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S.R.O 211 (I)2004:- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section
132 of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001 (XIX of 2001), the Federal Government is pleased
to make the following rules, the same having been previously published as required by the
said sub-section, namely:-


1. Short tit le and commencement. (1) These rule s may be called the Trade Marks Rules ,

(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Definitions. (1) In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or
context, (a)

Advisory Committee means the Advisory Committee constituted under

rule 101;


Form means a Form as se t out in either the Second or the Third Schedule ;
old law means the Trade Marks Act, 1940 (V of 1940), and rules made
the re under as in force immediately before the commencement of the Ordinance ;


Ordinance means the Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001 (XIX of 2001);

publish means published in the Journal;
Schedule means the Schedule to these rules;
section means section of the Ordinance;


send, with its grammatical variations, in relation to an act, includes to give; and


specification means the designation of goods or services in respect of

which a trade mark is registered or proposed to be registered.

(2) The words and expressions used but not defined in these rules shall have the
meaning assigned to the m in the Ordinance.
(3) In these rules, reference to filing of any application, notice or other document
shall be construed as reference to its being sent or delivered to the Registrar at the Trade
Marks Registry or its branches.
3. Forms. The Forms set out in the Second and the Third Schedules shall be used in
all cases to which they are applicable and may be modified as directed by the Registrar to
meet the requirements of other cases.
4. Requirement as to fee. (1) Any fee to be paid in respect of an application, registration or
any other matte r under the Ordinance or these rules s hall be as specified in the Firs t Schedule.

(2) Fee may be paid in cash at the Registry or any Branch Registry or may be sent by
money order, postal order, cheque, bank draft or pay order payable to the Registrar.
(3) Cheques not carrying the correct addition for commission, and other cheques on
which the full value cannot be collected in cash wit hin the time allowe d for payme nt of the
fee shall be accepted only at the discretion of the Registrar.
(4) Stamps shall not be received in payment of any fee.
(5) Any Form re quire d to be file d with the Regis trar in res pect of any s pe cifie d matte r s hall be
s ubje ct to the payme nt of the fee , if any, payable in respe ct of that matte r unde r these rules.

5. Size, etc. of docume nts. (1) Subject to any other directions that may be given by the
Registrar, all applications, notices, statements or other documents, except trade marks
authorized or required by the Ordinance or these rules to be made, left with or sent to the
Trade Marks Registry or left with or sent to the Re gistrar or the Federal Government shall
be written, type -written, lithographed or printed in the English language in large and legible
characters with deep permanent ink upon strong paper, and except in the case of affidavits,
on one side only, of a size approximately thirteen inches by eight inches, and shall have on
the left-hand part thereof a margin of not less than one inch and-a-half.
(2) Duplicate docume nts including trade marks shall be filed at the Trade Marks
Registry or its branch, if at any time required by the Registrar.
6. Signature of docume nts . (1) A docume nt purporting to be s igne d by proprie tor or in
case of partne rs hip s hall be s igne d by at le as t one of the part ne rs and a docume nt purporting to
be s igne d by a body corporate s hall be s igne d by a dire ctor or by its se cre tary or ot he r princ ipal
office r o f the body corporate . A docume nt purpo rting to be s igne d by any ot he r as s ociation of
pe rs ons s hall be s igne d by the Pres ide nt, Chairman or Principal Se cre tary of the Ass ociation or
by any ot he r pe rs on who appe ars to the Regis trar to be duly qualifie d. The capacity in whic h an
individual s igns a docume nt on be half of a partne rs hip or a body corporate or othe r ass ociation
of pe rs ons s hall be s tate d be low his s ignature and name and comple te addre ss .
(2) Signature to any docume nts if writte n in characte rs othe r than Roman, or if not cle arly
legible s hall be accompanie d by a trans lite ration in Englis h language and in block capitals .
7. Se rvice of docume nts. All applications, notices, state me nts, pape rs having re prese ntation
affixe d the reon, or othe r docume nts authorize d or re quire d by the Ordinance or these rules to be
made , le ft or se nt, at or to the Trade Marks Registry or to its branch or with or to the Registrar or
the Fede ral Gove rnme nt or any othe r pe rson may be se nt through post by a pre paid le tte r, any
application or any docume nt so se nt s hall be deeme d to have been made , le ft or sent at the time whe n
the le tte r containing the s ame would be de live re d in the ordinary course of post. In proving s uch
sending, it s hall be s ufficie nt to prove that the lette r was pro pe rly addressed and put into the post.
8. Particulars of applicants and othe r pe rsons . (1) Names and address of applicants and
othe r pe rsons s hall be give n in full, toge the r with the ir nationality and s uch particulars , if any, as are

necessary for identification. In the case of a firm, the full name and nationality of every
partner thereof shall be stated.
(2) The address give n s hall in all cases be as full as poss ible, for the purpose of e nabling
any pe rs on eas ily to find the place of trade or bus iness of the pe rson whose address is give n.

(3) In the case of body corporate or firm or an association the country of

incorporation and the nature of registration, if any, as the case may be, shall be given.
9. Address for service. (1) For the purposes of any proceedings before the Registrar
under these rules an address for service in Pak istan shall be filed by

every applicant for the registration of a trade mark ;

every person opposing an application for registration of a trade mark;
every applicant applying to the Registrar under section 73 for
revocation of the registration of a trade mark, under section 80 for
invalidation of the registration of a trade mark, or under section 96 for
rectification of the register;


eve ry pe rson grante d leave to inte rve ne unde r rule 67 (the inte rve ne r), and


every proprietor of a registered trade mark, which is the subject of any

application to the Registrar for the revocation, invalidation or
rectification of the registration of the mark.

(2) The addre ss for s e rvice of an applicant fo r re gis tration of a t rade mark s hall upon
re gis tration of the mark be dee me d to be the addre ss for se rvice of the regis te re d propri e tor,
s ubje ct to any filing to the contrary unde r paragraph (1) above or unde r rule 70 .

(3) In any case in which an address for service at the same time as the filing of a
form required by the Registrar under rule 3 which requires the furnishing of an address for
service, the address shall be filed on that form and in any other case it shall be filed on Form
TM-50. All applications on Form TM -50 under this rule shall be signed by the person about
to be registered or the registered proprietor or registered licensee, as the case may be, or by
an agent expressly authorized by him for the purpose of such application.
(4) Anything sent to any applicant, opponent, inte rvener or registered proprietor
at his address for service shall be deemed to be properly sent and the Registrar may, where
no address for service is filed, treat as the address for service of the person concer ned his
trade or business address in Pakistan, if any.
(5) An address for service in Pakistan may be filed at any time by the proprietor
of a registered trade mark and by any person having a legitimate interest in or consented
charge on a registered tra de mark.
(6) Where an address for service is not filed as required by sub-rule (1), the
Registrar shall send the pe rson concerned notice to file an address for service within two
months of the date of the notice and if that pe rson fails to do so


in the case of an application as is referred to in clause (a) or (c) of subrule (1), the application shall be treated as abandoned.


in the case of a person as is referred to in clause (b) or (d) of sub-rule

(1), he shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the proceedings; and


in the case of the proprietor referred to in clause (e), he shall not be

permitted to take part in any proceeding.

10. Age ncy. The autho rization of an age nt, be ing e ithe r a le gal practit ione r or a pe rson
re gis te re d as a trade mark age nt s hall be e xecute d in the form as se t out in Form TM -48.


11. Classification of goods and services. For the purposes of the registration of a
trade mark and of these rules, goods and services shall be classified in the manner specified
in the Fourth Schedule, which sets out the current version of the classes of the International
Classification of goods and services.


12. Form and signing of application. (1) An application to the Registrar for the
registration of a trade mark s hall be signed by the applicant or his agent a nd shall be
subject to the payme nt of the application fee.
(2) An application to register a trade mark for specification of goods or services
included in any one class shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -1.
(3) An application to register a trade mark under section 25 for the specification
of goods or services included in any one class from a convention country shall be made in
the form as set out in Form TM -2.
(4) An application unde r sub-section (1) of section 26 for protection of trade
mark during exhibition shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -2.
(5) An application to register a textile trade mark, other than a collective mark
or a certification trade mark, consisting exclusively of nume rals or letters or any
combination thereof for a specification of goods or services included in one item of the Fifth
Schedule under rule 98 shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -53.

(6) An applicat ion fo r re gis tration of a te xtile mark, othe r t han a colle ctive mark or
a ce rtificat ion mark, cons is ting e xclus ive ly of nume rals or le tte rs or any combination the re of fo r
a s pe cification o f goods or se rvices include d in one ite m of the Fifth Sche dule unde r rule 98 from
a conve ntion country unde r s e ctio n 25 s hall be made in the form as se t out in Form TM -54.

(7) An application under clause (5) of the First Schedule to the Ordinance to
register a collective trade mark for a specification of goods or services in any one class shall
be made in the form as set out in Form TM -3.
(8) An application under clause (5) of the First Schedule to the Ordinance to
register a collective trade mark for a specification of goods or services from a convention
country under section 25 s hall be made in the form as set out i n Form TM -51.
(9) An application unde r clause (6) of the Second Schedule to the Ordinance to
register a certification trade mark for a specification of goods or services included in any
one class shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -4.
(10) An application under clause (6) of the Second Schedule to the Ordinance to
register a certification trade mark for a specification of goods or services from a convention
country under section 25 s hall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -52.
(11) An application unde r the Third Schedule to the Ordinance to register a
domain name for a specification of goods or services included in any one class shall be made
in the form as set out in Form TM -1.
13. Applicat ion to be confine d to one class . Eve ry applicat ion fo r the re gis tration o f a
trade mark s hall be in res pect of goods or se rvices in one class only of t he Fourt h Sche dule .

14. Separate application. An application for the registration of the same trade mark
in different classes shall be treated as separate and distinct applications, and in all cases
whe re a trade mark is registered under the same official number for goods or services in
more than one class, whether on conversion of the specification under rule 71 or othe rwise,
the registratio n in respect of goods or services included in each separate class shall be
deemed to be a separate registration for all the purposes of the Ordinance.
15. Claim of priority. (1) Where a right to priority is claimed by reason of an
application for prote ction of a trade mark duly filed in a convention country under section
25 particulars of that claim shall be included in the application for registration under rule
12 and, whe re no certificate as is referred to in s ub-rule (2) is filed with the applicatio n, such
particulars shall include the country or countries and the date or dates of filing.
(2) Unless it has bee n file d at the time of filing of an application for re gistration, the re
s hall be file d, within three months of filing of the application unde r rule 12, a ce rtificate by the
regis te ring or othe r compe tent authority of that country ce rtifying, or ve rifying to the s atis faction of
the Regis trar, the date of filing of the application, the country or regis te ring or compe te nt authority,
the re prese ntation of the mark, and the goods or se rvices cove re d by the application.

(3) The application relied upon unde r sub-rule (1) must be the first application
of an applicant in a convention country for the same mark and for the same goods or
services. The application must include a statement indicating the filing date of the foreign
application relied upon, the convention country where it was filed, the serial number, if
available, or state ment indicating that priority is claime d.
16. Statement of user in application. An application to register a trade mark shall
contain a statement of the pe riod during which, and the person by whom, it has been used in
respect of the goods or services mentioned in the application. The Registrar may require the
applicant to file an affidavit testifying to such user with exhibits showing the mark as used.
17. Re prese ntation o f marks . (1) Eve ry applicat ion fo r t he re gis tration o f t rade mark,
and whe re addit ional copie s of the applic ation are re quire d, e ve ry s uch copy s hall contain a
re pre se ntation of t he mark in the s pace provide d on the applicatio n form for t hat purpose .
(2) Whe re the re prese ntation e xcee ds s uch s pace in s ize , the re pre se ntation s hall be
mounte d upon line n, tracing cloth o r s uch othe r mate rial as the Re gis trar may cons ide r s uitable .
Part o f the mount ing s hall be affixe d in t he s pace afore s aid and the re s t may be folde d.

18. Additional representations. Eve ry application for the registration of a trade

mark shall, except as hereinafter provided, be made in duplicate and shall be accompanied
by six additional representations of the mark on the application a nd its duplicate and the
additional representations shall correspond exactly with the other. The additional
representations shall in all cases be noted with all such particulars as may from time to time
be require d by the Registrar. S uch particulars shall, if require d, be signed by the applicant.
19. Re prese ntation to be durable . All re presentations of trade marks mus t be of a durable
nature and each additional re prese ntation re quire d to be file d with an application for regis tration
s hall be mounte d on a s heet of s trong pape r of the s ize of approximate ly thirtee n inches by e ight
inches , le aving a margin of not less than one inch and-a-half on the le ft hand part of the s heet.
20. Specimens of the mark in exceptional cases. Where a representation of a trade mark cannot
be given in the manner set forth in rule 19, a specimen or copy of the trade mark may be sent either of
full size or on a reduced scale, and in such form as the Registrar may think most convenient.

21. Se ries of trade marks . Whe re an applicat ion is made for t he regis tration of a se ries
of trade marks unde r s ub-se ction (3) of section 20, copies of re prese ntations of e ach trade mark
of the se ries s hall accompany t he applic ation in t he manne r se t forth in rule s 17 and 18.
22. Trans lite rat ion. Whe re a trade mark contains a word or words in characte rs othe r
than Roman, t he re s hall, unle ss the Re gis trar othe rwis e dire cts , be e ndorse d on the application
fo rm, and on e ach of t he accompanying re pre se ntations , a s ufficie nt trans lite rat i on to the
s atis faction o f t he Re gis trar o f e ach of s uch wo rds , and e ve ry s uch e ndors e me nt s hall s tate the
lang uage to which t he word be longs and s hall be s igne d by the applic ant.

23. Translation. Whe re a trade mark contains a word or words in a language other
than English, the Registrar may ask for an exact translation the reof together with the name
of the language, and such translation and name, if he so requires, shall be endorsed and
signed as aforesaid.
24. Acknowle dge me nt of re ceipt of application. Eve ry application for the re gistration of a
trade mark in res pect of any goods or se rvices s hall, on re ceipt, be acknowle dge d by the Registrar.
25. De ficie ncies in application. Whe re an application for regis tration of a trade mark does
not s atis fy the re quire me nts of s ub-section (2),(3) or (5) of section 22 or rule 12 or 13, the Regis trar
s hall send notice the reof to the applicant to re me dy the de ficie ncies or, in the case of s u b-section (5)
of section 22, the de fault of payme nt and if within two months of the date of the notice the applicant
(a) fails to re me dy any de ficie ncies notifie d to him in re s pect of s ub-s ection(2)
of se ction 22, the applic ation s hall be dee me d ne ve r to have bee n made ; or
(b) fails to re me dy any de ficie ncy notifie d to him in re s pe ct of s ub-section(3)
of s ection 22 or rule 12 or 13 or fails to make payme nt as re quire d by s ubse ction(5) of se ction 22, the applic ation s hall be tre ate d as abandone d.

26. Search. Upon receipt of an application for the registration of a trade mark in
respect of any goods or services and upon satisfying the require ments of sub section (2) or
(3) of section 22, sub-rule (4) of rule 12, or rule 13, the Registrar shall carry out a search of
earlier trade marks for the purpose of ascertaining whether there are on record in respect of
same goods or services or same description of goods or services any marks identical with the
mark sought to be registered or so nearly resembli ng it as to render it likely to deceive or
cause confusion and the Registrar may cause the search to be rene wed at any time before
the acceptance of the application, but shall not be bound to do so.
27. Objection to acceptance -hearing. (1) If, on consideration of an application, and
on any evidence of use or of distinctiveness or of any other matter which the applicant may
or may be required to furnish the Registrar has any objection to the acceptance of the
application or proposes to accept it subject to such conditions, amendme nts, disclaime rs,
modifications or limitations as he may think right to impose, the Registrar shall
communicate such objection or proposal in writing to the applicant.
(2) Unless within two months from the date of communication specified in subrule (1), the applicant alters his application according to the proposal aforesaid or makes
representation or applies for a hearing or fails to attend hearing, the application shall be
deemed to have been abandoned.
(3) An application which is treated as abandoned under sub-rule(2), clause(b) of
rule 25 or sub-section (5) of section 33 may be restored to the file on sufficient cause being
shown to the satisfaction of the Registrar and on an application to that effect being made in
the form as set out in Form TM -57 accompanied by a statement of case within two months
from the date of abandnment.
28. Decision of Regis trar. (1) The decis ion of the Regis trar unde r section 27 afte r a he aring
or without he aring if the applicant has duly communicate d his obse rvations in writing and

has stated that he does not desire to be heard, shall be communicated in writing, and if the
applicant intends to appeal from such decision he may within one month from the date of
communication apply in the form as set out i n Form TM -15 to the Registrar requiring him
to state in writing the grounds of, and the materials used by him in arriving at his decision.
(2) In a case where the Registrar makes any require ments to which the applicant
does not object, the applicant shall comply there with before the Registrar issues a statement
in writing under sub-rule (1).
(3) The date whe n s uch s tate me nt is s ent s hall be dee me d to be the date of the

Registrars decision for the purpose of appeal.


29. Manner of advertisement. (1) An Application for the registration of a trade
mark required or pe rmitted to be advertised by sub-section (1) of section 28 shall be
advertised in the Journal either in printed or in any digital form during such time and
in such manner as the Registrar may direct. The advertisement should contain the following
particulars, namely:


Specimen of the trade mark ;

application numbe r;
the class numbe r of the goods or services in respect of which
registration of the trade mark is sought;
description of goods or services for which the registration is sought;
the name and address of applicant:
the date of filing the application;
the agents name and address (in case the application, on behalf of the
applicant, is made by his agent);
description of limitations, conditions and disclaime rs imposed;
details of special circumstances, if any, under the proviso to sub-section
(1) of section 28.
particulars of any claim for a right of priority for the application;


in case application has been accepted by consent the words By consent


shall appear in the advertisement;


if no re prese ntation of the trade mark be include d in the adve rtise ment of the
application, the place or places whe re a s pecime n or re presentation of the
trade mark may be ins pecte d s hould be me ntione d in the adve rtise me nt; and


in case application has been accepted in series the words in series

should appear in the advertisement.

(2) For the purpose of advertisement in the Journal, the applicant may within
two months supply or be required to supply film positives of the trade mark satisfactory
to the Registrar or s hall s upply such information or other means of advertising the trade
mark as may be required by the Registrar. Any film positives so sent to the Registrar shall
be retained by the Trade Marks Registry.

30. Opposition proceedings. (1) Notice of opposition to the registration of a trade

mark shall be sent to the Registrar in the form as set out in Form TM -5 in duplicate within
two months from the date of the adve rtisement or re -adve rtisement or within such further
period not exceeding two months in the aggregate as the Registrar may allow, and shall
include a statement of the grounds of opposition. The Registrar shall send a copy of the
grounds of the notice and the statement to the applicant.
(2) Within one month from the receipt by the applicant of such copy of the notice
of opposition or within such furthe r pe riod not exceeding two months in aggregate as the
Registrar may allow, the applicant shall send to the Registrar a counter-statement in the
form as set out in Form TM -6 in duplicate, and if he does not do so he shall be deemed to
have abandoned his application. The Registrar shall send a copy of counte r-statement in the
form as set out in Form TM -6 to opponent.
(3) Within one month from the receipt by the opponent of a copy of counte rstatement or within such further period not exceeding two months in aggregate as the
Registrar may allow, the opponent may file a rejoinder.
(4) If the oppone nt files a re joinde r, the Regis trar s hall send a copy of the s ame to the

(5) Within two months from the receipt of a copy of counter-state ment or within
such further period as the Registrar may allow, the person opposing the application shall
file such evidence by way of statutory declaration or affidavit, as he may consider necessary
to adduce in support of his opposition and shall send a copy the reof to the applicant.
(6) If the pe rson opposing the registration files no evidence unde r sub-rule 5, he
shall be deemed to have abandoned his opposition.
(7) With two months from the receipt of a copy of opponents evidence or within
such further period as the Registrar may allow, the applicant shall file such evidence by way
of a statutory declaration or affidavit as he may consider necessary to adduce in support of
his application and shall send a copy the reof to the opponent.
(8) Within one month of the date on which a copy of the applicants evide nce is sent to
him or within s uch furthe r pe riod as the Registrar may allow, the pe rson oppos ing the application
may file evide nce in re ply by way of s tatutory declaration or affidavit which s hall be confine d to
matte rs strictly in re ply to the applicants evidence, and s hall se nd a copy the reof to the applicant.

(9) No further evidence may be filed, except that, in relation to any proceedings
before him, the Registrar may at any time if he thinks fit give leave to either party to file
evidence upon s uch terms as he may think fit.
(10) Whe re the re are exhibits to affidavits file d in an oppos ition, copies or impress ions
of s uch exhibits s hall be sent to the othe r party on his re quest and at his expe nse, or, if s uch copies or
impress ions cannot conve nie ntly be furnis he d, the originals s hall be le ft with the Registrar in orde r

that they may be open to inspection. The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing
unless the Registrar othe rwise directs.
(11) Whe re any docume nt or exhibit is in a language other than English is
referred to in the notice of opposition, counter-statement or an affidavit filed in an
opposition, an attested translation the reof in English shall be furnished in duplicate.
(12) Upon comple tion of evide nce, if any, the Regis trar s hall give notice to the parties of
a date whe n he will he ar the argume nts in the case. Such appointme nt s hall be for a date at le as t one
month afte r the date of the notice , unless the parties consent to a s horte r notice. Within fourtee n
days from the re ce ipt of the notice, any party who inte nds to appe ar s hall so notify the Regis trar in
the form as set out in Form TM -7. Any party who does not so notify the Regis trar within the time
las t afores aid may be tre ate d as not des iring to be he ard and the Regis trar may act accordingly.
(13) The Registrar s hall take on re cord writte n argume nts if s ubmitte d by a party to the

31. Decision of the Registrar to be notified: (1) The decision of the Registrar s hall be
notified in writing to the person opposing the application and the applicant.
(2) For the purpose of any appeal against the Registrar s decision the date of the
decision shall be the date when notice of the decision is sent under sub -rule(1).


32. Proce dure for giving notice. The notice which the Registrar is re quire d by s ub-section
(5) of s e ction 33, to give to an applicant, s hall be se nt to the applicant at his trade or bus ine ss
address or address for se rvice in the form as se t out in Form O -1, but if the applic ant has
aut horize d an age nt for t he purpose of the applicat ion, the notice s hall be se nt to the age nt and a
duplic ate the reof to the applicant. The notice s hall s pe cify t we nty-o ne days time from t he date
the re of or s uch furt he r time as the Regis trar may allo w, fo r comple tion of the re gis tratio n.


33. Registration. As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date
of the advertisement in the Journal of any application for the registration of a trade mark
the Registrar shall, subject to any opposition and the determination the reof, and to the
provisions of sub-section (1) of section 33 and upon payment of the prescribed fe e, in the
form as set out in Form TM -11, within two months from the date of receipt of the requisite
information in the form as set out in Form TM -11, enter the trade mark in the register.
34. Entry in the register. In addition to the entries in the Re gister required to be
made by sub-section (1) of section 10 there shall be entered in the Register in respect of each
trade mark registered the rein the following particulars, namely;

the date of regis tration as de te rmine d in accordance with section 23

to say, the date of the filing of the application for registration);

(that is



the actual date of registration (that is to say, the date of the entry in the
the priority date, if any, to be accorded purs uant to claim to a right to
priority made unde r section 25;
the name and address of the proprietor;
the address for service as furnished pursuant to rule 9;
any disclaime r or limitation of rig hts under section 21;
any me morandum or state ment of the effect of any me morandum
relating to a trade mark of which the Registrar has been notified in the
form as set out in Form TM -37;
the goods or services in respect of which the mark is registered;
whe re the mark is a collective or ce rtification mark, that fact; and
whe re the mark is regis te red purs uant to s ub-section (5) of section 17 with the
consent of the proprie tor of an e arlie r trade mark or e arlie r right, that fact.

35. De ath of applicant be fore regis tration. In case of de ath of any applicant for the
regis tration of a trade mark afte r the date of his application and be fore the trade mark has been
e nte red in the Registe r, the Regis trar may, on proof of the applicant s de ath and of the title of
anothe r pe rs on to the owne rs hip of the trade mark be ing furnis he d to him within nine ty days e nte r
in the Registe r the name , address and description of that pe rs on as the proprie tor of the trade mark.
36. Ame ndme nt of application. A re ques t for an ame ndme nt of an application to corre ct an
e rror or to change the name or address of the applicant or in res pect of any ame ndme nt re queste d
be fore or afte r publication of the application s hall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -16.
37. Ame ndme nt of application afte r publication. (1) Whe re, purs uant to s ub-section(7) of
section 27, a re ques t is made for ame ndme nt of any application which has been publis he d and the
ame ndme nt affe cts the re presentation of the trade mark or the goods or se rvices cove re d by the
application, the ame ndme nt or a s tate ment of the e ffect of the ame ndme nt s hall also be publis hed.
(2) Notice of oppos ition to the ame ndme nt s hall be se nt to the Re gis trar in the form
as se t out in Form TM -5 wit hin t wo month o f t he date on whic h the applic atio n as ame nde d was
publis he d unde r s ub-rule (1), and s hall include a s tate me nt of the grounds of obje ction and, in
partic ular, how t he ame ndme nts would be contrary to s ub se ct ion (7) of section 27.

(3) The provisions of rule 30 shall apply to proceedings relating to the opposition
to the amendment of the application as they apply to proceedings relating to opposition to
the registration of a trade mark.
38. Re gis tration o f a s e ries of trade mark. The proprie tor of a se ries of trade marks may
apply to t he Regis trar fo r t he ir re gis tration as a s e ries in a s ingle re gis tration and t he re s hall be
include d in s uch application a re prese ntation o f e ach mark claime d to be in the se rie s , and the
Re gis trar s hall, if s atis fie d that the marks cons titute a se ries , acce pt the application.


39. Application for regis tration and proceedings re lating the re to. (1) An Application for the
regis tration of a collective mark for goods or se rvices s hall be made to the Registrar in the form as
set out in Form TM -3 or TM -51, as the case may be , in triplicate and s hall be accompanie d by s ix
additional re prese ntations of the mark. The draft re gulation to be forwarde d with the application
unde r paragraph 5 of the Firs t Sche dule to the Ordinance s hall be in triplicate and s hall be
accompanie d by the re quis ite information in the form as set out in Form TM -49.

(2) An applicant applying for the registration of a collective mark shall not be
deemed to have abandoned his application, if in the circumstances of sub-rule(2) rule 27 he
does not apply for a hearing or reply in writing.
(3) The regulations governing collective mark shall specify, inte r alia, the following,

(a) the name of the ass ociation of pe rs ons and the ir res pe ctive office addre ss ;

(b) the object of the association;

(c) the details of me mbers;
(d) the conditions for me mbe rs hip and re lation of e ach me mbe r with the group;

(e) the pe rsons authorized to use the mark and the nature of control the
applicant exercise over the use of the collective mark ;
(f) the conditions governing use of the collective mark, including sanctions;
(g) the procedure for dealing with appeals against the use of the collective
mark ; and
(h) such othe r particulars as may be called for by the Registrar.
(4) The applicant shall submit to the Registrar along with his application a
statement of case setting out the grounds on which he relies in support of his application.
Such case shall be furnished in triplicate.
(5) The Registrar shall cause an application for the registration of a collective
mark to be examined, in the first instance, as to whether it satisfies the require ment of the
Ordinance and the rules and issue a report to the applicant.
(6) The Registrar shall not refuse an application for the registration of a
collective mark or accept the application subject to any conditions or limitations or impose
amendme nts or modification to the application or to the regulation without giving to the
applicant an opportunity of being heard.
40. Opposition to registration of collective mark s. (1) On acceptance of an application the
Registrar shall cause the application to be advertised in the Journal and the provisions of sub-rules(1) to
(12) of rule 30 shall apply in relation to an application for the registration of a trade mark.

(2) In any case of doubt with regard to proceedings on the opposition to the
registration of a collective mark any party may apply to the Registrar for directions.
41. Ame ndme nt of re gulation re lating to colle ctive marks and re ne wal. (1) An
applic ation by the re gis te re d pro prie tor of a colle ctive mark fo r any ame ndme nt or alte ration to
the regulation s hall be made in the form as se t out in Form TM -42, and whe re the Regis trar
acce pts any s uch ame ndme nt or alte ration he s hall adve rtis e s uch applicat ion in the Journal and
furthe r procee dings in the matte r s hall be gove rne d by s ub- rules (1) to (12) of rule 30.
(2) A collective mark may be re ne we d from time to time and the provis ions of rule 50 to

53 shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of such request for re newal.

42. Rectification of collective mark. An application for cancellation of a collective
mark including on any of the grounds mentioned in paragraph 13 of the First Schedule to
the Ordinance shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -43 and shall set forth
particulars of the grounds on which the application is made. The provisions of sub -rules(2)
to (12) of rule 30 shall apply mutatis mutandis for further proceeding in the matter.


43. Application for registration and proceedings thereto. (1) An application for the
registration of a certification trade mark s hall be made to the Registrar in the form as set
out in Form TM -4 or Form TM -52, in triplicate, and shall be accompanied by six additional
representation of the mark. The draft regulations to be forwarded with the application
under paragraph 6 of the Second Schedule to the Ordinance shall be in triplicate and shall
be accompanied by the requisite information as set out in Form-49.
(2) An applicant applying for the registration of a certification trade mark shall
not be deemed to have abandoned his application if, in the circumstances specified in subrule(2) of rule 27 he does not apply for a hearing or reply in writing.
(3) The re gulation governing a certification trade marks shall specify, inte r alia,
the following, namely:

The description of the applicant;

the nature of the applicant s business;
the particulars of technical manpowe r support.
the applicant s competence to administer the certification sche me.
the applicant s financial arrangement;
an undertaking from the applicant that there will be no discrimination of
any party if they meet the require ments set down in the regulation;
(g) the characteristic the mark will indicate in the certified goods or in
relation to the rendering of certified services;
(h) the manne r of monitoring the use of the mark in Pak istan; and
(i) such othe r particulars as may be called for by the Registrar.

(4) The applicant shall forward a statement of case to the Registrar with an
application setting out the grounds in which he relies in support of the application. S uch
case shall be furnished in triplicate.
(5) The Registrar shall cause an application for the registration of a certification
trade mark to be examined in the first instance as to whether it satisfies the require ment of
the Ordinance and the rules and issue a report to the applicant.
(6) The Registrar s hall not refuse an application for registration of a ce rtification
trade mark or accept the application subject to any conditions or limitations or impose
amendme nts or modifications to the application or to the regulations without giving to the
applicant an opportunity of being heard.
44. Opposition to registration of ce rtification trade mark and rene wal. (1) On
acceptance of an application the Registrar shall cause the application to be adve rtised in the
Journal and the provisions of sub-rules (1) to (12) of rules 30 shall apply mutatis mutandis as
they apply in relation to an application for the registration of a trade mark.
(2) In case of doubt wit h re gard to the procee dings on the oppos ition to the
re gis tration of a ce rtificat ion t rade mark any part y may apply to the Regis trar for dire ctions .
(3) A ce rtificat ion t rade mark may be re ne we d fro m time to time and the provis ions
of rule 50 to 53 s hall apply mutatis muta ndis in res pe ct of s uch re ques t for re ne wal.
45. Re ctification of ce rtification trade mark. An application for cance llation or variation of
regis tration of a ce rtification trade mark on any of the grounds me ntione d in paragraphs 15 and 16
of the Second Sche dule to the Ordinance s hall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -43 and
s hall se t forth particulars of the grounds on which the application is made. The provisions of s ubrules (2) to (12) of rule 30 shall apply mutatis mutandis to furthe r proceedings in the matte r.
46. Alte ration o f de pos ite d regulatio ns and cons e nt of the Regis trar for as s ignme nt or
trans mis s ion of ce rtific ation t rade marks . (1) An applic ation by t he re gis te re d proprie tor of a

certification trade mark unde r paragraph 11 of the Second Schedule to the Ordinance to
alter the deposited regulation shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -42 and
whe re the Registrar decides to permit such alteration it shall be advertised in the Journal
and furthe r proceedings in the matter shall be governed by s ub-rules(1) to (12) of rule 30.
(2) An application for the consent of the Registrar to the assignment and
trans mission of a certification trade mark under paragraph 12 of the Second Schedule to the
Ordinance shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -22.
47. Registration s ubject to disclaime r or limitation.Where the applicant for
registration of a trade mark or the proprietor by notice in writing sent to the Registrar (a)
disclaims any right to the exclusive use of any specified element of the
trade mark; or

agrees that the rights conferred by the registration shall be subject to a

specified territorial or othe r limitation,

the Registrar shall make the appropriate entry in the Register and publish such disclaime r
or limitation.

48. Certificate of registration. The certificate of registration of a trade mark to be

issued by the Registrar unde r sub-section (4) of section 33 shall be in the form as set out in
Form 0 -2 with s uch modifications as the circumstances of any case may require, and the
Registrar shall annex a copy of the trade mark to the certificate.


49. Divis ional applicat ion. An applicat ion unde r s ection 32 s hall be made in the form as
se t out in Form TM 14 and s hall include a s tate me nt of the grounds of the applic ation.


50. Re minde r of re ne wal of re gis tration. At any time not e arlie r than s ix months nor
late r than one month be fore the e xpirat ion o f the las t re gis tration o f a t rade mark, the Regis trar
s hall (e xce pt whe re re ne wal has alre ady bee n e ffe cte d unde r rule 51) se nd to the re gis te re d
pro prie tor a notice in t he form as se t out in Fo rm O -3 of t he appro aching e xpirat ion and inform
him at t he s ame time that the re gis tration may be re ne we d in the manne r de s cribe d in rule 51

51. Renewal of registration. Renewal of registration shall be effected by filing a

request for renewal in the form as set out in Form TM -12 along with the prescribed fee at
any time within the period of six months ending on the date of expiration of the registration.
52. Adve rtise me nt of non- payme nt. (1) If at t he e xpiration o f t he las t re g is tration of a
trade mark t he re ne wal fe e has not be e n paid, the Re gis trar s hall adve rtis e the fact fort hwit h in
the Journal and if wit hin s ix months of that adve rtis e me nt the re ne wal fe e along wit h a re que s t
fo r re ne wal in the fo rm as se t out in Form TM -12 and toge the r wit h t he pre scribe d additional
fe e is re ce ive d, he s hall re ne w the re gis tration without re moving fro m the Regis te r.

(2) Where no request for rene wal is filed as provided for in s ub-rule(1), the
Registrar shall, subject to rule 53, remove t he mark from the Register.
(3) Whe re, in the case of a mark the regis tration of which (by re fe re nce to the date of
application for re gistration) becomes due for re ne wal, the mark is regis te re d at any time within s ix
months be fore the date on which re ne wal is due, the regis tration may be re ne we d on payme nt of

the re ne wal fe e within s ix mont hs afte r the actual date of re gis tration; o r


the rene wal fee and additional rene wal fee within the period
comme ncing on the date six months after the actual date of
registration, that is to say, at the end of the period referred to in clause
(a) and ending on the date six months afte r the due date of renewal.

(4) Whe re the fees re fe rre d to in clause (b) of s ub-rule(3) are not paid within the pe riod
s pecifie d in that clause the Registrar s hall, s ubject to rule 53, re move the mark from the Regis te r.
(5) Where, in the case of a mark the registration of which, by reference to the date of
application for registration, become due for renewal, the mark is registered after the date of renewal,

the registration may be rene wed on payment of the rene wal fee within six months of the
actual date of registration; and where the renewal fee is not paid within that period the
Registrar shall, subject to rule 53, remove the mark from the Register.
(6) The removal of the registration of a trade mark shall be published.
53. Res toration of re gistration. (1) Whe re the Regis trar has re move d the mark from the
Regis te r for failure to re ne w its regis tration in accordance with s ub-rule (2) of rule 51, he may, upon
a re quest file d in the form as set out in Form TM -13 within s ix months of the date of the re moval of

the mark accompanied by the appropriate rene wal fee and appropriate restoration fee,
restore the mark to the Register and rene w its registration if, having regard to the
circumstances of the failure to rene w, he is satisfied that it is just to do so.
(2) The restoration of the registration shall be published in the Journal, with the
date of restoration shown therein.
54. Alte ration o f re gis te re d trade mark. (1) The proprie tor may re que s t the Re gis trar in
the form as se t out in Form TM -38 for s uch alte rat ion of his re gis te re d mark as is pe rmitte d
unde r se ction 37; and the Re gis trar may re quire s uch e vide nce by s tatuto ry de claration o r
affidavit o r othe rwis e as to the circums tance s in whic h the applic ation is made . The proprie tor
s hall furnis h s ix copies of the mark as it will appe ar whe n s o adde d to or alte re d.

(2) Whe re, upon the request of the proprietor, the Registrar p roposes to allow
such alteration, he shall publish the mark as altered. The proprietor shall supply film
positives of the mark so altered or added to for advertising in the Journal.
(3) Any pe rson claiming to be affe cted by the alte ration may within three months of the
date of publication of the alte ration unde r s ub-rule(2) send a notice in the form as set out in Form
TM-39, in duplicate, to the Registrar of oppos ition to the alte ration and s hall include a s tate me nt of
the grounds of opposition; the Reg is trar s hall se nd a copy of the notice and the s tate me nt to the
proprie tor and the re afte r the proce dure s pecifie d in rule 30 s hall apply to the procee dings as the y
apply to proceedings re lating to oppos ition to an application for regis tration.
55. Surre nde r of re gis te re d trade mark. (1)

Subject to sub-rule(2), the proprietor

may surre nder a registered trade mark, by sending notice to the Registrar (a)

in the form as set out in Form TM -35 in respect of all the goods or
services for which it is registered; or
in the form as set out in Form TM -36 in respect only of those goods or
services specified by him in the notice.

(2) A notice unde r s ub-rule (1) s hall be of no e ffe ct unless the proprie tor in that notice


gives the name and address of any pe rson having a registered interest
in the mark by virtue of registerable transaction as specified in subsection (2) of section 70 of the Ordinance ; and


certifies that any such person


has bee n s ent not les s than three months notice of the pr oprie tor s


intention to surrender the mark, or

is not affected or if affected consents thereto.

(3) The Registrar s hall, upon the s urre nde r taking e ffect, make the appropriate e ntry in

the Register and publish the same.


56. Application for entry of assignment or trans mission. (1) An application to
register the title of a person who becomes entitled by assignment or trans mission to a
registered trade mark shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -24 or Form TM -23
by such person alone or jointly with the registered proprietor.
(2) An applic ation unde r s ub- rule (1) s hall cont ain full partic ulars of t he ins trume nt,
if any, unde r whic h the applic ant, or, in the case of a joint applicat ion, the pe rs on othe r than the
re gis te re d proprie tor claims to be e ntitle d to the trade mark and s uch ins trume nt o r a duly
ce rtifie d copy the re of s hall be produce d at the Trade Marks Regis try fo r ins pe ction at the time
of applic ation. T he Regis trar may re quire and re tain an atte s te d copy of any ins trume nt
pro duce d fo r ins pe ction in proof o f title , but s uch copy s hall not be ope n to public ins pe ction.
(3) Whe re a pe rson applying unde r s ub-rule (1) for re gistration of his title does not
establis h his claim unde r any docume nt or ins trume nt which is capable in itse lf of furnis hing proof
of his title, he s hall, unless the Regis trar othe rwise dire cts, eithe r upon or with the application, state
a case setting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which his claim to be proprie tor of the trade
mark is base d and s howing that the trade mark has been ass igne d or trans mitted to him. If the
Regis trar so re quires , the case s hall be ve rifie d by an affidavit in the form as set out in Form TM -18.

(4) The Registrar may call upon any person who applies to be registered as
proprietor of a registered trade mark to furnish such proof or additional proof of title as he
may require for his satisfaction.
57. Assignments involving trans mission of moneys outside Pakistan and assessment
of goodwill of business. If there is in force any law regulating the transmission of moneys
outside Pakistan, the Registrar shall not register the title of a pe rson who becomes entitled
to a trade mark by an assignme nt which involves such trans mission except on production of
the permission of the authority specified in such law for such transmission.
58. Application for Registrars direction as to adve rtiseme nt of an ass ignme nt of a trade
mark without goodwill of the bus iness. (1) Any pe rs on who desires regis tration of a ass ignme nt or
trans mission of a trade mark unde r sub-rule (1) of rule 56 without goodwill of the bus iness unde r
s ub-section(2) of section 69 s hall make an application in the form as set out in Form TM-20, and
s hall state the date on which the ass ignme nt was made . The applicant shall give particulars of the
regis tration in the case of a regis te red trade mark, and in the case of an unregis te re d trade mark
s hall s how the mark and give particulars including use r of the regis te re d as we ll as of the
unre giste re d trade mark that has been assigne d the re with. The Regis trar may call for any evide nce
or furthe r information and if he is s atis fie d with regard to the various matte rs he s hall issue
dire ctions in writing with res pect to the adve rtiseme nt of the ass ignme nt.

(2) The Registrar may refuse to conside r an application referred to in subrule(1), in a case to which sub-section(3) of section 69 applies unless his approval has been
obtained unde r the rule 61 and a reference identifying the Registrar s notification of
approval included in the application.
(3) A request for an extension of the period within which the application referred
to in sub-rule (1) may be made shall be in the form as set out in Form TM -21, and may be
made at any time before or during the pe riod for which extension can be allowed. The
extension of the period which the Registrar may allow shall not exceed three months.
59. Application for entry of assignme nt without goodwill. An application under subrule(1) of rule 56 relating to an assignment of a trade mark in respect of any goods or
services shall state (a)

whether the trade mark has been or was used in the business in any of
those goods or services;
whether the assignment was made otherwise than in connection with
the goodwill of that business; and
in case both the circumstances referred to in clauses (a) and (b) exist,
then the applicant shall leave at the Trade Marks Registry a copy of
the directions to advertise the assignment, obtained upon application
under rule 58 and s uch proof, including copies of advertiseme nt or
otherwise, as the Registrar may require, to show that the directions
have been fulfilled and if the Registrar is not satisfied that the
directions have been fulfilled he shall not proceed with the application.

60. Separate registration. Where pursuant to an application unde r sub-rule(1) of

rule 56 and as a result of a division and separation of the goods or services of a registration
or a division and separation of places of markets, different pe rsons become registered
separately under the same registration number as subsequent proprietors of a trade mark,
each of the resulting separate registrations in the names of those different persons shall be
deemed to be a separate registration for all the purposes of the Ordinance.
61. Registrars approval as to certain assignments and trans mission. Any person who
desires registration of assignme nt or trans mission under sub-rule(1) of rule 56 relating to an
assignment of a trade mark under sub-section(3) of section 69 shall obtain registrar s approval and shall
send to the Registrar with his application in the form as set out in Form TM-17 or Form TM-19, as the
case may be, a statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumstances and a copy of any instrument
or pro posed instrument effecting the assignment or transmission. The Registrar may call for any
evidence or further information that he may consider necessary and the statement of case shall be
amended if required to include all the relevant circumstances and shall if required, be verified by an
affidavit. The Registrar, after hearing, if so required, the applicant and any other person whom the
Registrar may consider to be interested in the transfer shall consider the matter and issue a certificate
thereon or a notification in writing of approval or disapproval thereof, as the case may be, to the
applicant and shall also inform such other person accordingly. Where a statement of

case is ame nde d, two copies the reof in its final form s hall be le ft at the Trade Marks Registry. The
Regis trar s hall se al a copy of the state me nt of case in its final form to the ce rtificate or notification.
62. Regis tration of ass ignme nt to a company. For the purposes of s ub-section (4) of section
72, the pe riod within which a company may be regis te re d as the s ubseque nt proprie tor of a
regis te re d trade mark, upon application made unde r s ub-rule (1) of rule 56 shall be s ix months from
the date of adve rtise me nt in the Journal of the regis tration of the trade mark or s uch furthe r pe riod
not exceeding s ix months as the Regis trar may allow, on application be ing made in the form as set
out in Form TM -25 by the applicant for regis tration of title or the regis te red proprie tor, as the case
may be , at any time be fore or during the pe riod, for which the exte ns ion can be allowe d.

63. Application for entry of license. (1) An Application to the Registrar for the
registration unde r clause(b) of sub-section(2) of section 70 read with sections 75 and 76 of a
person as registered licensee of a registered trade mark shall be made by that person and
the registered proprietor in the form as set out in Form TM -28.
(2) The entry of a registered licensee in the Register shall contain the following
particulars, namely:(a)

Registration numbe r and class;

name and address of registered proprietor,
name and address of registered licensee;
goods in respect of which licensee is registered;
address for service;
whether licensee is exclusive licensee or non-exclusive;

(g) whether permitted use is to be for a specific period or without limit of period;
(h) any conditions or restrictions proposed with res pect to the characte ristics of
the goods , to the mode or place of pe rmitte d use, or to any othe r matte r; and

(i) particulars of relationship, existing or proposed, between the

proprietor and the proposed registered licensee, including particulars
showing the degree of control by the proprietor over the permitted
use which their relations hip will confer.
64. Regis te re d proprie tors application to vary e ntry. An application by the regis te re d
proprie tor of a trade mark for the variation of the regis tration of a re giste re d lice nsee of that trade
mark unde r clause (a) of s ub-section(4) of section 70 s hall be made in the form as set out in Form
TM-29 and s hall be accompanie d by a s tate ment of the grounds on which it is made and, whe re the
regis te re d lice nsee in question consents, by the writte n consent of that regis te red licensee.
65. Cance llation of the regis tration of re giste re d lice nsee. (1) An application for the
cance llation of the regis tration of a regis te red licensee unde r clause (b) of s ub-section(4) of section

70 shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -30 or Form TM -31, as may be
appropriate, and shall be accompanied by state ment of grounds on which it is made.
(2) In case of the re gistration of a regis te re d licensee for a pe riod, in accordance with
clause(i) of s ub-section(4) of section 70, the Registrar s hall cance l the e ntry of the regis te re d licensee
at the e nd of that pe riod. Whe re some or all of the goods are omitte d from those in res pect of which a

trade mark is regis te re d, the Regis trar s hall at the s ame time omit the m from those specifications of
regis te re d lice nsee of the trade mark in which the y are comprise d. The Registrar s hall notify e ve ry
cance llation or omiss ion unde r this sub-rule to the re gis te red lice nsee or licensees whose pe rmitte d
use is affe cted the re by and to the regis te re d proprie tor of the trade mark.
66. Notific atio n and he aring. The Re gis trar s hall noti fy in writing applic ations unde r
claus e (b) of s ub-se ction(4) of section 70 to the regis te re d proprie tor and e ach re gis te re d lice nsee
(not be ing the applic ant) unde r the re gis tratio n of t he trade mark. Any pe rs on so notifie d who
inte nds to inte rve ne in the procee dings , s hall wit hin one month o f the re ce ipt of s uch notification
give notice to the Re gis trar in the fo rm as se t out in Form TM -32 to that e ffe ct and s hall s e nd
the re with a s tate me nt of the grounds of his inte rve ntion. The Re gis trar s hall the re upon se rve or
caus e to be se rve d copies of s uch notice and s tate me nt on the othe r partie s, viz., the applic ant,
the re gis te re d proprie tor, the re gis te re d lice nsee whose regis tration is in s uit, and any othe r
re gis te re d lice nsee who inte rve nes . Any s uch party ma y, wit hin s uch time or time s as the
Re gis trar may appoint, le ave evide nce in s upport of his case , and the Regis trar afte r giving
part y an oppo rt unit y o f be ing he ard may acce pt or re fus e the applicatio n or acce pt it s ubje ct to
any conditions , ame ndme nts , mo dificatio ns or limit atio ns he may think rig ht to impose .

67. Registered licensees application. An application under sub-section (4) of section

96 shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -16 or Form TM -33 or Form TM -34, as
may be appropriate, by a registered licensee of a trade mark or by such person as may
notify the Registrar that he is entitled to act in the name of a registered licensee and the
Registrar may require such evidence by affidavit or otherwise as he may think fit as to the
circumstances in which the application is made.
68. Revocation, invalidation and rectification. (1) An application to the Registrar
for revocation under section 73, or declaration of invalidity under section 80 of the
registration of a trade mark or for rectification of an e rror or omission in the Register
under section 96 shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -26 together with a
statement of the grounds on which the application is made. Where the application is made
by a person other than the proprietor of the registered trade mark, the application and the
statement of the grounds aforesaid shall be left at the Registry, in duplicate. The duplicate
copies shall be trans mitted forthwith by the Registrar to the registered proprietor.
(2) Upon an application re fe rre d to in s ub rule (1) being made and copies the reof be ing
trans mitte d to the re giste re d proprie tor, if ne cessary, the provis ions of s ub-rules (2) to (12) of rule 30
s hall apply mutatis mutandis to the furthe r procee dings on the application but the Registrar s hall not
re ctify the Registe r me rely because the re giste re d proprie tor has not file d a counte r-s tateme nt, s ave
that, in case of an application for re vocation on the grounds of non-use unde r clause(a) or (b) of s ubsection(1) of section 73, the application s hall be grante d whe re no counte r-state me nt is file d.
69. Inte rve ntion by t hird partie s . (1) Any pe rs on, othe r than t he re gis te re d proprie tor,
alle ging inte res t in a re gis te re d trade mark in re s pect of which an applic ation is made unde r
rule 68 may apply in the form as se t out in Form TM -27 for le ave to inte rve ne , s tating the
nat ure of his inte res t, and the Regis trar may re fuse or grant s uch le ave afte r he aring, if s o
re quire d, the partie s conce rne d, upon s uch conditions and te rms as he may de e m fit.

(2) Any pe rson granted leave to intervene, hereinafte r referred as the inte rvener,
shall, subject to the terms and conditions imposed in respect of the interventio n, be treated
as a party for the purposes of the application of the provisions of rule 30 to the proceedings
on an application under this rule.
(3) Whe re the Regis trar has made a de cis ion on the application following any
oppos ition, inte rve ntion or proceedings he ld in accordance with this rule , he s hall send the applicant,
the pe rson oppos ing the application and the inte rvene r, if any, writte n not ice of it, s tating the re as on
for his decis ion; and for the purposes of any appe al agains t the Registrar s decis ion the date whe n
the notice of the decis ion is se nt s hall be take n to be the date of the de cision.

70. Change of name, address or address for service. (1) The Registrar shall, on a
request made in the form as set out in Form TM -33 or Form TM -34, as may be appropriate,
by the proprietor of a registered trade mark or a licensee or any person having interest in or
charge on a registered trade mark which has been registered under rule 56 or 62, enter any
change in his name or address as recorded in the Register.
(2) The Registrar may at any time, on a request made in the form as set out in Form TM-

50 by any pe rson who has furnished an address for service under rule 9, if the address is
recorded in the Register, change it.


71. Re-class ification in res pect of exis ting regis tration. (1) On the class ification set forth in
the Fourth Sche dule, the regis te re d proprie tor of a trade mark may apply to the Regis trar in the
form as set out in Form TM-40 for the conve rsion of the s pecification re lating to the trade mark, so
as to bring that s pecification into conformity with the specification as set forth in the Fourth
Sche dule . The application s hall include a re ques t for the like conve rs ion of the specification in
res pect of any regis te red lice nsee unde r that regis tration, and the regis te re d proprie tor s hall se rve a
copy of the application on the re giste re d lice nsee or licensees of the trade mark, if any.

(2) The Registrar shall, thereupon notify in writing to the registered proprietor
and to the registered licensee or licensees, if any, a proposal showing the form which, in the
Registrar s vie w, the amendme nt of the Register should take in consequence of the
proposed conversion. Two or more registrations of a trade mark having the same date and
in respect of goods, which fall within the same class under the amended or substituted
classification, may be amalgamated upon conversion in accordance with this rule.
(3) The proposal referred to in sub-rule (2) shall be adve rtised in the Journal.
72. Notice of opposition. (1) Notice of oppos ition s hall be given in the form as set out in
Form TM -41, in duplicate, within two months from the date of adve rtise ment of the propos al unde r
s ub-rule (2) or within s uch pe riod not excee ding two months in the aggregate and s hall be
accompanie d by a s tate ment, in duplicate, s howing how the propose d ame ndme nt would contrave ne

the provisions of section 97. Where there are any registered licensees under the registration
of trade mark in question such notice and stateme nt shall

also be accompanie d by as many copies the reof as the re are regis te red lice nsees. The Regis trar s hall
within t wo months send a copy e ach of the notice and the s tate ment to the re giste re d proprie tor and
to e ach regis te re d licensee, if any, and within two months from the re ceipt by him of e ach copies the
regis te re d proprie tor may send to the Regis trar in the form as set out in Form TM -6 a counte rs tate ment, in triplicate , setting out fully the grounds on which the oppos ition is conteste d. If the
regis te re d proprie tor se nds s uch counte r-s tate ment, the Regis trar s hall se rve a copy the reof on the
pe rson giving notice of opposition within two months and the furthe r proce dure for the dis pos al of
the oppos ition s hall be re gulate d by the provis ions of s ub-rules (3) to (12) of rule 30 mutatis
mutandis. In any case of doubt, any party may apply to the Registrar for dire ctions.
(2) If the re is no oppos ition wit hin t he time s pe cifie d in s ub-rule (1), or in case of
oppos ition, if the conve rs ion of the s pe cificat ion is allowe d, the propos al as allowe d s hall be
adve rtis e d in the Journal, and all ne cess ary e nt rie s s hall be made in the Regis te r. The date whe n
s uch e ntrie s are made in the re gis te r s hall be re corde d the re in. Any e ntry made in the Re gis te r
in purs uance of this s ub-rule s hall not affe ct the date of re ne wal o f re gis tration unde r se ction 35,
which s hall be de te rmine d in t he s ame manne r as above the allowance of the conve rs ion.
73. Re ques t for information. A re que s t for information re lating to an applicatio n fo r
re gis tration or to a re gis te re d trade mark s hall be made in the fo rm as se t out in Form TM -45.
74. Information av ailable be fore publicat ion. Be fore public ation o f an applicatio n fo r
re gis tration the Re gis trar s hall make available for ins pe ction by the public the applic ation and
any ame ndme nts made to it and any partic ulars containe d in a not ice give n to the Regis trar.
75. Inspection of documents. (1) Subject to sub-rules(2) and (3), the Regis trar shall permit all
documents filed or kept at the Registry in relation to a registered mark or, where an application for the
registration of a trade mark has been published, in relation to that application, to be inspected.

(2) The Registrar shall not be obliged to permit the inspection of any such
documents as is mentioned in s ub-rule(1) until he has completed any procedure, or the stage
in the procedure which is relevant to the document in question, which is required or
permitted to carry out under t he Ordinance or these rules.
(3) The right of inspection under sub-rule (1) shall not apply to
(a) any document until fourteen days after it has been filed at the Registry;
(b) any document pre pared in the Registry solely for use therein;
(c) any document sent to the Registry, whether at its request or otherwise,
for inspection and subsequent return to the sender;
(d) any request for information under rule 73;
(e) any document issued by the Registry which the Registrar considers
should be treated as confidential;
(f) any document in respect of which the Registrar issues directions under
rule 76 that it be treated as confidential;
(4) Nothing in s ub-rule (1) s hall be cons true d as imposing on the Regis trar any duty of
making available for public ins pection


any document or part of a document which in his opinion discharges any

person in a way likely to damage him; or
any docume nt filed with or sent to the Registry before comi ng into force
of the Ordinance.

(5) No appeal shall lie from a decision of the Registrar under sub-rule(4) not to
make any docume nt or part of a document available for public inspection.
76. Confidential docume nts. (1) Where a document other than a form require d by
the Registrar and published in accordance with rule 3 is filed at the Registry and the person
filing it requests, at the time of filing or within fourteen days of the filing, that it or a
specified part of it be treated as confidential, giving his reasons, the Registrar may directed
that it or part of it, as the case may be, be treated as confidential, and the document shall
not be open to public inspection while the matte r is being determined by the Regis trar.
(2) Where such direction has been given and not withdrawn, nothing in this rule
shall be taken to authorize or re quire any person to be allowe d to inspect the document or
part of it to which the direction relates except by leave of the Registrar.
(3) The Registrar shall not withdraw any direction given under this rule without
prior consultation with the person at whose request the direction was given, unless the
Registrar is satisfied that such prior consultation is not reasonably practical.
(4) The Registrar may whe re he considers that any docume nt issued by the
Registry should be treated as confidential so direct, and upon such direction that docume nt
shall not be open to public inspection except by leave of the Registrar.
(5) Where a direction is given under this rule for a document to be treated as
confidential a record of the fact shall be filed with the docume nt.
77. Decision of Regis trar to be take n afte r he aring.(1) Without pre judice to any provis ions
of the Ordinance or these rules re quiring the Regis trar to he ar any party to proceedings unde r the
Ordinance or these rules, or to give s uch party an opportunity to be he ard, the Registrar s hall,
be fore taking any decis ion on any matte r unde r the Ordinance or these rules which is or may be
adve rse to any party to any proceedings be fore him, give that party an opportunity to be he ard.

(2) The Registrar shall give that party at least ten days notice of the time when
he may be heard unless that party consents to shorter notice.
78. Evidence in proceedings before Registrar.Evidence in any proceedings before
the Registrar shall be given by affidavit, provided that the Registrar may, if he thinks fit,
take oral evidence in lieu of, or in addition to, such evidence by affidavit.
79. Registrars power to re quire docume nts, information or evidence. At any stage
of any proceedings before the Registrar, he may direct that such docume nts, information or
evidence as he may reasonable require shall be filed within such period as he may spec ify.
80. Extension of time. (1) The time or periods


specified by these rules, other than the times or periods specified by the
rules referred to in sub-rule (3); or
(b) specified by the Registrar for doing any act or taking any proceedings,
may, at the request of the person or party concerned, be extended by the
Registrar to such furthe r period which shall not exceed three months in
aggregate, upon such notice to any othe r person or party affected and
upon such terms as he may direct.
(2) A request for the extension of a period specified by these rules which is filed
after an application has been published under rule 29 shall be in the form as set out in Form
TM-56 and shall in any othe r case be on that form if the Registrar so directs.
(3) The rules excepted from sub-rule (1) are sub-rule (6) of rule 9 (failure to file address for
service), rule 25 (deficiencies in application), sub-rule (1) of rule 30 (time for filing notice of opposition),
sub-rule(2) of rule 30 (time for filing counter statement), sub-rule (1) of rule 50 (delayed renewal), rule 52
(restoration of registration) and sub-rule (3) of rule 57 (direction with respect to advertisement of
assignment) and rule 62 (registration of assignment to a company under section 72).

(4) Subject to sub-rule (5), a request for extension of time under sub-rule (1)
shall be made before the time or period in question has expired.
(5) Where the request for extension is made after the time has expired, the
Registrar may, at his discretion, extend the period or time if he is satisfied with the
explanation for the delay in requesting the extension and it appears to him that any
extension would not disadvantage any other person or party affected by it.
(6) Where the period within which any party to any proceedings before the
Registrar may file evidence under these rules is to begin upon the expiry of any pe riod in
which any other party may file evidence and that other party notifies the Registrar that he
does not wish to file any, or any further evidence the Registrar may direct that the pe riod
within which the first me ntioned party may file evidence shall begin on such date as may be
specified in the direction and s hall notify all parties to the dispute of that date.
81. Correction of irregularities, calculation of times and periods. (1) Any
irregularity in procedure in or before the Registry or the Registrar may be rectified, subject
to sub-rule (2), on such te rms as he may direct.
(2) In the case of an irregularity or prospective irregularity
(a) which consists of a failure to comply with any limitation as to times or
periods specified in the ordinance, these rules or the old law as that law
continues to apply and which has occurred or appears to the Registrar
as likely to occur in the absence of a direction under this rule; and
(b) which is attributable wholly or in part to an error, default or omission
on the part of the Registry or the Registrar and which it appears to
him should be rectified,

he may dire ct that the time or pe riod in question s hall be exte nde d in s uch manne r as he may s pecify.

(3) Sub-rule(2) shall be without pre judice to the Registrar s powe r to extend any
time or periods under rule 80.


82. Cos ts in unconteste d cases. (1) Whe re any opposition duly ins titute d unde r these rules is
not conteste d by the applicant, the Regis trar in de ciding whe the r cos ts s hould be awarde d to the
oppone nt s hall cons ide r whe the r the procee dings might have been avoide d if re asonable notice had
been given by the oppone nt to the applicant be fore the notice of oppos ition was file d.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in sub-rule(1) costs in respect of fees specified

under entries 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 of the First Schedule and of all stamps used on and affixed to
affidavits used in the proceedings shall follow the event.
(3) Scale of cos ts : Subje ct to the provis ions of s ub-rules (1) and (2), in all
procee dings be fore the Regis trar t he Re gis trar may, s ave as othe rwis e express ly provide d by the
Ordinance , award s uch cos ts , not e xcee ding the amount admis s ible the re for unde r the Sixth
Sche dule , as he cons ide rs re asonable having re gard to all the circums tance s of the case .

83. Security for costs. (1) The security for cost which the Registrar may require any
person who is a party to any proceedings before him unde r the Ordinance or these rules to
give in relation to those proceedings, may be fixed at any amount which he may consider
proper, and such amount may be furthe r enhanced by him at any stage in the proce edings.
(2) In default of the security referred to in sub-rule(1) being given, the Registrar,
in the case of the proceedings before him, may treat the party in default as having
withdrawn his application, opposition, objection or intervention, as the case may be.
84. Supply of certified copies, etc. The Registrar shall supply a certified copy of
extract, as requested in the form as set out in Form TM -46 of any entry in the Register or
any docume nt referred to in sub-section (1) of section 121 or of any decision or order of the
Registrar. The purpose for which the certified copy of extract or document is required shall
be stated in the form as set out in Form TM -46.
(2) Whe re a copy of any trade mark has to be include d in a ce rtifie d copy, the Regis trar
may re quire the applicant to s upply a copy the reof s uitable for the purpose, and if the applicant fails
to do so, the Regis trar s hall not be oblige d to include a copy of the mark in the ce rtifie d copy.

(3) Where a certificate or certified copy of extract relating to the registration of a

trade mark is desired for use in obtaining registration in any territory outside Pakistan, the
Registrar shall include in the certificate or certified copy of extract a copy of the mark and
may require the applicant for the certificate or certified copy of extract to furnish him with
a copy of the mark s uitable for the purpose, and if the applicant fails to do so, the Registrar
may refuse to issue the certificate or ce rtified copy of extract.

(4) Whe re a trade mark is regis te re d without limitation o f colour, the copy of the
mark to be include d in t he ce rtifie d copy o f e xtract, may be e ithe r in the colour in which it
appe ars upon t he Re gis te r or in any othe r colour or colours . It s hall be s tate d in the ce rtificate
or ce rtifie d copy o f e xtract that t he trade mark is re gis te re d without limit ation o f colours .


85. Time for appeal.-An appeal to the High Court from any decision of the Registrar
under the Ordinance or these rules shall be made within two months from the date of such
decision or within such further time as the High Court may allow.


86. Ce rtificate of validity to be note d.- Whe re the court has ce rtifie d as provide d in section

112 with regard to the validity of a registered trade mark, the registered proprietor thereof
may re quest the Registrar in the form as set out in Form TM -47 to add to the entry in the
Register a note that the certificate of validity has been granted in the course of proceedings,
particulars of which shall be given in the request. An officially certified copy of the
certificate shall be sent with the request, and the Registrar shall record a note to that effect
in the Register and publish the note in the Journal.
87. Request to Registrar for search.- A person may in the form as set out in Form
TM-55 request the Registrar to cause a search to be made in respect of specified goods or
services classified in any one class of the Fourth Schedule to ascertain whethe r any mark in
the Register or among pending applications for registration resembles a trade mark of
which duplicate representations accompany the form. The Registrar shall cause such search
to be made and the person mak ing the request to be informed of the result thereof.
88. Personal Search.- A person may also conduct personal search on payme nt of the
fee in respect of the specified goods or services in any one class of the Fourth Schedule to
ascertain whether any mark in the Register or among pending a pplications for registration
resembles a trade mark of which he desires registration.
89. Dis tribution o f copies of Journal and any othe r docume nt. - T he Fe de ral Gove rnme nt
may dire ct the Re gis trar to dis tribute the Journal and any othe r docume nt which i t may
cons ide r ne cess ary, to s uch places as may be fixe d by the Fe de ral Gove rnme nt in cons ultation
wit h the Provincial Gove rnme nts and notifie d fro m time to time in the official Gaze tte .

90. Applications made to the Court to be served on the Registrar.- Every application
to the High Court under the Ordinance shall be served on the Registrar.
91. Exercise of discretionary power of Registrar.- The time within which a person entitled under
sub-section (2) of section 111 to an opportunity of being heard shall exercise his option of requiring to be
heard shall, save as otherwise expressly provided in the Ordinance or these rules, be one month from the
date of a notice which the Registrar shall give to such person before determining the matter with
reference to which such person shall be entitled to be heard, if within that month such

person requires to be heard the Registrar shall appoint a date for the hearing and shall give
ten days notice thereof.
92. Notification of decision. - The decision of the Registrar in the exercise of any
discretionary powe r given to him, by the Ordinance or these rules shall be notified to the
person affected.

93. Rules to apply to textile marks.- Subject to the provisions of this Part, the
provisions of Part I and Part IV of these rules shall apply to textile marks and ce rtification
trade marks in respect of textile goods as they apply to trade marks and certification trade
marks in respect of non-textile goods.
94. Textile marks.- The expression textile mark means a trade mark or a
certification trade mark used or proposed to be used in relation to goods specified in rule 95
as textile goods for the purpose of Chapter XI of the Ordinance.
95. Textile goods.- The classes of goods to which Chapter XI of the Ordinance shall
apply and which are in the Ordinance and these rules referred to as textile goods shall be
classes 22 to 27, both inclusive, of the Fourth Schedule.
96. Items of textile goods.- A separate application for the registration of a trade mark
shall be made in respect of each of the items of textile goods specified in the Fifth Schedule
whe re the mark consists exclusively of letters or numerals or any combination thereof. S uch
application shall be made in the form as set out in Form TM -53.
97. Grouping of ite ms of the Fifth Schedule.- For the purposes of applications for the
registration of trade marks consisting exclusively of letters, nume rals or any combination
thereof, the ite ms of the Fifth Schedule shall be grouped as follows; and goods falling in each
group shall be deemed to be goods of the same description, and goods falling in diffe rent
groups shall not be deemed to be goods of the same description.
Group 1: Ite ms 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 33,
36, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 54, 55, 59, 61, 62, 65 and 91.
Group 2: Ite ms 2, 3, 14, 17, 18, 34, 35 and
47. Group 3: Ite ms 6, 7, 21, 38 and 52.
Group 4: Ite ms 13, 29, 75, 77 and 78
Group 5: Ite ms 15, 28, 31, 40, 60, 66, 79, 88, 90 and
93. Group 6: Ite ms 32, 43, 64 and 94.
Group 7: Ite ms 46, 83 and 85.

Group 8: Ite ms 50, 51, 56, 57, 63, 76, 80, 84, 86, 87 and 89.
Group 9: Ite ms 53.
Group 10: Ite ms 58, 82 and 92.
Group 11: Ite ms 67, 68, 69, 70 and 71.
Group 12: Ite ms 72.
Group 13: Ite ms 73.
Group 14: Ite ms 74.
Group 15: Ite ms 81.



98. Definitions.- For the purposes of this Chapter, unless there is anything repugnant in the

su bj ect o r co nt ex t, (a)

balanced numeral means a trade mark con si sting of either identical

numerals o r identical letters of not less than three no r more than seven digit s;
digit includes a single letter; and
letter fraction means a fra ction containing one or more letters.

99. Non-registrability of certain marks.- (1) S ubject to sub-rule (2), in respect of

textile goods the following marks shall not be capable of registration, namely: (a)


Any nume ral of one digit or of more than six digits not being a
balanced nume ral;
a single letter or any combination of letters of more than six letters not
being a balanced numeral;
any combination of nume rals and letters of more than eight digits;


any fraction or le tte r fraction cons isting of more than eight digits togethe r;


any fraction or letter fraction having less than three digit together;
any combination of nume rals and fractions of more than six digits;
any combination of nume rals, letters, fractions and letter fractions
either having more than eight digits or ending with a fraction of more
than one digit in the numerator or in the denominator;
numerals or letters representing cloth dime nsions; and



a balance d nume ral whic h doe s not cons is t of at le as t two or t wo less digits
than a balance d nume ral o f the s ame se ries alre ady re gis te re d in the name
of a diffe re nt pe rs on in res pe ct of the s ame goods or des cription o f goods ;

(2) A trade mark shall not be refused registration by virtue of the provisions of subrule (1) if, before the date of application for registration, it has, in fact, acquired distinctive
character as a result of the use made of it.
100. Marks likely to deceive or to cause confusion. - (1) A trade mark consisting of
numerals, letters, fractions, letter fractions, or any combination the reof, and not being a
balanced nume ral, shall not be capable of being registered as a textile mark if it does not
differ from a trade mark registered in the name of a different person in respect of the same
goods or description of goods as follows namely:-

(a) In the case of numerals not exceeding four digits, in at least one
corresponding digit;

in the case of nume ral o f five digits , in at le as t two corres ponding digits ;
in the case of nume ral o f s ix digits , in at le as t three corres ponding digits ;
in the case of a combination of two letters, in at least one corresponding letter;


in the case of combination of three or four letters, in at least two

corresponding letters;
in the case of a combination of five or six letters, in at least three
corresponding letters;
in the case of a mark consisting of one letter and one numeral digit, in
at least one of them;
in the case of mark consisting of one letter and two or three numeral
digits, in at least one corresponding numeral digit;
in the case of mark consisting of one letter and four or more numeral
digits, in at least two corresponding digits;
in the case of a mark consisting of two or more letters and one or more
numeral digits, in at least one corresponding letter and one
corresponding numeral digit;
in the case of a fraction or letter fraction or any combination thereof in
which the total numbe r of digits in the nume rator and denominator is
three or four, in at least one corresponding digit from either the
numerator o r the denominator;
in the case of a fraction or letter fraction or any combination thereof in
which the total numbe r of digits in the nume rator and denominator is
five or more, in at least one corresponding digit in the nume rator and
one corresponding digit in the denominator or two corresponding
digits in either the numerator or the denominator;
in the case of a combination consisting of a nume ral and a fraction in
at least one corresponding nume ral digit; and
in the case of a combination of letters, numerals, and fraction
(including letter fraction) , (i)
whe re the total number of digits excluding the fraction is not
more than three, in at least one corresponding digit; and






whe re the total numbe r of digits, excluding the fraction, is four

or more, in at least two corresponding digits.

(2) Nothing in sub-rule (1) shall be construed to signify that where a trade mark
does not come within the scope of any case specified in the said s ub-rule, the mark shall
necessarily be regarded as not being likely to deceive or to cause confusion.


101. Constitution of Advisory Committee .-(1) For the purposes of section 95, an
Advisory Committee shall be constituted consisting of members appointed by the Fede ral
Government on the recommendation of the Association specified in the Seventh Schedule.
(2) The numbe r of recommendations which the Association specified in the Seventh
Schedule shall be entitled to make shall be those specified in the said Schedule:
Provided that if within the period allowe d by the Federal Governme nt for this
purpose any of the said Association fails to make any recommendation or to make the full
number of recomme ndations which it is entitled to make, the Federal Government may
appoint the required number of me mbe rs of the Advisory committee of its own motion
without any s uch recomme ndation.
(3) The Federal Governme nt may appoint other persons versed in the usage of the
textile trade as members of the Committee.
102. Tenure of office of members .- The tenure of office of each member of the
Advisory Committee shall be two years, but a retiring member shall be eligible for re appointme nt at the end of his tenure:
Provide d that a me mbe r may continue to hold office afte r the expiry of two ye ars from his
appointme nt until such time as he is re -appointed or anothe r me mbe r is appointe d in his place .

Substitution of me mbers.- Whenever any member of the Advisory Co mmittee
ceases to reside in Pakistan, or becomes incapable of acting as a member of the Advisory
Committee, the Fede ral Government may appoint another person to be a member in his
stead, in accordance with the provisions of rule 101.
Co-option of me mbe rs .- Whe neve r it is cons ide re d expe dient so to do, the Advisory
Committee may co-opt one or more pe rsons as its me mbe rs for the purpose of any of its meetings :

Provided that any person co-opted as a me mber for the purpose of any meeting shall
automatically cease to be a member after the termination of the said meeting.
105. Meetings of the Advisory Committee.- (1) The Advisory Committee shall elect
two of its members as Cha irman and Vice -Chairman respectively. When the Chairman or
vice-Chairman ceases to hold office, the vacancy s hall be filled by re -election at the next
meeting of the Advisory Committee.
(2) The meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be convened by the Chairman at
such time and place as he thinks fit.
106. Secretary of the Advisory Committee: The Advisory Committee shall also
appoint a Secretary and deposit the name and address of the Secretary at the Registry.
107. Manner of cons ultation.- Any question which the Advisory Committee is
require d to consider and advise upon may be referred for decision to the members of the
Advisory Committee either at its meetings or by circulation of the papers:

Provided that any question referred by circulation of papers, shall on request of at

least ten members of the Advisory Committee, be placed on the agenda of its next meeting.
Facts of a case for advice.- The Registrar shall send in writing to the Advisory
Committee the facts relating to the case in which its advice is sought.
Time limit for giving advice.- The advice sought by Registrar from the
Advisory Committee shall be given by the Advisory Committee in writing within twenty -one
days from the date of the receipt of the letter seeking advice, but the Registrar may extend
the time at the request of the Advisory Committee.
Further information.- Where for the purpose of giving advice sought by the
Registrar, the Advisory Committee requires further information, the Secretary of the
Advisory Committee may write to the Registrar and the require d information shall be given
by the Registrar in writing.
Presiding at meetings.- The Chairman shall preside at every meeting at which
he is prese nt, and if he is absent, the Vice -Chairman shall preside over the meeting. In the
absence of the Chairman and the Vice -Chairman, the me mbers present shall elect one of
their me mber to preside over the meeting.
Decision by voting.- Whenever the membe rs of the Advisory Committee are
divided in their opinion on any point at issue, the question shall be decided by a majority of
the votes, and the voting shall be by show of hands. The Chairman may vote, and in the case
of an equality of votes, shall have a casting vote.
Re cord of meetings.- The Se cretary of Advisory Committee s hall maintain a re cord
of all bus iness trans acted by the Advisory Committee. The Regis trar s hall be e ntitle d to call for
copies ce rtifie d to be true by the Secre tary of the re cord of the bus iness trans acted at any mee ting.

114. Definitions.- For the purposes of this Chapter, unless there is anything repugnant
in the subject or context,(a)

Agent means a legal practitioner, or a person registered as an Agent under

the old law, or a Registered Agent;


graduate me ans a graduate of any unive rs ity establis he d by law in

Pak istan, or any foreign university recognized by the Federal Government;


Registered Agent means a trade mark agent whose name is actually on

the Register of trade mark agents kept under rule 115.

Register of trade mark agents.- The Trade Marks Registry shall maintain the
Register of trade mark agents wherein s hall be entered the name, residential address,
business address, qualifications and date of registration of every Registered Agent.
Eligibility for registration.- (1) No person shall be eligible for registration as a
trade mark agent unless he is resident in Pakistan and has been considered by the Registrar
to be a fit pe rson to become a Registered Agent.
(2) A person s hall not be qualified for registration as a trade mark agent unless he is a
citizen of Pakistan and
(a) is at le ast a graduate in law, s cie nce, arts or comme nce or graduate in e ngineering
from a recognize d unive rs ity or possesses an e quiv ale nt qualification with at le as t
three ye ars expe rie nce of working with a Regis te red trade mark agent or an
advocate practicing be fore the Registry and has passed a writte n and oral
examination about law and proce dure of trade marks , evidence and civil
proce dures of Pakis tan with more than fifty pe rce nt s core ; or

(b) has been an office r of Basic Pay Scale 16 or above in the Trade Marks
Registry for a period of not less than seven years:
Provided that no such person shall be entitled to registration fo r a
period of one year from the date of retirement or termination of service:
Provided further that no such person shall be entitled to registration if
he has been dismissed or re moved from service.
117. Persons debarre d from registration.- A person s hall not be eligible for
registration as a trade mark agent if he
has been adjudged by a competent court to be of unsound mind;
is an undischarged insolvent;


be ing a dis charge d ins olve nt has not obtaine d from the court a ce rtificate to the e ffect
that his insolve ncy was cause d by mis fortune without any mis conduct on his part;
has been convicted by a competent court, whether within or without Pak istan of an

offence punishable with transportation or imprisonment, unless the offence of

which he has been convicted has been pardoned or unless on an application
made by him, the Federal Gove rnment has, by orde r in this behalf, removed
the disability; or
is considered by the Federal Government not to be a fit and proper person to
become a Registered Agent by reason of any act of negligence, misconduct or
dishonesty committed in his professional capacity.

Manne r of making applicat ion.- All applic ations fo r re gis tration as trade mark
age nt, s hall be se nt to, or le ft at, the Trade Marks Re gis try, and s hall be made in duplicate .
Application for regis tration as a trade mark agent. - (1) Eve ry pe rs on desiring to be
regis te re d as a trade mark agent s hall make an application in the form as set out in Form TMA-1.

(2) The applicant s hall furnish such further information bearing on his application as
may be required of him at any time by the Registrar.
120. Procedure on application.- On receipt of an application for the registration of
a person as a trade mark agent, the Registrar shall grant him an opportunity of appearing
in a written and oral examination that shall be conducted once in a year either at the Trade
Marks Registry or at an e ducational institution duly approved by the Registrar.
121. Re gis tration in t he Re gis te r of t rade mark age nts . - If the applic ant has pas se d the
writte n and oral e xaminatio n, qualifie s re quire me nts s pecifie d in rule 116 an d does not offe nd
any re quire me nts s pe cifie d in rule 117, the Re gis trar s hall se nd an int imatio n to that e ffe ct to
the applic ant, and any pe rs on s o intimate d may pay t he pres cribe d fees for his regis tratio n as a
trade mark age nt. On re ce ipt of the pre s cribe d fees , the Re gis trar s hall cause the applicants
name to be e nte re d in the Re gis te r of t rade mark age nts , and s hall is s ue to him a ce rtificate in
the form as se t out in From O-4 in re cognition of his re gis tration as a t rade mark age nt.

122. Continuance of a name in Register of trade mark agents.- Subject to the

provisions of rule 117, the continuance of a persons name in the Register of trade mark
agents shall be subject to his payme nt of the fee prescribed in that behalf.
Removal of agents name from Register of trade mark agents.- (1) The
Registrar may re move permanently or te mporarily from the Register of trade mark agents
the name of any Registered Agent
(a) from whom a request has been received to that effect; or
(b) from whom the annual fee has not been received on the expiry of three
months from the date on which it became due; or
(c) who is found to have been subject at the time of his registration or
thereafter has become subject, to any of the disabilities state d in clauses (i),
(ii), (iii) and (iv) of rule 117; or
(d) whom the Federal Gove rnme nt has declared not to be a fit and proper
person to remain on the Register by reason of any act of negligence,
misconduct or dishonesty committed in his professional ca pacity:
Provided that before making such declaration, the Federal Governme nt shall
call upon the person concerned to show cause why his registration should not be
cancelled and shall make such further inquiry, if any, as it may consider necessary.
The Registrar s hall remove from the Register of trade mark agents the
name of any Registered Agent who is dead.
The removal of the name of any person from the Register of trade
mark agents shall be notified in the official Gazette and in the Journal and shall,
whe rever possible, be communicated to the pe rson concerned.
Restoration of re moved names.- (1) The Registrar or the Federal
Government, as the case may be, may on an application in the form as set out in Form
TMA-2 from a person whose na me has been temporarily removed unde r sub-rule (1) of rule
122, restore his name to the Register of trade mark agents.

(2) The restoration of a name to the Register of trade mark agents shall be notified in
the official Gaze tte and in the Journal, and shall whenever possible be communicated to the
person conce rned.
125. Alte ration in the Register of trade mark agents.- (1) A Registered Agent may
apply in the form as set out in Form TMA-3 for alteration of his name, address, business
address or qualifications entered in the Register of trade mark agents. On receipt of such
application and the fee prescribed in that behalf, the Registrar shall cause the necessary
alteration to be made in the Register of trade mark agents.
Every alteration made in the Register of trade mark agents shall be notified in
the official Gazette and in the Journal.
Publication of the Register of trade mark agents.- The Register of trade mark
agents shall be publis hed from time to time, as the Registrar may deem fit, the entries being
arranged in the alphabetical order of the surnames of the Registered Agents and copies
thereof shall be placed for sale.
Registration of existing trade mark agents.- (1) Notwithstanding anything in
rule 116, every person whose name is, on notified date, on the Register of trade mark agent
maintained unde r the Revised Trade Marks Rules, 1963, shall be deemed to be registered as
a trade mark agent under the Ordinance and the rules.
The continuance fee of trade mark agents deemed to be registered under sub
rule (1) shall be payable as and from the notified date.

Legal practitioners shall not be required to be on the Register of trade mark agents to

act as Agents.



128. Es tablis hme nt and adminis tration o f B ranch Re gis try. -(1) The Fe de ral Gove rnme nt
may e s tablis h a B ranch at any place in the te rritory to whic h the Ordinance e xte nds .

(2) Each B ranch Registry shall be in charge of a Deputy Registrar of Trade Marks or
any other officer to whom any particular functions of a Registrar have been delegated by
the Registrar, and shall act under the control and s uperintendence of the Registrar.
Applications , etc.- All applications, notices, state me nts and othe r docume nts , and any
fees the re for, authorize d or re quire d unde r the Ordinance or these rules to be made, le ft, se nt or
paid to a B ranch Regis try if made , le ft, se nt or paid to the B ranch Regis try s hall, the re upon, have
e ffect as if the y we re duly made , le ft or sent or paid to the Trade Marks Registry.
Ins pection of copy of Regis te r, e tc. - A copy of the Regis te r and re presentation of
pe nding applications s hall be available for ins pe ction on payme nt of the pres cribe d fee, at s uch times

on all days on which the Branch Registry is not closed to the public, as may be fixed by the
131. He aring at a B ranch Re gis try.- (1) Whe re an applicat ion for the re gis tration o f a
trade mark has bee n made at a B ranch Re gis try, the applic ation s hall in t he e ve nt of a he aring
be coming ne cess ary, and if the applicant s o des ires, be he ard at t he B ranch Re gis try:

Provided that in the event of the Registrar having to deal with more than one
application for the registration of the same or closely similar trade mark made at a Branch
Registry, at one hearing it shall be in the discretion of the Registrar to direct the hearing of
the application at Karachi or at the Branch Registry.
(2) Where the hearing has taken place at the Branch Registry, the decision in respect
thereof shall be pronounced at the Branch Registry.

132. Return of exhibits.- (1) Whe re the exhibits produced in any matter or proceeding
under the Ordinance or the rules are no longer required in the Trade Marks Registry, the
Registrar may call upon the party concerned to take back the exhibits within a time
specified by him and if the party fails to do so, such exhibits shall be destroyed.
(2) Where, before the notified date any exhibits have been produced in any
proceedings, the Registrar may, if satisfied that it is no longe r necessary to retain them
cause them to be destroyed after the expiration of six months from the notified date.
133. Destruction of records.- Whe re an application for the registration of a trade
mark has been withdrawn or abandoned or refused or a trade mark has been removed from
the Register or in an opposition or rectification proceeding the matter has been concluded
and no appeal is pending before the High Court or the Supreme Court, the Registrar may,
at the expiration of three years after the trade mark is removed from the Register o r the
opposition or rectification proceeding is closed, as the case may be, destroy all or any of the
records relating to the application, opposition or rectification or the trade mark conce rned.

134. Form for conversion of pending application.- (1) A notice to the Registrar under
paragraph 11 of the Fourth Schedule to the Ordinance, claiming to have the registrability of
the mark determined in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, shall be in the
form as set out in Form TM -44.

(2) Whe re an applicatio n fo r re gis tratio n o f t rade mark made unde r t he old law is
adve rtis e d on or afte r the se rule s comes into force , the pe riod wit hin which notice of oppos ition
may be file d s hall be gove rne d unde r these rules and not unde r rules he re by re pe ale d.

135. Repeal and savings.- (1) The Revised Trade Marks Rules, 1963, are hereby
(2) Except as provide d by these rules, anything done, any action take n, any proceedings
comme nce d or any orde r made unde r or in purs uance of the Revised Trade Marks Rules, 1963, shall
be dee med to have been done, take n, comme nce d or made unde r or in purs uance of these rules .


Except as provided unde r rule 134, where (a)

immediately before these rules come into force, any time or pe riod
prescribed by the Revised Trade Marks Rules, 1963, has effect in
relation to any act or proceedings and has not expired; and


the corresponding time or period prescribed by these rule s would have

expired or would expire earlier,

the time or period prescribed by the Revised Trade Marks Rules, 1963, and not by these
rules, shall apply to that act or proceedings.


[See rule 4]



On application not otherwise charged to register a trade

mark for a specification of goods or services included in
one class (section 22).
On application to register a trade mark for a specification
of goods or serv ices inclu ded in one cla ss from a
convention country under section 25.
On application under section 82, read with the First
Schedule to the Ordinance, to register a collective mark
for a specifi cation of goods or services includ ed in one
On application und er section 83 read with the Seco nd
Schedule to th e Ordinan ce, to regi ster a certifi cati on trad e
mark for a specification of goods or services included in





Am ount. Corresp onding

(R s.)
Form No.
10 00 /-

TM -1

10 00 /-

TM -2

10 00 /-

TM -3

10 00 /-

TM -4










one class.
On notice of opposition under section 28(2), for each
application opposed.
On a counter-statement in ans wer to a notice of
opposition under section 28(4) for each application
opposed, or in ans wer to an application under any of
sections 73, 80 and 96 in respect of each trade mark ;
or in ans wer to a notice of opposition under section
37 or 97, for each application or conve rsion opposed.
On notice of intention to attend hearing under any of
sections 28, 37, 73, 80, 96 and 97 by each party to the
proceeding concerned.
On notice of opposition to application for registration
of collective mark or certification trade mark unde r
the First Schedule (section 82) and the Second
Schedule (section 83).
On a counter-statement in answer to a notice of opposition

under the First Schedule (section 82) and the Second

Schedule (section 83) for Registration of collective
mark or certification trade mark.
Notice of intention to atte nd hearing of an opposition
to an application for registration of a collective mark
or a certification trade mark. (rules 40 & 43)
For one registration of a trade mark not otherwise
charged, in respect of an application for a
specification of goods or services including series of
trade marks, collective mark, ce rtification mark and
textile mark, included in one class.
For each addition to the registered entry of a trade
mark of a note that the mark is associated with a
ne wly registered mark.
For rene wal under section 35 of the registration of a
trade mark at the expiration of the last registration,
not otherwise charged including renewal of series of
trade marks, collective mark, certification marks and
textile marks.
Additional fee under rule 52(1) for late payment of
rene wal.
On request for restoration unde r section 35(6) of a
trade mark removed from the register.
On application unde r section 32(4) to divide pending
trade mark application.
On a request under section 27(6) to state grounds of
On re quest not otherwise charged, for correction of
clerical error or for permission to amend application.
section 27(7).





























19. On applicatio n for ce rtific ate o f the Re gis trar unde r se ction
69(3). For e ach mark propos e d to be ass igne d.



For every additional mark proposed to be assigned.

On application for approval of the Registrar unde r
section 69(3).
For first mark.
For every additional mark.







On application for extension of time for applying for

directions under section 69(2) for advertisement of
assignment of trade marks in use, without goodwill,
in respect of one devolution of title Not exceeding one month
Not exceeding two months
Not exceeding three months .

On application under paragraph 12 of the Second

Schedule to the Ordinance for consent of the
Registrar to the assignment or transmission of a
certification trade mark.
On application under section 70(2)(a) to register a
subsequent proprietor in a case of assignment or
trans mission of a single trade mark If made within six months from the date of
acquisition of proprietorship.
If made after expiration of six months from the date
of acquisition of proprietors hipOn application under section 70(2)(a) to register a
subsequent proprietor of more than one trade mark
registered in the same name, the devolution of title
being the same in each case.
If made within six months from the date of
acquisition of proprietorship.
For the first mark
For additional mark .



On application under section 69(2) for directions of

the Registrar for advertisement of assignment of
trade marks in use, without goodwillFor first mark assigned.
For every additional mark .









If made after expiration of six months from the date

of acquisition of proprietors hip.
For the first mark.
For additional mark .


On application under section 72(4) for extension of

time for registering a company as subsequent
proprietor of trade marks on one assignment -













Not exceeding two months.

Not exceeding four months.
Not exceeding six months.
On application under any of sections 73,80 and 96 for
rectification of the Register or re moval of trade mark
from the Register.
On application under rule 69 for leave to intervene in
proceedings unde r any of sections 73, 80 and 96 for
rectification of the Register or re moval of trade mark
from the Register.
Application for Registration of Registered licensee.





For the first mark.

For every additional mark.
On application unde r section 70(4)(a) and rule 64 to
vary the entry of a registered licensee For first mark.
For every additional mark.
On application under section 70(4)(b) and rule 65(1)
for cancellation of the entry of a registered licensee For the first mark.
For every additional mark of the same proprietor for
which the same registered licensee is registered,
included in the application
On application unde r section 70(4) and rule 65(1) to
cancel the entry of a registered licensee For the first mark.
For every additional mark of the same proprietor for
which the same registered licensee is registered,
included in the application.
On notice under rule 66 of intention to intervene in
one proceeding for the variation or cancellation of
entries of a registered licensee of trade marks.






On applicatio n unde r se ction 96(4) to change the name

or de s cription o f a proprie tor or re gis te re d use r whe re
the re has bee n no change in the proprie tors hip or in t he
ide ntity o f the re gis te re d lice nsee -

For the first mark.

For every additional mark.
On application under section 96(4) to alter o ne or
more entries of the trade or business address of a
registered proprietor or a registered licensee of a
trade mark where the address in each case is the
same and is altered in the same way
For the first entry.
For every additional entry.
Application by re giste re d proprie tor of trade mark for the






cance llation of e ntry the re of in the Registe r. (section 38).







Application by registered proprietor of trade mark

to strike out goods from those for which the trade
mark is registered. (section 38).
Request by registered proprietor of a trade mark
that a disclaimer or memorandum relating thereto
may be registered. [rule 34(f) and 34(9)]).
On application under section 37 for leave to add to or
alter a registered trade mark
For the first registration.
For each additional registration.
On notice of opposition unde r section 37(2) to an
application for leave to add to or alter registered
trade mark for each application opposed.
On application under section 97(2) for conversion of
On notice of opposition under section 97(5) to a
conversion of the specification or specifications of a
registered trade mark or registered trade mark For the first mark.
For every additional mark.
On application under paragraph 10 of the First
Schedule and paragraph 11 of the Second Schedule
to the Ordinance, and rules 40 and 46 for alteration
of the deposited regulations of a collective mark or a
certification trade mark For the regulations of one registration.
For the same or substantially same regulations of
each additional registration proposed to be alte red in
the same way and included in the same application.













On application unde r paragraph 14 of the First Sche dule

and paragraph 16 of the Second Sche dule to the
Ordinance , to expunge or vary the regis tration of a
collective or a ce rtification trade mark or to vary the
de pos ite d re gulations of a collective mark or ce rtification
trade mark of the s ame regis te re d proprie tor whe re the
regulations are s ubstantially the s ame.




Claim to have the registerability of the mark applied

for before comme ncement of the Ordinance,
determined in accordance with the provisions of the
Ordinance (convension of application) para-graph 11
of the Fourth Schedule to the Ordinance.
Request for information about applications and
registered marks. (section 109).
On request for ce rtificate of the Registrar unde r any
of sections 11 and 121(2) other than certificate unde r
section 33(1).








48. On request to enter in the Register and advertise a

certificate of validity, under rule 112 and rule 86.


For the first registration certified.

For every additional registration.



On application by registered proprietor or a

registered licensee of a trade mark or a pe rson about
to be so registered, to ente r, alter or substitute an
address for service as part of his registration. (section
126 rules 9 and 70).
For the first entry.
For every additional entry.





On applic ation unde r se ction 82 and the Firs t Sche dule

to the Ordinance to regis te r a colle ctive mark for a
s pe cificat ion o f goods or se rvices in any o ne class fro m
a conve ntion country unde r s e ction 25.


On application under section 83 and the Second

Schedule to the Ordinance, to register a certification
trade mark for a specification of goods or services
from a convention country under section 25.




On application to register a textile mark , other th an a

collective mark or a certification trade mark, consisting of
numerals or letters or any combination thereof in one class
for specification of goods or services included in one item of
the Fifth Schedule of the Ordinance and under rule 91.
On applicatio n to re gis te r a te xtile mark (othe r than
colle ctive or a ce rtificatio n mark), cons is ting exclus ive ly
of nume ral or le tte rs or any combinat ion the re of in one
clas s for s pe cification o f goods or se rvices include d in
one ite m on the Fifth Sche dule to the Ordinance unde r
rule 12 fro m conve ntion count ry unde r se ction 25.





On request for search unde r rule 87 In respect of

each class.
On application for extension of time under any of the
rule 80.






On application for res toration of a trade mark abandone d

for non-compliance of the re quire me nts of the Regis try.
See section 33(5) and rules 24(b) and 26(3).









pe titions


other wis e

charge d)


re vie w


Registrar s order or for obtaining Registrar s orders on

any interlocutory matter in a contested proceeding.


For ins pe cting Re gis te r or copies the re of or notice of

oppos ition, counte r s tate me nt or de cis ion in conne ction
wit h any o ppos ition or applic ation re c tificatio n o f t he
Re gis te r re lating to any part icular trade mark, or s uch
othe r docume nt as may be s pecifie d by the Fe de ral
Gove rnme nt by notific atio n fro m time to time in the


Journal, for every quarte r of an hour or part the reof.

59. For pe rmission to search amongs t the class ifie d re presentations 100/of trade marks , for e ach quarte r of an hour.
For office copy of docume nts .



wo rds
For photographic copy of documents.
On application for registration as a trade mark agent 1000/under rule 119.
For registration of a person as a trade mark agent 2000/under rule 121.
For continuance of the name of a person in the
Register under rule 122,for the whole life of the registered agent, by a single
1 5 0 0 0/consolidated payme nt; or
from year to year,(i)
for every year (excluding the first year) to be
paid on the 1 of July in each year, or



TM A- 1
Form 0-4

for the first year, to be paid along with the fee

for registration, in the case of a pe rs on re gis te re d at any t ime
be twee n the 1


of July and 31


of De ce mbe r; and

in the case of person registered at any time

between the 1 January and 30 June following.



N.B. - A year for the purposes of this clause will

comme nce on the 1st day of July and end on the 30
day of June following

On applicat ion fo r re s toration o f t he name of a pe rs on

to the Regis te r of trade mark age nts unde r rule 124.

500/- TMA-2


On application for an alteration of any entry in the

Register of trade mark agents unde r rule 125.

200/- TMA-3

[See rule 3]
Form No.


Sect ion of th e
number of



TM -2


TM -3

82; the First

Sch edul e to
83; the
Sch edul e to

TM -4

TM -5

TM -6

TM -7

TM -8

2 8,3 7, 7 3, 80 9
6 & 9 7(5) ;
rul es 30(2)
and 7 2(1).
2 8,3 7, 7 3, 80 9
6,97; rul e
72( 1).
82; the First
Sch edul e to
83; Seco nd
Sch edul e to


Serial number
of the First



Application for registration of trade mark for a

sp ecifi cati on of go od s o r serv ices an d to regi ster
a domain name.
Application for registration of trade mark for
specification of goods or services from a
convention country and for protection of trade
mark during exhibition.
Appli catio n for regist rati on of collectiv e mark
for a s pecification of goods or services.

Appli catio n for regi stration of certificati on trade


Notice of opposition to application for

reg ist ratio n of a trad e ma rk for a specifi catio n of
goods or services.
Form of counter-state ment.

Notice of intention to attend hearings.

Notice of opposition to an application for

registration of a collective mark or certification
trade mark.

TM -9


TM - 10

rules 39 and
4 4.

TM - 11

33(2); rul e 48

TM - 11


TM - 12


TM - 12

rule 5 2(1)

TM - 13
TM - 14
TM - 15
TM - 16

35( 6);
rule 5 3
2 7( 6)
2 7( 7)

TM - 17

69( 3)(a)

TM - 18

69(3)(b) and
rule 6 1
69( 3)(b )

TM - 19

TM - 20

69( 2);
rule 5 8

TM - 21

Rul e 5 5(3)

TM - 22

Paragraph 12

Form of count er- stat em ent in reply to n oti ce of

o pp o siti o n t o a n a pp li cati o n f o r R egi st ra ti o n o f a
collective mark or a certification trade mark.
N oti ce of in tenti on to att en d h ea ri ng of a n
opposition to an application for registration of a
collective mark or a certification trade mark.
Fee for regi stration of trade ma rk for a
sp eci fi cat i on o f g o o d s o r servi ces i n cl u di n g
col lecti ve m ark, certifi cati on trad e ma rk an d
textile marks.
Fo r each ad dit io n t o th e reg i st ered en try of a
trade mark of a note that the mark is associated
with a ne wly registered mark.
Renewa l of regi stratio n of trade ma rk for a
sp eci fi cat i on o f g o o d s o r servi ces i n cl u di n g
coll ectiv e mark s, certifi cati on trade ma rk and
textile marks.
A d di ti o n al f ee u n d er rul e 5 2( 1) f o r l at e p a y m ent
of rene wal.
R est o rat io n of tra de ma rk rem o v ed f ro m
Register for non-payme nt of re newal fee.
Application to register divisional application.
Request for statement of grounds of decision.
R eq u est fo r co rrecti on of clerical erro r, o r f or
permission to amend application.
Appli catio n for the approv al of the Registrar
wit h reg a rd to a p ro po sed a ssi g nm ent o r a
tran sm i ssi on of a reg i st ered t rad e m a rk resulti n g
in exclu si ve rig hts in different perso n s in
relation to some goods or services for which
trade mark is registered.
Affidavit in support of S tatement of case.
A p pl i cati o n f o r th e A p p ro v a l b y th e R eg i st ra r of
a p rop o sed a ssi g n m ent, o r of a t ra n sm i ssi o n of a
trade mark resulting in exclusive rights in
dif f erent p erso n s f o r dif f erent p a rt s of P a ki st a n.
Ap pli cati on fo r di recti on s fo r the a dv ert i sement
of an assi gnm ent of trade ma rk s otherwi se than
in connection with the goodwill of the business.
A p pli cat i on f o r ext en si o n o f ti m e i n w hi ch t o
ap ply fo r th e R egi stra r s directi on s fo r th e
ad v erti sement o f an a ssi gn m en t of t ra d e m a rk
otherwise than in connection with the goodwill
of the business.
Ap pli cati on fo r con sent of th e R egi st ra r to th e











of the S econd
Sch edul e to
rule 4 6(2)
69(2) a nd
70( 2)(a)




7 2( 4)


73, 8 0 o r 96


rule 6 6


70( 2)(b )


70(4)(a); rule


rule 6 5(1)


70( 4)(b )


rule 6 6


9 6( 4)


9 6( 4)


rul e 5 5(1)( a)



assi gn ment or tran smi ssio n of a Certifi cati on

Trade Mark.

Joi nt req uest by regi st ered p rop ri et or and

transf eree to register the transferee as
sub seq u ent p ro p ri eto r of tra de m ark u po n th e
same devolution of title.
Req uest to regi ster a sub sequent prop rieto r of a
tra d e ma rk o r trad e m a rk s up on th e sa me
devolution of title.
Ap pli cati on fo r ext en sio n of time fo r the
regi st rat i on of t h e n a m e of a co m p an y a s
subsequent proprietor of a trade mark in the
Ap pli cati on fo r th e rectifi cati on of th e Regi st er
o r th e rem o v al of a tra d e m a rk fro m th e
Ap pli cati on for leav e to interv en e in
p roceedi n g s rel at in g t o t h e rectif i ca ti o n o f th e
R egi st er o r th e rem o v al of a t rad e m a rk f ro m t h e
A ppl i cat io n fo r reg i strat io n of reg i st ered
Appl ication by the regi st ered pro pri eto r of a
trad e mark for va riati on of the reg ist ratio n of
regi st ered
l i cen
sees t h ereof
w ith reg a rd to th e
or the
or restrictions.
Appl ication by the regi st ered pro pri eto r of a
tra de m ark o r by a ny of th e reg ist ered licen sees
of t h e t ra d e m a rk f o r th e ca n cell at i on o f en t ry o f
a registered user thereof.
Ap pli cati on for can cellati on of ent ry of a
registered licensee of a trade mark.
N oti ce of i nt ent io n t o in t erv en e in p ro ceedin g s
for the v ari atio n or ca ncell ation of an ent ry of a
registered licensee of a trade mark.
R equ est to ent er ch an ge of n am e o r descripti on
of prop riet or (o r reg ist ered licen see) of trad e
mark upon the Register.
Request for alterati on of trade or bu sin ess
address in the Register.
Ap pli cati on by regi stered prop ri eto r of tra de
ma rk fo r the can cell atio n of entry th ereof i n the
Ap pli cati on by regi stered prop ri eto r of tra de












rul e 55( 1)(b)

ma rk t o st ri ke out g o od s fro m tho se fo r whi ch

the trade mark is registered.


rul es 34(f)
and 3 4(g)



rule 5 4


rule 5 4(3)
rule 7 1

R eq u est by reg i st ered p ro p ri et o r of a t rad e m a rk

that a disclai mer or mem orandu m relat ing
thereto may be registered.
Appli catio n by registered propri eto r for an
ad dit i on t o o r alt erati o n of a R eg i st ered t rad e
N oti ce of op po si tio n to a ppl icati on f or a dd iti on
to or alteration of a registered trade mark.
Appl ication by the prop riet or of a regi st ered
tra d e ma rk for th e co nv ersio n of the
N oti ce of op po si tio n to p ro p osal f or co nv ersio n
of specification.

Paragraph 10 R eq u est f o r th e al t era ti on of t h e d ep o si t ed

of the First reg ul at i o n s f o r u se of a coll ecti v e m a rk o r a
Schedule and certification trade mark.
paragraph 11
of the S econd
Sch edul e to
rules 40 and
4 6.
Paragraph 14 A ppl i cat io n fo r an o rd er exp un gi ng o r v a ry in g
of 1
an ent ry i n the R eg ister rel ati ng t o a coll ectiv e
Schedule and m a rk o r a certi fi ca ti on t ra d e m a rk o r va ryi n g th e
paragraph 16 deposited regulations.
of the
Sch edul e to
rule 41 and 45.
Paragraph 11 C l ai m to h a v e t h e regi st era bil it y of t h e m a rk
of the Fourth a pp li ed fo r b ef o re co m m en cem ent o f th e
Sch edul e to O rdi na n ce d et ermi n ed i n a cco rd a n ce wit h th e
prov i sio n of the O rd in an ce (co nv en tio n of
Ordinance. applicatio n) para-graph 11 of the Fourth
Schedule to the Ordinance.
R eq uest f or i nfo rmat io n ab out ap pli cat io n s an d
registered marks.
11 an d 12 1( 2) Request for certificate by the Registrar.
112; rul e 86 R equ est for entry in the Regi st er and
adv erti sem ent of a n ote of certifi cat e of v alid ity







9 7( 5)









of the Court.
Fo rm of aut ho rizati o n of ag ent in a m att er o r
proceeding unde r the Ordinance.

TM-49 Paragraph(5) of Regulations for gove rning the use of a collective

mark or a Certification Trade Mark).
the First
Schedule and



Paragra ph(6) of
Sche dule to the
Ordinance ;
rules 39(1) and

TM-50 126; rules 9 and










Form of req uest by a regi stered prop ri etor o r a

regi st ered li cen see of a trad e m ark or a p erson
about to be so regi st ered, to enter, alter or
su b stit ute an a dd ress f or servi ce a s p art of hi s
82 and the First A p pli cat i on f o r regi stra ti on of col l ecti v e m a rk
Schedul e;
fo r a sp ecif icati o n of go od s o r servi ces f ro m a
section 2 5; rul e convention country.
15 a nd 39( 1)
83 and the
Ap pli cati on fo r reg istrati on of a certifi cati on
Second S ch edu le trade mark for specification of goods or services
to the
from a convention country.
section 2 5; rul e
15 a nd 4 3(1)
Appl ication for regi stration of trad e mark s
rule 9 6
con si st in g ex cl u si vely of l ett ers o r n um eral s o r
a n y co m bi n ati o n t h ereof rel ati n g so l el y t o t ex til e
goods for specification of goods included in any
of th e i tem s sp ecifi ed i n th e F ift h S ch ed ul e to
the Ordinance.
rule 12
Ap pli cati on fo r regi st rati on of a tra de m ark
con si st in g ex cl u si vely of l ett ers o r n um eral s o r
a n y co m bi n ati o n t h ereof rel ati n g so l el y t o t ex til e
goods for specification of goods included in any
of t h e i t em s of t h e Fif t h S ch ed ul e t o t h e
O rd in a n ce, a n d u n d er rul e 1 2 f ro m a co n v ent io n
country under section 25.
rule 8 7
Request for search under rule 87.
123 an d rul e 80 Application for extension of time.
33(5) and rules Ap pli cati on fo r resto rati on of a trad e m ark
25(b), 27( 2) and abandoned for non-compliance.
2 7( 3)
rul e 11 9
Ap pli cati on fo r regi st rati on a s a trad e ma rk







rule 123


rule 124

A p pl i cati o n f o r th e rest o rat io n of a p erso n t o t h e
Register of trade mark agents.
A p pl i cati o n f o r th e a lt erat i on o f a n y ent ry in th e
Register of trade mark agents.



Fee : See e ntry No.1
of the Firs t Sche dule

Appli cati on for regi strati on of trade mar k for goods or services and to regi ster a
domai n name
Under secti on 22(1), secti on 84(2); rul e 12
(To be accompani ed by a dupl i cate of thi s Form and by si x addi tional
r e pr e s e nt at i o ns af fi xe d o n a dur abl e pa pe r o f s i ze 1 3 x 8 )
On representation to be fixed within this space and six othe rs to be sent separately.
Representation of the large r size may be folded but must then be mounted upon linen or
othe r s uita ble mate ria l affixe d the re to. Se e rule 17.
Application is he re by made for regis tration in the regis te r of the accompanying trade mark
in class (a)_
in res pect of (b) _
_ in the name (s) of (c) _
as (d)
whose trade or bus iness address is (e) _
who claim(s )
to be the proprie tor(s ) the reof and by whom the s aid mark is propose d to be used/be ing use d
s ince_
in respe ct of s aid goods or se rvices (f) _
If the application is for a se ries of marks , indicate how many marks in the series (g)

If t he applic atio n is for do main name indic ate whe the r it is in re s pe ct of goods or se rvices

If colour is claimed, indicate he re and state the colour(s) (h)


Dated this

for service


Pak istan

day of

to which


all correspondence

Signature (j)
Name of signatory in block letters.
The Registrar of Trade Marks,




Trade Marks Registry,


Ins ert the s erial number of the clas s as indicate d in Sche dule IV to the Trade Marks Rules 2004.


Specify the g oods or s er vices . Only goods and s er vices include d in one and the s ame clas s s houl d be
s pecifie d. Ple as e cons ult Sche dule IV attac he d to the rules to c heck the clas s of g oods and s ervices or
the Book on Internati onal Cl as s ification of goods is s ued by the Internati onal Bureau for the
Protecti on of Intellectual Pr operty, Gene va.


Ins ert legible the full name, des cripti on and nationality of the applicant.


Ins ert the tr ading s tyle, if any.


Ins ert the full trade or bus iness addres s of the applic ant.


Strike out whiche ver is not applic able. If the mark is already in us e, file the pr oof thereof by way of
affi davits , publicity material, s ale figures etc.


Indicate how many marks are in the s eries .


Indicate whether domain name is in res pect of goods or s er vices .


State the c olour(s ) clai me d.


State addres s for s ervice in P akis tan.


Signature of the applicant. If the mark is owned by an individual, he must sign it, if owned by a partnership firm,
by the Managing Partner, if the applicant is a limited company, by the Managing Director or Director.

Notes (1) The pres cribe d fee s houl d be pai d al ong wi th this applicati on either thr ough a che que
dr awn i n favour of or thr ough a money or der addres s to the Regis trar of Tr ade Marks .
(2) Where the applic ati on is being file d thr ough an attor ney, a power of attorne y on For m TM -48 duly
s tampe d mus t accompany this application.
(3) If the wor d mark is in a language other than Englis h, Ur du or regional Pakis tani lang uages , its
trans lati on and trans literation in the for m of an affi davit mus t accompany this application.

Fee : See e ntry No.2
of the Firs t Sche dule
Applicat ion for re gis tratio n of a t rade mark fo r goods or se rvices (othe r than a colle ctive or a
ce rtific ation t rade mark) in t he re gis te r fro m a conve ntion count ry unde r se ction 25, 22 and
rule 15 and fo r re gis tration to provide te mporary prote ctor during e xhibition unde r se ction 26

(To be filled in triplicate accompanied by six additional representations of the trade mark )

On representation to be fixed within this space and six othe rs to be sent separately.
Representation of the large r size may be folded but must then be mounted upon linen or
othe r s uita ble mate ria l affixe d the re to. Se e rule 17.
Application is he reby made for regis tration in the regis te r of the accompanying trade mark in class
in res pect of (b) _
_ in the name (s) of (c)
_ trading as (d)

whose trade or business address is (e)

claim(s) to be the proprietor(s) thereof and by whom the said mark is proposed to be
used/being used in respect of said goods or services (f)
If the application is for a se ries of marks , indicate how many marks in the series (g)

If colour is claimed, indicate he re and state the colour(s) (h)

If the application is for te mporary prote ction during exhibition, state the pe riod of protection

The firs t applic ati on in a conve nti on country to regis ter the tr ade mark has been made i n


A certified copy certified by an official of the convention country in which the first
application was filed is enclosed (alongwith its translation in English).
I/We request that the trade mark may be registered with priority date based on the
above mentioned first application in a convention country unde r the provisions of section 25
of the Ordinance.
Address for service in Pakistan.
Dated this
day of_
Name of signatory in block letters.
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,


The Registrar s direction may be obtained if the class of the goods or services is not known. The duly signed
additional representation submitted by the applicant or his agent should bear the mark, the name, address of the
applicant, the description of goods or services, class, the period of the use of the trade mark, the trade description

and addres s for s er vice in P akis tan.


Specify the goods or s ervices for the cl as s in res pec t of which applic ation is made. A s e par at e s heet
de tailing the goods or s er vices may be us ed.


Ins ert legibly the full name, des cription (occupation and calling and nationality of the applicant). In the
cas e of a body corporate or firm the country of incorporation or the names and des criptions of the partners
compos ing the firm and the nature of regis tration, if any, as the case may be, s hould be s tated. See rule 8(1).


Ins ert the tr ading s tyle, if any.


Ins ert the full trade or bus iness addres s of the applic ant.


S trike out the words if not applicable. If user is claimed the date of commencement of use should be stated at (f).


State the numbers of mark in s eries .


If c olour combi nation is claime d clearl y indic ate it and s tate the c olours .


Stat the period of protection during e xhi biti on and attac h certi ficate as re quire d under s ection 26(2)

Fee : See e ntry No.3
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for registration of collective trade mark for goods or

services Under section 82, First Schedule, rule 39(1)
(To be fil ed i n tri plicate and accompani ed by Si x representati on of the coll ecti ve
mark and t hree copies of the dr aft regul ati on i n Form TM -49)
On representation to be fixed wit hin this space and five others to be sent separately.
Representation of a larger size may be folded but must then be mounted upon linen or other
suita ble mate rial affixe d the re to. See rule 17.
Applicat ion is he re by made for re gis tration in the re gis te r o f the accompanying
Colle ctive trade mark in clas s
__ in res pect of
____ _ _ _ _ __ in the name of

whose address is

Address for service in Pakistan

Date d this

day of
Signature :


_ 20_

Name of signatory
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(1) Regis trar s direction may be obtaine d if the clas s is not known.
(2) Specify the goods or s er vices .
(3) Ins ert the full name , des cripti on (occupation and c alling) and nationality of the applicant. If the applicant
is a body cor por ate , the nature and c ountr y or incor por ation s houl d be s tate d.
(4) Here i ns ert the full addres s of the applicant.
(5) Here i ns ert addres s for s er vice in P akis tan.

Fee : See e ntry No.4
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for registration of a certification trade mark for goods or

services Under section 83, second Schedule, rul e 43(1)
(To be filed in triplicate and accompanied by S ix representation of the certification trade
ma rk a nd thre e copie s of the dra ft re gula tio n with Fo rm TM -49)
On representation to be fixed within this space and six othe rs to be sent separately.
Representatio n of a larger size may be folded but must then be mounted upon linen or other
suitable material affixed hereto. See rule 17.
Application is he reby made for regis tration in the regis te r of the accompanying Ce rtification
trade mark in class
_ in res pect of _
_ in the name of

whose address is
. The applicant(s) is (are)
not carrying on business in the goods or services of the kind for which registration of the
said certification trade mark is ought.
Address for service in Pakistan
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.

Re gis trar s di re cti on may be obtai ne d i f the cl ass i s n ot k nown .

(2) Specify the goods or s er vices .

(3) Ins ert the full name , des cripti on (occupation and c alling) and nationality of the applicant. If the applicant
is a body cor por ate the nature and country of inc or poration s houl d be s tate d.
(4) Here i ns ert the full addres s of the applicant.
(5) Here i ns ert addres s for s er vice in P akis tan.

Fee : See e ntry No.5
of the Firs t Sche dule

Notice of Opposit ion to Application for Registration of a trade mark

Under section 28, rule 30(1)









I (or we )
__ _ _ _ _ _ _he re by give notice of my (or our) inte ntion to oppose
the Regis tration of the trade mark adve rtis e d unde r the above numbe r fo r Clas s __ _ in the
trade mark jo urnal date d the __ _ _ day o f ____ 200___ No. _ _ _ page __ _ _ .

The grounds of opposition are as follows:-

My (our) address for service in Pakistan in connection with these proceeding is:(b)



Dated this

day of


Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

(a) State full name and addres s .

(b) Ins ert addres s for s er vice in P akis tan.

Signature of opponent.

Fee : See e ntry No.6
of the Firs t Sche dule

Form of Counter-statement.
(Section 28,37,73,80,96, 97(5) rule 30(2)

& 72)(1)
(To be filed in duplicate)


IN THE MATTER OF an Opposition No.

for the registration of a trade mark.

to Application


I (or we)
the applicant(s) for registration of
the above trade mark, hereby give notice that the following are the grounds on which I (or
we) rely for my (or our) application:I (or we) admit the following allegations in the Notice of Opposition-

My (or we ) addre ss for s e rvice in Pakis tan in conne ction wit h the se procee dings is

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(a) State full name and addres s .
(b) Ins ert addres s for s er vice in P akis tan.
(c) Signature of opponent.

Fee : See e ntry No.7
of the Firs t Sche dule

Notice of Intention to attend hearings.

[Section 28,37,73,80 & 96, rule 30(11) & 72(1)]










I (or we )
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he re by give notice that the He aring in
re fe re nce to the above matte r which, by the Official Notice to me (or us ), date d the _ _ _ _
day o f_____ _ 200___ is fixe d for _______ _ A.M. or P.M. at t he Trade Marks Re gis try /
B ranc h T rade Marks Re gis try Lahore on the __ _ _
day o f______ __ 200___ will be
atte nde d by me (or us ) or by s ome pe rson on my o r (our) be half.

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
(a) Ins ert particulars as in the Official Notice.
(b) Ins ert name and addres s .
(c) Signature of the pers on gi vi ng notice.

Fee: See entry No.8
Firs t

Notice of Opposit ion to an Application for registration of a collective

trade mark/certification t rade mark
(Paragraph 8 of the First Sche dule and Paragra ph 9 of the Second Schedule)
IN THE MATTER OF an Application No.
collective or ce rtification trade mark

for registration of a


I (or we )
_ he re by give notice of my (or our) inte ntion
to oppose the Regis tration of the collective or ce rtification trade mark adve rtise d unde r the above
numbe r for class
_ in the Trade Mark Journal of the
_ day of
200 _ No.


The grounds of Opposition are as follows



The facts and matters set forth in the enclosed statement of case are true to the best
of my (our) k nowledge, information and belief.
My (or our) address for service in Pak istan in connection with these proceeding is

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(a) State full name and addres s .
(b ) Th e grou n d s sh ou ld b e l im it ed to th e m atte rs sp ec ified in p ara 6 of F irst S ch ed u le an d
(c) Signature of the pers on gi ving notice.

p ara 7 of S econ d S ch ed u le.

Fee: See entry No.9
of the First Schedule

Form of Counter-statement in reply to Notice of Opposition to an Application

for registration of a collective/certification trade mark

(Sections 82 & 83, first Schedule & Second

Schedule, rule 40 and 44)
(To be filed in triplicate)


IN THE MATTER OF an Opposition No.

to Application
for registration of a collective/certification trade mark.

I (or we )
______ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ the applicant(s ) in re s pe ct of the
above -numbe re d applic ation, he re by give notice that the following are the grounds on whic h I
(or we ) re ly as s upport ing my (or our) applic atio n ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ .

I (or we) admit the following allegations in the notice of opposition:

My or (Our) addres s for s er vice i n Pakis tan in c onnecti on wi th thes e pr ocee dings is

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

(a) Ins ert name and addres s of the applicant.

(b) Signature of the applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.10
of the Firs t Sche dule

Hearing of an opposition to an application for registration of a

collective/certification trade mark under rules 40 and 44.

Notice of attendance at hearing.


I (or we )
________________________________ he re by give notice that the he aring of
the argume nts in the case of Oppos ition No. _ _ _ ___ to Applicat ion No. _ _ _ _ for
the re gis tration o f a ce rtific ation/colle ctive trade mark, which is fixe d fo r ______ _ _ A.M. or
P.M. at the __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ on the _ _ _ _ day of______ __ 200_
will be
atte nde d by me (or us ) or by s ome pe rson on my (o r our) be half.

Dated this

day of

Name of signatory in block letters

The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

(a) Ins ert name and addres s .

(b) Signature of the pers on gi vi ng notice.


Fee: See entry Nos.11 &
12 of the First Schedule

Fee for Registration of a trade

mark (Section 33(2), rule 48)
(If the applicant has furnished a printing block for advertisement, this form must be
accompanied by one unmounted representation of the mark exactly as shown in the form of

I (or we)
Registration of the Trade Mark No.
Dated this

day of

in class

trans mit the prescribed fee for the



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

(a) Ins ert full name, addres s and nati onality, (See rule 8).
(b) Signature of the applicant.

[Note.1].- The reques t for entry of an address for service of the Regis tered Proprietor be made on Form TM-50
and if it accompanies this Form no fee will be payable on Form TM-50.

[Note.2].- This form alongwith the regis tration fee s hall be s ubmitted to the Trade Mark Regis try within one
month of its receipt from the Regis try.]

Fee: See entr y Nos .13
14 of the Firs t Sche dule

*Renewal of Registration of a trade

mark Section 35, rules 51 and 52





hereby leave the prescribed fee of Rs.

Mark No.
in class

for Renewal of Registration of the Trade

The notice of re ne wal of the regis tration may be sent to the following address:
An additional fee as re quire d in rule 49(1) is als o trans mitte d.

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

*This form will be returned if it is filed more than six months before the expiration of the
last registration.
(a) Ins ert here the name and addres s of the regis tered proprietor .
(b) Strike out if the rene wal fee is pai d before the e xpir ation of the las t regis tration.
(c) Signature of the regis tere d pr oprietor.

[Note.-Renewal fee s hall be de pos ited by the regis tered proprietor within s ix months of the date of publ ication
of the advertis ement regarding non-payment of renewal fee in the Journal].-

Fee : See e ntry No.15
of the Firs t Sche dule

Restoration of trade ma rk re moved fro m Register

for Non-payme nt of Renewal Fee.

(Section 35(6), rule 53)

I (or we )


he re by re quest that the Trade Mark No.

in class
be restored to the Register and the registration of the said trade
mark in the class aforesaid be rene wed; and that the notice of restoration and rene wal be
sent to the following address in Pakistan:Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

(a) Ins ert full name, addres s and nati onal ity of the regis tered pr oprietor.
(b) Signature of the regis tere d pr oprietor.

[Note.-Application for the res toration of the mark s hall be move d within s ix months of the expiration of the las t
regis tration].

Fee : See e ntry No.16
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application under section 32 of t he Ordinance to divide a part of

mark or pending trade mark application.
(To be accompanied by a statement of case)
IN THE MATTER OF a T rade Mark No. __

in class _

_ file d on__


I / we
being the applicant in the above stated
pending application; hereby request to allow division of this application for part of
trade mark/goods/services as per following details to proceed separately for registration.
Part of Trade Mark.
Part of Services/ Goods.
The grounds for this application are set forth in the accompanying statement of case.
Dated this

day of


Name of signatory in block letters

The Registrar of Trade Marks,

Trade Marks Registry,


a) Signature of the registered proprietor/ applicant

Fee : See e ntry No.17
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request for State ment of Gro unds of

Decision. (Section 27(6), rule 28)

the Registrar
hereby requested to state in writing the grounds of his decision. Dated this
after the hearing on the
day of
materials used by him in arriving at the decision.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(a) Ins ert particulars i dentifyi ng the application.
(b) Signature of the applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.18
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request for Correction of Clerical Error,

or for permission to amend application.

(Section 27(7), rules 36 and 67)

and the






being the applicant(s) in the above matter


hereby request that

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block le tters

The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(a) Ins ert wor ds and re ference number i dentifying the entr y or applic ati on.
(b) Signature of the applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.19
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for the approval of the Registrar wit h reference to a

proposed Assignment of a
Registered Trade Mark under rule 61 read wit h section 69(3)
(To be accompanie d by a s tate ment of case in duplicate and a copy of the proposed ass ignme nt).
IN THE MA TTER OF Trade Mark (s) No.(s)

in class(es)

Registered in the name of


Application is hereby made by

being the Registered Proprietor(s) of the
above-mentioned registered trade mark (s) for the Registrar s approval under rule 1 read with section
69(3) with reference to a proposed assignment of the registered trade mark (s) No.(s)
___ _ _ _ _ in circums tances that are s tate d fully in t he accompanying s tate me nt of case .

Dated this

day of


Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,


(a) Ins ert the name and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the Regis tered Pr oprietor.
(b) Ins ert the full name , and tr ade or bus ines s addres s and nationality of the pr opos ed as s ignee.
(c) Signature of the regis tere d pr oprietor.

To be s tampe d unde r
the Stamp Act, 1899

Affidavit (only to be furnished whe n required by Registrar)

In support of Statement of case filed under rule 61 of accompanying a request

_ of _
do he re by solemnly and s ince re ly declare
that the particulars set out in the s tate ment of case exhibit marke d _
and left by me in connection with
in respect of the Trade Mark No.
___ _ _ in clas s _ _ are true and comprise e ve ry mate rial fact and docume nt affe cting the
pre se nt proprie tors hip of t he Trade Mark, to the bes t of my knowle dge , informatio n and be lie f.



Declared at
Dated this

day of
Before me




Ins ert full name, addres s and nati onality of de ponent.

Ins ert particulars of the procee di ngs concerne d.
To be s igned here by the pers on making the declar ation.
Signature and title of Authority before whom the affi davi t is made .

Fee : See e ntry No.20
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for the approval by the Registrar

under rule 61 read with section 69(3)(b) of a proposed assignme nt, or

of a transmission of a Trade Mark resulting in exclusive rights in
different persons for different parts of Pakistan.
(To be accompanied by a State ment of case in duplicate and a copy of the Instrument
proposed for the assignment or effecting the Trans mission).


MA TTER OF Trade Mark (s)

_ in Class (es)

(a) Registered under No.(s)

Application is he re by made by

*(1) (b) _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the Proprie tor of the trade mark(s ) s hown in the accompanying
State me nt of cas e (c) [regis te re d in his name ] and (c) [us e d by him] in re s pe ct of the follo wing
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the approval by t he Re gis trar o f a
pro pose d ass ignme nt of the trade mark(s ) to (d) ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ in re s pe ct of the
follo wing goods __ _ _ _ _ _ __ to be s old or othe rwis e trade d in (e )
___ _ _ _ _ (f) [and to (d) _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ in res pe ct of all t he following
goods _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to be sold or othe rwise trade d in (e ) ___ _ _ _ __.

in circumstances that are stated fully in the accompanying State ment of Case.
(g )

____ __ ___ __ __ _ wh o cl ai ms th at th e tr ad e m a rk (s ) s h o w n in th e a c co m p an yin g s tate m en t

resp ect
go od s, namely
day of
transmitted to (him) (i)

or from
by whom the Trade Mark was then used in respect of
the following goods namely
all in
circumstances that are stated fully in accompanying statement of case for the approval by
the Re gistrar of the aforesaid trans mission.
Dated this

day of


(k )

Name of signatory in block letters

The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
*Strike out either par agraph (1) or par agraph (2).
(a) To be s truck out in the cas e of unregis tered trade marks .
(b) Ins ert the name and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the pr oprietor.
(c) Strike out either if not applic able.


Ins ert the name(s ) and tr ade or bus ines s addres s (es ) of the pr opos e d as s ignee(s ).
Ins ert the name(s ) of the place (s ) in P akis tan.
Strike out the br ackete d pas s age if not re quire d.
In sert th e n am e an d trad e or b u sin ess ad d ress of th e p erson wh o cla im s a tran sm ission to him.
In sert th e d ate of th e tran sm ission , wh ich m u st n ot p re ced e th e d at e of com m en cem en t of th e Ord inan ce.
Ins ert the name and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the pre deces s or in title, if any.
Ins ert name and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the pers on who tr ans mi tte d.
Signature of applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.21
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for Directions for the Advertisement of an assignment of Trade

Marks otherwise than in connection with the goodwill of the business.

[Section 69(2); rule 58(1)]

(To be filed in duplicate)

Application is he re by made by
_ for the Regis trar s Directions with
res pect to the adve rtise ment of an as s ignme nt of the following Trade Marks othe rwise than in
connection with the goodwill of the bus iness in which the y we re use d at the time of assignme nt,

namely:*(1) Registered Trade Marks:

Goods in respect of

Numbe r _

_ Class

all of which are or we re registered in the name of

Regis tration

wh i ch the Mark has been

u se d an d i s as si gne d.

( b)

who is the assignor:


*(2) Unregistered Trade Marks

, all being Marks used in his business at the time
( b)
of the assignment in respect of the goods stated below, by
who is the assignor:
Representation of Mark

Goods in res pect of

which the Mark has been
us ed and is as s igned.

*Additi onal marks and regis trati on numbers which c annot be accommodate d may be gi ven i n a s igned
s chedule on the back of the For m.
(a) Ins ert the name, nationality and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the pr oprie tor (applicant).
(b) Ins ert the full name , nati onality and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the pr oprietor (as s ignor).
(c) Only thos e unregis tered tr ade marks pas s ing by the one as s ignment and us e d in the s ame bus ines s and for
the s ame g oods as thos e for which one or more of the regis tered marks are regis tered may be s tate d here.
(d) Signature of applicant.

The date of assignment was the

day of


The ins trume nt e ffe cting the ass ignme nt is se nt he re with, toge the r with a copy t he re of.
It is s uggeste d that adve rtise me nt s hall be directe d as follows , name ly in

Dated this

day of
20 .
Name of signatory in block letters

The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

Fee : See e ntry No.22
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for Extension of time in which to apply for the Registrar s

Directions for the Advertisement of an assignment of Trade Marks otherwise
than in connection with the goodwill of the business.

rule 58(3)


here by made




_ for

extens ion


ti me of


___ _ _ _ month(s ) in which to apply fo r the Regis trar s Dire ctions for the
adve rtis e me nt of an as s ignme nt of the follo wing T rade Marks othe rwis e than in conne ction wit h
the goodwill of t he bus iness in whic h the y we re use d at the time of ass ignme nt, name ly: (1) Regis te re d Trade Marks :
*Registration Numbe r
Goods in respect of
which the Mark has been

us ed and is as s igned.

all of which are or we re registered in the name of


who is the assignor:

(2) Unregistered Trade Marks, all being Marks used in his business at the time of the
assignment in respect of the goods stated below, by
who is
the assignor:
*Representation of Mark

Goods in res pect of

wh i ch the Mark has been
u se d an d i s as si gne d.

The date of assignment was the

Dated this

day of

day of


Name of signatory in block letters


The Registrar of Trade Marks,

Trade Marks Registry,
*Additi onal marks and regis trati on numbers which c annot be accommodate d here may be gi ve n in a s igne d
s chedule on the back of the For m.
(a) Ins ert the name and tr ade or bus ines s of as s ignee (applic ant).
(b) Ins ert one, two or three .
(c) Ins ert the name and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the pr oprietor (as s ignor).
(d) Signature of applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.23
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for the consent of the Registrar to t he assignme nt or

transmission of a certification Trade Mark.
[Paragraph 12 of 2 Schedule, rule 46(2)]
(To be filed in duplicate and each copy to be accompanied by either a draft deed of
assignment or an affidavit).

I (or we)
being the registered proprietor of
certification Trade Marks No.
registered in class(es)
hereby apply for
the consent of the
[Registrar] to the assignment or trans mission of the aforesaid
Certification Trade Mark to
( d)
draft deed of the proposed assignment is trans mitted here with.
The circumstances under
which the transmission takes place are set forth in the accompanying affidavit.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters


The [Registrar]
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
(a) Ins ert name, addres s and nationality of the regis tered pr oprietor.
(b) Ins ert name, addres s and nationality and des cription of the propos e d trans feree.
(c) Strike out one of thes e par agraphs not re quire d in any particul ar cas e.
(d) Signature of regis tered pr oprietor.
1 See foot-note 1 on page 2, s upr a.

F ee: S ee ent ry N o. 2 4
of t h e F i rst S ch ed ul e
Joint request by Registered Propri etor and Transferee to register the Transferee as Subsequent
Proprieto r of Trade M ark s upon the same devolution of title.
[Sectio n s 69 and 70( 2)(a)]



_ he re by re ques t, unde r rule , that the name of
_ carrying on
bus iness as
_ may be e nte red in the Registe r of
Trade Marks as proprie tor of the Trade Mark(s ) No.*
in class
as from the







of which the original and an atteste d copy

are enclosed here with.

The trade mark at t he time of the ass ignme nt was
(not) us e d in a bus iness in the
goods in que s tion, and the ass ignme nt (took) (h) (did not take ) place othe rwis e than in
conne ction with the good-will o f a bus ine ss in the goods (h) and the re is se nt he re with a copy of
the Re gis trar s dire ction to adve rtise the ass ignme nt, a copy of e ach of t he adve rtise me nts
complying the re with, and a s tate me nt of the date s of iss ue of any publicat ions containing the m.

We declare that the facts and matters stated herein are true to the best of our
knowledge, information and belief.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
(a) Full name and addres s and nationality of regis tered proprietor or other As s ignor or Trans mitter.
(b) Full name , trade addres s , and nationality of Tr ans feree.
(c) Name of Tr ans feree.
(d) Des cripti on of Trans feree.
(f) Date of ac quis ition of pr opriet ors hip.
(g) Full par ticulars of the ins trume nt of as s ignment or tr ans mis s ion, if any, or s tate ment of c as e.
(h) Strike out any wor ds not applic able.
(i) Signature of As s ignor or Tr ans mitter.
(j) Signature of Tr ans feree.
*Additi onal numbers may be gi ven in a s igne d s che dule on the back of the For m.

Fee : See e ntry No.25
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request to Register a Subsequent Proprietor of Trade Marks upon

the same devolution of title.
[sections 69 and 70(2)(a)]

I (or we ) _
_ he re by re ques t that my (or our) name may
be e nte re d in the Regis te r of Trade Marks as proprie tor of Trade Mark(s ) No. _

*in Class

as from the




are )

entitle d



Tr ade

Mark(s )


vir tue



of which the original and an attested copy are

enclosed here with.

The trade mark at t he time of the ass ignme nt was (d) ( not) us e d in a bus ine ss in the
goods in ques tion, and the ass ignme nt (d) (took) (did not take ) place othe rwis e than in
conne ction with t he goodwill o f a bus iness in the goods, (d) and the re is se nt he re with a copy of
the Re gis trar s dire ction to adve rtise the ass ignme nt, a copy of e ach of t he adve rtise me nts
complying the re with, and a s tate me nt of the date s of iss ue of any publicat ions containing the m.

I (or we) declared that the facts and matters stated he rein are true to the best of my
(or our) k nowledge, information and belief.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(a) Ins ert full name, tr ade or bus ines s addres s , nati onality and des cripti on.
(b) Date of ac quis ition of pr oprietors hip.
(c) Ins ert full partic ulars of the ins trument of as s ignment or tr ans mis s ion if any, or s tate me nt of cas e.
(d) Signature of the pers on making the re ques t.
*Additi onal numbers may be gi ven in a s igne d s che dule on the back of the For m.
Note-A re ques t for the entr y of an addres s for s er vice of the regis tered pr oprietor may be made on For m TM 50 and if it acc ompanies this For m no fee is payable on For m TM-50.

Fee : See e ntry No.26
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application under rule 62 for extension of time, in accordance wit h

section 72(4) for t he registration of the name of a Company as
subsequent proprietor of a trade mark in t he Register.
Application is here by made by



__ for an extens ion of ti me by


months of the pe riod of s ix months allowe d by section 72(4) and rule 62for
regis te ring the name of
_ by virtue of an single ass ignme nt, as
proprie tor of the following Trade Mark(s ) re giste re d upon application(s ) conforming to sub-section

(1) of section 72.

(d) Registration

N umber






Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,


Ins ert the name and addres s of the applicant.

Ins ert two or four or s ix .
Ins ert name of the c ompany to be regis tered as s ubs e que nt proprietor.
Addi tional number may be gi ve n in a s igne d s che dule on the back of the For m.
Signature of the applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.27
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for the Rectification of the Register or the Removal of a Trade

Mark from the Register. rule 68 and sections 73, 80 and 96.

[To be filed in duplicate and to be accompanied by a statement of

case in duplicate.]
IN THE MATTER OF the Trade Mark
Registered in the name of
in class



I (or We ) _
he re by apply that the entry in the Regis te r
in res pect of the above-me ntione d Trade Mark may be re move d re ctifie d in the following manne r



The grounds of my (our) application are as follows:-

No action conce rning the Trade Mark in question is pending in any court. My (our)
address for service in Pak istan in connection with these proceedings is

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.

State full name, addres s and nationality.

Strike out the wor d(s ) that is (are) not applicable.
Signature of applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.28
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for Leave to intervene in Proceedings relating to the Rectification of

the Register or the Removal of a Trade Mark from the Register, rule 69.
IN THE MATTER OF the Trade Mark
Registered in the name of
in class




hereby apply for leave to intervene in

the Proceedings relating to the rectification o r removal of the entry in the Register in respect
of the above -mentioned Trade Mark.


_ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _

_ _

__ _

_ _ _



___ __
_ __

My (or our) address for Service in Pakistan in connection with these proceedings

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
(a) State full name, addres s and nationality.
(b) Signature of applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.29
of the Firs t Sche dule

Applicat ion for Re gis tration o f Re gis te re d Lice nsee. Se ctions 70(2)(b) 75 and 76, rule 63

[To be accompanied by a statement of case setting forth particulars and statements

verified by an affidavit]
___ _ _ _
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
who is (or are ) the re gis te re d
pro prie tor(s ) of Trade Mark(s ) No.(s )* regis te re d in Clas s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in re s pe ct of
(b)_____ _ _ and by (c) _____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

trading as(d)
that the said (e)
may be re gis te re d as a re gis te re d lice nsee of the above -numbe re d re gis te re d trade mark(s ) in
re s pe ct of ( f) ____ _ __ _ _ _ s ubje ct to the following conditions and re s trictions : - (g)

(h) (The proposed pe rmitted

use is to end on the
day of
(h) (The proposed permitted use is without limit of period).
Dated this

day of



Name of signato ry in block letters

Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
*Additi onal numbers may be gi ven in a s igne d s che dule on the back of the For m.
(a) Ins ert full name, tr ade or bus ines s addres s and des cri ption of the regis tered proprietor (s ).
(b) Here i ns ert the s pecification as in the regis ter.
(c) Here i ns ert the full name , des cription, nationality, and addres s of the pr opos e d regis tered us er (See rule 8).
(d) Ins ert trading s tyle (if any).
(e) Ins ert name of propos e d regis tered licens ee.
(f) Ins ert des ignation of g oods (which mus t be c ompris e d wi thin the s pecific ati on).
(g) Write None' if there are no conditi ons or res trictions .
(h) Strike out the works that are not applicable.
(i) Signature of regis tered pr oprietor.
(j) Signature of regis tered licens ee.

Fee : See e ntry No.30
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application by t he Registered Proprietor of a Trade Mark for

variat ion of the registration of a Registered Licensee thereof with
regard to the goods or t he condit ions or restrictions.

Section 70(4)(a), rule 64

[To be accompanied by a statement of the Grounds for t he application
and t he written consent (if given) of the
Registered Licensee.]








the proprietor of trade mark(s)

in respect of (b)

Registered in Class

___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ as a re gis te re d lice nsee of the above -numbe re d trade mark(s ) in
re s pe ct of (d) ______ _ _ _ _ may be varie d in t he following manne r: - (e ) __ __ __

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
*Additi onal numbers may be gi ven in a s igne d s che dule on the back of the For m.

Ins ert full name, des cription and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the regis tered proprietor .
Ins ert the s pecification as in the regis ter.
Ins ert the full name des cription and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the regis tered licens ee.
Ins ert the goods in res pec t of whic h the us er is regis tered.
State the manner in which it is reques te d that the entry s houl d be varie d.
Signature of the regis tere d pr oprietor.

Fee : See e ntry No.31
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application by t he Registered Proprietor of a Trade Mark or by

any of t he Registered Licensee of a Trade Mark for t he cancellation
of entry of a Registered Licensee thereof. Section 70(4)(b), rule 65
(To be accompanied by a statement of the grounds for the application)
Proprie tor) (b) (a Regis te re d Licensee) of trade mark(s) No.


be ing (the Regis te re d
*regis te re d in

_ in res pect of
e ntry unde r the above -mentione d regis tration(s ) of (d)_
regis te re d lice nsee of the trade mark (s ) in res pect of (e )

_ for the cance llation of the

as a

The grounds for this application are

set forth in the accompanying statement.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
*Additi onal numbers may be gi ven in a s igne d s che dule on the back of the For m.

Ins ert the full name , des cription and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the applicant or of the applic ants .
Strike out the wor ds that are not applicable.
Ins ert the s pecification as in the Regis ter.
Ins ert the full name, des cri ption and trade or bus iness addres s of the regis tered licens ee whos e entry is
s ought to be c ancelle d.
(e) Ins ert goods i n res pec t of which regis tered licens ee me ntione d at (d) is regis tered.
(f) Signature of the applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.32
of the Firs t Sche dule

Appli cati on for cancell ati on of entry o f Regi stered Li censee of a Tr ade Mark.
(Secti on 70(4)(b)(ii ),
rul e 65
(To be accompanied by a statement
of the grounds for the application)
made by(b)

MATTER OF Trade Mark(s)

in the name of (a)


*registered in
*Application is hereby

For the cancellation of the entry under the above -mentioned registration(s) of
As the registered licensee thereof in respect of (d)
The grounds of this application, particulars of which are given in detail in the
accompanying statement of case, are (e)

The applicant s address for service in Pak istan in connection with these proceedings
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
*Additi onal numbers may be gi ven in a s igne d s che dule on the back of the For m.
(a) Ins ert the name of the Regis tered Proprietor .
(b) Ins ert the name, addres s and nationality of the applicant for cancellation.
(c) Ins ert the name, trade or bus iness address and des cription of the regis tered licens ee entered in the Regis ter.
(d) State g oods in res pect of which regis tered licens ee is entered.
(e) Ins ert one or more of the s ub-claus es of cl aus e(c) of s ection 75.
(f) Signature of applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.33
of the Firs t Sche dule

Notice of intention to intervene in proceedings for the variation or cancellation

of an entry of a Registered Licensee of a Trade Mark. (rule 66).
(To be accompanied by a statement
of the grounds of i ntervention)
IN THE MATTER OF a T rade Mark No.__ _ _ re gis te re d in
Clas s _ _ _ _ _ _ in the name of (a)______ _ __ and ______ _

IN THE MATTER OF regis tration of (b)__

thereunder as a Registered Licens ee of the Mark.

I (or We) (c)
hereby give notice of my (or our)
intention to inte rvene in the proceedings in the above matte r. My (or our) address for
service in Pak istan for the purpose of these proceedings is

Dated this

day of


Name of signatory in block letters

The Registrar of Trade Marks,

Trade Marks Registry,

Ins ert the

Ins ert the
Ins ert the

name of the Regis tered Proprietor .

name and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of Regis tere d Licens ee.
full name , addres s and nati onality of pers on gi ving notice.
of the Pers on gi ving notice.

Fee : See e ntry No.34
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request to enter change of Name or descri ption of Registered Proprietor (or

Registered Licensee) of Trade Mark upon the Register. Section 96(4), rule 67 and 70.
I (or We) (a)
hereby request that my (or our)
name(s) and description(s) may be entered in the
Register of Trade Marks As (b)
of the Trade Mark(s)
No.. Registered Licensee(s)
*registered in Class
the s aid Trade Mark
I am (We are ) e ntitle d to (b)_

use the said Trade Mark as

Registered Licensee(s)
actual proprie tors hip
The re has been no change in the (b)
_of the s aid

Identity of registered licensee(s)

Trade Mark, but (c)
The entry at present standing in the Register gives my (or our) name(s) and
description(s) as follows :

Dated this

_ day of


Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

Ka rac hi.
(a) Ins ert pres ent name, addres s and des cription of Regis tered Pr oprietor or Regis tered Licens ee.
(b) Strike out the wor ds that are not applicable.

Fee : See e ntry No.35
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request for Alteration of Trade or Business Address in Register of Trade

Marks. (Section) under section 96(4), rules 67 and 70.
IN THE MATTER OF the Trade Mark(s) No._


_ (a) regis te red in Class

I (or We) _____ _ _ _ _ _ __ of ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ bei ng the

Registered (b)
Propri etor(s)_ _ __ of the Trade Mark(s) numbered as abo ve, request that my
(or our) User(s)



bus iness




Registe r of




alte re d to

*The change of address, the entry of which is hereby applied for was orde red (by) (c)
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
on the ______ _ _ day of _____ _ _ _20_
An offi ci all y certi fied copy o f t he order i s encl osed herewi th.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.

Addi tional numbers may be gi ve n in a s igned s che dule on the back of the For m.
Strike out one of thes e wor ds .
Ins ert the name of the public authority or dering the c hange and the date there of.
Signature of Regis tered Proprietor/ Licens ee.

*Strike out if not applic able.

Fee : See e ntry No.36
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application by Registered Proprietor of Trade Mark for the cancellation of

entry thereof in Register. Section 38, rules 55.

_ _


_ _ _


_ _ _ _ _

_ _



Tr ade or busi ness address____



Re gis te re d





Appli cati on i s hereby made by t he aforesai d regi stered propri etor that the
entry i n t he Regi ster of Trade Marks o f t he Trade Mar k No._____ __ i n
Cl ass__ _ _ _ __ may be cancelled.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
(a) Signature of the Registered Proprietor.

Fee : See e ntry No.37
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application by Registered Proprietor of Trade Mark to strike out Goods from

those for which the Trade Mark is registered. Section 38, rule 55(I)(b)








re gis te re d




Name of Registered Proprietor

Trade or business address


Application is hereby made by the aforesaid registered proprietor for the striking out
from the goods for which the Trade Mark No.
is registered in Class
_ __.

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
(a) Designate the goods to be struck out.
(b) Signature of applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.38
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request by Registered Proprietor of Trade Mark that a Di scl ai mer or Memorandum

rel ati ng thereto may be registered may be registered. [Section 10, rule 34(f) and 34(g)]










regis te re d





Applicat ion is he re by made by

____ _ _ _ _
be ing the regis te re d proprie tor
of t he trade mark numbe re d as above , for the additio n to the e ntry in t he Regis te r in conne ction
wit h the s aid Trade Mark re gis te re d in the Class afore s aid of the follo wing, name ly: -

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,

(a) Ins ert the name, trade or bus iness addres s and des cription of the regis tered pr oprietor.
(b) Signature of Regis tered Proprietor .

Fee : See e ntry No.39
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application by Registered Proprietor under section 37 for an addition to or

alteration of a Registered Trade Mark. rule 54








regis te re d




Application is hereby made by

being the registered
proprietor(s) of the registered trade mark numbe red as above, for leave to add to or alter
the said Trade Mark in the following particulars that is to say
:Six copies of the mark as it will appear whe n so altered are filed here with.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(a) Ins ert the name, trade or bus iness addres s and des cription of the regis tered pr oprietor.
(b) Fill in full particul ar.
(c) Signature of applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.40
of the Firs t Sche dule

Notice of Opposition to Application for addition to or alteration of a

Registered Trade Mark.
[(Section 37 and rule 54(3)].



OF Trade


in class


registered in





I (or we )
_ he re by give notice of my (or our) inte ntion
to oppose the addition to or alte ration of the Trade Mark numbe re d and regis te red as above , so that
it s hall be in form s hown in the application adve rtised in the Trade Mark Journal of the

day of
No. _


Page _


The grounds of opposition are as follows:_

connection with these proceedings is

Dated this

day of

My (or our) address for se rvice in Pakis tan in



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
(a) State full name & addres s .
(b) Signature of the pers on gi vi ng notice.

Fee : See e ntry No.41
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application by the proprietor of a Registered Trade Mark for the

conversion of the specification.
Section 97, rule 71.



OF Trade


in class


registered in




of the Fourth Schedule.


Application is hereby made by

the registered proprietor of the
above-numbe red Trade Mark, for the conversion of the specification of the above mentioned registration (b) and the specification(s) of the Registered User(s) thereunder in
consequence of the amendme nt of the Fourth Schedule to the Trade Mark Rules, 2001.
The specification(s) entered in the Register in accordance with the said Schedule
prior to amendment is (are:It is requested that the Registrar
should propose the following specification(s) in accordance with the amended schedule.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
(a) Ins ert the name and tr ade or bus ines s addres s of the Regis tered Pr oprietor (applicant).
(b) Cancel the wor ds in i talics if there are no regis tered us ers .
(c) Signature of the regis tere d pr oprietor.

Fee : See e ntry No.42
of the Firs t Sche dule

Notice of opposition to proposal for conversion of

specification, under section 97(5) and rule 72.
[To be filed in duplicate and accompanied by a S tatement, in duplicate, showing how the
proposed conversion would be contrary to section 49 (1)]



OF *Trade

in class



registered in




of the Fourth Schedule to the rules.

I (or we )
______ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ he re by give notice of my (o r our)
inte ntion to oppose the propos al for t he conve rs ion of the s pe cification(s ) of the Trade Mark(s )
adve rtis e d in the Trade Mark Journal o f the ___ _ _ __ day of ______ _ _ 200___
No. _

Page _


The grounds of opposition are as follows:My (or our ) addres s for s ervice in P akis tan in connecti on with thes e procee di ngs is


Dated this

day of



__ __


Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
Ka rac hi.
*The numbers of more than one tr ade mark dealt with by the s ame pr opos al may be gi ve n, pr ovi de d the
s pecificati ons are the s ame.
(a) State full name and addres s .
(b) Signature of the pers on gi vi ng notice.

Fee : See e ntry No.43
of the Firs t Sche dule


Request for the consent o f the Regi strar to al teration of t he de posi ted Regul ati ons
for use of a Col lecti ve or a Certi fi cati on Tr ade Mar k.

rules 40(2) and 46.

(To be accompanied by a duplicate of the application and three copies of the Regulations
having the proposed alterations shown in red therein)
Application is made by


who is (or are ) the Proprietor(s ) of a


Collective mark or a Ce rtification Trade Mark(s ) No.

*re giste re d in Class
___ * in res pe ct of
____ _ _ *that the de pos ite d Re gulations for gove rning t he use of the
s aid Mark(s ) may be alte re d in the manne r s hown in re d in the accompanying copies of the
Re gulations as propose d to be alte re d and for the conse nt of the Re gis trar to s uch alte ratio n.

Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(a) State name and addres s of the proprietor (s ) as regis tered.
(b) If the same regulations apply to more than one registration, the numbers of all the registrations should be stated.

(c) State the s pecification f the res pecti ve regis trations .

(d) Signature of the applicant.
*Additi onal numbers and s pecifications may be gi ve n in a s igned s che dule on the back of the For m.

Fee : See e ntry No.44
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application to the Registrar for an order Expunging or Varying an entry

in the Register relating to a collective mark or certification Trade Mark
or Varying the Deposited Regulations.
rules 42 and 45.
(To be accompanie d by three copies e ach of the application and of a s tate me nt of case)



OF a Collective

registered in the name of


or a


in class

Tra de

I (or we)
being an aggrieved
person/aggrieved persons, hereby apply for an order of the Registrar that :
The entry in the Register in respect of the above -mentioned Trade
Mark may be





Varied in the following



The deposited Regulations governing the use of the above -mentioned Trade
Mark may be varied in the following manner:(d)
The grounds
of my (or our) application are as follows:The facts and matters set forth in the enclosed statement of case are true to the best
of my (or our) k nowledge, information and belief.
My (or our) address for se rvice in Pakis tan in connection with these pre ce ding is:_
Date d this

day of

_ 20_


Name of s ignatory in block le tte rs
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
(a) State full name, addres s and nationality.
(b) Strike out either paragr aph that is not applic able.
(c) Strike out one of thes e lines .
(d) Specify the grounds .
(e) Signature(s ).

Fee : See e ntry No.45
of the Firs t Sche dule

Notice under paragraph 11 of the Fourth Schedul e to the Ordi nance: Cl ai m

to have registrability of the mark applied for before commencement of this

Ordinance determined under the Ordinance (Conversion of application)

I (we) claim to have the registrability of the under mentioned mark determined in
accordance with the provisions of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001. I ack nowledge that
this notice is irrevocable.

Give details of the application you

mad e und er Trad e M ark s Act, Nu mb er



Full name, address of the applicant:


Name of agent (if applicable)

address for service in Pakistan
which all correspondence should
be sent:
Name of signatory in block letters

The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,
Note: You cannot amend a mark under the Or dinance, 2001. If you want to amend the mark you mus t file
For m TM16, before or with this for m.
(2) The ne w filing date of your c onverte d application will be the date of the c ommence ment of Trade Mark
Or dinance, 2001.

Fee : See e ntry No.46
of the Firs t Sche dule

Fee is required to be
paid for each category
you have indicated

Request for information about applications and registered marks

Under Section 109


Give details of
applicatio n or regi strati on
to which the request
rel a t es.
Indicate for
cat ego ry or categ ori es of
notifi cat io n.
(A t o H a s d et ai l ed b el o w)

(A separate fee is payable for

each cat ego ry ind icat ed)
Cat eg ory Y ou w ill be n otifi ed of






Application publis he d or withdrawn, re fuse d or deeme d abandone d be fore publication.


Curre nt or future formal opposition filed against a ne w trade mark application.


Application regis te re d or withdrawn, re fuse d or dee me d abandone d afte r publication.

D. Unpaid rene wal (registration in additional rene wal fee period).

E. Registration re newed or expired.
F. Full surrender or successful revocation resulting in the removal of a mark from
the register.
G. Assignment application received.
H. Assignment in full or partial assignment.
If your request is for an event not listed
in 2 above, give details he re.
Full name, address and post code to
which notifications should be sent.

Name of signatory in block letters
Dated this

day of


The Registrar of Trade Marks,
Trade Marks Registry,
S pecific notes: (1)

Since Trade Marks Register is a public

record any one can ask to be told about any
action on any application or registration. The
form lists the categories which you can be
notified about. This form is not open to
public inspection and information is
disclosed only to the pe rson filing the form.


A separate form should be used for each

trade mark number.


A separate fee is payable for each category

you want to be notified of.


If there is not enough space for your ans wer

to any section of this form, use separate
sheets. Numbe r each one and write on the
form how many extra sheets you have used.

Fee : See e ntry No.47
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request for certificate of the Registrar (Section 11 & 121(2), Rule 84









regis tered


we )
(a)______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ he re by re ques t the Regis trar to furnis h
us )
ce rtific ate
e ffe ct
(c)___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _

(d) a certificate of registration of Trade Mark for use in obtaining

registration in
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,
*Thes e wor ds be varie d to s uit other c as es .
(a) Ins ert name, addres s and nationality of the pers on making the re ques t.
(b) Strike out wor ds that are not applic able.
(c) Set out the par ticulars whic h the Regis trar is reques te d to certify.
(d) Ins ert the name of c ountr y.
(e) Signature of the pers on making the re ques t.

Fee : See e ntry No.48
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request for entry on the Register and Adve rtisement of a Note of Certificate of validity by
the Court under section 112, R ule 86
IN THE MATTER OF Trade Mark(s ) No.(s )__ _ _ regis te re d in
clas s__ _ _ _ _ _ __ in the name of __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

We )




_hereby request the R egi strar to add to the

ab o v e n u m b ered ent ry ( en t ries) of ( a) T rad e M a rk (s ) in t h e Reg is t er, an d t o ad v ertis e in t h e T ra d e
Marks Journal a note that in (b)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ __




certified that the validity of the said registration(s) came into question and was decided in
favour of the proprietor of the Trade Mark in the terms of the accompanying officially
certified copy of the certificate of validity.
Dated this

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,
(a) State the name and addres s of the Regis tered proprietor .
(b) State the nature of the pr ocee dings , with the names of the parties to
the m, in which the certificate was gi ven.
(c) Signature of pers on interes te d.

(To be stamped under the Stamp Act, 1899)
Form of Authorization of Agent in a matter or proceeding under the
Ordinance (Section 127, R ule 10)
We )




hereby authorize


to Act as my (or our) agent for (c)

___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ and re que s t that all not ices , re quis itions
and communications re lating the re to may be se nt to s uch age nt at the above addre ss .

I (or we) hereby revoke all previous authorizations, if any, in respect of the same
matter or proceeding.
Date d this_

day of


Name of s ignatory in block le tte rs


(To be s truck out if the pe rson appointing the age nt des ires his own address to be tre ate d as the
address for se rvice afte r regis tration).

I (or we) also authorize the said (b)

to complete Form TM-50 requesting the
entry of address for service as part of my (or our) registration obtained under the above authorization.

Date d this_

_ day of

20 _

Name of s ignatory in block le tte rs

Name of s ignatory in block le tte rs
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,
(a) Ins ert full name, addres s and nati onality. See rule 8.
(b) Ins ert name and addres s of agent.
(c) State the particul ar matter or procee di ng for which the agent is
appointe d, gi ving the refere nce number if known.
(d) To be s igned by the pers on appointi ng the agent.
(e) Ins ert the full trade or bus iness addres s of the pers on appointing the agent.

Paragraph 5 of First Schedule, Paragraph 6 of Second Schedule, Rule 39(1) & 43(1)
(To be accompanied by a duplicate of the draft regulations and in the case of a textile
mark to be accompanied by two duplicates of the draft regulations).
Regulations for gove rning the use of a Collective or a Ce rtification Trade Mark No.

in class in respect of
(For Official Use)
Advertised in

the Trade
on the

Mark s

Journal No.
_ day of

Date of applica tio n a nd re gistratio n
(a) Here specify the goods of the registration.




Fee : See e ntry No.49
of the Firs t Sche dule

Form of request by a Registered Proprietor or a registered Licensee of a trade

mark or a person about to be so registered, to enter, alter or substitute an
address for service as part of his registration.

Section 126, Rules 9 & 70

Re ques t






who is about to be registered as (or)

(Licensee) of Trade
*registered in class
for the (c) inclusion, addition, alte ration or substitution
of an address for service in Pakistan in or to the entry thereof so that the address for service
in Pakistan may read : (d)




Dated this


day of




Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,
(a) Here i ns ert the full name and trade or bus ines s addres s of the pers on making the re ques t.
(b) Strike out fr om the italicized wor ds thos e that are not applicable and s trike out one of the wor ds
Proprietor' of Licens ee' as the c as e may be.
(c) Cancel wor ds that are not applicable .
(d) State here the precis e entr y or change d entr y des ired.
(e) Signature.
*Additi onal numbers may be gi ven in a s igne d s che dule on the back of the for m.

Fee : See e ntry No.50
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application unde r section 82(2) & Firs t Sche dule to regis te r a collective mark for a s pe cification of
goods or se rvices include d in a class from a conve ntion country unde r section 25, Rules 15 & 39(1)

(To be filled in triplicate and accompanied by six representations of the collective mark
and three copies of draft regulation with Form TM -49)
On representation to be fixed within this space and six othe rs to be sent separately.
Representation of the large r size may be folded but must then be mounted upon linen or
othe r s uita ble mate ria l affixe d the re to. Se e rule 17.
Application is hereby made for registration in the register of Trade Mark of the
accompanying collective mark in class(1)
in re s pect of (2)__

___ in the name of (3) ____

whose address is (4)

The firs t application in a country to regis ter the collective mark has been made in __



A ce rtifie d copy ce rtifie d by an official of the convention country in which the firs t
application was file d is e nclosed (alongwith its trans lation in Englis h).
I (we) request that the collective mark may be registered with priority date based on the above
mentioned first application in a convention country under the provisions of section 25 of the Ordinance.

All co mmu n ication s relatin g to th is ap plication may b e s en t to th e followin g ad d ress in Pak is tan :
Dated th is ________ d ay of ________________20____.
Signature :_
name of s ignatory in block lette r
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,

Ins ert the s erial number of the clas s as indicate d in Sche dule IV to the Trade Marks Rules .


S p ec ify th e go od s o r se rvi c es. On ly good s an d s er vi ces in c lu d ed in on e an d th e sa m e cl ass sh ou ld b e sp e ci fi ed .

Please con su lt S ch ed u le IV attach ed to th e Ru les to ch eck th e class of goods and services or th e Book on
In tern ation al Classification of good s issu ed b y th e In tern ational Bu reau for th e Protection of Intell ectu al
Property, Gene va.


In sert leg ib le th e fu l l n am e, d escr ip tion an d n at ion ali ty of th e applic ant.


Ins ert full bus iness addres s .

Fee: See entry No.51
of the First Schedule

Application under section 83(2) Second Schedule to register a certification trade mark
for s pecification of goods or services included in a class from a convention country
under section 25, R ule 15 & 43(1).
(To be file d in duplicate accompanie d by three copies of the draft
regulation with Form TM -49).
On re presentation to be fixe d within this s pace and s ix othe rs to be sent
separate ly. Re presentation of the large r size may be folde d but mus t the n be
mounte d upon line n or othe r s uitable mate rial affixe d the reto. See rule 17.
Application is hereby made for regis tration in the regis ter of Trade Mark of the accompanying

ce rtification trade mark in class (1)

in respect of (2)
in the name of (3)
whose address is (4)
applicant(s ) is (are ) not carrying on bus iness in the goods or se rvices of the kind for which the
regis tration of the s aid ce rtification trade mark is sought.

. The

The firs t application in a c ountr y to regis ter the certification tr ade mark has been file d in _____



A ce rtifie d copy ce rtifie d by an official of the convention country in which the firs t
application was file d is e nclosed (alongwith its trans lation in Englis h).
I (we) re ques t that the certi ficati on tr ade mark may be regis tered with pri ority date bas ed on the
above mentione d firs t applic ation in a conve ntion c ountr y under the pr ovis ions of s ection 25 of the Or di nance.

All communications relating to this application may be sent to the following address in Pak istan:
Date d this ____

day of ______



name of signatory in block letter

The Regis trar of Tr ade Marks ,
The Tr ade Marks Regis try,
Kar achi.


Ins ert the s erial number of the clas s as indicate d in Sche dule IV to the Trade Marks Rules .


Specify the g oods or s er vices . Only goods and s er vices include d in one and the s ame clas s s houl d be
s pecifie d. Pleas e cons ult Sche dule IV attac he d to the Rules to check the clas s of goods and s er vices or
the Book on Internati onal Cl as s ification of goods is s ued by the Internati onal Bureau for the
Protecti on of Intellectual Pr operty, Gene va.
Ins ert legible the full name, des cripti on and nationality of the applicant.
Ins ert full bus iness addres s .


Fee : See e ntry No.52
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for registration of trade marks consisting exclusively of letters or nume rals or
any combination thereof relating solely to textile goods for s pecification of goods included
in any of the items of the Fifth Schedule. (Rule 96)
(To be file d in duplicate accompanie d by s ix additional
re prese ntations of the trade mark).

One representation to be fixed within this space and six others to be

sent separately.
Application is he reby made for regis tration of the accompanying trade mark in class(1)_ _
in respect of (2)
in the name of (3)
whose address is(4)

who claim(s) to be the proprietor(s) thereof and by whom the said mark is proposed to be
used(5) being used since
in respect of said goods or services.

All communications re lating to this application may be se nt to the following address

in Pakistan:
Dated this

day of


Name of s ignatory in block le tte rs
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,
1. The Regis trar s direction may be obtaine d if the class of goods or services is not known. The duly s igned
additional repres entation by the applicant or his agent s hould bear the mark, the name, address and des cription
of the applicant, the des cription of goods or servi ces , the item of textile goods mentioned on the Fifth Schedule,
the period of us e of the trade mark, the trade des cription and addres s for s ervice in Pakis tan.
2. Specify the ite ms of textile goods menti one d i n the Fifth Sche dule cons is ting exclus ively o f letters or
numerals or any c ombinati on thereof in res pect of which application is made. A s e parate s heet detailing the
goods or s er vices may be us ed.
3. Ins ert legibly the full name, des cription (occupation or c alling and nationality of the applic ant. In the cas e of
a body cor por ate or fir m the c ountr y or inc or por ation or the names and des cri ptions of the par tners
compos ing the firm and the nature of regis trati on, if any, as the cas e may be s houl d be s tate d.
4. Ins ert full tr ade or bus iness addres s of the applic ant.
5. Strike out the wor ds if not applicable. If us e is claime d the date of comme nce ment of us e by the applic ant
s houl d be s tate d.

Fee : See e ntry No.53
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for registration of a textile trade mark (other than a ce rtification trade mark
or a collective mark) containing exclusively of numerals or letters or any combination
thereof for specification of goods or services included in one item of the Fifth Schedule
under Rule 12 from a convention country under
Section 25
(To be file d in duplicate accompanie d by s ix additional
re prese ntations of the trade mark).
One re pres entati on to be fixe d wi thin this s pace and s ix others to be s ent s e par ately.
Application is hereby made for regis tration in the regis ter of the accompanying trade mark in


in res pect of (2)__

in the name(s ) of (3) __
whos e address is (4)
, who
claim(s ) to be the pr oprietor thereof and by whom the s ai d mark is pr opos ed to be us e d(5) / being us ed s ince

_ in res pect of goods or services.

The firs t application in a c onvention country to regis ter the trade mark has bee n made i n ______


A ce rtifie d copy ce rtifie d by an official of the convention country in which the firs t
application was file d is e nclosed (alongwith its trans lation in Englis h).
I (we) request that the trade mark may be registered with priority date based on the above
mentioned first application in a convention country under the provisions of section 25 of the Ordinance.
All communications relating to this application may be sent to the following address in Pak istan:

Date d this_

_ day of


Signature :_
Name of s ignatory in block le tte rs
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,
1. The Regis trar s direction may be obtaine d if the class of goods or services is not known. The duly s igned
additional repres entation by the applicant or his agent s hould bear the mark, the name, address and des cription
of the applicant, the des cription of goods or services , the item of textile goods mentione d on the Fifth Schedule,
the period of us e of the trade mark, the trade des cription and addres s for s ervice in Pakis tan.
2. Specify the ite ms of te xtile goods mentione d in the Fifth Sche dule cons is ting exclusively of letters or
numberles s or any combinati on thereof in res pect of which applicati on is made . A s e parate s heet detailing
the goods or s er vices may be us ed.
3. Ins ert legibly the full name, des cripti on (occupation or calling and nationality of the applicant. In the c as e of
a body cor por ate or fir m the country or inc or poration or the names and des criptions of the par tners
compos ing the firm and the nature of regis trati on, if any, as the cas e may be s houl d be s tate d.
4. Ins ert full tr ade or bus iness addres s of the applic ant.
5. Strike out the wor ds if not applicable. If us e is claime d the date of comme nce ment of us e by the applic ant
s houl d be s tate d.

Fee : See e ntry No.54
of the Firs t Sche dule

Request for Search unde r Rule 87

The Re gis trar is he re by re ques t unde r rule 88 to se arch in Clas s * _ _ _ _ _ __ __ in
re s pe ct of (a) __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ to as ce rtain whe the r any t rade marks are on
re cord which re se mble the trade mark s e nt he re with in duplicate (e ach re pre se ntation be ing
mounte d on a s hee t of s trong pape r approximate ly 13 inches by 8 inches in s ize ).
Date d this_
day of

Name of signatory in block letters

(c) _
The Registrar of Trade
Marks, The Trade Marks
Regis try, Karachi.

*The Registrar s direction s hould be obtained if the class is not known.

(a) Here specify the goods (in the class stated) in respect of which the search is to be made.

(b) Signature.
(c) Address.

Fee : See e ntry No.55
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for Exte ns ion of Time

See section 123, rule 80
Applicat ion is he re by made by (a)_______

Applicat ion No ..
__ for e xte ns ion of time by

month(s), for complying with the require ments of the

Registrar communicated under his letter No.
dated the
or (strike the portion not required) for filing notice of
counte r-statement
in class
advertised in Trade Marks Journal
at page
on the day of
, or (strike the portion not required)
for s upplying evidence in support of the application/opposition proceedings.
The reasons for making application are as under:Date d this_

_ day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,

(a) Insert full name, address and nationality of the applicant.

(b) Signature of the applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.56
of the Firs t Sche dule

Res toration of the Trade Mark abandone d for non-compliance of the re quire me nts of the Registry.

[See section 33(5) and rule 25(b), 27(2) & 27(3)]

I, (or we) (a)
in class
proceeded with according to the Rules.



abando ne d,

he reby request that the Trade Mark

be restored to the file and be

vi de



date d


from the Registry.

The reasons for making the application are as unde r:Date d this_

day of



Name of signatory in block letters
The Registrar of Trade Marks,
The Trade Marks Registry,

(a) Insert full name, address and nationality of the applicant.

(b) Signature of the applicant.

Fee : See e ntry No.62
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for registration as a trade mark
agent. Rule 119
(To be filed in duplicate)
I beg to apply for registration as a trade mark agent under the Tra de Mark s Ordinance, 2001.

(a) A ce rtificate of character from

enclosed here with.


I hereby declare that I am not subject to any of the disabilities stated in clauses (i),
(ii), (iii) and (iv) of rule 117 of the Trade Marks Rules and that the information given below
is true to the best of my k nowledge and belief:1.
Name in full beginning with surname, if any (in capital letters)
Permanent home address
Place or places of business
Father s name
Date and place of birth
Period of residence in Pakistan
Occupation in full
Particulars of qualifications for registration as a trade mark agent
Whether at any time removed from the Register of trade mark agents and, if
so, the reasons for such removal
Signature :_
Name of s ignatory in block le tte rs
The 1[Fe de ral Gove rnme nt],
Through the Trade Marks Regis try,

(a) The certificate testifying to the characte r of the candidate should be from a
person not related to the candidate and being a District magistrate or the Chief
Administrative Office r of the District where the candidate usually resides, or
from any other person whom the Registrar may conside r fit.
(b) Eithe r original diploma, ce rtificates and ot he r docume nts in s upport o f qualifications
claime d, or copie s the reof duly atte s te d by a Magis trate , a Notary Public o r 2[pe rs on
aut horize d to atte s t docume nts ] mus t be se nt with t he applic atio n.

3[Particulars in respect of the period of service with a registered trade mark

agent or an advocate practicing before the Trade marks Registry or, as the case
may be, of the post held in the Trade Marks Registry, may be specified.]
Fee : See e ntry No.65
of the Firs t Sche dule

Application for the restoration of the name of a person to the Agents Registrar
(Rule 123) (To be filed in duplicate)



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
he re by apply for the restoration of my

name to the Age nts Registe r in which my name was e nte re d unde r No.
My name was
re move d on
unde r clause (a), (b), (c), or (d) of rule
122(1)&(2) of the Trade Marks Rules, 2002.

Dated this................ day of ............................... 20.....

Name of signatory in block letters

1[Fe de ral
Gove rnme nt],
Trade Marks


[See rule 3]
Through the
Regis try,

Form No.

of Title.

Notice of Non-completion of

(1) Fee : See e ntry (2)

0-1 No.66 of the 33(5)
Firs t Sche dule


(a) Insert name and address in full.


Certificate of Registration of
Trade Marks.

the Agents Register.

for an alteration of any entry in
(Rule 124)

Notice of Expiration of Last


(To be filed in duplicate)







hereby request that my
business address orNotice of Non-completion of Registration. Section 33(5).
qualifications entered
in the Agents Register may be altered as follows:_ _ __ _ _ _ _
_ _ __ _ _ _ _
_ _ __ _ _ _ _
D ated thi s ................
day of ............................... 2 0.....

Name of signatory in block letters
The 1[Fe de ral Gove rnme nt],
Through the Trade Marks Regis try,

(a) Insert name and address in full.


Notice is hereby given, as required by section 33(5) of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001,
that the registration of the trade mark, in respect of which application numbered as above was made
on the ------------------------ day of ------------200-- has not been completed by reason of default on the
part of the applicant.
Unless registration is completed within twenty-one days from the date of this notice, the
application w ill be treated as abandoned.
Dated this................ day of .......................... 200.....
Registrar of Trade Marks.

Certificate of Registration of Trade Mark. Section 33(4)
TRADE MARK No............................
Certified that the Trade Mark, of which a representation is annexed hereto has been
registered in the name of.................................................................... ............................................ in
class .................................... under No................................................................ as of the date
........................................................................ in respect of .....................................................................
Sealed at my direction, this .................................................. day of ..................... 200.....
Registrar of Trade Marks.
Registration is for ten years from the date first above -mentioned and may then be renewed
for a period of ten years, and also at the expiration of each period of ten years thereafter. (See section
35 of the Trade Marks Ordinance 2001 and rules 45-39(2)(b) of the Trade Marks Rules, 2003.

Note. Upon any change of ownership of this Trade Mark, or change in address, application
should at once be made to register the change.

Notice of expiration of last Registration. Section 35(2)
registered Trade Mark No............................
Notice is hereby given as required in section 35(2) of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 2001, that
the registration of the aforesaid trade mark will expire on ..................................................... and that
the registration can be renewed for a further period of ten years on receipt in this off ice of an
application on the enclosed form TM-12 accompanied by the prescribed fee
Rs.............................................. on or before the said date.
Dated of...................20.....
Registrar of Trade Marks.

Fee : See entry No.63

of the Firs t Schedule

Certificate of Registration as a trade mark agent
[Rule 121]
was registered on of ................................20......, in the Reg ister of
trade mark agents maintained under rule 115 of the Trade Marks Rules, 2003.

Registrar of the Trade Marks,

Government of Pakistan.


[See rules 11, 71 and 88]
Names of the Classes
(Parts of an article or apparatus are, in general, classif ied with the actual article or apparatus,
except where such parts constitute articles inc luded in other classes).

Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as agriculture,

horticulture, forestry; manures (natural and artif icia l); fire extinguishing
compos itions, tempering substances and chemicals preparations for soldering,
chemical substances for preserving foodstuff , tanning substances, adhesives used in
industry, unpr ocessed artific ial resins; unprocessed plastics.


Paints, varnishes, lacquers, preservatives against rust and against deterioration of

wood, color ing matters, dyestuffs; mordents; raw natural resins; metals in foil and
powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists.

Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing,
scouring and abrasive preparations, soaps, perfumery, essential oils , cosmetics, ha ir
lotions , dentifrices.



Industr ial oils and greases (other than edible oils and fats and essential oils);
lubr icants, dust absorbing wetting and binding compos itions; fuels (including
motor spir it) and illuminants, candles, tapers, nightlights and wicks.


Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary substances; infants' and inva lids' foods;
dietetic substances adapted for medical use; plasters, materials for bandaging;
material for stopping teeth, dental wax, dis infectants, preparations for killing weeds
and destroying vermin; fungicides, herbic ides.


Common metals and their alloys, anchors, anvils , bells , rolled and metal building
materials, transportable building of metals; materials of metal for railway tracks,
chains (except driving chains for vehicles); non-electric cables and wires of
common meta l; locksmith's work; metallic pipes and tubes; safes and cash boxes;
steel balls; horseshoes; nails and screws; ironmongery; small items of metal
hardware; other goods in non-precious metal not inc luded in other classes; ores.


Machines and machine tools, motors and engines (except for vehicles), machine
coupling and transmiss ion components (except for land vehicles) agricultural
implements, incubators for eggs.


Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery, forks and spoons; side arms;


Scientif ic, nautical, surveying and electrica l apparatus and instruments (inc luding
wireless), photographic, c inematographic , optical, weighing, measuring, s igna ling,
checking (supervis ion) , life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, coin or
counter-freed apparatus; talking machines; cash registers, calculating machines,
apparatus for recording, transmiss ion reproduction of sound or images, magnetic
data carriers, recording discs, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for
coin apparated apparatus, data processing equipment and computers; fire
extinguishing apparatus.


Surgical, medical, denta l and veterinary instruments and apparatus, artif icia l limbs ,
eyes and teeth, orthopedic articles; suture materials.
Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying,
ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes.



Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.


Firearms, ammunition and pr ojectiles, explos ives; fireworks.


Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith
(except cutlery, forks and spoons), jewellery, precious stones, horological and other
chronometr ic instruments.


Musical Instruments (other than talking machines and wireless apparatus).


Paper and paper articles, cardboard and cardboard a rticles; printed matter,
newspapers and periodicals, books; book-binding materials, photographs ,


stationery, adhesives materials (stationery), artists' materials , paint brushes,

typewriters and office requisites (other than furniture), instructiona l and teaching
material (other than apparatus), playing cards; (printers') type and cliches
(stereotype); plastic materials, for packaging (not inc luded in other classes).
Gutta percha, rubber, balata and substitutes, articles made from these substances
and not inc luded in other classes, materials for packing, stopping or insulating,
asbestos, mica and their products; hose pipes (non-metallic); plastics in extruded
form for use in manufacture.


Leather and imitations of leather, and articles made from these materials, and not
inc luded in other classes, animal skins , hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbre llas,
parasols and walking sticks , whips, harness and saddlery.


Building mater ials (non- metallic), natural and artif icia l stone, cement, lime, mortar,
plaster and gravel; pipes of earthenware or cement; road-making, materials;
asphalt, pitch and bitumen, portable buildings; monuments; not of metal, chimney
pots; non- metallic rigid pipes for building; non-metallic; transportable buildings.


Furniture, mirr ors, picture frames; articles (not inc luded in other classes) of wood,
cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivor y, whalebone, shell, amber, mother -ofpearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics.
household and kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated
therewith), combs and sponges, brushes (other than paint brushes), brush-making
materials, artic les for cleaning purposes, steelwool, glassware, porcelain and
earthenware not inc luded in other classes; unworked or semi-worked glass (except
glass used in building).



Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins , sails, sacks and bags (not inc luded in
other classes) padding and stuffing materia ls (except of rubber or plastics) raw
fibr ous textile materia ls.


Yarns and threads, for textile use.


Textiles and textile goods , not inc luded in other classes, bed and table covers.


Clothing, footwear, headgear.


Lace and embroidery, r ibbons and braid, buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles,
artif icia l flowers.
Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing
floors, wall hangings (non-textile).



Games and playthings, gymnastic and sporting artic les not included in other
classes, decorations for Christmas trees.


Meat, fish, poultry and game, meat extracts, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and
vegetables, je llies, jams, fruit sauces, eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and
fats; pickles.


Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artif icia l coffee; flour and
preparations made from cereals, bread, biscuits , cakes, pastry and confectionery,
ices, honey, treacle, yeast, baking-powder, salt, mustard, pepper, vinegar, sauces,
(condiments), spices; ice.


Agricultura l, horticultural and forestry products and grains not inc luded in other
classes, live anima ls, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and f lowers,
foodstuffs for anima ls, ma lt.
Beers, mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks, syrups and other
preparations for making beverages; fruit drinks and fruit juices.



Alcoholic beverages (except beers).


Tobacco; smokers' articles, matches.


Advertis ing, bus iness management, bus iness administration, off ice functions.


Insurance, financia l affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs.


Building construction; repair, insta llation services.




Transport, packaging and storage of goods, travel arrangement.


Treatment of materials.


Education, providing of training, entertainment, sporting and cultura l activities.


Scientif ic and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industria l analys is
and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software.


Services for providing food and dr ink; temporary accommodation.


Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or anima ls;
agriculture, horticulture and forestry services.


Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals , personal and
social services rendered by others to meet the needs of individua ls.


[See rule 96]

List of items of textile goods referred to in r ule 96

No. of item
1. Grey Longcloth. Shirtings , Cellular, Limbr ic, Poplin; Sheetings, Printers and Leopard Cloth Including all abovementioned gray cloth, with no colour in the body except a woven coloured
2. Grey Drills, Jeans and Duck - Including only gray cloth and not str iped dr ills with gray grounds.
3. Grey Twills.
4. Grey Salitha, T-C loths and Domestics.
5. Grey Coarse Cloth.
6. Grey Chadars of Plain Weave and Khadi Chadars - Including all chadars of plain weave with no
colour in the body but with or without a woven coloured heading or fancy heading, but not
inc luding check Chadars and striped Chadars.
7. Grey Chadars of Twill Weave - Including only gray tw ill chadars with no colour in the body
except a woven coloured heading.
8. Grey Dhoties including Tahmad. This item relates only to gray ground dhoties (of all
dimensions) with or without artif icia l silk, coloured yarn, folded yarn, or printed boders and
9. Grey Series and Scarves and Sari Cloth - Inc luding only gray ground Saries (of all dimensions)
with or without artif icia l silk, coloured yarn or printed borders and headings and sari cloth in
piece length but not inc luding Sar ies with striped or check grounds , and dyed and printed Saries.
10. Grey Dosuti.
11. Grey Jaconets, Jagannathi, Mulls and Mulmulls.
12. Grey pagree Cloth.
13. Grey Matting Weave and Canvas including Filter cloth.
14. Sambura Cloth - Grey Drill w ith red and black headings and coloured runner in the centre.
15. Whole Grey Dobby Cloth and Doria.
16. Bleached Longcloth, Shirtings , Cellular, Limbr ic, Poplin, Sheetings and Printers - Including all
the above mentioned pla in c loths with no colour in the body except a woven coloured heading.
17. Bleached drills, jeans and Duck - See note under item 16.

18. Bleached Twills-See note under item 16. This item does not inc lude Str iped Twills on bleached
19. Bleached T Cloths and Domestics - See note under item 16.
20. Bleached Coarse cloth - See note under item 16.
21. Bleached Chadars - Including chadars of plain and twill weave.
22. Bleached Mulls, Jaconets and Nainsooks - See note under item 16.
23. Bleached Madapollams and Cambrics - See note under item 16.
24. Bleached Dhoties inc luding Tahmad - This item relates only to plain bleached ground dhoties (of
all dimens ions) with artif ic ial s ilk, coloured yarn, folded yarn or pr inted borders and headings.
25. Bleached Saries and Scarves - Including only plain bleached ground Saries (of all dimensions)
with artif ic ial s ilk, coloured yarn or pr inted borders and headings, but not including Saries with
Stripes or checks and dyed and printed Saries.
26. Bleached Dsuti - See note under item 16.
27. Bleached voiles and Muslims - See note under item 16.
28. Bleached Dorias and Fancies - including bleached cloth with bleached folded yarn stripes or
29. Bleached Matting Weave and Canvas - See note under item 16.
30. Bleached Pagree Cloth - See note under item 16.
31. Embroidered Voiles, Mus lims etc. Bleached.
32. Bleached Flannel and Flanne lettes and all bleached cloths raised on one side kind c otton Velvet.
33. Dyed Longcloth. Shirtings, Cellular, Limbric , Poplin and Sheetings - Including the above
mentioned cloths dyed in the piece.
34. Dyed Drills - See note under item 33. This item also inc ludes coloured warp or weft drills.
35. Dyed Twills - See note under item 33.
36. Dyed T - Cloth and Domestics - See note under item 33.
37. Dyed Coarse Cloth - See note under item 33.

38. Dyed Chadars - See note under item 33.

39. Dyed Dhoties including Tahmad, Saries and Shawls - This item includes dhoties, saries or
shawls dyed in the piece.
40. Dyed Fancies - Including fancies with single colour warp or weft fancies or printed yarn in the
warp or weft or both.
41. Dyed Pugree Cloth - See note under item 33.
42. Dyed Voiles - Including bordered voiles.
43. Dyed Flannelettes - Including Grey and self-coloured Flannelettes and all dyed cloths raised on
one side and cotton velvet.
44. Dyed Mulls.
45. Dyed Umbrella Cloth.
46. Coatings and Traouserings (inc luding Sholapur i, Chenna i, Cloth, Sunpr oof cloth, Tussore,
Kashmere Cloth, Serges. Thana Cloth, Tweeds, Mazri, Malatia and Corduroy) - In addition to
the goods enumerated above, this item includes cotton dyed coatings and coatings with artif icia l
silk in the warp or in the weft as stripes or checks, either alone or in combination with dyed
cotton yarn.
47. Striped Drills and Jeans and Striped Twills - Including str iped dr ills or twills with gray, bleached
or coloured ground.
48. Bed ticking - With coloured warp and gray or bleached weft.
49. Striped Coarse cloth - Including both gray and bleached grounds.
50. Striped shirtings, Str iped Susis and Str iped Zephyrs - Including str iped shirtings , etc., with gray
bleached or coloured ground but not inc luding artif ic ia l silk str iped goods.
51. Check shirtings. Check Susis and Check Zephyrs - See note under item 50.
52. Check Chadars - Including pla in check chadar and twill check chadar on gray, bleached or
coloured grounds.
53. Lungis and Sarongs.
54. Woven coloured Saries and Scarves - (This inc ludes saries and scarves with striped or check
grounds, but does not inc lude saries and scarves in which there is artific ial s ilk in the body of the
55. Check Cholas and Gumchas.

56. Artif icia l Silk Str iped Shirtings - This inc ludes (a) artificia l silk shirtings with an artif icia l silk
warp and weft. (b) an artific ial s ilk warp. Or (c) artific ial s ilk only in stripes, either alone or in
combination w ith coloured cotton yarn.
57. Artif icia l Silk Check Shirtings - On gray white and coloured grounds.
58. Artif icia l Silk Brocads and 'All over Styles'.
59. Artif icia l Silk Dhoties. Saries and Scarves and Sari Cloth -(This item includes dhoties and saries
in which an artif icia l silk warp or weft or both are used. It does not include dhoties, etc. in which
artif icia l silk is used only in the borders).
60. Crepe Cloth - Grey. Bleached and dyed. This item also inc ludes crepe cloth yarn printed.
61. Dyed and striped Dosuti - Including striped Dosuti bleached in the piece.
62. Printed dhoties, Shawls , Ruma ls, Saries and other printed garments - Including Voile Saries also.
63. Printed longc loth, Shirtings, Ce llular, Limbr ic, Poplins and Sheetings - Grey bleached and dyed
64. Striped, Check and printed Flanne lettes.
65. Pure Silk Sar ies.
66. Leno and Moskleno, Bandage cloth - Grey bleached dyed or striped inc luding Gauze cloth a lso.
67. Terry Towels including toweling cloth - Grey, bleached dyed printed, striped or checked.
68. Buckaback towels inc luding towe ling c loth - Grayed bleached dyed printed striped or checked.
69. Honey Comb Towels including toweling cloth - Grey, bleached dyed, printed, striped or
70. All other towels including toweling cloth.
71. (a) Dusters, Handkerchiefs, Rumals and Glass Cloth (serviettes)
(b) Table cloth and table covers, napkins.
72. Doboy kind Jacquard Chadars, Bedspreads, Quilts and Counterpanes including Suzm - Grey,
bleached or coloured.
73. Blankets and Malida Cloth - All types. inc luding cotton and wool union blankets and shawls not
dyed or printed) or lohis of any fibres.
74. Durries and carpets including Satranji (f loor carpets).

75. Dyed and coloured Canvas - Dyed or woven coloured.

76. Artif icia l Silk Zephyrs, Alpaca, Crepe, etc. - Plain and Fancy grounds (whole colour and
77. Motor hood cloth.
78. Buckram cloth - gray, bleached and dyed.
79. Striped voiles - Bleached and/or dyed in the piece.
80. Printed Voiles - Grey, bleached and dyed.
81. Mookta cloth - This cloth is woven with cotton warp and flax weft.
82. Artif icia l silk Tapestry and Upholstering Fabrics, including cotton furnishing fabrics and
casement cloths - Grey, bleached, dyed and printed.
83. Bedford Cord - Bleached and dyed.
84. Printed Crepe - Grey, bleached or dyed grounds.
85. Pure Silk Coatings - Plain, str iped or checked. This item also inc ludes coatings made of artific ia l
fibres, f ilaments and yarns.
86. Pure Silk shirtings - Plain, striped or checked.
87. Printed Drills, Twills and Jeans.
88. Corded Voiles - Bleached, coloured, pr inted kind bordered.
89. Printed Boski - Artif ic ial s ilk warp, weft or both.
90. Artif icia l silk striped Voiles - Grey, bleached and dyed, voiles with artif icia l silk stripes in the
body of the cloth.
91. Bordered voiles - Bleached, dyed and printed (with or without artif ic ial s ilk border).

92. Artif icia l Silk Satins - Including satins made from 100 per cent silk or artif icia l silk in the warp
or weft.
93. Check Voiles Grey. bleached and dyed (This item conta ins cotton voiles with gray, bleached or
coloured grounds with check designs all over the body of the cloth).
94. Grey Flanne lettes - Including a ll gray cloths raised on one side and cotton velvet.


[See rule 82]
Scale of costs allowable in pr oceedings before the Registrar (rule 83)

Matter in respect of which cost is to be




For one day's hearing involving

Examination of witness.
For one day's hearing when there is no
examination of witnesses.





For adjournment of hearing granted on

the petition of any party.


For striking out scandalous matter from 200/an affidavit.


For attendance of witnessesSubs istence allowance ..

500/- Plus cost of re-summoning

the other parties, witnesses who
were due to be examined on the

.. ..


Travelling allowanceBy Train ..

Actual fare each way (vide Note


.. .. ..

By road .. .. ... ..

Commiss ion


At 5/- per mile (vide Note below).



500/- for each day's sitting.

NOTE:-The rates of subsistence allowance and travelling allowance for witnesses shall vary
according to the status of the witness, subject to the maximum prescribed above.


[See rule 101(1)]
List of Associations referred to in rule 101(1)




Names of Associations.

persons to be


Federation of Pakistan Chambers of

Commerce and Industry, Karachi ... ..
Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Karachi ..


All-Pakistan Textile



Pakistan Cotton
Hyderabad ..




Pakistan Yarn
Karachi .. ..




Pakistan Silk & Rayon Mills Association,

Karachi ..


Association, Karachi ..


Pakistan Woolen Mill Owner's Association



[F.No 2(6)98/WTO.III]



(Ahmad Mukhtar)
Section Officer

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