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Highlight any one consequence of Shock Therapy.

(i) In Russia, the large state-controlled industrial complex almost collapsed,
as about 90per cent of its industries were put up for sale to private
individuals and companies at throw-away prices called as the largest
garage sale in history.
(ii) The value of ruble declined dramatically and the inflation rate was so
high that people lost their savings.
(iii) The Russian old system of social welfare was systematically destroyed
and the withdrawal of government subsidies pushed large sections of the
people into poverty.
(iv) Post-Soviet states, especially Russia, were divided between rich and poor
regions resulting into great economic inequality.
(Any one consequence)


Explain hegemony as a soft power.


Hegemony as a soft power implies class ascendency in the social, political and
particularly ideological spheres. It arises when the dominant class or a country
can win the consent of the dominated classes by persuading them to view the 1
world in a favourable manner.
Why do some people feel that Article 370 should be revoked ?


Some people feel that Article 370 should be revoked because they believe that
the special status of the state conferred by this Article does not allow full
integration of the state with India.


How far do you agree that the proclamation of emergency weakened the
federal distribution of power in India ?


During the emergency, distribution of powers was suspended. All the powers
came into the hands of the central government because of the Presidential Rule. 1
Or any other relevant answer/point.


Justify that Regionalism is not as dangerous as Communalism.


Under Regionalism, the set of demands raised by the people are for the
development of that particular region within the country which is the key
feature of democracy, whereas communalism represents the demands of a
particular religious community for a separate independent region to rule over 1
or for their own vested interests.


Identify the most important outcome of the Rio Summit.

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Outcomes of Rio Summit



The Rio Summit produced conventions dealing with climate change,

biodiversity, forestry etc.
It recommended a list of developmental practices called Agenda 21.
There was consensus on sustainable development.
(Any one)

How was the U.S. benefited by the Soviet disintegration ?


Cold War ended and the US became the sole super power.
The capitalist economy became the dominant economic system
It signifies collapse of the ideological conflict between the Socialists
and the Capitalists.
(Any two points)


Mention any two benefits of globalization.


Benefits of Globalisation

There is increase in the volume of trade in goods and services.

Inflow of private foreign capital gets enhanced.
New jobs are created by MNCs.
Improved production efficiency and healthy competition.
Or any other relevant point.
(Any two points)


Which characteristics made the Congress an ideological coalition during the

freedom movement of India ?


Congress as an ideological Coalition Factors:-



Different groups merged their identity within the Congress. Very

often they continued to exist within the Congress as groups and
individuals holding different beliefs.
It accommodated the revolutionary and pacifist, conservative and
radical, extremists and moderates as well as the right, left and all
shades of the centre. It was a platform for numerous groups.
Or any other relevant point.

Suggest any two measures to have good relations with Pakistan.


Suggested measures
Cultural exchanges by prominent personalities.
Economic cooperation should be encouraged by both the countries.
Movement of citizens to interact and understand each other.
(Any two points)


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Evaluate the causes for the strained relations between India and China.


Causes for the strained relations between India and China:







Military conflict over a border dispute between the two countries

marred the hope of the two countries coming together to shape the
future of the developing world and of Asia particularly.
Soon after independence, both states were involved in differences
arising from the Chinese takeover of Tibet in 1950 and the final
settlement of the Sino-Indian border.
China and India were involved in a border conflict in 1962 over
competing territorial claims principally in Arunachal Pradesh and in
the Aksai Chin region of Ladakh.
The conflict of 1962 in which India suffered military reverses, had
long term implications for India-China relations.
Or any other relevant point
(Any four causes)
Describe the strategy adopted by the Government of India to promote the
Green Revolution.
The strategy adopted by the Government of India to promote the Green
The Government of India offered High Yielding Variety seeds,
fertilizers, pesticides at highly subsidized prices.
The government provided better irrigation facilities.
The government also gave a guarantee to buy the produce of the
farmers at a given price.
The government decided to put more resources into those areas which
already had irrigation and those farmers who were already well off.
Or any other relevant point
( Any four points)
State any two main demands of the Narmada Bachao Aandolan.

Main demands of the Narmada Bachao Aandolan:

(i) The Movement demanded proper and just rehabilitation of all those who
are directly or indirectly affected by the project.
(ii) The NBA insisted that local communities must have a say in such
decisions and they should also have effective control over natural
resources like water, land and forests.
(iii) It demanded that, in a democracy, some people should not be made to
sacrifice for benefitting others.
(iv) It demanded to stop the construction of the dams.
Or any other relevant point
(Any two demands)



Explain the importance of cooperation in the field of Traditional Security.

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The importance of cooperation in the field of Traditional Security is

disarmament, arms control, and confidence building.
Disarmament requires all states to give up certain kinds of weapons. For
example, the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and 1992
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) banned the production and
possession of these weapons.
Arms control regulates the acquisition or development of weapons. The
Anti- Ballistic Missile(ABM) Treaty 1972 tried to stop the United States
and the Soviet Union from using ballistic missiles as a defensive shield to
launch a nuclear attack.
Confidence Building is accepted as a means of avoiding violence. It is a
process in which countries share ideas and information with their rivals.
( To be assessed as a whole)

Explain the circumstances that forced the Tibetans to leave China. Highlight
Indias role in helping the Tibetan refugees.

Chine annexed Tibet in 1950 and started the suppression of Tibetans.

The large section of the Tibetan population opposed this takeover.
So, in 1958, there was armed uprising in Tibet against Chinas
occupation. This was suppressed by the Chinese forces.
Under these circumstances, a large number of Tibetans sought refuge in
India and any many other countries of the world also.
Many political leaders and parties in India supported the
cause of Tibets independence.
Many places like Delhi and Dharmshala became the largest
refugee settlements of Tibetan refugees.
The Government of India as well as many state governments
extended help to resettle the Tibetan refugees .
( Any two points)


In what way do the coalition governments prove to be more democratic than

the one-party governments ?


Coalition governments prove to be more democratic from

governments in many ways :(i)

the one-party

It eliminates the fear of one-party dictatorship.

Different groups and regions get due representation in the
Due to coalition government many parties come together on
different issues.
Coalition government keeps in view of the regional aspirations and
(Any other relevant point)

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Read the given passage carefully and answer the following questions :
Non alignment as a strategy evolved in the Cold War context.. with the
disintegration of USSR and the end of Cold War in 1991, non-alignment, both, as
an international movement and as the core of Indias foreign policy, lost some
of its earlier relevance and effectiveness.
Why did India adopt non-alignment ?
Explain any two reasons for the loss of its relevance by the NonAligned Movement.
How far do you agree that the Non-Aligned Movement has become
an international movement ?


India adopted Non-alignment to make international policies and

decisions in a free manner and to actively intervene in world affairs
to soften Cold War Rivalries.

Due to the end of cold war.
Disintegration of USSR.
Or any other relevant answer.

NAM has become an international movement because it is based on

a resolve to democratise the international system. It provides an
alternative world in order to redress the existing inequalities in
various countries, especially the newly independent countries



Read the given passage carefully and answer the following questions :
Above all, the linguistic states underlined the acceptance of the principal of
diversity. When we say that India adopted democracy, it does not simply mean
that India embraced a democratic constitution, nor does it merely mean that
India adopted the format of elections. The choice was larger than that. It was a
choice in favour of recognising and accepting the existence of differences which
could at times be oppositional. Democracy, in other words, was associated with
plurality of ideas and ways of life.
What is meant by linguistic states ?
Why were linguistic states formed in India ? Explain any two reasons.
How is democracy in India associated with plurality of ideas and ways
of life ?


Linguistic states are organized or created on the basis of its regional

ii) (a) It was felt that if the demands for separate states on linguistic basis
are accepted, the threat of division and separation would reduce and
establish unity in diversitys
(b) Accommodation of regional demands and the formation of Linguistic
states were seen as more democratic.
(III) India is country of different religions and ideologies. Still, the people
have freedom to express their views and have equal representation in
the decision making bodies.

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Read the given passage carefully and answer the following questions :
The Naxalite Movement has used force to snatch land from the rich landowners
and give it to the poor and the landless. Its supporters advocated the use of
violent means to achieve their political goals. In spite of the use of preventive
detention and other strong measures adopted by the West Bengal Government
, the Naxalite Movement did not come to an end. In later years, it spread to
many other parts of the country.
Why did the Naxalite prefer to use violence ?
Assess the positive role of the Naxalite Movement in spite of using
Suggest any two measures to contain this movement.

Naxalities preferred to use violence because they argued that

democracy in India was a sham and the legal process would not
help them. So they preferred to take law in their own hands.
The Naxalite movement has used force to snatch land from the rich
land owners and give it to the poor and the landless in order to
enable them to meet their both ends meet as well as achieve their
political goals.
(iii) a) Government should provide the basic rights to the people of
backward areas and Adivasis
b)Forced labour, and exploitation by money lenders must be stopped.
c)The Government should follow constitutional norms while dealing
with the Naxalities.
( Any two)


Study the cartoon given below carefully and answer the following questions ;


Which country does the given cartoon refer to ?

Identify the two symbols in this cartoon which have given you the
clue about the related country.

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Where does the cartoon place the related country in the

international power politics ?


The Great Wall and the Dragon.
The cartoon depicts Chinas economic rise which made it a big
power. It is projected to overtake the US as the Worlds largest 1+2+2=5
economy by 2040.
Note : The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only, in lieu of
Question No.20.


Name any one country of Asia ruled by the Communist Party.

Which two Asian countries consider themselves as the emerging global powers ?
Evaluate any two steps taken by the Chinese government to open its economy
to the world.


China and India




Trade barriers were eliminated and SEZs were established to attract 1+2+2=5
foreign investors.
Chinas accessions to WTO in 2001 has provided it the opening to the
outside world.

In the given political outline map of India, five States are marked as (A), (B), (C),
(D) and (E). Identify them on the basis of the information given below and write
their correct names in your answer-book with their respective serial numbers
and the alphabets concerned :

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The State which was carved out of Madhya Pradesh.

The State which opposed its merger with India after independence.
The first State of free India having a Communist government.
The State adjoining Pakistan territory up to 1971.
The State which became agriculturally prosperous due to Green


Manipur (Note: The candidates who have attempted part(ii) of
Q.No.21, may be awarded one mark, irrespective of the answer.


Note : The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only, in lieu of
Question No.21.
(21.1)Which political party advanced the Two Nation Theory before
independence ?
(21.2)Name four Princely States which resisted their merger with the Indian
(21.3) Name one State each which was carved out of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.


For Blind candidates


Muslim League.
Kashmir, Junagarh, Hyderabad, Manipur.
i) U.P.-Uttarakhand
ii) Punjab-Haryana


Describe any three environmental concerns that have become issues of global


Describe any three effects of globalization on the economy of a country.

Environmental concerns that have become issues of global politics:(i)

Throughout the world cultivable are is barely expanding any more and a
substantial portion of existing agricultural land is loosing fertility.
About 1.2 billion people in developing countries have no access to safe
drinking water.
Natural forest are being cut down throughout the world which has
disestablished the climate.
A steady decline in the total amount of ozone is taking place in the
earths stratosphere which is posing real danger to eco system.

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(Any other relevant point)

(Any three points)


The effects of globalisation:






Globalization has led to similar economic policies adopted by

governments in different parts of the world that has generated vastly
different outcomes in different parts of the world.
It has involved greater trade in commodities across the globe; the
restrictions imposed by different countries on allowing the imports of
other countries have been reduced. Similarly, the restrictions on
movement of capital across countries have also been reduced.
Globalization has led to the flow of ideas across national boundaries;
spread of internet and computer related services is an example of that.
Economic globalization has created an intense division of opinion all
over the world. Those who are concerned about social justice are
worried about the extent of state withdrawal caused by processes of
economic globalization.
Globalization generates greater economic growth and well being for
larger sections of the population when there is de regulation. Greater
trade among countries allows each economy to do what it does best.
Or any other relevant point
(Any three points)


Describe any three obstacles that delayed the merger of Jammu and Kashmir with
Describe any three points of consensus that emerged among most political parties
in India in spite of severe competition and conflicts.

The obstacles that delayed the merger of Jammu and Kashmir with India:



Jammu and Kashmirs Hindu ruler Maharaja Hari Singh did not want
to merge with India and declared its independence.
On the other hand, the Pakistani leaders thought that since a great
majority of the population of the state was Muslim, the state should
merge with Pakistan.
Pakistan sent tribal infiltrations to capture Kashmir. This forced
Maharaja Hari Singh to ask India for military help. India extended
military help only after Maharaja has signed the Instrument of
Accession with the government of India.
As a result of the tribal invasion of the state in 1947, a part of the state
came under Pakistans occupation which is known as Azad
Or any other relevant point
(Any three points)

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The consensus that emerged among most political parties in India in spite of
severe competition and conflicts :
First agreement of new economic policies- while many groups are
opposed to the new economic policies, most political parties are in
support of the new economic policies. Most parties believe that these
policies would lead the country to prosperity and a status of economic
power in the world.
Second, acceptance of the political and social claims of the backward
castes political parties have recognized that the social and political
claims of the backward castes need to be accepted. As a result all
political parties now support reservation of seats for the backward
classes ikn the education and employment. Political parties are also
willing to ensure that the OBCs get adequate share of power.
Third, acceptance of the role of state level parties in governance of the
country the distinction between state level and national level parties
is fast becoming less important. State level parties are sharing power
at the national level and have played a central role in the countrys
politics of last twenty years or so.
Emphasis on pragmatic considerations rather than ideological
positions and political alliances without political agreement
coalition politics has shifted the focus of political parties from
ideological differences to power sharing arrangements.
Or any other relevant point
(Any three points)

Q 24.

Analyse the political impact of hegemony of the U.S. on the world.

Analyse any three factors responsible for the European Union to be a highly
influential regional organization.


Political Impact of the US Hegemony on the World :(i)

Now the international system is dominated by a sole superpower i.e.
the US
The US today spends more on its military capability from the next 12
powers combined.
Most of the other countries that are big military spenders are US
friends and allies.
The US Hegemony is reflected in the role played by the US in
providing global public goods.
SLOCs is under the control of multi-oceanic US Navy.
The US also accounts for 15 percent of world trade.
(vii) World Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Trade
Organisation are assumed as the products of American hegemony.
(viii) The Predominance of the US in the world today is also based on its
cultural presence.
The US is the most seductive and most powerful culture on earth.
Or any other relevant point

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( Any six points)

Factors responsible for the European Union to be a highly influential
regional organization:(i)

Influence of EU in economic fields :

The EU is the worlds biggest economy.

Its currency, the Euro can pose threat to the
dominance of the US dollar also.
Its economic power gives it influence over its closest
neighbours as well as in Asia and Africa.
Its share of world trade is 3 times larger that of the


Influence of EU in Political fields : Its two members Britain and France hold permanent
seats in the UN Security Council.
It also includes several non-permanent members of
the UNSC.
The EU has influenced some US policies such as the
current US position on Irans nuclear programme.


Influence of EU in military fields : The EUs combined Armed Forces are the second
largest in the world.
Its total spending on defence is second after the US.
Its two members Britain and France also have nuclear
arsenals of approximately 550 nuclear war heads.


( Any two points from each)


Give any three suitable arguments to support Indias candidature for the
permanent membership of the U.N. Security Council.
How are the threats faced by the people in the Third World different from
those faced by the people living in the First World ? Support your answer with


India is second most populous country in the World comprising

almost one-fifth of the Worlds Population.
India is also the worlds largest democracy and has virtually

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participated in all of the initiatives of the U.N.

Its role in the UNs peace keeping efforts is a long and substantial
Indias economic emergence on the world stage, due to its policies
of liberalization and globalization, has enhanced its stake for
India has also made regular financial contribution to the UN and
never faltered on its payments.
( Any three to be explained)


The differences in the threats that people in the Third World faced and those
living in the First World.
The Third world countries face the threats not only from outside
their borders, but also from within. On the other hand, most of the
First World countries face threats only from outside their borders.
Third World faces threats from separatist movements . There is no
such threat in the First World Countries.
For the newly independent Third World Countries, external and
internal wars posed a serious challenge to their security than the
First world countries faced.
Or any other relevant point.


( Any three to be explained)

Explain any three causes of the split in the Congress Party in 1969.

Explain the circumstances that led to the mid-term elections in 1980.

Cause of split in the Congress Party in 1969

Differences between Indira and the Syndicate
Nomination of N. Sanjeev Reddy as official candidate for the post of
President of India in 1969, which was against the wishes of Indira
Revolutionary steps taken by Indira Gandhi were not welcomed by
the old Congress leaders .
Indira Gandhi supported V.V.Giri as an independent Candidate for
the post of President of India.
The defeat of N. Sanjeev Reddy led to the split of the Congress Party
( Any three to be explained)
Circumstances that led to the mid-term election in 1980

The opposition to emergency could not keep the Janta Party

together for a long time . The Janta Party lacked direction,
leadership and a common programme

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Janta party government could not bring about a fundamental change

in policies from those pursued by the Congress earlier.
There was a split in the Janta Party and the government which was
led by Morarji Desai lost its majority in less than 18 months.
Another government headed by Charan Singh was formed on the
assurance of the support of the Congress Party. But the Congress
Party later decided to withdraw its support with the result that
Charan Singh Government resigned just after four months.
( Any three to be explained)
Suppose there had been no Cold War, how would that situation have affected
Indias foreign policy ?
If the Soviet Union had not disintegrated and the world had remained bipolar,
how would that situation have affected the world politics ?


If the Cold War had not taken place , it would have affected Indian foreign
policy in the following manners:
India would have retained the adopted independent foreign policy .
Since the rivalry between many major powers would have increased
hatred and enmity, India would have been compelled to join the
arms race to become a strong nation to defend its independence and
Indian would have the become a super power in Asia because of her
large territory, human resource and strategic location.

Or any other relevant point

( Any three points)

If the Soviet Union had not disintegrated, it would definitely have
affected the following developments.
Cold War confrontations would not have ended and United
Nations would not have become the only super power of the
Most of the countries which were part of erstwhile USSR
would have never got independence.
Accumulation of nuclear weapons would have continued
Or any other relevant point
( Any three to be explained)

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