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Medicine is an ever-changing field. Standard safety precautions must be followed and allowances must be made for
new discoveries, drugs, and changes to standards of care. Though every effort has been made to ensure that the
information in this book is correct and up to date, readers are advised to verify for themselves, relying on their
experience and knowledge of their patient to determine if the recommendations made are actually the best for their
individual patient. Neither the author nor the Department of Internal Medicine assume any liability for any injury and/or
damage to persons or property arising from this handbook

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Random Tips
The Wards
Using Affinity (charting)
What to do when you get a New Patient
Admission Orders
Diet Sheet
Presenting the H&P
Running a Code
Generating a Differential Diagnosis
Writing your Daily Note
Ordering Imaging Studies
Insulin and DM Management
Interpreting ABGs
Useful Hematology
Useful Microbiology
Electrolyte Replacement

On Studying
Study what you can, when you can, ESPECIALLY on Medicine Wards, and ESPECIALLY as an Intern. Youre going to be
busy and probably pretty tired, so just read something and dont worry if youre not reading New England Journal of Medicine
from cover-to-cover every week. Push yourself, but be realistic.
You will find that as you focus your studying on your patients, you will have an easier time of retaining the information. As a
general rule get in the habit of reading SOMETHING every day, even if it is only a few pages. You are going to be busy but a
little daily reading can go a long way over 3 years.
Try to keep up with MKSAP reading and questions! It is a great way to stay current on your board studying throughout
residency while also reinforcing important concepts. It is generally a good idea to do about 5 questions a day (2 to 3 in
the morning before work while sipping that 1 cup of coffee at home and 2 to 3 in the evening). This will easily get you
through all of the questions that will be covered for the monthly exam.
Record the ones you miss and keep doing them until you get them right (the Breck Nichols Strategy). For example, out
of 50 questions, say I miss 25 of them. I then go back and redo the 25 I missed. This time, I miss 10. I go back and do
those 10. This time I miss 4. By the time you no longer miss any of the questions, youve repeated the ones you had
the most trouble with a few times, and hopefully, the reasoning behind the question will stick better.

The MedStudy people always offer deals to residents when they buy in bulk. Some initiative-taking person should
look into this, then send an email and talk with the other interns/residents about buying a bunch at once to save
money; Also some of the graduating 3 years will want to sell theirs at a discount
MedStudy books are board-review style texts that are organized by system, and are great for ELECTIVES. Make it
a priority to get through the MedStudy section that corresponds with the elective youre on. Ambulatory would also
be a good time to crack open MedStudy. This will help you both on the elective and in preparing for the boards.
Ambulatory Core Curriculum
The Ambulatory Core Curriculum is compiled from a great collection of articles with corresponding cases and
questions to help you think critically about patient care in the outpatient setting. This will be available on the Chiefs
Website. Read these articles and think about the answers so youre prepared in clinic! It will help you be a better
physician! .
UpToDate is a great resource best used when you need information quickly, but its probably not the best tool to use when
studying for the boards. Pocket Medicine is another great resource for quick information
Review articles and primary research literature is best used when preparing a presentation. New England Journal of Medicine,
Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA, and Lancet should be sought out in this regard.

Other Somewhat Random Tips

Buy a flash drive with a decent amount of gigs and keep it with you at all times. Start a collection of good articles (and
organize them by system). This is also a good place to keep presentations.Of course, back it up from time to time on your
home computer.
Another tip: save info on interesting patients PF number, and a note about why you thought it was interesting. Be careful that
you dont violate HIPAA by leaving your flash drive with a life insurance company or something, but you want to keep track of
good cases. Useful for Grand Rounds/Master Professor Rounds, teaching med students or other residents (especially cool
radiographs), case presentations on various rotations, etc. You can always access the patients old chart, labs, imaging, etc.
with the PF.
Take advantage of the times you DONT have to be in the hospital, particularly the ever rare golden weekends.

The beach! We Recommend Malibu (Zuma beach) and Manhattan Beach. If going on a weekend, try to leave early
to beat the crowd and the traffic.

The mountains. The San Gabriels are the mountains you see north of Pasadena on a clear day. Lots of hikes and
nice views. Hit up the Sam Merrill Trail at the end of Lake Ave in Pasadena for a nice view of the LA Basin. Tons of
other trails are all over the city. And of course, Big Bear and Mammoth are both within reach during the winter if you

Eat. is one of my favorite websites for restaurant reviews. You can find any type of food in this city that
you want.

Wine Tasting. There are great wineries within a couple of hours of L.A. Try the Santa Ynez Valley (think
Sideways) for nice Pinots and Syrahs. Other places to enjoy vino are Paso Robles and Temecula.

Farmers Markets. If youre into cooking, fresh produce, people watching, or being outside, then there are tons of
farmers markets across the city. The one in Hollywood is Sunday mornings and has a nice selection of stuff, but
there are probably local ones near where you live as well.

The County Way

1. Patients come first.
2. Do your best to make the lives of the people you work with easier.
3. Split the work as fairly as possible.
4. Start the D/C summary as you do the H&P.
5. Drop off study requests as early in the day as possible. Call consults early in the day
6. Treat everyone with respect - you never know when you will need their help.
7. Be nice, even when you are really tired.
8. Let someone know if you need help.
Tips for the Ward team
1. Fill-out/stamp request forms (U/S, CT, MRI, Nuclear Med, , Stress test) and drop them off at 7:30am or on Work rounds.
2. While one team member is presenting, someone else should take a blank order form and write down any orders the
attending recommends then place it in the chart.
3. Write down all other post-round tasks the attending recommends during rounds so that nothing gets missed during the
afternoon. If the attending recommends a study (U/S, CT, etc.) fill out and stamp the appropriate form & gather the
necessary info then submit them at the earliest opportunity.
4. Write PRN orders on nearly all of your patients: Tylenol 650 mg po/pr q4 prn HA/Fever/Pain, Maalox 30cc po q6 prn
dyspepsia, MOM 30cc po q6 prn constipation, Benadryl 25mg po qhs prn insomnia, Reglan 10mg IV/IM q6 prn nausea
(there is a check box for many of these on the Admission Orders set). Make sure you go through the PRNs and
make sure patients dont have any contraindications (i.e. renal failure w/ MOM or elderly w/ Benadryl)
5. Record a pain score, list it as a separate problem, and treat it appropriately
6. Order an admit panel on most of your admissions: CBC w/ diff, BMP, Mg, Phos, LFTs, PT/INR, UA
7. Complete as much of the D/C summary as possible as you complete the H&P.
8. Know why each of your patients is still here and what you need to do to get them out of here.
9. Know which of your patients is sickest and make sure it is relayed to night float and med consult when appropriate
10. Try to anticipate problems your patient may give the Night Float and warn them/sign out what you want done

Daily General Medicine Itinerary:

6:00 - 7:00
Get Sign-Out from your Night Float and Pre-Round/See New Patients
7:00 - 8:00
Work rounds with Senior Resident
8:00 - 9:00
Resident Morning Report, Interns perform patient care/write notes except M/Th when interns
attend Morning Report as well
9:00 - 11:00
Attending rounds
11:30 - 12:00 Patient care
12:00 - 13:00 Go to lecture (take lunch with you)
13:00 - 17:30 Patient care & Admissions (will change with long call and short call this year)
Sign Out to Senior Resident and Night Float


Mild Pain
Tylenol (Acetominophen) 650mg po q4 prn mild pain
Motrin (Ibuprofen) 600mg po q6 prn mild pain


Moderate Pain
Toradol (Ketorolac) 15-30mg IV/IM or 10mg po q6 prn mod pain (max dose 40mg/day for 5 days), careful in renal failure
Ultram (Tramadol) 50-100mg po q4 (max 400mg/day
Naprosyn (Naproxen) 500mg po then 250mg q8 (max 1250mg/day) prn mod pain
Tylenol #3 (Acetominophen with Codeine) 2 tabs po q4prn mod pain
Severe Pain
Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetominophen) 2 tabs po q6prn
Percodan(Oxycodone/ASA) 2 tabs po q6 prn
Vicodin (Hydrocodone/Acetominophen)2 tabspo q4prn
Dilaudid(Hydromorphone)2-4mg po/PR/IM/SQ/IV q4prn severe pain
Morphine 0.1mg/kg (up to 15mg)IM/SQ/slow IVq4prn (good starting dose is 2mg IV q 4h PRN pain)
Demerol (Meperidine)1-1.8mg/kg (max150mg) IM/SQ/POq 4 prn severe pain

Pain Management with Opiods

(Stolen from a lecture by Dr. Close our Palliative Care Expert)
-- PO/PR max concentration in 1 hour; 4 hour life
-- SC/IM max concentration in 30 minutes
-- IV max concentration in 10-15 minutes
Breakthrough Pain
-- use immediate release formulations
-- dosing interval based on time to max concentration
Equianalgesic Dosing


Changing Routes of Administration



Transdermal Fentanyl Morphine 50 mg po in 24 hours ~ Fentanyl 25 mcg patch q72

Adverse Effects of opiods

-- nausea/vomiting

-- most effective are dopamine blocking agents

-- Reglan 10 mg q6
-- Haldol 1 mg q6
-- prochlorperazine 10 mg q6
-- odansetron (Zofran) 4mg IV q 8h PRN
Most common side effect will be constipation. Although often secondary to opiods, patients can often be
constipated from being bedbound and hospitalized without the use of opiods. You should always ask about it or
you will not find out!!

Treating Constipation:

We put pretty much everyone on Colace 100mg PO BID but it is unlikely to have much effect
Minimize opiods if possible
Miralax (polyethelene glycol) works well (17grams in 8 oz H20 daily, can increase to BID)
Senna 8.6mg 2 tabs PO BID
Bisacodyl 5mg or 10mg PO works well, can also give PR which often time works even better
Avoid fiber or bulking agents if patient is on opiods. It just makes the problem worse
If not BM for several days, you must consider obstruction/ileus but not the case most of the time
Always check bowel sounds ask if patient is passing flatus as you dont want to miss obstruction/illeus
Check Abdominal Series to further evaluate before giving any further treatments if suspecting obstruction/illeus

Using Affinity
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you review the LAC+USC Medical Software Instructional Videos on the Chiefs Website
under FAQs. You will use Affinity to check labs, read dictated reports from imaging studies, find pathology reports, get
vitals, ins and outs, etc.

The Affinity System:

- Double-click on the Affinity icon on the desktop
- Click on "Live" and click OK or press Enter
- Enter your user code which is 'p' plus your lab number, e.g., "p123456"
- Enter your password. You will be typing it a lot so make it easy like "qqqqq1"
- Select Patient Charting
- Using the patients PF number to find the patient and place him or her in your list on the left. Your patients name
may be listed more than once if they have been to different clinics within the County system (e.g., Roybal or
Hudson). In this case, you will be best served by moving all of the names to your list so that you can read through
what are likely subspecialty clinic notes
- Access labs and dictated reports under the Results tab. If you want to see if a test was ordered but not yet back,
click "Unresulted Tests" on the bottom right of the screen to check which labs are still pending, and Resulted Tests
to look through a list of tests that have been done. If you need to check more than one result for multiple dates (e.g.,
blood cultures), click on the lab you want on the left side of the screen (the row should then be highlighted), then
click Print Selected and choose Current Device. The results will be listed on the screen. For echocardiogram
results, you need to select Echo from the dropdown menu on the left (default is Network)
- You can view all the results for a particular section, ie Microbiology by selecting that section from the dropdown
menu then selecting Grid Contents and Print Selected then choose Current Device
- There are also tabs for vital signs, ins and outs, Ancillary staff notes, in addition to looking at a Snapshot of the
patients objective data.
- If someone forgets to logout of Affinity, hit Escape, then Enter. You can then start the program using your username
and password.

Check List for admitting a patient

1. ID: You will receive a call from Med Consult, your Senior Resident, or Co-Intern that you have received a patient.
Ask for the name, PF, and location.
2. Check to see if the patient is a bounce back if so, notify your Senior Resident & Med Consult
3. Check Labs write the important ones on a lab sheet.
4. Check Affinity for Discharge Summaries and any Clinic Notes. Check Affinity & Quantim EDM for old chart and
any other useful information about the patients history. If you know the patient has been admitted before and
Quantim doesnt have the d/c summary, call Medical Records at 226-6221 for the old chart.
5. Check Synapse (to review) and Affinity (to read dictations) for any imaging done in ER or prior to admission.

Briefly assess the patient (vital signs, brief exam)

o Look at the patient from across the room for general impression.
o Introduce yourself to the patient and/or family members and tell them you are going to briefly check on the
o Mental Status: find out if the patient is AA&Ox4 (person, place, time, and situation)
o Check Vital signs
Take the pulse for six seconds and multiply by 10
Count respirations for thirty seconds then multiply by 2
Get a pulse ox if you are worried at all about their respiratory status, consider an ABG
Ask the nurse for the other vitals and for orthostatics
o Get a brief HPI, ask also if they have med allergies and their weight
o Assess whether the patient is critical, guarded, or stable. If they are not stable and not in the ICU
call your Senior resident or Med Consult (323) 409-1644
After Initial Assessment:

Review ER sheet to see what was done and include a brief ER course in your H&P

Go to the chart and write admit Orders (include your admit panel and prns).

Medications will need to be written on the Medication Reconciliation Form (PADI). If the PADI form is not signed
then pharmacy will not be able to dispense medications.

Do full H&P (Template available on Chiefs Website) dont be afraid to call the patients family, doctor, ER physician
etc. for more info. Modify orders as necessary

Start D/C Summary. If you are confident the patient will be discharged the next day, start prescriptions.


Use the mnemonic CAD VANDISMAL

C: Condition:
o Stable, Guarded, Critical, etc.
A: Admit
o Firm (Gold/White/Cardinal), Team (A,B,C,D)
o Attending, Resident, Intern

D: Diagnosis
o Ex: CHF exacerbation, PNA, etc (this should be the admitting dx)
V: Vitals:
o Usually per routine is sufficient (this is q 4 hours on the floor and q 1h in ICU)
o If particularly concerned about a patient you can initially check more frequently (ex: q 1 hour x 2, then q 4h)
A: Allergies:
o Ex: PCN (anaphylaxis), Morphine (rash), etc.

N: Nursing:
o Usually per routine unless special concerns (i.e. strict Is/Os, daily weights, dressing changes, seizure precautions,
O2 to keep Sat > 92%, foley to gravity, etc.)
D: Diet:
o Regular, 1800 ADA/Consistent Carbohydrate, 2gm Na, Low Fat, Soft Mechanical, Clear liq, Full liq, Puree,
Dysphagia, Neutropenic, (see diet sheet on next page)
I: IV Fluids:
o You can just write SLIV for saline lock which means the nurse periodically flushes the line and no standing IVF
o If the patient is not eating, does not have Renal Failure, Cirrhosis or CHF you can consider given maintenance fluids
w/ NS
o consider D5 w/ NS if patient is not diabetic
o One trick is to add 40 to their weight in kg and use that is your rate in cc/hr (ex: 70kg person would get 110cc/hr of
o If patient ETOH intoxication or withdrawl can give banana bag: 1mg Folate, 100mg Thiamine, 10cc MVI, 2gm
MgSO4 in 1L NS at ~100cc/
S: Studies:
o EKG, CXR, ,U/S, CT, MRI, etc.
M: Meds
o Make sure you fill out and sign the med reconciliation sheet (otherwise the patient will not get their meds)
o Check off PRNs on the admission orders (Benadryl, MOM, etc.) but make sure they dont have any
o Make sure you address PRN pain medications. All opiods have to be written x 72 hours or they will fall off after 1
day. You can write x indeffinate (cancer) if the patient has a malignancy and it will stay on for the admission
A: Activity:
o as tolerated unless you dont want them getting out of bed in which case you and write bed rest,
o bed rest with BRP (bathroom privileges) if they are not a fall risk is also acceptable
o If you are worried they will not get out of bed and you want them to you can write out of bed to chair tid
L: Labs:
o order CBC w/ diff, BMP, Mg, Phos, LFTs, PT/INR and UA on nearly everyone then add any more specific labs
o if labs were drawn a few hours ago (in ER or Clinic) no need to repeat until AM unless you need something specific
o if no labs were drawn in last few hours, everything should be sent STAT
o Dont forget to fill out the separate Radiology Request form.


Tips for doing and presenting a good H&P

The History
1. Write HPI last after you have written everything else, so it will make sense, and include all pertinent info.
2. The HPI should be chronologic it should start from the point when the person last felt in their usual state of
health and proceed forward with the presentation of each new symptom or problem.
3. Along the way you should provide a description of each problem in depth. Two useful Mnemonics for this are
PQRST or the ridiculously long L PQRST CWAP:
Location (part of body), Problem (pain, vomit, cough, SOB), Quantity/ Quality, Radiation, associated
Symptoms, Timing (onset duration), Context (when does it happen?, what are you doing when it happens?),
Worse/Better (what makes it worse or better?), Anyone else sick like this at home, Prior Episodes
4. Another good mnemonic is C HR LAMPP SF: CC, HPI, ROS, Last meal/drink/BM/menses, Allergies, Meds,
5. For SH there is the famous HEADS exam: Home (who lives there, where were you born), Education,
Activities (work, school, travel), Drugs (alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs), Sex (men/women/both,
oral/anal/vaginal, last, #partners, protected?, prior STIs), Suicide.
6. Go over the Labs, CXR and EKG carefully and include your assessment of these in your presentation
7. Record a pain score, list it as a separate problem, and treat it appropriately
The assessment and plan section
1. Make a problem list which addresses every abnormality from the history, PE, labs, and studies.
2. List them in order of importance
3. For each problem provide an assessment that lists the findings that support and go against your diagnosis
4. Include a differential diagnosis from most to least likely
5. Give a plan for ruling in and out and treating each diagnosis
Findings which support
Findings which go against


Running a Code
Check Responsiveness
Airway (head tilt, chin lift)
Breathing (look listen feel, 2 slow breaths)
Circulation (start CPR 15compressions:2breaths)
Call A CODE and ask for all of the following as if it were one word:
O2 Oral Airway, bag valve mask, prepare to intubate
IV 2 large bore peripheral IVs or central line and obtain stat labs:
Glucose ABG with Lytes, and Tox screen
Monitor look at the rhythm and Vital Signs and Pulse Ox
Analyzing the Rhythm

Epi 1mg
Epi 1mg or Atropine 1mg if brady
Atropine 1mg unless
2 Mobitz II or 3 Heart block (use transcutaneous pacing)


<48hrs/WPW: Amiodarone 150mg

Diltiazem 10mg
Narrow: Vagal maneuvers, Adenosine 6mg/12mg/12mg
Stable: Amiodarone 150mg, Lidocaine 1mg/kg, Mg 2g
Explain, Fentanyl 50mcg, Versed 1mg
then Cardiovert 100/200/200
Defibrillate 200/300/360
Epi 1mg q3min or Vasopressin 40U
Then Amiodarone 300mg or Lidocaine 1mg/kg
Drug Shock(360) Epi Shock(360)

The worst run codes are those without a leader:

One of the most important things you can do is take charge of the code or force someone else to do it. Even if
you are the most junior person there, ask who is in charge. If no one speaks up then announce that you are in
Look for and treat reversible causes:
. Have someone look the chart, review the recent orders, review the patients labs, talk to the patients nurse, and of
course do a focused physical exam.


Tips for generating a good Differential Diagnosis:

To come up with a complete differential (or truthfully to do anything else complicated) I usually need a memory aid of some
kind. Here are three useful approaches:

1) Pathology: VINDICATE
Degenerative (Aging)
Iatrogenic (Procedures/Drugs)
Environmental (Poisons/Chemicals)
2) Anatomy
This works well with pain: RUQ pain: think of what anatomical structures are in the area or nearby: liver, gallbladder, colon,
R kidney, stomach, pancreas, lower lobe of right lung . . .
3) Pathophysiology
This works well with things like acute anemia where based on pathophysiology it should be:
1. Decreased production due to problems in the bone marrow or erythrocyte precursors.
2. Increased destruction due to things like autoimmune destruction or MAHA.
3. Blood loss due to internal or external bleeds.


Writing your daily note:

Another useful mnemonic that can be used for writing a daily note is: CON ME LVN
1. Find the Chart
2. Look at the recent Orders find out what happened to your patient since you last saw them
3. Look at the recent Notes to see if any consultants have made useful suggestions or recommendations
4. Check the nursing Medicine sheets (MAR) for the meds your patient is actually getting compare that to what you have
ordered, look at the prn meds and the insulin the patient received in the last 24. You can also go to the PADI on the
intranet and look and click on transfer meds and it will show you all the meds the patient should be getting.
5. Examine and interview the patient
6. Check the computer for new Labs and to see which labs are still pending
7. Check the Vital signs
8. Talk with the Nurse or read the nursing assessment in affinity
9. Write your note
Daily Note Template:
Medicine (Red A, B, C, etc.) R1 Progress Note
ID: ex: 50 YO F w/ DM admitted for PNA
Problem List
(Keep this dynamic. Move things up or down on the list depending on what is most important. Putting together a relevant
problem list and updating it is an important skill to have. Dont make the mistake of copying the PMH into the problem list.
They are 2 different things.)
1- PNA
2. Strep Bacteremia
3. DM
4. HTN
No overnight events. Pt remains febrile overnight
(keep this updated, check PADI daily and cross-reference with your signout, especially abx)
Abx (date started, D
Heart Meds
Other Meds
Prn Meds

Hardware: (foley, NG, NC, leg squeezers
central line (when placed, Day #)
VS: T, HR, RR, BP, O2 sat, Is/Os
(include important information, dont copy and paste every lab and study the patient has had from the beginning of time.
Only whats relevant!)


Labs: (CBC, CMP, etc)

Micro: (any blood cultures, urine cultures, stool, etc)
Imaging: (any relevant imaging)

(this is where you should put a good one liner that summarizes why the patient was admitted to the hospital and how the
patient is doing. Keep it simple enough to be one line but informative enough that anyone reading your note would
understand what is going on. Writing this is harder than you think and it takes time to get good at it. Very important skill to
50 YO F w/ h/o DM admitted for PNA found to have strep bacteremia, now improving and afebrile x 24 hours.
(go through each problem daily and update. This is the most important part of your note. If the rest of your note is 20 pages
and this part is 1 pageyou have a problem. Really make sure your plans are good. This is what consult services read and
more importantly your attending will read and is an easy way to tell if an intern has a good understanding of their patient)
#1 PNA-improving
-cont ceftriaxone and azithromycin, today day # .
-sputum culture negative
-bcx positive for strep, see below

#2 Strep Bacteremia -improving

-on abx today day #
-surveilance cultures negative
-afebrile x 24 hours

#DM -controlled
-cont weight based insulin and ISS
-adjust as needed
#HTN-well controlled
-cont home doses of benazapril and HCTZ
-PPI (yes or no)
-DVT prophylaxis (leg squeezers, fragmin, etc. )
-Diet (ADA, 2 gram Na, etc.)

Notes on Ordering Studies

When in doubt about which imaging modality is best make the diagnosis, you can always call your friendly neighborhood
radiologist for some advice. This might also help in prophylaxing against rejected radiology requests!


For CT's:

Order CT head without contrast before any LP to rule out increased intracranial pressure OR if looking for
intracranial bleeding
Order with IV contrast when looking for tumor or any significant source of inflammation/infection (e.g., abscess).
Check renal function before hitting their kidneys with contrast! Hydrate and use Mucomyst if necessary
Order IV contrast AND po contrast (10 ccs Gastrograffin in 400 cc H2O) when checking the bowels (for tumor,
other cause of obstruction, diverticular disease, etc). Give the po contrast 1 hour before the procedure and a
second dose immediately before the patient goes to CT.
For MRI's
fill out the radiology request form INCLUDING the bottom questions stable, metal, claustrophobic, AMS/dementia, over
300 pounds
For Nuclear Med scans such as the Gallium, WBC Scan, or MUGA
fill out a Radiology form.
For myocardial perfusion scans (eg, stress thallium), make a copy of the patients EKG, fill out a radiology form, and go to
the Non-Interventional Cardiology area in the D&T Building to complete the stress test form and submit it all together.

Insulin Management


Insulin Sliding Scale

Finger Stick Glucose

1 amp D50 and call MD
nothing to do
2U CZI (crystalline zinc insulin)
12U CZI and call MD

- To calculate an insulin regimen give 0.6 units/kg in DM2 and 0.3 mg/kg in DM1.
Take 2/3 of the total calculated to be admin in the am 2/3 NPH and 1/3 regular.
Take 1/3 of the total and give it in the pm reg before dinner and NPH at bedtime.
For example:
Nick is a 70kg diabetic & on
unknown insulin regimen at home
70X0.6= 42 U of
insulin/24 hours
42 X 2/3 =
28 U q AM

28 X 2/3 ~
19 U NPH q AM

28 X 1/3 ~
9 U R q AM

42 X 1/3 =
14 U q PM

14 X 1/2 =
7 U NPH q PM

14 X 1/2 =
7 U R q PM

Finger Stick Measurements


qAC and HS, which means before meals and at bedtime (amounts to 4values per day)
When patient are eating, scheduled insulin is usually given prior to breakfast and dinner
Before Breakfast (affected by evening NPH from the night before
Before Lunch (affected by morning R insulin
Before Dinner (affected by morning NPH insulin)
Bedtime (affected by evening regular insulin dose)
The only tricky one is the am bs if it is high it is possibly due to the Somogyi phenomenon (more common in DM1)
which is a rebound high bs in response to a low 2am bs. T
To check for this you need them to check 2am bs prior to adjusting the eve NPH.

To calc a patients avg bs based on their HbA1c

[(HbA1c - 4.0) x 30] + 60 = avg bs
so if HbA1c is 13.3 the avg bs is 339
[(13.3 - 4.0) x 30] + 60 = 339
If youd like to use Lantus & Humalog, in general start the Lantus dose at 10 units sq qhs with Humalog 4 -5 units sq qAC
(before meals)

Procedure Consents: Always obtain consent prior to procedures use iMedConsent for forms
Lumbar puncture: we will use a needle to take some spinal fluid for analysis
Risks: bleeding, infection, nerve damage, brain herniation, and very rarely death
Benefits: diagnosis for appropriate therapy
Alternatives: no LP, Benefits of alternative: none, Risks: incorrect diagnosis and therapy


Thoracentesis: we will use a needle to take out some of the abnormal fluid from around the lung
Risks: bleeding, infection, perforation of a lung, and very rarely death
Benefits: diagnosis for appropriate therapy
Alternatives: no thoracentisis, Benefits of alternative: none, Risks: incorrect diagnosis and therapy
Paracentesis: we will use a needle to take out some of the abnormal fluid from abdomen
Risks: bleeding, infection, perforation of an internal organ, and very rarely death
Benefits: diagnosis for appropriate therapy
Alternatives: no paracentesis, Benefits of alternative: none, Risks: incorrect diagnosis and therapy
Alternatives: no contrast, Benefits of alternative: none, Risks: incorrect diagnosis and therapy
Central Line: we place a catheter in a vein for long term venous access
Risks: bleeding, infection, perforation of an internal organ, and very rarely death
Benefits: administration of special medicines easier venous access
Alternatives: no central line, Benefits of alternative: none, Risks: incorrect diagnosis and therapy
Procedure Tubes
LP: collect 4-5 red top tubes depending on what you suspect
#1 = 1 cc for cell count
#2 = 1 cc for prot/glucose
#3 = 3 cc for bact, fungal, and AFB Cx
#4 = 1cc for a second cell count (to help ddx between traumatic and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage)
#4 = 2 cc for cytology (use the brown non-gyn cytology form)
#4 = 3+ cc send for special tests (these often require a lot of CSF). If you suspect one of the following:
TB send for AFB Cx and AFB PCR
Neurosyphilis send for VDRL or FTA-ABS
HSV send for HSV PCR
HIV pt with CNS sxs send for CSF toxo titer, crypto latex agglutination, cocci titer
For Thoracentesis it is the same except for tubes 2 and 5
#2 = 2 cc for protein, glucose, and LDH
#5 = if fluid looks milky send it for triglycerides and cholesterol
For Paracentesis it is the same as Thoracentesis except for tube 2
#2 = 2 cc for protein, glucose, LDH, albumin, and amylase
Use albumin to caculate SAAG (Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient = Ser Alb - Asc Alb)
if > 1.1 (transudative) sugg portal HTN
if <1.1 (exudative) consider CA, Nephrotic syndrome, Pancreatitis, Tb peritionitis
If Asc amylase > Ser amylase = pancreatic dz

Procedure Note
Type of Procedure
Prepped and draped in sterile fashion ...
Anesthesia: Lido, MSO4, etc Findings/Complications


Operating MD
Supervising MD
Assisting RN

They are useful but very painful and not without risk. Be sure to perform the Allen test prior to performance of an ABG to
make sure the radial and ulnar arteries are both functional in the wrist you will be sticking. Have patient make a fist clamp
down on ventral side of wrist on both sides have them open their hand it should be pale. Release one finger watch for
adequate perfusion then repeat same for other artery on same wrist. If both are perfusing fine it should be safe to attempt
ABG. Push plunger on syringe down to 1 or 1.5 cc. Locate artery with two fingers. Hold syringe like a pencil enter artery
(usually it is very superficial if you do not get it on the way in come out slowly and you may get it on the way out. The tube
should fill on its own without drawing back on the plunger. Take note of any supplemental O2 and pts position

Interpreting ABG's
Adapted from:
Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs). Kaufman, David A. MD

Step 1
o Is there alkalemia or acidemia present?
o pH < 7.35 acidemia
o pH > 7.45 alkalemia
Step 2
o Is the disturbance respiratory or metabolic?
o If PH and CO2 go in opposite directions = likely respiratory
o If PH and CO2 go in same direction = likely metabolic
Step 3
o Is there appropriate compensation for the primary disturbance? , compensation does not always return normal pH
(7.35 7.45).
o Metabolic Acidosis PaCO2 = (1.5 x [HCO3-]) +8 (correction factor 2)
o Acute respiratory acidosis Increase in [HCO3-]= PaCO2/10 (correction factor 3
o Chronic respiratory acidosis (3-5 days) Increase in [HCO3-]= 3.5( PaCO2/10)
o Metabolic alkalosis Increase in PaCO2 = 40 + 0.6(HCO3-)
o Acute respiratory alkalosis Decrease in [HCO3-]= 2( PaCO2/10)
o Chronic respiratory alkalosis Decrease in [HCO3-] = 5( PaCO2/10) to 7( PaCO2/10)
Step 4 :

Step 5

Calculate the anion gap (if a metabolic acidosis exists): AG= [Na+]-( [Cl-] + [HCO3-] )-12 2
A normal anion gap is approximately 12 meq/L.
In patients with hypoalbuminemia, the normal anion gap is lower.
About 2.5 meq/L lower for each 1 gm/dL decrease in the plasma albumin

If there is an anion gap, assess the relationship between the increase in the anion gap and the decrease in [HCO 3-]
Assess the ratio of the change in the anion gap (AG ) to the change in [HCO3-] ([HCO3-]): AG/[HCO3-]
This ratio should be between 1.0 and 2.0 if an uncomplicated anion gap metabolic acidosis is present.
If this ratio falls outside of this range, then another metabolic disorder is present:
If AG/[HCO3-] < 1.0, then a concurrent non-anion gap metabolic acidosis is likely to be present.
If AG/[HCO3-] > 2.0, then a concurrent metabolic alkalosis is likely to be present.


Useful Heme related stuff:

Brief review of clotting factors:

PT Extrinsic pathway Warfarin

10, 5, 2, 1 (common to both pathways)

PTT Intrinsic pathway Heparin

12, 11, 9, 8

8 is involved in Classic Hemophilia & is the only one not made in the liver
9 is involved in Christmas Disease
2,7,9,10 are Vit K dependent
Heparin increases the activity of Antithrombin III which binds 9,10,11, & 12 decreasing their effect
Normal| Normal

Aplastic anemia |
Myelodysplastic Sd

Folate/B12 defic
Immune Hemolysis
Cold agglutinins
Early Iron/Folate Defic
Chronic Disease
Sideroblastic anemia
Thallassemia trait
Iron Defic
Chronic Dz
Beta thal
Normal RDW |
High RDW


Micro and the use of Antibiotics

Staph, Strep
PCN, Oxacillin, Vanc
PCN G or Ampicillin
Rods aerobic
H inf, Moraxella
Rods aerobic
Salm, Shig, Proteus, E coli, KlebLevoquin
Levoquin, Imipenem
V. cholerae
pages 47-53 in Sanford
CAP = S pneum, H inf, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Legionella, Moraxella, Kleb, S aur, S pyog
Ceftriaxone 1g IV q12 and Azithro 500mg IV qd
HAP = G-rods including Pseud, Kleb, Enterobacter, Serratia
Imipenem 500mg IV q 6 or Ceftriaxone 1g IV q 12 and Gent 2mg/kg/dose q 8
Aspiration = G-rods and S. aureus
Clinda 900mg IV q8
pages 27-28 in Sanford
Fever with Neutropenia
Neutropenia: ANC < 500, ANC = WBCx(%Neut+%bands)
Fever: two T>100.4 in 24 hours or one over 101
Begin with Cefepime 2g IV q8 and Gent 2mg/kg/dose IV q8
(check Gent peak and trough s/p 3rd dose)
If central line add Vanc 1g IV q12
CSF interpretation for LP results
CSF interp




clear colorless






Partially Txd















Viral (eg: HSV)




(20-150 in HSV)













India Ink



G stain,

Mnemonic for the EKG:

Overall: just look at the EKG in general and see what jumps out at you
Voltage: Is it standard or standard look at the square shaped waves at the leftmost side of the EKG
Rate: the EKG represents a 10 second picture so count all of the QRSs on any line of the EKG
then multiply by 6 to get the rate
Rhythm: make sure a p-wave proceeds each QRS--checking for heart block
Axis: look at I and aVF which represent simple vectors I=0 and aVF=90 to assess the axis of the heart
Intervals: check for a normal PR (should be less then 1 large box) and QT interval
(should be less than of the RR interval)
Leads: check to see if the patient is having a heart attack. For this look for Twave inversions, ST elevations,
waves in any of the following patters. To remember think HI SAL

or q-

Waves: look at the

ps (LAE if wide notched p in II or biphasic p in V1 and larger hump on the bottom,
RAE if tall peaked p in II or biphasic p in V1 with larger hump on top),
QRSs (for BBB QRS > 120 ms, if V1 and V6 rabbit ears then LBBB, if biphasic then RBBB, for LVH S in V1 or V2 + R in
V5 or V6 > 35, for RVH R>S in V1 or Deep S in V6), and
check Ts for hyperK.
Useful and important formulas
Corrected Ca
= Ca + [(4.0-Albumin) x 0.8]
Water Deficit in HyperNa
= (Kg x 0.6)x[(140 - serum Na)/140]
Try to give half in the first 8 hours then the rest in the next 24.
Usually it is best to give free water po or per NG if possible.
Aa Gradient
= (713x FiO2) - (PaCO2/0.8)-PaO2 = Normal is 0.29 x age --->
= (UNa/PNa)/(UCr/PCr) if < 1% and patient not on diuretics its prerenal
= [ (24UrCr in g/TVol) / SerCr ] x 0.07 = 80 -120 is normal m2 = [ (3.6 x kg) + 9 ] / 100
SAAG = SerAlb - Ascitic Albumin
1.1 portal HTN from Liver Failure, Budd-Chiari, Myxedema, SBP
< 1.1 Peritoneal TB or CA, Nephrotic Syndrome, or Pancreatitis.
Light's Criteria for Transudative Effusion failing any one of the criteria makes it an exudate
1. Effusion Protein / Serum Protein < 0.5 2. Effusion LDH / Serum LDH < 0.6 3. Effusion LDH <200
Transudate: CHF, Kidney Dz, Cirrhosis
Exudate: Parapneumonic (>1,000 WBC), Empyema (>100,000 WBC) + positive gram stain of
pleural fluid, TB, PE, CA, RA, Esophageal rupture, Pancreatic Fistula, SLE


Anion Gap:
Na - (Cl + HCO3) = Normal 10 14
Causes of Increased AG:

Lactic Acidosis: Drugs, Toxins, Shock

Ketoacidosis: DKA, Alcoholic, Starvation
Poisoning: ASA, Alcohols
Chronic kidney disease

Managing Electrolytes:
Below are suggestions for electrolyte replacement but each clinical scenario may differ. When in doubt, you can always call
pharmacy (x97641) and they can talk you through it or you can check with your senior.
Very Important: ALL BETS ARE OFF if patient is in renal failure. If creatanine is abnormal or patient is not making urine,
make sure you are checking with your senior. Especially in the beginning of the year.
Potassium: before replacement check Cr and make sure they are making urine
Plasma K
> 6.5
Call resident
Consider giving Insulin 10-20U IV with an amp of D50
> 5.2 with Sx
Give Ca Gluconate 10% 10cc IVP over 2-3min if QRS widening ( not just for peaked Ts)
or EKG changes
Give Insulin 10-20U IV with an amp of D50
> 5.2 with out Sxs
Give Kayexalate 25-50g PO q hour until patient has BM then re-check STAT K
or EKG changes
Nothing to do
20 mEq PO x 1 or IV over 2
40 mEq PO x 1 or IV over 4
60 mEq PO x 1 or IV over 6
40 mEq PO q4 x 2 or 80 mEq IV over 8
40 mEq PO q4 x 3 or 80 mEq IV over 8
< 3.0
80 mEq IV over 8 then recheck K and continue
*general rule is that 10 meq of K should raise the serum K by 0.1 as long as their isnt any renal failure
**can only do 10 meq of K per hour on the floor
***PO options for K include KDUR (horse pill) or K elixir (both are dosed the same)
If your patient is not eating you need to replace the approximately 60 mEq of K they will lose each day
that is why if they are NOT in renal failure and are peeing you should be giving them K in their fluids. Be very careful
with patients in renal failure as they will not pee out the K you give them
At 120 cc/ you will be giving them about 3 liters of fluid a day so to achieve 60mEq of KCl
you should give them 20mEq/L
At 60 cc/ you will be giving the about 1.5 liters of fluid a day so to achieve 60mEq of KCl
you should give about 40mEq/L
Plasma Mg
Ca Gluconate 1g IVP
Nothing to do
Mg Sulfate 2g IV over 8 or 7 - 400mg tabs MgOxide(causes diarrhea)
4g IV over 16 (or 16 on the floor) or fourteen 400mg tabs
Plasma Phos
> 4.5

< 1.0

if Phos x Ca > 65 give Amphojel 10cc PO TID with meals
if Phos x Ca < 65 give CaCO3 650mg PO TID with meals
Nothing to do
Kphos or Na Phos (depending on serum K and Na) can do 15 mmol of either over 8
K phos 500mg PO TID x 1 day, renew each day if phos low on subsequent checks

Kphos or NaPhos 30mmol over 16 hours


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