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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume 2014, Article ID 794039, 5 pages

Clinical Study
Anatomical Outcome of Vitreoretinal Surgery
Using Temporary Keratoprosthesis and Replacement of
the Trephined Corneal Button for Severe Open Globe Injuries:
One-Year Result
Hui-Jin Chen, Chang-Guan Wang, Hong-Liang Dou, Xue-Feng Feng,
Kang Feng, Yun-Tao Hu, Yi-Min Xu, and Zhi-Zhong Ma
Department of Ophthalmology, Key Laboratory of Vision Loss and Restoration, Ministry of Education, Peking University Third Hospital,
49 HuaYuan BeiLu, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Zhi-Zhong Ma; [email protected]
Received 12 February 2014; Revised 1 June 2014; Accepted 12 June 2014; Published 1 July 2014
Academic Editor: Marco A. Zarbin
Copyright 2014 Hui-Jin Chen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this case series of 74 patients with coexisting vitreoretinal injury and severe corneal opacification, after temporary
keratoprosthesis (TKP) assisted pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), an allograft corneal transplant was not performed at the same time;
instead, the patients trephined corneal button was sutured back. One year after the surgery, if intraocular pressure of the injured eyes
was above 8 mmHg, removing silicone oil was attempted, and penetrating keratoplasty could be performed. Finally, 10 eyes (13.5%)
were enucleated due to atrophia bulbi; 46 eyes (62.2%) were silicone-oil sustained; 15 eyes (20.3%) were anatomically restored; and
3 eyes (4.0%) experienced recurrent retinal detachment. These figures only demonstrate a small percentage of the injured eyes in
our series, which have PKP indications. It is a practical option to suture back the patients trephined cornea following a TKP assisted
PPV; keratoplasty was reserved for selected cases.

1. Introduction
A severe ocular injury sometimes results in an anterior segment anomaly and a posterior segment disturbance, simultaneously. A variety of corneal injuries can cause an opaque
cornea that impedes the visualization of the fundus during
vitreoretinal surgery. For this circumstance, an endoscopyassisted vitrectomy is one solution [1], and the application
of temporary keratoprosthesis (TKP) is another solution [2
5]. A penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) procedure is usually
performed after a pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) using TKP.
However, the long-term outcomes of this triple procedure
(PPV + TKP + PKP) were not so optimistic for the traumatized eyes [25]. The main reasons for these unfavorable
results were ciliary body malfunction and secondary graft
failure [3].
In our center, a different strategy was used in treating patients with coexisting vitreoretinal injury and severe
corneal opacification. After a TKP assisted PPV, an allograft

corneal transplant was not performed at the same time;

instead, the patients trephined corneal button was sutured
back. PKP was later considered for selected cases. This
surgical method was previously not reported in the large
prospective case series. Herein, we present the anatomic
outcome of this procedure (TKP + PPV + replacement of the
trephined cornea [RTC]).

2. Patients and Methods

All subjects in this study were selected from the database
of the eye injury vitrectomy study (EIVS), which was established in January 1997. The details and protocols of EIVS
have been introduced in previous publications [6] and are
briefly described here. EIVS is a hospital-based prospective
cohort study. Six tertiary hospitals in China have successively
participated in it. The type and zone of the injury conform
to the recommendations of the United States Eye Injury

Registry and the International Society of Ocular Trauma
(Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETT [7])); A
System for Classifying Mechanical Injuries of the Eye [8].
The intraocular area of the injured eye was examined and
assessed during vitreoretinal surgery, and the results were
recorded by the chief surgeon as baseline information for
the register of eye injury form. Follow-up information was
continuously added into the form later on. All of these data
were entered into the EIVS electronic database using Epidata
(The EpiData Association, Odense, Denmark).
For this study, we selected cases from January 2008 to
June 2012 in the EIVS database. The inclusion criteria include
(1) eyes that suffered from an open globe injury with retinal
detachment; (2) TKP + PPV + RTC was performed; (3)
the injured eye was tamponade with silicone oil; and (4)
the postoperative follow-up was no less than twelve months.
The exclusion criteria are patients who have missing records;
those without complete follow-up information; those who
suffered open globe injuries with no retinal detachment;
those who had an allograft transplant during PPV due to
corneal infection or severe corneal destruction; those with
gas tamponade eyes; and those who had a follow-up in less
than twelve months.
The baseline information includes the preoperative and
intraoperative assessment of the injured eye. The preoperative examinations include posttraumatic vision, intraocular
pressure (IOP), and B-scan ultrasonography. Most of the
relevant intraoperative assessments include type and zone of
the injury, causes of corneal opacification, the length of the
wound, extension of the severe ciliary body injury (defined
as inability to recognize the structure of ciliary processes in
at least two quadrants), severe choroidal damage (defined
as a communication between the vitreous cavity and the
suprachoroidal cavity caused by choroidal rupture, and which
is surgically unrepairable), severe loss of the retinal tissue
(defined as retinal loss in at least two quadrants), and the
retinal reattachment rate during an operation. The follow-up
information includes a postoperative vision, IOP, and corneal
transparency and the anatomical outcome of the injured
eyes, which were categorized into four types according to the
following flowchart (Figure 1): anatomically restored (defined
as IOP no less than 8 mmHg, retina is reattached, and silicone
oil is removed); silicone-oil sustained (defined as IOP less
than 8 mmHg, silicone oil cannot be removed, and the eyes
are permanently tamponade with silicone oil); enucleated due
to phthisis bulbi; and recurrent with retinal detachment.
2.1. Surgical Procedures. Under general anesthesia, the eyes
were prepared for a standard three-port vitrectomy. The
pathologic cornea was trephined and the corneal button was
protected by a viscoelastic material and kept in a humid
container. Ocular Landers wide field temporary keratoprosthesis (Ocular Instruments, USA) was sutured with a 60 vicryl suture (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., USA).
In addition to vitrectomy, surgical procedures may include
synechiolysis of the anterior segment, cyclopexy, iridoplasty,
lensectomy, membrane peeling, retinotomy and retinectomy,
foreign body extraction, subretinal hemorrhage removal, use

Journal of Ophthalmology
Table 1: Types of eye injury.

Open-globe mixture



Table 2: Causes of corneal opacification.

Corneal blood staining

Large edematous corneal wounds
Corneal explosive injury with multiple
intracorneal foreign bodies





of perfluorocarbon liquids, and endophotocoagulation. At

the end of the surgery, instead of an allograft transplant, the
patients trephined corneal button was sutured back. All eyes
were tamponade with silicone oil.

3. Results
74 eyes of 73 patients met the criteria in this study (66 male
and 7 female). The mean age of the patients was 34.6 15.8
years old (range, 569). For posttraumatic vision, there was
no light perception (NLP) in 54 eyes; light perception (LP)
in 17 eyes; and hand motion (HM) in 3 eyes. The mean
posttraumatic IOP was 4.7 2.7 mmHg (range, 214). The
average interval of injury and vitrectomy (IOIV) was 23.8
12.4 days (range, 560).
Intraoperative Assessment of the Injured Eye. Types of eye
injury are summarized in Table 1. All eyes suffered from zone
III injuries. Causes of corneal opacification are summarized
in Table 2. The mean length of the wound was 12.9 6.9 mm
(range, 530). 45 eyes (60.8%) had severe ciliary body injury.
33 eyes (44.6%) had severe choroidal damage. 25 eyes (33.8%)
had severe retinal tissue loss. 5 eyes (6.8%) had total retinal
loss. The retina of 2 eyes (2.9%) could not be reattached
during the surgery.
Patients Follow-Up. 10 eyes (13.5%) were enucleated due to
atrophia bulbi during follow-up. One year after the TKP +
PPV + RTC procedure, the vision results were NLP in 28
eyes (43.8%); LP in 18 eyes (28.1%); HM in 13 eyes (20.3%);
and finger count in 5 eyes (7.8%). 16 out of 54 eyes (29.6%)
improved from preoperative NLP to postoperative LP; 29
eyes (45.3%) had improved vision after the TKP + PPV +
RTC procedure; and 35 eyes (54.7%) remained unchanged.
The mean postoperative IOP during the final visit was 8
3.09 mmHg (range, 516). The anatomical outcome of the
injured eyes is shown in Figure 2. 10 eyes (13.5%) were
enucleated due to atrophia bulbi; 46 eyes (62.2%) were
silicone-oil sustained; 15 eyes (20.3%) were anatomically
restored; and 3 eyes (4.0%) experienced recurrent RD.

Journal of Ophthalmology

Atrophia bulbi

Severe ciliary body injury and(or)

severe choroidal damage and(or)
severe retinal loss


Persistent hypotony
IOP 8 and
had LP and
cornea was opaque



12 months

R attached



IOP 8 and
had LP and
cornea was clear




R attached




IOP < 8


SO: silicone-oil sustained
AR: anatomically restored
RE: recurrent retinal detachment
RD: retinal detachment
R: retina

TKP: temporary keratoprosthesis

PPV: pars plana vitrectomy
RTC: replacement of the trephined cornea
SOR: silicone-oil removal
EN: enucleation

Figure 1

Severe ciliary body injury and(or)

severe choroidal damage and(or)
severe retinal loss

Atrophia bulbi
Persistent hypotony
IOP 8 and
had LP and
cornea was opaque



Others (29)

12 months


SO (35)
R attached



IOP 8 and
had LP and
cornea was clear
IOP < 8
and(or) (11)

TKP: temporary keratoprosthesis

PPV: pars plana vitrectomy
RTC: replacement of the trephined cornea
SOR: silicone-oil removal
EN: enucleation

EN (10)


AR (10)

RE (2)

R attached


AR (5)

RE (1)

SO (11)

SO: silicone-oil sustained

AR: anatomically restored
RE: recurrent retinal detachment
RD: retinal detachment
R: retina

Figure 2

4. Discussion
When treating patients with coexisting corneal opacification
and vitreoretinal disorders, the triple procedure (PPV + TKP
+ PKP) has been commonly used [25]. However, open globe
eye trauma is a unique clinical entity since the injured eye
would usually have a complex and multiple intraocular structure disorganization. Special attention must be paid to this situation; and the routine triple procedure (PPV + TKP + PKP)

may need some modifications for the injured eyes. For

instance, in our practice, an allograft was not transplanted
during an exploratory vitrectomy at the acute phase of the
injury. Instead, the patients opaque cornea was sutured back.
Several reasons justified this strategy.
First of all, for severely injured eyes, postoperative persistent hypotony is common; and a longstanding or permanent
silicone-oil tamponade may be needed. If PKP is performed
on such eyes, the success rate will dramatically be reduced

due to insufficient nourishment of the cornea, which is caused
by an inadequate aqueous flow and an unavoidable silicone
oil-endothelium contact [911]. Roters et al. [3] reported a
series of 34 severely injured eyes that underwent the PPV +
TKP + PKP procedure; 8 eyes were considered phthisical and
10 eyes had a longstanding hypotony. During the follow-up
period, graft opacification with corneal decompensation was
found in 29 of 34 eyes. The author pointed out that there is
a higher risk of graft failure if silicone oil is not removed.
In their case series, 21 eyes (62%) had silicone oil-corneal
endothelium contact; and all of those grafts failed. In our case
series, 46 eyes (62.2%) experienced persistent hypotony and
the silicone oil could not be removed; and 10 eyes (13.5%) were
enucleated due to atrophia bulbi. Only 15 eyes (20.3%) were
anatomically restored. These figures only demonstrate a small
percentage of the injured eyes in our series, which have PKP
Secondly, hematocornea, which is a common reason
for corneal opacification after a severe ocular trauma, is
sometimes reversible. Brodrick [12] observed that 6 eyes
had corneal blood staining due to contusion injuries, which
occurs in traumatic hyphema cases. He observed that the
cornea became completely clear in 4 out of 6 eyes, although
the processes may take a long time. In our case series, hematocornea accounts for 67.6% of corneal opacification. During
the one-year follow-up, all eyes with hematocornea showed
some degree of clearing; and in 6 eyes, the cornea became
clear enough; hence, PKP was no longer necessary. For these
cases, if allografts were hastily performed, the patients would
have suffered a series of unnecessary troubles, such as longterm use of topical steroids and immunosuppressive agents,
and a lifetime vigilance for graft rejection. Therefore, eyes
with corneal blood staining will be observed for at least one
year to see if it can resolve by itself.
Lastly, the injured eyes are usually still congested and
inflamed at the time of vitrectomy, which increases the risk
of graft failure. Roters et al. [3] found that a transplant failure
was more frequent for eyes that were grafted within 8 weeks of
trauma. Besides, in areas with donor tissue scarcity, allograft
is often not available for the limited time frame of vitrectomy
surgery. Suturing back the patients trephined corneal button
allows the PKP to be performed in a relatively quiet eye and
provides sufficient time for waiting for the donor.
There is also a limitation in our surgical strategy. It is
undeniable that suturing back the patients opaque cornea
may cause some inconvenience in observing the fundus
after the surgery. However, in many patients, the transparency of the cornea gets better over a period of time
after surgery, and the fundus can usually be examined
through the area of the transparent cornea. For patients
with a completely opaque cornea, there are two major
issues we can take into account when determining the
visual potential of the eye or making plans for additional surgery: one is the previous surgical record with
detailed description of the status of the retina and the
other is the level of IOP and the sensitivity of light perception and light projection postoperatively. B-scan and
endoscopy can be used to help determine the status of the

Journal of Ophthalmology
In conclusion, from this large case series with a coexisting
corneal and vitreoretinal injury, we found that only 20.3%
of the eyes can be anatomically restored and have real
value for PKP. There was also a high incidence (62.2%) of
persistent hypotony and longstanding silicone-oil tamponade
for severely injured eyes. Corneal blood staining was the most
common reason (67.6%) for using TKP. During follow-up,
all eyes with hematocornea showed some degree of clearing.
Therefore, instead of using the triple procedure (PPV + TKP +
PKP) as a routine treatment for every patient with coexisting
vitreoretinal injury and severe corneal opacification, we
advocate suturing back the patients trephined cornea during
the primary procedure and perform PKP on a later stage, as
a secondary procedure for carefully selected cases.

Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.

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