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CLASS PROJECT 2013 - 2015

Name: Omar Samuel

Table of Content

Page 1 Table of Content

Page 2 - Acknowledgement
Page 3 Definitions of Physical education
Page 4 Event: Inter-house football
Page 6 - Definition of a technical manager
Page 7 - Responsibilities
Page 8 Other or additional responsibilities
Page 9 Thing to do
Page 10 Process of Decision
Page 11 Reflection on Decision at meeting
Page 12, 13, 14 Reflection on Physical Education
Page 15 History of event
Page 16, 17 History of Event in Thomas Saunders
Page 18 Rules of Competition
Page 19 Competition Format
Page 20 Biography

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The people I would like to thank is god for giving

me strength and energy and my family for helping
me to do this school based assignment.

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Physical Education
A planned, sequential program of curricula and
instruction that helps students develops the
knowledge, attitudes, motor skills, selfmanagement skills and confidence needed to
adopt and maintain physically active lifestyles
(teacher directed).
It is the study of movement of the human body
using both the theory and practical activities to
achieve holistic development by focusing on
body, mind and spirit.
Physical education is a part of education which
gives instructions in the development and care
of the body ranging from simple callisthenic
exercises to a course of study providing
training in hygiene, gymnastics and the
performance and management of athletics

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Event: Inter House Football


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Definition of Technical Manager

A Technical Manager is a person who plays a great
role in organizing any sport event. She/he performs
a wide variety of duties for sports organizations,
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clubs or teams and develops and oversees the

technical aspects of sporting events. The technical
manager is the one who looks after variety of jobs.
For example making sure that the event venue is
best for the sporting event.


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Carefully follows the advice of the organising

committee, setting up and return of equipment
for games.
Keeps an inventory of the equipment that are
needed for the execution of the game/event
and be responsible for the return of the
equipment to the store room.
Performs simple maintenance of equipment.
Investigates and compiles a report about any
damage or loss of equipment and reports
findings to the competition manager.
Responsible for maintaining a tidy and efficient
equipment storeroom.

Other or Additional Responsibilities

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The roles/responsibilities of the technical manager

include the following:
Making sure that the athletes and player gets
the correct infrastructure and equipment
Making sure that the event venue suits the
needs of the sport.
Meeting and working with various other event
organizers and managers.
Preparing and developing event schedules.
Making sure that the event follows the sport's
official rules, regulations and policies.
Managing any equipment to make sure it is
well-maintained and available when needed.
Keeping a count of all equipment

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Things to do Before Competition

Prepare the equipment for the competition.

Set up the equipment for the competition
Make sure the equipment are safe for the competition
Count all the equipment

Things to do During Competition

Keep statistics
Keep player hydrated

Things to do After Competition

Account for all the equipment used

Check weather equipment are missing
Record any damage to the equipment
Return all equipment

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We first decide for 5 a side then we decided 11 a

side. We also decided full field match but then
decided half field and two games are to be played
at once. We first decided no girls a on the teams
then we decided a girl must be on the starting lineup of each team and if not one less boy on that
team. It was an immediate decision for the event in
which we were going to choose.

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I agreed on the decision of choosing the event,
made at the meeting. Reason being my favourite
sport is football, so my first and only decision was
football. I didnt agree with some of the decisions
such as playing whole field and paying $5.00 per
teams. Basically I agreed on the other decisions.

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Theory Class
My favourite topic in the theory part of physical
education is media and sports. Reasons why I like it
is because its educating, fun, interesting,
Media and sports is an educating. Reason why I say
this is because sports tend to teach you a lot of
things. Some examples are it teaches you
discipline, patience, responsibility, creativity,
teamwork and professionalism. And through media
it teaches most of these aspects.
Media and sports was also a fun topic. Reason
being I like to learn new things and I found out a lot
of new things from this topic. Some examples are
entertaining programs and instructive programs
and the positive and negative effects of media
coverage. One positive effect was it keep people
informed of current trends and players, and a
negative effect was Major sports have majority
coverage while minor sports have little coverage.
Media and sports was also an interesting. Reason
being I found out how internet and television
played a role in media and sports. The internet has
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opened a whole new world communication. Apart

from being able to stream love feeds of sporting
events, various sites such as Facebook, Twitter and
Flixster have all enhanced comments and remarks
on major events among there users. And that with
television technology has provided us with
opportunities to view sporting events at home and
around the world as they unfold.
So that is why I would say that media and sports
was the most interesting topic for me, Even though
I may not have fully understood everything still I
would rate this and my favourite topic in the
Physical Education Theory class.
Practical Class
My Favourite Theory class for Physical Education
was Learning How to Throw a Shot Put and a
Discus. Reasons why I liked this class was because
it was very educative and fun.
We learned how to hold the Shot Put (4 fingers
behind the shot, tomb pointing down to your collar
bone, pressing on your neck) and we learned how
to step into the power position (bending into a
chin, knee toe alignment, short back foot long front
foot, relaxing your non-throwing hand along with
the shoulder of the non-throwing hand) and that
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when going to throw from the power position that

your hip must rotate alone with your short back
We also learned that the shot cannot leave the
neck until you release to put. We also learned how
to walk in and out of a shot put circle. We also
learned how big a shot put circle (7 Feet in
diameter) is.
For discus we learned exactly how to hold the
discus (Tomb halfway across the discus the discus
is to be held between the joints at the end of your
fingers) and we learned how to get into the power
position and throw the discus. Its basically the
same principle with the discus compared to the
shot put but the power position is slightly different
( discus is held with two hands above your
shoulder, it is swung down into the power position
and released by the index finger ( not behind from
your little finger ).
And we also learned how big a discs circle (8 feet 3
inches diameter). So while does all of thing I had a
lot for fun learning how to throw a discus for the
first time, made a couple of mistakes but it was still

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These are the reasons why I consider This Practical

Class to be my favourite class (as stated above).

The history of modern-day soccer was established in 1863. In
October 1863, eleven representatives from London clubs and
schools met at the Freemasons Tavern to set up common
fundamental rules to control the matches amongst themselves.
The outcome of this meeting was the formation of the Football
Association. In December 1863, the Rugby Football and
Association football finally split as the supporters of the Rugby
School rules walked out.
Firmly establishing the foundation of soccer in 1869, the
Football Association strictly banned any kind of handling of the
ball. Soccers popularity spread rapidly during the 1800s as
British sailors, traders and soldiers introduced the sport to
different parts of the globe.
Italians, Austrians and Germans drew to Europe, while
Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil adopted the sport in South
America. FIFA was established in the year 1904 and by early
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1930s different leagues were operating from various countries.

FIFA is credited with organizing the first world cup in Uruguay.
The history of soccer is rich with events, development and its
growing craze all over the world. You will find yourself amazed
as you learn about different times of this wonderful sport that
has held our awe and admiration for over 3000 years.

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Thomas Saunders secondary school took part in the first
secondary school competition in 2006 in the under sixteen
division. This was not a fruitful outing for the team.
In the 2007-2008 championship with a more structural training
program for the team, the school then entered in the under 16
division. They were able to win their zone and advance to the
quarter finals and the semi-finals where they were eliminated.
In the 2009 championship the school was now able to enter both
the under sixteen and twenty one team in this championship.
The under 16 again advance to the quarter while the senior
counterpart was eliminated in the preliminary round. The juniors
were eliminated in the quarter finals by the Central Leeward
Secondary School.
In the 2010 championship the junior under 16 once again
advance to the quarter finals round while the senior counterpart
was defeated in the preliminary round.
In the 2011 championship neither of the teams advanced in the
preliminary round.

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In the 2012 championship the junior under 16 boys did not

advance to the preliminary round while the seniors made it to
the quarter finals where they were knocked out.

In the 2013 championship the juniors made it to the quarter

finals where they were knocked out by Sandy Bay while the
senior division didnt make it in the preliminary round.

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11 a side.
20 minutes per half
$ 5.00 full team
Awards for winner.
No form 5 P.E students are allowed to play in
the competition.
One girl at least on each team, she must be on
the starting line-up.
One team per house.
Semi-finals and finals when draw go to penalty.
If you win 2 points if you draw 1 point.
If no girl, then there must be one less boy on
that team.
Two matches are played at the same time.

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Knock Out

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Http:// is the Duties of
a Technical Manager

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