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Three Phase Separators Times Definition

Saeid Rahimi
For many, three phase separator sizing is a
challenging job. This is mainly because of the
number of process parameters involved, the
variety of internals and possible internal
configurations. In addition, the numbers of
parameters that have to be checked to ensure
proper separator sizing are relatively high and
sometimes a combination of these criteria
adds to the complexity of the calculation so
that some believe that there is as much art as
there is science to properly designing a
(horizontal) three phase separator.

Figure 1 Three Phase Separator Compartments and Levels

Nevertheless, I believe separator sizing is a simple set of calculations when you know the basic sizing principals such as gasliquid separation theory, liquid-liquid separation fundamentals and the definitions of different terms and their importance.
The next step is to obtain the required input data and try to find a size which satisfies these requirements and criteria. Without
having the whole picture of what is going to be done, any simple exercise can turn into a cumbersome and complex iterative
I am going to develop a series of notes to cover the basics of three phase separator sizing. This note is related to the
terminology of time-related parameters, how to specify them and how important they are in sizing calculations.

Residence Time
Residence Time is the retention time of each phase in the separation compartment of the vessel, which is used as a criterion
for phase separation. In other words, this is the
effective time available for each phase droplets
to be separated from the other phase.
For the heavy phase, the Residence Time is
calculated based on the volume of liquid
accommodated between vessel bottom and
Normal Interface Level (NIL). For the light
phase, the Residence Time is calculated based
on the volume of liquid between NIL and
Normal Liquid Level (NLL). Figure 1 depicts
the same definitions for a three phase
horizontal separator with an overflow weir. In summary:

Figure 2 Time Definition for Overflow Weir Configuration

heavy phase Residence Time = the volume between vessel bottom and NIL / heavy phase inlet volumetric flow
light phase Residence Time = the volume between NLL and NIL / light phase inlet volumetric flow

In no-internal, boot, submerged weir arrangements, NIL and NLL are controlled via a control system while for other
arrangements NIL and NLL are fixed by weir height.

Phase Separation Time

Phase Separation Time is the required time to achieve a desired liquid-liquid separation. The different ways of determining
this parameter have been discussed in a note titled How to Specify Liquid-Liquid Separation. But in short, one way is to
define it typically based on experimental data or operational experience obtained in similar services or applications. For

example, API -12J specifies the water-oil Separation Time (shown in Table 1) as a function of oil API gravity. GPSA data on
the same parameter for other mixtures is shown in Table 2.
Table 1 Phase Separation Time for Water-Oil Mixture (as per API-12J)
Oil Gravities
Separation Time
Above 35 API
3 to 5
Below 35 API
Temperature >37 C
5 to 10
27C < Temperature < 37 C
10 to 20
15 C < Temperature < 27 C
20 to 30
Table 2 Phase Separation Time for other Mixtures (as per GPSA)
Separation Time
Ethylene Glycol / Hydrocarbon
20 to 60
Amine / Hydrocarbon
20 to 30
Caustic / Propane
30 to 45
Caustic / Heavy Gasoline
30 to 90
There is another way to calculate the Phase Separation Time which is based on the cut-off diameter (the smallest droplet that
has to be completely removed from continuous phase) in order to achieve the required concentration of each phase in the
other one. According to this method, the terminal velocity of the targeted droplet is calculated through the following
equations. Terminal velocity of 10in/min (4 mm/s) is usually used when the following equation results in higher values.

Vt =

4 gD p ( H L )
3C '

Where C (drag coefficient) can be calculated

through the relation below (regressed form of the
graph of C vs CRe2 published in GPSA 12th
edition, FIG. 7-4).
C = 0.344 + 3.07910-8 X + 64.91/X0.5 +
3514.81/X1.5 - 7201.95/X2
Where X =

1.3110 7 C D p3 ( H L )


Figure 3 Time Definition for Submerged Weir Configuration

Then the Separation Time is calculated based on the maximum distance that each liquid phases droplet should travel to reach
the interface. In accordance with this:

light droplet Separation Time = distance between vessel BTL and NIL / light phase droplet rising velocity (where C = H)
heavy droplet Separation Time = distance between NLL and NIL / heavy phase droplet settling velocity (where C = L)

For a three phase separator with a boot, this distance for both phases can be considered as the vessel bottom to NLL.
A correct design should guarantee that the Residence Time of each phase inside the vessel is more than the Separation Time
of other phases droplet. This means that the droplet from each phase reaches the interface before the continuous phase leaves
the separation compartment.

Liquid Degassing Time

Liquid Degassing Time is defined as the time required for the gas bubbles larger than specific size (normally 200 micron) to
escape from the liquid. This is to ensure that gas entrainment in the liquid leaving the vessel is negligible. For a three phase
separator containing low viscosity liquid which meets liquid-liquid droplet separation (mentioned above), this requirement is
often easily achievable. This is because of the high density difference between gas bubbles and the liquid which facilitates the

degassing process. However, when the viscosity of the liquid is too high, the degassing criterion will determine the vessel
size. Liquid Degassing Time can be calculated through the following equation:

Vt =

4gD p ( l g )

Where C is as specified before and


1.31 10 7 g D 3p ( l g )

Usually, the degassing requirement is applicable

to one of the liquid phases in the vessel (either
light or heavy phase), not both of them. For
example, for a sour water surge drum where a
small amount of oil is separated from sour water,
water degassing can be a process need.
Figure 4 Time Definition for Boot Configuration
In the same system, the amount of entrained gas in the oil is normally not important. So, depending on phases for which
degassing is required, one of the following equations can be used:

heavy phase Degassing Time = distance between vessel bottom and NIL / gas bubble raising (terminal) velocity
light phase Degassing Time = distance between NLL and NIL / gas bubble raising (terminal) velocity

A correct design should guarantee that the Residence Time of each phase inside the vessel is more than the Liquid Degassing
Time. This means that gas bubbles have already been removed from the liquid before leaving the separation compartment.
If degassing of both phases is required, the entrained gas in the heavy liquid phase should travel from vessel bottom to
interface and then through the light liquid phase to reach liquid surface. Therefore:

The minimum length of separation compartment = heavy phase Degassing Time x heavy phase axial velocity + light
phase Degassing Time x light phase axial velocity

Holdup Time
Holdup Time is defined as the duration that the vessel can supply liquid to downstream equipment, unit or plant if incoming
flow is cut off. For example, in a sour water surge drum, water is gathered from different sources, so the sour water surge
drums function is to hold sufficient amount of water so that the downstream unit to can operate irrespective of the inlet flow
variations (many of sour water producers are intermittent/highly variable flow). Holdup Time is usually defined by the Client
depending on the function of the vessel and the fluctuation of the feed and the sensitivity of downstream equipment to the
variation of flow. It is usually specified for the main process fluid (water in this example) which is important from the plant
operation viewpoint. According to this definition, the Holdup Time is used to set the distance between Low Liquid Level
(LLL) and NLL.
For some of the arrangements, such as the bucket, overflow weir and double weir, Holdup Time is supplied from a separate
compartment than the separation compartment called the collection compartment. Separation and collection compartments
are common in some other arrangements such as no-internal, boot and submerged weir. Figures 3 and 4 show the residence
and holdup times for submerged weir and boot arrangements.

Surge Time
Surge Time is defined as the duration that the vessel can accommodate inlet flow rate if outgoing flow cuts off. The Surge
Time is used to set the distance between NLL and High Liquid Level (HLL) where a high alarm is triggered. Holdup and
Surge times are usually provided by the Client in project design criteria, a typical one has been shown in Table 3.

As the project criteria usually specify the total time between LLL and HLL, engineers usually take half of this value as Surge
Time. That is why as a normal practice, NLL is set as half of the distance between LLL and HLL. In general, 2 to 3 minutes
is supposed to be sufficient for Surge Time.
Table 3 Holdup and Surge Time for Different Services
Feed Surge Drum
Reflux Drum
Other Separators

Holdup Time + Surge Time (minutes)

10 to 20 minutes
5 minutes on reflux flow +
2 minutes on product flow to storage or
10 minutes on product flow to another column
10 minutes if liquid is sent to a heater
5 minutes if liquid is sent to another vessel via a pump
3 minutes if liquid is sent to another vessel via gravity

Furthermore, if operational slugs are expected, the adequacy of available volume between NLL and HLL to accommodate
the slugs should be checked. Slug volume is normally the output of pipeline simulation software. If the volume of slug is not
known, 2 to 5 seconds of flow with the maximum feed (gas and liquid) velocity and 100% liquid filing of the pipe can be
taken as that volume.
Mist extractor surface area, ft2
Gas-Liquid Separation Time
Drag coefficient
Pressure correction factor
Gas-liquid separation time is the time required for a liquid droplet to
Liquid load correction factor
settle down from a gas and reach the liquid level. This time is
Foaming correction factor
calculated based on the terminal velocity of the targeted liquid
Particle diameter, m
Gravity acceleration, 9.8 m/s2
High-High Liquid Level
4gD p ( l g )
High Liquid Level
Vt =
Gas load factor (empirical constant)
Vessel Length
Liquid load, gpm/ft2
Where C is as specified before and
Low Liquid Level
Low-Low Liquid Level
Liquid Level
1.31 10 g D p ( l g )
Reynolds number
Velocity, m/sec
to C Re2
If the flow rate of the light phase is more than 5% of the total inlet
Continuous phase viscosity, cP
liquid flow rate, then the light phase density should be used in the
Fluid density, Kg/m3

above calculation.
For a vertical separator, if the gas velocity is limited to 0.8 to 0.9 Subscript
times of the terminal velocity, liquid droplet separation will be g
achieved. For a horizontal separator, it shall be demonstrated that l
minimum droplet size will settle out of a moving gas stream before p
Liquid droplet / gas bubble
the gas leaves the vessel. This can be done by comparing gas-liquid t
separation time with the liquid droplet residence time.
Continuous (liquid) phase
Heavy (liquid) phase
Light (liquid) phase
liquid droplet Separation Time = height of vapor space above L
liquid level / droplet setting (terminal) velocity
liquid droplet Residence Time = vessel length / gas axial velocity
If the separator is equipped with a mist extractor device for enhancing liquid droplet separation from the gas, the gas-liquid
separation is guaranteed by maintaining the gas velocity below the maximum recommended gas velocity at the face of the
mist extractor by vendor. The following formula along with data presented in Tables 4 to 7 can be used to calculate the
maximum allowable gas superficial velocity.
Table 4 - Wiremesh Mist Extractor Standard K

Vg = K


l g

Vertical flow
Horizontal flow

Where K = Standard K C1 C2 C3
on 12Feb-2015

K m/s (ft/s)


The removal efficiency of a mist extractor is typically 99% of liquid

droplets larger than 3-10 microns and 10-40 microns for wiremesh
and vane types, respectively. For wiremesh, this can be achieved by
the vendor through changing the mesh thickness, the density of the
pad and the diameter and material of the wire. For vane mist
extractor, plate depth, spacing, number of turns and material can be
varied to meet the required removal efficiency.

Table 5 - Vane Type Mist Extractor Standard K

Single Pocket Vertical
Single Pocket
Horizontal flow
Double Pocket
Vertical/Horizontal flow

K m/s






Standard K values indicated in Tables 4 and 5 should be corrected for
high pressures. For a wiremesh mist extractor, this is normally due to
Table 6 Pressure Correction Factor
the reduction in surface tension of the liquid phase that occurs with
increasing pressure. For a vane type mist extractor, this is primarily a
Pressure (psig)
Pressure Correction
result of the decreasing allowable gas velocity with increasing
Factor (C1)
pressure caused mainly by increased gas density. As gas velocity
decreases, droplet inertia decreases and the droplets tend to follow the
gas streamlines more easily through the vane passages, and exit the
vane pack without being captured. The reduction in vane pack
removal efficiency with pressure is sharper than wiremesh, however,
in absence of vendor data, Table 6 can be followed. It is highly
1. It is highly recommended to contact vendor if
recommended to obtain K values from the vendor when the pressure
pressure is above 800 psig or liquid surface
is above 800 psig.
tension in less than 0.005N/m.
For high vacuum applications, pressure
K value is also a function of the amount of entrained liquid reaching
correction factor should be obtained from
the mist extractor. As would be expected, K decreases with increasing
vendor. In such applications, size of wiremesh
inlet liquid loading. For typical wiremesh extractor, liquid loads
is normally specified based on pressure drop
greater than typically 1 gpm/ft2 (0.04 m3/min m2) are considered high
and will require de-ration of the standard K factor, to prevent
excessive entrainment carryover. Vane type mist extractors are also
3. Valid as long as flow rate is within 30-110% of
impacted by inlet liquid loading, but generally have considerably
design flow rate.
more tolerance towards liquids than mesh pads. Table 7 introduces a
correlation for the correction of the standard K with respect to liquid
Table 7 Liquid Load Correction Factor
load at the face of the mist extractor.
Mist Extractor type
Liquid Load
C2 depends upon the liquid handling capacity of mist extractor, the
Correction Factor
efficiency of inlet device and the effectiveness of gravity separation
upstream of mist extractor. It can be assumed as 1.0 for the first trial
on 12Wiremesh
1 0.030 (LL 1)
Feb-2015 and then estimated based on selected internals and the overall
1 0.015 (LL 2)
performance of the primary separation section of vessel.
C2 = 1 if LL 1 gpm/ft for Wiremesh
C2 = 1 if LL 2 gpm/ft2 for Vane
Some references introduce C3 of 0.6-0.8 for foaming service such as
amine and glycol. Consult the internal supplier.
For the efficiency of different types of inlet devices, refer to Three Phase Separators - Inlet Devices.
If liquid load in face of wiremesh is above 8gpm/ft2, it is recommended to install a vane upstream of the wiremesh mist

Operator Intervention Time

Operator Intervention Time is the available time between the level at which alarm is initiated and the level where (individual
equipment, unit or total plant) trip command is triggered. This time is given to operators to take action and prevent shutdown.
In other words, it is utilized to fix the distance between Low Liquid Level (LLL) above Low-Low Liquid Level (LLLL) and
High-High Liquid Level (HHLL) above High Liquid Level (HLL).
Typically, 1 to 2 minutes is sufficient for operator intervention in the control room and 5 minutes for action outside the
control room.

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