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Geophysical Research Abstracts

Vol. 13, EGU2011-2650-2, 2011

EGU General Assembly 2011
Author(s) 2011

Triassic to Early Cretaceous tectonic evolution of Ecuador: insights from

U-Pb LA-ICP-MS geochronology, geochemistry and provenance studies
Ryan Cochrane (1), Richard Spikings (1), Wilfried Winkler (3), Alexey Ulianov (2), and Massimo Chiaradia (1)
(1) Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland ([email protected]), (3)
Geological Institute, ETH Zrich, Switzerland, (2) Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, University of Lausanne,

The initiation of Triassic Pangaean disassembly and the subsequent evolution of the Tethys-Pacific active margin
have given rise to a series of tectono-stratigraphic terranes within Ecuador. Despite the general paucity of
radiometric and geochemical data, two models have been proposed for the Early-Late Mesozoic evolution of
Ecuador. An allochthonous model for the Eastern Cordillera describes a collage of four narrow Mesozoic terranes
(Guamote/Chaucha - continental sliver, Alao - island arc, Loja - para-autochthonous sliver and Salado - marginal
basin), which accreted to the palaeo-continental margin in the Early Cretaceous. Alternatively, an autochthonous
model describes a common structural and sedimentological history for both the western and eastern flanks of the
Eastern Cordillera, and interprets terrane bounding sutures as intrusive contacts.
New U-Pb LA-ICP-MS dates of 245.75.6, 239.22.2, 234.21.1 and 234.660.95 Ma, from magmatic
rims of zircons extracted from acidic intrusive rocks the Loja Terrane and Amotape Complex of Ecuador confirm
the presence of a belt of Triassic migmatites and S-Type granites spanning the latitudinal extent of Ecuador.
These dates are interpreted as crystallization ages related to a HT metamorphic event that occurred prior to the
disassembly of Pangaea, although may be ultimately responsible for its fragmentation via rifting. Xenocrystic
zircon cores are common suggesting that the protoliths were sedimentary rocks, which received detritus from
provinces such as: a) the Ventuari-Tabajos (2.0 1.8 Ga), b) the Sunsas-Grenvillian (1.3 1.0 Ga), and (c) the
Braziliano-Pan African Orogen (450 650 Ma).
New major and trace element, REE and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data from volcanic rocks of the Alao Terrane
confirm the presence of an arc sequence. Relatively low LREE to HREE enrichment and juvenile Sr-Nd-Pb
isotopic signatures suggest that this arc formed on extended transitional crust in a marginal basin setting.
U-Pb LA-ICP-MS ages of detrital zircons from arc related, meta-sedimentary rocks range from 2.6 Ga to
163.71.6 Ma, showing scattered age peaks from 2.7 Ga 1.4 Ga and prominent peaks characteristic of the
Sunsas-Grenvillian province (1.3 1.0 Ma) and the Braziliano-Pan African orogen (450 650 Ma). Collectively,
these data argue against the previously proposed intra-oceanic arc setting, and for the formation of the Jurassic
Alao arc in a marginal basin setting that received continental detritus.
Meta-sedimentary rocks from the Guamote/Chaucha Terrane yield U-Pb LA-ICP-MS ages of detrital zircons that span from 3.0 Ga to 1556.1 Ma. A large Braziliano-Pan African age peak suggests that the
Guamote Terrane remained autochthonous to the South American Gondwana margin, and argues against its
previously proposed exotic nature (ruling out a Laurentian origin). Heavy mineral analyses show prominent
zircon-tourmaline-rutile (ZTR) assemblages, suggesting that these mature meta-sedimentary rocks were sourced
from granitic continental crust and reworked sedimentary sources. To explain the present day structural position
of the Guamote Terrane (west of the Peltetec suture), we envisage the Guamote Terrane as a para-autochthonous
sliver of the relict Jurassic, northwest South American margin that was emplaced dextrally along and to the west
of the Peltetec suture during the accretion of the Caribbean Plateau at 75-73 Ma.
Continued complementary studies such as geochronology, geochemistry and provenance studies of selected
Triassic Jurassic granitic and meta-sedimentary rocks will be used to place more robust constraints on the Triassic Early Cretaceous tectonic evolution of Ecuador. High temperature (Tc 380 650 C) thermochronology
(U/Pb apatite, titanite, rutile and 40Ar/39Ar muscovite and hornblende) of Palaeozoic Triassic crystalline rocks
will be used to investigate the pre-Caribbean cooling and exhumation history of the South American margin with
relation to the previously proposed Early Cretaceous terrane accretion events.

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