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Approval Standard

Electrostatic Finishing

Class Number 7260

March 1996

2002 FM Approvals LLC. All rights reserved.

The FM Approvals certification mark is intended to verify that the products and services described
will meet FM Approvals stated conditions of performance, safety and quality useful to the ends of
property conservation. The purpose of Approval Standards is to present the criteria for FM Approval
of various types of products and services, as guidance for FM Approvals personnel, manufacturers,
users and authorities having jurisdiction.
Products submitted for certification by FM Approvals shall demonstrate that they meet the intent of
the Approval Standard, and that quality control in manufacturing shall ensure a consistently uniform
and reliable product. Approval Standards strive to be performance-oriented. They are intended to
facilitate technological development.
For examining equipment, materials and services, Approval Standards:

must be useful to the ends of property conservation by preventing, limiting or not

causing damage under the conditions stated by the Approval listing; and

b) must be readily identifiable.

Continuance of Approval and listing depends on compliance with the Approval Agreement,
satisfactory performance in the field, on successful re-examinations of equipment, materials, and
services as appropriate, and on periodic follow-up audits of the manufacturing facility.
FM Approvals LLC reserves the right in its sole judgment to change or revise its standards, criteria,
methods, or procedures.

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Applicability of Other Standards ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Basis for FM Approval ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Basis for Continued Approval .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Basis for Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.7 Effective Date .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.8 System of Units ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Marking ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Instruction Manual and Other Labeling ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Required Documentation ................................................................................................................................................... 6
4. PERFORMANCE AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 7
4.1 Spray Applicator ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Metal and Conductive Parts .............................................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Parts Secured by Hand ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Connection Cable .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.5* Spray Applicator Switches .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.6 Examination ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.7 Adjustable Parts ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.8 Grounded Fluid Supply and Column ............................................................................................................................... 8
4.9 Arc Carbonizing ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
4.10 Handheld Spray Applicator Operating at High Pressure ............................................................................................... 9
4.11 Waterborne Systems ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
EQUIPMENT (NONINCENDIVE) ......................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1* Spark Ignition Apparatus and Test ............................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Material Compatibility .................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.3* Arc Carbonizing Test .................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 High Voltage Dielectric Tests ......................................................................................................................................... 12
5.5 Drop Test ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.6 Pressure Test .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.7 Cable Pull Test ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
5.8 Temperature Test ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.9* Impact Test .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.10* Current Limiting Elements ......................................................................................................................................... 14
EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.1 Test Apparatus ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
6.2 Automatic Spray Applicator ........................................................................................................................................... 15
6.3 Tests ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.4 Multiple Automatic Spray Applicator Systems .............................................................................................................. 17
7. OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program ......................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Facilities and Procedures Audit (F&PA) ........................................................................................................................ 18
8. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
APPENDIX B: UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ....................................................................................................................... 22


March 1996

Notice: The Asterisk (*) following the subsection number signifies that explanatory
material on that paragraph appears in the Appendix.

1.1 Purpose
This standard serves as the basis for FM Approval of Electrostatic Finishing Equipment.

1.2 Scope
1.2.1* This standard contains the basic requirements for the construction and testing of Electrostatic Finishing
Equipment. This standard does not include powder applicators that function using the principles of
tribo-electric charging of the powder particles.
1.2.2 The requirements of this standard apply to the following equipment types whereby the spray material
originates from applicators of the automatic (reciprocator or robot) and manual (hand-held) type. This
equipment is used for the application of solvent paints or dry powders using grounded spray material
supply systems, or waterborne systems.
Electrostatic Finishing Equipment for use with waterborne spray materials using ungrounded spray
material columns is also addressed by this standard. However, any reference to spark ignition testing is not
applicable for these types of systems, as waterborne spray material is not considered to be an ignition
hazard. Waterborne systems covered by this standard are examined for affording protection against electric
shock, fire and injury where the spraying area is not a hazardous (classified) location. See definitions.
1.2.3 This standard anticipates the submittal of Electrostatic Finishing Equipment for use in an ambient
temperature range of 32F to 104F (0C to 40C). Systems with operating parameters outside this
temperature range will be the subject of special investigation.

1.3 Applicability of Other Standards

1.3.1 Except where modified by the requirements of this standard, electrostatic finishing equipment shall
comply with the applicable requirements for ordinary locations, in accordance with FM Approvals Standard 3810.
1.3.2 Associated apparatus and circuits shall conform to the requirements for the location in which they are



March 1996

1.4 Basis for FM Approval

FM Approval is contingent upon satisfactory results of analysis of the product (compliance with this standard)
and the manufacture of the product in the following major areas:
1.4.1 Products for which an FM Approval Standard for product performance exists, shall also be examined in
accordance with that Approval Standard. These standards typically include requirements for the following:
the suitability of the product;
the proper operation and performance of the product as specified by the manufacturer and required by
FM Approvals and, as far as practical,
the durability and reliability of the product.
1.4.2 An examination of the manufacturing facilities and audit of quality control procedures shall be made to
evaluate the manufacturers ability to produce the product which is identical to that which was examined
and tested, and the marking procedures used to identify the product. These examinations are repeated as
part of FM Approvals product follow-up program.

1.5 Basis for Continued Approval

Continued Approval is based upon:
production or availability of the product as currently Approved;
the continued use of acceptable quality control procedures;
satisfactory field experience;
compliance with the terms stipulated in the Approval Agreement; and
examination of production samples for continued conformity to requirements.

1.6 Basis for Requirements

1.6.1 The requirements of this standard are based on experience, research, testing and the standards of other
national and international organizations. The advice of manufacturers, users, trade associations and loss
control specialists was also considered.
1.6.2 The requirements of this standard reflect tests and practices used to examine characteristics of electrical
equipment for the purpose of obtaining FM Approval. These requirements are intended primarily as
guides, and strict conformity is not always mandatory. Electrical equipment having characteristics not
anticipated by this standard may be Approved if performance equal or superior to that required by this
standard is demonstrated, or if the intent of the standard is met. Alternatively, equipment which does meet
all the requirements identified in this standard may not be Approved if other conditions which adversely
affect performance exist or if the intent of this standard is not met. See Approval Standard 3600, Paragraph
1.6.3 The construction, tests, and markings required by this standard are equivalent and consistent with the
intent of ANSI/NFPA 33, 1995, Spray Application Using Flammable and Combustible Materials.



March 1996

1.7 Effective Date

The effective date of an Approval standard mandates that all products tested for Approval after the effective date
shall satisfy all the requirements of that standard. Products Approved under a previous edition shall comply with
the new version by the effective date or else forfeit Approval. The effective date shall apply to the entire
Approval standard or, where so indicated, only to specific paragraphs of the standard.
The effective date of this standard is March 1998 for compliance with all requirements.

1.8 System of Units

Units of Measurement are U.S. Customary units. These are followed by their arithmetic equivalents in
International System (SI) units, enclosed in parentheses. Conversions are in accordance with ANSI E 380.

The following definitions, specific to electrostatic paint and powder spray applicator and associated apparatus,
are applicable to this standard:
2.1 Electrical Equipment All items applied as a whole or in part for the utilization of electrical energy. These
include, among others, items for the generation, transmission, storage, measurement, regulation, conversion,
and consumption of electrical energy and items for telecommunications.
2.2 Maximum Surface Temperature The highest temperature which is attained in service under the most
unfavorable conditions (but within tolerances) by any surface of the electrical equipment.
Note: The most unfavorable conditions include recognized overloads and fault conditions specified in the
Standard for the type of protection concerned.
2.3 Rating The designed performance of the electrical equipment.
2.4 Electrostatic Finishing Equipment Equipment for producing, charging and depositing suspended particles
with the assistance of electric fields. In general the equipment may consist of, but is not restricted to, the
following items: spray applicator, the high voltage generator and connecting cable.
2.4.1 Automatic Spray Applicator: Spray applicator which is designed to be attached to a mechanical
support or manipulator, including robotic devices, and from which the electrostatically charged
spray material emerges.
2.4.2 Handheld Spray Applicator: spray applicator which is designed to be held and operated by the hand
and from which the electrostatically charged spray material emerges.
2.4.3 High Voltage Electrode: a part of the spray applicator which is at high voltage for the purpose of
charging the spray material.



March 1996

2.4.4 High Voltage Generator: the part of the equipment for producing the high voltage and the current
Note: The high voltage generator may, in certain cases, be incorporated in the spray applicator.
2.4.5 Connecting Cables: all electrical cables to the spray applicator, including any high voltage and/or
control cable.
2.5 Solvent-based Spray Material flammable or combustible liquids applied by means of the electrostatic
finishing equipment.
2.6 Water-based Spray Material A material that does not sustain burning when tested in accordance with
ASTM D 4206.
2.7 Spray Material Supply the equipment which supplies the spray material at rated pressure to the spray
2.8 Pressure This standard considers low pressure systems to be those operating at less than 1000 psi, and
systems operating at or above 1000 psi to be high pressure systems. This is consistent with the requirements
of the Occupational, Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Safety and Health Standard 29 CFR 1926,
Paragraph 1926.302(b)(8), dated July, 1990.
2.9 UMAX the maximum rated voltage of the high voltage generator.
2.10 Spark For the purposes of Section 6 of this standard, is defined as release of electric energy that would
result in ignition of the respective paint or powder, test gas mixture if tested in accordance with 5.1.

3.1 Marking
Electrostatic Finishing Equipment shall be marked with the following information. Practical consideration shall
be given to alternate locations for the markings when insufficient space is available on any particular piece of
3.1.1 Each piece of equipment comprising the Electrostatic Finishing Equipment shall be marked with the
the name of the manufacturer or registered trade mark;
the manufacturers product identification, which shall be unique in order to ensure the proper safe use
of interconnected combinations of apparatus;
the FM Approval Mark (applied to each piece, e.g., applicator, power unit, cable).
Where the high voltage generator is a separate unit having appropriate space, it shall bear marking
identifying all apparatus comprising the Electrostatic Finishing Equipment. When labeled in this manner
each item of electrostatic finishing equipment need not bear the FM Approval Mark.
3.1.2 Product ratings, electrical and mechanical.



March 1996

3.1.3 The maximum operating temperature, or temperature range (Temperature Identification Code) referenced
to a 40C (104F) ambient according to the following table. Equipment which is Approved for Class I and
Class II shall be marked with the maximum operating temperature, as determined by simultaneous
exposure to the combinations of Class I and Class II conditions (i.e., dust-blanketing).

No. 1: Equipment of the non heat-producing type, such as
junction boxes, conduit, and fittings and equipment of the heat
producing type having a maximum temperature not more than
100C (212F) shall not be required to have a marked operating
temperature or temperature range (temperature identification
No. 2: Equipment for use in Class II locations subject to overloading shall not exceed 150C (302F) in normal operation and
shall not exceed the ignition temperature of the specific rated dust
or 200C (392F), whichever is lower, when installed in locations
that are classified due to carbonaceous dusts.

Table 1. Temperature Marking Code

Max Temperature

Number code

Max Temperature

Number Code

450 (842)


180 (356)


300 (572)


165 (329)


280 (536)


160 (320)


260 (500)


135 (275)


230 (446)


120 (248)


215 (419)


100 (212)


200 (392)


85 (185)


Compliance shall be verified by measurement based on the highest temperature which may be attained in
service under the most adverse conditions (but within rated values) by any part or surface of the
equipment. The most adverse conditions include overloads and fault conditions recognized in the specific
standard for the Type of Protection concerned.
3.1.4* The following statements, as applicable, shall appear adjacent to the FM Approval Mark:
a) For Electrostatic Finishing Applications using Class I, Group D, Spray Material. This statement
may be abbreviated to read: For Electro. Fin. Appl. CL. I, GP. D, Spray Matl.
b) For Electrostatic Finishing Applications using Class II, Spray Material. This statement may be
abbreviated to read: For Electro. Fin. Appl. CL. II, Spray Matl.
c) For Waterborne Electrostatic Finishing Applications. This statement may be abbreviated to read:
For Waterborne Electro. Finish. Appl.



March 1996

3.2 Instruction Manual and Other Labeling

The electrostatic finishing equipment shall be supplied with an instruction manual. In addition to the marking
information above, the instruction manual shall contain the following:
all technical specifications of the electrostatic finishing equipment, i.e., rated output voltage of the high
voltage generator, rated output current of the high voltage generator, conductivity of the spraying material
(solvent based) to be used, fluid pressure, air pressure, etc.
A sign shall be made available that may be conspicuously posted stating the safe distance which is defined as
twice the arcing distance. Refer to Paragraph 6.3.1. This does not apply to equipment meeting the requirements
of Section 5.

3.3 Required Documentation

For the purposes of (1) assessing compliance of equipment with FM Approval requirements, (2) determining
what test samples will be required for the test and examination program, and (3) providing a means for design
modification control, the manufacturer shall submit documents which give a full and correct specification of the
critical construction aspects of the equipment. One copy (except as noted) of the following documentation as it
pertains to the Approval request should be assembled in an organized manner. All documents shall identify the
following: the manufacturers name, document number or other form of reference identification, title, and date
of latest revision and/or the revision reference (i.e., number or letter indicating revision level).
Note: 1: Test programs will be scheduled only upon receipt of all the material listed herein.
2: Drawings in a language other than English may require partial translation for use in an Approval
Marketing/Ordering Literature showing general specifications and functions of the equipment. These are
generally very useful in determining project costs and may also be used as attachments to the final report for
equipment Approval projects. Typically, one copy will be sufficient at the beginning of a program but
15 copies will be necessary for use as report attachments at the conclusion of the program.
Product Identification Breakdown document specifying a unique product identification scheme. Generally this
will consist of a model or catalog number system. However, other product identification systems may be
acceptable provided the items are uniquely identifiable.
Instruction Manual(s) providing installation, operation, and maintenance instructions.
Quality Control Procedures document(s) detailing routine testing and final inspection procedures.



March 1996

Production Drawings
Electrical Schematic(s).
Final Assembly drawing and parts lists.
Subassembly drawings or piece-part drawings as necessary to detail primary circuit components, operator
controls, enclosure design, and safety interlocks.
Other hardware such as hoses, cable, special tools, and the like.
Product label drawing(s) showing all required marking information. The label drawing should show
proposed artwork indicating the manufacturers name, location, model and serial numbers (or other means
of traceability), equipment ratings, warning markings, and the FM Approval Mark.
Protective Grounding Detail drawing(s) showing the method of protective grounding provided, including
location, size, and marking.
Documentation Control Specification showing proposed method of controlling documents which may be
identified as Critical documents by FM Approvals. These drawings will be identified by FM Approvals at the
conclusion of the Approval program. FM Approvals must be notified of changes to these documents via Form
797, Approved Product Revision Report.


4.1 Spray Applicator
A handheld spray applicator shall have a conductive handle, compatible with its location and use, which is
electrically connected to ground and constructed so that the operator, during the finishing process, will be in
electrical contact with the grounded handle. There shall be an area of exposed conductive material on the
handheld spray applicator not less than 3 in.2 (20 cm2). This is to prevent an electrostatic charge build-up on the

4.2 Metal and Conductive Parts

Metal or conductive parts of the spray applicator must be grounded or appropriately insulated so as not to be a
source of spark ignition. Insulation characteristics of metal or conductive parts of the spray applicator shall be
determined satisfactory by conducting the high voltage dielectric test, described in 5.4, and the spark ignition test
described in 5.1.
Note: 1: A method of connection between the metal or conductive parts of the spray applicator and the earth
ground terminal in the power supply of the high voltage generator is via the conductive sheath of the
connection cable referred to in 4.4.
2: Spray applicators not utilizing high or low voltage cable connections for grounding may use other
methods to connect the metal or conductive parts to earth ground. The method shall be capable of
eliminating electric shock which would otherwise occur due to electrostatic charge build-up on the



March 1996

4.3 Parts Secured by Hand

Only handheld spray applicators, to be tested in accordance with Paragraph 5, shall be tested with and without
items which are only secured by hand.

4.4 Connection Cable

The high voltage connection cable to the spray applicator may be constructed with or without a conductive
sheath. The connection cable shall be constructed so that it shall be tool secured at both of its ends. The high
voltage cable shall be capable of withstanding the respective high voltage dielectric test described in
Paragraph 5.4.
A low voltage connection cable to the spray applicator employing an integral high voltage generator need not
have a grounded conductive sheath. Connection cables shall be provided with an exterior cover to afford abrasion

4.5* Spray Applicator Switches

A handheld spray applicator trigger switch, when released, shall switch off the high voltage supply and the spray
material supply to the spray applicator within two seconds. Any switches, or other normally arcing or sparking
(make or break) devices that are part of the spray applicator assembly shall meet either the requirements for a
nonincendive component as defined by FM Approvals Standard 3611, or the requirements of the Standard 3611
as being nonincendive.

4.6 Examination
The Electrostatic Finishing Equipment shall be examined for conformance to the manufacturers drawings.

4.7 Adjustable Parts

Potentiometers and any part not operator-accessible, whose adjustment could increase the maximum tested high
voltage output, shall not be accessible, except by use of a tool, and shall be set and sealed by the manufacturer.

4.8 Grounded Fluid Supply and Column

Electrostatic Finishing Systems examined in accordance with these requirements shall be constructed with
conductive means for grounding the fluid column supply end, or powder feed apparatus supply end, to the spray

Waterborne systems. See Section 4.11.



March 1996

4.9 Arc Carbonizing

Spray applicator parts which may be susceptible to carbonizing due to electrostatic arc tracking shall be subjected
to preconditioning as specified in Paragraph 5.3 before being assembled to the spray applicator and subjected to
the spark ignition tests described in Paragraph 5.1.

4.10 Handheld Spray Applicator Operating at High Pressure

A handheld spray applicator operating at pressures equal to or greater than 1,000 psi (6.89 MPa) shall be
equipped with automatic or visible manual safety devices (i.e., trigger lock) which will prevent release of the
spray material until the safety device is manually released.

4.11 Waterborne Systems

A waterborne system operating with an electrostatically energized paint fluid supply must provide provisions to
protect the operator, and others, from accessibility to electrically energized items which could cause electric
4.11.1 The system shall be provided with a fluid supply hose(s) having either a grounded conductive sheath or
protective insulation.
4.11.2 The system when installed shall have a grounded water-based spray material supply. However, the fluid
column supply end to an isolated waterborne applicator is not required to be grounded, but must meet the
test requirement of Section 5.4.5.
4.11.3 Provisions for access to the energized portions of the system shall be interlocked so as to de-energize and
ground the high voltage generator output and electrostatically charged system during access. Additionally, if it is not visually evident, mechanical means shall be provided for the operator to manually
discharge any items which would normally be energized.


This section applies to handheld electrostatic equipment. Automatic electrostatic equipment may also be tested
to these requirements at the request of the manufacturer. This section describes the tests and compliance
requirements. Unless otherwise specified, all tests are conducted under prevailing laboratory conditions with
respect to temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure.

Attention is drawn to the fact that tests contained in this standard
require precautions to ensure the safety of personnel carrying out
such tests.



March 1996

5.1* Spark Ignition Apparatus and Test

The test apparatus consists of a test gas mixing station to obtain the specific concentration of test gas mixture
at atmospheric pressure, and an ignition chamber of nonconductive material for the test gas mixture which is
enclosed by a polyethylene membrane providing a volume in which to produce spark discharge from the spray
applicator. Energy from the spray applicator is discharged during the test period using test probe constructed
using a one-inch grounded stainless steel ball on a handle. Spark discharge occurs from the energized spray
applicator by manipulating the grounded test probe. The duration of the test shall be 10 minutes during which
time the test gas mixture is passed continuously through the chamber.
Note: Automatic and handheld spray applicators shall have appropriate parts tested for arc carbonizing in
accordance with Paragraph 5.3 before being subjected to spark ignition tests. Spray applicators are to be
subjected to spark ignition tests both before and after being subjected to the impact test described by
Paragraph 5.9. A handheld spray applicator is also to be subjected to spark ignition tests after being
subjected to the drop test described by Paragraph 5.5.
Compliance is met if the test gas mixture does not ignite after testing, including all of the above conditions.
5.1.1* Test Gas Mixtures
The following test gas mixtures are used for spark ignition testing the spray applicator.
Paint test gas (Class I) A test gas mixture of propane and air with a concentration by volume of 5.25%
0.25% propane shall be used. (Ignition Energy is 0.24mJ)
Powder test gas (Class II) A test gas mixture of methane and air with a concentration by volume of
12.0% 0.1% methane shall be used. (Ignition Energy is 5mJ).
Note: The purity of commercially available methane gas shall be 99%. The purity of commercially
available propane shall be not less than 95%.
5.1.2 Atomizing Air
During the spark ignition tests the spray applicator shall be energized without atomizing air flowing
through the spray applicator nozzle. This ensures that the most incendiary sparks that the spray applicator
is capable of producing take place in an explosive mixture not diluted by the atomizing air.
5.1.3* Current Limiting Elements
Electrode current limiting elements (e.g., resistors), where used, shall be selected, within their tolerance,
to maximize the spark energy for the purposes of spark ignition testing each test sample. Also see
Section 5.10.
5.1.4* Spray Material Fluid
Class I spray applicators shall be spark ignition tested with and without a test fluid within the fluid
passages of the grounded fluid supply system. The selected conductivity value of the test fluid shall be
such that, when placed in the applicator, the corresponding measured electrode voltage shall be 100% of
the rated electrode output voltage, or as close as practical while remaining within the applicators rated
fluid conductivity value. Emission of test fluid through the spray nozzle of the applicator shall not be
allowed during the spark ignition test.
5.1.5 High Voltage Output
If the high voltage output is operator adjustable, the control shall be set to produce maximum output
voltage. All active circuitry designed to limit the current to the electrode during normal operation shall be
made inoperative, resulting in full continuous output of the supply. The spark ignition tests shall be
conducted at rated mains supply voltage, 10%, as necessary to produce maximum high voltage output.




March 1996

5.1.6 Hand Removable Items

Spark ignition testing of the spray applicator shall be conducted with the applicator fully assembled as well
as with hand removable items removed. The hand removable items shall be removed one item at a time,
and spark ignition tested, until all items have been removed.
5.1.7 Unsheathed High Voltage Cable
If the high voltage cable to the applicator is not provided with a conductive sheath, a length of cable at
least 20 inches long (0.5 m) is put into the ignition chamber in the form of a loop. This is tested for spark
ignition, using the test probe, in the same manner as for the spray applicator.

5.2 Material Compatibility

The product manual shall include a statement advising the end-user that it is the end-users responsibility to
ensure that products materials of construction, and particularly fluid-wetted materials, are compatible with the
use of the product and the solvents encountered during normal or maintenance operations. The manufacturer
shall provide sufficient data to allow the end-user to reference ANSI/NFPA 491M Manual of Chemical Reactions, NFPA 49 Hazardous Chemical Data, or other appropriate reference documents to make the necessary
determination. Alternatively, the applicator manufacturer shall provide the list of materials not compatible for use
with the equipment and therefore not to be used.
Compliance is determined by inspection.

5.3* Arc Carbonizing Test

Materials of construction for the solvent-based spray applicator may become carbonized due to electrostatic
voltage arcing through or across their surface. This carbonizing may contribute to energy released during
subsequent electrostatic discharges. To determine the likelihood of carbonizing, the following test shall be
Spark discharging shall be generated from the spray applicator while energized by its high voltage generator at
its maximum rated operating voltage and manually manipulating the grounded stainless steel ball. The spray
applicator under test shall be surface probed using a one inch grounded stainless steel ball. The arcs shall be
drawn across any and all surfaces of the spray applicator. The test duration shall be 15 minutes with the spray
applicator fully assembled and repeated for 15 minutes with each hand removable item removed. The grounded
stainless steel ball shall not be stationary in any one position for more than one minute during any 15 minute test
duration. After being subjected to this test, the spray applicator shall be subjected to the spark ignition test
described by Paragraph 5.1.
Compliance is determined by satisfactorily conducting the tests described by Paragraph 5.1.




March 1996

5.4 High Voltage Dielectric Tests

Note: It is recommended that electrode and electrostatic electrical terminations be submerged in dielectric oil
while conducting these tests, so as to minimize the effects of corona.
5.4.1 Spray Applicator
All parts of a spray applicator made of nonconductive materials, which are accessible during normal
operation and precede the applicators integral energy limiting device(s), shall be covered with conductive
foil. The foil shall be connected to ground, together with the parts of the spray apparatus and its connecting
cable that are grounded in normal use. The spray apparatus normally filled with spray material, shall be
filled with tap water for the purpose of this test. The electrode and front section of the applicator shall be
submerged in oil until the foil touches the oil. After filling with tap water The high voltage parts of the
spray applicator and its high voltage connecting cable shall be raised to a voltage equal to 1.5 UMAX. In
order to avoid the effects of impulses at the switching on of the equipment, the test voltage shall be
increased uniformly from the minimum value up to the final value in 10 seconds and subsequently kept
constant for one minute.
Compliance is met if there is no arc over or dielectric breakdown or repeated flash over within cavities,
or externally, to the spray applicator which could cause an explosion of the Class I or II atmosphere, or
which would otherwise reduce protection afforded by the equipment against electric shock, injury and fire.
Corona and other similar phenomena are disregarded.
5.4.2 Integral High Voltage Generator
When the spray applicator employs an integral high voltage generator, it is permissible for test purposes
to use a modified circuit which contains all conductive parts of the high voltage generator that normally
operate at a voltage exceeding 0.5 UMAX. The applied test voltage shall be 1.5 UMAX and may be supplied
from a separate generator. The test is otherwise conducted as described in 5.4.1.
5.4.3 High Voltage Cable With Conductive Sheath
A high voltage cable employing a conductive sheath shall be subjected to a dielectric test voltage equal
to 1.5 UMAX. The test shall be conducted by applying the test potential between conductive sheath and the
center conductor of the cable for one minute. In order to avoid the effects of impulses at the switching on
of the equipment, the test voltage shall be increased uniformly from the minimum value up to the final
value in 10 seconds and subsequently kept constant for one minute.
Compliance is met if there is no arc over or dielectric breakdown or repeated flash over. Corona and other
similar phenomena are disregarded.
5.4.4* High Voltage Cable Without Conductive Sheath
A high voltage cable not employing a conductive sheath shall be subjected to a dielectric test voltage equal
to 2.0 UMAX plus 1000 V. The test shall be conducted with an 8 ft (2.5 m) long cable sample. The cable
sample shall be placed in a water bath containing ordinary tap water, except for 30 in. (75 cm) at each end.
Both ends of the cables center conductor are joined together. The test potential shall be placed between
the center conductor of the cable and the water bath for one minute, the water bath being grounded.
Compliance is met if there is no arc over or dielectric breakdown or repeated flash over. Corona and other
similar phenomena are disregarded.




March 1996

5.4.5 Material Supply Hose

An energized material supply hose of a water-based system, or solvent based system if applicable, shall
be subjected to a dielectric test voltage equal to 1.5 UMAX with conductive sheath, or a dielectric test
voltage of 2.0 UMAX plus 1000 V wihout a conductive sheath. The test shall be conducted with an 8 ft
(2.5 m) long hose sample. The hose sample shall be placed in a water bath containing ordinary tap water,
except for 20 inches at each end. The hose shall be filled with ordinary tap water and the appropriate test
voltage applied for one minute between the water inside the hose and the water bath. Installation means
or an exterior cover shall be provided to afford protection against abrasion.
Compliance is met if there is no arc over or dielectric breakdown or repeated flash over. Corona and other
similar phenomena are disregarded.

5.5 Drop Test

A handheld spray applicator with attached high voltage cable and hoses shall be dropped 10 times from a 4 ft
(1.3 m) height to a concrete stop. The attitude of the spray applicator shall be changed for each of the 10 drops.
It is not a requirement that the spray applicator remain undamaged. However after the ten drops, repeat ignition
tests on the sample shall not result in ignition of the test gas mixture. Also, as a result of the drop test, the spray
applicator shall not become electrostatically energized so as to become a source of electric shock.
Compliance is determined by repeating the spark ignition test of Paragraph 5.1.

5.6 Pressure Test

5.6.1 Spray applicator parts required to be operated under pressure shall operate to close reliably against
pressure up to 150% of maximum rated operating gauge pressure, as applicable, without visible leakage
after 5 minutes. The initial application of test pressure shall be applied at a rate of no less than 100 psi/min
(689 kPa/min).
5.6.2 The spray applicator, and associated equipment, subject to air or fluid pressure shall withstand a 5 minute
application of 200% of its maximum rated operating gauge pressure without leakage or permanent damage
to the assembly.
5.6.3 A handheld spray applicator operating at pressures greater than 1,000 psi (6.890 MPa) shall be equipped
with an automatic or visible manual safety device (i.e., trigger lock) which will prevent release of the spray
material until the safety device is manually released.
Compliance is checked by visual inspection and operation, as applicable.

5.7 Cable Pull Test

Each end assembly of the connection cable for use with the spray applicator, shall be subjected to a pulling force
of 35 lbs, once at 180 degrees from its attachment for one minute, and once from another angle. Each of the cable
end assemblies are to be tested separately. As a result of the tests, the connecting cable end assembly and strain
relief shall exhibit: 1) no strain transmitted to the electrical connections, 2) no visible movement of the cable in
its strain relief assembly, and 3) no cutting or tearing of the cable jacket.
Compliance is determined by test.




March 1996

5.8 Temperature Test

A test shall be conducted to establish the temperature classification of a an automatic spray applicator in the event
that its electrode becomes grounded. All active circuitry designed to limit the current of the electrode during
normal operation shall be made inoperative, resulting in full continuous output of the supply. The maximum
temperature of the automatic spray applicators external surface shall be measured in (or corrected to) a 40C
ambient with the electrode grounded. An appropriate temperature code marking shall be placed on the product
as required by Paragraph 3.1.3.
Compliance is determined by conducting temperature tests until thermal equilibrium has been achieved. Thermal
equilibrium shall be considered achieved when three successive readings taken at equal intervals of 5 minutes,
or ten percent of the total test time elapsed previous to the start of the first interval, whichever is longer,
indicating that there is no temperature change of the part.

5.9* Impact Test

Impact tests shall be conducted on fully assembled automatic and handheld spray applicator types on any surface
of the applicator that may be affected. The impact energy shall be 2.7 joules (2.0 ftlbf) resulting from a test mass
of 4 pound (1.8 kg) falling vertically from a height of 6 inches (150 mm). The test mass shall be fitted with a
steel hemisphere of 1 inch (25 mm) diameter. The spray applicator shall be resting in a stable position on a mass
of 20 kg or greater. No location need be subjected to more than one impact. This test need not be conducted on
the same handheld applicator sample which was subjected to the Drop Test described by Paragraph 5.5. Repeat
ignition tests on the sample shall not result in ignition of the test gas mixture. Also, as a result of the impact test,
the spray applicator shall not become electrostatically energized so as to become a source of electric shock.
Compliance is determined by performing the tests described in Paragraph 5.1.

5.10* Current Limiting Elements

Any current limiting element of an automatic spray applicator shall be so mounted, insulated or otherwise
protected that it is unlikely to be subject to a short circuit and shall be so rated that it is undamaged when a short
circuit occurs between the high voltage electrode of the spray applicator and ground.
Compliance is determined by subjecting the current limiting element to the energy available when the high
voltage electrode is continuously grounded for a period of one hour. There shall be no permanent change in the
current limiting element specifications.




March 1996


This section applies to a single automatic applicator, as well as each automatic spray applicator of a multiple
automatic spray applicator system. Each applicator or applicator electrode is connected to a high voltage source
for charging and precipitation of spray materials for coating on articles or for other similar purposes having the
automatic spray applicator attached to a mechanical support or manipulator. This includes robotic automatic
spray applicators. This section shall not not apply to handheld spray applicators and automatic applicators
meeting the requirements of Section 5, or waterborne applicators. Tests stated in Sections 5.2, 5.4.3 through
5.4.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9 shall also be met.

6.1 Test Apparatus

6.1.1 The test probe employed to determine the sparking and safe distances uses a grounded conically shaped
stainless steel mass attached to a rigid support. The dimensions of the test probe are 1 in. diameter solid
bar stock tapered to a 1 in. long point having a 132 in. radius tip. The test probe shall be connected to
ground with a resistance of less than one ohm.
6.1.2 The test probe employed to de-energize the high voltage electrode shall be a one-inch grounded stainless
steel sphere attached or suspended from a fixed support by a conductive material. The test probe shall be
connected to ground with a resistance of less than one ohm.

6.2 Automatic Spray Applicator

6.2.1 Energized Parts
The energized automatic spray applicator or applicator electrode shall be of the type supported in
permanent locations and shall be effectively insulated from ground. To determine if there is effective
insulation between energized elements of the applicator and ground a dielectric test shall be conducted.
The manufacturers recommended distances between the applicator and any other items, including ground
shall be considered when setting up the applicator. A test potential equal to 1.5 UMAX shall be applied
between the high voltage energized items of the applicator and ground, for one minute. In order to avoid
the effects of impulses at the switching on of the equipment, the test voltage shall be increased uniformly
from the minimum value to the maximum value in 10 seconds and subsequently kept constant for one
Compliance is met if there is no arc over or dielectric breakdown or repeated flash over. Corona and other
similar phenomena are disregarded.
6.2.2 De-energizing High Voltage
a) Electrostatic finishing equipment shall provide control circuits that shall be used in conjunction with
finishing system inputs to de-energize the high voltage elements under any of the following conditions:
Stoppage of ventilating fans or failure of ventilating equipment from any cause;
Stoppage of the conveyor carrying goods through the high voltage field unless stoppage is required
by the spray process.
Compliance is determined by inspection.
b) Electrostatic finishing equipment shall de-energize the high voltage elements upon the occurrence of
excessive current leakage at any point on the high voltage system.
Compliance is determined by conducting the tests in Paragraph 6.3.2.




March 1996

c) De-energizing the primary power input to the high voltage generator shall de-energize the high voltage
Compliance is determined by monitoring to ensure that the high voltage electrode is de-energized, zero
volts as measured between the electrode and ground, within two seconds of removing primary power.

6.3 Tests
The following tests shall be carried out on any area of the automatic spray applicator which is energized and
likely to result in an electric spark to a grounded object, as represented by the test probe. Electric spark and its
location from the automatic spray applicator shall be determined by probing the automatic spray applicator while
it is energized using the grounded test probes described in Paragraph 6.1.
6.3.1 Safe Distance
ANSI/NFPA 33-1995 requires conveyors or hangers to be so arranged to maintain a safe distance of at least
twice the sparking distance between goods being finished and the automatic spray applicator.
The safe distance is determined by conducting either of the following.
The electrostatic finishing equipment shall be arranged or otherwise adjusted so as to maximize its output
from the high voltage generator. All automatic or other means for de-energizing the high voltage generator
(circuits) shall be rendered inoperable. The test probe to be used is described in Paragraph 6.1.1. The
distance between the test probe and the automatic spray applicator shall be reduced at a rate of 6 in./min
(152 mm/min) until a spark occurs and the resultant remaining distance between them shall be recorded.
The maximum distance at which sparking occurs, after repeating this procedure three times, shall be
defined as the sparking distance. The safe distance is defined as twice the sparking distance. A warning
sign defining the safe distance shall be provided by the manufacturer, to be displayed prominently in the
finishing area.
6.3.2 Automatic Means of De-energizing
The electrostatic finishing equipment shall provide an automatic means of rapidly de-energizing the high
voltage electrode to prevent a spark in the event the clearance between the objects or materials being
painted and the automatic spray applicator is reduced below the safe distance during normal operation and
start up. Protective circuits which may automatically reset (allow the high voltage circuit to reenergize) are
acceptable; however, they must also function to pass the following tests. The tests and compliance
requirements are stated in the following sections. Provision shall be made so that the minimum distance measured between the probe, at its final
resting location, and the automatic spray applicator shall be adjusted to be 90% of the safe
distance. The electrostatic circuits and all automatic means of de-energizing the high voltage
electrode shall be operating. All automatic means, accessible to the operator, shall be set (adjusted)
at their least sensitive setting to cause high voltage circuits to de-energize. The 1 inch spherical
steel test probe shall be used for this test. The test probe shall approach the high voltage electrode
of the spray applicator from an initial distance not less than the safe distance, three times at a rate
of approximately 6 in./min (152 mm/min) and three times at a rate determined by setting the probe
up as a pendulum. The test probe shall also be suspended from a pivot point by the pendulum arm
through a distance equal to 500% of the sparking distance. The test probe shall pass through an
arc determined by dropping it from a point level with the pivot point with the pendulum arm fully
extended. The pendulum arm shall be conductive material such that the resistance from the test
probe to ground is less than one ohm. In each case de-energizing the high voltage electrode is
determined by monitoring a continuous decrease in the output of the high voltage generator.




March 1996 Provision shall be made so that the minimum distance measured between the probe, at its final
resting location, and the automatic spray applicator shall be adjusted to be 10% of the safe
distance. The electrostatic circuits and all automatic means of de-energizing the high voltage
electrode shall be operating. All automatic means shall be set (adjusted) at their least sensitive
setting to cause high voltage circuits to de-energize. The 1 inch spherical steel test probe shall be
used for this test. The test probe shall approach the high voltage electrode from an initial distance
not less than the safe distance. The test probe shall approach the automatic spray applicator three
times at a rate of 6 in./min (152 mm/min) and three times at a rate determined by setting the probe
up as a pendulum. The test probe shall be suspended from the pivot point by the pendulum arm
through a distance equal to 500% of the sparking distance. The test probe shall pass through an
arc determined by dropping it from a point level with the pivot point, with the pendulum arm fully
extended. The pendulum arm shall be conductive material such that the resistance from the test
probe to ground is less than one ohm. In each case the high voltage electrode is determined to have
rapidly de-energized by monitoring a continuous decrease in the output of the high voltage
generator, without the high voltage electrode sparking to the test probe. The electrostatic circuits shall be energized and all automatic means shall be set (adjusted) at their
least sensitive setting to cause high voltage circuits to de-energize, and the high voltage output
setting shall be placed at its maximum position. Subsequent to these adjustments all circuits shall
be placed in the off state. The 1 inch spherical steel test probe shall be used for this test. The
distance from the test probe, at rest, to the automatic spray applicator shall be adjusted to be 10%
of the safe distance. There shall be no high voltage electrode spark to the test probe when the
circuits for electrostatic voltage and automatic means of de-energizing the high voltage electrode
are powered up and powered down (defined as one cycle) for three cycles with a 2 minute delay
between each cycle.
Compliance for the following items is determined by conducting the tests described in
to determine if there is an automatic means of de-energizing the high voltage electrode and
prevent a spark.
to determine if the speed at which de-energizing the high voltage electrode occurs is sufficient
to prevent a spark.
to determine if insufficient clearance shall cause an automatic means of de-energizing the high
voltage electrode and prevent a spark.

6.4 Multiple Automatic Spray Applicator Systems

These systems will be evaluated based on any combination of the multiple automatic spray applicators operating
or not operating, connected or not connected, which will represent the worst case condition(s).




March 1996

7.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program
7.1.1 A Quality Control Program is required to assure that each subsequent unit produced by the manufacturer
shall present the same quality and reliability as the specific samples examined. Design quality, conformance to design, and performance are the areas of primary concern.
Design quality is determined during the examination and tests.
Conformance to design is verified by control of quality in the following areas:
Existence of corporate quality control guidelines
Incoming inspection and test
In-process inspection and test
Final inspection and test
Equipment calibration
Drawing and change control
Packaging and shipping
Quality of performance is determined by field performance and by reexamination and test.
7.1.2 The manufacturer shall establish a system of product configuration control to prevent unauthorized
changes, including, as appropriate:
Engineering drawings
Engineering change requests
Engineering orders
Change notices
These shall be executed in conformance with a written policy and detailed procedures. Records of all
revisions to all Approved products shall be kept.
7.1.3 The manufacturer shall assign an appropriate person or group to be responsible to obtain FM Approvals
authorization of all changes applicable to Approved products. FM Approvals Form 797, Approved Product
Revision Report or Address/Contact Change Notice, is provided to notify FM Approvals of pending

7.2 Facilities and Procedures Audit (F&PA)

7.2.1 An inspection of the product manufacturing facility shall be part of the Approval investigation. Its purpose
shall be to determine that equipment, procedures, and the manufacturers controls are properly maintained
to produce a product of the same design quality as originally verified.
7.2.2 Unannounced follow-up inspections shall be conducted to assure continued quality control and product




March 1996

ANSI/NFPA 70, 1993 National Electrical Code.
ANSI/NFPA 33, 1995 Spray Application Using Flammable and Combustible Materials.
ANSI/NFPA 34, 1995 Dipping and Coating Processes.
CENELEC EN 50 050 Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres. Electrostatic Hand-Held
Spraying Equipment.
CENELEC EN 50 059 Specification for Electrostatic Hand-Held Spraying Equipment for Non-Flammable
Material for Painting and Finishing.
BSI BS 6742 Electrostatic Painting and Finishing Equipment Using Flammable Materials.
SAA AS 2268 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres Electrostatic Paint and Powder Spray Guns.
FM Approvals Standard 3611 Nonincendive Electrical Equipment for Use in Class I and II,
Division 2, and Class III, Divisions 1 and 2, Hazardous
(Classified) Locations
FM Approvals Standard 3810 Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring and Process Control
OSHA Safety and Health Standard 29 CFR 1926, Paragraph 1926.302(b)(8).
ANSI/UL 1410, 1986 Television Receivers and High Voltage Video Products.




March 1996

Appendix A does not describe requirements of this standard, but is included for informational purposes only.
A1.2.1, A3.1.4 and A4.6 A typical manual electrostatic finishing system consists of a handheld spray applicator, the high voltage generator and connecting cable. In most applications of a manual system, except for the
hand spray applicator, all equipment is located outside of the hazardous location as defined by ANSI/NFPA 33,
Spray Application Using Flammable and Combustible Materials. In this situation the hand spray applicator is
located in the area defined as Class I or II, Division 1. Marking for the spray applicator identifies this suitability,
according to Paragraph 3.1.4. However, the handheld spray applicator is evaluated to determine that it is
designed so as not to produce a spark of sufficient intensity to ignite the most hazardous of those vapor-air
mixtures or powder-air mixtures likely to be encountered, under all normal operating conditions. The ANSI/
NFPA 33 further requires interlocking for power and ventilation to maintain vapor-air or powder-air concentrations below the lower explosive limits in the spray area and exhaust.
It would be inconsistent to consider the handheld spray applicator electrode spark intensity under normal
operating conditions, and treat another section of same device to more stringent criteria (i.e., trigger switch, or
other normally arcing devices integral to the handheld spray applicator). Therefore, the hand spray applicator and
its integral circuitry (i.e., trigger switches and the like), as required by Paragraph 4.5, are evaluated to also
determine that it is designed so as not to produce a spark of sufficient intensity to ignite the most hazardous of
those vapor-air or powder-air mixtures likely to be encountered, under all normal operating conditions.
A5.1 Ignition Test Apparatus The small test chamber in which the spray applicator is placed, and also
contains the explosive test gas mixture, is constructed of an insulating material. The insulating material is chosen
to minimize the unwanted corona effects which otherwise occur when grounded metal (except the grounded
metal test probe) is in close proximity to the high voltage energized electrode of the spray applicator. (If the metal
is ungrounded it may result in an undesirable high energy discharge). The corona effects are realized by a
reduction in electrode voltage and increase in electrode current supplied from the high voltage generator. Both
of these effects are considered to result in adversely affecting the spark ignition tests.
An automated grounded rotating test probe for use with this test apparatus was considered. The CENELEC and
Australian standards use this type of test probe. However the opinion stands that there is a physical limitation,
contributed to this arrangement, in achieving arc discharge from the spray applicator electrode that is not
encountered when compared to using a manually manipulated probe. Therefore the manually manipulated
grounded probe was considered to be more effective.
The electrostatic discharge occurring during this testing is known to produce ozone, a triatomic form of oxygen.
This production of ozone could result in an oxygen enriched mixture within the test chamber causing it to be
more easily ignitable, an unwanted side effect. It is understood that ozone is normally produced. However, this
occurs in a moving air environment. Therefore, to minimize the concentration of ozone and to be more
representative of operating conditions the gas flows continuously through the test chamber.
A5.1.1 Test Gas Mixture Propane is the generally accepted test gas for Class I, Division 1, Group D
hazardous location testing. The 5.25% propane-in-air test gas mixture is consistent with the requirements for
other equivalent hazardous locations. The 12% 0.1% methane-in-air test gas mixture is introduced here for the
testing of electrostatic powder equipment, and recognizes the difference and increased energy level necessary to
ignite powder as compared to solvent vapor in-air test gas mixtures. The 12% 0.1% mixture is also consistent
with other standards referenced in Section 8.




March 1996

A5.1.3 and A5.10 Current Limiting Elements Current limiting elements are typically resistors placed
between the output of the high voltage generator and the electrode of the spray applicator. This paragraph is
written in this manner so that it does not preclude other design concepts from being considered. Worst case, from
an ignition standpoint, is obtained by selecting these elements, within their tolerances, so as to maximize the
energy released in the spark ignition testing. In addition, for automatic spray applicators where continuous
grounding of the electrode may occur, the energy limiting element(s) shall be designed to dissipate the fault
(electrode shorted to ground) energy without harm to the element.
A5.1.4 Spray Material Fluid The electrode voltage and fluid conductivity are the significant factors affecting the highest available ignition energy. Based on this, conducting the test at the highest rated electrode voltage
and with fluid passages filled with fluid is considered to represent worst case. A specific test fluid is not stated
as the conductivity of a specified standard test fluid in its pure state may be too high for any given systems
design, and therefore not appropriate for all systems. Given these factors, it is necessary to choose a test fluid,
for any given system, which would have the highest conductivity and still not reduce the electrode voltage below
its nominally rated value. The fluid hose having the largest diameter shall be selected for testing purposes.
A5.3 Arc Carbonizing Tests It has been demonstrated that material carbonizing due to electrostatic
discharge results in an energy increase released in the subsequent arcs produced as a result of the carbonizing.
This is due to the fact that the material becomes relatively more conductive as a result of carbonizing. This
increased energy released in the arc discharge can result in ignition of the test gas rendering the spray applicator
unsafe. This test is conducted to determine if the materials concerned are susceptible to arc carbonizing.
A5.4.4 High Voltage Cable Without Conductive Sheath and A5.4.6 Material Supply Hose Without
Conductive Sheath The test potential used for this test, 2.0 UMAX plus 1000V, is for determining the
protective insulation characteristics of the cable or supply hose.
A5.9 Impact The test method described was settled on to be consistent with other standards for Class I and
II hazardous location equipment. The other standards referenced, such as CENELEC, give a table of impact
values. The absence of acquiring an explanation of the relationship between the impact energy of the table and
the described part, and the consistency among our own standards, are considered predominant factors for
deciding on the value stated.




March 1996


in. inches
(mm millimeters)


F degrees Fahrenheit
(C degrees Celsius)
C = (F 32) 59



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