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ICAO Annex 19

Safety Management



The case for Safety Management

ICAO Annex 19

ICAO Annex 19

Part I

The case for Safety Management

ICAO Annex 19

ICAO Annex 19

Concept of safety
What is safety
Zero accidents (or serious incidents)?
Freedom from danger or risks?
Error avoidance?
Regulatory compliance?
Controlled risk and controlled error is acceptable in an inherently safe system.
Safety is a systems property, it can only be determined for the whole system under
Safety constraints need to be enforced at all system levels. SMS provides the
framework for this to happen in a systematic way.
ICAO Annex 19

Rate of accidents since 1945 &

Evolution of safety thinking



Better technology

HF management, CRM,
FRM etc

Quality Assurance, QMS

Threat & Error management

System safety

addressing all of it :
better technology
Human &
Organisational factors

Global rate of accidents involving passenger fatalities per 100 million passenger miles, scheduled commercial air transport
operations, excluding acts of unlawful interference

Why do we need to do more?

Fast pace of technological change new business models

Changing nature of accidents

New types of hazards emergence of organisational accidents

Reduced ability to learn from experience

time to market for new products has greatly decreased

Increasing complexity and coupling of system components

cause and effect are less and less related in a direct/linear way

More complex relationships between humans and automation, role of

Changing regulatory and public views (perception) on safety

Organisational accidents

The immediate cause of many accidents is identified as human or

technical failure, but these in turn usually stem from organisational
failures which are the responsibility of management.

Individual accidents are by far the larger in number. Organisational

accidents are comparatively rare, but often catastrophic, events
that occur within complex modern technologies.

Organisational accidents have multiple causes involving many

people operating at different levels of their respective
companiesOrganisational accidents are the product of recent
times, or more specifically, a product of technological innovations
which have radically altered the relationship between systems and
their human elements.
James Reason, Managing the Risk of Organizational Accidents, Ashgate publishing, 1997.

ICAO Annex 19

What is a safety management system (SMS)?

Safety risk
The predicted probability and
severity of the consequences
or outcomes of a hazard.



A condition that could cause
or contribute to an aircraft
incident or accident.

A series of defined, organisation-wide processes that provide for effective risk-based decisionmaking related to a companys daily business.

ICAO Annex 19

Key processes of an SMS

Hazard identification
A method for identifying hazards related to the whole organisation (operational + systemic hazards)
Safety reporting
A process for the acquisition of safety data not only related to product safety
Risk Management
A standard approach for assessing risks and for applying risk controls
Performance Measurement
Management tools for analysing how effectively the organisations safety goals are being achieved
Safety Assurance
Processes based on quality management principles that support continual improvement of the
organisations safety performance

ICAO Annex 19

QMS versus SMS

Both QMS and SMS promote systems approach and continual improvement.
QMS and SMS may use the same tools and techniques:

e.g. performance monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs),

management of business risks,
process mapping / system and process analysis,
auditing, surveys.

An effective QMS will support the implementation of effective safety management



Quality management systems (QMS) are geared towards customer expectations and
contractual/regulatory obligations.

SMS is about identifying hazards and managing risks.

Processes designed to produce a quality product/service alone will not guarantee safety
(safety is a systems property, not a component property).

ICAO Annex 19


Part II

The case for Safety Management

ICAO Annex 19

ICAO Annex 19


Starting point:
ICAO High-level Safety Conference 2010

RECOMMENDATION 2/5: ICAO should develop, in close collaboration with States, international and national organizations, a
new Annex dedicated to safety management responsibilities and processes which would address the safety management
responsibilities of States framed under the State Safety Programme (SSP).

In response to the HLSC 2010 recommendation, the ICAO Air Navigation Commission recommended that the new Annex be
developed in two phases:

Phase 1 involved the consolidation of existing safety management provisions previously contained in as
many as 6 different Annexes, into a single new Annex.
The development of enhanced requirements is the focus of Phase 2 that started in November 2012.
The first amendment of Annex 19 Edition 1 is scheduled for November 2016. It will then follow a threeyear amendment cycle.

ICAO Annex 19


Transfer of common SSP/SMS elements from the

existing ICAO Annexes
Annex 1
Personnel Licensing
Annex 6
Operation of Aircraft
Annex 19
to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation

Annex 8

Safety Management

Annex 11
Air Traffic Services
Annex 13
Aircraft Accident &
Incident Investigation
First Edition
November 2013

Annex 14

ICAO Annex 19


ICAO Annex 19 Contents

Chapter 1 - Definitions
Chapter 2 - Applicability
Chapter 3 - State Safety
Management Responsibilities
Chapter 4 - Safety
Management System
Chapter 5 - Safety Data
Collection, Analysis and
Appendix 1 - State Safety
Oversight System (8 critical
elements of oversight)

Attachment A - Framework for a

State Safety Programme (SSP): 4
components and 11 elements

Appendix 2 - Framework for a

Safety Management System
(SMS): 4 components and 12

Attachment B - Legal Guidance for

the Protection of Information from
Safety Data Collection and
Processing Systems
ICAO Annex 19


Status of Annex components

uniform application is recognised as necessary (differences to
be notified to ICAO)
uniform application is recognised as desirable (no need to
notify differences to ICAO)
form part of the Standards and Recommended Practices
comprise material supplementary to the SARPs, but do not
have the value of SARPs (mostly guidance for application)

ICAO Annex 19


ICAO Annex 19 addressee



Chapter 1 - Definitions
Chapter 2 - Applicability
Chapter 3 - State Safety
Management Responsibilities

Chapter 4 - Safety Management


Chapter 5 - Safety Data Collection,

Analysis and Exchange *

Appendix 2 - Framework for a

Safety Management System (SMS)

Appendix 1 - State Safety

Oversight System
Attachment A - Framework for a
State Safety Programme (SSP)
Attachment B - Legal Guidance for
the Protection of Information from
Safety Data Collection and
Processing Systems *

These provisions, transferred from Annex 13, provide the
necessary foundation for the collection, protection, analysis
and exchange of safety data to complement the SSP

ICAO Annex 19


ICAO Annex 19 Applicability

Chapter 2:
The Standards and Recommended Practices
contained in this Annex shall be applicable to safety
management functions related to, or in direct
support of, the safe operation of aircraft.

ICAO Annex 19


ICAO Annex 19 Applicability

Chapter 3 / Chapter 4:
approved training organizations in accordance with Annex 1 that are exposed to safety risks related to aircraft
operations during the provision of their services;
operators of aeroplanes or helicopters authorized to conduct international commercial air transport / CAT
(Annex 6, Part I or Part III, Section II);
approved maintenance organizations providing services to operators of aeroplanes or helicopters engaged in
international CAT (Annex 6, Part I or Part III, Section II);

organizations responsible for the type design or manufacture of aircraft, in accordance with Annex 8;

air traffic services providers in accordance with Annex 11; and

operators of certified aerodromes in accordance with Annex 14.

international general aviation operators of large or turbojet aeroplanes in accordance with Annex 6 Part II
Section III.

ICAO Annex 19


ICAO Annex 19 Applicability

International General Aviation

The SMS of an international general aviation operator, conducting operations of

large or turbojet aeroplanes in accordance with Annex 6, Part II, Sec 3, shall be
commensurate with the size and complexity of the operation.
Recommendation. The SMS should as a minimum include:

a process to identify actual and potential safety hazards and assess the
associated risks;

a process to develop and implement remedial action necessary to

maintain an acceptable level of safety; and

provision for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the

appropriateness and effectiveness of safety management activities

ICAO Annex 19


SSP/SMS Components

Safety Policy

Safety Risk



ICAO Annex 19


Annex 19 and the EU/EASA System

European Aviation Safety
Programme and Plan

EASA Authority

States Safety Programme

(selective Authority Requirements )


EASA Organisation

Safety data collection, analysis and exchange

Selective EASA Authority and Organisation Requirements &
EU Regulation 376/2014 on Occurrence Reporting and follow-up
ICAO Annex 19


Annex 19 - further information

ICAO Safety Management website:


ICAO Annex 19


Thank you for your attention!

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