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All perfect praise be to Allah,

The Lord of the Worlds. I

testify that there is none
worthy of worship except
Allah, and that Muhammad is
His slave and Messenger.
l is
Anam Nawaz
A TAWEEZ is simply a written Dua
which is from Quran or a Ahadith,
and for the one who cannot read or
has not memorized that particular is written on a piece of paper
and is worn around the neck.
“We send down in Qurran that
which is a healing and a mercy
to the believer”
Surah bani israeel verse 82)
when a person who was sick or
in some distress they whoul go
to the prophet (PBUH) who
would then place his hand on
the area of the pain and recite
a dua and blow on to him.
(Bukhari Muslim
chap on tibb)
When the prophet (PBUH) was ill
for the last time, angel
Jibreel(May Allah bless him and
grant him peace) came and
recited dua and blew on the
prophet (PBUH).

(Muslim chapter on tibb)

1….It has become the Muslim
culture to wear jewelry that has
Ayatul kursi or Allah (swt) on
2….To look “cool”……!
3….To avoid the evil eye….!
4….For protection and to avoid
5….To harm others by using
them as magic
The word "Talisman," derived from
the Greek verb "teleo," means,
primarily, to accomplish, or bring into
effect. The Talisman is an object
marked with magic signs and is
believed to confer on its bearer
supernatural powers or protection.

An amulet is a piece of jewelry,

that some people wear because
they think, it protects them
against evil aye and illness
“Say: ‘Who can guard and protect
you in the night or in the day from
the (punishment of the) Most
Gracious (Allah)?’ Nay, but they
turn away from the remembrance
of their Lord.” (Al-Anbiya’: 42)
"Say: Tell me then, the things that you
invoke besides Allah, -if Allah intended
some harm for me, could they remove His
harm, or if He (Allah) intended some mercy
for me, could they withhold His Mercy?
Say: Sufficient for me is Allah; in Him those
who trust (i.e. believers) must put their
`Uqbah ibn `Amir Al-Juhani (may Allah be pleased
with him) reported that a group came to the
Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon
him) to pledge their allegiance (bay`ah) to him. He
accepted the allegiance of nine of them but not of
one of them. They said, “O Messenger of Allah, you
accepted the allegiance of nine but not of this
one.” He (the Prophet) said, “He is wearing an
amulet.” The man put his hand (in his shirt) and
took it off, then the Prophet (peace and blessings
be upon him) accepted his allegiance. He (peace
and blessings be upon him) then said, “Whoever
wears an amulet has committed shirk.” (Reported
by Ahmad)
Narrated Abu Bashir Al-Ansari (May Allah
be pleased with him): He was in the
company of Allah's Messenger (May the
peace and blessing of Allah be upon him)
on one of his journeys, Allah's Messenger
(May the peace and blessing of Allah be
upon him) sent a messenger ordering:
"There shall not remain any necklace of
bowstring or any other kind of necklace
round the necks of camels except it is cut
off' (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
What do you do when you go to the
bathroom? Do you take it off? What do
you do when you go to a public
bathroom? I doubt you take it off and
keep it outside of the bathroom,
because it'll probably get stolen. Do
you keep it in your pocket while in the
restroom? This does not make it ok to
take the name of Allah in the bathroom
even if it’s in your pocket. Just because
it's covered does not make it ok.
If so then, if I am correct you’re
trying to impress others, which is
The alternative is simple to place
our trust fully and completely in
God seeking only His help and
preying Him alone to grant our
purpose. we ensure that our
prayers will be answered by
showing our complete conviction
that it is Allah alone who gives us
all benefits and prevents all harm.
`Instead of buying the kid a taweez
is just not a good idea that parents
should spend more time with them
telling them about Allah (swt). A lot
of kids think Allah(swt) is on their
heads watching over them because
parents themselves do not know
where Allah(swt) is which is stated
in Surah Al Baqara- Verse
255(Ayatul Kursi).
Quran was revealed to be
recited and followed, its
commands to be obeys and
its prohibitions to be
heeded, its information to
be believed and its limits to
be adhered, Its stories to
serve as lessons.
It is only Allah (swt)who
created the means, and its only
He who creates the
effects.....taking the means is
obligatory and denying they
have effects is obligatory,
whoever relies on means has
associated partners with Allah
and whoever negates, denies
the wisdom of Allah...

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