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History of Barangay Bancao-Bancao

A group of families from Cuyo and other parts of the northern Palawn
decided to settle in Puerto Princesa. Whyen this group of families arrived in
Puerto Princesa, they decided to settle along the coastal areas such as Quito,
Parola, Liberty, Jacan, Canigaran and Malimek. Civilizatoin and ways of living
of the people at that time was so primitive.
In order to earn a living, some engaged in fishing with the use of
(baklad) hook and line and other methods. Fish and other sea products were
abundant in the locality. The rest began to make kaingin because these areas
were still jungles. Every year they planted rice, corn, root crops, coconut and
fruit trees. In addition, they also raised backyard poultry, piggery and large
cattle to augment their meagre income as a means of their livelihood.
To name a few of the families who came from Cuyo and other northern
palwan were the families of Valdez, Badenas, Villarosa, Saban, Santino,
Paredes, Gabinete, Oblan, Rodriguez, Dagomboy, Arceo, Juan, Zambales,
Zambrano, and many more.
In the early part of 1919, the residents of the different sitios mentioned
above including the natives Tagbanuas and other Palawan tribes joined
together and made a petition requesting the Municipal Council of Puerto
Princesa for the creation of Barrio Canigaran. At that time the minimum
requirement created a barrio at least 30 families. In order to expedite the
development of the sitios concerned and having met the requirements, the
Municipal council, granted the request and approved the public clamor for
the creation of barrio Canigaran.
Finally, On April 13, 1920, barrio Canigaran was established. The late
Francisco Villarosa Sr. was the first to be appointed as Teniente del Barrion.
The people did their best to develop and introduce improvement in the
barrio. Considering the limited resources and lack of other facilities, progress
and development was stagnant and slowly done. No school building, roads
and other community projects were achieved except trails used by the
residents in going to and vice versa to the town proper. They have to walk
almost three kilometres. These trails were muddy during rainy season. They
encountered various problems and difficulties. Malaria was so rampant
during that time. There were no sufficient health facilities to serve the needs
of people.

Later on, the municipal council of Puerto Princesa, began to construct

feeder roads, however, these feeder roads were also impassable during rainy
days because they were not gravelled.
After the World War II, when Palawan was liberated from the occupation
of the Japanese forces and normalcy was restored under the commonwealth
government, the residents initiated to transfer the seat of the barrio from
Canigaran to an appropriate place centrally located among the sitios
comprising barrio Canigaran that is now called Bancao-Bancao. That was in
June 5, 1945.
Prior to the transfer of the seat of the barrio, the vicinity was a jungle.
According to reliable information gathered from the natives, Tagbanuas who
usually secure wild roots anf fruits for their subsistence, in many instances
they saw a beautiful lady whom they called Queen of the Jungles bringing a
spare locally known as Bancao as her weapon to defend herself in time of
To give credit and importance to this information, the Bancao Bancao,
was officially chosen to be the name of the barrio.

Source : Barangay Development Council

Barangay Bancao-Bancao
City Of Puerto Princesa

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