Republic of The Philippines: 6 Judicial Region Branch 1 Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

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Republic of the Philippines


6TH Judicial Region
Branch 1
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental







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I, ANGELIE DELON, 30 years old, single , residing at 143 Cutie

St., Bacolod City, after having been sworn to in accordance with the
law do hereby depose and state:
That Atty. Mark John Simondo is the counsel who conducted and
supervised my examination as a witness at his office located in
Simondo & Tan Law Office, O Residences, Mandalagan, Bacolod City;
That I am answering the questions herein fully conscious that I
do so under oath and that I may be criminally liable for false testimony
or perjury;

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CRIM CASE NO. ______
Judicial Affidavit

The following are the Questions propounded by Atty. Mark

Simondo and my answers in English language:

Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?


Yes Sir.


Do you know Gretchen, the complainant in this case?


Yes, Sir. She is my first cousin. Our mothers are sisters.


Do you have a good relationship with her?


I consider her as my closest relative. She is like a sister to me

since I am an only child.


Do you still talk or see Gretchen from time to time?


Since I moved out from our house I have seen her once during a
family occasion.


So you and Gretchen lived together?


Yes,Sir. After I left my job as a teacher in Macau, I moved back

to the Philippines and Gretchen told me I could stay with her and


So what happened next?


I moved in with Gretchen and Carlos in January 2014.


How was it like living with Gretchen?


It was good. I mean, Gretch is like a sister to me. We were

always close ever since we were little.


And what happened next?


A few weeks after I moved in Gretch told me she was dating

someone else. This came as a surprise to me since I knew she
and her ex girlfriend separated just about a month ago.

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CRIM CASE NO. ______
Judicial Affidavit


Were you able to meet this alleged person she was dating?


Yes, she introduced me to a guy name Totoy Mascuvado.

Q10: And what was your impression of Totoy?

A10: Well at first he seemed okay. Gretch told me she was in love and
to me thats all that mattered
Q11: What do you mean at first?
A11: Well I started hearing rumors around town that Totoy was
actually a drug pusher.
Q12: How did you react to this news?
A12: I never really bothered with it. To me, rumors are just that
Q13: So you have never actually seen Totoy sell drugs?
A13: There was one time that I came home really late. When I got to
the house I saw four other men, none of whom I knew, inside
the living room. As soon as Totoy and Gretchen saw me one of
the guys handed Totoy money and Totoy in turn handed a small
plastic bag to him. They left right after.
Q14: How do you know that it was drugs?
A14: I was very suspicious so I confronted Gretchen the next day as
soon as Totoy left. To my surprise she didnt deny it.
Q15: What did she say?
A15: Gipit lang gid kami subong. Indi na maliwat. (We are very short
on cash now. It wont happen again.)
Q16: Then what happened?
A16: I got mad and told Gretchen that if I found out it happened again
I would report her and Totoy to the cops.

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Judicial Affidavit

Q17: What happened next?

A17: I was shocked because I did not know Gretchen told Totoy about
our confrontation.
Q18: What did Totoy do?
A18: He came barging to my room and was very hysterical. He was so
mad that I suggested to Gretchen that she should leave him. He
told me that if I meddled with them again he would kill me. He
put a knife to my throat
Q19: What were his exact words?
A19: Hoy Angelie! Mabal-an ko pa gani nga ga intra ka sa relasyon
namon ni Gretchen ipa patay ta gid ka. Basi abi mo ga lango
lango ko nga gaga ka ha! (Hey Angelie! If I ever find out that
you are trying to meddle with our relationship, I will have you
killed. I am not joking.)
Q20: Did you tell anyone about this?
A20: Are you kidding me? I feared for my life!
Q21: During your stay with them, did you ever witness Gretchen or
Totoy being violent with Carlos?
A21: Yes. Every time Carlos would do something they did not approve
of they would pinch Carlos or slap him so hard he would always
cry and scream in pain. One time I even saw Gretchen push
Carlos off the chair because he wouldnt finish his dinner.
Q22: Did you try stopping any of them from hurting Carlos?
A22: I did but Totoy would hold a knife and look at me as if to warn
me to back off.
Q23: How else would they be violent towards Carlos, if any?

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CRIM CASE NO. ______
Judicial Affidavit
A23: They would always curse around him and would shout at him all
the time.
Q24: Did you ever try to talk to Gretchen alone about this?
A24: After that incident when I asked Gretchen to leave Totoy and he
threatened to kill me, Gretchen never spoke to me again. So
even if I wanted to do something she refused to listen to me.
Q25: Then what happened next?
A25: I could no longer take it anymore. I decided to leave the house.
Q26: Did you tell anybody about it?
A26: At first I really kept it to myself because I was still scared of
Totoy. But after a while I felt guilty and scared for Carlos. I tried
getting hold of Mar but according to his household helper he was
abroad for a meeting. I told his maid to inform him to contact
me as soon as he arrives.
Q27: And did Mar contact you?
A27: Yes he did. We saw each other morning of march 15,2015 and I
told him everything.
Q28: Do you hold any grudges or have ill feelings now towards
A28: No, Sir. All I want is for Gretchen and Carlos to be safe.
Q29: Did you execute any statement regarding any of these?
A29: Yes, I executed an affidavit on __ April 2015.
Q33: If that affidavit is shown to you would you be able to identify it?
A33: Yes, sir.
Q34: Do you have anything else to say, Angelie?
A34: No more, sir.

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CRIM CASE NO. ______
Judicial Affidavit

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature

this ___day of April 2015 at Bacolod City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of April

2015 at Bacolod City, Philippines.


Counsel of the Accused
Simondo & Tan Law Office
O Residences, Bacolod City
Negros Occidental
MCLE Compliance No. IV 000000


I, MARK JOHN SIMONDO, Counsel of the accused, with office

at Simondo & Tan Law Office, O Residences, Bacolod City, after having
been sworn to in accordance with the law do hereby depose and say:

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CRIM CASE NO. ______
Judicial Affidavit
1. That I have faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the
questions I asked and the corresponding answers that
witness, ANGELIE DELON, gave;
2. That I have not, nor any other person present or assisting
coached the witness regarding the witness answers; and
3. That I fully understand that any false attestation shall subject
me to disciplinary action, including disbarment.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature

this ___ day of April 2015 at Bacolod City, Philippines.


Counsel for the Accused

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of April

2015 at Bacolod City, Philippines.


Public Attorney IV
Public Attorneys Office
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
MCLE Compliance No. IV 000000

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