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Associate Professor, ECE department, B.M.S. Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India

VIIIth semester, ECE department, B.M.S. Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India

Abstract- People with serious visual impairments can travel independently, using a wide range of tools and techniques.
They are taught how to travel safely, confidently, and independently in the home and the community. Use of cane has many
disadvantages such as limited perception and lack of depth assessment. In this paper, we have proposed a system that
overcomes the difficulties faced by the cane by using ultrasonic sensor, GPS and GSM.
Index Terms- Microcontroller 8051, Speech IC, Ultrasonic sensor, GPS, GSM.


transmitter mounted between the spectacle lenses and

one receiver on each side of the transmitter.


Human eye is probably the most important sense

organ as it gives the sense of sight, allowing people to
observe things around them and thus learn more
about the surrounding world. Looking at the figures
over the last 20 years we see that there has been
significant progress in preventing and curing visual
impairment in many countries. . Traffic safety is one
of the fields where the consideration of problems
faced by blind people is inevitable. In our project we
are detecting an object/obstacle based on its distance
from the person concerned using a GPS, sound alarm
from a buzzer will alert the user about the object and
the person can avoid the object safely without hitting
the object. Thus we design a cost effective and low
power dissipation device that helps in proper
locomotion of blind people by detecting problematic
or erroneous outputs in critical conditions. Also we
make use of GSM to communicate with the guardian.

The drawbacks occurring in these devices are:

1. The user has to have a fair idea about the
environment by detecting the obstacles in front of
them which consumes a lot of time.
2. One problem with all electronic aids based on
auditory feedback is the interference with the blind
person's ability to pick up surrounding cues through

The NavBelt produced a 120 degree-wide view of the

obstacles ahead of the user. The image is then
translated into a series of directional (stereophonic)
audio cues through which the user could determine
which directions were blocked by obstacles and
which directions were free for travel. The problem
with this method lay in the fact that a considerable
conscious effort was required to comprehend the
audio cues. Because of the resulting slow response
time our test subjects could not travel faster than
roughly 0.3 m/sec (1 foot/sec). And even this
marginal level of performance required hundreds of
hours of training time.


The most commonly used and famous travel aid for

blind is the Walking cane. It can detect obstacles like
potholes, stones, uneven surfaces etc. There have been
many new technologies being introduced to serve the
blind. They are as follows:


1.3 Rahul Chowdry.D and Bhanu Prakash.k (2010)

proposed a walking stick that has IR distance sensor
which can detect the object in front of the user. The
drawbacks of this project is that
1. The walking stick wont detect obstacles around
the user.
2. The buzzer in the upper part of the walking stick.



The existing electronic aid for blind in the past three

decades is:
The C-5 Laser Cane can detect objects within 1.5m3.5m range and can recognize the objects fallen in
front of the user. This cane was introduced by
Benjamin et al.
The Nottingham Obstacle Detector (NOD) is a sonar
device that provides an audio feedback, with 8
different musical tones for 8 different distances.
The Sonicguide comes in the form of a pair of
spectacle frames, with one ultrasonic wide-beam



This project is focusing on the detection of object that

is in front of the user within the specific distance
range which is depending on the type of distance
sensor used. In this project, an ultrasonic distance
sensor is going to be used. As the object is closer to
the sensor, the signal produced is increased as well.

Proceedings of ASAR International Conference, 14th May-2014, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-17-9

Safety Guard For Blind Using 8051

The signaling mean of the walking stick is a buzzer

which produces sound when the object is detected.
The strength of the sound is increasing as the object is
getting closer to the user making the application easy
to install. GPS is one of the important features of our
project which directs the user to the required

A GSM SIM 300 module (modem) is made use of to

communicate with the Guardian who is at some
distance from the user. It is interfaced with the 8051
microcontroller via RS 232 communication path.
Output: Messages sent and calls made to the
specified phone number successfully.
A speaker is an electro-acoustic transducer that
produces sound in response to an electrical audio
signal input. The speaker used in the project will be
worn by the user on their ear such that when they are
near the obstacle, the speaker gives a message about
the distance.
The GPS collects the latitude and longitude of users
location, sends it to the microcontroller that
accordingly sends this information to the Guardian via
the GSM.
Output: The latitude and longitude of the user has
been determined


In this paper we have analyzed the various approaches
and devices that helps for navigation of blinds. The
use of ultrasonic sensor, GPS and GSM will help us to
overcome the drawbacks by providing better

Walking stick for visually challenged using ultrasonic
sensors, microcontroller, GPS, speech ic, speakers
and vibrators is integrated in a long stick. The first
step is to detect the distance and speed of an obstacle
from the user and is done by using ultra sonic

This work is supported by the Department of
Electronics and Communication, BMS Institute of
Technology. We thank Prof. Saneesh Cleatus T for
his meticulous guidance that led to the successful
culmination of this paper.

An ultrasonic sensor- is a converter that measures a

physical quantity and converts it into a signal which
can be read by an observer or by an (today mostly
electronic) instrument. It measures the difference of
the transmitted and the received signals and sends the
information to the microcontroller.
An another input to the microcontroller is from GPS
which provides latitude and longitude.


Rahul chowdary.D,Banu Prakash k.EL Electronic guard for

blind. 2010.


J. Borenstein, I. Ulrich (1997). The Guide Cane- A

Computerized Travel Aid for the Active Guidance of Blind
Pedestrians, IEEE

A microcontroller (sometimes abbreviated C, uC

or MCU)- is a small computer on a single integrated
circuit containing a processor core, memory, and
programmable input/output peripherals.
The Microcontroller receives the input value from the
Sensor and GPS, and according to these values, it
informs the user through the speech IC and
consequently the speaker. The main function of the
Microcontroller is to compare the Set Point values
with the detected values and send signals to the
respective devices if the value exceeds the Set Point
values. The Microcontroller is programmed in such a
way that it will vary the output of the system if there
is any change in the input quantity.
The coding has been done and the components
interfaced with the microcontroller.
In Apr33a3 speech IC, we can record 8 voice signals
and it is played based on the distance being detected
by the microcontroller.

International Conference on Robotics and Automation,

Albuquerque, NM, Apr. 21-27, pp 1283-1288.
Blasch, B. B., Long, R. G., and Griffin-Shirley,N., 1989,
National Evaluation of Electronic Travel Aids for Blind and
Visually Impaired Individuals: Implications for Design.
RESNA 12th Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana,
pp. 133-134.
Shoval, S., Borenstein, J., and Koren, Y., 1994f,Mobile
Robot Obstacle Avoidance in a Computerized Travel Aid for
the Blind. Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation,San Diego, CA,
May 8-13, pp. 2023-2029.
Kay, L., 1974, A Sonar Aid to Enhance Spatial Perception
of the Blind: Engineering Design and evaluation. Radio
and Electronic Engineer, Vol. 44, No. 11, pp. 605-627.

Proceedings of ASAR International Conference, 14th May-2014, Mysore, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-17-9

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