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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014

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ISSN 2249-9954


Bhavya.K.B1, Mrs. Manjula.T.R2,
Department of Electronics and Communication, School of Engineering & Technology, Jain University,
Jakkasandra Post, Kanakapura Taluk, Bangalore Rural district-562112

Iris recognition is one of the most accurate identity verification system. In this paper we have implemented a
simple but very effective method for iris recognition based on Discrete Cosine Transform. Here firstly the iris
image is preprocessed and segmented. After preprocessing, the segmented image is normalized is order to
overcome the dimensional inconsistencies then further processed for feature extraction. This is done by
finding the two dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform of the normalized iris image, where the normalized
image is divided into 8x8 blocks. The transformed image contains the unique features of the iris embedded in
it. This key feature is then matched using simple matching measure such as minkowski distance metric. The
proposed approach has been tested on publicly available CASIA Version1-database which contains 756 iris
images, i.e. 7 images each of 108 persons. An accuracy of 87% with an reduced FAR of about 0.120 and FRR
of about 0.142 has been achieved with this method.

Key Words- iris recognition , Segmentation, Hough, accuracy.


Biometrics is an emerging field of information technology which aims to automatically identify
individuals using their unique biological traits[1-2]. By measuring the physiological and behavioural characteristics
using the individuals biological samples, it has been shown that information characteristics of each individual can
be extracted in order to verify the identity of that individual in a population. The biometrics has become hot topic in
recent years, Among various biometrics, such as fingerprint, facial features, voice, signature etc. Iris recognition has
proved to be an emerging security and authentication tool to determine the individual identity. Iris is the internal
body organ that is very much visible from outside world but well protected from external threats. It has the unique
features which remains same from birth to death. Two eyes from the same individuals although are very similar
contain unique patterns. These unique characteristic is used as a biometric feature to identify individuals.
Typical iris recognition system consists of mainly four modules. They are image acquisition, segmentation,
normalization and feature extraction and matching. Image acquisition is a module which involves the capturing of
iris images with the help of sensors. Pre-processing module provides the determination of the boundary of iris within
the eye image, and then extracts the iris portion from the image in order to facilitate its processing. It involves the
stages like iris segmentation, iris normalization, image enhancement etc. The performance of the system has been
analyzed in the feature extraction and matching stage. The eyelids, eyelashes and specular reflections can occur
within the iris region that corrupts the iris pattern. So preprocessing is required to isolate and exclude these
corruptions as well as locating the circular iris region. All these stages involve their own developments. The major
improvements have been made in the field of iris segmentation, which is very much important in the area of iris

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954
The normalization stage is to transform the iris region into fixed dimensions in order to allow comparisons.
For the accurate and robust recognition of individuals, the most discriminating information present in an individuals
iris pattern must be extracted and compared. In feature extraction only the significant features of the iris must be
encoded so that comparisons between templates can be made. The unique features are extracted and encode it into a
biometric template, which can be stored in a database. This biometric template contains an objective mathematical
representation of the unique information stored in the iris, and allows comparisons to be made between templates.
When a person is to be identified by iris recognition system, his eye is first photographed, and then a template
created for the iris region. This template is then compared with the other templates stored in a data base until a
matching template is found and the person is identified. If no match is found the person remains unidentified.

2.1 Literature review
In this section, we are discussing briefly about the earlier approaches which have been carried out in the
field of iris detection. Segmentation technique in iris recognition detects the inner and outer boundaries of iris. The
inner and outer boundaries of iris have been approximated as circles. The centre, radius of iris and pupil is then
Daugman integro differential operator approach [3] is regarded as one of the most cited approach in the
survey of iris recognition. It finds both inner and the outer boundaries of the iris region. the parameters such as the
center and radius of the circular boundaries are being searched in the three dimensional parametric space in order to
maximize the evaluation functions involved in the model.
Hough transform is a standard computer vision algorithm used to determine the geometrical parameters [4]
in an image such as lines or circles. In this method an edge map is generated by calculating the first derivatives of
intensity values in an eye image and then thresholding the result. From the edge map, votes are cast in hough space
for the parameters of circles passing through each edge point. these parameters are the centre coordinates and the
radius which are sufficient to describe any circle.
Masek introduced an open iris recognition system [5] for the verification of human iris uniqueness and also
its performance as the biometrics. The iris recognition system consists of an automated segmentation system, which
localise the iris region from an eye image and also isolate the eyelid, eyelash as well as the reflection regions. This
automatic segmentation was achieved through the utilization of the circular Hough transform in order to localise the
iris as well as the pupil regions, and the linear Hough transform has been used for localising the eyelid occlusion.
Thresholding has been employed for isolating the eyelashes and reflections.
Fuzzy clustering algorithm is a new iris segmentation approach, which has a robust performance in the
attendance of heterogeneous as well as noisy images. the process starts with the image-feature extraction where
three discrete i.e., (x, y) which corresponds to the pixel position, and z which corresponds to its intensity values has
got extracted for each and every image pixel, which is followed by the application of a clustering algorithm which is
the fuzzy k-means algorithm[6]. This has been used in order to classify each and every pixel and then generate the
intermediate image. This correspondent image is then used by the edge-detector algorithm as it has additional
homogeneous characteristics, This eases the tuning of the parameters which were needed by the edge-detector
algorithm. The main advantage of this method is that, it provides a better segmentation for non co-operative iris
recognition. Segmentation approach based on fourier spectral density[7] for noisy frontal view iris images which is
captured with minimum cooperation , has been proposed in this paper. this approach computes the fourier spectral
density for each pixel with the aid of its neighborhood and then executes row-wise adaptive thresholding, and thus
results in a binary image which gives the iris region in a fairly accurate manner. This segmentation method can also
be used in order to calculate limbic as well as the pupil boundaries.
2.2 Outline of the work
The aim of this paper is to propose a method for iris detection using image processing techniques. There
are five major stages of iris recognition namely pre processing, iris Localization (segmentation), iris Normalization,
Feature Extraction and matching as shown in figure

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954
Pre processing


Feature extraction

Fig1: Steps involved in iris recognition system
Firstly, the work was carried over to segment iris region by means of circular hough transform ,followed by
normalization and feature extraction and matching method by means of minkowski distance metric.
The mathematical theory of linear transforms plays a very important role in the signal and image processing area.
They generate a set of coefficients from which it is possible to restore the original samples of the signal. In many
situations, a mathematical operation generally known as a transform is applied to a signal that is being
processed, converting it to the frequency domain. With the signal in the frequency domain, it is processed and,
finally, converted back to the original domain. A mathematical transform has an important property: when applied to
a signal, i.e., they have the ability to generate decorrelated coefficients, concentrating most of the signals energy in
a reduced number of coefficients. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is an invertible linear transform that can
express a finite sequence of data points in terms of a sum of cosine functions oscillating at different frequencies. The
original signal is converted to the frequency domain by applying the direct DCT transform and it is possible to
convert back the transformed signal to the original domain by applying the inverse DCT transform. After the
original signal has been transformed, its DCT coefficients reflect the importance of the frequencies that are present
in it. The very first coefficient refers to the signals lowest frequency, known as the DC-coefficient, and usually
carries the majority of the relevant information from the original signal. The last coefficient refers to the signals
higher frequencies. These higher frequencies generally represent more detailed or fine information of signal and
probably have been caused by noise. The rest of the coefficients carry different information levels of the original
signal. In the image processing field, it is interesting to use a two-dimensional DCT (2D-DCT), because images are
intrinsically two-dimensional elements.

Fig2(a) Original image. (b)Normalized DCT image of the person

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954
Figure2 shows the application of the DCT on one of the eye images Figure 2.a displays the original image, and
Figure 1.b displays the result of applying the DCT on the original image. At Figure 2.b, it is possible to verify that
most of the images energy is concentrated in the upper left corner. This is the region that represents the DCT lowest
frequency coefficients. The 2D-DCT used in this work is the DCT-II. The DCT-II definition is shown in Equations
(1) and (2). In this context, the original image is the gray-scale matrix x[m,n], with dimensions m by n, that
represents the image. The DCT-II computation then produces a matrix X[k,l], also with dimensions m by n, of
coefficients. The variables m and n are the coordinates in the space domain and k and l are the coordinates in the
frequency domain.
a 1 b 1
(2m 1)k (2m 1)l
X [k , l ] ckcl x[m, n] cos

2N 2N
m0 n 0
Where,in equation(1):

to k 0, l 0

ck , cl 2
1to k 1,2,...a 1and l 1,2,..b 1

The first coefficient, X[0,0], is referred as the DC(Direct Current) coefficient and depends only on the average
brightness of the image. The other coefficients are known as AC (Alternate Current) factors. In this paper, the DCT
used is always the 2D-DCT so, from now on, the term DCT actually means the 2D-DCT.

The proposed method adopts Hough transform method for iris localization and daugmans rubber sheet
model method for iris image normalization.The approach followed in features extraction is different from
conventional method of features extraction and matching. This method involves transforming segmented Iris image
using DCT transforms and ordinal measure of DCT coefficients i.e., DCT coefficients of normalized iris images is
computed (for both database and query images). Then absolute value of AC coefficients was ordered in ascendant
manner to obtain the ordinal measure. Distance between those images was measured by Minkowsky distance
metrics. The match is obtained with the image of the lowest distance
3.1 Flowchart of the Proposed Work
Data base

Iris segmentation

Iris normalization
DCT calculation

Coefficient ordering

Distance calculation

Query in closest

Iris recognized

Fig 3: Proposed method of recognition system

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954
Figure. 3 shows block diagram for a biometric system of iris recognition in unconstrained environments in which
each blocks function is briefly discussed as follows:
1. Image acquisition: in this stage, a photo of iris(eye image) is taken.
2. Pre-processing: involving edge detection, contrast adjustment.
3. Segmentation: including localization of iris inner and outer boundaries and localization of boundary between iris
and eyelids.
4. Normalization: involving transformation from Cartesian to polar coordinates and normalization of iris image.
5. Feature extraction: including noise removal from iris image and generating DCT transform of the normalized
6. Classification and matching: involving comparing and matching by means of Minkowsky distance metrics
Regarding the fact that in an unconstrained environment iris may have occlusions caused by upper or lower eyelids
or eye ball may roll left and rightwards.
Iris segmentation refers to the process of detecting pupil and iris boundaries The main purpose of segmentation
stage is to localize the two iris boundaries namely, inner boundary of iris-pupil and outer one of iris-sclera.The
precise iris segmentation is the very important part of the iris recognition system as success of the system in
upcoming stages is directly dependent on the precision of this stage. Segmentation stage includes the following
1. Localization of iris inner boundary (the boundary between pupil and iris).
2. Localization of iris outer boundary (the limbic border between sclera and iris).
The iris image is converted into grayscale to remove the effect of illumination. As pupil is the largest black area in
the intensity image, its edges can be detected easily from the binarized image by using suitable threshold on the
intensity image. But the problem of binarization arises in case of persons having dark iris. Thus the localization of
pupil fails in such cases. In order to overcome these problems Circular Hough Transformation [4] for pupil detection
can be used. The basic idea of this technique is to find curves that can be parameterized like straight lines,
polynomials, circles, etc., in a suitable parameter space. The transformation is able to overcome artifacts such as
shadows and noise. The approach is found to be good particularly dealing with all sorts of difficulties including
severe occlusions.
The procedure first finds the intensity image gradient at all the locations in the given image by convolving with the
sobel filters. The gradient images (G vertical and GHorizontal) along x and y direction, is obtained by kernels that detect
horizontal and vertical changes in the image. The sobel filter kernels are Cvertical ={-1 -2 -1;0 0 0;1 2 1}
Chorizontal ={-1 0 1;-2 0 2;-1 0 1}


The absolute value of the gradient images along the vertical and horizontal direction is obtained to form an absolute
gradient image using the equation
Gabs =Gvertical+ Ghorizontal


where Gvertical is the convolution of image with C vertical and Ghorizontal is the convolution of image with Chorizontal. The
absolute gradient image is used to find edges using Canny edge detection [5]. The edge image is scanned for pixel
(P) having true value and the center is determined with the help of the following equations
xc =x - r cos()
yc =y - r sin()

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954
where x, y are the coordinates at pixel P and r is the possible range of radius values, ranges from [0:]
For a particular value of r, the values of xc and yc are obtained and stored in an accumlator and the accumulator
counter is incremented every time the values of xc and yc satisfy image dimension criteria. The maximum value of
accumulator counter gives the centre of the pupil along with the radius. Figure. 4(b)(edge detection image of eye)
shows the results of performing Canny edge detection on an eye image as pre processing output. As it could be
observed, pupillary boundary is almost completely detected as shown in Figure 4(b) and Figure. 4(c) shows iris
inner boundary localization which has been achieved via circular hough transform method

Figure 4(a,b,c) Steps involved in detection of inner pupil boundary

The Hough transform can be described as a transformation of a point in the x,y-plane to the parameter space. The
parameter space is defined according to the shape of the object of interest A straight line passing through the points
(x1, y1) and (x2,y2) can in the x,y-plane be described by:
y = ax + b


This is the equation for a straight line in the Cartesian coordinate system, where a and b represent the parameters of
the line.The circle is actually simpler to represent in parameter space, compared to the line, since the parameters of
the circle can be directly transfer to the parameter space. The equation of a circle is
r2 = (x a)2 + (y b)2


As it can be seen the circle got three parameters, r, a and b. Where a and b are the center of the circle in the x and y
direction respectively and where r is the radius.The parametric representation of the circle is
x =a +r cos()
y =b +r sin()


Thus the parameter space for a circle will belong to R3 whereas the line only belonged to R2

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
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ISSN 2249-9954

Figure.5 A Circular HT from the x,y-space (left) to the parameter space (right), for a constant radius
Following is detail description of Hough transforms Algorithm
1.Pre-processing image, get edge image by, using edge extracting arithmetic operators
2. Initialize Hough transformation matrix, let A(x,y,r)=0;
3. For every edge-points, let r varies from rmin to rmax , calculating every points satisfied equation (7).
let A (x, y, r) = A(x,y,r)+1
4. Make a decision of seeking for circle depending on vote from A
In Hough space, the parameters of max(A) will be responding to the best circle of image space. Many experiments
have shown that Hough transform has high accuracy and Hough transform is a good method to detect objects edge.
But the quantity of data needed to calculate is very large, with image size increasing, the quantity of data cause it
difficult to be used in real-time
External noise is removed by blurring the intensity image. But too much blurring may dilate the boundaries
of the edge or may make it difficult to detect the outer iris boundary, separating the eyeball and sclera. Thus a
special smoothing filter such as the median filter is used on the original intensity image. This type of filtering
eliminates sparse noise while preserving image boundaries. After filtering, the contrast of image is enhanced to have
sharp variation at image boundaries using histogram equalization as shown in Figure 6(a). This contrast enhanced
image is used for finding the outer iris boundary by drawing concentric circles, as shown in Figure 6(b), of different
radii from the pupil center and the intensities lying over the perimeter of the circle are summed up. Among the
candidate iris circles, the circle having a maximum change in intensity with respect to the previous drawn circle is
the iris outer boundary. Figure 6(c) shows an example of localized iris image.

Figure 6(a) Contrast enhanced image (b) Concentric circles of different radii (c) Localized Iris image

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954
After iris localization, we have to normalize it in order to enable the generation of the feature vector and their
comparisons. There are many variations in the image of the eye, like optical size of the iris, position of pupil in the
iris, varying imaging distance, rotation of the camera, head tilt and rotation of the eye within the eye socket. Also the
iris orientation changes from person to person. Hence it is required to normalize the iris image so that the
representation is common to all, with similar dimensions. Therefore, this normalization process will produce irises
with same fixed dimensions so that two photographs for the same iris under different lighting conditions will have
the same characteristic features

Figure 7.Normalization method

In normalization stage, an approach based on Daugmans method is used. Figure. 7 shows transforming iris area
from Cartesian to polar coordinates. Therefore, iris area is obtained as a normalized strip with regard to iris
boundaries and pupillary center. The iris area is illustrated on a rectangular strip of 8*512 [5, 8].The concept of
rubber sheet modal suggested by Daugman takes into consideration the possibility of pupil dilation and appearing of
different size in different images. For this purpose, the coordinate system is changed by unwrapping the iris and
mapping all the points within the boundary of the iris into their polar equivalent as shown in Figure 7. This model
remaps each point within the iris region to a pair of polar coordinates (r,) where r is on the interval [0,1] and is
angle [0,2].Figure 8.1 below shows the normalized iris image.

Figure 8.1.-normalized iris image

If the neccesary constituents or the patterns of iris texture are not clearly identifiable, then enhancement process is
employed to improve the resultant of normalization process .And, in order to increase the matching rate, only certain
portion of the normalized image is taken ,since the portion nearer to pupil will be containing much distinctive
information and doing so reduces much of the lashes portion which is shown in figure 8.2 below

Figure 8.2-cropped normalized image

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
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ISSN 2249-9954
Ordinal Measure of DCT Coefficient
Ordinal measures is also referred to as ordinal features. In this paper these two terms will be used interchangeably.
An approach to obtain ordinal measure of DCT coefficient can be summarized as follows [9].
Let an image denoted by I(normalized image).
Histogram equalization is applied in order to enhance the patterns
Divide the given image into 8x8 blocks
Apply the dct transform for each of the individual blocks.
Let the DCT coefficients calculated from the whole image denoted by Ic.
Figure 9 shows selection manner of AC part of DCT coefficients. In the figure, there is 8 rows and columns .The AC
coefficient was selected similar to the zig-zag scanning used in JPEG standard. However, the size of the block under
consideration was not specified as 8x8 as in JPEG standard. The numerical 1 indicates the DC component. The zigzag scanning was started at row 2, column 1 (first location of AC) .i.e the numerical 2 indicates the first AC
component. Here the coefficients are more selectively scanned, depending on their magnitudes.Ordinal measure was
obtained by ordering the absolute value of AC coefficient of Ic.

Figure 9 The method followed to extract features from these low-frequency DCT coefficients is a ziq-zaq scanning
Figure10 shows the application of the DCT on one of the Normalized iris image .Figure 10(a) displays the
normalized image, and Figure 10(b) displays the result of applying the DCT on the normalized iris image, and it is
possible to verify that most of the images energy is concentrated in the upper left corner. This is the region that
represents the DCT lowest frequency coefficients.

Figure 10(a) An example showing the normalized iris image (b)corresponding DCT transformed image.

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954


After successful normalization process. In the normalised iris image, Each of those frequency sub-bands is divided
into 8x8 non-overlapping blocks and DCT is applied to each block. Unique iris features are obtained by comparing
the energies containing in corresponding DCT blocks of both the sub-bands. These features extracted i.e the features
in the form of DCT coefficients are used to generate a matching distance. The matching distance is calculated for
each of the individual blocks , for this minkowsky distance metrics is used . From the obtained block distance value
based upon the threshold fixed, decision is made such that the image belong to a particular category or
recognized.The Minkowsky distance is defined as

MD ( Xi Yi)
i 1

here, X (and Y) is a set of DCT coefficients in a form of column vector, and Xi (and Yi) is the ith DCT coefficients
of X(and Y).

The threshold value used is the average distance measure of top seven signatures as they belong to different
eye images of same persons eye. Three images are taken in first session and four are taken in second session. The
threshold thus set is used to compute False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR). The
performance of the proposed method is evaluated in terms of the following metrics .
4.1 False Acceptance Rate:
The false acceptance rate, or FAR, is the measure of the likelihood that the biometric security system will
incorrectly accept an access attempt by an unauthorized user. A systems FAR typically is stated as the ratio of the
number of false acceptances divided by the number of identification attempts.
4.2 False Rejection Rate:
The false rejection rate, or FRR, is the measure of the likelihood that the biometric security system will
incorrectly reject an access attempt by an authorized user. A systems FRR typically is stated as the ratio of the
number of false rejections divided by the number of identification attempts. In a practical scenario a low FAR & a
high FRR would ensure that any unauthorized person will not be allowed access. In this case a threshold value of
0.6906 shows a low FAR and high FRR. Thus a correlation value of 0.6906 have been set to authenticate the
identity of an individual
4.3 Equal Error Rate:
A biometric system determines the threshold values for its FAR and FRR and when both the rates are
equal it is referred to as Equal Error Rate. In this paper an equal error rate of 13% have been attained which gives an
accuracy of 87% of the system.
4.4Average Accuracy Rate
This gives the average accuracy of the recognition system. It is given by Equation (9).

Accuracy 100



Where, FAR is the False Acceptance Rate and FRR is the False Rejection Rate
We have investigated the optimum number of DCT block required for matching process Figure 11shows the
error rate as a function of the number of DCT blocks. It is understood from the plot, the error rate is constant from
the block 12 onwards which implies that the sufficient and minimum number of blocks to be considered for
matching the iris images is 12 blocks .

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Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954

Figure. 11: Percentage error rate Vs number of DCT blocks





Table 1 shows representation of the false acceptance and false rejection for category of 10 individuals.

Figure 12 Graphical representation of FAR and FRR

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954
Table 2 shows representation of the false acceptance and false rejection for various threshold values




Table2.Error rate
. The proposed method was implemented using MATLAB v7.9. Figure 13 below shows a set of database
images where the corresponding segmentation, normalization and cropping is done, in order to increase the
matching rate, only certain portion of the normalized image is taken ,since the portion nearer to pupil will be
containing much distinctive information.


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Cropped normalized image

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954

Analysis of the developed iris recognition system has revealed a number of interesting conclusions.Segmentation is
the critical stage of iris recognition,since areas that are wrongly identified as iris regions will corrupt biometric
feature generated resulting in very poor recognition.In this paper with the CASIA database version1, 85% of images
managed to segment successfully.and got a reduced FAR and FRR rate of about 0.120 and 0.142 respectively. And
has achieved a over all accuracy of 87%.

Future Work

The above implementation is carried out for CASIA data bases of various versions.I .It is required to work with all
available data bases and with non co-operative iris images. It is also required to develop embedded system with iris
recognition, the most time consuming part of iris recognition can be implemented using verilog HDL. Matching part
of iris recognition algorithm can be implemented on low cost Spartan 3AN FPGA
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be but
incomplete without mentioning the people who made it possible, whose selfless criticism arguments complements
constructive feedback and inspiration crowned our efforts with success. I sincerely thank each of them for their
valuable support.
I express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to our institution SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING
& TECHONOLGY, JAIN UNIVERSITY, which provided me the opportunity to fulfil our cherished goals.
I sincerely acknowledge the encouragement and support given to me by my guide Mrs. MANJULA.T.R,
Associate professor, Dept. of ECE, SET-JU in completion of my paper.

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 4, July-August 2014
Available online on
ISSN 2249-9954

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