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Can slab melting be caused by flat subduction?

Marc-Andr Gutscher* Laboratoire GTS, UMR 5573, Universit Montpellier II, F-34095 Montpellier, France
Ren Maury IUEM/Universit Bretagne Occidentale, Place Nicolas Copernic, F-29280 Plouzan, France
Jean-Philippe Eissen
IRD Centre de Bretagne, B.P. 70, F-29280 Plouzan, France
Erwan Bourdon
Slab melting has been suggested as a likely source of adakitic arc magmas (i.e., andesitic
and dacitic magmas strongly depleted in Y and heavy rare earth elements). Existing numerical
and petrologic models, however, restrict partial melting to very young ( < 5 Ma) oceanic crust
(typically at 6080 km depth). Paradoxically, most of the known Pliocene-Quaternary adakite
occurrences are related to subduction of 1045 Ma lithosphere, which should not be able to melt
under normal subduction-zone thermal gradients. We propose an unusual mode of subduction
known as flat subduction, occurring in ~10% of the worlds convergent margins, that can produce the temperature and pressure conditions necessary for fusion of moderately old oceanic
crust. Of the 10 known flat subduction regions worldwide, eight are linked to present or recent
(<6 Ma) occurrences of adakitic magmas. Observations from Chile, Ecuador, and Costa Rica
suggest a three-stage evolution: (1) steep subduction produces a narrow calc-alkaline arc, typically ~300 km from the trench, above the asthenospheric wedge; (2) once flat subduction begins,
the lower plate travels several hundred kilometers at nearly the same depth, thus remaining in
a pressure-temperature window allowing slab melting over this broad distance; and (3) once flat
subduction continues for several million years, the asthenospheric wedge disappears, and a volcanic gap results, as in modern-day central Chile or Peru. The proposed hypothesis, which
reconciles thermal models with geochemical observations, has broad implications for the study
of arc magmatism and for the thermal evolution of convergent margins.
Keywords: flat subduction, thermal structure, slab melting, adakites.
Petrologic models suggest that formation of
trondhjemite-tonalite-dacite (TTD) by partial
melting of the subducted slab was widespread
during Archean time, and these rocks represent a
major component of Precambrian gneiss terranes
(Martin, 1986; Drummond and Defant, 1990).
However, given the cooler mantle temperatures
during the Phanerozoic, these processes should
be uncommon today (Martin, 1986). Recent
models of magma genesis emphasize the role of
fluids released via dehydration reactions from the
subducting plate, thereby causing melting in the
overlying mantle wedge (Schmidt and Poli,
1998). In the past decade, numerous occurrences
of Cenozoic adakites (andesitic and dacitic magmas characterized by strong depletion in heavy
rare earth elements and high Sr/Y ratios) have
been documented and discussed as possible
examples of slab melting (Fig. 1) (Defant and
Drummond, 1990; Morris, 1995). These include
Mount St. Helens (Defant and Drummond, 1993)
and the recent major eruption of Mount Pinatubo
(Prouteau et al., 1999).
Numerical and petrological studies of pressuretemperature-time (P-T-t) paths in subduction
zones suggest that this process can only occur for
subduction of very young (5 Ma) lithosphere
(Peacock et al., 1994) (Fig. 2A, solid lines). Para*Current address: GEOMAR, Marine Geodynamics,
Wischhofstrasse 1-3, D-24148, Germany. E-mail:
[email protected].

doxically, of the ~20 known occurrences of

adakites worldwide, only 5 occur near PlioceneQuaternary spreading centertrench triple junctions, where very young oceanic lithosphere is
being or was recently subducted. The remaining
occurrences involve subduction of moderately
old (10 45 Ma) lithosphere, which is not expected to melt under normal subduction-zone
pressure and temperature conditions. We present
a new geodynamic model to explain the forma-

tion of adakitic magmas for these cases, related to

an unusual subduction geometry known as flat
subduction (Fig. 3) (Sacks, 1983; Pennington,
1984; Cahill and Isacks, 1992; Abbott et al.,
1994; Gutscher et al., 1999a, 2000). Of the 10
known flat slab regions worldwide (Fig. 1), 8 are
linked to present or recent (<6 Ma) occurrences
of adakitic magmas (Table 1).
Comparative observations from several wellconstrained flat slab regions along the Andean
and Central American margin suggest a threestage evolution illustrating how a reduction of
slab dip can lead to episodes of slab melting. In
the normal situation, a narrow calc-alkaline arc
(volcanic line) develops above a steeply dipping
slab, commonly between the 100 and 150 km isodepth contours to the subducted plate (Fig. 3A).
When the dip of the downgoing plate flattens,
in response to a change in buoyancy (i.e., subduction of overthickened oceanic crust), the
arc typically widens, extending much farther
(400 km) from the trench (Fig. 3B and 3C).
During this transitional stage, lasting several
million years, adakitic melts are generated
across a wide volcanic arc. This corresponds to
modern Ecuador (arc 250400 km from trench)
(Monzier et al., 1997; Gutscher et al., 1999b;
Bourdon et al., 1999) and to central Chile at
105 Ma (arc 250800 km from trench) (Kay
and Abbruzzi, 1996). Due to the unique set of

Figure 1. Global distribu8

tion of flat slab regions
(labels correspond to
Table 1) and adakitic magEm
mas (stars). Filled stars
are modern occurrences,
unfilled stars are 16 Ma
old occurrences. Principal
oceanic plateaus, hotspot
tracks, and subducting
arcs are shaded gray:
HkHikurangi Plateau,
LoLouisville Ridge,
AuAustral Plateau, Tu
Tuamotu Plateau, Mq
Marquesas Plateau, Mh
Manihiki Plateau, LiLine
Islands, OJOntong Java
Plateau, EREuripik Rise,
PKPalau-Kyushu Ridge,
IBIzu-Bonin Arc, Sh
Shatsky Rise, MPMidPacific Mountains, HeHess Rise, HaHawaiian Chain, EmEmperor Chain, YBYakutat
Block, ASAlaska Seamounts, CoCocos Ridge, GCGalpagos-Carnegie Ridge, NzNazca
Ridge, JFJuan-Fernandez Ridge.

Geology; June 2000; v. 28; no. 6; p. 535538; 3 figures; 1 table.


varying age of subducting lithosphere (in m.y.)

wet so


v = 3 cm/a
= 0 MPa


steep slab
P-T-t paths

P (GPa)




flat slab
P-T-t paths




T (C)





flat slab
(points from
Fig. 3B,C)


Central Chile (10-7 Ma)


Ecuador (0 Ma)







broad "adakitic" arc







in "tongue"



slab melting



T (C)













partial melting in





Figure 2. Pressure-temperature (P-T ) metamorphic reaction diagram showing expected

P-T-t (t = time) paths for varying conditions.
Ececlogite, Amamphibolite, Gagarnet,
Hbhornblende. A: P-T-t paths for normal 27
subduction dip (solid lines), with varying lithospheric ages, and subduction velocity of
3 cm/yr, with no shear heating, according to
finite difference models (Peacock et al., 1994,
Fig. 8B). P-T-t paths for flat subduction (dashed)
are calculated using analytical solution for
slab thermal structure (Davies, 1999) beneath
70 km depth.These paths are much flatter and
intersect slab melting field (shaded) at 700 C
and 2.5 GPa for 1050 Ma subducted lithosphere. B: P-T-t paths for steep (circles) and
flat (diamonds and squares) subduction
based on isotherms in Figure 3 sampled every
50 km along slab surface.

isotherms and P-T-t paths involved in flat subduction, slab melting can occur (Fig. 2). Prolonged flat subduction will sufficiently cool both
lithospheres such that the downgoing oceanic
crust dehydrates before the necessary temperatures for partial melting are attained and thus the
final stage, a volcanic gap, is achieved (Fig. 3D).
This complete evolution has been documented
for central Chile between 20 Ma and the present
(Kay and Abbruzzi, 1996). Ecuador is known to
have had a narrow calc-alkaline arc at 5 Ma
(Barberi et al., 1988) and has evolved to stage 2
today due to flattening of the slab in response to
subduction of Carnegie Ridge (Pennington,
1981; Gutscher et al., 1999b).
The Costa Rican margin also exhibits a similar magmatic evolution (Defant et al., 1992).
Before 6 Ma, magmatism was calc-alkaline in
nature and the subduction angle presumably
steep. Around 5 Ma uplift began in the Tala536



wet so

steep slab
(points from
Fig. 3A)

P (GPa)



v = 6 cm/a
25 m.y. old lithosphere






P-T-t paths based on isotherms in Figure 3






narrow calc-alkaline arc






Central Chile (20-12 Ma) Ecuador (6 Ma)








final pulse of "adakitic" volcanism

Central Chile (6-4 Ma)














slab melting






Central Chile (0 Ma)



no active volcanism



transcurrent faulting and/or

block fault uplift (Sierras Pampeanas)









no asthenospheric wedge













Figure 3.Three-stage evolution showing transition from steep to flat subduction style due to subduction of buoyant, overthickened oceanic crust (e.g., oceanic plateau), with impact on magmatic arc.Thermal structure is constructed based on adaptation of published numerical models
(Peacock et al., 1994; Peacock, 1996) and analytical solution (Davies, 1999) (see text). A: Steep or
normal subduction ( > 30 dip), with narrow calc-alkaline arc, ~300 km from trench produced by
slab dehydration and partial melting in overlying asthenospheric wedge. B: Early stage magmatic flat subduction; oceanic slab crosses 700 C geotherm at ~80 km depth (300400 km from
trench) allowing broad adakitic arc to develop. Partial melting continues in narrow intervening
tongue of asthenospheric material. C: Late stage magmatic flat subduction; intervening asthenospheric tongue cools and retreats. Partial melting can only occur at great distance (~450
600 km) from trench, and final pulse of magmatism occurs, as in Sierras Pampeanas, Pocho
eruption 4.7 Ma (Kay and Abbruzzi, 1996). D: Prolonged (amagmatic) flat subduction; oceanic
slab is cooler than 600 C, asthenospheric wedge has disappeared, and thus no partial melting
can occur, and volcanism ceases.

manca Cordillera, suggesting that the arrival of

Cocos Ridge began modifying the style of subduction to the current flat slab configuration
(Protti et al., 1994). Since 5 Ma, adakitic magmatism developed, interpreted as originating

from slab melting (Defant et al., 1992). Today,

the Talamanca segment of Costa Rica appears
to have advanced to the final stage, a volcanic
gap, because no Quaternary stratovolcanoes are
present along this 100 km segment.
GEOLOGY, June 2000


Although prolonged flat subduction generally
produces a cooler thermal structure (i.e., both
upper and lower lithospheres are cooler) (Fig. 3D),
(Sacks, 1983; Vlaar, 1983; Henry and Pollack,
1988; Dumitru et al., 1991), during the initiation
of flat subduction the leading edge of the undersliding slab can be anomalously heated. An
analytic solution for the thermal structure of a
cold slab subducting through hot asthenosphere
demonstrates temperature to be a function of the
downdip length, the slab thickness, and the rate
of subduction, but independent of the subduction
dip, thus allowing application to a slab with variable dip down its length (Davies, 1999). In other
words, a slab moving a fixed distance through hot
asthenosphere will gain heat at the same rate
whether it descends vertically, at 60, at 30, or
even if it moves horizontally (as in Fig. 3B and
3C). This allows published steep-slab isotherms
(Peacock et al., 1994; Peacock, 1996) to be recalculated for a flat slab geometry for pressures
>2 GPa (~70 km depth) (Fig. 2A). Due to the unusual path traveled, first downward to 70 km
depth, and then subhorizontally for several hundred kilometers, the P-T-t paths differ greatly
from steep subduction paths and cross over the
wet solidus into the slab melting field.
To date, all published numerical models of subduction-zone thermal structure feature a constant
(Davies and Stevenson, 1992; Furukawa, 1993;
Peacock et al., 1994; Peacock, 1996; Stein and
Stein, 1996) or constantly increasing (Oleskevich
et al., 1999; Peacock and Wang, 1999) slab dip,
and are typically run until thermal equilibrium is
reached. No numerical study has yet attempted to
rigorously model a reduction in slab dip (flat subduction), including its transient thermal structure.
Past attempts, either static (Vlaar, 1983) or one dimensional (Spencer, 1994), have proven unsatisfactory. In order to illustrate a plausible sequence
GEOLOGY, June 2000

for the thermal evolution resulting from a change

in subduction style from steep to flat, a thermal
model was constructed using an adaptation of
published numerical and analytical solutions. The
steep slab thermal structure is based on both finite
difference models (Peacock et al., 1994; Peacock,
1996) and the analytical solution (Davies, 1999)
and shows good agreement with earlier (Davies
and Stevenson, 1992; Stein and Stein, 1996) and
recently published finite-element calculations
(Oleskevich et al., 1999; Peacock and Wang,
1999) for slabs with comparable subduction
parameters (age, velocity, dip angle). The flat slab
thermal structure below 70 km is calculated using
the analytical solution as described here (Davies,
1999). The subduction parameters and geometry
applied here are based loosely on typical Andean
values (25 Ma lithosphere with a 60 km thermal
thickness, velocity = 6 cm/yr, and a 300 km subhorizontal slab at 80 km depth). It assumes no
shear heating, no heat of fusion, and no advective
heat transport to the arc. This set of isotherms is
sampled every 50 km along the downdip direction
in order to illustrate the P-T-t paths predicted by
this evolutionary model, shown in Figure 2B, by
the use of symbols (circles, diamonds, and
squares), each corresponding to a position in P-T
space (Fig. 2B). Because the leading edge of the
undersliding slab spends ~5 m.y. at a nearly constant depth of 7080 km (pressures of 22.5 GPa),
it has sufficient time to heat to 700800 C,
leading to the fluid-present partial melting of the
oceanic crust (Drummond and Defant, 1990;
Peacock et al., 1994; Prouteau et al., 1999).
Alternate models have been proposed for producing adakitic-like magmas in a convergent
margin setting; melting of the edges of oceanic
crust in the context of a slab window (Johnston
and Thorkelson, 1997), direct melting of the base
of an overthickened orogenic continental crust

(Atherton and Petford, 1993; Petford and Atherton, 1996; Kay and Abbruzzi, 1996), and melting
of the base of an accreted arc or ophiolite complex,
as invoked for Ecuador (Arculus et al., 1999).
The slab window model in general applies to
trenchspreading center triple junctions, and
thus could succeed in explaining the Chile triple
junction and possibly the Panama occurrence
(assuming that a spreading center segment was
recently subducted). However, it is insufficient
to explain the numerous cases where moderately
old oceanic crust is subducting (e.g., Peru, central Chile, Japan, Alaska) and where no evidence
of lithospheric tears exists.
Melting at the base of an overthickened orogenic crust (garnet eclogite) has been suggested
for Chile (Kay and Abbruzzi, 1996), Peru (Petford
and Atherton, 1996), and Ecuador (Monzier
et al., 1997) based on isotopic imprints and trace
element features indicative of crustal components. However, in Ecuador the crustal imprint is
known to be weak (<15%) (Barragan et al.,
1998; Bourdon et al., 1999). Furthermore, it is
very difficult to distinguish whether these characteristics reflect melting of the base of the crust,
or slab melting followed by crustal contamination during ascent through the Andean crust
(e.g., the MASH model, Hildreth and Moorbath,
1988). Because these two processes often cannot
be distinguished geochemically, the reasons
commonly given for dismissing the slab-melting
model are thermal considerations, i.e., that crust
older than 20 Ma cannot melt (Petford and
Atherton, 1996; Kay and Abbruzzi, 1996).
The first argument against melting of the base
of a crust thickened by underplating of mafic
material is that, while this explanation may work
for parts of South America, it does not explain
Cascadia, southern Alaska, or southwestern
Japan, where continental crustal thicknesses do
not exceed 40 km (Oleskevich et al., 1999).
Moreover, the relatively high Mg, Cr, and Ni
contents of Andean adakites and related rocks
are best explained by interaction with mantle
peridotite (Sen and Dunn, 1995).
The strongest argument against crustal melting (either of continental or accreted oceanic
materials) is temporal. All well-studied adakitic
provinces are known from radiometric dating to
have been active for only a brief time span of
23 m.y. or less (e.g., Panama and Costa Rica,
Defant et al., 1992). Adakitic magmatism in central Chile ceased at 4.7 Ma (Kay and Abbruzzi,
1996), yet subduction beneath the thickened
crust continues today. The same is true for
Ecuador, where subduction has been occurring
and arc magmas have been ascending through
the accreted ophiolitic crust for at least 20 m.y.
Why is there no older (1020 Ma) adakitic magmatism and why does its onset correspond to the
change in subduction dip?
It is important to note that our flat subduction
slab melting model includes this temporal evolu537

tion. It is only during the early stages of flat subduction that the upper part and leading edge of the
slab can melt. Prolonged flat subduction will cool
both lithospheres and impede partial melting. It
has been repeatedly suggested that only the subduction of hot, very young lithosphere will allow
slab melting to occur (Defant and Drummond,
1993; Peacock et al., 1994). The emphasis here is
not on the initial temperature of the slab, but on
its buoyancy and thus on the time spent at a relatively shallow (~80 km) depth, allowing the slab
to heat. Therefore, oceanic crust as old as 50 Ma
can melt if it is given sufficient time to warm.
Young crust (510 Ma) subducts steeply at lat
42S in Chile, yet no adakites are observed between lat 42 and 44S.
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Hirschmann for constructive suggestions that helped
improve the original manuscript. M.-A. Gutschers research was supported by a Marie Curie Training and
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Manuscript received October 5, 1999
Revised manuscript received March 14, 2000
Manuscript accepted March 28, 2000

GEOLOGY, June 2000

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