CREW: Department of Veterans Affairs: Regarding PTSD Diagnosis: CPEP Intitial Mental Disorders Exampination DVD

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Department of
Veterans Affairs , 'q,' Employee Education System

Department of Veterans Affairs Employee Education System


The Compensation and Pension Examination Program (CPEP) - Nashville, TN







Original Release Date: October 01,2007; Date for Re-review: September 30,2008

To complete this Participants must:

educational • Review this course brochure.
activity: • Register for the course.
• Employ a DVD player or a computer for Intra/Internet access.
• Go to the URL indicated for access to course, post test and
• Complete the post test and evaluation online.
• Receive a score of no lower than 80% on the post test, to be able to
print a certificate of completion.
• Anticipate an approximate completion time of 1.5 hours.
• Be aware that the post test may be re-taken one time.

This educational
activity includes: DVD - Web-based Post Test and Evaluation

Purpose: The purpose of this program is to provide Psychologist, Psychiatrist,

Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants with a
demonstration of an optimal Compensation and Pension Initial Mental
Disorders Examination.

For more information about the products and services provided by the Employee Education System (EES),
visit our website at
Department of
Veterans Affairs , ,$ . 'Employee Education System

Objectives: At the completion of this training, participants should be able to:

a) conduct an optimal Compensation and Pension Initial Mental

Disorders Examination;

b) discuss the importance of optimal practitioner-patient

communications in conducting a Compensation and Pension

c) ensure that the Compensation and Pension Examination provides all

the information requested by the Regional Office; and

d) contribute to the reduction of remanded Compensation and Pension

Benefit Examinations.

Outcome: The anticipated long term outcomes of this training include:

a) an expanded cadre of Compensation and Pension examiners, skilled

in the conduct of Initial Mental Disorders Examinations;

b) reductions in both the number of pending applications and the time

required to receive Initial Mental Disorders Examination
Compensation and Pension exam appointments; and

c) increased patient satisfaction with VA Compensation and Pension


Target Audience: VA Compensation and Pension Examiners - Physicians, Physician

Assistants, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Social Workers, Nurses and Nurse

Accreditation/ Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)

Approval: The VA Employee Education System is accredited by the Accreditation
Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical
education for physicians.

American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)

VA Employee Education System is accredited as a provider of continuing
nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's
Commission on Accreditation.

American Psychological Association (APA)

The VA Employee Education System (EES) is approved by the American
Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for
psychologists. The Employee Education System maintains responsibility
for this program and its content.
Department of
Veterans Affairs , AIlTAI'Employee Education System

Continuing Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)

Education Credit: The VA Employee Education System designates this educational activity
for a maximum of 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) TM. Physicians
should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation
in the activity.

American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)

VA Employee Education System designates this educational activity for 1.5
contact hours in continuing nursing education

American Psychological Association (APA)

As an organization approved by the American Psychological Association,
the VA Employee Education System is sponsoring this activity for 1.5
hours of continuing professional education credit. The Employee
Education System maintains responsibility for this program.

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)

VA Employee Education System, Provider Number 1040, is
approved as a provider for social work continuing education by the
Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), (1-800-225-6880)
through the Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. VA
Employee Education System maintains responsibility for the
program. Social workers will receive 1.5 continuing education
clock hours in participating in this course.

The Employee Education System maintains responsibility for this

educational activity. A certificate of attendance will be awarded to
participants and accreditation records will be on file at the Employee
Education System. In order to receive a certificate from EES, participants
must: register and complete an evaluation online; participate in 100% of the
educational activity; and generate, per instructions, their own certificate at
the conclusion of the activity. EES cannot issue certificates for less than
100% participation, as required by accrediting body regulations.

Report of It is the program participant's responsibility to ensure that this training is

Training: documented in the appropriate location according to his/her locally
prescribed process.
, ~4IITEmployee Education System
Department of
Veterans Affairs


• Demonstration of one example of an optimal Compensation and Pension Initial Mental

Disorders Examination
• Panel Discussion
• Post test


NOTE: This course is available on line as well as on this DVD.lfyou prefer to
take this course on line instead of from the DVD just click on the "Enter Course"
button after you have added the course to your Learning Plan.

1. Click on this link:

2. After logging in go to the Home Page; see Learning Plan.
3. In "Keyword Search" box, type in "CPEP".
4. See list of courses; choose "Initial Mental Disorders".
5. Add to Learning Plan; click on "Go to Content".
6. On the course launch page; click "next" to go directly to test, evaluation and
i\f.'\. Department of
~ Veterans Affairs ,,.IIf'Employee Education System

Faculty and Planning Committee

* Larry Burney, MSSW * Lois Perez, PhD

Health Systems Specialist Supervisory Psychologist
Compensation & Pension Examination Project Behavioral Medicine Service
Nashville, TN VA Medical Center
Planning Committee, ASWB Accreditation Loma Linda, CA

* David 1. Carroll, PhD * Ronald Richard, MSEd

+ Psychologist National Project Manager
VA Medical Center EES - Employee Education Resource Center
Milwaukee, WI Northport, NY

* Lewis R. Coulson, MD * Deborah Sher, MLS

Associate Chief of Staff for Ambulatory Care New Media Producer
VA Medical Center EES - Employee Education Resource Center
Chicago,IL Northport, NY
Planning Committee, ACCME Accreditation

* Ed Davenport * Richard Thrasher, JD

+ Claims Consultant + Chief, Counsel for Policy
Compensation & Pension Examination Project VA Central Office
Veterans Benefits Administration Washington, DC
Washington, DC

* Maudie Foy, RN, MS, ANP, CS * Antonette Zeiss, PhD

Nurse Practitioner Deputy Chief Mental Health Services
Compensation & Pension Manager VA Central Office
VA Medical Center Washington, DC
Loma Linda, CA Planning Committee, APA Accreditation

* John Hayes
Employee Education System
St. Louis, MO

* Mariane P. Kapadia
Compensation and Pension Clinical Coordinator
VA Medical Center
Miami, FL
VA Ad Hoc Nurse Planner, ANCC Accreditation

* Edna MacDonald, BA
Deputy Director
Compensation & Pension Examination Project
Nashville, TN

* Denotes planning committee

+ Denotes faculty
~ Department of
~ Veterans Affairs $ ~ iZ j Employee Education System
Project Manager: Ronald Richard, MSEd
National Project Manager
Northport Employee Education Resource Center
Northport, NY

Project Support Wanda Duncan

Assistant: Project Support Assistant
Northport Employee Education Resource Center
Northport, NY

Media Support: John Hayes

S1. Louis Employee Education System
S1. Louis, MO

Deborah Sher, MLS

New Media Producer
Northport Employee Education Resource Center
Northport, NY

Deadline Date: This program will no longer be authorized for continuing education
credit after September 30, 2008. Information on participation may be
obtained from Ronald Richard, Project Manager, Northport Employee
Education Resource Center, 79 Middleville Road, Northport, NY 11768,
phone 631-754-7914, x 2910.

The Rehabilitation The Employee Education System wishes to ensure no individual with a
Act of 1973, as disability is excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated
amended: differently from other individuals participating in its educational
activities, because of the absence of auxiliary aids and services. If you
require any special arrangements to attend and fully participate in this
educational activity, please contact Ronald Richard, Project Manager,
EES, Northport Employee Education Resource Center, phone 631-754-
7914, x 2910, e-mail [email protected] or Wanda Duncan, Project
Support Assistant, phone (631) 754-7914, x 2908 or email to
[email protected] .
Department of
Veterans Affairs ,.,.S Employee Education System


The VA Employee Education System (EES) must insure balance, independence, objectivity, and
scientific rigor in all its individually sponsored or jointly EES sponsored educational activities. All
prospective faculty & planning committee members participating in an EES activity must disclose any
relevant financial interest or other relationship with: (a) the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s)
and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed in an educational presentation, and (b) any
commercial supporters of the activity. Relevant financial interest or other relationship includes but is not
limited to such things as personal receipt of grants or research support, employee or consultant status,
stock holder, member of speakers bureau, within the prior 12 months. EES is responsible for collecting
such information from prospective planners and faculty, evaluating the disclosed information to
determine if a conflict of interest is present and, if a conflict of interest is present, to resolve such conflict.
Information regarding such disclosures and the resolution of the conflicts for planners and faculty shall be
provided to activity participants. When an unlabeled use of a commercial product or an investigational
use not yet approved by the FDA for any purpose is discussed during an educational activity, EES shall
require the speaker to disclose that the product is not labeled for the use under discussion or that the
product is still investigationa1.

Each faculty and planning committee member (author, facilitator, moderator) reported having no relevant *
financial relationships with any commercial interest. This activity includes no discussion of uses of FDA
regulated drugs or medical devices which are experimental or off-label.

*The ACCME defines "relevant financial relationships" as financial relationships in any amount occurring within the past 12
months that creates a conflict of interest.

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