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______ includes factory costs such as cleaning supplies, taxes, insurance, and janitor wages.

~Your answer is correct.

Manufacturing overhead

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Indirect labor
Direct materials
Period costs

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Materials that become an important component of the finished product and their cost can be easily
and conveniently traced to the finished product are irect materials. (Enter only one word per blank).

~Your answer is correct.

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Costs that are shared by multiple cost objects in a company are known as ___ costs.

~Your answer is correct.

i f l common

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Sales revenue minus variable expenses is contribution marg i .

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Within the relevant range of activity, cost assumptions are reasonably valid.

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___ costs vary in total, in direct proportion to changes in activity level.

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l f l variable


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A cost that can be easily and conveniently traced to a specific cost object is a(n) di rec cost of that
cost object, whereas costs that cannot be easily and conveniently traced to that specific cost object


costs. (Enter only one word per blank).

~ Your answer is correct.

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Salaries of factory supervisors and factory maintenance personnel are examples of



~Your answer is correct.


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Labor costs that can be easily and conveniently traced to specific products are defined as:

~Your answer is correct.

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selling costs

manufacturing overhead costs

direct labor costs

indirect labor costs


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Which of the following are most likely fixed costs (check all that apply)?

"Your answer is correct.


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Electricity to operate factory machines

Factory insurance

Administrative salaries

Factory rent


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Indirect materials include:

~Your answer is correct.

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factory rent and insurance

nails, glue, and thread
Relatively insignificant materials are treated as indirect because it isn't worth the effort to trace
the costs.
setup labor
laptop computer keyboards

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Mixed costs are also commonly known as semi-variable costs.

~Your answer is correct.

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Mixed costs have both a fixed and a variable component.


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Within the relevant range of activity, variable costs (check all that apply):

'-'Your answer is correct.


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vary in total

remain constant per unit

remain constant in total

vary per unit

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Costs that can be easily and conveniently traced to a specific product are called ___ costs.

"'Your answer is correct.

i f l direct

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The relative proportion of each type of cost in an organization is known as the company's cost
structu "c .

~Your answer is correct.

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Any item for which cost data is desired is called a(n) cost object. (Enter only one word per blank.)

~Your answer is correct.

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Costs that have already been incurred and can not be changed by decisions made in the current
period or in future periods are called sun< costs. (Enter only one word per blank.)

~Your answer is correct.

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Marginal cost is:

~Your answer is correct.

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the cost that can be traced to a specific product.

the cost incurred to produce one more unit of a product.

what is given up by selecting one alternative over another.

another name for the fixed cost per unit.

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The financial statement that organizes costs by their behavior instead of by their function is the:

~Your answer is correct.

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balance sheet

traditional income statement

contribution format income statement

statement of cash flows


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A dress manufacturer would consider the cost of relatively inexpensive items like thread to be part of
(check all that apply):

~Your answer is correct.


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administrative costs
indirect materials

direct materials
manufacturing overhead


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Direct materials and direct labor are both:

~Your answer is correct.

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selling and administrative costs

nonmanufacturing costs

period costs
manufacturing costs


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Using the high-low method, the fixed cost is calculated (check all that apply):

~Your answer is correct.

using either the high or low level of activity

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by adding the total cost to the variable cost

before the variable cost is calculated

after the variable cost is calculated


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The revenue obtained from selling one additional unit of product is called 11arginc. revenue.

~Your answer is correct.

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When using the high low method, the change in cost divided by the change in units is:

~Your answer is correct.

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total cost
total variable cost
the fixed cost per unit

tota I fixed cost

the variable cost per unit


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Which of the following statements are

true (check all that apply)?

~Your answer is correct.

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Direct labor and indirect labor are product costs.

Indirect labor is part of manufacturing overhead.
Factory cleaning and maintenance are period costs.

Sales commissions and shipping costs are product costs.

Advertising and sales commissions are period costs.


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A change in revenues between two alternatives is known as differentic: revenue or incremental

~Your answer is correct.

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In the equation Y=a+bX, Y is the:

~Your answer is correct.

total mixed cost

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variable cost per unit of activity

level of activity
tota I fixed cost

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Preventing, detecting and dealing with defects causes ___ costs.

~Your answer is correct.

l f l quality

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Which of the following statements are true (check all that apply)?

~Your answer is correct.


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Plotting data on a scattergraph is an important diagnostic step.

Scattergraphs are a way to diagnose cost behavior.
When plotting a scattergraph, cost is the independent variable.
Scattergraphs should be used after high-low or regression analysis is performed.


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___ is based on the rise-over-run formula for the slope of a straight line.

~Your answer is correct.

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Least-squares regression
The high-low method

A scattergraph

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Differential costs are also known as ncrementa costs.

~Your answer is correct.

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A potential benefit that is forfeited or lost when one decision is chosen over another is called a(n)
opportunity cost.

~Your answer is correct.

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A fixed cost remains fixed ___ within the relevant range of activity.

'-'Your answer is correct.

l f l intotal

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per unit

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Committed fixed costs cannot easily be changed and often lock a company into a multi-year decision.

~Your answer is correct.

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When using the high-low method, the slope of the line equals the

'-'Your answer is correct.


cost per unit of activity.

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Cost behavior is considered linear whenever:

~Your answer is correct.

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the relationship between cost and activity cannot be represented by a line

a straight line approximates the relationship between cost and activity

a straight line approximates the difference between cost and activity

the difference between cost and activity is zero

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Which of the following are differences between the traditional and contribution approach to income
statements (check all that apply)?

~Your answer is correct.

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Traditional income statements focus on cost function. Contribution approach statements focus
on cost behavior.
Compared to traditional statements, contribution approach statements provide management with
a tool to make decision making easier.
The traditional income statement is for internal use, while the contribution approach income
statement is for external use.

Not for Sale or Rent!

When using account analysis, an account is classified as either fixed or variable based on:

'-'Your answer is correct.

the analyst's prior knowledge of how the cost behaves

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the equation Y = a + bX
engineering estimates of production methods

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___ costs are incurred in an attempt to lower the number of products manufactured with defects.

V'Your answer is correct.


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Internal failure

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Costs associated with the general management of an organization are called 1dministrativc costs.

(Enter only one word per blank.)

~Your answer is correct.

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Direct labor and overhead costs incurred to change raw materials into finished products are known


~Your answer is correct.

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An activity base (check all that apply):

~Your answer is correct.


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is a measure of whatever causes fixed costs to occur

measures whatever causes costs to vary

is part of the organization where major operations are planned and carried out
is sometimes called a cost driver


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Period costs are expensed on the income statement:

~Your answer is correct.

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never; they do not appear on the income statement

in the period in which they occur

in the period in which the related goods are sold


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Which of the following statements are

true (check all that apply)?

"'Your answer is correct.

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Product costs are also called inventoriable costs.

Product costs are always expensed in the same period in which the related products are

Product costs "attach" to units of product as they are purchased for resale or produced.

Product costs include all costs involved in making and selling a product.

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Products that meet or exceed their expectations and are free from defects that mar or degrade their
performance are said to have a high ualit; of conforn1ance.

~Your answer is correct.

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Not for Sale or Rent!

Which of the following is not a COST CLASSIFICATION associated with decision making?

'-'Your answer is correct.

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Sunk costs

Opportunity costs
Indirect costs

Differential costs

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We Ship It, Inc. is considering changing its shipping methods, which they believe will attract new
customers. The followinf]; information relates to the present and proposed methods.
Present Proposed
$140,000 $190,000
Variable costs $60,000 $70,000
Fixed costs
$20,000 $25,000
Calculate the differential net income or loss from the proposal.

~Your answer is correct.

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$50,000 differential net income

$35,000 differential net income
$40,000 differential net income
$15,000 differential net income


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lnventoriable costs is another term for or;odur1 costs. (Enter only one word per blank.)

~Your answer is correct.

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Differential cost is (check all that apply):

~Your answer is correct.


the difference in cost between two alternatives

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the same as opportunity cost

never relevant to a product decision


also known as incremental cost


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_ _ _ costs are incurred to identify defective products before they are shipped to customers.

~Your answer is correct.

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External failure
l f l Appraisal

Internal failure

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When a company recalls a defective product, a(n) Pxternal failure cost is incurred.

~Your answer is correct.

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A method that uses all the available data points to divide a mixed cost into its fixed and variable
components is called:

'-'Your answer is correct.

least-squares regression

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the contribution approach

the engineering approach

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The high-low method (check all that apply):

~Your answer is correct.

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is based on periods where the activity tends to be unusual

The points with the highest and lowest level of activities often tends to be unusual.

generally provides an accurate estimate of true cost behavior during normal periods
is difficult to apply and requires a statistical software package

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Manufacturing costs can be divided into three categories: direct materials, direct labor and
manutactunng overhea (Enter only one word per blank).

~ Your answer is correct.

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A report that is constructed to provide an estimate of the financial consequences that a company
incurs due to the current level of defects is called a(n) tuality cost report.

'-'Your answer is correct.

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Not for Sale or Rent!

The components of prime costs are (select all that apply):

~Your answer is correct.


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manufacturing overhead
direct labor

selling and administrative expenses

direct materials


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Variable costs vary ___ within the relevant range of activity.

~Your answer is correct.

in total

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per unit

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A non-profit organization is trying to determine the fixed and variable costs of providing meals. During
the first six months of the year, the following meals were served and the following costs were

Meals Costs

1,500 $5,200
1,700 $5,700
1,200 $4,100
1,100 $4,200
1,150 $4,250
1,650 $5,550

The cost equation using the high-low method is:

~Your answer is correct.

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y = $1,450 + $2.50x.
y = $260 + $3.20x.


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Costs incurred to obtain customers' orders are known as .:;ellinb costs. (Enter only one word per


~Your answer is correct.

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Which of the following are considered nonmanufacturing costs (check all that apply)?

~Your answer is correct.


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Assembly-line worker wages

Company president's salary

Sales commissions

Insurance on plant equipment


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