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MAN B&W Diesel A/S

March 1997

Service Letter

MC Engines
Reversing Link for Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Dear Sirs,
We have recently received reports on cracks in the reversing
link for the fuel pump roller guide. The sketch in Enclosure
1 shows the appearance of the cracks.
The cracks as shown in Fig. B have mainly been found on the
K90MC/MC-C types, Mark V or VI, and they were found after a
relatively short time in service. The type of cracks indicated
in Fig. A have only been reported in a few cases.
The cracks in Fig. B have primarily been located on the camshaft side and can be detected through the inspection cover in
the camshaft housing. We recommend that, as a general precaution, you instruct your crews to inspect the reversing link at
the first opportunity.
Even if no cracks as shown in Fig. B are detected, it is still
recommended to inspect for the types of cracks shown in Fig. A,
when convenient. It is necessary to pull out the roller guide
in order to do this.
If cracks are detected, we ask you to make a sketch of the
extent of the cracks and forward it to the engine builder or
MAN B&W Diesel, Copenhagen and, at the same time, to order
replacement reversing links. The new reversing links are
modified with larger roundings in the relevant areas.
HEAD OFFICE (& Postal address)
Teglholmsgade 41
DK-2450 Copenhagen SV
Telephone: +45 33 85 11 00
Telex: 16592 manbw dk
Telefax: +45 33 85 10 30
E-mail: [email protected]

Teglholmsgade 41
DK-2450 Copenhagen SV
Telephone: +45 33 85 11 00
Telex: 31197 manbw dk
Telefax: +45 33 85 10 49
E-mail: [email protected]

Teglholmsgade 35
DK-2450 Copenhagen SV
Telephone: +45 33 85 11 00
Telex: 19023 manfw dk
Telex: 19042 manfw dk
Telefax: +45 33 85 10 17
E-mail: manufacturing/[email protected]

Teglholmsgade 35
DK-2450 Copenhagen SV
Telephone: +45 33 85 11 00
Telex: 19023 manfw dk
Telex: 19042 manfw dk
Telefax: +45 33 85 10 16

MAN B&W Diesel A/S

Reg.No.: 24 231

If a reversing link has not shifted to its correct position

after a change of the engine rotation, and fuel injection takes
place, this running condition leads to increased stresses in
the areas where cracks have been detected.
If such a running condition is repeatedly detected in your
vessel, we recommend that you contact the engine builder or MAN
B&W Diesel, Copenhagen, for a condition check of the complete
manoeuvring system.
Furthermore, we want to draw your attention to another subject
which should be considered in connection with the above recommended inspection of the reversing links. We have received a
few reports regarding loose guide blocks for the fuel pump
roller guide, see Enclosure 2. Therefore, when checking for
cracks in the reversing link, we recommend that also the guide
blocks are checked at the same time to see whether they are
loose. This can be done when pulling the roller guide.
For 70-80 and 90 MC engines, another method is to make the
check through the inspection opening as stated in the procedure
in Enclosure 3.
To improve the fixing of the guide blocks, it must be ensured
that the guide pins are inserted in the holes with a tight fit.
Furthermore, when new screws are mounted, these should be
tightened to the torque indicated in Encl. 2, and locked with
Loctite. The new screws should not be locked by caulking, as
hitting the screw head improperly, could lead to a reduction of
the tightening force of the screw.
It is necessary to order new screws from the engine builder or
MAN B&W Diesel beforehand in order to make sure that correct
screws are used.
Yours faithfully,
MAN B&W Diesel A/S


Enclosure 3
for SL97-345/UM

Checking and changing screws at fuel pump guide block
The tightness of the guide block can be checked
mantling the fuel pump. This is done by opening
cover for the fuel cam on the camshaft housing,
engine so as to position the roller assembly in
at its highest position.

without disthe inspection

and turning the
"Astern", and

With the roller assembly in this position, it is possible to

reach the lowest of the three screws which secure the guide
block to the liner. The tightness of the screw can be tried
with an Allen key after ascertaining that the size of key is
correct for the particular engine.
For safety reasons, it is very important, when checking for
loose screws through the inspection covers, that the links do
not change position. This is secured by disconnecting the air
supply from both sides of the reversing air cylinders.

Our experience indicates that, if the lowermost screw is

tight, the two other screws are also tight, and the guide
block is considered in order.

However, if the lowermost screw is loose, the pump must be

lifted and the below procedure must be applied for mounting
the new screws.

Mounting of special screws in fuel pump guide block:

1. Dismantle the old screws.
2. Check that the dowel pins are not damaged. If they are
damaged, re-check the alignment of the guide block.
3. Check that it is possible for the new screw to seat
properly in the old hole in the guide block.
4. Mount the new screws after soaking their threads with
Loctite 222. Note: It is necessary to degrease the threads.
5. Mount the screws, starting with the lowermost screw.
6. After tightening the top screw, retighten all the screws to
the specified torque.
7. Tightening torque: See enclosed table, Enclosure 2.
Note: The guide block must not be caulked after tightening.
March 1997/JOF/EVS

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