in class and you are viewed with that in mind.
Teacher-research opens the possibility of examining how to better accomplish
the ends for which you are already responsible.
4. Promise direct benefits (at least in the form of evaluative information)
to the classroom, school, or district.

Because teachers are researching their own work and classrooms, the immediate
benefits to students are obvious. Whether those benefits are recognized at the
school or district level depends on various factors, many of which are beyond
the teacher-researcher's direct control. The publishing phase of the teacher
research cycle, which we look at in Chapter 7, addresses this area.
5. Incorporate adequate safeguards to protect the privacy
(i.e., anonymity or confidentiality) of all individuals who might
be subjects of the research.

While anonymity or confidentiality may be crucial in large-<8cale work in which

researchers visit many schools and classrooms, they are by definition different
issues when teachers are researching their own classrooms. There is vulnerabil
ity inherent in opening up your own teaching to scrutiny, vulnerability that is
mediated by the fact that you are the one who is doing the scrutinizing. It is hard
to be anonymous to yourself, and certainly you know who your students are.
Issues of anonymity or confidentiality become more central when you "publish"
-orally or in writing-your findings. It is important to have agreement from
colleagues and your students (or their parents) about what you can and cannot
say. These are issues we address more fully in Chapter 7.
6. Involve only existing data on students that are, or can be rendered,
in ways that are non-identity specific.

Here teacher-research differs from large-scale research studies. By definition,

teacher-research involves focusing on information about your students that you
might otherwise overlook or not take into account. So "existing data" can mean
data that exist and can be collected. I do not think it should mean only the data
that you now have on record; if it did, what would there be to discover?
Howe and Dougherty's six caveats help to frame ethical issues that need to
be considered in researching educational settings. However, they stem from
large-scale studies designed by researchers from outside school systems who
study schools and classrooms that are not their own. Any teacher-researcher cer
tainly needs to consider these issues. But the scale of work and the locus of con
trol in teacher-research are specific to a classroom and school setting, and the
study invariably makes public certain aspects of the teacher-researcher's own
work. So some of these caveats do not apply, or they apply differently. The basic
assumption-that research should not alter what 1t finds in classrooms and that
it should contribute positively to the setting-is difficult to argue with. But
because teaching involves human nature and activity, it is always in flux to some
degree. When teachers become their own researchers, they position themselves



to inquire into that fluid relationship between teaching and learning, and thus
they seek to better understand what is already changing. The questions they ask
provide the point of entry of their examination.


This Investigation continues the series on developing a research plan; it focuses
on getting at questions.
Reread the notes you made in Investigation 4.1. List three to five ques
tions that spring from your notes. For the time being, don't worry
about how you word the questions; just write them in whatever way
they come to mind.

If you are working with others, you may want to read aloud the
notes you have written for Investigation 4.1. Or, if you are using a
videotape, you may want to watch a portion of it together. Then you
should first brainstorm questions that the reading or viewing triggers
for you. Have someone else write down what you say so that you
have a record.
After you have voiced your questions, ask your listener-colleagues to
contribute theirs. Do not discuss what you have read or seen. Just
gather possible questions. Then change roles and repeat the process.


As you approach your line of inquiry, remember that not all questions are equal.
Some will pull you toward your role as teacher, while others will pull you
toward your work as a researcher. The former we will call "teaching questions,"
the latter "research-able questions." Teaching questions focus on the teacher, on
what he or she does and how he or she does it. As questions, they tend to have
clear boundaries, and they are sometimes even phrased as yes or no questions.
Teaching questions usually carry in them the outlines of their solutions. In other
words, "If I (as the teacher) do this, or if this were the case, then the following
would be true/happen." Research-able questions, in contrast, are open-ended;
they capture issues or phenomena without judging how they will be resolved.
They are usually focused on others-on students, for instance-and not on the
questioner. Rather than solutions or courses of action, they tend to produce
understandings, principles, and further questions.
Finding the "fault line" between teaching and research-able questions is a bit
like riding a bike; it takes practice, self-monitoring, and awareness to become
proficient. Consider these four questions:
1. What kinds of listening activities do my students like?

2. What is the impact of praise on the group dynamics?

3. How much oral correction helps students learn?
4. Why do students take so long to break into small groups

for group work?



Each one is legitimate and can lead to understanding teaching and learning more
clearly. Beyond the specifics of content, each question differs in its wording, the
assumptions it carries, and the outcomes it anticipates. As you read the follow
ing analyses, think about this fault line: What makes the difference between
teaching and research-able questions?

1. What kinds of listening activities do my students like?

This strikes me as a teaching question. It seeks a concrete list of
activities that students like. Thus it serves in teaching this particular
group of students. If the question were broadened to consider why
students liked particular activities, and how those activities contributed
to their listening comprehension, then it would move toward being a
research-able question.
Place holders

2. What is the impact of praise on the group dynamics?

In contrast, this has the roots of a research-able question. Although
it requires refinement, the question focuses on a phenomenon, praise,
and what happens to the class group dynamics becaH-se of it. Thus,
while it is particular to a group of students, the question carries the
seeds of more general issues. This question also includes two words
-praise and group dynamics-that function as place holders. They
are called place holders because they hold the places of concepts that
will be better defined and understood through the research process
(Maxwell 1996, pp. 49ff).

Shaped by

an assumption

3. How much oral correction helps students learn?

Broaden the

question; query

the situation

4. Why do students take so long to break into small groups


This really sits on the line between a teaching and a research-able

question. The key word is much, because how much suggests a con
crete answer about the amount of oral correction. If much is taken
out of the question, however, it becomes "How does oral correction
help students learn?" and thus moves toward being a research-able
question. However the question still embeds a basic assumption,
namely that oral correction does help students learn. To be more use
ful for research, the question needs to shed the assumption in its
phrasing. By dropping "helps" the question can become "How do
students learn from oral correction?" There is still a lingering assump
tion that students learn from oral correction, which can be addressed
by recasting the question to "Do students learn from oral correction
and, if so, how?" Or the question can be broadened as below.

for group work?

This question is rooted in a concrete situation. It starts with a pre

conception from the teacher's point of view, namely that it takes too
much time for students to form groups for group work. This pre
conception could push it in the direction of a teaching question that
might become "How can I get students to form their groups more


rapidly and efficiently?" If the question is broadened, however, it

becomes research-able. This is done by asking about the concrete sit
uation itself. The two phrases- What happens when" or "What is
going on when"-shift the focus from the preconception to the situ
ation. Thus the question "What happens when students are breaking
into small groups?" opens up the concrete situation by seeking to under
stand it, rather than shutting it down by seeking to resolve it.

et me summarize this distinction between teaching and research-able ques

tions. Teaching questions seek answers to specific problems (#1); they are
focused on resolving the particular instance through some course of action (#4).
Their power comes from their concrete, active, and rooted quality; they are
based in the specifics of a teaching situation (#1, #3, #4). Because they are ori
ented toward taking action, they often spring directly from assumptions or pre
conceptions about the situation (#3, #4). This becomes their limitation from a
research standpoint. Teaching questions aim at solving teaching problems. In
this sense they "cut to the chase," from the question to a solution, without pass~,
ing through the queries of why or the methodical discipline of how do I know?
Research-able questions, on the other hand, are "able to be researched" because
they are open-ended and suggest multiple directions and responses. These ques
tions take the phenomenon or the situation as a point of departure (#2) and aim
toward a broader understanding that is not context-bound. By using language
devices such as place holders (#2) or rephrasing (#3, #4), research-able ques
tions can pull back from the immediacy of the situation to examine it from a
more neutral standpoint. As much as possible, they are phrased without
assumptions or preconceptions in order to steer the questions toward inquiry
and away from specific courses of action.
There is not a one-to-one correspondence between a particular teaching ques
tion and its research-able counterpart; rather, it is a matter of focus and empha
sis. In Figure 4.2 I have reshaped each of the four questions above into related
research-able questions.

Figure 4.2:

Teaching versus

Recasting teaching questions to be research-able questions




1. What kinds
of listening
activities do
my stUdents

How do students'
feelings about particular
activities affect their
listening comprehension?
What kinds of listening
activities do students feel
improve their listening


These questions examine

second-order issues of
how students perceive their
progress in a particular skill.
As phrased, they do not
address the first-order
issue of whether students
actually progress in the skill
with these activities.



2. What is
the impact
of praise on
the group

How do students react

when I (the teacher)
praise (a) the entire class,
or (b) an individual student?
How do students react
when I (the teacher) com
ment on the progress
or achievement of (a) the
entire class, (b) an indi
vidual student to (c) the
entire class, (d) an indi
vidual student, or (e) other
student(s) about an
individual student?

These questions become

elaborate as they try to
spell out what the two
place holders, praise
and group dynamics,
mean for the purposes
of the research. It is
important to have oper
ating definitions of these
two key terms in order
to determine what kinds
of data to collect.

3. How
much oral

Does oral correction

affect students' learning?
If so, how?
What do students learn
from oral correction and
how do they learn it?

This question focuses on

learning, although that
masks a lot Q,f cornplexity.
Oral correction is a clear
phenomenon; what happens
as a result is the question.

4. Why do
take so
long to
break into
small groups
for group

What happens when

students are breaking
into small groups?
What is going on as
students pass from
one social structurethe whole class-into
another-small groups?

This rephrasing focuses

on the transition in social
structure from large to
small groups. It leaves open
the actual dimensions of
that transition
who does what, interaction
with peers and teacher, etc.)


This Investigation continues the series on developing a research plan; it focuses
on how teaching and research-able questions differ from one another.
Using your list of questions from Investigation 4.2, sort them into
teaching and research-able questions using the criteria j,l discw:sed.
Start with the questions that seem clearly to be one or the other type;
then work those questions you are less sure of. Remember thar find
ing the distinction between teaching and research-able questions is
not absolute; it is a matter of practice and judgment.
Recast each question so that you have both a teadiing LllJd ,1
research-able version. Pay close attention to making the research
able version neutral, dropping the assumptions and judgll1ents.
If you are working with others, you may want to pool all of your
questions for the sorting process. Then select a subset of all the ques
tions to recast into the two versions.




Any question, whether it is teaching or research-able, has a point of view. In

research-able questions, that point of view should direct you toward inquiry,
being off-balance with the status-quo, and reexamining the givens in the class
room situation. Within research-able questions themselves, however, there are
also important differences in perspective that shape the inquiry. Two of these
distinctions-first-order versus second-order and ernie versus etic perspectives
help to orient you toward where the data or information that can respond to a
particular question can be found.

For an example

of working with

teaching versus


questions, see

Wagner Veillard's


Chapter 3,



My family spent a year in Brazil when my two children were in elementary

school. My children entered Brazilian schools speaking little Portuguese and
quickly found the classrooms quite different from what they were used to in the
United States. My older daughter, who was eleven at the time, befriended a
classmate who spoke some English. Early on, her friend told her not to worry,
that "the teachers sound like they're angry all the time, but that's just the way
they teach." My younger daughter, who was eight, confirmed this observation.,
saying that her teachers had three ways of talking, "loud, louder, and loudest."
After some months in school, however, these distinctions disappeared, although
the kids would occasionally comment that their friends in the United States
would find the Brazilian classrooms really loud, with "lots of yelling going on."
Ference Marton is an educational researcher who is interested in how people
understand things around them, and particularly the teaching and learning that
they engage in in classrooms. In his work, Marton makes the distinction between
researching what people do, which he calls first-order research, and researching
how they perceive what they do, which he calls second-order research. Distin
guishing between accounts of activity and behavior and accounts of thinking
and perception requires a shift in research perspective, as Marton (1981) explains:

First- versus

In the first, and by far most commonly adopted perspective, we ori

ent ourselves towards the world and make statements about it. In the
second perspective, we orient ourselves towards people's ideas about
the world (or their experience of it). Let us call the former first-order
and the latter second-order perspectives. (p. 178)
When my daughters said that Brazilian classrooms were really "loud" and had
"lots of yelling going on," they were making second-order observations. While
this may have been the case from their North American point of view, to their
Brazilian classmates these same classrooms sounded "normal." The Brazilian
friend who told my daughter that "the teachers sound like they're angry all the
time, but that's just the way they teach" was actually bringing together two sec
ond-order perspectives, the North American-"the teachers sound like they're
angry all the time"-and the Brazilian-"that's just the way they teach." Both
second-order perspectives are accurate depending on who you are. To introduce
a first-order perspective into this discussion, one would need to describe the sound
level in the classroom in more standardized terms, using decibels, for instance.
I use the term "standardized" here on purpose. It is important to realize that
we cannot equate first-order with being "objective" and second-order with being



"subjective." Both perspectives are based on assigning meanings to what is

observed or experienced. The difference is that first-order perspectives use cate
gories and forms of description that others outside the situation can verify if
they employ the same ones, while second-order perspectives use the categories
and forms of description the people in the situation use themselves. I can describe
the same situation in two ways: "Yi Feng sat next to Katrin." (first-order: "sit
ting" and "next to" are terms most observers can understand and match to
what they see) or "Yi Feng sat next to her friend, Katrin." (second-order: whether
Katrin is a friend depends on what Yi Feng tells you, and on what Katrin her
self thinks). If they are second-graders, "friend" can mean one thing; if they are
high school students it can mean another. Thus second-order perspectives cap
ture, as Marton says, "people's ideas about the world (or their experience of
it)," while first-order perspectives label that world.
The world does not operate on first-order information alone; in fact, second
order information is often critical, as the following story illustrates. Benjamin
On Whorf, see
Lee Whorf was a well-known linguist in the early twentieth century who devel
Fishman (1982)
oped the concepts of "linguistic relativity," that although there are elements that
all languages have, which Whorf called "universals," different languages por
tray the world differently. Whorf's ideas have had a substantial impact in the
fields of anthropology, linguistics, and education. When Whorf was starting his
career, he supported himself as an insurance claims investigator. He wrote of a
case in which a tannery insured by his company had had several fires of unex
plained origin. Whorf was sent to look into the circumstances of the fires before
settling the claims. He found the tannery well-organized, with careful attention
paid to safety issues. There was, for instance, no smoking permitted inside the
building because of the highly flammable solvents used in the tanning process.
Workers were permitted to smoke, but they had to do so on a loading dock out
side the building.
Like the other claims investigators who had examined the plant before him,
Whorf was perplexed, since there were no obvious causes for the fires and indeed
everyone seemed to be quite safety conscious. As he was leaving the building one
day, he noticed workers smoking outside. They were standing beside some bar
rels, above which a sign read "Empty barrels." As he finished his cigarette, a
man tossed the butt on the ground beside the barrels. This practice, it turned
out, had been the unintended cause of the fires. The problem was that the bar
rels were not empty; rather, they were empty of tanning solvent, but they still
contained highly flammable fumes. Thus a stray cigarette butt that landed in an
"empty" fume-filled barrel could cause a fire. Whorf's point in recounting the
story was that the word "empty," although accurate in general English usage,
was misleading in this situation. The workers, with the best of intentions, took
the word at face value. It stood for the real situation and people acted accord
ingly; however, in this case the "real situation" was different. The barrels were
empty of liquid solvent but still full of combustible vapors. Thus, in Marton's
terms, tannery workers were taking first-order actions on the basis of second
order perceptions.



I find Marton's distinction useful because it makes dear that any inquiry can
exist on two planes: the level of action and the level of perception. As with the
tannery workers, there are the actions that people take and there are the rea
sons, the thinking, the explanations that surround those actions. Teacher
research dearly investigates both realms. It examines the impacts of actions, like
Betty in her study of the comprehensibility of directions, and it also probes per
ceptions and reasons as Vera does in trying to understand how her students
define "good" conversations. More often than not, however, teacher-research
spans both the first-order realm of actions and the second-order realm of per
ception and reasoning within one inquiry. Joan's study of emerging literacy is a
good example. As described, her study looks at what students are doing as they
figure out reading and writing in English. If she were to ask the children about
their reading and writing, what is easy or hard for them and why, and so on, she
would be generating second-order information for the study. If she were to also
interview other teachers or the students' parents and caregivers to get their per
ceptions of the children's work, she would add further second-order informa
tion. All these data are second-order because they capture people's perceptions
and thinking about emerging literacy in these students. When the data come"
from the students themselves, they are firsthand; when they come from other
people, such as teachers or parents, they are secondhand. Taken together, first
order and second-order data can paint a rich and complex picture of a phe
nomenon, which is why Marton and his research colleagues refer to their work
as phenomenography, blending the words phenomenon and ethnography
The four questions, discussed as teaching and research-able (pp. 62-63), offer
good examples of first-order versus second-order questions. In the following dis
cussion, I analyze the orientation of each question. As you can see, these are par
allel distinctions: teaching versus research-able is one, first- versus second-order is
another. Both can apply to the same question, which is to say, a teaching question
can have a first- or a second-order orientation, as can a research-able question.

Refer to
Chapter 2,
page 25

1. What kinds of listening activities do my students like?

This is a second-order question because it focuses on students' opin

ions, what they like. If the question were recast as "What kinds of

listening activities enable my students to make the most progress in

listening comprehension?" it would then be a first-order question

evaluating the impact of certain activities on students' listening com


2. What is the impact of praise on the group dynamics?

This question has a second-order perspective because it leads to

examining students' perceptions and experiences. In order to answer

it, the teacher-researcher will have to examine the phenomenon from

the students' point of view: What do they see as "praise"? How does

it affect their learning? It would not be possible to investigate this

question except by getting into each student's frame of mind and

understanding the various points of view.



3. How much oral correction helps students learn?

This question sits in the middle; it can include both first-order and
second-order perspectives. Students' learning can be assessed using
such external measures as test scores, grades, amount of participa
tion in class, time on/off task, and so on. Likewise, oral correction
strategies can be defined as teaching behaviors: peer correction, mod
eling the correct answer, coaching to correct, and so on. These are
first-order aspects of the question. But the core of the question is the
verb, helps, and this is a second-order issue. What the students per
ceive as "helping" them learn may differ from what teacher sees as
useful and/or what the external measures show. Similarly, what the
students see as "correction" may differ from what the teacher thinks
she is doing to correct. This difference in perspective lies at the heart
of second-order research. To study, borrowing Marton's words,
"people's ideas about the world [of the classroom] (or their experi
ence of it)" is what makes teacher-research so fascinating. Without
this perspective, teacher-research can become mechanical documen
tation of what is going in teaching and learning and can miss the
inner worlds of the participants that animate and maJ<e meaningful
those processes.

4. Why do students take so long to break into small groups

for group work?

If you contrast this question with question #2, you can see the dif
ference between first- and second-order orientations that Marton talks
about. This question is posed in a first-order perspective. It involves
time-"students take so long"-and behavior-"breaking into
small groups for group work." The data may show that they don't
have their books, or that they talk a lot to peers as they shift activi
ties, or that they walk very slowly from one group to the other. All
of this first-order information will point to the physical world for
responses to the question "why?" Not having books, talking a lot,
and walking slowly are all data of actions and the material world. As
findings, these can suggest actions to address the situation: Students
should have all the necessary books with them, not talk, move more
quickly, and so on.
The second-order perspective introduces parallel and fascinating dimen
sions to the same question. For instance, you might ask students
what they see happening during the passing times, or whether they
see these transitions as taking a long time. You might examine their
perceptions of the differences between large and small groups as two
social settings, and so on.

econd-order information is based in perceptions; it contributes to what

anthropologist Clifford Geertz (1977) called a "thick description" of the sit
uation. The thickness comes from getting at the complicated texture and inter
play of actions and perceptions, of what people do and how they understand
what they do and why they do it. Second-order information will point to the



social world of beliefs, values, meanings, and interpretations for responses to the
question "why?" Together, first- and second-order orientations to a question cre
ate a mosaic of information that can get at the messy complexity of life in class


Continuing the series on developing a research plan, this Investigation focuses
on distinguishing between first- and second-order perspectives as a tool in devel
oping research questions.
Using your recast list of questions from Investigation 4.3, sort them
into first-order and second-order questions. Start with those you are
most certain of and then work with those that seem to go less clear
ly in one group or the other. Remember that finding the distinction
is a matter of practice; there are no absolute answers.
If you are working with others, you may want to pool your ques
tions for the sorting process, and then select a sub-set to work with.



First-order versus second-order perspectives refer to the orientation of the inquiry,

and thus to the questions that evolve within it. Emic!etic is a related distinction
that frames this issue from the data side of the process. The basic question is:
Whose experiences and views of the world are we capturing? It reminds me of
doing homework with my children; I would say, with some desperation, "But
look, this problem isn't hard. You did one just like it yesterday." To which the
retort would be, "It's not hard for you because you already know math!" This
distinction between insiders' and outsiders' perceptions has been adapted to
qualitative research from the field of linguistics by anthropologists and educa
tional researchers. In looking at the sounds used in a language, linguists talk
a bout distinctions between the chunks of sound that are meaningful to speakers
of that language, which they call phonemic distinctions, and those distinctions
that can be made among sounds but do not necessarily carry meaning in that
language; these they call phonetic distinctions. In English, for example, the dif
ference in the initial sounds in she and he is a phonemic distinction; it gives us
two different words that label different genders. Whether we say she with a level
tone or a failing-rising tone makes no difference in meaning in English, but it
does in Mandarin Chinese, where she with a falling-rising tone means "to like,"
\vhereas with a level tone it means "west." So tone is a phonetic distinction; it
can be produced by speakers of any language. In Mandarin tone produces a
phonemic distinction, while in English it doesn't. Any language is a system of
distinctions in sound. Phonetic distinctions are those that can be made among
sounds, while phonemic distinctions are those that carry meaning for the insid
ers who are users of that language.
Anthropologist Kenneth Pike (1963) adapted these definitions to the study of
how cultural groups assign and interpret meanings to their environments and
experiences. His analogy was that language is a system of distinctions in sound

versus etic



that its users take for granted as normal, while culture is a system of distinctions
in meaning that members of that group take for granted. Pike used the term emic,
from phonemic to refer to meanings that the insiders of a particular sociocul
tural group assign to a situation. He contrasted it with etic, from phonetic, to
refer to externally observable or documented aspects of a situation or phenome
non. Thus, etic is what outsiders see; emic is what insiders know.
I had a clear experience of this distinction when one of my children started
nursery school. She used to come home talking about something she called "the
blue lion." All I knew about "the blue lion" was that when you sat on it, "you had
to be quiet." From her ernie perspective as an insider to the nursery school class
room, that was all there was to say about it. When I asked her etic questions about
"the blue lion" as an outsider, I would draw blank looks or one-word respons
es. "How big is the blue lion?" I would ask, envisioning a stuffed animal. "Big,"
she answered. "Everybody sits on it at the same time." I tried to imagine thirty
nursery-schoolers sitting on a stuffed blue lion. "When do you get to sit on it?"
"Everyday. We sit there everyday." I was getting nowhere in trying to grasp
what it was. As an insider with her emic understanding of nursery school culture,
the blue lion was a fact of life. From an etic point of view, tiO me as an outsider,
it made no sense. I could not attach the idea to anything I understood. Then,
some weeks later, when I happened to be in her classroom, my daughter point
ed to some worn blue tape that marked a large circle on the carpeted floor.
"That's the blue lion," she said. And it all made sense. This blue circle or line
("lion") of tape was where the children sat at the start of each day for "circle"
or sharing time (Cazden, 1988). So her ernie and my etie perspectives converged,
but they did not replace one another.

irst- and second-order orientations serve to

the kinds of questions we
ask and how we approach gathering information to respond to them. Emic
and etic perspectives describe the point of view intrinsic to the information we
gather. Together these two sets of distinctions sensitize us to that fact that what
we see and
will depend on where we sit, what we can ask, and what we can
say. The following research memo was written by Ann Hoganson, who conduct
ed a teacher-research study with high school students studying Spanish. The first
paragraphs detail how Hoganson used her assumptions to define the research
able questions within her line of inquiry. You can see her moving between first- and
second-order orientations and proposing ernie and etic ways to capture data.

Account #4.2: Ann Hoganson,

"What does 'knowing Spanish' mean?"
Ann Hoganson


When I began my research project, I assumed the students would be

unable to communicate using memorized chunks of material and
that once they had studied a unit they would forget the material and
be unable to use it in a communicative situation later. I assumed that
by memorizing language, students would be unable to retain it and
thus would not truly progress. I also assumed that teaching gram
matical paradigms would be more useful than asking the students to
memorize the structures without explaining them. I supposed stu


dents learned best by inventing and practicing dialogues or short

skits and that students would define "knowing" Spanish as being
able to read, write, speak and understand the language in an authen
tic context. In other words, "knowing" Spanish meant being able to
communicate with Spanish speakers using the four skills and in a cul
turally appropriate manner.
My original line of inquiry was:
What happens when novice-level (ACTFL, 1986) foreign
language students memorize chunks of language?
Next, I broke my inquiry into five research-able questions:
1. What does "knowing Spanish" mean?

2. How does memorizing material affect creativity with

the language?

3. What activities help students memorize material?

4. How can students apply memorized material?
5. How do students communicate when they only know

memorized material?

I began my research by focusing primarily on what knowing

Spanish meant to the students and which activities they believed
helped them learn the language. These two questions (#1 and #3)
became my actual line of inquiry because I realized my concept of
"knowing" a language differed from the concept held by my students
(Hoganson, 1996; original emphasis).


This Investigation combines examination of first- and second-order orientations
toward the inquiry with emic and etic perspectives. on gathering data.
Read through Ann Hoganson's memo (Account 4.2).
1. Decide which of her questions carry first-order and which carry sec
ond-order orientations. It can be useful to sketch a diagram or flow
chart showing how the questions interrelate and which orientation
(first-order or second-order) they come from.
2. Think about how Hoganson will need to blend emic and etic per
spectives to gather her data. Which question(s) will require her to take
on the insider's point of view (emic) and which to take on the outside
(etic) perspective? It is useful to sketch a chart with the questions down
the left side, and to include notes on emic or etic data gathering.
Hoganson establishes a first-order orientation with her original line of inquiry.
She focuses on how her students manipulate chunks of memorized language,
which would lead to gathering etic data on how they perform in Spanish using
this language. As she unpacks the inquiry into research-able questions however,
she begins to probe the second-order realm of their perceptions by asking her



students "What does 'knowing Spanish' mean?" (#1). The other questions carry
forward the first-order orientation toward activities (#3), applying material
(#4), and using memorized material (#2 and #5). Accordingly, questions #2 to
#5 would probably lead to gathering data from an etic perspective on material
taught, how it was taught, and student performance using it. Question #1, how
ever, recasts the inquiry; it would require data from an ernie perspective on how
students define "knowing Spanish." In her last paragraph, above, Hoganson
moves that second-order orientation forward when she writes, "I realized my
concept of 'knowing' a language differed from the concept held by my stu
dents." Hoganson illustrates nicely how the focus can redefine itself, always
within the same line of inquiry. She also shows how probing a phenomenon as
a teacher-researcher can uncover issues that might be missed or overlooked as a
teacher. How students view the subject-matter they are learning is clearly impor
tant in teaching it. In fact, successful instruction depends in part on understand
ing their point of view so that, as a teacher, you can address it.

relationshi ps


final observation about ernie and etic. Although they often are character
ized as a dichotomy, and I have presented them here as such, that stark view
can be misleading. In the world, whether you stand inside or outside a setting,
activity, or phenomenon is more a relative than it is an absolute. It is a matter
of perception, both your own and that of others. Do you see yourself as an
insider to this setting? Do others see you as one? That perception is based on an
opposition; in other words, you may be more of an insider than someone
or less one than another person. Going back to the homework example: When
I help my daughter with her math homework, I find the long-division problem
causing difficulty to be pretty straightforward. My daughter tells me that I think
it's easy because I already" know math." Between the two of us, I am in an emic
position as an insider to the world of long division. Hers is etic: it doesn't make
sense to her. Then, after I explain how I would solve the division problem, she
may say, "But that's not the way Mr. G. taught us. That's not the way we do tt
in our class." Suddenly my knowledge and understanding become etic, while my
daughter'S math classroom becomes the ernie frame of reference. To solve the
math problem in the proper way, I need to understand how the insiders do it.
"Look, both ways will work," I say a bit petulantly. "Yeah, but only one is the
right way," she retorts.
Ernie and etic are always comparative. They contrast membership in a p:ll
ticular world of meaning, like my daughter and me in relationship to her math
class. That membership, no matter how transitory, creates a point of view on tlw
setting, activity, phenomenon, or even information. It thus establishes the distinc
tion between those for whom a world of meaning makes sense as insiders (they
know Mr. G's way of doing long division) and those who see, label, and interpret
it from the outside (like my way of doing the math problem). One view, the em !e,
is the way those who are in the context make sense of it. The other expresses
how those same events, issues, or phenomena make sense to people who are out
side them. What is interesting is that both ways may well arrive at the same
"answer," as when we both solved the long-division problem. But the ways of


getting there differ. One way makes sense to one group-the math class and the
textbook authors-the other way works for me with my dated long-division
skills. These different interpretations of the phenomenon can lead to the same
result. The knowledge of long division being taught and learned here is not the
result, but how we get there. So, as my daughter says, the differences between
our ways of solving the problem are significant. There is a right way for her
community, in her world of meaning, and that is the one she needs to learn.
The profound importance of teacher-research is that it can offer public access
to emic understandings of life in classrooms. It can thus make local sense of
these things to a wider world. When teachers research their own teaching and
the learning of their students, they reposition themselves. Their ernie insiders'
views make others' views etic. Most educational research speaks on behalf of
teachers and students. The way it is done, the classroom is a tourist stop and what
happens there becomes local life and customs to be viewed and interpreted. Its
norms, practices, and activities are explained by people who are not natives of
the culture. Even though many educational researchers have been practicing
teachers, or may collaborate closely with teachers, theirs is always an etic view
of classrooms. They do not work there. With teacher-research, the ernie is.,
explained by those who live in the classroom (Elbaz, 1992; Freeman, 1996).
This means that other views become etic. When teachers speak for themselves
through the research process, others cannot claim to speak for them. Like the
math example, the end results in many instances will not be different. But how
these results are arrived at will differ, and that is crucially important. Because,
like the math example, that is where the knowledge actually lies. In that process
of insiders making sense of what happens in classrooms, different knowledge is
created and valued. We turn next to how that actually happens.

In a grand sense, the research plan is how you go about creating knowledge
through your inquiry. Although we have devoted a good deal of attention to
them, developing research-able questions within a line of inquiry is only half of
what is involved in getting started in the teacher-research process. The other half
involves determining the kinds of data that can respond to those questions. In a
sense, laying out a research plan is like a conversation, in which the questions
are one voice and the data are the other. If the questions ask for something that
the data cannot respond to, or if what the data say does not connect to the ques
tions, then there is a mismatch between how the inquiry is conceived and how
it is carried out, between the research-able questions and the research plan. Such
cases become dangling conversations that are inconclusive.
Developing the research plan is like scripting the conversation. It is like out
lining the talking points in advance so that the individual parts connect and sup
port each other to create the larger argument. First and foremost, the research
plan involves making a series of decisions-some more tentative, others more
definite-that will guide the process of the inquiry into action. The fewer of
these decisions that are made on an ad hoc basis, the more disciplined the
inquiry will be because its structure will be clear and will carry forward the logic
of the inquiry.

3.1 and 3.2 in
this chapter.



The framework of a research plan is simple and straightforward. Like the

structural beams of a house, this framework supports the specifics of the inquiry.
The framework follows the basic question words, as shown in Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3:
Developing a
research plan

Questions to guide research planning


What kinds of data will respond to the question?


How can/will I collect the data?

WHERE/FROM WHOM Where and from whom willi gather the data?

When and how often will I gather the data?


What am I trying to find out?

What will I do with the data?
What is my "first-cut" analysis?

Decision #1: What kinds of data will respond to the question?

See Hawkins


Data are information that comes from various sources. The value of a specific
piece of data lies in these two facets: what it says and where it comes from.
When people talk or write about "sources of data," this distinction is often
blurred, although it is a crucial one. Data are a blend of information and where
that information comes from. A very simple example: If a student says "That
homework was really hard," as the teacher you will hear the comment in light
of who the student is, his or her background with the content, how hard a work
er he or she is, and so on. Who provides the data is an important element in
what the data are. Here a basic map of student(s), teacher, content, activity, and
setting can be useful. Figure 4.4
that information can be found in five
basic areas: the student or students, the teacher, the class content, the activity,
and the classroom or school setting.
Three of these areas, content, activity, and setting, are in the public world;
they produce first-order data. The other two, student(s) and teacher, have inner
worlds. While they take part in the public world, they have opinions, feelings,
beliefs, and so on about what they do. These data about their experiences pro
vide second-order information about how they perceive the public world.
Balancing and blending this public and private information is part of deciding
what types of data can respond to your research question.
The issue of how questions and data line up is central to structuring the
research design. Given a particular question, certain data will respond to it. For
instance, the question "What is the impact of praise on the group dynamics?"
requires data on three items: on "praise," on its "impact," and on "group
dynamics." From the question, however, it is not self-evident exactly what the
data should be or who specifically they should come from. What are data on
"praise," for example? Or "group dynamics?" And what does "impact" mean?
Impact on whom? ... on strong students, on weaker students, on the class as a
whole? None of these issues are self-evident, which reveals the first challenge of
developing a research plan.


Figure 4.4:

Sources of information: Abasic map

~_!~:-----I"'. ~ONTE0

SETTING - - - - - - - - '

Often the research questions speak a different language from the lived reali
ty of the classroom, so that it can be difficult to know where exactly to find
information that responds to them. In the case of this question, the place holders
(see p. 62)-"praise," "impact," and "group dynamics"-make it evident that
these concepts will need definition in order to locate data on them. What you
determine the data to be will, in turn, shapes what the place holder concept
means in the research. If, for example, you take data on "praise" to be the
teacher's positive verbal comments to students, such as "Good job!" or "Your
work is excellent!" you have defined praise in a particular way so the research
question becomes "What is the impact of the teacher's positive verbal comments
(praise) on the group dynamics?" Just as questions and answers build on each
other in a conversation, decisions about what constitute the data are shaped
by-and likewise shape-the research question. This refines more precisely
what you mean.


Note on Investigations 4.6-4.10
The following five Investigations (4.6-4.10) form another series. The aim is to
help you to think through developing a research plan. This series of Inves
tigations can be done in three ways, represented in this chapter by the diamond
symbols below:
A. individually
B. individually in consultation with peers
C. as a group project



In the case of B (two diamonds), peers use one another to help clarify their own
work and thinking. In the case of C (three diamonds), the group selects one ques
tion to pursue collectively by gathering data in their respective classrooms and
pooling those data to address the common question. In this sense, C becomes a
small-scale multisite research project.
As you read this series of Investigations, you will see that version A tells what
the Investigation is and versions Band C provide suggestions for how to do it in
groups. All five Investigations refer to the matrix in Appendix B (p. 200); use it
to accumulate your work on the plan as you go through the series.

The first Investigation in the series examines what are the data in your plan.
Choose a research question from your list of questions in
Investigation 4.3. Use this question as the foundation for a draft
research plan. It matters less whether the question is one you will
actually research than whether it occupies enough of your interest to
practice designing a research plan around it.
A. With the question in mind, think about what kinds of information
will respond to it. Use the template for a data collection matrix
(Appendix B, p. 200) to write down your responses in the first col
umn, labeled "data." Figure 4.4, p. 75, can be useful in orienting
your thinking and discussion about the kinds of data you will
B. If you are working with others, you will want to work through
this Investigation one person at a time. After the individual choos
es a research question, together you can brainstorm the kinds of
information that might address it.
C. If you are doing a group project, select one question for the group
to plan around. It must be a question that everyone can ;}drlress in
his or her teaching context. Determine the kinds of fOlm3fion
you will gather, bearing in mind that you would each be
in your individual classroom settings.

Decision #2: How can/will I collect the data?

When asked what the data of the study are, sometimes the response will be

"interviews with students," "a journal," or "a questionnaire The problem i.e,

that these are not data; they are means of collecting data. 1 here is eruu,d

difference. Data are information from a source; but that same inffl'-m<ltion C;lI]

be collected in several different ways. For instance, if you \' a l \.-I)lll! (J[(Ic:

data on students' opinions on what makes group work usefui

them, VOlt
can collect these data through interviews, by having them vvrite "cflectively or
keep a journal, or with a questionnaire. Figure 4.5 uses the
data l1lD p
(Figure 4.4) to outline the types of data (in bold) and possible meallS
ing them (in italics).



figure 4.5:

Sources, types of data, and methods of data collection

actions; oral language; social
interaction patterns; student work
audio-/videotapes; field notes;
teaching logs; documents

experience: opinions; perceptions; beliefs

journals; anecdotal records

~__""':.:-----4.'" ~NTEN)

experience: opinions;
perceptions; beliefs
journals; surveys;
discussions; feedback
cards; sociograms


SETTING _ _ _ _

visual images of classroom;

diagrams of layout; facts; history
classroom maps and diagrams;
field notes; videotaping; documents


curriculum; plans;
lesson plans; teaching
logs; documents

The data are in bold type; the data collection techniques are in italics. Most of the data
collection techniques are described in detail in Appendix C, pp.201-218.

If you study Figure 4.5, you will see that one means of data collection, journal
ing, for example, can be used to collect data from several sources. Student
journals, oriented to the inquiry, can produce data about their experiences and
perceptions, while a journal kept by the teacher can generate data about his or
her experiences. The type of data, second-order data on experience, is similar; the
means of collecting it, through journals, is the same. But the sources, whether stu
dents or teacher, are quite different, and thus they will produce different infor
mation. Since each means of collection will reveal a slightly different facet of the
data, it is important to bear in mind that the means of collection is not the data.
This point becomes central when we examine the question of triangulation.
Another challenge in data collection is to be realistic when you ask yourself
how you can or will collect the data. Often in teacher-research, the "can" and
the "will" of data collection collide with one another. It is difficult, for example,
to interview individual second graders while you are responsible for the whole
class; it can be hard to take substantial class time to use a questionnaire with a

On triangulation,
see Chapter 5,



class that you see very infrequently, and so on. The realities of teaching often
proscribe the ways in which data can be collected, so it is important to hold
your teaching context firmly in mind as you determine both the data and how
you want to collect them. In Chapter 5, we will look at ways of collecting data
more closely. For purposes of developing the research plan, however, you can
On data

proceed in one of two ways, using a both-ends-toward-the-middle approach.


can review the data you think you will need to respond to your question,

see Chapter 5,
and identify a means to collect each data type. Or you can settle on two to three

ways you might collect data, and then examine each way in turn to determine
also Appendix C.
the various types of data it could generate. Returning to the example above,
depending on their focus, student journals can provide second-order data on
participants' perceptions of the class and activities. Journals can also provide
first-order data on students' writing skills, spelling, syntax, vocabulary usage,
and so on. Because time is always a factor in getting the work of teacher-research
done, efficient use of data sources and collection is critical. Having one activity
serve multiple purposes is important; but it is equally important to be clear what
those purposes are. Distinguishing between what the data are and how you will
collect them is a crucial step towards that efficiency.



Data Collection


The following Investigation examines data collection. You will want to refer to
the matrix in Appendix B (p. 200) to complete this Investigation. Refer to
Investigation 4.6 for an explanation of the options (A), (B), and (C).

A. For each of the kinds of data you have listed in the first column
of your data collection matrix, write down a way to collect them.
Use your imagination; think of the realities of teaching, the activ
ities you might use in class, and how they might provide access to
the data you want. If you can't think of a way to collect a partic
ular type of data you have listed, leave the space blank on the
matrix. If you can think of several ways to collect the same data,
list them all for now.
B. If you are working with others, work through the data on one
person's draft matrix at a time.
C. If you are doing a group project, consider each type of data you
have listed in turn. Discuss the type and decide how each person
might collect it in his or her classroom. Keep in mind the realities
of each person's situation.
Display visually this information about who will be collecting which
data in which ways in two forms:
Grid #1: To get organized, create a grid with the types of data
across the top and the means of collection down the left
side. Fill in the each cell with the names of group members
and their research sites/classrooms. Set this grid aside.



Grid #2: To keep track of the group research plan, create a grid
with the names of group members and their research
sites/classrooms across the top and the types of data
down the left side. Make the cells fairly large because
you will be adding more information to each one in
Investigations 4.8-4.10. Enter the means of collection in
each cell where it applies. Leave blank those cells on the
grid that do not apply.
You will use this grid in the remaining Investigations in this chapter.

Decision #3: Where and from whom will I gather the data?
By now it should be clear that data are inextricably linked to their sources. In
the phrase "who says/does what," "who" is as important as "what." Decisions
about where and from whom to collect data are a central part of focusing the
research process; it is here that the research plan is useful. Working through
these decisions in advance can help to keep you realistic and anchored in your
setting. There are a couple of guidelines to keep in mind:
Think about how many people you actually need data from.
It helps to begin by thinking about the "universe," or total group, from
whom this particular type of data might be collected. In the example of students'
experiences of group work, the universe would probably be all the students in
the class. However, it may not be necessary to collect data from the whole
universe on this question. In fact, you may be better served in terms of time
and energy to start with a subset. So the first question is: Given this universe,
what can be a useful and representative subset? Do you need data from every
one in the class, or could you focus on four or six students? If so, how would
you choose them?
In the case of large-scale quantitative studies that use statisticalmeasures, this
question of how to reduce the universe of a study to a reasonable size is known
as "sampling." The basic principle of sampling is representativeness, which is
generally achieved though randomization. In other words, selecting the sample
on a random basis from a given universe of the study theoretically gives every
one in that universe the same chance to be picked as a source of data. However,
as a procedure to guarantee representativeness in teacher-research, randomness
usually doesn't make sense, given the limited size of the universe and the num
bers of students. Therefore, representativeness will depend on other factors, the
most basic of which is the question "Why am I selecting this source of the data?"

On sampling,
see Kerlinger
Chapter 8.

Think about where you can reasonably collect the data.

Where and when, the next decisions, are often directly linked. Can you col
lect the data you have in mind during the lesson? If the data are samples of stu
dent work or a short reflective writing, then you probably can. But if they
involve interviews, it may not be possible in the classroom setting. So determin
ing where you can collect the data can help you to be realistic about the process.
Less data well collected are more valuable than more data

gathered haphazardly.



It is a natural reaction to feel as if you have to get everything-student work

from every student, interviews with all the boys in the class, your own journal
entries after every lesson, and so on. Quantity can easily overtake quality, with
the mistaken impression that more data, no matter what the quality, is better
than less data, from a thoughtfully selected sample, collected rigorously and
carefully. While it is crucial to have enough data, it is equally important to have
the right data from the right people. Therefore, the useful axiom is: less data
well collected can be more valuable than more data gathered haphazardly. The
axiom comes with a caveat, however, that sometimes, due to the realities of
working at the hyphen of teaching and research, one can undercollect data.
Strategic and realistic choices about sources of data will guide the research
process by focusing on what is essential. Like anything, that skill grows with
time and experience.


Data Sources

This Investigation examines data sources. Refer to Investigation 4.6 for an

explanation of the options (A), (B), and (e).
A. For the data you have listed in the first column of your data col
lection matrix (Appendix B, p. 200), think about from whom and
where you will collect those data. Enter your decisions in the third
column on the data collection matrix. Think about why you would
choose this or that source. If you were to explain why you had
chosen that source, what would you say?
When you have finished, review what you have listed. Think closely
about your teaching situation: Is this realistic? Can you do it? Remem
ber the axiom about quantity and quality: Less data well collected
are more valuable than more data gathered haphazardly. This is not
meant as a reason to undercollect data, but simply to be realistic
about what you set out to do so that you can protect the quality and
thoroughness of your efforts.
B. If you are working with others, work through these questions for
the data on one person's matrix at a time. Then discuss each source
using these questions as a guide: Why have I chosen this source?
Is this realistic, given my teaching situation? Can I have reason
able access to these sources, given my other responsibilities?
C. If you are doing a group project, identify sources for each type of
data you have listed. Keep in mind that the sources should be
comparable across all teaching situations. In other words, you
don't want to interview the boys in one class and the girls in
another. The aim should be to establish comparable sources for
each means of data collection in each teaching situation.
Enter this information on Grid #2 that you started in Investi
gation #4.7.



Decision #4: When and how often will I gather the data?


As we have noted, time is a-perhaps even the-central issue in teacher-research.

There is no way around the fact that teachers' lives are filled with many, often
conflicting, demands. Adding research to the mix can intensify the sense of
being pulled in too many directions at once. While it does not erase these
demands, the fact of scheduling your data collection carefully and thoughtfully
can help to reduce that feeling of things spinning out of control. Decisions about
when and how often to collect data are crucial ones. They need to be shaped by
twO forces: the reality of the demands of teaching and the necessary discipline
of the research inquiry. It isn't good enough, from a research standpoint, to col
lect the data when you have the time or when the opportunity arises. Like a sav
ings plan or a diet, you need to forecast what you will do when. But from a
teaching standpoint, it may not be realistic to forecast collecting data constant
ly. It is a balancing act. You need to account for what seems workable for you
in your teaching context, given the demand of your work life. And you need to
balance these decisions against the discipline and structure of your inquiry.
Here the axiom is "well begun is half done" or "well-scheduled is half the
battle." Think through the process. Place the data collection within the context'
of your teaching duties and the demands of your life. Be reasonable with your
self. At the same time, be disciplined about what you will do. Plan to collect data
at regular intervals, with a rhythm that has a logic to it. Pace yourself: Look at
the long-haul of your total research plan and the time available. Then make
solid decisions and stick to them. Time is also a factor in triangulating data col
lection, which we will consider in Chapter 5, (pp. 96-98), but for now it is
enough to forecast a reasonable collection schedule.



Refer to Investigation 4.6 for an explanation of the options (A), (B), and (e).
A. For each of the ways of collecting data you have listed in the sec
ond column of your data collection matrix (Appendix B, p 200),
decide when you will collect those data. Think realistically of the
data you need and how often you can-and need to-collect
them. Here again, keep your teaching context firmly in mind.
Temper your enthusiasm with realism to create a schedule that is
feasible for you and meets the discipline of your research.


Data Collection

B. If you are working with others, work through these decisions on

one person's draft plan at a time. You can be helpful to one anoth
er by gently asking your colleague whether the proposed schedule
is doable, and also by monitoring the discipline and regularity of
the data collection plan.
C. If you are doing a group project, determine the schedule for each
means of data collection you have listed. Bear in mind what will
be realistic as well as what will be comparable across your teach-



ing situations. As in determining sources of data, the aim should

be to establish a comparable schedule for each means of data col
lection in each teaching situation.
Enter this information on Grid #2 that you started in Investi
gation 4.7.

Decision #5: What will I do with the data?

What is my "first-cut" analysis?
First-cut analyses


Although it may seem premature to think about what you will do with the data
once you have collected them, it isn't. There is nothing less productive than leav
ing the data you have collected to sit around and get stale. For one thing, you
lose out on the excitement of seeing what you have. Like berry picking, it can
be highly motivating to look in the bucket from time to time to see what you
have collected. For another, you lose the opportunity to let the data you have
collected shape what you need to do next. Often the data will reshape the ques
tions, so it is crucial to plan ahead and consider what you will do with data as
you are collecting. This is what is called "first-cut analysis.""
Doing the first-cut analysis is a way of seeing what is in the data. It is not
necessarily, or even often, the ultimate way in which you will analyze the data;
rather, the first-cut analysis is how you will get started. It creates forward
momentum in the research process that will carry you from collecting data into
analyzing them. You can think of first-cut analysis as similar to the process by
which you review your mail. When you pick it up, you find that you need to
open some of the mail to read the contents, while with other mail, like cata
10gues or supermarket circulars, which come already open and accessible, you
can flip through them. Still other mail, such as bills or bank statements, which
you can identify just from the envelopes, you may set aside. This type of review,
which is almost second nature with your mail, is essentially a first-cut analysis.
It allows you to see what is there, according to the categories of action that each
piece of data demands. Occasionally a letter will trick you-like the advertise
ment which is made to look like a bill-and this can cause you to reflect on the
categories you take for granted. This, too, is part of first-cut analysis. As you
review the data you have, you want to be alert to information in them that chal
lenges your expectations, categories, or assumptions.
First-cut analysis usually involves commonsense strategies such as reading
through the data, counting instances (how many people answered ... ), listing
and/or grouping common themes or ideas together, sorting responses by some
characteristics (all the girls said ... ), underlining similar words or themes, com
paring X with Y. To figure out an appropriate first-cut analysis, you need to
hold the data up against the background of the research question and the
inquiry. If you look at the data, you can see what is in them: Can you count
them? Can you make lists from them? Can you read them for themes? Are there
things that you can compare within one data set or among data sets? These are
all ways of unpacking the information that is in the data you are collecting. As


you ask these questions, think about your inquiry and what you want to know.
Whatever you do with your data needs to be guided by the inquiry that triggered
your work in the first place.
The metaphor of unpacking data helps to conceptualize the process of deter
mining first-cut analyses. If each type of data is like a suitcase, unpacking the
data is like taking things out of the suitcase. Before you unpack, however, you
usually scan the room to see where you can hang the clothes that need to be
hung up, whether there is a chest of drawers, where you can put the socks and
T-shirts, and so on. Underlying this process is the fact that you know what you
have in the suitcase, so you know what you need in order to unpack its contents.
Determining the kinds of first-cut analyses you will pursue to unpack your data
is like figuring out the hangers and drawers you need to unpack the contents of
the suitcase. As you take things out of the suitcase to hang them or put them in
drawers, you may notice that you didn't include something you need. Perhaps
the hotel has a swimming pool and you didn't pack a bathing suit. This, then,
is the second critical function of first-cut analyses. As you unpack the data you
have, you can see what other data you may need to collect. Doing first-cut
analyses on your data as you are collecting them serves two functions: It helps'
you to see what you have and it helps you to notice what you don't have and
may want to collect.


This is the final Investigation in the series on designing a research plan. Refer to
Investigation 4.6 for an explanation of the options (AJ, (B), and (C).

A. For each of the types of data you have listed in the first column
of your data collection matrix (Appendix B, p. 200), decide what
your approach to first-cut analysis will be. How will you unpack
the data to see what you have? The aim is to think through what
you will do with the data before you start to collect them so you
are less tempted to let them sit and get stale, and you don't find
yourself with incomplete material. In the last column of the matrix,
jot down one or two logical approaches to first-cut analyses for
each type of data.
B. If you are working with others, work through these decisions on
one person's draft plan at a time. Use colleagues to brainstorm
several first-cut analyses for each type of data.
C. If you are doing a group project, determine one or two approach
es to first-cut analysis for each type of data you plan to collect.
Then, enter this information on Grid #2 that you started in
Investigation 4.7.
Note: In a group research project, first-cut analyses work in two stages.
First, each person should do his or her own analysis on the data he
or she is collecting. This is like (A), above. Second, group members
can pool similar data to do first-cut analyses on them. Keep in mind



that the data come from different settings-classrooms, and teach

ers-so they must be treated individually before they are treated col
lectively, otherwise their individual origins will be muddied or lost.
The first-cut analysis is your preliminary visit to the data to see what they say.
Where you go from here is the subject of the next chapter.

Suggested Readings
On second.-order research, Ference Marton's work on phenomenography is not as
widely known in the United States as it is in Europe. A 1981 article, "Phe
nomenography: Describing conceptions of the world around us," (Instructional
Science 10. pp. 177-200) gives an excellent overview of this approach of ethnog
raphy which focuses on participants' experiences and perceptions. Marton's book
with S. Booth, Learning and Awareness (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996)
provides a more in-depth examination of his approach to researching people's con
ceptions of their work and their worlds. There is also a Web .page that provides an
up-to-date list of phenomenographical research conducted by Marton and his col
leagues (phenomenographica:
The classic work which launched the emicletic distinction is Kenneth Pike's
Language in Relation to a Unified Theory of the Structure of Human Behavior
(The Hague: Morton, 1963). In his book, Tranforming Qualitative Data (Thou
sand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1994), Harry Wolcott weaves together exam
ples from his long career as an educational sociologist with a discussion of ana
lyzing and presenting data (see also Chapter 7, pp. 146ff. in this book). Finally,
Vivian Paley's article, "On Listening to What Children Say" (Harual'd
Educational Review 56 (2) pp. 122-131) is an excellent discussion of collecting
data from young children by a leading teacher-researcher.
There are many ways of thinking about the interrelationship among the ':;tu
dent, the subject matter, and the teacher. Science educator David Hawkins, wrote
what is now a classic article on this constellation of relationships which he called
the 'I-Thou-It' relationship, (Hawkins, 1967). Also Pam Grossman's The
Making of a Teacher: Teacher Knowledge and Teacher Education (New York:
Teachers College Press, 1990), mentioned in Chapter 1, talks about how teachers
construct their understandings of what they are teaching. In 1990, Man
prepared a very readable survey of research in this area, A Survey (
Literature on Teachers' Subject-Matter Knowledge (East Lansing, Ml:
Center for Research on Teacher Learning).
Many of the books on qualitative research in educational settings ( 'i,: .~ in
tions, some more elaborate than others, on developing research qUC:'i!UI1S. T'wo
that I have found particularly useful and clearly written are Chapter 4
(pp. 49-61) of Joseph Maxwell's Qualitative Research Design: An hl/''rtlctlue
Approach (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996) which overviews the process of
developing a research question, and the section (pp. 295-335) of Michael Quinn
Patton's Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods (Thousand Oaks, CA:



Sage Publications; 1990, 2nd ed.) on how to word research questions and on
research interviewing (see Appendix C: Interviews, pp. 216-218). Both books are
also excellent resources on research design and developing research plans.
Maxwell's book is straightforward and accessible. Patton's book is now a clas
sic in the field; he writes in a way that is dearly grounded in his enormous expe
rience of evaluation and research design.





If we begin with certainties, we shall end up in doubt.

But if we begin with doubts and we are patient with them,

we shall end in certainties.

Sir Francis Bacon

oing teacher-research can feel like juggling. In previous chapters we have
talked about how teaching and research can impose seemingly contrapuntal
demands: Teaching draws you into taking action and doing things in the class
room, based on what you know and need to accomplish; research pulls you in the
opposite direction, toward questioning the bases of those actions and what you
assume to be true. Their essence is captured in Francis Bacon's statement. Doing
teacher-research means maneuvering between doubting what you are finding and
what you are becoming certain of. Orchestrating this opposition is a skill and ini
tially, like most new skills, it can feel contradictory, like patting your head while
rubbing your stomach. With time and practice, however, the oppositions begin to
support one another and can become second nature. But the tension is usually
sharpest when you are collecting data and starting to analyze them.
Once you are launched into the research process itself, the work entails two
complementary activities: data collection and data analysis. Normally these are
thought of as sequential activities, which they are to some degree. It makes sense
that you have to collect information first in order to analyze it, like shopping for
food before you can prepare the meal. However, given the demands of teaching
and integrating research into it, and given the need to balance doubting and
becoming certain, it is important to see data collection and analysis as integrat
ed and mutually reinforcing activities. It is thus more like mentally reviewing
what you have in the refrigerator, what you feel like cooking, what you cooked
yesterday, and how much money you have in your wallet, in order to make deci
sions about what and how much to buy as you shop for the meal.

Data collection
and analysis



his chapter is about how to carry out the w.ork of teacher-research. Given
your research question and your research plan, how will you go forward
with collecting the data and with analyzing them?
The chapter is organized around the basic movement from data collection to
data analysis seen in Figure 5.1. It will constantly remind you how that move
ment is more recursive than linear. As you collect data in response to your
research question, you will be pushed to think about collecting more or other
related data to fill out the picture.

Figure 5.1:

From data
collection to

The teacher-research cycle: Collecting and analyzing data



In this Investigation I use the analogy of shopping for dinner to look at the rela
tionship between data collection and data analysis.

Think about the above analogy. You can approach the analogy in

two ways. In the first, the parallels are not drawn; in the second,

they are. You may approach it (1) by making the connections as you

see them and then referring to what I have done, or (2) by reading

the parallels I have drawn and applying them to your own situation

and thinking.



If you choose Option 1: Cover the right column of scenarios A and B

below and read through the left column. Think about, or talk
through with a colleague, the following question:
What parallels can I draw between this step in the scenario and the
steps in collecting and analyzing data?

If you choose Option 2: Read through both columns of the scenarios.

Then think about, or talk through with a colleague, the parallels I
have drawn between the steps in the scenarios and the steps in col
lecting and analyzing data.

Scenario A: From shopping to preparing the meal

In this scenario the analogy is linear. It follows the "classic"
sequential relationship between collecting data and analyzing them.


You go to the store with a

shopping list . ..

You are in your classroom with

your research plan . ..

A. You select several ingredients

on your list ...

A. You collect the data called for

in your plan.

B. and put them in your

shopping cart.

B. You keep the data together

(tapes, journals, field notes, etc.).

C. After paying for them at

the check-out, you bag them
and take them home.

C. You take the data out of the

classroom to work with them.

D. Once at home, you take out

what you have bought ...

D. Away from the classroom, you

sort the data according to what you
have, and do the first-cut analysis.

E. and use what you have

bought, combining appropriate
ingredients, to make a meal.

E. You draw connections between

different types of data to ~;ee
how they illuminate one another.
For instance, perhaps the interviews
shed light on the journals, or the
field notes suggest something
about students' work.


Scenario B: What's in the fridge?

What do we feel like cooking or eating?

In this scenario, the analogy is recursive. It illustrates the multiple ways

in which data collection and analysis are embedded in teaching context
and in work as a teacher. It is worth paying special attention to the ways
in which previous know/edge and experience, as well as the teaching
context, shape the relationship between teaching and researching when
both functions are done by the same person.
You go to the store with a rough
You are in your classroom with
shopping list. As you enter the
your research plan, but you are
store, you start thinking about. .. also thinking about . ..

A. what you had for dinner last

night and the fact that you will
be going out tomorrow.

A. the classroom setting and

students, what happened recently in
class, what will happen tomorrow
or next week.

B. You select several ingredients

on your list, but decide not to buy
something that will spoil if you
don't use it today,

B. You collect some of the data

called for in your plan. You hold off

on some data-e.g., the interviews.

Given the energy of the students,

interviewing will be more

productive tomorrow.

C. and put the items in your

shopping cart.

C. You keep the data together

(tapes, journals, field notes, etc.).

D. You decide not to buy

something you had on your list
because you already have a
closely related item at home
e.g. You forgo the sour cream
and plan to use the yogurt you
have in the fridge instead.

D. You revise your collection

strategies to take advantage of an
existing data source-e.g. students
will be polling their peers for a math
exercise and you embed some
questions relevant to your inquiry.

E. As you head to the check-out

line, you review what you have in
the shopping cart against the
menu that is forming in your head.
You have decided not to have
green beans but broccoli instead,
and to use up the yogurt, but
also to have the chicken as the
main dish as you had planned.

E. In the classroom, you review

your data as you are gathering
them, doing first-cut analyses to
quickly preview what you are
getting. You make adjustments as
necessary. However, these are
always according to your research
question and in keeping with the
structure and discipline of your
data collection.

F. You bag what you have bought

and take it home.

F. You take the data out of the

classroom to work with them.




Collecting data is collecting information that relates to your inquiry, information

that you believe will respond to your research question. The data are not the
answer to the research question; they are the raw material out of which responses
to your question will probably emerge. The process of drawing responses out of
the data, or finding them in the data, is called data analysis. Thus, separating
the gathering of the information from working with it to find a response is a key
part of the structure and discipline of the research process. If you are haphaz
ard or incomplete in collecting data, you may not have adequate information to
address your research question. On the other hand, if you do not look careful
ly, or you jump to conclusions, you may shortcut the analytical process.
Collecting data will probably push you to attend to aspects of your teaching and
your students' learning that you might otherwise overlook in the usual day-to
day work of teaching. Because it asks you to step back, make connections, and
develop interpretations, analyzing data often leads to new perspectives on famil
iar things. So both steps are critically important in this process of making famil
iar things seem new and strange. Together these processes can make you ques
tion what you are certain about, and lead you to greater ctrtainty about some
aspects of teaching and learning that you might have doubted.
By its nature, collecting data needs to be a disciplined undertaking. You need
to be aware both of what you are doing as you collect any particular informa
tion and why you are-or are not-doing it. This is the heart of the "discipline"
of the research inquiry because it will allow others to see how you arrived at
your interpretations and findings. The challenge in data collection is twofold.
First, you need to stick to your plan; second, you need to stick with your inquiry.
You may find that the second process redirects the first. Often you will find you
need to adjust what you had planned for data collection for any of myriad rea
sons: There isn't enough time that day; a key student is absent; the tape recorder
Sticking to the
doesn't work; you need to do something else and so can't take field notes at that
plan/Sticking with
and so on.
the question
Changes are part of the research process; managing them in a conscientious
way is one of the major challenges of doing research well. The key is to make
changes reasonably and systematically, which I am calling sticking to your
research plan. Whether-as in the scenarios-you go grocery shopping with a
list or with a rough idea in mind of what is in the refrigerator and what you
need, the aim is the same: to have adequate food on hand to prepare a meal. In
doing teacher-research, the aim in making changes is similar. Whether the adjust
ments are anticipated or spontaneous, they must advance the inquiry and they
must fit within the structure and discipline of the research plan. If there isn't
time that day, then perhaps you reschedule the data collection for the next day
or plan it into a teaching activity. But you don't just abandon that instance or
form of data collection, or do it halfheartedly. If a key student is absent, con
sider why he or she is central to the inquiry. Depending on what you decide, you
may reschedule the data collection or you may focus on another student. But
don't just substitute one student for another without some thought and reason.
If you mean to survey a whole class and only half the students return the ques



tionnaires, you need to figure a way to get the other half to respond, and so on.
This is what sticking to your research plan entails. Data collection cannot be a
casual undertaking; it needs to be organized, sustained, and well-managed. The
discipline of doing teacher-research means that you think through changes as
they happen or are forced upon you, and that you keep track of departures from
your research plan by making note of them. What you don't or aren't able to do
is part of the picture of the research, and you will need to take it into account
in the data analysis.
Changes in data collection happen against the backdrop of your inquiry.
They are adjustments in the overall scheme, substitutions within the given menu
of the research plan. Sticking with your inquiry provides direction and coher
ence to these adjustments as you make them. The research plan provides the
structure for data collection; the inquiry provides the reasoning behind it. The
plan manages the ongoing nature of the work by responding to the following
questions: How (when) (where) (from whom) am I going to collect these data?
What am I going to collect next? The inquiry keeps you anchored in your ques
tions: Why am I doing this research? Why am I collecting these data? What am
I going to do with the data? What do I assume/expect? How might I be wrong?

t is important to reiterate that the inquiry and the research question are not
one and the same. The research question or puzzle is a point of entry into the
inquiry. It expresses the inquiry in a form that allows you to investigate it, take
action to understand it, and collect information that may shed light on it. In the
course of doing this work, you may well find another way to phrase the ques
tion, another puzzle, that provides a more fruitful entry point into the inquiry.
Thus the question or puzzle may well redefine itself; however, the inquiry
remains constant. For this reason, sticking with the inquiry does not mean stick
ing to the specifics of the research question. The inquiry houses the question,
and the question furnishes the inquiry with specific direction. Indeed, more
often than not, the specifics of the research question will change through the
work of data collection and analysis. However these shifts can-and should
be traced back to the inquiry itself. In the following account, beginning teacher
researcher David Mathes describes this process of reframing research questions
within an inquiry.

On developing

a research plan,

see Chapter 4,


On inquiry and
questions, see
Chapter 2,

Account 5.1: David Mathes,

"Doing pair work in a sixth-grade class"
My inquiry on the subject of pair work in my sixth-grade French
classes (students ages 11-12) at Guilford Central School emerged
from a loop writing exercise (for procedure see Appendix A, p. 198).
The following line of inquiry developed:

David Mathes

What are the factors that contribute to effective group work

in the foreign language classroom?
In this teaching experience, I wanted to experiment with using group
work to work effectively with mixed-level classes. However, as my
teaching progressed, I found, for different reasons, that I was doing



far more pair work than group work. The French levels in the class
es were not as diverse as I had predicted, and I found that pair work
gave the best results for the amount of time I spent with each class.
Therefore, I substituted the words '~pair work" for "group work" in
my inquiry.
I began with the following research questions:

1. What motivates students in mixed-level foreign

language groups?

2. How does student-centered group work influence

students' performance in traditional teacher-centered

foreign language lessons?

3. How do social relations out of class influence group

work interactions in class?

As I got into the data-collecting process, I found that not all of my

questions were clear. Or they did not reflect the reality of my classes,
or the data I was collecting. I found it hard, for example, to define
the word "motivates" in (1) "What motivates students in mixed
level foreign language groups?" And there was the problem of defin
ing the universe of students I wanted to study. In my classes at
Guilford school, students ranged in age from 9 to 15 years old, and
I found it difficult to break down data from such varied ages. The
scheduling helped to focus matters. Since I had much more contact
with my two sixth-grade classes (ages 11-12), I decided to concen
trate my research in the sixth grade.
The data I had collected at that point suggested that the students'
attitudes toward school in general, and their prejudices for or against
classmates, influenced their attitudes about working in pairs. For that
reason, I decided to concentrate on question #3:
(3) How do social relations out of class influence group work
interactions in class?
From the data I had collected in one sixth-grade class, I found that I
could compare the boys' attitudes to those of the girls. I thus came
up with the following subquestion based on question (3):
(3A) How do boys differ from girls in their approach to pair work?
These data came from only one of my sixth-grade classes (of about
15 students), so I decided to focus on just that one class. Because I
often alternated pair work with more traditional teacher-centered
lessons, I could contrast the students' attitudes and performances to
these two types of instruction. So I also focused on the question
derived from #2 above:
(3B) How does student-centered pair work influence students'
performance in traditional teacher-centered foreign language






This Investigation traces the evolving connections between a research question

and data collection.
Working alone or in discussion with peers, read through David
Mathes's account (Account 5.1) in which he explains how and why
he redefined his research questions in the face of his teaching and the
data he was collecting. Identify the turning points in this redefinition
and, for each of them, describe what led to the adjustment. It may
help to make a bubble diagram or flow chart that shows the move
ment from one question to the next and the influences that caused
the shifts.
Trace the final research question (#3) back to the original inquiry. How
are the question and the inquiry related? How has the inquiry been
redefined through these adjustments in the research question? How
have teaching context and data collection shaped these adjustments?
Your research question, and the inquiry that undergirds it, animate how yo'~
collect data. Your research plan frames the decisions you have made about how
you will collect data in response to your question. In collecting data, you can draw
from a range of possible techniques. Like teaching a lesson, when the techniques
need to respond to the aim or objective, in gathering data you want the techniques
to match the purposes for which the data are collected. Those purposes, in turn,
respond to the question you are investigating and the inquiry driving the work.

Figure 5.2 gives an overview of data collection techniques available to you as a

teacher-researcher. It is drawn from an Australian publication, Teachers' Voices:
Exploring Course Design in a Changing Curriculum, edited by Ann Burns and
Susan Hood (1995).

Figure 5.2: Methods and techniqlJes used in action research




regular dated accounts of teaching/learning

plans, activities and classroom occurrences,
including personal philosophies, feelings, reac
tions, reflections, observations, explanations

teaching logs

more objective notes on teaching events, their

objectives, participants, resources used, proce
dures, outcomes (anticipated or unanticipated)

document collection

sets of documents relevant to the research

context, e.g., course overviews, lesson plans,
students' writing, classroom materials/texts,
assessment tasks/texts, student profiles,
student records




closely watching and noting classroom events,

happenings or interactions, either as a
participant in the classroom (participant obser
vation) or as an observer of another teacher's
classroom (nonparticipant observation).
Observation can be combined with field notes
recordings and logs or journals.

field notes

descriptions and accounts of observed events,

including non-verbal information, physical set
tings, group structures, interactions between
participants. Notes can be time-based (e.g.,
every 5 minutes) or unstructured according to
the researcher's purpose.


audio or video recordings, providing objective

records of what occurred, which can be
re-examined. Photographs or slides can also
be included.


written representation of verbal reeordings,

using conventions for identifying speakers and
indicating pauses, hesitation, overlaps or any
necessary non-verbal information

surveys/questionnaires sets of written questions focusing on a partic

ular topic or area, seeking responses to closed
or ranked questions/options and/or open-ended
personal opinions, judgements or beliefs.
Used in non face-to-face situations
interviews/discussions face-to-face verbal sessions conducted by the
researcher as unplanned, planned or structured
interactions. The researcher can use previously
planned questions, structured interview
schedules or allow the interview to unfold
stimulated recall

On the pros and

cons of various
techniques, see
Marshall and
Rossman, 1989,
pp. 102-106.


use of previously recorded or transcribed data

to prompt responses from participants on
actions, feelings, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs,
following events or activities being researched

Like teaching techniques, you can examine each of these data collection tech
niques for its purpose (why use it?), its procedure (how to use it?), and the
advanced preparation and/or setup it may require. Appendix C (p. 201H.)
describes these data collection techniques in detail. Since many people have used
these techniques, given their experience, there is also advice on the pros and
cons of each technique.
Figure 5.3 outlines basic techniques for data collection in and out of the class
room and provides a good starting point for cataloguing the various ways in
which you can collect data in your teaching. Each technique addresses five
areas: (I) What you do in the classroom, (2) what you think about what you do,


Figure 5.3: How, where, and when of data collection techniques








(First order)

(Second order)

(First order)

(Second order)

(First or second order)

1) What you do/say

2) What you think about

what you do/say

3) What student(s)

4) What student(s)
think about what they

5) What student(s)
are learning/have



keeping teaching
logs; lesson plans
making audio/
video recordings
writing field notes
(by observer, or
teacher depending
on involvement in

(These depend on
the activity and the
teacher's involvement
in it.)

keeping teaching
log; annotating
lesson plans

having students
keep journals or do
feedback cards

writing field notes

doing surveys or


making audio/video

making anecdotal

conducting inter
making classroom
diagrams and maps








listening to/
audio recording;
reviewing video

doing stimulated
recall with audio/
video recordings


conducting inter

collecting docu
ments; student
work; test results

gathering data for


doing surveys or
conducting inter

having students
keep journals

having students
keep journals

doing stimulated
recall with audio/
video recording


conducting inter


making sociograms






having students
keep journals/
diaries or do
feedback cards

(3) what your students are doing in the classroom, (4) what they think about
what they are doing, and (5) evidence of what they are learning. The table
shows how the techniques cluster in each of these five areas.


The following Investigation prepares you for the concept of triangulation in data
collection and analysis.
Working alone or with peers, think about and then discuss what makes
the following physical objects sturdy and able to stand independently:
Group A: a bird bath; a telephone pole; a hat stand; a tree
Group B: a fence; a dry stone wall; a sign board; a bicycle
Group C: a three-legged stool; a traditional native American
tepee; a tripod; a tricycle
Group D: a table; a car; a chair; a cat or dog




t its most basic level, triangulation is about what makes something sturdy,
able to support its own weight, and therefore dependable. In the physical
world, things that are "triangulated" are better balanced and physically more
dependable than things that are not, because they are able to stand by them
selves. In the conceptual world of research, triangulation simply builds on this
principle. The term was imported from land surveying, where, as evaluation
specialist Michael Patton (1990, p. 187) explains, quoting from Fielding and
Fielding (1986, p. 23), "a single landmark only locates you somewhere along a
line in the direction from the landmark, whereas with two landmarks you can
take bearings in two directions and locate yourself at their intersection. '; In
research, triangulation means including multiple sources of information or points
of view on the phenomenon or question you are investigating. There are, in fact,
three layers on which you can triangulate your research: the level of the data
sources; the level of data collection, or research methods; and the level of data
analysis, or theoretical triangulation. Of the three, triangulating data sources and
collection is the most common. Qualitative researchers Catherine Marshall and
Gretchen Rossman (1989)define "data triangulation" clearly and simply as ' ,he
act of bringing more than one source of data to bear on a single point." (p. 146)
Triangulating data sources is a matter of where you get your informati;,,,11'
triangulating collection methods is a matter of varying the ways in which iU
gather that information. Researchers Matthew Miles and Michael Huberman
(1984) make a great comparison to detective work. They explain that [he
notion of triangulation is linked to eliminating-or at least minimizing-bias
in findings and thus to increasing your confidence in what you are finding as
you analyze your data:


Bias is not inevitable. Detectives, car mechanics, and general practi

tioners all engage successfully in establishing and corroborating find

ings with little elaborate instrumentation. They often use a modus

operandi approach which consists of triangulating independent indices.

When the detective amasses fingerprints, hair samples, alibis, eyewit

ness accounts and the like, a case is being made that presumably fits

one suspect far better than others. Diagnosing engine failure or chest

pain follows a similar pattern. All signs presumably point to the same

conclusion. Note the importance of having different kinds of mea

surements, which provide repeated verification. (p. 234)

The classic framework, outlined by sociologist Martin Denzin (1978) details four
basic types of triangulation (quoted in Patton 1990, p. 187).
(1) Data triangulation makes use of several sources of data. In a first

order study of student writing, you might use the writing itself,

your corrections (and notes on how it was written), and the assess

ments of another teacher. In a second-order study, you might use

the writing samples, students' perceptions, and your views.

(2) Investigator triangulation uses more than one investigator to gath

er the data. In addition to yourself you might have a fellow teacher

make field notes on the writing class, or you might have a student

conduct some interviews, for example.

(3) Methodological triangulation uses multiple ways to collect data,

and thus to study the problem. You might conduct observations

and interviews, and collect student work to study the question you

have. Like the detective example, this type of triangulation is the

one we most commonly think of when designing studies; however

it is not the only-or even, in many instances, the best-one to use.

To these first three types of triangulation, I would add:

(4) Triangulation in time andlor location means collecting the same

form(s) of data andlor using the same method(s) over a given time

period or with the same sources in several different locations. For

example, the former might mean tracking a student or group of

students for a term; the latter might mean shadowing the student(s)

in several different class settings with different teachers.

Denzin's final form of triangulation occurs in data analysis:

(5) Theoretical triangulation uses more than one perspective to ana

lyze the data. You could analyze a videotape for the sequence of

activity; for gender and participation; and for topic, language used,

and errors made, for example.

As you consider these five types of triangulation, it is important to keep two

things in mind: First, the aim of triangulation is to strengthen your study; sec
ond, the types of triangulation you use will depend on your inquiry and the
focus and design of your study. Figure 5.4 (p. 98) shows how the different types
of triangulation can strengthen research planning.



Figure 5.4:

Research planning and types of triangulation




What kinds of data will'

respond to the question?

Data triangulation


How can/will I collect

the data?

Methodological triangulation;
Investigator triangulation

Where and
from whom

Where and from whom

will I gather the data?

Triangulation in location;
Investigator triangulation

When and
how often

When and how often will

I gather the data?

Triangulation in time;
Methodological triangulation


What explains these data?

How can I best unpack

Theoretical triangulation


This Investigation builds on the research plan developed in Chapter 4, Investi

gations 4.2-4.6, to apply triangulation to your plan.

Working alone or with peers, review the research plan you developed
in Investigation 4.4. Think about the types of triangulation above:
How does each form of triangulation apply to the study you are
How could you improve triangulation in your study using one or
more of these forms?
Using the framework in Figure 5.4, mark the places on your own
research plan where you could strengthen the triangulation. Be spe
cific about what you would do and how.
The important points to keep in mind about triangulation are these: It can
build stability and confidence in how you interpret your data and thus in what
you find. It illuminates problems and anomalies, and thus raises new questions
to pursue. Triangulation is recursive and not linear; in other words, you don't
just decide on a triangulation strategy at the beginning; rather, you keep return-
jng to the question of how you can know more, have more confidence in what
you are finding, and thus how you can collect more or different data, or how
you can look differently at the data you already have. Therefore, you should
think about triangulation as you plan your research, as you are carrying it out,
and as you analyze your data. At its heart triangulation is a question of the dis
cipline with which you design and pursue your inquiry, which is why it most
often comes to the fore in planning the investigation and in collecting the data.




To triangulate data in analysis, you have to do two things, which orchestrates

another seeming opposition. You have to consider the information that you
have collected so you can see what there is. And you also have to put it back
together in new or different ways in order to more fully understand it. Data
analysis can seem counterintuitive and even, sometimes, counterproductive. The
impulse in teaching often is to say "I know what this means ..."; "I know why
that student said or did that ... "; "1 know why that activity turned out as it did
... and 1 know what to do about it." In conducting teacher-research you are
pushed to examine this sense of certainty, to expose it to scrutiny and question
ing-not necessarily because you might be mistaken but to find out what is true
and why. Disassembling and reassembling are essential steps in this process of
uncovering reasons and explanations.
The nineteenth-century Russian literary Formalist poet Mikhail Lermontov
argued that the purpose of literature was to make the "familiar" appear "strange."
By taking familiar aspects of life and setting them down as a printed text, using
particular rhetorical forms, Lermontov hoped that the author could encourage
readers to see these daily commonplaces in new ways. Anthropologists also have.,
worked with this dynamic relationship between the familiar and the strange. In the
first part of this century, early ethnographers like Boas (1943) and Malinowski
(1960) studied so-called "primitive" cultures to counter the views of them import
ed through the colonial exploration and exploitation of the nineteenth century.
Their work sought to understand the fundamental similarities between these cul
tures and Euro-American sensibilities, to underscore that, in fact, they shared
comparable structures and social goals and thus that what seemed "strange"
could in fact be quite "familiar." Although that idea has continued to be a major
focus of ethnographic anthropology since that time, turning their skills to our
own society, ethnographers have sought to reverse the process, to make what is
"familiar" and commonplace seem "strange" or different, and thus worthy of
remarking on and better understanding (Wolcott, 1994).
The same process can apply to the teacher who examines and analyzes the
data from his or her own students, classroom, and teaching. The aim is to make
the regular appear new, to put a different frame around what is usual and taken
for granted in everyday teaching and learning, and thus to perceive and under
stand it in new ways. For these reasons data analysis can often be the most
engaging, and simultaneously the most challenging, part of the teacher-research
process. It can literally feel manic: as if things are falling apart, then coming
back together, only to fall apart again. Veteran qualitative researchers talk about
this phase of the research process as cycles of disintegrating and reintegrating
understandings. It can be simultaneously exhilarating and frustrating, confusing
and insightful, energizing and exhausting; but it is guaranteed not to be boring
Four key
or routine. It can thus be helpful to have an overview of the basic process. Four concepts in data
elemental activities make up data analysis: These are naming, grouping, finding
relationships, and displaying.
Naming involves labeling the data in some way. These names are called
"codes"; in qualitative research they can come from three basic sources: from
categories outside the data such as the setting, the research question, previous



For discussion
of emic/etic,
see Chapter 4.




research, and so on; from the data themselves; or they may be created by the
researcher. If, for instance, you are coding an audio transcript of a class discus
sion, you might do so according to who is talking. Thus you might code the
turns by student names or by gender; the names or the terms "boy" and "girl"
are categories from outside the data, from the class setting. Within the second
option, if you code the transcript according to topics discussed you might use
words that occur in the transcript; these codes come from the data itself. The
third option involves codes generated from the data by the researcher. In this
case, you might find in the transcript that some students are interrupting others,
or "cutting each other off," or others are reacting sarcastically, or "putting other's
comments down," while others are trying to manage the discussion, or "trying to
make it work." These codes, in quotation marks, are your terms; you are giving
names to patterns you see in the data. The second and third options are similar
in that the codes come from data; for this reason they are called grounded codes.
In the first option, on the other hand, the codes come from outside the data
themselves, from the setting, for example; they are called a priori codes.
Naming involves taking the data apart. Grouping involves reassembling the
names you are giving to parts of the data by collecting them into categories. As
with codes, the categories can be grounded, emerging from the data, or they can
be a priori, from outside. Grouping the names you are giving to or finding in the
data begins to create a structure around the data, like the scaffolding on a build
ing as it is being constructed. In this instance, the structure is building toward
an interpretation of the data that accounts for what is going on in them. To
strengthen that structure, you need to find relationships in the data, to identify
patterns among these categories. Finding relationships among groups or cate
gories is like putting cross-braces on the scaffolding, which strengthen it so it will
be less likely to twist or shake.
As you name, group, and find relationships in the data, however, it is critical
ly important to look at what does not fit into the emerging structure of the analy
sis. These pieces that don't fit are called outliers because they lie outside the
analysis. Often outliers will provide important insights about your analysis; they
can show you where the interpretation you are building is weak or incomplete,
and how it needs to be redirected. However, the temptation is to reject these out
liers as the things that do not fit, in order to maintain the momentum of discov
ery and to confirm the architecture of analysis and interpretation you are build
ing. It is here that you need to recall Francis Bacon's injunction: "If we hegin with
certainties, we shall end up in doubt. But if we begin with dOll bts ;' nd we arc
patient with them, we shall end in certainties."
As the data analysis progresses, you will need to layout Wh:H 'lei\] <1rr find
ing in order to see the emerging whole of the interpretation. Th!'i :;tcp is called
data display; the aim is to set out the patterns and relationships vou scc' arnong
the categories. These displays make the interpretation concrete ;md visible; they
allow you to see how the parts connect into a whole. Data dl';plays are both
processes and products, which means that making them is as irr1 portant as hav
ing them completed. As processes, displays are like rough sketches that can point
you toward the finished drawing. The act of drawing can show you what you
want to draw and how to put it on the paper. Often, in subsequent sketches, you


will pick up, reincorporate, and perhaps rework and improve something you
had drawn earlier. The act of drawing creates the evolving sureness of the image.
Similarly, in making and remaking displays of the data, you are refining the
interpretations that fit the data in response to your question and inquiry.
Displays are also products. They are maps of the emerging landscape of the
data and, like maps, they can be created to different scales depending on the
purpose. Maps can show the streets and buildings of the town, or they can show
the major highways and geographical features. Both are valid; their usefulness
depends on the intended purpose. You would not use a street map to drive from
Chicago to Atlanta; nor would you use a highway map to find your way around
Denver. In view of this dual quality of process and product, with any data dis
play you need to 'be aware of how you are creating it, even as you consider the
purpose in putting it together. You need to remember that no display is singular
or exhaustive; displays are dynamic and always open to rethinking and remak
ing. As you display data you can ask yourself, to what question am I trying to
find a response? How are these patterns, categories, and codes fitting (or not fit
ting) together? Is this interpretation pointing me in the direction I mean to go?


The following five Investigations (5.5-5.9) focus on three different approaches
to data analysis. Each makes use of data found in Appendix D (pp.219-223).

This Investigation introduces the basic steps of grounded data

analysis. It refers to the four elements in data analysis discussed
above (pp. 99-101).
In Appendix D (p. 219) you will find a series of nine letters that
appeared in the New York Times as part of an article on how
people cope with becoming unemployed. The letters are divided
into two groups. Treat the four letters in the first group, Set A, as a
data set on which to practice the basic process of grounded data
analysis. For this Investigation, assume that the inquiry focuses on
what it is like to become unemployed after holding a regular job. The
research question is:
How are the writers of these letters experiencing unemployment?
What are the central issues and concerns for them?

Set A: Grounded data analysis

1. Read through the four letters in Set A (p.219-221).

2. Reread the first letter in set A, underlining phrases and ideas that
strike you. For each thing you underline, name the theme or concept
with a key word. Write this key word in the margin.

data analysis

As you continue with the process, you may reuse key words and add
new ones. However, do not go backward to change key words you
have already assigned. Let the reading and finding the themes and



concepts move you forward. If you notice that you have read a pas
sage and you have not identified any themes or concepts in it, push
yourself to do so. You should not leave any passage unlabeled.
This process is called grounded analysis because you are surfacing
themes and concepts from the data as you read them. The aim is to
unpack the data according to themes and concepts you see.
3. Repeat the process with the rest of the letters in Set A. As you read
several letters, you will probably notice similar themes or patterns.
Write these on a separate piece of paper. Often you can trigger pat
terns by asking yourself as you read: How do these data relate to
others I have seen? What similarities or differences am I finding in
the data?
4. When you have finished reading all four letters, make a list on a sep
arate piece of paper of the keywords you have generated. As you list
them, you will discover clusters and affinities among the words, so
put similar or related keywords together. Name these groups so that
they become categories of your analysis. At the sawe time, you
should keep track of the key words that don't seem to fit in any of
the categories; these are the outliers. They can be as important to
your analysis as the categories themselves.
5. Finally, make a map of the categories (#4) and patterns (#3) to show
how you see them connecting to one another. Again keep track of any
categories or patterns that don't fit into the emerging scheme. Remem
ber: Don't force things to fit; try to let the connections surface.
The map can take several forms: a flow chart; a bubble diagram with
arrows; an outline of headings; a matrix which shows how the cate
gories intersect; or simply arrows among the various categories to
show the emerging relationships. This map is called a data display.

For an example
of grounded
analysis, see
Investigation 1.1
in Chapter 1,

These four activities, naming, grouping, finding relationships, and displaying,

are the basic elements of any data analysis. Although you will enter the process
at different points depending on the purpose of the analysis, the four activities
remain the same and stand in the same relationship to one another. The differ
ence will be in the order in which you move through them. That order is .wi
mated by the type of study you are doing, which, in turn depends on the int;lll
you are pursumg.
Figure 5.5 illustrates the two basic approaches to data analysis. In one v',
work to ground the analysis in what is in the data. In the other you apply ill"
existing or a priori categories to the data. Regardless of approach, however,
critical to recognize that when you name what you see in a particular piec{" ,)1
your data, you are taking the first step in establishing what the interpretation
will eventually be. If you take a grounded approach to build up an interpreta
tion out of what you are seeing in the data (as in Investigation 5.5), the names
for the themes and concepts you are finding will evolve as you work through the
data. On the other hand, if you take an a priori approach, you will apply a set


of names and/or categories you already determined to the data. Broadly put, in
a grounded analysis you are uncovering what may be in the data; in an a priori
analysis you are looking for things you have determined in advance. This echoes
the distinction between emic and etic views of data discussed earlier. These two
approaches mark an important fork in the road of data analysis. The choice of
which to use should be determined by your purpose, or what it is you want to find
out from the data, which, in turn, is linked to your research question and your
inquiry. The choice is not exclusive; you may start in one approach and shift
over to the other. However, that redirection should be guided by your inquiry.

Figure 5.5: Basic patlls of data analysis

Grounded and
a priori approaches
to data analysis

The numbers (1-3) mark the path of grounded data analysis.

It starts with naming, then moves to grouping (1), finding

patterns (2), and displaying (3). Outliers generally occur in

the grouping stage.

The letters (A-C) mark the path of a priori data analysis.

It starts with established categories and organizes them into

a basic display (A), then names by category (8), and finds

patterns (C) in the display. Outliers generally occur as rela

tionships are identified among categories.



This Investigation focuses on approaches to data analysis. It uses the material

in Appendix D, p. 219, as data for an a priori data analysis. You may want to
refer to Figure 5.5 for a map of the process you are engaging in.

Treat the five letters in the second group of letters, Set B (pp.

221-223), as a data set on which to practice the basic process of a

priori data analysis. For this Investigation, as in Investigation 5.5,

assume that the inquiry focuses on what it is like to become unem

ployed after holding a regular job. But the research question is:



How are self-esteem and interactions with other people (family

members, peers, etc.) affected by becoming unemployed?

Set B: A priori data analysis

A priori

Data Analysis


1. Set up a sheet of paper with two columns. Title the first column
"self-esteem," and the second "interactions with other people."
These are the groups or categories you intend to focus on in your a
priori analysis.
2. Draw five horizontal rows-one row per letter down the paper-so
that you create a matrix display. The intersections of the rows and
columns create cells in the matrix; you now have one cell for each
letter writer.
3. Read through all five letters in Set B.
4. Reread the first letter in set B. Underline phrases and ideas that fall
into either of the categories. For each item you underline, name the
idea with a key word and write the key word in the appropriate cell
in the matrix. As you go through the process you may reuse key
words and/or add new ones.

S. If a passage does not seem to relate to either of the categories, mark

it. Name the theme or concept in it, and record these names on a sep
arate list of outliers. The aim is to read the data for the two a priori
categories identified in the research question. This process is called a
priori analysis because you have determined the categories before
you analyze the data.
6. Continue the process with the rest of the letters in Set B, naming
what you find and entering the names in a new cell of the matrix for
each letter. On a separate piece of paper, keep track of the patterns
that emerge. Ask yourself:
What patterns am I seeing within and between the two main
categories, "self-esteem" and "interactions with other people"?
What can I say about the data that don't seem to fit into these
How do these data relate to the main categories or to other
outlying data?
7. When you have finished the letters in the data set, read through each
column on the matrix and make a note of the patterns that emerge
on a separate piece of paper: What do the themes and concepts in
this column say about the column heading? As you read, you may
discover clusters and affinities among the themes and concepts. If so,
count those that are alike or related. Give these groups names to
label these categories as they develop.



8. Summarize what you have found in each column. You may want to

make a map or simply write a couple of statements. Then look at

how findings in the two columns may interconnect. Make any state

ments you can about their interrelations.

9. Finally, return to your list of outliers, the key words that didn't fit in

either category. Read through them to see how, if possible, they may

connect to your findi~gs in #8. Be sensitive to these outliers; they can

hold the seeds of important answers and may refocus your analysis.

A common form of analysis within an a priori approach involves measuring

quantities or counting instances in the data. Determining the quantity of items in
particular categories entails using numbers as a way to name what is in the data.
When numbers are counted and compared to the total possible in the category,
they become frequencies. Surveys and questionnaires provide perhaps the clearest
examples of data collection methods that can be analyzed quantitatively; however,
virtually all data have quantitative dimensions and can be analyzed accordingly.

For an excellent
discussion of
using numerical
analysis in
see McDonough
and McDonough



This Investigation uses the material in Appendix D, pp. 219-223 as data for
quantification as a form of a priori analysis.

Use all nine letters in Appendix D as your data set, Set C, on which
to practice the basic process of quantifying data. For this Investi
gation, as in Investigations 5.5 and 5.6, assume that the inquiry
focuses on what it is like to become unemployed after holding a reg
ular job. In this case, however, the research questions are:
How often do writers refer to financial issues or to family


Set C: Quantitative data analysis

1. Set up a sheet of paper with two columns. Title the first column
"financial issues" and the second "family issues." This sheet displays
the groups or categories you intend to quantify in your analysis. To
do the analysis you will count the number of times these two issues
are mentioned in the letters.


Data Analysis


2. Draw horizontal rows across the paper-one row per letter-so that
you create a matrix display. The intersecting rows and columns cre
ate a cell for each respondent in a 2 X 9 (two categories by nine respon
dents) matrix.
3. Read the names of the letter writers and indicate the gender by writ
ing M or F at the left of the first column.
4. Read through all the letters.



5. Reread the first letter, underlining any mention of financial or family

issues. For each mention, put a check mark in the appropriate cell in
the matrix.
6. If a passage does not seem to relate to either of the categories, pass

over it. Focus only on mentions of the two themes: financial or fam

ily issues.

7. Repeat the process with the rest of the letters, marking checks in the
new cell for each respondent.
8. When you have finished, total the checks in each column. These
totals are called frequencies; they indicate how many times the theme
was mentioned.
9. To display your findings, make a chart of the following frequencies:
Frequency (number of mentions) of financial or family issues .
Frequency (number of mentions) per issue, per gender of the
letter writer.
To convert your frequencies into percentages, add the frequencies of
the columns to get the total number of all mentions of either issue.
This is called the N, for the total number of responses. It is critical in
displaying a numerical analysis because it tells how much weight to
give the particular frequency. If, for example, the N is 5, then lout
of 5 equals 200/0. If the N is 60, 12 out of 60 equals 20%.
Using the N as 1000/0, convert each frequency to its percent. To dis
play percents, write them as follows: e.g., 80% (N = ##).

avigating shifting approaches to data analysis can be unsettling, in large

measure because it often throws you back on your research question and
how you have articulated your line of inquiry. Some years ago I did a research
project with a colleague at the local high school. It was not strictly a teacher
research project in our definition because I, as the outside researcher, brought an
issue to Maggie Brown Cassidy, a French teacher at the high school, "and asked if
we might collaborate in the inquiry to examine classroom management and stu
dent discipline in her foreign language classroom. My line of inquiry stemmed
from my interest in how the social and the cognitive intersect in the language
class. Since language is so firmly embedded in social relationships because learn
ing a language is highly interactive, and since adolescence can be a stage of such
interpersonal affect and drama, I was intrigued by how an experienced teacher
might manage the social setting of the classroom to support language learning.
Cassidy agreed to the collaboration, and we began to collect data on what
was going on in the classes and on factors that might cause students to be asked
to leave classes for disciplinary reasons, thus removing them from the learning
environment. We were working from an assumption we both shared as high

Maggie Cassidy
(see Freeman,



school teachers, namely that to some degree students "manage" presence or

absence in class through accepting or violating classroom norms; this manage
ment is based on social rather than academic reasons.
I sat in Cassidy's French classes, taking field notes, and I interviewed groups
of students from those classes. Cassidy kept records on her teaching and on dis
cipline issues, which we discussed together. We approached the data we were
gathering a priori, looking for evidence of discipline issues in what the kids said
or did, and how Cassidy had responded. After a month or so we realized that
there was a problem. Our a priori analyses showed quite clearly that there were
no major discipline problems. In fact, students were not being asked to leave
Cassidy's classes, for disciplinary or other reasons. Attendance was very high
and seemed to remain so. I questioned whether Cassidy might be acting differ
ently because I was in class as an observer, but both she and the students said
she wasn't. I also wondered whether these students were simply well behaved;
however, discipline records and their own self-reports revealed that they were a
normal group who did get in trouble in other classes and were asked to leave
those classes from time to time. Cassidy and I were at a loss; it looked as if the
research question was not leading anywhere, and that there might be nothing t9,
understand about student discipline and language learning in this context. Our
data analysis was leading to a dead end.
The breakthrough occurred one day during a group interview when, at the
end of the discussion, I asked the students what it would take for Cassidy to ask
one of them to leave class. The students promptly detailed a number of class
room norms, most of which were tacit, and they all agreed that challenging
those norms would be serious enough to warrant temporary expulsion from the
class by Cassidy. The list included things one might expect such as use of phys
ical force against other students, throwing things, breaking things on purpose,
expressions of disrespect to the teacher, and so on. But it also included ques
tioning another student's abilities as a language learner (e.g., calling someone
"dumb"), not being helpful to others ("not playing along"), and not engaging
in the lesson (" not trying."). I showed the list to Cassidy who concurred with
the group on all of the norms they had listed. In fact, the list was relatively sta
ble. Neither she nor other groups of students could think of other issues to add
to or subtract from it. So the class had a clear contract: The students knew what
it would take to be asked to leave the class and their teacher agreed. The con
tract seemed to include normal high school disciplinary issues, but it also includ
ed norms of social interaction and participation.
These data stood our research question on its head: If everyone agreed on
these disciplinary norms, and if these students were being disciplined for such
issues in other classes, why not in Cassidy's French classes? What was keeping
them involved? Why didn't they transgress these limits? Thus our inquiry into
student discipline in the language classroom refocused on what engaged these
students in language learning so that there were minimal classroom manage
ment issues. We needed, then, to reorient our data analysis from our a priori
look for factors that would cause students to be removed from the class to those
that seemed to keep the students involved. But we didn't exactly know what



those might look like or where we might find them. So we adopted a grounded
approach to look at what was going on in these classes. We used the names that
the students had supplied, using "dumb," "not playing along," and "not try
ing," as codes to reanalyze the data we had. These codes provided starting
points to gain an emic view of the students as insiders to the social interactions
in the classroom. I won't relate the outcome of the study-a full account is
available in Freeman (1992)-however, the story illustrates the interconnected
web of inquiry, research questions, and data analyses: How an inquiry drives the
research process, although the specific research question may change. How data
analysis can interact with and reshape research questions and, likewise, how it is
possible-and indeed necessary-to combine a priori and grounded approaches
to data analysis within a single study.
The main differences between grounded and a priori approaches to data
analysis lie in how you approach the data and how you layout what you find.
In grounded analysis, you approach the data to look for meanings that surface
through the process of naming, grouping the names into categories, and finding
relationships among them. When you approach data in an a priori fashion, you
take the categories as the basis for the analysis and look for ,instances, or names,
of those categories in the data, and then for relationships among the categories
(see Figure 5.5). In a grounded analysis the display or mapping involves assem
bling the connections you are finding among the categories from the data.
Displaying these patterns and relationships serves to crystallize the analysis, to
create a gestalt out of the different pieces, and to assemble an integrated inter
pretation. In an a priori analysis, the display serves a different function. It lays
out the amount and kind of data that fall in each category. This provides weight,
emphasis, or textured detail to some categories over others, which in turn serves
to build the connections among them. So the two forms of analysis start at dif
ferent points and generally yield different results.

lare Landers is a beginning teacher-researcher who wanted to look at a par

ticular student in her high school Spanish class. Although the boy, whom
she calls "Tim," was not learning disabled, Landers found from observing him
that he demanded special attention from both her and her mentor teacher.
Landers's research question centered on the learning environment; she asked
"How does the learning environment affect this student and his learning?" She
collected field notes along with samples of the student's work, her own teaching
journal entries, and an interview with her mentor teacher, who knew the student
well. When it came time to make sense of her data, Landers found that she was
overwhelmed. There was a lot of information, and it was difficult to know
where to start or how to proceed. She decided to create a series of maps to dis
play her data in order to start to find the relationships among the parts.

Clare Landers



Account 5.2: Clare Landers

In the three maps, you see the evolution in Landers's grasp of the data
she had collected. You can see how the various themes and patterns
came together to create a comprehensive view of the student's role in
her classroom. Landers observes, "The mapping was the most inter
esting and difficult aspect of the research process. As I was doing it,
I didn't know what I was going to find, or even if I was going to find
anything. It reminded me of free-writing and not knowing what
information and answers you have inside of you that will emerge in
the process."

Figure 5.6: Clare Landers, On mapping data



Tim doesn't
need direct
creQtivity 8.


Tim works



I+ Re;uLfi I

CQfhiVQ' mQsk


wltnts to show hiS

work to teQcher; Ass~nment ~ltiOh$ with vQnilllt
........ po5itive Qttention l>rQw the n>om'S of the 'School,) one 1l00r


Pick one word IRmr your liSt kJr Al.&rdvQrk

the ffAce to the nvmber



peer ~om Feers

works better
more Frodvctive-

It iffl- wIbNQncy
or I,%-Q e
or Billie Jo


Qsks iF
he CQn.

~Q'J$) (fWfAit

we doln!I?".



tooks Qt hiS /i"lends'
work; SQ'J$ his triend

Will do It





('we shQre

Tim dQe5)t't
get dlstrQcted
by hi$ /i"lends
when he)s


...... inQdeqvec'l

t '\





Attention Tim works

Q'one; but
not wlthOc.Jt
direct teQcher


stn.. te9Y)

I+ Re;uLfi I
(tf:sive me '3 se~nces",
(tOk) now 5lw me one more".

++write Qbout the vQnillQ

>fTvchJre you crf!Qte.
didn)t do the '3 sentences
With TrQer 8. Tener
It \VQS fA homeworl::
kJr bi9 tQsks - m; diQ tiF/Cf4
mi escve'Q idich he won't
do it (he drew the school)
but didn't 'lAbe' It)
he did the Ilrst one.



Independent or

peer or !J'Wp work

in this CQtejO'YJ
hi;;' motillQtionJ
Q5ks CQn I drQw It?)).

TeQche~ Qtte"tion rQises

motiVQtion sornewhQt with
wrihn!j QSSi!jhments.

When he completes Q tQsk.)

WQnts to show teQcher (both
With drQWin!j $ writl"9)'

He'ps With wrihn!j: (;sive me '3

sentences)). (Ok.) now one more(1I One
Qt Q time.) whQt eke? One thin!j more.

Chooses to $It neQr liZQbeth

Q,fter successliAIy comp'eiJn!j
When Tim sits neQr his PQ's.)
he n~rely does the Qssi!jnmentj
copies kom hi<; pCl'SJ SQ'(i- he)s
('<;hQrl"!j Q notebook with I>J";
doesn)t brin!j his notebook.)
never hQS pClper.
Is eQSily distrQcted
by hi5 PQ's.

ReliJses to do work
un'e55 teQcher comes over
Q"d supervises directfy.
TeQcher comes over liequenHy
to remind him to !jet on tQsk.
If teQcher breQks dow"
Qssi5"ment Tim Is more likely
to do it; (;slve me '3 5entences,
Now one more",


TeQcher QssistQnce or
QffeniJon U"ti' tQsk is complete
then wQnts to 5how it; (Is this
ri!jht? or l.ook Qt ..l.
ReqUires 'e5S const"nt Qffention;
teQcMr CQn SQy.) ('1)0 this tQsk Qnd
1)11 check bQck with yOel".

of TAc;l(C;

Rod work; hQS to be broken

down into stepsi Tim
lOcu>ed 5cJccessliJlly With
Nicole $ on his own.) WR)te
the steps lOr his structure.



This Investigation continues the focus on approaches to data analysis by com

paring the two data analysis displays generated in Investigations 5.5 and 5.6
through the grounded and a priori data analyses.
Take the data analysis displays you created in Investigations 5.5 and
5.6 and lay them side-by-side in front of you.

If you are working with peers, put the grounded displays together
and the a priori displays together. It is best to focus on one group of
displays at a time, and then to compare the two groups.

A comparative look:
Working alone or with peers, list the ways in which the two displays
are similar to and different from one another. Consider the following
What does each display tell you? What does it not tell you?
What information is available in both displays? What

information is available in one but not the other? Why?

What further questions are triggered by each display?

Talking through a display:

As part of the data analysis process, it can be invaluable to talk
through what you are finding. This activity pushes you to articulate
your emerging understandings of the data.
Two important caveats: Talking through a data display is not the same
as having a conversation. It is important to stay close to the data, to
voice what you are finding in it and to not elaborate. It is equally
important to keep track of the insights and ideas that surface in the
process, to note questions and half-formed notions and ideas. The dis
cipline of talking through a data display lies in balancing two needs:
staying close to the data and actively pursuing all interpretations.
Find someone who has not worked with the data and who
might be interested in your findings on the topic. Select one of
the two displays to explain to him or her.
Begin by stating the inquiry and the research question that drives
the analysis. (These are stated at the start of the respective
Investigations. )
Then talk this person through the display. Let the person ask
You should respond only on the basis of what you know from the
data and your analysis. Do not introduce any external information.
If you don't know the response to a question (which will be quite
likely), note the question as one for further study.



You may want to repeat the process with a different person, using
the other data display. The point here is to have the experience of
working from both displays to see how they are similar and how they
differ, and what questions they trigger in your respondent.
After you have finished, make notes for yourself about the process of
explaining a display. Think about the strengths and issues involved
in each type of display. Also consider where each display leads you
in analysis: What are the next questions that arise out of each one?

utting together emerging understandings of data, whether through mapping,

as Landers did, or comparing data displays (as in Investigation 5.8) is crucial
to arriving at comprehensive and viable interpretations. Researchers talk about
the viability of interpretation in terms of its "robustness." A robust interpreta
Finding patterns
tion or finding is one that is founded on strong and recurrent patterns of evi
in data

dence. Finding patterns and relationships in data is the essence of data analysis.
Patterns and relationships will take different forms depending on the content of
the study, the research question, and the inquiry. Howevet, they share a deep
structure of three basic characteristics. Patterns in data can be superior/
subordinate, co-occurring, or sequential or recursive.
In a superior/subordinate relationship, something seems to cause, direct, or
include something
In the data from the unemployment letters, for instance,
there may be patterns, such as a number of writers who say they are angry about
losing their jobs, while others write that losing their jobs has opened new direc
tions in their lives. These patterns can be characterized as superior/subordinate
relationships in which losing one's job can make a person angry andlor create a
sense of redirection in one's life. A co-occurring relationship is a less strong or
hierarchical version of the superior/subordinate relationship. Co-occurrence refers
to when one topic occurs often in the data in proximity to or in a relationship
with a second topic. In the example, if many of the letter writers tdk abont bav
ing financial difficulties in the context of being angry about lming their jobs,
this may be a co-occurring relationship. Lack of money is not the only reason
the writer is angry, but it may be a related reason.
Often, in the complexity of learning and teaching in classrooms, and in schools
as social environments, it is hard to firmly establish clear superior/subordinclte
relationships in data analysis. It is often more accurate and usefu! to talk ab( Iur
co-occurring relationships in order to show how patterns and as[,ccts in the (L,trl
relate to one another without having a definitively causal reldtiOibhip. E:::-'l ,lbhsli
ing causal connections in data through a superior/subordinate relationshlJ) usu
ally requires reference to a norm or standard that is accepted
community. In the case of statistical analyses for example, fh(
ability provides such a norm. Probability is used to define hu\\ likely thing~ are
to co-occur in relation to one another, compared to by chance. Statisticians. ;ll1d

as a co-occurring
the research community at large, generally use the standard of fJ 0.05 10 talk.
about probable relationships that are "statistically significant.' This means that

the probability of this particular relationship between the categories in the

analysis occurring by chance is less than 5 percent; in other words, it occurs by
chance in less than 1 of 20 cases. So phenomena that co-occur by chance in less



than 5 percent of the cases are described in statistical terms as having a "prob
able" co-occurring relationship. The less the probability, as it drops below p < 0.05,
the stronger the possibility of superior/subordinate relationship.
The third type of relationship among data in analysis, a sequential or recursive
one, is based on patterns of order and time. In this relationship one thing pre
cedes or follows another, which precedes or follows a third, and so on. When
the pattern continues linearly, the relationship is sequential; when it connects
back to itself, it is recursive. In analysis, these types of patterns connect data or
categories often through the order of things and not through a hierarchy. Thus
the sequential or recursive types of relationships can be quite common. For
teachers, sequential and recursive relationships are familiar parts of classroom
life. The daily or weekly class schedule is a recursive cycle; the curriculum, when
it is presented in a book, for instance, is usually organized sequentially. Often,
however, language curricula will be spiraled so that topics and skills are returned
to in increasingly depth and complexity, thus combining sequence with cycle.




This fourth Investigation in the series on data analysis examines the types Of.,
relationships found in data analysis displays.
Working alone or with a peer, use the two data analysis displays you
created in Investigations 5.5 and 5.6 to examine the kinds of patterns
and relationships you find in them. Start with the display of your
grounded analysis and identify an example of each of three types of
relationships: superiOr/subordinate, co-occurring, and sequential or
recursive. Depending on how you made your map (see Investigation
5.5, step 5), you will probably be able to identify some or all of these
three types of relationships.
If you are working with others, focus on everyone's grounded analyses.

Turn to the display of your a priori analysis and do the same thing.
Given the matrix of this display, you may find it difficult to find a
sequential or recursive relationship; however, the superior/subordi
nate and co-occurring relationships should be easier to identify.
If you are working with others, focus on everyone's a priori analyses.

These three types of relationships can help you to understand the various pat
terns you may find in the data. In this sense, they can serve as archetypes,
against which you can examine the specifics of your data and the interpretations
you are building. At some point, however, the analyses of different types and
sources of data must be put together. Coalescing these separate interpretations
into a version of the whole is where we turn next.

Eric Bass is a highly skilled performer who works with puppets of various sizes
which he designs and makes. Bass generally begins by fashioning the head and
then develops the body to accompany it, although he will also work from a
scrap of cloth or other material to make the puppet's torso and then develop a
head to go with it. Bass then builds stories to engage the puppets. He is quite




emphatic on this point: "You don't decide on the story and then do it. You rec
ognize it in the puppets ... or in a sound, like the notes of a flute, or an image,
or a song." Bass's work is like that of a teacher-researcher or indeed anyone who
is building interpretations out of particular information or evidence. There is, as
we have seen, a stage of assembling the parts, of arriving at viable interpreta
tions of each data set by type and by source. And there is a stage that entails
building a whole interpretation to encompass these, sometimes, disparate parts.
Getting to this second stage can be challenging because it requires taking the
skills of analysis to another level, beyond the specifics of one set of data or one
group of insights, to examine how all the information can fit together.

J.D. Klemme

D. Klemme was studying teacher-research while interning as a French

teacher at Wilmington High School. He was interested in what and how his
students were learning about French through the dialogue journals he was using
with them. He explains how the inquiry arose out of his own experience with
dialogue journals as a language learner in a graduate French class.
Account 5.3A: J. D. Klemme, "Journaling and Prior Knowledge"

This study was inspired by a journaling technique that I experienced

first-hand in my Advanced French class. The professor would ask for a
journal entry each week, and then respond to my writing with a flatter
ing perspicacity that inspired me to write more thoughtful, longer
entries. Since he was responding to my ideas and questions, I read his
comments with special care, often picking up useful vocabulary and styl
istic formulae which I would then recycle in my own subsequent entries.
I was so impressed by what I learned from this process that I decided to
use journaling during my teaching internship. I was quite curious about
how well the high school students I was teaching would respond to the
same technique, and this curiosity became a natural area for inquiry. I
began the study with the research question: "What happens to students'
errors when journaling?" I have to concede, however, that I really hoped
to find evidence of How students were using their journals to correct
their own mistakes as I had done in my graduate French class.
Klemme's research plan and data collection were straightforward, as he describes.
Account #5.38: J. D. Klemme, "Journaling and Prior Knowledge"

Data collection

I collected between three and five journal entries from each of my

five sophomore high school students. I did not not grade the
but they were required assignments. The students could choo~,t' to
write about an assigned topic, or they could choose to keep an l; pen
journal." The journal was assigned once every two weeks and the
students always had at least 48 hours to complete the assignment.
photocopied each entry for data collection, and then wrote a lengthy
response to each student's journal entry. The first part of my response
was in English, while the second part was in French. In total, each of
my five students was assigned five entries. I received 18 entries. These
entries, plus a series of final short interviews, made up my data.



Data analysis
I began coding my data after receiving the students' second entries
and immediately I began to doubt my initial assumptions. I was not
seeing any evidence of improvement. Indeed, some of the second
entries seemed to be more poorly written than the first. I did not eas
ily abandon my assumptions, however, and I held firm, believing that
great progress would come in the next round of data collection.
There were spurious advances, but nothing like the clear, incremen
tal progress for which I had hoped. It was only after finishing teach
ing the class, when I began final coding, that I realized that my data
would shed little light on how students correct errors through jour
naling. Indeed, given the data at hand, I was more inclined to dis
cover why students do not correct errors. I decided to pull back and
open up my research question by asking, f'What is going on when
students are asked to write a journal entry?"
In analyzing his data, Klemme was very explicit about how he assembled the
various strands of his findings. At each juncture he built a cumulative analysis
that pointed toward his research question, almost as if he were building a bridge
from the information he had toward what he wanted to understand. His dia~'
gram, in Figure 5.7, outlines the flow of his findings.

Figure 5.7: J.

D. Klemme, ''Journaling and prior knowledge": Data flow chart

t':sRAMMA1?J trc.)












whQt Is hQp'penlng when stu~ents use

prior know'edge fo write Q.JOUfhQ' entry?



Klemme explains the development of his analysis as he built up the compre

hensive picture from the three strands of this analysis, which he calls "Findings."
Account S.3e: J. D. Klemme, "Journaling and Prior Knowledge"

Finding #1: The first thing that I discovered in my coding was that
sentences in the journal entries had strong English syntax, as in the
following example:
"Dans Ie film French Kiss une personne du Fran~ais est repre
sente si un aggressive, alcoolique avec un grand accent."
We could translate the sentence almost word-for-word following
English word order:
"In the film French Kiss a French person is represented as an
aggressive alcoholic with a big accent."
In other entries, the student really is translating directly and actually
plugs English words into the sentences when the Frend].. equivalent is
not immediately retrievable. There were some exceptions to my stu
dents' word-for-word translations. An example of this, in the sen
tence above, shows that the student has some knowledge of French
syntax. Although "une personne du Fran~ais" is not accurate French,
it does show that the student knows something about how French
adjectives are used.
These observations allowed me to conclude that my students seem to
be translating their thoughts word-far-word into French except in
places in which they have prior knowledge of how French varies syn
tactically from English. (Finding #1)
Finding #2: I began my coding hoping to find evidence of student
progress in learning French. I thought that the common mistakes
made in the students' first and second entries would disappear in
later writings. This was not the case. Mistakes that never appeared
in the first and second entries suddenly appeared in the fourth entry.
I concluded that students were not making full use of their linguistic
knowledge. I decided to test this hypothesis with a series of short
interviews in which I asked individual students to correct mistakes
similar to the ones they had made in their written entries. Most stu
dents were able to correct these mistakes quite easily. For example,
one student chose to use the English words monster, witch and
dream in a journal entry, yet during the interview she was able to
come up with each of these words in French. I therefore concluded
that my students do not always make use of their prior knowledge.
(Finding #2)
Finding #3: I now knew that my students were using word-for-word
translation except when they had prior knowledge of French. I also
knew that they were applying this prior knowledge inconsistently. I
decided to choose the entries that I thought made good use of prior



knowledge to see if there were any commonalties among them in

how the students used the French they knew. In this way I thought
I might find what caused students to make better use of their prior
knowledge. I selected one entry each from the three students who
handed in their journals consistently. From these journals, I selected
the entries that I found to be the most "French," by which I mean
the entries appeared to strive to use French vocabulary and syntax
I noticed first that the three entries were quite different from the
other fifteen. Entries Dl and D2 were quite personal, and entry D3
had a very original, even whimsical format. Also, in each case the
entry I had chosen was the longest entry written by that individual.
Because each of these long entries was either personal or creative, I
hypothesized that the student was able to "connect" the topic with
the writing in some personal way. I arrived at this conclusion, how
ever, after I had finished my data collection and so I was unable to
verify it with these student writers. Still, it certainly appears that stu
dents were better able to access prior knowledge when they "con
nected" with what they were writing. (Finding #3) The reason for
this remains unclear and needs further study. Perhaps, for instance,
the students took more time and tried harder when communicating
ideas that were important to them.
Creating an integrated analysis of your data involves putting the pieces of
your various insights and findings together into a possible whole. 1 you now
return to Klemme's diagram (Figure 5.7, p.llS) you can see clearly how he
brought the three findings together through an integrated display. As he
explains, this iterative process pushed him to rework his research question once
again, although the overall direction of the inquiry remained constant:
Account 5.30: J. D. Klemme, "Journaling and Prior Knowledge"

Integrated data analysis

I needed to narrow my research question again, to see how my find
ings might help me to answer it. When I diagrammed my findings
and how they interacted [see Figure 5.7, p. 116], I found that the
data seemed to fall into a pattern which responded to the question,
CfWhat is happening when students use prior knowledge to write a
journal entry?" I found that students will proceed to translate their
thoughts directly from English (Finding #1), unless they have prior
knowledge of the French structure (Finding #2). In turn, the degree
to which they use this prior knowledge was partially determined by
how "connected" they felt to their entry (Finding #3).
Even though it can seem complicated and somewhat overwhelming, this step of
putting together the various data analyses to build an overall interpretation is a
critical one. For at this point, you gain-and create-an overall perspective on
your work and begin to see what you have, what is missing, and how can you
interpret it all together.



Exam ining the

of your analysis

he integrated display of your data provides the basis from which you can
make them public, whether through writing them up, presenting them ver
bally or visually, or simply using what you know to argue for what is important
in your teaching and your students' learning. For this reason, it is important to
go beyond the data themselves to the level of findings, to examine what you
know, how you have come to know it, and why you believe it is so. Working in
this way accomplishes two important things. First, it compels you to think
through the discipline on which your research is based. By being explicit to
yourself about not only what you have found, but how you found it-in other
words your research methods-and why you believe it is true, you move your
work from assertion to argument. It will now be possible for you to discuss both
the findings and the methods of your work. Second, this explicitness should
raise questions. By determining what you know, you see more clearly what you
don't know: the areas that remain open or unclear in your work. This is a cru
cial step in examining the validity of your work, as we will discuss in the next
chapter. It also propels the teacher-research cycle forward into the next phase,
for good inquiry leads to further inquiry, just as questions lead to certainties,
which in turn lead to more questions.



Review the three displays of data analysis you have completed on the unem
ployment letters (Investigations 5.5,5.6, and 5.7). Bear in mind that the inquiry
has focused on what it is like to become unemployed after holding a regular job.
Within the inquiry, there have been three slightly different research questions:
How are these writers experiencing unemployment? What are
the central issues and concerns for them? (Investigation 5.5)
How are self-esteem and interactions with other people (family
members, peers, etc.) affected by becoming unemployed?
(Investigation 5.6)
How often do writers refer to financial issues and to family
issues? (Investigation 5.7)
1. Read through each display separately. After you have read all three,
on a separate sheet of paper list common or repeating themes, pat
terns, or issues that emerge. Also list any specifics that do not appear
to be repeated in these analyses. It is most useful to do this step on
your own, even if you are working with peers.
2. Referring to the types of relationships in data analysis (Investigation
5.9), organize the information from (#1) above and create an inte
grated display for it.

If you are working with peers, it is most useful if each person creates
his or her own display (or at most with one other person). Creating
a display with more than two people generally becomes unwieldy.
3. Find a colleague who is not familiar with the data and talk through
the integrated display (see Investigation 5.8, Talking Through a



Display, p.l11). Keep in mind that the aim is to articulate the links
that you see. Often talking through these connections will make
them more apparent to you. For this reason, you may want to pause
periodically to take notes on what you have just said. (You can also
use a tape recorder to record your narration.)
If you are working with peers, have one person serve as notetaker
while a second person talks through his or her display and the oth
ers respond with questions and comments. Then rotate roles.
4. Reread your notes, referring to the integrated display, to see what
makes sense and what questions you have. Draft a second version of
the display, which now includes: (a) the relationships of themes or
patterns in the data; (b) the what-how-why: What you know about
these relationships, how you know it, and why you think this is the
case, and (c) the new or remaining questions that you have. Finally,
list ways you might investigate each of these questions. This can now
serve as a basis for writing up your work.

Displaying data through analysis moves inquiry towards understanding, and a

research question towards a response. These procedures serve to build a picture of
what you are finding. They allow you to see what you have and, perhaps, what
additional data you will need. In this sense, data analysis marks an important
turning point in the teacher-research cycle. It takes you out of the specifics of data,
toward the bigger picture of what you are finding out through the process. As
such, qualitative researchers will talk about the relentless ways in which data start
to come together, when you start to see many connections, patterns, or themes
simultaneously, only to have these interpretations fall apart as more data are
added that cannot be accommodated or accounted for. This is the tension that
Francis Bacon talks about, in which certainties spawn questions (Bacon's
"doubts") which spawn certainties. These are the turnings of the research process,
and of teacher-research in particular. They are the rhythms by which knowledge is
built. In creating knowledge from local understandings, analyzing data also accom
plishes something else in the research process, however. It prepares you to make
public what you are finding and the understandings you are generating.

Suggested Readings
There is a tremendous amount of work available on research design and
research methods, and on qualitative and interpretive research in educational
settings. On the issues of research design, I'd recommend two titles. Ruth
Hubbard and Brenda Power's book The Art of Classroom Inquiry (Portsmouth
N. H.: Heinemann, 1993) does an excellent job of laying out design issues in
teacher-research, particularly chapters one through three. Joe Maxwell's book,
Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach (Thousand Oaks CA:
Sage Publications, 1996) is a good general guide; however it is more oriented to



educational research. Marshall and Rossman's Designing Qualitative Research

(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989) is also a very readable account
of designing and carrying out qualitative research projects.
On data collection, I'd recommend two books: Jo McDonough and Steven
McDonough's book Research Methods for English Language Teachers (London:
Arnold, 1997) is an excellent compilation of data collection strategies. The other
is Michael Quinn Patton's classic book, Qualitative Evaluation and Research
Methods (2nd edition) (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1990) which pro
vides detailed advice, gleaned from extensive experience, on data collection and
analysis. Patton writes in a very readable style; however I would recommend this
as a source book to consult. Also, please see Appendix C (pp. 201-218) for a
fuller discussion of data collection techniques and related references.
On data analysis, the classic sourcebook is Matthew Miles and Michael
Huberman's Qualitative Data Analysis (1st edition) (Newbury Park, CA: Sage
Publications, 1984). This is a thoroughly comprehensive and thus somewhat
daunting book; however it is well-worth consulting as a source. Harry Wolcott's
book, Transforming Qualitative Data: Description, Analysis, and Interpretation
(Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1994) is a wond~rful account from an
experienced practitioner of how to approach the analysis and writing up of qual
itative data. Wolcott intersperses his technical discussions with examples from
his extensive work.







Wagner Veillard

Dear reader,
If you have been reading the chapters in this book in order, you will
have gone through a process very similar to the one I went through
when I took part in the teacher development program in Sao Paulo,
Brazil, which I mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 3. As I
explained, the program lasted ten months and was divided into four
modules. The first and third modules involved intensive course work,
during school vacation. We spent the second and fourth modules in
our schools, doing teacher-research. In Chapter 3, I described the car
nival rides I took as I moved my thinking from a teacher's to a
teacher-researcher's point of view. Now, in this chapter, I am again
doing the "work at the hyphen," doing a teacher-research project in
my school as part of the last module of the teacher development pro
gram. This time the focus of my inquiry is the influence of teacher
feedback on students' writing.

wagner Veillard

Wagner Veillard


This Investigation, which is the same as Investigation 3.2 (pp. 50-51), asks you
to analyze this chapter from the point of view of research design. You may want
to familiarize yourself with the Investigation before you read the chapter, or you
may want to read the chapter first and then return to the Investigation in order
to complete it.



The following questions can be responded to in any order. They pro

vide a framework to move an inquiry toward a planned research pro
ject. (I use the terms "youlthe researcher," because the questions can
apply equally to reading other people's research.)

What is the inquiry?

What are the research-able question(s)/puzzle here?
What are the supporting questions/puzzles?


What is the background or rationale of the research?

Why are you/the researcher interested in it?
What motivates the work?


Where will the research be done?

In which particular classroom( s) or site(s) ?


Who will be the participants in your study?

What role-if any-will colleagues play in the


What data are relevant to the research questions?

How do you/the researcher plan to c<9'llect them?
How will you/the researcher analyze them?


What is the provisional time line or schedule?

When and how often will you/the researcher
gather data?

SO WHAT? Why will the research matter?

To whom might it make a difference?
What might you/others understand differently
as a result?
Answer these questions, as far as possible, from the information in
the chapter. As you do so, make note of things that you find missing.
Which-if any-of these questions does Veillard not address in this
account? It can help to do this task in a 7 (rows) x 3 (columns)
matrix, in which you list the guide question words down the left side,
the information you find in this chapter in a second column, and
things that are missing in a third column.

1. What is the purpose of this report?

I am writing this paper to help the reader understand what happened to i!1f .:'
both a teacher and a novice teacher-researcher during the last module (i\ rile
teacher development program. It is also my intention to share who my rese:l rc:b
partners were, the environment in which we were working, the reasons for my
original inquiry, and the literature on which I based my ideas. After
intend to describe my research plan, what we actually did, how my students felt
about the class, and how I managed to keep the project going in the midst of
other teaching and curricular demands. In displaying some of the data I gath
ered and explaining the reasoning behind my analytical process, I want to show
how my students and I perceived the changes that occurred in their writings.



After drawing a few conclusions, I will suggest improvements I feel would be

necessary were I to investigate the same topic again. In the last part of the chap
ter, I will outline how I plan to continue my efforts as a teacher-researcher once
the teacher-development program is over.
This chapter is divided into seven sections of which this is the first; each one
consists of a question and an answer. I chose to write about my experience in
this manner for two reasons. First, I had a hard time figuring out how I could
present everything I wanted in a coherent form. In drafting my report, I found
that I kept jumping from one topic to another, going back to previous items which
I had not fully explained, and generally making a mess out of what I wanted to
say about my students, their writing, and myself as a teacher-researcher. Second,
I thought it would be good to use a format that permitted readers to determine
the order in which they would read the chapter. The arrangement of questions
that follows seemed logical to me as a writer, but I encourage the reader to find
his or her own way through these questions. By choosing what to read next,
readers can decide what information they need or want.

On formats

for reporting

research, see

the discussion

of Wolcott in

Chapter 7,

pp. 160-164.

2. What was my research question and why did I choose it?

In my first attempt at researching my teaching, described in Chapter 3, my ques4~
tion was "How can my students assess their own writing?" There were major
flaws in this inquiry. Because of the poor quality, in my judgment, of the work
they handed in, I had assumed that students did not already evaluate what they
wrote. I also found juggling teaching and researching a real challenge. Trying to
cope with my research project and, at the same time, the school demands for
assessing and grading students was tough. Furthermore, my inquiry, which com
bined working with self, peer, and teacher feedback, was more than I could han
dle. As a teacher I do use all of these forms of feedback on student writing, but
for research purposes, this time I focused only on the last type: teacher feedback.
Compounding my problems in my first project, I was inconsistent about data
collection. As a result, at the end of the process, it was almost impossible to
make meaning of the evidence I had collected. So as I began this project, I felt I
needed to prove to myself that I was capable of designing a research plan, even
if not a very creative one in my opinion, and of being disciplined enough to fol
low it to completion.
I realized that a focused research question would be crucial if I were to avoid
the problems I had encountered the first time. So I decided to frame my research
question as

See Investigation

3.2, pp. 50-51.

What happens to my students and their writings when they

receive different types of feedback from the teacher?

However, once again I found I was trying to cover too much ground if I want
ed to consider all the possible ways a teacher can provide feedback on what stu
dents write. For example, teachers talk to students, cross out incorrect spelling,
underline improper grammar, write comments about content, list questions on
the margins, put letter or number grades on compositions and so on. They often
use more than one of these forms of feedback in a mixed format, or they pro
vide no feedback at all, and sometimes do not even return students' assignments.



In discussions with my advisors on this project, Donald Freeman and Silvia

Correa, I realized that I was setting myself up for a potential failure if I did not
narrow the focus of my research. I adapted my question to:

What happens to my students and their writings when they

receive teacher feedback either on form only or on content only?

On fi rst- and
questions and
research, see
Chapter 4,

I thus separated the focus of the feedback I would

into feedback on the
form of the students' writing, including spelling, grammar, organization, coher
ence, and so on, and feedback on the content of what they wrote. I established
that students would produce five writing pieces, and in order to reduce the num
ber of variables, these writings would consist of descriptions and narratives
only. Before rewriting each one, they would receive a response from me, the
teacher. For the first writing piece, students would get feedback on the content
only; for the second, feedback on form only. Then they would tell me which type
of feedback-form only or content only-they preferred to receive on the next
three assignments. They would also explain why they had chosen that type of
feedback. I would give the other writing assignments and would correct them,
focusing on either form or content according to what the ~,tudent had request
ed. After they had revised their fifth piece, I would ask students if they saw
progress in their writing, what kind of progress they saw, and if they would like
to continue receiving the same type of feedback and why.
My idea was to investigate what type of teacher feedback my students felt
helped them the most. I was interested in finding out whether what they per
ceived as helpful actually made a difference in the quality of the writing they
produced. In other words, I wanted to examine whether my students saw
improvement in the same way that I did. This point alone demonstrates that,
although struggling to be less teacher-centered, I still viewed my role as a very
important one in the classroom. I took for granted that they needed my feedback
on their writing in order to make progress. My questions were just which type of
feedback students would prefer receiving, which kind I would feel more comfort
able giving, and what our impressions would be when the writing yvas analyzed
according to an established set of criteria for what constitutes good writing.
As in my first project, the core of my inquiry again rested on writing because
I enjoy it immensely. I write a lot myself and am always anxious to discover why
certain procedures work for me so that I can help other people find out what
works for them and why. To top things off, I was asked to teach a \vriting class
at the school, and I felt it was perfect timing to have those stnJents be mv
research partners.

3. When and where did I conduct my research?

According to my initial plan, the objective was to spend 0!1\'
'Hl neeci~;
assessment and then five weeks to collect students' writings It rhe ralC of one
assignment per week, for a total of six weeks. Due to a series of
holidays and classes being canceled because of school events-it took me nine
weeks to gather all the data I had planned. I started collecting illtormation on
August 2 and finished two months later, on October 6.



I carried out my research at an international school located in the southern

part of Sao Paulo, the same site as the work reported in Chapter 3. The school
has an enrollment of 700 students, distributed from kindergarten to twelfth
grade. The school offers a Brazilian curriculum, an American one, and an Inter
national Baccalaureate. The latter is geared toward pupils who plan to go to
Europe for college. The school facilities include two libraries, an auditorium, a
cafeteria, two computer labs, an indoor gym, a soccer field, a chapel, and about
40 classrooms. There is always a nurse available for minor emergencies and
since it is a Catholic school, there are two priests living on campus.
Somewhere in the middle of this institution is Room 29; it is on the second
floor, down the hall at the corner, by the stairs. It is fancier than most classrooms
at school, and, although nowadays various subjects are taught there, the space
was originally set up for French classes only. It has a TV, a VCR, and a stereo
system. There are ten posters on the walls and they show maps and photos of
places in Europe. Inside the room there is a bookshelf, a fan, and the U.S. and
Brazilian flags. Looking out the window, one can see a grove of trees. My stu
dents and I meet in this world every morning, Monday through Friday, from
8:00 to 9:05 A.M. The high school principal reads the announcements of the day"
from her office at 8:05 A.M. and we listen to her through the speaker. She has the
habit of ending the announcements with a prayer, and then class starts.

On displaying
data, see
Chapter 7,
pp. 154-164.

4. Who were my research partners?

Figure 6.1:

Background on students in the writing workshop

Total number of students: 13


Year in High School

Female: 9

Juniors: 7

Seniors: 6



Number of students

Number of students










How long have you

been a student at this school?

Number of students

Less than one year

Between one and five years

Between five and ten years

More than ten years



As Figure 6.1 shows, my students were all upperclassmen. They were in

school from 8 A.M. to 3:10 P.M. and had eight periods of 45 minutes each, seven
for classes and one for lunch. Some of them would stay at school as late as 5
P.M. to take part in activities such as art or sports. Eight of them took the school
bus, one drove her own car, and the others were brought to school by parents
or drivers. Most of the students could be described as upper middle class or
wealthy. They had all been abroad, either as tourists or as residents. Only two
students, like me, did not have a computer at home. In order to respect their pri
vacy, all students' names have been changed. The class, Writing Workshop, was
offered for the first time. Although it was supposed to be an elective, I soon
found out that students had registered for the course because "We didn't have a
choice," as Juliana said. Sonia added, "The superintendent did not want us to
have a free period."

5. What happened?
The skeleton of my research plan is divided into six parts, one for each week of
the project. Likewise, I will divide this answer into six parts, but each "week" will
cover more than five lessons because it actually took me nine weeks to collect
all the information I wanted. So I have divided the actua(data collection into
the six "week" segments of the project design. As you may recall, in week #1
my feedback would be on content only; in "week #2," on form only; and then
for weeks #3 to #6, the students would choose the type of feedback they pre
ferred-on form or content-and I would respond accordingly. The goals, objec
tives, and activities of the course, along with my classroom observations and
journal entries, have become the flesh around the few bones I had put together
before classes started.
Week #1: The course activities included the following:
Learn basic information about my students and assess their ntcds.
Ask them to write a letter to a friend telling the person their expec
tations for this class. After that, I hand out my syllabuc;; and we
look for similarities and differences in our expectations.
Encourage writing by asking them to keep a journal and allow
ing them time to do so daily in class. Journaling prompts must be
diverse and interesting.
Provide opportunities for interaction; encourage shciring; c;how
respect for the individual; accommodate differences; cr{~ate team
spirit; build a safe environment. Each person prepar\ . . ;}
and has a chance to survey everyone in the class. We record the
answers and share our findings. My question is "Wh~.:. 1:.1 ngnages
do you speak at home?" and I use it to gather SOIT1('
data on my students and as an informal needs asseSSlrwnt, since it
helps me to find out who considers English as his Of be!" mother
tongue, as Figure 6.2 indicates. Since some students spcclk more
than one language at home, the totals add up to more than Ii, the
number of students.



figllre 6.2: HOOle languages of students in writing workshop



Number of students







Distribute course book, Viewpoints: Readings Worth Thinking

and Writing About, by W. Royce Adams (Addison Wesley: 1993).

Ask them to find something they like about the book and share

that with the class.

Homework assignment for the weekend: Learning Memo #1.

Think about what we did in the first week of classes and answer

the following question: "What did you learn about yourself, other
classmates, the teacher, and the subject (English writing)?"


The following excerpts were taken from three students'-Sonia, Shimoko, and
N adine-Learning Memos:
The most important thing I learned in this class is that you cannot

judge a person by first impressions. There were a couple of people in

the class that I did not know before and now I have a better opinion

about them. Also, working in groups is not so bad like I thought. It's

always good to know other points of view.

During one week of class at first I thought that I would do really bad

because, I do not write welL But, gradually I realized that I feel com

fortable in the class with other students and that I am not the only

one with writing problems.

I also learned that Pedro likes to play soccer and all this year I did

n't know that Pedro was Bulgarian until I had learned about him in

this class.

Week #2: This week we do the following activities:

Students write a description of a special object. I ask them to draw

their objects. They exchange papers and each partner makes a

drawing based on what he or she has read. The drawings are com

pared and we have a group discussion on how they feel about the

activity and what improvements they plan to make on their

descriptions. They change whatever they want; I collect their work

and write extensive comments in the margins about the content

only. I put a lot of effort into showing that I am interested in what

they write, not on how they write it. Martha writes about how spe

cial her telephone is to her, and how her parents do not let her use

it as often as she wants. An excerpt from her description, with my

comments in italics, is below:



... you must be thinking so what? The problem is that I have strict
parents and they are totally oriental types. So they have a lot of rules
(I'm Brazilian, so I don't understand what "totally oriental" means.
Could you explain it a little more, please?) and one of them is they
prohib me to use the telephone, well sometimes they let me use it, but
they ... (What is "a lot of rules"? How many? of what kind?)
I return the papers and they rewrite them. Most of the additional sentences
appearing in their second drafts stand out from the rest of the paragraph because
they are clear-cut answers to my questions and comments. In spite of that, I am
happy for the dialogue we have established. The following is part of Martha's
second draft .
. . . problem is that I have strict parents and they are typical Chinese.
When I say typical Chinese I am referring to those who follow the
oriental culture and their way of thinking are more strict. So they
have a lot of rules, for instance I have to obey them, I can't go out at
night, I have a limited time to get home whenever I am with my
friends and they prohib me to use the telephone. Sometimes they let
me use it, but they make a lot of questions such as ~~Who are you
talking to?", "Who is she?", "What does she want?" and "Why do
you guys take so long to hang up?". But since I have this special tele
phone, I simply can call whoever I want without letting them know.
And because of it, I can also call my boyfriend everyday.
We start reading unit one in the course book, "Viewpoints on Reading Essays,"
and try to discuss it in class. Students seem reluctant to participate. My journal
entry for that day starts like this:
Maybe I should be asking myself what I mean by "reluctant." What
are my expectations? How much "talking" do I want to see? I feel
discouraged. They don't seem to care about anything I do. I have tried
changing the pace of the lesson, my tone of voice, and even the way
they are seated in the classroom. I have chosen personal topics, and
I have given them the chance to work individually, in pairs, and in
groups of four. I see no difference in attitude towards the class. I know
I may regret writing this, but I feel as if they know what I want, but
are simply refusing to do it. The reasons are unknown to me.
In talking to colleagues about it afterward, I realize that I might be using "par
ticipation" and "speaking" as synonyms.

Week #3: The students write a narrative on the topic "What is your morning
routine?" They get in groups of four and read one another's papers. I tell them
to look for similarities and differences in the things they do in the morning from
the moment they wake up to the time they arrive at school. There is some dis
cussion in the whole group. I collect their work and read the papers, focusing on
form only. I pay careful attention to spelling, capitalization, punctuation, subject
verb agreement, and sentence fragments. I return the papers and they rewrite
them. The following show Andrezza's entire first and second drafts. The under
linings and punctuation in bold show my feedback on the form of her writing:



First Draft:


I up "t I:,:{)O ",m,:. 1M") I set up) t"ke 'I shOllll'er) brush my tee~
!Jet dressed, At "bovt l,:l/) ".m. _ I eQt somethl"S_ ,,"d "t l,:,!{) ".m, I tQke the

~ to schoo',

st"y I" the bus lOr "bout "" hour ,,"d " h,,'f IIste"I"S to my W"'km""_
sometimes I f,,11 "s'eep. I "rrive "t school "t 160 ".m.:.


Second Draft: up 'It l,:O{) Q.m, 1he") I !Jet up) t"ke " shOllll'er) brush my teeth ,,"d set

dressed. At "bout I:,/'J.I) ".m.) I e"t somethi"SJ ,,"d "t l,:,!O Q.m. I t"ke the bus

to school.

sf"y i" the bus lOr "bout "" hour ,,"d 'I hQ'f 'i~";"9 to my WQ'km,,")
sometimes I ((;III "sleep. I "rr1ve "t school "t 16{) ",m.


Like Andrezza, the other students simply change the items I mark and recopy
the rest of the composition as it was. At first, I feel upset because 10 of the 13
students write less on this second assignment. In five cases, there is a 50 percent'
decrease in the number of words. Later, as a teacher, I feel a bit pleased with what
has happened because I find it quite boring to correct form only. Nevertheless,
I want to make sure they write more next time.
We are able to finish Unit One in our course book, and I ask them to vote on
the type of teacher feedback they wish to receive on their next three assign
ments. Trying to make their job easier, I make the mistake of using a black pen
to write comments on content and a red one for the comments on form. You can
probably guess what happens. By hoping to make a clear distinction between
the two types of feedback, I have directed the focus of their analysis toward the
color of my pen. After patiently explaining the choice of form or content, the
students remain unconvinced. Antonio, Shimoko, and Nadine write:
" ... Feedback?! ... I would rather have the "black" feedback [on con

tent]. It seems less shocking. The red color [on form] has a "STOP"

kind of meaning, evil, it seems that something is terribly wrong, as for

the "black" it's a more "comprehensive" color. The black is "less"

teacherlike, it looks like you wanted to really understand us."

"I prefer that the teacher marks in red [on form] grammar and

spelling. It shows all my mistakes. I like the comments, but not

the detailed questions about a certain essay."

"For the next three assignments, I prefer in black feedback [on con

tent] because it's easy for me to see my mistakes and in black feed

back the teacher wrote questions."

Out of the 13 students, only Camille and Shimoko opt for feedback on form,
and I feel like giving up the whole research process for the first time. How can
I compare a group of two to a group of eleven? I feel even more discouraged
when I come across an article in the school library. The text describes in detail
the experience of middle-school teachers teaching writing in California, and lists
the numerous advantages of using self, peer, and teacher feedback throughout



the writing process. The teachers in the article declare that, according to exten
sive research, students produce more and better writing when the teacher pro
vides feedback on content only. Although I was struck by what I read at the
time, I neglected to note the actual reference. I have since realized the impor
tance of making note of information when you see it so that you can
to it
later. It seems to be part of joining the conversation of research on a certain
topic. I talk to my advisor and colleagues once again, and we decide that it is
better to stick to the original plan. I end one of my journal entries with the fol
lowing sentences.
"I am not that happy about working on this research project, but I
don't think there is enough time to change directions now. I will be
reflecting about my teaching anyway. In order to finish the program,
I will stick to the original plan, and have this be a rehearsal for some
thing I can call my own. Despite the fact my results may seem irrel
evant, I am certain that I will at least learn something about my stu
dents. This alone should force me to remain interested in this project."

Week #4: I have students go through a series of activities before they turn in
their next assignment, an essay based on the question "Who are you?" I ask
them to answer the topic question, using a maximum of five words. Then, I ask
them to answer it again; this time their minimum is 300 words. I play some
background music from the movie Out of Africa as they write. The next day,
they have to answer the same question using any language other than English;
they have a 10-minute time limit. I hand out small green cards and ask students
to write something nobody in the class knows about them. I take the cards home
and prepare a matching exercise. One column has all the students' names, and
the other has the secret facts about them. I use this exercise as a quiz at the
information is listed below:
beginning of the following class.
(1) Antonio

() I don't like to read books.

(2) Rob

( ) I had a dog called Shope.

(3) Pedro

( ) I lived in Mozambique for about four years.

(4) James

( ) I had three dogs, but they died.

(5) Myrthes

( ) I would love to go to Las Vegas when I'm

21 years old.
(6) Nadine

( ) I studied at Paca for eleven years, and it

was terrifying.


(7) Martha

( ) I had my head shaved in 10th grade.

(8) Andrezza

( ) I like to write in my diary.

(9) Camille

( ) I learned to ride a bicycle in New Jersey.

(10) Helen

( ) Nobody knows why I was absent yesterday.

(11) Juliana

( ) I love stuffed animals.


(12) Shimoko

( ) My room is almost done, which means I can

move in very soon.

(13) Sonia

( ) I have a scar on my head because I bumped into

a picture frame.
(14) Veillard

( ) I almost died this summer because of a "faulty"

I ask the students to prepare questions using the formula "If you were Z, what
kind of Z would you be?" My question is: "If you were a color, what color
would you be?" Once each person has a question, we walk around recording
everyone's answers. When this phase is over, we put all the answers of each par
ticipant on individual slips. For instance, Antonio's answers to his classmates'
questions might include: Antonio-blue, zebra, BMW, Monday, hamburger, etc.
I distribute the slips randomly and, based on the answers, each person has to
write about somebody else. In a short paragraph, they respond to the question
"Who is (Antonio)?", and they guess and justify personality traits of the person
whose slip they have. When they are finished, we exchange paragraphs to see
what their classmates have guessed about them. We end the process by having.
a discussion on which activity they enjoyed the most and why. They hand in
their essays on the following day. I provide feedback comments in the manner
they selected, form or content. I hand the essays back to them, and they rewrite
them using the feedback.
We start work on Unit Two of the course book, "Viewpoints on Writing
Essays," and I still do not understand why students are reluctant to speak when
I open the floor for comments. After some thinking, I decide to step back and
get a view of the whole picture. My students have seven classes per day. How
different is my class from the other six? In an attempt to find out how other
teachers provide feedback to what these students write, I develop a question
naire for my fellow teachers with the following questions:

Questionnaire: First version (to faculty)


Which subjects do you teach?

How long have you been a teacher?
How long have you been teaching at this school?
Do students have to write in your class?
How often?
In which form?
Do you read what your students write?
How often?
How much of what they write do you read?
Do you respond to what they write?
How often?
In which form?

An example of

fellow teachers



This part is optional.


Age: '"--",.,,'' ' """" " ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, . .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,

National ity: """""""""""""",,,,'"' ' ' ' ,,'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',,,'' ,,',,'' ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.".',,_

I show the questionnaire to the school superintendent and hand it out to 26

teachers (from kindergarten to twelfth grade). I am surprised that 10 teachers
return it to me on the same day. Two of them come to me to offer suggestions.
Great! After looking at what teachers say, I change the questionnaire slightly to
get the students' views on the issue. They complete it in class.

Questionnaire: Second version (to students)

Think about the following questions before answering them.
1. Write your name, age, and nationality.
2. How long have you been a student?
3. How long have you been a student at this school?
4. List the
you are taking this semester and the teacher
for each period.

S. Do you write [in these classes]?

or "no." Consider any and all writing you do
related to school.
6. How often?
Every day, once a week, once a month, etc.
7. In which form?
Taking notes in class, answering textbook questions, writing
essays, taking tests, etc.
8. Do teachers read what you write?
Answer "yes" or "no."
9. How often?
week, once per quarter, etc.
lO.How much of everything you write do they read?
All of it, tests only, homework, notes, 50 percent, etc.
11. Do teachers respond to what you write when they read it?
Answer "yes" or "no."
12. How often do they provide any kind of feedback on your writing?
Alwa ys, sometimes, etc.
13.ln which form do they provide feedback?
Orally; written comments about spelling, grammar, andlor con
tent; a letter grade only; a number grade only; questions; they
cross out what is wrong; they underline what is right; a mixture
of any of the above; no feedback at all; etc.



Week #5: In order to assign another description, I ask students to bring a pic
ture from a calendar to class. This time students have more options in brain
storming because we have reviewed listing, clustering, and freewriting in the
textbook. In the middle of the class, Juliana asks me how they are going to be
evaluated in this class. I understand her question as a desire to know what she
needs to do to get a high grade by the end of the quarter. I tell her that it is a
good question and ask if she minds waiting until the next day for an answer. In
the following class I hand out copies of the "special object" description and the
"waking-up" narrative. Each person gets his or her own writing back. I ask
them to grade both drafts of each assignment using a 0 to 10 scale. In triads,
they share the system they use, and Camille tells the class that "It is funny that
nobody gave less than a 6." It is no coincidence because 6.3 out of 10 is a fail
ing grade in this school, so it seems that everyone is intent on giving at least
passing grades. We laugh about her comment and I ask why that happened. In
the next activity, they are to grade their papers again using a form, the General
Analytic Scale, I found in Houghton Mifflin English 8 by Shirley Haley-James
and John W. Stewig (1990). The grades are lower.
It is interesting to look back at what I have done and realize that, without
noticing, I am once again veering toward my first line of inquiry, "How can my
students assess their own writing?" from Chapter 3. To word it better, I realize
I was searching for answers to the question "What happens when my students
judge their own writing?" At the end of the grading activities, Juliana seems
pleased. Because I am anxious to know the reactions of the entire class, I assign
Learning Memo #2 for homework. My instructions are: "Look back over what
we have done so far. Write a few sentences for each category and include exam
ples of things that ... "
A) You liked (Why?)

Helped you (How?)

B) You liked ...

Didn't help you ...

C) You didn't like ...

Helped you .. ",

D) You didn't like ...

Didn't help you, . ,

On shifting
questions, see
Chapter 4,

E) Any additional comments?

For example, "A" would be something that the student liked doing and that he
or she believes helped in learning to write in English. "B" represents something
the student liked doing, but believes did not help in learning. Students have to
justify their opinions. The following excerpts were taken from their Learning
Memos in response to this assignment.
"This class makes me feel comfortable because I have my own diary
which is the journal and in this journal I am free to write what ever
I want." - Nadine
"I liked when we made up a question to ask everyone in the class
because it helped me to get to know them a little better."-Andrezza



"1 enjoy the most when you let us write with music. It's so inspiring!
I think it was a great idea."-Antonio
"Sometimes 1 enjoy the class, sometimes 1 just don't get the main
point of the activity. Like, writing what do you feel or think. I see it
as useless." -Shimoko
"I also liked to judge my own work and give it a grade. But I think
it didn't help very much because it's not I who decide what grade I'll
receive. It is interesting that the teacher is aware that to grade and
judge a composition is not an easy task."-Juliana
"I liked writing an essay about 'Who Are You?' This helped me to
learn things that I've never knew about myself. For instance, I didn't
know before that I love writing." - Martha
We return to writing. I ask my students to brainstorm for 10 minutes about
how they might describe the calendar picture they have brought to class. In
pairs, they exchange pictures and journals. Without reading what is already
there, each person is asked to brainstorm for another 10 minutes a description
for the partner's picture. The journal, in which these additional ideas are writ
ten, and the picture are returned to the writer. We move on to discuss Unit Two
in the course book, which we have finished reading. Then, I ask students to go
back to their journals and look for similarities and differences from the two
brainstormings. Students brainstorm on their own pictures for another 10 min
utes and the class is over. They write their descriptions at home, and they hand
them in on the following day. I return the papers with the type of teacher feed
back each student has selected, and they rewrite their pieces.
I divide the class in half and each group prepares a test for one of the units
we have covered in the course book. Once finished, the groups exchange tests
and answer each other's questions. We discuss the difficulty of the questions, and
then I hand out Bloom's taxonomy of thinking processes. Working in the whole
group, the students classify the questions they have prepared to see whether they
test knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation.

Week #6: I am supposed to tell students the topic for their fifth and last writing
piece, a narrative. However, I cannot think of anything I consider interesting
enough for them to write about. So, I decide to have them suggest topics and
one from the ideas they come up with. The plan is simple, yet it has
taken me many unsuccessful trials to resort to it. Since oral participation is not
overwhelming, we end up with three topics on the blackboard: friendship, the
future, and summer vacations. I am baffled when students vote for summer
vacations. First, they talk about the topic in pairs. Then, the entire class works
together to brainstorm ideas, which I write on the blackboard. When it is over,
they copy down whatever ideas they wish. The students write their narratives in
class on the following day. I collect, add the feedback in the manner they have
chosen, and return the papers. The students rewrite them for homework.
I assign some grammar exercises and after that, I spend a few classes on self
assessment. I hand out copies of everything students have written during the six
weeks, and I ask them to look over their work in the order they wrote it. I give



them specific tasks such as "Count the number of adjectives in your descrip
tions." This activity has two purposes. It will prepare students to write about
their own progress in Learning Memo #3 and it will help me when I sit down
to analyze the data I have gathered because a lot of information will already be
coded. The third Learning Memo consists of five questions and is completed in
class on green slips of paper. I present the guiding questions and allow time for
them to write their answers before moving on to the next question. These are
the questions:

A. Do you see any progress in your writing? If so, of which kind?

If not, why?

B. Would you like to continue receiving the same type of teacher

feedback? Why?

C. Look over your 10 writing pieces (two drafts for each of the five

assignments). Which is your best piece? Why?

D. Select the best writers in your group and rank them.

E. What would you like to write about next?
Two students are absent for the entire week and therefore do not take part in
the memo activity. The answers to question D from the other 11 students appear
in Figure 6.5 and 6.6 (page 139), where I discuss data analysis. Before answering,
students have to read one another's best pieces, as chosen by the author. I split the
class in two groups in order to reduce the time spent on reading classmates' works.
It is no accident that Camille and Shimoko are in different groups. They were the
only two students receiving feedback on form and I wish to find out how readers
see their writings as compared to the rest. I can hardly believe that the research
project is almost over. I feel relieved for I just have to wrap up my analysis.

On discipline in
research deSign,
see Chapter 1,
pp. 8-10 and
Chapter 4,

6. What do my data tell me?

Although I will stick to the facts and try to be as objective as I can, I think a bet
ter wording for this question would be "What meanings can I construct based
on the information I collected?"
Nine of the 13 students wrote more in the fifth assignment, the "summer
vacation" narrative, than in any of their previous work. The other four students
wrote more in the "Who are you?" essay. Since the number of words did not
increase regularly according to the sequence in which the assignments were
given, I cannot use cumulative practice or time in the course as a way to explain
the difference in the quantity of writing between the first and last pieces.
Therefore, I am led to believe that students wrote more in the last narrative sim
ply because it was the only topic which they felt was their own. The "Who are
you?" essay was probably the topic they saw as the most personal, in spite of
the fact that I was the one to assign it. Ten students wrote less in the "morning
routine" narrative and I think this might have been the result of poor pre-writ
ing activities. In contrast, there was extensive work done before they wrote the
"Who are you?" essay.



Figure 6.3:

Quantity of students' writing in number of words




Who Are












































































Ooined class late)




The following table ranks students according to how much they wrote, as
judged by the total number of words, over the nine-week period.
Top Five:

1. Rob

2. Juliana

Bottom Two:

12. Andrezza

3. Nadine

4. Myrthes

5. Heien

13. Pedro

The top five writers all chose to receive feedback on content. So did the bottom
two. Therefore, I cannot confirm that if the teacher provides feedback on form,
the students will necessarily write less, or vice versa. I should point out that
Rob, who is ranked first, registered late for the class and only joined
at the beginning of the third week. Maybe he just enjoys writing and as ;J result
was able to produce more words in four assignments than many
his class
mates generated over five pieces.
In the last week of my project, I asked students to judge their own writings
because I wanted to look for similarities and differences betvlc!'n the \v:1y
evaluated their work and the way I did it. Therefore, I distrihuted gradmg
sheets, taken from Houghton Mifflin English 8- Teacher's
which had
seven categories. I introduced minor changes to the sheets sn th;t they would
suit the needs of these junior and senior students. The categories on tbe grading
sheets were:







Five senses used
Details are organized

Clear picture of subject


---.-----.--~~----.~.-~~-- -~-----~-----.

Details are included

Use of

Use of exact words


Students read their papers and assigned a grade for each one of the categories. The
ranged from 1 to 5, depending on whether the paper was: poor =1; weak
':; 2; good == 3; very good == 4; excellent:; 5. Students used the description check
list when evaluating the "Special Object," the "Calendar Picture," and the "Who
are you?" pieces. The narrative checklist was used for the "Morning Routine" and
the "Summer Vacation" assignments. Since they looked at both drafts of each
assignment, this activity generated a huge amount of data, which I managed to put
in one single grid, seen in Figure 6.4. Table 1, on the left side, is a condensed verf!
sion of the grid; it contains only the number of excellents (5) each student gave to
his or her writing pieces. Table 2, on the right side, shows the grades I assigned to
their papers using a 0-10 scale divided into two parts: 6 points for content and 4
points for form. The pieces are labeled as follows: so: Special Object; WY: Who
are You?; CP: Calendar Picture; MR: Morning Routine; SV: Summer Vacation: An
X on the table means that the student did not hand in the assignment.
Figure 6.4:

Summary of student versus teacher-assigned grades



Table #1:

Table #2:

Students assess own work

Number of excel/ents given
to pieces

Teacher assesses students'

work on a 0-10 scale
(6 = content; 4 = form)


















Andrezza 1




Shimoko 3




Top Three Writers

Students' view of own work

1. Antonio

Teacher's view of students' work

2. Juliana and Andrezza

1. Myrthes

2. Rob

3. James

3. Juliana and Martha

The figure shows that the top

writers, according to the students' view of
and Andrezza, and James. According to
Veillard here

my view of their work, the top three writers were Myrthes, Rob, and Juliana and
offers an

Martha. I still have doubts about why Antonio, the student who gave himself the

example of

highest grades in the group, did not appear on my list. Likewise, Myrthes, the
first-order versus
student to get the highest grades in my evaluation, did not appear on the stu

dents' list. Maybe it is a reflection of the fact we were using different scales.

Maybe it is a matter of individual standards about what excellence in writing

means and what my expectations as a teacher are. I use the expression "writers
with highest grades" deliberately, because I am not confident enough to call
them the best writers in the group. What is intriguing, however, is that if I did
not have access to these data, and someone asked me to name the top writers in
the class, I would say Antonio, Juliana, and Rob.
Actually, I don't think I would change my answer even after consulting the
tables. I wonder if students' views of themselves or their work might have a
greater influence on me than what my careful, almost mathematical, analysis of
form and content tells me. It might even be that I end up showing how I perceive
my students' work and this in turn makes them have a better image of them
selves. These are scary thoughts, as a teacher! But these speculations might lead
me into some interesting research in the future. A more down-to-earth explana
tion for the difference in our perceptions is that my 0 to 10 grading scale does
not provide, for whatever reason, for a close account of what the majority of stu
dents think. This becomes more evident if I add another element, students' views
of their peers' work, to the picture. I was able to get this information when stu
dents completed the third Learning Memo. They worked in two groups to read
their peers' best writing pieces, and they were not required to resort to any scale
when voting for the best writers in the group.
These answers on who was the "best writer" in the group allowed me to build
for the group. These sociograms are reported in table form, in
On the

form, in Figure 6.6. To develop the sociogram, I need

of points for each student that represents the number
of a sociogram.

"best" writer by peers in his or her group. I cal
see Appendix C.

culated these total scores as follows. I took the number of times the person was
chosen as #1, as the best writer, and multiplied it by three; then the number of
times that student was chosen as #2, as second best writer, and I multiplied this
number by two; and then the number of times he or she was chosen as #3, as
third-best writer, and I multiplied that number by one. Finally, I added all of these
scores together to get a total score for that student. In the case of Antonio, for
example, his total score, 9, was constructed as follows: (2 x 3) + (1 x 2) + (1 x 1)
= 6 + 2 + 1 9 or (2 x "best writer" [3 points]) + (1 x "second-best writer" [2
points]) + (lx "third-best writer" [1 point]) = 9 points total score.


Sociogram results (table): Students' perceptions

of who is tbe best writer in each group

Figure 6.5:


Number of times chosen as:

Total number
of points:
















As you can see, Antonio is considered the best writer in group A and Rob,
Juliana, and Shimoko are considered the best writers in group B. Since both
Camille and Shimoko appear among the top three writers, each one in a differ
ent group, one possible interpretation is that correct spelling and proper gram
mar have a greater impact on peers than they have on me as a teacher. Somehow
this statement seems risky, but it is based on the information I collected.
Figure 6.6: Sociogram

results (diagram):
Students' perceptions of who is tile best writer

III . . . 1
. --

11"2 .... ---

11"3 ..............


;i#'AINTi~O~~~~. "-..

~ ~.~/
.\~ 1.



ANDRfZ:ZA ...... - -


l ...

~ CAMItl..f"

-.... .............

. ......



'jAM~ ...
; ..,.~ \
;; ~

.... .... NADINE



, '1 ;.


'.~ '~"
: ' /


"' 'II....

,, .



. . . ............



The sociogram data also call attention to Nadine. She is an isolate, whom no
one chose as best writer in the sociogram for group B. Nadine is also one of only
two students to give herself no excellents on any of the five writings, and I ranked
her fifth according to my assessment on the 0 to 10 scale. Based on these facts,
I would say that both she and her classmates have a poor image of her work.
When I asked students to select their best work over the nine-week period,
their answers confirmed what other data, such as number of words per assign
ment (Figure 6.3) and number of excellents given to each piece (Figure 6.4), had
already told me. Seven out of 11 students chose the second draft of their
"Summer Vacation" narratives as their best writing pieces. Only three people,
Juliana, Pedro, and Rob, did not see progress in their writing. Since I do not
have enough information to explain this finding, I will refrain from unground
ed speculation. All the same, Rob offers an insight on awareness of progress in
writing when he notes in his third Learning Memo, "In general, 1 don't really
know what 1 am doing wrong." Camille adds, "Yes, there was some progress
because my content got better." Please remember that Camille had feedback on
form all along. My reply to these comments is "I need to do more research on
students' awareness of their progress, if that's at all feasibl~,"

Figure 6.1: Summaries

of students' preferences for style of teacher feedback

(on form or on content) at the end of the term


of findings
by student

What type of feedback

did you get for assignments 3, 4, and 5?

Would you
like to continue
getting it?

If not, which
one now?










































(X means that the student was absent or did not answer. "Both" was not offered as an option)





Number of


Number of

From content to both

Content only

From form to both

Form only

From content to form

Both form and content

From form to content

Continue with content

Content (with & without form) 7

Continue with form

Form (with & without content) 5

of findings by

Most interestingly, by the end of the project, students expressed a more even
distribution about the type of teacher feedback they wanted to receive on their
"Content I think is important, but grammar is what I really need to

work on."-Rob

"I want to have the "red" way [on form] which is the grammar mis

take. I changed my mind because the "black" [on content] way did

n't help me, so its hard for me [to see] my spelling errors."-Nadine

"I would like to keep the comments as feedback. It helped me because

it let me know how the reader feels about what he's reading."


"1 would prefer the type you put the little comments ... based on

those questions we try to improve the writing." - Antonio

"1 would like to change because to see which one is better the gram

mar or the content you need to try both."-Camille

"I want to change to grammar and spell[ing] because my manner of

putting in content is better than before."-James

If I had the energy, this would be the appropriate time for me to start a new
research project with the same group so I could compare the results of this study
with those at the end of another two-month period.

7. What were some of my important mistakes?

1 say" important," because I made a lot of mistakes. Some of them turned out
to be beneficial, showing me a new direction, for instance. Others I would def
initely try to avoid, if I were to investigate the same topic again. I learned from
all of them, which is why they were important. I have listed them below with



Focus on students: I would focus my research question even more

on my students. I believe that my inquiry was still too teacher-cen
tered. Moreover, I would work with my research partners for at
least a week before finalizing my research plan. I can choose the
topic in advance, and I still think it should be something I enjoy,
like writing. However, if I want to call my students "research part
ners," they should have some influence on the shaping of my
question. If, for example, I were to concentrate on needs assess
ment for the first week of the class, I would certainly have quite a
few questions to choose from.
The intersection of teaching skills and doing research: Also relat
ed to the research question, I should have a better understanding
of "content" and "form" to clearly define the meanings attached
to these words in light of my research question. As much as
possible, I was consistent in the types of feedback I offered stu
dents. However, this meant I was not able to incorporate changes
in the way I did things as I came to grasp certain ideas about cor
rection. So I was perfecting my skills in correcting students' writ
ing even as I was studying the impact of those skills on my stu
dents. This is a good instance of working at the hyphen of teach
ing and doing research.
Gathering data: I could improve the questionnaire I handed out
to teachers by having possible answers added after each question.
This might help the people filling out the questionnaire without
guiding them in a particular direction. I incorporated what I learned
from this mistake in the questionnaire I handed out to students,
which you can see in comparing the two versions on pages 131-132.
On the
importance of
dOing first-cut
analyses; see
also Chapter 4,

Ongoing data analysis: I could easily have responded to the ques

tion "What happened?" (#5) several times during the nine-week
period, and not only at the very end of the project. While I did write
journal entries and lesson plans throughout the research process, I
did not analyze them on an ongoing basis. Thus it was a big job to
go back and mesh them into one analysis at
end of the project.
Asking "why?" I would ask myself "why?" on a regular basis
because it throws me off balance, which I see as a major step lead
ing to growth. I need to recognize that it can do the same for stu
dents, though I could ask them "why?" in a less aggressive manner
than I did. I am sure I intimidated my students at the very begin
ning of the project, and in some cases it took a lot of time and
effort to regain their trust.
Reading related literature: Although I consulted books on writing
and research, both in preparing for and in doing the project, in the
future I would read even more literature related to writing than I
did this time. From the standpoint of several years later, I can see,
for instance, that work like the following would have made a dif
ference to my thinking: Peter Elbow's discussion in Writing with
Power (1981) of the doubting and the believing games in respond
ing to writing; Tom Romano's Clearing the Way: Working with


Teenage Writers (1987), in which he talks about grading and eval

uation; Donald Murray's ideas about conferencing in teaching
writing, in A Writer Teaches Writing (1985); and Lucy Calkins's
The Art of Teaching Writing (1986) on teaching writing to early
At the same time, I would be more skeptical about what I read.
For instance, I mentioned earlier the report I discovered in the
school library by some middle school teachers in California who
found that correcting student writing for content only was most
effective. However, my findings here did not match theirs. In fact,
I found that students gravitated toward input on form. But after
reading the California report I was tempted to give up on my pro
ject; I felt, why am I looking for something other people have
already found? But I ended up finding something different, which
suggests that research knowledge is not absolute and demands a
certain healthy skepticism.

On the
orientation of
valuing in
see Chapter 8,
pp. 188-191.

Working at the hyphen: Perhaps the biggest mistake I made was

assigning grammar exercises as a means of breaking the routine in
OUf work with the course book. Only after I did so did I realize
that I was providing explicit feedback on form. I wonder if I was
unconsciously uncomfortable with the fact that my students
would be living with incorrect spelling and improper grammar for
three weeks if they had chosen to have my comments on content
only. I think I felt a little like I was letting kids leave home with
out an umbrella when I knew it was going to rain. You, as read
er, might rightly reply, "Well, let them get wet a couple of times
and you won't have to remind them about taking an umbrella. In
other words, you will not have to do what they are capable of
doing for themselves." Nevertheless, I felt this pull between teach
ing the students through doing some explicit work on form, and
studying how their writing developed when they received the type
of correction they wanted. From their final comments, it is evident
that their perceptions changed as well. Clearly the process is a
dynamic one.
I know that there are many mistakes that I have not mentioned or even noticed.
I hope that you, as the reader, will fill in the gaps in both the content of what I
did and the form in which I chose to report it.

As I did this research project, I mostly felt excited not only about the Writing
Workshop, but also about all the other classes I was teaching because they
became opportunities for discovery. I loved learning more about myself, my stu
dents, and the subjects we were studying together. Actually, I still feel excited
about these discoveries and as a result, I continue writing on a daily basis in my
journal. It is a record of the small miracles that might otherwise pass unnoticed.
This journal is my daily homework assignment and in order to do it well, I must



pay attention in class and listen to what pupils say. I feel like a student again, or
better yet, like a learner. I enjoy teaching some classes more than others.
However, I encounter new people in teaching all of them, and they are like
books that no library could loan me. Even the textbooks I teach from seem
new although I have used them for a while. Like any other learner, there are
times when I feel discouraged because I can't understand or know what to do
for my students. I feel worse when I make the mistake of slipping back into old
ways of teaching.
In a sense, getting started doing teacher-research, which for me happened
through the teacher development program, was like the traffic light I needed in
my career. I have been driving along the highways of the teaching profession
for some time and the roads, or should I say schools, are full of many things.
There are holes: Things taught, and more importantly, things not taught. There
are crazy drivers: Teachers who are looking for shortcuts and who use their
power to break the rules they are paid to reinforce. There are also impatient
people who honk their horns: Parents and administrators who expect institu
tions to produce miraculous results. And there are hitchhikers: People who are
teaching but who have no idea where they are going or hgw they are going to
get there.
I kept on driving, but I was no longer paying attention to the various signs
along the way. That was when the light turned yellow. Somehow I awakened to
the fact something was wrong, either with my car, my driving, or both. Maybe
I had a flat tire or needed more fueL The light turned red. It was time to stop,
pinpoint the problem, and work on the engine to get the car moving again, maybe
even get it running better than before. I found colleagues who were the mechan
ics who helped me to fix my own car. The experience was new for me because
I was not used to getting my hands dirty in my own teaching; nevertheless, I
enjoyed it enormously. I took a test drive while working on this project and now
that it is over, the light has turned green again. My car has free mileage and I
am on the road once more. This is what I see as I look ahead: more reading
about writing, greater professional involvement, perhaps further education, and
doing more teacher-research along the way.
A closing thought: While I have always found it boring to read a writer's or
researcher's thanks to people I do not know, I now realize the importance of
showing gratitude for the invaluable support one gets from others in doing this
kind of work. Rosangela Valle pushed me to apply for the teacher development
program; Terry Aranda, Silvia Correa, Donald Freeman, Kathleen Graves, and
Donald Occhuizzo were terrific advisors; Celina Teixeira, a teacher of French,
piloted my questionnaire; Claudia Vitoriano e Silva, a colleague, supported me reg
ularly; and to my sister, Katia Cristina Veillard, many thanks.


In this Investigation, you use Chapters 3 and 6 to examine what the author,

teacher-researcher, Wagner Veillard, has learned about doing teacher-research.

In Chapters 3 and 6, Wagner Veillard offers two forthright and candid

accounts of his own movement into teacher-research. He is open about



both the strengths and the challenges as he develops the skills and ori
entations necessary to do work at the hyphen of teaching and research.

Working alone or with others, review both chapters. Create two lists
of "lessons learned." The first list should detail what you believe
Veillard has learned from one account to the next. The second list
should detail what you have learned about doing teacher-research
from reading these two chapters.




In a way, research is like fishing:

What you uncover depends
on where you cast your line.'

}. D. Klemme

erhaps because I came to research through being a teacher, I have often felt
susceptible to, and slightly intimidated by, public presentations of research
findings. Sitting in an audience of parents and teachers from our local school
district recently, listening to the state commissioner of eduhation and the local
superintendent of schools, I realized what troubled me. It was not so much the
content of what they were saying, which had to do with school reform and
strengthening teaching tn schools, but the unbridled assertion of knowledge to
reinforce a particular argument. As they spoke, I was jarred by the phrase, "The
research shows (or tells) us," as if there were one unified body of "research," or
that "ie' had the human ability to "show" or "tell" anything without someone to
speak for it. In their comments the speakers did not acknowledge that research
is a product of human experience, and that the knowledge it produces comes
packaged in a point of view. Whether intended or not, the phrase "the research
shows (or tells) us," stifled discussion and cast us, as listeners, in the subordi
nate role of having to accept what was being said as fact without alternative
explanations or interpretations. Although I was uncomfortable, at the time I did
not counter their statements. Perhaps I was silent because I basically agreed with
their arguments; perhaps it was because I did not have any counterevidence with
which to build an alternative view. Perhaps it was the form of interaction and
the social use of knowledge as power that discouraged me from responding. I
do not know why I was quiet in this instance, but I do know that such public
expressions of knowledge are important business. They have everything to do
with how teachers and others create access to knowledge that is publicly recog
nized and valued.
This chapter is about this dynamic, and the issues and processes involved in
going public with what you have learned, or are learning, through doing teacher
research. While this step appears to be the final one in the teacher-research cycle,
it is also a beginning. It marks the point at which you make what you know,
have learned, or are learning through inquiry, accessible to others. So it launch
es the public face of the private undertaking. This part of the cycle has two inter
related impacts. First, making public your understandings can push you to be
clear about what you know, how you found it out, and why it matters. Thus,
second, this public voicing can compel you to be both articulate and account


able for your work. It is important to recognize that, while it is not imperative,
going public with understandings is where the teacher-research process gains
much of its power and social impact. You can certainly take what you have
learned through inquiring into your teaching and channel it directly back into
your own classroom without any public display or ownership of your findings.
This is a valid approach to developing your own understanding of what you do
as a teacher and how your students learn. However, as noted in Chapter 1, if
part of the agenda of teacher-research is to make what teachers know and can
understand about learning and teaching in classrooms more public and influen
tial in education, then going public with the learnings that result from doing
teacher-research is a crucial step.

figure 7.1:

Teacher-research cycle: Doing public

oing public can reorient attitudes-your own as a teacher who is research

ing teaching as well as those of others who encounter your work. On a
basic level, being public about what you are doing can uncover different dimen
sions within teaching and learning situations that might appear problematic on
the surface. The teacher in the following account consciously used the teacher
research process to illuminate a situation that, in the usual life of school, might
have been difficult because it was out-of-the-ordinary. When Kristen Fryling
began teaching Spanish to sixth graders, ages 11 and 12, in a rural elementary

Kristen Fryling



school whose students were almost entirely English-speaking, she found a Spanish
speaking boy had recently joined the class. As the teacher, Fryling wanted to fig
ure out how she might draw the boy into the Spanish class, to recognize his lan
guage expertise and thus to give him a role with his classmates that he would
not have as an ESL learner. As a teacher-researcher, Fryling was intrigued by
how this role would evolve and be defined throughout the term. However, she
had not counted on the attention her teacher-research would generate among
other teachers and staff members.

Account 7.1A: Kristen Fryling, "Chico's story"

When I began teaching Spanish at an elementary school, I discovered
that a twelve-year-old boy had just arrived from Venezuela. This boy,
whom I will call Chico, would be in one of the sixth-grade beginning
Spanish classes which I was scheduled to visit twice a week for 45
minutes. When I got to the school just after Christmas vacation, I
heard the news of the new arrival from two of the sixth graders. Ned
and Zev approached me that day and said, "Guess what? There's a
new kid in our school and he speaks only Spanish; no English!"
"I asked him in Spanish what his name was, and he'said, 'Chico, '"
Zev continued. "So, using Spanish works?" I replied, somewhat
After hearing the news, I was excited to think that we would have a
native speaker who was the same age as the children in my Spanish
classes. However, I also wondered how he might react to my teach
ing Spanish to his classmates. I had heard stories from other sea
soned teachers who had been often corrected by native speakers
while conducting Spanish classes. My questions began ...Would my
accent sound strange or terrible to him? Would he be bored by what
seemed to him the slow pace of the class? \Vould he be intimidated
by his English-speaking peers? Would he not want to stand out or be
different from them? What would happen in Spanish cla"s '.vhen he
was there? How would his classmates respond to him if he LOok on
the role of peer teacher?
So the inquiry was born: How do I incorporate this native Spanish
speaker into my teaching of the class? At several points, I wondered
if Chico was even going to be in my class because the EST T'1'achers
were taking him out a lot in an attempt to ease his adjustllli:l1t to rhe
school. But I held the hope that he would want to assist rL. il: teJch
ing Spanish, and indeed, over time, he began to help out ;1 litt: :nore
each lesson. The research question soon emerged: What is
when Chico is taking the role of teacher with his peers in
Spanish class? And how does his role evolve?

In her account, Fryling makes public the arrival of a ne\v student ill the
school, thus opening up the possibilities in this commonplace
" .Her mlh
ings and wonderings show how her inquiry took shape as she ',."ollt"emplated the
role that Chico might play in her Spanish classes. By publicly discussing the
issues she faced as Chico entered her class, Fryling establishes the event as one
that can be investigated and understood, rather than simply assumed to be part


of the status-quo of school life. The balance of her case study examines how
Chico's role evolved in her class over a three-month period, as he moved from
observer to interlocutor to teacher of his peers. Fryling views this movement as
evidence of his successful integration into the social fabric of the sixth grade,
and indeed the school, as Chico assumed the publicly recognized role of peer
teacher. She concludes her account with an excerpt from an interview with
Chico, just before the end of her teaching, in which she comments on "Chico's
preoccupation with his present role as a Spanish teacher."
Account 7.18: Kristen Fryling, "Chico's story"

As the other sixth-grade students review the lesson, I ask Chico if

there is a better way we can use the posters of greetings we made.

These posters show simple vocabulary for greeting and leave-taking

in Spanish:

Chico: "Ah-ha ... Eso fue tambien 10 que querfa decir. Yo querfa

que ensenaras el calendario, los dras, los meses ..."

[Yes, that's what I wanted to say. r d like you to teach the calendar,

the days and the months.]

Kristen: "... el tiempo"


Chico: "... el otono, el verano, el invierno, la primavera ... "

[Fall, summer, winter, spring]
"~Habra tiempo para que puedas hacerlo en la primavera?"
[But will there be enough time for you to do that in the spring (when

you're teaching)?]


que? ~Que? ~Dar clases de espanol?"

[For what? To teach Spanish?]



Kristen: " ... que puedas ensenar a tus companeros?"

[When you teach your classmates . ..]

Chico: "Sf."
Fryling anticipates how Chico's role as Spanish teacher to his classmates will
continue after she leaves the schooL The brief exchange between them shows the
school as an ongoing context in which research is not easily bounded; it does
not begin or end in neat ways. Indeed, the players and situations that spark the
inquiry generally continue well beyond the period of the teacher-research cycle
itself. By making the work public, as she did in a report to the school faculty,
Fryling showed the progress and accomplishment in this teaching situation, even
as she subtly created conditions for these innovations to continue. Her work
shows the skillful use of the public face of an inquiry, and suggests the possible



usefulness that going public with the teacher-research process can have. It also
suggests the challenges and complexities of how best to capture the fluid and on
going quality of the work.

If only going public were as simple as telling what you have found; but it isn't.
Anything written, indeed anything made public, comes in a package. It comes in
a given form that enables others to recognize what it is-or means to be-and
thus to place it within the category of similar things. Because of the packaging
and the responses it triggers, the form can accomplish certain intended results.


This Investigation is a thought experiment (see Chapter 2, p.
it involves
giving a gift to someone you know. To imagine the recipient, think of someone
you know fairly well-a friend, colleague, or family membel~ for instance.
Imagine that you are giving this person a birthday gift. For purposes of the
experiment, it doesn't matter what the gift is. Now imagi1J.e each of the folluw
ing four scenarios. In each scenario, the gift is the same but the circumstances
surrounding the act of giving it differ. The thought experiment is to examine
what might happen under each set of circumstances.
Think each scenario through by itself and consider the following
What would happen?
How might the recipient react?
What might trigger the reaction?
After each scenario, you may wish to jot down some notes.

If you are working with others, you should complete l';ICh

experiment by yourself before you discuss them together

Scenario (A): The gift is elaborately wrapped in beautiful paper with

ribbon and a large bow. You are carrying it when you happen to run
into the recipient by chance. You give the gift to the recipient on the
spot, saying "This is for you."
Scenario (B): The gift is unwrapped; you have it in a
Ii bro\vl1
paper bag without tape or string. You are attending J I:n
party for the recipient. Gifts are being presented formally, one after
the other. When your turn comes, you give the gift to l-b:,
saying "This is for you."
Scenario (C): The gift is elaborately wrapped in beautiful paper with
ribbon and a large bow. You are attending a large
the recipient. Gifts are being presented formally, one ;] her
When your turn comes, you give the gift to the recipient,
is for you."



Scenario (D): The gift is unwrapped; you have it in a recycled, brown

paper bag without tape or string. You are carrying it when you hap
pen to run into the recipient by chance. You give the gift to the recip
ient on the spot, saying "This is for you."

his process of creating something within a form, matching that form to its
social expectations, and thereby triggering responses to it is called genre.
Sunny Hyon (1996) examined genre from three perspectives: the view of English
for Specific Purposes (ESP), the view of North American rhetorical studies, and
the view of Australian systemic linguistics and its related genre research. From
the ESP view, genres are seen as communicative events that use particular lan
guage patterns or forms to accomplish certain purposes (Swales, 1990, p. 58).
The view of North American new rhetoric studies expands the idea of a form
used to accomplish a purpose to include the social actions a given genre accom
plishes. Proponents of this view of genre are interested in how the actions pro
voked by a genre are shaped by and within a particular social context or setting
(Miller, 1984). The Australian view of genre has its roots in the systemic studY'
of language (Halliday and Hasan, 1989), which looks at how linguistic struc
tures accomplish particular functions or purposes in social settings. This view of
genre emphasizes the connections between the form of language and what it can
achieve. Hyon summarizes the Australian view, as captured in the work of Jim
Martin (Martin, Christie, and Rothery, 1987), who has led much of the
Australian work on genre, as follows: Genres are "staged, goal-oriented, social
processes, structural forms that cultures use in certain contexts to achieve vari
ous purposes" (Hyon, 1996, p. 697).
Taken together, these points of view suggest that genres include three inter
connected elements. First, a genre has a given form usually- but not always
in language. Second, the form is used for a purpose, to accomplish some action
or response. Third, the genre is always used by people with other people in a
social context, and this context shapes the expectations of the form and the out
comes it may achieve. When, at the meeting I attended, the state commissioner
of education said, "The research shows (or tells) us," he was invoking a genre,
saying that research is a form of fact, knowledge, and truth. His purpose was,
among others, to convince, impress, and persuade us, the audience, that what
he was saying was true and, in so doing, to establish his authority and exper
tise. If successful, this strategy worked in part because of the social context. We
were a group of parents and teachers who had come to the meeting to hear their
views on education and school reform. We were probably not at ease arguing
about research, nor were we familiar with the particular research he cited. Thus
we appeared to accept the form at face value. This genre, "The research says,"
which we could call "social claims about research," is part of the social inter
action by which the speakers establish who they are, their authority, and their
case. The social context, which included who the commissioner and superinten
dent of schools were as professional men in politically important positions, and
who we the audience were as women and men from a variety of socioeconom-

Genre: purpose,
form, and social



ic backgrounds with a common interest in our schools, allowed and supported

the speakers in making their claims. Together the form, the purpose, and the
social context made up the genre in this event.


This Investigation asks you to analyze various instances according to the three
dimensions of genre. The aim is to see how dynamic these dimensions are in
actual experience.
1. Look at your notes from the thought experiment in Investigation 7.1.

For each scenario, identify three dimensions of genre-form, pur

pose, and social context-of the gift-giving. You may find it helpful

to make a 4 X 3 matrix, listing the four scenarios down the side axis

and the three dimensions of genre across the top axis.

If you are working with others, it may be helpful to work through

your own matrix first and then compare notes.
Hint: The purpose, gift-giving, is the same in all four scenarios; the
forms and the social contexts differ in two (as compared to the
other two).
2. Now create a new 4 X 3 matrix. Choose four examples from among

the situations listed below and on the matrix define the three dimen

sions (purpose, form, and social context) of genre for the situations

you have selected. Since there is only very basic information given for

each situation, you will need to fill out some of the details from your

imagination and experience in order to work out the three dimensions

of genre in each situation. You may also prefer to augment the list by

imagining situations of your own.

A holiday pageant, held in the lunchroom of an elementary

A parent-teacher conference, held in the teacher's classroom
A letter of complaint to a store about a defective purchase

sent by a regular customer

A xeroxed Christmas or holiday letter sent annually to friends

and family
A drive-in movie which you attend with someone you have

just met

A wedding invitation from people you barely know

An e-mail inquiry for professional information to someone you
do not know
Showing photos of a family vacation to close acquaintances

If you are working with others, you may want to choose the situa
tions and do the task together.



What do genres have to do with teacher-research? Several things. Broadly

speaking, as I argued in Chapter 1, teacher-research has not yet been established
as a genre. Its purposes, although the same at the core, vary a good deal among
practitioners and across settings. Teacher-researchers seek to learn about, better
understand, and thus possibly influence, phenomena through inquiry. Because
they research their own settings, teacher-researchers learn both in and from the
processes of disciplined examination of teaching and learning; they learn in
doing the research and from its outcomes. However, teacher-researchers differ
in their interest in making public their work, and thus in their commitment to
influencing the practices of colleagues, the policies that shape their work lives,
and their wider profession. For some practitioners, teacher-research is largely an
individual practice that serves them in better understanding their own teaching
and work situations. They are less concerned with pushing its implications or
applications beyond the realm of the teaching and learning they can influence
directly. In language teaching, action research has been a clear example.
Although it was introduced as a means of participatory social change, in edu
cation and in language teaching action research has generally been interpreted
as a teacher-led approach to problem-solving and improvement in classroom
practice (Freeman and Richards, 1995).
For other practitioners, teacher-research can be the key to pushing for changes
in educational policy and practices at the building and school-system levels and
beyond (Cochran-Smith and Lytie, 1993). By documenting their understandings
of successful learning and effective teaching, proponents believe they will be bet
ter positioned to argue for the changes that will improve their work and their
students' learning (e.g., Gallas, 1994). They also believe they are more likely to
be able to make such changes when their courses of action are based on inquiry
rather than simply on opinion or what is fashionable. These positions-teacher
research as a means to evolving your own teaching practice versus as a way to
effect educational change-mark two ends of a continuum. For most people, the
actual practice of teacher-research is hardly as clear-cut as these extremes. In fact,
its purposes often overlap and shift both within a particular project and over
time. For many classroom practitioners, however, teacher-research is a function
that waxes and wanes over the course of a professional work life, due to circum
stances of personal time and energy, other professional commitments, and, per
haps most fundamentally, the lack of systematic support for research in the
work lives of teachers.
For all of these reasons, there is no simple answer to this issue of making the
work of teacher-research public. Teaching is not generally a collaborative activ
ity; it is, as educational sociologist Dan Lortie (1975, pp. 13-17) put it, "an egg
crate profession." The inherent autonomy and isolation in teachers' work can
make sharing of the processes of research, much less the findings, a challenging
and sometimes divisive experience for many teachers, although it does not have
t() be. Because teacher-research pushes the boundaries of teachers' work in new
directions, peers can often respond suspiciously or even with hostility to it as
something out of the ordinary. The Japanese proverb, that the nail that sticks up
gets pounded down, is quite apt. As teaching is currently structured and com
pensated in most settings, there is little support for teachers who want to

On action
research, see
Stringer (1996);
also l'lunan



engage, in serious and sustained ways, in thinking about-as contrasted with

doing-their work in the classroom. Thus, in addition to not having a firmly
established common purpose, teacher-research lacks an established and norma
tive social context. Lacking this as a dimension of genre also slows its growth.
There are various ways to look at the ambiguity of purpose and social con
text that surround teacher-research as a genre. It certainly weakens the current
impact of the work, and makes it tougher for serious practitioners to establish
what they do. It is also true that the ambiguity is part of the larger issue of how
teachers' work is viewed in society at large, as we discussed in Chapter 1. But
where there is confusion, there is often also opportunity. It seems to me that the
flux of genre in which teacher-research is currently caught is largely a function
of its newness. Here the work of Charles Bazerman, the historian of writing dis
cussed in Chapter 1, is instructive. He pointed out that the genre of the scien
tific experiment was extremely fluid when it first came to public attention in the
early seventeenth century, and it evolved over time to what we now take as a
well-established form. The same could well be said of teacher-research, which
then suggests that defining its multiple forms is a key part of the process of
establishing the genre. For this reason, some people argue that teacher-research
should "look" and "sound" like other forms of education~l research. If teach
ers use the existing forms of discourse analysis, statistical reporting, ethnogra
phy, and so on to make public their inquiries, they can draw on those genres.
This approach has definite advantages. It establishes the purpose of teacher
research as part of these particular research communities and it can create an
entry into the more established social contexts in which these types of research
are presented and debated. These advantages can also create shortcomings,
however. If teacher-researchers only adopt existing forms, they will not create a
new genre (Freeman, 1996). Their work becomes subsidiary to existing work in
these established forums, rather than a genre in its own right. Given the condi
tions of time and effort under which teacher-researchers work, because teacher
research is work at the hyphen, as we have said, I believe it needs, and indeed it
deserves, to evolve its own genre. But what would the genre of teacher-research
look like? This is the focus of the remainder of the chapter.

The American Educational Research Association is a well-established commu

nity for educational research that draws practitioners from North America and
around the world. It is thus, arguably, the leading social context for education
al research. At a recent annual meeting there was a session titled "Alternati v,
Forms of Representation in Research." The program announcement, repro
duced on the next page, outlines the session. The session was actually two event,;:
a presentation, and, later a moderated discussion. For the presentation of daLl
analyses, the organizer had provided the same set of data to several different
artists-including a dancer, a musician, a visual artist, a poet, and an actor
beforehand. Each artist, who was also trained as an educational researcher, was
to represent the data set, using his or her artistic skills. At the first session, the
various alternative forms were presented. The interpretations included a mural,
a readers' theater, a dance, a musical composition, and so on. Some presenta


tions involved the audience members as active participants, while in others they
were observers. But it was clear from the whole session that the audience of a
research effort had much to do with how research results are received. In terms
of genre, the social context helps to create recognizable forms.


Alternative {Re)presentations of Data:

Presentations of Interpretations of Data


Hyatt Regency C, West Tower, Ballroom Level


Musical Representation.


Photographic Representation.


Graphic Representation.


Artistic Representation.


Spiritual Representation.


Narrative Representation.


Poetic Representation.


Dramatic Representation.


Multimedia Representation.


Dance Representation.

The second part of the session, held the next day, involved an active discus
sion of the processes of representation and whether what had been presented
were, or were not, research findings. Did these various forms so alter the nature of
the endeavor that it was no longer recognized by the community as "research"?
One of the panelists referred to the work of philosopher Nelson Goodman on
defining truth. Goodman proposed that in place of the conventional idea of
absolute truth, we use the notion of "rightness of fie' to determine whether
something is accurate and appropriate to what it represents. Goodman described
three types of "fie': of the medium with its message, of the medium with how it
is used, and of the medium with its audience. Thus the idea is that truth or "fit"
is a matter of correspondence among what is being said, how it is said, and how
it is received by the audience. Goodman's three dimensions of the fit of represen
tation to the content are similar to the three aspects of genre: Medium with mes
sage addresses form; medium with use addresses purpose; and medium with
audience addresses social context. This tripartite tension means that there can
not be an absolute determination of truth, but rather there is a constant judg
ment of standard and how the representation fits with the content, given our
perceptions and experience. As I argued in Chapter 1, the "discipline" of the
research inquiry depends both on its internal organization, or the "discipline"
of its method, and on the "disciplines" or fields in which the research intends to
take part. These latter disciplines have standards, or "warrants of truth,"

On disciplined
inquiry, see
Chapter 1,



against which the" rightness of fit," or the genre, of the research is assessed. Thus,
presenting data becomes a question of the best fit in its representation, which in
turn is a question of genre, and ultimately of voice and social impact. Choices
in how you present research data are decisions about what you say, how you say
it, to whom, and who may be willing to listen to or read what you present.

ecause it is not yet a firmly established genre, and because the overall archi
tecture of educational research is shifting, teacher-research can offer multi
ple choices in representation. While you may not wish to engage in the range
of options used in the presentation at the American Educational Research
Association meeting, it is nevertheless worth considering the variety potentially
available. I want to outline four kinds of research presentations, keeping in mind
that there are many others and that the rightness of the fit between the under
standings and their presentation is a judgment made by the teacher-researcher
and responded to by his or her audience. The four kinds are interactive presen
tation, virtual presentation, performed presentation, and written presentation.
Interactive presentation involves displaying research tindings in ways in
which the audience can publicly interact with them. Common forms of interac
tive presentation include poster sessions, panel or individual oral presentations,
and teacher-research conferences. These formats bring the presentation and the
audience together in a spontaneous and unscripted way. In choosing this format
the teacher-researcher is encouraging interaction and discussion with his or her
audience. Because the teacher-researcher must be there in person, these presen
tations can be exploratory and open-ended, allowing both presenter and public
to probe the understandings that are put forward. The displays are usually spon
taneous and engaging, but can generally reach only limited audiences. The
emphasis is on making public the process of the research and its results, and
thus creating entry to the whole inquiry. Since the interaction between teacher
researcher and audience can become a means to explore and expand the work
itself, interactive presentations can also offer a way to comment, on multiple
levels, on the process of research and the resulting understandings.
In contrast, virtual presentation does not allow for such direct interaction
between the research process, findings, and the audience. Virtual presentations,
such as videotape or multimedia, capture portions of data as they are, and allow
the audience to hear and see learners and learning processes more directly.
Students talking about or showing their work, for example, can convey learn
ing in ways that secondhand reports may not. Virtual presentations can thus LlC
quite powerful precisely because they bring the participants and the site of the
research directly to the audience. They can reach large audiences simultaneoll
ly and can easily be repeated. However, these presentations are circumscribed I
their virtual-and often technological-nature. Given the media used, it can be
difficult to comment on the process of research and understandings simultane
ously. Thus virtual presentations generally put less emphasis on how the
research was done and more on particular aspects of the results.
In a way, performed presentation blends the strengths of interactive and vir
tual formats. Performed presentations can include readers' theater, narrative or

presentations of
teache r-research:
four formats



poetry read aloud, and other types of staged events. They bring the presentation
and the audience together in an organized or orchestrated manner. Like inter
active presentations, this format is live, human, and interpersonal. Like virtual
presentations, however, it is scripted and structured in advance. These displays
can be powerfully engaging and can reach large audiences simultaneously;
because they are planned in advance, they are more easily repeated. They can
also comment on the research process and the understandings within the same
format. However, the formality of performance can make it difficult to engage
interactively with the audience, and thus to pursue the exploration and expan
sion of ideas.
The fourth format, written presentation, is probably the most common and
the most self-evident. It is also highly codified: Take a look at the number of arti
cles, books, and style manuals on how to write up research. Like any form of
writing, it involves many subtle decisions and choices. Given the level of norms
and definitions that surround it, written presentation of research is also
arguably the most complex and the most widely accessible. Perhaps because it
is the most classic and permanent form of representation, the written format
involves significant decisions and choices in which genre is most clearly evident.
With any presentation of understandings, but particularly in writing, there are'
choices to make of purpose, of audience or social context, and of form. In deter
mining the purpose you are asking the question: Why am I saying what I am
saying? What do I want to accomplish? Closely linked to these answers about
your purpose are questions of audience and social setting: To whom do I want
to address my findings? Where do I want them to "land"? How would I like my
understandings to be understood? The latter two questions examine the possi
On what sounds

ble impact of your work on those who may see or read it. If, for example, you
"scientific, "

want to convince school or district administrators of a finding, you may want see Investigations

1.3 and 1.4

to use a style of presentation that echoes conventional research writing. But if

13, 15).

you want to reach parents or colleagues, it may well be that a case study narra
tive will carry more impact. The point is that there is no one way of writing up
your research; written presentation always involves a potential choice of form.

hoosing a form to make public your work is a way of connecting to certain

audiences and being heard in certain contexts. It can be a strategic choice,
or it can be a default option. Recall that forms of public expression gain cre
dence and authority in large measure from social norms. Some forms carry with
them the cachet of "scientific research"; they are what we expect to read or hear
as science. Other forms exist, but have not been widely harnessed to express
research findings. Because we do not yet have established norms for reporting
teacher-research, we have the option of drawing on the recognized forms and/or
the possibility of using new forms to express our understandings. This point was
brought home to me by the following poem. The author, Ann Carlson, is an ESL
teacher in southeastern Alaska. Some years ago I visited Carlson's classroom as
part of her graduate training. We spent time talking about her students, their
homes and classroom experiences, and the dynamics of pull-out ESL teaching
which creates a private, sometimes safe, sometimes isolating, venue in which

Ann Carlson



teacher and student sort through school life while working on the English language.
At some point in our discussions, Carlson told me of the poetry she wrote and
how sometimes it seemed the most appropriate way to voice these experiences.
Account 7.2: Ann Carlson
"The Card Game"

I shuffle the game cards again as

the small brown face

across the table crumples,

shameful tears sliding down his chin.

More shuffling, more

tears. I wait, calculating the time

I have for this

latest international


What happened?, I ask,

Cards slap the table.

He stares as from a dream.

I know he has no English

words for one more Anglo face today.

We are both shuffling now.

I trade another five minutes

for a smile,

a familiar joke.

There is so little time.

r can't

it for him or

any of them but

I can shuffle the cards.

r have no gifts for this

child but a smile,

a joke, a language

that will never speak to his heart.


While Carlson's poem was not written as an account of teacherr i se:1rch,

would argue that it could certainly be one. The poem is a case study ,~ n
action with one student that crystallizes the dynamics of teaching and le::u-ning
in that instance. In so doing, the account illustrates writer Eudora
ment about all
prose, that "the general resides in the particular. ',1 rison \;
poem also shows how in the choice of form lies the seeds of publi



In this Investigation, you compare two modes of presentation-written

formed-of teacher-research. The aim is to explore genre, and specifically how



these two different forms of presentation of the same account interact with
social context. The Investigation has two parts> marked (lA)/(1B) and (2A)/(2B);
each part should be done with two different audiences.
If you are working with colleagues> do the Investigation alone and

then compare notes.

Written presentation
lA. As a poem: Give Ann Carlson's poem, "The Card Game," to some
one to read. Choose the reader(s) thoughtfully, making note of back
ground, experience in schools, and experience teaching (if applicable).
Introduce "The Card Game" as "a poem about teaching."
After the reader(s) finish, probe the reaction by asking:
What did you learn about the particular teaching situation?
What is the author trying to accomplish? What is her purpose?
Would you call this poem a "research account"? Why or

why not?

lB. As a research report: Now give "The Card Game" to a different audi

ence. Again, be aware of who you choose as reader(s}; note back

ground, experience in schools, and experience teaching (if applicable).

Introduce "The Card Game" as "a teacher-research report from an

ESL classroom."

After the reader(s) finish, probe the reactions by asking:

What did you learn about the particular teaching situation?
How would you summarize the researcher's findings?
What is the author as a teacher-researcher aiming to accomplish?

What is her purpose?

Would you describe this as a "research account"? Why or

why not?

In your discussion, be careful and consistent in referring to

"The Card Game" as a "teacher-research report" or "account."

Performed presentation:
lA. As a poem: Read "The Card Game" aloud to one (or more) people
who have not read it before. The aim is to see how an audience
responds to the poem when it is performed.
Introduce "The Card Game" as "a poem about teaching."
After you have performed it, ask the audience members how they

respond to the poem and why.

Does the poem trigger new understandings of this teaching

situation? If so, how and why? If not, why not?



What is the author trying to accomplish? What is her purpose?

Would you call this poem a "research account"? Why or

why not?

2B. As a research report: Find a different audience. This time introduce

the reading as "a teacher-research report from an ESL classroom."

After reading the poem aloud to them, ask members of this audience

how they respond to it and why.

What did you learn about the particular research situation?

How would you summarize the researcher's findings.
What is the author as a teacher-researcher aiming to accomplish?
What is her purpose?
Would you describe this as a "research account"? Why or

why not?

In your discussion, be careful and consistent in referring to

"The Card Game" as a "teacher-research report" or.~'aCLC)lmt."




presentations of
Options and

For example,
"Chico's Story"
(Account 7.1 A
and 7.1 B,

Writing up your research is a bit like dining at an elaborate buffet. There are
multiple choices available, guided primarily by your purpose, or appetite, and
influenced by your audience and who you are dining with. Harry Wolcott, an
anthropologist who has worked extensively in educational settings, has written
a good deal about the choices one can make in preparing written presentations
of research. In Transforming Qualitative Data (1994) Wolcott draws on his
decades of experience with qualitative research to layout the processes by Vvllich
one can "do something with data," or move from the data to making them pub
lic. Wolcott (1994) sketches a series of circles that expand through t-hrec distinct
and thoroughly interconnected layers of making sense of the daLL He eel lIs the
first layer, description, or letting "the data speak for themselves":
One way of doing something with data in rendering an account is to
stay close to the data as originally recorded. The final account may
draw long excerpts from one's field notes, or repeat informants'
words so that informants themselves seem to tell their ,)rie'). The
strategy of this approach is to treat descriptive data as Llct .
that the data speak for themselves. (p. 10)
Wolcott contrasts description with analysis, "a second wav I\f
reporting data that builds upon [description] ... to expand,
[ 'llC[
purely descriptive account ... to identify key factors and n:l1
lip" . d), It))
Analysis operates, he notes, in a "careful and systematic way" to create a metl
level around the data that attempts to show why things are <1'-; they arc. The
third way of dealing with data, which Wolcott labels interpretation, take~
sis to a broader frame by connecting the data to the wider world of purposes
and reasons. To work on this layer, however, the researcher must sometimes "fill
in the gaps." Wolcott (1994) says that interpretation



does not claim to be as convincingly or compulsively "scientific" as

[analysis].... [It is] neither as loyal to nor as restricted by observa

tional data [as description]. The goal is to make sense of what goes

on, to reach out for understanding or explanation beyond the limits

of what can be explained with the degree of certainty usually associ

ated with analysis. (pp. 10-11).

Wolcott's tripartite framework can be useful in locating your primary focus

in making the data public: What do you need to do to "do something with
data"? Do you need to describe them? To "build connections" among the data
through analysis? Or do you need to interpret the findings in terms of broader
issues and questions? All of these functions are critical, but you need to be clear
on your purpose. Wolcott (pp. 17-23) goes on to outline ten ways to organize
and present descriptions of data. These are ways of locating the plot line in your
data so that you can tell the story effectively.

Ways of
describing data;
Wolcott (1994)

1. Chronological order draws on the order of events in time to tell the story.
2. Researcher or narrator order relates the account in "the way the story

has been revealed to the researcher."

3. Progressive focusing uses the analogy of a movie camera to relate the

immediate data and the larger context. In a study built around a spe

cific problem or situation, this account "slowly zooms from broad

context to the particulars of the case, or starts with a close-in view

and gradually backs away to include more context."

4. A "day-in-the-life" of uses "some customary sequence of events,"

such as an activity period, a school day, or a week, to tell the story. It

takes the reader into the action and description in the data, using an

established time frame as the structure.

S. A critical or key event creates a story-within-a-story by focusing on

one or two events or situations that are microcosms of the larger

account. The full story is told through the lens of these events.

6. Plot and characters tells the story through its main characters and

their interactions, allowing them to drive the account. Like (4) and

(5), this device has a telescopic quality that brings the story into focus

via a particular set of characters and events.

7. Groups in interaction is similar to (6), but uses groups, as opposed to

individuals, to focus the account. In this approach, it is worth con

sidering how the groups are portrayed, especially if you may be con

trasting a group that is "successful" with one that is not.

8. Following an analytical framework uses the framework of the research

as a structure into which to fit the description. This can be a delicate

task in that the trick is to not let the framework drive the descriptive

evidence. Rather, the aim is to assemble the data according to the

framework. Wolcott likens this approach to using the instruction sheet

to assemble a wheelbarrow: You need to "make sure all parts are



properly in place before tightening." Otherwise, you may distort the

descriptive evidence to fit into the stronger analytical framework.
9. The "Rashomon" effect uses the points of view of various participants
to tell he story. Like Akira Kurosawa's classic film, Rashomon, this
approach describes the same situation or events through the eyes and
perspectives of several different participants, with the net effect that
no one version is seen as definitive. See also Fanselow (1977).
10. Write a mystery lays out an unfolding problem that the data resolve.
The approach lets the problem or issue drive the telling of the account,
like a good mystery, so that the story unfolds toward some type of res

You can read Wolcott's suggestions in a number of ways. They layout possibil
ities for how you might approach describing what you find and, in so doing, may
stimulate you to go beyond the obvious or familiar ways of constructing your
account. They also suggest that different inquiries and the data they produce will
lend themselves to different forms of telling. This is, as I have said, a key deci
sion in the whole issue of genre. But beyond these points, f'think Wolcott's sug
gestions point to the creativity than can be involved in making a public account
of your work. Description makes public the landscape of your research; often
that is exactly all you want to do. However, depending on your inquiry and your
purpose, you may want or need to go beneath the surface, which then brings in
analysis as a way of telling your data.
Turning to analysis, Wolcott also has suggestions based on his experience, as
he discusses how to construct an analysis based in findings. Here again Wolcott
(1994, pp. 31-36) offers his thinking in ten suggestions:
1. Highlight your findings: Stay close to the basic themes and relation
ships that you have found in data analysis and use data to tell them

2. Display your findings: Use data displays to orient the analysis toward
the visual dimensions of your data, both concretely (for example, pho
tos, students' work, or videos) and abstractly, as you represent pat
terns in clear ways. This refers to the work on dat8 displays in
Chapter 5, p. 108-112, 118-119.
3. Follow and report "systematic" procedures: At times, tj-;~ procr>dun'
of the inquiry is what you have to report, because the findings are dis
parate or inconclusive. This means that you tell the stor" of /7()!f' V011
did the research, as opposed to what you found. This Glil he a ,ntical
undertaking because, by doing so, you are opening up ! ''<H.lling (111d
learning through the teacher-research process.
4. Flesh out the analytical framework that guided data collection: Like
(3), you are telling the research process. In this case, you foclls on the
framework that drives your inquiry and tell its story by linking data
to the framework. (See 8, "Following an analytical framework," In
ways of describing data, p.161.)



5. Identify patterned regularities in the data: Discussing "what-goes

with-what," Wolcott notes, helps to extend the study of a single case
to understanding things beyond it. This opens up the specifics to the
broader patterns it may capture or reflect. Since teacher-research is
often based in case studies and small samples, this approach can allow
you to broaden your analysis.
6. Compare with another case: In (5) you seek similarities in patterns;
here you look at differences through comparison. These can be com
parisons within the data or study, or beyond it. You can, for instance,
compare what you are studying with what is usual in your or col
leagues' teaching experience.
7. Evaluate by comparing to a standard: By explicit comparison to a rel
evant or agreed-upon external standard, you can show how what you
are finding differs positively or negatively. Unlike an evaluation study,
which aims to measure the particular instance-e.g., students' perfor
mances-in terms of a standard, here you are using the standard as a
way to position the specifics of your data within a broader context.
8. Contextualize your findings in a broader analytical framework: Here
you draw connections between your findings and some external
authority, through reference to a recognized body of literature or the
ory in the relevant field. This is often accomplished through a review
of relevant literature to position your work. An experienced researcher
once explained this approach to me as being like "conversation man
agement." The aim is to take a turn in the conversation about the
topic. When you quote others, you show who preceded your input in
the conversation and in that way you allow others to place your con
tribution in a context. Another way to connect to external authority
is to draw on the norms of human and/or professional experience,
thus allowing your readers to connect what you say to their lives.
9. Critique the research process: This entails making public the limita
tions of the processes you have used, as one way to contextualize
what you have found. By not doing so, there can be the risk that your
findings will appear absolute. By stating up front the limitations of
the process, you in effect forestall that criticism and, more impor
tantly, you look closely at how the research process itself generated
the results.
10. Propose a redesign of the study: This carries (9) a step further by
specifically discussing how the study could be done differently. By
showing the shortcomings of your work and by talking a bout how to
address them, you make public the evolving nature of the research
process and of teacher-research in particular. However, even if most
things go "right," research rarely-if ever-comes to closure. It can be
very valuable to talk about what you would do in further research to
pursue the loose ends and unanswered issues in what you have found.




This Investigation connects Wolcott's ten suggestions for organizing descriptions
and structuring analyses to your work and/or that of other teacher-researchers.

1. Description: Wolcott and your work

Look at the data and Othe displays that you have developed for them
in Chapter 6. Review the list of suggested ways to approach describ
ing data (pp. 161-162). Sort the ten suggestions into three groups:
A. Suggestions that would not work for your study and data
B. Suggestions that might work for your study and data
C. Suggestions that do not seem to fit your study and data
For (A) and (B), think through why the suggestion would not
or might work.

If you are working with others, you can do this part by yourself and
then compare notes. Or you can take one person!s data/displays
(providing you are all adequately familiar with them), and use this
material as a basis for reviewing Wolcott's suggestions.

2. Analysis: Wolcott and your work

Repeat the above process, now using the list of suggested ways to
approach analyzing data (pp. 162-163).

3. Description: Wolcott and other people's work

Review the various accounts of teacher-research in this book and refer
to the List of Accounts (p. 195) and Appendix E. Choose one account
to focus on and review it using the process outlined in (1) above.
You may also want to find examples in the various teacher-research
accounts in this book and elsewhere of the different styles of describ
ing data that Wolcott outlines.



Wolcott outlines a series of choices that can guide you in "doing something with
data." These choices are shaped both by what you have to say and who you
intend your audience to be. How you represent your work and the understand
ings that result from it are circumscribed, as we said in discussing genre, by
questions of purpose, form, and audience or social context. Underlying these
choices of representation is the issue of how believable your research will be.
This is the basic demand of validity. Validity asks the questions "How could I
be wrong?" and "How might I have misconstrued the evidence?" Questioning
the validity of your work pushes you to reexamine both your understandings
and the research processes that produced them. Thus judgments of validity lie
at the intersection of the inquiry and the disciplined way in which you have


conducted it. As Lee Shulman (1988) points out in discussing research as disci
plined inquiry, people argue about two basic things in research: whether the
findings are valid and whether they have been arrived at in a valid manner.
When people argue the validity of a research account, they are questioning the
credibility of its findings based either on the reasonableness of the inquiry
Does it make sense to ask such questions?-or on the care and methodicalness
of the research processes-How was the research conducted? Was it carried out
in a disciplined manner?
Validity is about establishing credibility in research. Credibility is central to
creating worthwhile knowledge: You want other people to believe the under
standings you have arrived at. The validity of a research project speaks to the
question of how this credibility is established. By what standards is the research
to be believed? Validity is of regular concern in educational research for a num
ber of reasons. First, educational research is generally "applied," as opposed to
"pure," which means it is intimately tied to action. If, for example, a large-scale
research project demonstrates the effectiveness of a certain reading program, it
is more than likely that that program will be adopted in other school systems
based on the research findings. Thus, if the research is valid, if others find it cred
ible, it may well trigger actions that have an impact on other people. Second;
education is a field in which everyone has some experience, based on having
been a student. Therefore, people often have opinions and claim some expertise.
To counteract this common knowledge, educational research has to be credible.
The research on retention in grade provides a clear example of this phenom
enon (e.g. Smith and Shepard, 1987). Holding students back for a year, or reten
tion in grade, is a widespread practice that dates back, in the United States, to
the establishment of age-graded schools early in this century. There has been an
abiding belief that if students are not" ready" to be promoted, they should not
be moved on to the next grade. This readiness has several dimensions: There is
academic readiness, the ability to handle the grade-level content; there is social
readiness, the ability to interact successfully with peers; and there is intellectual
readiness, which is connected to general mental ability and maturation. Reten
tion in grade is a common practice in American schools; it is also one of the most
widely studied aspects of schooling in the United States. Each year thousands of
children are held back in U.S. classrooms, and researchers have sought to find
out whether the practice does, indeed, make a difference to their learning.
Overall, the research has been quite conclusive that retention in grade does not
have a significant positive academic or social impact on students. Yet despite the
validity of the research, parents, teachers, administrators, and school boards
continue to believe that retention is solid educational policy and practice. It
seems to be common knowledge, based on common experience, that staying
back and repeating a grade "works," and research has not been able to chal
lenge that belief.
Because research in education links to actions, and actions have consequences
for others beyond the research, and because educational research often has to
challenge popular beliefs founded in common experience, validity takes on a dif
ferent importance. These factors are doubly applicable in teacher-research, since



it can have immediate implications for actions taken in the classroom, and it can
common, status-quo assumptions in teaching and learning. Teacher
On education

as a disciplinary
research has to be credible; it has to be valid. The need is present and it is real.
But the question is, by what standards should this validity be assessed? Because,

see Chapter 1,
as we said in Chapter 1, educational research in general, and teacher-research in

particular, still lack a coherent disciplinary community, the standards of validi

ty are open to much discussion and debate. Further, given the consequences in
action that such research can trigger, as well as the bases in common experience
that it often must challenge, standards of validity must respond to the broadest
common perceptions of what make the research worth believing. Normative
ideas of common standards for validity are based on generalized truth, that a
finding will be "universally" true, and on replicability, that it can be applied in
many, or even all, comparable situations. These are notions that spring from a
positivist perspective on the world however. As a philosophical orientation, pos
universal statements and
rules of causality. The intent is to
be able to say (and believe) that X makes Y happen: "Germs cause disease,"
"the orientation of the earth to the sun causes the seasons," "access to oxygen
makes a fire burn," and so on. In a positivist orientation, ~p.e aim of research is
to show what causes certain things to happen under certain circumstances.
In designing educational research, positivism was translated into the process
paradigm in which educational processes, like teaching, are studied
On positivism
the products, such as amounts of learning, they generate. Thus the
and research
"causes" of these products can be traced to elements in the processes. Positivism
design, see
Freeman (1996); has provided the philosophical foundation for much of experimental science
also Moss
(Bazerman, 1988). Because of its pervasive nature in the public mind, the posi
tivist view of science has often cast shadows on other forms of inquiry. To be
"good," the belief holds, research must be "scientific," which, in turn, means it
must generate objective facts about causes and effects. These facts are reliable if
they produce the same results in different situations; thus the facts can be gen
eralized beyond the immediate research context to other situations. These
notions of reliability and generalizability are the staples of validity in a positivist
view. They establish the value and believability of the research undertaking.
The problem is, however, that positivism is difficult to apply to teaching and
learning. In the messy complexity of the classroom, it is very hard to isolate par
ticular processes so as to attribute particular products or results to them. To
paraphrase a well-known former congressman from Massachusetts, Tip O'Neill,
"All classrooms-like politics-are local." As social environments, classrooms
and schools differ tremendously according to who is in them, the wider socia:
communities in which they are located and serve, the history that participants
have with one another, the backgrounds, and so on down to the particular time
of day-whether something occurs before or after lunch. Social interactions ali"I
environments are inherently less uniform, regular, and stable than physical phe
nomena. Thus, it is incompatible with the realities of teaching and learning to
think of validity exclusively in terms of absolute truths and whether findings can
be reliably generalized from one classroom or school to all others.



n place of this positivist view of validity, researchers in qualitative research

have sought another standard, one that connects research to reasons and action.
Meaning and meaningfulness are seen as the bridge between acting and the
thinking that motivates the actions. Within the hermeneutic paradigm, meaning
is what people understand in a given situation; meaningfulness is how they act
or react given what they understand. A very simple example: When I first arrived
in Japan I was shown the apartment where I would be living. Excited to see my
new home, I walked into the cement entryway, or genkan, and without stopping
I stepped up onto the wooden floor in the kitchen area, and then continued onto
the tatami sleeping area. My Japanese colleague quickly called me back to the
entryway and told me to take off my shoes. We then stepped into slippers to
walk on the wooden floor. At the sill of the sleeping room, we left our slippers
and walked in our socks on the tatami. From my fresh-from-North America per
spective, I saw one floor, all of which I could walk on wearing my shoes. I
brought this meaning to the situation from my experience. I acted meaningfully,
according to my limited and culturally inappropriate understanding of Japanese
interior space, by walking throughout the apartment in my shoes. My Japanese
colleague made a tripartite distinction in meaning where I had had one. There
were three types of flooring: the cement entryway, the wooden floor, and the
tatami. To act meaningfully, each flooring required a different form of footware:
shoes, slippers, and socks, respectively. By using the correct footware, you
showed you understood the distinctions in the flooring. In other words, by act
ing meaningfully, you show you know the meanings in the situation.
This story also illustrates the connection between the hermeneutic view of
meaning and Marton's distinction between first- and second-order orientations
to the world, discussed in Chapter 4. Distinctions in meaning, like the different
kinds of flooring in the apartment, are second-order because they hinge on how
people perceive their worlds. Initially, I saw one floor where my Japanese col
league saw three. Perceptions depend on context. I wasn't wrong in what I saw,
but I was mistaken in the Japanese context. Acting on perceptions brings mean
ings into the first-order realm where they can be seen and experienced. My
Japanese colleague was able to see my second-order, perceptual confusion only
when I acted inappropriately, as I did by walking through the apartment with
my shoes still on. Because I did not act meaningfully in a Japanese sense, my col
league recognized that I did not know the appropriate meanings in this Japanese
context. Thus my first-order actions revealed my second-order misperceptions.
To unpack the event, one could ask the first-order question, "What did he do
when he arrived at the apartment?" This would generate a first-order descrip
tion of my (inappropriate) actions. To get at the reasoning underlying my
actions, one would have to ask, "What happened when he arrived at the apart
ment? Why did he act as he did?" Thus a valid explanation for what happened
depends on a second-order orientation to probe the meanings that triggered my
actions when I first arrived at my new apartment.
By studying how people make, give, and respond to meanings, research seeks
to understand the basis for their actions. In classrooms, this perspective covers
a lot of ground and it takes into account the human complexity and messiness
of teaching and learning. The standards of validity change when one studies mean-

Meaning and

On first- and
see Chapter 4,



ings, as opposed to behaviors, however. In contrast to the process-product par

adigm, which traces learning as a product generated by the processes of teach
ing, the hermeneutic paradigm focuses on how participants understand their
worlds and the actions they take. Within this paradigm, validity is tied to under
standing, or meaning, which is tied to action, or meaningfulness. Elliot Mishler
(1990), a researcher who studies narrative, says of validity in this context:
The essential criterion for such judgments is the degree to which we
can rely on the concepts, methods, and inferences, of a study, or a tra
dition of inquiry, as the basis of our own theorizing and empirical
research. If our overall assessment of a study's trustworthiness is high
enough for us to act on it, we are granting the findings a sufficient
degree of validity to invest our own time and energy. (emphasis
added, p.419)

Mishler frames the overall question of validity in teacher-research: Are the

understandings that have come from this study adequate for me to take action
.on them? To use Mishler's words, am I willing to "invest m)ii,own time and ener
On valuing,

gy" on changing what I do, on rethinking my beliefs, on pursuing a further

see Chapter 8,

inquiry in this area? Think about the teachers who questioned the connection
pp. 188-191.

between attendance and motivation in Chapter 1. When they discovered a con

nection among students' tardiness, where those students lived, and the irregu
larity of the school transportation system, they may have been stimulated to do
something. Perhaps they understood the complexity of tardiness and these stu
dents' lives in a different way. Or perhaps they would advocate for them in new
ways, or argue for improved transportation. In any case, however, the basic
validity of their findings would lie in what they did about them. They might ask
themselves "How could we be wrong about our findings?" And if after review
ing their data and how they had analyzed them, they remained convinced of
their accuracy, they would have a basis for action.
Within validity are several subareas; you can think of these as areas in which
findings "could be wrong." Validity is classically divided into internal and exter
nal validity. The former
to issues within the research process itself; the lat
ter to how the research findings square with the world. External validity is a
matter of testing and retesting explanations until you arrive at an understanding
that fits with the phenomenon you are studying. It is a matter of saying "If this
is true, then this should follow." In teacher-research, external validity is a cen
tral concern because it links the research work to the world of classroom and
school in which it takes place.
The following is an example of one researcher's process of examining exter
nal validity. Arlie Hochschild (1997) is a sociologist who has examined the lives
of working families. In an article titled "There's no place like work," she
explains how she probed the question of why workers, who can spend more time
at home with their families, often choose not to. Hochschild's data came from
two sources: extensive interviews she conducted with workers in a major corpo
ration, which she calls Americo, and a study of worker satisfaction conducted
by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This study found that 62 percent



of workers surveyed "preferred their present schedule"; 28 percent "would have

preferred longer hours." Fewer than 1 0 percent said they wanted a cut in hours.
Of these data, Hochschild asked the obvious question: "Why? Given the hours
parents are working these days, why aren't they taking advantage of an oppor
tunity to reduce their time at work?"
Hochschild then reviewed the three alternative explanations for why work
ing parents might choose not to reduce their hours when that possibility was
available to them. She posited that (1) working less might cause financial prob
lems; (2) parents might fear losing their jobs if they took more leave; or (3) they
might not know the leave options that existed for them. Each explanation tests
the external validity of the findings against common assumptions about why
parents work, and therefore why they may not take available leave to spend
more time with their families.

Explanation #l-Money: "The most widely held explanation is that

working parents cannot afford to work shorter hours."
Noting that this is true for many working parents, Hochschild also
offered some counterevidence: "If money is the whole explanation,
why would it be that at corporations like Americo, the best-paid
employees-upper-Ievel managers and professionals-were the least
interested in part-time work or job sharing, while clerical workers
who earned less were more interested?"



She continued, "Similarly, if money were the answer, we would

expect poorer new mothers to return to work more quickly after giv
ing birth than rich mothers." Here again, there is counterevidence:
"Among working women nationwide, well-to-do new mothers are
not much more likely to stay home after 13 weeks with a new baby
than low-income new mothers.
So, regarding the validity of explanation #1, Hochschild concluded:
"Money is important, but by itself does not explain why many peo
ple don~t want to cut back hours at work. "

Explanation #2- c'Working scared": "Workers don't dare ask for

time off because they are afraid it would make them vulnerable to
layoffs. With recent downsizings at many large corporations, and
with well-paying, secure jobs being replaced by lower-paying, inse
cure ones, it occurred to me," wrote Hochschild, "that perhaps
employees are 'working scared.'"
To examine the validity of this explanation, Hochschild returned to
her data: "When I asked Americo employees whether they worked
long hours for fear of getting on a layoff list, virtually everyone said,
"No." Even among a particularly vulnerable group-factory work
ers who had been laid off in the downturn of the early 1980's and
were later rehired-most did not cite fear of their jobs as the only, or
main, reason they worked overtime." So, "working scared" as an ex
planation did not adequately cover the situation.

Explanation #3-Lack of information/support: Hochschild won

dered: "Were workers uninformed about the company's family
friendly policies?"


She concluded not. Many workers mentioned being proud of such

enlightened company policies. "Were rigid middle managers stand
ing in the way of workers using these policies?" "Sometimes," she
found. Nonetheless, Hochschild noted, "When I compared Americo
employees who worked for flexible managers with those who
worked for rigid managers, I found that the flexible managers
reported only a few more applicants (for reduced work time] than
the rigid ones." So it seemed that lack of information and support
was not an adequate explanation for employees declining to take
advantage of increased leave.
Hochschild developed these three possible explanations for the status quo
that workers tended not to take advantage of increased leave time available to
them. Each explanation is a potential threat to the external validity of her study
in that, if it were true, there would be a way to explain why U.S. workers were
spending more time on the job. As none of these three explanations held up
against the data, Hochschild concluded that there was a paradox: "Workers
weren't protesting the time bind. They were accommodating to it." She thus
needed to explain why this paradox might be. Her fourt!}, explanation, below,
accounts for the data in what Hochschild calls a "counterintuitive way." She
thus addresses the threats to the external validity of her findings raised by the
first three possible explanations: lack of money, fear of being laid off, and lack
of knowledge and support.
Explanation #4-Work as home/Home as work: "The worlds of
home and work have begun to reverse places," Hochschild argues.
"We are used to thinking that home is where most people feel the
most appreciated, the most truly 'themselves,' the most secure, the
most relaxed. We are used to thinking that work is where most peo
ple feel like (they are] 'just a number' or 'a cog in a machine.'"
She points out that "new management techniques so pervasive in
corporate life have helped transform the workplace into a more
appreciative, personal sort of social world." At the same time, the
"emotional demands" of home have become more "baffling and
complex." "Work has become a form of 'home' and home has
become <work, ", Hochschild concludes. Therefore, faced with the
choice, it seems that many workers are loath to cut back time at
work, which they find comfortable and personable, in favor of more
time at home, which is stressful and demanding.



In this Investigation, you examine Hochschild's alternative explanations from

the standpoint of external validity.
Using Hochschild's research as detailed in Explanations 1 through 4,
list the potential threats to the external validity of her findings and
how she addresses them. Use the distinction between meaning and
meaningfulness as a tool. How does Hochschild define the meaning



that might lead to an explanation ("Perhaps employees are ... "), and
then what does she look for as meaningful actions to corroborate it
(" If this meaning were true, then ... ")?
Create two columns and for each explanation, list the meaning
Hochschild proposes, in one column, and, in the other column, the
meaningful actions that would follow if that meaning were true.

While external validity is what most of the world worries about in assessing the
credibility of research findings, it is not the only concern. External validity is
about the implications of the research; internal validity is about the design and
the research process itself. Internal validity is generally divided into four areas:
descriptive validity, also called apparent or content validity; ecological validity,
which is also sometimes called instrumental or criterion validity; interpretive
validity, sometimes called concurrent or predictive validity; and theoretical or
construct validity (Kirk and Miller, 1986; Selinger and Shohamy, 1989). While
the terms may seem off-putting, the concepts are basic and sensible. DescriptivG
validity is about whether what you say or write reflects what you studied. For
example, if you say your study included seventh and eighth graders, and in fact
there were no actual data from the seventh graders, then this is an error of
description or content that should be readily apparent. Ecological validity
addresses whether the means of data collection and analysis capture the infor
mation that you need to address the research question. In this sense, does the
ecology of the study-its research questions, setting, data collection, and analy
ses-all fit together coherently? Are there problems with the instruments used
in data collection or the criteria used in analysis? If, for instance, you want to
investigate students' views of writing and you only look at what they write, but
you do not have them keep reflective journals or write about their writing, or you
do not interview them or give them a survey, you will have created issues of eco
logical validity. You will be looking at first-order data-their writing samples
for evidence of a second-order question-what they think about writing.
Interpretive validity has to do with findings. In his typology for analyzing
data, Wolcott distinguishes among description, analysis, and interpretation. As
you move from one to the next, you move farther from the immediate data to
build a larger view of what is happening. At this point, issues of interpretive
validity may enter in. If the elements of your findings do not fit together analyt
ically or if you are making jumps in logic or interpretation and prediction, your
findings can be weakened by these problems. Similarly, if the theory or ideas out
of which it is constructed are flawed, the whole research project may be built on
shaky ground; these issues are called theoretical or construct validity. These issues
are illustrated in the account that follows, a newspaper column written by the
late Albert Shanker, then president of the American Federation of Teachers.
In his column, Shanker discusses two contradictory research studies on the use
of tuition vouchers. In a tuition voucher program, the state or municipal gov
ernment pays the school tuition, in the form of vouchers, directly to parents so
that they can select the schools that they want their children to attend. The aim





of such programs is to create a "buyers' market" in which parents can choose the
kind of schooling-public, parochial, or private-they want for their children.
Proponents of vouchers argue that introducing economic competition will improve
public education; this is not a position shared by the national teachers' unions
however. Shanker discusses two major studies on the use of tuition vouchers in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a city that pioneered this approach. In these studies, and
in the general debate over vouchers, success-or lack of it-is generally framed
in terms of improvements in students' test scores. The two studies, it turns out,
used the same data set, but they reached different-indeed, opposite-conclu
sions. The first study, by John Witte, showed no appreciable benefit of vouchers,
while the second study, by Paul E. Peterson, reanalyzed Witte's data to show that
students who attended private schools on vouchers did benefit. Since both
researchers used the same data, the difference in the studies had to be found in the
analysis and interpretation of those data. Challenging these aspects of the
research involves raising questions of at least internal, and possibly external
validity, which is what Shanker, as teachers' union president, did in his column.

New York Times, September 1, 1996

By Albert Shanker-President, American Federation of Teachers

An Important Question

We're in the midst of a national debate about school vouchers. Voucher

supporters argue that all students, and particularly poor, minority

students in inner-city schools, should be given a chance to go to pri

vate schools at public expense. Permitting students to do this, vouch

er supporters say, will greatly improve their academic performance.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, there has actually been a voucher experi

ment to see whether there is anything to voucher supporters' claims.
Since 1990, a small number of poor youngsters have been given pub
lic money to go to private, non-religious schools. The Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction commissioned John Witte, a dis
tinguished researcher and professor at the University of Wisconsin,
to gather and interpret data, and for five years, Witte has been pub
lishing reports about the experiment. He has looked at such ques
tions as how many students elected to enter the voucher program,
how many were selected by the private schools, how many subse
quently dropped out, and, of course, how well the private school stu
dents have done in comparison with public school students from
similar backgrounds. His conclusion? Even though many parents
like the voucher schools, there is no difference, so far, between the
math and reading scores of voucher students and comparable young
sters who have remained in public school.
This would seem to provide us with an answer as to whether stu
dents who go to private schools do better than public school students.
(Of course the experiment could be continued because it may take
longer than four or five years to achieve an academic turnaround.)
But several weeks ago, a group of researchers led by Harvard Univer



sity professor Paul E. Peterson published a study of the Milwaukee

voucher program that came up with totally different conclusions
from Witte's.
Peterson, assisted by Jay P. Greene of the University of Houston and
Jiangtao Du of Harvard, took the data Witte used but employed dif
ferent methods in analyzing them. According to their findings, by the
time choice youngsters had been in their private schools for three and
four years, their reading and math scores were markedly better than
those of comparable students who had remained in public schools.
Of course, contradictory findings about student achievement are
nothing new. After Education Alternatives, Inc. (EAI) had been run
ning a group of Baltimore schools for two years, the media reported
that student test scores were down. EAI then hired its own experts
who said, "No, indeed! Test scores are up," In the end, pushed by
the mayor, the school district asked a group of independent evalua
tors to assess EAI's performance. The evaluators found that students
in EAI schools were doing no better than comparable students in
non-EAI schools. Parents and members of the public in situations
like those in Baltimore and Milwaukee are always likely to face con
flicting evaluations about the success of a program.
The question is, how can we tell whether a researcher has reached
sound conclusions? The average person can't. The media can't either.
Most reporters are not knowledgeable in the field of statistics. In
writing about a technical study, they are likely to pick up what
researchers claim to have proved and report it as fact-which is like
a jury's accepting a lawyer's closing argument as proof. Perhaps the
time will come when an impartial organization will evaluate reports
of research the way Consumers Union evaluates products. In the
meantime, there are certain clues that ordinary people can use to
evaluate a piece of research. For example, what do other knowl
edgeable people think about it?
In education and other academic fields, researchers submit their
work to professional journals and undergo a peer review process.
Witte's work has been peer-reviewed, and interested experts have
had five years to examine and critique his findings. Peterson et aI.,
on the other hand, did not submit their research to peer review. They
went directly to voucher advocacy groups and the media with their
report. This is something that consumers should consider when they
ask themselves whether Witte's finding or those by Peterson et ai. are
more likely to hold water. And there are things in the report itself.
For example,
The table that contains Peterson et al.'s main analysis-the one on
which they base their conclusions-fails to take account of family
background. This violates one of the basic rules of research on stu
dent achievement because accounting for family background is the
only way researchers can distinguish between the advantages a stu
dent brings from home and the value added by the school. When
researchers take account of family background, they can compare,
for example, scores of students whose parents have had a high



school education with those of students whose parents have had a

college education. One of Peterson et al.'s later tables does take
account of family background. Their results are then identical to
Witte's: There is no difference in achievement between voucher
students and their public school peers. But Peterson et al. slough
off this table in their discussion, and no newspaper story that I've
seen has picked up on it .
Peterson et aL also stack the deck by using a statistical standard
that is much lower than researchers ordinarily use or accept.
When researchers employ statistics to show that a program
works, they look for results that are "statistically significant."
This means there is little likelihood of error in their findings.
Peterson et al. do not talk much about "statistical significance"
because their findings are not statistically significant. They talk,
instead, about results that are "substantially significant" or "sub
stantially important." These are made-up terms that have no
meaning among researchers. But they do deceive the public into
thinking that Peterson et al. have proven their case.
The question of which schools do the best job of impr'6ving student
achievement is not going to be easy. How can lay people decide
when the bases for their decisions are highly technical reports that
are likely to come to conflicting conclusions and when the media are
not in a position to shed light on the question? If those who support
vouchers expect us to make the kind of radical change that a vouch
er system will involve, they will have to come up with an answer to
this problem.


In this Investigation, you examine Shanker's column, '-'An Important Question,"

on conflicting research on school vouchers. The aim is to use the four categories
ofinternal validity-descriptive, ecological, interpretive, and theoretical-to exam
ine his arguments.
Read through Shanker's column, making note
the criticisms he
makes. Then, using your notes and the column itself as reference,
organize his criticisms according to the four categories of threats to
the internal validity: descriptive, ecological, interpretive, and theo
retical validity
page 171).
List Shanker's issues. Then use that list to draw a mind-map. Put
"school vouchers" at the center, and then link his criticisms to it,
labeling each one by the type of validity threat (descriptive, ecologi
cal, interpretive, theoretical) it represents. Alternatively, you can
make a matrix, with Shanker's issues down the left side and the four
threats to validity across the top. Fill in each cell according to
Shanker's criticisms andlor your own ideas.
If you are working with others, read the column alone and make
your initial determinations by yourself, then work with others to
complete the task.


Validity is essentially an argument over who and what to believe. Shanker's

discussion shows the political nature that such debates can have. Shanker and
his union say that school vouchers will siphon off much-needed resources from
public schools. Proponents of vouchers, like the governor of Wisconsin, the
state in which the Witte study was done, support vouchers as a means to
improve schooling for students who do not have the financial means to choose
their schools. Thus the research findings have important implications for action
on both sides of the question. The question Shanker asks-"How can we tell
whether a researcher has reached sound conclusions?"-is a central one, not
only in this instance, but in all research. It is a question that generally points to
the internal validity of the work. To defend your research, then, you have to
think carefully about how you have addressed each of these four areas, the
descriptive, the ecological, the interpretive, and the theoretical.

Issues of external and internal validity notwithstanding, the challenge of going

public with teacher-research is one of pushing the limits of convention. To accu"
rately represent what teachers find in researching their teaching will no doubt
require using new, as well as conventional, forms. The art historian E. H. Gombrich
is supposed to have said, "Artists don't paint what they see; they see what they
know how to paint." This chapter has been about that statement, and how we
represent what we see. I strongly believe that in doing teacher-research lies the
capacity to see new things in classrooms that have, heretofore, gone unnoticed,
unremarked, and untold. This is both a challenge and a responsibility. To see
these things and not to make them known publicly is not responsible. To make
them public in ways that are accurate or fair to what you have found is the chal
lenge. Elliot Eisner (1997), who writes about the interaction of art and research
in a form of educational research he calls "connoisseurship," describes the chal
lenge and responsibility in the following way:
As the use of alternative forms of data representation increases, we can
expect new ways of seeing things, new settings for their display, and
new problems to tackle. The invention of time-lapse and slow-motion
photography has enabled us to see what is otherwise invisible to the
naked eye. The invention of the telescope and the microscope has
made possible the formation of questions that were unaskable before
their presence. Put another way: Our capacity to wonder is stimulated
by the possibilities that new forms of representation suggest. (p. 8)

Suggested Readings
There is a great deal written on genre, both in writing and in research. On the
former, I'd suggest Sunny Hyon's fine 1996 summary "Genre in three traditions:
Implications for ESL"(TESOL Quarterly 30 (4): pp. 693-722). On the latter,
Clifford Geertz's 1980 article, "Blurred genres: The reconfiguration of social
thought" (American Scholar, 49) is a classic introduction to widening research



paradigms in social science. The last chapter, "Afterword: The passion of por
trCliture" of Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot's book The Good High School: Portraits
in Character and Culture (New York: Basic Books, pp. 369-378, 1983) puts
Geertz's discussion of "blurred genres" in the context of her research in schools;
it is extremely readable.
On questions of validity in teacher-research and in educational research more
generally, Yvonna Lincoln's article "Emerging criteria for quality in qualitative
and interpretative research" (Qualitative Inquiry 1 (3): pp. 275-289, 1995) pro
vides a very good overview of the issues. Elliot Eisner's article "The promise and
the perils of alternative forms of data representation" (Educational Researcher
26 (6): pp. 4-9, 1997) broadens the discussion to examine the boundaries of
what is considered data in such work. My chapter, "Redefining the relationship
between research and what teachers know," in Kathleen Bailey and David Nunan's
edited volume Voices from the Language Classroom. (New York: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 88-115, 1995) looks at how teaching is represented in var
ious research traditions.






y interest in the relationship between classroom teaching and research is

both personal and professional. When I started out teaching, I saw little
if any-connection between my own practice as a classroom language teacher
and what I understood to be the work of research. In part, my skepticism was
borne out of ignorance. My concern at the time lay in surviving, and in gettin~
the job of teaching, as I understood it, done in a respectable manner. So I had
little time for information that did not serve my immediate ends. The skepticism
stemmed partly from an intuitive recognition of the gulf that generally exists
between the worlds of teacher and researcher. I believe that the gulf, which is
variously described as "theory versus practice" and "research versus applica
tion," certainly exists in the experience of many teachers, as it did in mine.
Later, in my work as a teacher educator and a researcher in teacher educa
tion, I continued to wonder about what impact that research knowledge might
have on what teachers know and what they do in their classrooms and profes
sional lives (Freeman, 1996; Freeman and Richards, 1996). What I found is
hardly a foregone conclusion. In fact, research and curricular knowledge do not
appear to translate into classrooms in the seamless, logical fashion in which we
might hope or expect they would (Clark and Peterson, 1986), Changing people's
ideas about teaching and learning is not as straightforward as building the
proverbial better mousetrap; "improved" solutions in education are often more
a matter of belief than a question of reason or evidence. Because people do not
necessarily share the same definitions of the "problems," their approaches to
addressing these problems reflect their positions and values. Thus there are
many competing views of how to improve teaching. In this flux of competing
perceptions, definitions, and responses, what teachers know is often not voiced
or heard. Because teachers do not often present their understandings of teach
ing and learning, or they present their views as matters of opinion without dis
ciplined evidence to support them, teacher input does not have the impact on
understanding teaching and learning that it could or should.
It is also fair to say that the relationship between teaching and research is
changing. The old hierarchical, unidirectional relationship is under challenge.
That view held research as concerned with documenting, describing, measuring,
correlating, and generally scrutinizing classrooms, while teaching focuses on
what goes on in those classrooms: what and how students do-or, at times-

On work at

the hyphen,

see Chapter 1,




don't learn, and what and how teachers teach them. Thus, while teaching and
research both engage what is happening in classrooms, and so they share to a
degree a common purpose, there has been a great difference in their relative sta
tus and prestige. Efforts to reframe a nonhierarchical relationship have general
ly concentrated on making teaching more like research. With some notable
exceptions, such as exploratory teaching (Allwright and Lenzuen, 1997), action
research (e.g., Stringer, 1996), or teacher-as-researcher (e.g., Cochran-Smith and
Lytle, 1993), the general approach has been to argue that teachers need to adopt
the perspective of research in order to bridge the gap. But moving from lesson
plans, activities, and students to research-oriented questions, data analysis, and
findings can transform both the teacher and the classroom. Thus it is possible
that the daily, ordinary activity of teaching will be sacrificed in order to docu
ment and understand it. I have argued that combining teaching and researching
by working at the hyphen actually transforms both functions and the activities
one does to carry them out.

n this chapter, I want to return to teacher-research as the work at the hyphen,

to examine the basic orientations that underlie it. These orientations are atti
tudes or perspectives which I believe go to the heart of doing teacher-research.
Each orientation captures a dimension of the process, so I have called them
dimensions of the relationship between teaching and research. In Figure 8.1
below, the four dimensions are superimposed on the map of the teacher-research
cycle from which we have worked throughout the book.

of teacher

Figure 8.1:


Orienting the teacher-research cycle


I have called these dimensions doing, seeing, telling, and valuing. In a sense, they
serve as points of a compass that orient the underlying attitude and work in that
quadrant of the cycle. In another sense, each dimension (and its attitude) calls
on the teacher-researcher to playa different role: as activist, anthropologist, sto
ryteller, or theoretician, respectively. These roles frame the four underlying ori
entations that are shared by teaching and research. In elaborating them and in
tracing their connections, I want to sketch out the territory in which teaching
and research coexist and suggest how they may better be brought together.

o anchor discussion of these four dimensions, I want to refer to some teach

ing knowledge, which I will call a "story of teaching practice." Using the
label "story" creates a certain expectation of genre. However, it should not mis
lead you into thinking that what follows is only anecdotal or illustrative, a point
to which we will return in examining telling as a dimension of teacher-research.
This story of teaching practice intrigued me for a number of reasons, not the
least of which was because I did not grasp it when I first heard Ken Heile tell it.
Heile was a foreign language teacher who taught Spanish and Latin at the 10c'lJ
high school for more than 20 years before his retirement. In addition to his
teaching duties, he also worked as a teacher educator in a professional develop
ment school that links the local schools to the graduate program in which I teach,
(Levine, 1997). In this capacity, Heile would mentor graduate student teachers
learning to teach, offering close guidance, support, and critique as they worked
with him throughout the school year.

Ken Heile

Account #8.1: Ken Heile's story,

"It all staris in the parking lot."

Ken Heile came to present to graduate student teachers in their reg

ular teacher-education seminar. The topic that week was structuring

practice in the language classroom, how to organize and manage

effective practice activities with senior and junior high school stu

dents. To start off the session, the graduate student teachers had gen

erated several questions, the first of which was "What factors do you

take into consideration in structuring practice activities?" Someone

posed the question to Heile and he began talking about a workshop

on choral music that he had recently attended in connection with his

work as a church deacon. The workshop had been led by a man who

was well known for successfully integrating music into the service

and for generating widespread and active participation among the

members of the congregation. Someone had asked the workshop

leader, Heile said, how he got people to sing in church. The work

shop leader replied, "It all starts in the parking lot, before they even

get into church. It even starts on the way to church." He meant,

Heile told the seminar, that it's all part of an attitude, an attitude of

feeling welcome and feeling free to participate in the church service,

that you belong and have a reason to be there.



"That's how I think about practice," Heile continued. "It starts with
how students feel about the class, and that starts with how you inter
act with them in the hall, on the stairs, in class, and so on. That is
the foundation on which practice is built."
He went on to talk about how he had learned not to limit how he
thought about teaching simply to the classroom. He recognized, over
the course of his career, that the bells and the closed doors that sep
arated the 42 minutes of his Spanish class from the rest of the school
day were artificial boundaries. He also acknowledged that early in
his teaching career, the challenge was to get through class unscathed.
From that perspective, planning practice activities was a matter of
creativity, and managing them was a matter of stamina. Over time,
however, as he looked at what did and didn't work in his teaching,
Heile was drawn inexorably into the wider picture. "But that makes
you a teacher all the time you're at school," one student teacher
reacted, "You're on all the time from 7:15 in the morning to 3:30 in
the afternoon ... even when you run into the kids around town."

Doing as an
orie ntation


Eleanor Duckworth is a psychologist who has spent her professional life

"understanding children's understandings." In an essay titled "The virtues of
not knowing," Duckworth (1987) examines the idea that "in most classrooms,
it is the quick right answer that is appreciated. Knowledge of the answer ahead
of time is, on the whole, more valued than ways of figuring it out" (p. 64). In
concluding the essay, she then makes the observation, which I have quoted pre
viously, that "What you do about what you don't know is, in the final analysis,
what determines what you will ultimately know" (p. 68). Duckworth's statement
is about doing; it captures an attitude of engagement and risk-taking that is fun
damental to the orientation of the activist. In Chapter 1, I argued that unfortu
nately most teaching is not oriented toward "not knowing"; students and teach
ers are not, by and large, encouraged to take risks, to speculate, and to probe
things they are unsure of. The pressures of accountability, as measured by cov
ering curriculum, successful performance on standardized assessments, and of
maintaining classroom order and authority, leave many teachers with little space
to explore what does not make sense, what they do not understand, or what
they do not have answers for.
There are many factors and norms that underlie this drive for right answers
in teaching. Joe MacDonald (1992), a teacher-researcher who now works close
ly with a u.S. national school reform project, the Coalition of Essential Schools
(Sizer, 1983; 1992), describes this norm as a "conspiracy of certainty" (p. 2) in
which questioning, doubting, speculating, or wondering about teaching is viewed
as a sign of weakness or inability to do the job. This social norm in schools can
create an attitude of conservatism among teachers; there is little to be gained in
taking risks, asking questions, and focusing on what you don't know. Thus the
first challenge in doing teacher-research lies in orienting yourself away from pat
answers and tried-and-true activities and toward the risk of exploring the
unknown. The challenge is, in the words of teacher-researcher Peggy Tiffany, "to


lift the shawl of shame" from what is not known, misunderstood, or confusing
in teaching, and thus to make those things more public so they can be improved.
While these norms of conservatism, and the conspiracy of certainty that stems
from them, can work against exploration, engaging in a wider and deeper view
of teaching is well worth the risk. Carol Brooks, a high school Spanish teacher,
explains the shift from certainty to not-knowing in this way:
I realize what used to make me tense in the classroom. It was always
trying to beat the clock and always feeling like someone was telling
me, "You have to fit this, this, and this into this lesson." It was me
that was doing it to myself, but nobody ever stopped to tell me,
"That's okay. Maybe if you listen to these kids or watch these kids a
little more closely, you'd see that what they are doing is plenty." To
take the questions they ask more seriously as a guide to where they
are with the material.
In questioning what she didn't know about her students, Brooks created a climate
of inquiry in her work and became a potential investigator of her own world. Her
statement captures two distinct types of doing: One involves getting the job done
and the other, engaging more fully in what is happening as you do it. Brooks
expresses this first type of doing, on which the functioning of schools is built, as
"beating the clock ... [trying] to fit this, this, and this into this lesson." She talks
about the second as "listening and watching kids a little more closely," and "tak
ing the questions they ask as a guide to where they are with the material."
The doing of teacher-research has both meanings. But it is not so much a mat
ter of replacing the first type of doing with the second as it is recasting or trans
forming how you go about getting the work done so that it includes-or even
requires-the engagement of not-knowing, which is the second type of doing.
Subsuming the doing of action within the doing of engagement in that action is
what articulating an inquiry is all about. Speculating, wondering, puzzling, and
forming questions can all carry teaching beyond itself, toward the attitude of not
knowing Duckworth talks about. But this engaged form of doing must be sup
ported by another orientation of looking closely, gathering information, and
probing what you see. As Brooks puts it, "If you listen to these kids or watch
these kids a little more closely, you'd see that what they are doing is plenty."

Carol Brooks

Doing as action;
doing as


In his pioneering work early in this century, anthropologist Franz Boas argued
that his contemporaries had gotten the process backwards. Boas said that an
anthropologist could not understand a group of people, a community, or indeed
an entire culture only by looking from the outside in. He wrote "If it is our seri
ous purpose to understand the thoughts of a people, the whole analysis of expe
rience must be based on their concepts, not ours" (1943, p. 314). Nowhere is
this statement more true than in understanding the culture of teaching and
learning in classrooms and schools. The aspects that non-teachers see and choose
to tell a bout teaching are interesting, but they are told from the outside in, which
anthropologists and ethnographers call the etic perspective. In contrast, "under
standing the thoughts of a people based on their concepts," to paraphrase Boas,


as an


On emic and etic,

see Chapter 4,

pp. 69 -70



On seeing in
teaching, see
Paley (1986) and
Carini (1979).

is an ernie undertaking. Simply put, it is their distinctions, their meanings and

values, and their interpretations that matter in understanding their work.
Here Ken Heile's story of practice is instructive. As I listened to him talk in
the seminar, I could not figure out what Heile was getting at. I was an outsider
to his reasoning. I wondered where his presentation was heading, why he was
telling us this story, and what church choral workshops had to do with struc
turing practice activities in the language classroom. I brought all of my etic con
cerns to what he was saying. However, when he finished the story of practice,
his emic view made sense to me. I could see a newly articulated set of connec
tions that weave classroom teaching into the wider social world in which it takes
place. Heile's story of practice asserts that, as a teacher, what you do-or don't
do-in hallways is as much a part of successful teaching as what you do in the
classroom. From his emic perspective, the divisions in time and space that make
up the egg-crate life of schools are largely a mirage. While class periods and class
rooms may enable schools to function as institutions, Heile argued that they do
not serve teachers, or student teachers learning to teach, as ways of learning to
think about the basic job of teaching. He contended, in essence, that you need
to see students in the entire experience of their lives, not sim~ly through the lens
of your subject matter.
This is a central issue in seeing as the second dimension of teacher-research.
What you see depends on who you are and where you stand; or, put another
way, it is difficult to separate doing from seeing. To grasp the emic perspective,
we must either do the work ourselves or hear and see it as the insiders do. If we
are outsiders to the classroom, we will not see the same things, in the same
ways, as the teacher and students who learn there. This issue dissolves as teach
ers research their teaching, or at least it becomes less of an obstacle. Emic and
etic, as noted in Chapter 4, are always relative. In doing teacher-research,
teacher-researchers are more insiders to their settings than researchers whose
work lives are elsewhere. However, within an inquiry, especially a second-order
study of students' experiences and perceptions, it may be the teacher-researcher
who has the etic perspective. Thus a strength of teacher-research is political in
that it positions teachers, as insiders, to investigate and "not-know" in their
own workplaces. Its strength is also functional: seeing classrooms from the
inside-out, as it were, should generate new understandings and knowledge.
This point is made quite wonderfully by preschool teacher Vivian Paley.
Although she is not usually thought of as an anthropologist, Paley has devoted
considerable energy and talent to understanding teaching and particularly her
own students as they go about learning. As a teacher-researcher telling her own
work, Paley (1986) writes of this endeavor:
The classroom has all the elements of theater, and the observant, self
examining teacher will not need a drama critic to uncover character,
plot, and meaning. We are, all of us, the actors trying to find the
meaning of the scenes in which we find ourselves. (p. 131)
How to relate emic and etic perspectives-how the insider actor and the out
sider drama critic see things-is the central challenge of integrating teaching and
research to do the work at the hyphen. Paley makes the point that teachers, as
insiders, can see their work very fully, and that the drive to observe and make



sense of the phenomena one is involved in is an essential human undertaking. In

this sense, teacher-research is about seeing what you do in your teaching and
how it impacts on your students' learning.
There is a second sense of seeing involved in teacher-research. It is embedded
in the idea of disciplining the inquiry by being methodical about how you inves
tigate, see, and listen to the teaching and learning around you. This second sense
we might call seeing differently, to distinguish it from the seeing Paley talks
about. In an interview, choreographer and filmmaker Meredith Monk and
choreographer Merce Cummingham talk about this second kind of seeing, and
how it is essential to the energy and perception needed to portray the world
through dance. In discussing ways in which they "keep going and creatively
renew" themselves, the two agree that going to the movies can be very valuable.

and seeing

Cunningham: ... Not just if the movie is good, but the way the cam
era works. It's different from the stage. When I started working with
a camera, I was absolutely amazed.

Monk: It's a different syntax, a different language.

Cunningham: And it gives you new ideas about what to put in the
[dance] technique, about speed, about sudden changes of angles. You
need [these things] for camera work, I think, because a small shift is
so visible, but on the stage it would not be visible.
When I first worked with a camera, I kept seeing something that did
n't look right. Then, I'd look at [the same movement] on stage, and
it seemed fine. I'd go back, and finally I realized one of the dancers
had her foot this way while the others were that way. At first you
can't figure out what you're seeing. So you look again. It makes you
rethink, open your mind.

Monk: Do you read at all?

Cunningham: Yes, but mostly I draw. I love drawing. I draw animals,
flowers, anything I can look at. It's the most extraordinary way to
get out of yourself, because you suddenly realize how stupid you are,
how you don't see. (Monk, 1997)
Cunningham is talking about seeing differently, and about how working with
a different form of discipline-in his case, filming or drawing instead of danc
ing-"makes you rethink, open your mind, [and] suddenly realize how stupid
you are, how you don't see." As a choreographer, Cunningham is familiar with
the world of movement in one way; by doing something differently, using a
camera or drawing, he forces himself to engage with this familiarity in a new
wa y. The same is true, I think, of researching your own teaching. You, as the
teacher~ are quite familiar with the world of classroom, your students, and your
subject matter. Doing teacher-research pushes you to engage with these things
differently, and thus, potentially, to see them differently. As Carol Brooks says,
"If you listen to these kids or watch these kids a little more closely, you'd see



that what they are doing is plenty." You need to see your own work for your
self, as Paley says. It is discipline, in the sense of method and structure, that
enables you to engage in seeing differently that which is familiar. Taking some
one else's word for things will probably not transform your own point of view.
These are the two senses of seeing involved in teacher-research: Seeing for
yourself, as Paley talks about, and seeing differently, as Cunningham describes.
They are intertwined aspects of the same process. Just as you must do, in the
sense of activity, in order to do, in the sense of engagement, you must see for
yourself in order to see what is going on in your classroom in a different light.
The public face of these processes of doing and seeing lie in how they are told.

Telling as an


Telling teaching is, to use Paley's phrase, a way "to find the meaning of the
scenes in which teachers and students find themselves." When teachers talk
about their work, they often do so in stories; they portray the storied nature of
what they know, and how they see and interact with their world. Ken Heile's
story (Account 8.1) a bout the choral workshop and how singing in church starts
in the parking lot is a case in point. His story can be heard~n a number of ways:
as a personal anecdote, as one teacher's perspective on an aspect of his work, or
even as a truism with a moral-if you treat students decently, they will want to
participate in class. To its listeners, the story may bring new or reconfirmed
insights into teaching, or they may question whether it says anything they didn't
already know. All of these are responses to this particular narrative as a story of
one teacher's practice. Beneath these reactions, however, lie qualities of stories
in general, particularly when they are understood as expressing what someone
knows about a complex activity like teaching.
In accepting the Nobel prize for literature, the writer Toni ]\;1.orriso11
began with the following statement: "Narrative has never been
tainment for me. It is, I believe, one of the principal ways in which we absorb
knowledge" (p.7). Morrison observes that telling stories is d W;1.V ot
and sustaining knowledge; by telling stories about the world, we cumc tu knm\
it in certain ways. We weave values and meanings into a cloth of perception,
absorbing knowledge both by telling and by listening to stories. This is particu
larly true of teaching, where teachers' understandings often take the form of
narratives. Freema Elbaz is an Israeli researcher who has studied teachers' nar
ratives as manifestations of personal and professional knowledge. Flbaz ( 1992;
explains stories as knowledge in this way:
Initially, a "story" seems to be a personal matter: There is concern
for the individual narrative of a teacher and what the teacher herselL
and what a colleague or researcher, as privileged eavesdrol,!,cr~,
learn from it. In the course of engaging with stories however. \VC are
beginning to discover that the process is a social one: The story may
be told for personal reasons but it has an impact on (S "ludience
which reverberates out in many directions at once. (p. 423)

On genre,

see Chapter 7,

pp. 150-154.


Elbaz and Morrison distill some of the critical qualities of stories: That they
express knowledge, although they may appear as simply entertainment, and that
stories depend on, and indeed, create their audiences. Stories have plots; they


unfold in ways that are surprising and that sometimes defy expected or conven
tional logic. In reading Heile's story, your first reaction might have been, "But
what does singing in church have to do with practice activities in the high school
foreign language classroom?" Perhaps you then saw the link he was making; a
link that you mayor may not have accepted as valid, but a link that evidently
made sense to Heile as the storyteller. In this way, stories are uniquely coherent;
they begin by making sense to their tellers, and usually end up making sense to
their listeners or readers. In this way, stories are, as Elbaz points out, fundamen
tally social. As they are read or told, stories engage other people in webs of under
standing. They thus exist in and through a social context. This social dimension
of stories may reflect the fact that much of teachers' knowledge is built on inter
personal relationships with students, colleagues, parents, administrators, and so
on (e.g., Ben-Peretz, 1995). Like others who work in what are known as the
"helping professions," medical personnel or child-care workers, for example,
teachers are primarily concerned with the worlds of others. Thus, when what
teachers know about teaching is publicly told, it makes sense that it is framed in
the social, interactive form of a story, expressing the unique logic of a specific
teaching situation and through it the broad coherence of shared professional,
knowledge (Carter, 1993).

On narrative
and personal
theories, see


Teaching (1998).

ow does telling as an orientation connect teaching with research? To

answer that question we need to refer back to the orientations of doing and
seeing. Doing, as activity or as engagement, does not by itself create public
knowledge; it is concerned with individual action. As Duckworth says, "what
you do about what you don't know determines what you will ultimately know";
acting on not-knowing is a private affair. Similarly, seeing is individual. Teachers
see what they are doing and what goes on in their classrooms, but they rarely
tell it publicly. What they do say publicly about teaching is put in genres that
have limited social impact. The narratives teachers use are often labeled nega
tively as "war stories" or "gossip," or they may be categorized as opinion or
self-interested positioning, as when teachers argue that increasing class size
makes a difference to student learning.
By calling Ken Heile's story a "story of practice," then, I have meant to intro
duce a neutral term. However, Heile's story of practice is not a teacher-research
account per se; it lacks the necessary element of discipline. He does not show
how he gathered information through experience to support his understanding
that "It all happens in the parking lot." In contrast, for example, Wagner Veillard's
account of how he began to study his students' responses to different styles of
correction in their written work incorporates the discipline of how he conduct
ed his investigation with the understandings that emerged. Although Veillard's
and Heile's accounts were prepared for different purposes and audiences, their
contrast illustrates different types of telling. Heile's is a story of practice; it cap
tures in a narrative the knowledge he has established through his work.
Veillard's is a teacher-research account; the intent is to make public his under
standing of how a group of students respond to the correction of their writing.


Chapter 6,

Wagner Veillard,

and Account 8.1,

Ken Heile.



reflectively and

Herein lies the distinction I would draw between teaching reflectively and
researching teaching. Teaching reflectively, examining your practice to better
understand what you do and its impact, depends on doing, in Duckworth's
sense of engagement, and on seeing, as Paley used the term. However, teaching
reflectively does not require that
practitioner use a particular form of disci
pline or methodicalness to see what is going on, in Merce Cunningham's sense
of seeing differently. Nor does it suggest that by telling the results of their work,
reflective practitioners will necessarily contribute to knowledge of teaching and
learning. That is to not say that reflective teachers are not disciplined in their
thinking and analyses of what they do; they certainly are and can be. Nor is it
to say that reflective teaching cannot be interactive and collaborative; it cer
tainly can. However, at its core reflective teaching is individual; it focuses on the
practitioner developing a clearer and deeper understanding of learners, the
learning process, and how teaching can support it.
Teacher educators Kenneth Zeichner and Daniel Liston write about
American philosopher John Dewey, whose work in the early part of this century
launched the idea of reflection in education. Dewey, in Zeichner and Liston's
words, "defines reflective action as that which involves active, p~rsistent, and careful
consideration of any belief or practice in light of reasons that support it and the
further consequences to which it leads" (1996, p. 9), Like teacher-research, reflec
tive action can be directed in many areas of education, from what is happening
in classrooms, to curricula and materials, to conditions of teaching and school
ing. Fundamental to reflective teaching, however, is the study of learning and
learners. Dewey (1933) outlines this essential focus in his book How We Think:
The teacher must have his mind free to observe the mental respons
es and movement of the student .... The problem of the pupils is
found in subject matter; the problem of teachers is what the minds
of pupils are doing with the subject matter. Unless the leacher's
mind has mastered the subject matter in advance, unless it is thor
oughly at home in it, using it unconsciously without need o
thought, he will not be free to give full time and attention to
observation and interpretation of the pupils' intellectual reactions.
(p. 275, emphasis added)
Dewey goes on to
the kinds of information that may show "the pupils'
intellectual reactions." Interestingly enough, he describes what, in our terms, arc
first-order data, as possible evidence, in italics, of the students' p"f'Cepriolls:

Dewey (1933):
Three attitudes
reflective action


The teacher must be alive to all forms of bodily expression

tal condition-to puzzlement, boredom, mastery, the dawn
feigned attention, tendency to show off, to dominate
because of egotism, etc.-as well as sensitive to
01 all
expression in words. He must be aware not only of their meaumg, but
of their meaning as indicative of the state of mind of the pupil, his
of observation and comprehension. (p. 275, empha~!'. added)
Dewey outlines three attitudes that he sees as prerequisites to rcHective action
in teaching. They are open-mindedness, or what I have been L:alling "engage
ment"; responsibility, which means looking beyond the immediate to the wider


consequences of one's work; and whole-heartedness. In this third attitude, he

captures the depth of commitment that open-mindedness and responsibility
require of practitioners. For Dewey, reflection, if it is done whole-heartedly, can
be an antidote to the deadening routine of teaching as doing activity (Freeman,
1996). He says of reflection, it "emancipates us from merely impulsive and rou
tine activity ... to direct our actions with foresight .... It enables us to know
what we are about when we act" (1933, p. 17). It is in this sense that reflective
teaching engages teachers in directing their work, to become conscious of its
implications and mindful of its processes and outcomes. To this end, the three
attitudes Dewey describes are entirely consonant with the orientations of doing
and seeing that underlie teacher-research.
Researching teaching differs from reflective teaching in its necessary commit
ment to discipline, or explicit method used in gathering and analyzing data, and
to the fact that this commitment can be publicly told. Telling teacher-research
supports both the findings and how they are arrived at. It raises the fundamen
tal question of who generates knowledge about teaching and learning, and how
that knowledge makes its way into the public domain. As I said in Chapter 1,
the principal function of teachers is to do, not to tell. Researchers, on the otheJ
hand, are tellers; they recognize that private doing, if it is not publicly told, can
not create or influence common knowledge. For teachers to adopt a telling ori
entation toward their work means shifting their priorities; it can mean refash
ioning their ways of telling information about teaching and learning. Teachers'
usual ways of telling teaching have less impact because the narrative genre they
commonly use is not recognized as conveying abstract, principled knowledge.
Teaching knowledge is largely storied knowledge, as in Ken Heile's story of
practice, for example. This storied knowledge captures the individualism and
idiosyncrasy of teachers' experiences; it carries their personal theories about
what happens in teaching and why. Storied knowledge mirrors the inherently
social nature of teaching, the fabric of human relationships within which the job
is done. Storied knowledge occurs in natural texts that give voice to experience
as it happens, from the point of view of the person who lives it; it arises out of
doing the job. Stories or narratives are what teachers tell in staff rooms; they are
how teachers process their work days, and how they convey what they have
learned from experience to others who are learning to teach.
The problem with storied knowledge is one of recognition and status. When
asked what it is important to know about teaching, most teachers will cite the
higher status knowledge that comes from academic disciplines. Language teach
ers, for instance, will refer to applied linguistics, teaching methodologies, second
language acquisition, cognitive psychology, and so on. Many teachers appeal to
this knowledge to provide legitimate explanations for why, what, and how
teaching happens. They will not usually mention the everyday knowledge that
comes from teaching itself, like Ken Heile's story of practice. For these types of
understandings to become legitimate forms of knowledge about teaching, two
things must happen. First, teachers' understandings must be arrived at in a dis
ciplined manner; second, they must be valued.

On narrative
and personal
theories, see


Teaching (1998).




Valuing as

an orientation

On teaching as

a disciplinary


see Chapter 1,

pp. ~O-11.


Valuing teaching knowledge has two facets, the public and the private, that
intersect and build on each other. In Chapter 1 we talked about the fact that
teaching is not a discipline, in the sense of a field of endeavor engaged in by a
community to generate knowledge. Thus teaching does not constitute a disci
plinary community in the same way that, for example, biology or psychology
does. Within these fields there can certainly be subcommunities, each of which
may hold specific "principles of regularity and canons of evidence," to use Lee
Shulman's term (1988). But the subgroups within a field have more affinity with
one another than they do with groups who are not in their field. Microbiologists
and marine biologists share more with each other than they do with cognitive
psychologists, for example. Pluralism within a disciplinary community can reen
force its fundamental orientation toward what matters in the world. Teaching is
not a disciplinary community; it has not yet developed shared ways of creating
and assessing knowledge. This is the issue of power and status. Because teach
ers do not formally acknowledge what they know about teaching, other groups
are unlikely to do so. Instead, teachers often import ways of knowing teaching
from other arenas; research in general is just such a f6'rm of importation.
Research, as a way of understanding teaching and learning, is appealing because
it seems to offer a more organized, structured, and coherent view of the world,
compared to the personal, idiosyncratic, and social ways of understanding
teaching that are indigenous to teachers' lives. Research is "disciplined";
ers' local understandings seem not to be.
This disciplined perspective that research can bring to teaching has clearly
been attractive. It can help teachers break out of their professional isolation, and
it brings a certain status. There is a cachet to research findings as a form of
knowledge that stories of practice have yet to achieve. As noted in Chapter 1,
however, research itself has not always been the highly structured approach to
investigating and understanding the world that we think of today. Indeed, what
we characterize as research knowledge is a relatively recent phenomenon that
has been
since the mid-seventeenth century. It may well be that teach
ing in general, and language teaching in particular, are on the cusp of a transi
tion as they move to defining their own disciplinary forms of knowledge. In this
transition, there will continue to be vying forms of telling what teaching is, and
more critically there will be differing views of what can and should be seen in
the classroom and by whom.
It would be naive to think that teaching is somehow insulated from the attempts
of other disciplines to define what is important and worth knowing about schools,
classrooms, subject matter, and learning. Teaching is such a central
prise that many people outside the classroom will try to define what it should or
shouldn't be. Because we are in the midst of the highly political landscape of edu
cation reform and social policy, teachers need to move consciously to articulate
their ways of understanding the classroom, and thus to defining their own forms
of knowledge. This first aspect of valuing is its social facet.
Valuing, in a social sense, refers to a group who entertain common views on
what is important and believable; in terms of research, we have called such groups
"disciplinary communities." However, communities do not act; individuals do.


How, then, does valuing become individual? In his work on narrative and how
people talk about their experiences, medical researcher Elliot Mishler has grap
pled with questions of how narratives can be evaluated within the broader
frame of scientific research. In so doing he has tackled the problem of why we
should believe in nonconventional forms, such as stories, as knowledge. Mishler
(1990), who was mentioned in the last chapter (p. 168), argues that validity is a
judgment of trustworthiness that leads to action. He thus makes two important
points relevant to this discussion about how we value what is seen and told. If
validity is a judgment about trustworthiness, then the basic question is: Can I
rely on the particular study as the basis of my own work? An essential measure
of trustworthiness, and hence of validity, is action: Do I trust this study's find
ings enough to act on them? When cast in this frame, the basic challenge to
teacher-research is who will see its understandings as legitimate bases for
action? This second aspect of valuing is its individual or personal facet.
When valuing is cast in terms of trustworthiness, it often collides with the
issue of generalizability in research. While the findings of teacher-research may
be deemed trustworthy enough to trigger individual actions, can they be extend
ed to other teaching contexts? Are they generalizable? Here the comments of a
statistician are interesting. In a classic article titled "Beyond the Two Disciplines
of Scientific Psychology," statistician Lee Cronbach talked about the convergence
of quantitative and hermeneutic approaches in psychology. On the issue of gen
eralizability, Cronbach (1975), noted "When we give proper weight to local con
ditions, any generalization is a working hypothesis, not a conclusion" (p. 125).
Teacher-research is inherently local. The work generally investigates a particu
lar aspect of teaching and learning through the examination of a specific class
room and group of students, within one teacher's experience. Thus the findings
that result cannot presume to be universal. This is not a weakness, but a strength.
Teacher-research simply "gives proper weight to local conditions." Its findings
are, to borrow from Cronbach, "working hypotheses, not conclusions."
This is the central dilemma in valuing teacher-research. On the one hand, indi
vidual understandings may well lead to different ways of doing things and to more
effective actions. This valuing I would call valuing in experience. As you read this
book, for example, as a practicing teacher you will evaluate the various teacher
research accounts here against your experience. If, then, you do something differ
ently in your teaching because of an account-perhaps you rethink the success or fail
ure of an activity, or you approach a situation with a new or different perspective
you will be making a judgment of validity, as Mishler defined it. You will have
found something in the account trustworthy enough to base an action on it. When
you make such judgments, whether positive or not, you grant these accounts by
teacher-researchers the status of research findings. As you value them as ways of
telling teaching, they become part of your individual knowledge of teaching.
These understandings do not create generally recognized forms of knowledge
that can shape the policies and practices that make for effective education, howev
er. They cannot create this form of knowledge unless and until they are valued by
the teaching community. This valuing I would call valuing in community. When
student teachers and fellow teachers in the graduate seminar value Ken Heile's story
of practice as a basis for action, they create a teaching community around that

On trust
see Chapter 7
pp. 164-175.

Valuing in
valuing in



knowledge. Because the community is small, however, the impact is limited. This
raises the question of how local knowledge can garner the support and action of
those beyond the immediacy of its setting. The teaching knowledge of individual
practitioners is so deeply contexted, so strongly influenced by social norms at the
building and community levels, so predicated on their beliefs about what works for
students in their classrooms, that generating from it a wider professional knowl
edge base is very difficult. I believe that these orientations of telling and valuing are
critical in transforming the dilemma of this private-public dynamic.

Figure 8.2:

Individual and community: The cycling of teacher-research

he four orientations of teacher-research, doing, seeing, telling, and valuing,

chart a dynamic relationship between individual practitioners and the
community of which they are a part. Experience, and acting on it, is an individ
ual matter. However, experience is defined and articulated within communities.
These communities create values through what they recognize. We create terms
for our experience out of what is around us, in communities. As Figure 8.2 sug
gests, there is a dynamic relationship between the doing and seeing which create
our experiences and the telling and valuing which place those experiences in the
social world. What is valued socially by the community finds its way into our indi
vidual experience. In the teacher-research cycle, inquiries arise from the social
setting, from individual experience, and most fundamentally from the individual
experience of teaching within the social setting of the school and the classroom.
The value of each is thus individual and, potentially, social.



Wagner Veillard's work is an example. His interest in writing is at once indi

vidual-he loves to write himself-and it is based in the school community
where he was teaching and his concern for the development of his students'
writing. The impetus of his first attempt at researching this teaching phenome
non, in Chapter 3, arose largely out of individual interest) although the interest
was framed by the social context of the teacher development group he had
joined. The initial work then carried him to further questions, in Chapter 6, that
probed more deeply the issues of teaching writing in his school context. Thus an
individual interest is refracted through the various social environments of school
and professional life, much as a ray of light is refracted through a prism. As a
prism articulates the light into a spectrum of colors, so do these communities pre
sent ways of telling and valuing that articulate the doing and seeing of individ
ual interest. And like refraction through the prism which focuses the light, this
process of refracting the individual's interest through the values of the commu
nity can strengthen and focus the understandings that result.

The accounts of

Wagner Veillard's

work are in


3 and 6.


There is an old Shaker hymn, the chorus of which is:


When true simplicity is gained,

To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed!
But to turn and to turn will be our delight,
Till by turning and turning we come 'round right.
The hymn speaks of the Shakers' love of dancing and the trance-like turning that
brought believers joy and enlightenment. It also captures the sense that by mov
ing in cycles, or "turning," we can see things differently. In turning we see the
same things again, and we see new things for the first time, and thus we come
to new and different understandings. Most of our images of progress, learning,
and understanding are not like these Shaker turnings, however. Progress and
development are generally seen as linear; growing older, following a career path,
mastering a language, or even professional development are generally couched
in the linear terms of steps, stages, or phases, and of cumulative development.
Learning moves to mastery, on which new learning is built, and so on. Research
and the generation of knowledge is no different. It generally draws on the same
set of sequential and linear metaphors. Knowledge and understanding are sup
posed to build, through time, in a more or less cumulative fashion such that past
knowledge provides the basis for current and new insights.
Teaching, classroon1s, and schools are hardly linear, however. In fact, they are
far more likely to be cyclical. Time, in the school day, the term, and the school
year cycles back to begin again. Likewise content, in teaching units, skills, cur
ricula, and so on, spirals back onto itself with greater depth and complexity. In
classrooms there is a sense that you can always start again; if not immediately,
you can do so over time. It is this cyclical rhythm of teaching and learning that
is captured in teacher-research. Inquiry leads to questions, which lead to data
collection and analysis, which lead to understandings and possibly to publish
ing those understandings. The process does not end there; understandings gen
erally breed further questions and other inquiries. As Wagner Veillard shows,
the work goes on and the inquiry deepens. Because teacher-researchers are con-



Cathy Fleischer


standy living their research in their classrooms, there are infinite places to begin
again and again. There are also multiple opportunities to put the study on hold
for a while, or even to abandon it. All of these interruptions have good reasons,
but none of them make the inquiry and its questions go away. Teacher-research
is work at the hyphen; once you realize that perspective, it becomes a way of
thinking about and working with what is going on in the classroom.
In this way teacher-research is propelled by both its content and its process.
Whatever engages you as an inquiry will continue to pull you forward as you want
to understand the topic more thoroughly. But the way of thinking, the research
process itself, creates its own momentum. These dual sources turn the process
and carry the cycle along. Cathy Fleischer (1995), a veteran teacher-researcher,
describes the momentum this way:
Because teacher-research is more than a method-is, in fact, a way of
thinking about issues of power and representation and storytelling and
much more-its very existence and development are dependent upon
our understanding not only of the particular issue we are researching
but also of the complexities of the research process itself. My own
dynamic development as a teacher-researcher has depended not only
on my interest in my students' literacy (the subject I have chosen to
pursue) but also on my constant reevaluation and rethinking of what
it means to conduct research in the way that I do. (p. 4)
Fleischer talks about the source of her inquiry-her students' literacy-and the
fact of engaging in an inquiry on that issue-"what it means to conduct research
in the way that I do"-as the two foundations of her work. These sources are
clearly intertwined, as the content supports the process, and the process pushes
further into the content. So her teaching and researching come together to focus
on her students' learning.

eacher-research is founded on a tension, however. As we have said, teaching

is generally anchored in activity. It is seen as doing, based on an idea that
you are doing the right thing with the students in these particular circumstances,
at least for the time being. Research, on the other hand, is anchored in another
kind of doing: To paraphrase Duckworth, "doing something about what you
don't know to determine what you will know." The crux of teacher-research is
to integrate these two perspectives within one person and within one complex
set of activities. It is a complicated balancing act in which action is offset by
investigation, certainty by speculation, assumptions by questions, and knowing
by not-knowing. Mahatma Gandhi (1957) captured this notion of balance in
the introduction to his autobiography, The Story of my Experiments with Truth.
He described the actions he had taken throughout his life as "experiments" in
which he tested the truth of his beliefs and perceptions. There was a permanent
temporariness about this relationship between belief and action:
Far be it from me to claim any degree of perfection with these exper
iments. I claim them for nothing more than does a scientist who,
though he conducts his experiments with utmost accuracy, fore
thought, and minuteness, never claims any finality about his conclu
sions, but keeps an open mind regarding them. (p. x)



Gandhi goes on to layout the balance between the certainty of action and the
speculation of inquiry:
I am far from claiming any finality or infallibility about my conclu

sions. One claim I do indeed make, and it is this. For me they appear

to be absolutely correct and seem, for the time being, to be finaL For

if they were not, I should base no action on them. (po xi)

Teacher-research opens up this notion of acting on what seems "correct and,

for the time being, final." It raises the questions of how to be sure of and to
question things at the same time. How to act on your assumptions as you spec
ulate on their accuracy. How to do the things you believe at that moment to be
best for your students, even as you remain open to the fact you do not know how
these actions will actually turn out. To me, this is like the dizzying turning the
Shaker hymn sings about. The underlying orientations of doing, seeing, telling,
and valuing can serve to balance these cycles. Ultimately the work of research
ing teaching goes on, and as it does you make better sense of what you do and
of how your students learn. You will doubtless learn from your inquiries and, if
you make them public, others may learn from them as welL There remain larger
social and political ramifications, but in the final analysis, doing teacher-research'
is an individual matter. The only thing that you can do wrong is to not start.

Suggested Readings
I encourage those who are entering into teacher-research to look at Eleanor
Duckworth's great collection of essays on teaching, The Having of Wonderful
Ideas and Other Essays on Teaching and Learning (New York: Teachers College
Press, 1987). I also recommend any of Vivian Paley's work: Mollie is Three
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986), Wally's Stories (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1981), The Boy Who Would Be a Helicopter: The Uses
of Storytelling in the Classroom (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
1990), and particularly her article "On listening to what children say" (Harvard
Educational Review 56 (2): pp. 122-131, 1986). Another interesting example
of genre and research roles is K. D. Samway and D. Taylor's chapter, "The col
lected letters of two collaborative researchers (in Delicate Balances:
Collaborative Research in Language Education, edited by S. Huddleston and J.
Lindfors. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, pp. 67-92, 1993).
On story and narrative in research, Kathy Carter's article "The place of story
in the study of teaching and teacher education" (Educational Researcher 22 (1):
pp. 5-12, 18, 1993) gives an excellent summary.
There has been a tremendous amount written recently on reflective teaching,
not all of it particularly good. I would suggest Kenneth Zeichner and Daniel
Liston's short and readable book Reflective Teaching: An Introduction
(Mahwah: Nl: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996) as the best entry into this literature.
Joe MacDonald's book Teaching: Making Sense of an Uncertain Craft (New
York: Teachers College Press, 1992), while not explicitly about reflective teach
ing, presents an excellent case of how teachers can transform their work through


Teacher-Research Accounts


Account 3.0: Veillard, Wagner.

"Carnival Rides: An account of beginning

teacher-research" .............................. 41


Account 4.1: Mortimer, Kim.

"Adolescents, anxiety, and

second language learning" ...................... 54

Account 4.2: Hoganson, Ann.

"What does 'knowing Spanish' mean?" ............ 70



Account 5.1: Mathes, David.

"Doing pair work in a sixth-grade class" ........... 91

Account 5.2: Landers, Clare.

"On mapping data" .......................... 109

Account 5.3 (A-D): Klemme, J. D.

"Journaling and prior knowledge" ........... 114-117


Account 6.0: Veillard, Wagner.

"Researching teaching continued:

Teacher feedback on student writing" ............. 121


Account 7.1 (A-B): Fryling, Kristen.

"Chico's story" .......................... 148-149

Account 7.2: Carlson, Ann.

"The Card Game" ........................... 158


Account 8.1: Heile, Ken.

"It all starts in the parking lot" ................. 179



List of Figures


Figure 2.1: van Lier's typology ........................... 24

Figure 2.2: van Lier's typology illustrated ................... 27

Figure 2.3: Thought-experiments: Converting action research

to an experimental design and vice versa ........... 29

Figure 2.4: Modified van Lier's typology:

Research design and research methods .. , , ... , . , ... 32

Figure 2.5: Teacher-research cycle (unlabeled) .......... , ..... 34

Figure 2.6: Teacher-research cycle (labeled) .................. 38


Figure 3.1: Research group: Nationality and numoer .. , .. , ..... 44

Figure 3.2: Comparing lengths of composition drafts ........... 47

Figure 3.3: Student's reading choices ....................... 49


Figure 4.1: Teacher-research: From inquiry to design ........... 53

Figure 4.2: Recasting teaching questions

to research-able questions ...................... 63

Figure 4.3: Questions to guide research planning .............. 74

Figure 4.4: Sources of information: A basic map. . . . ..

. ..... 75

Figure 4.5: Sources, types of data, and methods of

data collection .............................. 77


Figure 5.1: The teacher-research cycle:

Collecting and analyzing data ........... .
Figure 5.2: Methods and techniques used in action Jc:,earch
From A. Burns and S. Hood. 1995. Teachers' veires:
Exploring course design in a changing CUI-j(i/'11il
Figure 5.3: How, where, and when of data collection

Figure 5.4: Research planning and types of triangulation. . .

. . 98

Figure 5.5: Basic paths of data analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

" 103

Figure 5.6


1, 2, 3): Clare Landers, Mapping data ... 109- L10

Figure 5.7: J. D. Klemme, "Journaling and prior knowledge:"

Data flow chart ..................... , ....... 115




Figure 6.1: Background on students in writing workshop ....... 125

Figure 6.2: Home languages of students in writing workshop .... 127

Figure 6.3: Quantity of students' writing in number of words ... 136

Figure 6.4: Summary of student vs. teacher-assigned grades ..... 137

Figure 6.5: Sociogram results (table):

Stu.dents' perceptions of who is the best writer

in each group .............................. 139

Figure 6.6: Sociogram results (diagram):

Students' perceptions of who is the best writer ...... 139

Figure 6.7: Summary of students' preferences for style

of teacher feedback (on form or on content)

at the end of the term ........................ 140


Figure 7.1: Teacher-research cycle: Going public ............. 147


Figure 8.1: Orienting the teacher-research cycle .............. 178

Figure 8.2: Individual and community:

The cycling of teacher-research ................. 190



Appendix A


Setting yourself up: Get yourself in a comfortable writing position; set a timer
or plan to watch the dock. Get a dean sheet of paper and a good writing instru
ment or set yourself up on the computer.
.1.. Think about the teaching you have done recently (in the past week or two),
Start writing about whatever comes to mind in this area and continue writ
ing without stopping for three (or up to five) minutes. Keep going even while
you're thinking. Don't let yourself pause. Don't read over what you have
written. Just keep writing for the allotted time. What you write should be
almost stream of consciousness.
2. Stop at the allotted time; shake out your writing hand. R<elax a minute; stand
up and stretch.
3. Reread what you have written. Underline the key ideas, words, phrases
whatever seems important and grabs you as you read.
4. Without thinking too much about it, choose one thing you've underlined in
Step 3 and write this word or phrase at the top of a dean sheet of paper or
in a new computer document. This now becomes the starting point for your
next loop.
5. Set the timer and start writing again for three (or up to five) minutes. Again,
keep yourself going even while you're thinking; don't pause all.l don't reread
yet. The aim is to keep writing for the allotted time.
Loop writing is best done in series of threes, so you may ,.\ant u) repeat the
process once more.


Stage 1. Global viewing: Indexing what is on the tape
Take sparse notes to index what is on the tape. Note ilL1JOi
activities, who does what, and any transitions betwccl\ rh:.'m.


Stage 2. Narrowing the focus: Selecting episodes for closer analysis

Select the episodes you want to analyze in detail t(1 '~nr)\ onto :-'f'cond
"copy" tape. You will need to time the segments, n;\iT1C them in some
way, and describe the context which precedes and tollov\':-, each episode.
These junctures between the episodes you select and the rlst of the
material are important as they mark the boundaries
the. excerpted
material. It is important to be explicit about why you :1fe selecting the



episodes. For example, if you are examining turn-taking, you may select
episodes when girls lead off in class discussion. Or you may select
episodes when several students seem to be competing for the floor. The
rationale of your choices is part of the discipline of your work.
At this stage you can also ask participants to view the "copy" tape to
give their emic views of the episodes. If you work in this way, it is use
ful to audiotape their comments about the episodes. You can thus use the
voice track from the "copy" tape to cross-reference participants' com
ments on the audiotape. This process is known as "stimulated recall."
Stage 3. Detailing: Describing the participation structures
Describe as carefully as you can who is doing what in each episode;
these are called "participation structures" (Cazden, 1988).Often you
can use a matrix or table to capture these interactions, or you can write
up field notes. You can also make notes on why you think things are hap
pening as they are. These are called "observer comments," and should
be clearly marked with a bracket or "OC" in the margin to distinguish
them from the descriptive notes.
Stage 4. Generalizing: Getting at principles of social organization
Based on the participation structures, outline statements for why peo
ple interact as they do. What reasons seem to underlie the surface
behaviors in the interactions? These are called "principles of social
organization." At this stage it is critical to triangulate what you believe
is happening by using other data and/or testing your ideas with partic
ipants. Keep in mind, however, that participants cannot always explain
why they do what they do. Therefore, you need to look for other forms
of data to support your findings.
Adapted from Erickson, E, and J. Shultz. 1981. "When is a context? Some issues
and methods in the analysis of social competence." In Ethnography and lan
guage in educational settings, edited by J. Green and C. Wallat. Norwood, NJ:
Ablex Publishers.
See also van Lier, 1. 1988. The classroom and the language learner. London:
Longman, p. 65.












What kinds of data

will respond to the

How can/will I collect

the data?

Where and from whom

will I gather the data?

When and how

will I gather the data?

willi do with
the data? What is my

(Investigation #4.5)

(Investigation #4.6)






(Investigation #4.7)

(Investigation #4.8)


(Investigation #4.9)





~ ~









~ ~














Appendix C


with the assistance of Kim Parent and Wagner Veillard


1. ANECDOTAL RECORDS ............................ 202

2. CLASSROOM DIAGRAMS AND MAPS ................... 203

3. DISCUSSIONS................................... 204


5. FEEDBACK CARDS ............................... 206



8. OBSERVATION/FIELD NOTES ........................ 209


10. LESSON PLANS AND TEACHING LOGS .................. 212

11. SOCIOGRAMS .................................. 213

12. INTERVIEWS................................. .. 216

A note on format: Each of the data collection techniques listed above is

explained in some detail in the following section. The format includes a descrip
tion of the technique, its purpose, suggested advance preparation, the proce
dure, and advice gleaned from experience. There are also suggestions for where
to find further information. In this regard, three books that are generally useful
on data collection are:
Hopkins, D. 1993. A teacher's guide to classroom research (2nd ed.).

Buckingham, UK: Open University Press.

Includes a good but short section on various data collection techniques,

with a clear discussion of the pros and cons of each technique. The book

is oriented toward teachers in general.

Hubbard, R. S., and B. M. Power. 1993. The art of classroom inquiry,

Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Includes a thorough treatment of data collection, oriented for teachers in

general. The book has excellent examples, drawn from K-12 teaching in

the United States, as well as a clear discussion of using the various tech

niques described.

McDonough, J., and S. McDonough. 1997. Research methods for English

language teachers. London: Arnold.


C 201

Includes a discussion of the reasoning behind commonly used data collec

tion techniques. The descriptions are less procedural. The book, which is
oriented to language teachers, has a particularly good discussion of quan
titative techniques and data analysis.

Anecdotal records are quickly written notes about students, student behavior,
interactions with students, or other aspects of the teaching and learning in the
class that seem compelling and related to the inquiry. These notes are called
"anecdotal" bee a use the unit of reference is the "anecdote" or brief vignette.
For some researchers, the term "anecdotal" makes such data suspect and undis
ciplined; however, these notes can be immensely useful in exploring and devel
oping an inquiry. Over time, the notes can help the researcher to detect patterns
or themes in learning and/or behavior.
To allow the teacher-researcher to make note of everyday behavior and
happenings in the classroom in an organized manner. In a sense, an anec
dotal record is an extension of a grade book in which you keep track of
what and how students are doing in the class.
Advance Preparation:
You will need a quickly drawn chart (described in 1, below) to easily cap
ture your observations.
1.. Create a chart to record notes:

List students' names on the vertical axis.

Label the horizontal axis with the date and/or other categories that suit
your research needs.
Write comments, quotes, or notes about what the student says or does in
the appropriate space on the chart.
Make notes at regular intervals (e.g., after each class or each time you do
a particular activity).
2. Use the chart to record such things as who read or spoke in class, or what
you talked to a student about during an individual conference on homev,ork.
or written work, etc~
3. As the information accumulates, examine entries for patterns.

These records provide a quick, organized way of taking notes on what!
dents say or do as it is happening.
The chart format allows patterns to be identified easily. However, do nor
overload one chart with too many entries. It helps to keep one chaIT per
day/week or activity so that patterns are easier to see and comparisons cue
easier to make.
Accuracy is important. Be careful not to "jump" columns and record
information in the wrong student's row.


Have a back-up system in case you run out of room on the grid. Post-it
notes are invaluable for this purpose.
Try to be consistent in the frequency, quantity, and quality of notes as you
record information.
It also works to use index cards to record such information, using one card
per student. Index cards are more difficult to analyze for patterns because
it is harder to see patterns in the whole class at once.

Further References:
Samway, K. D. 1994. "But it's hard to keep fieldnotes while also teaching."
TESOL Journal 4 (1): 47-48.

Classroom diagrams and maps are visual representations of how space and
movement work in the classroom. As such, they show the locations of people,
desks, windows, and other relevant items. They can also show patterns of move
ment, which some ethnographers call "tracks and traces," as students and the!
teacher move around during the lesson.
To observe how people and things occupy the classroom space, and thus
how the physical environment affects behavior or learning.
To create a gross record of physical movement in an activity or lesson.
Advance Preparation:
If you are making a map of your own classroom to use while you are
teaching, you will need to assign a task that students can complete on their
own so you have time to sketch.
Your paper should be big enough to make your drawing resemble a
"panoramic photo."
Use simple symbols to represent the people and things in the room. This
way you can draw more quickly.
:1. Outline a bird's eye view of the classroom space that shows the walls and
other structures as if you were looking at them from above.
2. Identify everything you can see; be as detailed as you reasonably can. Include
yourself in the picture. Scale is less important than accurately including as
much as possible.
3. Use the same symbol for a category (e.g., circles for students and squares for
desks). You can create ways of showing differences within a category (e.g.,
green circle is a bilingual student; red square is the teacher's desk).
4. To record students' movements, draw a line from where the student starts to
where he or she ends the movement (Day, 1990, below). If the student makes
the same movement more than once-perhaps he or she goes back and forth
to the teacher's desk for help- you can put a check on the basic trace line to
keep track of the number of trips (ASCD, below).


C 203

The focus is on what you see, as opposed to what you hear or think.
To get students' views of the classroom, the teacher can ask students to
create their own maps. This also allows people to compare and contrast
their spatial perceptions.
Maps can become irrelevant if not done systematically (e.g. one map every
Tuesday), or confusing if the teacher is not consistent in the symbols used.
Further References:
Day, R. 1990. "Teacher observation in second language teacher education." In
]. C. Richards and D. Nunan (eds.) Second language teacher education. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 43-61.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Another set of
eyes (a video-training series on classroom observation). Alexandria VA: Author.

Discussions are opportumtles for students (and teacher') to engage in an
exchange of ideas. They can also be done indirectly via computer, letters, or dia
10gue journals.
To get information about how students are experiencing and interpreting
what is going on in the class.
Advance Preparation:
Decide on the topic; determine whether it will be student- or teacher
Decide on the format: Will the discussion be face-to-face or conducted in
written form? If it is face-to-face, will the discussion be conducted with the
whole class, in small groups, or one on one? How long will it last and who
will keep track of time? If it is written, what format will be used? Who will
respond to whom? and so on.
Define the parameters of the discussion and how it will operate. For
instance, Who can speak? For how long? How many times? Will students
be asked to express their own opinions or will they be asked to defend an
assigned point of view?
Define your role as participant, facilitator, or observer. Also determine
how you will keep a record of the discussion: Will you be the note taker?
If so, will you take notes during or after the discussion? Another option is
to audio or videotape the discussion (see listings for those techniques).
1. Inform students of your decisions regarding the topic, the format, their role,
and your role.
2. If you are having a face-to-face discussion, have the students arrange seats
3. Get the activity started and bring it to a close.



Depending on your purpose and on how much time you allot for students
to prepare, their responses will be more or less spontaneous. Sometimes it
can be useful to assign the topic in advance so that students can think
about what they want to say about it (e.g., How would you describe your
progress this term?). In other cases, a spontaneous discussion can generate
more useful data (e.g., How did this activity help your writing?)
More so than other data collection techniques, conducting oral discussions
requires careful advanced planning and good classroom management
skills. This is especially true if you decide to be an observer or to operate
audio or video equipment.
Discussions become more productive when they are held regularly.
Students learn the rules of the game, and therefore less energy is spent on
setting up and running them.
Further References:

Cohen, E. 1986. Designing group work: Strategies for the heterogeneous class

room. New York: Teachers College Press.



Archival data are anything produced by the teacher, the students, the adminis
tration, or the parents in conjunction with classroom teaching and learning.
This material reflects what is happening inside, and possibly outside, the class
room. Thus archival data can run the gamut from student work or test scores,
to notes to or from parents or students, to minutes of teachers' meetings or
administrative planning memos, and so on.
To capture data from material generated through, and
with, the teaching and learning process.



Advance Preparation:
Obtain permission, as necessary legally and ethically, to use the data you
Decide what you need beforehand.
Obtain access to a copier; help with copying can be extremely useful.
1. Decide what material will be useful to your inquiry. Decide when, and in
what form you want to collect it. For instance, do you want to use student
work as it is turned in without teacher comments, or after you have made
comments or given it a grade?
2. Collect the documents you have chosen.
3. Copy the material and identify it by student, class, date, assignment number,
or whatever identification is relevant to your project.
4. Keep the copies and return the original materials.


C 205

The amount of archival material can quickly become overwhelming if it is
not carefully managed. It helps tremendously to narrow the focus of col
lection to the data that support your research question.
You also need to create a careful filing system before you start to collect
the material; otherwise it can get lost or become easily disorganized.
In writing up your research, documents can be tools that show students'
production, demonstrate their competency, add life to the research report,
and allow you to illustrate findings for parents and administrators.
Collecting archival data is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it does not
add extra work to teaching because, by definition, you are drawing on mate
rial that already exists in the classroom or school situation. However, copying
documents can be very time-consuming and difficult to do within a teacher's
regular schedule. It can also be costly if you do not have institutional support.
Because the process essentially involves examining existing information
from a new perspective, archival data can allow you to see and hear stu
dents differently. For instance, approaching a written assignment to mark
it can be quite different from reading it to see the kioos of errors the stu
dents are producing. This first stance requires a judgment, while the sec
ond is essentially descriptive.

Feedback cards are a fast way of collecting data from individual students. They
are usually done on the spot, just after an activity, and have a short time limit. The
data that result are on 3" X 5 cards, which are easily manipulable for analysis.

To collect concisely focused information (e.g., in response to yeslno ques
tions) and factual data (e.g., students' names, ages, nationalities, etc.).
To gather impressions after a particular lesson/activity while they are still fresh,
Advance Preparation:
Have index cards or slips of paper available. Make sure they are big
enough for students to write their answers to the question(s) you will be
Make sure your questions are specific and clear.
Limit the number of questions. You can also limit the length of
responses (e.g., "Write two to three sentences about X").
Allow a realistic amount of time to answer the question(s).
1. Provide the instructions before handing out the cards so students listen to yon.

2. Model andlor write what students are to do on the blackboard. Often stu
dents will benefit from an example.
3. Pass out the index cards or slips of paper.
4. Give a time warning before collecting (e.g., "You have another minute to fin
ish writing your comments. ").



Feedback cards are easy to handle and fast to read. They lend themselves

to tabulation, sorting, and/or easy rearrangement for comparisons.

The small size of the card or slip of paper can help students to focus their

comments (e.g., "Write the pros of an activity on one side of the card. Turn

it over and write the cons on the other side.").

Because there is little time for reflection, you can get a sense of students'

immediate responses to an issue. However, too little time may result in

shallow, flip, or incomplete responses.

As with archival data, a thorough filing system helps enormously. It is easy

to lose or misplace index cards or slips of paper.


An audio recording captures spoken interactions in the activity or lesson.
To capture the oral interactions in an activity or lesson between
and students, and among students.


Advance Preparation:
The tape recorder and the microphone should be tested in advance. If stu

dents are to manipulate it, they may need to be taught how to use the

equipment as well.

1. Place a microphone or tape recorder near those students you wish to record.

If you are using a small machine, students can pass it from speaker to speak
er, or have one individual carry it around during an activity.
2. Start the tape running to record the entire interaction.
3. After tapes are made, they will need to be transcribed.

Check the equipment thoroughly before class to make sure it is working.
Audiotaping captures what people are saying during class, and it can free

you to concentrate on other aspects of the interactions.

In group work, more than one group can be recorded at the same time if

you use multiple recorders. Be very sure to accurately label the tapes so

you know where the data come from and when they were collected.

Students may be nervous about being recorded and not respond as usual.

You may want to "practice" with the recorder and microphone to allow

people to become comfortable and familiar with them before attempting

to gather crucial data.

Transcribing tape recordings is very time-consuming. The usual ratio is 3 or

4 to 1. That is, depending on the complexity of the talk and the skill of the

transcriber, it can take three or four hours to transcribe one hour of tape.

Background noise can be very distracting and make voices inaudible. A

few "practice" experiences can help you find a strategy for dealing with

ambient noise.



Using stereo recording microphones makes transcribing easier because you

can turn to one channel and then another, thus eliminating some of the
background noise while you transcribe.
Don't record over tapes until the research project is completed, if then.
Often, you may want or need to refer back to earlier tapes that may not
have seemed relevant at the time. It is always worth saving tapes.

Further References:

van Lier, L. 1988. The classroom and the language learner. London: Longman.

Allwright, R., and K. Bailey. 1991. Focus on the language classroom: An intro

duction to classroom research for language teachers. Cambridge UK: Cambridge

University Press. Appendices A-H, pp. 202-223.


A video recording captures both verbal and nonverbal interactions in an activi
ty or lesson.
To capture the verbal and nonverbal behavior and interactions of an entire
class, a group of students, or the teacher interacting with students.
Advance Preparation:
You will need to locate, set up, and test the video equipment. You may also
need to identify a camera person.
1. Locate the video equipment and learn how to use it ahead of time.
2. Test the equipment before class to make sure it is working. (Don't forget to
check the battery if you are using one).
3. Decide whether you want to have a moving or stationary camera. If the ca m
era will be moving, identify a camera person. If the camera will be statiOi:~l r"y
decide where you want to set it up.
4. Decide whether you want to let the video run, or plan to start and stop it as
5. To analyze the video, you will need to review and transcribe it.
Setting the camera up several days before you intend to do any rec(~,~ i:
may help the students to get used to it and thus make them less self-con
scious when you actually begin taping.
Always check the equipment thoroughly to make sure it works ;Illii to
make sure the camera person knows how to operate it.
Don't film with the camera pointed toward any strong source if light
(e.g. windows) or you won't be able to see anything except shado\\''i"
Background noise may make the audio track difficult to hear.
Videos are an excellent way to observe yourself interacting with students.
They also allow you to see what other students are doing when you are
working with an individual or a group.



Videos allow you to document participation that is not oral, and thus to
gain a fuller sense of the class or activity. However, for this reason there is
the danger of collecting too much information.
Remember that analyzing video tapes, like transcribing audiotapes, takes
time. You will need a coding scheme (see Appendix A; also Allwright and
Bailey, 1991, below).

Further References:
van Lier, L. 1988. The classroom and the language learner. London: Longman.
Allwright, R., and K. Bailey. 1991. Focus on the language classroom: An intro
duction to classroom research for language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Appendices A-H, pp. 202-223.

Class observation or field notes are notes taken by the teacher either as a par
ticipant (participant observer) or as an observer in another teacher's classroom
(non-participant observer). Observations may be general or guided by a partie:'
ular question or concern. Note-taking may be continual or at regular intervals,
(e.g., every five minutes).

To provide descriptions of teacher or student behavior with emphasis on
the setting, group structures, nonverbal information, and interactions
among participants.

Advance Preparation:
Non-participant observers will need to be informed of the focus of the
You will need paper and writing utensils for notes. It is also possible to
take notes on a laptop computer if you type very quickly.

1. Before the activity or lesson begins, describe the setting briefly. Note the lay
out of the classroom and provide other information about the classroom
environment (e.g., noise level, temperature, lighting). You can also sketch a
quick classroom diagram or map (see technique).
2. As the activity or lesson progresses, make notes about what is happening.
Note interactions between participants andlor individuals' behavior.
3. If you have thoughts or ideas about why things are happening as they are,
note these as well, but mark them clearly. These are called "observer's com
ments" and can be marked with an "OC" in the margin.

Observation and field notes are a useful way to gather information about
classroom happenings. Notes are a low-tech alternative to videotaping
and, although they are far less comprehensive, they "predigest" the infor
mation, which you would have to do as you analyzed the videotape.


C 209

Sometimes students behave differently when there is a visitor observing, so

the participant observer may be able to gather a more accurate record of
a typical class than would a non-participant observer.
Results are only as accurate as the observer is diligent. It is important to
be consistent in recording information.
It's difficult to collect accurate data while teaching; in other words, it is
hard to be your own participant observer. For that reason, anecdotal
records can work better if you are teaching.
Non-participant observers can gather valuable information about observ
able phenomena (e.g. how many times the teacher calls on a particular stu
dent, how many times students ask questions, who the teacher calls on).

Further References:

Bogian, R. C., and S. K. Bicklan. 1982. Qualitative research for education.

Boston: Allyn & Bacon. pp. 74-93.

Day, R. 1990. "Teacher observation in second language teacher education." In

C. Richards and D. Nunan (eds.) Second language teacher education. New
York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 43-61.


Samway, K. D. 1994. "But it's hard to keep fieldnotes while also teaching."
TESOL Journal 4 (1): 47-48.

Journals record the thoughts, feelings, reflections, and observations of the
writer. They may be focused on a specific lesson, activity, or student, or they can
describe the writer's more general day-to-day thinking or questions. The
description below is separated into teacher journals and student Juurnals.

To identify

puzzles, or questions in teaching.

Advance preparation:
You'll need writing materials or a computer.
1. Decide on a regular schedule for writing in the journal.
2. Record your thoughts, questions, or concerns in general or as
a lesson or issue you are currently focusing on.
3. It can be very useful to reread your journal periodically.
on rereading should be kept separately, either in another
nal or in another color pen or computer font.

rdate to


If your students write in journals during class, you can Llse
time to
write in yours. Often this parallel activity can be very useful in modeling
the value of journaling.



In general, the more frequent the journaling, the more useful it is. Ideally
you should find time to write in your journal every day.
You can use the journal to anticipate reactions, writing about things before
they happen. It is interesting to compare your "before" and "after" thoughts.
If you keep your journal on a computer, it is easy to read and to code;
however, if the computer is not available in the classroom, it can limit your
writing time.
Always make back-up disks of any journal kept on computer.

Student journals record how students perceive their own learning. These jour
nals are usually longer and more reflective than other forms of data collection.

To collect data from the students' point of view.

Advance Preparation:
You need to decide on the logistics of the journal, (e.g., Is it a section in ari'
existing notebook, a separate notebook, on a computer disk, etc.?).
You also need to decide on the frequency, when and where the students
should make their entries, as well as the general parameters of focus, what
they are to write about (e.g., Is the topic open or is it focused on a partic
ular issue, skill, or activity?).
Finally, you need to decide if, when, how, how often, and who will provide
feedback. There are endless options here. There c~n be no feedback, or the
feedback can be teacher-student, student-student, or whole group discus
sion about journals; it can happen after every entry, weekly, or monthly; it
can focus on form, understanding content, reacting to content, etc.

1. Tell students about your decisions on logistics, frequency, and parameters.
2. Explain what will happen to the data once they finish their journal entries

(Sharing with peers, conferencing with teacher). It is very important, ethical

ly and procedurally, that students know who the audience of the journal will
be before they start the process. You need to be explicit about who will read
the journal, when, and for what purpose.
3. Pose a question or prompt that is open-ended so students have something to
write about.
4. It is important to get students' permission to draw on their journals for data
before you collect the journals.
5. Copy or take notes on relevant passages.

Because they are not face-to-face, student journals can be more private or
personalized than interviews or discussions, for example.
If students write on the same size paper, it will save you a great deal of time
and frustration when photocopying their entries.


C 211

Reading and responding to journals can be very time-consuming. It can be

easy to fall behind, and thus not allow you to provide timely feedback. For
this reason, it is important to think through the frequency of entries and
the feedback strategies you plan to use before students start journaling.
Students may show initial resistance if they consider journaling to be too
much writing. They may also see it as an invasion of privacy if you read
their journals. Some students may doubt the value of journals as a learn
ing tool if the entries are not corrected regularly. All of these issues can be
addressed if you are very clear about the parameters and the types of feed
back before you start the process.
You can ask students to reread their entries and to reflect on their own
thinking and progress. This rereading can also allow students to begin
analyzing their own journals, particularly if you enlist them in the research
project. If you then take (1) the journal itself, (2) the student-writer's
analysis, and (3) your analysis, you have a solid set of interpretations to
Further References:

McDonough, J. and S. McDonough. 1997. Research metHods for English lan

guage teachers. London: Arnold. pp. 121-136.


Lesson plans describe the objectives of a class, the materials and processes
planned to meet those objectives, and the expected roles of participants. They
provide a prospective account of the lesson as planned.

Teaching logs record what happened during a lesson; they provide a retrospec
tive account of the lesson-as-taught. Although they can be used separately, les
son plans and teaching logs are most effective when done together, as comple
mentary forms of data collection.
To allow comparison of the teacher's expectations for a class with what
actually happened.
Advance preparation:
Have paper and a writing utensil ready to take notes during and/or imme
diately after the lesson.
1. Write the lesson plans according to whatever style is most comfortable and
2. Leave room for notes that will be taken during class.
3. Teach the class.
4. During class, take notes about student behavior, timing, last minute changes,
unexpected problems or outcomes, etc., in the space allotted on the lesson
plan or on a separate piece of paper.



5. Review the notes and lesson plans after the lesson. Write up a teaching log

entry that summarizes all the salient points from your notes. Reference the

log to your lesson plan so you can see what you planned, what you did, and

what happened.

The basic questions for the teaching log are: What did you plan? What did

you actually do? What happened? It can help to keep them in mind as you

are making notes during the lesson.

If you write directly on the lesson plan in a different color ink, your notes

will be easy to see. However, this practice can also deface the plan itself,

so it is best done on a copy of the lesson plan so that you have the origi

nal as a separate record.

Other options include inserting the lesson plan in a loose-leaf notebook

and making notes on interleaved sheets of paper; dividing the paper into

two columns and making the lesson plan in the left column and the notes

in the right column; using large Post-it notes (although this can easily get

messy as the notes can separate from the plan and get lost).

If you have access to a laptop computer, you can enter your lesson plarl'

and then enter notes directly in the lesson plan in a different font. You can

also enter your teaching log in the lesson at appropriate points, again in a

different font.


Sociograms are maps of how participants in a class or activity see one another
as measured by given criteria. Sociograms collect second-order data of partici
pants' perceptions, (e.g., Who is best writer in the class? Who has the best pro
nunciation? Who would I like to work on X project with the most?). A
sociogram can thus capture participants' views of the "chemistry" of the group.
Each participant is an "element," and these elements are connected by arrows
indicating preferences, to compose a "social product."
To have students compare and contrast their views of themselves and their
work to those of others, in relation to the group.

For an example
of a sociogram,
see Chapter 6,


Advance Preparation:
Decide what you want to find out in the sociogram. Decide why you want

to find it out: How does the sociogram relate to the research question and

design? It is important to make the focus simple.

Have materials (index cards or slips of paper) ready.

Do the sociogram task yourself (e.g., Name the three top writers in this

class). Assign numeric values or a different type of line to each response

(e.g., All #1 selections will get 5 points or are connected by dotted lines);

otherwise, your sociogram will become unreadable.



1. Explain the task and why you are doing it. This context is necessary so stu
dents know what is going to happen with the information. For example, "We
have been studying vocabulary a lot in this class, and I am interested in your
ideas about who seems to have the easiest time learning new words and why.
On this slip of paper, 1'd like you to write down the names of three people in
the class who seem to have the easiest time learning new vocabulary. You can
list yourself. Number your choices from 1 to 3. Then, next to each name,
write why you think that person is good at learning vocabulary. This infor
mation will help me in deciding how to group you in activities next week."
2. To help students be aware of all the choices, it is useful to list everyone's name
on the blackboard. You should also emphasize that students can list them
selves if they choose.
3. Hand out the cards or slips of paper. Do not allow students to talk or con
sult with other classmates while making their choices. They are to work
silently and independently.
4. Collect the cards. At this point, you may choose to have a discussion about
the task.
5. Afterwards build a sociogram with the results. There are two ways to do so
(see Chapter 6, p. 139 for examples).
Numerical analysis: To calculate the total score for each participant, multiply
the total number of times the individual is given a ranking by his or her class
mates by the number of rankings you asked for. For example, in the sociogram
on vocabulary, above, in which students were asked to rank the three best
vocabulary learners, you would take the number of times the person is chosen
"best vocabulary learner" and multiply it by three (since you asked them to list
the three best vocabulary learners in the class); then the number of times that
student is chosen "second-best vocabulary learner" and multiply that number
by two; and then the number of times he or she was chosen "third-best vocab
ulary learner" and multiply that number by one. Add these scores together to
get a total score for that student (see Chapter 6, p. 139, for an example of a
sociogram chart).
Diagrammatic analysis: To draw the sociogram results, write the names of the
students in a random pattern on a large sheet of paper, leaving ample space
around them. Then draw an arrow from Student X to the person he or she
ranked as first for the task. Draw a different type of arrow (color or dotted)
from Student X to his or her second choice, and so on. The map that results will
show visually how students perceive themselves and their peers in relation to the
task. For instance, the student with the greatest number of lines to him or her is
perceived by peers as the best or strongest at the task (see Chapter 6, p. 139, for
a discussion of a sociogram diagram in a research report).



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sociograms~ researchers talk about three phenomenons. Stars are

the participants who are selected the most often by their peers. An isolate is a
person who is not selected by any other member. Mutual choices are two indi
viduals who select each other. Sociograms also look at patterns of selection. A
cleavage is when the group divides itself into two or more subgroups that fail to
nominate anyone from the other subgroup. For example, in a sociogram among
fourth graders on who wants to work with whom on a project, girls might only
pick other girls, while boys would pick only boys. Cliques are subgroups or
individuals who select each other and tend to avoid other participants. Cliques
are generally less dramatic than cleavages; they are patterns in and among sub
groups whereas cleavages are patterns of the whole group. (See Hubbard and
Power, 1993, p. 41.)

In analyzing

It can be very useful to ask students to explain their choices in order to

understand why they perceive their peers as they do.

Sociograms are quick, visual tools that can challenge your perceptions of

how individual students see themselves and are seen by other members of

the group in relation to a task or issue. The diagram can allow you to see

stars, isolates, cleavages, cliques, and mutual choices.

Further References:

Hopkins, D. 1993. A teacher's guide to classroom research. (2nd ed.).

Buckingham, UK: Open University Press. pp. 137-140.

Hubbard, R. and B. Power 1993. The art of classroom inquiry. Portsmouth,

NH: Heinemann.


C 215


An interview is a structured oral (or possibly written) exchange with someone.
It aims to gather information. There are two basic types of research interviews:
unstructured or open-ended, and structured. The former allow participants
more latitude in guiding the exchange, while the latter generally follow a pre
determined set of questions (see Patton, 1990).

To gather information and/or perceptions from participants in the study

Advance Preparation:
In both structured and open-ended interviews, it is important to prepare a
guide for the interview in advance. The interview guide outlines the ques
tions and probes that will make up the exchange (see below). (For an
excellent and readable discussion of interviewing, see Patton, 1990, pp.

You need to decide how participants' responses will be captured. Clearly,
the easiest and most common way is to audiotape the 'interview, although
researchers also take notes. (See also the two-minute interview, described
If you are audiotaping the interview, always check the tape recorder and
microphone thoroughly in advance. You will need to test the recording
level to make sure responses are audible and to check the machine so you
know how to operate it.
If you are interviewing people under age 18 (in the United States) or in a
school setting, it is generally necessary to get written permission from their
parents or guardians. Interviewing people without proper permission may
result in complications later. As a teacher, speaking to your students about
their work is well within your job, however, decisions about permission
may depend more on if and how you plan to use the data beyond your
teaching responsibilities.

Developing an interview guide:

The following list, abbreviated from Patton (1990), outlines six general types of
interview questions. While an interview need not include questions of all six
types, the overview is helpful in developing the interview guide according to
your inquiry and the function of the interview in your data collection.

1. Behavior/experience: What a person does/has done.

2. Opinion/values: What a person thinks or believes.

3. Feelings: How a person feels, his or her emotional responses and


4. Knowledge: The "facts" as viewed/known by the person.



5. S ensory information: The person's sensory world-smell, sound,

sight, touch, taste.

6. Demographics/background: Information about the person that

helps to situate the person in relation to others.

1. Start the interview by saying who you are talking to and when (date and
time) so you have that information. You may also want to introduce the pur
pose and general structure of the interview, and how long you expect it to
last. These details can help to relax the person being interviewed.
2. Ask your questions in the form and order on your interview guide. In open
ended interviews you may vary the order of the questions and you may use
probes to elicit further information or clarifications (see Patton, 1990). In
structured interviews you generally follow the sequence and wording of the
questions very closely.
3. When you have finished the questions on the interview guide, close the inter
view. Be aware that it is human nature that people often mention fascinating
and critical information as the interview is winding up and you are packing
away the equipment. In this case, you can either remember their comments and
write them down, or you can ask the person to restate the comment on tape.
4. After the interview, the tape will need to be transcribed.

The two-minute interview is a useful variant on the basic interview and is par
ticularly adapted to teachers who are researching in their own classrooms when
time is a major factor. In the two-minute interview, you limit yourself to one or
at most two short questions. You choose an individual student to interview,
according to the research plan, and you do so during a break or group activity.
Instead of recording the response, you recall the student's answers and write
them down immediately afterwards. Because of the brevity of the interview and
the fact that nothing is being taped, two-minute interviews are rather unre
markable from the students' point of view and are quite easy to weave into the
fabric of class activity. They can seem like a question-answer exchange. For
these reasons, I recommend them as a way to easily sample students' thinking.

The advice given for audiotaping (pp. 207-208) also applies to interviewing, as

the vast majority of interviews use a tape recorder. It is well worth rereading

Even if you are taping the interview, it is worth your time to make rough

notes of the person's answers for several reasons. Tapes do fail, and they

generally seem to do so just when the most crucial or interesting informa

tion is at stake. These notes can help you quickly locate passages of the

interview as you need them. Transcripts are lengthy and tapes take time to

listen to, so the notes can serve as a rough table of contents. To this end,

it is worth using a tape recorder equipped with a digital counter so that

you can note the counter number as the person starts a new topic or

answers a major question.


C 217

Transcribing tape recordings is very time-consuming. The usual ratio is 3 or

4 to 1; that is, depending on the complexity of the talk and the skill of the
transcriber, it can take three or four hours to transcribe one hour of tape .
Don't record over tapes until the research project is completed, if then.
Often, you may want or need to refer back to earlier tapes that may not
have seemed relevant at the time. It is always worth saving tapes.
Further References:

McDonough, ]., and S. McDonough. 1997. Research methods for English lan

guage teachers. London: Arnold. pp. 171-188.

Patton, M. Q. 1990. Qualitative evaluation and research methods (2nd ed.).

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Mishler, E. 1986. Research interviewing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University



Appendix D'


The following letters were taken from the New York Times, in an article titled
"Downsizing: How it feels to be fired" (March 17, 1996). They are divided into
two data sets. The first four letters, which make up Set A, are used in
Investigation 5.5, on "Grounded" data analysis. The second five letters, which
make up Set B, are used in Investigation 5.6, on "A priori" data analysis. The
entire set, A and B, are used in Investigation 5.7, on quantification within an a
priori approach.



(See Investigation 5.5, page 101)

Letter #1
In early 1990, my husband accepted a job offer in Orange County, Calif. We sold
our home in northern New Jersey, packed up our three children and went off
into the Pacific sunset.
We were convinced this would be a better life of more money and greater
opportunity. We bought a beautiful home. I found a great job. Our kids were
beginning to call this place with palm trees "home."
In January 1993, the horror that is now our life began. My husband's job was
eliminated; the company that relocated us was relocating itself to Colorado. This
wasn't supposed to happen to professional people like us. Out of work for seven
months, my husband again relocated-back to New Jersey-the only offer he'd
The children and I remained in California for one year as we attempted
(unsuccessfully) to sell our home in a dying economy. Eventually, once again, I
sacrificed my career and uprooted three happy kids to the either cold or humid,
albeit familiar, Northeast.
new employer generously funded the moving, no resources were
available to us upon our arrival that would allow us to stock up empty cup
boards or sign up little boys for the fall soccer season. Because we were unable
to recoup our previous salary levels, we have fallen into financial ruin.
No longer yuppies, now we work and work and yet are barely solvent. My
marriage is on hold.
Shelly Kaplan
Succasunna, N.J.

Letter #2
My wife and I joined the army of the downsized two years ago, and it has been
a mixed blessing. Yes, we have experienced a loss in income; we moved to a small
er house; we scaled down dramatically; we experienced feelings of self-doubt
and uncertainty.



On the other hand, as executives in a large corporation, we had become used

to an unhealthy lifestyle-one that placed material ahead of spiritual well-being.
We assumed that our places in the corporation were assured, and took for grant
ed everything that went with that-eating out every other night, postponement
of savings and a consumerist outlook. Our family pulled together out of our cri
sis. We completely changed careers, and although we make less money now, we
like what we are doing and do not miss for a moment the corporate politics we
used to wade through every day.
Our children don't beg to go out every night anymore. They know the prices
of their clothing, since they buy their own clothes from their chore money. We
think long and hard about the real need of each purchase, rather than just the
want behind it. As a consultant, I know now what many full-time workers
around me are just beginning to realize. I know that employment with a client
can end the next hour.
At the very least, the short term vision of today's corporate chieftains is cre
ating a generation of people who will never again view the latest company cam
paign as anything more than a ruse to boost short-term bottom-line perfor
mance. "Teamwork," "Empowerment," "Total Quality Cbntrol"-I used to
spout these out right along with the best of them. No more. Even if I could
believe them, I know no one else would. Five years ago, I thought Deming could
be the voice of the corporate world. Now I know it is really Ditbert.
Tom Scott
Encinitas, Calif.

Letter #3
Recently, I saw a political cartoon depicting an affluent older man making a
speech at a banquet. He was saying, "Last year, thousands of new jobs were cre
ated in this country." The thought balloon over the waiter's head said, "Yeah,
and I've got three of them." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
You see, for the past year, I've had two jobs instead of the one job I used to
have. Together, those two jobs pay approximately 10 percent of what my one
job used to pay. I have a Ph.D. in chemistry from a larger university with a well
respected chemistry program.
I had entered graduate school with a dream of working for an LB.M. or an
AT&T, doing research that would make a positive difference in people's lives. It
took me five years after graduation to land that first industry job. I took great
pride in the knowledge that I was working to decrease pollution and produce a
useful product. I took my $20,000 sign-on bonus and bought a condominium.
After 2 112 years, I was downsized out of the company. I spent eight months
writing hundreds of letters, making hundreds of phone calls and networking at
conferences. I got one job offer-800 miles away. I bid tearful good-byes and
put my condo on the market. The market wasn't very good-everyone else was
downsizing, too. My $20,000 became $10,000 overnight.
Just before Christmas 1993, I started work at the central research facility of
a "good, stable company, heavily committed to research." After one year, things
appeared to be going well, so I bought a house. I paid my taxes, bought com
pany stock and planned for my future.



In 1995, I received a pink slip for Valentine's Day. My new job had lasted all
of 15 months. That was almost a year ago, and I'm still looking for full-time
Nancy K. McGuire
Bay City, Michigan

Letter #4
I have been downsized by the World Bank, after more than 15 years working as
an economist. Both my wife and I were made redundant the same month (last
August). I am 57, my wife 53.
Fortunately, we have no mortgage on a large old townhouse in D.C. The
World Bank has given me a more than adequate severance package, we have
managed to save quite a bit since arriving in the U.S. some 16 years ago, and I
can cash in a large part of my pension.
We now look at this unexpected situation as a unique chance to change life
styles, spend more time together, structure our working day differently and do
new things. The first thing we did last year after being made redundant was to
buy an old sailboat! In the short run, we'll go sailing, do a lot of writing and
happily get by on about $3,000 a month pre-tax, compared with close to
$10,000 post-tax before. People shouldn't only look at the negative side.
Eugene Versluysen
Washington, D.C.


(See Investigation 5.6, page 103)

Letter #5
I was downsized for the first time in my life in November of 1991. Being a fair
ly sharp guy with an extensive background in electronics and computer pro
gramming, I didn't think it would be all that difficult to find a new job. I was
somewhat concerned about my eight-month-old baby at home, but optimism
was the word of the day.
My first real shock came three months after being laid off: It would cost $598
a month to continue my medical benefits. Due to the fact that we were now livon unemployment compensation of $300 a week, this was impossible. I
could also no longer afford my blood pressure medication either, but I thought
that my first obligation was to give my son as good a start in life as I could. I
a pplied for Medicaid when I lost my insurance. The social worker thought it was
pretty funny that someone collecting the princely sum of $300 a week should
think he was eligible for Medicaid.
Eventually my unemployment ran out and we suffered the indignity of wel
fare for a month. The one good thing I can say about welfare is it gave me access
to a very good career counselor who helped me land a job with a computer con
sulting firm in the summer of 1993. They kept me for six months, then laid me
off. I collected unemployment again for nearly six months, and in the nick of


0 221

time I got my present job, which seems to be as secure as anything is today.

The reason I mentioned the blood pressure medicine is this. The high blood
pressure which I could not treat destroyed my kidneys. I am now on dialysis
and trying to get a transplant. If I lose my job again it will destroy me. My
dialysis costs my insurance company $5,000 a month. When I get a trans
plant, I will have to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of my life. I cannot
change jobs due to this pre-existing condition.
Michael McGinn
Monroe, N.Y.

Letter #6
I worked for the U.S. General Accounting Office, a Congressional agency that
exposes fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement of Federal funds. The agency
got a 25 percent budget cutback from the Republicans. But no one in my office
expected the New York field office to close.
We received the bad news on Aug. 7. At the time, I was 8 1/2 months preg
nant. I was unable to look for a job because no one was interested in interviewing someone in that condition. I appealed to upper management for an extend
ed time with the employment counseling services, but was denied. The exact
quote from the Washington lawyer was, "G.A.O. didn't get you pregnant."
The office closed on Nov. 10. I have been looking for a job since then. My
husband has taken on a second job, often working 90 hours a week. I am hav
ing a hard time looking for work while caring for my daughter. I can't hire a sit
ter until I have income coming in.

Diana Erani
Riverdale, NY

Letter #7
In the 19 years since receiving my Ph.D., I have worked full-time for seven col
leges and universities in three states. The longest I was able to stay at a single
institution was six years, and I stayed at several institutions for periods as brief
as one year. I have drawn unemployment compensation five, yes five, times. I
have currently been unemployed for two years. I have applied for close to 2,000
At age 45, I have little hope that I will have any more of a career as an aca
demic psychologist. The standard cliche is that we need a better educated work
force. Well, from where I am sitting, having an education is no guarantee that
one won't be left behind.
James C. Megas
St. Paul, Minn.

Letter #8
Bell Atlantic, soon to merge with NYNEX, has not had massive layoffs, as yet,
but many have retired with incentives to leave the payroll. These jobs have not
been filled. My story concerns the employees who are left. Many have been sus
pended for minor violations of safety which would have evoked only a warning



in the past. Vacation, even though we have earned it, is getting more difficult to
schedule. Forced overtime is on the horizon, as well as punishment for sickness.
Downsizing is a catastrophe for those who lose their jobs, and I would not
presume to say that the irritations I suffer compare to that. However, downsiz
ing makes life very stressful for the ones who hang on to their jobs a little longer,
as well. Mostly, we are living in fear that we are next. We are!
Phillip Ruby
St. Albans, W. Va.

Letter #9
My husband was, until little over a year ago, a senior executive with an inter
national organization. He had been in his field for over 25 years. I was an exec
utive secretary with a worldwide company for 20 years until I was "outplaced"
and he was "downsized." My husband decided to start his own company
a job search firm.
Within my own group of friends, out of four women known as the
"Lunchbunch" at the office, only one is employed at present. The job market
for mature secretaries is bleak and we are getting by, or trying to, by temping:
searching for alternative careers and, in my case, assisting my husband in his
new venture.
Mary Berne
Franklin Lakes, N.].


(Use all nine letters for Investigation 5.7, p. 105, quantification within an

a priori approach.)


D 223

Appendix E


The following five case studies are taken from the Languages
Inservice Program for Teachers (LIPT), a teacher-centered
professional development program. It is a collaborative project of
the South Australian Education Department, the Catholic
Education Office, and the Independent Schools Board.

Aims of LIPT are to:

Provide teachers with up-to-date information about the
theory and practice of teaching and learning languages
Develop teachers' skills in analyzing and improving their
teaching practices
Widen teachers' range of classroom strategies and
programming skills
Support teachers in the process of curriculum renewal
through membership of Languages Other Than English
(LOTE) networks.



Maree Nlcho/son teaches Indonesian 8..12

Lpxton High School. She has prevl"usly
Indonesian In New South Wales fot three yeiJr:",., ';" ;i?,~
and In the Northern Territory for 13 years.
Maiee .wasdissatisned wIth the amourltoJ
.liidoneSlan both she and he,. stude.n,," W'I!"
She wante,d .to encourage her student. Ie) $
indonesian more otten and to use Itfo( ;.z';
lust set work. Here she .describes the eects thl1r.
using Indonesian for routine classroonf
communication had on their motivatloD. rlsktal(/tt~~J
and. cooperative .Iearnlng skills.

81v~rland isa school. of 550 studentsol m~inIYl\n~IQ,~.S8?f9n.. Qr

.~.,.,."~ .... ,~.",..,,,:,,....,:.,~,,.,..~;:r.e.s.a~~.t~ughtjGerrn:~n.arldlnd()ne7i~n;{~itl1.~rirolm~l1:t$.
. . . . '.~ Inqonesianhasbeen tt:liJ9,ht' :, .~ine~'~n~
~~r> . . . :. <'. '. afetich'yearlevel,ranginginSJ . frotnabout

t(j.:t'WQotthref;firrYears11 and 12:,


Teacher~. (LI~T) Sta9,~3With..sorn~~

. . ln$erYiC:e Program. f.o'r ...

~rl'~~I~~~e:pf<~he .~.W~tr(;lli~nL":~~lla~e .. L~~els(ALL) 'guidelinesandrelate(!j9t1al1g(;l~ t('
qir.9liQti... qf . wr;.lan~y~g.~t~13}~hjng;~pyttasmore'Qornll1v.njoativ~;:,aFtivIttes andl~~.$ .
91tf9rm~l~ramni~r... HqVJ~We.r,lwanted t~ exa~ine my leaching .m()r~IO~~IYJP
~tt~~alrns;:md objectives of ALLwerebeing aChieved.
. . . . ..... ,

r?9I1i~urirg. mytvv0. y~ar$ .at Loxton.nas .been?~e;QtU$i~g~ejl?q~~d

n;tgpiqS?fthemesinYeara... 1 introduce;VOP?QUI~l}'a9~,~xere
JZ~~?~.t~r.t1;Iip9J. t~enlJsei.:,i7.ual.. stiml.ln reinforced. wHo.'. rOI~::BlaY.~n9
t'~Y":raar,10 'studertt$do .'more reading .writing,. extsQsion cQ.n~er$~tl()tt

'.. . .






}\~."R~rtofth~initiai two~day LlPT

conference, I taped a lesson with my Year 10 Indonesia.n

CI'ass(aJes$onbasedon introducing a new structural concept through studying a passage

previouslytread). A transcript of the tape revealed that:


% of the lesson involved teacher-dominated talk

.rh~proportion,of Indonesian used was very small and related

,o'rnlytQthe specific passage being studi,ed.

t~\J,~':t~I,~(~M$:f:l(f Indonesian' Whe'n I questioned or prompted them in Ind()hesi~'O;;lj~,';z~~f:.t

English, .not. only to explain the concept but als.oinrouti~E),
..LI1'nr'n'.., "Just 11 minut~", "Howwould you say... ?". I therefore decided

lextC!,ndthe use of Indonesian in my lessons through using it for routine



';i,;';;.fdeC:idedto work with my Year 9 Indonesian class. a group of 16 lively.

rnotivated students who had already shown the ability to extend themelves

. .,.'iittit1dE~be~rlaehllanguageuse.
or'flefiection,.1 decided towork with my Year 10 class, mainly because they were
; They w~r~ni~e vEiryintelligent but less motivated students, who
'\\ftJrtn~~:rrtrare,'Nelreai veJY, disparate and often .conflicting group. of personalities. Year 10
. '~~geirlm~int~iningstudent. attention and~ more' importantly, .in
$mal'g,roLlPt9. w()rkt~gether cooperatively.. A .highly competitive streak in
dOil1irlanthalfofthe stugents led not only to often acerbic competition between
also to instilling a lack of confidence in the more passive students.


'Yepr1 Ogroup:tothe


prgject and what the plan would be.

?ur!prU~i~~~I~.the,response.wasexceUentand the students were keen to be involved.

taping a "normalulesson, which featured lotsof EngliSh. In thenextless.on we

e'tape and individually listed the expressions which related tathe classroom
res.yYieJhep produced a composite list which was later rationalised
~il'l!l1ohry~ue;ed ~~wessions(seeAppendix 1}..As the tapeq lesson had been a
i<;m;naturaJlymanyofthe.expre~si(?nswere<to, . d():w,ith . readin~and
.'At the. ~Ild. of the less()n.las~eq .the studiftltS)O .note,.down their
eand theire.xpectatioDs ofhow the lessons would change with the
~n(~o.uraging witl;1Ct}n1ments.. like"We,$hpUldlfee.akonly If'ldon~sl~l1ln
needtokno~rh?r~W9rds"l: "W~qhol.1id tape. purse,/vf)$

~~~~}j'i~'W}if!Lfdh tnlorelnt.i0f1efi~~ ."f~,;ar:f't.t;'Ptt"'1$'Meua~HI.~g!J/(:JH~(f.





of50expressionsgraduaJly, ten expressions at a time.

we~k, but this proved tQO ambitiou$3ndl
foritnitlhfor every threeweeks~ ,I gave the students a '
on whiCh' they' had the, option to write,
IIHI';:u (most chose to do so). One strategy I
e;'lndlOfliesian eXDfsissiionsliroundthe classroom.Wit.h
$'tlh~',lil:Ss;w6IlJfdfO(~u.s on.these and use them asmubh as possible.




the imbalance ,of "teacher" expressions to "student" eXIDre'ssior1!;.

the use of the expressions in the latter part of


where the, students took the part of the teacher, thus

to use "teacher" expressions
~a"llo,aH:,af ()nel~s.~ona

leek, reinforcing and revising th,e

'structured way .

taping of


a lesson.


resSipns tor use in tHe classroom is an ever-expanding one. I

in all mY Indone.s.ian classes in tHe future. However, I would lik'!i:ttl'~~:'. :;..
J~t~~c~~~$Lt9[o(~pl;Jlrln a more spontaneous way, witH a longer time frame, that is. thfjJU~ltF~I:':}'!i;
,~~ta,;I~O.aIJicqlulsiitioin of expressions as they naturally arise out of a lesson. Two stn~t.e!gle:~t~.,.'
this to succeed:

" th~initiative at all times in using as much Indonesian

can.absorb until it becomes a routine.


thestudeots to develop an enquiring and

language, for example by connpiling
le)(pr'esSiiot)s h\:lndonesian.


Bolehkah saya membaca.?

Ha/aman berapa?
Sudah membawa buku anda?
SUdah membuka buku anda?
Bukusayatertlnggal di rumah.
Sudahsfap mulai?
Slaps ingifl menjawab perlanyaan nomor?
A,di;fi~wab lain?
Ada/ yang betul?
Jawabnya baik.
AdayarJgjaWabilya 'Clin?
SaYatiqak ttilhu jaWabnya.
Sayatidak meilgerti,
Siapli if/gat?
Siapatiisa men%ng?
Bisadikatakan;.; ?
bisa kitakfJiahui dan... ?





Belum sefesai.


Tetap perhatikanl



... ingiri berbicara.


Anda memb.uang waktu.


Harus diselesalkan di rumah.

Harus (fiestat.

Seniuaorang akanadagiliran.


There ate still ... minlltes.
We are going to read about...



Margaret Surguy' teaches SpanlshR.,1:.t

Crescent PrImary School, Whyalla. She
teaching a variety of subjects, lricjl",d/iltll
the best part of twenty years from
to Secondary level. This Is her first
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Do~utJ(Jfn;
the first time she has taught Spanish.
In this article Margaret describes her
~ncQIJ~age a. more positive .lJttltp:de, '.', ..

Spttn1sh In .yell 314 class: 'and to

. '
make, use of the avaJ/able resources tor their

th,e!Sipan./Sin pr.?~r~r11'in."the'.' first 'Jerhl,.of' .19a9J,thE:lrew~r~~~~~r~iI

intl)e.s.<::~.q~l: .It~pp~ar:$ the regtJest that:~pa.~ishPeoJf~fe~'lll

1h~$,p~.niSh~sP(1~king.cpmmuriity. Th~reh~~ 'pe~n~"f?p~~istt.

jOQlQl~er'atilhgQut thish~epe,en.;disqontinued.UriforttJnateIY In.tJie;sec:O~,J~.rrtl

;'."";"~Y<".""'~"'''',' ton~uestLJQentsJeft.




~tl~ngedbyt,~~~las~roomteacher. This meant that very useful follow-up

,theQIa;$~rogni~an!jthe class teachers were interested and involved.

work was """",.,<>,),.....,...,',,'

thi:n9.fcharl~edin 1990 when LOTE positions were used to provide class tecLcn.enJ!:,<
NRn-lfI$tr~ctl()~'ClI Til'Tle (NIT) and lOTE time was reduced. Class teachers no
aJClck~()f~all~fr~des, .teCiching

blame them? It was their non-contact time. I began to ......." ..."..,..

Spanish, Science and some Current Affairs. I needed

the'Languageslnservice Program for Teachers (LlPI) the orevious' i<

bul,t'1'!en U/'l~ble to do so. Being not only alOTE teacher, but afso
11flachel~>iti th~~t.ea. . 1 felt about as much a part of things as a shag on a ",,,,,,vllh'ln'
ng badly ami I hoped the LlPT program and the contact
lahgW~ige.teC:lct1ierswQuld give me a much-needed boost. They did!

5Ch,ObSi~g\#i;f?~U$formyreSearChproved difficult, though I did want to concentra~e on

'i~~.,~~d.writing,aslwas concerned about the chldren's general lack of progress in






:'t~iS"Y~~"OfLit~raCY" thsschool' had made literacy in English' its much-needed rnajo'r

fni'.'C:' ...UI'iith,theempnasisonwriting.

It seemed appropriate to work on the same area in


to write in. Spanish reflected a sirnnarreluct~nce

nOl!p~eparedtosit back ..a ndaccept' it It was neitherfea$il;>lr nor

,,'ni'tn.rO,citrir't1t\Air.' 40 or 50 minute lessons per week to oral and aural. work and
chlldrenreached middleprirnary leVeL I Jelt I must 00
gilcolJra,QetnErcliilclren to write in the target language,but what?


topicldebided t.o work with onepf the tWo' Year 3/4

ch()~~ the(:)~ejn;which a small group o.f qhildrenwere~ecpming,very

le~r(l;e,~s:W~~thelrreponse a'fearoffaUure?Boredom?Parental views


in)hi~ cla~s,oneque$tion: "HQwdo ybaJ?er",h~n, ..,;~

itnon~~heat~ningl~aidtheydrdn'thav?;toao~wer;. .

telt; They cou t?al~qt~I)(Jl,e.r~ther

,rtAhrl'.C!ciingbut,q~~~fle:s~" .. l'tOI1e's:t;




activities ofthe previous year had been the making of

simple picture books. Each. page beganwithth~

d,reworpastedpictur~s of things they liked .andthe

Eltlch object "Ehemore adventlJfOUS versiQnsinc.luded

had qispl~yed ~hecompletedbQoksin the' reading corner

chilren. took:them home;.lhopedfor a high-interest, lowfe

(I've gqt) books along the same lines (see Appendix 2).

t:lJ;t:>i~.i:;ap:pQihtirjg ~',Qfthe '18 books I receive~:f QnlytWo(witha m~l~lml",'ii

three.wordSpaniSh sentences. such~s

two students only gqtas faras their fronlcovers.

m<>iI'\,',t\1 onlymana.gedto complete Uiesentencewltha.jl

pnbqat"and "Tef)go Iota cars"/ There wereon~

"T,?ngo cinco fingers" (Lhav.eJive . fingers)"butoveraIlJt ... ,..,.~ .'.,"';"

i;Thi~ W~Ii:: obviously not the way to attack theproblem~

ra,t~le .C9!gitcltion I:came up vyith the question: i'Willthecbnsistebtl)s~Ofw,r;~~n

orpsrmanently available in the ,classroom; .makecfiiltfJre/l:

.... .. , '., . . , .. ~)-:~d,




. that..
Je(~so.ns .. fOJ it. '. wOl,ll<;j b.~ Y~tditficUltif~ot:}.l11li~~~!9:(~.\('j
USC1." cJQ. $tudents,makeol ther.e$O)jf6f!l~.av~l'~:
s9uHdedgood tome!




"Y,()r~inQ "n the topic "Yo" (Me). I made extra wallchs,rt$withpi

so on and confined the writing on them to Spanish (los
riiaao etc.)


e'lQlind:a simple English/Spanish dictionary although quitl;:! gQodon'

IEnglish. All I had. were vocabulary picture books WhiChH~~~:~,:);:,:'?
ibr hQ::irlihn~l;(i1 if'has"Sport" and ~'The Weather". Although fun to look~tiY:J'~;:,
required much patience and stamina from these childrenandwf:l(~;'

ftO!~ethet any books and pictures relating to personal appearance a.nd{

!YJ.. WfqteaselecJion of .~s.eful .verbs. and ,noyn/';idj .,

atf colour-coded. I had already found this strategyu~~e,
ynfamilj(;lr with grammatical or simpler terms for the :part,s
fQund it helpful to know that yO.u needed a green. a Yellow an
"~;"";.I;"'';':'.+,.. mCike a sentence, for exampleTengo (I have)el pelo(
1aVeO!loncl hair;

through the vocabulary on the board and Lpointed. out ths;';

words and phrases. We then played a game using<ttre .
iJiw.hih w!:fgUe~;$ed the identity of a child in the class from' a description..
. I was" plea'sanUy surprised at how quickly and . eagerly the
;i\,',c,,'rfrb,m:.:mt::i in leading the. game.

l$f6,flaa(~hi::hfld todtawhirn/herselfor

a frierh:t ~ndw.rite three>descriptiye

dix4). Atthis, pointwe/addedtwomoreverosEintj
6[0$0 (fu~ny)~ . tonto(,sillyJ, lnt~U{}~nte (~I~ver) ~o(j
li+k"+h''''':''<>''''''lts;Every childhgdwrift~n. at least on~:$en~~nce
arid.twohadfour! Weaven hada{otlch,gfhYfti()Ur':




Tet 4}a.$~ed the ~Iass the same question I'd posed in

';ilj~'n "task you 'to write in Spanish?H Once again they
Of the 24 responses 15 were positive. I was also interested to".

L:j1t~'~~r\h,W;;ti~P~.~ children still found it difficult, they were now able to either

'I also a~ked the children themselves to assess the value

asked them to rate each one under the following categc)(ie:s:
etimes us.eful" and "not at all useful". Some chi!
or two. This made it more difficult to assess
J.\Oi!I'~""""""l~J.."lided to the q!J6stion regarding the blackboarda.l1d onSU1S 1[1
~~.~~~~~'j~~~y,fo,!4mj;thesejwo resourc~s (see Appendix 6).


"1't'~rl'~llmHn tHEianswer to my final research question about now I could de\/el~~r:.t':~0i"

'..," ., .......~." ....$ltJ\ie:att\t!,J(' writing in my classroom in two parts:


methc:ltmy expectations had,been toohigh. I ha.<ii left processe~t96

half~way thropgh my research, I was still makingleapstha.t we~~t?o
stl1deI1ts,. 1a,r11 now trying to lower my expectationsaf:ldtoaJlov{~S
than the time'l' want tospend"ona;;processor;
successful. .1 now believewhatJ~Us~~ct~,~,b~fo~~;i'
in short steps to' ?verc0.mef~Clr ;9ff~jlpte.F~r'1;1
.~O\l'-SII~D a.olllrCtach which in some W~ys '~pn.traq19'S.':rntlenr,?t
schoof, can pring results, E!~peCial(Y'f~r:'cNlQr:~M"; "









Writing In Spanish


Don't like it


I like it
Not good


to say. Sometimlils 1haven't a clue - it's hard

the {ittle lines on top in the right places e.g. fl.

some children have Spanish cousins etc.
w's.(;()lnplicait6dfors(jm6 poople.
Cofllc6ritrate on different things - sometimes it's hard.

of Resources

Not Useful










Marla Vlthoulkas has been feac:hlnlfl.

three years. This Is her
Serrl Primary School, where she
Modern Greek to Years RT.
Marla wanted to find out how she cOI'rec;ted
,rlors In her students' spoken Gref1k,
how het students respondeCi to. hef
correction technlq(les. ..

1:?4~~I~.~~~r;;;U~.I~r a year 3/4clClSS and it's MondaY!liorning. VourfirstGre~kl~$$Ol1for

~ee'Ktlas b.eaUI!'l.'l()uve strategIcally chosen to sit towards the back ()f ther~9mnear
,i ..."i;O,.':..'...,~

smarter, where hopefully you'll be out of the .te.acher's


<;IQy(.l~ Viant' theteaolier .' to knQW ypu'r~. there. rh~~'si~fl~flyp~G~tm

anqyo~.t~fra:r1tiCaUy waving it bacRandJorth. Y()Q~re;j~.tdy,iO .;t~"
cpurse the teacher chooses thepersonnE}xttocyou.'\AI~.fI.
?tHer9xt que?tion has been kind,ly dtr~9te~t9yotJ;, '!'()~ 'i:.K:'~~1( ".


Once.'~hougl1t Y?U had. madeami~tak~, V'lh~r.ett1bat~~~.s~~(W 'I]~~t

Bl)t,wait;.yqurehlember that you .hadn'tmagean1ista~e~fte(~U?t?
n!',rQUO~T you.g'iv$ youranslHer. ...
. . ". .' ......... .

you want . to .co. iscr~~luDd~ttlj~.~~~~~ Jlq:

"~','W~"'~.~~' ~~,... ~,t9YO\lrs,~rpri!;e,you h~arY~4rlea9her~.~f"~'()AGf,'frr{(1~
.~ ,
!"Java l1nother go~" .you thinkltrnustsurety~(~ftr~... ~4t.. .......' ...n
'~"!'1',..~ ...,$t~}nflist.akEtS are for Iearning and. this tea9her actually means Jt!.HereY<),l,Jg.o
...:r."'.,......,.,.,...~"' . yO~(.Qei.ghbQ~r.~iggle:aU




u. ' .. u.':'

'bit,1..C,rleasettlBstvdents level of confidence

~'$~llf+t:orr'ect:ionand second attempts
'h:a(cC::E~ptrni~>ta~'('e s as plart of their learning

learning a second language


nl~>?"0:/:SifVi~n;:$tg~~i'~f~lt "embafrassed'!. four felt "sad", one felt "angry", and 14'cntIS$;:
as"puzzled", "normal" and ''hopeless'', Some children gave





Idren welcomed corrections and understood ~e need for

rnaking;mistakes coUld be embarrassing if the. teacher
ey .preferred me to indicate errors positively in
.thi:Sir,,e;ft..,"c:! andencQuraged a further attempt. They also likedto
,,.,.,,.....,......+i,..'" With their peers. I would now like to devise some sort "f.,,,h,,,,t-Il,,,fi
rel:lul::lI'lv to see if I am continuing to use positive language to

tciwardsth~end'of alesson;I'hadpianned tQu~~l~~~:

iaOaa;~;clurirtlg ot1e't01Jno and more positive thenext,andthencOll'u)ar.(;Jtfj~



. ... ,-"

'f[r:slr'QUrid ories,tU(lent phys,lcally. stepped backfrorl1 the. firclevVe~erein~ft.~rl" .

be '9IT\bC\rrassed, yet interesti~~ly . enougr,~.J!TlCllrlt?il')~~ey'e;
~dt~noth~r attempttoariswer correctly ~.. 1:yse~,:te~sPQ~jfh/~::
vVi!lIra,ndat ti l11 es some. studentswou l~self~(JorrectWi,t,h9,uf:.rrt~;
were given a few seconds to answer aridfftheYC6LJjdnot,I;~rn()Y~Cf~'



tCSlecCIOd"roJJhicf thestllcHmt .Who'.had st~ppedba.c\( befQre.h~pp'ehedtob~::

I selia . """ot quite right~ hqve anotherfl9'~;~~P. r~ITlainec:l;!31iU,

stu~entp:;. fallqwecithis pattern,.:Fr()m~~Clt, 1 C9~Ic:lQR~~we(the,y;;

l,r~spdnaed.less.P()Sitive! erfors,b~(if:,lmf3iim~i8ed.
anotflrrat1swer.lf.IUSE;ldarnore P9sitiveexpressipnt()co,rrect, .
. .,
. .



on' how I correct I would like at some stage to investigate wnien.'I,C:01

I, correct. 'I'd, also like to look at the effects of correcting students



involved, in this action research project was

A:rnv"o\Ao""1 ailTf~,'objectives and methods" and whatever the outcomes,

Iw~s going todo about it As teachers weare all concerned
~""~,,.~-~,.... ~,.,;::!!}:~:l.It ~hatabout ol,lcown learning? Being involved in LlPT

Y'Clrfj.3:teisfanl/:t most valuable learning experiences.

Did Yqu Say Something?






Athena Frangos Is a Year 4 teachetat'

Smithfield Plains PrImary School. PtRJilldu,t;
this she spent six years' teactilng
second language learners from V_.'~"'.I"I"
Athena wanted to gIve the children In
some exposure. to Greek languag,,""
In a way that. wOfJld enc(Jurage
leam ",or~. ,In.. this artic'e Olle:' ~"".I1~~'Ip.
she' worked. to create IJ mOre
environment through greater use t'lf'iltrjf"~~L'

thJ;}~6hOOIPOPul~tion is basically ofEnglish-speaking backgtound with.only.a

e:tl1ni.?phildren. There are many children from socially and economicallydi~aQ\,antagl

. e?ckgrounds;

~y~C~C,)9Lil'l~roducec!alanguageprogram for the first time thisyear;offerin~ G~rm~n},':

oqly's few classes. For mostchildren this is their first exposure to a Ulnguageothertharl





,<:,'.Y">. . . . .

. . . '..

.'.' .... . ' ,

~;~c;~Qr()~ndto the' 'Prol~et

$f~g~,!,()st9f.\\l~s~pept lrl'Jh(:lL9I~~re~. !itse~I11'~~~NYr~!i:"

iotff's1u.c~'a.languag(:l int9 Olyclassroorriwhe ~ lfinanYbcamE!,a~lass.l~~.ber,:t:~

t6feadhGfeek,whlchisnofofferedin theschqoL

'Ii~~~t~~t~.make ita pleasarit;positive learniog~xp~ri~~E~j~o~ll1~ti~~b~fi

~j;>ht~pootinue, Greek next year.,Hopefully thE?phH,jr~~':~f3~ihu~la,$,n:;fp,r


,J~Cl~.;lO lt~eing offered throughoutthescho()lalongwjttl6erman~

.L:wrantea t~ec~ildrenhqt onIYt~eflloy'm~langUag~le~~Q'",~ Dutal!SO.'tole

ang }~ultllr~~ '. 1,\\,aSJ.iTit~( oftimef bOlJljj:,
officilal.part'of rOY clqs~ .c~rricUlupl,




QUl9stio.n I taped a lesson and analysed it. Something that beyaQiEl

tape was my flair for negative comments! In a 40 minute les~~n~1 .'
'IV:2Q.nelaative remarks. To make sure this wasn't just the result of an "off" Cf~y1
~(observe a lesson .. She noted down all the positive sndneg9-tive
lheresults were similar. I was using far more negatives than .pos:itJv~$.


to be presented over a ten~week period. The focus would

", ....,,,,,d...n ...,,, ..,,......... ctiont(;).,<;laI19uage.Tnere would be.two 40 minuteles~ons per
ac1thiit,les to teach greetings, numbers, directions. colours etc. ahd
ass:ignment~ dealing with Greek food,lifesty,le and mythologr My
child tWice by the. end of each lesson, thug promoting a positive



wasaJ"a fl9: They eatJe rly awaited

enth~siasti9ally. At. the end.oftheten-w:eekprogram I

natura.l asp.o~sible and not. I,et the tapeinfluance my actions.

heardsornenegatiY~' cOrnmen,tsapoutQhildren's b~haviour.
' c?mmf:lflts;WhatwS$ aven more interesting

,,,,.,,,.-.,-,,,,,C1g~ina.t;t.h'e\~.n~9t)hept;09t~ql~, . Th~~>Slill
tglr$E~WI~ecjp,IE~~(jlark:-hc~ir~d;EihO oliVe..skinheqt~b9t:'~hl~as~ 'th~Y.rf?V>'that
I also a$k~<;f, t~~.,9tlJ!cj(e~.Wh.~~h~r,tht}Y\Olrllc;l
.oneoul ~fthtj.~tiopfed .forO~rni~n. '~h ieh, .1
.thclfthe'vhad eniO'V'sd tlilee'xDIDslJie courSe and. ha(1a P9sitive attitudErtowards



Roger 'Kennett teaches ScJence~al1d

at BalaklavaHlgh School. He setup
school's Frenchprogfam seven Vf!ar!l:'"tnbl':>:::,::,:
and has been responsible for desigiJlng
curriculum, and running all the French
courses across Years 812.
~t)per wanted. to'flndout:how be(J!lf:ll1lct!1.
stuc!fmts would respond" to



n6:;Qc)miDUlsory SU9I~~ts:or u~its",yyith', th:~;::~xc~mi:0nQJ

,Fre"cn isrotooeof theSi:le~mpul$.Pr)'linit$~

~tllrl;:;nt~ ch?()set~eir I'r)0dules bas:ed6nin17r~st,:af1d

JlSllH1'i'., rUI', eX~lm~)le, studel1tsrnusthave :don!.:backgtpun(

sete. at Year 9.




t~~t. se~med to' have become my norm, particularly at' Year8~'t ",
~r;~!$s.lmtiaIlY t~e same work. in' essentiall'ythe samemanraer;
:ni=i"n'rmi~nr!A through various common exercises and tests.

onleU,rg;~'.re$ervati()n about the project. Since ourFr~nch mod,:,le,~~~':"

did not have to continue with the language. It~ould.i'9El: ,,,

feltuncpmfortable with my approach: Inorderto, ensur~.:t~~t
ne~t ten,.week module; and .each',module ther~after.J;cbv~lgi; ,{Z\
In 'fact. "I would be aiming '" to. convince mostqf~hO]"
. ~~,'~I,""~"f~~fl~
I,IW"I,IIII.lLO, tpeloso., AS 'asf1f~b' n~t;lth$';
checking our progress and the students', fe~Ii~~$;,"


LlPT project to the students involved. To ;:Jvoid the implication

thaliths'ottler.,1 told them that I would choose which ,one woUld
'''!'7' .... t~,.. .. ,.~' a ooln. We discu,ssed the possible advantages'of
difficulties. Many students were concemeCithat
OL.tnalttl18V U'''''HII''tIt'\tcope, I respected their fears. and assiJredthem
If they felt too unc()mfortable, or "could see
:be!j!lgidi!~adlvaljfa!Jed by the program, then
would rethink thewhoJe




)~ii:;;~W. ,all'':f$llfpretltY'ilm~lr'esJsed after our first attempts. The students

$0 muchFr~nch, and that they had been able

were htM:~py,tf1e:t?~
to follow
Ait"iiiilll~> RrA:.Wlrint'IArfr.iI ai~s to understanding when you're stuck for wOI'd.SJ);
............., .... n "

I slipped Into English to tell. Gary not to swat this nl"'... .\.i,il!

, rUltJJ..UUI. a9<~epted that I did.. aUimes; have

back up my instructions

DaJrticlJlar student with learning difficulties. Other than that, all SBflmflOrO!


need for extra vocabulary. We had covered simple

"",,,..,,,., . _,.,.. 'Cfi/~iV.aiJjp,q~~ttoilfJtttfjS,

volis plait" In the first few weeks. but ".,.."" "" ... n,
"cornmencpz"(begin) and ,,'RIIRZ':'-""lflOI,:

.S&~~~r:fj~~:~!1il!i(don't s\liatthe fliesl)~ Som~ of.

they had to cope with. bOt we

(1~ys.~?weVeri' the sbine'~egantowearoff..Two Oftheboysinthe' Frenctlfol'1

A).W~~e,ilotparticiJ)atingmucn at all. They w~re reluctant to

qql~y(l!!tt$~'ti()JI1~1 s~its:()~. ~t~~e:< In, cOfltr~.~t,. t~e . mixed .language class

rhc~r~ QQPplatal~lvl9,:" Tryi~distincti?nbe9a,me.!"ore appare~t.\yhen"e "rlC''''.",."r,""
':1~f~b~~~!t~~~~C ("I~rn . .afCJreigrier'? '.~". mUSic pilferedfrom-Shs'U
,,...,.,...,,,;;...............,;.;.....,.,"Mh....:i. ,,i..,'(,

~a.;re~t flOp with the French only class, Thf}te. was ,~() intEm:tl$t;~lfi'l()Jlg$l'ltt;l~. '.
'aloi1e~ No suchpr~blE:lms in elas.s B.Why thediffereilc~,?


similar lnthe. first few 'N,eek$: wilUngtQle,arn, co()Oerative.

Now there was farmore fidgeting and disruptive l:>elfu~vtiQUr:;





~esUlts fprexetclsesand tests after a fortnight Indicat:ed no

in.t~el( fluenqY,orbfislo Janguageskills;! re~,II~tltQ J.gAl~,I . . ~.


,testify expec:rt() ,. ot)~erveany .sl9iJifioant .ciiff~rences In lanau~lae de"e/ClfpttlirilL'

lE1tllWQ~;.QrIPIJ~~ .afters,!chashOrttll'ne.HoW8ver,lf theresul~ test~wllsewelr:Et
'e2\~Et(gaiinifig a:n.}itl'lingfrQI'n.pur efforts? The first Seotlon


.and .ability .to hold a simple conversation

a.I'11'ark$icut o135~.

F1Jfic~nt:gainflrom the/incr~a$ 6fFrench,l. had~~~eted.Jt}t9

lSO ofVOc:ablulalrv. The resyltsofan oral~or:nevvork exercis~{~~.
~ldlla1ljelbeEjn Ariliclhtl:lnirln il'lthis regard.lhadgiv~n the students ~. wge~
the work we had been doing in class. Tna
were as follows:
/'~';F,;' 'i

~:!'~IQtcir~. .c;:.()t'i~r!t:)~ltinigJ,o~tfjEt.;li~(g:~tiVe attitude of some

IJAI.a~Irl; ..)n::'liti(':;,

or my


French onl)'."in
the rll3xt module



On Reflection
;'~'~~;~~~S()Ursituationat Baiaklava High is unique, in that our students Canri'~t
French ,CRUI'~e. eVery ten wee,ks. This, makes their feeling of security and
paramount. The students clearly felt much more comfortable with a mixture of
Eng,lish in the classroom. They felt more in control, and I felt happier with that.
had always led me use such a mixture, with the aim of increasing the use of
instrJJctiOn$and, so forth, as time progressed.

did I learn from all this? I guess, overall, I learnt once again that I
oWn judgement and my experience to determine what workS ,for
felt t~at., as a partner in the learningexerc,se,1
i,~ftj'~lrpUlp'!3 :n~leJd$, ar)tjfeellng$.,HQpefully,8$8SUCQeS$fUI ',~~~CJ'tEtfiq
m~tch" dourse content and teaching methodologY
'Jn1ferii!stls. ,What works for one , teacher with' one class'in one 'school'
'r,Otne~Ili;111J othersitllatiol1s,riordoes itwork in the same school fordifferel1(


F9rQn$,witfttheseclasses,in this year, a mixture of French and English was the

~tfectiv~\yay ;forthemtolearn; I will continue to aim to increase the use of Fren
~tib,.st~derts,who continu,e to progress through the course, but only by in

.B9'._,.",~".,totrxdiffef~ntthings, remembering what works and what doesn't, ,aod,add


I have to ensure that the students feel, secure and -happy. If

d9hit~!ii~ve that, there will be no course, and no learning.

!t.'cI!1~Y.I:l~ i".terestihg Jo nQtettl~t." as ~Iways" the project generated oth~l'


J~~9t"l,iI1Q' gh,l;lrtQf3.~J~~t\Vere".ot'p~~ ()f the original plan.Asl cametoreali~e\Q,~c~~Q<lI.n,

.t~~t,lha.,,~tpfullyt~u~l.rnY. oYmju~gemerit in teaching,lg~i~ed, the cOl1fidefl~~:tp:att.mpt

$,PJD~;tliil'lg:rye ~ClnJedt.()9o.f()r year,s;IHATE the, Tpurde.F'anceCOlli'~ean9;,a.,Yt'~~s . ',,'

. tg~..m\J.~h~vP8f~ro~nt(ltion. to,~e~pstudents 'motiva~~d., So~takilll~l


Joff~r~~~Ofhrny.'(ear.~andY~ar ~/10 combinati()nc'~sses the()~p~ " ,.t~

~t~~tb()O,~ .~rid<~h,ot3seth~Ol~s, f()rstudY

by "!()tri;l~rf!

.", .. ,:~.~Wi~,tirne.;$,p~~t 'fir-adir~'rnat~ri~land preparhlgnew w~rkSh~et~;btltlt'lS,~~yi,nQ'~ff'~rf ','

~nttil;Jsja$r11\ 130th:~lass~$ saythey.areenjoylnglessonsll1ore;(lnQ;~".,.jnc~e~~tino.!11~r .

VVpW<;flike.tQ?ontil1ye~ith ", F rerch, ne~t year. ~orthe ,suniival.of ttle subje~ithat$~~n:~

,~!~alr,~q~; iflc~l.llcf .!i.lstconvio~ethfil~tafftOma~~thefir$ttfiln weekS ofFrenchcOmp~!Sory;

~~mallc(>iJldac~s$a~reater numoerof begin wi~h~ .

festifl{4L:tjnJe;Solith Australian Education Department;

j/+~~;~:J~~~;ahge,'.'1g"82."SC()rt,iSh' Cerlfral'.C6mrnim~e',()n Modern UUlg~lageSi"HI9InI9.mani'i'

"e~ucati()nal f~oo.ks. Loncjon~




s. Mon ...1;),1: e'r'.0J.5}


e'ml""f /


c.lest __


'!,'l v... /

A rend,s. mardi lIuplustsrd

By Tuesday 2115





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