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Sub code : BBA 101

Sub Name : Communication skill

Q No 1. Communication is complete only when the

intended information reached the receiver. What are the
various barrier to communication? How can you
overcome them?
Barriers to Communication:
D.E. McFarland has defined Communication as the process of
mainingful interaction among human being. More specifically it
is the process by which meaning are perceived and
understanding is reached among human being. These barriers
are as follows:
Language Barrier:
Different language, vocabulary, accent,
dialect represent national or regional barriers. Semantic
gaps are world having similar pronunciation, but multiple
meaning like round.
Cultural Barries:
Age, education, gendar,social status,
economic position, culture background, temperament,
health, beauty, popularity, religion, political belief, ethics,
rules/regulations, standards, priorities can separate one
person from another and create a barrier.
Individual Barrier:
It may be a result of an individuals perceptual
and personal discomfort. Even two person have
experienced the same event their mental perception
may/may not be identical., which acts as a barrier.
Organizational Barrier:

It includes poor organizations culture,

climate, stringent rules, regulatios, status, relationship,
complexity, inadequate facilities/ opportunities of growth
and improvement; whereas, the nature of the internal and
external environment like large working areas.
Interpersonal Barrier:
Barriers from employers are lack of trust in
employees, lack of knowledge of non- verbal clues like
facial expression, body language, gestures, postures, eye
contract, Different experiences, shortage of time for
employees, no consideration for employee needs, eish to
capture authority.
Attitudinal Barrier:
It comes about as a result of problems with staff
in the organization. Limitation in physical and mental
ability, intelligence, understanding, pre-conceived notions,
and distrusted source divides the attention and creat a
mechanical barrier, which affect the attitude and opinion.
Channel Barrier:
If the length of communication is long , or the
medium selected is inappropriate, the communication
might break up. It can also be a result of the inter-personal
conflicts between the sender.
Overcoming Barriers:
Following are some of the additional measures to
overcome the barriers to communication.
Developing good relationship
Purposeful and Well-focused Communication
Co-ordination between the superior and the
Avoid technical language
Right feedback

Accurate message
Clarity in message
Proper communication channels.
Q No 2.
As a listener,why do you think listening plays
a vital role in the organization?
What is Listing?
In The perviousnunit you have learnt how written and nonverbal communication affects our life. As humans, we
communication with each other through certain components
such as spiking, listing, and writing. But the utmost usage of
the components of communication are listing and speaking.
This is due to the fact that trying to make an impression, the
communication has to be good lisener as well as good speaker.
This is called a two-way communication process.
Role of Listing:
As we all know that listing plays an
important part in the communication process at work
Listening carefully helps a manager to know about the
thinking process of the staff members regarding different
policies procedure rules and regulation being formulated
in the organization.
Listening helps to reduce the grievance among the
employee. At times, it is seen that employee who have
grievance within themselves outburst in front of a patient
and good listener.
Listening helps to find solution and innovated new ideas
through discussion. This helps the employee to feel better
about themselves, and they take extra care and effort to
solve the problem.
Through listing companies try to get new idea by which
they are able to promote a good organization culture,
team work and correct decision making process.

Listening to a person is a sign of respect given to a person

irrespective of his designation of position he holds in the
office. It helps to develop a sense of trust between the
speaker and listener.
Listening helps to increase the productivity of the
employee because once the problem is found and clearly
explained to the concerned people. They work on the issue
to fine a suitable solution to it.
Listening increases the confidence level of the employee
because if an employee wants to work with his term and
build a good rapport with them with better self-esteem, he
has to hear their problem, keep himself cool and solve the
problem accordingly.
Listening increases the accuracy because it helps the
listener to recollect the information, which he has heard
previously and them analyze them to find a suitable
solution to it.
Q No 3. Bring out the differences between personal
letters and business letters.
Ans: differences

Personal letters
It is informal.
It is instructed.
It chooses a personal style
or pattern.
It depends on the mood,
feelings and emotions of
the writer.
It is written without any
It is generally lengthy.

Business letters
It Is formal.
I is structured.
It chooses a prescribed
style or pattern.
conversation or on the
requirement of the writer.
It is written on a purpose.

It is short and specific to

It can be handwritten or
typed in any font style and
It does not require to
grammatical structure.
It can be written in any

The vocabulary used is

simple and user friendly.

the point.
It is always typed with
approved font style and
It requires a good sense of
grammar and tense.
It is written only in English
or in any other language
that is approved by the
The vocabulary used and
style followed are of high

Q No 4. What groundwork does one need to do to make

an effective presentation? Hoe do verbal, vocal and
visual components of communication impact on
Ans: steps in preparing a presentation
There are four basic steps of making a presentation:
Planning and research
Once you identified the purpose, gathered
information about your perspective audience, and the locale or
venue of your presentation, you can start with the actual
process of planning and preparing your presentation. planning
involves research, selection of content, structuring the material
you plan to present, preparing for the presentation, and finally
presenting it to your audience.
Once you have collected and selected all the
material and information, you will need to structure it
coherently and logically. Consolidating the materials in to a

meaningful, clear message, free of ambiguities and vagueness

will make your final presentation effective. Your audience will
accept or reject your views on the basis of the organization of
your content as well as the way you present it. Aim at
structuring your presentation in a logical sequence of ideas. A
good presentation should ideally have three distinct parts:
introduction, body and conclusion.
Thorough preparation is essential for a good
presentation. Once you have your verbal content ready,
prepare all the audio visual slides. Prepare cue cards or notes
for reference. It is not advisable to read out your presentation.
Cue cards are small numbered cards on which you can write
your main points. Each card should carry only one point.
All the steps listed and explained above lead to
the final and the most crucial step: the actual presentation. The
first hurdle you need to cross is dealing with nerves and
anxiety. then you need to focus on the style of your delivery,
the quality of your verbal, vocal and visual communication,
your rapport with the audience, use of written notes, and use of
audio visual aids. All these are explained in details in the next
Audio visual aids
Answering questions
Verbal, vocal and visual components impact on
Verbal Presentation:
All ground, preparation and practice finally leads you to
the actual presentation-face to face with your audience. A

presentation, like all other forms of oral communication has

three components: verbal, vocal and visual.
Vocal Presentation:
The vocal component is even more important than the
verbal. Even the best of contents written in the best of words
can fall flat if delivered in a monotone. what you say is
important but how you say it will ultimately differentiate a good
presentation from bad one
Visual presentation:
The third component of your delivery is the visual
impact. The first impact you make on your audience when you
face them is extremely crucial. The audience start judging and
forming an impression about you even before you utter the first

Q.No 5: Different purposes of reading require different

method of reading. Describe the various way of reading.
What are the techniques that you can use to improve
your reading?
Type or ways of reading:
Reading entails active mental involvement of the reader with
the written work. While reading, you are constantly and
automatically relating the meaning of the written work with
what you already know.
1. Scanning:
It is the fastest type of reading. We use this method
when we wish to find somespecific information about
something in a hurry. We quickly glance through the text,
more our eyes quickly over the pages to look for relavant
words or phrases that would give us the required
information or lead us to it. This method is usually used for

reading particular lists, sentences, paragraph, passages,

or chapters to locate specific information or facts related
to your query on a particular topic or subject.
While Scanning, you do not actually read the
material very carefully. You just move your eyes rapidly
back and forth, or up and down the matter till you find the
information you are seeking; e.g., if you wish to find out
your result from the score sheet displayed on the notic
board, your eyes will travel over the whole sheel till you
find your name and roll number.
2. Skimming or Previewing:
In this type of reading, your eyes will go
through the whole material stopping at select portion, but you
will not read everything in detail. This type of reading is done to
get the main idea of a written in detail. This type of reading is
done to get the main idea of a written work, or to quickly revise
what one has already read. Student often skim through their
course work on yhe day of the examinations, magazines or
office reports etc.
Skimming or Previewing before b detailed
reading is like the trailer or promo of a movie. It gives you a fair
idea of what to expect i.e ., you can make a prediction about
what sort of text it is likely to be. If you wish to buy a book you
will skim through it to get a preview.
3. Extensive or Supplementary reading:
This type of reading is usually done for pleasure
and enjoyment, or when one is not under pressure to learn
the texture content. It is also known as light reading.
There is no time constraint. You can read at your own
lesisurely pace. This method is used for reading novels,
poetryor stories etc. It does not generally require detailed
or word to word study of the text. You are also not under
compulsion to concentrate.
4. Intensive or detailed reading:
This is the slowest and the most focused type of
reading. The purpose usually is to read, comprehendand

retain as much as you can. This type of reading is done for

academic or professional learning, analysis, problem
solving and research etc. Editing, poof reading and
correction of text are also done by using this method.
Every word is read carefully with the aim of observing
language and deriving thorough interpretation and
retention from it.
5. Vocalized or sub vocalized reading:
Most of our readind is done silently. It is the
natural way of reading and is ideal fomprehension.
Reading aloud can decrease reading speed and
comprehension because while doing so, our concentration
is divided between reading and spraking.

Q.No 6: Why is employment communication a necessary

weapon for employee? What should an applicant look for
before he submits a resume to his prospective
Importance of employment communication:
Employment communication [job interview] plays a
vital role in getting an employment of your desire. It helps the

employer o choose the right candidate for the right job for his
organization. In other words , it can be said that it follows a
formal and structured from of communication between the
employer and the candidate. This intense interactive process ,
we are here to list out some important traits that the employer
look for in a candidate.

Common sense
Growing competition in the job market: as described
above that with the competitive job market there is an
abundance of qualified human resources for any single job
advertised. The increase in population with specialized
education and training , as well as globalization of the
world economy, has given more opportunity for the job
seekers to look out for suitable job.

Change in the demand with respect to job market: if you

analyse from the past decade, you can see that with the
expansion of job market, the quality of candidates with
high benchmark have also increased.
Professionalism in business: with the business growing
globally companies are competing with themselves to
keep their share of market.
Focus on candidates personal qualities: due to the
abundance of human resource and competent individuals,
the job market has become very stringent and narrow.
Changes in the interviewing technique: as seen from the
past, interviewing a candidate and getting the right one
has improved in leaps and bounds.
guidelines for writing resume:

Give the resume a professional look: a resume should be

clean, and giving a professional look with the style chosen
according to the background of the applicant. it should
highlight and focus on the main sections. which the
applicant has achieved.
readable : a resume should be neat and readable. Well
defined headings and white space to demarcate each one
of them may be used. it is always recommended to use
standard times new roman font and size 12 throughout the
Computer friendly: the file in which the resume is saved
should be in normal word 2003 because till now it is
mostly used by every one. Avoid saving it in PDF format or
any other format.
Be factual, complete and objective: fact used in the
resume should be checked twice, avoiding any of
misinformation being passed o the employer. academic
qualification , percentages of marks, date of joining and
leaving an organization.
Take care of grammar, spelling, vocabulary and
Appropriate writing style:
Specific details to be mentioned:
Length of a resume:
Closure: it is always said that every resume should contain
the signature of the applicant with the date on the left
hand corner , otherwise the resume stands cancelled.

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