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Mount Dajti National Park (also Dajti Mountain National Park is situated 26 km east of the capital

and 50 km east of Tirana International Airport Mother Teresa. The park has a surface area of 29,384
hectares, is highly frequented by day and considered the 'Natural Balcony of Tirana'.

Pellumbas Cave

Dajti Mountain together with Priska Mountain (1353m) to the south and Brari Mountain to the North
consists of the national park. The 3,300 hectares (33 km2) protection area was expanded on 21 June
2006 by many more times with the core zone now being 9,000 hectares (90 km2). In addition to the
forests and beautiful mountain landscapes with many wild flowers, numerousmammals are protected
as well. In the park there exist wild boar, eurasian wolf, red fox, European hare, brown
bears andwildcats. In the lower part of the mountains the vegetation is scrub determined with
much heath, myrtle and fragaria. Oakdominates at around the 1,000 metres altitude zone following
with beech forests with some conifers. Perched on the top there is almost no vegetation.
Brari Mountain to the north is also part of the protected area. It is located near Brar village containing
panoramic Brari Canyon, Brari Ottoman Bridge, and a cave. One of Tirana's main water sources,
Bovilla Lake is located to the northeast of Brar village. On the other extremity of the park
along Erzeni River is found the impressive Pellumbas Cave, Erzeni Canyon, and Peshkashesh Dam.
Another natural attraction is the spectacular Shengjini Waterfall (Ujvara e Shengjinit) located near
Shengjergj village. There also exists a protected area to the east of the park called the Mali me
Gropa-Biza-Martaneshi Protected Landscape featuring mountain meadows, forests, and several
mineral water sources. Prior to the 90s, this area served as one of the places where opponents of
the communist regime were rounded up during communism in Albania.
Dajti Mountain can be reached through a narrow asphalted mountain road onto an area known
as Fusha e Dajtit. This was the location of a summer camp but now is the site of many restaurants
and radio/TV transmitters. From this small area there is an excellent view of Tirana and its plain. This
is the reason this place has been named as the Balcony of Tirana. From June 2005, hikers and
visitors of the mountain can use an Austrian built gondola lift from the eastern outskirts of Tirana
to Fusha e Dajtit(Plain of Dajti) at 1050 meters altitude. On the summit of Mount Dajti there exist
several transmitters of radio and television.

Mali i Dajtit sht nj mal n Shqipri q arrin nj lartsi prej 1613 metra. Ndodhet n nj afrsi prej
26 kilometrash nga Tirana me rreth 26 lloje drursh dhe shkurresh pyjore, t cilat mbulojn rreth
80 % t territorit, bimsh e barishtore ,kafsht dhe shpendt e egra, dy majat dominuese,
ballkonet, q qndrojn mbi shkmbinjt e pjerrt, dborn e dimrit dhe lartsin relativisht t
madhe nga niveli i detit, duke filluar nga 300 metra deri n lartsin 1613 metrash t majs m t
lart, n t 4 zonat fitoklimatike e me nj kundrdrejtim q siguron mjaftueshmrin e ditve me
diell, e pr konsekuenc me nj klim m t freskt e me ajr m t pastr se pllaja ku shtrihet
Tirana. Mali i Dajtit i shpallur Park Kombetar me vendim t Kshillit t Ministrave, Nr 9248, dt.
6.2.1966, ka sot nj siprfaqe prej rreth 3300 ha dhe me perspektive zgjerimi deri ne rreth 11000 ha.
Ai sht n juridiksionin dhe administrimin e Drejtoris s Shrbimit Pyjor Tiran. Mali i dajtit esht
cilesuar si mushkria e Tirans. Siper ne maje mund te shikosh te gjithe Tiranen.

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