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Please rate each competency using the 5-point rating scale

Exercises outstanding performance on this competency far exceeds acceptable
Exercises very good performances on this competency better than acceptable
Exercises quite acceptable performance on this competency and meets
Performance on this competency is not quite up to acceptable standards. A
development is needed
Performance on this competency fails to meet acceptable standards. A major
development is needed


Competencies at Managerial level

Please tick what you feel most appropriate
1. Basic knowledge and information
1 Command of basic facts: Understand the business and
have sound knowledge of basic facts surrounding the
business such as short and long term goals, product
knowledge and the roles and relationships between various
2 Relevant professional knowledge: Know the background
of management principles including planning, organizing
controlling and directing
2. Skills and attributes
1 Continuing sensitivity to events: Aware of what is going
on and is perceptive and open to information; hard
information such as figures and facts, and soft information
such as feeling of other people
2 Analytical, problem solving and decision-making skill:
Weigh the pros and cons in an uncertain and ambiguous
situation, calling for a high level of judgment or taking
appropriate decision without much delay
3 Social skills and abilities: Develop, negotiate, resolve
conflict, persuade, use and respond to authority and power
so as to get things done
4 Emotional resilience: Deal with emotional stress and
strain that arises as consequence of working situations of
authority, leadership, power, targets and deadlines
5 Pro-activity: Respond to the needs of the instant situation,

but while making such a response consider the long-term

aims and goals and the impact of immediate decision
3. Meta Qualities
1 Creativity: Come up with unique ideas or solutions
either ones own ideas or ideas from another source
2 Mental agility: Grasp problems quickly, think about
several things at once, understand the whole situation
quickly and think on ones feet
3 Balanced learning habits and skills: Use a range of
learning process including use of inputs like teaching,
discovery from ones own personal experiences and
4 Self-knowledge: Aware of ones own beliefs, goals, values,
feeling, behavior and the part they play in influencing their

Questionnaire to assess the importance of each competency in the overall

performance of the job at Managerial level
Please rate the importance of each competency using the 5-point rating scale
This competency is of vital importance to a successful performance of my job
This competency is definitely important to the successful performance of my job
This competency is relevant but not important to the successful performance of
my job
This competency is of highly marginal relevance to the successful performance
of my job
This competency is not relevant to the successful performance of my job


Please tick what you feel most appropriate

1. Basic knowledge and information
1 Command of basic facts: Understand the business and
have sound knowledge of basic facts surrounding the
business such as short and long term goals, product
knowledge and the roles and relationships between various
2 Relevant professional knowledge: Know the background
of management principles including planning, organizing
controlling and directing
2. Skills and attributes
1 Continuing sensitivity to events: Aware of what is going


on and is perceptive and open to information; hard

information such as figures and facts, and soft information
such as feeling of other people
Analytical, problem solving and decision-making skill:
Weigh the pros and cons in an uncertain and ambiguous
situation, calling for a high level of judgment or taking
appropriate decision without much delay
Social skills and abilities: Develop, negotiate, resolve
conflict, persuade, use and respond to authority and power
so as to get things done
Emotional resilience: Deal with emotional stress and
strain that arises as consequence of working situations of
authority, leadership, power, targets and deadlines
Pro-activity: Respond to the needs of the instant situation,
but while making such a response consider the long-term
aims and goals and the impact of immediate decision

3. Meta Qualities
1 Creativity: Come up with unique ideas or solutions
either ones own ideas or ideas from another source
2 Mental agility: Grasp problems quickly, think about
several things at once, understand the whole situation
quickly and think on ones feet
3 Balanced learning habits and skills: Use a range of
learning process including use of inputs like teaching,
discovery from ones own personal experiences and
4 Self-knowledge: Aware of ones own beliefs, goals, values,
feeling, behavior and the part they play in influencing their

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