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1. The force constant of a spring is 10 N/m. Find the period of a 100-g mass on the end
of this spring.
2. Find the maximum velocity of the mass in problem 1 if the amplitude of oscillation is
2.0 cm.
3. Find the velocity of the mass in problem 2 when it is 1 cm from its equilibrium
4. A mass on the end of a spring is released from a point 2 cm from its equilibrium
position. The frequency of oscillation is 4 Hz. Write the equation for the position of
the mass as a function of time.
5. The period of a simple pendulum is 2.00 sec. Find the length of the pendulum.
6. Find the maximum energy stored in the spring of problem 1 when it is compressed 2
cm from its equilibrium position.

1. 0.63 s

4. 0.02 cos (8t ) m

2. 20 cm/s

5. 0.993 m

3. 17 cm/s

6. .02 J

These exercises are designed to help you apply the ideas of a section to physical
situations. When appropriate the numerical answer is given in brackets at the end of the

Section 15.2
1. Show in tabular form the sign of displacement, velocity, and acceleration for each
quadrant, i.e., 0
2. A body is executing simple harmonic motion, and the displacement is given by x = 5
cos3t. Plot the displacement, velocity, and acceleration for two complete periods.
3. If simple harmonic motion has an amplitude of 10 cm, what is the maximum and
minimum change in position in one-fourth of the period? [14 cm, 0 cm]
4. A body is vibrating with simple harmonic motion of amplitude 15 cm and a
frequency of 2.0 Hz.
a. What is its maximum acceleration and maximum velocity?
b. What is its acceleration and velocity for a displacement of 12 cm?
c. How long does it take to go from equilibrium position to a displacement of 9.0
[a. 2402 cm/s2, 60 cm/sec; b. - 1922 cm/s2, 36 cm/s; c. 0.051 s]

5. A particle is moving along the -axis in accordance with the following:

x = 5 cos (4t + /3) cm
What is the
a. amplitude of motion?
b. period of motion?
c. frequency of motion?
d. time for = 0?
e. time for velocity to be 0?
f. time for acceleration to be a maximum?
[a. 5 cm; b. 1/2 s; c. 2 Hz; d. 1/24 s, 7/24 s, 13/24 s; e. 1/6 s, 5/12 s; f. same as e]

Section 15.3
6. Assume the piston in an automobile engine is executing simple harmonic motion. The
length of the stroke (double the amplitude) is 10 cm, and the engine is running at
300 rpm.
a. What is the acceleration at the end of the stroke?
b. If the piston has a mass of 0.50 kg, what is the maximum restoring force acting on
the piston?
c. What is the maximum velocity of the piston?
d. What is the position of the piston as a function of time if it is at the top of the
stroke at t = 0?
[a. 5002 cm/s2; b. 250 2 N; c. 50 cm/s; d. x = 5 cos 10t cm]

Section 15.4
7. A 2.0-kg mass is attached to a spring with a force constant of 98 N/m. The mass is
resting on a frictionless horizontal plane as a horizontal force of 9.8 N is applied to
the mass, and it is then released.
a. What is the amplitude of SHM?
b. What is its period?
c. What is the total energy of the SHM?
d. What is the maximum velocity of the vibrating mass?
e. What is the PE and KE of the mass when it is 5 cm from equilibrium position?
[a. 0.10 m; b. 2/7 s; c. 0.49 J; d. 0.7 m/s; e. PE = 0.12 J, KE = 0.37 J]

Section 15.5
8. Compare the natural frequencies of longitudinal vibrations for rods of the same
geometry made of steel and aluminum. Use values from Table 8.1 and13.1.
[ f steel/ fAl = .99]

Section 15.6
9. A particle is subjected simultaneously to two simple harmonic motions of the same
frequency and direction in accordance with the following equations:
y1 = 6 sin t cm y2 = 8 sin (t +/3) cm
= 2
Find the amplitude of the resultant motion, and show it in graphical form. [12.17
10. A particle is subjected simultaneously to two simple harmonic motions in the same
direction in accordance with the following equations:
y1 = 8 sin 2t
y2 = 4 sin 6t
Show graphically the resultant path of the particle.
11. A particle is simultaneously subjected to two simple harmonic displacements at
right angles to each other. Show the pattern of the particle in the xy plane. The
displacements are:
x = 5 cos t
y = 3 sin (3t)

Each problem may involve more than one physical concept. A problem requiring
material from the enrichment section is marked with a dagger . The answer is given in
brackets at the end of the problem.
12. A frame with seats, which weighs 15,680 N, is mounted on springs, and it is
executing vertical simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 4 Hz.
a. What is the force constant of this system of springs?
b. If four students of total mass 260 kg are seated in the frame,
what is the frequency of oscillation? [a. 1.01 x 106 N/m; b. 3.71 Hz]
13. In a laboratory experiment a student observes that two simple pendulums of
different lengths have periods that differ by 10 percent. The student then asks,
"What is the percentage difference in length?" What is the answer? Can you make a
general statement? [21 percent]
14. A pendulum clock should have a period of 2 s to keep accurate time. Observation
shows that the clock loses 10 min per day. Assume that the pendulum system
behaves as a simple pendulum. What changes should be made and how much?
[decrease length of pendulum by 1.38 cm]
15. The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is about one-fifth that on the earth.
What is the period of a simple pendulum on the moon, if it has a period of 2 s on the
earth? [4.5 s]
16. A spring driven clock has a period of 2 s on earth. What is the period on the moon? [2
17. A simple pendulum can be used to determine experimentally the acceleration due to
gravity. What is the acceleration due to gravity at the place where a 1-m simple
pendulum has a period of 2 s? [g = 2 m/s2]

18. An arrow of length 0.6 m is rotated about a vertical axis through its tail with an
angular velocity of rad/s. The motion of the tip of the arrow is to be projected
upon a diameter of the circle. Find the following:
a. the amplitude of its motion
b. its period
c. the maximum acceleration
d. the maximum velocity
e. the acceleration and velocity when the arrow tip is 0.3 m from the center of its
projected path. [a. 0.6 m; b. 2 s; c. 5.92 m/s2; d. 0.6 m/s; e. 2.96 m/s2, 1.63 m/s]
19. A child's swing has a period of 5.0 sec and an amplitude of 1 m.
a. What is the angular speed of an imaginary particle moving in a reference circle to
represent this vibration?
b. What is the maximum speed of the swing seat?
c. What is the length of rope from point of support to the seat? [a. 0.4 rad/s; b.
4/10 m/s; c. 6.21 m]
20. Assume a person's heart is executing SHM with 66 beats per minute. If its amplitude
is 3 mm, what is its maximum velocity and acceleration? [2.1 cm/s, 14.3 cm/s2]
21. A pendulum bob consists of a 1.00-kg ball hung on a string 3m long. If it is drawn
back 20 cm from equilibrium position and released, what is its period of motion?
What will be its kinetic energy as it passes through the middle of its swing? What
are its PE and KE for a displacement of 10 cm? [3.5 s, 0.685 J, PE = 0.196 J, KE = 0.489
22. Suppose a force F =F0cost is applied to a spring-mass system with a natural
frequency 0. The equation of motion for this system will be
Fo cos t -kx = md2x/dt2
Show that a solution for this equation is:
x = F cos t / {m(o2 - 2)}
Note that as 0, the amplitude becomes very large. This is characteristic of
undamped resonant oscillations.

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