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Attention Deficit Disorder

Yale University Press Health & Wellness

A Yale University Press Health & Wellness book is an authoritative, accessible source of information on a health-related topic. It may provide
guidance to help you lead a healthy life, examine your treatment options
for a specific condition or disease, situate a healthcare issue in the context of your life as a whole, or address questions or concerns that linger
after visits to your healthcare provider.
Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D., Attention Deficit Disorder: The Unfocused Mind
in Children and Adults
Ruth Grobstein, M.D., Ph.D., The Breast Cancer Book: What You Need to
Know to Make Informed Decisions
James Hicks, M.D., Fifty Signs of Mental Illness: A Guide to Understanding
Mental Health
Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., and Carol V. Wright, Ph.D., A Womans Guide
to Menopause and Perimenopause
Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., and Carol V. Wright, Ph.D., A Womans Guide
to Sexual Health
Catherine M. Poole, with DuPont Guerry IV, M.D.,
Melanoma: Prevention, Detection, and Treatment, 2d ed.

The Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults

Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D.

Yale University Press New Haven & London

The information and suggestions contained in this book are not intended to replace
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Brown, Thomas E., Ph. D.
Attention deficit disorder : the unfocused mind in children and adults /
Thomas E. Brown
p. cm. (Yale University Press health & wellness)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-300-10641-6 (alk. paper)
1. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. 2. Attention-deficit disorder in adults.
I. Title. II. Series.
RJ506.H9B765 2005
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. The paper in
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To my wife, Bobbie, with continuing love and gratitude for all you are,
all you give, and all we share together

As physicians strive to gather more data, to see more, to be more

objective, to be more scientific, they are often experienced by
their patients as not listening. . . . Listening is central to learning
about and coming to understand a suerer. . . . The healer learns
about the suerer in direct proportion to the quantity and quality
of his listening.
Stanley W. Jackson, M.D., The Listening Healer in the History
of Psychological Healing (1992)
The untangling of the complexity has barely begun. . . . But even
at its early stages, the whole business of the matter of the mind
requires a global view if we are to get anywhere.
Gerald M. Edelman, M.D., Ph.D., Bright Air, Brilliant Fire:
On the Matter of the Mind (1992)


Preface xi
Introduction xvii
Chapter 1

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower 1

Chapter 2

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome 20

Chapter 3

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain 59

Chapter 4

Childhood: Struggling with Self-Management 92

Chapter 5

Adolescence: Greater Independence

Brings New Challenges 117

Chapter 6

Adulthood: Managing Responsibilities,

Finding a Niche 143

Chapter 7

How ADD Syndrome Diers from Normal Inattention 167

Chapter 8

Disorders That May Accompany ADD Syndrome 200

Chapter 9

Medications and Other Treatments 246

Chapter 10

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope 296


Resources 319
References 323
Index 349



Over the past decade hundreds of thousands of children, adolescents, and

adults have been diagnosed and treated for attention deficit disorder (ADD)
or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Advocacy groups for
individuals and families aected with ADD/ADHD are burgeoning not
only in the United States and Canada, but also in the United Kingdom,
Germany, Australia, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Japan, and many other diverse cultures around the world.
Despite this popular groundswell and a tremendous amount of scientific evidence supporting the validity of the ADHD diagnosis and the
safety and eectiveness of available treatments, a large segment of those
in the popular media and many individuals remain skeptical; they consider ADD a trivial problem that is often overdiagnosed and overtreated.
Most of this skepticism is based on simple ignorance about the complex
nature of the disorder, its often devastating eects on individuals and families, and the safe, eective benefits obtained by the vast majority of those
who receive appropriate treatment.
Over the past twenty years I have assessed and helped to provide treatment for thousands of children, adolescents, and adults who suer from
attention deficit disorders. I have studied and participated in relevant scientific research. I have traveled throughout the United States and in twentyxi



five other countries to consult with professionals and laypersons about

ADHD and to oer lectures and professional education workshops. These
experiences have convinced me that there is a continuing and widespread
need for a clear, scientifically based explanation of what ADD/ADHD is,
what it isnt, and how it can eectively be recognized and treated.
Thirty-six years ago, when I began studying psychology at Yale, we did
not have the powerful imaging tools that now make it possible to look
within the living human brain and observe moment to moment changes
in its neural networks. We were, however, taught another way to learn
about problems of brain function: to listen carefully to the way patients describe their experiences.
I have written Attention Deficit Disorder to describe what Ive learned
from conversations with thousands of children, adolescents, and adults
who have ADHD. I hope it will be of interest to a wide range of readers in
the general public: those who encounter these problems in themselves,
family, or friends, and those who simply want to gain a fresh perspective
on the fascinating complexity of the human brain. I hope it will also be useful for psychologists, educators, psychiatrists, pediatricians, family practice
physicians, internists, social workers, human resource managers, counselors, and other professionals who want to better provide understanding
and appropriate support to individuals who suer from the diculties described here.
The path to writing this book began one day as I listened to a very bright
high school student describe frustrations that interfered daily with his
schoolwork. He complained that he could read fluently, but moments later
could not recall what he had just read. He said that his mind repeatedly
took long excursions in almost every class. Often he was unable to stay focused enough to catch more than snippets of the lecture or class discussion.
He explained that despite good intentions to prepare homework and write
papers, he ended up procrastinating on assignments and got the inevitable
poor results. Something about his description of these persistent struggles
made them sound more like problems of cant than problems of wont.
The boys descriptions led me to suspect he had an attention deficit
disorder that had remained undiagnosed because he was bright and not



hyperactive or disruptive. A trial of stimulant medication brought sudden

and dramatic improvements in virtually all of his attentional impairments.
That experience ignited my curiosity. How could someone with so
much ability, such an intense desire for success, be chronically impaired
in so many ways and then overcome these diculties almost overnight
using just a few small daily doses of a short-acting medication?
The following pages are filled with many real-life examples obtained
from children, adolescents, and adults suering from ADHD. These are
intertwined with explanations of current research in neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry that I find helpful in understanding the complex
problems of how this disorder can be recognized and eectively treated.
The first chapter poses the perplexing question of ADHD: How can
apparently normal persons have chronic diculty maintaining focus for
tasks they see as important, while they are able to pay attention very well
to less important tasks that interest them? Is this just a simple problem of
willpower? I argue that, despite appearances, the core problem in
ADHD is not lack of willpower, but chronic, often lifelong impairment of
the executive or management functions of the brain.
In Chapter 2 I use everyday examples to describe six clusters of cognitive problems reported by most persons with ADD. Some of these
symptoms are included in the diagnostic criteria for ADHD in DSM-IV,
the psychiatric diagnostic manual; some are not. These include chronic
diculties with (1) organizing, prioritizing, and getting started, (2) focusing, sustaining, and shifting attention, (3) regulating alertness, sustaining
eort, and determining processing speed, (4) managing frustration and
modulating emotions, (5) utilizing working memory and accessing recall,
and (6) monitoring and self-regulating action. These cognitive functions
interact to serve as the management system of the mind. Chronic impairments of these functions constitute what I call ADD syndrome.
Understanding this syndrome requires at least a minimal grasp of
how the brain operates. In Chapter 3 I oer basic explanations of how the
brain works to manage daily life: how it uses short-term term memory to
get things done; how it selects moment by moment what things are most
important to pay attention to; and how it regulates itself to be alert and



open for business when needed. The chapter includes information

about how two specific chemicals manufactured in the brain regulate
these functions, and what happens when those chemicals do not work adequately.
Problems of ADD syndrome are dierent at dierent ages. In Chapter
4 I describe how parents and teachers build a supportive environment, or
scaolding, to help young children gradually develop self-management
skills to behave carefully, to cooperate with others, to communicate, and
to work to learn to read and write. I also explain how, despite scaolding,
these tasks are much more dicult for children with ADD syndrome.
Chapter 5 explains how that scaolding is gradually withdrawn as
teenagers are required to take more responsibility for managing their
time and homework, dealing with their emerging sexuality and developing relationships, working for money and driving a car, and, eventually,
leaving home to function more independently. I describe impairments of
adolescents with ADD syndrome as they encounter these tasks.
Some adults have less diculty with ADD syndrome once they get out
of school. Others experience increasing diculty as they struggle to find
and hold a job, advance careers, develop relationships, manage households and finances, and negotiate partnerships and childcare. I describe
the eects of ADD syndrome on these tasks in Chapter 6.
All the problems of ADD syndrome are experienced by everybody
sometimes. Chapter 7 raises the question of how clinicians can dierentiate the impairments of ADD syndrome from normal problems of inattention. Here, too, I challenge the validity of popular but overly simplistic
eorts to evaluate the impairments of ADD.
Research has established that persons diagnosed with ADHD are as
much as six times more likely than others to suer from one or more
other psychiatric or learning disorders at some time during their life. In
Chapter 8 I describe a variety of disorders of learning, emotion, or behavior that often overlap with ADD syndrome. I propose that executive function impairments of ADD syndrome are an integral part of many dierent
psychiatric and learning disorders, and I suggest some possible helpful
changes to current diagnostic models.



In Chapter 9, I explain options to alleviate ADD syndrome impairments with treatment. The first step in any treatment program is to provide accurate information to the patient and family about the nature and
course of ADD impairments. Since ADD syndrome is biochemically
based, the most eective treatment is usually medication. Recently, new
medications and new delivery systems for older medications have been
developed. I outline what is now known about safety, eectiveness, side
eects, and practical aspects of these medication treatments. The usefulness and limitations of behavioral treatments, accommodations, and
other supports for ADD syndrome are also described. I emphasize that it
is important to design for each patient a personalized treatment plan.
In Chapter 10, I provide examples of how untreated ADD syndrome
tends to erode hope, and how it can cause severe suering to individuals
and families. This chapter also describes fears, prejudices, and other factors that are barriers to seeking, obtaining, and sustaining adequate treatment. I contrast strategies that oer unrealistic hope with interventions
that nurture realistic hope in the daily lives of individuals and families
suering from ADD syndrome.
Many children, adolescents, and adults whom I have treated over the past
twenty years have contributed to what is written here. Their names and
identifying data have been removed, but I remain very grateful for their
comments and stories, which have infused my understanding and these
pages with essential details of real life. I also appreciate deeply the encouragement of patients, parents, and professional colleagues as I worked
to write and publish these materials; their enthusiasm has sustained me
during the long process of turning ideas and images into sentences and
For helpful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript I am indebted to Dr. Jay Giedd, Dr. Anthony Rostain, Dr. Rosemary Tannock, and
Dr. Margaret Weiss. Wendy Hill is the medical illustrator who provided
the excellent drawings that illustrate the text. Our son, Dave Brown, helpfully challenged my hesitations about trying to write for a wider audience
and our daughter, Liza Somilleda, contributed perceptive comments on



the entire manuscript. I am especially indebted to Jean Thomson Black,

my editor at Yale University Press; she has played a pivotal role in helping
me to target and shape this manuscript. My sincere thanks also go to Julie
Carlson, manuscript editor, who kindly provided skilled guidance to improve the clarity and flow of each chapter. Most of all, I am grateful to my
beloved wife, Bobbie, who has skillfully helped me to rework my excessively professorial prose into a much more readable text. To her I am grateful not only for helping me to nurture this book to completion, but also for
the countless ways in which her sensitivity, wisdom, wit, and love sustain
my work and my life.


Often people think of focus as holding a camera still and adjusting the
lens for a clear picture of an unmoving object. That is not the meaning of
focus in the title of this book. Rather, focus refers here to a complex, dynamic process of selecting and engaging what is important to notice, to
do, to remember, moment to moment. Much as a careful driver focuses
on the task of driving a car in heavy trac by actively looking ahead while
also checking mirrors, observing road signs, braking, and so on (all while
monitoring dashboard gauges, keeping in mind the speed limit and destination, and ignoring the temptation to look too long at interesting
sights), a person employs this very active, rapidly shifting, repeatedly readjusted deployment of attention and memory as the focus needed to plan
and control ongoing activity. Such focus is extremely dicult for the 7 to
10 percent of the worlds population who suer from a syndrome of cognitive impairments currently known as attention deficit disorder (ADD) or
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Syndrome is a term that describes a cluster of symptoms that tend
to appear together. For example, nasal congestion, sore throat, headache,
fatigue, and fever often appear together as a syndrome commonly referred
to as a cold. One single cause or a variety of dierent causes might lead
to one common syndrome.



In this book, the term ADD syndrome is used to refer to a cluster of

impairments in the management system of the mind. The DSM-IV, the
diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric Association, describes
currently accepted diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD). The concept of ADD syndrome introduced in this book
is not intended to be a new diagnosis, replacing existing diagnostic categories. I am simply proposing a new way of looking at these impairments,
of which many, but not all, are encompassed in current diagnostic criteria
for ADHD. Other labels have been proposed for this cluster of impairments: Attention Deficit Disorder, Executive Dysfunction, Minimal
Brain Dysfunction, Regulatory Control Disorder, and Dysexecutive
Syndrome, to name a few. The concept of ADD syndrome described here
includes many impairments described by these various labels, impairments that often appear together and tend to respond to similar treatments.
Compared to others of the same age and developmental level, persons
with ADD syndrome tend often to have an unfocused mind not only for
driving, but also for many other important tasks of daily life. This does not
mean that persons with ADD syndrome are never able to focus adequately. Nor does it mean that those without ADD syndrome are always
well focused. ADD syndrome is not like pregnancy, an all-or-nothing status with no in-between. It is more like depression. Every person feels sad
sometimes, but a person is not diagnosed and treated for depression
simply because he feels unhappy for a few days or even a few weeks. It is
only when depressive symptoms are persistent and significantly impairing that the diagnosis of depression is appropriately made. Similarly, persons with ADD syndrome are not constantly unfocused, but they are
much more persistently and pervasively impaired in these cognitive functions than most other people.
My purpose in writing this book is to describe more adequately the
complex ADD syndrome as it occurs in children, adolescents, and adults.
My understanding of ADD syndrome is not universally accepted. Some
researchers prefer less cognitive, more behavioral models to describe this
disorder. In these pages the reader will find a new, somewhat controver-



sial understanding of ADD syndrome, including how it can be recognized

and how it can be treated eectively.
Sometimes an eective treatment for a disorder is discovered by accident, before there is a full understanding of what is being treated or why
the treatment works. An eective treatment for ADD syndrome was accidentally discovered in 1937 by Charles Bradley, a Rhode Island physician
who was seeking a medication to alleviate severe post-spinal-tap headaches
in behavior-disordered children he was studying. The amphetamine compound he tried was not helpful for the headaches, but teachers reported
dramatic, though short-lived, improvement in the childrens learning,
motivation, and behavior while they were on this medication. Gradually
this treatment gained wider use for hyperactive children with disruptive
behavior problems.
Our understanding of what would later be called ADD syndrome expanded significantly during the 1970s when researchers noticed that hyperactive children tend also to have chronic problems with inattention that,
like problems with hyperactivity, improve in response to stimulant treatment. In 1980 the American Psychiatric Association first used the term
attention deficit disorder as an ocial diagnosis. At that time they recognized chronic impairment of attention, with or without hyperactive behavior problems, as a psychiatric disorder. The 1980 version of the diagnostic manual also noted that although this disorder usually originates
during childhood, impairments to attention sometimes persist into adulthood. A 1987 revision of the manual changed the name of this condition
to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; since that time the ocial
name has continued to bind inattention to hyperactive behavior problems,
largely neglecting the independent importance of the syndromes cognitive impairments.
Over the past decade, specific medicines have proven safe and very
useful to many children, adolescents, and adults throughout the world
who suer from ADD syndrome. Yet very little has been published to explain in understandable terms the complex nature of attention and the
wide variety of these chronic cognitive problems associated with ADHD.



In this book, I emphasize the crippling eects of chronic inattention

problems on development and functioning throughout the lifespan. I also
suggest that the current diagnosis of ADHD encompasses only part of a
much wider range of cognitive impairments that are often responsive to
medication treatment. And I propose that a cluster of cognitive impairments associated with ADHD, here called ADD syndrome, aects not
only those diagnosed with ADHD, but also many people with a wide variety of other conditions, some of whom might benefit from treatments
used for ADHD.
Like most clinicians of my generation and, unfortunately, many of the
current generation, I learned very little about impairments to attention during my professional training. We were taught to recognize little children,
mostly boys, who were extremely hyperactive and often responded to treatment with stimulant medications. And we were told that these hyperactive
children often had diculty paying attention to their teachers and parents. But our education about attention problems generally stopped there.
In the ensuing thirty years of clinical work, I have learned much more
about the complex nature of attention. The impetus for most of this learning came from my patients: children, adolescents, and adults struggling
with learning, working, social relationships, and family life. As they described to me the wide variety of their chronic problems with inattention,
I began to appreciate the complexity of attention and its crucial importance
in everyday life. Indeed, by describing the wide range of cognitive functions that improve when treatment is eective, these patients have helped
me see the interconnectedness of the attentional networks of the mind.
Although this book is built on a clinical understanding of patients
with problems of inattention, it also incorporates information from current research in psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience. By integrating
recent findings in these rapidly changing fields with the clinical study of
how inattention aects patients day by day, we can better understand previously mysterious processes within the brainand better support patients with symptoms of ADHD.
Many people of all ages continue to suer needlessly from chronic impairments of attentional functions. I hope through this book to share my



understanding, acquired over years of clinical experience and research,

that many of these complex impairments are treatable. I want to challenge
common misunderstandings of ADD syndrome and to advocate for those
who suer from the disorder. In addressing ADD syndrome, we have an
important opportunity both to relieve widespread suering and to learn
more about the vast, fascinating complexities of the human brains attention and management systems.

Chapter 1

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

MYTH: ADD is just a lack of willpower. Persons with ADD focus well on
things that interest them; they could focus on any other tasks if they really
wanted to.
FACT: ADD looks very much like a willpower problem, but it isnt. Its essentially a chemical problem in the management systems of the brain.

Most individuals who suer chronically from an impaired ability to pay attention are able to focus their attention very well on activities that interest
them. So why cant they pay attention during other activities that they recognize as important? To answer this riddle, we have to look more carefully
at the many aspects of attention, recognizing that processes of attention in
the human brain are more complex and subtle than we might have imagined. One way to understand the complexity of attention is to listen carefully to patients with ADHD as they describe their struggles with inattention. Meet a patient of mine, a teenaged hockey player whom Ill call Larry:
Larry, a sturdy, sandy-haired high school junior, was sitting in
my oce with his parents as we began our first session together.
While introducing the family, the parents mentioned that Larrys
hockey team had just won the state championship. Proudly they
told of how well he had played. As goalie he had successfully
blocked thirty-four shots in the championship game and led his
team to victory. Larry smiled modestly, but with obvious and
well-deserved pleasure.

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

Then Larrys father stated their dilemma. When he is playing hockey, Larry is amazing in how he pays attention to all the
action. He knows where that puck is every second. He protects
the goal and at the same time he watches what the other guys
are doing and helps keep his team organized and motivated. He
is always totally involved and on top of his game.
But at school, his father continued, its an entirely dierent
story. We know that Larry is very bright. His IQ test scores show
hes in the superior range, in the top 3 percent. Usually he scores
high on semester exams and he did very well on the PSAT, but
his day-to-day work and his report card grades are always up and
down, from A+ to almost failing.
We know Larry wants to get good grades. Hes always talking
about how he wants to become a doctor and how he needs to get
his grades up so hell get into a good college and then medical
school. But for years he has been totally inconsistent in his
schoolwork. Once in a while we see him burning the midnight
oil to do some reading or write a paper, but most of the time
he procrastinates and avoids his schoolwork. Were constantly
getting complaints from his teachers, the same frustrations
every year.
They say that once in a while Larry will make some comment in class that shows how smart he is, how well he understands whatever they are working on. Once in a while hell write
an excellent paper or do an amazing job on an assignment. But
most of the time, the teachers are complaining that Larry is uninvolved and out to lunch. Hes not a behavior problem, but he
is gazing out the window or staring at the ceiling. They say that
in class discussions he often doesnt even know what page they
are on. And were always getting reports that his homework is
late or just not done.
How can Larry be so amazingly good at paying attention
to his hockey, and yet be so amazingly poor at paying attention
to his schoolwork?

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

Larry had been staring at the carpet as his father spoke, but
then he raised his head. His eyes were moist as he quietly said
to his parents, I dont know why it keeps happening. Im just as
frustrated and even more worried about this than you are. When
I saw my last report card, I went to my room and cried.
I know what I have to do and I really want to do it because
I know how important it is for all the rest of my life. I try to get
into it like Im into hockey. Sometimes I can get into it for a
while, for this assignment or that class. But mostly I just cant
make it happen.
I really want to, and I know I should be able to do it; I just
cant. I just cant make myself pay steady attention to my work
for school anywhere near the way I pay attention when Im
playing hockey.
A very similar dilemma was experienced by Monica, a shy girl in fifth
grade who hung her head as her mother angrily described to me her problems in school.
Her teachers say she cant pay attention for more than three
minutes at a time. I know thats not true! Ive watched her play
Nintendo. She can play those video games for three hours at a
time without moving. And the teacher says shes easily distracted. Thats nonsense! When shes playing those video
games shes locked onto that screen like a laser. When shes into
those games the only way you can get her attention is to jump in
her face or just turn o the TV.
Ive done everything I can think of to get her to shape up in
school. Ive gotten daily reports from school and praised her
when she did well. Ive tried to bribe her with rewards for good
work. Ive tried punishing her, taking away her Nintendo or making her do long time-outs in her room. None of it works. I know
she can pay attention when she really wants to. I dont know
what else I can do. Shes not a dumb kid and shes not a bad kid,
but if she doesnt start paying attention to her schoolwork pretty

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

soon, shes never going to do any better in school than I did.

I never finished high school and I really regret it. I want something better for her. If only I could get her to pay attention to her
schoolwork the way she pays attention to those video games.
Everyone Ive ever evaluated for chronic problems with inattention
has some domains of activity where they can pay attention without any
diculty. Some are artistic; they intently sketch and draw. Others are
childhood engineers constructing marvels with Lego blocks and, in later
years, repairing car engines or designing computer networks. Some others are musicians who push themselves for hours to learn chords for a
new song or to compose a new piece of music.
Attention and Willpower
The examples of Larry and Monica bring us back to the central riddle of
chronic inattention: How can someone who is very good at paying attention for some activities be unable to pay enough attention to other tasks
that they know are important and really want to accomplish? When I have
asked this question of patients with ADHD, most answer with something
like: Its easy! If its something Im really interested in, I can pay attention. If its not interesting to me, I cant pay attention, regardless of how
much I might want to.
Most people respond to this answer with skepticism. Thats true for
anyone, they say. Anybodys going to pay attention better for something
theyre interested in than for something theyre not.
But for some individuals there is an important dierence. When faced
with something boring that they know they have to do, thats important to
them, most people can make themselves focus on the task at hand. Yet
some lack this ability unless the consequences of not paying attention are
very immediate and severe. One middle-aged businessman, Henry, whom
I had diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, once reported:
Ive got a sexual example for what it is like to have ADD. Its like
having impotence of the mind. If the task you are trying to do is
something that turns you on, youre up for it and you can per-

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

form. But if the task you are trying to do is not intrinsically interesting, if it doesnt turn you on, then you cant get it up. You
cant make it happen. Its just not a willpower kind of thing.
Facets of Attention
What do we mean by paying attention? Over one hundred years ago,
William James wrote:
Everyone knows what attention is. It is the taking of possession
by the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of what seem
several possible objects or trains of thought. Focalization, concentration of consciousness [is] its essence. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal eectively with others,
and it is a condition which has a real opposite in the confused,
dazed, scatter-brained state which . . . is called distraction.
(1890, vol. 1, pp. 403 404)
James held what I call the spotlight theory of attention: the notion
that attention is a solitary, powerful beam focused by the mind on some
objects or trains of thought (in Jamess words) selected from the many
other perceptions and ideas that might otherwise be attended to in that
same moment.
This spotlight theory is too simple. It describes only certain types of
attentionvisual attention, for example, in which one looks steadily at one
point rather than flitting around aimlessly to see many dierent points, or
simple auditory attention, in which one listens to one sound, or a series of
sounds, while ignoring others. But when we look carefully at the descriptions of Larry and Monica, for example, we notice that they do many things
at once. They are not only watching and listening to what is happening on
the screen or on the ice, but also engaging in complex actions that may
occur simultaneously or in rapid-fire sequence. As Monica plays her video
games, she is not simply staring at the TV, but also actively monitoring
rapid movements of many objects on the screen, deciding which ones
might enrich or destroy her icon. She responds quickly by pressing control
buttons and guiding her icon with adept movements of the controls. Mon-

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

ica keeps track of her score and her levels in the game, all while recalling
and engaging strategies useful in earlier games. She also contains her alternating feelings of frustration and triumph so that she can attend to the
game without overreacting to its ever-changing ups and downs.
Likewise, Larrys success on the hockey rink depends on multifaceted
and simultaneously implemented aspects of attention. He not only tracks
the puck in its quick movements around the ice, but also monitors his
teammates and opposing players, trying to anticipate moves and to alert
his defensemen to dangers and opportunities. Simultaneously, he keeps
track of the passage of timehow many minutes or seconds are left in the
period, or how soon a player will be released from the penalty box.
Larry also notices subtle cues of flagging eort in his teammates and
calls out to encourage and challenge them. He stops himself from thinking too much about a goal he just blocked or one that just got by him into
the net. He keeps in mind and tries to follow tips given by his coach in
practice last week or during the momentary time out. And he tries to ignore provocative actions and comments from opposing players or spectators. All this and much more is included in Larrys paying attention while
he is playing hockey.
Larrys father suggested even broader meanings of attention when he
spoke of how Larry exercised year round in the gym to stay in shape for
hockey and how he pushed himself hard to build strength, endurance,
and skills during team practices. He elaborated on how Larry planned his
daily schedule to be on time to every practice. And he told of how carefully
Larry managed his equipment, keeping his skates sharp and his pads and
uniform in good repair. He related how this boy attended special training
clinics and studied plays of college and professional goalies so he could
use their strategies to improve his moves on the ice. From this description
it was clear that Larry gave intense and continuing attention to hockey in
a wide variety of complex ways.
The Many Components of Inattention
If attention is more than just a simple beam of focus, we can reason
that inattention is multifaceted as well. When teachers and parents

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

complained about Larry and Monicas poor attention to their schoolwork,

they were not using a simple focus the spotlight concept of attention
that is, they were not complaining simply about these students not listening to the class discussion or not watching what was being written on the
blackboard. They were talking about a much broader, more complex range
of attentional functions.
Larrys problems with lack of attention to schoolwork included a
chronic failure to engage himself with the various tasks of school. He reported not only excessive distractibility, but also chronic diculty in getting started on assigned work; he would intend to do it, but procrastinate
until it was too late. He told of poor planning, losing track of what readings were assigned or what math problems were to be done. This boy who
was so careful with his skates and hockey equipment often lost his textbooks and couldnt find the notes he needed to do his homework. He told
of how he often would start an assignment and then lose interest in it, setting aside the task to do something else and frequently not returning to it.
Larry also complained about his memory for schoolwork. Although
he had become a virtual encyclopedia of statistics and other detailed information about many hockey players, he reported chronic forgetfulness
about directions given by the teacher or the content of readings he had
done for class. Often he was unable to recall for an exam information he
had studied carefully and seemed to have mastered just the day before.
Larry said he often felt drowsy in class and while he was trying to read
texts assigned for homework. He described how he had to struggle to stay
awake in those situations, even when he had slept well the night before
and was not overtired. This sluggishness was in sharp contrast to the
heightened alertness he felt anytime he was thinking about or engaged in
tasks related to hockey.
Inattention as a Disorder
When we look carefully at the details of Larrys chronic academic diculties, it is clear that this boys inattention is broad-based and complex. It
includes problems of excessive distractibility, procrastination, diculties
in organizing his work, avoidance of tasks requiring sustained mental

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

eort, insucient attention to details, losing track of belongings, failure

to finish assigned tasks, and excessive forgetfulness in daily activities.
What do all of these problems have in common? They are all impairments in facets of attentionimpairments that are elements of what I
describe in Chapter 2 as ADD syndrome. And all of these chronic
diculties are listed among the inattention symptoms of the disorder
ADHD in DSM-IV, the fourth edition of the diagnostic manual published
by the American Psychiatric Association (2001). Inattention as it is described in DSM-IV is a broad term. Under its umbrella are a wide variety
of cognitive impairments recognized as chronic, but not necessarily constant. The diagnostic manual notes: Signs of the disorder may be minimal or absent when the person is under very strict control, is in a novel
setting, is engaged in especially interesting activities, is in a one-to-one
situation . . . or while the person experiences frequent rewards for appropriate behavior (p. 79).
Everyone experiences diculty in exercising these various aspects of
attention from time to time. But those who legitimately are diagnosed as
having ADHD by DSM-IV criteria are persons who manifest ADHD symptoms to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level (p. 83). In other words, they must have these symptoms to a degree that makes consistent trouble for them in ways that most persons of
the same age and developmental level do not often experience. Moreover,
the ADHD symptoms must produce clear evidence of clinically significant impairment in social, academic or occupational functioning (p. 84).
That is, the ADHD must disrupt significantly the individuals schoolwork,
employment, and/or relationships with other people.
ADHD is not like pregnancy, where one either does or does not have
the characteristics, where there is no almost or a little bit. ADHD is
more like depression, which occurs along a continuum of severity. Everyone occasionally has symptoms of a depressed mood. But being unhappy
for a few days does not qualify one for the diagnosis of depression. It is
only when symptoms of depression significantly interfere with an individuals activities over a longer time that he or she is eligible for such a

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

Moreover, for inattention impairments to be considered a disorder,

they not only have to be chronic and impairing, but also have to be present in a cluster. These multiple aspects of inattention constitute a syndrome, a grouping of symptoms that often occur together and characterize
a specific disorder. Put another way, the impairments described in the examples of Larry and Monica are like a string of Christmas tree lights, each
of which may appear separate when viewed from a distance, but are actually linked. And as with Christmas tree lightscertainly the older, less reliable versionswhen one flickers or fails, the others usually do the same.
This example of Christmas tree lights is not perfect. Cognitive functions of attention are not wired in series like the old light strings. And they
are not simple or discrete as are the separate bulbs. Each attentional function Ive described is, in fact, itself a cluster of complex functions. Yet despite the limitations of this metaphor, chronic symptoms of inattention do
appear as a syndrome and patients can be successfully diagnosed on the
basis of these symptoms. In fact, individuals diagnosed with ADHD, by
definition, have chronic impairments in not just a few, but in at least six
of the nine inattention symptoms listed in DSM-IV and often some of the
hyperactive-impulsive symptoms as well. I discuss components of the
ADD syndrome in more detail in Chapter 2.
ADD Syndrome and Impaired Executive Functions
For decades the syndrome now known as ADHD was seen simply as a
childhood behavior disorder characterized by chronic restlessness, excessive impulsivity, and an inability to sit still. Late in the 1970s it was recognized that these hyperactive children also had significant and chronic
problems paying attention to tasks or listening to their teachers. This discovery paved the way for changing the name of the disorder in 1980 from
hyperkinetic disorder to attention deficit disorder and to recognizing
that some children suer from chronic problems of inattention without
any significant hyperactivity. That change from an exclusive focus on hyperactivity and impulsive behavior to a primary focus on inattention as the
principal problem of the disorder was the first major paradigm shift in
understanding this syndrome.


Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

In recent years another major shift in understanding ADHD has been

developing. Increasingly researchers are recognizing that the syndrome of
ADHD symptoms overlaps with impairments in what neuropsychologists
call executive functions. F. Xavier Castellanos (1999) pointed this out:
ADHD is not merely a deficit of attention, an excess of locomotor activity or their simple conjunction. . . . The unifying abstraction that best encompasses the faculties principally aected in
ADHD has been termed executive function (EF), which is an
evolving concept . . . there is now impressive empirical support
for its importance in ADHD. (p. 179)
The concept of executive functions refers not to corporate activities of
business executives, but to facets of the cognitive management functions
of the brain. Although there is not yet an established consensus definition
of executive functions, most researchers agree that the term should be
used to refer to brain circuits that prioritize, integrate, and regulate other
cognitive functions. Executive functions, then, manage the brains cognitive functions; they provide the mechanism for self-regulation (Vohs
and Baumeister 2004).
A Metaphor for Executive Functions
Imagine a symphony orchestra in which each musician plays his or her
instrument very well. If there is no conductor to organize the orchestra
and start the players together, to signal the introduction of the woodwinds
or the fading out of the strings, or to convey an overall interpretation of the
music to all players, the orchestra will not produce good music.
Symptoms of ADD can be compared to impairments not in the individual musicians, but in the orchestras conductor. As is clear in the cases
of Larry and Monica, persons diagnosed with ADD usually are able to pay
attention, to start and stop their actions, to keep up their alertness and
eort, and to utilize their short-term memory eectively when engaged in
certain favorite activities. This successful functioning of persons with
ADD in preferred activities indicates that these people are not totally unable to exercise attention, alertness, or eort. They can play their instru-

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower


ments very wellsometimes. The problem of persons with ADD lies in

their chronic inability to activate and manage these functions in the right
way at the right time. Impairment lies not at the level of the individual musicians (those functions work perfectly well under certain circumstances),
but at the level of the conductor, who has to start and guide all of the individual players.
This notion that the core attentional problems in ADD are impairments of executive functions is quite dierent from William Jamess
spotlight concept of attention. The new paradigm describes the complex
and rapidly shifting integration of multiple aspects of attention to achieve
multiple tasks. Yet this notion does resonate with Jamess description of
attention as withdrawal from some things in order to deal eectively with
others. The concept of executive functions is a way of describing how the
brains various cognitive functions are managedby being continually
shifted and reconfiguredto deal eectively with the moment-bymoment demands of life.
One way to consider this broader view of attention as executive functions is to observe situations where tasks are not dealt with eectively.
Martha Bridge Denckla (1996) has written about patients with high intelligence and no specific learning disabilities who have chronic diculties
in dealing eectively with tasks. She compares these persons to a disorganized cook trying to get a meal on the table.
Imagine a cook who sets out to cook a certain dish, who has a
well-equipped kitchen, including shelves stocked with all the
necessary ingredients, and who can even read the recipe in the
cookbook. Now imagine, however, that this individual does not
take from the shelves all the ingredients relevant to the recipe,
does not turn on the oven in a timely fashion so as to have it at
the proper heat when called for in the recipe, and has not defrosted the central ingredient. This individual can be observed
dashing to the shelves, searching for the spice next mentioned
in the recipe, hurrying to defrost the meat and heat the oven out
of sequence. Despite possession of all equipment, ingredients


Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

and recipe, this motivated but disheveled cook is unlikely to get

dinner on the table at the appointed hour. (p. 264)
The motivated but disheveled cook sounds very much like a person
with severe ADD who tries to accomplish a task, but is unable to get it together. Individuals with ADD often describe themselves as intensely
wanting to accomplish various duties for which they are unable to activate,
deploy, and sustain the needed executive functions.
Executive Functions and Intelligence
Denckla introduced her tale of the disorganized cook as an example of impairment seen in some patients who have excellent intelligence (p. 264).
This comment is important because it indicates that such disorganization
can be independent of general intelligence. It is quite possible for an individual to be extremely bright on standard measures of intelligence and
still have severe impairments of executive functions such as those often
seen in ADD.
I have evaluated persons with a wide range of intellectual abilities.
Some of my patients diagnosed with ADD are extremely bright, employed
as university professors, research scientists, physicians, attorneys, and
senior executives in business. The intellectual abilities of others are distributed across the high-average, average, and low-average ranges of IQ.
An individuals overall level of smarts as measured by standard IQ tests
appears to have very little to do with whether they meet the diagnostic criteria for ADD.
Executive Functions and Awareness
A forty-three-year-old man came to my oce with his wife to be evaluated
for attentional problems. Both of the couples children had recently been
diagnosed with ADD and had benefited from treatment. When I explained that most children diagnosed with ADD have a parent or other
close relative with ADD, both parents laughingly announced, Those
apples havent fallen far from the tree. All agreed that the father had
more ADD symptoms than either of the children. Heres how the wife
described her husband:

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower


Most of the time hes totally spaced out. Last Saturday he set out
to fix a screen upstairs. He went to the basement to get some
nails. Downstairs he saw that the workbench was a mess so he
started organizing the workbench. Then he decided he needed
some pegboard to hang up the tools. So he jumped into the car
and went to buy the pegboard. At the lumberyard he saw a sale
on spray paint, so he bought a can to paint the porch railing and
came home totally unaware that he hadnt gotten the pegboard,
that he had never finished sorting out the workbench, and that
he had started out to fix the broken screen that we really needed
fixed. What he needs is a lot more awareness of what he is doing.
Maybe that medicine our kids are taking can give him that.
From this wifes description one might conclude that the central problem of ADD is essentially a lack of sucient self-awareness. She seems to
believe that if only her husband were more steadily aware of what he is
doing, he would not be so disorganized, jumping from one task to another
without completing any single one. But most people do not require constant self-awareness to complete routine tasks. For most people, most of
the time, operations of executive functions occur automatically, outside
the realm of conscious awareness. For example, while driving a car to the
local supermarket, experienced drivers do not usually talk themselves
through each step of the process. They do not have to say to themselves:
Now I put the key in the ignition, now I put my foot on the brake, now I
turn on the engine, now I check my mirrors and prepare to back out of my
driveway, and so on. Most experienced drivers move eortlessly through
the steps involved in starting the car, negotiating trac, navigating the
route, observing trac regulations, finding a parking place, and parking
the car. In fact, while they do these complex tasks they may be tuning their
radio, listening to the news, thinking about what they intend to fix for supper, and carrying on a conversation with a passenger. Eective execution
of multiple and concurrent tasks involved in driving to the supermarket
requires extensive use of executive functions, most of which operate without any conscious eort. Many other routine tasks of daily lifefor example, preparing a meal, shopping for groceries, doing homework, or par-


Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

ticipating in a meetinginvolve similar self-management in order to

plan, sequence, monitor, and execute the complex sequences of behavior
required. Yet for most actions, most of the time, this self-management operates without full awareness or deliberate choice. The problem of the
unaware husband is not that he fails to think enough about what he is
doing. The problem is that the cognitive mechanisms that should help
him stay on task, without constantly and consciously weighing alternatives, are not working eectively.
Gerald Edelman and Giulio Tononi (2000) have described how much
of our cognitive life
is the product of highly automated routines. When it comes to
talking, listening, reading, writing or remembering, we are all
like accomplished pianists. When we read, all kinds of neural
processes are going on that allow us to recognize letters irrespective of the font and size, to parse them into words, to enable
lexical access and to take care of syntactic structure. There was
certainly a time in which we had consciously to learn about letters and words in a laborious way, but afterward these processes
become eortless and automatic. . . .
This pervasive automatization in our adult lives suggests that
conscious control is exerted only at critical junctures, when a
definite choice or a plan has to be made. In between, unconscious routines are continuously triggered and executed so that
consciousness can float free of all these details and proceed to
plan and make sense of the grand scheme of things . . . only the
last levels of control or of analysis are available to consciousness,
while everything else proceeds automatically. (pp. 5758)
Even the simpler example of keyboarding on a computer illustrates
the point. If one can type fluently without stopping to consciously select
and press each individual key, ones mind is left free to formulate ideas
and to convert these into words, sentences, and paragraphs that can convey ideas to a reader. Interrupting ones writing to focus on and press keys
one at a time costs too much time and eort; it cannot be done very often

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower


if one is to write productively. Grainne Fitzsimons and John Bargh (Fitzsimmons and Bargh 2004, Bargh 2005) have summarized research showing that progress on many complex tasks rests on ones ability to carry out
most of the task using such automatic self-regulation.
Executive Functions and the Brains Signaling System
Recognition of the amazing fact that executive functions generally operate
without conscious awareness oers an important caveat to my use of the
orchestra conductor as a metaphor for executive functions. Some might
take my metaphor literally and assume that there is a special consciousness in the brain that coordinates other cognitive functions. One might
picture a little man, a homunculus, a central executive somewhere behind
ones forehead, exercising conscious control over cognition like a miniature Wizard of Oz. Thus, if there is a problem with the orchestras playing,
one might attempt to speak to the conductor, requesting or demanding
needed improvements in performance.
Indeed, this presumed conductor or controlling consciousness is
often the target of encouragement, pleas, and demands by parents, teachers, and others as they attempt to help those who suer from ADD. You
just need to make yourself focus and pay attention to your schoolwork the
way you focus on those video games you love to play! they say. Youve got
to wake up and put the same eort and energy into your studies that you
put into playing hockey!
Those who care about persons with ADD and witness their poor performance in important tasks routinely prod them to deal with their impotence in the face of those tasks by insisting: Just make yourself do it! We
can all see that you have the ability. Its just a matter of realizing what is
really important and exercising willpower! Alternatively, they may impose
punishments on the person with ADD or shame them for their failure to
make themselves do consistently what they ought to do. These critics
seem to assume that the person with ADD needs only to speak emphatically
to the conductor of their own mental operations to get the desired results.
But in reality there is no conscious conductor within the human
brain. Further, each individual can only use what is made available by his


Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

or her own neural networks. If the persons neural networks for executive
functions are impaired, as they are in ADD, then that individual is likely
to be proportionally impaired in the management of a wide range of cognitive functions regardless of how much he or she may wish otherwise.
There is now considerable evidence that persons appropriately diagnosed with ADD suer from significant impairments in executive functions of the brain. These functions are not all localized in a single area of
the brain; they are decentralized, with many supported by complex networks within the prefrontal cortex. Some essential components of executive functions are supported by the amygdala and other subcortical structures, while other executive functions depend on the reticular formation
and portions of the cerebellum located in the posterior of the brain. Figure 3 in Chapter 3 shows these and other critical regions and structures of
the brain.
Complex neuronal networks link the various structures in the brain
that sustain executive functions. Rapid-fire messages of input and output
travel these networks via low-voltage electrical impulses that can traverse
the entire system in much less than a millisecond. The ecient movement of these electrical impulses along the network depends on the rapid
release and reuptake of neurotransmitter chemicals, which carry each
message across synapses, or the connections between neurons, much as
a spark jumps the gap of a sparkplug.
To do this work, each of the 100 billion neurons in the brain depends
on one of the fifty or so neurotransmitter chemicals manufactured within
the brain. Without the eective release and reuptake of the needed neurotransmitter chemical, that portion of the neural network cannot eectively
carry its messages. There is now considerable evidence that executive
functions of the brain impaired in ADD depend primarily, though not exclusively, on two particular neurotransmitter chemicals: dopamine and
The most persuasive evidence for the importance of these two transmitter chemicals in ADD impairments comes from medication treatment
studies. Over two hundred well-controlled studies have demonstrated eectiveness of stimulant medications in alleviating symptoms of ADHD. Al-

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower


though these medications are not eective for all persons with ADHD, they
work eectively to alleviate ADHD symptoms for 70 to 80 percent of those
diagnosed with this disorder. And the medications used to treat ADHD
symptoms tend to alleviate many symptoms of ADHD simultaneously.
The primary action of medications used for ADD is to facilitate release and to inhibit reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine at neural
synapses of crucially important executive functions. As Antonio Damasio
(1994) emphasized,
Without basic attention and working memory there is no prospect of coherent mental activity. . . . They are necessary for the
process of reasoning, during which possible outcomes are compared, ranking of results are established, and inferences are
made. (p. 197)
ADD medications help to release dopamine or norepinephrine across the
synaptic gap between neurons and to hold it there long enough to pass the
message along. Medications that do not act powerfully to facilitate release
and to block reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine tend not to be
eective in alleviating ADD symptoms.
Improvement produced by stimulants generally can be seen within
thirty to sixty minutes after an eective dose is administered. When the
medication has worn o, ADD symptoms generally reappear at their former level. Stimulants thus do not cure ADD symptoms; they only alleviate them while each dose of medication is active. In this sense, taking
stimulants is not like taking doses of an antibiotic to wipe out an infection;
it is more like wearing eyeglasses that correct ones vision while the glasses
are being worn, but do nothing to fix ones impaired eyes. This eect has
been demonstrated repeatedly in over two hundred medication treatment
studies that were double-blind: that is, neither the doctors nor the patients
knew during the study who was being given real stimulant medication
and who was being treated with placebos.
Given the often dramatic alleviation of ADD symptoms experienced
by 70 to 80 percent of persons diagnosed with ADHD when they take
stimulant medications, it is very dicult to sustain the notion that ADHD


Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower

impairments are a matter of a lack of willpower. Prior to beginning medication treatment most ADHD patients have made heroic, though often
erratic, eorts to improve their situation with willpower alone. Usually such
eorts barely work, if at all, and cannot be sustained.
Some argue that improvement in ADD symptoms requires not only
willpower, but also intensive behavioral treatments. Results of a major
study sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health (MTA, 1999)
challenged this assumption. In the study, 576 children diagnosed with
ADHD were randomly assigned to one of four groups, which received
Comprehensive behavioral treatment with no medication,
Carefully managed medication treatment with no other treatment,
A combination of comprehensive behavioral treatment with medication management, or
Community treatment with a pediatrician or another caregiver of the
familys choice.
The results of this study were striking. Stimulant medication alone,
carefully monitored for each child, was of significantly greater help than
the best battery of behavioral supports that could be developed without
medication. More surprising, children who received the combined treatment (medication and comprehensive behavioral treatment) showed no
better improvement of their core ADHD symptoms than did children
treated only with carefully managed medications. Combined treatments
were more helpful with some related problems, but nonmedication treatments, even at their best, did not improve the core symptoms of ADHD anywhere near as much as did the carefully monitored medication treatment.
This study, described with many others in Chapter 9, stands as powerful
evidence that impairments of attention and memory associated with ADHD
result primarily from malfunctions in parts of the brains neural networks
that depend on the chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine.
Much more remains to be learned about how the brains complicated
neural networks operate to sustain the broad range of functions encompassed in attention. Yet it is clear that impairments of executive func-

Misconceptions about Focus and Willpower


tions, those brain processes that organize and activate what we generally
think of as attention, are not the result of insucient willpower. So in fact
there is an answer to the mystery of inattention illustrated by the experiences of Larry and Monica. Neural chemical impairments of the brains
executive functions cause some individuals who are good at paying attention to specific activities that interest them to have chronic impairment
in focusing for many other tasks, despite their wish and intention to do

Chapter 2 Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

MYTH: ADD is a simple problem of being hyperactive or not listening

when someone is talking to you.
FACT: ADD is a complex disorder that involves impairments in focus, organization, motivation, emotional modulation, memory, and other functions of the brains management system.

Imagine a large carton filled with photographs taken throughout your life.
The carton is filled with snapshots of you and various family members
roller skating or riding bikes, fishing o a pier or swimming in a lake,
dressing up for Halloween or setting o for the first day of school. Some
are posed with you in your Scout or Little League uniform or in costume
for a dance recital. Others are candid shots taken around a birthday cake,
in the midst of holiday celebrations, or at other memorable moments.
Given a box of such photos all mixed together, you might want to sort
them to take a more systematic look. There are many ways you could do
the sorting. You might put together all photos of a certain kind of activity,
regardless of time or place: all of the holidays, vacation shots, or birthday
parties. Or you might sort according to age periods, for example, all elementary school snapshots together, then all high school photos, then
those taken in college, and so on. Yet whatever sorting scheme is used to
organize your photographs, and regardless of how many snapshots are in
each group, those photos can capture only fragmentary, fleeting glimpses
of actual life experiences. Descriptions of the process of attention are like
those snapshots.

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


Attention is an incredibly complex, multifaceted function of the mind.

It plays a crucial role in what we perceive, remember, think, feel, and do.
And it is not just one isolated activity of the brain. The continuous process
of attention involves organizing and setting priorities, focusing and shifting focus, regulating alertness, sustaining eort, and regulating the minds
processing speed and output. It also involves managing frustration and
other emotions, recalling facts, using short-term memory, and monitoring and self-regulating action.
This understanding of the wide-ranging facets of attention has
emerged from my study of children, adolescents, and adults diagnosed
with attention deficit disorder. Observing the problems that result when
attention fails has allowed me to notice the eects of attentional processes
on multiple aspects of daily life. Documenting the interconnected improvements that occur when attentional impairments are eectively treated
has shown me the subtle but powerful linkages between attention and
multiple aspects of the brains management system. All of these observations have led me to conclude that attention is essentially a name for the
integrated operation of the executive functions of the brain.
In this chapter I have gathered vignettes from many patients who
have described problems resulting from failures of attention. These snapshots are organized under six clusters shown in Figure 1. Each cluster encompasses one important aspect of the brains executive functions. Although each has a one-word label (for example, activation, focus, eort,
and so on), these clusters are not single qualities like height, weight, or
temperature. Each cluster is more like a basket encompassing related cognitive functions that depend on and interact continuously with the others,
in ever-shifting ways. Together these clusters describe executive functions, the management system of the brain.
The arrangement used in this chapter is just one of many possible
ways to describe executive functions and to clump symptoms of inattention reported by most persons with ADD. Until we know much more
about underlying neural processes, any descriptive model is likely to be a
bit arbitrary. But regardless of how the clusters are arranged, these executive functions tend to operate in an integrated way. Most persons diag-


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

Executive Functions Impaired in ADD Syndrome

Executive Functions
(work together in various combinations)

to work

and shifting
attention to

effort, and



and selfregulating







Figure 1 Executive functions impaired in ADD syndrome. Source: Brown 2001c.

nosed with ADHD report significant chronic diculties in at least some aspects of each of these six clusters. Impairments in these clusters of cognitive functions tend to show up together; they appear clinically to be related.
In addition, these clusters of cognitive functions tend to improve together. When an individual with ADD is treated with appropriate medication and shows significant improvement in one of these six clusters, some
significant improvement is usually seen in aspects of the other five clusters as well.
Since these clusters of symptoms often appear together in persons
diagnosed with ADD and often respond together to treatment, it seems
reasonable to think of these symptoms of impairment as a syndrome. Because this syndrome consists primarily, though not exclusively, of symptoms associated with the disorder currently classified as attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder, I refer to it as ADD syndrome. Taken together, the
six clusters in this model describe my understanding of the executive
functions of the brain.
Although this description of the brains executive functions is derived
primarily from studying persons with ADHD, it should be noted that
these executive functions can become impaired in other ways as well. In
Chapter 8 I describe how impairments of executive functions similar to
ADD syndrome can result from other causes, other psychiatric disorders,

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


and even from later stages of normal aging. In this chapter I use examples
from individuals with ADHD to describe how each of the six clusters
works and, for some, doesnt work.
Cluster 1: Organizing, Prioritizing, and Activating for Tasks
Although many people associate ADD with impulsive and hyperactive behavior where aected individuals are too quick to speak or act, diculties
in getting started on tasks are a primary complaint of many individuals
with ADD syndrome. Though they may be impulsive in some domains of
activity, those with this syndrome often complain that procrastination is a
major problem, particularly when they are faced with tasks that are not intrinsically interesting. Often these individuals lament that they keep putting o important tasks until the task has become an emergency. Only
when faced with dire consequences in the very immediate future are they
able to get themselves motivated enough to begin. This persistent problem in getting started was described by a patient of mine, an attorney, who
was quite successful in many aspects of his work, but who nevertheless
sought evaluation and treatment. His chronic procrastination, together
with other ADD symptoms, had put him at serious risk of getting fired.
All my life Ive had trouble getting started on my work when I
have to work by myself. I dont have any trouble when Im talking with clients or working with other lawyers or working with
the secretaries. But when Im in my oce and Ive got paperwork to do, I just cant get myself started. A couple of times a
week I set aside several hours for paperwork that I want to get
done. I need to get it done because I dont get paid until its
done. I block out several hours to do it and Im in my oce
with all the materials I need in front of me. But I just cant get
myself to start it. Usually I end up turning on my computer and
sitting in the oce doing email, checking some news sites, and
playing video games. I have to shut it o every time the secretary
comes in so she doesnt see what Im doing.
The end of the day comes and my work isnt even started. I go
home and have a bite to eat and watch some TV. Then about


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

10 p.m. I suddenly remember: Oh, my God. Ive got that report

to do! I have to get it in by 8 a.m. tomorrow or Im going to be
in very serious trouble at work. At that point I dont have any
problem getting started. I get on my home computer and work
very eciently from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. and produce an excellent
report. But its a hell of way to have to live.
Like this attorney, many individuals with ADD syndrome chronically
delay starting tasks until they are face-to-face with the immediate pressure
of a final deadline. They know the task needs to be done, but they ignore
it until the last possible moment. They have a significant, chronic problem
with cognitive activation.
The Neurochemistry of Motivation
This chronic problem in getting started on necessary tasks raises important
questions about motivation. Many persons with ADD report that they often
are aware of specific tasks they need, want, and intend to do, but are unable
to get themselves to begin the necessary actions. Often these are routine
tasks such as completing homework assignments, laundering clothes, or
submitting invoices or expense account reports to obtain reimbursement.
Or they may be important, less common tasks like completing a thesis for a
degree, asking for a raise or promotion, or filing income tax returns on time.
Sometimes the potential reward or penalty is clear and immediate;
sometimes the ultimate consequence is more uncertain and further down
the road. In either situation many persons with ADD syndrome often feel
unable to make themselves initiate the actions needed until they are in a
Mayday situation.
This diculty in activation for work tasks is often improved when the
person with ADD syndrome is successfully treated with medication. One
college student, for example, reported that his initial trial of stimulant
medication helped him to get going on his work in ways that before treatment he had often intended to try, but only rarely attempted.
In my classes this week I took incredibly good notes, much better organized and with a lot more of the important details. It

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


came so naturally to write it all down. Usually I say Im going to

get all that stu down, but I never get to it. You can see the
dierence here in my notebook. Ive got lots of pages of really
good notes for every class this week. Usually I just have the date
and one or two phrases with a bunch of doodles.
That medication made me feel more like doing my homework too. I just pulled out my books and started to do it. I cant
say I enjoyed it, but I did feel kind of satisfied just having it
done. So many times I have walked into class unprepared, without having done the assigned reading, just hoping that I
wouldnt be called on.
The striking phrase in this students comments is made me feel more
like doing my work. By contrast, many unmedicated patients with ADD
syndrome report that they often are aware of a need to do a particular task,
but just dont feel like doing it. The students report indicates that the
stimulant medication changed his immediate readiness to engage in the
task at hand by modifying the neural chemistry of his brain.
A further clue to the chemistry of motivation can be found in the reactions of persons with ADD syndrome who have taken an excessively
high dose of stimulant medication. Under too high a dose, some patients
report as one of my patients did: It wasnt pleasant. I had this feeling that
I needed to be doing something, even though there wasnt anything I
needed to do. It was a kind of restless feeling. I felt like a workaholic on a
forced vacation. Just couldnt relax and enjoy. I was all psyched up for
work even when there wasnt any work that needed to be done. Excessive
doses of stimulants can transiently produce a compulsion to work. Thus
disinterest and procrastination can often be alleviated with appropriate
doses of stimulants, whereas excessively high doses of stimulants can produce an excessive drive to work, even when there is no work to do.
Setting and Maintaining Priorities
Persons with ADD syndrome often complain that they have much more
diculty than most others in sorting out and assigning priorities to various tasks. One woman described it this way:


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

My husband said I couldnt organize a two-car funeral. It made

me mad, but I guess hes right. When I have a bunch of things
to do, they all seem equally important. Like when Im cleaning
the house. I try to straighten up the living room a little and I
pick up yesterdays newspaper and then I start reading it. Then I
go upstairs to get the vacuum cleaner and when Im up there I
see an envelope of photos I got developed last week. I sit down
to put them in the album and then I get involved in looking at
the other pictures in the album.
It happens even with paying the bills. Often I just dump all
the days mail in a big basket and dont even sort it out. Last
month our mortgage bank and our electric company both
phoned us because I hadnt paid them. We had the money, but
for two months in a row I had left our mortgage statement and
our electric bill in a pile of junk mail. I just dont seem to be able
to say to myself, OK, Ive got all these things to take care of, this
should be first and then this and then this. Im not good at figuring out how to use whatever time or energy I have to take care of
what Ive got to do.
Her description highlights several components in what might otherwise be assumed to be a single function. She describes a problem in scanning a range of tasks and discriminating among them; in assigning different weights of priority to various tasks confronting her. What needs to
be done first, second, and third? This person has problems relating parts
to a whole. She seems to see cleaning the house as a collection of discrete tasks, almost like separate trees, without much awareness of how
these trees are all aspects of one forest.
Many routines of our daily life involve organizing, prioritizing, and sequencing jobs according to their importance, their urgency, and the availability of resources. Usually, but not always, critical variables include time
or money, which cause very practical constraints to quickly come into play.
Most people cannot aord to buy everything they want, and all of us have
fewer than twenty-four waking hours in a day to spend doing what we
want or need to do. Estimates have to be made, priorities have to be as-

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


signed, and expenditures have to be sequenced and allocated. If not, or if

these decisions are not realistic, one is likely to be a day late and/or a
dollar short, with potentially escalating consequences.
Of course we all dier in how reflective we are about organizing and
sequencing our priorities. Some of us work with scrupulous attention to
budgets that guide every purchase and use Palm Pilot schedules to control
virtually every minute of our day. Others of us are more casual about how
we spend our time and money. Persons with ADD syndrome, regardless of
how much they try on such matters, report chronic diculties in organizing themselves from moment to moment and from day to day. They complain that they often have trouble completing tasks for deadlines, getting
to appointments on time, or keeping their checking account balanced.
When they describe specifics of their diculties with organizing themselves, persons with ADD syndrome often indicate a recurrent failure to
notice critical details. A salesman with ADD syndrome whom I evaluated
realized one day as we were talking that his chronic tardiness for appointments resulted from his never factoring realistic travel time into
his schedule. He would set up an appointment on the East Side of Manhattan to begin thirty minutes after concluding another appointment on
the West Side. This allowed no time for stopping in the bathroom, taking
the elevator down to ground level, getting a taxi, and getting stuck in
trac. When I questioned him about his lateness, the salesman showed
that he had all of the relevant information he needed to make a realistic
estimate, but he repeatedly failed to use the information in his day-to-day
Others with ADD syndrome report similar problems with their finances. Often these diculties involve failures to estimate time properly
or to calculate the relationship between expenditures and income. The
disorganized homemaker, for example, reported that she simply let her
bills pile up with junk mail over a period of a couple of months, forgetting
to pay mortgage and electric bills until receiving reminder calls. She knew
that those bills were important and needed to be paid promptly, but when
they arrived it seemed to her a long time before the payment would be
overdue. With little sense of how soon the future would become the pres-


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

ent, she made no eort to store the bills where she would easily remember to pay them at the appropriate time.
Many people with ADD syndrome have problems regarding money.
They tend to make purchasessometimes relatively small ones like a
new shirt, book, or CD; other times larger ones like expensive clothing,
computers, and so onon the basis of how much money they anticipate
taking in. Frequently they do not take into account how much of their incoming money is already committed to standing expenses like monthly
rent or car payments. This diculty is especially acute with plastic
money. Many are shocked to discover how much they have run up in
high-interest credit card debt. They tend to think of each purchase as a discrete event without realizing how these purchases and the associated interest fees are accumulating.
A similar tendency to ignore realistic limitations is often seen in the
to do lists kept by some persons with ADD syndrome. Though they may
be very intelligent about other things, many seem clueless about how
many tasks they can actually accomplish within a single day or week.
Many create lists with thirty or more items for a single day, some of which
are time-consuming projects that no one could actually accomplish in a
month. They seem to have great diculty figuring out how long a task will
take and then prioritizing by putting some items ahead of others, deferring some to another day, or simply recognizing some as currently not
Cluster 2: Focusing, Sustaining, and Shifting Attention to Tasks
One of the most common complaints of persons with ADD syndrome is
that they cannot focus their attention on a task and keep focusing as long
as necessary. Sometimes their problem is one of selection. They find it
very hard to focus on the particular stimulus that requires attention: the
voice on the telephone or the words printed on the page.
One high school student compared his problem to the diculty of
keeping the radio signal when driving too far away from the radio station.
In my classes I always get part of whats being talked about. But
no matter how hard I try, I keep losing track of whats happen-

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


ing. Like in Geometry Ill be listening while the teacher explains

how to do this problem, and then I just drift o for a little bit. I
come back and try to figure out where he is on this thing now,
and then pretty soon I lose it again. And then Ill get another
piece of it, but usually I dont know how he got to that because I
had drifted o. Same thing happens in English and in History
and in everything else. I just cant keep my mind on whats happening in class for more than a few minutes. Im always drifting
in and out.
Its sort of like what happens when youre listening to your
car radio and you drive too far away from the station youre listening to. You know how the voice or the music starts going in
and out on you? Thats the way it is for me when Im trying to
listen to somebody talk. And lots of times it happens when Im
reading or trying to work on a paper. Most of the time I just cant
keep myself tuned to what Im trying to do.
Everyone experiences from time to time this diculty in selecting and
holding focus. Over a century ago, William James (1890) described inability to focus as a state of distraction into which most people fall several
times a day:
The eyes are fixed on vacancy, the sounds of the world melt in
to confused unity, the attention is dispersed . . . and the foreground of consciousness is filled, if by anything, by . . . surrender to the empty passing of time. In the dim background of our
mind we know meanwhile what we ought to be doing, dressing
ourselves, answering the person who has spoken to us, trying to
make the next step in our reasoning. But somehow we cannot
start. (p. 404)
James observed that this inability to focus, to pay attention to what one intends to do, is experienced by most people several times daily. But persons
with ADD syndrome report that they struggle much more often than the
rest of us throughout the day, and often minute by minute, to hold their
focus on the task at hand.


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

Many persons with ADD syndrome have chronic trouble focusing

their attention on reading, especially if the material is assigned rather
than self-selected. A college student described his diculty this way:
Reading assignments always take me a long time. Its because I
can never get the meaning from reading a paragraph just once.
My eyes can go over every word and I feel like I understand what
I have read at the moment of the reading, but then it just doesnt
stick inside my head. If I have to answer any questions about
what Ive just read, or if I have to talk with someone about it, I
always have to go back and read it again a couple of times more
in order to really understand what Ive read.
One of my tutors said that I am a passive reader, that I just
dont get active enough in paying attention to what I am reading.
Its strange, thoughI dont usually have this problem when
Im reading science fiction or other things Ive picked for myself. But no matter how hard I try, I just cant get hooked into
what Im reading when I have to read something that I havent
This dierence between reading something self-selected and reading assigned materials is reminiscent of the distinctions described in Chapter 1
where Larry could attend very well to playing hockey and Monica could attend intently to video games, but neither was able to mobilize similar engagement for schoolwork. People with ADD syndrome often describe
themselves as unable to focus and sustain their attention unless the task
is intrinsically interesting to them.
When this problem arises in reading it illustrates what the repeating
readers tutor probably meant by passive reading. Ones eyes may go
over each sentence and one may have a feeling of understanding the
words, but the meaning of the sentence or passage is not actually grasped.
Recognition of the words is not accompanied by enough actively focused
attention to capture the meaning and encode it in working memory.
People who dont suer from ADD syndrome may experience this
passive reading if they try to read while they are very tired. Their eyes

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


may go over each word of the passage, but after a few pages they realize
that they havent the foggiest notion of what they have just tried to read.
Although the sounds of each word may have been adequately decoded, the
message of the words has not. Comprehension of the meanings of sentences and paragraphs is an active process that requires the sustained, active engagement of the readers focused attention.
Another facet of the problem of not being able to focus on an intended
task is excessive distractibility. Even when they have focused on a task,
whether reading, listening, or trying to do some other work, persons with
ADD syndrome often feel themselves drawn away by distractions. Like
anyone else they see and hear things going on around them and they have
many thoughts continually going through their head. But unlike most others, who readily block out distractions in order to do what needs to be done,
persons with ADD syndrome have chronic and severe diculty screening
out those distracting stimuli. They cannot ignore the myriad thoughts,
background noises, and perceptions in the surrounding environment.
I really try to keep my mind on what my teacher is saying, but I
just cant stay with it for long. All this other stu keeps popping
into my head. Ill be listening to what she says and then somebody drops a pencil and I have to stretch my neck and look over
and see where it fell. Then Ill be listening to the teacher again
for a couple of minutes and pretty soon Im thinking about
some TV show I saw the night before. I still hear her, but Im
not getting what shes saying.
And then Ill stop myself and start listening to try to figure
out whats been going on. Then in a couple of seconds Ill start
wondering about what I am going to do after school today and
who I could call to go out tonight. And then Im looking at the
clock and wondering how soon this class is going to be over. All
this stu is going on in my head at one time. Its like youre
watching TV and youve got four dierent stations coming in on
one channel. Its kind of hard to keep following the one youre
trying to listen to.


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

This junior high school student quoted is typical of many individuals

with ADD syndrome in his persisting diculty with filtering out distractions. This is not simply a problem of immaturity. Children and adolescents have no monopoly on excessive distractibility, and the problem is
not limited to students sitting in boring classrooms. Many adults with
ADD syndrome report persistence of this problem, which can cause trouble
in their jobs, driving, and social relationships.
I dont miss much of anything, except what Im supposed to be
paying attention to. When Im working in my cubicle, Im always listening in on what everybody else is doing. I just cant
help myself. If one of the secretaries is talking on the phone two
cubicles over, Im listening in and trying to figure out what theyre
talking about. Meanwhile, Im checking out whats going on
across the hall at the coee machine and who just went into the
bathroom. Its not easy when Im trying to follow a couple of
dierent phone conversations at the same time.
Then too, Im often out to lunch at meetings. If were all sitting in the conference room reviewing some project, Ill be looking out the window watching some squirrel climb up a tree or
checking out the clouds going by or the guy mowing the lawn.
Or I just drift o thinking of whatever and then, all of a sudden, I catch myself and realize that Ive spaced out and have totally lost track of the groups conversation.
The scariest times with this are when Im driving along the
expressway and suddenly catch myself looking too long at a billboard while Im coming up way too fast on a car that is slowing
down in front of me because of a trac jam that I hadnt seen
coming. More than a few times Ive had to hit my brakes fast
and hard to prevent a collision. This getting distracted can
get pretty dangerous.
Shifting Focus
This drivers comment about staring too long at a billboard illustrates another problem often reported by persons with ADD syndrome: diculty

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


in shifting focus. The same individuals who have chronic diculty with
getting distracted and drifting o task report that they sometimes have the
opposite problem: they are unable to stop focusing on one thing and redirect their focus to another when they need to. Some call this hyperfocus.
They describe it as locking on to some task, sight, or sound they are interested in while totally ignoring or losing track of everything else, including some things they ought to attend to, like looking ahead while driving
the car or answering someone who has directly spoken to them. This is
what Monicas mother described in Chapter 1 as her daughter locking onto
video games like a laser so that one can get her attention only by getting
in her face or turning o the television. Many persons with ADD syndrome report that they get stuck in this way while using their computer.
When I log on to the Internet, I come under a hypnotic spell.
Usually it starts out with just checking my e-mail. Then I get
caught up for a while reading various Listservs I subscribe to
and writing responses to notes from my friends. After that I
usually switch over to check on the various news sites to see
what has been happening. And then I think of some other site
I like that I havent visited for a long time, so I head for that. It
always seems like just a few minutes, but then Ill look over at
the clock and see that Ive been online for three or four hours.
My wife tells me that she tries to talk to me while Im online,
but I dont even hear her. I guess I just shut the whole world out
and totally immerse myself in whatever Im doing on the computer. Even when I know I should get o to help put our kids to
bed or to do some work I need for the oce the next morning,
I just cant pull myself away from it.
Sometimes this same thing happens at work. Last week I got
so involved in researching online for a project I had been assigned that I totally lost track of time and was twenty-five minutes late for a meeting with my boss. I knew I had the meeting
and I had planned to be right on time because hes a stickler for
promptness. He wasnt too happy when he had to send his secretary to get me for the meeting.


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

The problem of becoming engrossed doesnt happen only with computers. Sometimes it occurs in conversation. Friends and relatives often
report that persons with ADD syndrome frequently persevere in talking
about something in which theyre interested when the conversation has
already moved on to other topics. This problem may be especially common during arguments, when the individual with ADD syndrome is presenting a particular point of view with such intensity that he is unable to
take into account other perspectives.
Some persons with ADD syndrome report similar problems in writing. While trying to compose a letter, responses to an essay exam, a report,
or some other written project, they find themselves stuck on one phrase
or one particular sentence, working and reworking it in an eort to make
it perfect. Meanwhile, their time to complete the exam has elapsed, their
interest in completing their letter has dissipated, or their deadline for
completion of the project has passed.
Maintaining eective attention requires the ability to select the most
important of countless external and internal stimuliand screen out
those that intrude on awareness. Yet it also requires the ability to shift
ones focus of attention as needed, to attend to other words, images, sounds,
feelings, topics, and matters. People with ADD syndrome often report
chronic diculty in focusing their attention, in sustaining their focus of
attention, and in shifting their focus of attention as needed to meet the demands of learning, work, social interactions, and the countless tasks of
daily life. As in the other clusters of symptoms described here, these
diculties occur occasionally for everyone. But for persons with ADD
syndrome they seem to be more persistent, pervasive, and problematic.
Cluster 3: Regulating Alertness, Sustaining Eort,
and Processing Speed
Many with ADD syndrome report that they frequently become very
drowsyto the point where they can hardly keep their eyes openwhen
they have to sit still and be quiet. Some describe themselves as borderline
narcoleptic. Usually this is not a problem when they are physically active
or actively engaged in conversation. But it can pose serious diculties

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


when they are trying to listen to a lecture or proceedings of a meeting. Getting drowsy is especially problematic when they try to read, particularly if
what they are reading is not especially interesting to them. Similar diculties occur for many when they sit down to write an essay or report. Some
report the same drowsiness when they are driving long distances on a
highway, without the stimulation of having to negotiate heavy trac or the
possibility of observing many people. As one college student described it:
Im OK if Im on my feet and moving around, or if Im talking a
lot. But if I have to sit still and be quiet, I start getting drowsy.
The worst is if I have to sit through a long lecture or in a double
period seminar or meeting where you cant talk or I just dont
have much to say. My eyelids get so heavy. I have to struggle to
keep them open. Its really embarrassing to be sitting there obviously nodding o, especially if you happen to be sitting up front
where the professor is looking right at you. Now you may think
this is just because Im up partying too late the night before, but
thats not it. A lot of other guys in my dorm stay up late, but I always go to bed early.
Last spring at the end of the semester, I had gone to bed really early the night before so I could be alert. It was the last class
of the term and the professor was going to be telling us what to
study for the final exam. So I got there early and had my notebook ready and as soon as he came in and started talking I was
taking really good notes. The next thing I knew the class was
over and I was just waking up as everybody was picking up their
stu and walking out. I had great notes on the first eight or ten
minutes of class, and then I just nodded o and fell sound
This problem of drowsiness in ADD syndrome is not simply a matter
of being overtired; it can occur when the person is well rested. Often individuals with this diculty report that they become suddenly reinvigorated when they join in conversation at the meeting or if something especially interesting arises in what they are reading. Likewise, the drowsiness


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

disappears when the lecture or meeting ends and they get up to begin
some other activity.
From these clinical descriptions, it appears that this problem of drowsiness when sitting still and being quiet is related not to being overtired, but
rather to chronic diculties in sustaining alertness. It is as though individuals with ADD syndrome cannot stay alert unless they are engaged actively in a behavior that provides steady motoric, social, or cognitive feedback. They seem to need to feel themselves in motion, hear their own
voices, or be very actively engaged in internal conversation with what they
are trying to read.
Though the problem of daytime drowsiness aicts many with ADD
syndrome even when they are not tired, heavy eyelids sometimes appear
for a dierent reason. Many with ADD syndrome report that they are often
tired during the day because they have chronic and severe diculties in settling into sleep, even when they are very tired and want to fall asleep. This
is the opposite pole of the same problem: diculty in regulating alertness.
Parents often report that their children with ADHD have chronic diculty falling asleep, even when the hour is late and the kids are obviously
exhausted. Some adults with ADHD have similar problems. Here is one
My mother tells me that from my first few months she always
had a hard time getting me to settle down for sleep. I was never
much of a nap-taker and always a night owl. She always said I
didnt want to close my eyes because I was afraid I would miss
out on some interesting action. I dont know what the reason is,
but I do know that even today I still have a lot of trouble getting
myself to fall asleep. I can be dead tired, my eyes blurry and almost ready to collapse, but then I lie down on my bed and I just
cant get my head to shut o so I can get to sleep. It just keeps
going over whatever Ive been thinking about. Usually I have to
listen to music or watch TV so I can block that other stu out
and get to sleep.
Once I get to sleep, I usually sleep like a dead person. They
could drop a bomb in my bedroom and I wouldnt even notice.

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


That was a big problem when I was in high school. I was always
missing my bus and late for school. It took my parents about ten
tries to get me up every day. They would make noise and pull
the covers o of me and Id just mumble or swear at them and
roll over and go back to sleep. This is even when I had especially
asked them to get me up on time so I wouldnt lose credit for my
early classes.
It was even worse when I got to college because I couldnt
wake up from any alarm clock and my roommates never wanted
to take on the job of getting me out of bed. The only thing that
worked was when I lived in the fraternity house and could make
the pledges do it. Later, when I got married, my wife took it over.
This vignette illustrates dual aspects of the problem in regulating alertness commonly reported by persons with ADD syndrome. It is as though
they get stuck in whatever level of activation they are in, unable to release
themselves from full consciousness to enter sleep, or sleeping so soundly
that eorts to awaken them resemble eorts to raise the dead.
In addition to chronic problems in regulating alertness and vigilance,
many persons with ADD syndrome also report great diculty in sustaining eort for work tasks. Though they may have a virtually inexhaustible
reservoir of energy for tasks intrinsically interesting to them, they tend
quickly to run out of steam when engaged in jobs that require sustained
eort with little immediate reward. Here is one example:
If Im doing something that I can get done quickly in one
chunk, Im usually OK. I love it when people in the oce call
me to troubleshoot some problem in dealing with a client or
even to help them fix some glitch in their computer. If I could
do that kind of quick fix stu all the time I would be a great
Its the long-term projects I have trouble with, the kind of
thing where you cant get it done in one chunk in a few minutes
or even in a few hours or a whole daythose projects where you
have to keep chipping away at it because it just cant be done


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

even in one day. I fade out fast on those things. I start out saying
to myself, OK, Im really going to apply myself to this job and
keep working steadily on it, one chunk a day until its finished.
But pretty soon Im getting bored and losing interest. So I usually end up just saying to myself, Hurry up, slap-dash. Lets just
get this damn thing done without worrying about how good it
is. Or sometimes I dont even get that far. I just put it o until it
becomes more of an emergency. My mind is much more of a
sprinter. Ive never been much as a long-distance runner.
The example of this sprinter highlights an important question: how
does a person keep going to complete a task that doesnt oer an immediate reward? Another clue to the dilemma comes from a college student:
In our psychology course we just finished studying about laboratory rats and how they keep pressing this little bar in their cage
longer if they get a reward like a food pellet only once in a while.
On the results chart you could see how a rat that got a food pellet for every press of the bar would quickly quit pressing the bar
if you stopped giving the pellets. But those rats that got the pellets only once in a while, they kept up pressing for a long time
after the pellets stopped coming. I guess they figured that if they
kept up pressing a little longer, sooner or later another one of
those pellets would be coming to them.
I think Im a lot like the rat that has to be getting a pellet for
every press of the bar, otherwise I just lose interest and give it
up. I know Id be a lot better o if I could keep myself going
longer. I always stop reading a book if it doesnt seem interesting in the first chapter. I just cant keep myself at it for long if
those pellets dont come quick and often.
Even when they do expend significant eort, many persons with ADD
syndrome report that they require an extraordinarily long time to complete
certain types of tasks because of a tediously slow processing speed. They
often complain that it takes them a particularly long time to read and write.
Sometimes slow processing time in reading results from the need to re-

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


read repeatedly. In writing, the problem of excessive slowness may be due

to the getting-stuck problem (also known as sticky perseveration). But for
many with ADD syndrome, there is a chronic problem with slow processing speed that is dierent from these earlier described diculties. One
high school student described it with an analogy about a computer modem.
It takes me so long to get things written down. When I am taking notes on what the teacher is saying, Im always trying to
write down something from sentence two while everybody else
in class is taking notes on sentence nine. I just cant keep up
and write things down as fast as others in the class. Even if Im
just copying sentences o the chalkboard, it always takes me
longer to get it copied than it does everybody else.
And its not just when Im taking notes. When I am writing
an essay or sentences to answer on a test, I never can get it out
fast enough, regardless of how hard I try. My mind is fast in
thinking about things and in getting ideas, but Im so slow in
getting things written down. I feel like Im a Pentium IV computer with a really slow modem. It takes half of forever to upload
or download the information I need.
Like many with ADD syndrome, this high-school student suers from
a tediously slow processing speed that restricts how much he can write at
once. Mel Levine (2003) has described this output problem in written expression; he laments that many with such diculties are seen as lazy,
when they actually are impaired in their ability to coordinate and integrate
the multiple skills required for writing.
Although individuals with ADHD often have a slow processing speed
for certain tasks, in other situations many have trouble slowing themselves down enough to minimize errors. Boys with ADHD studied by Virginia Douglas (1999) were both too slow and too fast. Their reaction times
for some cognitive tasks were too slow, but on other, more demanding
tasks they had diculty slowing themselves down enough to perform
carefully. They were unable to regulate their processing speed appropriately for changing task demands.


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

Cluster 4: Managing Frustration and Modulating Emotions

The diagnostic criteria for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in the
DSM-IV do not include any items referring to emotions. Yet many clinicians report that patients with ADHD struggle with managing their emotions. Paul Wender (1987, 1995) described how individuals with ADHD
have aective lability and frequently demonstrate a bored or demoralized mood, irritable complaining, angry outbursts, or insuciently controlled excitability. Wender also noted that individuals with ADHD appear
to have a low tolerance for frustration and often find it dicult to persevere through the many stresses of daily life; they readily experience feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.
My own clinical research with children, adolescents, and adults has
led to similar conclusions. ADD symptom rating scales I have developed
from studying each of these age groups include a cluster of symptoms related to managing frustration and modulating emotions (Brown 1996a,
1996b, 1996c, 2001a, 2001b, 2001c). In analyzing reports from patients
with ADHD, I have found that their problems with emotions seem to fall
into two closely related types: a very low threshold for frustration, and
chronic diculty in regulating subjective emotional experience and expression.
All persons vary over time and situation in their threshold for frustration. If one is overtired, in a hurry, or very tense, even small frustrations
such as dropping a pencil or having to stop briefly at a red light may bring
a quick surge of frustration and irritation. Yet most individuals, most of the
time, tend to react proportionally to frustration. Minor frustrations usually
elicit low-level annoyance, moderate frustrations cause somewhat stronger
irritation, and major frustrations may produce proportionate anger.
In contrast, many with ADD syndrome report disproportionate emotional reactions to frustration: a short fuse, a low threshold for irritability.
A middle-aged salesman with ADD syndrome described it this way:
I went to the diner for a late lunch. It was mid-afternoon and the
place was fairly quiet. Most everybody else had already eaten. I
was eating my sandwich and was in a pretty good mood. Then
this guy sitting behind me got his sandwich and he was chewing

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


too loud. Chomp, chomp, chomp with every bite. The sound
of his noisy chewing quickly got on my nerves. It was driving
me nuts. It was like I had a computer virus in my head and it
was taking up all the space. Thats all I could think aboutthe
obnoxious sound of his chomping on his sandwich.
Suddenly I realized my fists were clenched and I was seriously thinking about getting up and smacking this guy in the
mouth! I didnt do it because I didnt want to get arrested. But
if I had been at home I would have been yelling at somebody.
After a few minutes, it was all over. He was still making the
same noises, but then it didnt bother me anymore. I just went
on with my lunch and started thinking about something else.
That sort of thing happens to me a lot though. Some frustration
that most people would consider a zero, one, or two on a tenpoint scale of frustration hits me as though it were a seven,
eight, or nine.
This mans analogy to a computer virus illustrates an aspect of emotional experience described by many with ADD syndrome: a feeling that
an emotion, in this case irritation, floods ones mind, taking up all available space. This overwhelming intensity of feeling then can cause one to
lose perspective and become, for a few moments or much longer, so preoccupied with that particular feeling that other relevant thoughts and feelings are displaced, ignored, or overlooked.
The immediacy of the emotion then can have too much influence on
thought and action, causing one to speak or act in ways that dont adequately take account of other feelings, ideas, or information that may also
be important. One high school student with ADD syndrome described
this as the cause of his diculties on the school debate team:
All my friends said I should join our schools debate team because they know how much I love to argue. I get really intense
in any argument. Once I get started I have to prove my point. I
get into it so much that Im like a bulldozer, running right over
everybody elses arguments, pushing their points down and


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

pushing my points so much that they just have to give in. Lots of
times I get to talking really loud and practically shouting them
down. My approach didnt work very well on the debate team.
Last week I got kicked o the team. The coach said I have good
potential, but I just dont know how to listen and tie my points
to what the other team has been saying. He said I need to learn
to debate more like somebody playing chess and not so much
like somebody playing football. Hes probably right, but even
when I try to calm myself down, I have a really hard time holding back from pushing my point. When Im into my thing I just
cant listen very much to what the other guys are saying. Its like
there just isnt enough room in my head for what they are saying because Im so much into what I feel and what I want to say.
Friends and family members often complain of this intense singlemindedness of persons with ADD syndrome, because it can be very annoying and sometimes hurtful. They report that the individual with ADD
syndrome often reacts to even minor frustrations with intense outbursts
of anger. Sometimes the tirade includes very harsh words or actions. One
wife of a man with ADD syndrome described her experience this way:
It doesnt take much for my husband to lose his temper. Usually
he is in a pretty good mood, but then all of a sudden some little
frustration will set him o. Maybe someone else has eaten the
last of his favorite breakfast cereal or one of our kids forgets to
bring the trash cans from the driveway into the garage. All of a
sudden hell be shouting at the top of his lungs and getting in
your face about how nobody in the house cares about anything
and how we are all inconsiderate and lazy and worthless, never
doing anything right regardless of how many times he reminds
us. So far he has never hit any of us, but in those moments it always seems like he just might.
Usually this lasts for just a few minutes and then later hell
always apologize. But its hard to forget those comments he
makes. Seems like when he gets mad, all he can feel or think

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


about is how mad he is. He just cant remember that the people
he is yelling at are people he loves and cares about. He forgets
that we can get hurt by what his says, especially when he comes
on so strong with it. Ive tried to talk with him about this and
he always feels bad afterwards, but it keeps on happening.
I know he loves me and loves our kids, but sometimes you
This vignette illustrates a problem described by many with ADD syndrome. It resembles the computer virus in the head dilemma in the earlier example. A computer virus can suddenly gobble up all available space
in a computers operating system, crowding out all of the workspace so
the system cannot function. In a similar way, the overly intense frustration
often experienced by many persons with ADD syndrome can flood their
mind so much that, for the moment, they forget the vulnerability of the
loved ones whom they attack. Usually, as in this case, the outburst is intense, but totally verbal. Some individuals with ADD syndrome are less restrained in their anger. They often react to frustration by lashing out
throwing objects, banging doors, punching walls, driving recklessly, or
pushing or hitting people.
Everyone has had some experiences where, in a moment of intense
anger, they have said or done things hurtful to other people who did not
deserve such treatment. What is dierent for many with ADD syndrome
is that they tend to have a very low threshold for frustration and, as a result,
they experience these intense outbursts with greater frequency and intensity than most others. Unfortunately it is the people closest to them
their parents, siblings, spouse, children, or other loved oneswho most
often bear the brunt of such unrestrained attacks.
Irritability and anger are not the only emotions that are problematic
for persons with ADD syndrome. Many individuals with ADD have equal
or greater diculty modulating other emotions, such as hurt or sadness,
worry or anxiety. The salesman who had become so irritated by the loud
chewing also told a story about his problem with a dierent emotional


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

Last week in the oce I was walking down the hall when I saw
this friend who works in another department. He was looking
at some papers while he was walking. I said a friendly Hi and
thought he would stop and visit for a couple of minutes because I
hadnt seen him for a long time. But he just barely looked up and
mumbled a quick Hi back to me and kept right on walking.
Most people would just blow that o right away, figuring he
was just in a hurry to get someplace or preoccupied with whatever he was reading. Not me. I got to thinking about it over and
over. I kept wondering, Why wasnt he more friendly? Have
I done something to piss him o? Did I do something that annoyed somebody else in his department and now theyre all mad
at me?
All these thoughts kept going round and round in my head.
It was like that computer virus thing again only this time it went
on for most of the afternoon. I didnt get anything done for the
rest of that day. That sort of getting too sensitive and too worried
thing happens to me way too often.
While he recognized that there was probably a reason for the other
mans behavior that had little to do with him, the salesman continued to
ruminate for several hours, wondering about possible causes for the other
mans actions. Once again, the emotional virus was taking up a disproportionate share of the workspace in his head. Many with ADD syndrome
describe themselves as overly sensitive and reacting too intensely to
even minor slights or criticism.
A dierent problem in regulating emotions was described by a fortyfive-year-old man with ADD who noticed it only when he confronted that
problem in his son and was reminded by his wife about his own similar
Ive never been a very patient person. When I get an idea in my
head about something I want to do, or something I want to get,
or something I want to buy, that wish takes on such intense urgency that I feel Ive got to have this NOW! It almost doesnt

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


matter how expensive it is, or how inconvenient it might be for

me or somebody else, or whether Ill be using time or money
today for this when I know I need that time or money tomorrow
for something else that is more important. I feel this relentless
drive to do everything I can to get whatever it is I want and to get
it now, overcoming whatever obstacles might be put in my way.
And then if I am able to get it, after a few minutes it usually
isnt all that satisfying. I just had to have it, and then Ive got it,
and then Im o to my next thing. Ive always been that way, but
I didnt realize it until I got mad at my ten-year-old son for
pulling the same kind of stu. After I finished yelling at him for
it, my wife said to me, Cant you see that hes only doing the
same things you do yourself? She was right.
Some others with ADD syndrome report that they often have diculty modulating feelings of sadness, discouragement, or depression.
One high school student said that his friends called him dark cloud.
Most of the time I walk around feeling like Everything sucks.
Everything always sucks. Everything always will suck. Whats the
use? Why bother? I can get out of that feeling when something
interesting happens: shooting hoops with my buddies, hanging
with my girlfriend, going to a concert, or watching wrestling on
TV. But then as soon as the interesting part is over, I go right back
to feeling really bored and thinking about how everything sucks.
Im not really depressed. I usually sleep OK and eat OK and I
never feel like killing myself. I just feel really bored a lot of the
time and dont very often feel much like talking with anybody
else or getting myself started on doing something. Some of my
friends who feel this same way smoke a lot of weed. Im not one
of those stoners. This is just me. Its the way Ive always been.
The mother of this fifteen-year-old corroborated his self-description.
She said that since infancy he had always been rather shy and didnt seem
to enjoy things very much. She told how it had always been dicult to get
him to smile or laugh except when they saw slapstick comedy movies. Ac-


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

cording to her he did have a few friends and spent time with them, but the
mother reported that even with his friends he had very little to say and
didnt show much pleasure.
What was striking about this adolescent boy was the change that occurred after his ADHD was diagnosed and treated with stimulant medication. Not only did the medication help to alleviate his diculties with
sustaining attention, completing tasks, and so on; it also brought a marked
improvement in his ability to initiate and sustain conversations with
friends and family. The stimulant also seemed to facilitate more spontaneous smiling and laughter. His family described him coming out of his
shell. The boy himself reported, I dont know why, but when Im on this
medicine I dont feel so bored. I feel a lot more relaxed and more like I
want to say things and talk with other people. My friends say Im more
with it when Im on it. But when it wears o or if I dont take it, I still
have that everything sucks feeling.
Not every patient with ADD syndrome experiences such improvements in mood and social interaction when on stimulant medication, but
many do. Whether their mood problems respond to stimulant medications or not, it appears that many with ADD syndrome suer from
chronic problems in managing frustration and modulating emotions.
Some have much more diculty with one class of emotions than anotherfor example, they are very consistently irritable or tend always to
be overanxious, or they are chronically oversensitive or consistently unhappy and withdrawn. Others appear to have many more problems than
their peers with modulating virtually every emotional response.
Some with ADD syndrome also meet full criteria for another disorder
that more directly reflects problems with managing one or more emotions, for example, an anxiety, depressive, or bipolar mood disorder. I discuss this overlap, which occurs very frequently, in Chapter 8. At issue in
these various examples is simply that persons with ADD syndrome, with
or without any additional psychiatric disorder, tend to suer from chronic
problems in managing frustration and other emotions. These chronic
problems appear to be an integral aspect of ADD syndrome and not just

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


overlap with other disorders. In addition, like other symptoms of ADD

syndrome, they often respond to treatment with stimulants.
Cluster 5: Utilizing Working Memory and Accessing Recall
When asked about memory, many persons with ADD syndrome describe
a peculiar contradiction. Many report that they are quite good at accessing
long-term memories, for example, they can recall details from experiences
years earlier. Yet most complain of chronic diculties in their ability to
hold one thought or bit of information in mind while simultaneously
doing something else. They often forget what they were just about to say or
the purpose for which they have just walked into a room. They tend to forget where they have most recently placed their keys, what they have done
with a needed document, or whom they have just dialed on the telephone.
Chronic diculties with memory appear to be a core problem in ADD
syndrome, but the impairments are not generally with long-term storage
memory; instead they involve working memory, a term that has been
used in many dierent ways, most of which are unrelated to the older
term short-term memory. Working memory has several functions. An
important one is to hold one bit of information active while working with
another. One patient described his impairment of this essential function
as lacking a hold button in his memory.
Im really good at remembering things from a long time ago.
I can tell you the whole story line from movies I saw just once
years ago and havent seen since. But even though Im the best
in my family for remembering things from way back, Im the
worst at remembering what happened just a few minutes ago.
If I call the Information operator to get a phone number, I can
never remember it long enough to dial it. I always have to write
it down or Ill mix up the numbers.
Ill go into a room to get something and then Im standing
there scratching my head and wondering what I came in there
for. Or Ill go to the store to get five things I need to fix dinner. If
I dont write them down Ill only be able to pick up one of them;


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

I cant remember the other four to save my life. Its like my

mind is a multiline phone where the hold button doesnt work.
If I am trying to remember one thing and then I set it aside even
for just a minute to think about or do something else, I totally
lose what I was trying to hold onto.
Working memory, then, is not short-term memory. It does not function as the queue on a computers printer, simply holding information
briefly while it awaits further processing. Working memory, instead, is
like a very active computational unit that not only holds information, but
also actively processes this current information in connection with the
vast files of longer-term memory. In other words, working memory might
be compared to the RAM of a computer combined with its file manager
and search engine.
Working memory is essential for participation in a group discussion or
in individual conversation where one has to try to understand what someone is saying while formulating a response. People with ADD syndrome
often have a great deal of diculty with these concurrent functions.
Its so frustrating when were having class discussions. The
teacher will ask a question and Ill have a good answer for it, so
Ill raise my hand. And then she calls on somebody else first
and I have to listen to this other kid say his answer. Then she
comes back and asks me to say my answer. When she does that
I just have to shrug and say, I dont know. By then Ive not
only forgotten what I was going to answer; Ive even forgotten
the question.
When Im just talking with friends, lots of times I just interrupt and say what Ive got to say. I know that if Im polite and
wait until the other person has stopped talking, I wont ever be
able to remember what I was going to say. The problem is that
while Im trying to keep in mind what I want to say, often I am
not paying enough attention to what the other person is trying to
say to me. Usually both my thought and theirs gets washed away
from my mind.

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


This student clearly illustrates how impairments of working memory

can interfere with both receptive and expressive aspects of communication
between individuals and within groups. His complaint, common among
persons with ADD syndrome, highlights the diculty in maintaining reciprocal communication when working memory function is impaired.
Another aspect of working memory involves the retrieval of information from the files of longer-term memory. One student described how his
impairments of working memory interfered with his taking tests.
Its so frustrating when I study hard for tests and then cant remember what I learned. Ill study hard and learn everything
were supposed to know. My friends quiz me and Ive got it all
down. Then, the next day I go in to take the test, figuring that
Im going to get a good grade. And then when Im actually taking the test, a big chunk of what I knew so well the night before
just evaporates. Its like I have a file in my computer and cant
remember the file name to pop it up. I know the stu is in
there, but I just cant get to it, so I cant put it down on the test.
Then a few hours after the test, something will jog my memory
and its all back again. Its not that I didnt have it in there. It
was in my mind, I just couldnt retrieve it when I needed it.
The students complaints about being unable to recall lessons studied
and seemingly mastered the night before illustrate a distinct type of memory problem: defective retrieval of learned information. His comparison to
forgetting the name of a computer file is apt. Persons with ADD syndrome
often complain that they have chronic diculty pulling up from the files of
longer-term memory the information needed to do a task at hand. Sometimes the problem is recalling the name of someone whose face has just
been recognized as familiar. Sometimes the problem lies in retrieving information or procedures needed to answer a question or solve a problem.
Many aspects of academic work depend heavily on the eective functioning of working memory. When reading, one needs to hold in mind the
sounds symbolized by the first part of a word while decoding the sound of
later syllables to recognize the word as a whole. One then has to retrieve


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

from memory the meanings associated with that word and hold those in
mind while linking them to meanings of other words to get the full meaning and context of the entire sentence. This process happens automatically for fluent readers as they rapidly link up and absorb layers of meaning built on words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and so on. Persons
whose working memory is significantly impaired, however, may experience great diculty in understanding an entire text, even if they are quite
competent in decoding each word. Reading comprehension is built on the
eective functioning of working memory in conjunction with an active,
sustained attention to the text.
Working memory is also essential for doing math, even simple arithmetic. If one cannot keep in mind what quantities have been borrowed or
need to be carried from one column to another in calculations, ones answers are not likely to be correct. And if one cannot keep in mind the sequence of operations, then much of algebra, geometry, and higher math
becomes incomprehensible.
Written expression also places strong demands on working memory.
One college student described how working memory problems interfered
with her writing:
When I write sentences to answer exam questions or to write an
essay or a term paper, I keep getting lost. I start out with one
thing I am trying to say and then I get going on that one thing
and forget about what I was supposed to hook it up with. Usually my answer doesnt really fit very well with the question.
Its even worse in longer writing projects like an essay or a
term paper. There Ill make a point and then forget to explain it
enough. Or Ill just wander o the path. Teachers are always
writing in the margins, Elaborate this more or How did you
get from what you just said to this? One teacher said that I keep
forgetting where I am supposed to be going. Shes right. When I
have to write longer things its like Im just wandering around
in what I write. I cant stick to the topic and then explain the
dierent parts to get to wherever Im supposed to take it.

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


To write a paragraph, letter, or essay, one has to consider simultaneously many elements: Who is the audience? What is the major point? How
can I connect subordinate points to the main idea? Especially with longer
or more complex writing tasks, it is necessary to hold several viewpoints
in mind while putting words and images together understandably. This
process presents a major challenge to working memory.
There has not been much research on students who have problems
with written expression, but preliminary studies indicate that persons
with ADHD demonstrate a disproportionately high incidence of impairment in this respect. For reasons explained in Chapters 4 and 8, it is likely
that working memory impairments of ADD syndrome play a significant
role in creating diculties with written expression among ADHD students.
Working memory is involved not only in academic tasks, but also in
countless aspects of everyday life, as one holds briefly in mind the continuing flow of perceptions of current external eventssounds just heard,
images just observed, impressions just formed. Akira Miyake and Priti
Shah (1999) describe how working memory plays a crucial role in momentby-moment integration of memories held internally in long-term memory stores and those transient memories currently coming in from external sources:
During the performance of many (if not all) complex everyday
cognitive tasks, the processing of external information and internal information needs to interact dynamically, going back and
forth between information distributed across the internal mind
and the external world. . . . Working memory . . . may serve as
the important interface between external representations and internal representations. (p. 466)
Problems with integrating internal and external information can have a
substantial influence on ones ability to link new information being acquired with other information already in mind. One illustration is a student who had great diculty taking his SAT, a test required for college


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

I took my SAT last week. I know I did really poorly because I

wasnt able to finish a bunch of the reading comprehension
questions. They give you this passage of three or four paragraphs to read and then you have to answer five multiplechoice questions about what you have just read. Most of them
are really dense reading, with lots of details. And the questions
are tricky, often hinging on very specific details in the text.
It took me so long on each question! I couldnt remember
what I had just finished reading. I would read the passage and
then for each question I needed to read it all over again to find
the answer. I had to keep reading this same passage over and
over again. I tried reading the questions first so Id know what
details to look for, but by the time I did that and then got back
to the paragraphs, I had forgotten the questions. This kind of
thing happens to me a lot.
Sometimes this need to reread is due to the passive reading problem described in the vignette earlier in this chapter. In other situations, it
appears that the reader has actively engaged with the text, but is simply
not able to hold its meaning in mind while reading subsequent parts or
when addressing questions immediately following the reading.
The dierence between problems of working memory and problems
of insucient attention has been a matter of debate among researchers.
Neuroscientists studying memory functions have argued that what is currently referred to as working memory is not simply a memory unit of the
mind, but a complex system that involves both working attention and
working memory serving together to manage the continuous flow of information in the mind. Chronic impairments in this complex system are
an important aspect of the ADD syndrome.
Cluster 6: Monitoring and Self-Regulating Action
Most descriptions of the disorder now known as ADHD emphasize problems with hyperactive and impulsive behavior. Many persons identified
with this disorder tend to act without sucient forethought, or are chronically restless and hyperactive, finding it very dicult to slow down and

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


adequately control their actions. Children with ADHD have often been
seen as wild, restless, and impulsive, unable suciently to control their
words and bodies and so needing much more supervision from teachers
and parents than others of the same age. One mother described her sons
My son is six years old, but he usually acts like he is only three
or four. When he wants something he just goes for it. He just
cant wait. He almost got hit by a car last summer because he
chased a ball out into the street and didnt even stop to look. In
kindergarten last year he was always in trouble because he
grabbed toys or crayons away from other kids. When they were
supposed to sit on the circle and listen for show and tell, he was
always interrupting with his own comments; he had to tell about
something he was thinking about. He couldnt just listen to another kid or even to the teacher. When he was supposed to draw
a picture or copy some shapes, he was always in a hurry. If he
tried to do what they asked him to draw or write, he did it too
fast and it was too messy.
This year he is repeating kindergarten, but Im afraid he
wont be ready for first grade even next year. He just doesnt
seem to be able to slow down enough to listen to the directions
or to do anything carefully. Hes way behind other kids his age
in self-control.
This mothers description shows many dierent ways in which her
six-year-old son is substantially behind his peers in his ability to monitor
and control his actions. He acts impulsively and doesnt slow down enough
to listen to others, to follow directions, or to do assigned tasks carefully.
Chronic and extreme problems of this sort are typical of many young children with ADD syndrome.
Researchers have identified impaired ability to inhibit as a core
problem in these hyperactive and impulsive symptoms of ADHD. Russell
Barkley (1997) has argued that impairment of the ability to inhibit is the
primary problem of persons with ADHD, and, of all the executive func-


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

tions impaired in the disorder, is the one on which the development and
eective functioning of all other executive functions depends.
For some individuals with ADD syndrome, like this six-year-old, impairment in the ability to inhibit action is the most basic problem. Until
they can develop more age-appropriate control of their actionsthat is,
the ability to slow down and hold back so they can act carefully and do the
right thing at the right timethese individuals continue to make a lot of
trouble for themselves and those around them.
Yet to overemphasize inhibition as the central problem of ADHD is to
ignore the essential connection between holding back actions and engaging in actions. It is to overlook the need to go, which is as important as the
need to hold back or stop. Certainly it is important for a person to be able
to stop at the curb rather than impulsively running across a busy street.
But it is also important for that person to be able to monitor the trac on
the street, to determine when it is safe to cross, and then to actually cross.
Indeed, most behaviors require the ability to act, to do it, as well as the
ability to inhibit, to refrain from acting. And essential to ones success in
this regard is the ability to monitor the context of action, in this case, the
trac, so that one can decide when to wait and when to cross the street.
Monitoring the context of action can be quite complex, even in the
simple act of crossing a street. It involves looking both ways to notice oncoming vehicles, estimating their speed, and allowing for road conditions
for example, rain or ice that might aect their slowing down or stopping. It
also includes consideration of factors that might aect drivers ability to see
the person attempting to cross, such as sun glaring toward the driver, fog,
or darkness, as well as exceptional circumstances such as a car swerving
as though out of control or a vehicle speeding with flashing lights and siren.
Crossing the street also requires one to take into account information
about current personal circumstances that might aect the accuracy of
ones perception or ones speed and eciency of crossing. These variables
might include ones having poor vision for judging vehicles distance or
speed; feeling tired or having an injured foot; being unfamiliar with local
trac patterns; or being constrained by carrying bulky packages or having
to push a bicycle across the street.

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


To cross a street safely, or to do almost anything carefully, requires

four coordinated functions: (1) inhibiting the action until the right moment, (2) monitoring ones self and the specific circumstances of the situation to decide how and when to act, (3) executing the appropriate actions
when needed, and (4) monitoring ones self and the current situation
while acting. Eective self-regulation of behavior involves simultaneous,
often instantaneous, coordination of all these key functions.
Countless actions of daily life involve carrying out these components
in an integrated way: interacting in a business meeting, participating in a
classroom discussion, shopping in a supermarket, playing a game, attending a party, or driving a car.
For me driving my car is a constant struggle. It really scares me
because there are so many things to notice and think about, all
at the same time you are propelling this huge, powerful machine along the highway or in the midst of heavy trac and
pedestrians. Ive seen some car accidents where people got seriously hurt. I dont want that to happen to me. But it could.
When Im driving I have to be constantly watching what I am
doing, what other drivers are doing, and what the pedestrians
are doing. At the same time I have to monitor my speedometer
so I dont go too fast and I have to keep watching the stop signs
and trac lights and lane changes. And I have to keep checking
my rearview mirror and the side mirrors. If Im trying to get to
someplace Im not familiar with I have to watch street signs and
check addresses, all at the same time.
Driving is a complex task, but social situations are often among the
most challenging for those with diculties monitoring and self-regulating their actions. In those circumstances, one must quickly assess the expectations and perceptions of other persons in order to behave appropriately. When is it okay to tell this joke, or to complain about an injustice, or
to confront ones boss, teacher, coworker, customer, parent, spouse, child,
or friend? Because persons with ADD syndrome find it hard to monitor
eectively the context in which they are operating, they report that they


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

tend to be too random in what they notice, attending too much to some
details and too little to others that may be equally or more important. Especially dicult for these persons are those situations where one has to
monitor and gauge the emotions and intentions of other people with
whom one is interacting. Indeed, often persons with ADD syndrome complain that they have gotten into trouble because they have failed to notice
how others were reacting to them, or have been insuciently aware of
how they themselves were coming across to others. This monitoring is
made even more dicult when one is simultaneously holding in check
ones own reactions while interacting with others.
A forty-three-year-old man with ADD syndrome described his experience:
I love getting into intense conversations with other people where
its not just small talk. I love sharing impressions and opinions
between people about things that really matter. I think thats how
people get to know each other and learn from one another. Usually it works out well, but sometimes I get too intense and turn
other people o when Im trying to find out what they think and
why they think that way. Usually I dont notice it at the time; I
just see that they drop out of the conversation or walk away.
My wife says I just dont know how to keep my eyes open and
notice when others are starting to act uptight or bored with
whats being discussed. She says that most of the time I talk too
much or ask too many questions without noticing how I am
coming across and how others are reacting to what Im saying.
She says that most of the time Im too much mouth and not
enough eyes and ears when Im in a conversation.
This mans self-description highlights his diculty in self-monitoring
and context-monitoring during conversation. He emphasizes that he wants
to learn from others and share with others, but he frustrates himself, and
probably others with whom he talks, because he is not suciently attentive to facial expressions, tone of voice, or subtle eye or body movements
that signal tension, waning interest, or impatience. Careful attention to

Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome


such cues is important for developing understanding and reciprocity in

social interaction. Often people with ADD syndrome report chronic difficulty with this sort of social monitoring and self-control. They dont notice enough about themselves and others, and they have chronic problems
in holding back or in keeping still, even for just a few moments.
Some other persons with ADD syndrome have a dierent problem
with self-monitoring, contextual monitoring, and controlling their actions
in social situations. They tend to be excessively focused on how others are
reacting and are excessively self-conscious. They tend to be too constricted,
too shy, too inhibited in their social actions. One thirty-five-year-old woman
with ADD syndrome described her wish to be more sociable:
I really wish I had more friends. Often I complain that nobody
ever wants to talk with me, but I know that the problem is more
with me than it is them. Im not shy in my family or with a few
people I know really well. But with everybody else I always feel
like it is never the right time for me to say something or I just
cant think of anything to say that would fit into the conversation. Im always holding back, waiting until the right moment
or until I can think of something to say.
Though these more cautious individuals with ADD syndrome may
long for more reciprocity with others and may have many interesting
ideas and feelings to share, they often get so caught up with intently monitoring that they are unable to engage themselves in social interactions.
While they have no diculty inhibiting their own actions and being very
attentive in monitoring the social context, these persons often cannot
bring themselves to act eectively in a group.
Although there are a variety of ways in which individuals experience
diculty in monitoring and regulating their actions, most with ADD syndrome report chronic diculties in one of more aspects of inhibiting action,
monitoring ones self, monitoring ones context, and taking action in an
appropriate way. This cluster of ADD-related impairments extends far beyond simple excesses of hyperactive or impulsive behavior: these problems
hamper ones ability to perform well in a wide variety of everyday tasks.


Six Aspects of a Complex Syndrome

Snapshots of Complex Processes

This chapter began with a discussion about how snapshots can capture only
very limited aspects of real experiences. These descriptions of six clusters
of functions often impaired in persons with ADD syndrome are like those
snapshots, showing only limited aspects of the rich and dynamic complexity of the cognitive processes described. In Chapters 4, 5, and 6 I elaborate on how these functions, which constitute the central components of
the brains executive functions, develop during childhood, adolescence,
and adulthood. Here the main point is that persons with ADD syndrome
report chronic impairments in a wide variety of cognitive functions that
cause problems for most persons only occasionally.

Chapter 3 ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

MYTH: Brains of persons with ADD are overactive and need medication
to calm them down.
FACT: Underactivity of the brains management networks is typical of
persons with ADD. Eective medications increase alertness and improve
communication in the brains management system.

The executive functions impaired in ADD syndrome are not skills to be

learned or aspects of willpower to be exercised, but natural activities of
complex neural networks of the brain. Understanding these coordinated
processes requires some grasp of how critical components of the brain
work together. This chapter describes major circuits of the brain that sustain executive functions, the gradual process by which these functions
normally develop, and how they are impaired in those who suer from
ADD syndrome.
The human brain weighs about three pounds and is composed of approximately 100 billion neurons, tiny cells only one millionth of an inch
across. These neurons are the building blocks of the brain. Each neuron
has a cell body on which develop tens of thousands of tiny branches
called dendrites; these dendrites receive information from other neurons.
Each neuron also has one extension, called an axon, for sending information out to other cells; these can range in length from less than a millimeter to over a meter long. Part A of Figure 2 shows a neuron and some
of its dendrites emerging from the dense matrix of intertwined neurons
in the brain.


zips in

zips on

Releasing transmitter


Reloading transmitter
Figure 2 Neurons releasing and reloading neurotransmitter. The neuron in
(A) is shown emerging from its matrix of intertwined neurons. Its twiglike
branches pick up information from other neurons and relay it through the
synapse to another neuron. (B) shows the release of a transmitter chemical
that helps the electrical message jump the gap to the adjoining neuron.
(C) shows the transmitter chemical reloading back into the sending neuron.

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


Neurons make contact with other neurons at junctions called synapses.

Every neuron makes from one thousand to ten thousand synapses with
surrounding neurons. Some of these connections work as a chemical braking system, slowing down and inhibiting electrical connections at that
juncture. Other connections act as a chemical accelerator, activating and
intensifying electrical communication. The brain regulates itself and the
entire body via the constant interaction among these many excitatory and
inhibitory chemical processes. The information processing capacity packed
into these networks of the brain is massive. V. S. Ramachandran (1998)
observed that a piece of brain the size of a grain of sand would contain one
hundred thousand neurons, two million axons, and one billion synapses,
all talking to each other.
Imagine a skyscraper that is one hundred stories tall. Picture that massive tower covered from top to bottom and on all four sides with seventeeninch illuminated TV screens. Paul Churchland (1995) pointed out that it
would take all of the two hundred thousand pixels on each of those half
million TV screens to amass as many pixels as the number of neurons in
any one persons brain. Further, within the brain all these neurons are
compacted into a wrinkled, layered mass only about the size of a large
Networks of Neurons
Inside the brain this enormous mass of microscopic neurons is organized
into a large number of systems and subsystems that look like dense jungles
of miniscule branches and twigs. These interacting networks have to communicate rapidly with one another moment to moment in order to manage
the body, all mental functions, and the persons ongoing interactions with
the world. Amazingly, these complex neural networks are not wired together; instead each of the trillions of connection points between neurons
has a tiny gap between the back end of one neuron and the front end of the
next. The whole system works on low-voltage electrical impulses. Each of
the messages carried between neurons is a tiny electrical charge of about 0.1
volt. As this moving charge gets to each synapse it has to jump the gap, like
in a spark plug. This jump across each synaptic gap is a chemical process.


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

Chemicals Facilitate the Transmission of Messages in the Brain

Chemicals manufactured in the brain manage the communication of messages from one neuron to another. Every neural network in the brain uses
primarily one of about fifty dierent neurotransmitter chemicals. Each of
these chemicals aects tiny receptors on adjoining neurons, receptors
sensitive to that specific neurotransmitter and to no others. Receptors are
like locks that will accept only one particular key.
Neurotransmitter chemicals are manufactured in the brain and stored
in little bubbles, called vesicles, located near the back end of each neuron.
Each time a message comes zipping along that neuron, the storage vesicles release very small amounts of the neurotransmitter chemical to carry
the electrical charge of the message across the gap rapidly. The amount of
transmitter chemical available for release varies according to how urgent
or interesting the message appears to the brain at that moment. When a
sucient amount of the transmitter chemical contacts its specific receptors across the gap, the message is quickly sent on its way over the next
segment, where the process is repeated (as long as there is sucient
transmitter to keep the message flowing). Part B of Figure 2 shows the release of neurotransmitter chemical and the movement of the message
across the synapse.
As each message continues on its way, any neurotransmitter not used
up or broken down in the signaling process is pumped back into the sending cell through specialized cells called transporters. This allows the system to reload for more action in fractions of a second. This chemical transmission system is quick: each molecule of transmitter stays on the receptor
for only about 50 milliseconds. In one millisecond, one thousandth of a
second, twelve messages can be carried across the synaptic gap. Part C of
Figure 2 shows the reloading of the neurotransmitter chemical back into
the side of the synapse that released it.
At any given moment, vast numbers of messages are surging through
the countless shifting circuits of the brain. Some messages travel only short
distances within the brain and then stop. Others are switched rapidly from
one circuit to another, engaging additional subsystems or being pulled into
ever more complex, more potent, and more complex aggregate networks.

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


Three Types of Processing Centers

Numerous centers process, organize, and regulate this constant flow of electrical communication within the brain. There are three basic types: local
centers, which process only isolated fragments of information; regional
centers, which put together these isolated local fragments from a given
sensory modality; and integrative centers, which process increasingly large
batches of information drawn from multiple centers.
Local centers, mostly in the posterior (rear) third of the brain, process
only very specific types of information, for example, perceptions taken in
from one particular sense: vision, hearing, smell, taste, or touch. Stimuli
picked up by eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin are carried rapidly to the
appropriate center at the back of the brain, creating a flow of fragmented
images of what is seen, heard, smelled, touched, and so on in the outside
world. These perceptual fragments might be compared to the fractured
segments of a Picasso cubist painting, unrecognizable in isolation.
Regional centers pull together these information fragments to form
more integrated and complex informational maps. For example, the visual
cortex receives from the retina of each eye fragmentary images of objects
and settings perceived by the eyes. These stimuli are then assembled by
the visual association cortex into a more coherent and recognizable picture of what is being looked at, moment by moment.
Pulling together the steady flow of data from these specific association
centers are numerous other centers that integrate. These integrative areas
instantaneously assemble data from vision, smell, hearing, and so forth to
create up-to-the-moment multimodality updates about our experience with
the external world. Unlike the sensory modules in the back of the brain,
these association centers are not isolated and encapsulated units; they are
linked in many ways to allow for the rapid, progressive flow of information from one network to another.
Two Interconnected Halves
The various networks described thus far operate in both the left and right
sides of the brain. Although similar, each of these two hemispheres is a bit
dierent from the other in size, shape, and function. The two are con-


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

nected by the corpus callosum, a dense band of 200 million fibers that
runs front to back and integrates operations on the two sides of the brain.
The corpus callosum is labeled in Figure 3.
In the past, the left hemisphere of the human brain was recognized as
dealing primarily with language data, while the right hemisphere was
seen as dealing primarily with visual and spatial operations. A dierent
picture emerges from more recent studies. Robert Ornstein (1997) has reviewed research suggesting that the right hemisphere tends to deal more
with getting the big picture, the wider range of possible meanings,
whereas the left hemisphere is better suited for dealing with more detailed
and focused sequential information. In his view, these two hemispheres
work together, with the right side more suited to recognizing the contextual forest while the left deals more with details of particular trees. Information flow in the brain thus involves not only circuits that pull together
information from local and regional centers across modalities of perception, but also circuits that criss-cross the hemispheres to sort out and integrate constantly shifting details, sequences, and contexts.
Central Management Networks
Given the steady flow of complex information processed in the brain, a
managerial system is essential. All neuronal networks are not created
equal. Some networks monitor, coordinate, and manage other neural networks. Networks that manage these functions constitute the matrix that
supports executive functions of the mind. These central cognitive management networks assess incoming information to establish and modify
priorities. They start, stop, and integrate various functions, deploying from
the brains vast stores of memories the particular information needed to
address the salient perceptions and tasks of each moment. These management networks are implicated in most of the impairments of ADD
Circuits that support these executive functions are distributed throughout the brain. This chapter highlights three major centers in which executive functions are based. From these centers (and others), circuits controlling executive functions project widely throughout the brains dense

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain





Ventral tegmental area


Reticular formation
Locus coeruleus

Figure 3 Primary brain structures involved in executive functions. Working

memory circuits are located primarily in the prefrontal cortex; the hippocampus
converts working memories into longer-term memories. Risks and rewards are
identified primarily via the amygdala and dopamine circuits, which originate in
the ventral tegmental area. Alertness is supported by circuits from the locus
coeruleus and reticular formation, and circuits from the cerebellum drive the
fine-tuning of cognition. These circuits all interact with many others.

matrix. Figure 3 shows these major centers of circuits for executive functions. One important center is the frontal region, particularly the prefrontal cortex, which is located just behind the forehead. Circuits important for assessing risks and rewards are located in the limbic regions


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

deeper below the cortex. Centers that regulate alertness and vigilance are
at the back of the brain, just above the spinal column.
In the Prefrontal Cortex: Working Memory Circuits
The prefrontal cortex is a relatively small component of the human brain;
it takes up slightly less than one-third of the brains total volume. This central management center is connected directly with every functional unit of
the brain, those that:
receive sensory input,
control movement,
manage memory,
deal with emotion,
make decisions,
control activation, and
maintain stability of vital bodily functions.
The prefrontal cortex is the only segment of the brain so fully connected
with other aspects of the brain and the neural pathways that link them.
Among the many specialized aspects of the prefrontal cortex are circuits managing central working memory functions. Many people think of
memory as a self-contained function that, somewhat like a video recorder,
captures pictures and sounds of each moment of personal experience,
then files all of them in some cerebral vault for playback on demand. If
that were the case, the brain would quickly be flooded with so much information that eective action would be impossible. Research suggests
that the systems of memory are more ecient.
The brain has networks of neurons that very briefly hold in an active
state the perceptions and thoughts of each moment, linking them with
stored memories that allow the individual to string together experiences
moment by moment to make sense of what is being perceived or thought
and to act accordingly. This is working memory. Without it, an individual
is perpetually locked into the present moment, unable to link what was
seen, heard, or thought a moment ago with whatever is happening now.
The importance of this function is painfully evident when one observes a

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


patient with Alzheimers dementia who asks someone a question and

hears the answer, appears to register it, but then asks the same question
of the same person again moments later, unaware of having just heard the
Specific cells that execute the functions of working memory have been
identified in the living brain. For example, the late Patricia Goldman-Rakic
(1987) found specific cells in the prefrontal cortex for spatial working
memorythe ability to remember where something occursin a tiny region of the lateral prefrontal cortex. Her studies were done with monkeys,
animals whose brains are organized almost identically to the human brain.
Researchers placed in front of a monkey two dishes that could be
seen, but not touched. The experimenter placed a bit of food in one dish,
covered both, then blocked the monkeys view of the dishes for several seconds. This made it necessary for the monkey to hold in mind the picture
of which dish held the food; there was no other clue. After several seconds
the experimenter removed the screen and the monkey was given one
chance to grab the food. This was done with repeated trials that varied
which dish held the food.
From electrodes placed in specific cells of the monkeys brain, researchers found that one particular set of cells was activated as the monkey watched the food placement. Another set of nearby cells lighted up
while the monkeys view of the dishes was blocked; these were the working memory cells. These cells deactivated when the screen was removed
and the monkey reached for a dish.
Repeated trials showed that those working memory cells played a crucial role. If they became activated during the task, the monkeys picked the
correct dish, whereas if the working memory cells did not activate, the
monkeys made many more mistakes. In monkeys with damaged working
memory cells, performance was totally impaired.
This work by Goldman-Rakic identified specific cells with which the
brain can transiently hold in mind and utilize information acquired just
seconds earlier to guide current actions. Since these areas in the prefrontal cortex are intimately connected with other regions of the brain,
working memory cells can guide our selection of incoming information,


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

helping us to focus on what is needed to continue a task or to acquire more

For example, the brain of a person driving a car can notice and hold
in mind the movement of a pedestrian stepping o a curb into the street,
even if right afterward another car momentarily blocks the view of the
pedestrian. By keeping the potential danger in mind, the driver can watch
and be alert to the possibility that he might need to slow down, swerve, or
stop to avoid an accident. All this can happen in an instant, without
benefit of conscious thought, only to be forgotten moments later as the
mind goes on to other tasks. The capacity to forget what is not needed is
crucial; it prevents the brain from becoming gridlocked with excessive
Longer-Term Storage of Memories
While much of the data captured in working memory simply passes
through in mere seconds, so as not to clutter up the brains limited attentional resources, other information is held longer to be worked on and/or
gradually shifted into longer-term memory storage. A chess player may
hold in mind several moves made by an opponent, trying to discern the
underlying strategy and plan countermoves. Or a listener may hold in
mind several sentences of a funny story being told by a friend so he can
grasp the punch line of his friends joke. Sometimes the chess moves and
the words of the joke may be retained; in other instances they are totally
transient. Working memory functions like RAM on a computer; files are
not saved after use unless they are converted to hard-drive data through a
save function. The brain has a process for converting contents of working memory into longer-term memories.
Contents of working memory that are saved into long-term memory
are usually routed through the hippocampus (identified in Figure 3). There
the connections between the specific neurons that encoded the memory
are cemented by development of specific proteins produced in the brain.
This process of protein changes setting up a memory for longer-term storage is called LTP, which stands for long-term potentiation. If the hippocampus is seriously damaged by trauma or disease, this process of mak-

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


ing new memories and holding them over the longer term is seriously disrupted, or even reduced to total amnesia. The individual with a damaged
hippocampus may retain how to do it memories of certain limited skills
newly learned, but cannot consciously remember and describe what they
have learned. A more detailed description of how longer-term memories
are formed is beyond the scope of this chapter, but Joseph LeDoux (2002)
and Daniel Schacter (1996) have provided comprehensive and accessible
descriptions of those processes.
Working Memory: Search Engine for the Brain
The processes of working memory are complicated. They involve not only
briefly holding onto current information needed for current tasks, and
transiently holding information to be encoded into longer-term memory,
but also calling up those memories in longer-term storage needed for immediate tasks and experiences. Neuroscientists Stephen Kosslyn and
Olivier Koenig (1995) described these complex functions:
Working memory . . . corresponds to the activated information
in long-term memories, the information in short-term memories, and the decision processes that manage which information
is activated in the long-term memories and retained in shortterm memories . . . an interplay between information that is
stored temporarily and a larger body of stored knowledge.
(p. 388)
This interplay between a current focus of attention, some task or idea that
an individual is attending to, and that persons store of long-term memories is essential to countless functions in daily life where one must pull
out of the files of memory information needed for answering a question
or performing a task. This may involve recalling directions for driving to
the local shopping center, remembering specific aspects of learned information to answer questions on an examination, or recalling events and
characters encountered in earlier chapters of a novel when one resumes
reading the book several days later. Joaquin Fuster (2003) emphasized the
essential linkage between working memory and longer-term memory:


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

The content of working memory essentially consists of longterm memory that has been activated for the processing of actions . . . attention is inseparable from selective neural processing. (p. 155)
But not all new information activated in working memory for current
tasks is held in lasting linkage with longer-term memories. What determines which information in working memory will be held onto and which
will be allowed to fade out? And what determines which information encoded in longer-term memory will be called into conscious attention and
working memory when it is needed? In short, what drives the file manager and search engine functions of working memory? One key element of these mechanisms is emotion.
Where the Brain Recognizes Risks and Possible Rewards
Circuits in the limbic region at the center of the brain beneath the cortex
manage the critical task of assigning emotional importance and priorities
to incoming perceptions and to internally generated thoughts and plans.
These circuits instantaneously assess what may be attractive, dangerous,
or rewarding.
Many think of emotion as a quality added to a perception or thought
on the basis of conscious reflectionfor example, I smelled something
burning and began to worry about whether there was a fire in the house.
I heard that song playing and began to feel sad; it reminded me of a girlfriend who left me. In these two examples something is noticed, thought
about, and then reacted to with an emotion, in this case fear or sadness.
But the process by which the brain links perceptions or thoughts and
emotions tends to be much quicker and less reflective. Usually the brain
assigns emotion and thereby importance in ways that are instantaneous
and automatic. Antonio Damasio described this process:
Emotion is critical for the appropriate direction of attention since
it provides an automated signal about the organisms past experience with given objects and thus provides a basis for assigning or

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


withholding attention relative to a given object . . . first, processing of objects can take place; second, emotion can ensue; third,
further enhancement and focusing can occur, or not occur, under
the direction of emotion. (1999, p. 273, italics added)
The brain acts most quickly on perceptions that it judges as threatening. Joseph LeDoux (1996) and Elizabeth Phelps (2005) have described
how the amygdala, a tiny structure in the midbrain (see Figure 3), screens
incoming perceptions for any sign of potential danger. This structure, not
much larger than a walnut, receives constant input from all of the brains
lobes, and rapidly screens incoming perceptions and thoughts to determine whether they present any threat. It functions something like an automatic missile-avoidance system on a military aircraft.
It is this mechanism that causes one quickly to jump aside to avoid a
car that suddenly speeds around the corner as one is crossing the street.
The unexpected cars approach, caught only in the periphery of vision, is reacted to with instantaneous movement before one is even aware of being
afraid. The brain reacts without delay to unexpected objects moving quickly
toward us, to objects touched that are too hot, to substances that taste rotten; such self-protective reactions do not wait for conscious thought.
The brains recognition of some situations as dangerous, to be avoided,
extends far wider than these simple examples of possible threats to physical safety. From earliest infancy the brain builds up a massive file of
memories that can signal possible danger, not only from speeding cars or
possibly poisonous foods, but also from situations that might elicit other
kinds of pain, for example, ridicule, disgust, anger, or rejection from others. The networks of the brain are such that the amygdala and its connections will react to these acquired warnings with instantaneous release of
chemicals that activate avoidance responses, often without awaiting reflection. It is these chemicals, quickly attached to the perception or thought,
that create the fear and mobilize appropriate action.
While some fear reactions are based on instinct, many more are based
on personal memories. Contents of these files used to identify potential
dangers are highly individualized, gradually accumulated from the earli-


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

est years and throughout each individuals life. In countless interactions

with our physical and social world, each person acquires memories of what
is considered dangerous or wrong. Interactions with parents, siblings,
teachers, and friends, as well as exposure to stories and photos through
various media, shape ones personal reactions about what is dangerous or
wrong to look at, taste, touch, want, and do. Ongoing experiences continually update these mental files: some experiences reinforce previous understandings and others dramatically alter how a particular individual reacts to a particular perception, thought, or action.
On the basis of such files, the brain reacts automatically to some incoming perceptions with instantaneous signals that register discomfort
ranging from mild unease to total repugnance or panic. In ensuing moments, hours, or days, ones emotional reactions may become more elaborated and more conscious, but the core emotional reaction, particularly
to potential dangers, emerges usually in an instant via the brains early
warning mechanisms in the amygdala and associated systems.
Positive emotional reactions interest, attraction, and desireare
also automatically assigned by the brain. One example is sexual attraction. Many have had the experience of feeling suddenly attracted to a person with a certain physical appearance, mannerisms, or more subtle qualities. Such attraction is often attributed to mysterious forces of the heart,
but in fact, the brain is in charge. Psychoanalysis has oered psychological
explanations for how such experiences may be linked to unconscious aspects of life experiences, but ultimately all of our responses to experiences
are carried out within the brains neural networks. Mark Baxter and Elisabeth Murray (2002) presented evidence that the amygdala and related
brain structures continuously scan the environment not only for dangers,
but also for indications of something interesting or potentially rewarding.
The brain uses one specific transmitter chemical, dopamine, to highlight important stimuli. Numerous studies have demonstrated that dopamine release in the brain acts as a powerful signal to indicate important
stimuli, particularly those that bring pleasure. Dopamine is produced deep
in the midbrain at rates and in amounts that vary according to the brains
moment-by-moment perceptions. Figure 4 shows the origins of the dopa-

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

Limbic Region




Ventral tegmental area


Figure 4 Main pathways of the dopamine system. Dopamine pathways for executive functions originate primarily in the ventral tegmental area. They extend
throughout the prefrontal cortex and into limbic centers to release dopamine
in response to perceived danger or reward.

mine system for executive functions, in the ventral tegmental area, and its
major projections to other areas of the brain.
Once released by the ventral tegmental circuits, dopamine is carried
through two primary pathways. One pathway feeds dopamine to the prefrontal cortex, where action plans are selected. The other carries dopamine
to other regions that map and monitor the ongoing state of the organism
to reflect comfort, displeasure, and so on (Pennington 2002; Damasio
2003). Dopamine provided through these circuits provides incentive for
the brain to act when something important is noticed. This incentive is
likely to be provided without much input of conscious thought. Selection
and intensity of arousal, based on the individuals personal history, usually occurs as an aspect of perceptionhow this individual perceives any
given stimulus or situation at a given moment.
When an individual perceives a situation that for him or her appears
potentially rewarding, the brain suddenly releases more dopamine into


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

specific circuits. If no signals of possible frustration or danger contravene,

signs of interest are likely to appear very quickly and the individuals actions are likely to move toward seeking the anticipated pleasure.
These mechanisms apply to basic rewards such as food, social interaction, and sexual pleasure. They also extend to perceived opportunities
for fulfilling desires such as getting money, power, or social status. Eric
Nestler and Robert Malenka (2004) have described the complicated processes by which this reward system can be disrupted by addiction. They
have shown that an individual with a history of cocaine or heroin addiction, even after protracted abstinence from using the drug, is likely to
demonstrate measurable levels of arousal simply in response to entering
a neighborhood where he previously had purchased or used the drug.
When anyone notices or is reminded of something that may bring them
pleasure, arousal is likely to be mediated by rapid release of increased
dopamine into relevant circuits, even without any conscious thought.
Dopamine plays an important role not only in signaling possible reward situations, but also in registering reward as it is being experienced.
As the brain registers an ongoing experience of pleasure, it responds with
a further release of dopamine that helps to sustain the rewarding action.
The dual dopamine circuits play a critical role in mobilizing and sustaining eort to get what the individual wants or needs. These are crucial elements in the chemistry of motivation.
If dopamine is not released in these critical areas, the brain tends not
to experience motivation to work, even for rewards that might otherwise
be pleasurable. Roy Wise (1989) and other researchers have shown that
in rats, monkeys, and humans, when eects of dopamine are blocked in
specific areas of the brain, motivation and pleasure are also blocked. Blocking of dopamine release in specific areas of the brains of rats can cause
them to give up working for food or for sexual pleasure. And damage to
dopamine-producing cells in relevant areas of the human brain can eliminate cocaine addicts craving for the drug. Dopamine does not itself produce the pleasure, but it creates the conditions under which sensations
are recognized as pleasurable. Lacking anticipation or awareness of getting a payo, the organism, whether mouse, monkey, or human, tends

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


quickly to abandon working and to ignore the task, even when the task
may be essential to life (Wise and Rompre 1989).
The brains reaction to the possibility of reward and to the threat of
negative consequences like loss or punishment is subtle and complex.
John ODoherty and colleagues (2001) used imaging studies to show that
the brain registers diering intensities of reward and punishment, even
when the rewards and punishment are merely symbolic. They focused on
a region in the front of the brain because previous studies had shown that
damage there causes humans to lose normal sensitivity to rewards and
punishment, whether potential or actual. When this area is damaged,
even persons who were previously cautious tend to become reckless gamblers oblivious to negative consequences, ignoring information that would
allow them to switch to more rewarding actions.
In the ODoherty study, the brain activity of adults was imaged during
repeated trials of a gambling game. On each trial they were to bet which
of two stimuli was the correct one. If they chose the correct one, they
were given a simulated money reward; the wrong choice caused them
to lose (in simulation) a portion of their accumulated rewards. Images
showed that one specific brain section increased activation when each reward was given while a dierent section increased activation in response
to each punishment. Not only was activation observed in diering regions
under these conditions, it was found to vary in intensity, proportional to
the magnitude of each reward or punishment.
If the brain can so sensitively react to dierent levels of simulated rewards and punishment in a gambling game that participants knew in advance would yield no actual gain or loss of actual money, how much more
does it react to the multiple rewards and punishments that are a part of
daily life? This mechanism by which the brain registers subtle levels of reward and punishment is crucial in many aspects of human living. These
circuits create shifting equations for motivation that guide operation of
those executive functions that activate people to work, help them sustain
eort, and coordinate their monitoring and self-regulation.
Mary Phillips and colleagues (2003a, 2003b) have described how
working memory depends on these processes of emotional weighting not


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

only to figure out what stimuli are important enough to remember and act
on, but also to facilitate activation of memories from longer-term storage.
Phillips showed that emotional significance plays an important role in
culling memories related to specific tasks and situations as the individual
moves more or less seamlessly from one situation to another. The brains
processes of assigning emotional importance are crucial elements underlying multiple executive functions.
Brain Centers That Regulate Alertness and Fine-Tune Cognition
At the back of the brain are circuits that play important roles in regulating
alertness and fine-tuning cognitive processes. Systems of the brain that
control motivation, memory, and so forth are linked to the brains alertness and to cycles of wakefulness and sleep. Aspects of the warning system for potential danger continue to operate during sleep so that, for example, a person might awaken from slumber to the smell of smoke or a
sudden, unfamiliar sound. Yet for the most part, executive functions depend on the person being awake and not overly tired. Most aspects of the
brains executive functions require the brain to be open for business.
Regulation of the stages of sleep and alertness, or vigilance, is influenced primarily by two structures in the brain (Parasuraman et al. 1998).
One is the reticular formation in the middle of the brainstem near the
back of the head. This structure (shown in Figure 3) has widespread connections to receive and dispatch messages throughout the brain and spinal
cord. Antonio Damasio has described the complex connections from this
The structures of the reticular formation, traditionally linked to
the control of sleep-wakefulness cycles and attention, are also
linked to emotion and feeling, as well as to the representation of
internal milieu and visceral states and autonomic control.
(1999, p. 259)
Another structure critically important in regulation of sleep and wakefulness is the locus coeruleus, located near the reticular formation. This
tiny structure is composed of two segments, each of which has about

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


twelve thousand neurons that fan out throughout the brain. Its connections are more diuse than in any other neural pathway, covering like a
hairnet not only the whole cerebral cortex, but also the cortex of the cerebellum, the mini-brain near the back of the head. These connections extend into the spinal cord and down through the rest of the body, where
they aect muscle tone.
Recordings from rats and monkeys show that neurons of the locus
coeruleus are most activated by novel stimuli in the environment and are
least active when the animals are just sitting around digesting a meal or
asleep. In multiple ways these cells are involved in regulation of attention,
arousal, and sleep-wake cycles as well as learning and memory, anxiety and
pain, and mood and brain metabolism (Bear, Connors, and Paradiso 1996).
Norepinephrine is the primary neurotransmitter chemical in the reticular system and the locus coeruleus. When the locus coeruleus fires, it distributes norepinephrine through its broad network of connections, alerting
and increasing excitability in its diuse neural networks. Lack of such firing
and reduced distribution of norepinephrine is associated with inattention,
increased drowsiness, and sleep (Marrocco and Davidson 1998). Eective
operation of the executive functions activating for tasks and regulating
alertness depends on the functioning of the reticular system and locus
coeruleus, among others. Figure 5 shows the origins of the norepinephrine
system in the locus coeruleus and its projections to other areas of the brain.
The cerebellum, another structure at the back of the brain, is connected
to the brainstem. It makes up only about 10 percent of the total brain volume, yet it contains about half of all the neurons in the central nervous system (Feldman, Meyer, and Quezner 1997). Until about twenty years ago, scientists saw the cerebellum as a mechanism involved only in fine-tuning
complex movements of the body. Its extensive loops of connection with virtually every portion of the brain allow it to make ongoing comparisons between intended actions and actions in progress, so that needed adjustments
can be made to facilitate smooth bodily execution of intended actions
(Leiner, Leiner, and Dow 1989; Feldman, Meyer, and Quenzer 1997). Without these continuing readjustments, physical movements would be uncoordinated and jerky, like those of characters in very early motion pictures.


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain



Locus coeruleus


Figure 5 Main pathways of the norepinephrine system. Pathways for norepinephrine originate in the locus coeruleus and extend widely throughout the
brain and down the spinal column. Norepinephrine initiates vigilance and sustains alertness; perhaps not surprisingly, sleep involves reduced levels of this
transmitter chemical.

What has been recognized only in the past decade is that portions of
the cerebellum provide similar fine-tuning for a wide variety of cognitive activities. Michael Posner and Marcus Raichle (1994) have demonstrated that the cerebellum plays an important role in selecting appropriate verbs to go with specific nouns. Antonio Damasio (2003) has reviewed
research suggesting that portions of the cerebellum may also be involved
in adjusting social behaviors, for example, laughing and crying, to specific
situations. And Birgit Gottwald, with others (2003), has demonstrated
that damage to specific areas of the cerebellum significantly impairs
specific aspects of an individuals ability to divide attention between tasks
and to utilize working memory. Apparently the cerebellum contributes to
management of complex cognitive activities in a wide variety of ways.

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


Interacting Circuits Are Needed for Executive Functions

These various brain circuits that support executive functions do not work
in isolation. For most tasks, their operations are closely linked and interdependent. For example, Jan de Fockert and others (2001) used imaging
studies to demonstrate linkage of working memory with tasks of selective
attention. Imaging by the labs of Helen Mayberg (1999) and Jean-Baptiste
Pochon (2002) have demonstrated circuits in the brain that gate emotions. Florence Levy (2004) has explained the crucial role of dopamine in
this gating process that allows most people to attenuate emotional reactions, such as anxiety or discouragement, when they are trying to deal with
important concerns. Posner (1994) and Raichle did a series of imaging
studies that showed linkages within the prefrontal cortex and with other
brain regions; they found four dierent areas of the brain consistently
lighting up when adults were asked to do simple verbal tasks.
All of the various circuits that support the brains management functions repeatedly rearrange themselves in diverse connections as they deploy
to manage constantly changing tasks and the brains reactions to them.
These multiple circuits integrate perceptions, assign importance, facilitate memories, regulate alertness, and modulate emotion. They interact
continuously to manage multiple events of daily life. These are the primary neuronal networks that support executive functions.
The Development of Executive Functions in the Brain
These complex structures and neurochemical processes that facilitate executive functions are not fully developed at birth. They are formed and
gradually refined in a carefully timed sequence of events that begins early
in fetal development, continues into infancy, and matures quite slowly
throughout childhood and into adolescence and adulthood.
Although virtually all neurotransmitter systems are present in the cortex at birth, Francine Benes (2001) has shown that the systems for dopamine and norepinephrine are much slower to develop. These systems,
crucial to executive functions, require much elaboration over the course of
development, some of which continues at least into early adulthood and
possibly beyond.


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

Another important but slowly evolving element is myelination, the

development of a protective surface coating that insulates the fibers that
carry messages within the brain and elsewhere in the body. Myelin functions much as insulation around an electrical wire; it protects from short
circuits and can enhance up to a hundredfold the speed with which messages can zip along the brains networks, sometimes reaching transmission speeds of two hundred miles per hour. While most myelination of the
human brain occurs before age two, the process continues well into the
fourth decade of life. The more complex structures of the brain, those that
exercise more central management functions, are not fully myelinated
until considerably later than other brain structures that are less complex
(Sampaio and Truwit 2001).
Although executive functions are slower to develop than many other
aspects of brain function, foundations for their development are observable early in childhood. Adele Diamond and Colleen Taylor (1996) studied children three-and-a-half to seven years old who were asked to perform
simple tasks that involved holding two pieces of information in mind at
the same time while holding back or making a specific response. Results
showed that between the ages of three-and-a-half and six years children
improve significantly in their ability to hold two things in mind and in
their ability to inhibit a strong response so that they can accomplish a task.
Findings also showed that the older children were able to sustain their performance over more trials while many younger children who performed
correctly at first were quick to give up following the directions. The foundation for executive functions is laid early, but full development of these
linked abilities to regulate action, sustain attention, and modulate ones
emotions takes many years.
Not all children of the same age are at the same point of development
in their executive functions and not all reach the same point over the
course of their overall development. The reasons for these dierences,
linked to aspects of the individual often referred to as temperament,
may rely on aspects of body chemistry that are variable across persons of
the same age, though they tend to be relatively stable in any given individual across time.

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


In a similar manner, individuals dier in their inborn baseline levels of sensitivity to change and stress. Studies by Jerome Kagan and colleagues (1994, 2004) showed that in a sample of infants about 20 percent
are born with a very low threshold for anxiety; they tend from the earliest
months of life to respond with obvious distress and excessive behavioral
inhibition when confronted with novel or stressful situations. These individuals are likely to be seen by others as exceptionally sensitive or overly
fearful well into childhood and beyond. Work by Louis Schmidt and others (1999) indicates that these more socially reticent and anxious children
tend to be less successful than age-mates at tasks requiring use of working memory and are more often o task. This may be due to these children being flooded with anxious emotions in ways that interfere with their
attending to other stimuli and tasks.
In contrast, Nathan Fox and colleagues (2001) have reported on exuberant infants who are highly reactive and display positive emotions in response to novel situations and mild stress. These children are quicker to
interact socially with others, are more active in exploring their environment, and show less fear in new situations. These temperamental characteristics, which are present in infancy and dier considerably from one individual to another, suggest what most parents of more than one child are
quick to notice: infants seem to arrive in this world with neurochemical
wiring that lays a foundation for how they respond to people and situations. Even within the same family, individual children can dier considerably along these dimensions. These individual dierences in basic physiology, sensitivity to stress, intensity of engagement and of eort, and so
on are likely to have considerable influence on the development of what
will eventually become executive functions of the brain.
Environmental Influences on Executive Function Development
Development of the brain circuits that support executive functions is
strongly influenced by genetic factors, but environmental factors also play
an important role. Patterns of interaction between the developing infant
and its caretakers actually influence the physical development of the neural networks.


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

Daniel Siegel (1999) described the pivotal role of interpersonal attachment in shaping neural networks throughout life, particularly during
infancy and early childhood when the youngster is least able to regulate
the intensity of his own emotions. When a parent or other caretaker responds to an infants distress with soothing comfort, the disorganizing
eects of the infants stress are reduced and networks for self-calming are
strengthened. In addition, when the caretaker echoes the infants pleasurable reactions to daily events with warmth and enthusiasm, these more
positive emotions are amplified and networks for pleasure are strengthened. Siegel refers to this emotional interaction of infant and caretaker as
attunement. He sees it as the foundation for the emotional attachment
of the infant to caregivers.
Siegel argues that this process of attunement between infant and caregiver has a direct eect on the physical development of the infants brain.
He notes that those neural networks used most, especially in the earliest
years, have the greatest probability of further development and subsequent use, whereas those less used are more likely to atrophy.
The brains development is an experience-dependent process,
in which experience activates certain pathways in the brain,
strengthening existing connections and creating new ones.
Lack of experience can lead to cell death, called pruning. . . .
Genes contain the information for general organization of the
brains structure, but experience determines which genes become expressed, how and when. . . . Experiencethe activation
of specific neural pathwaystherefore directly shapes gene expression and leads to the maintenance, creation and strengthening of the connections that form the neural substrate of the
mind. (p. 14)
The experience of an infant during its first years of life is powerfully
shaped by emotional exchanges with caretakers. Recurrent patterns of
these interactions mold not only the content of the individuals experience, but also the structures of the brain within which subsequent experience will be processed and understood. Unlike a television that remains

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


unchanged by the visual and auditory content displayed on its screen, the
actual circuits of the infants brain are shaped by the quality of the infants
early emotional experience.
When one or several caretakers for an infant closely monitors the
childs emotional reactions, sharing in moments of pleasure and providing a buer of comfort at times of distress (such as when the baby is hungry, cold, in pain, or overstimulated), this attunement can provide a
structure of support and facilitate development of brain circuits more adequate for self-regulation. When such nurturing responses are relatively
consistent over time, the infant is likely to form an attachment to that
caretaker, who becomes a source of emotional security, a secure base
from which the growing child can gradually learn to move into the wider
When caretakers do not provide a reasonably secure base for attachment, when they are excessively distant, inconsistent, rejecting, or disorganized, the growing child is likely still to become attached to the caretaker, but that childs subsequent development, especially in interpersonal
interactions, is more likely to be avoidant, highly ambivalent, or disorganized. These less-secure attachments, for better and for worse, provide not
only the foundation for mental models, crystallized sets of default assumptions about self and others, but also a complex set of neural networks less adequate for self-regulation.
Mary Ainsworth and colleagues (1978), as well as subsequent researchers, have found that dierent patterns of attachment observed at
age one year are associated with varying styles of peer relationships, emotional maturity, academic performance, and capacities for self-regulation
in adolescence. According to Siegel, these behavioral patterns develop
from those neural networks preferentially developed in the brain during
the earliest years of development. Siegel (1999) noted that an individuals
patterns for attachment are not inalterably established during the first
year; they may be improved or damaged by subsequent life experiences.
This process continues throughout childhood and into adolescence, a
time when a massive surge of brain development occurs along with rapid
changes in the maturing childs social outlook.


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

Executive Functions and Adolescence

Adolescence is a time of dramatic changes in brain development, many of
which are likely to have a significant influence on the individuals executive functions. Jay Giedd and others (Giedd, Snell, et al. 1996; Giedd, Blumenthal, et al. 1999) conducted imaging studies of the brains of teenagers, taking MRI images of each teenagers brain at six dierent times
during adolescence. He found a pattern in early adolescence, around puberty, where brain volume rapidly increased, with a massive jump in the
size and number of neural networks, particularly in the frontal lobes and
in the cerebellum, two regions particularly important for executive functions. Subsequent images of the each individuals brain showed a pattern
where this rapid proliferation of brain cells was followed by a period of
rapid pruning of neural networks, allowing far more ecient operation of
the overall system.
This rapid, massive growth and pruning of the brain during adolescence is accompanied by equally massive increases in the myelination of
brain cells during the same period of development. Frances Benes (1994)
has demonstrated that myelin increases by 100 percent during the teenage
years, particularly in connections important for integrating emotional reactions with cognitive processes that involve accessing stored memories.
Benes has suggested that as these connections are developed more fully
during adolescence, the teenager may become less impulsive and better
able to integrate feelings with important memories and thought processes.
The corpus callosum, the structure that connects and integrates operations in the brains two hemispheres, is another region that has been
found to undergo a burst of increased myelination during early adolescence. Paul Thompson and colleagues (2000) have shown that this adolescent increase in myelination of the corpus callosum improves connections between areas crucial for both the more complex, emotionally
sensitive use of language and for logical thinking.
Taken together, these recent findings of widespread advances in development of the brain during adolescencelarge increases in brain volume followed by greatly increased pruning of neural networks and dramatically accelerated rates of myelinationprovide substantial evidence

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


that the circuits that support executive functions of the human brain are
not fully developed until after puberty. This is consistent with cultural expectations that defer until some time after puberty those important responsibilities that require mature executive functionsfor example, driving a car, managing ones own finances, making contracts, and achieving
more freedom from parental control.
The Decline of Executive Functions in Later Years
Once developed, executive functions do not remain static over the lifetime. They may be refined further during early and middle adult years,
and in later adulthood, for many, they begin to decline. Monica Fabiani
and Emily Wee (2001) have shown that impairment in frontal lobe functioning is characteristic of elderly adults on many cognitive tasks, especially those involving working memory; but they emphasize that individual dierences tend to increase with age. Lifestyle, general health, and
other factors greatly contribute to the eects of age on executive functions.
Although there is considerable variability among elderly persons in
the quality of their cognitive functioning, many manifest impairments in
working memory as they age, even without any disease processes or dementias. Some suggest that the increasing ineciency of working memory
in the elderly is due to specific impairments in memory; other researchers,
for example, Timothy Salthouse (1991), suggest that the apparent memory
problem is really a result of a more generalized slowing of information
processing functions.
In contrast, Michael Milham and others (2002) demonstrated that the
problems of working memory in the elderly result from impairments in
the brains mechanisms for controlling attention. These researchers used
imaging studies to compare attentional control in younger (21- to 27-yearold) versus older (60- to 75-year-old) people during a task requiring careful attention. Results suggested that aging compromises the brains ability to exercise attentional control, allowing excessive distractibility and
causing decreasing eciency in working memory.
This decline in working memory that often occurs in later years is not
necessarily global. Robert West and colleagues (2002) compared young


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

adults (ages nineteen to twenty-nine) with older adults (ages sixty-five to

eighty-three) on repeated administrations of a working memory task that
was adjusted for low demand and higher demand. West found that young
and older groups did equally well on the memory task when there was
little demand on executive functions. As the need for use of executive
functions increased, however, requiring one to hold one item in mind
while checking others, members of the older group showed much greater
variability in their performance. Sometimes they got it; often they did not.
For many, then, normal aging causes an increasing impairment of executive functions, for example, working memory, sustained attention, and
processing speed. Practice of the specific skills can reduce some of the impairment, and individuals with higher intelligence tend to show less of a
fallo overall. Nevertheless, multiple studies argue that these impairments are due to an age-related decline in the functional integrity of the
prefrontal cortex, where many executive functions are localized.
One cause of the decline of this region is thought to be an age-related
weakening of the brains dopamine system. Lars Backman and colleagues
(2000) used imaging to demonstrate that age-related reductions in the
brains transmission of dopamine play an important role in age-related decline on cognitive tests. Nora Volkow and others (2000) have shown that
even healthy older persons tend to suer age-related losses of dopamine receptors in areas of the brain (for example, the prefrontal cortex and cingulate shown in Figure 3) that are crucial for executive functions, though similar declines were not found in some other regions of the brain less involved
with executive functions. She found that individuals tend to lose about 5
percent of their dopamine receptors during each decade of life. Apparently networks that support executive functions are not only slower to develop than other brain networks; they also tend to suer an earlier decline.
Only a Glimpse: The Complexity of the Human Brain
This chapter provides just a tiny sample of the complexity of the variegated
structures and chemical functions that flexibly, often creatively, manage
the ongoing functions of the human brain. The massive scope of the
brains ability to make connections within itself boggles the mind. Paul

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


Churchland (1995) described the staggering range of possible ways in

which the brains synaptic connections can be arranged and rearranged,
moment by moment. He notes that the 100 billion neurons of the brain
form over 100 trillion synaptic connections with one another, each of
which can vary in intensity from very weak to very strong. Each individuals unique and changing configuration of these vast and intricate networks of 100 trillion connections determines how that persons brain
reacts to the sensory information it receives, how it responds to
the emotional states it encounters, and how it plots its future behavior. We already know how many dierent Bridge hands can be
dealt from a standard deck of merely 52 playing cards. . . . Think
how many more hands might be dealt from the brains much
larger deck of 100 trillion modifiable synaptic connections.
If we assume, conservatively, that each synaptic connection
might have any one of ten dierent strengths, then the total
number of distinct possible configurations that the brain might
assume is, very roughly, ten raised to the 100 trillionth power, or
10100, 000,000,000,000. (p. 5)
The amazing capacities of the human brain to operate with such wide
variability are all the more incredible when one considers that no two
brains are exactly alike. Gerald Edelman and Giulio Tononi (2000) have
emphasized how each brain is much more flexible in its capacities, and
more individualized than the most advanced computer ever made.
Each individuals brain is continually changing. Variations extend over all levels of brain organization, from biochemistry to
gross morphology, and the strengths of myriad individual
synapses are constantly altered by experience. The extent of this
enormous variability argues strongly against the notion that the
brain is organized like a computer with fixed codes and registers. (p. 81)
We are just beginning to learn about the brain mechanisms that support
executive functions across the lifespan.


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

Executive Networks Dier in Those with ADHD

The complex cognitive processes I have described thus far are not specific
to persons with ADD syndrome; these structures and neurochemicals
manage brain functions in all of us. Over recent years researchers have
begun to accumulate evidence, especially from brain imaging studies, of
some dierences in brain development and functioning in those who
suer from ADD syndrome.
One of the earliest studies of dierences in brain functioning of persons with ADHD was provided in 1990 by Alan Zametkin and colleagues.
They used imaging to compare levels of chemical activity in the brains of
adults with and without a history of hyperactivity since childhood. Results
indicated that when adults with ADHD did a task that required sustained
concentration, they demonstrated a lower rate of chemical activity, both
globally and in specific regions of the brain, than did normal controls.
Brains of those with ADHD were less turned on while doing the concentration task than were the matched controls.
Monique Ernst and others (1999) did an imaging study that compared brains of children with ADHD to normal controls. These images
showed that children with ADHD had an abnormality in the processing of
dopamine in their midbrain regions. Sarah Durston (2003) used a dierent imaging method to study self-control systems in children with ADHD
compared to normal children. While in the scanner, each child was asked
to press a button each time a particular Pokemon

cartoon character appeared on a screen and to avoid pushing the button each time another

character appeared. Children with ADHD had great diculty in

holding back their button press in the avoid pushing situation if it was
preceded by even just one push signal. The brain scans showed that
while doing this task children with ADHD also showed a more immature
pattern of brain activation; their brain activity was more characteristic of
patterns in younger children.
Imaging studies have also shown that many with ADHD use dierent,
less ecient circuits of the brain to do certain cognitive tasks. George
Bush and colleagues (1999) observed brain activity in a specific area, the
anterior cingulate (shown in Figure 3), in adults with ADHD while they

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


were doing a simple task that required resolving conflicting information.

When the brain activity of the ADHD adults on this task was compared
with that of a matched sample of non-ADHD adults, there was a significant dierence when distracters were present. Non-ADHD adults showed
significant activation of the anterior cingulate region most persons use for
resolving such conflicts. By contrast, those with ADHD showed almost no
activation anywhere in the anterior cingulate when confronted with distracters while doing this task; instead, totally separate circuits were employed and the result was a significantly slower response. It is as though
the ADHD adults, when they were being distracted, had to use a slower,
detour circuit to accomplish the task.
Ernst and others (2003) showed another dierence between the brain
functioning of individuals with ADHD and those without. They used imaging scans to observe brains of adults with ADHD and age-matched healthy
volunteers as they were making decisions about the relative importance of
alternative rewards. These adults were asked to make a series of choices
that involved weighing short-term gains against long-term losses. Results
showed that while both groups utilized similar regions of the prefrontal
cortex for making the decisions, the brains of the ADHD adults were markedly less active in regions that facilitate evaluation of the emotional attributes of stimuli. The researchers suggested that cognitive deficits in ADHD
adults might interfere with their coding of motivation, that is, their ability to assess the relative importance of one object or situation over another.
Although there are currently only a few relevant imaging studies,
their results thus far suggest that there are demonstrable dierences in
the functioning of executive function brain circuits between persons with
and without ADD syndrome. As imaging technology and understanding
of this disorder improve, more refined studies should become possible.
Meanwhile, however, the response of persons with ADHD to specific medications has been consistently demonstrated in many studies.
Chemicals That Alleviate Impairments of ADD Syndrome
Since Dr. Charles Bradleys accidental discovery in 1937 of the benefits of
stimulants for hyperactivity, discussed earlier, there have been over two


ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain

hundred scientifically controlled research studies consistently indicating

that 70 to 80 percent of persons with ADHD show significantly less impairment from their ADHD symptoms when they are treated with appropriate doses of specific medications. The improvements produced by these
medications cure nothing; impairments return to baseline levels immediately after the medication wears o. Moreover, not all medications have
this eect; only those that facilitate the release of and/or slow the reloading of dopamine, norepinephrine, or both at the synapses are helpful.
Virtually all of the important circuit centers in neural networks for executive functions operate primarily on one of these two neurotransmitter
chemicals: dopamine or norepinephrine. These particular transmitter
chemicals are not equally distributed throughout the brain; they are heavily concentrated in areas of brain discussed here as important to executive
Research suggests that persons diagnosed with ADHD manufacture
dopamine and norepinephrine in their brains just as everyone else does.
The primary problem seems to be that their brains simply do not release
and reload these neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine, eectively in areas crucial for executive functions. At these junctions not enough
transmitter is released or the amount released is too quickly reloaded, taken
back into the sending cell, before the message is fully carried across. As a
result, many messages that need to get carried along these management
networks are not consistently transmitted in an adequate and timely way.
These medications allow the two crucial neurotransmitters, dopamine
and norepinephrine, to be more available in the hundreds of thousands of
synaptic junctions where and when they are needed for the central management functions of the brain. Medications for ADD do not create the
dopamine or norepinephrine, and they do not increase the overall amount
of these transmitter chemicals in the brain, as a chef might put more salt
in the soup. Instead, at countless junctures of the management networks,
these medications facilitate the release and slow the reuptake of these two
critically important transmitter chemicals, sequentially unlocking a series
of chemical gates so that transmission along these crucially important circuits can be facilitated.

ADD Syndrome and the Working Brain


After administration of such medications, dramatic increases in chemical activity can be observed in images of the prefrontal cortex, specific subcortical regions, and the cerebellum, important centers for management
functions of the brain (Volkow, Wang, et al. 1997; Voeller 2001; Anderson,
Polcari, et al. 2002). And these changes last only as long as the medication is on board, thus confirming self-reports and observations of persons
with ADHD.
The results from these many medication studies clearly indicate that
ADD syndrome is essentially a chemical problem, specifically an impairment in the chemical system that supports rapid and ecient communication in the brains management system. Just as diabetes is a disease that
reflects impairments in the bodys processing of insulin, ADD syndrome
is a disorder that reflects impairments in the brains processing of dopamine and norepinephrine. I discuss implications of these findings for the
treatment of ADD syndrome in Chapter 9.
At this point, we know that the structures and physiological processes
of the brain that develop and sustain executive functions are vast, subtle,
and amazingly complex. It is also clear that these structures and functions
develop rather slowly compared to other aspects of the brain, and that in
most cases they gradually decline in eciency as individuals approach old
age. The next three chapters describe the interplay of developing executive
functions and the changing demands of development and daily life during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Chapter 4 Childhood: Struggling with

MYTH: ADD is simply a label for behavior problems; children with ADD
just refuse to sit still and are unwilling to listen to teachers or parents.
FACT: Many with ADD have few behavior problems. Chronic inattention
symptoms cause more severe and longer-lasting problems for learning
and relationships for those with ADD.

Many, but not all, who suer from ADD syndrome have noticeable problems during childhood. The child with ADD syndrome often needs much
more assistance and many more directions or reminders to behave appropriately and to accomplish tasks readily managed by most children of
the same age. Parents and others become progressively puzzled and frustrated as the child lags ever further behind in learning to manage daily
routines and interactions.
More than a specific skill is involved; the child tends to have trouble
with many aspects of self-management. Because children vary widely in
their speed of development, it is sometimes not clear whether a child is just
a bit slower developmentally or significantly impaired. At first, the child
just doesnt seem able to understand and to do what is generally expected
of children that age, or may show extraordinary inconsistency in behavior.
For a time, concerned adults may assume that this particular child just
needs a little longer to mature before he or she will master these tasks.
For children with ADD syndrome, the delay is often very protracted
and the dierence from expected development becomes increasingly worrisome. But for a small percentage of children eventually diagnosed with



ADD syndrome, problems emerge very early in development, when young

children are expected to show only the most basic elements of self-control.
Behaving Carefully
As a result of their impulsive and hyperactive behavior, children with
ADD syndrome tend to get injured more often than most others of the
same age. Stephen Hinshaw (2002a) reviewed studies of accidental injuries in children diagnosed with ADHD. There are strong indications
that accidental poisonings, broken limbs, head injuries, and other accidents requiring hospitalization occur at much higher rates among children with ADHD compared with others of the same age. Benjamin Lahey
and colleagues (1998) reported that these elevated injury rates apply to
young children aged four to six years, as well as older children, who meet
the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. One mother described her diculties in
keeping her daughter safe:
Our daughter is only four years old and she has been impossible
for us to control ever since she started to walk. Ive had to quit
my job so I can stay home to take care of her because she has
been kicked out of three day care programs for being uncontrollable and too aggressive with other children and sta. We try to
get relatives or babysitters to take care of her, but none of them
will ever come back for a second time; she is just too much for
them to handle. She has to be watched every minute or she
could do something that could really hurt her or do some serious damage.
Last week while I was in the bathroom for just a few minutes
she went into my purse and took the car keys. She went out and
unlocked our car that was parked in the driveway. She got in
and stood up behind the steering wheel, got it started, put it
into gear, and drove it through the garage door. She wasnt hurt,
but she could have been killed! And repairs on the car and replacing the garage door are not going to be cheap. Regardless of
how much we try to teach her how to be careful, she doesnt



Fortunately, not many children with ADD syndrome are so dangerously out of control as this preschool girl. Her diculties illustrate an extreme variant of frustrations and risks encountered by parents of young
children with early onset ADD syndrome.
More common are children who are far more restless and reckless
than average. Even when most other children of the same age can generally be relied on to wait a moment for help from an adult or to heed a warning, some children with ADD syndrome are chronically too quick to grab
things that may be dangerously hot or sharp, unwilling to wait for help
in crossing a busy street, or determined to climb into dangerously high
places. They are extremely impulsive and resistant to adult control. Regardless of how many times they are cautioned and shown how to be
careful, these hyperactive and impulsive children move too fast and too
heedlessly, sometimes at considerable risk.
Far more than most others of comparable age, these children depend
on parents, older siblings, teachers, and other caregivers to protect them
with constant vigilance and quick responses. Those who care for such
children need to be on high alert, always trying to anticipate and protect
against whatever dangerous move the child might try next. Compensating
for the inability of these children to be careful is a demanding and exhausting responsibilityand one that babysitters, grandparents, and other
adults who might otherwise assist with childcare are understandably reluctant to share.
Cooperating with Adults and Peers
Injury to children from ADD syndrome is not limited to the physical.
Many who are careful enough to avoid breaking their bones or being jolted
from placing metal into an electrical socket behave chronically in ways
that can provoke frustrated and angry reactions from peers, siblings,
teachers, and parents. These childrens problematic behavior can cause
serious damage to relationships and sometimes elicits hostile or abusive
treatment. One mother described the pressures of caring for her son:
My eight-year-old, Joey, is not a bad kid; often he is charming
and funny. But he really is a handful for everyday stu! Every



night, bedtime is a nightmare for at least an hour or two. Joey

never feels tired and is always arguing to stay up. Even when he
is really tired, its tough to get him to quit whatever he is doing,
to get him in pjs and into bed. He gets loud and stirs up the
little ones. In the morning he gets up okay, but he is incredibly
slow about getting himself dressed and ready for school. I set
out his clothes and ask him to get dressed while Im dressing
myself and my two younger kids, so we can get out too. But if I
dont stay on Joey constantly, talking him through every step of
the morning routine, hell never make his bus. His five-year-old
brother is more independent!
Joey always gets involved in playing with his transformer toys
and forgets what he is supposed to be doing. Hell still be sitting
on the floor in just his underpants with one sock on when he
needs to be walking out the door to catch his bus. Then when he
finally hears me telling him its too late, he gets upset, crying and
blaming everyone else because hes going to miss his bus. Its
the same routine every day! Weve tried star charts and all kinds
of rewards and punishments. He just hasnt learned how to be
careful about time and getting things done so he wont make all
of us late.
Doing this every morning and every night with him is exhausting, especially for a single parent like me. I never get any
rest. And more than that, hes made me late to work so many
times that Ive gotten two warnings. Im worried that I might get
fired because of this. I cant aord to have that happen.
Joeys mothers feeling of exhaustion from her struggles with her son
at the beginning of most every day is shared by many parents of young
children with ADD syndrome, especially those who must manage childrearing tasks alone. Preparing breakfast and lunches, as well as waking,
feeding, dressing, and launching several children and oneself each morningunder pressure of tight deadlines for school buses and getting o to
ones own jobis stressful enough when children cooperate, but when



one or more of the children frequently becomes sidetracked and is uncooperative, frustration can become intense and tempers can flare.
For many parents like Joeys mother, these challenges are repeated at
the end of each day when the parent and children return home tired and
hungry, all with very low thresholds for frustration. From late afternoon to
bedtime the parent may often be forced to fight recurrent brushfires of
conflict among siblings while trying to monitor the activities of each child,
initiate and supervise completion of homework, prepare and clean up
after dinner, spend some quality time with the kids, and get everyone
bathed, into pajamas, and settled into bed while doing housework like
Provocative Oppositional Behavior
Some children with ADD syndrome are not only uncooperative; they are
intensely oppositionaloften mouthy, argumentative, and extremely demanding. Many are quick to mount a protracted temper tantrum if, say,
they are not allowed to eat what they want when they want it, to watch a
particular program on television even if it is their sisters turn to choose,
or to play a video game on the family computer even though an older
brother is using it for a homework assignment.
Some of these children are also outrageously presumptuous and
brazen with parents and siblings alike, acting as though their every wish
must immediately be fulfilled. For any parent, coping every morning and
every evening with the emotional intensity of frequent, protracted temper
tantrums, as well as whining or recurrent and intense sibling battles, all
while struggling to accomplish necessary tasks and daily routines, would
be an extreme challenge; for some parents it is totally unmanageable.
Some readers, when learning about such diculties in eliciting cooperation from children, might argue that more eective parenting strategies are needed. It is true that some parents, especially those who are very
inexperienced and highly stressed in many areas of life, have never
learned how to eectively guide their children. Often their eorts to direct
and intervene unwittingly throw gasoline on the fire. But there are many
parents of children with ADD syndrome, some of whom have successfully



raised other children, who have worked very hard with multiple strategies
to elicit cooperation from their child, only to find that even carefully executed advice from experts fails to help.
Regardless of the reasons for such problems, chronic and severe lack
of cooperation between parents and children can cause serious diculties
for the child as well as for parents and other members of the family.
George DuPaul and others (2001) studied a group of children aged three
to five years, some of whom had been diagnosed with ADHD (the others
were a comparison group of normal children). Direct observations were
made of these children in a play situation where the parent was asked to
help the child do a task, and in a situation where the parent was asked to
have the child pick up toys in a playroom.
Children with ADHD exhibited more than twice the level of noncompliance and greater than five times the level of inappropriate behavior displayed by the normal comparison children when asked by their parents to
complete the assigned tasks. When parents in both groups were queried
about the level of stress they routinely experience in dealing with their
children, parents of the ADHD children reported higher levels of chronic
stress than 83 percent of the other parents; there was a very large dierence (two standard deviations) between scores for their reports and those
of parents of non-ADHD children.
In this study observers noted that parents of children with ADHD
tended to behave in a more negative way toward their children than did
parents of children who did not have ADHD. It is dicult to know how
much of their more negative interaction was due to their daily frustration
in trying to get their children to cooperate, possibly exacerbated by the demands of being observed. Alternatively it is possible that some of these
parents tend generally to be impatient and irritable, and had been very
negative and controlling with their young children from their earliest
days. In that case, the childs lack of cooperation might be a reaction to the
parents problematic temperament or parenting style.
DuPauls study demonstrated that these preschool children with
ADHD were much less cooperative not only with their parents, but also
with their peers and teachers. When observed in a free-play situation in



their preschool classrooms, these young ADHD children exhibited very

significantly higher levels (three standard deviations) of negative social behavior with their peers. Teachers rated the ADHD children as having
markedly lower levels of social cooperation and markedly higher levels of
behavior problems, as well as elevated levels of inattention, hyperactivity,
and impulsivity.
The problems that young ADHD children have with peers are important. Susan Campbell (2002) has emphasized that despite the importance
of family life in shaping a childs ability to deal with other people,
It is also clear that children learn much about the rules of
social exchange in the peer group. Turn-taking, sharing, control
of aggression, empathy, helping, sex-role learning, role taking,
strategies of conflict resolution and moral reasoning all develop
within the peer group as well as within the family, and appear
to be central components of the ability to establish reciprocal
friendships and maintain relationships with others in the larger
peer group. (p. 177)
In her long-term research on hard-to-manage preschoolers, Campbell
found that children with early behavior problems at home varied considerably in the quality of their relationships with peers. Some wanted to play
with others, but were too aggressive and too forcefully dominating of
other children while playing; this resulted in their being actively avoided
by peers. Others who had considerable diculty at home were able to
function in age-appropriate ways with other children; they derived considerable pleasure and support from being with peers. Still others, though
oppositional and hard to manage at home, were unassertive and wary of
other children. As a result, they isolated themselves, and because they
avoided peer contacts, they developed lower peer competence and continuing reticence with other children.
Campbell (2002) found that children who showed severe peer problems at ages two to three years, and had peer relationships that worsened
with development, tended to have significantly poorer outcomes six to
seven years later. She noted that early peer problems may be interpreted



as contributing, in a sort of snowball eect, to the persistence of general

diculties at school and at home (p. 198).
One mother described her worry about the peer relationships of her
daughter with ADD syndrome:
Our daughter is ten years old now. Her ADHD didnt get diagnosed until she was in third grade, probably because she is
pretty smart and not really a big troublemaker for the teachers.
She does okay with most of her schoolwork because it hasnt
started to get very challenging yet, but shes had trouble in getting along with other kids and in making and keeping friends
ever since she was in preschool.
Lots of kids just dont like her. It breaks my heart to see how
disappointed she gets when all the other girls get invitations to
one anothers birthday parties and she is never invited. Once in
a while I can get another girls mother to have her daughter
come over for a playdate, but most of them dont want to come
back a second time and they never seem to reciprocate. I think
my daughter just isnt very good at joining in with them in the
things they like to do. She gets too bossy and doesnt know how
to cooperate with other kids her age.
Darna Blachman and Stephen Hinshaw (2002) studied girls with
ADHD aged six to twelve years during summer camp programs. They
found that even in the camp situation, where they could make a fresh start
with peers they had not previously known, girls with ADHD developed
fewer friendships than girls without ADHD. They were more likely to be
disliked and have no friends, and less likely to have more than one friend
than were girls without ADHD. Social problems of these ADHD girls
seemed to result from their tendency to be intrusive and noncompliant.
Some were able to attract friends initially, but then had great diculty in
maintaining the engagement, focus, and persistence needed to develop
friendships at camp.
Boys who suer from this disorder also tend to experience elevated
levels of rejection from their peers. Sharon Melnick and Stephen Hin-



shaw (1996) studied six- to twelve-year-old boys with ADHD in comparison to age-mates without ADHD, all of whom were participating in a summer camp program. They used ratings from adult observers, self-ratings,
and friendship choice ratings by the groups of boys to assess how much
each boy was liked by the others and what behaviors were associated with
more or less group acceptance. They found that many ADHD boys were
rejected quickly by the group because of excessive aggression, pushing too
much to get attention for themselves, and not sharing their peers concerns for fairness.
In a similar summer camp study, Drew Erhardt and Stephen Hinshaw
(1994) demonstrated that boys with ADHD were rejected very quickly by
their peers. Their negative status in the peer group was quick to form; they
were rejected on the first day of camp, four times faster than comparison
boys. And this negative peer status persisted, for most, until the end of the
camp session weeks later.
These data suggest that both boys and girls with ADHD tend to have
significant problems in cooperating with peers just as they tend to have
significant impairments in cooperating with their parents and other adults.
Some might consider this simply a problem of misbehavior, but, as I discuss later, these behavioral problems may be complicated, if not caused,
by less obvious problems with language development and/or impairments of executive functions.
Communicating Eectively with Others
One important aspect of cooperating with others is learning to communicate eectively. This reciprocal process involves far more than simply
understanding the meanings of specific words that are heard and stringing words together in an appropriate way to speak to others. Careful examination of the processes involved in interpersonal communication
shows it to be a complex interaction that often places heavy demands on
the executive functions impaired in individuals with ADHD.
Our son, Phil, is now twelve years old. We have always thought
of him as a really dicult child to raise. From his preschool
years he has always been stubborn. Weve always had trouble



getting him to follow directions at home. And his teachers have

complained that he doesnt listen or follow directions at school.
Hes always been quick to get into arguments with family members and with other kids; sometimes the fights actually get physical. And when he gets into arguments he often just keeps repeating himself and doesnt really listen to what the other
person is trying to say.
Last month we found out from a school evaluation that Phil
has ADHD and a pretty serious language problem that none of
us had ever recognized. The school did a comprehensive evaluation that included assessment by a speech and language specialist. She gave Phil some tests and found out that he has serious
problems with both receptive and expressive language. We always noticed that he often jumps to wrong conclusions and
sometimes didnt say things quite right, but we never realized
that he often doesnt really understand what others are saying
and often cant come up with the right words to say what he is
thinking or feeling.
Unrecognized language problems are not uncommon. Nancy Cohen
(1996) and Cohen and colleagues (1993, 1996) studied a group of children aged four to twelve years who had been referred for psychiatric outpatient treatment for a variety of behavioral and emotional problems.
They evaluated language development in the entire group and found that
62 percent of those children who had emotional and/or behavioral problems met diagnostic criteria for language impairment. In the general population of school-aged children, only about 3 percent have such deficits.
There are two basic categories of language disorders: understanding
what others are trying to communicate (receptive language) and expressing ones own thoughts and feelings (expressive language). While these
basic problems in language processing are not usually seen as a component of the ADD syndrome, they are present in a disproportionately high
percentage of children with this disorder. This increased incidence is
likely to be due to the heavy demands of interpersonal communication on
executive functions.



In addition to basic problems in receptive and expressive language,

speech and language specialists also check for pragmatic deficits. These
involve problems in using language appropriately within social situations
to join a conversation, to clarify or correct misunderstandings, and so on.
Pragmatics also involves many nonverbal aspects, for example, facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, as well as use of words.
Rosemary Tannock and Russell Schachar (1996) reviewed studies that
compared children with ADHD to normal children in their use of pragmatics. They found multiple studies indicating that ADHD children tend
to exhibit:
excessive verbal output during spontaneous conversations . . .
decreased verbal output . . . when confronted with tasks which require planning and organization of verbal responses, as in story
retelling or giving directions . . .
diculties in introducing, maintaining and changing topics appropriately and in negotiating smooth interchanges or turn-taking
during conversation
problems in being specific, accurate and concise in selection and use
of words to convey information
diculties in adjusting language to the listener and specific contexts. (p. 139)
ADHD children often have combined problems in listening, speaking, and pragmatics. Each of these communication activities involves executive functions. Listening is not a simple or passive skill. It involves actively receiving and organizing verbal and nonverbal information: words
spoken, tone of voice, facial expressions, and gestures presented by the
speaker. Listening also involves grasping elements of the others message that are implicit, or that refer to facts or experiences linked only indirectly to the present moment or topic. Also involved are processes of
putting the pieces together to understand what the other person is saying, sorting out the important facts, ideas, and feelings, as well as monitoring the interpersonal interaction. These tasks all involve use of executive functions.



Speaking involves actively choosing words, assembling the words in

phrases and sentences, speaking them at a rate, volume, and tone that others can grasp, and utilizing facial expressions and gestures to emphasize
or clarify meaningall while monitoring ones output for accuracy and
coherence (Am I saying what I mean in a way that the other person will
get it?). Simultaneously the speaker needs to monitor reactions of the
listener for clues about whether ones message is being received and accurately understood. When it appears that the listener is not attending,
has not heard, is puzzled, has misunderstood, or is reacting in another unwanted way, the speaker usually needs to stop and try to find ways to gain,
or regain, the listeners attention and understanding. Executive functions
are involved in many aspects of communication.
Karen Purvis and Rosemary Tannock (1997) studied story retelling
abilities of seven- to eleven-year-old children with ADHD and compared
both (1) to children diagnosed with reading disorders (including some
who also had ADHD) and (2) to children who had neither ADHD nor a
reading disorder. Each of these children was asked to listen to a story that
continued for three minutes and involved multiple characters and a detailed series of events. Immediately after hearing this narrative, the child
was asked to recall and retell the story.
Children with ADHD made significantly more errors in organizing
their stories, in accurately retelling story details, and in correctly reporting
the sequence of events in the story. ADHD children also had a higher incidence of ambiguous references and other failures to take into account
the needs of their listener. Purvis and Tannock concluded that these problems of the ADHD children in understanding and retelling the story were
due not primarily to language impairments, but to diculties with their
executive functions: the processes that mobilize attention and help one organize and monitor information both coming in and remembered.
Impairments of communication in children with ADHD often are not
recognized in the way that behavioral problems are, but they can be a powerfully damaging manifestation of executive function impairments. These
impairments can create many diculties in a childs eorts to communicate eectively with peers as well as with adults, with family and play-



mates as well as with teachers and others less familiar. And when eective
communication fails, misunderstandings often arise and conflicts between persons tend to escalate.
Learning to Read and Write
Reading and writing are additional modes of communication that become
increasingly important from early childhood on. Both of these involve considerable work to develop needed skills. One mother described problems
in motivating her son to work at learning.
Our son Wally is a very bright boy, but he just wont work in
school. When they do things that interest him, he will join in the
conversation and contribute some good ideas, but he has never
had any patience for when the teachers or assignments are boring. His father and I think the problem is that he is so bright.
Most of the teachers are not very inspiring and a lot of the work
they assign is a waste of time.
Wally is in sixth grade now and he doesnt get many good
grades on his report card. He is just not a worker. In class he
spends a lot of time daydreaming and drawing cartoon characters or racing cars. At home he spends hours every day surfing
the internet and concentrating on video games, but we just cant
get him to work in school. His teacher says he just doesnt seem
motivated. We are starting to wonder how we can get him to
work on things that he really needs to do.
This mother is beginning to realize that her twelve-year-old son will
have significant problems if he doesnt learn soon to work on school tasks,
even when they are not very interesting to him. He may be very intelligent
and she may be right that his teachers are not very inspiring and that they
give him a lot of boring work, but this boy is currently lacking a willingness to work at learning content and skills set before him by others.
In the field studies used to develop the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for
ADHD, one survey item was Seems unmotivated to do schoolwork or
homework. This descriptor fit many children with ADHD, but it was not



ultimately included in the published diagnostic criteria, presumably because of a concern that the cause of the motivation problem might be misunderstood as a simple obstinance. Yet motivation to work is a major
problem for many who suer from ADD syndrome.
Over three decades ago, Erik Erikson (1968) wrote about the importance of children developing the capacity to work at learning the skills they
need to get along in life.
When they reach school age, children in all cultures receive
some systematic instruction. While all children at times need
to be left alone in solitary play and . . . hours and days of makebelieve in games, they all, sooner or later become dissatisfied
and disgruntled without a sense of being able to make things
and make them well and even perfectly. It is this that I have
called the sense of industry . . .
[The child] learns to win recognition by producing things.
He develops perseverance and adjusts himself to . . . become an
eager and absorbed unit of a productive situation. The danger at
this stage is the development of an estrangement from himself
and his tasks . . . the sense of inferiority . . .
Children at this age like to be mildly but firmly coerced into
the adventure of finding out that one can learn to accomplish
things which one would never have thought of oneself, things
which owe their attractiveness to the very fact that they are not
the product of play and fantasy but the product of reality, practicality, and logic; things which thus provide a token sense of participation in the real world of adults. (pp. 123127)
Eriksons point here is that it is important for children to be helped
to develop skills and attitudes that can lead to productive work. He noted
that in literate societies, where careers are more specialized, each child
needs first to be given a basic education that will prepare him or her for a
wide range of possible careers. This education is likely to involve activities
and skills that the child would not spontaneously choose for pleasure,
though the child may find pleasure in mastering the skills at progressing



levels of diculty. But useful skills alone are not enough. Erikson emphasizes also the importance to the child of developing a work ethic, a
sense of industry, an ability to win recognition by producing things, an
idea of the pleasure of work completion by steady attention and persevering diligence (p. 259).
Studies have shown that many persons with ADD syndrome have considerable diculty developing this pleasure of work completion by steady
attention and persevering diligence. Because of their chronic problems
with executive functions, individuals with ADD syndrome are at high risk
for chronic academic underachievement and school failure.
Stephen Faraone and others (1996) compared children aged six to
seventeen years diagnosed with ADHD to normal controls. Results indicated that at some point in their schooling, 56 percent of the ADHD children had needed academic tutoring, 30 percent had repeated a grade, and
35 percent had been placed in a special class. Comparable numbers for
normal controls were much lower: 25 percent had received academic tutoring, 13 percent had repeated a grade, and 2 percent had been placed in
a special class.
Inattention Interferes with Learning to Read and Do Math
Such high rates of academic underachievement and failure among children with ADHD may result from a number of causes, one of which is
likely to be chronic inattention. David Rabiner and colleagues (2000) reported on a large study of children monitored from kindergarten through
fifth grade. They found that children identified by their teachers in kindergarten as being more inattentive than most others in their class had
significantly lower reading achievement when they reached fifth grade.
The problems of these low-achieving children were based on their significant impairments in sustaining attention, not on behavioral diculties, IQ,
or prior reading achievement. From their six-year study the researchers
About one third of the children who were reading in the normal
range after kindergarten, but who were highly inattentive during
first grade, had fifth grade reading outcomes more than one SD



[standard deviation] below their peer group. . . . Because first

grade is a critical time for the acquisition of early reading skills,
one plausible hypothesis is that attention problems interfere
with the acquisition of these skills and that it is dicult for children to catch up. (p. 866)
There are several ways in which learning to read can be problematic
for a child. One is a persisting diculty in recognizing words on the page
as words one has heard in conversation. This involves the ability to break
down unfamiliar words into their component parts. There are just fortyfour of these components, phonemes, in the English language; these combinations of letters that represent a specific sound are the building blocks
for all spoken and written words in the language. Sally Shaywitz (2003)
has described the fundamental importance of phoneme processing in
Before words can be identified, understood, stored in memory,
or retrieved from it, they must first be broken down into
phonemes by the neural machinery of the brain. . . . Language is
a code, and the only code that can be recognized by the language
system and activate its machinery is the phonologic code. . . .
Overall the child must come to know that the letters he sees on
the page represent, or map onto, the sounds he hears when the
same word is spoken. (pp. 41 44)
Shaywitz points out that virtually all humans acquire spoken language
simply by consistent exposure to their mother tongue, that learning spoken
language is relatively eortless and natural, while reading is not. Reading
is an acquired act, an invention of man that must be learned at a conscious
level. . . . The key to unraveling it is not so readily apparent and can only
be accessed with eort on the part of the beginning reader (p. 50).
About 80 percent of American children learn how to transform
printed symbols into phonetic code without much diculty, but for the remaining 20 percent, this code-cracking task is much more dicult. These
are the individuals who, in varying degrees, are dyslexic. Many of them



can be taught to read, but this usually requires alternative approaches and
more intensive instruction and practice than is required for most others.
Among individuals with ADHD there is a markedly elevated incidence of dyslexia (Tannock and Brown 2000). As was shown in the Rabiner study, attentional problems and other impairments of the ADD syndrome can severely impair an individuals ability to read.
Yet phonemic decoding is not the only element involved in reading;
gradually the child needs also to develop fluency and comprehension of
longer stretches of text. Virginia Berninger and Todd Richards (2002) described the development of two types of fluency:
The first kind is oral reading fluency in which children not only
become faster in recognizing words, but their oral reading begins to reflect the melody or intonation of the spoken language.
The second kind is silent reading fluency in which children
quickly and automatically access . . . word forms . . . thereby
freeing up limited working memory resources for reading comprehension. (pp. 162 163)
Children who suer from chronic impairments in their ability to sustain attention and eort, to utilize working memory, and to employ other
executive functions usually impaired by ADD syndrome, are likely to have
continuing diculty in these more advanced aspects of reading comprehension.
In our Yale Clinic for Attention and Related Disorders, Donald Quinlan and I administered reading tests to older adolescents and adults diagnosed with ADHD. Their ability to recognize and correctly pronounce
lists of words on the Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test was in the high
average range. But their scores for demonstrating comprehension of passages several paragraphs long on the Nelson-Denny Reading Test were
significantly (1.5 standard deviations) lower. They were also significantly
slower at reading the passages. These preliminary findings suggest that
adolescents and adults with ADHD are likely to have persisting problems
with reading fluency and comprehension that are not explained by poor



decoding skills. These findings also indicate that reading problems associated with ADD syndrome do not disappear over time.
Children with significant attention impairments during their early
school years are likely to experience diculties not only in reading, but
also in learning mathematics. Elizabeth Benedetto-Nasho and Rosemary
Tannock (1999) studied students aged seven to eleven years, half of them
with an ADHD diagnosis, half without. The two groups of students were
matched for equal math skills and none had any learning disability. When
asked to complete sets of math problems appropriate for their ability level,
the ADHD students attempted fewer problems, were three times less
eective in solving the problems, and made six times as many errors
when doing subtraction problems. Errors in subtraction were mostly errors in borrowing; for example, 120 9. Such diculties are likely to involve not only attention to details (for example, noticing whether one is
supposed to add, subtract, multiply, or divide), but also working memory
functions (such as keeping in mind that one has borrowed from the tens
column when one subtracts from the ones column).
ADD Syndrome Impairs Written Expression
Skills of written expression, the ability to put thoughts into sentences and
paragraphs that others will be able to read and understand, are also problematic for many children with ADHD. Written expression is a more demanding task than is talking, reading, or doing basic math computations.
To write ones thoughts places much heavier demands on learned skills
and executive functions. Virginia Berninger and Todd Richards (2002) described some of these demands:
Writing, especially expository writing, is not talk written down
it requires self-generated language without social supports during the initial planning and text generation processes. Thus,
writing is not the inverse of reading or aural/oral language . . .
in the sense that division is the inverse of multiplication.
(pp. 168170)



Put another way, writing lacks the scaoldingthe supportof having a partner in conversation. And a blank page does not oer the structure of other words to read. It therefore is much more demanding on executive functions than is reading or conversation. Berninger and Todd
noted that
both writing and reading draw on . . . memory, executive
processes, and thinking processesbut in dierent ways. Because the reading system [of the brain] can refer to written text
at any time, the memory burden is greatly reduced. In contrast,
the writing system . . . may place a greater burden on working
memory than does reading comprehension. Writing is an immense juggling act, with more jobs to do than reading. The writing jobs include planning (generating ideas and setting goals),
translating those ideas into text, transcribing that text, and reviewing and revising it. . . . Control processes for extracting
meaning from a finished text (reading) are not as taxing as the
executive processes that go into generating and repairing a text
until it is deemed a final product (writing). (pp. 172174)
Relatively few studies have assessed impairments of written expression in individuals with ADHD. Susan Mayes and colleagues (2000) studied children with ADHD in comparison to children who had other emotional or behavioral problems without ADHD; all of these children were
eight to sixteen years old and had been referred to a child psychiatric treatment clinic. Each child was given individually administered tests for IQ
and academic achievement. Of the children with ADHD, 65 percent had
a score for written expression that was significantly lower than that predicted by their IQ test score; only 27 percent of the clinic-referred children
without ADHD had such a discrepancy.
Taken together, these several studies and others not described here
show that significant percentages of students with ADHD demonstrate
substantial basic impairments in reading, math, and/or written expression, often from their earliest years in learning these skills. These academic impairments suggest that many children with ADD syndrome have



a weak foundation of basic academic skills on which to build their education. Such impairments are also important because they tend to demoralize children early in their educational careers and deprive them of the
sense of being able to make things and make them well, which Erikson
claimed was the foundation for a sense of industry.
Many children with ADD syndrome are not able to win recognition
by producing things in their elementary school classrooms. Rather, they
tend to be recognized by teachers and peers as the ones who didnt get the
assigned task completed, missed the main point of it, or did it too hastily
or with too many errors. When a child encounters such defeats frequently,
especially in the early years of schooling, it doesnt take long to become
discouraged with academic work, and to develop a sense of inferiority that
undermines ones attempts to learn. Shortly before his evaluation for
ADHD, a six-year-old boy in kindergarten was asked to try tracing the
shape of the letter H. He told his mother, I dont even want to try doing
that. Im just going to mess it all up like everything else I do.
Faced with repeated early failures and frustration in trying to learn
basic verbal and mathematical skills, many children with ADD syndrome
give up on truly learning academic tasks. They may be forced to continue
to do their lessons, prepare their papers, and take the tests, but their motivation to invest themselves in such learning, to work at learning, is likely
to be markedly diminished. They may continue so as to avoid getting into
trouble with the teacher or parents, but they may not anticipate feeling
satisfied in having done a task well. Sometimes such discouraged children
develop alternative skills that bring other kinds of recognition: clowning
to get classmates to laugh, challenging the teacher with defiance, or bullying other children.
But academic weakness is not the only reason that many children with
ADD syndrome seem relatively unmotivated. Sometimes parents unwittingly sabotage the motivation of their children to work at learning. Sometimes parents of bright children, like the underachieving Wally described
earlier, do not adequately appreciate the importance of teaching their child
to work at a task and learn to do it well, even if it is not especially interesting or challenging.



Much of what children are required to do in school is not very interesting to them and much of it may not even be directly useful in later years.
But the experiences of accepting an assignment and working to learn a
new skill, practicing and refining the skill, applying it to assigned tasks,
and working to get it done well can all contribute substantially to a childs
developing a sense of industry. If the child finds that recognition is given
for significant eort, and if his work or developing skill is acknowledged
by others, especially the parents, as having importance and value, then the
child is likely to develop some pride and satisfaction in doing the work.
Some parents overlook the value of nurturing the childs developing academic competence, but are quick to give such recognition to their childs
eorts in sports, art, music, mechanical tasks, or other nonacademic pursuits. Often this results in the childs becoming strongly motivated to improve those skills while neglecting academic challenges.
Sarah has never been much of a student, but she has always
been a good athlete. She says she tries hard to do her schoolwork, but she never does it very well. Her father and I are both
very athletic and we have ADHD like she does; she has to have
gotten it from us. But we noticed from when she was just a
toddler how much she loves physical activities. She was pretty
good at dribbling a soccer ball when she was just five years old.
Weve spent a lot of time coaching and practicing with her and
weve paid for her to get private lessons in ice skating and tennis
and skiing. Shes been on soccer and Little League teams since
she became old enough to sign on. And shes already earned all
of the figure skating badges.
Sarah has always worked very hard to improve her performance. Coaches all tell us that she is one of hardest working kids
they have ever seen. Her natural talents and hard work pay o.
Shes always a star! We attend all her games and competitions.
We stay in close touch with her coaches and we take her to see
the pros in her sports whenever we can. We have a display of all
her ribbons and trophies in our dining room. Our only worry
now is that her sixth-grade teacher is saying she is failing and



may have to repeat the grade. If she cant get all passing grades,
she wont be eligible to play on the school teams next term. That
would ruin everything. Shes never been very interested in working on schoolwork, at school or at home. We are getting worried
about that.
It may be true that Sarah is naturally much more talented in athletics
than in academics, and thus more motivated to work consistently at learning to improve her athletic abilities. But it is dicult to know how much
of Sarahs lopsided motivation is due to her parents strong enthusiasm
for her eorts in sports and their years of relatively weak interest in her academic work. If her parents had invested more eort and interest in encouraging Sarahs academic learning, it is possible that she would have
learned to work productively at learning in school, just as she has learned
to do in sports. She may never have become as competent and interested
in schoolwork as she has become with sports, but she might have developed that aspect of herself well enough that she would not need to repeat
her grade. Given her ADHD diagnosis, it is unlikely that her diculties in
school are due solely to the attitudes and behavior of her parents, but these
may be contributing to the problem.
Sarah is a good example of someone with situation-specific ADD syndrome impairments. She demonstrates that she is able and willing to
work hard at learning and practicing skills that interest her, while she
complains that she is unable to sustain enough interest and eort to do
the schoolwork that may eventually determine whether she will be eligible
to play on school sports teams.
Executive Functions and the Tasks of Childhood
This chapter has described examples of four developmental tasks or challenges faced by most children during childhood:
Behaving carefully,
Cooperating with adults and peers,
Communicating eectively, and
Learning to read and write



The childs performance on each of these tasks is initially micromanaged

on behalf of the child by parents, older siblings, or other caregivers, until
the child is able to perform the tasks alone. Each of these tasks involves
many steps and depends on some combination of those executive functions described in Chapter 2.
Some situations require only the simple exercise of very basic functions: waiting a moment, heeding a warning to stop, saying a few words,
or noticing the lighted color on a stoplight. Others are more complex and
require more refined executive abilities. For example, in many situations
behaving carefully requires attending to details that may signal risk; it also
requires working memory to keep in mind what one is doing, for example,
avoiding distractions and attending to trac while trying to cross a street.
It also requires calling to mind information relevant to the present moment, such as remembering cautions one has been given to avoid certain
potentially risky situations. And it requires monitoring and self-regulating
actions so that one is not completely dependent on others to protect and
control what one is doing.
For very young children, executive functions are performed by parents, older siblings, or other caregivers in virtually every situation. These
guardians, present almost constantly during the young childs waking
hours, protect and guide the child until, gradually, the child learns to manage an increasing range of situations for herself. Seeing this, most caretakers allow and encourage the child to do more for herself while they continue to provide support for those more challenging situations that may
exceed the childs present abilities. Assessing the childs readiness to
handle new situations usually requires gauging the childs competence in
using the needed executive functions.
All four of the developmental tasks I discuss in this chapter are important for all children. And none of these tasks is ever fully completed.
As the child gets older there will be new tasks to master and new settings
where one must learn more about how to behave carefully, cooperate with
adults and peers, communicate eectively, and work to learn. Task demands become more complex and required skills become more subtle.
While there may be considerable truth in Robert Fulghums assertion that



everything he ever needed to know he learned in kindergarten, few would

argue that later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood do not require
refinement of those most basic skills.
In early years the child learns to be careful to wait at the curb until he
can hold the adults hand while crossing the street. Later he learns how to
look carefully both ways, judging the movement of trac so he can safely
cross himself. Still later he learns to ride his bicycle safely in the trac,
and when older he will learn to be careful in driving a car. As an adult he
may need to learn how to be careful when accompanying a young child,
remembering to anticipate the childs moves and to be sure to hold the
childs hand.
Even in the early years of preschool, some children demonstrate significant delays or impairments in development of certain capacities of
working memory, planning, cognitive flexibility, and capacity to tolerate
delayall of which are foundational to the development of executive functions. These delays or impairments have been documented by Edmund
Sonuga-Barke and colleagues (2003), who tested children between three
and five-and-a-half years old on measures of executive function and capacity to tolerate delay. He selected 70 percent of the children randomly
from community nursery schools and compared them with 30 percent
who had been identified as showing ADHD impairments in school, at
home, or both. Impairments of executive function measures, including
the capacity to tolerate delay, were strongly correlated with the level of
ADHD symptoms in both boys and girls. The author concluded that
these data add substance to claims that preschool and schoolaged children with ADHD symptoms share similar neuropsychological characteristics . . . and [provide] evidence for an
association between preschool ADHD symptoms and more
general executive deficits. (pp. 1339 1340)
During childhood, then, most individuals who suer from ADD syndrome tend to have considerable diculty achieving basic and important
tasks of self-management. In addition, the diculties such children have
performing these tasks are due largely to impairments in executive func-



tions of the brain. All children with ADD syndrome do not have equal impairment in each of the four self-management tasks. Some may be quite
impaired in being careful while generally being able to communicate
rather eectively. Others may be reasonably careful and generally cooperative with others, though they tend to struggle to communicate well and
to work to learn. Despite this variability, however, relative to their peers,
most of those diagnosed with ADHD during childhood tend to demonstrate significant impairments across all of the clusters of executive function impairments that constitute ADD syndrome.

Chapter 5 Adolescence: Greater Independence

Brings New Challenges

MYTH: Those who have ADD as children usually outgrow it as they enter
their teens.
FACT: Often ADD impairments are not very noticeable until the teen
years, when more self-management is required in school and elsewhere.
And ADD may be subtle but more disabling during adolescence than in
While many with ADD syndrome suer impairments that become apparent sometime during childhood, for some, these diculties are not evident
until adolescence. In addition, among those children whose ADD syndrome is obvious in childhood, most experience increased diculty as
they are forced to meet growing challenges to their executive functioning
in school, at home, and in social relationships. For most individuals with
ADD syndrome, the years between junior high school and their early
twenties are the most frustrating. It is during this period, from adolescence to early adulthood, that one faces the widest range of tasks challenging executive functions, but has the least opportunity to escape from
those tasks at which one is not very competent.
One point at which ADD syndrome impairments often become more
noticeable is the transition from elementary to secondary school. In elementary school, students are usually in the care of one teacher most of
each day. This allows the teacher to become familiar with every student in
the class, developing personal relationships with each one and helping to
manage any interpersonal conflicts. In addition, the elementary schoolteacher provides a continuity of structure and organization for students



throughout each school day, helping them to set priorities, reminding

them of upcoming deadlines, and monitoring all aspects of their work,
learning, and social interactions. When the students move to secondary
school, most of this nurturing structure and supportive continuity is lost;
instead, they must rely much more extensively on their own executive
Managing Time and Homework
Secondary school generally requires much more complex self-management than does elementary school. Schedules for secondary school usually involve seven to nine class periods, each of which is held in a dierent
room with a dierent group of students and a dierent adult in charge.
Instead of working closely with twenty to twenty-five students all day, each
teacher is likely to encounter 125 to 150 students daily, each for just one
class period. Without one teacher to provide coherence and structure, students themselves need to be much more organized, managing by themselves their schoolwork, school activities, and school relationships.
In many schools class schedules are not consistent; they rotate from
day to day so the student must keep in mind which schedule is in place
for a particular day. Each class period usually requires dierent materials
and toolsfor example, textbooks, notebooks, writing implements, calculators, gym uniform, and so onthat the student must carry from class
to class, getting them out of or into a locker or backpack as needed. Many
students with ADD syndrome have a lot of trouble keeping track of these
belongings, remembering which items to bring to which class period and
then remembering to collect and reorganize everything in the few minutes allotted between classes.
Rotation from one class to another seven to nine times daily also increases the complexity of social interactions for adolescent students. This
frequent reshuing typically involves many social interchanges, some of
which may be pleasant conversation fragments with friends. But walking
the hallways and entering into each classroom also exposes the student to
a constantly changing mix of other students, some of whom may be aloof,
taunting, provocative, or threatening. Interactions and anticipated inter-



actions with other students may stir up many unsettling thoughts and
feelings in students that may linger even after the teacher begins organized instruction.
Teacher-student interactions also vary from class to class. Each teacher
has a unique personality, a dierent style of interacting with students, and
personalized ways of managing a class. Some teachers are highly structured and demanding of students, quick to confront anyone slow to comply. Others are more casual, less willing to control the class. Some teachers are very supportive and encouraging of students, whereas others may
be condescending or hostile. In more extreme cases, students can get
caught up in power struggles with a teacher or suer verbal taunts or embarrassing criticisms from a teacher whom they cannot safely confront.
Thoughts and feelings about social interactions with classmates and
teachers may consume a large portion of a students energy and time during school. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Reed Larson (1984) studied adolescents who were asked to carry beepers each day and to record in detail
what they were doing, thinking, and feeling each time the beeper alerted
them. Students in this study reported that they were thinking of schoolwork only 40 percent of all occasions in class when they were randomly
beeped. This study also reported that
compared to other contexts in their lives, time in class is associated with lower-than-average states on nearly every self-report dimension. Most notably, students report feeling sad, irritable and
bored; concentration is dicult; they feel self-conscious and
strongly wish they were doing something else. (p. 204)
From intensive study of these students, selected from the general population of a suburban high school, these researchers concluded, Even in
a very good high school such as the one studied here . . . students are probably absorbing only a fraction of the information being presented. They
found that classic academic subjects such as mathematics, foreign language and English showed the lowest levels of intrinsic motivation,
coupled with low aect and activation (p. 206). If students in the general
population commonly experience such diculties in the classroom, it is



not surprising that individuals with ADD syndrome report significant

problems managing their time and eort at school.
The work of school does not all happen at school. Secondary school
usually brings substantial increases in the quantity and complexity of homework that students are expected to manage, complete outside of school, and
then hand in to the appropriate teacher at a designated time. Many adolescents have great diculty keeping track of what homework has been assigned and when it is due. Many also have problems getting the work done
on time. Some even have trouble remembering to hand in completed assignments at the designated time so they can receive credit. For students
with ADD syndrome, these escalating demands of homework may become overwhelming.
We never got any complaints about Emily when she was in the
elementary grades. Teachers generally had good things to say
about her. Once in a while the teacher would alert me about her
needing help in completing a project or longer-term assignment, but usually she got her work done without much diculty. Trouble started when she got into junior high and had
six dierent teachers each day instead of just one. Thats when
homework became a really big problem.
Often she would forget to write the assignments down so
when she came home she didnt know what she was supposed
to be doing for homework or when the quiz or test would be.
Things started to snowball. She would get behind in a couple
of classes and we would get a note from the teacher that she had
failed a test and owed a bunch of homework assignments. We
would get on her to complete that work and then she would fall
behind in another class or two. Every year it was constant brush
fires of late or incomplete work. None of the teachers seemed to
know what was going on with her in any of her other classes and
she just couldnt keep the whole picture in mind.
Keeping the whole picture in mind is a task that many individuals
with ADD syndrome find quite dicult, particularly when the picture is



as complex as in secondary school. When a student spends most of the

school day with one teacher who knows her well, that teacher can monitor
the assigned schoolwork, suggesting priorities and reminding about deadlines. If a student is not writing down assignments, the teacher may notice this and prompt the student to do so. Teachers in lower grades are
aware of how much work they are assigning for each day and can adjust
this when needed so that students are not overwhelmed with too many
quizzes, tests, or papers on the same day. In junior high and high school,
by contrast, teachers usually do not coordinate assignments or test dates
with other teachers. Often this results in several major assignments needing to be turned in at one time or several long reading assignments,
quizzes, or tests being due on the same day.
Homework is not the only demand on an adolescent students time.
Many students are also active in sports teams that have frequent practices
and games, all of which require substantial time and energy. Others take
lessons in music or dance that require daily practice. Some also belong to
clubs or take religious instruction after school, which may mean that they
need to set aside time for study, projects, or group activities. Others have
part-time jobs that may require many hours of after-school and weekend
time. Homework and study requirements compete against these other
structured activities for the time, energy, and attention of adolescents.
Another domain of activity that looms large in the life of many
teenagers is making and maintaining contact with friends. This often involves large amounts of time spent each day talking with peers during the
school day while changing classes, on the bus to and from school, at the
lunch table, or in the locker roomor after school as small groups of
friends gather on a corner, at the home of a classmate, or at the local mall.
Sometimes conversations are not face-to-face. Many adolescents spend
literally hours on the telephone each day talking with one or several
friends. Modern telephone connections even make possible conference
calls that link multiple simultaneous connections between several callers.
Another mode of communication in heavy use among many adolescents
is email, particularly instant messaging. In this modality many computersavvy adolescents can carry on lengthy conversations by sending a few in-



stantly delivered sentences at a time. These messages, short or long, may

be forwarded to other friends as a way of sharing information or comparing notes.
Regardless of how they communicate, the act of comparing views
checking to see how friends describe or react to the clothing, comments,
interactions, or alliances of peersserves a crucially important role for
most adolescents as they make and repeatedly revise their own perspectives. In similar ways many adolescents compare complaints about parents, siblings, and teachers as well as swap enthusiasms and complaints
about music, movies, sporting events, music videos, or television shows.
Exchange of such information provides a continuing opportunity for adolescents to experiment with various attitudes and viewpoints, thus defining themselves vis--vis others and learning what elicits agreement, enthusiasm, or rejection from valued friends. But for some adolescents, these
activities become virtually incessant, crowding out other activities that are
also important.
Jim used to spend hours every day riding his bike or shooting
baskets with his friends. Over the past couple of years, since he
started high school, he holes up every day in his bedroom, always on the phone or on his computer. He and his buddies exchange more emails every day than I usually get at work in a full
week. Most of it is just each one checking out the others opinion about who was acting cool or not and who said that this
friend likes that one.
What worries me is that he seems to get too caught up in this.
Weve tried to set some limits on how much time he is allowed
to be on the phone or computer each day because often he is not
getting his homework done. All of his time is spent talking with
this one or emailing that one. He says everybody is doing it just
as much as he is, but I dont see everybody getting warnings of
possible failure in three dierent courses because they havent
been getting their homework done and havent studied enough
for tests. His father and I are talking about taking away his use
of the phone and computer until his grades get better. But we



both work and its almost impossible for us to enforce what we

think is right.
This mother is concerned about the excessive amount of time her son
spends exchanging phone calls and emails with his friends, realizing that
he is ignoring homework to the extent that he is failing courses. Yet she
also notes another problem faced by many parents of adolescents: There
are limits to how eectively parents can control how their adolescents
spend their time. Especially when both parents are working, it is very
dicult for parents to force their adolescents to invest time and significant eort on their homework. They may remove a computer from the
adolescents room or disconnect his phone or access to internet service,
only to find that alternative connections are found during the many afterschool hours when they are not at home. And even if these distractions are
eectively taken away, it does not guarantee that the adolescent will invest
more time and eort in serious study.
An adolescents daily communications with friends can be an important way of making, maintaining, modifying, and shifting alliances; protecting oneself from possible embarrassment, ridicule, or isolation; assessing ones one status and performance; and shaping ones self-definition.
But waking hours not consumed by school are limited, and adolescents
are faced daily with decisions as to how that time will be spent. Multiple
executive functions are involved in the daily process of estimating, organizing, prioritizing, monitoring, starting, and stopping daily tasks and activities. These are not easy for any adolescent, but they are very dicult for
many adolescents with ADD syndrome, and overwhelming for some.
Sexual Feelings and Relationships
Although most adolescents, especially those with ADD syndrome, are challenged by the self-management required for school and daily activities, a
greater challenge is often the management of their thoughts, feelings, and
imaginings about themselves. For most adolescents, each day is filled with
many minutes or hours of thinking about their physical and social appearance: how they look, how they are seen by others, and how they compare
with their peers. Some of this preoccupation is linked to experiencing the



physical changes of puberty and to an emerging sense of themselves as

sexual beings. One fifteen-year-old boy described his daily struggles:
I dont know whats the matter with me. My brain is always
stuck on thinking about sex and it gets me into trouble. Maybe
its because I hit puberty earlier than most of the other guys in
my grade. Im always horny in school and then Im thinking
about Will I jerk o when I get home or will I be able to resist
it? Some days I can resist, but usually I have to do it as soon as
I get home from school. Then I take a nap. At night I try to do
my homework, but usually I go on line to IM with my friends
and then I spend an hour or two surfing the porn sites and getting myself o again. Afterwards I feel stupid for being so
messed up and then I just dont feel like doing any homework,
so I just listen to some music and go to sleep.
Lots of days I have a hard-on all the way through English
class. There is this one girl who sits across from me. Shes really
hot. Im always looking at her and thinking about what Id like
to do with her even though Ive never done anything with anybody yet. Last week after school I was instant-messaging with
one of my buddies and told him some of the stu I was thinking
about her. He emailed that to his girlfriend and then she emailed
it to the girl herself and then I got an email from her saying that
Im a pervert. Next day she spread a bunch of rumors about me
to her friends. All week I couldnt even go to school. I was so
This high school student with ADD syndrome described several painful
dilemmas that are not specific to adolescents with ADD syndrome, but his
problems in coping with his diculties were exacerbated by his ADD impairments. He described how he is distracted throughout much of most
school days with internal struggles over his wish to masturbate versus his
guilt and shame about doing so. Though many adolescents have similar
struggles that occasionally intrude into their work at school, this young
man reported that his inability to block these preoccupations significantly



intruded on his ability to pay attention and take adequate notes during
most classes. Similarly, he left many homework assignments undone because he could not delay his wish to surf pornographic web sites and masturbate. His problem was not simply the time involved in these activities.
He also was unable to block the self-criticism that left him feeling messed
up after each time he masturbated. He illustrates the continuing truth of
the observation of John Gagnon and William Simon (1973) that
there is little evidence that there has been any reduction in the
anxiety associated with masturbatory practices by the young who
are beginning their sexual lives . . . it is the existence of this anxiety about masturbation that supports our experiential belief that
the sexual drive is one of extreme potency. We presume that we
are experiencing a biologically powerful experience when in fact
it is the guilt and the anxiety associated with arousal identified
as sexual which is provoking our sense of intensity. (p. 56)
Many adolescents (and adults) struggle with sexual preoccupations
and with feelings of guilt over their actual or imagined sexual activities,
but those with ADD syndrome often report much more diculty in managing these thoughts and emotions than do most of their age-mates. It
seems to be more dicult for them to compartmentalize them and to
focus on necessary tasks than it is for many others of the same age.
This boys report also highlights the social risks associated with sexual development in adolescents. Impulsively, while instant-messaging, he
had shared with a friend details of his fantasies about the girl he was attracted to in his English class. Equally impulsively, the friend, who also
had ADD syndrome, pushed a button to share this electronically transmitted confession with his girlfriend, who quickly sent it to the girl who
was the object of the boys fantasies. The resulting embarrassment and
shame caused the boy who had shared too much information to avoid attending school for a full week.
Two aspects of the revelation caused the student to feel humiliated.
First, he expected, rightly, that peers would ridicule him for confessing to
masturbating, an activity in which most adolescents engage, though few



acknowledge. Second, he was very ashamed to have his classmates know

that his exciting fantasies sharply contrasted with his total lack of sexual
experience with any other person. While many adults worry about adolescents becoming too aggressive sexually, many do not understand how
dicult it is for many adolescents to get started sharing sexual intimacies
with any partner. The vulnerability of adolescents to fears of rejection by a
potential partner and risk of humiliation if a partner reports ones sexual
uncertainty or ineptness to others would be dicult to overestimate. For
those with ADD syndrome, managing fears of peer ridicule and uncertainties about who to ask out and how to act when dating or during sexually charged social interactions can be very dicult, even more than for
most others of the same age.
For some adolescents with ADD syndrome, developing sexual relationships can become a way to compensate for frustrations in their academic work and other aspects of life. One very attractive girl with ADD
syndrome reported:
My parents sent me to this private high school for ninth grade
because they knew that Im smart, but had a lot of trouble in
school. They thought it would be better for me because the
classes are smaller, but they didnt know the work there is a lot
harder than in public school. Lots more homework and lots
more tests. My grades in eighth grade werent good, but my
ninth grade report card was loaded with Ds and Fs even though
I was working pretty hard. In the third quarter of my first year
there I got caught cheating on a history test and they kicked me
out, so I had to go to public high school. At first I just hated it,
but then I met Mike, a senior. He was easy on the eyes and captain of the football team and co-captain of the baseball team. He
was no honor student, but he did OK on grades. And he had a
car with an amazing sound system. When I started going out
with him, everybody started to be my friend.
I had gone out with some other guys before, but never with
somebody so much older. My parents said he was too old for me
and didnt want me to see him, but I kept going out with him



anyway. He just didnt come to the house. I would tell them I was
going to my girlfriends house and then I would go out with him.
At first I wasnt too comfortable with the marijuana and beers; I
hadnt done that before. But then it relaxed me and I really enjoyed partying with Mike and his friends. Then that summer I
got pregnant. I found out just before Mike was going o to college. I had been on the pill, but sometimes I forgot to take it.
At the time of this incident, this girls ADD syndrome had not been
recognized. Like many other students with ADD syndrome, she had struggled with her schoolwork and found that even when she worked hard, her
grades were disappointing to her and to her parents, who were spending
a lot of money to provide a better education. In such a competitive setting,
students who do poorly in their studies often face daily humiliation as
classmates and teachers witness their inability to keep pace with burdensome homework assignments, lively class discussions, and challenging
tests. When she got caught cheating, this girl was further humiliated by
the expulsion that resulted from her desperate but misguided eorts to
get a better grade. She was then faced with the embarrassing task of having to answer seemingly countless friends, acquaintances, relatives, and
neighbors who wanted to know why she was transferring mid-semester
from a prestigious private school to the local public school. She reported,
I feel like I have a big C for cheater or R for reject
stamped on my forehead. Kids at the new school keep asking
me why Im coming here now. I cant say I just moved to town,
because some of them already know me from elementary
school. I try to tell them I just didnt like the other school, but
they all know it has to be because I got kicked out.
Faced with many weeks of multiple daily reminders of her failure to
find success at the more prestigious school, of her inability to satisfy her
own aspirations and those of her parents who struggled to continue to pay
the high tuition that had to be forfeited when she was expelled, this girl was
exceptionally vulnerable as she tried to work her way into the established
social networks of the public high school. Being attractive, she caught the



eye of an older boy whose attentions both helped her feel valued and
brought her recognition by classmates who liked and respected him.
When her parents, fearful of her associating with an older boy, forbade her
to see him, she resorted to deceit so she could continue the relationship.
The significance of this new relationship was complicated. Not only
did the girl gain status among peers for being chosen by this popular older
boy, she also was welcomed into his peer group and included in their frequent gatherings. Because she was bright, empathic, and articulate, she
was someone her new boyfriend could confide in as he was struggling to
cope with the recent death of his father. Repeatedly she was told by his
mother and friends that her support had lifted him out of his grief; she felt
needed and valued by her boyfriend, his mother, and many of his friends.
Their warmth and gratitude served as an antidote to her strong feelings of
failure and shame; it also intensified her resistance to her parents continuing demands that she stay at home more and study harder to succeed
at school.
As she spent more time with her older boyfriend and his friends, the
girl also joined in the beer drinking and marijuana smoking that often occurred at their weekend parties. Joseph Biederman, Timothy Wilens, and
others (1998) have shown that individuals with ADHD not only have a
twofold increased lifetime risk of substance use disorders than those without ADHD, but also tend to begin substance abuse earlier and continue it
longer. Elizabeth Disney and colleagues (1999) found that girls with
ADHD often begin substance abuse earlier than boys with ADHD, possibly because they tend to associate with older boys whose patterns of substance abuse may be more fully developed.
This girl reported that despite her initial discomfort with drinking
beer and smoking marijuana, she soon came to enjoy its relaxing properties as well as the concomitant social interaction. She said she also appreciated her boyfriends gentle sexual attentions that gradually developed
into an active sexual relationship enjoyed by both of them. Her failure to
take regularly the contraceptive pills she had obtained from a clinic was
probably due to the eects of her ADD-related working memory problems
combined with her dimly sensed hope that if she were accidentally to be-



come pregnant he might abandon his plans to go o to college the following autumn, choosing instead to remain at home to intensify his relationship with her while attending a college in the community.
This girls early adolescent coital experience and premarital pregnancy are consistent with a pattern reported from the Milwaukee longitudinal study of hyperactive children by Russell Barkley (1998). His group
followed 158 hyperactive children and 81 matched controls for more than
fourteen years. During this period the children with ADHD started having sexual intercourse earlier than the controls (at fifteen years rather than
sixteen years), had many more sexual partners in their lives (nineteen versus seven), were less likely to employ birth control methods, were more
likely to have contracted a sexually transmitted disease, and were much
more likely to have conceived a pregnancy (38 percent versus 4 percent).
These findings related to adolescents who had been hyperactive as children; most of the hyperactive subjects met DSM-III-R criteria for ADHD.
Since this pattern of high-risk behaviors has not been reported for adolescents with ADHD who lacked a history of hyperactivity, these findings
should not be taken as applicable to all adolescents with ADHD. The pattern reported for the hyperactive subjects in Milwaukee did, however, fit
closely with the experience of this particular girl.
It would be too simplistic to argue that this girls school failure, debased self-esteem, cheating, alienation from her parents, and premarital
pregnancy and subsequent problems were all a direct result of her ADD
syndrome. Multiple influences were at work in this complex situation. Yet
it is hard to avoid the conclusion that this girls life might have been much
less painful if her ADD syndrome had been recognized and treated early
in her school career. As it was, she was not evaluated, diagnosed, and
treated until after she had aborted the pregnancy and her boyfriend had
gone o to college. She responded well to medication for ADD syndrome
and completed her high school education with very high grades. Two years
later she wondered aloud:
Seeing how much this medication helps me focus, and seeing
how good my grades are now in advanced classes with only
about 60 percent of the eort I was putting into getting those



lousy grades before, I really wonder. I wonder how things might

have been dierent if my ADD had been picked up when I was
in junior high. I bet I would have been just as good as most of
the other kids at that prep school if only I had this medication
then. I wonder where I would be today if that had happened.
Another question that might be raised is: Where might this girl have
ended up if her ADD syndrome had not been identified and treated when
it was? She came for evaluation because she was severely depressed and
a heavy abuser of alcohol and marijuana. She did not come for treatment
immediately after she had aborted the pregnancy with support from her
boyfriend, but months later, after her boyfriend had gone o to college. To
some her substance abuse might have appeared as simply a grief reaction to
the abortion. Others might have seen it simply as a typical depressive reaction in an adolescent high school student whose older boyfriend has left for
college. It was only after detailed inquiry that the long history of failure due
to untreated ADD syndrome emerged as a major contributor to this girls
painful experiences of loss and as a persistent impediment to her future
success. Linkages between ADD syndrome, academic achievement, family
relationships, emerging sexuality, dating relationships, substance abuse,
and self-esteem are often subtle and complex, though quite powerful.
Working for Money and Driving a Car
An eighteen-year-old boy and his mother came for consultation. He was a
senior in a technical high school, referred by the school because he was in
danger of being unable to graduate due to failing grades in the theory portion of his shop course, where he majored in culinary arts. The school reported that for the past two-and-a-half years this boy had been consistently
described by his shop teacher as the best culinary arts student Ive ever
had. He is a master in the kitchen, but he never does any homework and
doesnt study for the tests on the textbook. I cant pass him unless he does
that work.
At the outset of his evaluation interview the boy proudly handed me a
thick stack of paycheck stubs from his work in a local restaurant over the
past three years. He said,



Regardless of what they tell you in those reports from school, I

want you to know that Im a really good worker and a really good
cook. I work thirty hours a week in the kitchen at this restaurant; Im there every day. When there is no school, I work even
more. I started as a dishwasher and then I was a prep cook and
now Im one of the chefs. I know more about cooking than anybody else in our shop class except for our teacher.
My boss will tell you. Im one of his best workers. Always on
time; often I stay late. I like my work and Im good at it. It pays
pretty well too. You can see it from those pay stubs and you can
see it right out the window in your parking lot. I bought that
pickup truck completely from my own money that I earned at
the restaurant! Now they say I cant graduate from high school
just because I dont do those Mickey Mouse assignments and
tests from the book. That has nothing to do with knowing about
cooking and nothing to do with the real world.
After their five-year study of one thousand adolescents in transition
from school to work, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Barbara Schneider
(2000) reported that although most teenagers by the end of high school
have done some paid work as babysitters, lifeguards, or fast-food servers,
very few gain experience in jobs around which vocations are built. This exceptional young man took well-deserved pride in his demonstrated ability
to function well in the world of work. Unlike most in his peer group he
had already developed and refined many practical skills directly applicable
to employment. And he proudly drove around in his self-bought vehicle
that served not only as a means of transport, but also as enviable evidence
of his earnings-relevant accomplishments. Yet though his work experience yielded him money and considerable self-esteem, it also had costly
eects on his academic work and his attitude toward school.
Evaluation indicated that this young cook had solidly average intelligence, but fully met diagnostic criteria for ADHD. He had been frustrated
throughout his schooling by chronic diculties in sustaining attention to
assignments requiring reading and writing. Although he was very competent at organizing his work in the kitchen and in sustaining attention to



countless details involved in preparing and serving multiple meals simultaneously, he had great diculty organizing his academic work, attending
to details of reading-based or math problems, and recalling what he had
read. His part-time work had served for many years to compensate for the
frustration and embarrassment he chronically felt in the classroom. Yet a
few months before his scheduled graduation, his demonstrated success in
practical skills of the kitchen could not alter the fact that he would be denied a high school diploma if he did not successfully complete enough of
the reading and written work required for graduation from this technical
high school. To accomplish this he needed treatment for his longstanding
ADD syndrome.
For most adolescents, employment is not so productive as it was for
this young cook. Ellen Greenberger and Laurence Steinberg (1986) studied tenth- and eleventh-grade students who were employed part-time and
a comparison sample of adolescents who had never held a steady job. They
concluded that
adolescent work is now, for the most part, totally dierent from
the type of work youngsters will do in the future. Once motivated by the economic needs of the family and the community,
most adolescent work today represents luxury employment, of
which adolescents themselves are the chief beneficiaries. And
the workplace, once an area where the generations were united
in common tasks, is now an age-segregated adolescent stronghold . . . excessive commitment to a job may pose an impediment to development by causing adolescents to spend too much
time and energy in a role that is too constraining and involves
tasks that are too simple, unchallenging and irrelevant to their
future. (pp. 67)
The young cook was an exception to these observations in some ways.
His work did place him in an apprentice-like situation where he learned
skills of his trade by working collaboratively with an experienced chef. As
it had evolved, his part-time employment had led him to become immersed
in work that held the promise of becoming a satisfying career. Such work



is far dierent from that of most adolescents, who serve burgers in fastfood outlets or check in videotapes and DVDs at the local rental center. Yet
the many hours spent at work did take away considerable time and energy
needed for aspects of his schoolwork that were challenging to him and
necessary for graduation.
The pickup truck that the young cook had bought with his earnings
was a source of great pride to him, but it also had a negative eect on his
schooling in several dierent ways. First, the truck cost a lot of money not
only for its initial purchase, but also for insurance, fuel, desired improvements, and unanticipated repairs. Even while he was feeling desperate to
fend o the threat of failing to graduate, this young cook initially argued
that he could not reduce his long hours at work even temporarily because
he needed to get more money to pay for new tires he had already bought
and for imminently needed repair of the trucks transmission.
Second, having his own vehicle diminished contact between him and
his parents. He was rarely home for meals, he drove himself to and from
both school and work, and he used his truck during his spare time to drive
around and look for friends with whom to socialize. His mother reported
that she saw very little of her son and had little opportunity to talk with
him about school, work, or anything else. She commented, Since hes
been getting his own paycheck and paying his own bills, and not needing
to borrow my car, he feels independent, that he should be able to do pretty
much whatever he pleases. I dont have much control over him anymore.
Even for adolescents who are not employed and do not have their own
car, parents often feel a substantial loss of control over their adolescent
sons and daughters after they get their license to drive. This is one of
many reasons that most adolescents long for the day when they are able to
obtain that little plastic-covered document that certifies them legally to
drive a car. The drivers license becomes a badge of having left behind the
constraints of childhood and of entering the privileged world of adults.
But for most parents this transition is fraught with much worry and feelings of helplessness.
Parents may continue to exercise power over whether and when the
adolescent is able to use their car, but whenever the teenager gets behind



the wheel to drive unaccompanied by a parent, control of the driving is

squarely on the shoulders of the adolescent himself. Some teenagers are
careful and very competent drivers, but many are not. Escalated insurance
rates for drivers under the age of twenty-five reflect the fact that, as a group,
these less experienced adolescents and young adults have more accidents
with more costly consequences than do most drivers older than twenty-six.
For adolescents and young adults who suer from ADD syndrome,
driving a car presents not only the same challenges and satisfactions as for
anyone else of the same age, but also additional obstacles. In a series of
studies of driving in young adults with ADHD, Russell Barkley (1993) and
colleagues (1996, 2002) found that those with ADHD demonstrated numerous problems in operating a motor vehicle. In a study comparing adolescents and young adults with ADHD to matched controls, all of whom
had comparable years of experience in driving, Barkley found that those
in his ADHD sample did not dier significantly in their driving skills and
experience by gender or by ADHD subtype, but they clearly diered from
the non-ADHD control group. Ocial records showed that the individuals with ADHD had significantly more total trac citations, license suspensions and revocations, and speeding tickets.
Further, while most members of both the ADHD and control groups
had received at least one speeding ticket and had been involved in at least
one motor vehicle accident while they were driving, there were significant
dierences between the two groups in the degree of their driving problems. Significantly more of the ADHD group reported that they had driven
illegally before being licensed to drive; had been ticketed for twelve or
more driving oenses; had received five or more speeding tickets; had
their license suspended or revoked during their driving careers; and had
been involved in three or more crashes. Similar findings have been reported by Shyamala Nada-Raja and colleagues (1997) from their epidemiological study of 916 adolescents in New Zealand. That study also found
that females with ADHD were as much at risk of impaired driving and serious crashes as were males.
These data indicating that adolescents and young adults are at greater
risk of driving violations and motor vehicle accidents are not surprising



when one considers the great demands that driving places on executive
functions, demands outlined in the opening pages of the Introduction.
Leaving Home
While getting a license and driving a car are important steps in an adolescents journey toward independence from the parents, a far greater step
occurs when the adolescent moves away from home to live at a university
or in his own apartment. It would be hard to overstate the magnitude of
change that this transition requires from any adolescent, but for those
with ADHD, this massive separation from day-to-day contact with parents
is even more challenging. At no point in life does the average individual
face so many changes in so many aspects of life at one time with so few
precedents to provide guidance.
Like most of my friends, I really looked forward to college. All
during senior year and through graduation everyone always
talked about how we could hardly wait to get out of high school
with those boring classes and ridiculous rules; and we were
desperate to get away from our nosey parents who were always
checking up on usHave you done your homework? Were
you drinking last night at the party?and making stupid curfews even for weekend nights. For us, college meant freedom,
a place where you can take care of yourself and where there is
nobody checking up on you.
When I actually got on campus it felt good, but kind of
strange. Nobody really cared when I went to bed or when I got
up or whether I ever went to class. Most nights I went out for
beers with some guys from my dorm and smoked some weed
on our way back. Back in my room I could stay on the Internet
as late as I wanted and then I would crash about three or four
in the morning. That left me too tired to get up for morning
classes. Usually I slept until about noon. I missed a lot of classes
and never really got most of the reading done. When I got up I
would smoke a little more. Then lots of times I felt too tired to
get to my afternoon classes. After a while I just gave up on going



to classes. I was hopelessly behind. Thats how I failed all my

classes and got kicked out of the university at the end of the year.
It was all kind of a shock to my parents, because they never got
to see my grades and until the letter with bad news came in June
I kept telling them how it was hard, but I was doing OK.
This boy had been an honor student in a very competitive high school.
He had taken two advanced placement courses during senior year, scoring
well in both of them. He was a good high school athlete, earning varsity
letters in soccer and swimming. Although a bit shy, he had some friends
in high school and in the youth group at his church. While in sixth grade
this bright boy had encountered academic diculties that led to his being
diagnosed with ADHD and placed on appropriate medication, which he
continued to take throughout high school because he and his parents
agreed it was helpful to him. He took a supply of his ADHD medication
to college, but rarely remembered to take it. He explained, I guess I was
just used to my mother setting it out for me every morning. When I had
to remember for myself, it almost never happened.
This young man had been dependent on his parents in many unacknowledged ways, not only for taking medication. Throughout his schooling, despite his complaints, he depended on his parents to limit his tendency to stay up too late using the Internet, and to urge him to get to bed
early enough that he would be able to get up for classes the next day. He
said that his parents sometimes guided him explicitly, for example, by
chiding him when he stayed up too late or reminding him of the need to
get up on the many mornings when he slept through his alarm clock. But
he noted that his parents influence on his behavior was more often indirect, without their actually intervening.
Even if they didnt say anything to me, I knew how they felt about
what I should be doing. Just knowing that they were there living
in the house with me, and that they would be worried if I just
slept and didnt go to school one day. Or that they would be really disappointed if they got a call from a teacher saying I hadnt
turned in some important term project.



Its not that they had any real power over me or would punish
me. Its more that their presence, and their knowing what I was
doing or possibly finding out pretty soon if I messed up, that
would usually push me to do what I knew I really ought to be
doing. Its like just their being around made this pressure inside
me to do the right thing. When I was away at school, I wasnt
able to make myself do what I needed to do when I had to do it.
I was completely by myself where nobody else around really
knew or cared what I was doing.
For some adolescents, their primary source of emotional and social
support is not their parents, but a dating partner, an older sibling, or a
close friend. As they approach graduation, many high school students,
with and without ADD syndrome, feel great worry and grief about the loss
of their network of high school friends and others on whom they depend
for daily commiseration, encouragement, study support, advice, and companionship. They are aware that they can stay in touch with each other via
email, telephone, and occasional visits, but departing students also know
that after high school graduation it wont be the same. While some high
school seniors clearly anticipate and talk about the diculty of leaving
home, others are eventually surprised to realize the intensity of their feelings about leaving their home in this broader sense.
One high school senior in treatment for ADD syndrome was surprised
in this way. He sought consultation soon after going by ambulance to the
emergency room because of terrifying chest pains that had made him fear
he was having a heart attack.
My girlfriend and I were with a few other seniors at this one
kids house. Wed gotten a pizza and Cokes to celebrate that all
of us had finally finished up our college applications. It was the
last day for us to hand them in to the guidance counselor for
mailing. Just after we got to the house with the pizza I got this
huge pain in my chest and couldnt catch my breath. Im a good
athlete in good condition and Ive pushed hard in tough competition, but Id never had anything like this. I felt like I was going



to die. My friends got the ambulance and they took me to the

hospital. I was there for about five hours having tests. After all
that the doctors said I was just having a panic attack, not a heart
attack. I dont know how that could be because I didnt feel worried about anything.
After a series of conversations, the precipitants of this young athletes
panic attack became less mysterious. Although he was not consciously
aware of any specific worries, he gradually realized that the act of completing his college applications and sending them o was a milestone that
had triggered many hidden fears. Most of all, he was afraid to leave his
I just cant imagine being without her. Weve been going together for almost three years and we do everything together.
All of the colleges I have applied to are just a couple of hours
away, but she is just a junior so shell still be here after I go.
Even though we say we will never break up, Ive seen a lot of
other junior-senior couples at our school say that and then they
ended it before Thanksgiving because they couldnt handle
being apart in two worlds that are so separate. I just couldnt
take the idea of her dating anyone else.
Besides, I dont know if I can get my work done without her.
Shes smarter than I am and shes always helping me study for
tests and helping me write my papers and reminding me to get
my reading done. She gets mad at me if I dont get decent grades
on everything. And every night I talk to her on the phone for at
least an hour while Im at home in bed, even if we have been
together all the time from when practice ended until we have
to get home. Its almost like were married.
This boy was taking medication that was helpful for his ADD syndrome, but he was not a strong student and he was very dependent on his
girlfriends daily support to help him organize his work and get it done.
She quizzed him to prepare for tests and she nurtured his motivation to
work hard at his sports, even when he felt discouraged about the teams



performance. For several years he had spent far more waking hours with
her than with his parents or anyone else. The prospect of living away from
her, even just a couple of hours away, and having to function without her
constant support, was frightening to him in many ways that he sensed
only dimly until he began to explore the reasons for his panic attack.
Although many students with ADD syndrome face diculties in
making the transition to college because they are more dependent on their
parents, dating partners, or others for daily support than are many of their
friends, some have diculty making the transition because others are dependent on them. One high school senior had been very successful in her
academic work since junior high school when her ADD syndrome had
been first diagnosed. Since that time she had been on a regimen of medication that worked well for her. She was very bright and worked hard on
her studies, which included several honors-level classes each semester. It
was a great shock to her and to her teachers when this girls grades dropped
in all of her classes during the first semester of her senior year of high
school. She lamented,
I dont know whats wrong with me. Ever since the second quarter of this senior year I just havent been keeping up with my
work. I still read a lot, but none of it is what is assigned. Ive
fallen behind in my homework in every class, even with a couple
of big projects. Some tests I do OK on because I still listen in
class, but if the test requires any real preparation, I dont do well
because Im not prepared. All my teachers are puzzled and some
of them are really mad at me. Every night I go home intending
to get my work done and every night I end up putting it o and
doing just part of it or sometimes none of it at all. Same thing
with my college applications. They all have to be done in less
than a month and I havent even started on one. Maybe Im just
not ready for college yet.
In talking further about her dilemma, this extraordinarily bright girl
described a family situation that played an important role in her uncertainty about whether she was ready to go to college. Her fathers work re-



quired frequent traveling, often for several nights at a time. Her mother
had a long history of depression for which she had once been hospitalized
after a suicide attempt. As an only child, this young girl felt an unspoken
responsibility to provide daily companionship and support for her mother.
Each evening the girl helped her mother to prepare dinner. Later she
spent an hour or more with her mother after supper while they watched
and then discussed the television news. Just before retiring the girl would
sit again with her mother, telling her about events at school or about the
novels she was reading. These interactions brought much pleasure to
the mother, who rarely smiled except when she was with her daughter. As
the girl began her senior year of high school and began to talk about plans
for college, the mother appeared to her daughter to be getting increasingly depressed.
Although the mother was explicitly encouraging her daughter to go
forward with plans for college, her undercurrent of depression left her
daughter fearful that going o to college might leave her mother feeling
so lonely and sad that she might again become suicidal. This girl felt enormous guilt for disappointing her parents and teachers with declining academic work, but she felt even more fear about abandoning her needy
mother. Her unwitting compromise was to fail at school and remain at
home. Although adolescents with ADD syndrome often depend on others
for support more do than many of their friends, sometimes they are also
an important source of support for others, their family or friends. These
are not mutually exclusive possibilities.
Executive Functions Involved in the Tasks of Adolescence
The developmental challenges described in this chapter are only a few of
the many that adolescents face. Yet even in these simple examples, it is
clear that adolescents are confronted with many complex tasks that require extensive use and further refinement of multiple executive functions. Moreover, the teenage years are when much of the support provided
by teachers, parents, and others is diminished or withdrawn.
Sometimes the transitions are abrupt, like the move in school from
having just one teacher in a single classroom for most of the day to hav-



ing six or seven teachers daily (with rapidly escalated requirements for
self-management of time, materials, and eort), or the move away from
home and community to go to college. Sometimes the changes are more
gradual. Either way, adolescence usually brings an escalation in the magnitude and complexity of task demands and social relationships, at a time
when the teenagers physical and social development make peer interactions more complicated and introduce sexual overtones to social relationships. At this time the individual is required to manage not only concrete tasks, but also more complex social interactions, all while taking on
much more planning for both the immediate future of the next few days
or weeks and the longer-term future of graduation and beyond.
This longer-term future planning challenges an aspect of working
memory that has not been discussed much in the neuropsychological literature thus far. Paul Eslinger (1996) observes:
Executive functions importantly include diverse goal-directed
behaviors over a period of time that extends beyond a few minutes and even to dierent spatial settings. For example, completing a graduate degree requires constant vigilance to both shortterm and long-term goals. Development and maintenance of
important social relationships . . . also requires persistent attention to immediate, short-term, and long-term goals.
This type of prospective archival memory is not well-defined
in current models. . . . It qualifies as a type of working memory
because it implies prospective memory-guided responding rather
than sensory-guided responding. It is frequently changing yet
enduring over a long period of time. Does the influence of future goals reside in some form of longer-term working memory
that is kept alive by daily activities such as the behaviors that
alter future consequences? (p. 385)
It is during adolescence that this ability to relate the choices of the moment and of the day to longer-term aims and goals becomes increasingly
important. This aspect of working memory is often significantly impaired
in adolescents with ADD syndrome. As the scaolding of earlier years is



gradually removed and, further, as the individual encounters the cataclysmic changes of moving out of the family home to live in a university
dormitory or ones own apartment, the eect of impaired executive functions is likely to become increasingly powerful, though it may not be recognized as causing impaired functioning. Eslinger (1996) emphasized,
Executive function impairments have a particularly insidious
eect on child, adolescent and even adult development and may
underlie diculties in many poor learners and workers as well
as poorly adjusted parents and citizens. Throughout life phases,
there is increasing demand for complexity and organization of
psychological processing as well as control of powerful emotions
and potentially destructive behaviors.
With development, most settings also provide only partial information pertinent to long-term goals and require greater inhibition of prepotent responses and longer delays before rewards
are to occur. Hence, unlike content-specific deficiencies in reading and spelling, developmental executive function impairments
are much more dicult to observe, identify and manage. (p. 387)
As described in Chapter 3, Jay Giedd and others (1999) used longitudinal imaging to study brains of teenagers to demonstrate that, contrary
to earlier assumptions, adolescence is a time of amazingly rapid and extensive brain growth followed by extensive pruning of neurons to make
the adolescents brain more ecient. Despite this growth, for many adolescents there is not a good fit between their developing capacities and the
demands of their environment. Their ability to negotiate the increasingly
complex demands of adolescence is inconsistent and sometimes wildly erratic. For most adolescents who suer from ADD syndrome, this process
of major transitions is even more dicult; for some, it is overwhelming.

Chapter 6 Adulthood: Managing Responsibilities,

Finding a Niche
MYTH: Unless you have been diagnosed with ADD as a child, you cant
have it as an adult.
FACT: Many adults have struggled all of their lives with unrecognized
ADD. They havent received help because they have assumed that their
chronic diculties were caused by character faults such as laziness or
lack of motivation.
During the adult years, especially the early adult years, most individuals
are faced with many new adjustments and important choices that will
shape their future in both the short and longer term. For those who suer
from ADD syndrome, these challenges are especially dicult. One twentysix-year-old man with ADD syndrome described his diculties with selecting options and working productively:
Ive always had a hard time making choices. I switched my
major five times in the three years I was in college. I keep trying
things out and then I get bored and feel like something else
would be better, so I switch. Finally I dropped out to try getting
a job. Figured Id go back to school after I knew better what I
want. That was four years ago and since then Ive had seven
dierent jobs. All of them seemed OK for a while. I came in on
time and worked hard to learn the job and do it right. Then I always started getting bored and coming in late and slacking o.
And sometimes Id get in trouble for being too mouthy with the
boss. Once I got fired for that. The rest of the jobs I just left because I had an idea of something else that might be better.



I do the same thing with everything. When Im watching TV

I have to hold the remote because I always have to keep changing channels to see what else is on. Same with girlfriends. For a
while I like this one, then I see someone else who looks better.
So I drop the first one and then hook up with the other one for
a while, until someone else comes along. Recently though Ive
been remembering something one of my professors said: As
we grow up, life has to be a succession of amputations of possibilities. I always like to keep all my possibilities open, but I
dont know where Ill end up when Im forty if I keep doing this.
This young man was very bright. His tested IQ was in the very superior range. He had perfect scores for both the verbal and math portions of
the SAT. His grades in college courses varied widely, usually between A
and F with not many in between. He explained, It all depended on
whether I was interested in the course. Professors in a variety of subjects
often commented that his papers were brilliant and encouraged him to
follow through with more advanced studies. This hyper man was also
very creative: he was skilled at playing many musical instruments and had
won awards for photographs he had taken. He had an appealing manner
and a quick wit. But he was also very impulsive, hyperactive, and restless,
both cognitively and behaviorally.
Like many others treated for ADD syndrome during their elementary
and secondary schooling, this young man had decided to stop taking medication for ADD when he entered college. Though he was very bright, his
untreated ADD symptoms seriously interfered with his attending classes
regularly and completing assignments for his courses. He invested himself energetically in courses that appealed to him; those were the courses
in which he earned As. But if he felt the professor was not a suciently
lively lecturer, he avoided attending. If he found some of the assigned
readings uninteresting, he simply did not read them. Many short papers
and major projects were not completed. By the end of his third year, this
student had developed a smattering of interest in several areas, but was
not able to invest himself enough in any one field of study to create a
major. This is when he dropped out of school.



It is not unusual for individuals with ADD syndrome to drop out or

fail out of college. At our clinic for attention and related disorders at Yale,
we studied 103 adults with high IQ scores who had sought treatment for
attentional problems. Each person entering the clinic who scored 120 or
above on the IQ test, within the top 9 percent of the general population,
was invited to be in the study. All agreed. We found that 42 percent of
these extremely bright men and women had dropped out of postsecondary
schooling at least once. Many eventually returned to complete their education and some later did quite well. Academic problems of these high-IQ
adults were not due to any lack of intelligence, nor were these adults uninterested in learning. Like the young man described earlier, many of
them did extremely well in a small number of courses where they found
the instructor especially stimulating or where they had a strong personal
interest in the subject.
These bright individuals dropped out or were kicked out of university
because they were not able to manage themselves well enough to meet
minimal requirements for university study. With just a few exceptions,
they did not leave because of substance abuse; they failed out because they
were unable to make themselves go to classes regularly, take decent notes,
complete the assigned readings, study adequately for tests, and finish
enough written assignments on time. Most reported that they realized at
the time what needed to be done, and tried to push themselves to do it, but
just did not have enough willpower to make it happen.
Many reported that while in university they often became distracted
by issues or topics outside the curriculum, while ignoring the courses they
had signed up for. Or they would invest all their eorts and energy in one
course they found stimulating, while totally ignoring several others that
they also needed to pass. In their earlier years of schooling they might
have gazed out the window excessively during class or have been slow to
complete homework assignments, yet they still met most of the basic requirements. As adults, distractibility might mean that they stayed away
from the classroom altogether and avoided any or all assignments. Many
of these high-IQ students spoke of how when they first arrived at college
they wandered about from one interest to another, with no sense of where



they were headed or how their activities day-to-day and week-to-week were
linked to any longer-term goal like completing course requirements, earning a degree, or preparing for a career.
The young mans comment Ive always had diculty making choices
reflects a problem with omnipotentialitya fantasy-based attitude, common among adolescents, that all things are possible, all choices are open.
Usually this attitude is dispelled during mid- to late adolescence as most
individuals are forced to confront the reality that some doors are not open
to them. They discover that they cannot get into a particular college they
want to attend or enroll in a specific course that sounds interesting or be
hired for a specific job that they would like to do. Sometimes these impediments to fulfilling a particular aspiration come from lack of ability,
sometimes from not having met educational prerequisites, sometimes
simply because there are many more qualified applicants than there are
available openings.
As they experience such disappointments and frustrations, most young
adults reconcile themselves to the need to make choices and to abandon
some interests, amputating some possibilities in order to invest themselves in others. Usually they also come to recognize that choosing a career is not simply a matter of making a decision about what one wants, but
about trying to make an acceptable fit between what one wants and is able
to do with opportunities that are actually available. Many young adults
with ADD syndrome take longer to learn this lesson. With a persisting
sense of omnipotentiality, they experience themselves as being on a protracted shopping trip for life optionsinterested in multiple possibilities,
but unable to invest in any one choice enough to put up with the inevitable frustrations of getting started and becoming established.
In 1978 Daniel Levinson and colleagues published a study of adult
development reporting results of in-depth interviews with a sample of
men aged thirty-five to forty-five, some blue collar, some white collar. He
found that despite their diversity of employment and social class, these
men all experienced predictable phases in their adult development. In particular, most of the men found choosing an occupation to be a long, dicult process.



It is often assumed that by his early twenties a man normally

ought to have a firm occupational choice and be launched in
a well-defined line of work. This assumption is erroneous. It
reflects the prevailing view that development is normally complete by the end of adolescence. We have found that the sequence
is longer and more dicult. . . . An initial serious choice is usually made . . . sometime between 17 and 29. Even when the first
choice seems to be very definite, it usually turns out to represent
a preliminary definition of interests and values. . . . A young
man may struggle for several years to sort out his multiple interests, to discover what occupations, if any, may serve as a vehicle
for living out his interests, and to commit himself to a particular
line of work. (p. 101)
Among young adults with ADD syndrome, this lengthy process of developing commitment to a particular line of work appears often to be more
protracted than for most of their peers. Many of these men and women
find themselves having a hard time not only with making occupational
choices, but also in dealing with the usual frustrations of getting started
in a job. Their chronic impulsivity may lead to a long series of quick and
sometimes unwise decisions to pursue other jobs that seem more interesting, have fewer frustrations, or oer greater potential rewards. Russell
Barkley and colleagues (1996) compared young adults with ADHD to others of similar ages from the same community. They found that the average time on the job for the ADHD group was 9.3 months, compared to
21.5 months for controls.
The experience of the twenty-six-year-old man profiled at the beginning of the chapter illustrates how job problems may involve interpersonal conflicts with coworkers, supervisors, or employers. One source of
such conflict reported by many adults with ADD syndrome is failure to
comply with deadlines or to get to work on time. Sometimes their lateness
is a result of not being able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour and thus having diculty getting up early enough in the morning. For some, the cause
is a chronic diculty in waking up, regardless of how much sleep they
have had. For still others, the fault lies in chronically poor planning: they



fail to allow enough time for showering, getting dressed, eating breakfast,
and driving to work.
Many of these young adults have a long history of missing their school
bus and being tardy to school, even when parents have been very active in
trying to awaken and prompt them. It is not surprising that they continue
to experience such diculties, especially when no one living with them
will take on the frustrating task of getting them started each morning. Yet
research suggests that the problems of adults with ADD syndrome in regulating their time stem not simply from failing to learn how to manage a
morning routine. Chronic diculties in fitting actions into segments of
time appear to be an aspect of the ADD syndrome.
Russell Barkley and others (2001a) studied time perception and reproduction in adults with ADHD compared to normal controls. Each was
asked to estimate the duration of various short intervals of time, from two
to sixty seconds, presented to them by an examiner. They were also asked
to reproduce time intervals by telling the examiner when to start and stop
a stopwatch to make intervals of twelve, forty-five, and sixty seconds. Regardless of ADHD subtype or gender, the adults with ADHD were able to
estimate time duration as accurately as controls, but they reproduced the
time intervals significantly less accurately than did the control subjects, by
making them longer than they were supposed to be. Barkley commented,
The problem is not so much one of inaccurate sense of time as inadequate behavioral performance relative to it (p.357). The intervals that
these adults were being asked to stipulate were only sixty seconds or less.
This is but a miniature of the problem experienced by many adults with
ADD syndrome when they need to allocate time for longer tasks with
multiple variables, for example, driving to work in rush-hour trac. Their
diculties with such tasks cause many adults with ADD syndrome chronically to arrive late for work or for meetings with colleagues or customers.
Often these adults also have chronic diculties with deadlines. One
young salesman was shocked when his employer threatened to fire him
for failing to submit expense-account reports in a timely fashion. This occurred after he had ignored repeated requests and reminders, then submitted six months worth of expense reports totaling over seventeen thou-



sand dollars just after the small company had closed its books on the fiscal
year. He was confident that his very successful record in sales for the company would cause his employer to overlook his delinquency in filing the
reports. He assumed that his boss would make allowances just as most of
his high school teachers had given him high grades because he wrote very
good papers, even though he usually handed his papers in late. He assumed too much.
Like the young man described at the beginning of the chapter, this
salesman got mouthy with his boss when confronted about his negligence. He did not adequately modulate his emotions. Rather than accepting the correction and promising to improve his performance, he impulsively talked back to his boss, angrily pointing out shortcomings he saw in
the boss and in other colleagues. His emotional outburst exacerbated the
conflict and got him fired from a position in which he had made a very
promising start. Further, this result aected subsequent eorts to seek another position. His reference letter from the job he lost indicated strong
sales ability, but also significant problems with record keeping, meeting
deadlines, and insubordination.
Some individuals take longer than others to recognize such problems
in themselves and to begin an eort to change. In the case of the college
dropout described earlier, what caused him to seek treatment was not his
failure to complete his university studies, nor his diculty in sustaining
a job. He came seeking help because he was close to losing a relationship
that had become important to him. His girlfriend had threatened to dump
him because he was unable to sustain a serious relationship with her.
Only then did he begin to realize that he was setting himself up for longterm frustration if he continued to switch girlfriends and jobs as rapidly
and impulsively as he switched channels on the TV.
His girlfriend had told him that she loved him, but could not continue
the relationship because she was at a point in her life where she wanted
and needed someone more ready to quit jumping around and more
ready to start investing himself in one job and one long-term relationship. He described her as very special in a dierent way than any other
woman he had ever dated and said tearfully that he didnt want to lose her.



Yet he was very uncertain about whether he could make and sustain the
kind of commitments she was asking for.
The young mans primary motive for seeking consultation was that he
wanted to resume taking medication that had been helpful in alleviating
his ADD syndrome impairments earlier in life. He had been diagnosed as
hyperactive and was given medication for these symptoms from third
grade until the end of high school, when he had decided to stop taking it.
When I was on that stu I was still pretty hyper, but it seemed like I could
stick with things a lot better. Im wondering if something like that could
help me now so I could settle down at my job and in my relationship with
her, and maybe even go back to school.
After this consultation at age twenty-six, he resumed taking a medication for ADD syndrome, an improved version of the same medication
he had stopped taking ten years earlier. With this support he was able to
sustain the relationship with his girlfriend and stay in his job long enough
to get promoted twice.
Some adults with ADD syndrome can negotiate the frustrations of
their early adult years without too much diculty. Many successfully complete their education and find that their ADD symptoms do not impair
them so much after they get into more advanced stages of education,
where they can specialize in studies that interest them. In later years of
schooling and as they enter the world of employment, some are able to
specialize in work that turns them on, avoiding tasks that were very
dicult and burdensome when they were in school full-time. Some are
even able to find employment that for them is much like getting paid to
play an enjoyable game. This fortunate outcome would be equivalent to
Larry, the inattentive goalie of Chapter 1, successfully finishing college
and then developing a career as a professional hockey player. Many others,
however, are not so fortunate.
Managing a Household and Finances
Regardless of their work situation, most adults eventually need to manage
their own household. For many young adults, the tasks of household management are initially frustrating and somewhat dicult, but mostly mas-



tered without serious problems. For young adults with ADD syndrome,
however, these tasks often tax their impaired executive function abilities
in ways that can become highly problematic.
One twenty-seven-year-old junior high school teacher sought treatment after studying about ADHD in a graduate course she was taking to
fulfill requirements for a masters degree. Arriving thirty minutes late for
her first appointment because she had lost the directions mailed to her,
she apologized and then explained:
I need to get evaluated for ADD because I know I have it and
its really messing me up. Maybe if I get the right medication,
things will get better. In this graduate course we just studied
about ADD and every symptom on the list is something that has
been a problem for me all my life. Im terrible about planning
and organizing. I cant stay focused when I read. I never remember what Ive read. Ive got a great memory for things from a
long time ago, but my short-term memory has never been any
good. Im the worlds biggest procrastinator, always late with
everything. I got through my undergraduate degree, just barely,
but now Im really struggling with this graduate course. I cant
keep up with the reading and the tests are really hard. I havent
even started yet on a big paper that is due in three days.
I need to pass this course because I need more graduate credits to earn more money. And I desperately need more money because my financial situation is a mess. I just got an eviction notice from my landlord because Im three months behind in my
rent. And the leasing company is threatening to repossess my
car if I dont pay up on three back payments I owe them. On top
of that, Im driving now with no insurance on my car because I
havent kept up with paying that either. Ive lost two department
store charge cards because of late payments and Im up to my
neck in credit card debt. Oh, and I havent filed income tax for
the past two years, even though I want to get it done because I
should be getting a refund.



I hope I dont have to move because I like my apartment. Besides, my place is such a mess, I could never get it all packed up.
Im totally disorganized with piles of stu all over the floor and
the tables and the chairs. Theres barely enough clear space for
two people to sit and eat a meal or watch TV. I always take good
care of my appearance, but at home Im such a slob. My sink is
always full of dirty dishes and I never do laundry until everything I own is dirty and I have nothing left to wear. Sometimes
I just go out and buy some new clothes so I can put o doing
the laundry for just a little longer.
This intelligent, witty, vivacious teacher was well liked by her students
and respected by her colleagues, but she had great diculty meeting the
demands of her graduate-level course and in managing her household
routines and finances. Her parents had provided loans to bail her out of
several financial scrapes, but their resources were limited and she recognized that she needed to manage her own money, time, and stu in a
much better planned and more responsible way.
During our evaluation, this teacher described her repeated eorts to
plan a budget so she could meet her expenses in a systematic way. Always
she found herself sabotaging her good intentions by impulsively buying
new clothes or choosing to go with friends on expensive vacations she
could not aord. Both her apartment and her leased car had been selected
too much on the basis of how desirable they were without enough attention to the high monthly payments required. She had calculated her expenses for these items on the basis of her total monthly paycheck without
taking into account the amount needed for utilities, groceries, gas, and
other recurrent expenses.
The results of her evaluation indicated severe ADHD, which responded well to appropriate medication treatment. With that treatment
she was able to organize her household more eectively, though it took
her two years to stabilize her finances. She did this by implementing plans
she had drawn up much earlier, but hadnt been able consistently to follow. Her problem had not been a failure to understand what she needed
to do. It was that she could not consistently do it.



Managing Work While Nurturing Relationships

The challenges of adult life do not all come in the earliest adult years. Some
with ADD syndrome report that they encounter problems from their executive-function impairments later, in unexpected ways. One thirty-threeyear-old woman with ADD syndrome sought treatment after working successfully for ten years as an intensive care nurse in a large hospital. She
had been diagnosed with ADHD during high school and had benefited
from medication treatment for this throughout high school and college.
My ADHD is kicking up again. With the medicine I was taking
for it during high school and college I did very well. I stopped
taking it after I graduated and got into full-time nursing. I didnt
seem to need it anymore. The excitement of working in the ICU
kept me plenty focused. Im good at my work and I love the challenge of caring for these really sick patients. Now things are getting bad again for me. Im having that same frustration and feeling of helplessness and stupidity that I had for so many years
before I got diagnosed.
The trouble started after I gave birth to our son three years
ago; hes our second kid. We wanted two kids and theyre both
a lot of fun. But theyre also a lot of work, and hes an especially
lively handful. Since he started walking and getting into things,
it has been a real struggle for me at home. My husband helps a
lot and my mother-in-law provides day care for him when I work.
Thats all good, but the two kids together exhaust me. And then
two months ago I got promoted to be nurse manager for our
ICU. Thats been a disaster. I cant keep up with all the work
of scheduling sta, ordering supplies, and attending meetings.
Its worse than it ever was for me when I was doing just direct
patient care. I cant go on this way.
This woman speaks of her ADHD kicking up again as though it were
a recurrence of a disease that had been in remission. But ADHD is not a
disease; instead it is a disorder that is closely tied to daily experiences. The
womans problem resulted from the escalating demands of her new job as



a nurse manager, along with the exhausting responsibilities of caring for

her two young children. So long as she had only one child to care for and
was doing only direct nursing care, she felt competent and was successful, so much so that she was oered and accepted the promotion. The
trouble emerged when she was faced daily with increasing challenges to
her executive functions both on the job and at home with her family.
The administrative burdens of her managers job included setting up
the work schedules for three shifts, finding coverage for nurses calling in
sick, keeping track of supplies that needed to be ordered, filing required
reports, representing the interests of her unit in administrative meetings,
and arbitrating disputes among sta members. Unlike direct patient care,
which was intensive and complex but limited to dealing with just a few patients within the limits of eight-hour shifts, this administrative position
required much planning, thought, and discussion over both the short and
longer terms. It required her to keep in mind countless requests, complaints, and tasks that carried over from one day to the next, sometimes
over weeks and months. In short, these management tasks severely challenged this nurses chronic executive-function impairments in organizing
and prioritizing, in sustaining attention, and in utilizing working memory.
At home too this woman encountered increasing demands on her executive functions. When her son became old enough to walk, talk, and actively engage with his sister and the rest of his environment, the task of
caring for him became much more demanding. He was a very lively little
boy who turned out to have a fairly severe case of ADHD (this was not surprising, since parents with ADHD have a markedly elevated risk of having
a child with ADHD). His energetic, sometimes wild temperament intensified the mothers already substantial job of parenting, given that the
two children were only two years apart in age.
The womans challenges at home included not just twice as many
loads of laundry to fold, baths to give, and plates to prepare at each mealtime. She was also faced daily with repeated hassles between the children,
each one often complaining to her about the other and persistently demanding that she resolve their dispute of the moment. Her son presented
special problems with his fearless impulsivity. He required extremely



close monitoring virtually every moment; often quick interventions were

needed to protect him from unanticipated dangers. In addition, like many
children with ADHD, her son had chronic diculty falling asleep. This resulted in his making numerous curtain calls well past his bedtime; often it
also brought two or three interruptions to her sleep each night as she was
asked to calm him after a nightmare or to change wet sheets on his bed.
These and countless other demands by her children on her energy,
eorts, patience, and management skills were exhausting to this mother.
Some of the problems she faced at home were common to caring for any
pair of young children; others were more typical of families that include a
young child with severe ADHD. Even though she had support and assistance from her husband and mother-in-law, this mother felt chronically
fatigued and frustrated, with an increasing feeling of incompetence at
home and at work. The gap between her executive-function capacities and
the expanded demands on these capacities from her family and new job
had become too wide.
After his intensive interview study of life-course development in men,
described earlier, Daniel Levinson similarly studied three groups of women:
homemakers, women with corporate-financial careers, and women with
academic careers. Levinson died just after completing the first draft of the
manuscript reporting their results. His wife, Judy Levinson, a coworker in
the study, completed the project and brought the book to publication in
1996. In summarizing reports from women who were attempting to balance both marriage and a demanding career, they observed:
By their late thirties most of these career women came to understand the illusory nature of the image of Superwoman who
could do it all with grace and flair. Their self-image was more
that of the Juggler, who kept many spheres in the air without
dropping any or losing a step in the perpetual forward motion.
While continually seeking balance, most women found it impossible to give anything like equal priority to the various components of the life structure. In general, occupation was the first
priority, motherhood second, marriage a poor third, leisure and
friendship a rare luxury, and with all the external tasks to be



done, almost no time for the self. The womens lives were usually hectic, at times chaotic and exhausting. . . . It would get
better in time, they hoped, as the children grew older and the
career stabilized. (p. 349)
The nurse described in this case example faced the same draining
pressures that Levinson found characteristic of many career women, most
of whom, presumably, did not have ADD syndrome. In her case, these
pressures were intensified by the special needs of her son who suered
from ADHD, at that time untreated. The combination of these increased
demands on her executive functions and her chronic impairments of
ADD syndrome caused her to seek treatment.
During treatment, this nurse recognized her dilemma and clarified
her priorities. She spoke most of her painful awareness that she was not
providing for her children the quality of care that she wanted to give them.
She said,
Im usually doing OK at getting them the basics, but I know that
Im just not there enough for them emotionally. Im always disorganized and frazzled and tired and too frustrated. Half the
time when I lie down beside them at night to read a story, I fall
asleep before they do and during the day, so much of the time
Im just too impatient. Im not expecting to give perfection; no
parent can do that. But I know they need me to be there to talk
with them and to listen, to explain things to them, and to be
there for them emotionally. I want to do that for them. Thats an
important part of my helping them to grow up. I dont want to
miss out on it.
After some psychotherapy and talking at length with her husband,
this woman decided that she wanted not only to resume medication treatment for her ADD syndrome, but also to resign from her managers position and return to direct nursing care. She felt this would be more satisfying for her and that it would allow her to engage more fully in caring for
her children.



Any parents task in providing good scaolding for a child is complex,

requiring daily changes and heavy demands on executive functions. It includes anticipation, planning, and actionsdoing tasks to care for the child
and gradually teaching the child how to do these tasks alone. It includes
modeling and explainingshowing the child in countless examples how
to act and react in multiple practical and social situations of daily life.
Scaolding also includes attitudes and expectations, some overt and explicit, others more implicit and subtle, that help the child to form a personal picture of what ought to be, of what ought to be expected from ones
self and others. Perhaps most important in this aspect of scaolding is the
parents communicating to the child a sense of being cared for not only as
one who is valued as a precious being, but also as one from whom certain
attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes are expectedshowing throughout
the changes of each month and year that what this growing child feels and
does each day really matters to this loving and beloved parent.
Providing this scaolding is the process in which this nurse and
mother wanted to be more fully involved. The disruption of her life that
she had experienced after her promotion had created a crisis that helped
her both to redefine her priorities and to find a more eective way to cope
with her ADD syndrome.
Parenting and Sustaining Partnerships
It is not only women who find that ADD syndrome can unexpectedly
disrupt life in the middle adult years. One man with unrecognized ADD
sought consultation at age forty-three when his wife shocked him by announcing that she wanted to end their sixteen-year marriage. When the
couple came for consultation together, the wife quietly presented her long
pent-up frustration and her reasons for wanting to leave:
Ive just reached a point where I am fed up with too much giving and not enough getting back. I feel like Ive been raising not
just two children, but three. My husband does a good enough
job at work, and hes a good provider, but at home hes just like
one of the kids. I have to struggle with him to get him up and
o to work every morning and I have to remind him to get o



the computer every night so he wont stay up playing games

until 2 or 3 a.m. Ive given up on his taking care of the monthly
bills because he never remembers to pay them on time. We were
getting threatening letters and calls from creditors because he
forgot to pay. There was enough money in the bank and he had
said he would take care of it.
Once in a while hell start a project at home, but then he
never finishes it. For two years weve had bare two-by-fours in
our bedroom where he keeps saying hes going to put in new
plasterboard. Mostly when hes home, hes on the computer or
watching sports on TV. He never remembers anybodys birthday
or our anniversary and he says hell come to the kids sports
events, but then forgets to show up. When I try to talk with him,
he listens for maybe a minute or two and then hes drifting o
talking about something else. Even in those times when he
starts to say something to me, he gets o the point before his
third sentence. Hes not a heavy drinker and hes not abusive,
but he is neglectful. Ive been married to him for sixteen years,
but all that time Ive felt neglected by this man. He seems to
need a mother to take care of him day by day more than he
needs or wants a wife.
The husband did not dispute his wifes complaints. He cried. He acknowledged his recurrent forgetfulness and his frequent neglect of tasks,
events, and concerns that were important to his wife and to his children.
Youre right! I make a lot of promises to you and the kids that I
dont follow through on. And I do depend on you to keep me organized and to remind me about what needs to be done and
when to do it. Ive never been good at stu like that. When I was
a kid, even all the way through high school, my mother had to
hassle me every day to get up in the morning. If she didnt, I
would sleep through school. Ive never been able to get myself
up with an alarm clock. And she had to keep pressuring and reminding me to get my homework and chores done. Even though



I wanted to, I just couldnt manage that stu myself. You help
me with so much, and youre not even mean about it. I just
dont know if I can change the way Ive been for so many years.
I dont know if its something that can be changed.
The complicated causes of the crisis in this marriage had been festering for many years before they erupted in the wifes threat to separate. Initially the husband claimed and believed that he had not been unhappy in
the marital relationship. Later he gradually recognized that his wifes frequent reminders and supports were frustrating and sometimes very irritating to him, even though they were also helpful protection against his
own tendencies to live too much in the moment.
As they talked further about their mutual frustrations, this couple saw
that they had become trapped in maladaptive eorts to cope with the husbands unrecognized ADD syndrome. During childhood and adolescence
his mother had provided intensive support and structure without which
this man probably never would have finished high school. Shortly after
high school he met and quickly married his wife, who gradually took over
his mothers caretaking role, supporting him through his college studies,
maintaining a household, and eventually carrying most of the responsibility for caring for their two children.
Both partners agreed that they had shared many satisfactions and
good times in their sixteen years of marriage, but they also recognized that
their relationship could not continue without major changes. The change
most urgently needed was for the husband to begin treatment for the
ADD syndrome that had plagued him since childhood; it had never been
recognized in school or at home, probably because he had never been hyperactive or disruptive. As they learned about the nature of ADD, the
couple recognized that symptoms of this syndrome had contributed substantially to the husbands serious underachievement in school, his very
marginal performance in college, and his continuing erratic performance
on the job.
When he began appropriate medication treatment, the husband experienced dramatic, rapid improvement in many of his ADD symptoms.
This did not suddenly resolve all the couples marital problems, but it cre-



ated and sustained conditions under which they were able gradually to
work out a very dierent, more reciprocal style of relationship. In the process they also recognized that the increasing underachievement of their
fourteen-year-old son in high school was virtually a carbon copy of his fathers problems at that time in his own life. Both father and son benefited
from ADD treatment in ways that produced a much more satisfying life
for the entire family.
In looking at the development of this family, one might wonder how
this particular husband and wife happened to find each other. How did
this man so early in life find a partner so willing and able to provide him
the scaolding previously created and sustained by his mother? Why
would this woman choose to attach herself so early in her life to this man
with such great needs for a parent-like partner? Why did she continue so
long in this pattern? And why did she then become so frustrated with their
established patterns of interaction after sixteen years of married life together? Adequate answers to these questions are beyond the scope of this
book, but the questions highlight factors that are relevant and important
to the experience of many adults with ADD syndrome.
Most individuals do not choose a life partner or other important voluntary relationships at random. People tend to seek out and pursue relationships with others to whom they feel attracted and with whom they feel
comfortable. When discussing their choice of marriage partners, people
often describe the attractions of physical appearance, but usually far more
important are mutual attractions due to many complicated, unrecognized
features of personality and interpersonal style. Such elements can have a
powerful eect on interpersonal attraction and/or conflict, often in ways
that are noticeable only over time as the attachment develops more fully.
John Bowlby (1978), a pioneer developer of attachment theory, wrote
about the persistence of early experience in such choices throughout the
lifespan. He used the term representational models to refer to individuals persisting personal views of self and otherstheir aggregated expectations, complex and only partly conscious, of persons to whom they are
attached, which includes their image of who a person is and of what that
person wants, intends, and will do.



Whatever representational models of attachment figures and of

self an individual builds during childhood and adolescence tend
to persist relatively unchanged into and throughout adult life. As
a result one tends to assimilate any new person with whom he
may form a bonda spouse, child, employer or therapistto
an existing model and often to continue to do so despite repeated evidence that the model is inappropriate. Similarly, one
expects to be perceived and treated by others in ways that would
be appropriate to his self-model and to continue with such expectations despite contrary evidence. Such biased perceptions
and expectations lead to various misconceived beliefs about
other people, to false expectations about the way they will behave, and to inappropriate actions intended to forestall their expected behavior. (p. 16)
In this passage Bowlby emphasizes problematic ways in which expectations from earlier relationships can carry over into formation of adult relationships. But the same processes sometimes bring a good fit, or at least,
a mixed bag. A person may unwittingly seek out and develop a relationship with another person amazingly well-suited and motivated to continue, at least up to some point, patterns of interaction familiar from early
family life.
In this couple, the man found a woman who was attracted to him for
many reasons, one of which was that he needed and wanted the nurturance and support that she was motivated by her earlier life experiences to
provide. He was strongly motivated to become bonded to a caring person
who would provide the scaolding earlier provided by his mother to compensate for persisting impairments of his ADD syndrome. And she found
and joined herself to this man whose need and wish for her to provide
such intensive scaolding was, at least initially, appealing and rewarding
to her. Over the many years of their marriage, the wishes and needs of
each partner changed, resulting in the conflict that threatened to disrupt
their marriage.
One primary source of change in most marital relationships is the
birth and development of a child. Usually each new member added to a



family profoundly changes the routines and dynamics of the family. The
newborn infants very survival depends on the parents adequately arranging their schedule and activities to see that the child is carefully watched
over, fed, comforted, rested, played with, and cared for throughout each
day and night. Usually this involves not only a rearrangement of schedules, but also massive sacrifices of time, energy, and freedom by the parents, often far more from one parent than from the other. And when a new
child arrives in a family that already includes one or more children,
sacrifices are inevitably forced on the older children as well.
The entry of a new child into a family does not only mean sacrifice,
however; it also enriches the lives of parents and any siblings. Donald
Winnicott, the extraordinary British pediatrician (1965), put it this way:
The parents, in their eorts to build a family, benefit from . . .
the integrative tendencies of the individual children. It is not
simply the loveableness of the infant or child; there is something more than that, for children are not always sweet. The infant and child flatter us by expecting a degree of reliability and
availability to which we respond. . . . In this way, our own capacities are strengthened and brought out, developed, by what is expected of us from our children. In innumerable and very subtle
ways, as well as in obvious ways, infants and children produce a
family around them, perhaps by needing something, something
which we give. (p. 47)
Since the needs of children are not static, but change dramatically as
the child grows older, the eects of the childs needs and of his giving to the
parents continually evolve, causing ongoing change in the parents, both
in themselves and in their interactions with one another. In the couple described earlier, the wifes frustrations with her husband escalated as their
children entered adolescence. As the children appropriately became less
engaged at home and developed more independent adolescent lives, the
mother acutely felt the loss of the precious satisfactions of providing a
competent and caring scaolding for them. And as her children became
more private and more independent from the family, this mother felt



more intensely the lopsidedness, frustrations, and loneliness in her marriage. Consequently, she began increasingly to resent the continuing lack
of mature reciprocity in her relationship with her husband.
Changes in the life situation outside of the family can also alter the
eects of ADD symptoms on adult lives. A fifty-seven-year-old man, chief
executive ocer of a multinational corporation, brought his son for consultation after the boy had failed out of university. The boy had done fairly
well in an exclusive prep school where his daily routine had been tightly
organized for classes, sports, and supervised homework. In the very competitive college that enrolled him, however, he failed miserably during his
first year. At the suggestion of a perceptive professor, the father brought
his son to be evaluated for a possible attention disorder.
The boy fully met diagnostic criteria for ADHD and responded well to
appropriate medication treatment as he took courses in a local college. He
returned to the university on probationary status and was quite successful
with the support of continuing treatment. A few months later, the boys father called me, requesting an appointment to be evaluated himself. When
we met, he explained his motivation.
Ive been very successful in my career for several reasons. First,
Im a good idea man: I can envision how things can be developed in a creative way. Im also a good troubleshooter, identifying problems and finding eective ways to fix them. But most
important, I know how to pick good lieutenants.
I have several very competent administrative assistants who
keep me organized and help me do my job. They keep my calendar and remind me of what needs to be done when. They help to
organize and prioritize my work. They track my correspondence
and edit my dictation. Without them I could never stay on top of
all I have to do. If my son had someone like that to assist him in
college, he never would have flunked out.
Not many people know this, but I never finished university.
I flunked out at the end of my third year. I lasted a little longer
than my son did in his college studies, but mine was an easier
school. We both failed for very similar problems.



I want this evaluation for ADD because I know I still have the
same problems my son has. I could see that when I was here as
you asked him all those questions in his evaluation. Ive made
all the money I need and Im planning to take early retirement
next year. My goal for retirement is to return to university and
finish the degree I wasnt able to complete before. But I know
I cant take any administrative assistants into courses with me,
and there is just no way I will be able to do that work unless my
attention and memory problems are fixed. I want you to evaluate
me and see if you agree that I have ADHD too. If so, Id like to
arrange to get the same medication my son is being helped by.
I believe, noI knowthat the medication will be helpful to
me. Ive already tried it.
This very successful executive did, in fact, fully meet diagnostic criteria for the predominantly inattentive type of ADHD, and he did respond
well to treatment as well as finally complete a university degree. His story
illustrates how some fortunate individuals with untreated ADD syndrome
can achieve extraordinary success, even in very demanding and responsible positions, when they have sucient help to compensate for their executive function impairments.
In this case, the administrative assistants in the corporation supported this talented man in leading his massive corporation to international success. While rising to the top of his corporations administrative
ladder, he had also benefited from the work of many other secretaries and
subordinates who helped him to do tasks that he continued to find very
dicult. But when he anticipated his early retirement, he realized that his
persisting problems with executive functions would prevent him from
completing a degree, just as they had thirty-six years earlier, unless they
were alleviated.
Not every adult with untreated ADD syndrome is fortunate enough to
have salaried assistants to help compensate for executive function impairments. But many do have coworkers, spouses, or others from whom they
obtain needed assistance. Sometimes help comes in the form of a simple
redivision of labor, whereby an employer allows a worker with ADD syn-



drome to be responsible for aspects of the job in which that worker has
strong interest and talent, while assigning other parts of the usual portfolio to another worker with complementary gifts and limitations. Sometimes a spouse without ADD syndrome takes responsibility for managing
the familys financial aairs, while the spouse with those impairments
takes on other household responsibilities.
The value of such supports often is not recognized until, for some reason, they are withdrawn. One interior decorator with untreated ADD syndrome had a flourishing business until his junior partner suddenly died
from a heart attack. The business began to collapse after the younger mans
death as the senior partner failed to monitor income and expenditures,
did not follow up promptly on inquiries from prospective clients, did not
write up and send his estimates, failed to collect on accounts receivable,
invested in excessive inventory, and mistreated his oce assistants.
For twenty years these partners had thrived in a business where the
senior partner employed his strengths in imaginative use of color, design,
and arrangement while the junior partner provided steady management
of their business finances, guided the flow of inventory, oversaw interaction with clients, and provided guidance and support for their oce assistants. After the loss of his partner, the decorator received useful advice
from his oce sta, but his problematic personality style and ADD impairments, accentuated by his grief, caused him to ignore their advice and
drove them and several successors to resign. Only after the business had
virtually collapsed did the decorator finally recognize limitations from his
ADD syndrome and seek appropriate treatment.
Executive Functions Used in Adulthood
Examples in this chapter highlight four types of developmental challenges
of adulthood in which executive functions play an important role:
Selecting options and working productively,
Managing a household and finances,
Managing work while nurturing relationships, and
Parenting and sustaining partnerships.



Each of these developmental challenges is ongoing and multifaceted,

often changing and evolving in complex ways over the adult years. Some
adults invest most of their eorts and interest in their job. They may labor
through a long career in one setting, or they may make a series of lateral
or vertical moves, some or all of which involve new demands on executive
functions. For others, paid work is much less important. For them time
with a partner or family remains of primary importance throughout their
adult years. Still others may have few long-term relationships or stay mostly
to themselves. For many of these adults, there is a continuing struggle to
balance somewhat equally the demands and satisfaction of work or personal interests with the challenges and rewards of family and friends.
Regardless of the weighting of vocational and social interests, few
maintain a static life situation over their adult years. Satisfactions and
frustrations ebb and flow in work, in family life, and in social relationships. As ones children grow, each developmental stage brings new challenges, new pleasures, and new worries. Ones parents get older and eventually die, a process long or short that can present multiple challenges as
one struggles to simultaneously earn a living and, perhaps, raise children
and sustain a marriage or other close relationship. For many, separation
or divorce disrupts an established relationship, causing emotional, social,
and financial upheaval. For some, health problems intervene in occasional or persistent ways that limit physical or mental capacities and may
throw o balance relationships, work, and routines of daily life in ways
never anticipated.
Throughout the vicissitudes of adult life, executive functions remain
critically important. Those fortunate enough to enjoy generally eective
executive functions are not likely to be always happy, but they are likely to
have less diculty in playing the cards that life deals them than are those
whose executive functions are impaired by ADD syndrome.

Chapter 7 How ADD Syndrome Diers

from Normal Inattention

MYTH: Everybody has the symptoms of ADD, and anyone with adequate
intelligence can overcome these diculties.
FACT: ADD aects persons at all levels of intelligence. And although
everyone sometimes has symptoms of ADD, only those with chronic
impairments from these symptoms warrant an ADD diagnosis.

Most people who hear about the symptoms of ADD syndrome respond by
commenting, Oh, I have those problems too. Doesnt everybody? This
reaction is understandable because symptoms in this syndrome occur
from time to time in all children, adolescents, and adults, especially when
they are overtired or stressed. The dierence between persons legitimately
diagnosed as having ADHD and those who do not warrant this diagnosis
is essentially one of degree. How severely are these problems interfering
with their lives? And are they impaired just briefly once in a while or consistently over an extended time?
There is no single measure, no blood test or brain scan, no rating scale
or computer task that can make or rule out an ADHD diagnosis. The most
eective instrument for assessing ADHD is an intensive interview conducted by a clinician who understands what ADHD looks like, and who
can dierentiate ADHD from other disorders that may cause similar
problems. In this chapter I explain some things I try to keep in mind when
doing an assessment, and I describe tools and specific questions useful in
trying to determine when a diagnosis of ADHD is appropriate.



How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

Failure or Success Is Not a Good Measure

An attorney once came seeking evaluation and treatment for ADHD after
partners of his law firm decided that he would not himself become partner, a promotion he very much wanted and felt that he deserved. Here is
his explanation:
Ive decided that I have ADHD. I am a bright guy and I work
hard and I earned very good grades in law school, but Im not
getting the success I should have by now. Each year the senior
partners promote a couple of attorneys from our firm to junior
partner. Thats a signal that they really like you and your work
and that they want you to stay in the firm. If you dont get picked
after a while you need to start looking somewhere else or just accept that you are going to stay stuck in associate status without a
very promising future.
There has to be some reason that Im not getting moved up.
I read an article about ADHD and how it can cause even very
bright people to underachieve and not reach their potential. I
looked at the list of symptoms: diculty staying focused, being
forgetful, and not getting things done on time. I have all those
problems sometimes.
And I read that some medicine can help to improve those
problems. Probably thats what I need to get myself promoted.
When I questioned this attorney about his experiences in the law firm,
I learned that the senior partners had already explained their reasons for
not promoting him. They had told him that his written work was of high
quality, and they had no complaints about his organizational abilities, his
use of time, his level of eort, or his understanding of the law.
Apparently several of the senior partners simply did not like him. They
had complained that he was too worried about insignificant details and
too domineering in conversations with coworkers and clients. Colleagues
and secretaries found him self-centered and annoying; clients had complained about his reluctance to consider others viewpoints. As we discussed these criticisms, the attorney reluctantly acknowledged his having

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


heard similar complaints from his wife as well as from colleagues in law
school and at a previous job.
When I inquired in detail about specific ADHD symptoms, the attorney identified very few of them as applying to his experience. He had
not been significantly impaired by ADHD symptoms during his years in
school, and he was not currently experiencing more diculties from these
symptoms than most other adults. His lack of success in his goal of becoming a partner in his law firm was not due to his having ADHD. It appeared to be due more to his chronic anxiety and some personality problems. Not all lack of success is due to ADHD; countless other variables
may be involved, including luck.
Further, some individuals attain impressively high goals while suering significant impairments in executive functions needed for many other
aspects of daily life. One example is an emergency room physician who
was almost apologetic in seeking an evaluation for himself.
Most people wouldnt ever believe it, but I think I have ADHD.
Its true that I graduated from college and from medical school
and that Im licensed to practice medicine. I can be really on top
of my game when Im in the ER and managing six or eight patients with serious trauma. I can remember current vital signs
and what we are doing for every one of them. Im good at directing multiple treatments and Im good at talking with patients.
Nurses and patients all like me. But the rest of my life is a mess!
Im in constant trouble with my supervisors for not paying attention to their directions and for not doing adequate charting.
I try to study for my board exams, but cant remember what Ive
read. Ive already failed them twice. Ive never been good at
studying and just barely graduated from a second-rate medical
school. My finances are a total mess because I spend too impulsively and cant keep track of my bills. Ive had three speeding
tickets in the past six months and my wife is threatening divorce
because she says I never listen to her, Im irresponsible, and I
procrastinate on too many things that need to be done. Ive al-


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

ways been this way, but its worse now that Im out of residency
and have to do so much more on my own.
Like the high school hockey player described in the Chapter 1, this physician is able to perform well under intense, immediate pressures that are
exciting and interesting to him. But despite the talents that brought him a
college degree, a medical degree, and a license to practice medicine, he
suers from longstanding problems with executive functioning. When not
under the immediate pressures of treating critically injured patients, he
has great diculty organizing and prioritizing his work, his time, and his
money. He cant sustain focus on important tasks like keeping adequate
patient records and communicating with his supervisors and his wife. He
cant hold in mind what he has studied to prepare for an important exam.
And his impulsive style of spending and driving is currently threatening
him with bankruptcy and possible loss of his drivers license. His diculties were not due to substance abuse or any other psychiatric problem;
they were the consequence of unrecognized and untreated ADHD.
Many factors contribute to a persons success or failure in specific areas.
Presence or absence of the impairments of ADD syndrome cant be determined simply by whether a person does or does not achieve a specific goal.
Many with ADHD Are Not Hyper
For decades the primary marker used to identify individuals with ADHD
impairments was hyperactivity. Children who were very obviously hyperactive were considered candidates for evaluation for ADHD, especially if
they were being disruptive or making trouble for their teachers. ADHD
diagnosis was not even considered for those who were not hyperactive and
not disruptive in school. An elementary-school janitor described this as he
came seeking evaluation for his ten-year-old daughter:
I could always spot the kids with the hyper. They were the ones
always sent out to sit in the hall because they were making too
much trouble in class. Some of them were actually pretty funny
in their antics. Usually these were the same kids who would be
running down the hall with the teacher calling after them to

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


slow down and walk quietly. They were the ones on the playground who were always getting into arguments and fights with
other kids or the last ones to come back in after lunch or recess.
It was never the kids who kept the rules who got picked as
having ADD and it was never the quiet kids or the girls. Thats
why I never thought ADD could be my daughters problem.
Shes always been kind of quiet and a little shy. Never made any
trouble in class. Teachers have always liked her and said she was
really bright. She loves to read and to learn. Shes got insatiable
curiosity and lots of good ideas, but shes not getting her work
done and her grades have been dropping more every year. Shes
losing interest in school.
Many clinicians and educators still identify ADHD as the janitor described. As a result, many with ADHD, especially girls, are overlooked.
Joseph Biederman (2002) studied the role of gender in diagnosis of
ADHD. He found that although girls and boys with ADHD have similar
patterns of severity with the problem, ten boys are referred to clinics for
treatment of ADHD for every one girl referred. Community samples show
a dierent gender ratio: three boys have ADHD for every one girl who has
the disorder.
In contrast, during adulthood the rates of referral for ADHD are more
balanced between women and men. Biederman (2004) suggested a reason: adults usually self-refer for ADHD evaluation because of problems
they recognize in themselves, whereas children and adolescents are usually referred for evaluation by parents or teachersadults who are more
likely to identify those with obvious behavior problems.
Though their problems may not be so obvious, girls with ADHD can
suer significant problems. Stephen Hinshaw (2002a, 2002b) compared
a large group of girls with ADHD to other girls of the same age and social
status. He found that girls with ADHD had much more trouble according
to several measures: cognitive tasks, academic performance, getting along
with peers, and ratings of emotional problems, social isolation, and behavior problems. Biederman (1999) studied a large group of girls six to
eighteen years old with ADHD and compared them to boys with ADHD.


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

He found that the girls with ADHD had problems in home and school
that were just as serious as those of boys with the disorder. The primary
dierence between the two groups was how much trouble they made for
other people. Serious behavior problems, such as oppositional defiant
disorder and conduct disorder (explained in detail in Chapter 8), were
twice as common among boys with ADHD. This 50 percent lower rate of
disruptive behavioral problems in the girls with ADHD is probably the
most important reason that girls are less often recognized as having this
But it is not only girls whose impairments are often overlooked. Many
boys and men have ADD symptoms that go unrecognized because they
are not boisterous troublemakers. This problem of delayed recognition or
total failure to recognize ADHD in individuals who are not disruptive continues because many clinicians, educators, and persons in the general
public still assume that attentional problems of ADHD are significant
only when linked with hyperactivity.
This continuing mistaken assumption is not surprising, given that
the very name of the disorder continues to hold the two terms together. The
ocial DSM-IV label for the disorder is attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder, followed by a comma and the name of the subtype. For those
whose ADHD impairments do not include significant problems with hyperactivity, this system results in a diagnostic label that says essentially
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, without significant hyperactivity,
a rather clumsy and confusing label that perpetuates the overemphasis on
behavioral problems.
Behavior Problems Are Not Necessarily a Part of ADHD
Some researchers continue to claim that the primary problems in ADHD
are impairments in the control of behavior. In 1997 Russell Barkley introduced a new theory of ADHD that in many ways is similar to my model of
ADD syndrome. He noted that problems in ADHD lie not simply in the
individuals ability to pay attention or in excessive hyperactivity, but rather
in the executive functions of the brain. Functions included in his model of
executive functions are virtually identical to those in the model of execu-

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


tive functions described in Chapter 2, albeit with dierent labels and organization.
Yet Barkleys model diers from my model in two important ways.
First, Barkley claims that his model applies only to the combined type of
ADHD, not to the predominantly inattentive subtype. He has argued that
the predominantly inattentive subtype of ADHD may be a disorder entirely
distinct from the combined type of ADHD (Barkley 1997; Barkley 2001b).
In contrast, my model of ADD syndrome is intended to describe all subtypes of ADHD, not just the combined or predominantly inattentive.
It is dicult to see how combined and inattentive subtypes of ADHD
could be completely separate disorders. In most children with combined
subtype, hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms gradually attenuate during later childhood while their inattention symptoms persist; their ADHD
usually develops into predominantly inattentive type by mid-adolescence.
Moreover, the two subtypes appear not to be inherited separately. In a
large genetic study of twins, Susan Smalley and colleagues (2000) found
virtually complete genetic overlap for the two sets of ADHD symptoms. A
parent with ADHD might have two children, one with ADHD who is extremely hyper and another with ADHD who is a couch potato; the strong
inheritance component of this disorder does not predict which subtype
will develop.
The second way in which Barkleys (1997) model of ADHD diers from
mine is that he elevates behavioral inhibition as the primary executive function. Barkley specifies that behavioral inhibition is critical to the proficient
performance of the executive functions. It permits them, supports their
occurrence, and protects them from interference. He describes the other
executive functions as dependent on behavioral inhibition (p. 154).
In contrast to Barkleys approach, my model includes behavioral inhibition as just one among six clusters of executive functions, here called
monitoring and self-regulating behavior, without the other executive
functions being especially dependent on that one function. I believe that
inhibition, the ability to put on the brakes, is just one aspect of executive
functions. Equally important are the brains systems for ignition, transmission, and steering. All must interact to operate the car.


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

The dierence between these two models is not simply academic. It

has practical importance for how the dierence between ADHD and normal variations of inattention is to be determined. If Barkleys model were
used as a basis for diagnosis, only cases that include significant hyperactive and impulsive symptoms would qualify for the diagnosis of ADHD.
My model is consistent with the DSM-IV criteria, which stipulate that a diagnosis of ADHD can legitimately be made for individuals with few or no
symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity, provided that they are suciently impaired by the stipulated inattention symptoms. Problems of inhibition and inadequate behavioral control that result in hyperactivity or
impulsivity symptoms may be present, but they are not required for an
ADHD diagnosis.
ADHD Symptoms Are Not Always Obvious during Childhood
The criteria set out in DSM-IV stipulate that at least some of the impairing ADHD symptoms must have been present before age seven. But this
requirement has no basis in empirical research; it was arbitrarily stipulated by the committee that wrote the diagnostic criteria for DSM-IV. Presumably the rationale was to establish that ADHD does not appear de
novo later in life. Such a view makes no sense when ADHD is seen as a
developmental impairment of executive functions, an impairment that in
some persons may not become apparent until such functions are challenged by the demands of elementary or secondary school, or perhaps even
later, when the individual experiences the trials of adulthood.
Russell Barkley and Joseph Biederman published an article in 1997
cautioning clinicians to avoid use of the age seven cuto as a requirement
for diagnosis of ADHD. They emphasized the lack of research to support
it and argued that this age of onset requirement deserves to be abandoned
or very generously interpreted as occurring sometime in childhood,
broadly construed. They noted that to do otherwise would be simply arbitrary, surely discriminatory, and empirically indefensible (p. 1209).
Increasing numbers of older adolescents and adults are now recognizing that they suer from ADHD. Media coverage or prompting by
friends or family leads them to realize that they have suered for many

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


years from ADHD impairments not recognized by their parents, their

teachers, or themselves. Many have struggled throughout their schooling,
frustrated by their inability to perform with any consistency to the level of
their ability. Others were successful, perhaps very successful, in the early
years of their education, then floundered in high school, college, or beyond. Chapters 5 and 6 provide examples of individuals whose impairments of ADD syndrome were not apparent until the tasks of adolescence
or adulthood challenged their capacity to exercise executive functions. In
my view, childhood ADHD should not be considered essential for diagnosis of ADHD in adults any more than childhood diabetes is required for
the diagnosis of adult-onset diabetes.
People with ADHD May Also Have
Symptoms of Depression or Anxiety
Some individuals well past childhood have repeatedly sought help for
their diculties from psychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health
professionals who did not recognize their ADHD impairments. In years
past, and even today, many professionals in these fields have received no
adequate professional training to help them understand and recognize
impairments of ADHD. They are, however, usually trained to recognize
depression, anxiety, and personality disorders. Consequently, many doctors are quick to identify symptoms of these more familiar disorders in
individuals seeking help. They may also assume that conventional psychotherapy or antidepressant medications will alleviate ADD impairments.
Unfortunately, these misguided therapies have caused a large number of
older adolescents and adults with ADHD to struggle unsuccessfully, and
often for many years, to overcome their ADHD symptoms.
In 1992 John Ratey and others published a study that described sixty
patients with ADHD who had sought and been given treatment in psychotherapy by experienced psychotherapists who had failed to recognize
their symptoms of ADHD. In some cases these adults suered from depression or anxiety as well as from ADHD, but received treatment aimed
only at their symptoms of depression and anxiety. In other instances patients were given treatment for symptoms that were entirely misdiagnosed.


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

Because conventional treatments for depression, anxiety, and personality disorders are not eective in alleviating symptoms of ADHD, it is important that clinicians who treat adolescents and adults be provided adequate professional training to help them recognize and provide eective
treatment for the disorder, which aicts a large percentage of individuals
who seek help from mental health professionals. Chapter 8 describes how
ADHD often appears with one or several other disorders of learning, emotions, or behavior. Having symptoms of anxiety or depression does not
rule out the possibility of ADHD; such symptoms may instead indicate a
more complicated case in which two or more disorders are present.
Very Intelligent People with ADHD Are Often Overlooked
Sometimes persons with a higher overall IQ who suer from ADHD are
at greater risk of having their impairments overlooked. At Yale, Donald
Quinlan and I studied adults who sought evaluation for chronic attentional problems, all of whom had a tested IQ in the superior range; in
terms of intelligence, they were in the top 1 to 9 percent of the general
population. Despite their very high IQ scores, 42 percent of these men
and women had dropped out of their postsecondary schooling at least
once, not because they were not smart enough to understand the work,
but because they were not able to organize, focus, and sustain their eorts
to deal with academic requirements. Some eventually returned to complete their education and achieved success in business or professions; others experienced continuing frustration and failure.
Virtually all of the very bright adults in this Yale study reported that
they had suered chronic and often severe impairments of ADD syndrome that were essentially ignored or denied by their parents, teachers,
and themselves for many years. One thirty-eight-year-old woman described her experiences:
I started reading sentences before I was in kindergarten and
everyone in my family kept saying that I was so smart. When I
was in elementary schools the teachers told my parents that I
was almost a genius because I asked so many good questions
and knew so much about so many things. In fifth grade they

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


tested my IQ and put me in a special group for gifted students.

All that changed in middle school when I wasnt keeping up
with my homework. I started high school in honors-level
classes, but over a couple of years they dropped me out of all
of them because I often wasnt prepared. I didnt read what we
were supposed to read at home and I almost never did the papers that were assigned.
All that really interested me were the school plays and athletics. The guidance counselor and teachers kept telling my
parents that I could do the work, if only I really wanted to; they
thought I was lazy. My parents figured I was just bored. They
thought the problem was poor teachers and that it would all
get better when I went to college.
I got into a really good university because my SAT scores
were really high and I had great references from my art and
theater teachers. When I got there, I had a great time. There
were so many interesting people to hang out with and learn
from. But I couldnt get myself organized to get to classes
enough and to get the reading done and to write the papers.
Everything was always late or just not done. That got me put
on probation and eventually they kicked me out in the middle
of my second year because I was failing almost everything. For
me it was all really interesting, but I just couldnt get organized
and do enough of the work. Only after my daughter got diagnosed with ADD did I realize that there was something wrong
with me other than laziness, a problem that could get fixed.
Nobody including me thought that such a smart person could
have any real problem in school.
Even today many educators and clinicians do not realize that those executive functions crucial to eective performance as a student can be severely impaired even in individuals who are very bright and talented. In
many schools and families, bright but disorganized and poorly performing students with ADHD are still seen as stubbornly lazy, unmotivated, or
defiant. Well-intentioned but uninformed teachers and parents often pun-


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

ish these bright, extremely inconsistent students for what appears to be a

lack of motivation or a refusal to do what they need to do.
Perhaps worse than punishments meted out by frustrated teachers
and parents is the self-criticism experienced by these extremely bright but
floundering students. Often their ambitions and expectations for themselves have been inflated by accomplishments and recognition obtained
in earlier years, when less focus and self-management was required. When
confronted by the intensified academic challenges of some high school
honors classes or university courses, many very bright individuals with
ADD syndrome get so frustrated and demoralized that they give up on
their education.
Adults with ADHD May Have Fewer Symptoms
According to the DSM-IV, a diagnosis of ADHD should be made only if
an individual has at least six of the nine inattention symptoms or at least
six of the nine symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity. And it is true that
this disorder involves concurrent impairments in a wide variety of functions; it is a syndrome. But there is a big problem in this symptom count
system when older adolescents or adults are being evaluated. The DSMIV diagnostic criteria for ADHD are based on research data that included
only children four to seventeen years old.
Kevin Murphy and Russell Barkley (1996) did a study to see how
many adults in a community sample met DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for
ADHD. They reported that although the six of nine symptoms rule from
DSM-IV picks up the most severely impaired 7 percent of children with
ADHD impairments, when used for diagnosis of adults, this rule picks up
only the most impaired 1 percent of adults who should be eligible for diagnosis. Murphy and Barkley found that many adults who reported having only four or five of the DSM-IV symptoms suered ADHD impairments severe enough to warrant treatment.
One might question why the cuto point for symptoms diers so
much from children to adults if the symptoms of ADHD do not disappear
with age. One obvious answer is that the DSM-IV describes some ADHD
symptoms in ways that do not apply to tasks of adulthood. Examples of

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


diculty in sustaining mental eort refer only to schoolwork and homework. Examples of losing things necessary for tasks and activities refer
only to toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools. To find out
whether an older adolescent or adult has ADD impairments, it is necessary to inquire with examples more appropriate to adult life. A good start
on that task has been made by Lenard Adler, Ronald Kessler, and Thomas
Spencer (2004), who created new, adult-focused examples for each of the
eighteen DSM-IV criteria. The adult self-report scale they developed is available on the World Health Organization web site and at
Another reason that the DSM-IV symptom cut-o system is not sucient for adults is that even just a few ADHD symptoms may severely impair adults. For example, an adult who has significant, chronic diculty
sustaining attention while driving a car can cause very serious damage.
Adults may create significant problems for themselves and others if they
repeatedly forget to pick up their children at daycare or cannot remember
to follow through on important tasks on their job. Later in this chapter I
discuss the importance of weighting symptoms by their severity and significance, not just counting them, when assessing impairment.
The Limits of Neuropsychological Tests of Executive Functions
Some neuropsychological tests traditionally have been labeled as tests of
executive function (EF tests). These include the Wisconsin Card Sorting
Test, the Stroop Color-Word Test, the Tower of London, the Rey-Osterrieth
Complex Figure Test, the California Verbal Learning Test, and various
computerized continuous-performance tests. Most of these tests were
originally developed to assess patients with schizophrenia or those who
had suered damage to the frontal lobes of the brain. At first glance, such
tests might appear to be appropriate measures to assess ADHD. In fact,
they are not.
When given to children diagnosed with ADHD, such tests give variable results. Alysa Doyle and colleagues (2000) administered a battery of
seven EF tests to a group of children diagnosed with ADHD. They found
that no single EF test accurately dierentiated children with ADHD from


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

children without the disorder. Using all seven tests combined, they found
that about 18 percent of the boys with ADHD appeared significantly impaired on at least four tests, while about 5 percent of the boys who did not
have ADHD showed similar impairment. They concluded that neuropsychological tests of attention and executive functioning underidentify
cases that meet these [DSM-IV] criteria. Stephen Hinshaw and others
(2002c) obtained comparable results from a neuropsychological evaluation of girls with ADHD.
Neuropsychological tests of executive-function impairments in adults
are no better. Aaron Hervey and colleagues (2004) reviewed thirty-three
published studies that used neuropsychological EF tests to evaluate adults
with ADHD. He found that current neuropsychological measures are not
sensitive enough to pick up ADHD symptoms.
Any who seek to identify executive function impairments of ADHD
primarily by means of scores for these EF tests are likely to be frustrated
because of the lamppost problem. Lamppost here refers to the old story
of the drunken man whose friends came along on a dark night and found
him on his hands and knees crawling around under a streetlamp. When
they asked what he was doing he explained, I lost the keys to my car and
Im looking for them so I can drive home. They asked, Where do you
think you lost them? Somewhere over there in the dark across the street
where my car is parked, he responded. Then why are you looking here?
they asked. He answered, Its easier to look here because the lights so
much better!
Executive-function tests might appear to be a convenient way to assess
impairments associated with ADHD, but they dont shed enough light on
the areas that need to be examined. Patrick Rabbitt (1997) explained why
methods traditionally used by experimental psychology cannot validly be
applied to executive functions. The usual scientific approach in research
is to isolate and try to measure one variable that reflects one specific process and not others. He argued that
this venerable strategy is entirely inappropriate for analyzing executive function because an essential property of all executive

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


function is that, by its very nature, it involves the simultaneous

management of a variety of dierent functional processes. (p. 14)
The usual isolate the variable and test it approach simply cannot encompass and measure the complex interactive nature of executive functions. Put another way, in seeking a new conductor for a symphony orchestra, one could not adequately evaluate candidates simply by having
them rhythmically wave their arms or hum bars of a specific instruments
part in a section of a particular symphony. The ability to integrate and
guide a large group of musicians through the performance of diverse musical pieces simply cannot be assessed with any isolated musical task. One
would instead need to evaluate the candidates ability to interact dynamically with the whole group of musicians as they play a variety of complex
and challenging pieces.
Paul Burgess (1997) elaborated this same argument against trying to
assess executive functions with simple tasks:
Goethes famous comment that dissecting a fly and studying its
parts will not tell you how it flies could almost have been intended for the neuropsychology of executive function . . . executive processing is called into play only when the activities of
multiple components of the cognitive architecture must be coordinated. . . . Thus if a methodology is used where a task is broken down into its component parts, no deficit will be discovered
in dysexecutive patients. (pp. 99 102)
A persons ability to perform the complex, self-managed tasks of
everyday life provides a much better measure of his or her executive functioning than can neuropsychological tests. Tim Shallice and Paul Burgess
(1991) demonstrated this fact in a study where patients with frontal lobe
damage were unable to perform adequately everyday errands that require
planning and multitasking, even though they achieved average or wellabove-average scores on traditional neuropsychological tests of language,
memory, perception, and executive functions. Similar eorts to assess
executive functions in more real life situations have been reported by


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

Nick Alderman and others (2003), who assessed adults doing tasks in a
shopping mall, and by Vivienne Lawrence and colleagues (2002), who
monitored children as they followed a series of directions during a trip to
a zoo. These contrived situations are likely to be more useful than laboratory tests of executive functions, although they lack the flexibility and
scope needed to assess adequately the wider range of executive-function
impairments in real life.
What then is the test for dierentiating ADD syndrome from normal inattention? There is no one test that can determine whether a given
individual meets DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for ADHD. It is not like a
fracture where a physician can look at an X-ray and definitively see that the
bone is or is not broken. This is a diagnosis that depends on the judgment
of a skilled clinician who knows what ADHD looks like and can dierentiate it from other possible causes of impairment.
The Clinical Interview: The Most Sensitive Assessment Tool
The most sensitive instrument for making a diagnosis of ADHD is a wellconducted interview in which a skilled clinician asks about the history and
nature of the patients current functioning and life situation as well as the
patients earlier life experiences, noting the presence or absence of patterns of impairment in school, work, family life, and social relationships.
Usually such an interview requires at least two hours, during which
time the interviewer and patient will discuss the patients (1) adaptive
strengths and weaknesses, how the person does their work, what they do
for fun, and what they struggle with daily; (2) strengths and stressors in
the family background as well as any blood relatives with related problems; (3) health history, focusing on any medical or developmental problems that may be relevant; (4) history of school achievement and struggles
with particular types of academic work; (5) relationships with peers, family, teachers, employers, and friends; (6) eating and sleeping habits;
(7) current mood patterns and any significant diculties with anxiety,
temper, or behavior; and (8) history of previous evaluations or treatment.
For adolescents and adults, I make additional inquires about their
strengths and problems in significant relationships, their history of voca-

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


tional aspirations and work experiences, and their past and present use or
abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Detailed formats to help clinicians in
structuring clinical interviews for evaluation of ADHD in children and
adults have been published by Barkley and Murphy (1998) and by me
(1996a, 1996b, 1996c, 2001a, 2001b, 2001c).
Throughout an evaluation interview, I try to be alert to strengths and
problems of the patient in utilizing executive functions in an age-appropriate way. I listen carefully to information given, asking for details and examples that will help to clarify the patients abilities in a variety of relevant
life situations.
Interviewing Children
In the evaluation of children, parents play a crucial role in providing relevant information, but the childs input is also essential. Since many executive functions impaired in ADHD involve cognitive processes not noticed
by others, it is crucial that I interview the patient. Even young children can
provide important information about their experience to a clinician skilled
at asking relevant questions and listening carefully to responses.
For children whose schooling is mostly in a classroom with one teacher,
information from that teacher may be very helpful. Such teachers usually
can describe the childs responses to dierent types of tasks, and can compare the childs performance to that of many other children of the same
age. Often elementary schoolteachers can also furnish valuable information about how the child gets along with classmates and how the child interacts with teachers and other adults on the school sta. Yet teachers
alone cannot and should not make or deny a diagnosis of ADHD. In some
children symptoms of ADHD are less obvious in school than elsewhere.
Observations from teachers are usually less valuable for the evaluation of junior high or high school students, who rotate among six or seven
teachers each day. Unless the teacher is also an advisor, coach, or mentor
of some kind to the student, he or she will usually see the child only for
one period each day, perhaps less, and typically will have five dierent
groups of perhaps twenty-five to thirty-five students dailyso is often not
able to report about any one student in sucient detail.


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

ADHD Rating Scales

Regardless of the age of the patient being evaluated, detailed ADHD symptom rating scales should be used. These scales are typically listings of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems often experienced by individuals with ADHD. Standardized scales have been administered to selected
samples of individuals within a particular age group who have been carefully diagnosed with ADHD and to a sample of individuals matched for
age and socioeconomic variables who are in the general population, not
identified as having ADHD. Scores of a person being evaluated can then
be compared with those in the general population to ascertain whether the
levels of impairment are consistent with an ADHD diagnosis.
Keith Conners (1997), Conners and colleagues (1999) and I (1996c,
2001c) have published ADHD rating scales standardized for all ages from
early childhood to adulthood. The Conners Rating Scales-Revised (long
form) and the Brown ADD Scales both include multiple items that assess
symptoms of ADHD as identified by DSM-IV. They also include items
that probe other symptoms often associated with ADD impairments not
included in the current version of the DSM. The use of such rating scales
generally provides cursory but more systematic coverage of symptoms,
some of which may not be mentioned spontaneously by the patient or others in a clinical interview. Scores from these rating scales provide useful
information about how much diculty the patient seems to be having
with symptoms related to ADHD and how these impairments compare
with those experienced by the general population. Scores on these or
any other rating scales, however, should not solely determine a diagnosis
of ADHD.
The Conners and Brown scales have many similar items, although
each also has some dierent emphases and a somewhat dierent style.
Each is published in formats suited for children (in several age groups),
adolescents, and adults. Both sets of scales have versions designed to be
completed by teachers of children through elementary school. My scales
also have self-report forms for children aged eight and older; the Conners
scales have self-report forms for adolescents. The Brown ADD scales for
adolescents and for adults include scoring for both the patient and a par-

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


ent, spouse, or friend; the Conners Adult ADD Rating Scales have separate forms for self-report and for report by a collateral observer. A review
of these and other rating scales for ADHD was published by Brent Collett
and others (2003).
Interviewing Adolescents and Adults
When I assess an older adolescent or adult, I invite them to have a parent,
spouse, or close friend join in at least a portion of their clinical interview.
This is not essential, but it may provide helpful information and an additional perspective. Of course, it may not be possible or desirable to involve
a parent in the evaluation. The parent may be unavailable due to long distance, ill health, or death. For adults, a parent may have little relevant information about the patients current and recent abilities. In this situation
the patient may choose to invite a close friend or relative.
Sometimes clinicians become too cautious about making a diagnosis
of ADHD in adults because the data are essentially self-reported. They feel
that some hard evidence must be provided, such as old report cards with
some teacher comments about learning or behavior problems, or direct
testimony from a parent or childhood friend. They feel that self-reporting
is too subjective. It is certainly possible for the self-report to be biased or
deceptive, but most skilled clinicians are able to sort this out in a comprehensive clinical interview. Diagnostic decisions in many other fields of
medicine are made based primarily on self-reporting. For example, there
is no laboratory test or diagnostic instrument that can measure pain, so
self-reported information about the location, intensity, and timing of pain
may be crucial for diagnostic decision-making in medicine, especially
when there are few other clues on which to base a diagnostic or treatment
Indeed, self-reported information about mental processes and cognitive functioning should play a central role in assessment of symptoms of
ADHD, particularly for adults. Patricia Murphy and Russell Schachar
(2000) reported studies showing that adults can give a true account of
their childhood and current symptoms of ADHD. And it makes sense that
assessment for this disorder should not be an adversarial process in which


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

patients are required to prove that they meet diagnostic requirements

while the clinician functions as a devils advocate, arguing that they do
not. I believe that an evaluation for ADHD should be collaborative, with
the patient being encouraged to describe the problems that have caused
him to seek treatment, and the clinician inquiring for examples and additional information to understand the context in which these diculties
exist and the factors that may be causing them.
In evaluating for ADHD, I always consider and carefully weigh alternative diagnostic hypotheses for the patients problems. Not everyone who
thinks they have ADHD does, in fact, have it. But usually people who seek
evaluation and treatment, especially those who self-refer as older adolescents or adults, come because they are suering from some significant
diculties for which they need help. The evaluator should be a sensitive
and compassionate listener who uses clinical skills to elicit relevant information from the patient and then uses diagnostic abilities to identify
underlying causes, to provide a plan for eective treatment, and to guide
the implementation, monitoring, and refinement of that treatment plan.
Helpful Standardized Measures
Although self-reporting is a central component of evaluation for ADHD,
and though there is no single test that is definitive for making an ADHD
diagnosis, I have found that some standardized measures can provide
useful information. One of these is a test of short-term auditory memory.
Donald Quinlan and I (2003) reported a study in which we administered
short-term verbal memory tests to adults diagnosed with ADHD by DSMIV criteria. We used two stories, each twenty-five word units long, from
the Wechsler Memory Scale.
We asked patients to listen carefully to two brief stories. After each
story was read aloud, we asked the patient to repeat it back, using as many
of the same words as possible. Detailed scoring criteria and published
norms make it possible to determine how a given individual performs this
task in comparison with others of the same age group. We then compared
the patients score on story recall with his overall verbal ability to see if
there was a significant discrepancy.

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


We found that 66 percent of the adults with ADHD in our sample had
a large discrepancy (one standard deviation or more) between their verbal
IQ and their story memory; in the general public only 16 percent of adults
show such a wide dierence. Children with ADHD show a similar problem with listening and remembering. In 2001c I reported on use of a similar story-memory test administered to several age groups of children.
Among those with ADHD, 57 to 73 percent showed significant impairment on story recall, while only 25 to 33 percent of children in the general
population had such diculties.
Taken together, these results suggest that across wide age spans, these
tests of story recall oer a brief and eective way to test impairments of
verbal working memory in individuals being assessed for ADHD. These
simple tests take only about ten minutes to administer. The task allows the
clinician to check the eectiveness of a patients working memory on a
task similar to many situations in daily life where one is given information orally and is able to hear it only once. It should be noted, however, that
in each age group some persons with ADHD were not impaired on the
story-recall task, while some who did not have ADHD were impaired. For
this reason, results of such a test cannot be used alone to determine the
presence or absence of ADHD. Multiple measures are needed.
A persons level of general intelligence has nothing to do with whether
they have ADHD. Russell Barkley observed that ADHD children are likely
to represent the entire spectrum of intellectual development, with some
being gifted while others are normal, slow learners, or even mildly intellectually retarded (1998, p. 98). An individuals verbal IQ, performance
IQ, or full-scale IQ score can tell nothing about whether they do or do not
suer from ADHD. Yet some IQ tests, for example, the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children, fourth edition (WISC-IV), introduced in 2003,
and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales, third edition (WAIS-III), available since 1997, have some subtests that are fairly sensitive to impairments
in executive functions. Comparing a persons performance on these subtests can oer information useful for the assessment of ADHD.
In 2001c I considered the performance of ADHD-diagnosed children
ages eight to twelve with the overall group of same-age test-takers on four


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

index scores on the WISC-III. Two of the indexesthe Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and the Perceptual Organization Index (POI)
summarize subtests less sensitive to executive-function impairments;
instead these identify ones general verbal ability and general perceptual
organization abilities. Indexes more sensitive to executive-function impairments are the Freedom from Distractibility [Working Memory] Index
(WMI) and the Processing Speed Index (PSI); these characterize ones
working memory and speed on simple clerical tasks.
In my sample, over 61 percent of the children with ADHD showed a
large (at least 15 points) discrepancy between their VCI or POI (whichever
was higher) and their WMI or PSI (whichever was lower). Fewer than 25
percent of the children on which the test was standardized showed such a
discrepancy (2001c). In my earlier samples of adolescents and adults, the
dierences for this measure were equally substantial (1996c).
These data show that comparisons of an individuals WISC or WAIS
index scores may oer helpful information about the degree of weakness
of that persons executive functions. Just as with scores for the verbal memory tests discussed earlier, however, such discrepancies are not shown by
all individuals with ADHD and similar discrepancies are shown by as
many as 25 percent of individuals not diagnosed with ADHD. This means
that such index score comparisons should be only one part of an evaluation for ADHD.
Additional Disorders That May Cause or Complicate ADHD
There are many reasons that a child or adolescent may be unsuccessful at
school or in social relationships, just as there are many reasons that adults
may be unsuccessful in education, work, social relationships, or family
life. ADHD is one possible reason, but not the only one. For this reason,
any evaluation for possible ADHD should include screening for environmental problems and for other learning or psychiatric disorders that may
be causing or complicating the symptoms presented as possible ADHD.
The Brown ADD Diagnostic Form in versions for children, adolescents,
and adults all include guidelines to assist clinicians in checking for pos-

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


sible additional disorders. The implications of these additional disorders

for understanding ADHD are discussed in Chapter 8.
Educating the Patient
Once I have completed the clinical interview, scored the ADD rating scales,
administered standardized measures, and screened for additional disorders, I ask the patient what information they have about ADHD. Some
who come seeking evaluation for themselves or their children are very sophisticated in their understanding of ADHD. They have learned much
about the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder from reading, taking
courses, or talking with others who are well informed. Others come to the
initial evaluation with very limited information about ADHD, and with
many misconceptions. Once I ascertain what is already known, I try to
provide information about ADHD at an appropriate level. I believe that
teaching the patient and family about ADHD is a very important part of
the initial evaluation.
I provide a concise description of the primary symptoms of ADHD
impairment using clear examples to illustrate each one. Usually I do this
in a format something like the description of symptom clusters in Chapter 2. After each symptom cluster has been described, I pause and ask the
patient and family members present to indicate the degree to which the
described symptom cluster fits or does not fit the patients experience. I
use follow-up questions to probe for relevant details or examples from the
patients daily experience. This process can enrich the patients understanding of the disorder as well as yield additional information valuable
for determining the diagnosis.
Critical Questions of the Evaluation
Once all elements of the evaluation are completed, a process that usually
requires at least two hours, sometimes considerably more, I weigh the
available data and make a determination: Does this patient meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD? I find the answer not by simply adding up
scores on rating scales or counting symptoms that the patient or family


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

say are present. To make an adequate diagnosis, I need to use informed

judgment to answer two critical questions: (1) Does this patient currently
suer from symptoms of ADHD in ways that impair his or her functioning in daily life to a degree that treatment may be warranted? and (2) Are
these symptoms substantially caused by developmental impairments of
ADHD rather than by other circumstances or disorders for which ADHD
treatment would be inappropriate?
Resolving Conflicting Views
In some cases these questions can be answered, yes or no, with little hesitation or ambiguity. Other cases are much more complicated, making
one or both questions considerably more dicult to answer. Sometimes
there are striking contradictions in the information provided by various
informants about the patients symptoms. One parent may describe a
child as having significant problems with organizing and completing
homework, retaining learned information, and utilizing short-term memory. The other parent of the same child may emphatically deny that such
problems exist. Either one could be correct, or each may be correct about
only certain aspects of the childs functioning.
Sometimes a teacher feels strongly that a child has ADHD impairments while neither parent sees such problems. Or parents may see
ADHD impairments in their childs eorts to do homework, household
routines, and social relationships while the childs teacher reports no evidence of any such diculties at school. Studies comparing data from parents and teachers usually find low rates of agreement in their assessments
of any given child. Victor Mota and Russell Schachar (2000) compared
ADHD symptom ratings of children by their parents and teachers. Their
methods allowed them to identify which of the DSM-IV symptoms of
ADHD were most important to parents and which were most important
to teachers when a childs performance was being assessed for evidence
of ADHD.
Mota and Schachar found that although parents and teachers disagreed considerably on the number of DSM-IV symptoms a child had,
they more often agreed about whether the child was impaired relative to

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


others. Using a sample of children ages seven to twelve referred for possible ADHD, they obtained ratings from parents and a teacher for each
child. Using a sophisticated statistical analysis, they created a subset of
symptoms most important to teachers and a separate subset of symptoms
most important to parents. In addition, they found that not all DSM-IV
symptoms predicted impairment equally well. Using their revised, separate, and shorter symptom lists, they increased the agreement between
parents and teachers from very poor to extremely good.
Dierences in such judgments between parents and teachers may be
due to the childs performing very dierently in the two settings, each of
which has very dierent task demands. Or the variation could be due to
the parents having unrealistic expectations of what a child of a particular
age can dowhereas the teacher can compare each child with many others
of the same age. Alternatively, the teacher may be inexperienced in assessing shortcomings in the childs learning and behavior, perhaps blaming either herself or the child too much for any problems noticed. Sometimes, too, the teacher may be caught up in a personality conflict with the
child, or be ideologically opposed to recognizing any child as having impairments of ADHD.
In situations of conflicting reports I need to elicit examples from each
parent, interview the child directly, and seek out additional information
from teacher reports and standardized testing. Usually reviewing examples
clarifies the causes for dierences of opinion about a childs symptoms.
Are the Symptoms Truly Caused by ADHD?
In other situations, there may be little question about the presence of the
symptoms, but considerable uncertainty about their causes. The parents,
child, and the childs teachers may all agree that the child has some symptoms of ADHD, yet factors other than ADHD are likely to blame. For example, the family may be suering from severe financial hardship with
both parents unemployed. One parent may be seriously addicted to alcohol, causing disruption or abuse at home. An older sibling may be severely defiant toward the parents and intimidating to the patient. A beloved grandparent may be dying of cancer. Or a childs favorite teacher


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

may have left on maternity leave for several months, replaced by a series
of ineective substitutes.
Such stressors, especially when more than one is present, may be the
primary cause of the childs apparent ADHD impairments, or they may
simply be exacerbating ADHD impairments that have been present since
birth. The incidence of unemployment, marital conflict, substance abuse,
and frequent changes of residence is elevated among individuals with
ADHD. The presence of environmental stressors, even if they are many
and severe, does not rule out a diagnosis of ADHD any more than such
stressors would rule out a diagnosis of asthma.
Impairment by What Measure?
One important factor in determining impairment is the basis for comparison. To whom should an individual be compared in order to make a
diagnosis of ADHD? The DSM-IV (2001) states that the ADHD symptoms must be maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level
(p. 92). For children, developmental level might be taken as referring
simply to age groups. One could argue that a five-year-old is not impaired
in her ability to pay attention if she can pay attention as well as most other
five-year-olds. The DSM-IV does not, however, spell out the full range of
meanings for developmental level, which could also be taken to refer to
level of intelligence. At the lower boundary, this reinterpretation would
mean that one would not make the diagnosis of ADHD for an eight-yearold developmentally disabled child with an IQ of 60 by comparing his
ability to sustain attention with that of other eight-year-olds with normal
IQ. This is generally accepted.
What is more controversial is the assessment of impairment at the
upper boundary of abilitythat is, for the very bright individual whose
overall cognitive competence as measured by standardized tests of intelligence is in, say, the top 5 to 10 percent of the age group. Should this individual be considered impaired if he is chronically unable to organize and
sustain eort for his work, to remember what he has just read, or to perform other cognitive tasks as compared to a same-age student with cognitive abilities scored in a similar range?

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


If the superior-range student can perform most other cognitive tasks

as well as other students in the top 5 to 10 percent of his age group, it would
seem that symptoms of ADD syndrome that chronically and significantly
depress his capacity to use his abilities should be counted as clinically
significant impairment. Assessment of impairment ought to take into
account the overall level of cognitive abilities in the individual being assessedotherwise, only those whose impairments are most global and
most severe will likely be eligible for treatment. A high school student
who demonstrates superior ability on a standardized IQ test but consistently gets very low grades is certainly working below his ability. This failure might be due to depression, to substance abuse, to deliberate defiance
of parental expectations, or to many other factors; one possible cause
could be ADD syndrome.
Using Integrated Information for Diagnosis
This chapter asks how one can recognize those children, adolescents, and
adults whose problems with executive functions warrant diagnosis and
treatment for ADHD. My answer is that a comprehensive clinical evaluation is the most adequate way to dierentiate those individuals who meet
diagnostic criteria for ADHD from those who do not. As described earlier,
this evaluation should include a careful clinical interview that focuses on
the patients past and present functioning and, if possible, includes information from others who know the patient well. The evaluation should also
include use of a standardized, age-appropriate ADD rating scale such as
the Conners or Brown scales and some standardized measures like the
verbal memory test described earlier. For students of any age, a comparison of IQ index scores from the WISC or WAIS IQ tests may also be helpful. Yet when all of these data are gathered, a question remains: How severe does impairment from ADD symptoms have to be in order to be
recognized as ADHD?
The Severity of ADHD Symptoms and Accurate Diagnosis
Some have attempted to answer this question by arbitrarily selecting for
diagnosis a certain proportion of the population studied. For example, the


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

DSM-IV field study selected cuto scores that included the 7 percent who
were most impaired by ADHD symptoms, thus establishing that the remaining 93 percent of children would not be considered impaired enough
to warrant diagnosis. But why should that be the cuto for diagnosis
rather than 3 percent, 10 percent, or 15 percent?
One way to address this question is to determine the percentage of individuals in the general population who typically meet diagnostic criteria
for ADHD as defined by DSM-IV. The prevalence rate cited for ADHD in
DSM-IV-TR is 3 to 7 percent of school-aged children. But this estimate has
not been well documented in epidemiological studies. In 2001, Andrew
Rowland and colleagues reported an epidemiological study that used parent and teacher reports about a population-based sample of children in
North Carolina. This study found that 16 percent of the children in their
sample were significantly impaired by ADHD symptoms, an incidence
rate much higher than the estimate in DSM-IV. Some other studies have
reported an even higher incidence of ADHD, while other researchers have
found lower rates in the general population.
Whatever the incidence rate of DSM-IV-defined ADHD, how impaired are those who meet DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for ADHD in comparison to those who are just slightly below that cuto ? Lawrence Scahill
and others (1999) reported a study that addressed this question. The group
used a combination of parent and teacher reports to assign a large sample
of children aged six to twelve years into three groups: those who fully met
DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria for ADHD; a subthreshold ADHD group
who had many symptoms, but fewer than what is usually required for diagnosis; and a non-ADHD group.
The Scahill study found that children in their subthreshold sample
had less psychosocial stressfor example, less family dysfunction and
less poverty and a lighter load of additional psychiatric disordersthan
those who fully met diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Yet this subthreshold
ADHD group still carried a burden of ADHD symptoms and, for many,
additional psychiatric impairments relative to those in the non-ADHD
group. Scahill concluded his report by noting that the subthreshold ADHD
children, who had many ADHD symptoms but not enough to meet full di-

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


agnostic criteria, appeared to be at high risk of developing full ADHD;

one-third of them already had another psychiatric disorder. I believe that
such high-risk individuals, especially children, should be evaluated carefully and, if appropriate, considered for possible treatment.
A parallel might be drawn to a variety of medical problems. Individuals whose blood pressure is only slightly below the accepted cuto for diagnosis of hypertension, or those whose blood glucose levels are just
slightly below the accepted cuto for diabetes, are generally recognized as
at risk for problems that can easily become serious threats to health and
functioning. In good medical practice, these at-risk individuals are generally provided interventions that may range from recommendations for a
change of lifestyle to daily use of medication to reduce their risk to less
dangerous levels.
Likewise, prescriptions for eyeglasses or contact lenses are not limited
to children and adults whose vision is so impaired that they are virtually
in need of a white cane. Rather, good practice usually provides corrective
lenses for all those whose chronic impairments of vision interfere in any
significant way with their performing the tasks of daily life. If medical
practitioners employed the same pragmatic principles to guide interventions for ADHD as those used for patients with poor vision or borderline
risk of hypertension or diabetes, it is likely that the number of those considered eligible for intervention would be much higher than the 3 to 7 percent estimated by the DSM-IV-TR. Yet there is still need for some threshold
at or around which a clinician should be more inclined to oer diagnosis
and treatment.
In its emphasis on the need for recognizing children whose ADHD
impairments place them at risk of ADHD, the Scahill report called attention to the importance of early identification and intervention. As I explain
in Chapter 4, some children show clear evidence of ADHD impairments
from their earliest years. Parents and preschool teachers are able to recognize that this particular child is dramatically more impaired than most
others of the same age in meeting the developmental challenges of his age
group. In such cases, prompt evaluation is important, particularly if the
child is extremely impulsive, hyperactive, or aggressive.


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

Severe ADHD impairments in preschool children may cause them to

be at great risk of accidental injuries, rejection, and scapegoating by other
children. They may also be vulnerable to emotional or physical abuse from
siblings, parents, or other caretakers who are chronically frustrated by the
untreated ADHD preschoolers relentless and exhausting demands. Even
when a childs behavior does not cause such severe suering, untreated
ADHD in a young child can significantly hamper development of the basic
skills and attitudes needed for success in the early years of school. The time
for careful assessment and consideration of possible ADHD treatment of
a child is that point when the impairments of ADHD are significantly interfering with that childs ability to meet age appropriate developmental
For those individuals whose ADHD impairments do not become apparent until later childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, evaluation for
possible ADHD diagnosis and treatment may begin much later, but it can
still lead to very important, life-transforming interventions.
I believe that the threshold for ADHD diagnosis should be one that
identifies those children, adolescents, and adults who suer from chronic
developmental impairments of executive functions that significantly interfere with the tasks of daily lifeand so are likely to be helped and not
harmed by clinical interventions for ADHD. It is unlikely that these individuals can be adequately identified solely on the basis of counting the
number of DSM-IV symptoms of ADHD that the person often manifests, because often is a subjective measure. It is also unclear what constitutes clinically significant impairment.
How Much Do the Symptoms Interfere with Daily Life?
To assess an individuals diculties only by counting symptoms would be
like assessing a route for a cross-country hike using a map that oers no
indication of the type of terrain to be traversed. To know the challenges to
be faced by a hiker, one needs to know not only the mileage to be covered,
but also the climate and characteristics of the ground that will be traveled;
is it a single flat plain or rolling hills? Are there high mountains to be

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


climbed or deep rivers to be crossed? Is the hike to be made over an open

road or through a dense jungle with walls of vegetation?
To evaluate someone for ADHD, I need to gain a realistic appreciation
of how much diculty the various symptoms are causing for that person
in meeting the challenges of their current life situation. This requires
knowing something about the individuals tasks of daily life and the circumstances under which those tasks must be performed. It also requires
an appreciation of how much trouble any given symptom of ADHD is consistently causing this particular individual relative to most others of the
comparison group. Sometimes one or two symptoms may be severely impairing, comparable to a deep valley and a high mountain on the hiking
path. In other persons the weight of ADHD impairment may be significant
not from any one or two severely impairing symptoms, but from diculties caused by an overwhelming combination of many less severe symptoms, none of which might be considered so problematic in isolation.
Making the Decision
The often unacknowledged truth is that there is no clear-cut, objectively
measurable boundary between those persons whom we consider to be suffering from ADHD and those whose impairments of executive functions
are slightly less severe. ADHD is a complex, multidimensional disorder
for which a diagnosis must rest on the clinical judgment of a clinician
who, hopefully, is adequately trained to use appropriate information from
the patient and other relevant sources in a sensitive and reasonable way.
Although many would wish for some more objective mode of determination, the judgment of an experienced clinician is the primary determinant
of diagnostic decision making in many complex situations not only in psychiatry, but also in most other fields of medicine.
Discussing the Diagnosis with the Patient
Once I have arrived at a careful diagnosis, I try to explain the diagnostic
formulation to the patient and family in a realistic and understandable
manner. When the patient and those close to him have a clear picture of


How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention

father active
drug addict,
visits erratic

strong loving
single mother
working full-time


Solidly average

Disorder of

losing a





Good friend
Loving son

nervous about
starting middle school

playing on 3 good teams

with friends & great coaches

Figure 6 Venn diagnostic diagram. The inner square shows key strengths and
impairments of an eleven-year-old boy evaluated as he was preparing for transition into middle school. Venn circles within that square identify overlapping diagnostic categories that currently apply, and the outer square highlights important supports and stressors in his immediate environment.

my understanding of the nature and causes of the patients diculties,

they are usually more willing to collaborate in the development and monitoring of recommended treatments. They may also be able to correct aspects of my formulation that may be incomplete or mistaken.
I usually present the diagnosis with a simple drawing of two squares
and overlapping circles. In a conversation with the patient (if the patient
is old enough to understand and participate in such a discussion) and with
key family members, I draw a moderately large square on a paper to represent the patient as a person. Within this square I note several important

How ADD Differs from Normal Inattention


strengths of the patient, such as very bright, musically talented, good

at fixing things, hard working, and very supportive of family.
Within this patient square, I then draw one or several overlapping
circles to represent each appropriate diagnosis, which perhaps includes
ADHD, explaining in understandable terms what each diagnostic term
represents. These circles can be drawn as in the Venn diagram in Figure
6, each sized to represent the current importance of the problem to the patient, and overlapping to represent interacting eects.
After the patient square and overlapping circles are drawn and discussed, I draw a larger square around the first square, this one to represent
the environment in which the patient lives and works. On this square important environmental strengths or stressors can be noted. These might
include a very understanding teacher, Dads expert help with math,
adjusting to a new job, recently divorced, being taught by an inexperienced teacher at school, worrisome financial pressures, and so on.
The purpose of the overlapping circles in squares is to provide a clear
and manageable description of the nature of the patients current diculties in the context of important personal strengths and environmental
stressors. As part of this collaborative process, it is essential also to consider a wide range of other disorders that often occur with ADHD.

Chapter 8 Disorders That May Accompany

ADD Syndrome
MYTH: Someone cant have ADD and also have depression, anxiety,
or other psychiatric problems.
FACT: A person with ADD is six times more likely to have another psychiatric or learning disorder than most other people. ADD usually overlaps
with other disorders.

ADD syndrome is complicated. It includes chronic impairments in multiple

cognitive functions. In addition, those with this syndrome often have diculties with other aspects of their learning, emotional regulation, social
functioning, or behavior.
The medical term for a person having more than one disorder is comorbidity. Sometimes researchers use the term to describe situations
where both disorders are present at the same timefor example, within
a six- or twelve-month period. Others take comorbidity in a more inclusive way to refer to any disorder that occurs within the lifetime of an individual who has a specific disorder.
ADHD has extraordinarily high rates of comorbidity with virtually
every other psychiatric disorder listed in the DSM-IV, both in the crosssectional and lifetime analyses. For example, studies have found that
about 5 to 10 percent of children in the general population suer from
anxiety disorders (Tannock 2000). Among children with ADHD, the rate
of anxiety disorders is three to six times greater.
In the large Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (MTA Cooperative Group 1999), of chil200

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


dren ages seven to nine years diagnosed with ADHD, 70 percent were
found to have met DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for at least one other psychiatric disorder within the preceding year. These included:
Oppositional-defiant disorder


Anxiety disorder


Conduct disorder


Tic disorder


Aective disorder (depression)


Mania, hypomania


The MTA sample included only young children; 80 percent were boys
and most were in first, second, or third grade during the initial evaluation.
Only children with combined-type ADHD were assessed; no children without significant hyperactive-impulsive symptoms of ADHD were included.
The profile of psychiatric and learning problems characteristic of older
children, adolescents, and adults with ADHD, especially women and those
with predominantly inattentive-type ADHD, is likely to be dierent.
A study of somewhat older children in Puerto Rico yielded results
dierent from the MTA. Among an equal mix of boys and girls ages nine
to sixteen years from the general community, Hector Bird and colleagues
(1993) found 48 percent who suered from depressive symptoms, far
more than the 4 percent of young children similarly identified in the
MTA sample. Some disorders like depression tend to emerge later in life
than others.
Studies of adults with ADHD show an even higher incidence of additional disorders accompanying ADHD. Rachel Millstein and others (1997)
compared adults whose ADHD symptoms were predominantly inattentive (37 percent) with those who had the combined type (56 percent). Rates
for some comorbid disorders were similar between these two subtypes of
ADHD; others were dierent:

Combined Type

Inattentive Type




Major Depression



Substance Abuse/


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

Oppositional Disorder





Conduct Disorder



Social Phobia



Multiple Anxiety

It should be emphasized that the percentages in this table are lifetime

rates. For example, a forty-seven-year-old businessman with combinedtype ADHD who had smoked marijuana heavily for a year during college
and then had abstained from any marijuana use for the following quartercentury would be included in the 69 percent with a history of substance
abuse or dependence.
To grasp the significance of comorbidity in adults with ADHD, a comparison with baseline rates in the general population is needed. The 2004
replication of the National Comorbidity Survey sampled the entire U.S.
population in the fifteen- to forty-four-year age range. From this study
Ronald Kessler (2004) reported that 88 percent of adults with ADHD had
at least one additional psychiatric disorder sometime in their lifetime.
This was sixfold the prevalence in the general population of adults. Here
are the findings for the U.S. sample:

adult sample

Odds ratio

Any mood disorder



Any anxiety disorder









Any substance use

Any impulse disorder
Any psychiatric

The numbers listed under odds ratio show how much the ADHD sample
exceeded the general population sample. An odds ratio of 1.0 means that
the ADHD sample had the same percentage as was found in the larger
population, whereas an odds ratio of 3.0 indicates that the disorder occurred three times as often in the ADHD population. These estimates do

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


not include any learning or language disorders, but they do highlight the
markedly elevated incidence of psychiatric disorders reported by adults
with ADHD.
Epidemiological and clinical samples each give dierent information
about the frequency with which various psychiatric disorders occur. Epidemiological studies yield information about how many individuals in a
sample of the general population report sucient symptoms to be diagnosed with a particular disorder. Typically investigators approach individuals at random and try to solicit their cooperation in answering multiple
questions about psychiatric symptoms. Such inquiries may yield useful
estimates of how many individuals in a population experience a particular
problem, but such data have an important limitation: It is highly unlikely
that most individuals will fully disclose their personal diculties to an investigator whom they do not know and when there is no significant benefit to them that might oset the potential worry and embarrassment of such
disclosures. For this reason, epidemiological studies are likely to underestimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders.
Yet clinical samples, groups of people who have sought out help for
themselves in psychiatric clinics, are likely to overestimate the incidence
of comorbid disorders in the larger population. Clinical evaluations are
likely to probe more fully and get more candid responses than can epidemiological studies. Patients are likely to disclose their multiple diculties
more fully to the doctor whose help they have sought. Their hope for relief from suering may oset the embarrassment and shame that otherwise would cause them to avoid discussion of their private suering. Yet
those who seek treatment in clinics or hospitals are a selected population,
likely to be characterized by more severe and complicated illness than are
those in the general population who may suer similar problems, but stay
away from clinics or hospitals. Some with mild impairments and more
financial resources may get treatment from private practitioners in the
community whose records are not generally included in clinical studies;
others may cope with a less intense form of the same problem without any
treatment at all. As a result, reports describing comorbidity rates for clinical populations are likely to yield helpful information about the dramatic


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

cases that appear in clinics, but may well overlook a broader range of individuals with similar problems not suciently severe or complicated to
cause them to seek treatment in a clinic or hospital.
Whether gathered in an epidemiological study or reported from clinical samples, psychiatric diagnoses are simply a set of categories, conceptual pigeonholes, for classifying complicated aspects of impaired human
functioning. Currently the DSM-IV lists over two hundred separate diagnostic categories, each described as though it were a discrete entity. These
categories divide up impairments of human cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning somewhat like the boundaries of nation-states divide
up peoples of the world. Both are the product of committees subject to
complex political pressures and shaped by the historical setting in which
they were developed.
Boundaries of some nations like North and South Korea arbitrarily
separate groups with closely shared connections of culture and history,
whereas boundaries of other nations like Iraq clump together disparate
groups with conflicting history and cultures, creating an entity that is far
from unified. Similarly, current diagnostic categories for cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems divide some clusters of functions that have
common causes and similar responses to treatment, while lumping together other clusters that might better be dealt with as separate entities.
Once established, these boundaries become very dicult to change. Proposals for changes in either diagnostic or political boundaries can ignite
earnest and intense conflicts.
Bruce Pennington (2002) has highlighted the need to reconsider existing boundaries for conceptualizing psychiatric disorders. He suggested
a new framework to integrate emerging neuroscientific understandings
of psychiatric disorders, one that includes three clusters of syndromes:
disorders of motivation, disorders of action regulation, and disorders of
language and cognitive development. In the following pages I have borrowed and adapted Penningtons categories to describe some of the complicated ways in which ADD syndrome overlaps other categories of psychiatric disorders. My model is shown in Figure 7.

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


Diagnostic Clusters

Language & Learning

Expressive Language Disorder
Receptive Language Disorder
Reading Disorder
Mathematics Disorder
Disorder of Written Expression

Arousal & Motivation

Anxiety Disorders
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Substance Abuse

Social-Emotional Regulation
Aspergers Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Conduct Disorder
Tourettes Disorder

Figure 7 Executive-function impairments characterize most diagnoses. These

three groupings, clustered according to important common elements, include
a variety of learning and psychiatric disorders that often occur with ADHD. All
of these disorders involve impairments in executive functions as well as other
malfunctions specific to that disorder.

Disorders of Learning and Language

Dennis Cantwell and Lorian Baker (1991) studied the overlap between language disorders and ADHD in preschoolers referred to a clinic for speech
or language problems. Almost all had serious problems relative to others
of their age in being able to understand what was said to them or in being
able to use verbal language to express themselves. Nineteen percent of
these children with speech or language impairments also met diagnostic
criteria for ADD, almost fourfold the baseline incidence of ADD reported
at that time in the general population.
Joseph Beitchman and others (1996) did a longer-term study of preschool children with language disorders. In that sample, too, ADHD was
found to be the most common psychiatric disorder, occurring in 30 percent of the preschoolers who had speech or language disorders. Findings
from Beitchmans long-term study showed that children with impaired
language function at age five were much more likely than others to have a
psychiatric disorder at age twelve. Children with severe diculty in using
language and in understanding what others say to them are more likely to
have significant behavioral problems; they are also likely to have poorer
social skills. Communication diculties may thus contribute eventually
to failure in school or employment.


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

Because psychologists and psychiatrists generally have little training

in speech and language impairments, the important role of these functions in academic, social, and vocational diculties may often be overlooked. Many mental health workers assume that interpersonal problems
are always caused by unrecognized emotional conflicts. For some individuals, however, interpersonal diculties are more fundamentally rooted in
an inability clearly to say what one is thinking or to understand correctly
what others are trying to say.
Most physicians and mental health clinicians are similarly not educated to understand specific learning disorders (LD) that often overlap with
ADHD. There are three major types of learning disorders: reading disorder, mathematics disorder, and disorder of written expression.
Reading Disorder
At age twelve, George was in fifth grade. He was a well-behaved
boy who wanted very much to do well in school. His grades in
math were always high, but he generally did poorly in reading
and in any other classwork that involved reading. He was bright.
On IQ tests he scored in the high average range. He had a
strong vocabulary for listening and for speaking, but his reading
vocabulary was very small. He could not read many words that
were familiar when spoken to him. He could memorize a short
list of words for weekly spelling tests, but he could not remember to spell those words correctly after the test and he was generally a very poor speller.
When called on to read aloud, George often mispronounced
easy words and was tediously slow and halting. Despite getting
extra help for reading since first grade, George could not sound
out unfamiliar words. His mind seemed unable to retain what
he had been taught about what sounds are associated with
specific combinations of letters. He could not grasp the basics of
phonics and had an intense dislike for reading because he found
it so tedious and embarrassing.

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


Sally Shaywitz (2003) has described how most children, unlike George,
learn to break the code in order to learn to read.
The very first discovery a child makes on his way to reading is
the realization that spoken words have parts. Suddenly a child
appreciates that the word he hears comes apart into smaller
pieces of sound; he has developed phonemic awareness . . .
the ability to notice, identify and manipulate the individual
soundsphonemesin spoken words. (p. 51)
Shaywitz noted that 70 to 80 percent of American children learn how
to translate the code of written letters into spoken sounds without much
diculty. The remaining 20 to 30 percent have varying levels of persisting
diculty in learning to convert combinations of letters into spoken words.
It is this impairment in learning to process phonemes, not the tendency
to reverse letters and numbers, that is the major ingredient in dyslexia, another name for reading disorder.
There is strong evidence to suggest that dyslexia is associated with
specific impairments in brain function. Sally Shaywitz and Bennett Shaywitz (2002) used functional MRI imaging to study the brains of dyslexic
children compared to nonimpaired readers. In the brains of the dyslexic
boys and girls, they found evidence of disrupted functioning in specific
left hemisphere circuits that have been shown to be crucial for reading.
Mathematics Disorder
Twelve-year-old Lois is a sixth-grade student whose grades are all
As except in math. Since first grade she has always had great
diculty doing math problems. She is an excellent reader and
has developed an exceptional vocabulary, but despite much effort she has not yet been able to learn her multiplication tables.
She still uses her fingers to count and makes many errors when
she attempts to do simple adding and subtraction. She seems to
grasp the idea of multiplying, but is not yet able to multiply two
numbers by two numbers. She finds simple division problems
very confusing and still makes many mistakes in counting


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

money or in reading the time from a clock. She has a digital

watch because she has not yet mastered telling time from a
conventional clock face.
Thus far there has been relatively little research to explore the underlying impairments in mathematics disorder. David Geary (1994) has described two distinct types of impairment in children with mathematics
The first involves diculties in representing arithmetic facts
in, or retrieving facts from, long term memory . . . many MD
[mathematics disorder] children have problems remembering
basic arithmetic facts such as 5 + 9 = 14, even with extensive
drilling. . . . The second involves diculties in executing arithmetic procedures, such as carrying or trading in complex addition, or in executing counting procedures to solve simple addition problems. (pp. 155 156)
Much remains to be learned about the specifics of such impairments
in the cognitive skills required for mathematics. There is some evidence
that impairments in this domain, like those of dyslexia, are heritable, but
the brain mechanisms involved are not yet known.
Disorder of Written Expression
Leo is an eleventh-grade boy who loves to read and gets excellent
grades in all his courses in high school except those that involve
extensive writing. Since early childhood he has shared with his
father an intense interest in the Civil War. With his family he
has visited every major Civil War battlefield. He has many books
and videos about that war, and collecting Civil War memorabilia
is his hobby. A history course that Leo took during the first semester of his junior year began with a unit on the Civil War.
During class discussions Leo often contributed information
and anecdotes that interested his classmates and impressed
his teacher.

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


Yet Leo failed the first test of the semester, an essay exam requiring paragraphs to explain aspects of the Civil War that had
been covered in the textbook and discussed in class. The teacher
was annoyed by his overly terse answers and the lack of elaboration to support his responses. He felt that Leo knew the answers
better than anyone else in class. He assumed that Leo had not
taken the test seriously. Immediately after class the teacher met
with Leo and required him to respond orally to each of the questions on the test. Leos answers were all top-notch. When the
teacher asked Leo why he had written such a poor test paper when
he knew all the answers so well, Leo answered, That happens to
me all the time. I can know about something and can talk about it
with no problem, but I just cant get the ideas written out on the
page. All the teachers tell me that my answers are way too short
and that I dont elaborate enough. Im just a really poor writer.
Chapter 4 explains why written expression is much more demanding
of executive functions than are talking or reading. The point here is that,
like Leo, some children, adolescents, and adults experience extraordinary
diculty in expressing in writing, particularly expository writing, what
they think, feel, and know.
After reviewing relevant research, Rosemary Tannock and I (2000)
reported that all three of the basic learning disorders occur at rates two to
three times higher among children with ADHD than among children in
the general population. One of the few studies that looked for all three
basic learning disorders in children with ADHD was reported by Susan
Mayes and colleagues (2000). In a sample of children referred to a clinic,
they found that 27 percent met diagnostic criteria for reading disorder, 31
percent for mathematics disorder, and 65 percent met diagnostic criteria
for disorder of written expression. In sum, 70 percent of those children diagnosed with ADHD fully met the diagnostic criteria for at least one of
these three learning disorders. Why are individuals with ADHD impaired
by these learning disorders at such high rates?
For decades, ADHD and learning disabilities have been seen as completely separate disorders. ADHD was seen essentially as a disruptive be-


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

havior disorder that could be diagnosed by observation and treated with

stimulant medications. In contrast, specific learning disorders of reading,
mathematics, or written expression have generally been perceived as problems hardwired into the brain, problems that could be remediated only
by employing special education techniques. Currently the boundary between these two categories of impairment is being reassessed.
In 2000 I argued that impairment of working memory plays a critical role both in ADD syndrome and in the cognitive functions that are
disrupted in learning disorders related to reading, math, and written expression.
Reading involves holding in mind and integrating initial portions of a word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, chapter, and so
forth long enough to connect these with subsequent portions so
that connections can be made and various levels of meaning can
be comprehended. Connections must be made between letter
shapes and phonemes; diverse associations from elements of
long-term memory must be quickly sorted out to select what is
appropriate to context and to discard what is not. Smooth execution of these multiple linkages clearly involves not only the
learning of phonemes and vocabulary, but also ongoing exercise
of short-term working memory.
Likewise, most mathematical operations, from the borrowing
and carrying of the simplest arithmetic to the intricacies of the
most complex calculations for theoretical problem solving, are
highly dependent on working memory. Multiple steps must be
prioritized and sequenced, and information must be carried from
one operation into another. To do arithmetic and mathematics
one needs not only knowledge of specific procedures but also
eective working memory. The problem solvers ability to transiently hold on-line these various numerical facts and relationships while analyzing problems and invoking appropriate learned
procedure is another example of the exercise of working memory.
Similarly, working memory plays an essential role in written
expression as one selects and weaves together words and verbal

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


images to convey multiple levels of meaning. In writing, one

must hold in mind an overall intention for what is to be communicated in the whole of the phrase, sentence, paragraph, essay,
report, chapter, book, and so forth, while simultaneously generating the micro units of words and phrases that will eventually
constitute the written work being produced. Complex and rapidly shifting interplay of micro and macro intentions is the
essence of creating and self-editing that allows one gradually to
shift from the glimmer of an idea, through crude approximations of rough draft, to the greater specificity and polish of a
final product. . . . In addition to many more specific skills, the
whole process of written expression involves ongoing and often
intensive use of working memory. (pp. 38 39)
H. Lee Swanson and Leilani Sez (2003) also emphasized the central
importance of working memory and executive functions in learning disabilities (LD). They reported that children and adults with LD are inferior
to their counterparts on measures of short-term memory in which familiar items such as letters, words, and numbers, and unfamiliar shapes were
recalled (p. 189). They found
evidence . . . indicating both the phonological loop [of working
memory] and the executive system as sources of deficit for participants with LD. Either one or both of these components play a
significant role in predicting complex cognitive activities such as
reading comprehension, arithmetic problem solving, and writing, as well as some basic skills (e.g. arithmetic computation).
(p. 194)
Taken together, available data suggest that ADHD, language impairments, and specific learning disorders may not be so separate as has been
generally assumed. The common element of impaired executive functions may account for a significant amount of the overlap between ADHD
and specific learning disorders and between ADHD and some aspects of
language impairment, particularly the pragmatic language impairments
described in Chapter 4.


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

Yet specific learning disorders, speech and language disorders, and

ADHD are not aspects of one problem. In speech/language disorders and
in specific learning disorders, especially reading disorder, there is evidence
that some brain functions are impaired in ways that are not found in individuals who have ADHD alone.
In Chapter 1, I suggested that if the brain is imagined as a symphony
orchestra, executive functions impaired in ADD syndrome should be compared not to impaired players of the instruments, but to impairments in the
conductor. In the overlap of ADD syndrome with impairments of language
and learning, it would seem that this comorbidity reflects dysfunction in
some of the players of instruments, as well as in the orchestras conductor.
Disorders of Arousal and Motivation
Pennington (2002) proposed a category called disorders of motivation,
which includes (1) depression and dysthymia, (2) anxiety disorders, (3) posttraumatic stress disorder, and (4) bipolar illness. Each of these involves
disruptions in the arousal/motivation system of the brain. To this category
I have added obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as substance abuse
and dependence. These two additional disorders are also essentially disruptions in the brains normal regulation of arousal and motivation. Each
of the six disorders in this expanded list occurs more frequently among
persons with ADHD.
Depression and Dysthymia
Charles is a fifteen-year-old boy in ninth grade who was diagnosed with ADHD, predominantly inattentive type, when he
was in fifth grade. Since that time he has been treated consistently with stimulant medication three times daily. Teachers,
parents, and Charles himself report that this medication significantly improves his ability to stay focused on his schoolwork, to
complete assignments, to organize his work, and to remember
what he has read. His grades were honors level in junior high,
but over the past year his academic performance has been in a
slow decline.

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


Over the past two years Charles has become increasingly

lethargic and withdrawn from social and athletic activities in
which he had been very involved for several years. When not in
school he now spends most of his time isolated in his room,
usually playing video games or sleeping. His parents report that
when friends call he avoids talking with them. He has declined
their invitations to join in various activities so often that he now
receives few calls. He rarely smiles, often makes self-deprecating
comments, and appears chronically sad, though he denies that
he is depressed.
Charles was not depressed in the sense of being immobilized by profound sadness or by a severe lack of energy. He was able to get out of bed
and attend school regularly. He had no insomnia and his appetite was usually adequate, though he showed little interest in food. He gave no evidence of suicidal thoughts or actions and was not using drugs or alcohol,
but all who had known him over time were struck by his persistent and increasing unhappiness, lethargy, and seeming inability to enjoy life.
The chronic, low-grade depressive symptoms shown by Charles are
characteristic of dysthymia, a less dramatic but significantly impairing
form of depression that has been described by Hagop Akiskal (1997).
Charles was able to do most of what he was required to do, but found virtually no pleasure or satisfaction in most of life.
According to Thomas Spencer and others (2000) depression and/or
dysthymia occurs in 15 to 75 percent of children or adolescents with ADHD.
Since both ADHD and depression can be severely debilitating, any individual, like Charles, who suers from both of these disorders should receive eective treatment for both. And some suer not only from ADHD
and depression, but also from anxiety disorders.
Anxiety Disorders
There are many types of anxiety disorders.
Separation anxiety is where a child experiences extremely excessive
anxiety when separated or anticipating separation from home or persons
to whom they have become attached. The child becomes terrified at the


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

prospect of being away from primary caregivers and has extreme diculty
accepting a substitute caretaker even for short intervals. When required to
stay with a babysitter, spend time in day care, or to attend school, the child
may become extremely agitated and panicked.
Specific phobias involve an individuals being very fearful when faced
with some specific situationfor example, encountering a dog, snake, or
spider; sleeping alone in a dark room; entering an elevator; or flying in an
airplanethough they may experience no extraordinary fear otherwise.
Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, is an intense and
persistently exaggerated fear of embarrassing oneself in interacting with
or performing for other people. Usually this intense fear causes the individual to avoid the dreaded situations whenever possible, for example, by
staying away from restaurants, parties, or other social gatherings. When
the frightening situation cannot reasonably be avoided, such as when one
is called on by a teacher to recite in class, one painfully endures the situation, getting it over as quickly as possible. Anticipation of such events
often causes extreme stress, with nausea, tremors, stomachache, diarrhea,
and so forth.
Panic disorder is characterized by recurrent panic attacksbrief but
terrifying episodes of very intense fear that come on suddenly when there
is no real danger and no anticipation of danger. Unlike phobic responses,
the panic attack comes out of the blue. The attack often includes shortness of breath, profuse sweating, chest pain, nausea, lightheadedness,
and other sensations that may feel like one is having a heart attack and is
about to die. Although such episodes usually peak within ten minutes,
they are often followed by persistent fears of recurrence. Sometimes a
panic attack is followed by strong fears of leaving ones home unless
accompanied by a trusted companion: this is called panic disorder with
Generalized anxiety disorder is a broader and more persistent pattern
of chronic worry and fearful expectation that something bad is going to
happen. Often individuals with this disorder spend long periods each day
in uncontrollable, anxious anticipation of possible troubles or dangers.
Additional symptoms such as chronic muscle tension, restlessness, ex-

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


cessive fatigue, or diculty sleeping are often present. The focus of worry
may vary considerably from one situation to another. Routine tasks and
situations of daily life may become the focus of ones ruminating in gruesome detail about how badly events could turn out.
Although these various types of anxiety disorder are described as separate entities, they overlap with some aspects of normal development and
often overlap with one another in aicted individuals. To what extent are
these various disorders perhaps variants of one larger problem?
Douglas Mennin and colleagues (2000) addressed the overlap among
anxiety disorders in children with ADHD and in normal controls. His
group found that being diagnosed with two or more specific anxiety disorders identified most children who were significantly impaired by anxiety. This does not mean that an individual diagnosed with just one anxiety
disorder does not warrant treatment. Mennins measure simply identifies
individuals for whom anxiety symptoms are especially impairing. According to this standard, 17 percent of the children with ADHD were severely
impaired by anxiety.
Most of the children in the Mennin study had begun experiencing their
anxiety disorders before the age of twelve. Several studies have shown that
most individuals impaired by depression usually have a history of excessive anxiety antecedent to their hopeless feelings. Often these two streams,
anxiety and depression, converge and continue to flow together over a persons lifetime.
The overlap and complexity of these various forms of anxiety is illustrated in the following case:
Doug, a twelve-year-old boy in seventh grade, was diagnosed as
having ADHD while he was in fourth grade, but received no
medication treatment because his parents were apprehensive
about possible adverse eects. He was brought for consultation
during seventh grade because of longstanding problems with
anxiety. Since early childhood Doug had been very fearful about
being away from his family. When he started kindergarten he
had great diculty separating from his mother each day. Since
that time he has generally been able to attend school regularly,


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

but has had episodic series of excessive absences because of

vague complaints of headache, stomachache, or nausea.
Doug has a long history of diculty falling asleep. He cannot
get to sleep unless he is in a room with his brother or a parent.
Even then he often is unable to get to sleep until sixty to ninety
minutes after he gets into bed. Once in bed he will not leave his
bed to go the bathroom unless a parent or his brother accompanies him.
He is very fearful of being alone, even in daylight. When
taking a shower he often calls out to be sure that a parent is in
earshot. He will not go outside his house to play unless accompanied by someone he trusts or by the family dog. He is easily embarrassed and extremely shy. Doug refuses any extracurricular activities, sports, or birthday parties unless one of his parents stays
with him. Despite all this, he maintained a B+ average in school.
Doug met DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for several dierent anxiety disorders: separation anxiety, specific phobia (dark), social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder. He also met criteria for ADHD, predominantly
inattentive type. Although this laundry list of multiple diagnostic categories may sound like a variety of dierent problems, it would seem reasonable to think of Doug as simply a boy who has ADHD and is chronically extremely anxious in dierent ways in a variety of settings.
One way to consider Dougs situation is to compare him with a homeowner who has an overly sensitive smoke detector that screeches loudly
and persistently any time bread is overcooked a bit in the toaster. In response to the slightest whi of smoke, the detector sounds a protracted
alarm as though the entire house is about to go up in flames. In the case
of chronic anxiety, however, the smoke detector cannot easily be repaired or replaced.
Doug reported that he felt ashamed of his chronic fearfulness:
I know Im scared of lots of things that are no problem to most
other kids my age. I try to fight it and say to myself, Its OK,
just go ahead and do it. Its not really dangerous. Even my little

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


brother can do it, no problem. Sometimes that works, but usually

it doesnt. Its stupid, but if I try to walk around alone in the dark
at night, even in our own house, or if I go outside alone, I get this
terrible feeling inside, like something really, really bad is going to
happen and I wont be able to stop it. I just cant make that feeling go away unless someone else is there with me. I get scared
like I would be if I were standing in front of a truck speeding
right at me or hanging o the edge of a cli and losing my grip.
Such reactions involve intimate interactions among a very sensitive
body chemistry, a set of recurrent thoughts and mental images and, presumably, some defect in the brain mechanisms that assess and respond to
potentially threatening stimuli. Some of these elements may be inherited,
some may be developed in response to frightening experiences, and some
may emerge as a result of living with family members who themselves are
much more alert to potential threats and dangers in the world than are
most others. These variants of anxiety occur more often in individuals
with ADHD, sometimes separately, sometimes in various combinations.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Joanne, a thirty-four-year-old divorced mother of an eight-yearold son and a ten-year-old daughter, supported her children by
working an eight-hour shift each day as a registered nurse. Each
morning she awakened early to dress, feed, and deliver her children to the day care center near their school. She then went to
work her shift in the intensive care unit at the hospital, after
which she picked up her son and daughter at day care, took
them home, prepared supper, helped the children with their
homework, bathed them, read them stories, and got them to
bed. She then cleaned up the dinner dishes and did laundry or
other household chores. After all this, every night she spent over
an hour washing and stripping the wax o the floor of her
kitchen and adjoining family room, letting it dry, and then rewaxing the floor and replacing the furniture.


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

Joanne explained, I know it doesnt make sense for me to

wash and rewax those floors every night. Most people dont do
it even every month. But I have been doing it this way for years.
I have to do it. If I try to let it go for a night, I just cant get to
sleep. I get this feeling that my house is dirty and not good for
the kids and me to live in, so I just have to get it done. I know it
doesnt make any sense, but thats what I have to do.
Joanne recognized that her daily washing and rewaxing of her floors
made no rational sense, but she felt compelled to do it. When she tried to
end the day and go to sleep without completing this compulsive chore,
she became so anxious that she was unable to relax and go to sleep. When
she completed the task successfully, her anxiety was reduced enough so
she was able to live her daily life without much diculty. Her drive to complete this burdensome daily chore, despite her recognizing that it was not
rationally necessary, is one example of the wide variety of compulsions
that may be seen in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
Compulsions are not always cleaning chores; problems with compulsions can become apparent in any of a wide variety of behaviors. One college student felt compelled to keep his large CD collection in perfect alphabetical order by name of musician; any time this order was disrupted,
accidentally or deliberately, he felt compelled immediately to rearrange
them, regardless of whether doing so meant missing a class or delaying
required work. A girl in junior high felt compelled to count the number of
steps on any stairway she walked on at home, school, or elsewhere and
had to touch each side of a doorway once with each hand before she could
walk through it. If she forgot, she felt she had to enter through the doorway again or go back to the foot of the stairs and walk up again, carefully
counting. An eleven-year-old boy felt it necessary to confess to his teacher
or parent anytime he looked at any girls buttocks, repeatedly asking, I
did it again, is that OK? Such inquiries were sometimes made many
times an hour in school, despite the inevitable teasing from his classmates
and the annoyance of his teacher and parents.
In another example, a forty-year-old teacher compulsively saved every
daily newspaper for over ten years, neatly stacking them throughout her

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


house until there was virtually no room to move around. When friends
oered to help her move them out so she would have adequate living
space, she responded, I just cant bring myself to get rid of them. I keep
thinking I may need to refer to them someday, even though I know it
would be much easier to look anything up in the public library microfilms.
I know its stupid, but I just have this strong feeling that I have to store
them in my own home.
These examples of cleaning, counting, arranging, checking, and hoarding are just a few of the enormous variety of tasks that people with OCD
may feel compelled to perform every day. Usually a persons compulsions
tend rather consistently to be of one type or another, though intensity of
the symptoms may wax and wane. Some persons with OCD do not feel
compelled to perform compulsive actions, but they repeatedly get stuck
thinking about specific worries. Sometimes their worries are directly connected to compulsive behaviors that seem intended to relieve the worry.
For example, the nurse who had to wash and wax her floors daily had a
persisting worry about whether her house might be dangerously dirty.
Others have concerns that are troubling in that they seem to require persistent preoccupation, but they are not accompanied by compulsive behaviors.
Examples of obsessional worries without accompanying compulsions
include a nine-year-old girl who reported chronic preoccupation with fears
that her five-year-old sister might suddenly die and a fifteen-year-old boy
who reported daily preoccupation with worries that he had contracted
AIDS, despite his awareness that he had had no experiences that would
realistically put him at risk of such an infection. Although neither of these
individuals engaged in compulsive behaviors, each reported successive
months when such thoughts persisted in their thinking for two hours or
more each day, despite their eorts to think about other things instead.
As I have described elsewhere (2000), most children, adolescents,
and adults experience occasional preoccupations with disturbing thoughts
and many engage in compulsive behaviors that do not make rational sense.
To qualify for diagnosis as OCD, obsessions or compulsions must significantly disrupt the individuals daily functioning, usually consuming at


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

least an hour each day. It is this daily impairment that distinguishes the obsessions and compulsions of OCD from the repetitive worrying or superstitious behaviors that may occur from time to time with most people.
In a group of children diagnosed with ADHD, Daniel Geller and others (2002) found that over half also had some form of OCD. Previously, in
1996, these researchers had found that one-third of children diagnosed
with OCD also met full diagnostic criteria for ADHD; usually the ADHD
occurred much earlier, more than two years before the OCD symptoms
developed. Children who had both ADHD and OCD tended to have significantly worse daily functioning than those who had either disorder without
the other.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Another anxiety disorder seen more commonly among individuals with
ADHD is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Primary symptoms of
PTSD have to do with an individuals persistent disturbing reactions to an
event or series of events in which they had reason to believe that his or her
life was in danger. This disorder was first recognized in soldiers who returned from combat, where they had been exposed to acute risk of severe
injury or imminent death, and where they had seen their comrades suer
agonizing pain after being felled by bullets or bomb fragments.
For weeks, months, and years after exposure to such trauma, some
soldiers repeatedly re-experienced the terrifying events as though a video
of the situation were suddenly being replayed in their memory. In those
moments of flashback, sometimes occasional, sometimes many times a
day, they recalled the situations in painful detail as though they had suddenly been returned to the original experience. Each time they felt the
same intensity of anxiety and other emotions that had accompanied the
initial experience, a situation that seriously disrupted their sleep and
daily life.
Study of Vietnam veterans suering from PTSD yielded evidence that
these terrifying experiences had been etched into memory in a unique way
that the brain apparently reserves for situations of acute danger. For some
veterans, PTSD symptoms diminish gradually over time; they have been

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


able to heal from their trauma with some success. For others, the terror
repeats over many years, and, for some, for the rest of their lives. Research
suggests that the severity and duration of PTSD symptoms are not directly
linked to the severity or duration of war trauma experienced; instead,
some individuals are more vulnerable to such reactions than others.
Gradually clinicians recognized that some victims of trauma other
than combat show similar persistent symptoms of flashbacks, sleep disturbances, and so forth. These occur in some individuals traumatized by
rape, a severe motor vehicle accident, being trapped in a burning building,
or some similar situation where, for terrifying moments or more, it appeared to the victims that they were about to die a terrible and unexpected
death or where they witnessed such a fate in others. PTSD symptoms also
occur in some people who experience life-threatening dangers in natural
disasters such as earthquakes or floods.
Similar etching of painful events into memory occurs in some who
have been subjected to physical and/or sexual abuse as children. PTSD also
has been found in adults who have experienced relationships in which they
were repeatedly battered physically and emotionally by parents or partners. Apparently there is a broad array of situations after which an individual may experience this recurrent misfiring of the brains mechanism
for acute alarm.
Among individuals with ADHD there is an elevated incidence of certain kinds of PTSD. Sally Merry and Leah Andrews (1994) studied sexually abused children and found that while 44 percent met the diagnostic
criteria for PTSD, 25 percent also met those for ADHD; this is more than
threefold the incidence of ADHD in the general population. This finding
does not necessarily indicate that those with ADHD are more vulnerable
to all types of PTSD. It may be that those with ADHD are more likely to
be in situations where certain reactive or interactive types of acute danger
to life or safetysuch as accidents, or physical or sexual abuse may be
Combined type ADHD may increase the risk of PTSD resulting from
child abuse. Often those toddlers and young children have chronic diculty in getting to sleep at night and are often defiant and unwilling to fol-


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

low directions from their caretakers. As suggested in Chapter 4, parents

or other caretakers forced to cope with the stress of managing such a
child, especially late at night when they are likely to be overtired themselves, may be more likely to lose control of their anger and violently punish that child.
As they get older, individuals with ADHD, particularly those with
combined type, may be quicker than most to seek out risk and adventure.
They may be less likely to avoid risks that can be anticipated or may push
the envelope by driving faster, climbing higher, or getting closer to the
edge of the cli, sometimes with terrifying or disastrous results.
In addition to not behaving carefully, many with ADHD often have excessive diculty in regulating their emotions and in sizing up social interactions with others. This may lead some to get into interactions or relationships where they encounter or provoke excessive threats, danger, or
violence, which in turn may cause PTSD. In some cases, then, the elevated
incidence of PTSD among individuals with ADHD may be due more to
their impulsively getting themselves into situations of increased physical
or interpersonal danger than to a constitutional vulnerability to anxiety,
though these are not mutually exclusive possibilities.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder (BPD) is also among diagnoses classified by Pennington
as disorders of motivation and arousal. Formerly known as manicdepressive disorder, this syndrome is characterized by episodes during
which the individual manifests an intense increase in elation, grandiosity,
and rapid or racing thoughts, usually with decreased need for sleep and
often with hypersexuality or increased frequency of other activities that
may be pleasurable, but are likely to create serious diculties for the individual. Such episodes alternate in longer or shorter intervals with episodes of major depression. Switches between the manic and depressive
moods may occur with no clear cause. Individuals with BPD also have elevated risk for substance abuse and suicide.
For decades BPD was thought to occur only in late adolescence or
adulthood. In 1995, however, Janet Wozniak and Joseph Biederman re-

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


ported an elevated incidence of BPD (16 percent) among children and

younger adolescents diagnosed with ADHD in their clinic; they suggested
that mania might be far more common among psychiatrically referred
children, particularly those with ADHD, than previously thought. Because some symptoms of ADHD overlap with those of BPD, these reports
led to controversy among child psychiatrists as to whether the children
being described simply had severe ADHD or did, in fact, suer from
childhood-onset bipolar disorder.
A team headed by Barbara Geller (2002a, 2002b) reported that children and younger adolescents with genuine BPD had four specific symptomselated mood, grandiosity, flight of ideas or racing thoughts, and
decreased need for sleepthat occurred in them far more than in those
with ADHD or in community controls.
Geller and colleagues (2002b) pointed out that some other symptoms
characteristic of BPD also occur in many children with ADHD or other
disorders. They found chronic irritability in 98 percent of the children
with BPD, 72 percent of those with ADHD, and just 3 percent of those in
the community control group. However, Eric Mick and others (2005) recently showed a critical difference in the irritability of bipolar children:
their irritability tends to be much more extreme and explosive than in
children with ADHD. Irritability in bipolar children tends to be severe,
often physically aggressive, destructive, and dangerous. The difference between ADHD irritability and bipolar irritability might be compared to the
difference between the pressure of a garden hose and that of a powerful
fire hose.
It is not only the severity of irritability that differentiates these two
disorders. Geller found that suicidal tendencies occurred in 25 percent
of the BPD children; psychosis was seen in 60 percent; and mixed
mania, a combination of manic and depressive symptoms, occurred in 55
percent of the BPD children. None of these are characteristic of those with
just ADHD.
Although there is some overlap between symptoms of BPD and those
of ADHD, and a wide range of severity in both disorders, there are important differences. Most of those with BPD meet diagnostic criteria for


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

ADHD, but are also characterized by a number of other seriously impairing symptoms that are not part of ADD syndrome.
Substance Use Disorders
Substance use disorders, which are characterized by abuse of or dependence on alcohol, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, or a variety of other drugs, significantly disrupt ones motivation to pursue education or work, interact with others, and maintain ones self and household.
Often the long-term goals and more immediate intentions of these individuals are seriously interrupted as they crave, seek, use, and react to substances of abuse. Persons given this diagnosis often suer from excessive
arousal, being excessively hyped-up in certain phases of drug use while
being excessively slowed down or somnolent in other phases of abuse or
dependence. These disruptions of motivation and arousal appear to be
closely connected to anticipated, immediate, and delayed eects of the
abused substances on the brain.
Among individuals diagnosed with ADHD, there is a markedly elevated incidence and severity of abuse and dependence on alcohol and
other drugs over the lifetime. This dierence does not become clear in
group data until after mid-adolescence, however, when many of those with
ADHD tend to become caught up in escalating problems with substance
abuse. Joseph Biederman and Timothy Wilens (1997) published data
comparing ADHD boys and normal controls use of drugs and alcohol at
baseline and four years later. They found no dierence between the ADHD
adolescents and controls in rates of substance use disorders up to age
fifteen years. Yet an earlier study of adults indicated that 52 percent of
those diagnosed with ADHD had qualified for diagnosis of substance
abuse or dependence at some point in their lives, while only half that percentage (27 percent) of adults without ADHD met the diagnostic criteria
for substance use disorder.
According to data presented by Wilens and others (1998, 2000) having ADHD (1) heightens the risk of developing a drug use disorder, (2) accelerates twofold the transition from less severe drug or alcohol abuse to
more severe dependence, and (3) more than doubles the duration of sub-

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


stance use before remission. Apparently those with ADHD tend to become more involved in seriously impairing substance abuse during late
adolescence and early adulthood when most of their peers are reducing
their abuse of such substances. This raises the question of why such a
dierence should occur at that particular point.
One indirect answer to that question might be derived from the 2003
review by Wilens and colleagues of six studies involving more than a thousand adolescents with ADHD, some of whom had been treated with stimulant medications during childhood and adolescence and some of whom
had not. Their goal was to assess the eects of stimulant treatment for
ADHD on the rate of substance abuse. Results showed an almost twofold
reduction for risk of substance use disorders in individuals with ADHD
who had been treated with stimulants, compared to individuals with
ADHD who had not. In fact, those treated consistently during childhood
and adolescence with stimulant medications had a rate of substance abuse
and dependence not significantly dierent from the baseline rate in the
population. Apparently there is something about living with untreated
ADHD that increases the likelihood of abuse or dependence on drugs or
alcohol. Multiple factors may be at work. For instance, impairments of the
brains reward system, described in Chapter 3 as an aspect of ADHD, a
system managed primarily by dopamine networks, may cause aected
persons to seek out and repeatedly use addictive substances that tend to
stimulate that section of brain. Medication treatment for ADHD may reduce that vulnerability while it alleviates symptoms of ADHD.
Untreated ADHD may also cause an individual to be more frustrated
and less successful in school. The lower-achieving student is more likely
to be placed in lower-track classes with less able and less motivated classmates, a peer group where extensive and frequent use of drugs is more
common. In such a situation the student may self-medicate with illicit
substances to alleviate frustration, worry, and shame over poor achievement. In a study of adolescents in treatment for substance abuse, twothirds reported to Beverly Horner and Karl Scheibe (1997) that they had
continued use of illicit drugs not primarily for pleasure, but to improve
their mood. A combination of interacting biochemical and psychosocial


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

factors is likely to be behind the elevated rates of many disorders of motivation and arousal among those with ADHD.
Similarities among Disorders of Motivation and Arousal
Among the various disorders of motivation and arousal discussed in this
section there are obvious dierences, but also underlying similarities. Dysthymia and depression both involve a significant reduction in motivation
and arousal associated with chronic feelings of hopelessness, as though an
unsatisfying outcome to ones eorts were already determined. Anxiety
disorders are characterized by an intensification of arousal often combined
with avoidance of what is assumed to be an inevitably dangerous outcome.
Bipolar disorder, in the manic phase, is marked by intense exaggeration of
arousal and an often pathological intensity of certain motivations; the depressive aspect, whether phasic or mixed, falls to the opposite extreme.
Comparison of these comorbid disorders with the characteristics of
ADD syndrome shows considerable overlap as well as dierences. Management of arousal, ability to activate for tasks, ability to sustain eort for tasks,
management of emotions, ability to eectively utilize working memory,
ability to size up and regulate actions in social situationsthese interacting executive functions tend to be impaired in each of these comorbid disorders. Yet each of the comorbid disorders of arousal and motivation is
also characterized by more extreme intensity or absence of arousal, and/or
by motivation that is more extreme in its variability or fixity, than is usually found in ADD syndrome itself. These extremes of arousal and motivation, combined with specific related impairments of these various disorders, occur among persons with ADHD more often than in most others
without ADHD. The high rates of comorbidity between ADHD and these
various disorders of motivation and arousal may be seen as another example of concurrent impairments in the conductor of the orchestra and
in specific components of the orchestra itself.
Disorders of Social-Emotional Regulation
In my reformulation of Penningtons categories, I have grouped together
the following disorders, all of which are characterized by various types and

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


degrees of disruption in social-emotional regulation of action: Aspergers

disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and Tourettes
Aspergers Disorder
Chapter 2 describes how individuals with ADD syndrome often are impaired in their ability to manage frustration and modulate emotions, as
well as in their ability to monitor and self-regulate actions. These and other
facets of ADD syndrome often cause children, adolescents, and adults to
have diculty in their social relationships. But among those individuals
with ADD syndrome are some whose impairments in social interactions
are much more severe. Some of those meet diagnostic criteria for Aspergers disorder, which is considered by some experts to be a variant of
Fred Volkmar and Ami Klin (2000) have described dierences between autism and Aspergers syndrome (AS) this way:
In contrast with individuals with autism, individuals with AS experience social isolation, but are not withdrawn or devoid of social interest; in fact, they often approach others, but in eccentric
ways. Their interest in having friends, girlfriends/boyfriends,
and social contact may in fact be quite striking. (p. 59)
This longing for social interaction combined with impairments of Aspergers disorder is illustrated in the following description by the mother
of a thirteen-year-old girl in seventh grade:
My daughter has ADHD, but she also has a lot of social problems that most kids with ADHD just dont have. She has never
been able to catch on to how kids get along with other people,
especially with other kids. Stu that most kids just pick up by
listening and watching other people, she doesnt absorb even
when we try to explain it to her. She just doesnt get it! Thats
why all the other kids pick on her and call her weird. They wont
have anything to do with her. Its been this way since about sec-


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

ond grade, but it has gotten a lot worse now that she is in
middle school.
Sometimes she will beg another girl to come over to our
house and even oer to pay her to play with her. If the girl says
she might come over sometime, my daughter will get on the
phone and call her eight to ten times on the same day to try to
get her to come over right away. If the girl says shes busy, my
daughter keeps asking her why she cant come a little later that
day. She cant tell when someone is lying or teasing or just trying to put her o. She takes everything literally. Shes not stupid.
Her grades are mostly Cs and Bs; sometimes she gets an A.
She can understand a lot about computers and science, but she
never seems to get how other people feel or why they get mad at
her or laugh at her.
This girls impairment in understanding and managing social interactions is qualitatively dierent from that of most other children with
ADHD. Her problems aect the various executive functions that comprise ADD syndrome, but she is also impaired in more fundamental ways
that have to do with the ability to read and understand emotions communicated by others in implicit, nonverbal ways. She has Aspergers disorder
as well as ADHD.
Patients with Aspergers also tend to have a lot of trouble shifting
focus flexibly between details and context. Martha Denckla (2000) described this problem as it appears in adults with nonverbal learning disabilities aecting not only their social relationships, but also other aspects
of their thinking.
Having an overly local . . . cognitive style, such adults manifest
forest for trees diseasethat is, they miss the big picture
and get stuck on detail. Despite good verbal skills, they write
poorly because they do not summarize or relate pieces of information. Asked for the main idea, the overarching concept, or
the hierarchy (rather than the sequence) of priorities inher-

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


ent in academic or vocational material, the adult . . . will be

baed. (p. 313)
Psychologist Byron Rourke (2000) has shown that many individuals
with Aspergers have essentially the same profile on psychological tests
as do those identified with nonverbal learning disorders (as described by
Denckla). He notes that this may be a basis on which those with Aspergers
and individuals with high functioning autism might be dierentiated.
Consequences of these more fundamental problems of individuals
with Aspergers are shown in a description by Simon Baron-Cohen (2003)
of individuals with Aspergers disorder seen in his clinic:
Most did best at factual subjects such as math, science and history . . . [but] were weakest at literature, where the task was to
interpret a fictional text . . . or enter into a characters emotional
life . . . they found it dicult to make friends; males with AS
found it particularly dicult to establish a girlfriend relationship. . . . Most . . . had said things that had hurt others feelings . . . yet they could not understand why the other person
took oence if their statement was true . . .
Many adults with AS have held a series of jobs, and have experienced social diculties leading to clashes with colleagues
and employers . . . their work is often considered technically
accomplished and thorough, but they may never get promoted
because their people skills are so limited. . . . Some have had a
series of short-term sexual relationships. Such relationships
usually flounder, in part, because their partner feels they are
being over-controlled or used, or because the person with AS
is not emotionally supportive or communicative . . . their few
friends are usually somewhat odd themselves. Typically, their
friendships fall away because they do not maintain them. . . .
A significant proportion of adults with AS experience clinical
levels of depression and some even feel suicidal because they
feel they are a social failure and do not belong. (pp. 144 145)


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

No specific medication treatment has been found to alleviate the complex impairments of Aspergers disorder, but when patients who have it
manifest symptoms of ADD syndrome, they often benefit from treatment
with stimulant medications, as do those with pervasive developmental disorder as described by Jean Frazier and others (2000).
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
My oldest daughter has always had a mind of her own, ever
since she was a toddler. Its like she never got over the terrible
twos where they say No! to everything you ask them. Now she
is twelve and wants to think that she is all grown up and doesnt
need to listen to anybody, regardless of who they are. I know a
lot of teenagers are that way, but shes really extreme, even for a
At school they have always told me about how shes very
smart, even though she has ADHD, but most of the teachers get
fed up with her attitude. She is always arguing with whatever
they say. They say white and shell argue, No, it cant be that
way. Its really black. They call her the lawyer because shes
always going on and on with her arguments. Sometimes she can
be funny, but she doesnt know when to stop. The principal has
suspended her three times this year for being disrespectful to
teachers. They say this isnt part of her ADHD.
She seems to get along all right with other kids. Shes one of
the ringleaders of a group of girls at school. They play sports together. Shes actually pretty good at soccer, and swimming and
lacrosse. Coaches get frustrated though because anytime she
makes a mistake, she always blames somebody else. She wont
take responsibility for what is her own fault. She does the same
thing at home. Its always somebody else who didnt do what
they were supposed to. Nothing is ever her fault.
When her father and I set limits and wont let her go someplace she wants or wont buy her something she has decided she
needs, she has a tantrum that can go on for a couple of hours,

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


with lots of swearing and throwing things and repeated slamming of doors. We just dont know what to do with her! Shes
not a bad kid. She gets herself to school and practice every day
and usually gets pretty good grades, but shes got a big-time attitude problem that we havent found any way to improve much
over the past ten years.
This girls chronic negativistic and oppositional attitude extend beyond impairments usually associated with ADHD. According to her mothers report she has a long history of being defiant toward not only parents, but also teachers and other adults. She is not delinquent, but she
reportedly maintains a very oppositional and defiant attitude in her interactions with most adults. This is an example of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
Overlap between ODD and ADHD is usually reported as very high,
particularly when only the combined type of ADHD is considered. Usual
estimates are that about 40 percent of children with ADHD also meet diagnostic criteria for ODD. Characteristics of ODD are mostly variants of
excessively negative emotional reactions and their behavioral manifestations. These include frequent angry outbursts, arguing with or defying
adults, annoyance with or blaming of others, touchiness, resentfulness,
spitefulness, and vindictiveness. Most children who meet criteria for ODD
do not have the more severe problems of conduct disorder (CD), a chronic
pattern of more delinquent behavior that is discussed later.
I explained in Chapter 2 that problems in managing frustration and
regulating emotion are one aspect of ADD syndrome. This is consistent
with my earlier work (1996, 2001) as well as reports of other researchers
such as Russell Barkley (1997), Keith Conners (1997), Conners and colleagues (1999), and Paul Wender (1995); all of us have reported problems
in regulating emotion as an important aspect of the impairments of individuals with ADHD. But current diagnostic criteria for ADHD include no
mention of problems with regulation of emotion. The very high incidence
of the ODD cluster of negative emotional reactions among children with
ADHD raises the question of whether chronic problems in managing


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

emotions, especially frustration, may be an aspect of ADHD that was mistakenly excluded from the DSM-IV description of the disorder.
Ross Greene and others (2002) reported on large samples of boys and
girls, average age about ten years, who met diagnostic criteria for ODD
alone or ODD with conduct disorder. He compared these children with
others who had other psychiatric problems, but not ODD or CD. Comparisons showed that socioeconomic status was significantly lower for families of children with ODD alone, and for ODD with conduct disorder, than
for families of children with other psychiatric disorders not including
ODD or CD. These findings suggest that children with ODD and/or CD
are more likely to come from relatively disadvantaged families.
Greene found that schoolchildren with ODD and/or CD had higher
rates of placement in special education classes, though his three groups
did not dier in rates of repeated grades or need for tutorial assistance.
This suggests that children with ODD or CD were seen as needing more
intensive supervision in school. But problems of children with ODD were
not limited to school settings. Social impairments of those with ODD, with
or without CD, cut across all domains of social functioning, including relationships with parents, siblings, and peers. Individuals with this combination of executive function impairments (from ADHD) and chronic problems in managing negative attitudes and emotions (which characterize
ODD) tend to make significant diculties for themselves and others in
virtually every social setting.
Greene and colleagues (2002), as well as others, have reported that
families of children diagnosed with ODD, with or without CD, tend to
show significantly poorer family cohesion and significantly higher levels
of family conflict. One possibility is that ADHD impairments with ODD
symptoms of the child tend to create more conflict with parents. Another
is that parents of these children may be more harsh and more likely to provoke the child, thus establishing a pattern of intensified reciprocal anger
and chronic conflict that the child carries to other situations. It is likely
that socioeconomic disadvantage also contributes substantially to chronic
stress in many of these families.

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


Conduct Disorder
Mike is a sixteen-year-old boy whose ADHD diagnosis describes
only a small portion of his chronic diculties. He has been getting failing grades in most of his high school courses for the
past two years since he moved into a new foster home placement. Often he cuts classes or just doesnt show up for school.
Mike has been in foster care since he was seven years old; he is
currently in his fourth placement. Each of his previous placements has ended because of serious behavior problems, for example, bullying younger children in the household, torturing
pet cats in the neighborhood, and repeatedly stealing money
from the foster parents.
Mike was arrested and put under juvenile court supervision
when he was twelve. At that time he had started a fire in the
garage of a neighbor; the garage and its contents were destroyed.
He has been arrested three additional times for shoplifting. Mike
is usually not overtly hostile; he tends to appear apathetic and
sullen, as though he just doesnt care. Foster parents note that he
can be pleasant at times, but cant be trusted to tell the truth, to
keep his commitments, or to respect others property. He smokes
cigarettes openly and is suspected of drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana, though the evidence on this is not clear.
Mike is the youngest of five children. His father is an alcoholic who was physically abusive to his wife and children when
drunk. He served time in jail for auto theft and assaulting a police ocer. Mikes mother, also an alcoholic, had Mike placed in
foster care because she was afraid of his repeatedly playing with
matches in their home. She feared that he might set their house
on fire when she was asleep.
The DSM-IV characterizes conduct disorder (CD) as having symptoms arranged in four clusters: (1) aggression toward people or animals,
(2) destruction of propertyfor example, deliberate fire setting, (3) deceitfulness or theft, and (4) serious violations of rules, such as truancy or


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

running away from home before age thirteen. Only three of the fifteen behavioral symptoms listed are required for diagnosis of CD; consequently,
there are a wide variety of subtypes, one of which is characterized by various types of overt physical aggression and another in which behavior is
more covert and nonaggressive, though still delinquent.
Stephen Hinshaw and Carolyn Anderson (1996) noted that while individuals diagnosed with CD almost always have already met the criteria
for ODD, fewer than 25 percent of individuals with ODD eventually develop the more severe problems of CD. Hinshaw and Anderson also emphasized that there are many reasons that children become delinquent,
only a small percentage of which are directly related to the CD diagnosis.
The DSM-IV recognizes this distinction by stipulating that the CD diagnosis should be made only when the symptoms appear to be due to internal dysfunction.
Bruce Pennington (2002) summarized genetic studies showing that
children with ADHD and those who have conduct disorder tend to share
very similar genetic profiles. This led him to suggest that environmental
factors may play an important role in determining the CD outcome: With
optimal parenting, a child with this genetic profile will develop ADHD
only. With harsh parenting, the same child will also develop comorbid
ODD or CD (p. 183). These observations are consistent with family studies showing that harsh, abusive, and/or extremely inconsistent parenting
practices tend to set into motion a vicious cycle of aggressive behavior
from a child, which then elicits more harsh and punitive behavior from
parents. Pennington also notes that peer-group and other neighborhood
influences may cause some adolescents to engage transiently in the antisocial behaviors that characterize conduct disorder.
Usually the CD diagnosis is applied to individuals who engage in serious and persistent antisocial behaviors, some of which may be described
as psychopathic. Donal MacCoon, John Wallace, and Joseph Newman
(2004) have described how psychopathic individuals often are severely
impaired in being able to use awareness of others emotions to restrain
themselves from taking aggressive actions. What causes most individuals

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


to care about and respect other persons, to treat others with respect for
their rights and feelings, and to cope with frustrations without harming
those who appear to be causing (or not alleviating) that frustration? Why
do some individuals persistently ignore or show disdain for the pain and
suering that they may cause to others?
Daniel Siegel (1999) has described how children with disorganized
attachments to their caregivers tend to develop hostile and aggressive patterns of interactions with others. From this point of view it appears that
developing or maintaining positive emotional attachments to parents or
other caretakers may increase the likelihood that the child will perceive
others as persons to be respected. This is consistent with James Blair
(1995), who suggested that a deficit in the ability to respond to distress
cues in others (a failure of empathy), produces a failure to inhibit aggressive behavior.
This emphasis on the role of positive emotional attachments in controlling aggression toward others does not rule out the influence of biological factors. Pennington (2002) noted that low levels of serotonin correlate with antisocial behavior and excessive aggression. Low resting heart
rate also has been shown to be characteristic of many individuals who
demonstrate excessive aggression or antisocial behavior. Jame Ortiz and
Adrian Raine (2004) reviewed studies involving more than 5,800 children
or teenagers manifesting antisocial behavior. Their results strongly demonstrated that antisocial children tend to have a lower resting heart rate,
especially when stressed, in comparison to both normal and psychiatric
controls; they showed less of the usual fear response.
Direct links between biological factors and the diverse symptoms of
CD have not been adequately established. One can only suspect a reduced
biological vulnerability to fear, which might result in a relative lack of responsiveness to social cues, less fearfulness about incurring disapproval
from others, or other characteristics. In any case, it seems likely that the
destructive and self-damaging impairments of CD are shaped by some
combination of inherited biological factors and the environmental influences of family and neighborhood.


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

Tourettes Syndrome
Tourettes syndrome (TS) is a disorder characterized most noticeably by
chronic vocal and motor tics that occur many times virtually every day for
at least a year. These motor tics may include repetitive eye squinting, nose
twitching, facial grimacing, mouth opening, or shoulder shrugging. Sometimes more complex movements such a lifting an elbow and rotating a
wrist may occur, but the simple tics are more common. Vocal tics may include throat clearing, sning, snorting, or other repetitive noises. Many
patients with TS report that patterns of their tics tend to shift from one
movement or noise to another over time, and that they can suppress them
under certain conditions, but usually the tics tend to reemerge after suppression, sometimes in a more intense way.
Elkhonen Goldberg (2001) described two other characteristics often
seen in patients with TS: an excessive urge to explore by touching, looking
at, or smelling incidental objects that catch their interest, and verbal incontinence, by which he means not only coprolalia, the tendency to make
obscene or profane comments in socially inappropriate situations, but also
a broader pattern of making critical or derisive comments in social settings
where they are likely to hurt others feelings or provoke anger or rejection.
This verbal incontinence includes impulsively uttering observations
or reactions to others that many non-TS individuals might think, but
never say aloud. As Goldberg explains: What is on his mind may immediately be on his lips. It may be unflattering epithets, slurs of various kinds,
obnoxious editorial commentsanything forbidden (p. 183). Many TS
patients describe themselves as having chronic diculty in suppressing
the impulse to say or do what is forbidden, once that possibility enters
their mind. Goldberg observed that in Tourettes the urge to release internal tension may be ever present and unquenchable (p. 183). He quotes
one of his TS patients who described irrepressible urges to touch or smell:
It is a heightened sensory curiosity and lack of inhibition. I become focused on a body part or an object. Once I focus on it, the urge becomes uncontrollable (p. 185).
The chronic diculty of many TS patients in resisting the impulse to
say or do the socially inappropriate, the forbidden, suggests that they

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


suer from a particular failure of the brain to control emotional reactions

such as frustration, curiosity, or anger. They seem unable to employ an
awareness of others emotions to hold back the comment or gesture that
may be hurtful or embarrassing to that person or themselves. The resulting outbursts cause some TS patients to experience frequent rejection and
sometimes dangerous punitive reactions.
Although tics can become embarrassing and problematic for those
who suer with TS, they are not usually the most troubling symptoms for
those with this disorder. As David Comings (1988) and others have pointed
out, most patients diagnosed with TS also suer from ADHD and often
also from OCD as well. Often it is symptoms of these other disorders, especially the ADHD, that cause most of the impairment suered by those
with TS.
Thomas Spencer and colleagues (1998) studied children with Tourettes syndrome and found that the vast majority, 81 percent, also fully
met diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Spencer concluded: Little doubt remains that ADHD is highly prevalent in patients with Tourettes syndrome and often represents the main clinical concern and the principal
source of dysfunction and disability (p. 1041). The group also found that
OCD was much more prevalent in the children with TS (21 to 28 percent)
than in the normal controls (2 percent). These findings suggest that TS
may essentially be an especially severe variant of ADHD complicated by
tics and often also by OCD and other disorders. For those with these
complex impairments, a combination of treatment strategies is likely to
be needed.
Similarities among Disorders of Social-Emotional Regulation
Among the various disorders of social-emotional regulation discussed in
this section, there are many dierences, but also some underlying similarities. Aspergers disorder involves extreme forms of impairment in the
ability to recognize and respond to emotion in other persons. In a somewhat dierent way, ODD and CD involve extreme disruptions in the ability to recognize and respond appropriately to emotions of others; persons
with these disorders tend to be strikingly insensitive to the feelings and


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

needs of others and have a lot of trouble holding back verbal or, in some
cases, physical expressions of aggression toward others, seeming to lack
sensitivity to the others pain. In TS there is rarely the deliberate verbal aggression of ODD or criminal behavior that may be seen in CD, yet TS too
reflects significant impairment in the ability to modulate the expression
of emotion by anticipating the emotional reactions of others. Thus all disorders in this group involve problems with using empathy to regulate
ones actions.
As indicated, sizable percentages of persons with ADD syndrome tend
to meet diagnostic criteria for the disorders of social-emotional regulation,
but in each case, the impairments extend well beyond the symptoms of
ADD syndrome alone. Persons with ADD syndrome and any of these disorders of social-emotional regulation tend to suer not only from a chronically impaired conductor of the brains orchestra, but also from impairment in additional brain functionsfrom the inability of a section of
players in the orchestra to interpret and follow the conductors lead.
Why Does ADD Syndrome Often Overlap with Other Disorders?
Having described three clusters of learning and psychiatric disorders that
very often overlap with ADD syndrome, we now return to the question I
raised earlier in this chapter. Why is it that having ADD substantially increases the likelihood of having another disorder? Why is it that a child
with ADHD, if untreated, has twice the risk of developing a substance use
disorder at some time in his or her life? Why do children with ADHD have
double or triple the risk of having reading disorder, math disorder, or disorder of written expression? Why do adults with ADHD have additional
psychiatric disorders at six times the rate reported for the general U.S.
population? Many researchers and clinicians point to genetics, as though
one aicted with ADHD is just unfortunate in being much more likely to
be burdened with the inheritance of additional disorders of learning, emotions, or behavior. But there is another way to look at the high incidence
of overlap between ADD syndrome and other learning and psychiatric disorders. Rather than considering ADD as just one separate disorder among
others, this syndrome might be seen as a cluster of impairments that cuts

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


across other diagnostic categories. To return to our oft-used metaphor, we

could say that while a very weak brass section might impair the orchestras
playing of scores strongly reliant on brass, this weakness would not aect
the orchestras work as much as would having a conductor who had
chronic diculty in organizing and directing the musicians. A poor conductor can handicap the entire orchestra, especially when sections of the
orchestra are required to play together. Many psychiatric disorders involve
such high levels of coordination.
Put another way, executive functions are basic and essential to the integrated operation of many diverse activities of the mind; consequently,
individuals with weaknesses in the development of their executive functions are likely to be more vulnerable to many other types of psychiatric
impairment, just as anyone with weak bones is more vulnerable to fractures and one with a weak immune system is more vulnerable to a wide
variety of infections.
Indeed, impairments of the ADD syndrome described in this book are
not specific to ADHD; they occur in many other disorders as well. In 2002
Joseph Sergeant and colleagues published an article asking How Specific
Is a Deficit of Executive Functioning for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder? They noted that whereas children, adolescents, and adults with
ADHD have been shown in many studies to have performance deficiencies on some executive-function tasks and tests, similar impairments had
been shown in individuals with other disordersfor example, oppositional
defiant disorder, conduct disorder, Tourettes syndrome, learning disorders, and high-functioning autism. The article concluded: EF specificity
for ADHD remains to be established (p. 24).
I would argue that impairments of executive function are not likely
ever to be established as specific to ADHD, because most other psychiatric
disorders involve both executive-function impairments and additional
dysfunctions of more specific cognitive systems. Thus an individual with
reading disorder has impairments of executive functions such as working
memory as well as specific problems in aspects of the brain involved in
decoding and understanding words. A person with Aspergers disorder not
only has impairments of executive functions involved in shifting focus,


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

managing emotions, and monitoring action, but also has more specific
disruptions in aspects of the brain that are essential for noticing and monitoring emotional communications of others.
In fact, it does not make much sense to think of such combinations of
impairments, some of which involve executive functions, as chance occurrences of separate disorders. The situation is not like having a sprained
ankle and influenza at the same time. Rather, impairments of executive
function might be compared to disruptions of the operating system of a
computer that interferes in various ways with running a wide range of
Executive Functions Can Be Impaired in Ways Other Than Just ADHD
Although impairments of executive functions that I call ADD syndrome seem usually to be inherited and to occur relatively early in life,
they can also result from traumatic brain injury, the hormonal changes of
menopause, and brain changes common in later stages of old age. In
these ways, symptoms very similar to ADD syndrome may occur in some
persons who have shown no evidence of ADHD earlier in life.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Joan Gerring and colleagues (1998) studied boys and girls aged four to
nineteen years diagnosed with severe to moderate closed head injuries
(CHI). Most had been injured as pedestrians or as drivers or passengers
in a motor vehicle; many had been in a coma for about ten days. Gerring
found that 20 percent of the children with CHI had ADHD prior to their
head injury. This elevated incidence is consistent with the expectation that
children with ADHD are more likely to behave in impulsive or careless
ways that put them at risk of such injuries.
During the year following their CHI, an additional 19 percent of children and adolescents in this sample developed sucient ADHD symptoms to warrant diagnosis. This development suggests that impairments of
ADHD may be acquired by certain kinds of physical damage to the brain.
Similar results were obtained in studies by Jerey Max and others (1998).

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


Menopausal Cognitive Impairments

Many middle-aged women report that during menopause, whether naturally occurring or surgically induced, they experience for the first time a
constellation of persisting symptoms that closely resembles ADD syndrome. They note significant declines in short-term memory, in the ability to screen distractions and to sustain attention, in the organization and
prioritizing of tasks, and so on. Some of these women are very competent,
well-educated professionals and business executives who until menopause have never experienced significant impairments of ADD syndrome.
In addition, women who have been diagnosed before menopause with
ADD often report that their ADD symptoms tend to worsen for several
days each month at about the time their estrogen level is probably lowest.
As they enter menopause, many of these women also report significant
exacerbation of their long-standing ADD symptoms.
Basic neuroscience research by Bruce McEwen (1991) suggests that
estrogen plays an important role in the release and reloading of dopamine within the brain, particularly in brain areas associated with executive functions. If this is so, significant inconsistency or persisting reduction of estrogen levels in a womans body may exacerbate ADD symptoms
in women who suer from ADD syndrome. Declines in estrogen related
to menopause may also produce symptoms of ADD syndrome in some
women who have never had them before.
Barbara Sherwin (1998) has reported that administrating estrogen to
postmenopausal women enhances verbal memory and maintains the ability to learn new material. Sally Shaywitz and colleagues (1999) demonstrated in an MRI study that administration of estrogen to postmenopausal women increased activation in specific brain regions during verbal
and nonverbal working memory tasks. None of these researchers was
looking at the full range of ADD syndrome impairments described in this
book. Yet their reports, combined with neuroscientific evidence about the
role of estrogen in modulating dopamine release in the brain, suggest that
further investigation of menopausal cognitive impairments similar to
ADD syndrome is warranted. At present there is no evidence about the
role of hormonal changes on the cognitive functioning of males.


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

Cognitive Impairments of Normal Aging

Many men and women complain of increasing problems with attention,
working memory, and other executive functions as they reach late middle
age and beyond. Denise Park and Trey Hedden (2001) evaluated men and
women aged twenty-nine to ninety to determine how performance on
tests of perceptual speed and working memory changes across age groups.
They found that the rate of decline on measures of processing speed, working memory, and long-term memory was consistent across the lifespan.
The loss of processing function that occurs from ages 20 29
is approximately the same as the loss that occurs from 60 69.
The only dierence is that the proportionate loss for the 69 year
old is greater than for the 29 year old, given that a 20 year old
has more processing resource than a 60 year old.
As an analogy, if you start a bank account with a thousand
dollars that doesnt accrue interest and withdraw $100. each
decade beginning at age 20, you would decrease your financial
resources by 10 percent on your 20th birthday and have $900.
remaining. On your 70th birthday, you would have $500. left
and your $100. withdrawal would at that point represent a
20 percent loss of your now meager financial resources, leaving
you with only $400.
As this analogy illustrates, the absolute decline in working
memory function may be equivalent across decades, but the
proportion of processing resources lost is greater as one gets
older. (p. 154)
Park and Hedden concluded that this disproportionate loss of cognitive resources, combined with the fact that there is some threshold where
declining resources significantly interfere with daily life, explains why
older adults tend to complain about a drop in cognitive function as they
get older, while younger adults usually do not.
Park and Hedden also showed, consistent with the work of Timothy
Salthouse described in Chapter 3, that cognitive processing speed was the
primary determinant of how individuals performed on most of the cogni-

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


tive tasks. The slower cognitive-processing characteristic of older individuals can aect performance in two ways. First, it may leave an individual
with insucient time to complete all aspects of a task. Second, when working slowly there is an increased risk that one will forget earlier aspects of
a problem before the problem is solved.
But the process of cognitive decline is not the same for everyone of a
particular age. Donald Stuss and Malcolm Binns (2001) reported that
whereas frontal or executive functions of the brain tend to deteriorate earlier than many other cognitive functions, they do not all decline at the same
rate. Moreover, as Scott Johnson and John Rybash (1993) observed, age
dierences in information processing depend not only on the quantity of
information to be processed, but also on what is required for specific tasks.
Individual dierences also play a role in the persistence or decline of
executive functions as one ages. The late Fergus Craik (1987) and colleagues compared three groups of elderly persons on performance of cognitive tasks. They found that the healthier, more engaged, higher-income
adults performed most like young adults. Their group of lower income but
actively engaged adults was intermediate in their cognitive performance,
and the group of adults who had both low income and low activity levels
tended to show the worst performance of the three groups.
Multiple Routes to Impaired Executive Functions
These studies show that many impairments of executive function seen in
ADD syndrome can occur in persons who did not have ADHD in their
earlier years. For some, head injuries, the hormonal changes of menopause, or cognitive changes of old age create a cluster of impairments that
looks very much like ADD without the lifespan history of symptoms. It
seems likely that severe chronic substance abuse and a variety of other
psychiatric or medical disorders may have similar damaging eects on executive functions. It also seems likely that external challenges like these
would cause some individuals who have a lifelong history of ADD syndrome to experience a worsening of their ADD symptoms.
Moreover, now we know that the brains circuits responsible for integrating and managing its various components develop very slowly, gradu-


Disorders That May Accompany ADD

ally becoming capable of managing progressively more complex tasks. In

some cases these management circuits simply do not develop adequately.
In others, they develop well and then subsequently are damaged by trauma
or compromised by disease or processes of aging. Given these facts, it is
very dicult to continue to think of psychiatric impairments as discrete
disorders with clear boundaries and relatively discrete causes.
Much remains to be learned about ADD syndrome and how it changes
across the lifespan in dierent ways for various persons. Likewise, the subtle complexities in overlap of executive functions and other disorders are
still barely understood. What does seem clear is that these various disorders are complex, overlapping and often interacting. This overlap of ADD
syndrome with other disorders might be seen as an extension of Penningtons (2002) view that what dierentiates various psychiatric disorders is not that each has a unique set of causes, but rather that each disrupts, in various levels of severity, dierent factors common to many
disorders. Further, the kind of disorder that evolves depends in part on the
variety of environmental challenges and supports encountered at various
points of development.
I am suggesting that impairments of executive functions are a larger
aspect of many psychiatric and learning disorders than has thus far been
recognized. If accurate, this interpretation may have important implications for treatment of persons with other disorders. Perhaps some treatments demonstrated useful for ADHD might also be helpful as adjunctive
treatments for some cases of other disorders such as depression or traumatic brain injury. Such treatments may also have some benefit for certain
developmental conditions in which ADD syndrome may have a later developmental onsetfor example, cognitive impairments that may come
with menopause or old age. Research is needed to address these questions.
Questions about treatment also involve questions about the severity of
impairment. Just as there are no clear lines between one psychiatric disorder and others, so to there is not a sharp boundary between what is psychopathology and the wide range of what is to be considered normal. As
Pennington (2002) suggested, psychological disorders may be simply extreme points on various ranges of normal. This does not mean that such

Disorders That May Accompany ADD


disorders do not require treatment. Hypertension, for example, is defined

as the extreme end of the normal distribution of blood pressure, but it is
also known that persons with chronic hypertension are at serious risk of
stroke and a variety of other damaging or life-threatening problems.
Applying this idea to ADD syndrome means that we can recognize the
impairments of those diagnosed with ADD syndrome as relatively extreme manifestations of diculties experienced by everyone in some degree. This continuity does not mean, however, that the symptoms of ADD
syndrome do not warrant treatment. Persons with significant impairment
from symptoms of ADD syndrome are likely to suer sustained and potentially very damaging eects if their symptoms are not recognized and
eectively treated. As indicated in this chapter, such impairments of ADD
syndrome are often further complicated by one or more additional disorders. Regardless of whether other disorders are present, it is important
that appropriate treatment be provided.

Chapter 9 Medications and Other Treatments

MYTH: Medications for ADD are likely to cause longer-term problems

with substance abuse or other health concerns, especially when used
by children.
FACT: The risks of using appropriate medications to treat ADD are
minimal, whereas the risks of not using medication to treat ADD are
significant. The medications used for ADD are among the best researched for any disorder.
The most important aspect of treatment for ADD syndrome is education
of the patient and family about the nature of the disorder and how it can
be treated. Education does not change the chemical problems underlying
executive function impairments, but if the patient and the patients family do not adequately understand the uses and limitations of medications
and other treatment options, they may jump into use of interventions that
are not safe or helpful. They may develop wildly unrealistic expectations
for the benefits to be gained from medications, or they may be too quick
to stop treatments that would have been eective if only they had been adequately adjusted to the individual.
Education is also essential for helping each patient and family to recognize problematic feelings and mistaken assumptions they have developed about ADD syndrome and themselves. From their early years, individuals impaired with ADD syndrome tend to develop strong feelings of
self-blame and inadequacy based on the willpower theory of ADD. Learning some of the science behind ADD syndrome can help individuals and
their families to reduce excessive self-blame while avoiding use of the
ADD diagnosis as an excuse for all personal shortcomings.

Medications and Other Treatments


Yet although education about ADD syndrome is the foundation for

eective treatment, it does not change the core problems in executive
functions. Throughout this book ADD syndrome has been described as a
cluster of cognitive impairments that, in most cases, results from chemical problems in the brain, specifically malfunctions in the dopaminergic
and noradrenergic systems that regulate most executive functions. Because ADD syndrome is essentially a chemical problem in the brain, it
makes sense that, in the vast majority of cases, the most eective way to
alleviate its impairments is to change relevant aspects of the brains chemistry. Additional treatments may be quite useful, but the most eective
treatment for ADD syndrome is almost always well-managed medication.
Medication Oers Relief, Not a Cure
At present, there is no cure for ADD syndrome, but there are medication
treatments that have been demonstrated safe and eective in alleviating
symptoms of ADD syndrome in 80 to 90 percent of children, adolescents,
and adults who have the disorder. Just as eyeglasses do not repair the patients eyes and cure impaired vision, so medications that alleviate ADD
syndrome do not cure problems of brain chemistry that cause these impairments: the improvements last only as long as the medication is active
in the body. Yet, when carefully and appropriately utilized, these medications can facilitate substantial improvement in the daily functioning of
most persons impaired by ADD syndrome, although not with equal eectiveness for all. For some patients, medication for ADD brings improvements that are dramatic and pervasive; for others, eects are significant,
but not huge; for others, results are more modest; and for 10 to 20 percent
of those aected with ADD syndrome, current medication treatments are
not eective at all.
For the most fortunate of those who suer from ADD syndrome, wellmanaged medication alleviates their impairments to the extent that not
much further treatment is needed. These individuals have a good understanding of what they ought to do in most situations; they are just unable
consistently to do it unless adequately treated. Unmedicated, they are too
often unable to activate themselves at the right times, or to sustain the nec-


Medications and Other Treatments

essary focus and eort, or to engage their working memory and monitor
their actions enough to do what they know they need to do. But when appropriate medication is in place to correct the chronic chemical problems
that have impaired their executive functions, they generally function well.
Medication Alone May Not Be Enough
For others with ADD syndrome, medication helps, but does not suciently
improve their functioning in school, employment, social relationships,
and/or family relationships. Pills do not teach skills that some with ADD
syndrome need and have not acquired. For these individuals, an important
eect of the medication is to make them more ready to learn. Previously
teachers, parents, supervisors, and friends may have struggled to coach
them to develop important understandings and skills, only to find that, despite good intentions on both sides, the learning simply did not stick, or
carry over from one situation to another. With the help of adequately managed medications to alleviate their ADD symptoms, these individuals may
become better able to remember and use their learning in ways that were
never possible for them while their ADD symptoms were untreated.
For those whose ADD impairments are complicated by symptoms of
depression, anxiety, dyslexia, substance abuse, or other disorders, treatment with medications eective for ADD symptoms may be helpful, but
not helpful enough. Treatment in these situations often requires very
skilled diagnosis and multiple treatment interventions, possibly including
careful trials of two or more dierent medications used in combination.
Psychosocial or educational interventions may also play a crucially important role.
For reasons that often are complicated (some of these are discussed in
Chapter 10), many individuals think of medication as a treatment of last
resort for impairments of ADD syndrome. They argue that psychosocial,
behavioral treatments are preferable to medication and should always be
tried first. This approach might have made sense long ago when ADD was
seen as essentially a behavioral problem of young children; in fact, there
is research evidence supporting the idea that a structured program of consistent behavior modification can be eective in getting most young chil-

Medications and Other Treatments


dren, including many with ADHD, to refrain from being disruptive in

classrooms and at home. But it is dicult to see how even the best behavioral treatment program can modify an individuals impairments of ADD
syndrome as they aect working memory or hamper ones ability to sustain attention enough to understand what one is reading, to write an essay,
or to drive a car. And it is very dicult to imagine how such approaches
could be used eectively for adolescents or adults with ADD syndrome
who struggle to function as students in high school or university, or as
working adults, or parentssituations where no one is available to monitor their complex behaviors or manage their reinforcements.
How Can Medications Help?
In assessing eectiveness of treatments for ADD syndrome, it is important to ask: What is the desired outcome? Some studies answer this question by analyzing how stimulant medications aect a patients performance not on combined DSM-IV symptoms of ADHD, but on specific tasks
orchestrated by executive functions. Seven of these studies are briefly described here.
Often persons with ADD work too quickly and dont recognize when
they need to slow down to do a good job. Deborah Krusch and others
(1996) studied the accuracy and processing speed of children with ADD.
On the medication the children showed improvement on several executive functions: focus, self-monitoring of action, and processing speed.
Virginia Douglas (1999) demonstrated an even broader eect of methylphenidate (MPH) on self-regulation in children with ADHD. When provided MPH, boys with ADHD appropriately speeded up for more automatic, faster-paced tasks and slowed down as needed for complicated
tasks that required more concentration and eort.
Persons with ADHD often complain of being too easily distracted.
Caryn Carlson and colleagues (1991) found that while on medication boys
with ADHD were better able to ignore distractions and to sustain focus
and maintain speed and accuracy on their primary task.
Some parents and teachers believe that tangible rewards will motivate
children with ADHD to work better on tasks that do not interest them.


Medications and Other Treatments

Mary Solanto and others (1997) studied whether medicine or rewards

would work better to get children with ADHD to keep working on a long,
boring computer task. Their results showed that both the money-earning
and the medication improved accuracy overall, but the MPH was significantly more potent; MPH also improved the ability of the children to
sustain their attention and eort on the task, while the monetary rewards
did not.
John Chelonis (2002) tested whether MPH significantly improves
working memory in children with ADHD. In a series of trials, children
with ADHD were significantly more accurate and ecient in remembering
shapes correctly when on the MPH than when o it; on medication, their
performance became as ecient as that of normal children of the same
age range. The medication normalized their impaired working memory.
Individuals with ADHD are often too quick to give up when frustrated.
Richard Milich and colleagues (1991) asked boys with ADHD to solve a series of puzzles, some of which were unsolvable. They tested whether while
taking MPH these boys, after experiencing frustration from failing to solve
some unsolvable puzzles, would keep trying to solve other puzzles longer
than they did when taking a placebo. They found that
the boys did significantly better on medication than on placebo
following exposure to unsolvable puzzles . . . in fact, the boys
best performance occurred in the medication/insolvable condition. . . . ADHD boys on placebo tend to get discouraged and
exert less eort after failure experiences. . . . In contrast, on
medication they adopt a more adaptive strategy of trying even
harder after experiencing problems they could not solve. (p. 530)
Often children and adults with ADD syndrome are too impulsive; that
is, not able to hesitate long enough to make a sensible response. AnneClaude Bedard and others (2003) used a computer task to test children
with ADHD on their ability to hold back a response until a signal was
given. On medication, the children stopped themselves more quickly
from making incorrect responses and were quicker and more consistent
in making accurate responses. The researchers suggested that

Medications and Other Treatments


MPH may influence global cognitive processes, such as attentional capacity or working memory, that are deficient in children
with ADHD and result in improvements in aspects of response
inhibition, as well as response execution. (p. 325)
Taken together, these various studies demonstrate that stimulant medications improve a variety of functions impaired in ADD syndrome. These
include sustaining alertness, focus, motivation, and eort for tasks that
are not intrinsically interesting; shifting attention as needed; utilizing
working memory; adjusting processing speed to the demands of the task;
sustaining processing speed for ecient performance; managing emotions to persist despite frustration and failure; and monitoring and selfregulating actions. These laboratory measures stand with a large body of
research over the past half-century that powerfully demonstrates the eectiveness of stimulant medications for alleviating a wide variety of impairments associated with ADD syndrome.
Thousands of Medication Studies
In the decades since stimulant medications were first introduced, several
thousand scientific studies have assessed the eectiveness of these medications for alleviating ADHD symptoms. C. Keith Conners (2002) published a comprehensive review of research that covered hundreds of studies involving over ten thousand individuals. He reported that evidence
from many hundreds of researchers, who assessed many thousands of
children with ADHD in a wide range of diverse settings, powerfully demonstrates that stimulant medications significantly improve symptoms of
ADHD for most of those who are treated.
Stimulant Medications for Adults with ADHD
For many decades, most of the studies of stimulant medications for ADHD
assessed only children. More recently, studies have also tested the eectiveness of medications for treating ADHD in adults. Stephen Faraone
and colleagues (2004) published a meta-analysis of the ecacy of MPH
for treatment of ADHD in adults. Across studies he found strong evidence


Medications and Other Treatments

that this medication is as eective in alleviating ADHD in adults as it is in

helping children and adolescents with the disorder.
Brain Imaging Studies Show Stimulants in Action
Although the positive results of medication treatment for ADHD symptoms have been widely recognized for many years, it is only in the past
four or five years that newly developed imaging techniques have made it
possible for researchers to begin to understand the mechanisms by which
these medications benefit patients. Nora Volkow and colleagues (2002)
developed a technology for using positron emission tomography (PET) to
observe directly the eects of stimulant medications in the brain.
Volkow has shown that MPH reaches peak concentration in the brain
about sixty to ninety minutes after ingestion and that therapeutic doses of
oral MPH block more than 50 percent of the dopamine transporters in the
brain. This blocking slows the normal reuptake process so that a larger
amount of the dopamine is held a bit longer at countless synaptic junctions, thereby improving communication in those neural networks operating on dopamine. Her explanation is that this process enhances neuronal signaling for specific tasks and decreases noise, or competing
signals that might divert or disrupt the network.
Volkow also argued that dopamine modulates motivation. In 2004
she and others illustrated this with brain-imaging studies of healthy adults
whose motivation for doing math problems increased significantly while
given MPH. When on the medication, they were more turned on to the
task. This was shown not only in their self-reports, but also in a visible increase of metabolic activity in brain scans of specific sectors of their brains.
In other words, increased dopamine in the synapse can act almost as
a kind of Viagra to encourage the brains response to the task. Thus
MPH may counter the chronic problem with motivating oneself to do necessary, but not intrinsically interesting, tasks. In this way stimulant medication may help to alleviate the problems described in Chapter 1 as impotence of the mind.
Volkow found, however, that MPH does not completely control the
amount of dopamine in the synapses. Individuals vary in the rate and

Medications and Other Treatments


amount of dopamine released in various networks of their brain, so there

is only so much dopamine that can be sustained by blocking the dopamine transporters at the synapse. If the quantity released is insucient,
slowing down its reuptake is not likely adequately to alleviate the problem.
She notes that in persons who suer chronically from insucient release
of dopamine, amphetamine (AMP) might be more helpful than MPH because amphetamine is not so dependent on cell firing to release dopamine
into the synapse. Amphetamine not only slows reuptake; it also facilitates
an increased release of dopamine from within the cells where it is stored.
Sometimes One Stimulant Works Better Than Another
This dierence between the two primary stimulant medications may explain why some individuals with ADHD respond to one medication better than another. Eugene Arnold (2000) reviewed studies that compared
patients with ADHD on consecutive trials of both MPH and AMP. Of
these patients, more than 66 percent responded well to AMP and over 56
percent responded well to MPH; most responded equally well to both. The
overall response rate to one or another of these stimulants was 85 percent.
There are biological reasons to expect that subtle dierences will
cause some persons with ADD syndrome to respond better to one stimulant medication than to another, but there is no way to tell at the outset
which medicine will work best for which patient. As Arnold summarized:
Although very similar in many ways, the two stimulants are
in some ways complementary in patient responsiveness. The
clearest lesson gained from the controlled studies is that . . .
nonresponse or intolerable side eects with one stimulant do
not preclude a good response to the other . . . symptomatic improvement is unpredictable and can only be determined by an
empirical trial on an individual basis. Each should be tried before stimulant treatment is abandoned. (p. 135)
Sometimes the first stimulant tried with a particular patient will work
well with only minor adjustments. Yet often multiple adjustments in
dosage are needed to elicit the optimal response. Further, sometimes the


Medications and Other Treatments

initial stimulant tried does not work at any dose or produces adverse
eects that make it necessary to try an alternative. For some patients, too,
none of the stimulants works well and other, nonstimulant medications
are clearly preferable. Overall, a given individual with ADD syndrome is
80 percent likely to respond positively to treatment with one or another of
the stimulant medications. But a careful fine-tuning of the dose and timing is essential to establish the optimal regimen.
Finding the Most Eective Dose
Some medications are prescribed best according to the patients age,
weight, or severity of symptoms. But stimulant medications do not reliably follow such guidelines. Nora Volkow and James Swanson (2003) described individual dierences that aect ones response to stimulant
medications. Mark Rapport and Colin Denney (2000) demonstrated that
body mass fails to predict optimal dose for ADHD patients. Some very
young and small children need quite large and frequent doses of stimulant to get a positive eect; whereas other children, adolescents, and adults
may benefit from very small doses of stimulant and may have adverse
eects to larger doses. In short, more medication is not always better. And
since it is not possible to predict the optimal dose from age, weight, or
symptom severity, the usual approach is to begin with a very small dose of
one or another of the stimulant medications and then increase the dose
gradually, allowing about three to seven days on a dose before trying a
larger one.
For decades, stimulant medications were available only in preparations eective for just four to five hours; for some whose bodies metabolized these agents more quickly, the eectiveness was much shorter, sometimes just two to two-and-a-half hours. This meant that schoolchildren
were required to go to their teacher or a school nurse once or twice during
the day to receive additional doses, and that adults on this medication had
to remember to take three to four doses each day during their employment and daily routines. Given that persons with ADD syndrome are
often chronically forgetfuland that classmates, teachers, or coworkers
who did not understand or respect the reasons for such medications often

Medications and Other Treatments


had negative reactions to those who took themmany with ADD used
these shorter-acting stimulants inconsistently, if at all.
Many improved, longer-acting formulations of stimulant medications
are now produced. In countries where they are available, these extendedrelease preparations have revolutionized stimulant medication treatments
for ADHD. They make it possible for children to avoid taking medication
at school, and they reduce the number of times each day that adults must
remember to take their tablets.
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
has published approved guidelines for use of stimulant medications in the
treatment of children, adolescents, and adults (2002). For immediate release (short-acting) methylphenidate (MPH; sold as brands Ritalin or
Methylin, or as generic methylphenidate), its recommended starting dose
is 5 mg administered twice daily, increasing as needed by 5 mg weekly up
to a usual maximum of 20 mg per dose; a third daily dose may eventually
be added at the clinicians discretion. For preschoolers the starting dose is
usually lower. Laurence Greenhill and colleagues (2004) reported that initial doses of 1.25 mg of MPH with gradual increments of 1.25 mg as
needed, up to 7.5 mg three times daily, worked well for 85 percent of threeto five-year-olds in a multisite study sponsored by the National Institute of
Mental Health.
For all ages, each weekly increase is to be made only after monitoring
the eectiveness of the drug, the patients weight and vital signs, and any
side eects. Increases are made only when the current dose is not producing an adequate response and is not causing significant adverse effects. If a given dose continues to produce significant side eects, the dose
is to be reduced or the medication stopped with the option of trying another compound. Standard dosing of short-acting MPH is three times
daily, given at times adjusted to fit the individuals schedule and activities.
Some individuals may require more frequent dosing, whereas others may
respond better to taking the medicine only twice each day.
An alternative form of short-acting methylphenidate is Focalin. This
formulation is produced by removing from methylphenidate one of its
two components that reportedly is more likely to cause adverse eects.


Medications and Other Treatments

The resulting dexmethylphenidate is a more potent compound available

in 2.5, 5, and 10 mg doses usually started at about half of the usually administered dose of conventional methylphenidate; increases are also
made at half of the usual increments for regular MPH. The medication is
eective for about five to six hours. Some patients find it easier to tolerate
this formulation than conventional MPH.
For short-acting dextroamphetamine (DEX; sold as Dexedrine or Dextrostat) or mixed amphetamine salts (AMP; available as Adderall or generic
mixed amphetamine salts), AACAP-recommended doses are smaller than
those for MPH. This is because DEX and AMP compounds tend to pack
a bit more punch per milligram. The recommended starting dose of
these agents is 2.5 mg for children and 5 mg for older adolescents or adults
given once or twice daily, with increases of 2.5 mg every week until a good
response is obtained. Once an eective dose has been identified, it is usually administered two to three times daily, depending on the patients individual needs.
Although a single dose of fast-acting MPH, DEX, or AMP is eective
for about four hours, some individuals get a much longer or much shorter
response. This is one reason that it is so important for stimulant medication to be carefully monitored and adjusted to each individuals needs.
Medication for More Than Just School or Work
For many years, physicians prescribed stimulant medications to children
only for school days or for weekend days when homework needed to be
done. In recent years, however, clinicians have come to recognize that nonacademic tasks are also impaired with ADD syndrome. A child who has
great diculty in maintaining focus, sustaining eort, utilizing working
memory, managing frustration, monitoring action, and so on in school is
likely also to have similar diculties when playing Little League baseball,
attending religious services, or interacting with friends and family. Most
adults with ADD syndrome who are excessively distracted and forgetful at
work are likely to have similar diculties while shopping, driving their
car, managing their children, or interacting with colleagues and family.

Medications and Other Treatments


Recognition of the pervasiveness of impairments from ADD syndrome has led many clinicians to prescribe stimulant medications to cover
not only school or workdays, but every day of the week. In practice, the use
of stimulant medications by persons with ADHD varies as does the use of
eyeglasses. Just as some individuals wear their eyeglasses all day, every
day, because the help they provide is needed for virtually everything they
do, so do many with ADD syndrome maintain their stimulant medication
coverage throughout virtually every day. Others, like those who need their
eyeglasses only for reading or for watching TV, will plan with their physician to use their medication only when they need it for specific types of activities like schoolwork or employment.
AACAP has advised that the usual maximum daily dose of shortacting MPH be 60 mg while the maximum daily total dose for DEX and
AMP is usually 40 mg, but their report noted that some patients may need
larger doses to provide full relief or to accommodate a longer day of activities. In such situations the clinician is advised to document that the
symptoms cannot be controlled at lower doses and that the higher doses
are not producing adverse eects such as significant weight loss, an increase in blood pressure, or agitation.
Longer-Lasting Medicines
Currently there are several longer-acting stimulant preparations, some deliver methylphenidate in two or three doses within one capsule (Concerta,
Metadate-CD [Equasym-XL in the UK] and Ritalin-LA). Focalin-XR delivers
two doses of dexmethylphenidate in a single capsule, while others provide
extended release versions of dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine Spansules) or
mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall-XR). These preparations come in various sizes and dier considerably in their speed and intensity of onset, as
well as in their duration. Just as for shorter-acting stimulant medications,
careful tailoring of dose and timing is needed to provide optimal coverage
for any given patient. One size or formulation does not fit all.
Methylphenidate is available in two formulations that provide a medium duration of coverage. Ritalin-LA, currently available in 10, 20, 30, or


Medications and Other Treatments

40 mg sizes, releases about 50 percent of its dose within an hour of ingestion and the other 50 percent about three to four hours later. MetadateCD (Equasym-XL) currently available in 10, 20, and 30 mg sizes, releases
about 30 percent of its full dose within the first hour after ingestion and
the remaining 70 percent in another pulse about three hours later. For
most individuals these two medium-duration preparations provide about
six to eight hours of coverage. Both Ritalin-LA and Metadate-CD are capsules containing tiny beads, some of which are designed to release their
contents quickly, while others provide delayed release to extend the duration of coverage; for both of these formulations the capsules can be
opened and sprinkled on a tablespoon of applesauce, pudding, or ice
cream for a young child who is unable to swallow a pill.
A longer-acting preparation of methylphenidate is provided in Concerta, currently available in 18, 27, 36, and 54 mg sizes. Concerta releases
about 30 percent of its dose via absorption of its coating, which activates
within about an hour. The rest of the dose is released in two subsequent
pulses over the ensuing six hours. For most individuals this provides a
fairly smooth distribution of coverage over a total of about ten to twelve
hours. Concerta capsules should be swallowed whole because cutting or
breaking them destroys the time-release system.
Focalin-XR is available in 5, 10, and 20 mg capsules that release about
50 percent of the medication within about an hour after ingestion, and the
remainder about 3 to 4 hours later. Focalin-XR capsules can be opened and
sprinkled on food as described above. Dextroamphetamine is available in
longer-acting spansules containing 5, 10, and 15 mg of medication. These
release about one-third of the dose within about one hour after ingestion
and the remaining two-thirds about three hours later. Dexedrine spansules
usually are eective for about six to eight hours. Opening of Dexedrine
capsules is not recommended. Mixed salts of amphetamine are available
in Adderall-XR, a preparation currently available in 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and
30 mg sizes. A two-phase release is provided by the mix of tiny beads inside this capsule, which can be opened and sprinkled on foods for children who cannot swallow the capsule itself. Adderall-XR provides about
ten to twelve hours of coverage.

Medications and Other Treatments


Startup Dosing for Longer-Acting Stimulants

The AACAP guidelines recommend that all patients prescribed stimulants be started on twice-daily dosing with a shorter-acting formulation
and then switched to a longer-acting version once it is clear that they can
tolerate the medication in its immediate-release form. This approach may
be problematic for schoolchildren, however, who do not want to have to go
to the teacher or nurse during the school day to receive a second dose. An
alternative approach is to start with a very low dose of longer-acting stimulant and then gradually increase the dose at intervals of at least four to
seven days until an adequate response is obtained. As with shorter-acting
preparations, the dose should not be increased if the patient is experiencing significant adverse eects.
The maximum recommended dose of Ritalin-LA and Metadate-CD is
60 mg for the day. But research with Concerta has shown that for 37 percent of a sample of adolescents, the optimal eect was not obtained until
the dose was increased to 72 mg administered at one time (Spencer and
Greenhill 2003); in 2004 the FDA approved 72 mg as a maximum dose
of Concerta for adolescents. The maximum recommended daily dose is
40 mg for Dexedrine Spansules, 30 mg for Adderall-XR, and 20 mg for
Focalin-XR; many patients respond well to lower doses.
Published maximum dosage guidelines do not take into account that
for many adolescents and adults, and for some children, once-daily administration of the longer-acting formulations is not sucient; for many,
these need to be supplemented by administration of shorter-acting stimulants to provide more adequate coverage of their full day of activities.
Some experts have advised that the usual maximum recommended doses
may not be suciently robust to meet the needs of some patients.
Virtually no studies have been done to test the combined use of
longer-acting and shorter-acting stimulant formulations, or twice-daily
dosing of longer acting stimulants, but many clinicians report that such
combinations provide more adequate coverage for patients. Many older
children and adolescents who take longer-acting stimulants just before
leaving for school at 6:30 to 8:00 a.m. find that the medicine wears o
long before they have completed their homeworkparticularly if they


Medications and Other Treatments

participate in sports or other activities that prevent them from starting

their homework until after dinner. Many adolescents with ADHD also
want coverage in late afternoon and into the evening to help them sustain
attention when they are working a part-time job or driving a car. Adults,
too, also often require longer coverage in order to alleviate their ADHD
symptoms not only during their work day, but also in the evening when
they interact with family, attend evening meetings, or do reading or paperwork at home.
To address such problems, some clinicians prescribe a booster, a
dose of shorter-acting stimulant to be taken in mid to late afternoon to extend coverage into the early evening. For some patients who must take
their morning dose of stimulant very early, or who metabolize stimulants
very quickly and have shorter than usual duration of action, twice-daily
dosing of the longer-acting stimulants might be prescribed. Careful monitoring is important: This extended coverage may cause the patient to have
excessive diculty in getting to sleep at night or may suppress appetite so
much that the person loses too much weight or does not eat nutritiously
enough. Such diculties can usually be alleviated, but careful planning
and further monitoring may be needed.
Alleviating Any Adverse Eects
Adverse eects of stimulants include some responses that are common
and transient or easily adjusted for, such as slight stomachache, headache,
and (especially for the first few days on longer-acting agents) extended
delay in getting to sleep. Many patients taking stimulants also find that
their appetite is diminished while the medication is most active; they may
not feel very hungry until the medication has worn o, which is sometimes not until almost bedtime.
Stomachaches and headaches, if experienced, are usually not severe
and often go away within a few days, after the persons body has become
more accustomed to the medication. Stomachache is less likely if the patient can eat some food, even just a piece of toast or a glass of milk, before
taking the medication. And diminished appetite is often simply delayed
appetite. Many patients taking stimulants eat very little during the day

Medications and Other Treatments


If patient has sustained feeling

or actions that are excessively:

Level of med in bloodstream

"wired" or anxious
serious (lost "sparkle")
during the time med is active,
dose is probably too high.

If these effects occur

as med is wearing off,
problem is more likely
to be rebound,
i.e. dropping too fast.




Figure 8 Stimulant time frames and rebound. Unpleasant reactions may occur
while the stimulant medication is at full strength or as it wears o. If the reaction is limited primarily to when the medication is active, the dose may be too
high, whereas if the reaction occurs only later, as the medication is wearing o,
the problem is more likely one of rebound, an excessively quick drop-o of
medication eect. Each of these problems requires a dierent intervention.

while the medication is most active, feel slightly hungry for dinner in early
evening, and then become quite hungry later in the evening. If they are
encouraged to eat when they feel hungry, possibly having a second dinner
shortly before bedtime, appetite diculties usually become less problematic. In fact, many patients report that their appetite returns to a more normal schedule after they have been on stimulant medications for at least a
couple of months.
Recognizing Excessively High Doses and Rebound
If an individual is receiving a dose of stimulant that is too high for him or
her, that person is likely to experience one or more of the following symptoms while the medication is active:


Medications and Other Treatments

feeling excessively edgy or wired (as after drinking too much

feeling excessively irritable, or
feeling very tired, sad, or blunted emotionally, with loss of usual
When such uncomfortable, atypical emotions begin shortly after the stimulant medication kicks in and continue for hours, remitting only at about
the time the medication is expected to wear o, the most likely explanation is that the dose of medication is too high for this person. An individual should be able to be their regular self when taking stimulant medications. If they become steadily tense, irritable, or zombie like while on
a stimulant, the dose should be reduced. And if this does not alleviate the
problem, a dierent medication should be tried instead.
If, however, these unpleasant emotional reactions arise in late afternoon or early evening when the medication would normally be expected
to wear o, they are more likely part of a rebound. Such reactions are not
usually the result of an excessively high dose. If that were the problem, it
would have become apparent while the medication was active and at peak
levels. Usually rebound reactions result from the medication level dropping
too fast as it wears o. Often such diculties can easily be alleviated by administering a small dose of immediate-release stimulant shortly before the
rebound usually begins. Hence, if a patient complains of feeling excessively
wired, irritable, or serious while taking a stimulant, the physician will
need to determine whether this reaction occurs when the medication is
most active, or as it wears o, in order to find the appropriate remedy. Figure 8 illustrates the dierent time frames for each of these two problems.
Determining Eectiveness
Patients and families often wonder how they will be able to determine
whether a given dose of medication for ADD is eective. If an individual
is suering from significant hyperactive or impulsive symptoms of ADD,
an improvement due to medication may be noticed by others who observe
the patients shift to more calm, appropriate, and better-controlled behavior. Improvement of inattention symptoms of ADD may not be so obvi-

Medications and Other Treatments


ous to others; however, it should be noticeable to the patient as soon as an

eective dose is obtained. Changes noted might include reduced distractibility, improved attention to task, better short-term memory, more eective completion of work, and so on.
Sometimes an individual does not notice a dierence in how he feels
during the day but does notice an improvement in how he functions. For
example, a college student said he felt nothing from the medication. Yet
he said he could tell it was helping him because he noticed that he had
been taking much more detailed and comprehensive notes during class
and had been getting much more of his assigned reading done than prior
to starting medication. The cause of this improvement was confirmed one
day when he forgot to take his medication and found that he was feeling
very sleepy and not taking many notes in class.
In assessing eectiveness it is very important to remember that improvements produced by these medications last only as long as the dose
of medication is actively working. Once it wears o, symptoms are likely
to return to their baseline levels.
Tic Problems
If an individual has a tendency toward tics (repetitive involuntary movements or noises), taking stimulant medication might make those tics worse
(though sometimes medication helps alleviate tics). Even if tics occur,
however, they may cause less diculty than the ADD symptoms that the
stimulant medications are helping, so the administration of medication
may still be a good choice.
Growth Rate
In the past, some doctors felt that taking stimulants regularly might slow
the growth of a child or teenager. This concern was based on findings that
groups of children treated with stimulant medications tended to be, on average, about 1 centimeter shorter than children without ADHD. Longerterm studies showed that this average dierence in height disappeared
when the groups were compared later in adolescence. It was assumed that
the delay in reaching full height was caused by the stimulant medication.


Medications and Other Treatments

Thomas Spencer and colleagues (1996a) studied groups of children

with ADHD treated with stimulants and compared them with groups of
children diagnosed with ADHD who had not been treated with stimulants. Both groups showed the same delay in reaching their full height.
This led him to conclude that most or all of the dierence in height between the two groups was due not to the medication, but to having ADHD.
Children with ADHD, with or without medication treatment, tend as a
group to take a little longer into adolescence to reach their full height. The
problem appears to be not the treatment, but the disorder itself.
It should be noted, however, that these are group data. Not all individuals with ADHD are smaller than most of their peers during childhood
and early adolescence. Some are smaller and others are on the taller end
of the range. The point here is simply that stimulant medication does not
seem to have a very significant eect on growth rate for most who take it.
If parents have specific concerns about the growth of their son or daughter, they should consult their pediatrician.
Nonstimulant Medications for ADHD
Although stimulant medications are eective in alleviating ADHD symptoms in most children, adolescents, and adults who suer from the disorder, about 20 to 30 percent do not respond well to stimulants. For these
individuals, nonstimulant medications may be eective. Even among those
who do experience significant relief from their symptoms when taking
stimulants, there are many who experience significant diculties with
mood, anxiety, tics, or other problems that may be exacerbated, or at least
not helped much, by stimulants. For these individuals, too, treatment with
nonstimulant medications may be preferable. This chapter does not provide an exhaustive review of all nonstimulant medications used for treatments of ADHD; only those prescribed most often are listed here.
At present only one nonstimulant medication, Atomoxetine (ATX), has
been approved by the FDA specifically for treatment of ADHD. (Nonstimulant medications approved for other uses are often used for ADHD treat-

Medications and Other Treatments


ment; they are discussed later.) Approved in November 2003, ATX has already been subjected to extensive testing. In controlled scientific studies
including over 1,600 individuals, ATX has been demonstrated to be safe
and eective as a treatment for ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults.
Marketed under the brand name Strattera, ATX is not a stimulant.
Unlike stimulants it is not classified as a Schedule II medication; that is,
it has very low potential for abuse and is not subject to the strict rules enforced for stimulants, pain medications, and other compounds that, if misused, could cause addiction. This means that ATX can be obtained more
conveniently by patients. Physicians can provide samples, can phone prescriptions to the pharmacy, and can provide refills without having to write
a new prescription each time.
ATX takes a dierent approach than stimulants to alleviating the impairments of ADHD. While stimulants target primarily the dopamine system in the brain, ATX targets primarily the noradrenergic neurotransmitter
system. ATX helpfully slows the reuptake of norepinephrine at noradrenergic synapses in the brain in much the same way that stimulants helpfully slow transmitter reuptake in synapses of the dopamine system. As
described in Chapter 3 of this book, the noradrenergic and dopaminergic
systems are the two neurotransmitter systems most involved in management of executive functions impaired in ADD syndrome. The relative
influence of each of these two systems on specific aspects of ADHD impairments has not yet been determined.
Adequate head-to-head research has not yet tested whether ATX
provides the same degree of improvement for inattention symptoms of
ADHD as the stimulants usually do. But clinical trials have clearly shown
in sizable groups of children, adolescents, and adults that, for many, this
medication can significantly alleviate both inattention and hyperactive or
impulsive symptoms of ADHD. In addition, ATX has the advantage of
lasting longer than stimulants. Some parents report that while on ATX
their ADHD children are easier to get along with throughout the day and
evening, are able to fall asleep with less diculty at bedtime, and are able
to awaken the next morning with less irritability and oppositional behavior. There is also some evidence that ATX may help to alleviate the anxi-


Medications and Other Treatments

ety and depressive symptoms that often appear with ADHD and are less
likely to be alleviated by stimulants.
One disadvantage of ATX is that it does not provide noticeable benefits until the patient has been taking it daily for three to five weeks. By
comparison, stimulants are usually noticeably eective within an hour
after the patient has ingested a dose that is of optimal strength for them.
Common side eects of ATX may include stomachache (especially if
taken on an empty stomach) and drowsiness; usually these gradually diminish after a few days or weeks on the regimen. Another disadvantage is
that the capsules should be swallowed whole; but this is usually a problem
only for very young children who are unable or unwilling to swallow a pill.
The dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems both contribute to the
biological elements underlying ADD syndrome. And individuals with ADD
syndrome vary considerably in which aspects of the ADD syndrome are
most problematic for them. Given these factors, it is likely that some patients with ADD syndrome will respond better to ATX than to stimulants
while others will respond better to treatment with a stimulant. Unfortunately, there is not yet a sucient base of research and clinical experience
for clinicians reliably to predict which of these medications will be most
helpful to any particular patient. Clinical experience and research should
eventually yield useful guidelines for such decisions.
While it is usually preferable to treat ADD syndrome with just one
medication, there may be some circumstances where neither stimulants
nor ATX alone provide adequate alleviation of an individuals impairment
from ADD syndrome. In such cases, carefully combined use of these two
medications might be considered. In 2004, I presented case reports on
the successful use of ATX and stimulants in combination for some patients who did not respond adequately to either agent alone. Yet I cautioned that there is not yet research to guide such combined use, so very
careful clinical monitoring is essential.
While ATX is the only nonstimulant medication thus far approved by
the FDA specifically for treatment of ADHD, a number of other nonstimulant medications have been demonstrated helpful for treatment of the
disorder. Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (2001) iden-

Medications and Other Treatments


tified tricyclic antidepressants and buproprion as second-line agents for

treatment of ADHD. Clinicians are advised to utilize second-line agents
for ADHD only if an individual fails to respond adequately to adequate trials of at least two stimulants and ATX.
Tricyclic Antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) were introduced in the late 1950s as an
eective treatment for major depression. Medications in this class include
imipramine, desipramine, nortriptyline, and others; all act primarily on
the noradrenergic system. TCAs remained the primary agents for treatment of depression until the advent of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in 1987. Most of the research on use of TCAs for treatment of ADHD
has focused on desipramine and nortriptyline.
These medications have the advantage of lasting relatively long, so
they do not require multiple daily doses and do not produce the hills and
valleys or rebound eects sometimes found in treatment with stimulants. They tend to be quite eective in alleviating hyperactive and impulsive symptoms of ADHD, though they have not generally been found to
improve the inattention symptoms of ADHD as much as do the stimulants. TCAs tend to be especially helpful for ADHD patients who suer
from comorbid depression, anxiety, oppositionality, or tics.
Timothy Wilens and colleagues (2002) recommended that dosing
with TCAs should start with 25 mg daily with a gradual increase to a maximum of 5 mg per kg of patient weight per day, except for nortriptyline,
whose dosing should be limited to a maximum of 2 mg per kg per day.
Often responses to TCA treatment are not very noticeable until the regimen has been continued for three to five weeks. Adverse eects with TCAs
may include sedation, weight gain, dry mouth, constipation, and sexual
dysfunction. Usually nortriptyline produces fewer adverse eects than do
the other TCAs.
The primary disadvantage of TCAs is their relatively narrow margin
of safety. If these medications are taken in a significant overdose, accidental or deliberate, they can cause severe, even fatal, cardiovascular problems. This is an important risk factor, especially in households with young


Medications and Other Treatments

children or for individuals with depressive problems. Despite a substantial body of research showing the eectiveness of desipramine for treatment of ADHD, many physicians stopped prescribing it, at least for prepubescent children, after sudden deaths were reported in four children
who had been taking appropriate, not excessive, doses of desipramine for
ADHD. Joseph Biederman and others (1995a) have reported that the risk
of sudden death when taking appropriate doses of desipramine is elevated
only slightly above the normal risk for sudden, unexplained death in children. Nevertheless, caution is advised when considering this specific medication for prepubescent children. For ADHD most clinicians feel more
comfortable prescribing nortriptyline because it tends to have fewer adverse eects than most other TCAs.
Nontricyclic Antidepressants
The other nonstimulant medication recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (2001) as a second-line treatment for ADHD is buproprion (BUP). Marketed under the brand names Wellbutrin and Zyban,
buproprion is classified as an antidepressant, but its chemical structure is
quite dierent from that of most other medications in this class. BUP acts
on the noradrenergic system and indirectly on the dopaminergic system.
Controlled studies have found BUP to be eective for treating ADHD in
children (two trials) and adults (two trials). One open-label study found
BUP useful for treating patients with ADHD and comorbid bipolar disorder. Wilens and colleagues (2002) suggested that treatment with BUP for
ADHD patients should be initiated at 37.5 mg and increased every three
or four days up to a maximum of 300 mg daily in younger children and
450 mg daily in older children or adults. Adverse eects may include excessive activation, irritability, insomnia, and (rarely) seizures.
Clonidine and guanfacine, marketed as Catapres and Tenex, respectively,
were originally developed as medications to reduce high blood pressure.
They have been found helpful for reducing excessive hyperactivity and
impulsivity in children with ADHD, but there is currently no evidence

Medications and Other Treatments


that these agents improve the cognitive impairments of ADHD. The effects for clonidine usually persist for about six hours, while guanfacine
usually lasts a bit longer. Usual daily doses reported by the group led by
Wilens (2002) are 0.05 to 0.4 mg for clonidine and 0.5 mg to 3 mg for
guanfacine. Many physicians using these medications do a baseline ECG
and monitor the patients vital signs during treatment. The most common
side eect of these antihypertensives is drowsiness, although they can also
cause depression or rebound hypertension as they wear o.
The sedating properties of clonidine have been exploited to help alleviate the chronic diculties in falling asleep that are common in many
children with ADHD. Jeerson Prince and colleagues (1996) reported
that of sixty-two children and adolescents treated with clonidine about an
hour before bedtime, 85 percent had significantly less diculty falling
asleep. Many of these children (68 percent) were being treated successfully with stimulant medications during the day and were given small
doses of clonidine, typically either a half or full 0.1 mg tablet, about an
hour before bedtime.
Combined Medications
Because many patients with ADHD suer from one or more comorbid
psychiatric disorders, one medication is often not sucient to control
their symptoms. For example, as described above, many patients whose
ADHD symptoms respond well to treatment with stimulants throughout
the day continue to have great diculty falling asleep at night. A significant percentage of these patients experience much less insomnia when
taking a small dose of clonidine about an hour before bedtime. Yet for
most of these patients, clonidine is of little or no help in alleviating the
cognitive impairments of ADD syndrome and also tends to be too sedating to take during the day. For such patients the combination of stimulant
medication during the day and atomoxetine or clonidine at bedtime may
provide much better alleviation of ADHD symptoms without significant
adverse eects.
Similarly, as discussed in Chapter 8, many individuals suer from severe episodes of depression, crippling anxiety, or very burdensome obses-


Medications and Other Treatments

sive compulsive disorder in addition to persistent ADHD. For these patients, concurrent treatment with a stimulant and a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)for example, fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine,
fluvoxamine, or citaprolam (marketed, respectively, as Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil,
Luvox, and Celexa)or another such agent may alleviate both sets of symptoms in ways that no one medication alone could. Davis Gammon and I
(1993) reported a study in which fluoxetine was successfully administered
with stimulants to children who had ADHD as well as depression and
other symptoms. Recent findings about an increase in suicidal thoughts
or behavior in a small percentage of children or adolescents taking SSRIs,
however, has led the FDA to urge close monitoring of use of any antidepressant prescribed for any purpose to children and adolescents.
Treatment with combinations of medications for ADHD and various
comorbid disorders is now relatively common and apparently is becoming
more widespread. Daniel Safer, Julie Zito, and Susan dosReis (2003) reported that in the mid-1990s more than 20 percent of youths in outpatient
psychiatric treatment and 40 percent of those receiving inpatient psychiatric care were given two or more concurrent psychiatric medications.
Their findings indicate that the frequency of such combined treatment is
becoming increasingly common, especially for youths being treated with
stimulants for ADHD. This is not so dierent from other fields of medicine; combined medication treatments have been shown to be significantly more eective than single medication treatment for HIV, intractable seizures, congestive heart failure, and hypertension.
The problem of combined medication treatments in psychiatry, especially when used for the treatment of children, is that the eects of medicines given for psychiatric disorders are more dicult to measure than
those used to treat many medical problems for which critical levels of antibodies, blood pressure, seizure activity, coronary output, and other vital
readings can be easily ascertained. Another important problem is that
very little research has been done to assess the risks and benefits of treatment with these various combinations of medications.
There are a few published examples of such research, however. In addition to the studies by Prince and others (1996) and Gammon and Brown

Medications and Other Treatments


(1993) cited earlier, Gabrielle Carlson and colleagues (1992) have reported
on the combined use of MPH and lithium for children with bipolar disorder and ADHD. More recently Russell Scheer and others (2005) reported a controlled trial of mixed amphetamine salts in combination with
a mood-stabilizing medication in bipolar children whose ADHD was impairing even after their mood problems had been stabilized. And Biederman and colleagues (2000) reviewed the use of mood-stabilizing medications, antidepressants, and stimulants. The Tourettes Syndrome Study
Group (2002) and Hazell and Stuart (2003) reported positive results
using clonidine and stimulants in combination. And Michael Aman and
colleagues (2004) summarized two studies on the combined use of stimulants and risperidone for disruptive behavior disorders. Since some of
these were chart reviews or relatively small, open-label studies, there are
limitations to what conclusions can validly be drawn; such findings are
more suggestive than definitive.
Some are quick to criticize clinicians who employ combined medication strategies for treatment of ADHD and various comorbid disorders
since there is so little research evidence to guide such treatments. While
there is good reason to prefer treating patients with just one medication
in accordance with guidelines supported by extensive clinical trials, in
some cases combining medications may relieve substantial suering
while incurring what seems to be a relatively small risk.
Is it preferable to treat a child only with a stimulant that improves his
severe problems with inattention and impulsivity, but does not aid his
chronic, severe insomnia? Should a clinician treat an adolescent with severe bipolar mood swings only with a mood stabilizer and leave untreated
the students ADD syndrome impairments, which make it impossible for
him to do his schoolwork even minimally well? Faced with such dilemmas,
many clinicians, in consultation with the patient and family, choose to
prescribe combined medication treatments for ADHD and comorbid disorders, despite the lack of sucient research to guide the process. In such
situations the apparent risks of not providing the combined treatments
may appear to outweigh considerably the uncertain risks of providing such
treatment while monitoring carefully for possible adverse eects.


Medications and Other Treatments

Behavioral Treatments for ADHD

Although there is a vast body of evidence that certain medications alleviate many symptoms of ADHD, medicine alone is not sucient treatment
for some with ADHD, especially those children and adolescents whose behavior is seriously disruptive in school, with peers, and/or at home with
their families. Many of these children need systematic help to develop more
adaptive patterns of behavior. Also, current medications are not eective
for all individuals with ADHD; as mentioned earlier, 20 to 30 percent of
all patients diagnosed have no significant response to medication. In
these situations, behavioral treatments may be helpful.
Children and adolescents with disruptive behavioral problems are the
ones who primarily benefit from behavioral treatments, which are of limited use for improving cognitive functions such as working memory, processing speed, and sustaining alertness. Behavioral strategies may also
help to reduce the common tendency of parents, teachers, and others unwittingly to reinforce a childs disruptive behaviors. For an overview of the
extensive body of research showing the eectiveness of these interventions for disruptive behavior orders, including ADHD, see William Pelham and Daniel Waschbusch (1999).
Principles of Behavioral Treatment
Although behavioral treatment for ADHD can be summarized in a few
simple principles, for example, You catch more flies with honey than you
do with vinegar and Dont feed what you dont want to grow, the design
and implementation of eective behavioral treatments for a particular
child can require as much clinical skill and individualized tailoring as the
design of an eective medication regimen. Some think of behavioral treatment as just putting a checklist on the refrigerator door and then pasting
on stars when the child is being good. Its not that simple.
The first element of behavioral treatment is a careful assessment of
problematic behaviors to determine what encourages a child in various
contexts and what specific changes might be helpful. Targets might include getting a child to stop hitting others when angry, to comply with
parental directions without arguing, to sleep in ones own bed every night,

Medications and Other Treatments


or to follow established routines for getting up, dressed, and ready for
school in time for the bus pickup. Often parents have a long list of changes
they want to see in the behavior of their child with ADHD. A clinician may
need to assist the parents (and child) in selecting the most important and
then stating each goal in a clear and positive way. For example, Show a
positive attitude is too general. Use polite language without swearing is
more specific and less likely to lead to arguments about whether the behavior has been performed. In addition, it is usually helpful to target no
more than five behaviors for change at one time.
The next step is to monitor compliance. Some target behaviors like
Make bed each morning before leaving on time for school involve a
simple yes or no for the day. Other behaviors, like Speak politely to
other family members without swearing, might be reinforced more
eectively if the child is assessed four to five times each day. In this way,
if the desired behavior is not shown during one time period, the child still
has the opportunity to improve over the course of the day.
The third task is to identify consequences, positive and/or negative,
that the parent will impose in response to how the child performs the target behaviors. Following the more flies with honey than with vinegar
rule, a parent who wants a child to speak more politely is most likely to obtain the desired change by rewarding the child for every time period in
which the child complies. Reward here may mean any of many dierent
privileges or gifts; and it often does not need to have monetary value.
Some children will work hard for verbal praise, hugs, smiles, or nods of
approval from a parent. Other children will make the desired changes in
behavior only if it means a privilege like extra reading time with a parent
before bed or a chance to play with a special toy that is desirable, but not
always available. Other children are more likely to change their behavior
only to earn points that can eventually win them a specific amount of
money or opportunity to rent a new video game.
Often behavior change requires not only rewards, but also some
penalty for a specific misbehavior. For example, a child who hits younger
siblings might be rewarded for each time period over the day when he
keeps hands to himself. Yet the behavioral treatment plan may also spec-


Medications and Other Treatments

ify that each time the child does hit a sibling, he or she is required to sit
on a certain chair or go to a particular room for a time-out. The time-out
period should be brief, perhaps just five minutes for a younger child or
fifteen minutes for an older child. Its purpose is to interrupt the maladaptive behavior and then to get everyone back on the track, working toward the desired behavior.
The fourth element of behavioral treatment is monitoring the eectiveness of the intervention, evaluating what is working and what needs to
be changed. This may sound simple, but success lies in a sensitive, detailoriented implementation of the plan. For example, if a child is given a
time-out for a temper tantrum, the time-out should be timed with a
kitchen timer that will ring at the end of the set time. If the child gets up
too early or persists in screaming and shouting, the timer should be
restarted until the specified time is completed quietly in the right place. If
the parent shouts to tell the child to keep quiet or to remind the child what
the consequences will be, the system collapses; the child is then being encouraged to continue the tantrum rather than learning that compliance
ends the punishment more quickly. If a parent gets intensely involved
with a child, even to scold, in reaction to undesirable behavior, the child
may be more likely to repeat that negative behavior. Dont feed it, if you
dont want it to grow! For many children, both positive and negative attention from parents are reinforcing.
Training for Parenting Children with ADHD
Most parents need some help to learn how to design and eectively implement behavioral programs. Useful strategies for all children have been described by Thomas Phelan (2003) in his book 1-2-3 Magic. Russell Barkley
(2000), in his Taking Charge of ADHD, also oers ways for parents to deal
with many behavioral problems associated with ADHD. And systematic
training programs to help parents learn how to apply behavioral treatment
strategies to children with ADHD have been described by Arthur Anastopoulos and colleagues (1998) and Charles Cunningham (1998).
Despite such training, some parentsespecially those who themselves
have ADD syndromehave great diculty making behavioral treatment

Medications and Other Treatments


programs work. For example, Edmund Sonuga-Barke and colleagues (2002)

reported a study of preschool children with ADHD and their mothers in
which the children of mothers who themselves had relatively high levels
of ADHD symptoms showed the least improvement after their mothers
had received parent training. This suggests that the benefits a child receives from behavioral treatment at home are strongly influenced by the
ability of the parent to consistently implement the program plan, a task that
may be very dicult for the 25 percent of parents of children with ADHD
who themselves suer substantial impairments from ADD syndrome.
Some Children Respond Poorly to Behavioral Treatment
Parental problems are not the only factor that may interfere with a childs
benefiting from a behavioral treatment program. Some children suer
from emotional and behavioral problems that make standard behavioral
treatment programs much less likely to succeed. Ross Greene wrote in
The Explosive Child (1998) about children who have extraordinary diculty
managing frustration and tend to melt down into protracted tantrums
and disorganization, which makes them unresponsive to the usual strategies of behavioral treatment.
Many might consider these children to be just exceptionally stubborn
or unmotivated to comply with requests of parents and teachers. But Greene
proposes that some of these children may be like a mediocre basketball
player given the opportunity to play on a professional basketball team with
a very high salaryas long as their performance is outstanding. Though
they may be strongly motivated to perform well, they may lack the ability
to do what is expected and required to get the reward. Their capacity to tolerate frustration and change their behavior may not be suciently developed, and unlike most other children, they seem unable to respond to anticipated rewards or even to harsh punishments.
For such children, Greene proposes that the guiding adults reprioritize their usual expectations. He suggests that parents and teachers prune
their priorities and seek to enforce with the child only those rules that are
so essential to safety that it is worth enduring the stress of a meltdown by
the child. Greene proposes a process of then working with the child to com-


Medications and Other Treatments

municate, negotiate, and compromise on an increasing range of other behaviors important for development (but not worth a major meltdown) as
the child develops the abilities needed to meet more age-appropriate expectations.
There certainly are children whose impairments with severe ADD syndrome prevent them from responding to the usual behavioral treatments
(particularly when comorbid Aspergers disorder or pervasive developmental disorders are involved), yet allow them to respond to the approach
described by Greene. Most children with disruptive behavioral disorders,
however, will respond to more conventional behavioral treatment programs at home and in school.
Behavioral Interventions at School
Behavioral strategies have also been developed to support and improve the
functioning of children with ADHD and related problems in school. Details about approaches for schools are not reviewed in this book, but are
readily available elsewhere. George DuPaul and Gary Stoner (2003), for example, have described in detail a variety of ways that children with ADHD
can be supported in school. And Sandra Rief (2005) has written a book
oering practical suggestions for teachers who want to adapt their classroom to maximize learning opportunities for their students with ADHD.
One behavioral treatment strategy that can be helpful for parents is
the daily report card. This is a simple device that allows a teacher quickly
to record each day how well a student has performed on several specific
target behaviors in the classroom. Parents can then recognize and reward
their child at home for specific good behaviors at school on the very day
they occur. Sometimes weekly report cards, too, can be very helpful and
less burdensome for a busy classroom teacher.
Behavioral strategies need to be adapted carefully to each context and
to the developmental level of each child. Some approaches that work well
at school for many younger children with ADHD do not work as eectively for older children or adolescents, who usually interact with five to
seven teachers daily. Getting accurate, up-to-date information about how
an adolescent is performing in schoolwhether their homework is being

Medications and Other Treatments


completed adequately and handed in on time, whether they have been

prepared for quizzes and tests, whether they are participating in class discussions, and when they are supposed to be working on longer-term assignments, for exampleis much more dicult when a student has
multiple teachers throughout the day.
Strategies for Parenting Adolescents with ADHD
Arthur Robin (1998) has written guiding principles for parenting adolescents with ADHD and has provided explanations and multiple examples
of how these can be implemented:
Facilitate appropriate independence seeking
Maintain adequate structure and supervision
Establish bottom-line rules for living in your home and enforce
them consistently
Negotiate all issues that are not bottom lines with your adolescent
Use consequences wisely to influence your adolescents behavior
Maintain good communication
Keep a disability perspective and practice forgiveness
Focus on the positive. (p. 307)
These principles highlight developmental issues that emerge during adolescence, requiring changes that are often dicult for adolescents and
parents alike. Robins emphasis on encouraging appropriate independence-seeking reminds parents that their task during the adolescent years
is to nurture their son or daughters eorts to function with more selfmanagement and less intensive dependence on parents and teachers. His
mention of the need for forgiveness acknowledges the inevitability of adolescents sometimes behaving, sometimes deliberately, in ways that are
disappointing or hurtful to their parents. Forgiveness can help to repair
and put into perspective such mistakes so they do not unnecessarily disrupt the bond between parent and child that is so crucial to facilitating
mutual growth.
Other books that may be helpful to parents of adolescents with ADHD
include Marlene Snyders 2001 book on problematic issues that often


Medications and Other Treatments

arise as adolescents with ADHD begin driving motor vehicles and Chris
Dendys practical guidebooks on parenting adolescents with ADHD (1995)
and teaching adolescents with ADHD (2000).
Comparisons of Medications and Behavioral Treatments:
The MTA Study
Sometimes parents and clinicians wonder which type of treatment, behavioral or medication, is more eective for treatment of ADHD. Until recently there was very little empirical data to address that question. This
situation changed with completion of the Multimodal Treatment Study of
Children with ADHD (MTA Cooperative Group 1999). This massive research project, sponsored jointly by the National Institute of Mental
Health and the U.S. Department of Education, sought to answer three
questions: (1) How do medication and behavioral treatments for ADHD
compare with each other over the long term? (2) Are there additional
benefits when the two modes of treatment are used together? and (3) What
is the eectiveness of systematic, carefully delivered treatments versus the
routine care usually delivered in most communities of the United States?
At six dierent sites in the United States and Canada, children were
recruited to participate in the study. All were aged seven to 9.9 years when
the study began, and all were found after comprehensive evaluation to
meet the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for ADHD, combined type; no children with predominantly inattentive type were included. After evaluation
these children were randomly assigned to undergo fourteen months of
treatment in one of four dierent groups:
1. Medication monitoring only. Patients were given carefully tailored
medication treatment for ADHD, which was monitored each
month and adjusted according to prearranged formulas to optimize response. These children and their families were provided
no other treatment for ADHD.
2. Behavioral treatment only. Patient families were given a comprehensive behavioral treatment package: parent training, an intensive eight-week summer day camp for the child with trained specialist counselors; episodic expert consultations for the childs

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classroom teacher; twelve weeks of trained aides working with the

teacher in the childs school classroom, and a daily report card to
maximize school-home communication. These students received
no medication treatment for ADHD.
3. Combined medication and behavioral treatment. Patients received
the full medication management treatment and the full behavioral
treatment program.
4. Community care only. Participants received no direct treatment in
the study. Those randomized to this group were evaluated and
then asked to seek out treatment in their community; this could
be from their pediatrician, a psychologist, social worker, or whatever other resource they chose. Treatment could include medication, behavioral treatment, counseling, and so on.
After fourteen months of treatment, children in all groups were reevaluated to compare relative levels of improvement in the four groups. Since
all children had received the same comprehensive evaluation, met the same
diagnostic criteria, and been randomly assigned to one of the four groups,
the results could reasonably be taken to reflect the relative eectiveness of
the four treatment options. Most of those who had heard about the study
expected the combined treatment group, the one getting both carefully
managed medication and the intensive behavioral treatment program, to
do the best. They assumed that more treatment leads to better results.
Many were surprised by the results of this carefully controlled study.
Children in each of the four groups showed significant reductions in their
ADHD symptoms over the fourteen months, but there were notable dierences in the degree of change. Medication management was superior to
the behavioral treatment program and to routine community care, even
though many in the community care were taking medication for ADHD.
What was most surprising was that the combined treatment did not yield
significantly better results for improvement of ADHD symptoms than did
the medication treatment alone. Combined treatment was a bit better for
some non-ADHD symptoms and for some measures of positive functioning, but the mean group scores for core ADHD symptoms in the combined treatment group were not significantly better than the mean group


Medications and Other Treatments

scores of the group that did not receive any treatment other than carefully
managed medication for ADHD. These data clearly support the notion
that the primary impairments in ADHD are chemical and can often be alleviated with appropriate medications alone.
It should be noted, however, that these results were group means, the
averages, for improvement on various symptoms that had been selected
in advance. When the data were reanalyzed to determine the percentage
of individuals who had obtained excellent improvement from treatment,
the advantages of the combined treatment were more apparent. James
Swanson and colleagues (2001) reported the percentages of children who
obtained excellent, normalized responses from their treatment:
Community Care (with or without medication)


Behavior Treatment only


Medication Management only


Combined Behavior Treatment and

Medication Management


These data show that the combined treatments yielded a 12 percent increase in the percentage of children obtaining an excellent response. They
also show that some in each group obtained an excellent response while
even the most eective treatment left fully 32 percent of children in that
condition with a less than excellent response. Keep in mind that most of
those not listed as having an excellent (that is, normalized) response to
treatment still benefited in varying degrees from their treatment experiences. Follow-up studies will continue to monitor the results of this treatment study for at least ten years, even though some participants have discontinued or switched their treatments.
In assessing the results of the MTA study, it is important to keep
in mind the age of the participants. All the subjects were young children
with combined-type ADHD; the behavioral treatments that proved eective for many of the young children in the MTA study may have much
more limited eectiveness for the ADHD impairments suered by older
children, adolescents, and adults, as well as for those who have predominantly inattentive-type ADHD.

Medications and Other Treatments


The Role of Parents, Mentors, Coaches, and Therapists

Although ADD syndrome is fundamentally a problem in the chemistry of
the brain, and though appropriately managed medication is usually the
most eective treatment for ADD syndrome, medication alone is often
not enough. Growing up with untreated ADD syndrome can expose an individual to daily frustrations and embarrassments that can take an enormous toll on self-confidence and personal hope. Battling every day with
even well-intended criticism from frustrated parents, teachers, friends,
and even oneselfYou should be able to do this; you know its important, why dont you just do it? causes many children with ADD syndrome
to form defensive images of themselves and others.
Everybody is always picking on me, wanting too much.
I just cant do a lot of things they think I can do.
Im just one of those people whos always a day late and a dollar
They think Im really smart, but its not true. Underneath it all,
Im stupid.
If I set my sights on accomplishing much, Ill just be disappointed.
With such recurrent thoughts, some learn to reduce their expectations of
themselves and to avoid opportunities that may lead to higher grades,
more friends, better jobs, and increased status. By this process some individuals with ADD syndrome learn early in life to see themselves as
losers, victims, or both. Some react with sullen resentment; others
with a demanding sense of entitlement. Some labor to win others with
their quick wit or clown antics; others slide into quiet resignation or a
quirky independence from conventional social expectations. In interactions with others, such attitudes and postures tend to create feedback
loops in which the individual finds those around him acting and reacting in ways that confirm and reinforce his defensive images of himself.
This can become an important aspect of the persons representational
model of herself and others as described by John Bowlby and discussed
in Chapter 6.


Medications and Other Treatments

If an individual with ADD syndrome has developed such self-defeating assumptions about himself and others, medication treatment is unlikely to cause a lasting change. To counter the persisting eects of such
self-defeating assumptions and attitudes, the patient will need help recognizing and revising them in the context of an emotionally engaged relationship.
This process of attitude change and revising assumptions is not a
purely intellectual process that can be derived from listening to a lecture
or reading a book. Such resources may be helpful, but real change will involve subtle and powerful emotions, not just an exchange of words and
ideas. The interaction may occur in a series of intensive, closely spaced
conversations, or it may happen over many months or years.
For some, the partner in this process is a parent who persists in recognizing the strengths of this son or daughter despite recurrent setbacks
and disappointments. Some parents are amazingly adept at nurturing a
positive and hopeful attitude in their children while also providing reasonable limits and honest feedback about shortcomings in the sons or
daughters plans or behavior. They cultivate recognition of the childs
strengths and they provide generous and sustained reinforcement for
constructive eorts. They encourage their child to pursue opportunities
that can be reached with extra eort, yet they avoid supporting unrealistic
expectations likely to lead only to frustration. In countless conversations
at times when the child must make critical decisions or is responding to
the delights of success or the pain of defeat, such parents can share the
emotions of their child and nurture the childs developing strengths.
Yet despite the best eorts of their parents, some children and many
adolescents and adults need more specialized help to recognize and overhaul self-defeating assumptions and attitudes developed in reaction to
their ADD syndrome. The most fortunate encounter and connect with a
wise and empathetic teacher, professor, or work supervisor who is willing
to serve as a mentor, providing ongoing guidance and emotional support
for their eorts to revise their ways of doing business with themselves and
other people. For others it may be necessary to consult and employ a professional counselor, a psychotherapist, or an ADD coach to provide per-

Medications and Other Treatments


spective and support for the process of self-change that may be needed, especially in the early stages of coming to terms with an ADD diagnosis.
Getting such support is not always easy. Many counselors and psychotherapists still do not understand ADHD. And persons who present
themselves as ADD coaches vary widely in their educational background,
level of training, and competence. Some have as their main qualification
their desire to be helpful to persons with ADD and their willingness to
maintain frequent contact by phone or face-to-face meetings. Others have
professional training in social work or a related field and have specialized
training to increase their understanding of ADD syndrometraining
that has given them strategies to help patients and families clarify goals,
organize tasks, and sustain the eort required to attain reasonable objectives. Development of a system for assessing qualifications and providing
credentials for ADD coaches is still in its infancy. Patients who have worked
with coaches have had reactions ranging from grateful and enthusiastic
appreciation to frustrated disappointment.
At present, it cannot reasonably be assumed that every licensed counselor, psychotherapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist is familiar with ADD
syndrome and can competently assist those who have it. Only a small percentage of professionals in the present generation have received even a
minimal education about how to recognize and treat the various forms of
this disorder. Increasing numbers are learning about the assessment of
ADD and its treatment with medications. But relatively few, at present,
have been trained to deal with assessment, medication adjustments, and
the more subtle issues of identifying and treating the problematic assumptions and attitudes of patients with ADD syndrome. Organizations
like Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD) and Attention Deficit
Disorder Association (ADDA), listed in the resources section of this book,
may oer some information helpful for finding trained professionals.
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment
One promising way to address problematic attitudes and behaviors that
persist in some with ADD syndrome, along with medication, is to use cognitive behavioral therapy techniques. Steven McDermott (2000) and Rus-


Medications and Other Treatments

sell Ramsay with Anthony Rostain (2004) have described strategies and
case examples of this approach with adults. Arthur Anastopoulos and Lisa
Gerrard (2003) have described similar processes with children and adolescents. Typically cognitive behavior strategies seek to identify the patients self-sabotaging assumptions and strategies, undermine these with
cognitive behavioral interventions, and encourage behaviors that will facilitate development of more positive and helpful approaches.
Marital and Family Treatments
Usually untreated ADD syndrome aects the entire household of the person experiencing the symptoms. Problems may emerge in couples even
when there are no children. As I described in Chapter 6, adults with ADD
syndrome often partner with someone who provides support that compensates for some of their own weaknesses. Without consciously realizing
it, a person with untreated ADD syndrome may feel drawn to someone
who is exceptionally tolerant or amused by their chronic tardiness, inattention, and disorganization, or to someone willing to take on the tasks of
managing joint finances and scheduling medical appointments and social
events. Some opt for partners more forceful and confrontational, who take
on a parenting role toward the adult partner with ADD, perhaps even by
continuing a nagging style that had been familiar, if not comfortable, in
the family of origin.
As such relationships evolve, however, the ADD syndrome impairments of one partner may become less amusing, more annoying, and
more burdensome to the other. Or the individual with ADD syndrome
may gradually start to feel resentful about the nagging demands or condescension of the helpful partner. One or both may become chronically
irritable or react with increasing distance and eventual emotional or physical abandonment. Such pressures can be even more problematic if the
couple has a childespecially if, as often happens, the couple has a child
with ADHD.
Indeed, children with ADD syndrome present a continuing series
of worries, frustrations, and management problems to their parents. Although deeply loved, they can be very high maintenance relative to

Medications and Other Treatments


most other children of the same age. And they may consume a disproportionate amount of time and attention from their parents, often leaving siblings frustrated and resentful over what may constitute genuine
Jeanne Safer (2002) grew up with an emotionally troubled older brother.
She described the complex, painful, and often unacknowledged feelings
that can aect brothers and sisters of children with chronic problems.
No one with an abnormal sibling has a normal childhood. . . .
Family gatherings and significant events become occasions for
anxiety and suppressed shame. . . . [Healthy siblings] . . . feel
tormented by the compulsion to compensate for their parents
disappointments by having no problems and making no demands. . . . Their success is always tainted by their siblings failure, their future clouded by an untoward sense of obligation and
responsibility. . . . You are ashamed that you are related, guilty
that you have a better life, envious that nothing is expected of
him, relieved that you are not the misfit to be scorned or pitied.
Because a sibling is your closest relative, you are eternally enmeshed with each other. (pp. xviiixix)
Not every individual with a sibling who has ADHD suers such intense burdens as Safer describes. Many enjoy and benefit from most of
their interactions with their brother or sister who has ADHD. Yet there are
certainly some children impaired by untreated ADHD, especially those
with severe comorbid problems, who daily disrupt family life over many
years. These children may drain so much parental time and attention that
the remaining siblings chronically get short shrift.
But it is also true that some brothers and sisters exploit their ADHD
siblings, setting them up to be unfairly punished for misdeeds they did
not commit, or gaining more favorable treatment for themselves by directing parental attention to otherwise unnoticed shortcomings of the
ADD child. Families with members who have ADD are subject to the full
range of sibling rivalries and complex emotional alliances often found in
other families.


Medications and Other Treatments

Parental Polarization in Raising Children with ADHD

One common form of stress in families with a child suering from inadequately treated ADD syndrome is the polarization of parents as they
struggle to deal with daily challenges of parenting a chronically impaired
child. Often one parent takes on the role of the enforcer, emphasizing
repeatedly that loving the child requires making reasonable but firm demands on him or her:
We have to be firm and confront this kid. If we dont get on his
case and punish him when he doesnt do what hes supposed to,
hes never going to learn to do the right thing. Hell always be
looking for some excuse. And hell never learn how to do what
he has to do to make it in the real world.
Meanwhile, the other parent, the marshmallow, equally worried and
equally loving the same child, is likely to argue:
But this kid is in trouble all the time, every place he goes. Everybody is always on his case. Dont you think he needs some place
where he can feel accepted as who he is, some place where he is
not constantly being pushed, with some people who will keep
loving him even when hes having a hard time doing what hes
supposed to do? If he doesnt have support at home, where is he
going to get it?
The dilemma, of course, is that both views are partly true. Unfortunately,
this is often not recognized when parents polarize into extremes, each
fighting, sometimes fiercely, with the other to press for their own view
while rejecting the other. Extreme enforcer and marshmallow polarization can occur as parents battle over how to punish their children or
adolescents for not doing homework, getting poor grades, harassing
their siblings, being disrespectful to teachers or parents, getting drunk,
stealing money, or wrecking the family car. But if they argue too vehemently, parents can become diverted from the dicult task of deciding together when to be tough and confrontational and when to be more flexible and supportive. And when such arguing becomes chronic, it can

Medications and Other Treatments


seriously undermine the quality of the relationship between the parents

When parents chronically disagree about how to deal with a problematic child, the entire family, even extended family members such as grandparents, may become involved in complex alliances. One parent may take
on the role of defender of the ADHD child, spending a lot of time talking
sympathetically with and about that child, often making excuses for wrongdoing or failures. The defending parent may even conspire with the ADHD
child to keep secret from the other parent negative reports from the school
or complaints from other siblings.
Meanwhile, the other parent may become so consumed with frustration and anger that he or she gives up trying interact with the spouse or
the ADHD child, aligning instead with another son or daughter. Such alliances may be skewed by a parents earlier life experiences with their own
siblings, or by unrecognized wishes to be more firm or sympathetic, or
less uptight or intrusive, than their own parents seemed to be.
Sometimes grandparents, uncles, aunts, and neighbors become directly involved in parental conflicts as they provide solicited support or intrude without being asked. Such conflicts can become intense, charged
with strong emotions that can contaminate interactions of the entire family system and obscure the strengths and needs of family members over
many years.
Not every family that has a member with ADD syndrome is as disrupted as these examples. Many families have one or several members
with ADHD, including both parents and children, and function extraordinarily well. In cases where family interactions become very problematic,
however, it may be wise to consult a skilled counselor who understands
not only the dynamics of family life, but also ADHD and related problems.
In such situations it is very important that the diculties be conceptualized as a problem of the family system, involving multiple family members, and not just as fallout from the impairments of one person. Craig
Everett and Sandra Everett (1999) have written about how theories and
strategies of family therapy can be adapted to help couples and families
aected by ADHD.


Medications and Other Treatments

Accommodations at School or Work

Some individuals with ADHD continue to be quite impaired despite treatment. Moreover, some individuals are not able to acquire or sustain appropriate treatment for ADHD. In such situations, some changes, or accommodations, in the requirements and procedures at school or work
may provide a fairer chance for the individual with ADHD.
The most commonly requested accommodation is extended time for
taking tests and examinations. Because of their slow cognitive processing
speed and impairments of working memory, many children, adolescents,
and adults with ADD syndrome have great diculty completing tests and
examinations within standard time allotments. To compensate for their
ADD impairments, they often need to reread directions and test items
multiple times and need repeatedly to recheck their answers. This may
slow their work so much that they are unable even to attempt many items
on the test. Thus they may get a low grade, not because they did not know
the material and gave wrong answers, but because they were unable to
complete the exam.
If such students are allowed extended time, usually 1.5 times the usual
time allotment, their scores may improve significantly simply because
they were able to answer more questions. Extended time may also alleviate the excessive anxiety that plagues such students when they take examinations. Knowing that they often are unable to finish the test within the
usual time, these individuals often work even more slowly because they
worry excessively: Will I be able to answer all the questions before we
have to hand in our papers? I have to hurry! Such accommodations can
be critically important for individuals taking high stakes examinations
that determine their eligibility for more advanced or specialized levels of
education or certification. Another accommodation for examinations might
include allowing a test-taker the opportunity to take the examination in a
setting where external distractions are minimizedthat is, where there
are fewer people moving around, tapping their feet or pencils, and so on
in ways that may be excessively distracting for some individuals with ADD

Medications and Other Treatments


In school, some students with severe ADD syndrome impairments

may be allowed a reduced amount of homework. This accommodation is
generally considered appropriate, however, only when a student takes
twice as long (or longer) to complete homework assignments. In such situations students are usually asked to work on every other math problem,
spelling word, and so forth so they can try all the levels of diculty included in the assignment.
Another accommodation helpful to younger students with ADD syndrome is more frequent reports from the teacher to parents about the
childs academic performance and behavior. This allows parents to monitor the childs performance more closely and to provide extra encouragement. These reports may be very frequent, such as the daily report card
mentioned earlier, or less frequentfor example, weekly progress reports. Such feedback can help the child to be more aware of the quality of
their performance, good and bad, than they would be from quarterly report cards or bimonthly progress reports.
In the United States, federal regulations stipulate that children and
adolescents with certain impairments, including ADHD and specific learning disabilities, must be allowed special accommodations in school in accordance with the results of a professional evaluation and extensive documentation about which accommodations are needed. Requirements for
these processes in the United States have been summarized by George
DuPaul and Thomas Power (2000). Many other nations have not yet set
up such protections for impaired students.
For those U.S. patients beyond secondary school, some provisions of
section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 may provide certain similar accommodations and
protections in colleges, universities, and workplaces for those who meet
specific qualifications. Reviews of these laws and regulations, as well as a
discussion of the problems involved in establishing eligibility, are included in a book by Lynda Katz and colleagues (2001) and in summaries
of legal issues in accommodations by attorneys Peter Latham and Patricia
Latham (1996, 1999, 2005).


Medications and Other Treatments

More Specialized Treatments

As mentioned earlier, some persons with ADD syndrome also suer from
severe learning disorders such as reading disorder, math disorder, or disorder of written expression. During the school years, they are likely to
need special education services in addition to treatment for ADD impairments. Others with ADD syndrome are actively caught up in abuse or
dependence on alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs; for them, eective
treatment of their substance abuse will be required before their ADD impairments can adequately be alleviated. Still others with ADD syndrome
may have chronic and severe problems with panic attacks or OCD. And
severe social impairments on the Aspergers/autistic spectrum or severe
problems with mood regulation, depression, or bipolar disorder can also
complicate the patients struggles with ADD syndrome. Detailed information about treatment options for ADHD in combination with these various comorbid disorders is the primary focus of my edited textbook Attention Deficit Disorders and Comorbidities in Children, Adolescents, and
Adults (2000).
Unproven Treatments
In addition to the well-researched treatments discussed thus far, there are
many other treatment options claiming to alleviate impairments of ADHD
more easily or without need for medication. Most of these alternative
treatments lack credible scientific evidence that they are eective and, for
some, there may be reason to question their safety. The primary problem
with such unproven treatments, however, is that they may delay an individuals receiving treatment that has been proven safe and will likely be
Elimination Diets and Diet Supplements
Elimination diets are based on an assumption that if an individual with
ADHD refrains from consuming certain specific foods such as sugar,
candy, dietary salicylates, and artificial food colorings, their symptoms will
disappear. The best-known of these is the Feingold diet. Eugene Arnold
(2002) reviewed the literature on elimination diets for ADHD and con-

Medications and Other Treatments


cluded that most research shows no credible evidence for the eectiveness
of such diets in treating ADHD. He did note that such diets may be helpful for a small subset of children who have specific food allergies, but
there is no evidence that children with ADHD have any greater incidence
of such food allergies than children in the general population.
Diet supplementstypically herbal remedies, high-dose vitamins, or
other consumable products sold over the counter in health food stores or
supermarketsare often touted as being able to, for example, improve
focus or strengthen memory. Because the FDA regulations that control
advertising for prescription drugs do not apply to diet supplements, there
is virtually no limit to the extravagance of claims that can be made for such
products. Although a few compoundsfor example, essential fatty acids
have shown some possible benefits for ADHD patients in pilot studies,
most of these products have not been proven eective thus far. Some,
such as megadose vitamins, may carry a mild risk of damage to the liver.
Some believe that any substance advertised as natural must be safer
than a pharmaceutical product. In fact, many natural substances in the
environment are quite toxic, sometimes even in small doses. Arsenic, for
example, is a natural substance. The most widely publicized example of a
natural diet supplement causing health problems was a series of cases
in 1989 where onset of eosinophilia-myalgia was linked to use of tryptophan. Arnold (2002) noted that those cases may have been due more to
impurities in the tryptophan than to the compound itself. This explanation highlights another problem with many diet supplements: their production is not regulated by the FDA to maintain high standards of quality
and purity.
EEG Biofeedback or Neurofeedback Treatments
Practitioners of biofeedback (or neurofeedback) often claim that their
treatments can train a child, adolescent, or adult with ADHD to change
their brain wave patterns and thereby alleviate their ADHD impairments.
This treatment consists of electrodes being attached to a patient and then
hooked up to a computerized monitor that displays the frequency rates of
certain types of electrical activity that normally vary in the human brain.


Medications and Other Treatments

The patient is given directions about how to relax himself or herself, much
as might be done in hypnosis. On a monitor the patient is then able to see
how successfully he can modify those brain waves. As Russell Barkley
(2003) has pointed out, however, there is no active ingredient in the process that directly aects the brain waves. The equipment is simply a fancy
monitor that provides immediate feedback about how successfully the patient can relax.
Although practitioners of neurofeedback claim that evidence of the
success of their treatment techniques has been published, reviews by Sandra Loo (2003) and by Russell Barkley (2003) indicate that this published
research does not meet basic scientific standards for evidence of eectiveness. Studies published thus far are deeply flawed by failure to randomize
patients, failure to use a placebo control, failure to blind patients or evaluators, contamination of results by allowing intervening or concurrent interventions with other treatments, and various other problems. Indeed,
Loo reports that the one and only published study of neurofeedback that
came close to following accepted scientific standards provided no evidence that neurofeedback was eective. Given the understanding of ADD
syndrome proposed in this book, and the physiological processes that support executive functions, it is dicult to imagine how conscious eorts to
relax oneself, with or without an electronic monitor, could cause any lasting improvement in the complex cognitive processes that constitute executive functioning. Neurofeedback treatments appear to be rooted in a simplistic notion of ADHD as an individuals simply being too tense or revved
up and needing to learn to relax.
Exercise Treatments
A program of individualized exercises purported to improve cerebellar
developmental delay is currently being marketed as a new alternative
treatment for alleviating dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. Claims
have been made that prescribed programs of exercise done for five to ten
minutes twice dailyfor example, balancing on one foot while throwing
a beanbag from one hand to the other, can produce dramatic improvement in reading ability and fully alleviate ADD symptoms without med-

Medications and Other Treatments


ication. Testimonials claim that these exercises have improved reading,

writing, and comprehension diculties, poor concentration and organizational skills, clumsiness, poor memory, low self-esteem, and diculty controlling emotions in large numbers of children, adolescents, and adults.
While a consistent program of manageable exercise may contribute to
overall health and self-esteem for anyone, there is no scientifically recognized evidence to support such wild claims for alleviating the complex impairments of ADD syndrome or learning disorders. Like neurofeedback,
this alternative treatment is founded on an overly simplistic view of the
nature and underlying physiology of ADD syndrome. Unfortunately, such
alternative treatments are often marketed in ways that cause many families who lack a scientifically based understanding of ADD syndrome to
waste money and valuable time on unproven treatments while avoiding
treatments that are adequately researched and likely to be helpful.
Tailoring Treatments for Individuals and Families with ADHD
Some clinicians claim that every patient with ADHD should receive multimodal treatment. This fancy phrase simply means that medication alone
is often not enough to fully treat ADHD. Typically, behavioral treatments
and education are added to the list of treatment modalities that should
be provided for every patient. But although it is true that educating the
patient and family about the nature of ADHD and its treatment is an essential component of any adequate treatment plan, it is not true that every
patient diagnosed with ADHD needs or will benefit from behavioral treatments, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral treatment, or accommodations
in school or the workplace.
In particular, behavioral treatments may be quite helpful for some
children with ADHD, particularly those with significant behavioral problems; they are less likely to be appropriate or useful for adolescents or
adults with ADHD. And cognitive behavioral treatment or counseling
might be beneficial for some persons with ADHD who have significant
problems with self-esteem or are stuck in maladaptive patterns of social
interaction, but these treatments do not alleviate the core problems of
ADD syndrome that are essentially biochemical.


Medications and Other Treatments

Marital or family therapy sessions, too, may help to identify unrecognized misunderstandings and may improve maladaptive patterns of interaction between partners or other family members, but these techniques
do not, in themselves, change the chemical problems underlying ADD
syndrome. Finally, accommodations such as extended time for taking examinations or a minimally distracting workplace may provide some help
for students or workers with ADHD, but they are not needed by every patient with ADD syndrome and, in any case, do not alleviate the underlying
In each individual case, decisions must be made to determine the
specific treatment needs of the patient with ADD syndrome and, if needed,
his family or household. It is also essential to consider what treatment resources are actually available, desirable, and feasible for the patient. Peter
Jensen and Howard Abiko (2000) identified seven patient characteristics useful to guide clinicians decisions about treatments for children
with ADHD:
Age and intellectual ability of the child and family
Severity and urgency of the condition itself
Patients treatment history and eects of those treatments
Presence of comorbidity or other complicating conditions that also
must be addressed as part of a comprehensive treatment plan
Family factors, including presence of psychopathology in parents or
other family members
The parents ability and willingness to apply recommended treatments
Families wish for input and preferences about specific treatment
types. (p. 638)
In addition to these patient characteristics, Jensen and Abiko also noted
that the nature of available resources to the family (for example, medical
insurance, or school-based treatment resources in the community) are important factors in treatment planning. In many communities in the United
States and elsewhere, too, there are even more basic resource questions
such as:

Medications and Other Treatments


Is there a psychologist or other clinician available and competent to

assess and diagnose a patient who has ADD with or without comorbid disorders?
Is a physician who understands ADHD available to examine the
patient, to prescribe appropriate medication, and to monitor responses to the medication, adjusting it as needed to optimize care?
Is appropriate medication available in the local pharmacy at a price
the patient can aord to pay?
If the patient would benefit from behavioral treatment, cognitive
behavioral treatment, or counseling, is it available for a price the
patient can pay and at a time and distance the patient can manage?
If needed resources are available locally, how long is the waiting list
to receive them?
If the patient needs accommodations in school or the workplace, are
the policies and attitudes there supportive?
Many of these patient, family, and community characteristics may
influence decisions about what treatment is appropriate, what treatment
is actually obtained and sustained, and how the treatment aects the patient and family. In addition, some other, less recognized factors may prevent a patient from even seeking assessment or treatment for ADD syndrome. I discuss these in the next chapter.

Chapter 10 Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

MYTH: ADD doesnt really cause much damage to a persons life.

FACT: Untreated or inadequately treated ADD syndrome often severely
impairs learning, family life, education, work life, social interactions, and
driving safety. Most of those with ADD who receive adequate treatment,
however, function quite well.

Many in the general public and some professionals in medicine, psychology, and education remain skeptical about the validity of the ADHD diagnosis and its treatment. Fears and prejudices persist despite overwhelming
evidence and recommendations derived from high-quality, peer-reviewed
In the mid-1990s, the American Medical Association (AMA) received
questions about the possible overprescription of medications for ADHD; in
response, they appointed a panel of medical experts to review all relevant research. To prevent bias, the panel members were experts in medical research,
but not specialists in ADHD. The panels findings, adopted by the AMA
(Goldman et al. 1998), included some strong and definitive statements:
ADHD is one of the best-researched disorders in medicine, and
the overall data on its validity are far more compelling than for
most mental disorders and even for many medical conditions.
(p. 1105)
ADHD . . . at any age increases the risk of behavioral and emotional problems at subsequent stages of life. It is thus a chronic

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


illness with persistence common into adolescence and beyond. (p. 1106)
Epidemiological studies . . . suggest that 3% to 6% of the schoolaged population may have ADHD. . . . The percentage of U.S.
youth being treated for ADHD is at . . . the lower end of the
prevalence range. (p. 1106)
Pharmacotherapy, particularly stimulants, has been extensively
studied. Medication alone generally provides significant shortterm symptomatic and academic improvement. . . . The riskbenefit ratio of stimulant treatment in ADHD must be evaluated
and monitored on an ongoing basis in each case, but in general
is highly favorable. (p. 1106)
At about the same time, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1997) published guidelines on ADHD that included the
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the
most common psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence. . . . In most cases a stimulant is the first-choice medication . . . from large numbers of research studies and 60 years of
clinical experience . . . more is known about stimulant use in
children than about any other drug. (pp. 85S92S)
Recent clinical experience and research document the continuation of symptoms into adulthood. . . . Because adults are expected to function far more independently than children, and
because they have less structure and supervision, the consequences of inattention and impulsivity often have serious implications for functioning. . . . The risk of abuse and the possibility
of tolerance or drug refractoriness are greater in adults than in
children, but still are rare. (pp. 105S106S)
The American Academy of Pediatrics (2000, 2001) published similar
reports documenting the wealth of scientific evidence that validates the


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

ADHD diagnosis and the eectiveness of available treatments. Despite

these endorsements by respected guilds of medical professionals, media
coverage still often describes ADHD as a controversial diagnosis, sometimes implying that medications used for treatment of ADHD are dangerous.
Frustrated by such media coverage, eighty-five scientists from leading
universities in thirteen countries signed a statement arguing that there is
no substantial scientific disagreement over whether ADHD is a real medical condition, any more than there is over whether smoking causes cancer or a virus causes HIV/AIDS. Summarizing the large body of scientific
research cited, they stated:
Leading international scientists . . . recognize the mounting evidence of neurological and genetic contributions to this disorder
(ADHD). This evidence, coupled with countless studies on the
harm posed by the disorder and hundreds of studies on the eectiveness of medication buttresses the need in many . . . cases for
management of the disorder with . . . medication combined with
educational, family and other social accommodations. . . .
This is in striking contrast to the wholly unscientific views of
some . . . media accounts that ADHD constitutes a fraud, that
medicating those aicted is questionable, if not reprehensible,
and that any behavior problems associated with ADHD are
merely the result of problems in the home, excessive viewing of
TV or playing of video games, diet, lack of love and attention, or
teacher/school intolerance. . . .
To publish stories that ADHD is a fictitious disorder or
merely a conflict between todays Huck Finns and their caregivers is tantamount to declaring the earth flat, the laws of gravity debatable, and the periodic table in chemistry as a fraud.
(Barkley, Cook, et al. 2002, pp. 96 98)
In Europe and Asia some have questioned whether this disorder is
specific to North America. They suggest that ADHD may be a byproduct
of contemporary American culture; common in the United States, but rel-

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


atively rare in most other parts of the world. To address this questioning,
Steven Faraone and other international scientists (2003) reviewed the research literature to identify epidemiological studies of ADHD in a variety
of cultures. They found that earlier studies reporting a much lower rate of
ADHD outside the United States were based on dierent definitions of the
disorder than those currently used. When they focused on studies that used
the same DSM-IV criteria, this group found six studies of ADHD in children
in the United States and nine comparable studies done in other countries.
These studies showed rates of 9.5 to 16 percent for ADHD in children
in the United States. Studies done in cultures as diverse as Australia,
Brazil, Colombia, Germany, Iceland, Sweden, and Ukraine reported rates
of childhood incidence ranging from 3.7 to 19.8 percent; five of these studies identified a narrower range of 16 to 19.8 percent. The researchers concluded: ADHD is not purely an American disorder . . . there is no convincing dierence between the prevalence of this disorder in the U.S.A.
and most other countries or cultures (p. 111).
Despite this large body of scientific evidence about ADHD and its
treatment, public skepticism persists. Criticism of ADHD in books, magazines, radio, and TV seems to emerge in two dierent forms: (1) fiercely
ideological categorical attacks pursued with religious fervor, and (2) more
modulated questioning of the diagnosis, its etiology, and its treatment.
Radical Attacks against ADHD
The most aggressive attacks against recognition of ADHD as a legitimate
disorder have come from groups such as the Citizens Commission on
Human Rights (CCHR), which advocates against using psychiatric or psychotropic medicines in any situation. This well-funded group and certain
individuals associated with it have circulated allegations that ADHD is a
fictitious disorder. One of their publications, Psychiatry Betraying Families: The Hoax of ADD/ADHD and Other Learning Disabilities, argues,
These are made up disorders along with others including severe emotional disorder . . . and dyslexia. ADHD is a total, 100% fraud.
Often media releases and educational materials of the CCHR or comparable groups do not specify their aliation with the Church of Scien-


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

tology, an organization strongly opposed to any psychiatric diagnosis or

psychiatric treatment for any disorder. A statement published in 2001 by
the Church of Scientology includes the following:
Scientology is unalterably opposed, as a matter of religious belief, to the practice of psychiatry, and espouses as a religious belief that the study of the mind and the healing of mentally
caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in
nonreligous fields . . . mental problems are spiritual in nature.
Some individuals espousing such views have even persuaded legislators in a few states to pass laws impeding access to such medications or
forbidding school sta from talking with parents about ADHD. Radical
advocates for this viewpoint have also organized letter-writing or media
campaigns to challenge school boards or to attack the credibility of physicians, psychologists, or educators who advocate for scientific views of
ADHD. In a few extreme cases in Europe and the United States, prominent professionals advocating for ADHD have been harassed and threatened in their oces and homes.
In 2000, plaintis promoting such radical views filed lawsuits in
Texas, California, New Jersey, Florida, and Puerto Rico against the American Psychiatric Association, the Novartis pharmaceutical company (manufacturer of Ritalin), and Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD), an
advocacy group with over twenty thousand members that has led national
eorts to provide scientific information about ADHD to parents and professionals. These suits alleged a conspiracy among Novartis, CHADD,
and the American Psychiatric Association to foist the ADHD diagnosis on
the public in order to increase sales of medications for ADHD. All five
suits were eventually withdrawn or dismissed by the courts, in some cases
with prejudice because the suits were deemed frivolous.
More Moderate Criticisms about ADHD
A somewhat less ideological criticism of the ADHD diagnosis and its
treatment has occurred in some media, including a variety of books like
Thomas Armstrongs The Myth of the ADD Child (1995). Armstrong ar-

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


gues that although there are some children who wont behave or pay attention despite appearing normal in other ways, these problems are
caused not by inherited impairments of brain function, but by a variety of
societal or family problems. Armstrong referred to ADD as a social invention, a symptom of societal breakdown, a response to boring classrooms, a bad fit between parent and child, and a dierent way of
learning. He acknowledged that stimulant medication might be appropriate for some aected children, but only briefly and for specific
As alternatives to medication for ADHD, Armstrong advises that parents provide a balanced breakfast, find out what interests your child,
enroll your child in a martial arts program, use background music to
focus and calm, provide a variety of stimulating learning activities,
provide positive role models, and employ a variety of other strategies to
give the child more attention, flexible but supportive structure, and positively toned discipline.
Most of the strategies recommended by Armstrong would be helpful
for any child, including those with ADD syndrome, but in themselves they
are not likely to alleviate the persisting problems of those children whose
impairments are sucient to warrant the diagnosis of ADHD.
Arguments from critics like Armstrong and others such as Lawrence
Dillerwho described ADD as a catch-all condition encompassing a variety of childrens behavioral problems (Diller 1998, p. 63)are useful
because they caution against overly simplistic medical understandings of
ADHD and its treatment. They remind readers of the importance of optimizing classroom environments and providing direct, consistent parental
support for each child. They also warn against inadequate evaluations and
inadequate monitoring of medications, as well as the assumption that
every problem can be fixed with medication. Most reasonable persons
would readily agree with many of their fundamental arguments.
These authors, however, seem to be working with a simplistic notion
of ADHD. They characterize the disorder as unpleasant misbehavior, excessive restlessness, or intermittent distractibility. They fail to grasp the
broad complexity of impairments associated with ADD syndrome, or


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

the power of this disorder to disrupt and seriously impair the daily functioning of aected individuals and their families over months, years, and
ADD Syndrome Can Cause Tragic, Sustained Suering
Throughout the United States and around the world I have spoken with
many individuals who have ADD syndrome and with their family members. Repeatedly they have shown me compelling evidence that ADD syndrome can seriously impair daily functioning, disrupt ongoing development, and, in some severe cases, threaten life itself.
One especially poignant example involves Joel, a bright, lively boy
whom I met a few years ago in Scotland. Joels mother had told me about
how her son had struggled from his earliest years. He was unable to control his chronic restlessness and hyperactivity, and despite his mothers
persistent eorts, there was no treatment available for him. Though very
bright, he had great diculty learning and was often seriously disruptive
in class. He had been repeatedly suspended from school and was finally
When I met Joel at age fifteen, he was a handsome, well-developed,
appealing boy in a wheelchair. He was unable to walk and could move his
arms and fingers only in contorted ways. He was unable to speak, but he
could smile and was able to understand much of what was said to him.
His ADHD had not been diagnosed or treated until he was twelve years
old, and even then the treatment had been insucient. Joel had continued
to struggle with severe ADHD impairments that were extremely disruptive at school and at home.
At age fourteen, Joel had attempted to hang himself at home. According to a local newspaper:
His mother said, Since [his] earliest years he went haywire in
class. He couldnt even sit down for five minutes. At the age of
nine he had been suspended from school 11 times . . . Joel was
an intelligent boy with an IQ of 126 (superior range) . . . he
could be really aectionate and he had a wonderful sense of
humor. . . . He was eventually excluded from school and it hit

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


him hard. . . . He felt very low, very lousy and isolated. . . . On

the evening of November 14, 1999 I found Joel lying on the
floor where he fell after he hanged himself. He was blue and not
breathing. I thought he was dead.
Joel was eventually resuscitated, but only after parts of his brain had
been permanently damaged by lack of sucient oxygen. Since that time
he has remained bound to a wheelchair, completely dependent on assistance for even the most basic tasks of eating and self-care. His mother
commented to the newspaper reporter, I think that there are a lot of children and adults out there who have taken their own lives because of this
disorder [ADHD] . . . but so many times another explanation is found for
a suicide and the truth stays hidden.
Another mother wrote a letter that was passed to me one morning
shortly before the start of a workshop I was teaching in the Midwest. It read:
Last year my son, Jason, attended your talks on ADHD. He was
very interested in what you had to say, especially about persons
with ADHD who have high IQ. . . . I planned to attend your talk
today, but instead we are planning Jasons memorial service
for tomorrow. He committed suicide on January 28th. . . .
He was 23.
Suce it to say, Jason has had a long history of academic
problems, anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, and social isolation going all the way back to elementary school, maybe even
nursery school. But because he was so bright, so likeable by
adults, good-looking, and never outwardly complained . . . his
conglomerate of characteristics was not labeled until last year.
Jason was attempting college for the third time. . . . Im sure
he became anxious and convinced of failure again. . . . He shot
himself with a high-gauge shotgun. . . . He left a beautiful, kind
and gentle letter. . . . I think he died of a broken heart, feeling he
could never garner what it would take to conquer his fatal
flaws. I feel Jasons story is important for others to know. This
disability, ADHD, killed him! We are devastated by his loss.


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

For some like Joel and Jason, the consequences of living for years with
untreated or inadequately treated ADD syndrome and related problems
can be devastating. In many other cases, the consequences are less dramatic, but nevertheless costly in a variety of ways.
The Many Costs of ADD Syndrome
A cute little six-year-old boy sat in my oce with his parents. His big
brown eyes were downcast and he looked deeply sad. I asked him, Why
are you here to talk with me today? He kept staring down at the rug and
mumbled, Because Im bad; Im very, very bad. How does one assess the
costs in self-esteem and diminished hope for a child who persistently sees
himself in this way at the age of six? How can one anticipate the costs of
living with such a view of oneself over the longer term, especially if no
treatment is provided to interrupt the cycle of negative behaviors and the
reactions of others?
And how does one assess the costs to an individual who receives appropriate treatment, but only late in his schooling? One high school senior came into my oce for a follow-up session three months after his
ADHD had been diagnosed and treated for the first time. Throughout junior high and high school this student had been chided repeatedly by his
parents and teachers. They had reminded him about his very superior
abilities demonstrated in standardized tests. They had confronted him
about how he had been placed in classes for gifted students throughout elementary school and then removed from such classes in junior high because he was too inconsistent about studying and completing homework
assignments. They had warned him that despite his strong abilities and
high ambitions, he would be unable to gain admission to a good university unless he improved his grades.
It was the time in March when most colleges and universities let applicants know whether they will be admitted. The student said:
You know, Im grateful that my ADD has finally been diagnosed
and Im glad I have this medicine now. It helps me a lot. Every
one of my teachers has commented about how now Im doing a
lot better. They noticed within a week of my starting the medi-

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


cine, and none of them knew I had started it. They just saw that
all of a sudden I was consistent in getting my homework done
and was really participating in class discussions.
What Im not grateful for is the fact that nobody recognized and
did anything about this until the middle of my last year in high
school. When I was in elementary school I was always in the gifted
classes. When I got to middle school and high school I got kicked
out of those and put in lower-level classes because I couldnt
keep up with the work and wasnt prepared enough for class.
I still hang out with those kids who were my classmates in
the gifted classes back then. We all get along. We enjoy the same
jokes and share the same interests. Now theyre all getting admitted to top-tier universities and Ill be lucky to get into a thirdrate college because my grades have been so pathetic. Im just as
smart as those friends of mine, but there is no way now that I
can go back and redo the years that got me that lousy transcript!
It pisses me o that I didnt have this treatment six or eight
years ago! If I had, my life would have been very dierent and
Id have a lot more opportunities open to me today.
Even in the large number of cases where ADD syndrome impairments are not life-threatening, the consequences of not treating this syndrome can be constricting and damaging in persistent and significant
ways. To go through school with untreated ADD syndrome is like trying
to run a marathon carrying a knapsack of bricks. One can do it, but it is
much harder to run with the bricks, and ones race timethe result of all
of that hard workwill probably be much worse than the times of others
who are running without the extra load.
For many, not all, with ADD syndrome the burden of frustration and
discouragement begins very early and gets progressively worse. Some educators refer to the Matthew eect to describe how children who get a good
start in learning to read tend to do increasingly well in their schooling as
they grow older. In contrast, children who get a weak or late start in reading
tend to get further and further behind as they go through school. The reference is biblical, from the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 25:


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have
abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even
that which he hath.
Keith Stanovich (2000) illustrated how this process can unfold in the development of vocabulary and reading skills:
Children who are reading well and who have good vocabulary
will read more, learn more word meanings, and hence read even
better. Children with inadequate vocabularieswho read slowly
and without enjoymentread less, and as a result have slower
development of vocabulary knowledge, which inhibits further
growth in reading ability. (p. 184)
If this line of reasoning is extended to cover not just reading, math,
and other academic skills, but also the ability to utilize executive functions
throughout each stage of development, the implications are staggering.
When a young child suers from untreated ADD syndrome, that child is
likely to encounter persisting diculties with academic and social demands in many aspects of life: school, family, and social tasks and interactions. Depending on the severity of impairment and the adequacy of
supports available, the child is likely to experience frustrations and delays
that at best will make life more dicult, and at worst, may cause life to feel
It is clear that individuals with ADD syndrome often suer considerably from their inherited impairments of executive function. It is also
clear that there are safe and eective treatments available that can alleviate these impairments in 70 to 80 percent of those aicted. So why do
most individuals with ADD syndrome still not receive adequate diagnosis
or treatments?
Patients, parents, and professionals throughout the United States
and in twenty-five other countries have described to me barriers to eective treatment of ADD syndrome that seem persistent in every culture:
(1) fears due to inadequate understanding of ADD syndrome and its
treatment, (2) a lack of adequate resources for assessment and treatment,

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


(3) prejudice against considering genes as a major cause of ADD syndrome, and (4) prejudice against using medications to treat apparent
lack of willpower.
Fears Due to Inadequate Understanding
When a child, adolescent, or adult repeatedly fails to do what they should
be able to do, most people have an explanation. In such situations many
quickly assume that the person is performing poorly simply because they
are lazy, stupid, stubborn, unmotivated, defiant, or some combination of
these. Sometimes such assumptions are correct. Often they are not.
In every culture in every generation there probably have been substantial numbers of individuals who failed to meet performance expectations
because they suered from ADD syndrome. In most cases, their failures
have probably been explained by their parents, teachers, bosses, coworkers, spouses, and friends as due to lack of motivation, lack of ability, or
poor attitude. Undoubtedly many chronically failing individuals explained
their shortcomings to themselves in similar ways.
Significantly, these explanations for failures are usually infused with
emotion. Parents, teachers, and others feel discouragement, worry, frustration, and anger when they are repeatedly disappointed in their eorts
to encourage a struggling individual to work harder, longer, and better to
do what should be done.
Moreover, these mistaken assumptions are deeply entrenched in the
public consciousness. Educating the public about ADHD is thus no simple
matter. In explaining ADD to most people, we are trying to counter strongly
held misunderstandings with more accurate, scientifically based information about the disorder and its treatment, but often people see no need
for a dierent explanation. Many believe that they clearly understand this
disorder when they truly do not.
Yet helping people develop a scientifically accurate understanding of
ADD syndrome is vitally important, because common misunderstandings of ADD syndrome perpetuate the suering of children, adolescents,
and adults aicted with this disorder. Parents and professionals who believe ADHD is an insignificant and transient problem of childhood or just


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

a diagnostic fad are not likely to help those who are suering find adequate assessment and treatment.
Unrealistic fears of the diagnosis and treatment are also a problem for
many, and those who do not understand that ADHD is a complicated and
significantly impairing problem are not likely to learn enough about the
disorder to alleviate those fears. For example, many parents worry that if
they provide stimulant treatment for their son or daughter with ADHD,
the child might have an increased risk of drug addiction later in life. Ironically, by not seeking information about ADHD treatment, they are not
likely to find out that a child who has ADHD, if untreated or inadequately
treated, has double the risk of suering, at some point in life, from substance abuse severe enough to warrant diagnosis. Indeed, five scientific
studies involving almost a thousand children with ADHD have demonstrated that children whose ADHD is consistently treated with appropriate medications during childhood and adolescence have their elevated risk
of substance abuse reduced, essentially to that of a child without ADHD
(Wilens, Faraone, et al. 2003).
Lack of Adequate Resources for Assessment and Treatment
Not every community has adequate resources to provide assessment and
treatment of ADD syndrome for children; most do not yet have any resources for treating adolescents and adults with this disorder. For most
families in developing countries and for many even in the more developed
countries, access to medical care is extremely limited. Many do not have
access to adequately trained physicians for life-threatening medical conditions, let alone services for mental health. Even in communities where
psychologists and physicians are available, patients are often put on waiting lists for many months or even years. Moreover, even when accessible,
these caregivers may or may not be familiar with current understandings
of ADD and its appropriate treatment.
Clinicians tend to interpret each patients presenting complaints
within the framework of diagnoses they know well. If they have been
trained to recognize and treat depression and anxiety, but lack adequate
training to identify and treat ADHD, clinicians are likely to interpret pa-

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


tients presenting complaints about impaired short-term memory, inattention, disorganization, underachievement, and so on as signs of anxiety
or depressive problems. They also are likely to provide treatments appropriate for those disorders without even considering the possibility that
these may be symptoms of ADHD, with or without comorbid anxiety or
Even in those communities where physicians and medications are
available, such services and medications remain inaccessible to many because of cost. If family members are struggling to pay rent and to put food
on the table each day, they are not likely to be able to aord visits to a doctor or medications, especially for a disorder that does not present any immediate, obvious threat to physical health or to life. Even if a family wants
very much to provide appropriate treatment for a member with impairments of ADD, the costs may be prohibitive and insurance often does not
cover them. Medication costs, especially for the newer, longer-acting formulations, are significant. The expense of consultations with psychologists and physicians for assessment and ongoing treatment can also be
substantial. Many families simply cannot aord to beginor to continuetreatment for ADD syndrome.
When behavioral treatments are added to medication, the costs increase substantially. Peter Jensen (2003) showed that the cost of alleviating impairments of children with ADHD to the point of normalization
using MTA behavioral treatment alone or in combination with medication
management was four times the cost of typical community care. In that
study, the most cost-eective treatment for ADHD was careful medication
management. (Combined behavioral and medication management treatments were somewhat more cost-eective for children with ADHD and
comorbid disorders.)
Many are quick to argue that every patient with ADHD should receive
all relevant treatments. Such an outlook makes sense only to those who
hold unrealistic views of what professional and financial resources are actually available to most of the worlds families. The unfortunate truth is
that in many parts of the world at this time, only the most fortunate are
likely to have access to appropriate assessment and treatments for ADD.


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

Prejudice against Recognizing Genes as a Major Cause

Even when resources for assessment and treatment are available and
aordable, and even if individuals have been exposed to scientific information about ADD, some are reluctant to believe that problems of cognitive functioning associated with ADD are not simply the result of poor
parenting or poor schooling.
Many hold persistently to a view of human nature first introduced in
the sixteenth century and labeled blank slate by Steven Pinker (2002):
that human nature is almost infinitely malleable, fully open to the shaping influences of parents, teachers, and other influences of culture, with
few significant constraints. Pinker argues instead that genetic influences
and other extrafamilial forces are far more powerful in shaping human
nature and behavior than are family influences. He proposes three laws
to explain influences on human behavior:
1. All human behavioral traits are heritable.
2. The eect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the
eect of genes.
3. A substantial portion of the variation in complex human behavioral traits is not accounted for by the eects of genes or families.
(p. 373)
Pinker recognizes that many studies show similarities between children
and their parents. He suggests that such similarities may not result from
the child learning to adopt parental behavior styles, but rather can be explained by genetic similarities between parent and childfor example,
aggressive parents may have aggressive children, talkative parents may
end up with talkative children, and so on. He believes that genetic factors
are the most powerful shapers of a childs development and behavior, and
that unique aspects of their environment contribute much of the rest.
A substantial body of research has demonstrated that genetic factors
play a very large role in the etiology of ADHD. Steven Faraone and colleagues (1998) and Rosemary Tannock (1998) have summarized findings
of multiple twin and adoption studies that indicate high heritability rates
for ADHD and components of ADHD: from .75 to .98, with an average of

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


about .80. By comparison, the heritability index for height is .95. At the
group level, approximately 80 percent of the variance in whether an individual has ADHD can be explained by genetic factors.
The high heritability index for ADHD does not mean that these impairments are caused by a single gene. Modern genetic research thus far
has identified several specific genes that contribute to ADHD, but no
single gene (Thapar 2002). For this disorder, as for most others, its emergence appears to be related to small eects of multiple genes interacting
rather than a large eect from one or two specific genes.
Genes are substantial risk factors for ADHD, but they do not completely explain its occurrence. Environmental factors contribute at least 20
percent to the variation in emergence of the ADD syndrome. These factors may include smoking, alcohol use, or drug use by the mother during
pregnancy (Mick, Biederman, et al. 2002); complications of pregnancy,
delivery, or early infancy such as toxemia or eclampsia; fetal distress; low
birth weight; and dicult delivery (Sprich-Buckminster, Biederman, et al.
1993; Faraone and Biederman 1998). Psychosocial adversity such as severe marital discord, paternal criminality, and poverty have also been
shown to increase vulnerability to ADHD in those genetically at risk (Biederman, Milberger, et al. 1995b; Biederman, Faraone, et al. 1996).
The main point here is that impairments of ADHD result not from a
choice made by the person with ADHD nor from parental negligence.
ADHD results primarily from genetic factors interacting with prenatal,
perinatal, and postnatal experiences that together cause significant impairment in the brain. Given these findings, it makes little sense to blame
victims of ADHD for having the disorder or to censure their parents for
causing it.
The Bias against Treating a Presumed Lack of Willpower
Many who understand this biologically based view of ADHD remain reluctant to see medication used as the primary treatment. They tend to
think of cognitive problems in ADD syndrome as a special category of impairment, very dierent from malfunctions of the pancreas, heart, eyes, or
other bodily organs. For malfunctions of virtually every other organ sys-


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

tem, most educated people today see prescription medication as an appropriate and often necessary treatment. Yet when the problem relates to
workings of the brain, these same individuals may object to medication
treatments and insist that the individual ought to fix the problems by
willpower or some other variant of conscious eort.
Indeed, many believe that all cognitive processes can be brought
under conscious control, that any individual can make changes in how he
thinks, what he feels, and how he acts, if only his determination is strong
enough. This is the view that Daniel Wegner (2002) has challenged as
the illusion of free will. Although he acknowledges that this illusion has
adaptive functions, Wegner quotes approvingly Bernard Schlinks (1997)
I dont mean to say that the thinking and reaching decisions
have no influence on behavior. But behavior does not merely
enact what has already been thought through and decided. It has
its own sources. (p. 342)
Opposite to the view that willpower, or conscious eort, can control all
mental processes is the view that most mental processes operate outside
the realm of consciousness. As I have explained, executive functions are
quick, subtle, and complex, usually operating without much input from
conscious thought. Executive-function processes are not usually responsive to willpower on any substantial or sustained basis. But this nonwillpower view of mental functioning is misunderstood by many and
strongly opposed by some.
Resistance to the idea that much of the work of the mind is unconscious is not new. In 1917 Sigmund Freud published a short paper as a response to the strong emotional reaction many professionals and lay
people had to his emphasis on the role of unconscious processes in mental life.
You believe that you are informed of all that goes on in your
mind if it is of any importance at all, because your consciousness gives you news of it. . . . Indeed, you go so far as to regard
the mind as coextensive with consciousness, that is, with

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


what is known to you, in spite of the most obvious evidence that

a great deal more is perpetually going on in your mind than can
be known to your consciousness. (p. 189)
Freud concluded that people generally felt oended by his assertions that
the ego is not master in its own house, that persons are not in conscious
and deliberate control of all that they do. He recognized that many individuals are threatened by the idea that their thoughts and actions are
shaped by internal forces as well as external events and that these internal
forces are, in many ways, not at all under their conscious control or even
within their own awareness.
Since Freuds time, much more has been learned about the unconscious workings of the mind. A new view of the unconscious, quite
dierent from psychoanalytic formulations, is emerging in psychology
and neuroscience (see Hassin, Uleman, and Bargh 2005). But still many
persons are reluctant to believe that their conscious thought does not
reign supreme over their cognition. Even though they do not expect to
control by willpower the endocrine malfunctions of diabetes or the growth
of a cancer, they want to believe that willpower can sustain control over
malfunctioning cognitive processes that, among other important tasks,
organize and prioritize, maintain working memory, activate eort, and
regulate alertness.
It is ironic that many who strongly resist the notion that prescription
medications may be needed to alleviate ADHD have no problem with
using everyday stimulants to aid their own cognitive functioning. Richard
Rudgley (1993) has described the longstanding and widespread use of
stimulants such as coee, tea, cola, tobacco, and betel nut throughout the
world to improve alertness and concentration in daily life. Because one or
another of these substances is usually readily available and socially sanctioned, many do not recognize that they are providingon a more transient, erratic, and somewhat less potent basisstimulation to cognitive
processes very similar to the actions of medications commonly prescribed
for ADHD. Use of these nonprescription agents is not seen by most as
compromising self-discipline and willpower. But in many cases they are
nevertheless prejudiced against the use of such medications to alleviate


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

ADD syndrome impairments that, they believe, should be corrected by

force of conscious will.
This prejudice against use of medications to alleviate cognitive impairments is not merely a philosophical issue. It has very important practical implications for decisions about how persons with impaired executive functioning are to be understood and treated. If one maintains that an
individual suering from ADD syndrome can overcome these impairments simply by trying harder, then intensified instruction and reinforcement with rewards and punishments alone would seem to be sucient
But if one understands impairments of ADD syndrome as malfunctions of cognitive processes that operate essentially outside conscious control, then intensified instruction, rewards, and punishment are not enough:
medication is required. In this book I have argued that ADD syndrome results from chronic impairments in cognitive processes that, for the most
part, operate outside the realm of conscious control, that are not responsive on any sustained basis to willpower.
Realistic and Unrealistic Hope
Any discussions of hope usually emphasize that one should use willpower
and determination to overcome adversity. This view often is used to challenge persons with ADD syndrome. Children, adolescents, and adults
with ADD syndrome often are told that if only they will push themselves
hard enough and long enough, if only they will put forth enough determined eort, then they will be able to overcome their problems with inconsistency, disorganization, working memory, emotional regulation, and
so on. Such exhortations are not helpful and may be damaging. This advice is equivalent to urging a driver to step more forcefully on the accelerator to move a car with a nonfunctioning transmission.
Parents, educators, and clinicians who insist that those with ADD syndrome can overcome their impairments without medication treatment
are oering unrealistic hope, which is likely ultimately to lead those who
suer from ADD syndrome to feel only more frustrated and more persistently hopeless.

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


Psychologists Peg Dawson and Richard Guare (2004) have contributed to the problem of unrealistic hope with their manual intended to
guide educational professionals, clinicians, and parents in providing interventions for children and adolescents who demonstrate weak executive skills. They discuss reasonably how school and home environments
might be modified to support a child with these impairments. And they
acknowledge the need for children to learn to carry out executive functions with progressively less adult support. But these authors refer to executive functions as though they are simply a set of skills to be learned and
consciously exercised, much as one might learn how to type or to speak a
foreign language. For example, they oer strategies
to change the childs capacity for using her own executive skills.
This can be done in one of two ways: 1) by motivating her to use
executive skills she has but is reluctant to employ, or 2) by teaching her ways to develop or fine-tune executive skills she
needs. . . . most youngsters who fail to use executive skills do so
not because they dont care but because they dont yet have the
executive skill. Thus, we generally recommend that parents and
teachers assume this is true and begin tackling executive skill
development by teaching the desired skills. (p. 39; italics added)
The executive functions impaired in ADD syndrome are not simply
skills that need to be learned. Trying to improve the lives of persons with
ADD syndrome simply by attempting to teach them executive skills and
then motivating them to utilize this pedagogy is somewhat like installing improved software on a computer that lacks sucient memory to
run that software. It is comparable to providing didactic instruction in
social skills to individuals with the mindblindness of autism and then
expecting them to interact empathically with others. Such eorts at intervention for ADD syndrome may be well-intentioned, but they oer fundamentally unrealistic hope.
Antimedication attitudes about ADHD are not the only way to foster
unrealistic hope. Some people burden patients by minimizing the suering that often comes with ADD syndrome. They claim that this syndrome


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

is not a disorder, but simply a dierent cognitive style, an approach to life

that may in fact be preferable because it is not constrained much by routines and timetables. This is reminiscent of an argument made decades
ago by a British psychiatrist, R. D. Laing (1997), who claimed that schizophrenia is not an illness, but simply a more creative way to experience the
world. Such views ignore the reality of chronic suering experienced by
many impaired by ADD syndrome and illustrated in many examples in
this book.
The issue here is not whether persons with ADD are totally helpless
unless they take medication. There is good evidence that most persons
with ADD have talents, abilities described by Robert Brooks and Sam
Goldstein (2001) as islands of competence, that can bring benefits to
them and others whether they are taking medication or not. The hockey
player discussed in Chapter 1 is one of many examples. The point here is
simply that such talents often are not those needed to succeed in school or
at work. Realistic hope recognizes ADD syndrome as a complex disorder
that may significantly impair those aected in important ways, despite
their strengths.
A third source of unrealistic hope is excessive optimism about the
benefits of medication treatment. Some parents and professionals have
been very impressed by dramatic and sustained improvements in ADD
patients they know who have responded very well to medication treatment. They assume that anyone who takes such medication is likely to
have equally transforming results. Advocates for medication treatment
sometimes forget that 20 to 30 percent of those with ADD syndrome do
not respond well to currently available medications. Eight out of ten are
good oddsas long as one is among the eight.
When those who suer impairments of ADD syndrome hear a promise of dramatic improvement from medication treatment and subsequently find that their symptoms do not respond well (or respond only
partially) to currently available medications, they are likely to feel intense
disappointment, frustration, and loss of hope. It is thus not only unrealistic, but also unfair to promise any patient that their ADD impairments
will be substantially alleviated by medication or any other treatment. All

Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope


one can responsibly say is that there is a substantial possibility that one or
another of the available medication treatments for ADD will significantly
improve that individuals ADD impairments, during periods when the
medication is taken, if the kind and amount of medication are tailored to
the individual.
Even when medication is optimally eective, for many with ADD syndrome medication alone is not sucient treatment. Medication does not
teach individuals skills that they have not learned. Moreover, medication
treatments, when they do work, may help patients to mobilize the eort
and cognitive functions required to make the changes they need to make,
but success is never guaranteed. Realistic hope recognizes up front that
the problems of life do not always have a fully adequate solution.
Luckily for some, suering from ADD syndrome may ease as one gets
out of school. The most dicult period for many with ADD syndrome is
the time from about sixth grade through the first couple of years after high
school, whether they then are in college or are engaged in another pursuit.
It is during those years that individuals in most cultures are faced with the
widest range of task demands with the least opportunity to escape from
those tasks one finds especially dicult. If one is fortunate, it gradually
becomes possible to specializeto study or gain employment in a field
where one can utilize ones strengths and avoid some areas of weakness
by delegating tasks to others at work or at home. Some persons with
significant ADD impairments struggle mightily throughout their schooling with poor or mediocre results but are able to achieve considerable success in, for example, business or the arts.
One factor that can help to create and sustain realistic hope in persons
with ADD syndrome is ongoing emotional support provided by a parent,
mentor, friend, or therapist who understands ADD syndrome and recognizes the patients strengths. Adequate support and sucient education
about the disorder can help family members to cope with their own frustrations and may enable them to be less destructively critical and more
reasonably supportive of one another.
Yet realistic hope also is tempered by the awareness that despite such
interventions, untreated or inadequately treated ADD syndrome can take


Fears, Prejudices, and Realistic Hope

a great toll on ones self-esteem and on ones learning, critical capacities

that may powerfully influence ones future. And timing can make a dierence. Some are fortunate enough to have their ADD impairments recognized and eectively treated relatively early, before they have become too
demoralized and before too many opportunities have been squandered or
cut o. Others are not so fortunate. Their ADD impairments may not be
recognized or treated until after the Matthew eects have substantially
limited what might have been.
More and better research into these processes promises a clearer
understanding of ADD and executive functions. Joaquin Fuster (2003)
wrote that in contemporary neuroscience a new paradigm is emerging
that requires a Copernican shift in the way we construe how the cognitive code is represented and processed in the brain (p. viii). He describes
this revolution as a turn away from thinking of associative cognitive functions as residing in dierent locations of the brain. He argues that cognitive functions per se have no definite cortical topography that perception, memory, attention, language, and intelligence all share the same
common neural substrate.
Fuster emphasizes the almost seamlessly integrated operation of
functions that many researchers currently think of as separate:
Perception is part of the acquisition and retrieval of memory;
memory stores information acquired by perception; language
and memory depend on each other; language and logical reasoning are special forms of cognitive action; attention serves all the
other functions. (p. 16; italics added)
Fusters view of integrated cognitive functioning fits well with the way most
persons with ADD syndrome describe their complex, interacting symptoms. It also is consistent with the view discussed in Chapter 8 that current
diagnostic categories do not adequately reflect the pervasive and essential
role of attention in both normal and abnormal functioning. Hopefully the
years ahead will yield a clearer understanding of how these complicated
workings of the human brain are related to ADD syndrome and how they
add to the amazingly rich complexity of everyday human experience.


The websites listed here oer a variety of free information about attention
deficit disorders. Most specialize in issues concerning children and adolescents; some focus more on adults. Many are sponsored by ADD support and advocacy organizations and provide detailed, downloadable information that has been evaluated and approved by a professional advisory
board; others are less selective and may include reports that are not adequately supported by scientific research. Some list contact information for
local support and advocacy groups concerned with attention deficit disorders. Many have links to related organizations, and all are nonprofit.
International Websites Based in the United States oers scientifically reliable information in English and Spanish about ADD in children, adolescents, and adults. Sponsored by Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD), the largest ADHD support
and advocacy organization in the United States, it has downloadable
fact sheets of science-based information for parents, educators, professionals, the media, and the general public. The site also includes contact information for two hundred local chapters of CHADD throughout
the United States.



Resources presents evidence-based information in English and

Spanish about ADD in children, adolescents, and adults. This national
clearing house of downloadable information and resources concerning
many aspects of ADHD is funded by the U.S. governments Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention and operated by CHADD. New material is added frequently, and questions directed to the site are responded
to by knowledgeable health-information specialists. is a resource in English for adults with ADD. Sponsored by Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), the worlds largest organization for adults with ADHD, it provides information, resources,
and networking opportunities.

International Websites Based in the United Kingdom

[email protected] presents information in English about ADHD
across the lifespan. It serves patients, parents, teachers, and health professionals, and questions received by phone or email are answered.
This site is sponsored by the National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service in the United Kingdom. provides a wide variety of information about ADHD in English, French, German, and Spanish. It posts websites and email addresses for support groups in forty dierent countries.

Websites with a National Focus

The following websites are sponsored by ADHD education and advocacy
organizations in various countries. Some are much better established and
provide much more reliable information than others. Many list addresses
for local groups within their country. Usually the material is presented in
the dominant language of the country listed.
ADD Association, Queensland (ADDAQ),


Learning and Attentional Disorders Society (LADS),
Learning Diculties Coalition NSW,
Hong Kong




The Netherlands
New Zealand
ADANA Fundacin,


Adler, L., R. C. Kessler, and T. Spencer. 2004. Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
(ASRS v1.1), from
Ainsworth, M. D. S., M. C. Blehar, et al. 1978. Patterns of Attachment: A Psychological Study of the Strange Situation. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.
Akiskal, H. S. 1997. Overview of Chronic Depressions and Their Clinical
Management. In Dysthymia and the Spectrum of Chronic Depressions, ed.
H. S. Akiskal and G. B. Cassano. New York: Guilford Press.
Alderman, N., P. W. Burgess, et al. 2003. Ecological Validity of a Simplified
Version of the Multiple Errands Shopping Task. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 9: 31 44.
Aman, M. G., C. Binder, et al. 2004. Risperidone Eects in the Presence/
Absence of Psychostimulant Medication in Children with ADHD, Other
Disruptive Behavior Disorders, and Subaverage IQ. Journal of Child and
Adolescent Psychopharmacology 14(2): 243254.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1997. Practice Parameters for the Assessment and Treatment of Children, Adolescents,
and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 36(10 Supplement):




. 2002. Practice Parameter for the Use of Stimulant Medications

in the Treatment of Children, Adolescents and Adults. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 41(2 Supplement):
26S 49S.
American Academy of Pediatrics. 2000. Clinical Practice Guideline: Diagnosis and Evaluation of the Child with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder. Pediatrics 105(5): 1158 1170.
. 2001. Clinical Practice Guideline: Treatment of the School-Aged
Child with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics 108(4):
1033 1044.
American Psychiatric Association. 1980. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.
. 1994. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed.
Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.
. 2001. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed.,
text rev. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press.
Anastopoulos, A. D., and L. M. Gerrard. 2003. Facilitating Understanding
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AACAP, 255, 257, 258 59, 297

Abikoff, Howard, 294 95
Accidental injuries, 93 94
Accommodations at school or work,
Action, monitoring of, 22, 52 57
Activation, 22, 23 28
ADD coaches, 28283
ADD syndrome: action impaired in, 22,
5257; activation impaired in, 22,
2328; barriers to effective treatment of, 306 14; and brain, 59 91;
clusters of cognitive problems with,
xiii, 2058; definition of, xviii; different labels for, xviii, 9; disorders
accompanying, 200245; and education of patient and family, 189,
246 47; effort impaired in, 22,
34 39; emotional modulation impaired in, 22, 40 47; environmental
factors in, 311; and executive functions, 9 10, 8889, 238 45, 315;
fears due to inadequate understand-

ing of, 307 8; first use of term for,

xix; focus function impaired in, xviii,
22, 28 34; genetic factors in,
31011; lack of adequate resources
for assessment and treatment,
308 9; memory impaired in, 22,
4752; myths on, 1 20, 59, 92, 117,
143, 167, 200, 246, 296, 311 14; normal inattention distinguished from,
167 99; prevalence of, xvii, 194,
195, 299; realistic and unrealistic
hope about, 314 18; suffering from
and costs of, 302 7; websites on,
319 22. See also ADHD; Adolescents
and young adults with ADD syndrome; Adults with ADD syndrome;
Behavioral treatments; Children with
ADD syndrome; Medications; and
other accompanying disorders
ADDA, 283, 320
Adderall, 256. See also AMP (mixed
amphetamine salts)
Adderall-XR, 257, 258, 259




ADHD: additional disorders involved in,

175 76, 188 89; and behavior problems, 17274; brain imaging studies
of, 88 89; in countries outside U.S.,
298 99; criticisms about, 299
302; diagnosis of, 16799; and failure or success, 16870; gender differences in, 170 72; and hyperactivity, 170 72; and impaired
executive functions, 910; and intelligence, 176 78, 187 88, 19293;
medical and psychiatric statements/
guidelines on, 296 99; prevalence
of, xvii, 194, 195, 299; radical attacks
against, 299 300; severity of symptoms of, 19397; symptoms of
adults with, 178 79. See also ADD
syndrome; Diagnosis of ADHD
Adler, Lenard, 179
Adolescents: executive functions of,
84 85, 14042; and omnipotentiality, 146. See also Adolescents and
young adults with ADD syndrome
Adolescents and young adults with
ADD syndrome: and activation
problems, 24 25; and Aspergers
disorder, 227 28; and bipolar disorder, 22223; and challenges of
greater independence, 117 42; clinical interviews of, 182 83, 18586;
college experiences of, 24 25, 30, 35,
38, 50, 135 37, 143 46, 163; and
conduct disorder, 233; consequences
of late diagnosis of, 3045; driving
by, 133 35; and drowsiness, 35; and
emotional responses, 41 42, 45 46;
employment of, 130 33; and friendships, 121 23, 13839, 227 28; and
homework, 120 21; and impaired
executive functions, 14142; and
inattention and focusing problems,
xiixiii, 13, 6 8, 28 32; intelli-

gence of, 143 45; and leaving home,

13540; medications for, 2425, 46,
12930; and panic attacks, 13739;
parenting of, 277; and reading difficulties, 1089; and sadness and depression, 4546, 21213; and sexual
feelings and relationships, 12330;
and slow processing speed, 39; and
sports, 11213, 119; and sustaining
effort, 38; and teacher-student interactions, 119; and time management,
11823; and working memory,
48 52; and writing difficulties,
Adults: aging of, and executive functions, 8586, 242 43; development
of, 14647, 155 56; executive functions of, 85 86, 165 66; menopausal cognitive impairments, 241;
symptoms of adults with ADHD,
17879. See also Adults with ADD
syndrome; Aging; Employment
Adults with ADD syndrome: and anger,
42 43, 149; and Aspergers disorder,
228 29; and balancing work and
family life, 15357; clinical interviews of, 182 83, 18586; college
experiences of, 2425, 30, 35, 38, 50,
13537, 143 46, 163; comorbidity
rates for, 201 4; and dating relationships, 14950; and deadlines,
148 49; and distractibility, 32; and
driving, 55; and emotional responses,
42 45, 149; employment of, 23 24,
32, 37 38, 44, 14748, 15354,
163 65, 16970, 28889; and
financial problems, 26, 27 28,
151 52; friendships of, 57; and frustration threshold, 40 41; and household management, 26, 2728,
15052; and inattention, 4 5, 12 13;
and irritability, 4041; and manag-


ing responsibilities and finding a

niche, 143 66; marriage of, 157 65;
medications for, 251 52; and monitoring and self-regulation in conversations, 56 57; and obsessivecompulsive disorder, 217 19; and
oversensitivity, 44; parenting by,
1213, 4445, 15357, 16165,
27475; and prioritizing problems,
2526; and procrastination, 2324;
and reading difficulties, 1089; and
shifting focus, 33; and sustaining effort, 37 38; and time management,
148 49; and working memory,
Adverse effects of medications,
26062, 266, 267, 269, 270
Aging, 85 86, 24143
Ainsworth, Mary, 83
Akiskal, Hagop, 213
Alderman, Nick, 182
Alertness, 34 39, 7678
AMA, 29697
Aman, Michael, 271
American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP),
255, 257, 25859, 297
American Academy of Pediatrics, 268,
American Medical Association (AMA),
296 97
American Psychiatric Association, xix,
300. See also DSM-IV
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990),
AMP (mixed amphetamine salts), 253,
256, 257
Amygdala, 16, 65
Anastopoulos, Arthur, 274, 28384
Anderson, Carolyn, 234
Andrews, Leah, 221
Anger, 4243, 149


Anterior cingulate of brain, 65, 86,

88 89
Antidepressants, 26768
Antihypertensives, 26869
Anxiety disorders, 17576, 200, 201,
213 17
Armstrong, Thomas, 300301
Arnold, Eugene, 253, 290 91
Arousal and motivation, disorders of,
205, 21226
Aspergers disorder, 227 30, 276
Assessment. See Diagnosis of ADHD
Athletics, 112 13, 121
Atomoxetine (ATX), 26466
Attachment, 83, 16061, 235
Attention and inattention: components
of inattention, 6 7; and distractibility, 31 32; and executive functions,
919; facets of attention, 5 6, 21;
impairment of attention, 28 34;
inattention as disorder, 7 9; and
learning to read and do math,
1069; and passive reading, 30 31,
52; and shifting focus, 3234; spotlight theory of, 5, 11; and willpower,
45. See also ADD syndrome; Focus
Attention deficit disorder. See ADD
Attention Deficit Disorder Association
(ADDA), 283, 320
Attunement between caretaker and
infant, 8283
ATX (atomoxetine), 26466
Autism, 227
Awareness, 12 15
Backman, Lars, 86
Baker, Lorian, 205
Bargh, John, 15
Barkley, Russell, 5354, 129, 134, 147,
148, 17274, 178, 183, 187, 231, 274,



Baron-Cohen, Simon, 229

Baxter, Mark, 72
Bedard, Anne-Claude, 25051
Behavior problems, 96 98, 172 74,
271 72. See also Conduct disorder;
Oppositional defiant disorder
Behavioral treatments: children responding poorly to, 27576; cognitivebehavioral treatment, 283 85; combined with medication, 271 72,
27880, 29395; cost of, 309; for
disruptive behavioral problems,
271 72; guidelines for decisions on,
294 95; marital and family treatments, 28485; medications compared with, 18, 248 49, 27880;
and parenting adolescents with
ADHD, 277; principles of, 27274;
research on, 250, 278 80; at school,
27677; training for parenting
children with ADHD, 27475.
See also Medications
Beitchman, Joseph, 205
Benedetto-Nasho, Elizabeth, 109
Benes, Francine, 79, 84
Berninger, Virginia, 108, 10910
Biederman, Joseph, 128, 171 72, 174,
222 23, 224, 268, 271
Binns, Malcolm, 243
Biofeedback, 29192
Bipolar disorder (BPD), 22224
Bird, Hector, 201
Blachman, Darna, 99 100
Bowlby, John, 16061
BPD (bipolar disorder), 222 24
Bradley, Charles, xix, 89
Brain: and ADD syndrome, 59 91; in
adolescence, 84 85; central management networks in, 6466; in childhood, 7983; complexity of, 8687;
drawings of, 65, 73, 78; and emotions, 70 76, 79; and executive

functions, 15 19, 64 66, 77, 79

86; hemispheres of, 6364; in later
years, 8586; and myelination, 80,
84; neurons in, 16, 59 61, 87; processing centers in, 63; and recognition of risks and rewards, 7076;
and regulation of alertness and finetuning of cognition, 7678; transmission of messages in, 62; weight
of, 59; and working memory, 66
70, 7576, 78, 79. See also Neurotransmitters
Brain imaging studies, 252 53
Brooks, Robert, 316
Brown, T. E., 1089, 18488, 209 11,
231, 270
Brown ADD Scales, 18485, 18889, 193
Buproprion (BUP), 268
Burgess, Paul, 181
Bush, George, 8889
California Verbal Learning Test, 179
Campbell, Susan, 9899
Cantwell, Dennis, 205
Carlson, Caryn, 249
Carlson, Gabrielle, 270
Castellanos, F. Xavier, 10
Catapres, 268 69
CCHR, 299
CD. See Conduct disorder (CD)
Celexa, 269
Cerebellum, 16, 65, 73, 7778, 84, 91
CHADD, 283, 300, 319
Chelonis, John, 250
CHI (closed head injuries), 24041
Child abuse, 22122
Children: and attachment, 83, 16061,
235; caretaker-infant attunement,
82 83; executive functions of,
79 83, 113 16; tasks of childhood,
113 16; temperament of, 80 81. See
also Children with ADD syndrome


Children and Adults with ADHD

(CHADD), 283, 300, 319
Children with ADD syndrome: accidental injuries to, 9394; and anxiety
disorders, 21517; and bipolar disorder, 22223; clinical interviews of,
183; and communication difficulties,
100104, 205 12; comorbidity rates
for, 200201; and conduct disorder,
232; and cooperation with adults and
peers, 94100; early identification
and intervention for, 195 96; and
hyperactivity, 53; and impaired executive functions, 115 16; and inattention, 36, 106 9; and language
disorders, 1013, 20512; and mathematics difficulties, 109, 2078;
medications for, 24950; and motivation problems, 104 6, 11113; and
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 218,
219, 220; parenting of, 274 75,
286 87; and parents with ADD
syndrome, 1213, 4445, 15357,
161 65, 27475; peer relations of,
98100; provocative oppositional
behavior by, 96 98, 23031, 232;
and reading difficulties, 1049,
2067; self-management problems
of, 53, 92116; and sleep problems,
3637; and writing difficulties,
104 6, 109 13. See also Parents;
Schools; Teachers
Church of Scientology, 299 300
Churchland, Paul, 61, 86 87
Citaprolam, 269
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
(CCHR), 299
Clinical interviews, 18283, 18586
Clonidine, 268 69
Closed head injuries (CHI), 240 41
Cognitive processes, fine-tuning of,
76 78


Cognitive-behavioral treatment, 28385

Cohen, Nancy, 101
College experiences, 24 25, 30, 35, 38,
50, 135 37, 143 46, 163
Collette, Brent, 185
Comings, David, 237
Communication difficulties, 33, 5657,
100104, 205 12
Comorbidity, 200 205
Concerta, 257, 258, 259
Conduct disorder (CD), 172, 201, 202,
232 35, 237 38
Conners, C. Keith, 184, 231, 251
Conners Rating Scales-Revised,
184 85, 193
Cooperation, 94 100
Corpus callosum, 64, 65, 84
Cortex of brain, 65, 77
Craik, Fergus, 243
Crossing the street, 5455
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 131
Cunningham, Charles, 274
Damasio, Antonio, 17, 7071, 76, 78
Dawson, Peg, 315
De Fockert, Jan, 79
Denckla, Martha Bridge, 1112, 22829
Dendy, Chris, 277
Denney, Colin, 254
Depression, 45 46, 175 76, 201, 202,
212 13
DEX (dextroamphetamine), 256, 257, 258
Dexedrine, 256, 258
Dexedrine Spansules, 257, 259
Dexmethylphenidate, 256
Dextroamphetamine (DEX), 256, 257,
Dextrostat, 256
Diagnosis of ADHD: additional disorders causing or complicating ADHD,
188 89; ADHD as not always obvious during childhood, 17475;



Diagnosis of ADHD (continued):

age cutoff for, 174; basis for comparison in, 192 93; and behavior problems, 17274; clinical interview for,
182 83, 18586; and conflicting
views of parents and teachers on
symptoms of child, 190 91; critical
questions of, 189 90; decision on,
197; and depression or anxiety, 175
76; and determination of cause of
symptoms, 19192; discussion of,
with patients, 197 99; DSM-IV
criteria for, xviii, xix, 8 9, 172, 174,
17879, 184, 192, 194; and failure or
success, 168 70; and hyperactivity,
170 72; integrated information used
in, 193; and intelligence, 17678,
18788, 19293; and neuropsychological tests of executive functions,
179 82; and patient education, 189,
246 47; rating scales for, 179,
184 85, 193; self-report scale on
ADHD, 179; severity of symptoms
and accurate diagnosis, 193 97;
standardized measures for, 186 88;
symptoms of adults with ADHD,
17879; Venn diagram on, 198 99
Diamond, Adele, 80
Diet and diet supplements, 29091
Diller, Lawrence, 301
Disney, Elizabeth, 128
Distraction and distractibility, 29, 3132
Dopamine, 1617, 7275, 79, 86,
90 91, 252
DosReis, Susan, 270
Douglas, Virginia, 39, 249
Doyle, Alysa, 17980
Driving, 55, 13335
Drowsiness, 34 36
Drug abuse. See Substance abuse
DSM-IV: on ADHD, xviii, xix, 89, 172,
174, 178 79, 184, 192, 194; on conduct disorder, 23334

DuPaul, George, 9798, 276, 289

Durston, Sarah, 88
Dyslexia, 108, 207
Dysthymia, 21213
Edelman, Gerald, 14, 87
Education of patients, 189, 24647
EEG biofeedback, 291 92
Effort, difficulties in sustaining, 22, 3739
Elimination diets, 29091
Emotions, 22, 4047, 70 76, 79.
See also specific emotions
Employment, 2324, 32, 37 38, 44,
13033, 147 48, 15354, 163 65,
168 70, 289
Erhardt, Drew, 100
Erikson, Erik, 105 6, 111
Ernst, Monique, 88, 89
Eslinger, Paul, 14, 15
Estrogen, 241
Evaluation. See Diagnosis of ADHD
Everett, Craig, 287
Everett, Sandra, 287
Executive-function (EF) tests, 179 82
Executive functions: of adolescents,
84 85, 14042; and aging, 85 86;
and awareness, 1215; and brain,
1519, 64 66, 77, 7985, 84; of
children, 79 83, 113 16; and clusters of cognitive problems with ADD
syndrome, xiii, 20 58; definition of,
10; development of, 79 85; and disorders other than ADHD, 23843;
environmental influences on, 8183;
impairment of, 9 10, 8889, 238
45, 315; and intelligence, 12; metaphor for, 10 12; neuropsychological
tests of, 179 82; and neurotransmitters, 9091
Exercise treatments, 29293
Fabiani, Monica, 85
Family therapy, 284 85, 287


Faraone, Stephen, 106, 251 52, 299,

310 11
Fear, 7172
Feingold diet, 29091
Financial problems, 26, 27 28, 151 52
Fitzsimons, Grainne, 15
Fluoxetine, 269
Fluvoxamine, 269
Focalin, 255 56
Focalin-XR, 25759
Focus, xvii, xviii, 919, 22, 28 34, 52.
See also Attention and inattention
Fox, Nathan, 81
Frazier, Jean, 230
Freud, Sigmund, 312 13
Friendship, 57, 98100, 121 23,
13839, 227 28
Frontal lobes of brain, 84, 85
Frustration, 40 47
Fuster, Joaquin, 69, 318
Gagnon, John, 125
Gammon, G. Davis, 270
Geary, David, 208
Geller, Barbara, 223
Generalized anxiety disorder, 21415
Genetic factors in ADD syndrome,
310 11
Gerrard, Lisa, 28384
Gerring, Joan, 240
Giedd, Jay, 84, 142
Goldberg, Elkhonen, 236
Goldman-Rakic, P., 67
Goldstein, Sam, 316
Gottwald, Birgit, 78
Greenberger, Ellen, 132
Greene, Ross, 232, 275 76
Greenhill, Laurence, 255
Guanfacine, 26869
Guare, Richard, 315
Hedden, Trey, 242 43
Hemispheres of brain, 63 64


Heritability of ADD syndrome, 310 11

Hervey, Aaron, 180
Hinshaw, Stephen, 93, 99100, 171,
180, 234
Hippocampus, 65, 6869
Homework, 12021
Horner, Beverly, 226
Household management, 26, 2728,
150 52
Hurt feelings, 43 44
Hyperactivity, xix, xx, 5354, 89, 129,
170 72, 268
Hypomania and mania, 201, 223
Impatience, 44 45
Inattention. See Attention and inattention; Focus
Inhibition, 53 54, 173
Injuries to children, 9394
Intelligence, 12, 14345, 176 78,
18788, 19293
Interviews. See Clinical interviews
IQ. See Intelligence
Irritability, 4041; irritability in bipolar
disorder (BPD), 22324
James, William, 5, 11, 29
Jensen, Peter, 29495, 309
Jobs. See Employment
Johnson, Scott, 243
Katz, Lynda, 289
Kessler, Ronald, 179, 202
Klin, Ami, 227
Koenig, Olivier, 69
Kosslyn, Stephen, 69
Krusch, Deborah, 249
Laing, R. D., 316
Lamppost problem, 180
Language disorders, 101 3, 20512
Latham, Patricia, 289
Latham, Peter, 289



Lawrence, Vivienne, 182

LD (learning disorders), 205 12
Learning disorders (LD), 20512
Leaving home, 13540
LeDoux, Joseph, 69, 71
Levine, Mel, 39
Levinson, Daniel, 14647, 155 56
Levinson, Judy, 155 56
Levy, Florence, 79
Limbic region, 65 66, 70, 73
Locus coeruleus, 65, 76 77, 78
Loo, Sandra, 292
LTP (longer-term potentiation), 68 69
Luvox, 269
MacCoon, Donal, 234
Malenka, Robert, 74
Mania and hypomania, 201, 223
Manic-depressive disorder. See Bipolar
disorder (BPD)
Marital therapy, 284 85
Marriage, 157 65, 284 85
Mathematics, 50, 109, 2078, 210
Matthew effect, 305 6, 318
Max, Jeffrey, 240
Maybert, Helen, 79
Mayes, Susan, 110, 209
McDermott, Steven, 283
McEwen, Bruce, 241
Medications: for adolescents, 24 25,
46, 129 30; for adults, 251 52; adverse effects of, 260 61, 266, 267,
269, 270; for alleviating symptoms
versus cure, 24748; behavioral
treatments compared with, 18,
24849, 27880; brain imaging
studies of effects of, 25253; for
children, 249 50; combined medications, 269 71; combined with
behavioral treatments, 271 72,
27880, 29395; costs of, 309;
daily use of, 25657; determining

effectiveness of, 26263; different

stimulant medications available for
different patients, 25354; effectiveness of, 1718, 2425, 46, 129 30,
24754, 27880; excessively high
doses of, and rebound, 26162;
finding most effective dose of, 254
56; and growth rate of children and
adolescents, 263 64; guidelines for
decisions on, 294 95; for hyperactivity, xix, xx, 89; longer-acting
formulations of, 255, 25760; maximum dosage guidelines for, 257,
259; and neurotransmitters, 16 17,
9091; nonstimulant medications,
264 71; research on, 8991, 249
53, 27880; standard dosing of,
25556; startup dosing for, 255, 256,
258 60; statistics on effectiveness
of, 17, 247, 254, 316; for tic problems,
Melnick, Sharon, 100
Memory: and brain structures, 6670,
75 76, 78, 79; of elderly adults,
85 86; impairment of, 22, 47 52;
long-term storage memory, 47,
68 70. See also Working memory
Mennin, Douglas, 215
Menopausal cognitive impairments, 241
Merry, Sally, 221
Metadate-CD, 257 58, 259
Methylin, 255. See also Methylphenidate
Methylphenidate (MPH), 24955,
Milham, Michael, 85
Milich, Richard, 250
Millstein, Rachel, 2012
Mixed amphetamine salts (AMP), 253,
256, 257
Miyake, Akira, 51
Monitoring, 52 58, 173


Mota, Victor, 190 91

Motivation: coding of, 89; difficulties
with, 1046, 11113; disorders of
arousal and, 205, 21226; neurochemistry of, 2425, 25253
MPH (methylphenidate), 24955,
MTA study, 2001, 278 80
Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (MTA study),
200201, 27880
Murphy, Kevin, 178, 183
Murphy, Patricia, 185
Murray, Elisabeth, 72
Myelination, 80, 84
Myths: on ADD syndrome, 1, 20, 59,
92, 117, 143, 167, 200, 246, 296;
on focus and willpower, 1 19,
311 14
Nada-Raja, Shyamala, 134
National Comorbidity Sample, 202
National Institute of Mental Health, 18,
Nelson-Denny Reading Test, 109
Neural networks, 16, 61 62, 82, 84
Neurofeedback, 291 92
Neurons, 16, 59, 60, 61, 76 77, 77, 87.
See also Neural networks; Neurotransmitters
Neuropsychological tests of executive
functions, 17982
Neurotransmitters, 16 17, 60, 62,
7275, 77, 79, 86, 90 91
Newman, Joseph, 234
Nontricyclic antidepressants, 268
Norepinephrine, 16 17, 77, 79, 90 91
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
217 20, 237
OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder),
217 20, 237


ODD. See Oppositional defiant disorder

ODoherty, John, 75
Omnipotentiality, 146
Oppositional behavior, 96 98
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD),
172, 201, 202, 230 32, 234, 23738
Organizing, 22, 23 28
Ornstein, Robert, 64
Ortiz, Jame, 235
Panic disorder, 13739, 214
Parents: with ADD syndrome, 1213,
44 45, 15357, 16165, 27475;
of adolescents with ADHD, 277;
marital and family treatments for,
28485; polarization of, in raising
children, 286 87; role of and strategies for, 27475, 277, 28083; stress
of, 94 98; views of, on childs
ADHD symptoms, 190 91
Park, Denise, 24243
Paroxetine, 269
Passive reading, 3031, 52
Paxil, 269
Peer relations, 57, 98100, 121 23,
227 28
Pennington, Bruce, 2045, 222, 234,
235, 244
PET (positron emission tomography),
Phelan, Thomas, 274
Phelps, Elizabeth, 71
Phillips, Mary, 75 76
Phobias, 214
Phonemic awareness, 107 8, 207
Pinker, Steven, 310
Pochon, Jean-Baptiste, 79
Posner, Michael, 78, 79
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
220 22
Power, Thomas, 289



Pragmatic deficits, 102

Prefrontal cortex, 16, 65, 6668, 73, 78,
79, 86, 91
Prevalence of ADHD, xvii, 194, 195, 299
Prince, Jefferson, 269, 270
Prioritizing, 22, 23 28
Processing centers in brain, 63
Processing speed, 3839
Procrastination, 22, 2324, 148 49, 151
Prozac, 269
Pruning of neural networks, 82, 84
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder),
220 22
Purvis, Karen, 103 4
Quinlan, Donald, 108 9, 186
Rabbitt, Patrick, 180 81
Rabiner, David, 106 7
Raichle, Marcus, 78, 79
Raine, Adrian, 235
Ramachandran, V. S., 61
Ramsay, Russell, 283
Rapport, Mark, 254
Ratey, John, 175
Rating scales on ADHD, 179, 18485,
Reading, 3031, 49 50, 52, 1049,
2067, 210, 305 6
Recall of information, 49
Rehabilitation Act (1973), 289
Reticular formation and reticular
system, 16, 65, 76, 77
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, 179
Richards, Todd, 108, 109 10
Rief, Sandra, 276
Ritalin, 255, 300. See also MPH
Ritalin-LA, 257, 258, 259
Robin, Arthur, 277
Rostain, Anthony, 283
Rourke, Byron, 229

Rudgley, Richard, 313

Rybash, John, 243
Sadness, 4546. See also Depression
Sez, Leilani, 211
Safer, Daniel, 270
Safer, Jeanne, 285
Safety issues, 9394
Salthouse, Timothy, 85
Scahill, Lawrence, 194 95
Schachar, Russell, 185, 19091
Schacter, Daniel, 69
Scheffer, Russell, 27071
Scheibe, Karl, 226
Schlink, Bernard, 312
Schmidt, Louis, 81
Schneider, Barbara, 131
Schools: accommodations at, 28889;
behavioral interventions at, 27677;
and homework, 12021. See also
College experiences; Teachers
Scientology, 299 300
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
(SSRI), 269 70
Self-consciousness, 57
Self-regulation, 10, 52 58, 173. See also
Executive functions
Self-report scale on ADHD, 179
Separation anxiety, 213 14
Serotonin, 235
Sertraline, 269
Sexual abuse, 221
Sexual feelings and relationships, 72,
123 30
Shah, Priti, 51
Shallice, Tim, 181
Shaywitz, Bennett, 207
Shaywitz, Sally, 107 8, 207, 241
Sherwin, Barbara, 241
Shifting focus, 3234
Side effects of medications, 260 62,
266, 267, 269, 270


Siegel, Daniel, 82, 83, 235

Simon, William, 125
Sleep, 36 37, 7677
Smalley, Susan, 173
Snyder, Marlene, 277
Social phobia, 202, 214
Social-emotional regulation, disorders
of, 22738
Solanto, Mary, 250
Sonuga-Barke, Edmund, 115, 274 75
Spencer, Thomas, 179, 213, 237,
263 64
Sports, 11213, 121
Spotlight theory of attention, 5, 11
SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor), 26970
Standardized measures on ADHD,
186 88
Stanovich, Keith, 306
Steinberg, Laurence, 132
Sticky perseveration, 39
Stimulant medications. See Medications
Stoner, Gary, 9798, 276
Story recall, 103 4, 18687
Strattera, 265
Stress, 4047, 81, 94 98, 191 92
Stroop Color-Word Test, 179
Students. See Adolescents and young
adults with ADD syndrome; Children with ADD syndrome; College
experiences; Schools; Teachers
Stuss, Donald, 243
Subcortical structures, 16, 91
Substance abuse, 74, 128, 201, 202,
Substantia nigra, 73
Suicide and suicide attempts, 223, 270,
Swanson, H. Lee, 211
Swanson, James, 254
Synapses, 16, 61, 87


Syndrome, xvii, 9. See also ADD syndrome

Tannock, Rosemary, 103 4, 109, 209,
310 11
Tardiness, 27
Taylor, Colleen, 80
TCAs (tricyclic antidepressants),
Teachers: and accommodations at
school, 288 89; behavioral interventions by, 276 77; observations
by, 183; role of, with children and
adolescents with ADD syndrome,
280 83; students interactions with,
119; views of, on childs ADHD
symptoms, 19091. See also Schools
Temperament, 8081
Tenex, 268 69
Thalamus, 78
Thompson, Paul, 84
Tics, 201, 23637, 263
Time management, 11823, 14849
Tononi, Giulio, 14, 87
Tourettes syndrome (TS), 236 37, 271
Tower of London, 179
Traumatic brain injury, 240
Treatment. See Behavioral treatments;
Medications; and specific treatments
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs),
TS (Tourettes syndrome), 23637, 271
Unconscious, 312 13
Venn diagnostic diagram, 198 99
Ventral tegmental area, 65, 73
Volkmar, Fred, 227
Volkow, Nora, 86, 25253, 254
WAIS, 187, 188, 193
Wallace, John, 234



Websites on ADD syndrome, 31922

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales
(WAIS), 187, 188, 193
Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (WISC), 187, 188, 193
Wechsler Memory Scale, 18687
Wee, Emily, 85
Wegner, Daniel, 312
Wellbutrin, 268
Wender, Paul, 40
West, Robert, 85 86
Wilens, Timothy, 128, 244 45, 267,
Willpower, myths on, 1 19, 246, 31114
Winnicott, Donald, 162
WISC, 187, 188, 193
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 179
Wise, Roy, 74
Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test,
Work. See Employment
Working memory: and brain structures,
6668, 78; of elderly adults, 8586;

and emotional significance, 75 76;

functions of, 6970; impairment of,
4752, 21011; and longer-term
storage of memories, 68 69; and
mathematics, 50, 210 11;
menopausal cognitive impairments,
241; and reading, 49 50, 21011;
and selective attention, 79; and writing, 5051, 210 11. See also Memory
World Health Organization, 179
Wozniak, Janet, 222 23
Writing, 33, 39, 5051, 1046, 109 13,
Yale Clinic for Attention and Related
Disorders, 1089, 145
Young adults. See Adolescents and
young adults with ADD syndrome
Zametkin, Alan, 88
Zito, Julie, 270
Zoloft, 269
Zyban, 268

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