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WHEREAS, the proper enforcement and effective execution of the laws of the
land is the duty and responsibility of the national government;
WHEREAS, pursuant to Presidential Letter of Instructions No. 824 s-79, a
National Committee on Anti-Organized Crime was established to formulate and
implement plans and control all activities relative to the integration of the five pillar
approach to the National Criminal Justice System, particularly on organized crimes;
WHEREAS, the Peace and Order Council created pursuant to Executive Order
727 s-81 has responsibilities which encompass those of the National Committee on
Anti-Organized Crime created pursuant to Letter of Instruction No. 824 s-79 and to
prevent overlapping of functions, a need exists to abolish the National Committee on
Anti-Organized Crime;
WHEREAS, there exists a need for closer cooperation among all law
enforcement agencies of the government involved in the enforcement of general and
special laws to insure unified direction and integration of effort throughout the country in
the suppression of criminal activities on a day-to-day basis, particularly at the operating
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines,
by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and direct the
1. The National Committee on Anti-Organized Crime, as established
pursuant to Letter of Instructions No. 824 s-79 is hereby abolished
and its functions, duties, responsibilities and instrumentalities
absorbed by the Peace and Order Council created pursuant to
Executive Order No. 727 s-81.
2. Law Enforcement coordinating bodies to be known as Law Enforcement
Coordinating Committees are hereby created and constituted at the
national, regional and provincial levels of the Peace and Order Council
to serve as a venue for the coordination of all law enforcement activities
of various government law enforcement agencies.
3. The Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee at the national level shall
consist of:
Chief of Constabulary/Director General, Integrated National Police
Director, National Bureau of Investigation
Director, Finance Ministry Investigation Bureau
Director, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Commandant, Philippine Coast Guard
Commissioner, Commission on Immigration and Deportation

Chief, Operations Control, National Intelligence and Security Authority

Commissioner, Bureau of Customs
Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue
Director, Bureau of Forest Development
General Manager, Philippine Ports Authority
Commanding General, Aviation Security Command
Director, Bureau of Land Transportation
Director, Bureau of Air Transportation
Commanding General, Civil Relations Service, AFP
Executive Director, NAPOCCENT, and corresponding heads of all other
national government agencies with law enforcement functions.
4. The regional Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee shall consist
of the PC/INP Regional Commander, who shall be the Chairman,
the heads/administrators of regional or field officers of government
agencies mentioned in paragraph 3 of this order, and the Peace and
Order Coordinator of the region.
5. The provincial Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee shall
consist of the PC/INP Provincial Commander, who shall be the
Chairman; the heads of provincial field offices or stations of
government agencies mentioned in paragraph 3 of this order,
and the Peace and Order Coordinator of the province.
6. The Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee at all levels shall
each maintain a coordinating center through which it shall
coordinate the day-to-day law enforcement activities of the
various member-agencies.
7. Each Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee at all levels shall
meet at least once a month to discuss, monitor and assess the
law enforcement programs of the government.
8. The Chairman, Peace and Order Council shall issue appropriate
rules and regulations in the implementation of this Executive Order.
Done in the City of Manila, this 11th of September in year of our Lord,
nineteen hundred and eighty two.
C3 9 Sep 86/3202
Dep Exec Director, NALECC

Rules and Regulations to Implement

Executive Order Nr. 829


These implementing Rules and Regulations are promulgated

pursuant to paragraph 8 of Executive Order Nr 829 dtd 11
September 1982 creating law enforcement coordinating
bodies to be known as Law Enforcement Coordinating
Committee (LECCs) at the national, regional and provincial
levels of the Peace and Order Councils.



The LECC shall serve as a venue for the coordination of all

law enforcement activities of various government law
enforcement agencies to ensure unified direction and
integration of effort throughout the country in the
suppression of criminal activities on a day-to-day basis,
particularly at the operating levels.



The LECCs shall undertake the performance of the following




Serve as forum for dialogues and coordination among

the government agencies/entities engaged in the
enforcement of general and special laws.


Coordinate policies/procedures in order to facilitate

cooperation and integration of effort among memberagencies and insure a unified direction in the
suppression of criminal activities.


Identify priority areas

enforcement activities.


Prepare and submit to the Chairman POC for

Consideration/implementation basic strategies/plans
which shall outline the law enforcement facet of the
peace and order campaign, as well as delineate policies
and thrusts in the effective implementation of law
enforcement functions.




Organization/Membership Law Enforcement Coordinating Committees at

various levels shall be organized as indicated

Chief of Constabulary/Director-General
Integrated National Police - Chairman
Director, National Bureau of Investigation
Director, Finance Ministry Investigation Bureau
Director, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Commander, Philippine Coast Guard

Commissioner, Commission on Immigration and

Chief, Operation Control, National Intelligence and
Security Authority
Commissioner, Bureau of Customs
Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue
Director, Bureau of Forest Development
General Manager, Philippine Port Authority
Commanding General, Aviation Security Command
Director, Bureau of Land Transportation
Director, Bureau of Air Transportation
Commanding General, Civil Relations Service, AFP
Executive Director, NAPOCCENT and
Corresponding heads of all other national
Government agencies with law enforcement

The Regional Law Enforcement Coordinating

Committee (RLECC) shall consist of the PC/INP
Regional Commander, who shall be the Chairman,
and the heads/administrators of regional or equivalent
field offices of government agencies mentioned in
paragraph 4-a and the Peace and Order Coordinator
of the region, as members.


The Provincial Law Enforcement Coordinating

Committee (PLECC) shall consist of the PC/INP
Provincial Commander who shall be the Chairman,
and the heads of provincial field offices or stations of
government agencies mentioned in paragraph 4-a
and the Peace and Order Coordinator of the province,
as members.
There shall be a Vice-Chairman
appointed by the Chairman from among the
members, on a rotation basis, and whose term shall
be for a period of six (6) months. In the absence or
incapacity of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall
perform the duties and functions of the Chairman.


Creation of Sub-Committees The Chairman of the LECC at all levels may

create functional Sub-Committees as he may deem necessary to undertake
specific tasks, missions and functions within the cognizance of the LECC.


Coordinating Center and Secretariat

a. All LECCs shall maintain a coordinating center,
staffed by a secretariat, through which it shall
coordinate the day-to-day law enforcement activities
of the various member-agencies.
All memberagencies are encouraged to detail a representative or

at least a liaison to the coordinating center/secretariat

to facilitate inter-agency coordination.
b. At the national level, the Coordinating Center and
Secretariat shall be located at the PC/INP Operations
c. At the regional level, the Coordinating Center and
Secretariat shall be located at the PC/INP Regional
Operations Center.
d. At the provincial level, the Coordinating Center and
Secretariat shall be located at the Intelligence and
Operations Section of the PC/INP Provincial

Other Functions of the Secretariat The Secretariat shall also perform the
following duties/responsibilities.
a. Keep minutes of all committee meetings.
b. Gather/compile all data information requirements of
the Committee.
c. Prepare reports and recommendations to higher
LECCs, POC and other government agencies as


Frequency of Meetings Each LECC shall meet at least once a month to

discuss, monitor and assess the law enforcement programs
of the government especially as they relate or apply to the
LECCs area of responsibility. Special meetings may be
convened by the LECC Chairman with at least 24 hours
notice to its members on matters necessitating prompt
immediate action.


Organizational Relationship The LECC, being an integral part of the POC at the
same level, shall be under the direct administrative
supervision of the latter. In matters of law enforcement,
higher LECCs shall have direct supervision and control over
lower LECCs.


Channels of Communications Official LECC communications shall be sent

through channel. For urgent cases or where immediate
action is needed, the communication may be sent direct to
the appropriate LECC and/or POC but at all times the
intervening LECC should be informed.

The communication network of the AFP, INP and

NAPOLCOM, as well as that of other member agencies may
be utilized for urgent LECC messages.

Coordinating Instructions Lateral coordination and cooperation between and

among LECCs shall be encouraged at all times to insure
unified directions and integration of law enforcement effort
throughout the country.


Minister of National Defense
Chairman, Peace and Order Council

C3 Div/8 Sep 86


NALECC Secretariat

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