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Limiting the Amount of Liability

Cokaliong Shipping vs. UCPB

December 11, 1991: Nestor Angelia (shipper and

consignee) delivered to the petitioner Edgar
Cokaliong Shipping Lines, Inc. (now Cokaliong
Shipping Lines), a cargo consisting of one (1)
carton of Christmas decor and two (2) sacks of
plastic toys, to be transported on board the M/V
Tandag from Cebu City for Tandag, Surigao del
Sur. This cargo is under Bill of Lading No. 58, in
the amount of P6,500.00.

Zosimo Mercado (another shipper and consignee)

likewise delivered cargo to petitioner consisting of
two (2) cartons of plastic toys and Christmas
decor, one (1) roll of floor mat and one (1) bundle
of various or assorted goods. This is under Bill of
Lading No. 59, valued in the amount
of P14,000.00

Feliciana Legaspi (owner of the goods) insured

the cargo, covered by BOL Nos. 59 and No. 58,
Inc., [respondent]. No. 59 was insured for
P100,000 while No. 58 for P50,000. [*Note that
both amounts are far from the actual and
declared value in the BOLs issued by Cokaliong]

After the vessel had passed by the MandaueMactan Bridge, fire ensued in the engine room,
and, despite earnest efforts of the officers and
crew of the vessel, the fire engulfed and
destroyed the entire vessel resulting in the loss of
the vessel and the cargoes therein.

Feliciana Legaspi filed a claim, with [respondent],

for the value of the cargos insured. The latter
approved the claim. For Bill of Lading No. 59,
Legaspi received from UCPB P99,000.00 while for
No. 58, P60,338.00.

UCPB as subrogee of Legaspi, filed a complaint

anchored on torts against petitioner, with the RTC
of Makati City, for the collection of the total
principal amount of P148,500.00. Respondent
alleged that the loss of the cargo was due to the
negligence of the petitioner

Petitioner alleged that: (a) It was cleared by the

Board of Marine Inquiry of any negligence in the
burning of the vessel; and (b) it cannot be held
liable for the loss of the cargo beyond the value
thereof declared in the Bill of Lading.

(1) Is petitioner liable for the loss of the
goods? YES
(2) If it is liable, what is the extent of its
liability? According to what was reflected in
the Bill of Lading

(1) Petitioners argument: the cause of the
loss of the goods, subject of this case, was
force majeure. It adds that its exercise of due
diligence was adequately proven by the
findings of the Philippine Coast Guard.

convinced. The
uncontroverted findings of the Philippine
Coast Guard show that the M/V Tandag sank
due to a fire, which resulted from a crack in
the auxiliary engine fuel oil service tank. The
crack was located on the side of the fuel oil
tank, which had a mere two-inch gap from
the engine room walling, thus precluding
constant inspection and care by the crew

Having originated from an unchecked crack

in the fuel oil service tank, the fire could not
have been caused by force majeure. Broadly
speaking, force majeure generally applies to
a natural accident, such as that caused by a
lightning, an earthquake, a tempest or a
public enemy.

Hence, fire is not considered a natural

disaster or calamity. It does not fall within
the category of an act of God unless caused
by lighting or by other natural disaster or
calamity. It may even be caused by the actual
fault or privity of the carrier.

Peril of fire is not comprehended within the

exceptions in Article 1734; Article 1735
applies (please see provision)

Where loss of cargo results from the failure of

the officers of a vessel to inspect their ship
frequently so as to discover the existence of
cracked parts, that loss cannot be attributed
to force majeure, but to the negligence of
those officials.

Ensuring the seaworthiness of the vessel is

the first step in exercising the required
vigilance. Petitioner did not present sufficient
evidence showing what measures or acts it
had undertaken to ensure the seaworthiness
of the vessel.
It failed to show when the last inspection and
care of the auxiliary engine fuel oil service
tank was made, or some other evidence to
establish that it had exercised extraordinary
It merely stated that constant inspection and
care were not possible, and that the last time
the vessel was dry-docked was in November
(2) Respondents
liability should be based on the actual insured
value of the goods, subject of this case.

Petitioners: its liability should be limited to

the value declared by the shipper/consignee
in the Bill of Lading.
SC: Petitioner should not be held liable for
more than what was declared by the
shippers/consignees as the value of the
goods in the bills of lading.
Ratio: The records show that the Bills of
Lading covering the lost goods contain the
stipulation that in case of claim for loss or for
damage to the shipped merchandise or
property, [t]he liability of the common carrier
x x x shall not exceed the value of the goods
as appearing in the bill of lading.
A stipulation that limits liability is valid as
long as it is not against public policy.
Following provisions apply in the present

Art. 1749. A stipulation that the common

carriers liability is limited to the value of the
goods appearing in the bill of lading, unless
the shipper or owner declares a greater
value, is binding.
Art. 1750. A contract fixing the sum that
may be recovered by the owner or shipper for
the loss, destruction, or deterioration of the
goods is valid, if it is reasonable and just
under the circumstances, and has been freely
and fairly agreed upon.

Pursuant to the afore-quoted provisions of

law, it is required that the stipulation limiting
the common carriers liability for loss must be
reasonable and just under the circumstances,
and has been freely and fairly agreed upon.

In the present case, the stipulation limiting

petitioners liability is not contrary to public

The shippers/consignees may recover the full

value of the goods by the simple expedient of
declaring the true value of the shipment in
the Bill of Lading. Other than the payment of

a higher freight, there was nothing to stop

them (Legaspi, from placing the actual
value of the goods therein.

In fact, they committed fraud against the

common carrier by deliberately undervaluing
the goods in their Bill of Lading, thus
depriving the carrier of its proper and just
transport fare.

Concededly, the purpose of the limiting

stipulation in the Bill of Lading is to protect
the common carrier. Such stipulation obliges
the shipper/consignee to notify the common
carrier of the amount that the latter may be
liable for in case of loss of the goods. The
common carrier can then take appropriate
measures -- getting insurance, if needed, to
cover or protect itself. This precaution on the
part of the carrier is reasonable and prudent.

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