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Profesora Harcrow. Spanish II. Ballou Senior High School Fall 2009. Unit 5.

Fecha: el ________ de ____________________
What are today’s 3 key points?

1. Be able to identify _________________________________________________ in Spanish.

2. Review ___________________________________________________________.
3. Be able to conjugate ________________________________________________________ .

Intro to New Material Key Point ONE:

Be able to identify ROOMS in a HOUSE in Spanish

Profesora Harcrow. Spanish II. Ballou Senior High School Fall 2009. Unit 5.3

IN = ________________________

Practica: Label the drawing below with the appropriate vocabulary for the rooms in a house.
Listen to Profa. Harcrow describe the house she is living in. Answer the questions below in Spanish.
1. How many bedrooms are there in Profa’s house?
2. How many living rooms are there in Profa’s house?
3. How many bathrooms are there in Profa’s house?
Checks For Understanding:
1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

Intro to New Material Key Point TWO:

Review Reflexive Verbs
What is a reflexive verb?
a. a verb that refers to a person, place or thing
Profesora Harcrow. Spanish II. Ballou Senior High School Fall 2009. Unit 5.3
b. a verb that refers back to the subject
c. a verb that does not refer to anything
d. a verb that ends in se

Are the following sentences reflexive? (R=Reflexive X=NOT Reflexive)

___________ The wash their hair everyday. __________ We woke up early.

___________ I wash my hands with soap. ___________ We went to bed.
___________ We call ourselves “The Kinights”. ___________ She put on make-up.
___________ My mom brushed my hair. ___________ He called his friend.
___________ They washed the dog. ___________ She calls herself Jamie.
___________ She woke up her daughter. ___________ They shaved before work.

What are the subject pronouns in Spanish? What are the reflexive pronouns?

What do subject pronouns tell us?

e. who does the action
f. who receives the action
What do reflexive pronouns tell us?
a. who does the action
b. who receives the action
Where do we place reflexive pronouns?
a. At the end of conjugated verbs
b. At the beginning of the sentence
c. Before conjugated verbs
d. After conjugated verbs

Are the following sentences reflexive? (R=Reflexive X=NOT Reflexive)

___________ Nosotros nos levantamos. __________ Ellos se despertaron tarde.
___________ Ellos llaman a la escuela. ___________ Ellos se acostaron.
___________ Ella se llama Ashley. ___________ Maria se acuestan.
___________ Mi madre se cepilla los dientes. ___________ Tú llamas la polica.
___________ Tú te bañ as. ___________ Maria se ducha antes de acostarse.
__________ Me despierta temprano. ___________ Maria y yo nos acostamos tarde.
Profesora Harcrow. Spanish II. Ballou Senior High School Fall 2009. Unit 5.3

Actividades diarias Daily Activities

despertarse (e ie)
vestirse (e  ie)
cepillarse los dientes
peinarse el pelo
lavarse la cara
acostarse (o ue)
Tu________________________________________ (vestirse, e  ie) después de ducharte.

2. Ellas________________________________________ (maquillarse) en el bañ o.

3. Nosotros________________________________________ (cepillarse los dientes) después de comer.

4. Yo ________________________________________ (acostarse, o ue) a las once.

5. María y José ________________________________________ (despertarse) temprano.

6. Tu________________________________________ (bañ arse) después de comer la cena.

Checks For Understanding:

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

Intro to New Material Key Point THREE:

Profesora Harcrow. Spanish II. Ballou Senior High School Fall 2009. Unit 5.3
Be able to answer the question ¿Qué haces en …..?
“¿Qué haces en…?”

En …., yo ____________________.

Yo __________________ en …..

¿Qué haces en el baño?

En el baño, yo me baño.
En el baño yo me cepillo los dientes.
En el baño, yo me ducho.


Yo me baño en el baño.
Yo me cepillo lo dientes en el baño.
Yo me ducho en el baño.


¿Qué haces en el dormitorio?

Yo me acuesto en el dormitorio.
Yo escucho música en el dormitorio.

¿Qué haces en la sala?

Checks For Understanding:

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

Profesora Harcrow. Spanish II. Ballou Senior High School Fall 2009. Unit 5.3
Conjugate the following verbs in parenthesis in the PRESENT and WRITE THE ENGLISH
1. Yo (levantarse) a las seis.

2. Ella (acostarse, o  ue) a las once.

3. Tu (cepillarse los dientes) en el bano.

4. Nosotros (despertarse (e ie) a las seis.

5. El (ducharse) rá pidamente.

6. Yo (lavarse) la cara en el bano.

7. Ellos (afeitarse) antes del trabajo.

8. Ustedes (levantarse) a las nueve.

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