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Brand management

In marketing, brand management is the analysis and

planning on how that brand is perceived in the market.
Developing a good relationship with the target market is
essential for brand management. Tangible elements of
brand management include the product itself; look, price,
the packaging, etc. The intangible elements are the experience that the consumer has had with the brand, and also
the relationship that they have with that brand. A brand
manager would oversee all of these things.

branding expanded with each advance in transportation,

communication, and trade.
The modern discipline of brand management is considered to have been started by a famous memo at Procter
& Gamble[4] by Neil H. McElroy.[5]
Interbrand's 2012 top-10 global brands are Coca-Cola,
Apple, IBM, Google, Microsoft, GE, McDonalds, Intel, Samsung, and Toyota.[6] The split between commodities/food services and technology is not a matter of
chance: both industrial sectors rely heavily on sales to the
individual consumer who must be able to rely on cleanliness/quality or reliability/value, respectively. For this
reason, industries such as agricultural (which sells to other
companies in the food sector), student loans (which have
a relationship with universities/schools rather than the individual loan-taker), and electricity (which is generally a
controlled monopoly) have less prominent and less recognized branding. Brand value, moreover, is not simply a
fuzzy feeling of consumer appeal, but an actual quantitative value of good will under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Companies will rigorously defend
their brand name, including prosecution of trademark infringement. Occasionally trademarks may dier across


In 2001 Hislop dened branding as the process of creating a relationship or a connection between a companys
product and emotional perception of the customer for
the purpose of generating segregation among competition and building loyalty among customers. In 2004 and
2008, Kapferer and Keller respectively dened it as a fulllment in customer expectations and consistent customer
Brand management is a function of marketing that uses
special techniques in order to increase the perceived value
of a product (see: Brand equity). Based on the aims of
the established marketing strategy, brand management
enables the price of products to grow and builds loyal
customers through positive associations and images or a
strong awareness of the brand.[2]

Among the most highly visible and recognizable brands

is the red Coca-Cola can. Despite numerous blind tests
indicating that Cokes avor is not preferred, Coca-Cola
continues to enjoy a dominant share of the cola market.
Coca-Colas history is so replete with uncertainty that a
folklore has sprung up around the brand, including the
(refuted) myth that Coca-Cola invented the red-dressed
Santa-Claus[7] which is used to gain market entry in less
capitalistic regions in the world such as the former Soviet
Union and China, and such brand-management stories as
Coca-Colas rst entry into the Chinese market resulted
in their brand being translated as 'bite the wax tadpole').[8]
Brand management science is replete with such stories,
including the Chevrolet 'Nova' or it doesn't go in Spanish, and proper cultural translation is useful to countries
entering new markets.


The origin of branding can be traced to ancient times,

when specialists often put individual trademarks on handcrafted goods. The branding of farm animals in Egypt
in 2700 BC to avoid theft may be considered the earliest form of branding, as in its literal sense. As somewhat more than half of companies older than 200 years
old are in Japan, (see: List of oldest companies), many
Japanese businesses mon or seal is an East Asian form
of brand or trademark. In the West, Staelter Hof dates
to 862 or earlier and still produces wine under its name
today. By 1266, English bakers were required by law to
put a specic symbol on each product they sold. Branding became more widely used in the 19th century, through
the industrial revolution and the development of new professional elds like marketing, manufacturing and business management.[3] Branding is a way of dierentiating
product from mere commodities, and therefore usage of

Modern brand management also intersects with legal issues such as 'genericization of trademark.' The 'Xerox'
Company continues to ght heavily in media whenever a
reporter or other writer uses 'xerox' as simply a synonym
for 'photocopy.'[9] Should usage of 'xerox' be accepted as
the standard English term for 'photocopy,' then Xeroxs
competitors could successfully argue in court that they
are permitted to create 'xerox' machines as well. Yet, in


a sense, reaching this stage of market domination is it- Britannia of the 1990s.
self a triumph of brand management, in that becoming
so dominant typically involves strong prot.

6 Social media

Brand orientation

Brand orientation refers to the degree to which the organization values brands and its practices are oriented
towards building brand capabilities (Bridson & Evans,
2004). It is a deliberate approach to working with brands,
both internally and externally. The most important driving force behind this increased interest in strong brands
is the accelerating pace of globalization. This has resulted in an ever-tougher competitive situation on many
markets. A products superiority is in itself no longer
sucient to guarantee its success. The fast pace of
technological development and the increased speed with
which imitations turn up on the market have dramatically shortened product lifecycles. The consequence is
that product-related competitive advantages soon risk being transformed into competitive prerequisites. For this
reason, increasing numbers of companies are looking for
other, more enduring, competitive tools such as brands.


Brand management aims to create an emotional connection between products, companies and their customers
and constituents. Brand managers may try to control the
brand image.[10]

Even though social media has changed the tactics of marketing brands, its primary goals remain the same; to attract and retain customers.[13] However, companies have
now experienced a new challenge with the introduction
of social media. This change is nding the right balance
between empowering customers to spread the word about
the brand through viral platforms, while still controlling
the companys own core strategic marketing goals.[14]
Word-of-mouth marketing via social media, falls under
the category of viral marketing, which broadly describes
any strategy that encourages individuals to propagate
a message, thus, creating the potential for exponential
growth in the messages exposure and inuence.[15] Basic
forms of this are seen when a customer makes a statement
about a product or company or endorses a brand. This
marketing technique allows users to spread the word on
the brand which creates exposure for the company. Because of this brands have become interested in exploring
or using social media for commercial benet.

7 See also
Brand ambassador
Brand awareness
Brand engagement


By Appointment to His Royal Majesty was a registered

and limited list of approved brands suitable for supply to
the Royal British family.
Some believe brand managers can be counter-productive,
due to their short-term focus.[11]
On the other end of the extreme, luxury and high-end
premium brands may create advertisements or sponsor
teams merely for the overall feeling or goodwill generated. A typical no-brand advertisement might simply
put up the price (and indeed, brand managers may patrol
retail outlets for using their name in discount/clearance
sales), whereas on the other end of the extreme a perfume
brand might be created that does not show the actual use
of the perfume or Breitling may sponsor an aerobatics
team purely for the image created by such sponsorship.
Space travel and brand management for this reason also
enjoys a special relationship.
"Nation branding" is a modern term conating foreign relations and the idea of a brand.[12] An example is Cool

Brand implementation
Chief brand ocer
Employer branding
Promise Index
Visual brand language

8 Bibliography
No logo. Naomi Klein. Picador USA, 2009.
The Brands Handbook.
Hudson, 2008.

Wally Olins.Thames &

Wally Olins on Band. Thames & Hudson, 2005.

Bridson, K., and Evans, J. (2004) The secret to
a fashion advantage is brand orientation, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 32(8): 403-11

[1] Shamoon, Sumaira, and Saiqa Tehseen. Brand Management: What Next?" Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business 2.12 (2011): 435441. Business Source Complete. Web. October 20, 2012.
[2] Brand Management Denition.

Retrieved 17 April

[3] Shamoon, Sumaira, and Saiqa Tehseen. Brand Management: What Next?" Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business 2.12 (2011): 435441. Business Source Complete. Web. October 20, 2012.
[4] Neil McElroys Epiphany. P&G Changing the Face of
Consumer Marketing. Harvard Business School. May 2,
2000. Retrieved March 9, 2011.
[5] Aaker, David A.; Erich Joachimsthaler (2000). Brand
Leadership. New York: The Free Press. pp. 16. ISBN
[6] Previous Years - Best Global Brands - Interbrand. Retrieved December 14, 2014.
[9] 41 Brand Names People Use as Generic Terms. Mental
Floss. Retrieved December 14, 2014.
[10] Shamoon, Sumaira, and Saiqa Tehseen. Brand Management: What Next?" Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business 2.12 (2011): 435441. Business Source Complete. Web. October 20, 2012.
[11] Shamoon, Sumaira, and Saiqa Tehseen. Brand Management: What Next?" Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business 2.12 (2011): 435441. Business Source Complete. Web. October 20, 2012.
[12] True, Jacqui (2006). Globalisation and Identity. In
Raymond Miller. Globalisation and Identity. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. p. 74. ISBN 978-0-19558492-9.
[13] Weber, L. (2009). Marketing to the social web: How digital customer communities build your business. London:
[14] Wolny, J., & Mueller, C. (2013). Analysis of fashion consumers motives to engage in electronic word-of-mouth
communication through social media platforms. Journal Of Marketing Management, 29(5/6), 562-583. doi:
[15] Bampo, M., Ewing, M. T., Mather, D. R., Stewart, D.,
& Wallace, M. (2008). The eect of the social structure of digital networks on viral marketing performance.
Information Systems Research, 19(3), 273290. doi:




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Brand management Source: Contributors: Edward, Tregoweth,

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