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CQUniversity is committed to the development of a systematic approach to the management of Safety, Health
and the Environment. This procedure provides the detail for identifying environmental non-conformances and
the associated reporting requirements, including necessary corrective and/or preventative actions if applicable.
All University staff and students, and other relevant personnel including contractors engaged in activities,
projects, products and services that have or may have an impact on the environment must comply with this


Defining Non-conformance

A non-conformance in relation to an Environmental component of the SHEWS management system is considered

to be an action or omission that does not conform with:

CQUniversitys Environment Policy

Legal and other requirements as outlined in the Legal Register
CQUniversitys SHEWS management system registers and management plans

Note: Non-achievement of CQUniversitys Environmental Policy or the Objectives and Targets is not considered to
be a non-conformance as these are aspirational goals over which no single person has full control or responsibility.

Identifying Non-conformance

Non conformances may be identified in one of the following ways:

Environmental incidents and/or accidents

Through monitoring and/or reporting
Environmental Management System audits
Environmental Management System Biannual Review
Staff communications/feedback

Reporting Non-conformance

Non-conformances must be investigated and reported to the HSE Advisor. The following details must be included
as a minimum:

Details of the person reporting the non-conformance

Description of the non-conformance including time, date and location
Summary of the non-conformance including personnel involved, cause and environmental impact
Summary of actions taken to remediate the situation and mitigate further environmental impact

Non Conformance Procedure

Version: 2
Once PRINTED, this is an UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT. Refer to Policy Portal for latest version.
CQUniversity CRICOS Provider Codes: QLD - 00219C; NSW - 01315F; VIC - 01624D

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Further action required and personnel involved to correct or prevent future non-conformances

Recording Non-conformance

Following the investigation and reporting (as described above), a summary of the non-conformance must be
recorded in the Non-Conformance Register.

Review of the Non-conformance Register

The Non-Conformance Register will be formally reviewed annually in line with this procedure.

This procedure will be reviewed annually by the Safety and Environment Unit Manager.

All records relevant to these procedures are to be maintained in a recognised University recordkeeping system.


Non Conformance Register

Approval Authority
Original Approval Date
Effective Date

Director, People and Culture

Manager, Safety and Environment
1 December 2011
1 December 2011

(Current Version if different from amended date)

Amendment History
Date of Next Review
Related Documents

1 December 2012
Non Conformance Register

Non Conformance Procedure

Version: 2
Once PRINTED, this is an UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT. Refer to Policy Portal for latest version.
CQUniversity CRICOS Provider Codes: QLD - 00219C; NSW - 01315F; VIC - 01624D

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