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Chapter 1

Background of the Study

We all sorely complain of the shortness of time, and yet have much more than we know what to do
with. Our lives are either spent in doing nothing at all, or in doing nothing to the purpose, or in doing
nothing that we ought to do. We are always complaining that our days are few and acting as though
there would be no end of them.
~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Education is the way to discover knowledge and to hone the skills of an individual that are
vital, or necessary to attract amiable people to live with, better shelter for protection , and more foods
or clothes for strength and beautification. Thats the reason why our parents and guardians sent us in
schools to have a vision that gives direction to ones life. Students are the worlds future heroes. With
their modern, advance and broad knowledge which are continuously sprinkled with the help of
hardworking teachers is the key to make a better future for themselves and society. Apart from that,
they can also be one of the problems of society. In modern generations, the percentage of
widespread harmful behavior upsurge called Procrastination. It inhibits the productivity and progress
of an individual.
"Procrastination is 'the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today, stated by
Wayne Dyer. Procrastination is behavior of delaying an intended action or decision that can be done
earlier but choose to do in last minute or defined as the act of needlessly delaying tasks to the point
of experiencing subjective discomfort. The definition itself holds a decidedly negative denotation and
connotation, since the word delay is irrational, people end up choosing a course of action that they
know will not maximize their physical and psychological well-being. For most people procrastination,
irrespective of what they say, is NOT about being lazy. In fact, when we procrastinate we often work
intensely for long stretches just before our deadlines. Working long and hard is the opposite of lazy,
so that cant be the reason we do it. So, why do we procrastinate and, more importantly, what can we
do about it? Its a familiar scene: I presume, many of us, every Friday (or, latest, Saturday morning) I
sit down and make a list. Usually it's stuff I didn't get to during the week, stories that are in the
process of happening or ideas that seemed good at some point in time that I still want to consider.
Furthermore, the practical stuff, like laundry and cleaning and bills and errands that I consider
weekend duties because there's no time in our hectic workaday life, right? I never write, on this list,
"Check Twitter," "Read Interesting Articles on the Internet," "Look at Facebook," or even "Watch TV"
or "Read Books"unless a book perhaps has to do with work. Nor do I include phone calls to or
hanging out with friends, usually, unless it's been so long that an appointment has been made and
needs to be kept. The act of making the list itself is a kind of procrastinationI'm not in that time
accomplishing anything on that listbut it's also soothing and organizing and even energizing in its
own way. Usually, I manage, in a weekend, to check off half of these things, quite possibly
fewer. Inevitably, I feel guilty about that.
This behavioral issue exist in almost every aspect in our daily lives, be it: academic, financial
and health management. Ryan M. (2007) stated that the habit of procrastination can reach such
chronic levels that can cause negative effects on ones life. Academic procrastination problem is
prevalence for undergraduate students which are regarded as common problem in academic settings.
Some students who are less motivated tend to procrastinate in several academic activities to the very
last minute. They are mainly procrastinate in doing homework, preparing project, studying for
examinations as well as writing academic papers such as research paper and thesis. From time to
time, this type of students may finish the tasks just so they do not fail in the subject. Fear of failure,

low self-efficacy and low self-competence, are some of the reasons of procrastination. We have all
heard proverbs from our grandparents warning us about wasting time. The early bird catches the
worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we havent been told
about the effects of procrastination. We've all heard the proverbs, philosophers, and our grandparents
warning us about wasting time, and heard the poets urging us to seize the day.
This study is necessary to establish a wider perspective of procrastination and to emphasize
its effects whether positive or negative to an individuals everyday performance, particularly,
academic. Furthermore, this study aims to impart new awareness due to its implications for the
progress, innovation and development especially for students who procrastinate.
Statement of the problem
1. What is demographical profile of students in terms of:
Class section
parents income
home location
2. Which of the following factors affect the students for not performing their school
3. What is the perception of the participants on perceiving procrastination?
4. What is the perception of the participants on their academic performance?
5. Is there are a significant relationship between the profile of the participants and in perceiving
6. Is there are a significant relationship between the profile of the participants and to achieve
academic performance?
7. Is there are a significant relationship between the procrastination and academic
Significance of the Study
This research was carried out to identify an academic task that has the highest frequency of
procrastination among the grade 10 students, to investigate the frequency of procrastination on
academic tasks and to identify the possible reasons of procrastination behavior among students. The
results from this research will benefit the students in which they can understand their procrastination
problems and will then find solution for it whether on study skills or behavioral self-control. The benefit
to the counselors is that they can plan better solutions for procrastinators when they know how to
distinguish the degree to which the procrastinators is anxious/or depressed. As for the lecturers, this
research may help them to know that some procrastinators do find meeting them for educational
purposes is not easy, so the result from this research may give the lectures an overview to approach
the matter.
Scope and Delimitations
Out of 352 Grade 10 students of General Licerio Topacio National High School, 253 students
were the participants who answered the survey questionnaire.
This study limits its coverage on the Grade 10 students only. Its main purpose is to assess the
effects and factors of procrastinations that affect students, and to identify the frequency of academic
procrastinations among grade 10 students in their academic tasks that they encounter to propose
possible solutions regarding this problem.
This study considers every aspect of students personal information that has an impact on their
academic performances such as their parents income, their gender, age and home location. Each of

the respondents is given same questionnaires to answer. And this study focuses on the current grade
10 students of the present school year, 2015-2016.
Chapter 2
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter will review the previous research and literature related to our topic procrastination.
The first section of the review will define and describe the different perspectives. The remaining section will review sort of variables such
as factors ad effects of procrastination. EFFECTS OF PROCRASTINATION Disadvantage Of course, procrastination affects an
individual's time, probably causing to delay or put off something which is previously planned. Because of that people often delay the
tasks or assignments that might likely be done earlier. The anxiety of delaying or putting off something can also reflect on an individual's
mind and may affect attention and concentration. It considerably wastes an individual's significant time, if there is something supposed
to perform. In respect of the school, the reply to the inquiry of "what are the disadvantages of procrastination" could be like, numerous
restless nights attempting to get an assignment completed or even missing the deadlines and bringing a failure rating. In respect of a
workplace, the reply would be missed the cut-off date and bad critiques with regards to the performance. Advantage You will almost
always be less stressed than everyone else. You have perfected the art of working smarter, not harder, why anyone spends any more
time than necessary doing anything is beyond you. There is so much other stuff you could be doing with your timelike not doing other
things that have to get done later. You know that while good things take time, great things happen when you are running against time,
and the consequences of not getting it done on time are high. No high risk, no high reward. Some people allow their worries to keep
them up at night and wake up tired. But you go to bed, sleep, and wake up early to finish that project thats due first thing in the morning.
You make excellent decisions because they come after musing over an idea, and then making a decision at the eleventh hour. Its the
best of both worlds really a lot of thought but still trusting your gut. No one tries to burden you with any last-minute work knowing well
that your last-minute work is reserved for your general work. You often solve problems by not thinking about the problem. While it seems
like the human condition to focus on finding a solution to a problem by stressing ones self out by focusing on the problem, you often
forget about the problem altogether. While youre subconscious mind works on finding a solution. All things considered, you have
excellent time management skills. Now just because you spend a great deal of time not immediately doing the thing thats due, it doesnt
mean you are not doing other things. You tend to be a little happier than everyone else. While there can be value to feeling stress-free
when you get things done early, there is much more happiness that comes from accomplishing things just in time.

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