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Lets recall that the brachial artery divides into two terminal branches once it reaches the cubital

The 2 terminal branches are RADIAL and ULNAR arteries.
A. ULNAR: larger, medial
1. cubital fossa, at the level of the neck of the radius
2. descends through the anterior compartment of the forearm
3. enters the palm in front of flexor retinaculum (in company with the ulnar nerve)
4. ends by forming the superficial palmar arch
*Superficial Palmar Arch:
-direct continuation of the ulnar artery
-curves laterally behind the palmar aponeurosis and in front of the long flexor
-anastomoses with the superficial palmar branch of the radial artery
-curve: level with the distal border of the fully extended thumb
-branches: 4 digital arteries
-upper part (forearm): deep to most of the flexor muscles
-below (palmar): more superficial and lies between the tendons of flexor carpi ulnaris &
flexor digitorum superficialis
-in front of flexor retinaculum: lateral to the pisiform bone, covered only by skin and
fascia = ULNAR PULSE (heart rate)
1. Muscular branches: neighboring muscles
2. Recurrent branches: part of arterial anastomosis around the elbow joint
*Anterior ulnar recurrent artery
*Posterior ulnar recurrent artery
3. Braches part of the arterial anastomosis around the wrist joint
4. Common Interosseous Artery (upper part of ulnar artery)
*Anterior interosseous artery: muscles in front of interosseous membrane
*Posterior interosseous artery: muscles at the back of the interossesous
>provide nutrient arteries to the radius and ulna
5. Deep branch of the ulnar artery: in front of the flexor retinaculum, between abductor
digiti minimi and flexor digiti minimi
-joins radial artery to complete the deep palmar arch
B. RADIAL: smaller, lateral
1. cubital fossa at the level of the neck of the radius
2. passes downward and laterally beneath the brachioradialis muscle and rest on the
deep muscles
3. middle third of the radial atery: superficial branch of radial nerve lies on its lateral side
4. distal part of forearm: lies on the anterior surface of the radius and is covered only by
skin and fascia (lateral: tendon of brachioradialis & medial: flexor carpi radialis)
5. ends by forming the deep palmar arch
*Deep Palmar Arch:
-direct continuation of the radial artery
-curves medially beneath the long flexor tendons and in fornt of the metacarpal
bones and interosseous muscles
-anastomoses with deep branch of ulnar artery

- curve: level with the proximal border of the fully extended thumb
*superiorly: anastomosis around the wrist joint
*inferiorly: join digital branches of the superficial palmar arch
1. Muscular branches: muscles
2. Recurrent branch: arterial anastomosis around the elbow joint
3. Superficial palmar branch: arises above the wrist, joins the ulnar artery to form the
superficial palmar arch
****Note: ask maam if needed
4. Arteria radialis indicis: lateral side of the index finger
5. Arteria princeps pollicis: divides into two and supplies lateral and medial sides of the

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