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Obligations &

Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. L-21486

May 14, 1966


Manuel O. Chan for petitioners.
Sixto T. Antonio for respondents.
La Mallorca and Pampanga Bus Company, Inc., commonly known as La Mallorca-Pambusco, filed this appeal
bycertiorari from the decision of the Court of Appeals which affirmed that rendered by the Court of First Instance of
Bulacan in its civil case No. 2100, entitled "Valentin de Jesus and Manolo Tolentino vs. La Mallorca-Pambusco." The
court a quo sentenced the defendant, now petitioner, "to pay to plaintiffs the amount of P2,132.50 for actual
damages; P14,400.00 as compensatory damages; P10,000.00 to each plaintiff by way of moral damages; and
P3,000.00 as counsel fees."
Two errors are attributed to the appellate Court: (1) "in sustaining the decision (of the court a quo) holding that the
petitioners were liable for the accident which was caused by a blow-out of one of the tires of the bus and in not
considering the same as caso fortuito," and (2) in holding petitioners liable for moral damages.
The suit arose by reason of the death of Lolita de Jesus, 20-year old daughter of Valentin de Jesus and wife of
Manolo Tolentino, in a head-on collision between petitioner's bus, on which she was a passenger, and a freight truck
traveling in the opposite direction, in a barrio in Marilao Bulacan, in the morning of October 8, 1959. The immediate
cause of the collision was the fact that the driver of the bus lost control of the wheel when its left front tire suddenly
Petitioner maintains that a tire blow-out is a fortuitous event and gives rise to no liability for negligence, citing the
rulings of the Court of Appeals in Rodriguez vs. Red Line Transportation Co., CA-G.R. No. 8136, December 29,
1954, and People vs. Palapad, CA-G.R. No. 18480, June 27, 1958. These rulings, however, not only are not not
binding on this Court but were based on considerations quite different from those that obtain in the at bar. The
appellate Court there made no findings of any specified acts of negligence on the part of the defendants and
confined itself to the question of whether or not a tire blow-out, by itself alone and without a showing as to the
causative factors, would generate liability. In the present case, the cause of the blow-out was known. The inner tube
of the left front tire, according to petitioner's own evidence and as found by the Court of Appeals "was pressed
between the inner circle of the left wheel and the rim which had slipped out of the wheel." This was, said Court
correctly held, a mechanical defect of the conveyance or a fault in its equipment which was easily discoverable if the
bus had been subjected to a more thorough, or rigid check-up before it took to the road that morning.
Then again both the trial court and the Court of Appeals found as a fact that the bus was running quite fast
immediately before the accident. Considering that the tire which exploded was not new petitioner describes it as
"hindi masyadong kalbo," or not so very worn out the plea of caso fortuito cannot be entertained.

The second issue raised by petitioner is already a settled one. In this jurisdiction moral damages are recoverable by
reason of the death of a passenger caused by the breach of contract of a common carrier, as provided in Article
1764, in relation to Article 2206, of the Civil Code. These articles have been applied by this Court in a number of
cases, among them Necesito, etc. vs. Paras, et al., L-10605-06, June 30, 1958; Mercado vs. Lira, L-13328-29, Sept.
29, 1961; Villa-Rey Transit vs. Bello, L-18957, April 23, 1963.
Wherefore, the judgment appealed from is affirmed, with costs against petitioners.

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Bengzon, C.J., Bautista Angelo, Concepcion, Reyes, J.B.L., Barrera, Dizon, Regala, Bengzon, J.P., Zaldivar and
Sanchez, JJ., concur.

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