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P ★A ★C ★ Children
of Satan
Cheney’s IV
Drive for
Drive for

P.O. Box 6157 Leesburg, Virginia 20178
★ ★ ★


‘Schmittlerian’ Drive
For Dictatorship


Alito and the Führerprinzip • Cheney and the ‘Schmittlerian’ Drive

For Dictatorship • Carl Schmitt: Dick Cheney’s Éminence Grise
• Fascist ‘Feddies’ March Through the Institutions
• What’s a ‘Rohatyn’? • Felix Rohatyn, New York Dictator, 1975-82

COVER: Vice President Dick Cheney: World Economic Forum; Adolf Hitler, Nuremberg rally, 1934.

© January 2006 LLPPA-2006-001

Paid for by the Lyndon LaRouche PAC, P.O. Box 6157, Leesburg, VA 20178.
and Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate's Committee
Judge Samuel Alito and
The Führerprinzip
by Jeffrey Steinberg

Jan. 5, 2006, in a front-page story, the Wall Street
identified Judge Samuel Alito, President
he was confronted with the awesome responsibility of
preparing the United States for world war. On Sept. 8,
George W. Bush’s nominee to replace Justice Sandra 1939, at a press conference following his Proclamation
Day O’Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court, as a leading of Limited Emergency, as war was erupting in Europe,
proponent of the savagely unconstitutional doctrine of FDR assured the American people, “There is no inten-
the “unitary executive.” The idea of the “unitary execu- tion and no need of doing all those things that could be
tive,” which forms the core dogma of the ultra-right- done. . . . There is no thought in any shape, manner, or
wing Federalist Society, to which Judge Alito belongs, is form, of putting the Nation, in its defenses or in its inter-
more properly identified by its modern historical nal economy, on a war basis. That is one thing we want
name—the Führerprinzip, authored by the Nazi regime’s to avoid. We are going to keep the nation on a peace
anointed “Crown Jurist” Carl Schmitt. Schmitt’s doc- basis, in accordance with peacetime authorizations.”
trine, that the charismatic head of state is the law, and
can assert absolute dictatorial authority during periods Cheney and 9/11
of emergency, has been used to legitimize every totali- FDR’s respect for the U.S. constitutional system of
tarian regime in the West, from Hitler, to Gen. Francisco checks and balances, and separation of powers, stands in
Franco in Spain, to Gen. Augusto Pinochet in Chile, to stark contrast to the assault on the Constitution, launched
President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick by Vice President Cheney even before Sept. 11, 2001.
Cheney in the United States. As LaRouche prophetically warned, in testimony
The Wall Street Journal quoted Judge Alito from a delivered on Jan. 16, 2001 to the U.S. Senate Judiciary
November 2000 speech, delivered, appropriately, before Committee, opposing the nomination of John Ashcroft
a Federalist Society convention in Washington, D.C. The as Attorney General, the Cheney-led Bush
Constitution, Alito declared, “makes the President the Administration came into office committed to govern-
head of the Executive Branch, but it does more than ment-by-crisis-management, modelled on the Hitler Nazi
that. The President has not just some executive powers, dictatorship in Germany. LaRouche warned that the Bush
but the executive power—the whole thing.” Administration would seek, at the first opportunity, a
Judge Alito elaborated, “I thought then”—referring to “Reichstag Fire” justification for dictatorship, all based on
his 1980s tenure at the U.S. Justice Department’s Office of the legal theories of Hitler’s Carl Schmitt. It was Schmitt,
Legal Counsel—“and I still think, that this theory best cap- who wrote the legal opinion, based on the “unitary execu-
tures the meaning of the Constitution’s text and structure,” tive,” Führerprinzip, that justified Hitler’s declaration of
adding that, in his view, the Framers “saw the unitary emergency dictatorial rule on Feb. 28, 1933—twenty-four
executive as necessary to balance the huge power of the hours after the Reichstag, the German parliament, was set
legislature and the factions that may gain control of it.” ablaze by agents of Hitler’s own Herman Göring.
After reviewing the Wall Street Journal account, Lyndon The aftermath of 9/11 proved that LaRouche was 100%
LaRouche declared, “If Judge Alito does in fact adhere to right. On Dec. 19, 2005, in a press conference aboard Air
the views reported in the Wall Street Journal, he should Force Two, Vice President Cheney flaunted the fact that
not be allowed near any court—certainly not the United he came into office in January 2001, committed to rolling
States Supreme Court—except as a defendant.” LaRouche back the legislative safeguards, passed by Congress and
insisted that Alito’s nomination must be decisively defeat- signed into law by Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy
ed in the Senate, or the Supreme Court will fall fatally into Carter, in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and the
the hands of a cabal of outright “Schmittlerian” Nazis, led revelations about illegal FBI and CIA spying on American
by Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, and citizens. In calling for a rollback of those post-Watergate
Alito—all members of the self-avowed “conservative revo- “infringements” on Presidential power, Cheney was, in
lutionary” Federalist Society. effect, declaring war on the most sacred principles written
LaRouche counterposed the outright Nazi doctrine of into the U.S. Constitution.
the Federalist Society proponents of the “unitary execu- Cheney’s stooge, President Bush, certified his own adher-
tive” (Führerprinzip) to the American System principles ence to the same Führerprinzip when he recently signed the
invoked by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when defense budget, and invoked the “unitary executive” right

unleash several decades of
terror, which would spread
to other parts of South and
Central America, through a
Henry Kissinger-approved
regional death-squad pro-
gram called “Operation
Among the American
bankers and government
officials who ran the
Pinochet coup, from the
outset, were:
• Felix Rohatyn, the
Lazard Brothers banker and
ITT director. Rohatyn, a pro-
tégé of leading World War
II-era Synarchist banker
The events of 9/11 were the André Meyer, orchestrated
Synarchists’ 21st-Century
‘Reichstag Fire’ (the original is at
the 1971 ITT takeover of
left). Adding Samuel Alito (above) Hartford Insurance, and,
to the Supreme Court of the United along with ITT Chairman
States is meant to help consolidate Harold Geneen, helped over-
their coup. see the overthrow of Allende
from his post on the ITT
board. Two years after the
to ignore the bill’s explicit ban on torture. The McCain Pinochet coup, Rohatyn would impose the same
Amendment, banning torture of American-held prisoners Hitlerian/Schachtian austerity policies on New York City,
in the “Global War on Terror,” was passed by an over- through his chairmanship of the Municipal Assistance
whelming, veto-proof bipartisan majority in both the House Corporation (“Big MAC”).
and the Senate, yet the President asserted his “constitu- • George Shultz, Richard Nixon’s Treasury Secretary,
tional” authority as commander-in-chief, to ignore Congress. who orchestrated the breakup of FDR’s Bretton Woods
system on behalf of the Synarchist bankers, travelled to
Pinochet and Hitler Chile, following the Pinochet coup, and gave his personal
Despite the events of 9/11, the Synarchist bankers imprimatur to the regime’s radical free-trade economic
behind Cheney did not fully succeed in their scheme for policies, including the looting-by-privatization of the
dictatorship and the overthrow of the Constitution. Both country’s pension system. The same privatization of Social
the Congress and the American people put up sufficient Security was attempted by the Bush Administration last
resistance to partly stymie the efforts to impose crisis- year—with Shultz’s enthusiastic backing. Himself a prod-
management-style Executive branch rule-by-decree. The uct of the University of Chicago Economics Department
May 2005 bipartisan “Gang of 14” Senate revolt against of Milton Friedman and the “Chicago Boys” who ran the
Cheney’s so-called “nuclear option” to strip the Senate of economic policy of the Pinochet dictatorship, Shultz has
its Constitutional role of “advise and consent” represented been the behind-the-scenes Svengali of the Bush-Cheney
a particularly significant setback for the Synarchist cabal. Administration, steering it in an explicitly “Pinochet”
But the Cheney gang’s vision for America shows clearly direction, promoting a bankers’ dictatorship of radical
in Chile, a South American nation targetted for “the Hitler free-trade/globalization looting, utilizing unbridled police
treatment” by a cabal of American-based Synarchists, led state power to achieve his aims.
by Felix Rohatyn, Henry Kissinger, and George Shultz • Henry Kissinger, the National Security Advisor and
Chile under the 1970s and ’80s dictatorship of General Secretary of State to President Nixon, who enthusiastically
Pinochet offers the clearest picture of what Cheney et al. promoted the Pinochet coup, at the very moment that he
still intend to impose on the United States—if given the was formulating National Security Study Memorandum
opportunity. The defeat of the Supreme Court nomination 200 (NSSM-200), which asserted Anglo-American Cold
of Judge Alito offers the immediate opportunity to deliver War ownership of the planet’s strategic raw-materials
a killer blow to Rohatyn, Shultz, and Cheney’s scheme. wealth and an aggressive corollary doctrine of drastic pop-
ulation reduction, through wars, disease and famine—all
The Other Sept. 11 targetted at the Third World. Kissinger was the principal
On Sept. 11, 1973, Gen. Augusto Pinochet led a mili- American government official behind Operation Condor, a
tary coup that ousted the legitimately elected government right-wing death-squad apparatus that ran a “strategy of
of President Salvador Allende. The Pinochet coup would tension” terror war against the sovereign republics of

South American, which spilled over into continental Reichstag Fire coup. Schmitt argued that the “charismatic
Europe, particularly Italy. One of Kissinger’s primary leader” derives unbridled power from “the people” in time
assets in Operation Condor was the Propaganda Two (P-2) of crisis, and that any form of government, based on a sys-
Freemasonic Lodge of World War II-era fascist Licio Gelli. tem of checks and balances, consensus, and separation of
The Chile of the Pinochet dictatorship, steered from powers, is illegitimate, because it stands in the way of the
Wall Street and the Nixon Administration by Rohatyn, absolute ruler’s responsibility to “protect the people.”
Shultz, and Kissinger, is the model for what these same In the case of the Pinochet coup in Chile, Schmitt’s
individuals and the Synarchist bankers cabal they repre- student-protégé Jaime Guzman, argued that the govern-
sent, have in mind for the U.S.A.—if they are not stopped. ment had to use violence to impose order. Guzman was
the sole source of legal justification for the Pinochet
Carl Schmitt coup and dictatorship, and he insisted that violence was
These are the issues before the U.S. Senate in the case a precondition for success. In effect, Schmitt acolyte
of Judge Alito. The doctrine of the “unitary executive” pro- Guzman ran fascist Chile—in the name of the same doc-
moted by Alito is a carbon copy of the doctrine of law trine of “unitary executive” power that Schmitt had ear-
devised by Carl Schmitt to justify the Hitler dictatorship of lier codified in the Führerprinzip. It is the same doctrine
February 1933 and the Pinochet dictatorship of Sept. 11, that Cheney et al. seek to impose today on the U.S.A.
1973. In both the Hitler and Pinochet cases, Schmitt was This is fascism—pure and simple—and it must be
“on the scene.” As the leading German jurist of the 1920s crushed, now, if the United States is to survive as a con-
and ’30s, Schmitt wrote the legal opinion justifying Hitler’s stitutional republic.

Rohatyn, Pinochet, and the ‘Unitary Executive’

Three giant steps transformed ITT from the obscure
operator of a telephone system in Puerto Rico,
Insurance Company was opposed by the Justice
Department’s Anti-Trust Division under Richard
into a world conglomerate: 1) A contract to run the McLaren. Somehow, opposition collapsed after
whole Spanish telephone system for then-fascist dic- Rohatyn went over their head and began meeting
tator of Spain, Primo de Rivera, in 1923; 2) Lucrative with Deputy Attorney General Richard Kleindienst.
business in German war industry, after ITT founder An ITT internal memo leaked through Jack Anderson
Sosthenes Behn became the first American business- implied that ITT had won approval by pledging
man to meet dictator Hitler in 1933; and, 3) The wild $400,000 to the Republican Convention, plus unspeci-
merger spree run by Lazard Frères and Felix Rohatyn fied “services.” It was this Hartford affair that gave
from 1961 into the 1970s. Rohatyn his nickname, “Felix the Fixer.”
Rohatyn held the top post of Lazard Frères represen- But unknown at the time were Nixon’s telephone
tative on ITT’s board throughout its role in planning calls. The day before his meeting with Rohatyn, the
and executing Pinochet’s coup. Other officials, from President telephoned Kleindienst, to say that he
ITT’s Chairman on down, have by now admitted their would no longer tolerate any antitrust action against
frequent top-level meetings on the subject in ITT. “If [that’s] not understood, McLaren’s ass is to be
Washington and elsewhere, their offers of millions of out of there in one hour. The ITT thing—stay the hell
dollars, and some of their large expenditures for politi- out of it. Is that clear? That’s an order.”
cal destabilization and a coup in Chile. Rohatyn was in Kleindienst tried to stall. He told the President how
charge of knowing everything about ITT for Lazard; was difficult it would be to interfere so late in the game.
he the only one in the dark? And would they have dared The President became enraged. “The order is to leave
to undertake such a scheme without consulting him in the goddamned thing alone. . . . I do not want McLaren
advance? No. A glance at the history of the bank makes to run around prosecuting people, raising hell about
it clear that it was Rohatyn and Lazard which instigated conglomerates, stirring things up at this point. . . .”
the conspiracy, along with the lower-level pro-fascist Kleindienst tried again to explain how difficult it
ITT Director John McCone, rather than Harold Geneen. was to stifle such an appeal now. “You son of a bitch.
But in the meanwhile, the release of the Nixon tapes Don’t you understand the English language? Drop the
and the record of the Church Committee hearings of goddamned thing. Is that clear?” (See Judith Ramsey
1975, have clarified Rohatyn’s and ITT’s relationship to Ehrlich and Barry J. Rehfeld, The New Crowd [Little,
a drift towards fascist-like dictatorship here in the Brown: New York, 1989, p. 99]).
United States. For now we know that it was that drift, It was also unknown at the time that ITT (and
in reality, not the Watergate burglary, which convinced Lazard client RCA) were giving tapes of all their inter-
U.S. institutions that it was imperative that Richard national message traffic to the NSA, so that FBI and
Nixon be removed from the Presidency. Justice could monitor Nixon’s enemies.
ITT’s 1970-71 merger with the Hartford Fire —Tony Papert

Cheney and the
‘Schmittlerian’ Drive
For Dictatorship
by Edward Spannaus

n Jan. 3, 2001, nine
months before the
9/11 terrorist attacks
on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon, Lyndon
LaRouche issued a blunt
warning to a Washington,
D.C. audience, that the
incoming Bush Administra-
tion would attempt to impose
dictatorial crisis-management
rule, modeled on the Hitler
regime in Nazi Germany.
LaRouche singled out the
nomination as Attorney
General of John Ashcroft, a
leading figure within the
“conservative revolutionary” U.S. Marine Corps/Cpl. Andrew D. Pendracki
Federalist Society, as the Lurking behind Vice President Dick Cheney’s pursuit of dictatorial
clearest signal of the inten- powers are the Nazi ‘legal’ theories of ‘Crown Jurist’ Carl Schmitt
tions of some in the incoming (top left) and his boss, Adolf Hitler.
Library of Congress
Bush-Cheney regime. “First of
all,” LaRouche warned, “when Bush put Ashcroft in, as a power, according to Schmitt’s doctrine, to designate
nomination for the Justice Department, he made it clear, which part of his own population were enemies, and to
the Ku Klux Klan was riding again. . . . Ashcroft was an imprison them, freely. And to eliminate them. This was
insult to the Congress. If the Democrats in the Congress the dictatorship.”
capitulate to the Ashcroft nomination, the Congress is In prescient words, LaRouche continued: “We’re
LaRouche then got to the heart of the
matter: “This is pretty much like the same
thing that Germany did, on Feb. 28, 1933, LaRouche Warned the Senate
when the famous Notverordnung [emer-
gency decree] was established. Just remem- The evaluation of the danger represented by the Bush
ber after the Reichstag fire, that Göring, Administration’s nomination of John Ashcroft as Attorney
who commanded at that time, Prussia—he General, which we quote here, was presented at length and ver-
was the Minister-President of Prussia—set batim by Lyndon LaRouche’s National Spokesperson Dr. Debra
into motion an operation. As part of this, H. Freeman, in written testimony to the Senate Judiciary
operating under rules of Carl Schmitt, a Committee on Jan. 16, 2001. The testimony was included in the
famous pro-Nazi jurist of Germany, they official record of the Senate, and therefore was available to all
passed this act called the Notverordnung, members of the U.S. Senate, from that time forward.
the emergency act, which gave the state the

going into a period in which either we do the kinds of power. Cheney, facing a growing revolt from the
things I indicated in summary to you today, or else what Congress, the military and intelligence institutions, and
you’re going to have is not a government. You’re going the American people, against his over-the-top push for
to have something like a Nazi regime. Maybe not initial- Presidential dictatorship and his promotion of
ly at the surface. What you’re going to have is a govern- Nuremberg war crime offenses, let it all hang out, admit-
ment which cannot pass legislation. How does a govern- ting that he came into the Vice Presidency, fully commit-
ment which cannot pass meaningful legislation, under ted to the imposition of rule-by-decree government.
conditions of crisis, govern? They govern in every case in “A lot of the things around Watergate and Vietnam,
known history, by what’s known as crisis-management. both, in the ’70s, served to erode the authority, I think,
In other words, just like the Reichstag fire in Germany. the President needs to be effective, especially in a
“What you’re going to get with a frustrated Bush national security area,” Cheney began. “If you want ref-
Administration, if it’s determined to prevent itself from erence to an obscure text, go look at the minority views
being opposed, you’re going to get crisis management. that were filed with the Iran-Contra Committee; the
Where special warfare types, of the secret government, Iran-Contra Report in about 1987. . . . And those of us
the secret police teams, will set off provocations, which in the minority wrote minority views, but they were
will be used to bring about dictatorial powers, in the actually authored by a guy working for me, for my staff,
name of crisis management. You will have small wars that I think are very good in laying out a robust view of
set off in various parts of the world, which the Bush the President’s prerogatives with respect to the conduct
Administration will respond to with crisis management of especially foreign policy and national security mat-
methods of provocation.” ters. . . . I served in the Congress for ten years, . . . but I
LaRouche emphasized, “You’ve got to control this do believe that, especially in the day and age we live in,
process now, while you still have the power to do so. Don’t the nature of the threats we face, . . . the President of
be like the dumb Germans, who, after Hitler was appoint- the United States needs to have his constitutional pow-
ed to the Chancellorship, in January 1933, sat back and ers unimpaired, if you will, in terms of the conduct of
said, ‘No, we’re going to defeat him in the next election.’ national security policy. That’s my personal view.
There was never a next election—there was just this “Either we’re serious about fighting the war on terror
‘Jawohl’ for Hitler as dictator. Because the Notverordnung or we’re not. . . . The President and I believe very deeply
of February 1933 eliminated the political factor. . . .” that there’s a hell of a threat, that it’s there for anybody
Returning to the Bush-Cheney team, LaRouche said, who wants to look at it. And that our obligation and
“I know these guys very well, because I’ve been up responsibility, given our job, is to do everything in our
against them. . . . These guys, pushed to the wall, will power to defeat the terrorists. And that’s exactly what
come out with knives in the dark. They will not fight you we’re doing.”
politically; they will get you in the back. They will use
their thugs to get you. That’s their method—know it.” Presidential Dictatorship: ‘The Dark Side’
LaRouche next turned to the U.S. Supreme Court of This view of unbridled Executive power as laid out by
Federalist Society godfather, Justice Antonin Scalia: Cheney was shocking, even to many seasoned hands in
“Given the implications of the grave financial crisis the institutions of our government, especially for
faced by the U.S.A. today, the crucial fact of greatest Cheney’s total rejection of the post-Watergate reforms. It
importance concerning Scalia’s doctrines of law, is that is a view that has been expressed in a number of
his political and legal outlook is identical, on all crucial- obscure, and many still-secret, legal memoranda written
ly relevant points of comparison, to the legal dogmas in the past five years by a cabal of lawyers around
used to bring Adolf Hitler to power during a roughly Cheney, most of whom were groomed in the misnamed
comparable period of grave financial crisis in Germany. Federalist Society, but it has seldom been so openly
Specifically, Scalia expresses the same explicitly expressed by the Vice President himself.
Romantic dogmas of the pro-fascist ‘conservative revolu- Five days after the 9/11 attacks, Cheney had hinted at
tion’ of G.W.F. Hegel, Friedrich Nietzsche, et al., which what he was planning, during an appearance on NBC’s
Scalia has imitated, in keeping with the model precedent “Meet the Press,” when he declared that “lawyers always
of the so-called ‘Kronjurist’ of Nazi Germany, Carl have a role to play, but . . . this is war.” He elaborated
Schmitt. That is the Schmitt who was the legal architect his Hobbesian view:
of the doctrine creating those dictatorial powers given, “We also have to work, though, sort of the dark side, if
with ‘finality,’ to the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler.” you will. We’ve got to spend time in the shadows in the
That was Jan. 3, 2001. Now five years later, Vice intelligence world. A lot of what needs to be done here
President Dick Cheney, the “Herman Göring” of the Bush will have to be done quietly, without any discussion,
Administration, has come out with the blunt admission using sources and methods that are available to our intel-
that everything that LaRouche said back in January 2001 ligence agencies, if we’re going to be successful. That’s
was true. On Dec. 20, while traveling to Oman on Air the world these folks operate in, and so it’s going to be
Force Two, the Vice President spoke to reporters, and vital for us to use any means at our disposal, basically, to
delivered an unabashed defense of Carl Schmitt’s achieve our objective. . . . It is a mean, nasty, dangerous,
Führerprinzip (Leader Principle) of absolute executive dirty business out there, and we have to operate in that

arena. I’m convinced we can do it; we can do it success- tion of powers, and constitutionally guaranteed checks
fully. But we need to make certain that we have not tied and balances, no longer apply.
the hands, if you will, of our intelligence communities in When Bush and Cheney recite that “9/11 changed
terms of accomplishing their mission.” everything,” they are mouthing the words of Hitler’s
At the same time that Cheney was talking about Crown Jurist, Carl Schmitt.
America’s venture to “the dark side,” the Vice President
was attempting to bully the U.S. Congress into surren- The Federalist Society
dering dictatorial powers to the White House—including How did these Schmittlerian arguments get laun-
the authority to spy on American citizens, without the dered into the Bush-Cheney Administration?
legally mandated court orders. As the New York Times Needless to say, the Administration’s lawyers don’t go
revealed on Dec. 16, 2005, within days of the 9/11 around quoting Carl Schmitt—at least not by name.
attacks, Cheney attempted to ram through Congress a Whereas Schmitt labelled his theory of the all-powerful
war powers resolution, granting carte blanche authority Leader, the Führerprinzip, David Addington and the
to use “any means necessary” both abroad and at home, Federalist Society give it a different name: the “unitary
to conduct the “war on terror.” Sen. Tom Daschle (D- executive.”
S.D.), the Senate Majority Leader at the time of the 9/11 This came to light in an Oct. 11, 2004 profile of
attacks, blocked authority for domestic operations, and Addington, written for the Washington Post by Dana
the Congress, as a whole, limited the President’s war Milbank.
powers to actions against the perpetrators of the 9/11 “Where there has been controversy over the past four
attacks. Cheney and his gang of Federalist Society legal years, there has often been Addington,” Milbank wrote,
gun-slingers proceeded to ignore the Congress, and noting that Addington’s views are “so audacious that
launched unauthorized surveillance and dirty tricks even conservatives on the Supreme Court sympathetic to
against American citizens, on a scale yet-to-be-revealed. Cheney’s views have rejected them as overreaching.”
Already at that point—in fact, even before 9/11— “Even in a White House known for its dedication to
Cheney and his hand-picked legal mouthpieces (David conservative philosophy, Addington is known as an ideo-
Addington, Timothy Flanigan, and John Yoo, in particu- logue, an adherent of an obscure philosophy called the
lar) wrote this into policy in the documents that have unitary executive theory that favors an extraordinarily
become known as the “torture memos.” In order to get powerful President,” Milbank continued.
to “the dark side,” they repeatedly claimed that any law The “theory” traces its origins to the Reagan
or act of Congress which infringes on the “inherent Administration—and in time it coincided with the for-
authority” of the President as Commander in Chief to mation of the Federalist Society (which, to be historical-
conduct war, is unconstitutional. It is the President, and ly accurate, would better be known as the Anti-
the President alone, who decides what is necessary to Federalist Society). One of the founders of the Federalist
defend the nation. Society, Steven Calabresi of Yale University, is also the
foremost proponent of the unitary executive.
The Leader Creates the Law At its core, is the dogma that the President has as
This argument has a definite pedigree—even if its much right as, perhaps even more than, the Supreme
proponents, understandably, fail to footnote it. Court, to interpret the Constitution, and that the
It is called the Führerprinzip, and its foremost theorist President must brook no interference from the other two
was Carl Schmitt, known in his time as the “Crown branches with his prerogatives and powers. The
Jurist of the Third Reich.” Schmitt’s theories have been President is entitled, indeed obligated, to disregard any
undergoing a revival in the United States and elsewhere laws he regards as unconstitutional (although this is, to
in recent years, so it is not surprising to see them pop- be sure, a quite perverted meaning of what is “constitu-
ping up here. tional” and “unconstitutional”).
Schmitt contended—as do Cheney’s lawyers today— In the Bush-Cheney Administration, under the direc-
that, in times of crisis, legal norms are suspended, and tion of Addington and his clique, the doctrine has been
the Leader, in this case, the President, both is, and cre- applied to military and national security matters in an
ates, the law. “All law is derived from the people’s right to unprecedented manner, even to the chagrin of some of
existence,” Schmitt wrote in 1934. “Every state law, every its proponents.
judgment of the courts, contains only so much justice, as
it derives from this source. The content and the scope of How It Worked
his action, is determined only by the Leader himself.” David Addington first surfaced as the Bush-Cheney
The “theoretical” grounding for these arguments in Administration’s latter-day Carl Schmitt two months
the Nazi period, was provided by Schmitt, who contend- after 9/11, when a number of military-linked lawyers
ed that legal norms are applicable only in stable, peace- told EIR of their anger over the President’s Nov. 13,
ful situations, not in times of war when the state con- 2001 Military Order establishing military commissions
fronts a “mortal enemy.” The Leader determines what is to try suspected terrorists. They identified the almost-
“normal,” and he also defines “the state of the excep- unknown Addington as one of those who blocked the
tion,” when legal norms, and notions such as the separa- views of the uniformed military, who were advocating

sticking with the existing procedures under the congres- changes that had taken place since then, the most
sionally enacted Uniform Code of Military Justice. important of which were the 1949 adoption of the
Although bits and pieces of the story came out over Geneva Conventions, and the 1951 enactment of the
time, it wasn’t until October 2004 that a comprehensive Uniform Code of Military Justice. Addington seized
account was published about the battles around the mil- upon the outdated 1942 precedent, and was the most
itary commissions; this was in the New York Times of influential in pushing it through, because of the clout
Oct. 24 and 25, 2004. he had by virtue of representing Cheney. Top military
The Times documented Cheney’s specific role in craft- lawyers offered proposals to shift the scheme closer to
ing a scheme to bypass both the traditional military jus- the existing military justice system; their suggestions
tice system, and the Federal courts, in order to create a were completely ignored. The OLC memo argued that
system under which prisoners could be held indefinitely the President could act unilaterally, bypassing Congress,
as “enemy combatants,” and then eventually, perhaps, by using his “inherent authority” as Commander in
tried by military tribunals. Chief.
Cheney operated in secrecy, excluding uniformed mil- Addington and Flanigan drafted the Military Order.
itary lawyers from the planning, and then, when a draft On Nov. 10, Cheney chaired a meeting in the White
Military Order was prepared, even ordered it to be with- House, attended by Ashcroft, Pentagon General Counsel
held from National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice William Haynes, and White House lawyers. Senior State
and Secretary of State Colin Powell. Department and National Security Council officials were
While the 9/11 attacks were the pretext, the Times excluded, and Cheney advocated withholding the final
noted that the strategy was shaped by long-standing draft from Rice and Powell. Cheney later discussed the
agendas—of expanding Presidential power and down- order privately with President Bush over lunch, and the
grading international treaty commitments—that had President dutifully signed it on Nov. 13.
zero to do with fighting terrorism. As EIR was told at the time, military lawyers were
The core grouping of lawyers in the White House and furious at the President’s order and at the bypassing of
Justice Department involved in crafting the new strategy the court-martial system, fearing that the entire system
were predominantly members of the Federalist Society, of military justice would be tainted. The Times quoted
and most had clerked for Supreme Court Justices Adm. Donald Guter, who has since retired as the Navy’s
Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, or for Appeals Judge Advocate General: “The military lawyers would
Court Judge Lawrence Silberman—a Federalist Society from time to time remind the civilians that there was a
stalwart and architect of the campaign to bring down Constitution that we had to pay attention to.”
President Clinton in the mid-1990s.
The key planners, as identified in the Times article, Hunter-Killer Squads
were Dick Cheney (at the top of their chart), then That particular case study illustrates the way the
Cheney’s Counsel Addington, Bush’s Counsel Alberto process worked. But it would be much too sanitized, to
Gonzales, Gonzales’s deputy Timothy Flanigan, and the just consider this as a question of what kind of trials to
Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel. What the give captured terrorist suspects. The Administration’s
chart should have shown, was Addington and Flanigan rejection of U.S. military law and the Geneva
running circles around Gonzales, a corporate lawyer Conventions was the marker for a policy that intention-
who was way over his head in these matters. Excluded ally and inevitably produced widespread torture and
from the process were most of the government’s experts abuse of prisoners (officially referred to as “detainees”).
in international law and military law. Over 100 prisoners have died in U.S. custody, many
The Times said that the idea of using military tri- from torture; the Pentagon has classified at least three
bunals to try suspected terrorists came in a phone call dozen of these as criminal homicides.
from former Attorney General William P. Barr, to Parallel to the creation of the President’s Military
Flanigan, who had worked at the Justice Department Order in the weeks following 9/11, was a related process,
under Barr during the Bush “41” Presidency. Tribunals to authorize CIA and military covert action programs
would give the government wide latitude to hold, inter- which included “renditions,” secret prisons, and the cre-
rogate, and prosecute suspected terrorists, with control ation of hunter-killer squads to track down suspected
of the entire process totally in the hands of the terrorists to be captured or killed. Investigative reporter
Executive, not the Federal Judiciary. “The same ideas Seymour Hersh has provided the best description of
were taking hold in the office of Vice President Cheney,” this, emphasizing the role of Secretary of Defense
the Times noted, and were being championed by Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy for intelligence,
Addington, described as a long-time Cheney aide with Stephen Cambone.
an undistinguished legal background. The Washington Post has focussed almost exclusively
The Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel on the CIA’s role in this, the latest example being a
(OLC) worked up a plan to establish tribunals, ostensi- lengthy article published on Dec. 30, 2005, concerning
bly modeled on the one used by Franklin D. Roosevelt the authorization of an expanded CIA covert action pro-
to try Nazi saboteurs in 1942—despite dramatic gram after 9/11—precisely what Cheney was describing

The Addington/Gonzales
The process of trashing U.S. laws and
international treaties came to a head
around the issues of the treatment of
prisoners captured in Afghanistan and
elsewhere. After these prisoners began
arriving at the Guantanamo Bay prison
camp in January 2002, there was still a
debate within the Bush Administration
over whether the Geneva Conventions
would apply, which was not resolved
until early February. The New York
Times reported that around Jan. 21,
while returning from a “field trip” to
Guantanamo, Addington urged
Gonzales to seek a blanket designation,
declaring all prisoners at Guantanamo
to be covered by the President’s order
on military tribunals. Gonzales agreed,
and within a day, the Pentagon set into
motion the procedures intended to pre-
pare for military tribunals to try the
Guantanamo prisoners.
It was publicly known at the time,
that there was a fierce debate under
way within the Administration, with
Secretary of State Powell and the Joint
Chiefs of Staff arguing for the applica-
EIRNS/Dan Sturman tion of the Geneva Conventions.
The LaRouche Youth Movement, shown here organizing in New York City in Amidst press reports of this raging dis-
December, is demanding the immediate ouster of Cheney. pute, Cheney went on two Sunday talk
shows on Jan. 27, where he was asked
in his “dark side” remarks on Sept. 16, 2001. In fact, the about Powell’s objections.
next day, on Sept. 17, according to the Post, Bush On ABC’s “This Week,” Cheney attacked Powell’s
signed a top-secret Presidential Finding which autho- position, asserting that “the Geneva Convention doesn’t
rized the creation of hunter-killer teams and related apply in the case of terrorism.” He went on:
covert programs. “These are bad people. I mean, they’ve already been
And, the Post reported, when the CIA asked for new screened before they get to Guantanamo. They may well
rules for interrogating key terrorism suspects, “the have information about future terrorist attacks against
White House assigned the task to a small group of the United States. We need that information, we need to
lawyers within the Justice Department’s Office of Legal be able to interrogate them and extract from them what-
Counsel who believed in an aggressive interpretation of ever information they have.”
presidential power,” while at the same time excluding The debate over just what was permissible in order to
from its deliberations lawyers from the uniformed mili- “extract” such information, continued through 2002 and
tary services, the State Department, and even the into 2003. At every point, it was Addington and
Justice Department’s Criminal Division, which had tra- Flanigan, working through the John Yoo and the DOJ
ditionally been responsible for dealing with internation- Office of Legal Counsel, who pressed the Schmittlerian
al terrorism. doctrine that the President as Commander in Chief (i.e.,
Former CIA Assistant General Counsel, now a law the Leader) could unilaterally determine which laws to
professor, A. John Radsan, described the process to the obey, and which to disregard.
Post as follows: “The Bush administration did not seek a
broad debate on whether commander-in-chief powers Planning for War Crimes
can trump international conventions and domestic There is no question that they knew exactly what they
statutes in our struggle against terrorism . . . an inner were doing, and that they recognized that the actions
circle of lawyers and advisers worked around the dis- they were proposing, constituted war crimes under U.S.
senters in the administration, and one-upped each other and international law. This is documented in their mem-
with extreme arguments.” oranda, which obviously were never intended to see the

The ‘Torture Trio’
David S. Addington: Counsel to thorized biography” of Supreme
the Vice President, and now Court Justice Warren Burger.
Cheney’s Chief of Staff, replacing
Lewis Libby, who resigned when he John C. Yoo: Although only a
was indicted in late October 2005. Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Addington was Assistant General in the DOJ Office of Legal
Counsel at the CIA from 1981-84, Counsel, in the first three years of
and then went to work for various the Bush-Cheney Administration,
Congressional committees; he Yoo wielded inordinate influence
hooked up with Cheney during due to his close ties to Addington
their work together in the Minority and Flanigan, to the chagrin of
for the Iran-Contra investigation. senior Justice Department offi-
When Cheney became Secretary of cials, according to a report in the
Defense in 1989, under Bush 41, he Dec. 23, 2005 New York Times,
brought Addington in as a Special which also noted that he was able
Assistant, famously giving him an to bypass normal DOJ channels to
office adjacent to his own, which send his memos directly to the
was normally occupied by a mili- Timothy Flanigan’s support for torture White House. Yoo had clerked for
tary aide. He was later promoted to was so flagrant that he lost his bid to Judge Lawrence Silberman at the
General Counsel of the Department be named Deputy Attorney General. D.C. Court of Appeals, and then
of Defense, where, according to Justice Clarence Thomas at the
military sources, he served as Timothy E. Flanigan: As Deputy Supreme Court; both judges have
Cheney’s personal hatchet-man, White House Counsel (i.e., Alberto been key figures in the Federalist
purging the ranks of the uniformed Gonzales’s deputy) during 2001 Society, in which Yoo himself was
military of officers who resisted and 2002, Flanigan was a key play- extremely active. Having earlier
Cheney’s commitment to the doc- er in all the discussions around come to Flanigan’s attention, Yoo
trine of preventive nuclear war. detainee policy and in the develop- hooked up with Flanigan again on
During the interregnum of the ment of the “torture memos.” Bush’s legal team in the 2000
Clinton years, he worked for private During the Bush 41 Florida recount, whence Flanigan
law firms, and in the mid-1990s, he Administration, he was an sponsored his appointment to the
formed a political action committee Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department’s OLC.
which was Cheney’s vehicle for Justice Department’s Office of
exploring a Presidential bid. Legal Counsel—the office respon-
sible for advising the Executive
Branch on the constitutionality of
actions and legislation, and a
stronghold of “unitary executive”
proponents during Republican
In September 2005 President
Bush nominated Flanigan to be
Deputy Attorney General, but he
was forced to withdraw the nomi-
nation a month later because of
both Flanigan’s role in the torture
memos, and his later role as
General Counsel of Tyco
International in 2003-04, where he
supervised the lobbying activities
of the now-indicted Jack University of California, Berkeley
Abramoff. Earlier, Flanigan had John C. Yoo, a Federalist Society
White House/David Bohrer received over $800,000 from the booster, was promulgated into
David Addington, now Vice President Federalist Society in “consulting prominence by powerful sponsors,
Cheney’s Chief of Staff. fees,” ostensibly to write an “unau- including David Addington.

light of day. lent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physi-
According to the record as known so far, it was John cal injury, such as organ failure, impairment of body
Yoo who first raised the alarm that U.S. officials might function, or even death.”
be liable for criminal prosecution under the U.S. War Addington’s notable contribution to this memo, was
Crimes Act. This was in a Jan. 9, 2002 memo, and his his pressuring the OLC to include a strong section on
arguments were incorporated into a more formal Jan. 22 the President’s Commander-in-Chief powers. The memo
memo from the Office of Legal Counsel, to Gonzales and concluded that a prosecution under the Anti-Torture Act
Defense Department General Counsel William Haynes. “would represent an unconstitutional infringement of
The memo asserted that “the President has plenary con- the President’s authority to conduct war.”
stitutional power” to suspend the operation of the Another critical memorandum, still undisclosed, was
Geneva Conventions. discussed in a Nov. 14, 2005 New Yorker article by inves-
Powell strongly protested, and in response to his tigative reporter Jane Mayer. International lawyer Scott
objections, Addington drafted the Gonzales Horton has pointed to the memo, written by John Yoo,
“Memorandum for the President” dated Jan. 25, in as reflecting the influence of Carl Schmitt. 1 Mayer
which he argued that the OLC’s interpretation “is defini- wrote:
tive.” “A March 2003 classified memo was breathtaking,
Addington/Gonzales wrote to the President: the same source said. The document dismissed virtually
“As you have said, the war against terrorism is a new all national and international laws regulating the treat-
kind of war. It is not the traditional clash between ment of prisoners, including war-crimes and assault
nations adhering to the laws of war that formed the statutes, and it was radical in its view that in wartime
backdrop for GPW [Geneva Convention on Prisoners of the President can fight enemies by whatever means
War]. The nature of the new war places a high premium he sees fit. According to the memo, Congress has no
on other factors, such as the ability to quickly obtain constitutional right to interfere with the President
information from captured terrorists and their sponsors in his role as Commander-in-Chief, including making
and their sponsors in order to avoid further atrocities laws that limit the ways in which prisoners may be
against American civilians. . . . In my judgment, this new interrogated.”
paradigm renders obsolete Geneva’s strict limitations on There are numerous other examples of this same
questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint application of the Schmittlerian doctrine by Cheney,
some of its provisions. . . .” Addington, et al., some now disclosed, some yet to be
But they didn’t stop there. They pointed out that revealed. But the point is clear.
another advantage of such a determination, was that
this “substantially reduces the threat of domestic crimi- Waiting for Carl . . .
nal prosecution under the War Crimes Act (l8 U.S.C. Sept. 11, 2001 was clearly the moment that Cheney
2441).” They continued: “ ‘War crime’ for these purpos- and his coterie of lawyers had been waiting and hoping
es is defined to include any grave breach of GPW or any for, the “exception” which would justify the suspension
violation of common Article 3 thereof (such as ‘outrages of the laws.
against personal dignity’). . . . Punishments for violations For Addington and the Federalist Society cabal, this
of Section 2441 include the death penalty.” was the culmination of two decades of struggle. For
Addington/Gonzales went on to explain to President Cheney, it was more. As former White House Counsel
Bush why his determination that GPW does not apply, John Dean revealed in his book Worse than Watergate,
would guard against a “misapplication” of the War the issue of unrestricted Presidential power had been an
Crimes Act, and they noted that “it is difficult to predict obsession of Cheney since Cheney’s days in the Ford
the motives of prosecutors and independent counsels White House of the mid-1970s, in the wake of Vietnam
who may in the future decide to pursue unwarranted and Watergate, when Congress had set about disman-
charges. . . .” They tried to reassure Bush, “Your deter- tling the “imperial Presidency.”
mination would create a reasonable basis in law that “Cheney has long believed that Congress has no busi-
Section 2441 does not apply, which would provide a ness telling Presidents what to do, particularly in nation-
solid defense to any future prosecution.” al security matters,” Dean said. And, as Dean wrote and
Cheney demonstrated in his Air Force Two interview,
The ‘Torture Memos’ “Cheney still seems to resent these moves to bring the
The most atrocious of the “torture memos” was the Presidency back within the Constitution.”
Aug. 1, 2002 memorandum signed by Jay S. Bybee, the Addington and the Federalist Society provided
DOJ/OLC chief, entitled: “Standards of Conduct for Cheney with a way to transform his anti-constitutional
Interrogations, under the Convention Against Torture resentments into the closest thing to a Nazi-style dicta-
and the U.S. Anti-Torture Act.” It is this, which states torship that America has ever experienced. It was a
that treatment may be “cruel, inhuman, or degrading, match made in Hell.
but still not produce pain and suffering of the requisite __________
intensity” which would fall under the Federal Anti- 1. “The return of Carl Schmitt,”,
Torture Act. This was defined as pain which is “equiva- Nov. 7, 2005.

Carl Schmitt: Dick Cheney’s
Éminence Grise
by Barbara Boyd

L yndon LaRouche is not the only Constitutional

scholar to remark that President Bush’s claim of
Who Was Carl Schmitt?
Born in 1899 to a Catholic working class family, Carl
absolute Presidential power, trumping any mere law or Schmitt studied jurisprudence at Berlin, Munich, and
statute, and Cheney’s Air Force II ramblings, come Strasbourg, and then served under the German general
straight out of Carl Schmitt. Sanford V. Levinson, who staff in World War I, administering martial law.
holds dual professorships in law and government at the Following this formative experience, Schmitt formed his
University of Texas, and is an eminent Constitutional central political idea: that how the state acts in the face
scholar, wrote in the Summer 2004 issue of Daedalus of “concrete danger” or the “concrete situation,” rather
that, “although some analysts have suggested that the than any moral purpose, determines its legitimacy. The
Bush Administration has operated under the guidance sovereign or legitimate dictator is the person who decides
of the ideas of German emigré Leo Strauss, it seems far the “state of exception” in order to preserve order and
more plausible to suggest that the true éminence grise of protect the constitution. Committed to the world view of
the administration, particularly with regard to issues G.W.F. Hegel and Thomas Hobbes, in which man is “fall-
surrounding the possible propriety of torture, is en” and “evil,” Schmitt argues that all politics reduces
Schmitt.” itself to the relationship of “friend and foe.”
In a similar vein, Scott Horton, chairman of the In the Schmitt corpus, democracies based on
International Law Committee of the New York City Bar “norms,” legal rules, and the separation of powers are
Association and adjunct Professor at Columbia powerless when confronted by charismatic and powerful
University, published a note on the blog “Balkinization” religious or political threats to their existence, such as
on Nov. 7, titled “The Return of Carl Schmitt.” In dis- the Bolsheviks. The existence of “exceptional situations”
cussing Justice Department lawyer John Yoo’s advice such as states of emergency, refute the very foundation
that the Executive Branch was not bound by the Geneva of liberal political systems, which are premised on pre-
Conventions and similar international instruments in its established laws and norms purportedly applicable to all
conduct of the war in Iraq, Horton writes, “Yoo’s public possible situations. Schmitt mocked the idea that ratio-
arguments and statements suggest the strong influence nal, endless legislative debate and discussion could gen-
of one thinker: Carl Schmitt.” erate the truth, noting that a social democrat when
According to Schmitt, Horton notes, “the norms of asked, “Christ or Barabbas?” would immediately seek
international law respecting armed conflict . . . are ‘unre- consultation and then convene a commission to study
alistic’ as applied to modern ideological warfare against the matter. The enlightened public sphere, the “city on
an enemy not constrained by notions of a nation-state, the hill” in our American discourse, had disappeared in
adopting terrorist methods and fighting with irregular post-World War I Germany. For Schmitt, it had been
formations that hardly equate to traditional armies. For superseded by the advent of mass markets, myth-mak-
Schmitt, the key to successful prosecution of warfare ing, and propaganda machinery, self-interested partisan
against such a foe is demonization. The enemy must be assertion, and civilizational chaos and moral collapse.
seen as absolute. He must be stripped of all legal rights From 1921 through 1933, as a law professor produc-
of whatever nature. The Executive must be free to use ing polemical tracts which were closely read, studied,
whatever tools he can find to fight and vanquish this foe. and promoted by the synarchist banking crowd which
And conversely, the power to prosecute the war must be sponsored Europe’s fascist experiment, and then as a
vested without reservation in the Executive—in the counselor in the governments of Brüning and von
words of Reich Ministerial Director Franz Papen, Schmitt relentlessly attacked and undermined
Schlegelberger (eerily echoed in a brief submission by the Weimar Constitution.
Bush Administration Solicitor General Paul D. Clement) As early as 1922, Schmitt argued in Political Theology
‘in time of war the Executive is constituted the sole that the true sovereign is the individual or group who
leader, the sole legislator, sole judge.’ I take the liberty of makes decisions in the exceptional situation. This indi-
substituting Yoo’s word, Executive; for Schmitt or vidual or group, not the Constitution, is the sovereign.
Schlegelberger, the word would, of course, have been The most guidance a Constitution can provide is the
Führer.” stipulation of who can act in such a situation.

In The Concept of the Political, published in 1927, Schmitt wrote in the Deutsche Juristen Zeitung in 1934
Schmitt asserted that the state’s very identity and exis- that,“The Führer protects the law against the worst
tence proceed from the more fundamental or basic rela- abuse when he, in the hour of danger, by virtue of his
tionship between “friend and enemy,” and that sover- leadership, produces immediate justice. The true leader
eignty is determined by the individual or entity who is is, at the same time, always a judge.”
able to define and protect society against the foe under In a propaganda piece published in Germany in 1936,
conditions of existential threat. Rather than resort to and later in France, Schmitt characterized every govern-
norms, Schmitt stipulates, the sovereign resorts to the ment in post-World War I Europe as suppressing the
law of the battlefield, or “concrete decisionism.” constitutional distinction between legislative and execu-
Throughout a long career, which continued until his tive powers because they needed to keep legislative pow-
death in 1985, Schmitt remained devoted to the Italian ers “in harmony with the constant changes in the politi-
form of fascism under Mussolini, which, Schmitt cal, economic, and financial situation.” The only unique
claimed, united the church, an authoritarian state, a free thing about the Hitler Reich was that this process had
economy, and a powerful mythos which motivated the reached its logical conclusion in Germany. In 1933,
population. Germans had fully dispensed with conventional notions
of the “separation of powers” by instituting a system of
The Transition to Constitutional genuine “governmental legislation.” It would be wrong,
‘Dictatorship’ Schmitt said, to characterize this evolution as a “dicta-
Schmitt’s principal weapon in deconstructing the torship.” Rather, it represented the triumph of an older
German Constitution, however, was its Article 48 provi- constitutional legality, one rooted in the thinking of
sion which allowed for the creation of a state of emer- Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas.
gency and Presidential rule by executive order. In The During his service to the Nazis, Schmitt reported to
Guardian of the Constitution, published in 1931, Schmitt Herman Göring and Hans Frank, supervising a project
argued that Article 48 conferred an unlimited authority to purge German universities of any Jewish influences,
in the German President to suspend the Constitution and to conform all German law to Nazi theory. Schmitt
during a state of emergency, as long as he restored the justified Hitler’s aggression against other nations of
Constitution when the emergency ended. Under Article Europe by claiming that Germany was creating a
48, the President had inherent dictatorial powers as Grossraum, a sphere of influence, as the United States
“protector of the Constitution,” including the power to did with the Monroe Doctrine. When Schmitt fell out of
legislate, free from the need of parliamentary authoriza- favor with the SS, he travelled to Spain, Portugal, and
tion. Since the President alone represents all of the peo- Italy, under synarchist sponsorship providing lectures
ple, resort to direct plebiscites would resolve any doubts on how to continually legitimize the fascist governments
about democratic legitimacy under Presidential rule. of those nations. He refused de-Nazification after his
After Brüning’s fall in 1932, Germany was governed arrest at the end of the war, arguing that he took no part
by a Presidential dictatorship with Schmitt as its legal in the actual administration of genocide, but only pro-
advisor. When the Nazis staged the Reichstag Fire on vided “ideas,” or “a diagnosis.”
Feb. 27, 1933, of course, the stage had already been set
for a relatively unremarkable legal transition from The U.S. Schmitt Revival
Schmitt’s “commissarial” or temporary dictatorship to The close relationship between Carl Schmitt and Leo
Schmitt’s idea of a sovereign or permanent dictatorship. Strauss, and the explosive revival of Schmitt’s works in
On Feb. 28, 1933, Hitler utilized Article 48 to suspend the United States, funded by the same foundations
the rights of his opponents, labelling them as terrorists. which sponsor the Federalist Society in the 1980s and
A frightened Parliament, believing that Germany was 1990s (see following article) suggest that Dick Cheney’s
under attack by the Bolshevik hordes, then passed advocacy of the Führerprinzip is not a matter of coinci-
enabling legislation legitimizing the dictatorship on dence. Schmitt helped Strauss obtain a Rockefeller
March 23. In an article in the Deutsche Juristen Zeitung Foundation grant to come to the United States. Strauss
of March 25, Schmitt defended the enabling legislation, and Schmitt collaborated on Schmitt’s book, The
claiming that the Executive prerogative now included Concept of the Political and on Strauss’s book on
the power to pass new Constitutional laws, and declare Hobbes. Strauss’s fawning letters to Schmitt continued
the Weimar Constitution a dead letter. The new law was, long after the Nazis’ ascent to power.
Schmitt wrote, the expression of a “triumphant national New York University Professor George Schwab pro-
revolution.” According to Schmitt, “the present govern- duced two books on Schmitt in the 1970s, working with
ment wants to be the expression of a unified national Schmitt himself to cleanse and minimize Schmitt’s Nazi
political will which seeks to put to an end the methods past for a U.S. audience. Schwab was a protégé of for-
of the plural party state which were destructive of the eign policy “realist” Hans Morgenthau, also of the
state and the Constitution.” University of Chicago, and Schmitt’s works proved use-
When Hitler slaughtered his political opponents in ful in the 1970s dirty work of George Shultz and Henry
the “Night of the Long Knives,” including Kurt von Kissinger in overthrowing the Allende government in
Schleicher, whom Schmitt had once declared a friend, Chile, and establishing a bankers’ dictatorship run

through the University of Chicago and Gen. Augusto reading lists of U.S. colleges and universities in political
Pinochet. Jaime Guzman, an open and proud follower of science and philosophy, a revival which produced
Carl Schmitt, is widely recognized as the individual who English translations of most of Schmitt’s works, and
provided popular legal legitimization for Chile’s “consti- reams of “scholarly” articles, conferences, and presenta-
tutional coup,” utilizing, Guzman states, the theories tions. Funding for this project centered in the Lynde and
provided by Carl Schmitt. José Piñeras, the leader of Harry Bradley Foundation and other neo-conservative
Chile’s social security reform, who toured the U.S. on foundations. Michael Joyce, who chaired the Bradley
behalf of George Bush’s Social Security reform propos- Foundation during this period, is a Straussian who start-
als, declares on the Internet that he was “the closest ed his career with Irving Kristol and the Institute for
friend” of Guzman. Educational Affairs—the same Foundation that provid-
In the late 1970s, a German Straussian, Heinrich Meier ed seed funding for the Federalist Society. The English
of the Siemens Stiftung, also began working on a major translations of both Meier books on Schmitt were pub-
reformulation of Schmitt for purposes of the emerging lished by the University of Chicago Press under grants
Conservative Revolution. Concentrating on Schmitt’s from the Bradley Foundation, facilitated by Hillel
postwar diaries, his early work with Leo Strauss, and Fradkin. Fradkin, a Straussian, taught on the Committee
Schmitt’s resurrection of the Spanish philosopher Donoso on Social Thought at the University of Chicago; was vice
Cortes for purposes of legitimizing Franco, Meier recast president of the Bradley Foundation from 1988-1998;
Schmitt as the theoretician of permanent religious war- was a program officer at the Olin Foundation; heads a
fare, or world civil war on behalf of the God of revealed Straussian think tank in Israel called the Shalem Center,
religion, a theory which has chilling resemblance to the and recently replaced Iran-Contra’s Elliott Abrams as
worldview expressed by George W. Bush. the head of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in
In the 1980s and 1990s Schmitt became a staple on Washington, D.C.

Fascist ‘Feddies’ March

Through the Institutions
by Jeffrey Steinberg

same right-wing tax-exempt foundations that are
the Carl Schmitt revival of the past 20 years,
Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, and hold a
large and growing number of Federal Court judgeships,
have also bankrolled a “Schmittlerian” “march through including on the U.S. Supreme Court. Federalist Society
the judicial institutions” via the misnamed Federalist board member C. Boyden Gray, who was White House
Society. Founded in 1982, at the University of Chicago General Counsel under President George H.W. Bush,
and Yale University law schools, the Federalist Society employed Federalist Society founder Lee Liberman Otis
has promoted the dismantling of all regulatory protec- to head up judicial screening at the Bush 41 White
tion of the General Welfare, while advocating the most House; she boasted, according to Lawrence Walsh, that
draconian police-state excesses, typified by the Patriot not one judicial appointment was made by Bush of a
Acts and the “torture memos.” These have been non-Federalist Society member.
authored by a team of Federalist Society members and When then-First Lady Hillary Clinton denounced a
allies inside the Department of Justice Office of Legal “vast right-wing conspiracy” behind the impeachment of
Counsel and the White House Office of the General President Bill Clinton, she was, knowingly or not, shin-
Counsel—under the sponsorship of Vice President Dick ing a spotlight on the Federalist Society. Federalist
Cheney and Cheney’s current chief of staff and general Society booster Judge David Sentelle, Jr. headed the
counsel, David Addington. judicial committee that selected Federalist Society mem-
The Federalist Society’s modus operandi: To hijack ber Kenneth Starr to head the Whitewater probe. Starr
the curriculum at major American law schools on behalf selected Federalist Society member Brett Kavanaugh as
of patently anti-American “Conservative Revolution” fas- one of his deputies (Kavanaugh has been a White House
cist dogmas, and place a carefully screened and indoctri- Associate Counsel since the Bush 43 inauguration in
nated group of ambitious right-wing attorneys in key January 2001). Federalist Society board of visitors co-
posts in the Executive Branch, and in Federal regulatory chairman Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) chaired the Senate
agencies, to overturn the U.S. Constitution. Federalist Judiciary Committee at the time of the Clinton impeach-
Society members and fellow-travellers now dominate ment trial. His son, Brent Hatch, is the Treasurer of the
the Office of the White House General Counsel and the Federalist Society board of directors. Federalist Society

Washington, D.C. chapter
President Theodore Olson,
the recently retired Solicitor
General of the United
States, ran the “Get Clinton
salon” that drew together
right-wing media pundits,
lawyers, and foundation
executives, to drive the pro-
paganda barrage against the
For the most part, the
Federalist Society has gone
out of its way to hide its
“Schmittlerian” roots. To
read the Society’s glossy lit-
erature, one would get the
false impression that they
are revivalists of the James
Madison Federalist tradi-
tion. The group’s Fiscal
Year 2003 Annual Report
Robert Bork, one of whose protégés was Steven Justice Antonin Scalia: many of the
claimed, “The Federalist Calabresi, a founder of the Federalist Society. Federalist Society members involved in
Society for Law and Public Bork and Scalia were among the first faculty promoting the “unitary executive” scheme
Policy Studies is a group of sponsors of the Federalist Society when it had clerked for him, or look to him for
conservatives and libertari- was launched in 1982. inspiration.
ans interested in the current
state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles Lino A. Graglia, a Federalist Society member and
that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separa- University of Texas law professor, whose Reagan-era
tion of governmental powers is central to our nomination to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals was
Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province pulled when he admitted that he had referred to African
and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what Americans as “pickaninnies,” openly asserts, to this day,
it should be. The Society seeks both to promote an that blacks and Latinos are inherently inferior to whites.
awareness of these principles and to further their appli- “Blacks and Mexican Americans are not academically
cation through its activities.” competitive with Whites in selective institutions,” he
Then the Big Lie concludes: “This entails reorder- was quoted in a 1999 profile of the Federalist Society,
ing priorities within the legal system to place a premi- “Hijacking Justice.” “It is,” he elaborated, “primarily of
um on individual liberty, traditional values, and the cultural effects. Failure is not looked upon with dis-
rule of law. It also requires restoring the recognition grace.” About the Federalist Society, Graglia acknowl-
of the importance of these norms among lawyers, edged, “They certainly are unenthusiastic about civil
judges, law students and professors. In working to rights laws. Richard Epstein thinks we will be better off
achieve these goals, the Society has created a conserva- if civil rights laws were all repealed. These people do
tive intellectual network that extends to all levels of the believe, as I believe, that so-called civil rights have gone
legal community.” too far and are not civil rights at all.”
Many civil rights activists see it quite differently. They Lawrence Walsh, the Iran-Contra independent coun-
characterize the Federalist Society as a network commit- sel, put it bluntly: “The impression I have is they are try-
ted to the revival of the “Confederate doctrine of law,” ing to return to the 18th Century and undo the work of
aimed at overturning all of the civil rights advances the Supreme Court since the New Deal. And I think it is
since Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. Indeed, one wrong to put someone on the court who has a pre-com-
leading Federalist Society member, University of mitment with a political dogma, whether it’s the Ku
Chicago Law School professor Richard Epstein, heads a Klux Klan or the Federalist Society.”
movement called the “Constitution in Exile,” which Even James Baker III, who held a variety of Cabinet-
claims that FDR ripped up the Federal Constitution with level posts in both the Reagan and Bush 41
his New Deal programs of Social Security and other Administrations, was quoted in the Washington Post,
social-safety-net guarantees—this, despite the fact that referring to Reagan Administration Attorney General
the General Welfare Clause of the Constitution’s Edwin Meese and his deputy Kenneth Cribb as “Big
Preamble explicitly mandates that the Federal govern- Bigot” and “Baby Bigot,” respectively. Cribb is a director
ment “promote the general welfare” of current and of the Federalist Society, and is also on the board of the
future generations. Scaife Foundation, a cash spigot to the Society, and to a

wide range of right-wing front organizations. The Liberman and McIntosh were mentored by Prof.
Mellon Scaife foundations almost single-handedly Antonin Scalia. Bork, Winter, and Scalia would become
financed the Federalist Society-led impeachment cam- the first faculty sponsors of the Federalist Society, when
paign against Bill Clinton. Ed Meese is one of the it was launched in 1982.
Federalist Society’s most prominent boosters and fre- The Federalist Society was initiated at the urging of
quent conference speakers. He is listed on Federalist another Yale Law graduate, Michael Horowitz, who
Society literature as a member of the group’s board of delivered a speech in 1979, calling for the conservatives
visitors. to move in and take over the public-interest law field. As
But the most on-target diagnosis, to date, of the CNN described it on July 19, 2005: “The Society’s origins
Federalist Society, was provided by Scott Horton, pro- can be traced back to 1979—the year before Ronald
fessor of law at Columbia University Law School and a Reagan’s victory—when a legal scholar named Michael
leading figure in the New York City Bar Association. In a Horowitz published a tract on the public-interest law
Nov. 5, 2005 commentary on the Bush Administration’s movement, exhorting conservatives to overturn a half-
“torture memos,” which had claimed that the President century of liberal dominance of the legal establishment.
was exempt from the Geneva Conventions and other This could be done, he wrote, by indoctrinating or win-
international laws barring torture, Professor Horton ning over succeeding generations of law students,
identified Hitler’s “Crown Jurist” Carl Schmitt as the lawyers, and judges. By definition, the campaign had to
source for John Yoo’s Justice Department arguments. be rooted in the fertile ground of law schools. To
Yoo, a leading Federalist Society booster since his Horowitz’s good fortune, Reagan was elected in 1980,
departure from the Justice Department to take up a and his administration set to work filling the sails of the
teaching post at the University of California Law School Federalist movement.”
at Berkeley, was promulgated into prominence by pow- The project involved two tracks. The first was steering
erful sponsors at the top of the Bush Administration, a large number of right-wing law professors and attor-
including Vice President Cheney’s general counsel and neys into the Federal courts. “The second track,” CNN
current chief of staff, David Addington, and Timothy continued, “was even more forward-looking and
Flanigan, the recipient of over $800,000 in Federalist involved the apprenticing of a new generation of conser-
Society consulting fees (paid to him to write an “unau- vative lawyer-intellectuals-under-30 to the Reagan appa-
thorized biography” of former Supreme Court Justice ratus. The second track required fresh meat, which is
Warren Burger, for whom he clerked). where the Federalist Society came in.”
By the late 1980s, the Federal courts were teeming
‘Secret Handshakes’ with clerks hand-picked from the emerging ranks of the
On July 18, 2005, CNN began its coverage of a Federalist Society. In the October 1988 session alone, a
Federalist Society luncheon in Washington with the fol- “cabal of 10” Federalist Society members came in as
lowing profile: “At a recent Friday luncheon, former U.S. Supreme Court clerks, according to a book-length
Solicitor General Theodore Olson cast his eyes over a account. Michael Horowitz, now at the Hudson
hotel ballroom crammed with lawyers and wryly wel- Institute, became the General Counsel to the Office of
comed ‘all of you Federalists who seem to have mastered Management and Budget at the start of the Reagan
the secret handshake. For those of you who have stum- Administration, and he typified Federalist Society mem-
bled in off the street, it is my duty to advise you that you bers and boosters who dominated the Executive Branch
have stumbled into a right-wing cabal—you will never legal postings under both Reagan and George H.W.
be the same again,’ the government’s one-time chief Bush. After that dozen years of Reagan-Bush, the
courtroom lawyer deadpanned as chortles erupted from Federal courts and regulatory agencies were, in effect,
members of the Federalist Society.” taken over by members of “the cabal.”
Of course CNN went on to acknowledge that the The current Bush 43 Administration is also loaded
Federalist Society does not have a secret handshake, with Federalist Society members, including current and
and its meetings are generally open to the public. But former Cabinet members John Ashcroft, Spencer
beyond that caveat, the Federalist Society, from its Abraham, Gail Norton, and Michael Chertoff; and senior
inception, has been, at its essence, a political appointees Larry Thompson, John Bolton, C.
Schmittlerian/Straussian conspiratorial association, Boyden Gray, Timothy Flanigan, and Theodore Olson.
aimed at overturning the Constitutional order. The current U.S. Supreme Court includes prominent
According to a wide range of public accounts, the Federalist Society members and patrons, including
Federalist Society was launched by three Yale University Justices Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and the newly
undergraduates, who went on to study law at Yale or at installed Chief Justice John Roberts. Nominee Samuel
the University of Chicago. The three were: Steven Alito is another Federalist Society member.
Calabresi, Lee Liberman, and David McIntosh. At Yale
Law, Calabresi was a protégé of two law school profes- The Funding Cabal
sors who would both be appointed to the Federal bench The same tightly knit collection of right-wing tax-
by Ronald Reagan: Robert H. Bork and Ralph K. exempt foundations that have bankrolled the revival of
Winter. At the University of Chicago Law School, Carl Schmitt at American law schools, has been behind

the Federalist Society, from day one. The first substantial Society leader, runs the Center for Individual Rights;
grant to the Society was a $25,000 payout, in 1983, from Federalist Society figure James Bopp was a long-time
the Institute for Educational Affairs, to sponsor the first top official of the National Right to Life Committee and
national symposium. IEA was then headed by William the Christian Coalition; Roger Clegg runs the Center for
Simon, head of the Olin Foundation, and Irving Kristol, Equal Opportunity; Donald Hodel, a leading Federalist
the “godfather” of the neo-conservative movement. Society figure and former Reagan Cabinet secretary, was
By 1998, the Federalist Society was directly raking in the long-time President of the Christian Coalition.
$2.6 million, and that figure has steadily increased since Pat Robertson’s Regent University Law School is a
then. Major foundation donors include: Olin, the Mellon major recruiting ground for the Society, and Ave Maria
Scaife foundations, the Bradley Foundation, the Eli Lilly School of Law, founded by Domino’s Pizza magnate
Endowment, the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, Thomas Monaghan, lists Society co-chairman Robert
the Charles Koch foundations, and the Deer Creek Bork on its faculty.
Foundation. Corporate donors include Holland Coors, Other Federalist Society affiliates include: the
Verizon, Microsoft, and Daimler-Chrysler. Institute for Justice, the Washington Legal Foundation,
The Federalist Society, in turn, has spawned an exten- the Pacific Legal Foundation, the American Center for
sive network of religious and secular fronts, all working Law and Justice at Robertson’s Regent University Law
in concert, to further the Schmittlerian march through School, the Christian Legal Society, the Rutherford
the institutions: Federalist Society trustee C. Boyden Institute, and the Alliance Defense Fund. The Alliance
Gray has his Citizens for a Sound Economy; Federalist Defense Fund is a coalition of religious groups, involved
Society member Manuel Klausner runs the Individual in a series of court cases challenging the separation of
Rights Foundation; Michael Rosner, an early Federalist church and state.

What’s a ‘Rohatyn’?
Tony Papert reveals that the Americans have ever know-
Synarchist financial interests ingly encountered. Not only
who sought to turn France fas- does he belong to a species—
cist in the 1930s, are trying to the European Synarchist—
do the same to the U.S. today. with which they have not the
(Researched by a team coordi- slightest acquaintance.
nated by Pierre Beaudry.) Worse, their ignorance of
European history, or, what is

W hen a proposal of Felix

Rohatyn’s appeared in
the same thing, the dumbed-
down, flat-earth versions of
the Washington Post of Dec. history which they have swal-
13, 2005, counterposing his lowed, leave no room for the
own plan, to Lyndon even possible existence of
LaRouche’s well-known pro- such a species as Rohatyn’s.
posals for national economic What is the European
recovery through long-term, Synarchist? A definition will
low-interest Federal credits for be provided, but first, given
vital infrastructure-building, the cults of stupidity which
leading Congressional Demo- pervade our society, first it is
crats tended at once to realize necessary to demonstrate that
Felix Rohatyn is no American; he was groomed by top
that there was something European Synarchist bankers at France’s Lazard
something exists “out there”
“fishy” in what Rohatyn was Frères bank, to work for the international fascist to be defined.
suggesting, but many were financiers of the same stripe who put Hitler into The U.S. diplomat, Am-
unsure about exactly what was power. bassador Anthony J. Drexel
wrong with it. Biddle, Jr., wrote to President
Small wonder. Roosevelt from London on Jan. 7, 1942, describing a
Most Americans, even among those who imagine clique which controlled the fascist Vichy government of
that they have known him for many years, lack any France, the government which (more or less) ruled that
understanding of who or what Felix Rohatyn is. Why? country everywhere south of the German zone of direct
Because Rohatyn is neither an American, nor does he occupation. “This group,” he said, “should be regarded
resemble anything which more than very few living not as Frenchmen, any more than their corresponding

numbers in Germany should be regarded as Germans, Republic, along with probably hundreds of thousands of
for the interests of both groups are so intermingled as its supporters.
to be indistinguishable; their whole interest is focussed This was the great “mystery” of how France could
upon furtherance of their industrial and financial fall to the Germans in six weeks. The Synarchy effec-
stakes.”1 tively disarmed the country and prevented effective
Ambassador Biddle went on to detail the proof that resistance. This is well documented by Robert “Raoul”
the “Banque Worms clique” controlled most parts of the Husson, whose writings and clippings form the bulk of
Vichy government, with a special emphasis on total con- the Mennevee Archive of the University of California at
trol over all economic and related portfolios. On paper, Berkeley, “les Documents Politiques Diplomatiques et
Banque Worms had been established earlier by the Financiers,” and by other investigators. Husson and
Lazard Frères bank of Paris, on behalf of the Worms others also document that the 1.9 million French troops
family of industrialists. In reality, the closely integrated who were outflanked and helplessly taken back to
Lazard Brothers bank of London, Lazard Frères of Paris, Germany as prisoners, had been largely selected for that
and Lazard Frères of Wall Street, had established role by a Synarchist military intelligence operation
Banque Worms as a “cutout,” a vehicle through which headed by the pseudonymous “P.C. Victor,” under
top financier families could deploy the forces of the which 60 French fascists were brought into a
Synarchy. “Cinquième Bureau” to profile 600,000 anti-fascist or
Lazard Paris, where Rohatyn’s patron André Meyer pro-republican Frenchmen supposedly considered a
was a leading senior partner, was intertwined with cer- “danger to national defense.” Many of the 600,000 who
tain other leading French banks, and integrated into the escaped German captivity in this first round, were sent
treasury and finances of the state, in large part because to Germany later as forced laborers, under a program
of its intimacy with Lazard Frères of New York, on Wall proposed by Pierre Laval, through which (pro-fascist)
Street, and Lazard Brothers (London), which latter was prisoners of war were released back to France, on con-
part of the inner circle of financiers around the monar- dition that (anti-fascist) forced laborers be sent from
chy and around Bank of England head (and Hitler France, to take their places in the German munitions
bankroller) Montagu Norman. Lazard London’s Lord factories.
Robert H. Brand, a senior managing partner in the early Having fled to New York from his own golem, as it
decades of the century, had founded the British Round were, in 1940, this was the André Meyer who later
Table for these circles in 1906-09. Brand and Lazard adopted the fellow Jewish refugee, the Viennese Felix
Brothers president Sir Robert Molesworth Kindersley, Rohatyn, to succeed him in place of his own son
were the British representatives to the Dawes Philippe, of about the same age as Rohatyn, who had
Committee to reorganize the German debt in 1923, and wisely refused.
so forth. What Rohatyn did to his adopted city of New York
As a senior partner, and then also (1938-40), associate between 1975 and 1982, as sketched in an accompany-
manager of Lazard Frères of Paris, André Meyer was ing article by Richard Freeman, proves that old André
very close to the center of the France-centered Meyer was right: young Rohatyn did indeed have the
Synarchist conspiracies which had brought fascism to makings of a European Synarchist of the same mold as
power in Italy (1922), Portugal (1932), Germany (1933), himself.
Spain (1939), and other countries. In France itself, the Ambassador Biddle continued, “On the one hand,
Synarchy tried and failed to overturn the Third Republic Pierre Pucheu (Interior) and Yves Bouthillier (National
in three successive putsch attempts between 1928 and Economy) were members of the Worms clique. Gérard
1937, even while “burrowing from within” and infiltrat- Bergeret (Secretary of State for Aviation) was included
ing successive Paris governments at the same time. by some among Pétain’s personal following, by others
These were Marshall Lyautey’s intended putsch in among the Worms group. Excluding Bergeret, the
Alsace-Lorraine in 1928, aided by pro-fascist clergy, Secretaries of State were almost to a man associates of
which would have paved the way for a takeover of Paris; the same clique. They were Jacques Barnaud
Colonel LaRocque’s planned storming of the Parliament (Delegate-General for Franco-German Economic
at the head of his Croix de Feu (Cross of Fire), seconded Relations), Jérome Carpopino (Education), Serge
by Charles Maurras’ Action Française, on Feb. 6, 1934; Huard (Family and Health), Admiral Platon (Colonies),
and finally, a putsch attempt apparently led by the René Belin (Labor), François Lehideux (Industrial
Cagoules (“hooded ones,” right-wing goon squads), Production), Jean Berthelot (Communications) and
which was exposed and aborted on Feb. 17, 1937. At Paul Charbin (Food Supply). . . . Among the Worms
last, by 1940, the Synarchy’s only recourse had been to group should be mentioned further a large number of
invite the German Reichswehr in, to do what they could somewhat subordinate officials (chiefly secretaries-
never do themselves: to sweep away the hated Third general) like Lamirand, Borotra, Ravalland,
Bichelonne, Lafond, Million, Deroy, Filipi, Schwartz,
__________ and Billiet.’ ”
1. William L. Langer, Our Vichy Gamble (New York: The Norton Although the name Synarchy was invented by
Library, 1947), p. 169. Joseph-Alexandre Saint-Yves, called D’Alveydre (1842-

1909), its occult secret organization, the freemasonic Synarchist Movement of Empire (SME) and its military
Martinist Order, had existed long before, formed in wing, the Secret Revolutionary Action Committee
France, centered in Lyon, in the 1770s. This exclusive, (SRAC), were founded in 1922, coincident with
secret, magical-mystical Freemasonic order was spon- Mussolini’s March on Rome. Writing in La France
sored from Jeremy Bentham’s London. London used Intérieure in February-March, 1945, investigator “D.J.
it to insure that no version of the American David” (Robert Husson) defined the SME as “the great
Revolution and Republic would occur in Europe, French fascist secret society. It is this institution which,
specifically in France, which was most ripe for it. ever since its creation, had been recruiting patiently and
Manipulations of the Martinist Order were largely to prudently, with extreme care, the men destined to take
blame for the fact that the French Revolution became power after the awaited revolution, after this revolution
the bloody tragedy it did, right through the reign of which was to destroy, no matter what, all republican
Napoleon Bonaparte, and through to that of his nephew, institutions.”
Napoleon III. He classified the SME as an “intermediary” secret
Notable 18th-Century Martinists in French politics society, as follows. “Inferior secret societies are those
included the Pierre Mesmer whom Franklin and his that everybody knows about. . . . Whoever wants to join
French ally Sylvain Bailly exposed as a scientific fraud. them, for personal reasons, can do so. All he has to do is
Another was the mountebank magician and psychic who to submit a request at the address of the secret society,
called himself Cagliostro. The blood-drenched Savoyard generally known, or he transmits his request to a known
nobleman Joseph de Maistre pre-planned the personali- member. . . . Such secret societies are very numerous.”
ty and role of Napoléon Bonaparte, modelling it on the David mentions the Masons, the Cagoulards (“hooded
Spanish Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada who ones,” a right-wing goon squad), the Theosophists and
expelled the Jews in 1492. Although his moral doctrines others, concluding, “in the inferior secret societies, the
were those of a Caligula, and Sir Isaiah Berlin dubbed ideologies put forward, whatever they are, are nothing
him “the first fascist,” Maistre is revered by many con- but philosophical, religious, mystical, or political teasers
temporary Catholic integrists. which recruit people who are generally personally disin-
Moving to the early 20th Century, the most powerful terested and sincere.”
known organizations of French Synarchy, the He continues, “The intermediary secret societies have

What Is Synarchism?
“Synarchism” is a name adopted during the Twentieth Wall Street Journal, the Mont Pelerin Society, and
Century for an occult freemasonic sect, known as the American Enterprise Institute and Hudson Institute,
Martinists, based on worship of the tradition of the and the so-called integrist far right inside the Catholic
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. During the interval clergy. The underlying authority behind these cults is
from the early 1920s through 1945, it was officially a contemporary network of private banks of that
classed by U.S.A. and other nations’ intelligence ser- medieval Venetian model known as fondi. The
vices under the file name of “Synarchism: Synarchist Banque Worms conspiracy of the wartime
Nazi/Communist,” so defined because of its deploying 1940s, is merely typical of the role of such banking
simultaneously both ostensibly opposing pro-commu- interests operating behind sundry fascist governments
nist and extreme right-wing forces for encirclement of of that period.
a targetted government. Twentieth-Century and later The Synarchists originated in fact among the
fascist movements, like most terrorist movements, are immediate circles of Napoleon Bonaparte; veteran
all Synarchist creations. officers of Napoleon’s campaigns spread the cult’s
Synarchism was the central feature of the organiza- practice around the world. G.W.F. Hegel, a passionate
tion of the fascist governments of Italy, Germany, admirer of Bonaparte’s image as Emperor, was the
Spain, and Vichy and Laval France, during that peri- first to supply a fascist historical doctrine of the state.
od, and was also spread as a Spanish channel of the Nietzsche’s writings supplied Hegel’s theory the added
Nazi Party, through Mexico, throughout Central and doctrine of the beast-man-created Dionysiac terror of
South America. The PAN party of Mexico was born as Twentieth-Century fascist movements and regimes.
an outgrowth of this infiltration. It is typified by the The most notable fascist ideologues of post-World
followers of the late Leo Strauss and Alexandre War II academia are Chicago University’s Leo Strauss,
Kojève today. who was the inspiration of today’s U.S. neo-conserva-
This occult freemasonic conspiracy, is found tive ideologues, and Strauss’s Paris co-thinker
among both nominally left-wing and also extreme Alexandre Kojève.
right-wing factions such as the editorial board of the —Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

a completely different structure. They are, to say it have been in very close contact with the European fas-
bluntly, infinitely more secret than the inferior ones. cist governments which have emerged since 1922.”
Their names and their existence are less generally
known, except in rare cases. More important, their Explosive Revelations
members are unknown. During the six-week phony war and thereafter,
“Consequently, an individual cannot simply request explosive revelations concerning Synarchy shake
membership in these secret societies, and their method France, coincident with a series of deaths related to
of recruitment is not the same as in the inferior secret Jean Coutrot, probably its most active known organiz-
societies. You have to be chosen by a secret member, er, who had created hundreds of front organizations of
who chooses you without your knowing it. It is not the professionals, scientists, women, and whatnot else
candidates who ask for membership [but, rather], it is a during the interwar years. Here is the account of the
superior secret recruiting committee which decides to same D.J. David. (Other writers give different ver-
attempt to recruit this or that person. sions, but the differences are not material for our
“From that moment on, a whole tactical approach is purposes.)
put forward: the person is invited from among ordinary “After revelations were made about the activities of
groups, during lunches, meetings, small committees, the SME, the secretary of Coutrot, Frank Théallet, dies
etc.; the recruiter must outwit the candidate and study in a hospital of Saint-Brieuc, on April 23, 1940. His per-
him; and then, when the situation is ripe, the existence sonal papers are stolen while his effects are being moved
of the secret group is revealed to him, and the member after his death. Twenty-six days after, Jean Coutrot com-
is recruited right then and there. . . . mits suicide in his home, after he had expressed, to
“Within the intermediary secret societies, there is no some of his closest friends, the terrible remorse that was
need to use teasers, or camouflage ideologies. There is haunting him, because of the misery his revolutionary
no international humanitarian propaganda as in the action had brought to his fatherland. One month later,
Freemasonry, or any ridiculous nationalist appeals as in the new secretary of Coutrot, Yves Moreau, dies mysteri-
the Cagoule, or any mystical illuminations as in ously in his home. And a few weeks later, the brother-in-
Theosophy. This is deemed useless, given the level of cul- law of Coutrot dies of a heart attack. The emotions run
ture in the members. The themes are sometimes politi- high in the synarchist gang, but a heavy silence covers
cal or philosophical, such as organizing the world, and up this series of singular events. . . .
the dignity of human life, etc. . . .” “On August 23, 1941, the thunderbolt strikes: the
Elsewhere, the author notes that intermediary secret newspaper L’Appel publishes, under the name of two
societies “are used primarily for penetrating the institu- collaborators, Costantini and Paul Riche, a special issue
tions of the state.” concerning the revelations of the SME. The reaction
“The superior secret societies are still more secret, if I from Vichy is immediate: the Minister of Interior [Paul
may say so, than the intermediary secret societies. Pucheu of the Worms clique-ed.] issued five arrest war-
Neither their name, nor their existence, nor the names rants against Costantini and Paul Riche, and three
of their members are known. In general, they contain other journalists of that newspaper, using the argument
only a small number of members, no more than one or that their action was ‘disturbing the anti-communist
two hundred, and sometimes less, but assembling in policy.’ ”
their hands either immense political powers, or Characteristic such revelations concerned the
immense capital. “Revolutionary Synarchist Pact,” which was the signed
“These secret societies are behind the intermediary secret oath of allegiance, as it were, of each SME mem-
secret societies. They organize them, inspire them, ber. “The Revolutionary Synarchist Pact appeared in the
finance and direct them, often without the knowledge of form of a mimeographic document of a hundred pages,
the latter. with a characteristic luxury gold-plated cardboard bind-
“There exists a set of converging proofs that lead one ing. It was given to each member, against a signed
to think that at least two such superior secret societies receipt. On the first page, one reads an ominous warn-
are in existence today. ing: ‘Any illicit possession of this document will incur
“The first one was formed in earlier times by a pow- unlimited sanctions.’. . .
erful group of representatives of the main ruling fami- “Each Synarchist pact document is identified with
lies of Europe, as well as the members of the high two numbers similar to a Martinist procedure.” The
nobility. . . . meaning is what Robert Husson wrote in a July 14,
“On the other hand, a second secret society of this 1944 memo: that the mode of membership of the
type, which has been in existence for at least a quarter of SME was the same as that of the Martinist Order,
a century [i.e., since 1920—ed.], in Europe, unites a called chain membership; that each member receives
large portion of the industries in France, and in the two numbers, his own, and that of the member who
United States, less in England. Proof of its activities has recruited him. That is the only person with whom he
been found as early as 1924, and its existence is no may discuss the work of the Movement or Order, and
longer deniable. It secretly directs the Synarchist the only other person whom he knows is a member
Movement inside the biggest countries, and seemed to of it.

Of the 598 propositions, David quotes only a relative by a “Bureau of Planification, which is the center and
few, of which: qualified chief of popular democracy in the synarchist
“Proposition 121: All current revolutionary effort of social order, the economic coordinator of the group
the Revolutionary Synarchist Brotherhood (RSB) which of free popular republics: regional, communal, and
inspires the Synarchist Movement of Empire (SME) is professional.”
thus oriented toward taking over the control of the state; London coordination of the French Synarchy con-
everything must concur to the taking of power, or com- tinued throughout this period, with the Occult Bureau
ing to power. and the British Fabian Society playing a notable role.
“Proposition 255: Preventive revolution must be After the demoralizing defeat of the 1934 putsch
established at the heart of the state, and be assisted by a attempt we described above, the Synarchy tried to
Synarchist elite, which is entirely devoted in a spirit of recoup by bringing the Fabians over from London, and
sacrifice. bringing hundreds of Synarchists out of the woodwork,
“Proposition 344: The organized hierarchy of profes- to call in unison for a radical reform of the French
sions is the fundamental instrument of the effective Constitution, curtailing the legislative powers, enhanc-
Synarchist revolution; its best technical means. ing the executive, limiting national sovereignty, and
“Proposition 308: Outside of the organized hierar- enhancing “integral human relations between complete
chy of professions, there can exist only an abstract human beings, not between simple units of production
pseudo-citizen. and consumption.”
• “Dangerous for the people whom he frightens; This “Plan of July 9, 1934,” written by Jules Romain,
• “Dangerous for the state that he loots, weakens and led to the creation, in 1936, of the Centre d’Études
corrupts; des Problèmes Humains (Center for the Study of
• “An abstract pseudo-citizen in a constant conflict Human Problems), created by Jean Coutrot and run
with a state which is anarchistic, no matter what regime by the infamous Dr. Alexis Carrel and Dr. Serge
is in power. Tchakhotine, and, in 1938, of the Institute for Applied
Proposition 505 asserts that “the imperial conscience Psychology (IPSA). These French institutions were
requires for its exaltation the concerted activity of a run by the British Fabian Society, and personally man-
Synarchist Party of Empire.” This party “must be recog- aged by Aldous Huxley on location in France. Husson
nized by the constitution,” (Proposition 507), “must be wrote that the central focus of the IPSA was the
the only political party federally extended unilaterally to “destruction of the human personality,” transforming
all of the countries of the Empire,” (Proposition 508) humans into “modified individuals” with the use of
and must “remain the inspiration and the censor of all drugs and surgical intervention, “especially sterilization
of the orders and of all of the sectors of activity of life in and castration.”
the Empire.” (Proposition 510). You hadn’t forgotten, had you, that H.G. Wells, of
Proposition 113 asserts that the concrete reality of “The Island of Dr. Moreau,” was the godfather of the
immediate needs requires the control of the following Huxley boys, Aldous and Julian?
economic organisms: Meanwhile, in 1933, H.G. Wells and Aldous and
• “Agreements between consumers or users; Julian Huxley had already created a brother British
• “Agreements between distributors of products or Synarchist organization in London, called the
services; Federation of Progressive Society and Individuals
• “Agreements between producers; (FPSI). In their published Manifesto, they wrote:
• “Finally, the bringing together of these diverse sorts “Then came 1931, and there was an operation
of agreements forming themselves and perfecting them- planned to bring Germany into the dictatorship-world
selves under the protection of the public powers.” empire scheme. The British monarchy was behind it;
Proposition 405 prescribes the separation of powers others were behind it; people in New York were
between five powers: the cultural, the judiciary, the exec- behind it. Initially the understanding of the Anglo-
utive, the legislative, and the economic. American supporters of this fascist project—which
Proposition 314 clarifies this separation of powers by was largely based in France, actually, around firms
specifying that “The role of the political state must never like Lazard Frères and so forth. But the intent of the
be: project was to have the Germans re-arm, and destroy
“A) In economic property (soil, subsoil, energy the Soviet Union. While Germany was embedded in
sources, raw materials, means of production or distribu- Russia, in the process of trying to [defeat] the Soviet
tion, enterprises of profitable material services, or finan- Union, then, the allies—France and Britain—intended
cial capital, etc.) to jump on Germany’s rear, and crush Germany, and
“B) Or direct management of one or the other ele- be rid of the Soviet Union at the same time, and set up
ments of economic life of the people in one of the other world dictatorship.”2
of these nations of empire.”
Finally, Propositions 441-444 specify that the entire
synarchist economy is based on the use of plans of __________
coordination and direction. These plans are established 2. Manifesto (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1934).

Felix Rohatyn,
New York Dictator, 1975-82
The following is an abridgement of “How LaRouche York for the next several years, the FCB and Big MAC
Fought New York’s Fascist Financial Dictatorship, 1975- ruled as a single, unified dictatorship. The power of the
82,” by Richard Freeman, EIR, July 27, 2001. City Council and Mayor, in all but name, was suspend-
Even back in 1975, Rohatyn’s most feared opponent ed. Lazard was especially equipped for this function,
was Lyndon LaRouche; the reader is directed to Richard because it had long pursued the racist policies of Cecil
Freeman’s original 12-page article for the circumstances of Rhodes, and in 1933, helped install Hitler into power.
the struggle between the two. The oligarchy did not hide its policy, but arrogantly
brandished it publicly, calling it the “planned shrinkage”

Thein such
paradigm for the genocide that is carried out today
U.S. cities as Washington D.C., or Camden,
of New York. On Nov. 14, 1976, Roger Starr, a member
of the New York Times editorial board, and a spokesman
New Jersey, is the Lazard Frères’ plan that was deployed for the banker and real-estate interests, wrote a 4,000-
against New York City from 1975 through 1982. Under word feature in the Sunday New York Times Magazine,
that plan, every vital service needed for human existence advocating planned shrinkage. Starr declared, “Planned
was imploded in large areas of the city. People living in shrinkage is the recognition that the golden door to full
those areas either died, or fled from the city. participation in American life and the American econo-
Katharine Graham and her gang’s policy to force the my is no longer to be found in New York.” At that time,
closing of D.C. General, Washington’s only public hospital, New York City had a population of 7.5 million. Starr
by an unelected Financial Control Board—which set off a decreed that, “New York would continue to be a world
national battle led by LaRouche Democrats, over “general city even with fewer than 5 million people.” This led to
welfare vs. genocide”—is modelled on the 1975 New York only one conclusion: forcibly killing or expelling one-
Plan, and was drawn up by the same forces, with Lazard third of the city’s population.
Frères investment bank directors at the center. Starr elaborated his account of how this genocide
New York City black and Hispanic neighborhoods, would be accomplished. After labelling sections of New
which were targetted for extinction, either were left as York City as “virtually dead,” Starr wrote that in the
abandoned urban wastelands, or, in selected neighbor- past, the New York government and various soft-headed
hoods, were taken over by urban renewal/gentrification people had tried to keep those “dead” sections alive. This
real-estate interests; and new apartment complexes and was a mistake: “Yet the city must still supply services to
fancy restaurants were built for wealthy, mostly white, ten- the few survivors, send in the fire engines when there
ants. The rents were often three to ten times those that the are fires, keep the subway station open, even continue a
displaced poorer families would have been able to pay. school. In some of these sections, under the pressure of
The Lazard/New York Plan was aimed at shrinking a a local official . . . the city is pressed to make new invest-
city, and leaving only enclaves of wealthy residents. It is ments in housing.”
the City of London-Wall Street financial oligarchy’s par- So, new investment must be stopped: “If the city is to
adigm for application under conditions of financial dis- survive with a smaller population, the population must
integration in the near future in the United States and be encouraged to concentrate itself in the sections that
other nations. remain alive,” and leave the “dead sections” to die.
In 1974-75, the financier oligarchy precipitated a finan- He described how undesirable districts of the city
cial crisis in New York. They took the known, but soluble “can be cleared away” by tax policy, making it unprof-
underlying economic-financial problems that beset the itable to invest in buildings in these districts. He men-
city, and made them worse. By April 1975, thanks to the tioned other means to shut a district down.
bankers’ operations, New York City had no money, and Once an area that Starr designated for closure, were
its credit rating was so destroyed that it could not borrow cleared away, “The stretches of empty blocks may then
from the financial markets. Seizing on the crisis it had be knocked down, services can be stopped, subway sta-
created, the Wall Street banking elite rammed through tions closed, and the land left to lay fallow.” Starr real-
the New York State legislature, legislation which invoked ized, but did not say, that “stopping services,” is a direct
“emergency police powers,” and in June 1975, created the means to actually facilitate the clearing away of an area.
Municipal Assistance Corp. (Big MAC), and, in September
1975, the Emergency Financial Control Board (FCB—the Rohatyn: ‘The Pain Is Just Beginning’
“Emergency” was dropped three years later). At around the same time, Starr also insisted: “Stop
Under the direction of Lazard Frères banker Felix the Puerto Ricans and the rural blacks from living in the
Rohatyn, who became the unelected Führer of New city, . . . reverse the role of the city, . . . it can no longer
bonds, it doled out drop by drop to the city,
keeping the city on a tight leash.
The MAC board began instituting austerity
programs against the city—shutting down city
programs, laying off workers, cutting wages—
to squeeze out wealth to back up the bonds.
But this method reduced the functioning of the
city’s economy further, making it even more
difficult to support the bonds. The conclusion
that should have been drawn is that the
method of life-threatening austerity was a fail-
But Lazard and Rohatyn drew an opposite
conclusion: that the level of austerity had to be
increased. Rohatyn believed that a major limi-
tation was that the MAC board still had to
EIRNS/Stuart Lewis
obey civilized standards, and did not have
Felix Rohatyn became the dictator of New York City after that city’s enough power to loot the population, institute
financial crisis in 1975. Here he is addressing a meeting of the Emergency fascist economics, and crush popular organiza-
Financial Control Board, in 1980, while Mayor Ed Koch (far left) and tions. He sought a dictatorship that had all the
another admirer look on. power it needed, and would not flinch at
inflicting pain.
be the place of opportunity.
“Our urban system is based on the theory of taking the Creating the Financial Control Board
peasant and turning him into an industrial worker. Now Rohatyn then drafted a 111-page report that sought
there are no industrial jobs. Why not keep him a peasant?” harsher austerity and a stronger institution that could
Starr’s “philosophy” was not original, but only a enforce it. In September 1975, new legislation, arising
working-out of the outlook that came from the higher from Rohatyn’s report, was introduced into the New
level of Lazard Frères investment bank and Felix York State legislature. The legislation was called the
Rohatyn. While the oligarchy was creating the Big MAC Financial Emergency Act. In the early hours of Sept. 6,
and FCB in 1975, Führer Felix looked straight into the 1975, after the legislators had been kept up for hours,
television cameras, and summarized the plan which the legislation was rammed through by a close vote. The
Starr would detail: “The pain is just beginning. New key feature of the act is contained in the summary of it
York will now have to undergo the most brutal kind of in the New York State Laws 1975 (chapter 868, Sec. 1):
financial and fiscal exercise that any community in the The situation in New York City “is a disaster and creates
country will ever have to face.”. . . a state of emergency. To end this disaster, to bring the
emergency under control and to respond to the overrid-
Big MAC ing state concern . . . the state must undertake an extra-
The first stage of the dictatorship was the Municipal ordinary exercise of its police and emergency powers
Assistance Corp., dubbed “Big MAC,” established in under the state constitution, and exercise controls and
June 1975, and soon run by Rohatyn. supervision over the financial affairs of the City of New
The powers delegated to Big MAC were: York.”
• It would monitor the city’s financial position. The Rohatyn-drafted act specifically announced a “state
• It would protect new as well as old creditors. of disaster” and “emergency” to exist, which it said,
• It could restructure the city’s debt. required “undertak[ing] . . . extraordinary police and emer-
The corporation could issue MAC bonds, up to the gency powers.” These sweeping powers, normally reserved
sum of $3 billion. The June 10 law demanded that the for a state of insurrection, were to be used to issue diktats
following city income streams be “earmarked” to pay the for an artificially created financial crisis. This was a reprise
interest and principal on the MAC bonds: the city’s 4% of what Hitler and the Nazis had done in Germany in
sales tax revenues, the city’s stock and transfer tax March 1933, after the staged Reichstag Fire.
receipts, and per-capita aid paid by the state. The law To effect his coup, Rohatyn had the act instantly cre-
mandated that only after the city paid off its bondholders— ate an Emergency Financial Control Board (EFCB), and
MAC bondholders and others—could it use the remainder in 1978, the term “Emergency” was dropped. The way
of its revenues to pay city workers or essential services. Rohatyn interpreted the act, and the way it was used,
In early July, MAC issued a $1 billion bond issue, at a the FCB had “the extraordinary police and emergency
9.5% interest rate. In mid-July, MAC issued its second powers.” The powers of the New York City Council and
billion-dollar bond issue—but this one had trouble sell- the Mayor were overridden.
ing. By mid-August, the value of existing MAC bonds The EFCB was a dictatorship. According to one sum-
started to fall. The money that MAC received for the mary account, the “EFCB [was placed] as trustee over all

city accounts in all banks,” that is, it had control over below that of 1975. Many fire stations were shut down.
the city bank accounts, and further, “the EFCB was Between 1976 and 1979, residential inspections had
granted powers . . . over investment and disbursement.” been cut by more than 30%, on top of the two-thirds cut
Thus, the EFCB controlled all of New York City’s money in the number of inspections over 1966-76. Between
flows. Moreover, the payment of debt was enshrined in June 30, 1975 and April 30, 1981, an additional 10% of
the act: “the act created a debt service account . . . to the city’s firefighters were laid off.
ensure that debt service would be given first priority.” The arson policy was one of the earliest and most
The EFCB had the power to draw on every one of New “effective” forms of urban renewal, from the criminal
York City’s revenue streams to pay the debt. standpoint of the oligarchy and real estate interests. The
The act replayed the Nazis’ practice of looting workers’ real estate moguls hired arsonists to do their dirty work,
pension funds to support worthless financial paper, in a fact that was known to everyone in the city, including
this case, dictating quotas to the pension funds of New the Fire Department. In a study, “Fire Service in New
York State and City, for the amount of Big MAC bonds York City, 1972-86,” researchers Rodrick and Deborah
they had to buy—the state pension funds had to buy Wallace gave a graphic example of how the urban
$225 million, the city Employees’ Retirement System had renewal through arson worked:
to buy $225 million, the Teachers Retirement System “The [New York] Planning Commission informed the
had to buy $200 million; and so forth—all told, more Fire Department that certain sectors of the Rockaway
than three-quarters of a billion dollars. Peninsula [in Brooklyn] were to undergo urban renewal
The EFCB could either “accept or reject any contract and that fewer fire units would be needed. . . . After
entered into by the city.” It promptly ripped up most elimination of one of the [fire] engine companies, large
labor agreements. areas of that sector were cleared by [arsonists’] fire for
Finally, the bankers made their dictatorship explicit, redevelopment without the city having to spend time
by writing, with matchless contempt for elected govern- and money for legal urban renewal work.”
ment, that they were the Supreme Power, to which all The financier-real estate elites in New York got two
officials and citizens must bow down. “Violations of the bonuses with the arson. First, they were fully compen-
emergency act or the EFCB’s policies included misde- sated for burnt properties through their insurance poli-
meanor charges and, upon vote, removal from office. cies. (That they were not indicted, bespeaks something
The mayor was not excluded from these potential penal- about how this operation worked.) Further, they also
ties.” Whoever failed or refused to implement the could deduct losses on their tax filings. Second, they
EFCB’s policies, including the Mayor, could be removed. could either leave the ground fallow—as per Roger
Whatever power the Big MAC had lacked, the EFCB Starr’s recommendations—or they could retain the land
now had. They acted together as a unified dictatorship. or sell it to a new landlord for development. This meant
urban renewal/gentrification. An entire area could be
Gutting the City designated to become an apartment area for high-
Rohatyn gutted city services. Garbage was left to rot income, predominantly white tenants. Not only could
in the streets. Preventive maintenance was ended in the the landlords collect rents as much as ten times what
public transportation system, and all capital expendi- they had collected from the previous poor tenants, but
tures halted. Subway train breakdowns doubled. By from New York City they got special tax abatements and
1980, nearly a quarter of the city’s bus fleet was out of exemptions. Thus, the landlord/real estate interests
service every day. made profits several times over.
Enrollment in the City University fell 40%, and But as a result of this process, if a family could man-
tuition fees were imposed. age to continue to live in the same area of the city, its
One out of four uniformed police officers were laid off. rent shot up. A study conducted by Columbia University
Police were told to limit arrests to serious crimes, to lower found that in 1975, there were approximately 225,000
costs. Street patrols were cut, and the Organized Crime housing units in the South Bronx area, one of the
Bureau, which had narcotics oversight, was reduced from nation’s poorest neighborhoods, which charged $150 or
1,600 men to 439, as drug-dealing exploded. less per month for rent. Already, as a result of economic
Over the next two decades, five out of the 17 public decline, the white population had begun leaving the
hospitals in New York City were shut down, and now South Bronx in the early 1970s. After the FCB/Big MAC-
other public hospitals are threatened with closure. The supervised real estate transformation, by 1978, the study
attack on the public hospitals was the wedge-end to shut found that there were only approximately 115,000 units
down New York’s hospital system, private, non-profit, that rented for $150 per month or less, a loss of nearly
and public. In 1960, New York City had 154 hospitals; half of the 1975 level. In the intervening three years,
by 1990, that was slashed to 79. 46,000 were “upgraded” into more expensive units, and
Starting 1975, the FCB/Big MAC vastly expanded the another 60,000 had been abandoned outright.
arson policy started earlier by Mayor Lindsay, by mak- Roger Starr had in mind the South Bronx as one of
ing deeper cuts from an already-depleted Fire the areas, when he stated in his Nov. 14, 1976 New York
Department. As a result, in constant dollar terms, the Times piece that the place should be left to die, and “ser-
1980s budget for the Fire Department was slashed 35% vices cut off.”


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