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Lesson Plan in English 9

Date: January 4, 2016
I. Objective/s
II. Subject Matter

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Tasks
Pre Reading Tasks
A. Review
Ask the students to
answer the activity
related to terminologies
in drama and theatre.

Day 1-Monday
Analyze literature as a means of connecting
to the world (ENG 9 LT-IIIc-16
Literary Selection: The Story of Romeo &
Skill/s: Literature
Materials: modules, manila paper
Reference: Grade 9 LMpage/s 285-295
Grade 9TG page/s-

Students Tasks
Drill: Arrange the letters on the right to define
what is being described on the left.

B. Vocabulary Words
Have the students
answer Search and
Match activity on page
286 of LM.
Answers to Vocabulary Word


C. Motivation
Do you believe in love at
first sight? Do know some
couples or lovers in real life, in
movie, or in fantasy who have
experienced love at first sight?

D. Motive Question
Find out as you read the
story of Romeo and Juliet how
their love turned to a forbidden

Vocabulary Words- Individual Task

Look for the word in the chart that matches its
meaning below.

Find out also why William
Shakespeare described Romeo
and Juliet a pair of starcrossed lovers.

C. Reading of the Background

of the Author and its literary
piece William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (26 April
1564 (baptised) 23 April
1616) was an English poet,
playwright, and actor, widely
regarded as the greatest writer
in the English language and the
world's pre-eminent dramatist.
He is often called England's
national poet, and the "Bard of
Avon". His extant works,
including collaborations,
consist of approximately 38
plays, 154 sonnets, two long
narrative poems, and a few
other verses, some of
uncertain authorship. His plays
have been translated into
every major living language
and are performed more often
than those of any other
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy
written by William Shakespeare early
in his career about two young starcrossed lovers whose deaths
ultimately reconcile their feuding
families. It was
among Shakespeare's most popular
plays during his lifetime and, along

with Hamlet, is one of his most

frequently performed plays. Today,
the title characters are regarded
as archetypal young lovers.

The Story of Romeo and Juliet (pp. 287-292)

During Reading
D. Oral Reading of the literary
selection: The Story of Romeo
& Juliet

As you read and / or

listen to the readings of
the selection be able to
jot down details about
the characters, setting,
and conflict of the story
Post Reading
E. Communicative Tasks
Have the students
perform different tasks.
For Task 1, instruct the ff:
a. Group yourselves into
b. Choose one question
word to discuss.
c. Answer the questions.
WHAT two families are
feuding? Explain the reason for
the family feud?
WHO are the characters in
the story? Make a character
WHERE does the story take
place? Make a sketch and show
it to the class.
WHEN does the take place?
Indicate the physical setting
such as time of day, season,

Task 1. Group Work

Making Connections (What the Text says?)

weather or temperature, type

of building, indoors or
outdoors, colors, imagery (five
senses) if available.
WHY does Lady Capulet want
Juliet to marry Paris?

Process students

IV. Evaluation
Instructional Decision

No. of learners w/in mastery level
No. of learners needing
Answer B. What the Text Mean (page 293 of your


Prepared by:




Lesson Plan in English 9

Date: January 5, 2016
I. Objective/s

II. Subject Matter

Day 2-Tuesday
Analyze literature as a means of connecting to
the world (ENG9 LT-IIIc-16)
Explain the literary device used
Literary Selection: The Story of Romeo & Juliet
Skill/s: Literature
Materials: modules, manila paper
Reference: Grade 9 LMpage/s 294-295
Grade 9TG page/s-

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Tasks
Preliminary Tasks
A. Checking of assignment
B. 1. Review of the previous lessons

Students Tasks
1. What two families are feuding? What is the reason of
the families feud?


Who are the characters in the story?

Where does the story take place?
When does the take place?
Why does Lady Capulet want Juliet to marry Paris?

C. Enhancement Activities
Task 1 Whole Class
In the Know
A. Introduction
The English language
encompasses a host of literary
devices that make it so rich and
expressive. They provide a broad
structure under which all the types
of literature are classified, studied,
and understood. The importance of
literature in the portrayal of human
emotions is best understood by the
application of these devices.
B. Presentation
Study the following expressions
from the Story of Romeo and
Juliet and try to identify the
literary device used.

Parting is such a sweet sorrow

Oh loving hate
Romeo, Romeo
Where art thou Romeo?
My life is a foe of debt!
And to thy go like lightning
Romeo: By some vile forfeit of the untimely

C. Processing
What literary device is used in
each expression or line?
What are literary devices?
D. Discussion
Discuss with the students the
literary devices:
1. Simile
2. Foreshadowing
3. Rhyme
4. Repetition
5. Oxymoron
6. Metaphors

Provide example for each.

Literary devices are common structures used in

writing. These devices can be either literary elements
or literary techniques.
Literary Devices
1. Similes are one of the most commonly used literary
devices; referring to the practice of drawing parallels or
comparisons between two unrelated and dissimilar
things, people, beings, places, and concepts. Similes

are marked by the use of the words as or such as or

He is like a mouse in front of the teacher.

2. Foreshadowing refers to the use of indicative

words/phrases and hints that set the stage for a
story to unfold and give the reader a hint of
something that is going to happen without
revealing the story or spoiling the suspense.
Foreshadowing is used to suggest an upcoming
outcome to the story.
He had no idea of the disastrous chain of events to
3. Rhyme scheme is the practice of rhyming
words placed at the end of the lines in prose or
poetry. Rhyme scheme refers to the order in which
particular words rhyme. If the alternate words
rhyme, it is an a-b-a-b rhyme scheme, which
means a is the rhyme for the lines 1 and 3 and
b is the rhyme affected in the lines 2 and 4.
Roses are red (a)
Violets are blue (b)
Beautiful they all may be (c)
But I love you (b)
The above is an a-b-c-b rhyme scheme.
4. Repetition is just the simple repetition of a
word, within a sentence or a poetical line, with no
particular placement of the words. This is
such a common literary device that it is almost
never even noted as a figure of speech.

Today, as never before, the fates of men are so
intimately linked.
5. Oxymoron is an significant literary device as it
allows the author to use contradictory,
contrasting concepts placed together in a manner
that actually ends up making sense in a strange,
and slightly complex manner. An oxymoron
is an interesting literary device because it helps to
perceive a deeper level of truth and explore
different layers of semantics while writing.
Sometimes we cherish things of little value.
He possessed a cold fire in his eyes.
Metaphors are one of the most extensively used
by way of another.
In a metaphor, one subject is implied to be
another so as to draw a comparison between their
similarities and shared traits.

D. Generalization
What are literary devices? How
does each one contribute to the
literary piece?

E. Application

Henry was a lion on the battlefield.

IV. Evaluation
Instructional Decision

No. of learners w/in mastery level ___________________
No. of learners needing

Prepared by:




Lesson Plan in English 9

Date: January 6, 2016
I. Objective/s
II. Subject Matter

Day 3-Wednesday
Use verbal (infinitive verb phrase)
Identify uses of infinitives in sentences
Topic: Infinitives as Noun
(subject, complement & object,

Skill/s: Grammar
Materials: modules, manila paper
Reference: Grade 9 LMpage/s 296-297; 315;
Grade 9TG page/s-

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Tasks
A. Review
B. Presentation
Present sentences
with underlined
Have the students
read and study them.
Ask them to identify
the what kind of
verbal are the
underlined phrases.

C. Grammatical Analysis?
What is the form of the
underlined verb phrase?
What do you call them?

D. Lesson Proper/Discussion
Discuss with the
students about
infinitives and its uses in
Provide examples.

Students Tasks

The following sentences were taken from the

play Romeo and Juliet. Read and identify the
kind of verbal used in each sentence.
1. To strike him dead, I hold it not a sin.
2. To scorn at our solemnity this night.
3. To be a virtuous and well governed
4. To smooth the rough touch with tender

Infinitives are the to form of the verb. The

infinitive form of learn is to learn. You can also
use an infinitive as the subject, the complement
(predicate noun),
object of a sentence, or appositive.

To finish her shift without spilling another pizza
into a customer's lap is Michael only goal
Infinitive function as subject

He likes to knead the dough slowly.


The only solution is to lower the standards.


The boat is about to leave the port.


(object of the

E. Generalization
What are the uses of
infinitives in sentences?
How can we use them
effectively in sentences?
F. Application
Task 1--3 Individual Task
Have the students
accomplish the task.

Task 4. Pair Work

Ask the students to
look for a partner and
ask each other the
following questions
using infinitives.
(page 297 and 315)

My greatest ambition, to become a doctor, has

been finally achieved.

Task 1. Complete the sentences by using

infinitives as subjects.
1. _____________ is enjoyable.
2. _____________ exhilarating.
3. _____________ is his principle in life.
4. _____________ takes time and effort
5. _____________ even after all that trouble.
Task 2. Complete the following sentences
using infinitives as the object of the sentence.
1. Elsa wants ___________.
2. She loves ____________.
3. Everybody likes ___________.
4. The teacher reminds us _________.
5. The priest requests the townspeople
Task 3. Complete the following sentences
using infinitives as complement of the subject.
1. My only wish this Christmas is _________.
2. To fail is _____________.
3. The only way to never fails is
Task 4. Look for a partner and ask each other
the following questions using infinitives.
1. What do you hope to accomplish in five
2. What are you willing to sacrifice for your
3. What are you proud of? What do you take
pride in doing?

4. As a youth leader, what are you willing to

5. Whom would you like to see in the youth
Task 5. Get a partner and tell each other about
the following using infinitives as a direct
1. Your family plan for Christmas
2. What you intend to do on Valentines Day
3. What gift you have decided to give your
4. What you will not forget to do
5. What you hope to hear from your special
IV. Evaluation
Infinitive (Noun)
Recognition Practice Answers

1. to object
2. to summarize....subject
3. to memorize....predicate
4. to object AND - to object
(to school is a prepositional
5. To persist.....subject
6. to jump....predicate noun
7. to find....predicate noun
8. to leave....object of
preposition, about
9. to object
10. to collect....predicate noun
11. to finish....object of
preposition, about
12. To hear....subject
13. to object
14. to
15. to gaze....object of

Directions: Write down the infinitive in each

sentence. Beside it, write its use in the sentence,
as either subject, direct object, complement
(predicate noun), or object of the preposition.
1. Do you want to read the book?
2. To summarize a report is helpful to some people.
3. One study aid is to memorize.
4. Jeff needs to study harder and to get to school
on time.
5. To persist is a valuable virtue in life.
6. His goal was to jump the hurdles.
7. The explorer's aim was to find a new land.
8. The boat was about to leave the pier.
9. The principal would like to see you in his office.
10. His hobby is to collect stamps.
11. The class is about to finish the unit of work.
12. To hear the orchestra was a wonderful
13. Steve tried to write a poem.
14. The children were asked to contribute to the
heart fund.
15. John did nothing in class except to gaze out the

preposition, except
Instructional Decision

No. of learners w/in mastery level
No. of learners needing
Make sentences using the following infinitives. Be guided
by the assigned uses.


1. To study (subject)
2. to realize my dreams (complement)
3. to graduate with honors (direct object)

Prepared by:

Note: January 7-8, 2016 Third Periodical Examination January 9-10, 2016vSaturday & Sunday

Lesson Plan in English 9

Date: January 11, 2016
I. Objective/s

II. Subject Matter

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Tasks
A. Checking of assignment
B. Review
Have the students
answer the short
exercise about
1. to enjoy life = direct
2. to be admired = direct

Day 4-Monday
Use verbals (infinitive verb phrases)
Identify functions of infinitives (Adjectives or
Topic: Infinitives as Adjective and Adverb
Skill/s: Grammar
Materials: modules, manila paper
Reference: Grade 9 LMpage/s 341-342
Grade 9TG page/s- 170

Students Tasks
Find the noun infinitive phrases in the following
sentences and tell how they are used.
1. Everyone wants to enjoy life.
2. She likes to be admired.
3. Two bad habits are to smoke cigarettes and to
drink alcohol.
4. To stop the car suddenly can be dangerous.
5. To cheat is a sign of weakness.

3. to smoke cigarettes/to
alcohol = predicate
4. to stop the car
suddenly =
5. to cheat = subject
C. Presentation
In the previous lesson you
have learned that infinitives
are used as nouns in
sentences. Now, let us find
out the other functions of

Ask the students to

study the sentences and
identify the use of the
infinitive (in boldfaced)
in each sentence.

Process students

Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe; a villain,

that is hither come in spite to scorn at our
solemnity this night.
I must another way, to fetch a ladder, by the
which your love must climb a birds nest soon
when it is dark.
These times of woe afford no times to woo.
Come, is the bride ready to go to church?
Here is a friar, and slaughtered Romeos man,
with instruments upon them fit to open these
dead mens tombs.

Infinitives as ADVERB
Our neighbor, Jack Jones, returned home to
recuperate from the heart attack.

D. Discussion
Give inputs on the other
uses or functions of
infinitives: adjective and
Provide examples

To recuperate is the infinitive and it answers

the question why he returned home. It is,
therefore, an adverb infinitive.
Eager to get home, Jack left from the hospital early
in the day.
To get is the infinitive modifying the
adjective, eager, and is an adverb in this
There's too much sugar to put in this bowl.

To put is the infinitive modifying the adverb

too much, and is another adverb in the

After breaking his leg, Dave had many

obstacles to overcome.
To overcome is the infinitive and tells
which obstacles have to be overcome.
Thus, it modifies the noun, obstacles.

E. Generalization
How are infinitives used
in sentences?
F. Application
Differentiated Tasks

Answers to Task 1
1. To perform-adverb
2. To get-adverb
3. To read-adjective
4. To translate-adjective
5. To play-adjective

Answers may vary. Possible

answers are:
1. To study ; to review
2. To complete
3. To hear (the bad news)
4. To do
5. To

Task 1- Group 1
Fit and Right
Write the infinitive in each sentence. Then, beside
each write ADJ if it is used as an adjective and ADV
if it is used as an adverb.
1. The choir was ready to perform.
2. He worked to get ahead in the ladder of
3. He gave me a book to read.
4. The passage from the Bible is hard to translate.
5. The boys are coming this weekend to play

Task 2- Group 2
Big League
Complete the following sentences with the
infinitive used as indicated inside the parentheses.
1. Here is the lesson _____________ . (adjective)
2. The team was ready ___________ . (adverb)
3. My friends were sorry __________ . (adjective)
4. She promised never __________ it again. (adverb)
5. I dont have time _____________. (adjective)
Task 3- Group 3

Answers to Task 3
1. to check the dam for leaks
modifies the verb came
2. to work modifies the verb
3. to study physics/to learn
more modify the verb arrived
4. to drive modifies the
predicate adjective old
5. to listen/(to) obey modify
the predicate adjective ready

Find me! Know me!

Find the infinitives or infinitive phrases in these
sentences and tell what word they modify.
1. The inspector came to check the dam for leaks.
2. Fred finally went to work.
3. Paul arrived in New York to study physics and to
learn more.
4. Are you old enough to drive?
5. The new soldiers were ready to listen and obey.
Task 4- Group 4
Work on me!
Directions: Write down the infinitive that is used as
an adverb in the following sentences. The, write
down what word the infinitive is modifying that is
either a verb, adjective or another adverb.
1. The teacher wrote to the state to renew his
2. The students were eager to learn about Bob's
3. Have you ever stopped to think about your
goals in life?
4. I am going to the store to buy a 100-watt light
5. Early clocks were hard to read.
Task 5 Group 5
Do it for me!
Make five (5) sentences using infinitives as
adjective or adverb.

IV. Evaluation
1. to see -- answers to what
extent easy -- modifies the
adjective, easy
2. to get -- answers "when?"
and modifies the verb, uses
("to work" is a prepositional
phrase since "work" in this
sentence is a noun...the name
of something.)
3. to ask -- answers "why?"

Directions: Look for the infinitive in each sentence

and underline it. Identify the function and write on
the blanks.
______ 1. The clock in my mother's room is very
easy to see.
______2. Bill uses his watch to get to work on time.
______3. He went to his father to ask his consent.
______4. The bus driver sounded his horn to warn
the walkers.
______5. The clown painted his face white to give a
______6. Who was the first one to land on the

and modifies the verb, went

4. to warn -- answers "why?"
and modifies the verb,
5. to give -- answers "why?"
and modifies the verb, painted.
6. to land - modifies pronoun,
7. to work - modifies noun,
8. to cut - modifies pronoun,
9. to solve - modifies noun,
10. to read - modifies noun,
11. to make - modifies noun,
12. to please - modifies noun,
13. to win - modifies noun,
14. to win - modifies noun,
15. to learn - modifies noun,
Instructional Decision

______7. It is time to work on that assignment.

______8. The frail old lady needed someone to cut
her lawn.
______9. The club must find a way to solve their
financial problems.
______10. Is this story a good story to read?
______11. The teacher has a long teaching plan to
______12. Your talent to please others is an asset
______ 13. Determination to win will bring the team
______ 14. The team's desire to win is very strong.
______ 15. Jen's eagerness to learn is very evident.


Prepared by:

No. of learners w/in mastery level

No. of learners needing
Make sentences using infinitives that function as adjective
and adverb. Relate your sentences to the Story of Romeo
and Juliet.




Lesson Plan in English 9

Date: January 12, 2016
I. Objective/s
II. Subject Matter

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Tasks
A. Motivation?
What would be an utterance
without intonation?
B. Lesson Proper
Intonation makes it easier
for the listener to
understand what the
speaker is trying to convey.
Intonation is used to carry a
variety of different kinds of
though not in a one-to-one
way; whilst the end of a
complete intonation pattern
will normally coincide with
the end of a grammatical
sentence or clause.
Even major


Day 5-Tuesday
Use the appropriate prosodic feature when delivering
lines in a one-act play
Topic: Prosodic feature (Intonation)
Skill/s: Oral Language Fluency
Materials: modules, manila paper
Reference: Grade 9 LMpage/s 315-319
Grade 9TG page/s-

Students Tasks
Group 1 Practice the dialogue with appropriate intonation.

particularly if the speech is
C. Communicative Activities
You will work in groups to
perform the intonation
activities for oral fluency.

IV. Evaluation /Performance

Your acts will graded
according to the following
1. Intonation (rising and
5- if Observed
3- if partially observed
1-If not observed
2. fluency
5- if Observed

Perform the One-Act-Play entitled The Terrible Giant.

Observe correct intonation. (See page 318 of LM)

3- if partially observed
1-If not observed
Total points 10
Instructional Decision

No. of learners w/in mastery level ___________________
No. of learners needing reinforcement/remediation_______

Prepared by:




Lesson Plan in English 9

Date: January 13-14, 2016
I. Objective/s

II. Subject Matter

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Tasks
Pre Reading Activities
A. Activating Prior Knowledge
Have the students answer
the task. (This serves a
review to their previous
lesson about the Story of
Romeo and Juliet.)

Day 6-7 Wednesday & Thursday

Analyze one-act play
Explain how a selection may be influenced by a
culture, history, or environment.
Selection: Romeo and Juliet (Act Two, Scene Four
to Act Five, Scene Two-Together Again
Skill/s: Reading and Literature
Materials: modules, manila paper
Reference: Grade 9 LMpage/s 328-340
Grade 9TG page/s-

Students Tasks
Arrange the sequence of the following events by writing
your answers in the opposite column. The ending is
given already.
Juliets nurse calls her.
Romeo tells Juliet to
contact him by nine
Juliet calls Romeos
Romeo leaves and
Juliet goes to bed.
Romeo enters the


B. Vocabulary Development
Determine the meaning of
the underlined word in each
sentence. Choose from the
options given below.

C. Motivation
Have your heard about A
Secret Wedding?
Do you know couples or
lovers whom once had A
Secret Wedding before they
finally reveal it in public?
What could be some
reasons why decided to
have A Secret Wedding?
D. Motive Questions
Find out how the
characters, setting, and
atmosphere contributed for
the main characters to push
for A Secret Wedding.
E. As you read the one-act-play
observe the interaction among
characters, and how the
characters were influenced by
some factors such as
environment, culture and others.

garden below Juliets

Juliet tells Romeo that
she loves him.
Juliet says goodnight
and Romeo climbs
back down.
Juliet hears Romeo and
he climbs up to her

8. Romeo leaves and
Juliet goes to bed.

Vocabulary Development
1. Juliet my dear, something terrible happened.
2. The Prince is not going to execute you.
3. Ill be in the tomb, with dead bodies around me.
4. Oh, you Montagues and Capulets, what a stupid
5. He goes to a cupboard and takes out a bottle.
grave cabinet dispute inflict
punishment awful

Comprehension Check-up

Answer the following questions from the context of

the story.
1. Who are Romeo and Juliet? What is going on
between the families of the two?
2. Where is Romeo exiled? Why does Romeo feel
that banishment is worse than death?
3. How does Lord Capulet react to Juliets refusal?
What ultimatum does he give her?
4. Why is there such a rush to see Juliet married?

Differentiated Tasks
Act in Response
Group yourselves into five and discuss the following.
The first question will be for group 5, second will be
group 4, third will be group 3, fourth will be group

2, and fifth will be group 1.

Post Reading
F. Comprehension Check -up
G. Differentiated Tasks

1. Friar Lawrence gives this advice to Romeo and

Juliet: Love moderately; long love doth so. What is
he telling the young lovers? Do you agree with him?
Should he have given them any other advice?
2. What could have been done to prevent this
tragedy from occurring?
3. What would have happened to Romeo and Juliet if
they hadnt died? Is their relationship sustainable
over time? Do they have anything to offer each other
once the initial burst of passion calmed down? Would
Romeo move on from Juliet as quickly as he moved
on from Rosaline?
4. In what ways do the young adopt the beliefs of
the old, and in what ways do they ignore them or
fight against them?

5. Should Romeo and Juliets relationship be viewed

as a rebellion of the young against the old? In other
words, is this plays motto, Kids these days, or
Move over, Grandpa?
(For day 2)
H. Enhancement Activities
Have the students perform
the enhancement activities.

Visual interpretation
With the same groupings, present a live portrait of a
particular scene that depicts a particular character
or theme of the play.

Talk Back
Clockwise Vibes
From the visual interpretation made by each group,
take turns in giving feedback.

Give your reaction based on the choice of color,

medium, and texture of the picture or based on the
chosen theme, character, or event. Follow the cycle

IV. Evaluation
Instructional Decision


See attached quiz

No. of learners w/in mastery level ___________________
No. of learners needing reinforcement/remediation_______
Do Panel Forum on Page 340 of your LM

Prepared by:




The following statements describe details, events, and incidents in the Story of
Romeo and Juliet (Act Two to Act Five). Choose the letter of the correct answers.
1. What kind of religious rite, or ceremony, is discussed in Act 2 Scene 4 of Romeo
and Juliet?
A. Marriage B. Baptism C. First CommunionD. Confirmation
1. What did Tybalt do in Act 2 Scene 4 of Romeo and Julietto make Benvolio and
Mercutio think he was challenging the Montagues?
A. Send a letter
C. Shake his fists
B. Bite his thumb at them.
D. Yell at them
2. What did Romeo say one of his friends would give to the nurse when they met
behind the abbey wall?
A. A bouquet of flowers
C. Some money
B. A rope ladder
D. Rosary
3. To which city does Romeo go after being exiled from Verona?
A. Padua
B. Rome
C. Venice
D. Mantua
4. Why is Romeo exiled?
A. For killing Tybalt
C. For killing Mercutio

B. For marrying Juliet against her fathers will

D. For publicly admitting
his atheism
5. Who performs Romeo and Juliets marriage?
A. Friar John
B. Friar Lawrence
C. Father Vincentio
D. Mercutio
6. Who kills Mercutio?
A. Benvolio
B. Sampson
C. Romeo
D. Tybalt
7. Whom does Mercutio curse as he lies dying after a duel?
A. The Montagues and Capulets
B. Romeo
C. Tybalt
D. Romeo
and Tybalt
8. Why does Tybalt first challenge Romeo to a duel?
A. He is offended that Romeo loves his cousin.
B. He is offended that Romeo shows up at the Capulet ball.
C. He is offended that Romeo bites his thumb at him.
D. Tybalt does not challenge Romeo to a duel; he challenges Mercutio.
9. Why is Friar John unable to deliver Friar Lawrences message to Romeo in
A. He is killed by a Capulet servant.
B. He is attacked by bandits on the road.
C. He is held inside a quarantined house, and is unable to leave.
D. Romeo is stopped in Padua and never makes it to Mantua.
10. Why does the Apothecary agree to sell Romeo poison?
A. He is poor, and needs the money.
B. He can see that Romeo is passionate.
C. He is afraid that Romeo will hurt him if he refuses.
D. He is a friend of Friar Lawrence.
11. Who is the last person to see Juliet before she stabs herself dead?
A. Paris
B. Friar Lawrence
C. Tybalt
D. Romeo
12. How and where does Romeo commit suicide?
A. With a dagger in the orchard
C. With a sword in Juliets
B. With a rope in the public square
D. With poison in Juliets tom

Lesson Plan in English 9

Date: January 15, 2016
I. Objective/s
II. Subject Matter

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Tasks

Day 8-Friday
Use verbals (infinitive verb phrases)
Topic: Infinitive Phrase Modifier
Skill/s: Grammar
Materials: modules, manila paper
Reference: Grade 9 LMpage/s 296-297
Grade 9TG page/s-

Students Tasks

IV. Evaluation
Instructional Decision
Prepared by:




Lesson Plan in English 9

Date: January 18, 2016
I. Objective/s
II. Subject Matter

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Tasks

Day 9-Monday
Use verbals (infinitive verb phrases)
Topic: Infinitive Phrase Modifier
Skill/s: Grammar
Materials: modules, manila paper
Reference: Grade 9 LMpage/s 296-297
Grade 9TG page/s-

Students Tasks

IV. Evaluation
Instructional Decision
Prepared by:




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