Tuv Sud Navigating Iso 9001 2015

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ISO 9001:2015
Understanding why the new
ISO 9001 revision matters to

White paper

This whitepaper takes a concise, yet detailed look at the ISO 9001:2015 revision. Published in September 2015,
the standard includes various changes that impact quality management. This white paper can be used as a
primer for organisations looking to implement and certify their quality management system, and is a valuable
resource for those already certified but want to know how this revision will affect their current system. The
fact that over one million certificates[1] for ISO 9001 have now been issued globally according to the ISO Survey
of Management System Standard Certifications is a testament to the success and demand of the standard.











Navigating ISO 9001:2015 | TV SD

About the TV SD experts

Pamela Bethune
Lead Auditor and Program Manager for Supplier Auditing Program, TV SD America
Pamela Bethune is an expert lead Auditor and Program Manager for TV SDs
Supplier Auditing Program. Bringing more than 30 years of experience in both design
and maintenance of quality and environmental systems as well as a 3rd party auditor,
she played a key role in designing TV SDs proprietary process for 2nd Party
Audits. Bethune is an accredited lead auditor for RAB, ISO 9001:2008, TS 16949, ISO
13485, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2006 and R2 Responsible Recycling certification

Helmut Keuerleber
Product Compliance Manager ISO 9001, TV SD Management Service, Germany
Helmut Keuerleber is Product Compliance Manager for ISO 9001 and accredited lead
auditor (LA) for ISO 9001, in automotive accredited as LA for KBA. Keuerleber has
decades of experiences in the field of quality management system certification and
is auditing not only large but also small and medium sized companies. Keuerleber is
located in Germany.

Jan Sun
Vice President, Management Services, TV SD Greater China
Jan Sun has been the Vice President of TV SD Greater China since June 2007 and
is responsible for the operation of the Management Services certification business in
China Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. He is also the Global Product Manager of ISO
9001 and Deputy Global Product Manager of ISO/TS 16949 for TV SD Management
Service. Sun has over 20 years experience in the field of product and management
system certification. He is one of the earliest ISO 9000 Lead Auditors and Monitoring
Auditors of TV CERT/TV SD Management Service in China.

TV SD | Navigating ISO 9001:2015

Efficiency and profitability are the
most important motivations of every
organisation. Regardless of size,
industry or geographical location, all
businesses are constantly looking to
improve their efficiency and maximise
their profitability.
ISO 9001 was designed as a standard
for organisations looking to optimise
their operational excellence. The fact
that over one million certificates for
ISO 9001 have now been issued
globally according to the ISO Survey

and processes to achieve corporate

of Management System Standard
Certifications is a testament to the
success and demand of the standard.
The ISO 9001 standard is becoming
especially important as end customers
increasingly demand better value. With
a certified system, organisations
regardless of size, industry or location
are able to optimise their operational
performance and higher profits while
saving time, money and resources.
It also enables them to be well
positioned to organise resources

The ISO 9001 standard

is becoming especially
important as end
customers increasingly
demand better value.

Navigating ISO 9001:2015 | TV SD

The origins of ISO 9001

The beginnings of ISO 9001 are rooted
in two military standards: the UK
Governments BS 5750 standard,
driven by the Ministry of Defence,
and the MIL-Q-9858, the US Military
manufacturing standard. Both focused
on the management of manufacturing
processes instead of the manufactured
end product.

In 1987, the UK Government urged

ISO to adopt the BS 5750 as an
international standard. ISO 9001,
specifically ISO 9001:1987, was born.
Essentially a BS 5750 standard at
its core, it introduced three models
for a quality management system
(QMS). The first concerned quality
assurance in design, development,

production, installation and service

for organisations manufacturing new
products; the second model looked at
production, installation and service;
and the third was concerned about
final inspection and testing, regardless
of how the product was manufactured.

The evolution of ISO 9001

Since its introduction in 1987, ISO 9001 has undergone numerous revisions. Below is a quick summary of its evolution:

ISO 9001:1987
First version introduced after the adoption of BS5750 by ISO. It offered three models for QMS which included variants that covered different
types of businesses.

ISO 9001:1994
Emphasised product assurance using preventive actions, instead of solely checking the final product. The standard focused on managing
quality by control rather than assurance, requiring organisations to comply with documented procedures.

ISO 9001:2000
Made a radical change by putting quality and process management at its core, focusing on quality management instead of quality control.
The standard first analysed the organisations requirements before designing processes to deliver on them. In addition, the standard also
looked at how to continuously improve processes and track customer satisfaction.

ISO 9001:2008
Clarified the specifications of the 2000 revision, making it more consistent with ISO 14001:2004, the environmental management system

ISO 9001:2015
Published in September 2015, this version of the standard adopts the high-level structure and format prescribed in Annex SL, extends the
scope to include service industries and incorporates a number of important changes.

TV SD | Navigating ISO 9001:2015

The 2015 revision

All ISO standards are reviewed every
five years to ensure that they remain
relevant to the market environment.
ISO 9001:2015 is the final result of
a multi-year process involving
representatives from ISO member
countries and stakeholders from
around the world.

participating countries to form

national positions on the draft ISO
standard and comment on them.

Based on these comments, the Draft

International Standard (called ISO/
DIS 9001:2015) was distributed for
review and comment in May 2014.
More than 3000 comments were
The revision process originally began received and the suggestions were
subsequently approved by 80%
in May 2012 when a proposal to
revise the 2008 version of the standard of ISO member countries in a
was officially introduced. A Committee preliminary vote.
Draft (CD) of the revised standard
was first published in June 2013,
Work on the Final Draft International
which allowed ISO members of
Standard (FDIS) incorporating

ISO 9001:2015 involved

ISO member countries and
stakeholders from around
the world.
the proposed changes began in
November 2014. The FDIS was
released for a final vote by ISO
member countries in July 2015. The
revised version of the standard, ISO
9001:2015, was officially published
by the ISO in September 2015.


1994 version
managing quality by

2008 version clarified
specifications of the 2000

November 2014
Final Draft International
Standard developed

Introduction of first
version by ISO

September 2015
Focused on quality
and process
management at its

May 2014

Publication of 2015 version

Draft International
Standard distributed
for review and comment

Navigating ISO 9001:2015 | TV SD

New ISO 9001:2015 structure

Every ISO management system shares
common elements. However, unique
implementation difficulties still arise
because of the diverse shapes and
structures used by the systems.
ISO is addressing these by providing
identical structures, texts, common
terms and definitions for all future
management system standards.

Using similar terms and definitions

The ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001
allows future and revised management standards will also be revised
system standards to be both consistent accordingly.
and easier to integrate.
The purpose of this new high-level
ISO 9001:2015 replaces the former
structure is to align format, text, terms
structure with a new high-level
and definitions, while offering the
structure (also called Annex SL)
flexibility to integrate technical topics
that will be the blueprint for all future and requirements that are specific to
management system development.
the standard.


ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2008

1. Scope

1. Scope

2. Normative references

2. Normative references

3. Terms and definitions

3. Terms and definitions

4. Context of the organisation

4. Quality management system

5. Leadership

5. Management responsibility

6. Planning

6. Resource management

7. Support

7. Product realisation

8. Operation

8. Measurement, analysis and improvement

9. Performance Evaluation
10. Improvement

TV SD | Navigating ISO 9001:2015

Understanding the changes

revisions used. While CRM only
addresses the relationship between
an organisation and its customers,
SRM balances the relationship of the
organisation with all stakeholders,
including customers, suppliers,
These new clauses require
Coverage extended for service
industries - Overall, the new version organisations to determine the issues partners, authorities, etc. To align
and requirements that can impact the with this new requirement, the term
of the standard makes it more
planning of the QMS, which are used interested parties now also includes
applicable to service industries.
as inputs when developing the system. owners, staff belonging to that
The term product is now replaced
Such an approach assumes that long- organisation, bankers and even
with product and services when
term business success is possible
referring to deliverables for the
when stakeholder requirements are
considered. Although new to ISO 9001, One noteworthy feature of the new
standard is that it does not require
this approach is not new to ISO. ISO
Getting the context right - The
9004:2009, Section 4.4 addresses this the products and services to fulfil the
standard adopts a stakeholder
needs and expectations of all external
approach to quality management and in detail.
parties but only for those interested
focuses on Stakeholder Relationship
parties that are relevant to the QMS.
Management (SRM) with the addition Addressing SRM goes much further
than Customer Relationship
of two clauses (4.1 Understanding
Management (CRM) that previous
the organisation and its context and
Understanding the changes in the
new ISO 9001 standard is important
as we cover the following points of

4.2 Understanding the needs and

expectations of interested parties)
which relates to the context of the

Navigating ISO 9001:2015 | TV SD

Process approach further defined ISO 9001:2008 promoted the adoption

of a process approach to developing,
implementing and improving QMS
effectiveness. ISO 9001:2015 does it
more explicitly in Section 4.4 Quality
Management System and its
processes. Now, organisations need
to define required inputs and expected
outputs of each process. The
measurement of performance
indicators and the assignment of
responsibilities is also required.

based approaches, found in Chapter

8.1 Operational Planning and Control
and Chapter 9.3 Management Review.
While organisations are required to
identify and act on these risks, no
standardised risk management is

Focus on risk - The standard

emphasises the adoption of a
risk-based approach in various
places. This approach requires an
understanding of risk assessment,
found in Section 4.4 Quality
Management System and its
processes, leadership issues in
Section 5.1.1, a separate sub-clause
in Section 6.1.2 Actions to Address
Risks and Opportunities, and risk-

Flexibility in documentation - Terms

documents and records are now
replaced by documented information.
This offers flexibility on how processes
are described. An organisation is now
able to determine the amount of
documented information on processes
based on factors such as process
complexity and employees competence.
In addition, documented procedures
required by the previous version of

TV SD | Navigating ISO 9001:2015

In addition, there is no specific clause

for specific requirements for preventive
measures in the high-level structure
or core texts. This is already seen as
one of the main purposes of QMS.

the standard are no longer mandatory

in ISO 9001:2015 and is up to the
organisation to decide.
More responsibility on management The new standard expands what the
term management responsibilities
entails. The focus is on leadership
and commitment. In future, top
management will take on
responsibilities of a Quality
Management Representative. The
standard also requires organisations
to assign roles and responsibilities
more precisely.
Extension of management review
scope - The scope of management
review has expanded with the addition
of the aspect strategic direction of
the organisation. Management now
needs to consider the interest of
relevant interested parties and
assess risks at a strategic level.

How you can prepare for the new standard?

Organisations currently certified to
the requirements of ISO 9001:2008
will have three years to achieve
recertification to the requirements
found in ISO 9001:2015. However, the
differences between the two versions
of the standard are extensive.
Therefore, organisations are advised
to promptly begin the process of
reviewing their current QMS and
quality processes and documentation
in order to identifyrequired changes.
Once this gap analysis has been
completed, organisations can then

map out a process and timetable

for bringing their existing QMS into
compliance with the requirements
of the revised standard. Considering
the scope of potential changes that
may be required, postponing these
tasks until the end of the transition
period can expose an organisation to
unnecessary risk.
For organisations seeking ISO 9001
certification for the first time, it is
also advisable to begin the planning
and implementation process as early
as possible to avoid unexpected

delays in achieving certification.

Organisations already
holding ISO 9001
certification are advised
to begin the transition to
the requirements of the
new standard as soon as

How can TV SD help you?

TV SD is an internationallyaccredited Certification Body for
ISO 9001. With its global presence, it
can offer certification servicing and
auditor engagement services in many
locations around the world.
Based on the numerous revisions in
ISO 9001:2015, we recommend that
organisations begin upgrading their
systems early. TV SD can conduct


a regular re-certification audit to

highlight areas affected and suggest
amendments to the current QMS of
the respective organisation.
Negotiating the technical and social
complexities of ISO 9001 certification
for a wide range of industries is
extremely complex and requires
industry expertise. TV SD has
a strong track record in helping

organisations from various industries

in different geographical locations
achieve the new standard.
TV SD also offers a vast array of
other management system standards
as well and this is a key reason why
many leading organisations make use
of TV SD as their sole provider for
certification needs and solutions.

Navigating ISO 9001:2015 | TV SD


CRM customer relationship management

DIS draft international standard

FDIS final draft international standard

QMS quality management system

SRM stakeholder relationship management

[1] http://www.iso.org/iso/iso-survey

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TV SD | Navigating ISO 9001:2015


Navigating ISO 9001:2015

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+49 89 5791-0

2015 TV SD AG | V-M/MS/27.1/en/SG

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TV SD is a premium quality, safety and sustainability solutions provider that specialises in testing, inspection,
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customers, we add tangible value to businesses, consumers and the environment.

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