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Billing Service


Airline Distribution
February 7, 2011

2011, Sabre Inc. All rights reserved.

This documentation is the confidential and proprietary intellectual
property of Sabre Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction,
preparation of derivative works, performance, or display of this
document, or software represented by this document, without the
express written permission of Sabre Inc. is strictly prohibited.
Sabre and the Sabre logo design are trademarks and/or service
marks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc. All other trademarks, service
marks, and trade names are owned by their respective

Table of Contents

Preface ............................................................ 1

Billing Process .................................................. 2

Billing Services Contacts ................................... 4

Interpreting Your Invoice.................................... 5

Credit Request Guidelines................................... 7

Cost Management Products ................................ 12

Billing Information Data Tapes ........................... 16

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.



Our Pledge to our Airline Customers

Sabre promises to deliver the latest products and services to help make your billing
process, including the issuance of credits, and the management of bookings and
distribution of your products as simple as possible. In that regard, we pledge to:
Provide the highest standards of quality and integrity in our billing system and
our billing methodology
Employ a responsible, courteous and professional team to answer your questions
Continue to develop useful and innovative tools for monitoring and managing the
distribution of your product
Strive to respond as quickly as possible

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Billing Process

Each segment in a Sabre Subscriber PNR is reviewed at end transaction to determine
which segments will be processed as bookings and credits. All segments are billed
when the transaction is made, modified or cancelled.
Any newly created, modified or cancelled segment in an individual or group PNR is
considered billing activity.
What is Billable Activity?
New Segments

When a PNR is originally created or a new segment is added to the PNR, the segment
is processed through the billing system. The segment is flagged for billing and
categorized as active or passive and online or offline. When a new segment is added
as a result of inbound teletype, such as schedule change protection, that segment is
billed as a new segment.
Modified Segments

When a segment is modified, the billing process determines how that segment is
affected. The previous and current segment status codes are compared. If the status
code in the previously billed segment is changed to a status code other than a cancel,
the segment is recorded and processed but does not impact billing. Inbound teletype
messages, such as schedule changes (for example, HK is changed to TK) and waitlist
confirmations (for example, HL is changed to KK, UC or US), are in this category.
No billing occurs on this activity as the segment was previously billed at creation and
the change in status code to the segment is a code other than a cancel. When no
billing occurs, the activity is not reported on the Billing Information Data Tapes
Cancelled Segments

When a Subscriber cancels a segment, the cancellation is processed through the

billing system and will appear in the billing documentation.
If a previously billed segment is cancelled using an itinerary cancel entry (for
example, XI or X3), the billing documentation will continue to reflect the same
current and previous status codes. If a segment is cancelled without being replaced
by another segment, a cancellation fee may be charged and is not refundable.
Segments cancelled on day of departure are not eligible for credit. If the previously
billed segment is cancelled using a change segment entry (for example, HK is
changed to XK), the status codes are updated to designate XK as the current status
and HK as the previous status. Thus, an XK is considered a cancel and is credited at
the time of the change.
Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions



How are my Sabre global distribution

system segment fees calculated?

Fees for Bookings and credits for Cancellations are calculated

using the following fields:
Point of Sale - Region (and/or Home Country as
applicable), and Rest of World, and
Fares on tickets issued in the Region or Home Country as
applicable, and
Number in Party, and
Whether the segment is Active or Passive, and
Whether the segment is Offline or Online, and
The original segment create date
To calculate the amount billed or credited, determine the price by
multiplying the Rate by the Number in Party. Subtract the credit
amount from the billed amount for the total.

How are the quantities of bookings and

cancellations determined for the fare

Bookings and cancellations are allocated based on fare values of

ticketing data as determined by the Sabre System during the
billing period.

How are ticket prices converted to


Sabre updates all currency exchange rates and a copy of this

schedule is available upon request from your Sabre Account

I use Guaranteed Ticketing, does this

impact my invoice?

As ticketing data is not available, your invoice will not show fare
tiers in your Home Country or Region.

Can a PNR record locator or a pseudo

city code be assigned more than once
during a billing cycle?

Yes, PNR record locators may be recycled 24 hours and one

minute after the last segment is purged and pseudo city codes may
be reassigned 24 hours and one minute after the previous account
has terminated.

Why do all nines sometimes appear in

the ARC/IATA fields of BIDT?

These are bookings from locations that are non-accredited/

licensed, or pending accreditation/ license from the Airline
Reporting Corporation (ARC) or the International Air Transport
Association (IATA), or otherwise do not have a Reservation
Service Provider (RSP or Travel Agent ID (TID) number.

Which status codes does Sabre use to


Segments are billed or credited depending on the prior and current

status code. Status codes are those approved by AIRIMP and/or
Standard Interline Passenger Procedures (SIPP) or those that have
been created by Sabre to facilitate passenger handling such as YK.

What do I do if fraud or abuse is

suspected of a Sabre Subscriber?

Contact the Subscriber directly for an explanation and to correct

the booking behavior. While doing so, advise your Sabre account
manager. He or she will also assist you by initiating appropriate
course of action.

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Billing Services Contacts

For general information on the billing process, interpreting your invoice and BIDT
layout, or determining the status of your credit request, please contact Sabre
Associate Financial Services:
U.S. and Canada


Outside the U.S. and Canada




Credit Requests
Please e-mail or mail credit requests to the following address (for both regular postal
service and express mail):
E-Mail: [email protected]

Postal Mail:
Attn: Credit Request Analyst
Sabre Inc.
3150 Sabre Drive
Southlake, Texas USA 76092
Address Changes
For BIDT subscriptions or a change of address notification, please contact your Sabre
account manager.

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Interpreting Your Invoice

Sabre strives to provide our associates with easy-to-understand invoices.
This chapter defines the different elements of your Sabre invoice:
Closing Date
Remit Payment To
Payment Made Through Clearing House
Billing Address
Amount Due
Toll-Free Number
Bookings and Cancellations identified as: Offline Active and Passive in the
Home Country (as applicable), Home Region, and Rest of World; Online Active
and Passive; and Interactive Air
One-Time Billing Charges and Adjustments
Summary of Bookings, Cancels and Net Bookings
Total Charges
Invoice Elements
The following items explain the elements of your Sabre invoice:
Closing Date: The closing date is the last day of the billing month. Invoices are
mailed out by the fifth business day of the following month.
Remit Payment To: If your airline submits payment for the invoice directly to
Sabre, use the address indicated in this field. Payment is due in U.S. dollars
(USD) on or before the payment due date located on the invoice.
Payment Made Through Clearing House: If your airline pays through the Airline
Clearing House (ACH) or the IATA Clearing House, there will be a comment
stating Funds to be cleared by (ACH/IATA) Clearing House. Do Not Remit
Payment. The total amount due to Sabre will be remitted from your clearing
house account.
Billing Address: Your billing address appears on the invoice. Please notify your
Sabre account manager with any changes.

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Amount Due: This is the total amount due at closing date, including segment
activity, applicable product charges, and any other adjustments that occurred
during the billing month.
Toll-Free Number: A toll-free number for inquiries in the U.S. and Canada
(1-800-892-5108) is listed on your invoice. Outside the U.S. and Canada, please
telephone directly to 1-682-605-1137. A fax number (1-682-605-9937) is also
listed. Our staff is available to assist you Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. in the U.S. Central Time Zone.
Bookings and Cancellations identified as: Offline Active and Passive in the
Home Country(as applicable), Home Region, and Rest of World; Online Active
and Passive; and Interactive Air: Within each applicable category the bookings
and cancellations are shown individually. Cancellations are shown as credits and
determined by subtracting the cancellation fee from the original booking fee. In
the Home Country or Home Region as applicable, charges are determined by
multiplying the rate associated with each ticketed fare tier by the quantity in that
One-Time Billing: The items in this portion of the invoice are charges or
adjustments other than booking activity.
Summary of Bookings, Cancels and Net Bookings: A summary of all bookings,
all cancels and the net bookings is shown.
Total: This number represents the grand total of all booking and cancellation
activity plus the One-Time Billing charges or adjustments. Items are shown in
USD, and all payments to Sabre must be in USD.

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Credit Request Guidelines

Sabre has specific guidelines that must be followed in order to have a credit request
processed. The following guidelines indicate the types of booking activity that may
be considered eligible for credit by Sabre. In order to process the credit request,
please provide PNR detail and supporting documentation as explained in this chapter.
Eligible Credit Requests

Sabre will credit any segments that did not accurately represent the associates air
transportation services at the time that billing occurred. A segment that was valid
when booked is not eligible for credit consideration, for example a schedule change
on a segment. The verification sources are The Official Airline Guide (OAG),
requests received directly from the associate to manually add or modify flight
information, and Multi Access, Direct Access, and Direct Connect Availability.
Examples of Eligible Requests for Credit

Sabre will provide credit for the following types of requests:

Markets that are not operated by the associate or its marketing partners
Classes of service that are not used by the associate
Flight numbers that are not used or operated by the associate or its marketing
partners, excluding open segments. Open segments are commonly reported with
a flight number of 0000. Flight segments that are listed with Traffic Restriction
Code H in the OAG SSIM files are eligible for credit.
Days of flight operation that are not published or operated by the associate or its
marketing partners
Flights booked by pseudo-city codes that should be non-billable such as training
schools or Sabre system internal testing
Alleged fictitious/fraudulent bookings that meet the following criteria are eligible for
credit provided all of the following criteria are met:
The Subscriber has admitted to Sabre of making fictitious/fraudulent bookings or
that fact can be established by Sabre in its sole discretion beyond any reasonable
Bookings are made by a Subscriber who has not been appointed as an agent by
the airline requesting a refund
Travel dates for bookings have passed and, therefore, cannot be cancelled by the
Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

The amount of the refund equals or exceeds 20 percent of the requesting airlines
average Sabre GDS segment fee invoice for the previous 12 months
The airline seeking credit has followed all other relevant provisions of the
participating carrier contract and Billing Service Handbook governing credit; for
example, the request for credit is made within three months from the date of the
invoice in which the booking was charged to the airline
Ineligible Credit Requests

Sabre is unable to provide credit for any segment(s) that accurately represent the
associates air transportation services at the time billing occurred.
Improper Booking by Subscriber

Activity within this category can be defined as air segments that have been invoiced
to the associate and that the associate has determined were booked with no intention
of facilitating passenger travel, ticketing or invoicing. When this type of activity
occurs, first contact the Sabre Subscriber directly and attempt to remedy the
behavior. Also advise your Sabre account manager of the suspected abuse and the
action that is being taken. Additionally, Sabre offers the Associate Booking Control
(ABC) product which can be used to remove booking privileges from any agency.
Please contact your Sabre account manager for details on this product.
Examples of Ineligible Requests for Credit

Sabre will not issue credit for any of the following types of booking activity:
Duplicate segments
Questionable ratios of passive segments to active bookings
Questionable allocation of fare tiers
Fictitious names
Open segments
Segments with status codes HX, UC, UN, NO, US, UU that have not been
cancelled by the Subscriber
Passenger names with no corresponding reservation in the carriers host system
Segments booked by agencies with 9999999 as the ARC/IATA number, or other
non-accredited agencies
Charter, Extra Section segments, air taxi, or OTH segments
Segments with confirmed or wait list status codes

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Credit Request Submission Procedures

Commitment Period

To expedite the processing, credit requests should be submitted in an electronic

format utilizing a standard computer program, such as Excel or Access. Files may
also be submitted in a TXT or ZIP format. Electronic credit requests will be
evaluated within 30 days from receipt. Manual or paper files will be evaluated
within 90 days from receipt. Credit requests may be submitted for one month or
multiple months at the same time. Credit requests for more than one month should
be sorted by invoice month. Credit requests for any given month must be
postmarked or have an e-mail date within three months of the invoice date to be
eligible for consideration. Credit requests with a postmark or e-mail date after three
months will not be considered for credit.
Format for Submitting Credit Requests

Requests should be submitted in a commonly used spreadsheet software format, set

up with data fields, or in BIDT format. Identifying header columns should be
provided in each submittal. An example of a preferred layout and the elements that
need to be included is shown at the bottom of this page.
If BIDT is used to submit the request, please place a reject indicator in the last
column, and include a legend or explanation that defines the reject codes. A data
column that itemizes the cost of each segment should also be included, and should
match the summary page totals for each category.
When submitting an electronic request, you may use a compressing tool such as
WinZip to reduce the size of the file. Please let us know which software program
was used for compression. When submitting files in a compressed format such as
WinZip, please contact Sabres Credit Request Analyst or your Account Manager for
specific instructions.
Example: Segment Level Detail Needed to Analyze Credit Requests



Class of






044 CDG YYZ 10JAN02 Y 4JAN02 GK 1 $3.39 BU31 6778331 FR SXCFCX ST




In Party

City Code





Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Summary Page

Requests should include a summary page that provides the total amount of the credit
requested by category and should match the detail for each category submitted.
Segment Cost and Explanation

Each segment submitted for credit should include the cost for each segment and a
reason identifying the rejection. If numeric or specific codes are used to explain a
rejection, an accompanying interpretation legend must be provided.
Guidelines for Submitting Credit Requests

Following our guidelines will be helpful in processing your credit requests. Please
ensure that:
Enough segment detail is included so the credit analyst can retrieve the Sabre
The request period is not more than three months from the invoice date
You do not submit credits for segments with future date travel as they may be
cancelled and subject to credit. Also, do not request credit for future date
segments that were subsequently cancelled

BIDT will identify bookings that are cancelled and thus should not be

Credit is only requested one time per segment even if there are multiple errors on
the same segment. For example, do not submit multiple credit requests for the
same segment if that segment has an invalid flight, invalid city, invalid class of
service, and invalid date of travel
Segments booked using Sabre Direct Access or Sabre Direct Connect SellSM
are not submitted for credit; these segments are not eligible for credit
consideration as they are verified at the time of booking by an interactive session
between Sabre and the airline
Classes of service submitted for credit are not used by other areas within your
company that allow or require the Sabre Subscriber to use a unique or
unpublished booking class to facilitate passenger handling, such as frequent
traveler awards or other reduced fare codes which may be unpublished
Flights that were valid when booked are not submitted for credit if later schedule
changes invalidate the flight segment
E-mail Address

Credit requests may be sent via e-mail in standard computer format files, including
zipped format, to [email protected]. Be sure to attach all appropriate

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.


Mailing Address

Credit requests may also be sent via postal mail service or air express to:

Attn: Credit Request Analyst

Sabre Inc.
3150 Sabre Drive
Southlake, Texas USA 76092

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.


Cost Management Products

Sabre provides a number of cost management products, including inventory
management and point-of-sale tools designed to assist you with better management
of your booking activity. While many of the following products are offered by Sabre
at no charge, implementation of each product must be requested by contacting your
Sabre account manager in writing. Your Sabre account manager will also provide
you with additional details regarding the products. Adherence to the Cost
Management Guidelines for Usage is required.
Cost management tools covered are:
Passive Validation
Ticket Number Notification
HX Processing
Passive Notification
Claim ItSM
Name Change Restriction
Duplicate Booking Audit
Associate Booking Control

Cost Management Tools

Passive Validation

The Passive Validation feature is an auditing tool that matches manual Sabre system
bookings (status codes BK, BL, GK, GL, DS, HK*, HL* and HN) with your
published flight schedules. The Passive Validation feature audits your flight
numbers, day of operation, city pair, open segments and exclusion of specific pseudo
city codes (optional). If the segment entered does not reconcile, the Sabre system
will deny the input of that segment. An option to additionally validate the class of
service is also available. If the class of service is not reconcilable, the Sabre
Subscriber receives a warning message when the passive segment is input.
Ticket Number Notification

The Ticket Number Notification feature advises an airline whenever a ticket is issued
for travel on its service(s). This enables the airline to manage its inventory based on
ticketed passengers. The message can be transmitted using a Special Service
Requirement (SSR) or an Other Service Information (OSI) code. Ticket numbers can
be sent on individual PNRs, group PNRs or both.
Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.


HX Processing

The HX Processing feature allows the airline to send an HX status code to the Sabre
PNR when the segment is cancelled directly with the airline. The Sabre system
places the PNR on a special queue for the Sabre Subscriber to take appropriate
action. An HX status code restricts pricing, invoicing and ticketing until the segment
is cancelled.
Passive Notification

The Passive Notification feature is an inventory management tool that notifies

airlines via teletype message when a passive segment is created or cancelled. If an
equivalent segment is not found in the airlines own internal reservation system, a
NO status code message may be sent to the Sabre PNR. The PNR will then be
queued to the Sabre Subscriber for appropriate action. A NO status code restricts
ticketing. At the airlines option, specific pseudo city codes may be excluded from
Passive Notification processing. Note: A NO status code should not be sent when an
equivalent booking is found in the airline system.
Claim It

The Claim It feature enables Subscribers to view and transfer ownership of a PNR
booked directly with an airline. When a passive air segment is entered, Sabre
Subscribers are automatically prompted to claim the segment directly with the
Name Change Restriction

The Name Change Restriction feature allows an airline to inhibit name changes on a
PNR once it is created. The restriction can be applied to all classes of service or
specific classes; however the product may only be applied to non-group PNRs. The
Sabre Subscriber receives a warning when inventory is sold that is restricted from
having the name changed. An error response is returned when the first attempt is
made to change a name field in a retrieved PNR. If a second attempt is made to
change a name in that retrieved PNR, the space is automatically cancelled and the
cancellation message is sent to the airline. Specific pseudo city codes may be
Duplicate Booking Audit

The Duplicate Booking Audit feature alerts the booking agent with a prompt to
cancel when a duplicate booking exists. The Duplicate Booking Audit feature alerts
the user at end transaction of the duplication of itinerary segments in the same PNR
and also searches for the same itinerary in multiple records.
Associate Booking Control

The Associate Booking Control feature removes all booking privileges from a
specific location on a particular airline.
Reference Pages in the Sabre System

More information about the Cost Management products can be found in the Sabre
system using the following reference pages:

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.


Product Name

Format Finder Reference

Passive Validation

Passive Validation

Ticket Number Notification

Ticket Notification

Name Change Restriction

Name Change Restriction

HX Processing


Passive Notification

Airline Segment BK
Airline Segment GK

Claim It

Claim It

Duplicate Booking Audit

Duplicate Booking Audit

Examples of Credit Requests and Cost Management Tools


Tools that Assist

Credit Policy

Invalid Flight Date or

City Pair

Passive Validation, Passive


Sabre will credit for passive segments

booked for a date that the flight does not
operate or for a city pair not operated by the
carrier, including segments that may reflect
city codes, such as NYC or LON.

Invalid Flight Number

Passive Validation, Passive


Sabre will credit for passive segments

booked for a flight number that the carrier
does not operate, such as flight segments
that are listed with Traffic Restriction Code
H in the OAG SSIM files are eligible for
credit. Open segments that do not include a
flight number are not eligible under this

Invalid Class of Service

Passive Validation, Passive


Sabre will credit for passive segments

booked with a class of service that is not
used by the associate except for those that
require the Subscriber to use unpublished
booking classes to facilitate passenger
handling, such as frequent traveler awards.

Open Segments

Passive Validation, Passive

Notification, Ticket Number

The associate shall remedy the undesired

behavior directly with the Subscriber.

Fictitious Passenger

Passive Validation, Passive

Notification, Name Change
Restriction, Ticket Number

The associate shall remedy the undesired

behavior directly with the Subscriber.

Duplicate Bookings or
Questionable Ratios of
Passive Segments

Passive Validation, Passive

Notification, Ticket Number
Notification, Duplicate Booking
Audit, Associate Booking Control

The associate shall remedy the undesired

behavior directly with the Subscriber.

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.


Frequently Asked Questions



How can we prevent passive segments

from being entered and billed when we
do not serve the market?

The Passive Validation feature prevents the manual input of

segments that do not match the current schedule data. The Passive
Validation feature checks for city pair, flight number and day of

Passive Validation wont work for my

airline. We operate unscheduled
charters that are not published. We
want the agencies to service these
passengers but we also want to know
about the segments that have been
created before we get the invoice.

For those airlines that do not wish to load unscheduled charters in

the Sabre system, the Passive Notification feature provides an
alternative solution. The Passive Notification feature sends a
teletype message containing the passive information at end
transaction. This gives you the opportunity to reconcile the
segment in your system. If you are not holding the segment, you
may notify the agency through a Passenger Reservation Interline
Message Procedures (AIRIMP) message that places the PNR on
the agencys queue.

When evaluating flight loads, I need to

know which passengers are ticketed to
more accurately predict load factors
and prevent no shows.

The Ticket Number Notification feature will send the ticket

number to your PNR when the ticket is issued for the passenger.

Passengers frequently call into my

reservations offices after hours to
cancel or change their travel plans.
How can we notify the booking agent
so they can cancel or change their

The HX Processing tool will automatically place the Sabre PNR

on the agency queue. An SSR with an explanation of the reason
for the cancel and the newly booked segment(s) can be sent at the
same time so the Subscriber knows what has occurred and can
take action without calling your reservations staff.

My reservations staff spends too much

time recapping itineraries booked by
the passenger that are going to be
ticketed by a travel agent. I also want
to reduce the use of passive segments.
Can you help?

The Claim It feature allows the Subscriber to retrieve the PNR

directly from your system and claim it for ticketing in the Sabre
systemwithout a phone call!

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.


Billing Information Data Tapes

Sabre provides a quick and efficient invoice reconciliation tool called BIDT (Billing
Information Data Tape) at a nominal cost. BIDT is produced on a monthly basis and
distributed in either a CD-ROM media or via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). BIDT
includes segment detail data and allows you to perform additional analysis of
monthly charges. Requests for BIDT information must be made through your Sabre
account manager. Requests for a BIDT subscription received prior to the 15th day of
the month will be processed by the end of the current month. Requests received after
the 15th day of the month will be processed by the end of the following month.
Media Selections

Server Based

Formats available:
BIDT Technical Details

Block size: 32,712 bytes

Record length: 282 bytes

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.


BIDT Record Layout

BIDT Fields

The following table indicates the label, length and description of each field:






Pseudo City Code

CHAR (05)

Airline Code

CHAR (03)


Commuter carrier
and code share
services are shown in
the references:

Board Point

CHAR (03)


Off Point

CHAR (03)



Passive Segment Indicator

CHAR (01)



PNR Locator

CHAR (06)



Flight Number

CHAR (04)



Current Status Code

CHAR (02)



Previous Status Code

CHAR (02)



Passenger Name

CHAR (20)




Number in Party

CHAR (03)



Booking Date

CHAR (08)




Flight Date

CHAR (08)



In compliance with
industry standards
and applicable
regulations, Sabre
provides flight
numbers and flight
dates if they exist.

In compliance with
industry standards
and applicable
regulations, Sabre
provides flight
numbers and flight
dates if they exist.

Cancel Indicator

CHAR (01)



1 = Segment is a
0 = Segment is not a

Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.


Access Types:

CHAR (02)



DA - Direct Access
MA - Multi Access
DC - Direct Connect
AB - Answer Back
ST - Standard

Country Code

CHAR (02)



Location Name

CHAR (30)




Location of the

City and State

CHAR (20)




City and State of the



CHAR (08)



In compliance with
industry standards
and applicable
regulations, Sabre
provides ARC/
IATA numbers if
they exist.


CHAR (08)



In compliance with
industry standards
and applicable
regulations, Sabre
provides ARC/
IATA numbers if
they exist.

Class of Service Decoded

CHAR (02)



Agent Duty

CHAR (01)



Agent Sine

CHAR (03)



Create PNR City

CHAR (05)



Pseudo-city code of
the original creator
of the segment

PNR Type

CHAR (01)



B= Blocked Space
I = Infant PNR
C = Corporate
N = None of the

SIDT Channel Indicator

CHAR (01)



Subscriber channel
B = Business/
E = Electronic
System Reservation
N = Non-ARC/
IATA Location

ERSP Number

CHAR (08)



Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Reservations Service

identification number
Local Departure Time

CHAR (04)



Connect Level Tag

CHAR (02)



AB = Answerback
CL = Claim It
DC = Direct Connect
GM = Group
RJ = Reject
ST = Full
TT = Teletype
TA = Total Access

Forced Segment Indicator

CHAR (01)



Original Seg Create Date

CHAR (08)



Alternate Billing Channel

CHAR (02)



CD = Consumer
Direct (Online)

Unit Price





The booking fee or

cancel credit unit rate

Currency Code




The currency code of

the Unit Price

VBP Indicator




B = Segment
Qualifies for ValueBased Pricing

Marketing Carrier









Bill To Code




Billing Service Handbook February, 2011 Confidential and Proprietary Sabre Inc.

Indicates whether the

segment status code
was manually

The code of the

carrier who is
responsible for
paying for the
booking or credited
for the cancel


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