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Fire Fighting.......................................................................................................................1

Scope of Work............................................................................................................1


Statutory Approvals..................................................................................................1


Site Conditions.....................................................................................................................1
Standard And Codes of Practice...........................................................................................1
Drawing And Documents.........................................................................................................1


Manufacturers' Data.............................................................................................................................3
Operating and Maintenance Manual....................................................................................................3
"As built" Drawings.............................................................................................................................4

2. 5

Fire Fighting Installation Drawings......................................................................................4
Discrepancies In The Drawings............................................................................................4
Instruments For Measurement And Testing..........................................................................4
Co-Ordination With Other Trades.........................................................................................4


Pipe Works.................................................................................................................5




Welded Joints........................................................................................................................................5
Screwed Joints......................................................................................................................................6


Laying And Fixing................................................................................................................6


Valves And Other Accessories..................................................................................7




Full Way Ball Valve..............................................................................................................................7

Butterfly Valves....................................................................................................................................7
Non-Return Valves...............................................................................................................................7
Full Way Gate Valve.............................................................................................................................7
Pressure Reducing Valve......................................................................................................................7
Air Release Valve.................................................................................................................................8
Drain Valve...........................................................................................................................................8
Inspection & Testing Assembly............................................................................................................8
Flow Switch..........................................................................................................................................8


Orifice Flanges.....................................................................................................................8
Pressure Switches.................................................................................................................8


Fire Fighting Apparatus & Fittings.........................................................................8


External Yard Hydrant..........................................................................................................8

Internal Hydrants (Landing Valves)......................................................................................8
First Aid Fire Hose Reel.......................................................................................................9
Fire Hose Cabinet.................................................................................................................9
Sprinkler Heads....................................................................................................................9
Installation Valve for Sprinkler System................................................................................9



Sprinkler Annunciation Panel...............................................................................................9

Portable Fire Extinguishers..................................................................................................9


Pumping System......................................................................................................10


Electrical Motors................................................................................................................10
Operating Sequence of Fire Pumps....................................................................................10
Audio Visual Alarm............................................................................................................11


Pump Control Panel................................................................................................12




Construction Details...........................................................................................................12
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers..........................................................................................13
Switch Fuse Units, Fuse Switch Units................................................................................13
Current Transformers..........................................................................................................13
Bus Bars.............................................................................................................................13
Control Wiring....................................................................................................................13
Metal Treatment And Finish...............................................................................................14
Fire Panel Drawings...........................................................................................................14


Testing And Commissioning...................................................................................14


Method of Testing...............................................................................................................15
Water for Testing................................................................................................................15
Test Records.......................................................................................................................15
Unsatisfactory Work...........................................................................................................15
Testing at Works.................................................................................................................15
On Site Testing...................................................................................................................16


Identification of Pipes Lines & Equipment..........................................................16

10.0 Preamble to the Pricing of Bill of Quantities........................................................16

10.1 General...............................................................................................................................16




This contract shall include the following services:
Installation of external and internal Hydrant System and First Aid Hose Reels.
Installation of Automatic Sprinkler System in different places.
Installation of Electric Pumps with Electrical Control Panels.
Installation of Portable Fire Extinguishers.
Identification and labeling of the pipe work and equipment under the scope of this contract.
The Contractors shall include for the supply, unless otherwise mentioned, delivery, installation,
connection, commissioning and testing of all materials and equipment to provide a complete Fire
Fighting installation as described here under.


Fire Fighting Installation shall be in conformity with the regulations of local Fire Authority.
The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the approval of the Local Fire Authority for the
installation done under the scope of work. The work will not be considered as complete unless the
N.O.C. from local Fire Authority is provided.

a. Site Conditions
It is assumed that before tendering the Contractor would have visited the site and familiarized with all
the local conditions and means of transportation and communications. No claim of whatsoever nature
would be entertained at a later date on account of the Contractor's ignorance of the local conditions.

b. Standard And Codes of Practice

The work shall be carried out as per the enclosed Specification of Work and the construction drawings
to be issued from time to time. These specifications shall be read in conjunction with National Building
Code 1983 of India, relevant Codes of Practice and Standards as issued by Bureau of Indian Standards
(B.I.S. - all with the latest amendments) wherever applicable, Fire Protection Manual & Sprinkler
Regulations of Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC & NFPA, USA) Publications.

c. Workmanship
All the work shall be carried out in a workmanship like manner and as per the best practices of the

d. Drawing And Documents


The Drawings provided with the Specification shall be treated as confidential documents and must not
be copied or loaned to any other party without the express permission of the Owner.
The Drawings are intended as a guide to the firms tendering and give approximate positions of pipes,
conduits, cable runs and/or equipment only and in measuring from these drawings, the Contractors
must make due and proper allowance for all necessary diversions from the straight line, rises or falls as
may be required for the proper execution of the works.
Detail drawings in all cases shall be worked to in preference to those of a more general nature and
figured dimensions where indicated shall be followed in preference to scale.

Where necessary, the exact positions of plant and/or equipment will be decided by the issue of further
drawings, but no claim for extra payment due to insufficient information on this scope will be
In any case of doubt as to the interpretation of either Drawings and/or Specification, the Contractor
must refer the matter to the Owner prior to the submission of his Tender.
It is to be clearly understood that this Tender is to be absolutely inclusive for the proper completion of
the whole of the works specified to the true intent and meaning of the specification and/or Drawings
and the description therein contained shall be read conjointly and together and no error, inconsistency,
discrepancy in the Drawings and/or Specification will relieve the Contractor of his obligations to
include for an hand-over the work in the true meaning and intent of the Specification and/or Drawings,
complete in every respect.
The Contract Drawings and such other drawings as may be furnished to the Contractor during the
progress of the Works shall be considered as illustration between the Drawings and the Specification,
the Contractor shall execute the work in accordance with the decision of the Owner. If modifications
are necessary, the Contractor shall submit modifications to the Owner for approval before such
modifications are executed.
All Drawings and Specification are the property of the Owner.
The Contractor will be required to give and obtain all necessary site and other particulars and to agree
such details with the Owner. The Contractor must also obtain details of any other Contractor's work
affected by his work and shall work in close co-operation with all such firms or persons concerned.
The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage caused to buildings and contents and works by
reason of, arising out of, or incidental to, or in connection with the execution of any work in the
Contract Documents.
The Contractor shall permit nothing to be done which may injure the stability of the Works, or existing
buildings and no cutting through floors or walls will be allowed other than where required by the
Drawings, without the sanction of the Owner.
The Contractor shall submit to Owner for approval, before the work is commenced, a copy of all
working details and installation drawings and shall also supply sufficient copies for the use of the
Builder and other interested parties.
The Contractor must submit these drawings as soon as possible after the order is placed to give ample
time for all parties concerned to study and comment thereon.
The contractor for all clearance, field conditions, maintenance of architectural conditions and proper
co-ordination shall carefully check the work described on any working drawings submitted with all
trades on the job. To this end, the contractor, during the construction drawing stage, shall ensure that he
co-ordinates drawings of all other trades that might interfere with the proper installation of his work.
No payment shall be made for any variations or alterations on site due to lack of knowledge of other
trades. Any unresolved conflict between trades shall be referred to the Owner.
The equipment layout is to be detailed on the drawings, showing the exact method of installing and
clearly illustrating components to be used in making all connections.
Pipe work drawings must be fully detailed, showing all pipe work in double line and indicating the
precise size of fittings, valves and equipment, position of hanger supports with reference numbers must
be indicated and a large scale detail must be given, showing the type and method of installation of each
type of hanger. A schedule is to be included on each drawing, showing details of the type of hanger
fixings and references number for each type.

All general layout drawings shall be drawn 1/50 scale, unless agreed otherwise with the Owner. Toilet
piping layouts, details and hangers, cleanouts, methods of fixing of all fittings and fixtures including
pipes, detailed cross sections of service duct s, etc., are to be drawn to 1/10 scale.
The contractor shall provide a detailed programme incorporating working drawing production, which
can be read in conjunction with he building construction programme.
The contractor shall prepare schedules and drawings showing precise details of holes in concrete, block
works etc., base frames or support required and the like. The schedules shall show in detail the builder's
work required to be performed by all other trades for the mechanical and electrical installations. These
drawings and schedules, in an approved form, must be submitted to an properly approved by the
Architect before any structural work requiring holes or other modifications is constructed.
The Contractor shall submit all drawings as prescribed hereunder. All drawings shall be supplied in the
form of a second negative and signed by a principal of the Contract. After approval, the negative will
be signed by the Owner and returned to the Contractor. The Owner will take as many prints from this
negative as he requires for his won use.
Signed and approved drawings will not be departed from unless the Owner issues a singed variation or
omission certificate in writing. Drawings returned to the Contractor for alteration or amendment shall
be re-submitted to the Owner for approval.
Amended or altered drawings shall show the nature of the amendment or alteration in a revision block
on the drawing, together with the revision number or letter and the date of the revision.
Should the Contractor prove unable to produce satisfactory "Working Drawings" or be unable to
produce drawings to conform to the progress of the work, the Owner reserves the right to take whatever
steps are necessary to have drawings undertaken by others and debit the Contractor's account.
Any decision taken by the Owner to have working drawings produced elsewhere will not relieve the
Contractor of his contractual obligations and the Contractor must provide to the Owner all necessary
details, physical dimensions, descriptive literature, etc., of all equipment to be incorporated on
drawings within 10 days of a request from the Owner.


Manufacturers' Data

Manufacturers' performance data, certified factory drawings of apparatus, giving full

information as to capacity, dimensions, materials and all information pertinent to the adequacy
of the submitted equipment shall be submitted for approval.
Manufacturer names, sizes, catalogue numbers and/or samples of all materials shall be submitted
for approval.
Submittals and working drawings should, as far as possible be complementary so that drawings
and submittals can be crosschecked.



Order of equipment submitted for approval must be accompanied by relevant drawings,

technical data, catalogues and samples, Where data, certified drawings or other required
information is not available until after orders have been placed, the Owner will give provisional
approval until all requested drawings and information have been supplied to the Owner and
approved by him. It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that all necessary information is
supplied to the Owner in accordance with the progress of the work.

Operating and Maintenance Manual


The Contractor shall furnish six copies in bound form of an instruction manual containing all
information applicable to this section of the Works. This manual is to be similar in design and
content to those to be provided under other services.
The manual shall contain a comprehensive written description of the Works, outlining the
operation of the systems and maintenance procedures.


"As built" Drawings

The Contractor shall arrange to keep on site a full set of drawings showing the progress of the works,
which must be kept up to date.
The Contractor shall keep a record as the work proceeds of any work installed not in accordance with
the drawings. On completion of the works the Contractor shall supply three clear coloured prints of
each applicable drawing, showing the exact position of all apparatus, pipe lines, services, control
valves, switchgear, etc., together with diagrams, schedules, etc. to the Owner's requirements and in
addition on complete set of plastic negatives.
The world "AS BUILT DRAWINGS" shall be clearly indicated on all drawings adjacent tot he title

e. Rates
The rates quoted for any particular item by the Contractors shall be inclusive of the cost of materials,
erection, connection, testing, labour, supervision, tools, plant, transportation, excise duties and taxes,
contingencies, breakage, wastage and all other sundries for all levels.
The rate shall also be inclusive of cutting holes, making chases in RCC/brick work, inserting sleeves
and making good the same. No claim for extra would be entertained on this account.

f. Fire Fighting Installation Drawings

The Fire Fighting Installation drawings issued from time to time to the Contractor are diagrammatic but
shall be following as closely as actual construction and work will permit. Any deviation from the
drawings required to conform to the building construction shall be made by the Contractor at his own
expenses. The architectural drawings shall take precedence over the services drawings as far as the
Civil and other trades works are concerned.

g. Discrepancies In The Drawings

Should there be any discrepancy due to in-complete description, ambiguity or omission in the drawings
and other documents relating tot his Contract found by the Contractor either before starting the work or
during execution or after completion, the same shall be immediately brought to the attention of the
Architect/Consultant and his decision would be final and binding on the Contractor.

h. Instruments For Measurement And Testing

The Contractor shall provide, free of cost, all equipments, instruments, labour and all other allied
assistance required by the Owner/Architect or their representatives for measurement and testing of the

i. Co-Ordination With Other Trades

The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating this work with works of other trades sufficiently
ahead of time to avoid unnecessary hold ups. Hangers, sleeves, recesses etc. shall be left in time as the
work proceeds.

j. Protection
All work shall be adequately protected, to the satisfaction of the Owner/Architect, so that the whole
work is free from the damage throughout the period of construction up to the time of handing over.
Special care must be taken to prevent damage and scratching of all fittings and fixtures. Tool marks on
exposed fixtures shall not be accepted. Protective paper on fixtures shall be removed with hot water
only at the final completion of the work.


k. Materials
The pipe work shall be done in black mild steel pipes of 'Heavy' grade conforming to IS: 1239 (Part I)
for up to 150 mm dia pipe and IS: 3589 for pipes above 150 mm dia.
All fittings shall be of mild steel of suitable grade conforming to relevant Indian Standards All fittings
shall have manufacturer's trademark stamped on it. Fittings in M.S. pipe lines shall include elbows,
tees, bends, reducers, nipples, union bushes, G.I. clamps of approved design, M.S. flanges with 3 mm
rubber insertion, nuts, bolts, washers etc.
Screwed fittings shall be approved type black malleable hexagonal on all ends of the fitting suitable for
screwed joints.
For welded joints forged steel fittings of approved type with "V' groove shall be used.
Fabricated fittings shall not be permitted generally. However if the Project Manger finds use of any
fabricated fitting necessary, fabrication of such fitting shall be taken up by the Contractor on the written
directives of the Project Manager in a workshop following proper welding procedures. For fabricating a
'Tee' connection pipes shall be drilled and reamed and joint only welded. Gas cutting of pipes shall not
be permitted. Fabricated 'Tee' out of M.S. plates shall not be used.
All fittings shall be tested at manufacturer's work. The Contractor may be required to produce
certificate to this effect from the manufacturers

l. Jointing
In general the pipe work for Fire Fighting System shall have welded joints. However, other jointing
methods may be adopted at places where required so for certain specific considerations.


Welded Joints
The welding of pipes in the field should comply with IS:816, 1969. Electrodes used for welding should
comply with IS:814, 1991.
Joints between M.S. and pipes and fittings shall be made with pipes and fittings having "V' groove and
welded with electrical resistance welding in an approved manner Butt welded joints shall not be
acceptable. Care shall be taken to remove any burr from the end of the pipe after cutting.
All welders must be fully qualified and proof of an operator's qualification shall be either the
Contractor's record of suitable tests passed within the previous six months or tests made before the
commencement of the work.
The Contractor must submit to the Owner the names of the welders who will be employed on the work,
together with documentary evidence of their competency.
Any welder considered by the Owner as not having the skill necessary for the work will at once be
barred from further welding on the site or in the Contractor's workshop.
The Owner may instruct the Contractor to cut out typical welded joints for inspection and the
Contractor shall include for the removal of such pieces and re-making joints to the satisfaction of the
Owner. The Contractor shall include in his Tender for the cost of removing all such pieces for
inspection and re-making joints.
Care must be exercised by the Contractor to ensure that the welding flux does not project into the bore
of the tube. All welds shall be good, clean metal, free from slag inclusions and porosity, of even
thickness and regular contour, well fused with the parent metal and finished smooth.

Where site welding is carried out in proximity to inflammable materials, the Contractor must take
special precautions to protect the materials from risks of fire.
Testing of Welded Joints
The welded joints shall be tested in accordance with procedure laid down in IS: 3600 (Part I). One test
specimen taken from at least one field joint out of any 10 shall be subjected to text.
If the results of the tensile test do not conform to the requirements specified, retests of two additional
specimen from the same section shall be made, each of which shall conform to the required
specifications. In case of failure of one or two, extensive gouging (scooping out) and repairing shall be
carried out as directed by the authority.
If internal pressures exceed 1.5 Mpa (15kgf/cm 2), special attention should be given to the assembly of
the pipe and the first run of weld. Non-destructive testing of the completed weld may be carried out on
pipelines by radiographic (see IS: 4853) or ultrasonic method (see IS: 4260) as agreed upon between
the Owner and the Contractor.


Screwed Joints
Joint for black steel pipes and fittings shall be metal-to-metal threaded joints using Teflon tape on the
Flanged Joint
Flanges shall be as per the relevant Indian Standard and shall be faced. Rubber or asbestos gasket shall
be inserted between the joints.
Flange shall be provided on :

Straight runs not exceeding 12-15 m on pipelines 80 mm dia and above.

Both ends of any fabricated fittings e.g. bends, tees etc. of 65 mm or larger diameter.
For jointing all type of valve, appurtenances, pumps, connection with other type of pipes, to
water tanks and other places necessary and required as per good for engineering practice.

Provide approved type of dismountable unions on pipes lines 50 mm and below in similar places as
specified for flanges.

m. Laying And Fixing


Above Ground
Exposed pipes on walls and ceilings shall be fixed with standard pattern G.I. bat clamps on angle
iron frames embedded in walls or suspended from ceiling. The clamps shall be spaced at regular
intervals in straight lengths as per the following table:
Dia of Pipe
(in mm)


Horizontal Length
(in metre)

Vertical Length
(in metre)

Under Ground
The trenches for the underground mains shall be 750 mm wide at top and excavated to a depth
so that a minimum 1-meter of cover above the crown of the pipe is available after backfilling.

The pipes shall be evenly laid in the trenches after coating and wrapping as described hereinafter
and covered with fine sand 150 mm all around. Any damage to coating and wrapping shall be
made good before backfilling.

Protection of Underground Pipes

The underground steel pipes shall be protected by coating and wrapping. The coating and
wrapping shall be done, in general, as per IS:10221-1982.
First of all the pipes surface shall be roughly cleaned and dried before the application of primer,
and shall be free of dirt, grease, oil, rust, scale or other foreign matter. After cleaning one
uniform coat of coal tar primer shall be applied on the surface and one layer of glass fiber tissue
shall be wrapped and simultaneously hot coat tar shall be applied. On this, another layer of glass
fiber tissue saturated with coal tar shall be wrapped with the simultaneous application of coal tar.



Anchor Blocks
Suitably designed anchor blocks in cement concrete to encounter excess thrust due to water
hammer an high pressure should be provided at all bends, tees and such other locations as
directed by the Owner, Exact location, design, size and mix of the concrete block shall be
approved by the Architect / Consultant prior tot he execution of the work.


n. General
Each valve body shall be marked with cast or stamped lettering giving the following information:

The manufacturer's name or trademark

The size of the valve
The guaranteed working pressure

Isolating valves on the water supply lines shall be full bore ball valve type for pipe diameters upto 50
mm. For 65 mm dia and above these shall be butterfly valves.


Full Way Ball Valve

The valves shall be of full bore type and of quality approved by the Consultant/Owner. The body and
ball shall be of copper alloy and stem seat shall be of Teflon.


Butterfly Valves
The valve shall of cast iron conforming to relevant IS:13095. The valve shall be of quality approved by
the consultant / Owner.


Non-Return Valves
Non-return valves are to be IS: 778 manufactured from gunmetal of dezincification resistant brass.


Full Way Gate Valve

The valves shall be of quality approved by the Consultant/Owner and shall generally conform to IS:


Pressure Reducing Valve

The valve shall be suitable for water application and shall conform to relevant BIS standard. The valve
should be installed in a vertical portion on horizontal line. In all cases, a stop valve should be installed
in an easily accessible position on the inlet side of the pressure-reducing valve. A safety valve and a
pressure gauge must always be installed on the reduced pressure or outlet side of the pressure-reducing
valve. To avoid any dirt from entering the valve, it is advisable to fit a strainer on the inlet or high

pressure line. The pressure reducing valve and accessories should conform to relevant BIS standard and
of approved make.


Air Release Valve

Air Valves are to be provided on all high pints in the system. These shall be 25 mm dia screwed inlet
forged brass/cast iron single acting air valves connected with ball valve on inlet side.


Drain Valve
Drain Valves are to be proved at all low points in the system for draining the water. These shall be 40 m
dia full way ball valve fixed on 40 mm dia black steel pipe.


Inspection & Testing Assembly

Inspection and testing of the sprinkler system shall be done by providing an assembly consisting of
gunmetal valves, gunmetal sight glass, by-pass valve.


Flow Switch
Flow switch shall be provided on sectional mains and branch lines of sprinkler systems as indicated on
drawings, or necessary and required and directed by the Project Manager.
Flow switch should be suitable to actuate at a minimum of flow of single sprinkler and shall be suitable
for connection to a central annunciation panel.

o. Orifice Flanges
Wherever required, 6 mm thick stainless steel suitably designed orifice flanges shall be provided before
individual landing valves to restrict the operating to 3.5Kg/ and allow a discharge of 560 lpm.
The orifice flanges shall also be provided in the automatic sprinkler system at suitable location to
maintain a pressure of 2.0 kg/cm2 in the sprinkler installations.

p. Pressure Switches
Pressure Switches shall be differential type for operation of all pumps and for the various duties and
settings required. Pressure switches shall be for heavy duty operation and of approved make. All
pressure switches shall be factory calibrated.



q. External Yard Hydrant

The external hydrants shall be controlled by a cast iron butterfly valve. Hydrants shall have
instantaneous type 63mm dia outlets. The hydrants shall be single outlet conforming to IS: 908
with flanged riser of required height to bring the hydrant to correct level above ground.


Contractor shall provide for each external fire hydrant two numbers of 63 mm dia. 15 mm long
rubberized fabric linen hose pipe with gunmetal male and female instantaneous type couplings
machine would with G.I. wire *hose to IS: 636 type 2 and couplings to IS: 903 with M.S.
certification), gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle to IS: 903.

r. Internal Hydrants (Landing Valves)


The internal hydrant shall be single headed gunmetal landing valve with 63 mm dia outlet and
100 mm inner (I.S: 5290-1969), with individual shut off valves and cast iron wheels. Landing
valve shall have flanged inlet and instantaneous type outlets as shown on the drawings.


Instantaneous outlets for fire hydrants shall be of standard pattern approved and suitable for fire
brigade hoses.


Contractor shall provide for each internal fire hydrant station two numbers of 63 mm dia. 15 mm
long rubberized fabric linen hose pipes with gunmetal male and female instantaneous type
coupling machine wound with G.I. wire (hose to IS: 636 type 2 and couplings to IS: 903 with IS
certification), fire hose reel, gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle IS: 903.

s. First Aid Fire Hose Reel

The First Aid Fire Hose Reels must be of type as mentioned in the bills of quantities and shall have 30
metre of 20 mm dia bore reinforced rubber hose fitted with shout-off gun metal nozzle. The hose reel
shall be conforming to IS: 884.

t. Fire Hose Cabinet

The Fire Hose Cabinet of sizes suitable to accommodate equipment as specified in bill of quantities
shall be fabricated of 16 gauge CRCA M.S. sheet and painted in fire red colour. Its door shall be hinged
type having lock and reinforced glass panel.
The fire hose cabinet for yard hydrants shall be weatherproof type of size suitable to accommodate 2
nos. of 15 M long 63 mm diameter R.R.L. hoses with female & male gunmetal coupling and branch
Wherever masonry shaft is available to house equipment, only the glazed front panel is to be fixed as
required and as specified in bill of quantities.

u. Sprinkler Heads
Sprinkler heads shall be of gunmetal and quartz bulb type with a temperature rating of 68 deg.
Centigrade or as specified in the bill of quantities. These shall be of type and quality as approved by the
local fire service and TAC.

v. Installation Valve for Sprinkler System



Installation valves shall be installed in the pump room.

Installation valve shall comprise of a cast iron sluice valve with gunmetal trim, pressure gauge,
double seated clapper check valves as alarm valve with pressure gauge, test valve and orifice
Assembly and drain pipe with pressure gauge, bye pass on check valve to regulate differential
pressure and false alarm, turbine water gong including all accessories necessary and required
and as supplied by original equipment manufacturer and required for full and satisfactory
performance of the system.
Contractor shall submit his detailed shop drawings showing the exact location, details of
installation of the valves and alarms.

w. Sprinkler Annunciation Panel

Supply and installation of Sprinkler Annunciation Panel is not in the scope of this contract. The control
cables from the flow switches are to be terminated in the Automatic Fire Alarm System Control &
Indicating Panel, the supply of which is in the scope other contract. However, the Contractor would
responsible for coordinating with the other agency for connecting, testing and commissioning of the
said panel

x. Portable Fire Extinguishers

Portable Fire Extinguisher shall be of type and as mentioned in the Bills of Quantities. All fire
extinguishers must conform to the revenant Indian Standards and must bear the ISI Certification Mark.
These shall be installed and maintained in accordance with IS: 2190.


The Pumping System shall consist of electric motor driven as well as diesel engine driven fire pumps
of duty as specified in the bill of quantities. The major items under this head shall be as follows:

y. Pumps
All fire pumps shall meet the following duty requirements:
Pumps should deliver at least 150% of the rated discharge at a head of 65% of the rated head. The shut
off head shall not exceed 120% of the rated level.
Pumps shall be centrifugal type driven by either an electric motor or a diesel engine.
The casing will be of the volute type designed to ensure correct velocity distribution manufactured in
close-grained cast iron and complete with air release cock, drain plug and delivery pressure gauge
The impeller will be of the shrouded type manufactured in close grain gun metal/bronze and keyed to
the shaft. It will have balancing holes to achieve hydraulic balance and reduce pressure in the stuffing
box and prolong the packing life. The impellers shall be dynamically balanced. Connecting shaft shall
be stainless steel with bronze sleeve and grease lubricated bearings. Close grain gun metal impeller
wear rings will be fitted on both sides of the impeller to preserve running clearances.
Pumps shall be connected to the drive by means of spacer type love joy couplings, which shall be
individually balanced dynamically and statically. The coupling jointing the prime movers with the
pump shall be provided with a sheet metal guard.
Pumps shall be provided with approved type of mechanical seals.
The pumps shall have ratings as mentioned in Bill of Quantities. The pump shall meet the requirements
of the Tariff Advisory Committee.

z. Electrical Motors
Rating of the selected motor shall be equivalent to the motor required for a pump capable of 150% of
the rated discharge.
Electrically driven pumps shall be provided with totally enclosed fan cooled induction motors or as
specified in Bill of Materials. For fire pumps the motors should be rated not to draw stating current
more than 3 times normal running current. Motors shall be wound for class B insulation Dan winding
shall be vacuum impregnated with heat and moisture resistant varnish glass fiber insulated. Motors
shall be suitable for 415 volts, 3 phase 50 cycles A/C supply and shall be designed for \38 deg C
ambient temperature. Motors shall confirm to I.S:325. Motors shall be capable of handling the required
starting torque of the pumps.
Motors for fire pumps shall meet all requirements and specifications of the Tariff Advisory Committee.

aa. Operating Sequence of Fire Pumps

Fire pumps shall operate on drop of operating pressure in the fire mains in the following sequence:
The operating pressure in the mains is to be maintained at 5.6 kg/cm 2.
The jockey pump shall start automatically the moment pressure drops to 5.1 kg/cm 2 and stop when the
pressure reaches 5.6 kg/cm2 again.
In case, after the start of jockey pump, the pressure still keeps on falling, and the main fire pump shall
start at 4.6 kg/cm2. Jockey pump shall stop when main pump starts.


Main Fire and Sprinkler pumps shall start independently and automatically on fall of pressure but
stopping of the pump shall be shall be by manual push button from the MCC panel.

bb. Audio Visual Alarm

An electrically operated fire alarm system shall be provided which is connected to the fire & sprinkler
pumps to indicate their operation visually by a blinker lamp and by an approved type of audible alarm.




cc. General
The Control Panel for fire fighting system shall be housed in wall/floor mounted, dust and damp proof
sheet steel cabinet with hinged front access door and shall have the suitable rating star-delta starters,
timers, relays, necessary selector switch, for automatic and manual operation, indicating lamps, to
show the status of each pump, single phase preventors, dry suction cut of, etc. and all other switch gear
necessary for the satisfactory functioning of the hydrant system & sprinkler system.
Control Panels are to be suitable for 3 phase 4 wire 415 Volts 50 Hz system with a fault level of
31MVA at 415 volts.
Panels are to be metal clad, cubicle type totally enclosed, floor mounted and air insulated. The total
height of the switchboard is to be not more than 2100 mm. Panels are to be extensible on both sides and
shall conform to IP 54 as per IS:2147

dd. Standards
The equipment shall be designed to conform to the requirements of:

IS: 8623 -

Factory built assembles of switchgear and control gear.

ii. IS: 13497 -

General requirements for switchgear and control gear for

Voltages not exceeding 1'000 Volts.

iii. IS: 13947 -

Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage

switchgear and control gear.

iv. IS: 375

Marking and arrangement of busbars.

Individual equipment housed in control panel shall conform to the following IS specifications:

Fuse Switch & Switch Fuse Units

H.R.C. Fuse links
Current Transformers
Voltage Transformers
Indicating Instruments
Integrating Instruments
Control Switches & Push Buttons

IS: 13947
IS: 9224
IS: 2705
IS: 3156
IS: 3231
IS: 1248
IS: 722
IS: 6875
IS: 13947
IS: 13947

ee. Construction Details

Cubicle shall be mounted on a base folded channel of thickness 3 mm. All doors, sidewalls and interior
separations shall be of CRCA MS sheet of thickness 2 mm. Insulation barriers and protective screens
shall be provided wherever required.
Apparatus forming part of the control panel shall have the following minimum clearances:

Between phases
Between phases and neutral
Between phases and earth
Between neutral and earth

25 mm.
25 mm.
25 mm
19 mm

Creep age distances shall comply with those specified in relevant standards.


ff. Moulded Case Circuit Breakers

MCCB shall conform to IS: 13947 and be rated for the currents as shown on the single line diagram.
They shall have a short circuit rating as specified elsewhere.
All MCCB shall be provided with an adjustable thermal overload trip device together with an
adjustable magnetic short circuit release. The MCCB shall have a trip free toggle mechanism, and dolly
shall come to midway position and the trip operates.
The operating mechanism shall be quick make and quick break and trip free and contacts shall be
single break type with arcing contacts located within are chutes.
The MCCB shall be suitable for both vertical and horizontal mounting.

gg. Switch Fuse Units, Fuse Switch Units

Fuse switch units shall be of the load break heavy duty type suitable for cubicle mounting with front
operation. The switches shall conform to the requirements of IS: 13947 and shall be suitable for being
fitted with HRC fuse links conforming to IS: 13703. The operating handles shall be interlocked with
the opening of the door. The switches shall however be provided with a defeat interlock.

hh. Current Transformers

Current transformers shall be of the ring type suitably fixed between insulating pieces and clamped.
They shall conform to the requirement of IS: 2705 and shall have current ratio and outputs and
accessories as specified.

ii. Instruments
Indicating instruments shall be flush mounting type square of required size and conforming to the
requirement of IS: 1248.

jj. Bus Bars

The bus bar shall be of Aluminium strip designed for a continuous current of specified rating and
fabricated from bars conforming to grade E-91 of IS: 5082. Each bar shall b provided with flexible
expansion links as approved.
The bars shall be suitably supported with fiberglass reinforced epoxy supports to withstand the short
circuit forces possible.

kk. Control Wiring

All control wiring shall be carried out with 1100/660V grade single core PVC cable conforming to IS:
694 having stranded copper conductors of minimum 1.5 sq. mm section for potential circuits and 2.5
sq. mm section for current transformer circuits.
Numbered ferrules at each end shall identify wiring. The ferrules shall be of the ring type and of nondeteriorating material. They shall be firmly located on each wire so as to prevent free movement.
All control circuit fuses shall be mounted in front of the panel and shall be easily accessible.

ll. Labels
Labels shall be of anodized aluminium, with white engraving on black background. They shall be
properly secured with fasteners.




The design of the control panel shall have been type-tested in accordance with following sections of C
I.8 : 1 : 1 of IS: 8623:
Verification of temperature rise limits.
Verification of dielectric properties.
Verification of short circuit strength.
Routine tests shall be conducted on control panel in accordance with C I.8 : 1 : 2 of IS : 8623 and shall
Inspection of the panel including inspection of wiring and electrical operational tests where necessary.
Dielectric tests.
Checking of Protective Measures and electrical continuity of the protective circuits.

nn. Metal Treatment And Finish

All steelwork used in the construction of the switchboards should have undergone a rigorous metal
treatment process as follows:
Effective cleaning by hot alkaline degreasing solution followed by cold water rinsing to remove traces
of alkaline solution.
Pickling in dilute sulphuric acid to remove oxide scales and rust formation, if any, followed by cold
water rinsing to remove trances of acidic solution.
A recognized phosphating process to facilitate durable coating of the paint on the metal surfaces and
also to prevent the spread of rusting in the event of the paint film being mechanically damaged. This
again, shall be followed by hot water rinsing to remove traces of phosphate solution.
Passivating in de-oxalite solution to retain and augment the effects of phosphating. Drying with
compressed air in a dust-free atmosphere. Two coats of stoving synthetic enamel epoxy paint to the
specified shade of IS:5. The total thickness of paint should not be less than 25 microns.

oo. Fire Panel Drawings

The Contractor shall furnish the G.A. and control circuit wiring diagram drawings for approval.
Detailed catalogues for all bought out equipment shall be made available for scrutiny and approval.
After completion of all works 3 sets of all final approved drawings covering G.A. Circuit diagrams,
Single line diagrams for total system are to be made available.



pp. General
The Contractor shall be responsible for testing and commissioning the entire services installation
described in these specifications and will demonstrate the operation of the system of the entire
satisfaction of the Owner / Architect.
Work under this section shall be executed without any additional cost. The rates quoted in this tender
shall be inclusive of the works given in this section.
Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, metering and testing devices required for the purposes.
The entire fire fighting piping system shall be tested at minimum 14 kg/cm 2 pressure. The test pressure
shall the maintained for at least 2 hrs.


qq. 8.2

Method of Testing

The test on fire fighting installation shall be carried out as per the provisions of various Codes of
Practice, fire protection manual of Tariff Advisory Committee and National Building Code.
The carrying out and recording of tests shall be agreed with the Owner / Architect.
The following method of testing of hydrant and sprinkler installation shall be followed in general:
Fire Hydrant System
Pressurize the fire hydrant installation by running the main fire pump and once the required pressure is
achieved, switch off the pump.
Open bypass valve and allow the pressure to drop in the system. Check that the jockey pump cuts-in
and cuts out at the pre-set pressures. If necessary adjust the pressure switch for the jockey pump.
Open hydrant valve and allow the water to flow into the fire water tank in order to avoid wastage of
water. The main fire pump should cut-in at the pre-set pressure and should not cutout automatically on
reaching the normal line pressure. The main fire pump should stop only by manual push button.
However the jockey pump should cut-out as soon as the main pump starts.
Switch off the main fore pump and test check the diesel engine driven pump in the same manner as the
electrically driven pump.
When the fire pumps have been checked for satisfactory working on automatic controls, open fire
hydrant valves simultaneously and allow the hose pipes to discharge water into the fire tank to avoid
wastage. The electrically driven pump should run continuously for eight hours so that its performance
can be checked.
Check each landing valve, male and female couplings and branch pipes for compatibility with each
other. Any fitting, which is found to be incompatible and does not fit into the other properly shall be
replaced by the contractor. Landing valves shall be checked by opening and closing under pressure.
Automatic Sprinkler Installation:
Start the sprinkler pump and develop the required pressure in the sprinkler pipes.
Open the test valve to test the automatic starting of the pump. If necessary, make necessary adjustments
in the setting of pressure switch. The sprinkler fire alarm should also operate when the test valve is
After satisfactory operation of the pump the contractor shall set up mock fire and test the system.

rr. 8.3

Water for Testing

Water for testing shall be obtained by the Contractor from an approved source. It shall be fee from
bacterial contamination, silt, grit, sand etc. After testing, the Contractor shall satisfactorily dispose off
all water, or it may be re used providing it is clean and is not contaminated.

ss. 8.4

Test Records

The Contractor shall be responsible for the keeping all records of tests and on completion shall provide
records and reports of the tests in triplicate. All test records shall clearly identify the item of the test and
must be signed by a witness to the test.

tt. 8.5

Unsatisfactory Work

If the tests reveal unsatisfactory materials, installation or adjustment, the Contractor shall, at his own
expense, carry out such alternations or replacements as may be necessary to rectify the defective work.
The Contractor shall then repeat the tests as necessary to establish the satisfactory nature of the
alternations of replacements.

uu. 8.6

Testing at Works

All plants and equipments shall be tested at maker's works before dispatch and the test certificate in
duplicate shall be forward to Owner/Architect.
The Contractor shall similarly provide a set of manufacture's certified test curves for any pump
installed under the Contract. All tests shall be in accordance with the appropriate Indian Standards.


vv. 8.7

On Site Testing

The Contractor shall provide on site all the necessary instruments, plant, equipment, materials, water,
electricity an labour necessary for carrying out the specified tests. All tests shall be carried out as
required to meet the construction programme and the contractor shall include for all necessary isolation
and other works as may be required for testing the whole or parts of the installation. The Contractor
shall also be responsible for re-testing, if necessary, until satisfactory tests are achieved.



All pipeline installation shall be provided with a colour identification system. The system in general
shall be as per IS: 2379-1983-Specification of Colour Code for the identification of Pipe Lines. The
colour identification system shall comprise of:
Basic Identification Colour over the whole length of pipe. Code indication bands for precise
determination of the contents being carried by the pipe
The code indication bands shall be minimum 150mm wide shall be placed at all junctions, at both sides
of valves, service appliances, bulk heads, wall penetrations and at any other place where identification
is necessary.
The colour of code indication bands shall be as directed by the Owner/Architect.
The direction of flow shall be clearly marked on the pipe lines.
The equipment shall be identified with identification plates as directed by the Owner/Architect.




This section shall be applicable for item rate work and for variations. This preamble covers installation
of fire protection works. This preamble shall be read in conjunction with the Specifications, Conditions
of Contract and all other documents accompanying the tender papers.
For all items of work the rates shall be comprehensive and all inclusive. The rates shall include for all
materials and things necessary for satisfactory completion and maintenance of the work in proper
working order and to the satisfaction of the Architect/Project Manager, including testing, making
samples etc., and all that have been indicated in the Specifications or other Tender Documents either
directly or indirectly and cover for all obligations of the Contractor under the Contract. No claim for
additional payment shall be allowed for any error or misunderstanding by the Contractor of the work
Unless otherwise mentioned in the description of the item, this schedule shall be applicable for work at
any height, position or condition.
Unless otherwise stated, method of 'measurement' as described in the latest 'Specifications' of CPWD
shall be followed. In case of any dispute in this regard, the Project Manager's decision shall be final
binding and conclusive.
The following notations have been used throughout the Schedule of Quantities and Rate:
Running Meter
sq m
Square Meter
cu m
Cubic Meter
MM / mm
Lump Sum
Nepalese Rupees



Nominal Bore (Inside Diameter) of pipe

Outside Diameter


Trace Preamble Fire Protection Works


Masonry chamber for

Valves Hydrants and
other Appurtenances.

2. Pipe Work

Masonry and other chamber shall be measured in number. The rates

shall include excavation in any kinds of soil including quick sand
but excluding rock which requires blasting:
protecting the excavation with all necessary shoring, strutting and keeping
the excavation clear of water,
providing and laying foundation concrete as shown on drawing and as
providing and construction brick masonry walls in cement mortar as
shown on drawing and as specified. The openings required to be left open
for pipes and subsequent grouting shall also be included in the rates;
providing and casting R.C.C. cover as shown in drawing and as specified;
providing, fitting and fixing C.I. surface box, manhole cover as shown in
drawing and as specified and or directed at site by the Project Manager's
providing cement plastering to the wall of chamber, internally as well as
The depth of the manhole shall be reckoned from the top level of C.I.
cover to the invert level of channel. The extra depth shall be measured and
paid as extra over the specified depth.
Pipe work is to be measured in running meters nearest to a cm for the
finished work, which shall include M.S. pipe and M.S. fittings such as
bends, tees, elbows, reducers, crosses, plugs, sockets, nipples and nuts but
shall exclude brass or taps, valves, etc.
The rate shall be inclusive of cost of materials and labour, cutting holes
and chasing in walls and floors and making good the same, providing
sleeves, applying two coats of anti-corrosive paint on buried and
concealed pipe work and painting of exposed pipe with two coats of
enamel paint over a coat of primer.
The rate shall be inclusive of providing 'Identification and Labeling' of
pipes with the colour coded bands.


Valves, Hydrants,
hose reels, sprinklers
and other

Appurtenances like valves, hydrants, hose reels etc. shall be measured in

number. Rates shall includeTesting and checking of appurtenances and fittings.
Fixing/lowering the same into specified support (including providing the
support) jointing, fitting and fixing true to line and level including
repairing of protective coating, if necessary; and
Providing all equipment labour and materials necessary to carry out the
above works complete in all respect as specified and/or instructed.
Painting and identification of the equipment.



NOTE: All Brand Names/Manufactures are Indian unless specified otherwise.



Brand Name/Manufacturer

Pipe & Fittings


Mild Steel / GI Pipes conforming to IS: 1239


Mild Steel Pipes conforming to IS: 3589


G.I. Fittings




C.I. Sluice Valves & Non-return Valves


Butterfly Valves


Brass Fullway Ball Valves


Gun Metal Fire Fighting Fittings & Accessories


Gunmetal Landing Valve, Branch Pipe Nozzle, Fire Brigade

Connection, Male-Female Couplings etc.


Hose Pipes & First Aid Hose Reels


Fire Hose Pipe


First Aid Hose Reel


Sprinkler Heads & Installations Valves


Quartozoid Bulb type Sprinkler Heads


Installation Valve and Hydraulic Gong


Pumps, Electric Motors:




Motors for Pumps


Jindal (Hissar)
Prakash Surya
"R" Brand
Sun Brand



Tiger (ISI Marked)

Mather & Platt
Mather & Platt

Mather Platt
Crompton Greaves
Kirloskar Electric


Fire Extinguisher


Portable Fire Extinguishers


Electric Switch Gear and Starters


Electric Switch Gear


PVC Insulated Armoured Power and Control Cables




Flow Indicating Switches


Pressure Switches


Anti-vibration Pads/Footings
Bellows & Expansion Joints



Cease Fire

Merlin Gerin


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