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Post Graduate Programme in Management

Course Outline
Course Title
Total no. of sessions
Session Duration


Dr. Arun Abraham Elias
75 minutes
PGP-1, 2013

Business research can be described as a systematic and objective process of gathering, recording, and analysing
information that assist in managerial decision making. It comprises a series of steps including: identifying the
problem or opportunity for research; undertaking a literature review; developing or extending a conceptual or
theoretical framework; establishing the research objectives, research questions or hypotheses for testing;
preparing a research design; gathering information and data; analysing and interpreting the data and findings;
and providing results in a form that will help the manager deal with the situation and/or adds to the business and
management literature. In essence, business research provides the needed information that guides managers to
make informed decisions to successfully deal with problems or opportunities. This course provides an overview
of the research process, and an introduction to a range of methods and approaches utilised in business research.
Course Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
Appreciate the importance of the research process inherent in business and management decisionmaking;
Understand some of the main philosophies and paradigms that underpin business research;
Critically review relevant literature related to a research objective;
Differentiate a variety of methodologies and methods used in business research;
Develop a research proposal for a chosen management or organisational topic.
Reference Books:
There is not set text book for this course. Electronic/hard copies of reading materials will be distributed as and
when required. The following books are recommended as reference books:

Cavana, R. Y., Delahaye, B. L., & Sekaran, U. (2001). Applied Business Research: Qualitative and
Quantitative Methods. Brisbane, Australia: Wiley.
Cooper, D. R. and Schindler, P. S. (2006). Business Research Methods, ninth edition.New Delhi, India: Tata
McGraw Hill.
Zikmund, W. G. (2003). Business Research Methods, seventh edition. New Delhi, India: Cengage Learning.
Scheme of Evaluation
The course is of 10 hour duration with an assessment of satisfactory /unsatisfactory. The course consists of class
exercises and a final project in the form of a research proposal.
A. Class Exercises:
Class exercises will be conducted during the lectures. They will be based on the topics covered in that particular
lecture. During the last 15-20 minutes of the class, students will discuss these exercises and submit the results
before leaving the class. This will be a group assignment.
Value: 20%
B. Research Proposal:
Each student will develop a research proposal on a topic chosen by them. The research proposal will include the
proposed title, abstract, introduction to the research problem, research objective and research questions, review
of relevant literature, explanation of the proposed methodology, significance of the study and its limitations.
Due Date: 28 February 2013

Value: 80%

Length: Maximum 15 pages double-spaced text, 12 point Times New Roman font, excluding figures, tables and
other exhibits.
Submission: The proposal has to be submitted electronically to the lecturer.
Session Plan: (Each session 75 minutes):

Course Introduction
Research Process
Research Paradigm


Literature Review
Research Questions
Problem Structuring


Research Methodology
Research Methods
Data Collection and Interpretation


Research Proposal
Participative Research Methods

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