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Symposium: Keratoconus
Epidemiology of keratoconus
Nikhil S Gokhale
Prevalence of keratoconus is variable in different parts of the world. Environmental and ethnic factors and
the cohort of patients selected for such studies may explain the wide variation in the reported rates. Family
history, gender differences, asymmetry in the two eyes, association with ocular rubbing, and natural history
of disease are discussed.
Key words: Epidemiology, keratoconus, prevalence

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Keratoconus Epidemiology
Keratoconus has been classically described as a
noninflammatory pathology, characterized by a conical
shape of the cornea, as a result of thinning and protrusion.
The etiopathogenesis is still under research and it may be
the final manifestation of diverse pathologic processes.
With better understanding of the disease and new imaging
modalities as well as the advent of refractive surgery, it is
being diagnosedmuch more often and much earlier than in
the past.
The reported prevalence of keratoconus varies widely
depending upon the geographic location, diagnostic criteria
used, and the cohort of patients selected. The prevalence in
studies can range from 0.3 per 100,000 in Russia[1] to 2300
per 100,000 in Central India [2] (0.0003%-2.3%). The first
populationbased study was done by Hofstetter[3] using a
Placido disc and he reported an incidence of 600 per 100,000.
The most commonly cited prevalence is 0.054% in Minnesota,
USA by Kennedy etal.,[4] who used scissors movement on
retinoscopy and keratometry for diagnosis.
In Central India, the prevalence of keratoconus was
studied based only on the anterior corneal power obtained by
keratometry. Prevalence of keratoconus defined as a corneal
refractive power 48 D was 2.3%. However, the prevalence
dropped to 0.6% using a cut off power49 D and 0.1% using
a cutoff of 50 diopter.[2]
The only other study in literature reporting such a high
prevalence was by Millodot etal., [5] in Jerusalem. This
videokeratographybased study included only welldefined
Gokhale Eye Hospital and Eyebank, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Correspondence to: Dr. Nikhil S. Gokhale, Gokhale Eye Hospital
and Eyebank, Anant building, Gokhale Road (S), Dadar West,
Mumbai400028, Maharashtra, India. Email:[email protected]
Manuscript received: 16.05.13; Revision accepted: 04.07.13

cases and still reported a prevalence of 2.34% in a college

Environmental factors may contribute to the wide variation
in prevalence. Geographical locations with plenty of sunshine
and hot weather such as India[2] and the Middle East[6] have
higher prevalence than locations with cooler climates and less
sunshine such as Finland,[7] Denmark,[8] Minnesota,[4] Japan,[9]
and Russia.[1] Ultraviolet light induced oxidative stress, which
keratoconic corneas cannot handle well, may have a role to
Ethnic differences may account for the differences in the
reported prevalence of keratoconus. The reports of two surveys
in the UK indicated a prevalence 4.4 and 7.5times greater for
Asian(Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi) subjects compared
with white Caucasians.[10,11] These results concur with the higher
values of prevalence found in India.[2] In both these studies, it
was noted that most of the Asian subjects were Muslim with a
high prevalence of consanguinity, a factor usually associated
with a high rate of genetic disease.
Family history of keratoconus has been found to be very
variable and a high prevalence of keratoconus in a sample
population can change the reported rate of a positive family
history. It varies between 6% and 10% in most studies,[12] the
US Collaborative Longitudinal Evaluation of Keratoconus
study reported a rate of 13.5% and a study from Israel where
the prevalence is high, reported a rate of 21.74%.[13]
Keratoconus affects both genders, although it is unclear
whether significant differences between males and females
exist. Some studies have not found differences in the prevalence
between genders;[4,14] others have found a greater prevalence
in females,[12] while other investigators have found a greater
prevalence in males.[11,15,16]
In two studies from North India [17,18] and one from
Western India,[19] keratoconus was noted more often in males,
while the Central India study found a higher prevalence in

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Gokhale: Epidemiology of keratoconus
August 2013 (Keratoconus)

A higher prevalence of keratoconus has been found in

patients with eye rubbing. Ocular rubbing associated with
atopy, ocular allergies, Downs syndrome, and tapetoretinal
degenerations have a higher incidence of keratoconus.[12]
Keratoconus usually occurs bilaterally but asymmetry is
common. In a large series, 14.3% had unilateral disease.[20]
Although unilateral cases do exist; their frequency might be
even lower than reported, if appropriate diagnostic criteria
and examination techniques that detect very early keratoconus
are used.[21]
The natural history of disease is variable. Typically at about
the age of puberty, the keratoconic process starts and usually,
over a period of next 1020years, the process continues until the
progression gradually stops. The severity of the disorder at the
time the progression stops can range from very mild irregular
astigmatism to severe thinning, protrusion, and scarring
requiring keratoplasty.[12] Keratoconus in India presents at a
younger age than in the Western population and progresses
more rapidly.[22] Earlier age of onset has been associated with a
significantly higher need for surgery possibly because of more
rapid progression.[18]

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Cite this article as: Gokhale NS. Epidemiology of keratoconus. Indian J
Ophthalmol 2013;61:382-3.
Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.

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