ALMEIDA, Mauro de - Rubber Tappers of The Upper Jurua River

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The Making of a Forest Peasant Economy

Mauro William Barbosa de Almeida

Darwin College

A dissertation submitted by a candidate to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Cambridge




Mauro William Barbosa de Almeida

This thesis studies the forest labour process of seringueiros (rubber tappers) in
the contemporary Amazon. It investigates labour processes from a Marxist
anthropological perspective, focusing on value and exploitation on the capitalist
periphery. The analysis is supported by an ethnographic description of contemporary
seringais (rubber estates) in the State of Acre, where I was born.
This work is organised in three independent parts. Chapters 1 to 4 constitute a
study of the local history of rubber estates and their interface with world and national
history. They deal with the the cycle of expansion and decline of the rubber trade on
the Upper Jurua region of Acre (1870-1943), the renewed prosperity of the extractive
economy in the post-war period (1943-1980) and the conflicts between rubber patrons
(patr6es) and tappers during the last decade (1980-1990). I conclude that the
contemporary rubber estate system was a product of regional Brazilian politics rather
than a response to the imperatives of the world economy. It developed into its present
form as a result of Brazilian State economic policies, which favoured and subsidised a
technologically stagnant regional elite in an area marginal to the world market. Another
conclusion holds that a forest peasantry with a highly-diversified local economy
developed on the contemporary estates. This forest peasantry possesses its own stakes
in the forest economy. It is not simply a proletariat forced to remain in the forest and
supply the world or national market by virtue of debts.
, Chapters 5 and 6 describe in detail the trade-post system and the debt system on
the basis of field work done on the Tejo River Valley. I describe the trade-post
institution as based on the monopoly of natural resources and of trade, supported by
state agencies, extracting rents and mercantile profits from a population of rubber
tappers operating independent economic units in the heart of the forest. I argue that .
system is unable to control the forest labour process. I also interpret debt relations as a
consequence of the extractive character of the forest economy and not as an imposition
of trade-posts.
Chapters 7 through 10 proposes the model of a forest house economy, including
Its social groups, its use of the natural resources, its labour process and its overall
working. Far from specialised rubber producers, the rubber tappers' forest house
economy is characterised in technical terms by the amplitude of forest niches they
occupy (including hunting, collecting and cultivation). The technological and social
patterns of this economy possesses ecological and technological characteristics that are
essentially different from non-forest peasant economies (" settler" economies in the
Amazon), and also from the large-scale productive units (fazendas). My argument
favours the inclusion of the tappers' extensive economic strategies in the forest as part
of a wider development policy.

To Manuela


List of Maps, vi
List of Tables, vi
List of Diagrams, vii
Acknowledgements, ix
Glossary, xi
Acronyms, xii
Introduction, 1
1. The Rubber Boom in the Jurua Valley (1850-1912), 9
2. Crisis in the Rubber Market (1912-1943), 31
3. The State and the Rubber Trad.e (1945-1990), 45
4. Peasants and Patrons on the Tejo River (1980-1990), 69
5. Trade Posts, 95
6. Debts, Rubber and Merchandise, 131
7. Forest Houses and Persons, 169
8. Forest Houses and Nature, 199
9. Forest Houses and Labour: the Making of Rubber, 223
10. House Action Plans, 261
11. Conclusion, 289
Tables, 319
Diagrams, 357
Bibliography, 377


1 The Brazilian Amazon, xiii

2 The Upper Jurua: Cruzeiro do SuI Municipality, xiv
3 Tejo River Estates, xv
4 Riozinho Estate, xvi
5 Tacaratu settlement: a house's trails, xvii
LIST OF TABLES (pages 319 to 355)





Brazilian rubber exports 1827-1940

A decade of crises: output and prices, 1911-1921
Population and rubber output: Acre, 1909-1940
The structure of the Tejo river estates
Tejo River, 1981/82
Rubber trails: Restaurac;ao estate, 1981
Tejo River, 1991
Population and territory
Houses, settlements and territory, Restaurac;ao Estate
Rent Payment, Riozinho and Manteiga, 1981-1983
Titles, Tejo River Estates
Weighing qf RJ.lbber, Riozinho, 1983
Weighted Rubber (dry season) per house, Riozinho
House budget: unmarried tappers' house
Main itinerant traders, Restaurac;ao Estate, 1982
An example: Ferreira's purchases at Riozinho
Main Marreteiros, Restaurac;ao, 1982-1992
Composition of annual accounts
An example of annual balance: Chagas (summary a)
An example of annual balance: Chagas (summary b)
Three balances: Riozinho Estate, Tacaratu settlement
Debts in Riozinho Estate per house
Summary of debts 1982-83, Riozinho Estate
Accounts, Seringal Riozinho, 1983-4
Structure of Accounts
Population, Riozinho Estate
Settlements, houses, territory, Riozinho Estate
Distribution of Riozinho houses among settlements
Internal composition of houses
Internal composition of settlements: macro-houses
Summary of settlement patterns
Neighbourhood of settlements, networks of macro-houses
Summary of marriages: cousins, nieces
Settlements and Houses in the Riozinho 1981-1982
Movement of houses in Riozinho 1982-83
The members of a house
The members of a house (house of son-in-law)
Building a residence
Work on manioc garden I, current year (ro<;ado novo).
Main crops in manioc garden I
Work and main crops, manioc garden I1, current year

8.3c Work on manioc garden Ill, being harvested (arrancador).

8.3d Main crops in manioc garden III (being harvested)
8.4 Consumption of manioc flour (farinha)
8.5 Hunting in one week (a macro-house, two houses)
8.6 Patterns of work in rubber
8.6b Patterns of work in rubber: weekly plan
8.6c Patterns of work in rubber: an actual week
8.6d Work days (dry. season harvest only; 25 May/August
8.6e Rubber productIon (dry season harvest only; 4 months)
8. 7 Pur~hases (dry-~eason harvest only; to August)
8.7a BasIc consumption, purchased (Estivas)
8.7b House possessions (durable goods)
8.7c Production plans
8.8a Anthropic areas
8.8b The forest (mata bruta) environments and main uses
8.8c Forest plans
8.8d Forest animals (Bichos da mata)
9.1 Labour on Riozinho Estate (rubber work)
9.2 Rubber tools and equipment
9.3 Rubber making processes
10 Production per House
LIST OF DIAGRAMS (pages 357 to 376)
5.1 Seringal structure: the flow of merchandises
5.2 Seringal structure: the flow of rent
6.1 Yearly Accounts (debts to be paid)
6.2 Rubber Delivered to pay for accounts
6.3 Final Debts
7.1 Macro-house patterns
9.1 House activities in the year
1O.1a Rubber and Manioc Outputs
10.1b Hunting Yields (Deer kills)
Workers and Rubber Output per House
1O.3a Workers per House and Work Intensity (in kgs rubber)
1O.3b Workers per House and Work Intensity (in manioc pits)
10.4 Consumer per House and Output per House (in kgs rubber)
1O.5a Consumers per Worker and Output per Worker (in kgs rubber)
1O.5b Consumers per Workers and Output per Worker (in manioc pits)
1O.6a House Plans (rubber and manioc)
1O.6b House Plans, per Worker (rubber and manioc)
10.6c House Plans (rubber and deer)




I give my thanks to Dr. Stephen Hugh-Jones who believed that I would finish

this thesis some day. My studies at the University of Cambridge and the initial field
research (1981-1984) were financed by the Brazilian National Research Council
(CNPq) and by the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). A second research trip
(June-August 1987) was funded by UNICAMP while CNPq financed a second stay in
Cambridge (September 1990-February 1991). Campinas State University's ViceChancellor Dr. Renato de Sousa. signed a convention for technical cooperation with the
Conselho Nacional de Seringueiros; the Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente
(IBAMA) funded research under contract with the Upper Jurua Extractive Reserve's
Association (1991). Marisa Rodrigues, both as a friend and as head of faculty in my
university, was a great support.
I thank anthropologist Carlos Alberto Ricardo, a friend and one of the

directors of the Centro Ecumenico de



(CEDI) , which

made mnumerable services and several airline tickets available to me. I thank
anthropologist Mary Allegretti for introducing me to the rubber tapper's political
movement in 1985. Thanks are given to the Conselho Nacional de Seringueiros and to


de Seringueiros da Reserva Extrativista do Alto Junul, among whose

leaders and friends I only mention Chico Mendes. I should stress that the views
presented in this dissertation do not claim to express' the Conselho' s position on any
issue. Particular thanks are given to my Upper Jurua friends, among which I mention
Chico Ginu on behalf of all of them. Macedo became a colleague, a friend and a
teacher for me from 1988. During my visits to Rio Branco, I stayed at my relatives'
house, as well as with my friends anthropologist Terri Aqui and Vera Paiva; and in
Cruzeiro do SuI with Dona Alice, the Messias, the Dantas family, Antonio Macedo,
and Raimundo Cardoso. I thank Iram Rodrigues for his unfailing friendship and help.


To Elizabeth Spalding I have a great debt for her help and friendship. I must
thank in particular Dr. John Monteiro for his invaluable help with the English, although
all remaining errors are of my responsability. Alicia Rolla kindly draw the fine maps of
the Upper Jurua.
This research and dissertation owe their existence to Manuela Carneiro da
Cunha, companheira. I thank my beloved daughter Luana, deprived of most of her
father's time for so long, always supportive. Final and deep thanks are given to my
father Guilherme (now deceased) and to my mother Maristela, the original sources of
my knowledge on the seringal.

This dissertation is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is
the outcome of work done in collaboration.

- Advanced supplies; also manioc-flour equipment
Aviar - To supply in advance or flado (aviador;aviado)
BalTaciio - Trade-post
Barranqueiro - River bank (barranco) cultivator
Batelao - A covered boat; as used by a regatiio or patrao
Baleeira - A flat-bottomed, covered boat
Caboclo - Indian or descendant of Indians
Capoeira - Abandoned clearing in a forest
Casa-de-farinha - Manioc processin~ house,
Colocac;iio - A settlement; set of trails and Its terrItory
Colocar - To settle someone in a colocac;iio
Embiara - Small game
Empanema~ - To make (so!Deone, something) panema
Estiva - BaSIC, bulky, supplIes for a rubber tapper
Estrada - Rubber trail; more generally, a road
Faca - Tapper's knife, and by extension a tapper
Farinha - Manioc-flour
Fiado - On credit; in confidence; credit system
Fregues - Someone who buys on credit; a customer; client
Jgarape - Small river
Lamparina - House la~p using kerosene
Madeira - Wood; speCIfIcally a rubber tree urnt
M an'eteiro .- A petty retail trader in a seringal
M ata bruta - Virgin forest
Mae-da-cac;a - Mother-of-the-game; a forest entity
Miie-da-seringueira - Mother-of-the-rubber tree; a forest entIty
Novena - Annual nine-days of rosary; associated fairs
Panema - Condition preventing success in hunting
Paranii - Small river with flooded banks
Patrao - Trader who advances merchandise; a boss; owner
Pela - Rubber ball of 50 kgs or more
Poronga - Forest lamp
Prancha - A rubber plank of 10-12 kgs
Principio - Rubber bundle of small size as sold to regatao
Rancho - Food, especially game
Regatiio - Itinerant river trader
Renda - Payment for rubber trails; rent
RoC;ado - Manioc garden plot; any cultivated area
Seringa - Rubber tree
Seringal - Rubber estate; zone under an owner or trader
Seringueiro - Rubber tapper
Saldo - Positive credit balance ("borracha de saldo")
Terra firme - River bank which is never flooded; upland
Terreiro - Back-yard
Tingui - To fish by the use of poisoning
Ubci - A flat-bottomed one-trunk canoe
Vci17ea - River bank subject to flooding; floodplain
Vereda - Trail habitually used by a wild animal
Vizinhar - To share game with a neighbour (vizinho)


ASAREAJ - Associa~ao de Serin~eiros e Agricultores da Reserva Extrativista do
Alto Jurua. Upper Jurua Extractive Reserve Association of Rubber Tappers and



BNDES - Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social. National Bank

for Economic and Social Development.
CNS - Conselho Nacional dos Seringueiros. National Council of Tubber Tappers.
CONTAG - Confedera~ao Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura. National
Confederation of Agricultural Workers.
IBAMA - Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente. Brazilian Institute for the
INCRA - Instituto Nacional de Coloniza~ao e Reforma Agraria. National Institute
for Land Settlement and Agrarian Reform.
PROBOR - Program a de Incentivo
Vegetable Rubber.



a Borracha Vegetal. Programme of Incentives to




SUDHEVEA - Superintendencia de Desenvolvimento da Borracha. Rubber

Development Agency.






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-- -.

Boundaries of main
Ru bber States

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~~~---.- ~.~~~~.--~--~~




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Unpaved rood


Planned rood

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MANTEl .. "






Major Trade Post (Barracoo)


Middle Trade Post (Barracoo)


Minor Trade Post (BarracOo)

HORIZONTE . Middle Estate (Seringal)

S. " "IHEI"" .

I g . M onft!igo


M inor Estate (Seringal)

Stream (Igarape)

Settlement (Colocacoo)


only comp lete for RESTAURACAO

- - _ Boundary ot Indigenous Area


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Trade Post

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Rubber Tra ils of Ferreira (one house)

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This thesis has the objective of studying the forest labour process of
seringueiros (rubber tappers) in the contemporary Amazon. The motivation for this
study was my interest in investigating labour processes from a Marxist
anthropological perspective, focusing on value and exploitation on the capitalist
periphery. Following the decisive incentive of my supervisor, Dr. Hugh-Jones, I
combined this interest with an ethnographic description of contemporary seringais
(rubber estates) in the State of Acre, where I was born.
The continued existence of these rubber estates constituted something of an
enigma. Why has a native forest extractive economy, based on so-called debt slavery,
been maintained on the periphery of the Brazilian Amazon for over a century? How
come seringais still exist on the eve of the twenty-first century? Between the original
research and the final write-up of this thesis, other enigmatic issues emerged.
Following Chico Mendes' murder, the rubber tappers became known world-wide,
and for some time after that event were promoted as heroes who defended the

- I


preservation of tropical forests (Maxwell 1991:24; Allegretti 1990:252-64). This

appeared as encouraging news, for it suggested that migrant populations occupying
forest areas could adapt to forest life and learn to respect nature over a period of
decades. However, this picture remained somewhat paradoxical. Rubber tappers
had been described as a miserable population of impoverished workers living in subhuman conditions, forced to endure a tropical hell through debts that were
impossible to settle, condemned to isolation and deprivation in order to produce
rubber (Cunha 1967 [1909]; Furtado 1959; Pinto 1984). The only reasonable
recommendation seemed to hasten the disappearance of the rubber tappers. Beyond
the social conditions unbecoming of human dignity, the tropical forest labour


process itself had been described as brutalising, leading more than one writer to the
interpretations for the. discussion of these issues. Thus, the analytical focus on

conclusion that the true function of debt slavery was to force rubber tappers to

labour processes and social relations in the forest economy, combined with a

accept a labour form from which they spontaneously would flee if given the chance -

concern for the .historical context, is intended to contribute to a better

fleeing not to become independent forest workers, but to abandon the forest

understanding of the alternatives for the future development of the forest economy.

altogether (Silva 1982). Capitalist expansion fronts, involving large firms or

independent colonists, both with government support, were supposed to eliminate


the residues of the extractive economy, which was seen essentially as a large-scale

This work is organised in three independent parts. Chapters 1 to 4 constitute

predatory system whose whole raison d'etre resides in the transfer of information

a study of the local history of rubber estates and their interface with world and

and energy from the periphery to the metropolis (Bunker 1985; Almeida 1990a,

national history. They deal with the the cycle of expansion and decline of the rubber

1992; Hornborg 1992; Alier & Schlupmann 1991:34). The peasantisation of the.

trade on the Upper Jurua region of Acre (1870-1943), the renewed prosperity of the

rubber tappers was treated only as a recent and transitional phenomenon (Bakx

extractive economy in the post-war period (1943-1980), the conflicts between rubber


patrons (patroes) and tappers during the last decade (1980-1990). I conclude that
The rubber tappers' political movement in the 1980s introduced a new


the contemporary rubber estate system was a product of regional Brazilian politics

element to this picture. Many tappers not only remained ' in the forest immediately

rather than a response to the imperatives of the world economy. It developed into .

following the patroes (rubber estate owners and traders) exodus from the area, but

its present form as a result of Brazilian State economic policies, which favoured and

also planned to stay there in the future - composing a scenario marked by the

subsidised an technologically-stagnant regional elite in an area marginal to the

continuity of the forest economy in areas of the Amazon occupied by rubber tappers

world market. Another conclusion holds that a forest peasantry with a highly-

and other extractors. This proposition initially emerged as a response to an agrarian

diversified local economy developed on the contemporary estates. This forest

crisis, as rubber tappers who were expelled or under threat of expulsion from

peasantry possesses its own stakes in the forest economy. It is not simply a

extractive areas expressed their rights to forest territory (Bakx 1988, 1990).

proletariat forced to remain in the forest and supply the world or national market by

}Iowever, the


of this programme coincided with the end of government .

virtue of debts.

subsidies, which in the past had been pocketed by estate owners and rubber

Chapters 5 and 6 describe in detail the trade-post system and the debt

processors. Established in 1985, the tappers' association at that point began to

system on the basis of field work done on the Tejo River valley. I describe the trade-

combine their defense of land rights with a globally-appealing argument of the

post institution as based on the monopoly of natural resources and of trade,

public interest involved in the tappers' management of forest resource, thus

supported by state agencies, extracting rents and mercantile profits from a.

exchanging the language of subsidised poverty for a language of investment and

population of r~bber tappers operating independent economic units in the heart of the

sustainable development (Hecht & Cockburn 1991). This thesis provides data and


I argue that this system is unable to control the forest labour process. I also

interpret debt relations as a consequence of the extractive character of the forest

economy and not as an imposition of trade-posts.

including its social groups, its use of the natural resources, labour process and its
overall working. Far from specialised rubber producers, the rubber tappers' forest

in technical terms by the amplitude of forest niches

they occupy (including hunting, collecting and cultivation). The technological and


of this

economy possesses




characteristics that are essentially different from non-forest peasant economies

("settler" economies in the Amazon), and also from the large-scale productive units
(fazendas). My argument favours the inclusion of the tappers' extensive economic
strategies in the forest as part of a wider development policy.


this last category included information on rubber production, agriculture, hunting,

and domestic consumption (including work equipment). I also produced a field
diary, focusing on labour and consumption patterns. I resided on the Tacaratu
settlement (with my friend Mr. Ferreira, in whose house I had the status of a hired
hand) and the Floresta settlement (at Dodo Tim6teo's house), though I also spent
many days at other settlements and visited Mr. Sebastiao Correa's trade post on a
few occasions. In 1987, I paid a return visit to Riozinho, while accompanying union
organiser Chico Ginu in meetings on Riozinho and a nearby estate, employing partof my time to update population data. On this occasion, I conducted interviews
concerning plants, game and soils. These da,t a are the basis for chapters 7 to 10.
During the house surveys, I took notes on tappers' accounts with the

This thesis is based especially on three kinds of sources. The first is direct

barracao (trade post), and on many occasions studied accounts and debts in detail

observation during field work in the municipal district of Cnizeiro do SuI, Acre,

with the house heads. In my short stays at the trade post I tried to obtain additional

covering the following periods: September 1982-January 1983; March-November

accounting material and observed the transactions at the shop. These data are used

1983; and June..;August 1987. The second involves my volunteer advisory activities -

in Chapters 5 and 6.


for the National Council of Rubber Tappers (from 1985 to 1988) and for the Tejo

I consulted documents and periodicals in the Municipal Library of Cruzeiro

River Rubber Tappers' Association (from 1989 to 1992). Third, I have relied on my

do SuI, the Center for Historical Documentation of the Federal University of Acre

personal experience and biography.

(in Rio Branco), the Cambridge University Library and the British Library. Other

The first period of field research (September 1982 to November 1983), in

- I

questionnaire with information on family (spontaneous lists of relatives' names and

, residence), domestic history (summary biographies of house heads), and economy:

Chapters 7 through 10 proposes the model of a forest house economy,

house economy .is

documents generously were ceded by Dr. Manuela C. Cunha, who undertook_

Cruzeiro do SuI, and particularly on the Tejo River, resulted in two household

research in the archives of the Saint-Esprit Congregation in France, whose

surveys covering the Riozinho area of the Restaura~ao Estate (a sub-estate of the

missionaries had frequented the Upper Jurmi region since the late nineteenth

Tejo River's major rubber estate). During the period of research, the Riozinho

century. This material was the basis for Chapters 1 and 2. Chapter 3

Estate was formed by a maximum of 69 houses, which I surveyed in October-

national policies relies on different sources such as official statistics and reports,

November 1982, and during those same months a year later, applying a

laws and newspapers. Chapter 4 includes information obtained in my 1987 trip and
in several visits every year since then (ranging from weeks to months).


I could not use all of the material obtained. I kept a diary on labour and
~onsumption habit~,

and adopted from the start the practice of accompanying my

hosts on their work outings. I had to draw maps, make measurements and take photographs. I employed published statistical data from the mGE (the government
statistics agency) as well as data from the RADAMBRASIL project, covering the
Brazilian part of the Upper Jurua region. Early research (1982-3) focused entirely
on the daily life of rubber tappers. One basic difficulty lay in the fact that tappers'
houses form groups of two or three on a settlement, linked to other settlements by
paths involving a two or three-hour walk through the forest. Since I adopted the
practice of studying work activities by participating in them, it became difficult to
make casual visits to other settlements, except on weekends. Settlements were quite
different from one another in their basic economic orientation. It became apparent
that survey data based on questionnaires afforded only a normative and idealised
picture of activities~ which appeared far more varied and complex from the vantage point of direct, personal observation. Survey data revealed patterns and plans.
Observation as a participant revealed actions and processes whereby plans
interacted with circumstance, and varied from house to house. Thus I faced a
dilemma. To remain only a short time on each settlement meant a rupture in the


continuity of work patterns whose minimum dimension should be at least a year; but
to remain too long on a single settlement meant accepting a single pattern as
general, within the many possibilities manifested by different houses and
settlements. Instead of one location viewed by a single observer, there was a wider
group of 25 micro-locations forming a network covering around 23,000 hectares.
Under these circumstances, where the focus was a settlement where I became

"employed" and had to assist the head in all the activities he undertook, the finalresult was a discontinuous sequence of observations and flashes of different styles.
But the data could not be aggregated as a statistic for a "typical" house. The

requirements of statistical analysis cannot be satisfied with the register of some

weeks of hunting at one house, weeks of rubber extraction at another, and a period
of agricultural activities at yet another. The rubber tappers' society is by no means
Beginning in 1985, I came into contact with union leaders who were involved
in the rubber tappers' movement. My involvement as a volunteer adviser to this
nascent movement foc.used first on the establishment of an autonomous rubber
tapper's organisation having as one of its goals the creation of Extractive Reserves
in Amazonia. This activity led me to the acquaintance of other rubber tappers and
estates throughout the Amazon, where social relations and technical patterns could
vary tremendously (Novo Aripuaml on the Madeira River, Amazonas; Xapuri,
Brasi]eia and Assis Brasil on the Purus Valley, eastern Acre; Rondonia State). I am
thus aware that the description presented here cannot claim to be valid without
qualification for


other than the Upper Jurua River.

From 1988 I became deeply involved with the project of establishing an

Extractive Reserve in the Upper Jurua area where I originally did field research. I
became friends wit? union leader Francisco Barbosa de Melo (Chico Ginu) whom I
knew since 1982 from upper Tejo river, and who from 1987 made several censuses
on the Tejo River as a research assistant. Ginu became the first Reserve leader. I
also became friends with Ant6nio Batista de Macedo, who established the National
Rubber Tappers' Council Association's activities for the Upper Jurua and, besides
inspiring the project of creating an Extractive Reserve on the Tejo river, led the
social movement which resulted in the Reserve's creation. My activities included
meetings with tappers in Cruzeiro do SuI (the first in 1986) and on the Tejo River
since 1987 (where I assisted Chico Ginu); community meetings to organize the new
local institutions (beginning in January 1989) ; th e el


projects and

reports (usually helping out Antonio Macedo); research for the Tappers'


Association, and contacts with government authorities at the environmental agency

Chapter 1

(mAMA) and Justice Department, as well as with scientific institutions (University

of Campinas) and technical organs (EMBRAPA). In 1990, the estate originally


researched in 1982, 1983 and part of 1987 and then visited by me every year became
the first Extractive Reserve, by the Federal Decree of 22 January 1990, and its land
was officially expropriated on 15 January 1992.

The formation of a popUlation of rubber tappers or seringueiros, which
emerged with th"! institution of the seringais or rubber estates, passed through
several phases in the Jurua Valley. The first phase, prior to 1870, may be
characterised by the commercial extraction of rubber by the Amazonian Indian
popUlation; in the second phase (1870 and 1912), known as the rubber boom, the
extractive frontier advanced rapidly in the direction of the Upper Jurua River,


through the territorial expansion of the extraction zones and the migration of rubber

~ .l,

tappers under a system not unlike indentured labour; in a third phase (1912 to

1943), the rubber estates survived as enterprises oriented towards a regional market




and a stable population; in a fourth phase (1943 to 1985) Amazonian patr6es (patrons, estate owners and commercial agents) became the political and economic
clients of the national state; finally, the period beginning in 1985 and extending to
the present day has been marked by the exit of the patrons from the Amazonian
scene and by the concurrent emergence of rubber tappers' organisations fighting for
land rights and proposing alternatives for the development of the forest economy
(Table 1.1).

Trade and Extraction. 1750-1870

Already in the early years of the nineteenth century (1813-18), the Jurua

river was visited by river traders from Ega sought to acquire especially turtle wax,
sarsaparilla and Indian slaves in their expeditions up the Jurua (Castelnau,
1851:87,128-9; Osculati, 1854:239; Herdon 1853:190,284), relying on indian labour.



Thus, by 1850 traders already had reached the Middle Jurmi all the way to the

river banks to acquire turtle wax and manatees, and pirarucli fish; and they go to the

Tarauaca River, exchanging commodities with the Indians for cocoa, sarsaparilla,

forest to extract sarsaparilla, copaiba oil, cloves, etc.; which in effect Inight be called

vanilla and copaiba oil. The dry season also was the period for rubber extraction,

work, should they not do it in permanent distraction, with dances, excursions,

and this product found its way back to Tefe between November and December,

dinners, etc." (Araujo e Amazonas 1852:25; cf. Bates 1895[1863]).

when the rains filled the river floodplains (Castelo Branco 1922; Tastevin c.191922)r However, the labour supply was constrained by the limited size of indigenous .
populations, which became smaller as a result of resistance, flight and disease
(Oliveira Filho 1979:126; Ribeiro 1970:42-7; Cardoso de Oliveira; Lazarini 1981:v),
while the demand for rubber grew steadily between 1850 and 1870. In 1853, dried
pirarucli fish led regional exports in value (7,000), followed by sarsaparilla. Rubber
occupied a modest fifth place, with a total value of less than a thousand pounds
sterling, less significant than tobacco, copaiba oil, Brazil nuts and mixira (turtle wax)
(Tavares Bastos 1975 (1886):134). But by 1855, latex already had climbed to second
place, surpassed only by pirarucli, and by 1857 was the ~ost important article in
terms of export earnings, generating over 13,000 per year (Bastos 1975 [1886]:134).
In 1863, rubber accounted for almost a third of the total value of regional exports
(half a metric ton, worth 50,000), growing to over one thousand metric tons (worth .
130,000) by 1865 (Tavares Bastos 1975 [1886]:134-5, 136,229,233-4).
However, the Indian population 1 was insufficient or unwilling to supply the
required number of workers, and the caboclo frequently was described as averse to
disciplined work, preferring seasonal collecting activities and the sale of forest
products to itinerant peddlers (Moran, 1974; Parker, 1985). For example, in 1852
Captain Araujo e Amazonas complained that the inhabitants of Barra (today
Manaus) "spend the summer in what they call work; which they do by going to the

The Boom Phase, 1870-1912. Preliminaries

The conflict between growing demand for rubber and the liInited labour
supply found a solution in the importation of non-Indian rubber tappers to the
Amazon. Between 1880 and 1910, the annual output of the Brazilian Amazon
increased an average of 10,000 tons per decade, reaching a peak of 40,000 tons in
1912. The productivity of individual rubber tappers may be estimated between 200
and 400 kgs. per year during this period. These figures suggest that between 25,000
and 50,000 new tappers Inigrated to Amazonia during each decade of the boom. 2
This suggests a territorial expansion on the order of 75,000 to 150,000 krn2 per
decade, the time- it took one decade to occupy the entire Jurua Valley (1885-1895)
as well as the Purus Valley (1870-1880), incorporating an area of 150,000 hectares,
which covers the current state of Acre.
The transportation of prospective rubber tappers from other parts of the
country was financed by the accumulated capital of Belem mercantile interests.
Beginning in the late 1870s, successive waves of Inigrants poured into the Amazon
Valley, especially to the upper reaches of the rivers only recently opened to white
occupation, such as the Purus and Jurua, as well as the Madeira, attracted by the
extensive concentrations of high-quality Hevea brasiliensis in the upper courses of
these rivers, were no prior owners existed. The transportation problem was solved
with the introduction of steam navigation on the right-bank tributaries of the

. 1. The Cata~ of the Juru.a we~e a~ong the indigenous peoples who
supplIed rubber to flver traders dunng thIS penod. For the trade in Indian quasislav~s on the Purus see Polak 1894:iv; The South American Missionary Society, 1876
paSSIm, esp. Vol.1O, 1976:234-8; Clough, 1872; Chandless, 1887:299-301" .

2. By 1850, the popUlation of Amazonas Province was around 40,000 (Aralijo

e Amazonas 1852), mainly of indigenous background. In 1920, the population of
Amazonas including Acre reached 360,000.



Amazon (Bastos 1975 [1886]:passim; Coelho 1982:24). This contributed to the mass

Sharanahua, Amahuaca, Cashinahua, Poyanawa, Kontanawa, Arara and other

influx of peasants from the northeastern province of Ceara, whose backlands were

Pano-speaking groups inhabiting the upper course of the Jurua Basin represented

punished by repeated drought crises between 1877 and 1880. In 1878 alone, 54,000

more an inconvenient obstacle than a convenient source of labour. These groups

peasants moved on to Amazonia, while some 50,000 others perished in misery in the

were removed from the rubber extractors' path, often exterminated by killers who

northeastern backlands (Stokes, 1974:24-9).

organised massacres for a living, abducting Indian women to be turned over to

Jurmi River Occupation

In 1870 the first steamship went up the Jurua. By 1876, the Middle Jurua
received the visit of a steamboat every month, and in 1877, the first Northeasterners
began to arrive on the river (Castelo Branco, 19~2;134ff.). The rapid pace of
territorial expansio~ developed, in part, because the mere speculation in new rubber
zones became a good business. Once back in settled areas, the first explorers sold
their claims and shortly thereafter rubber tappers, financed by commercial backers
in Belem (and later Manaus), began to pour in on both conventional river craft as
well as steamers. On the Jurua, a rubber estate worth one million reis (c. 50) in
1885 was worth fourteen times that value in 1892; prices could rise as much as
tenfold in a single year, as new trails were opened and more tappers introduced, and
some reports related that certain persons specialised in opening rubber estates for
resale (Castelo Branco 1941:197).
In this feverish rhythm, much of the extensive municipal area of Cruzeiro do
SuI was occupied by rubber estates, between 1885 and 1895. By 1900 most rubber
estates in Cruzeiro do SuI had been established and had reached the Breu, which in
effect was the southern limit of Hevea brasiliensis (Tastevin 1920:133; n.d.; Parissier 1898a, b, and c; Castelo Branco 1922, 1941, 1947, 1950). This rapid change may be
gauged by Chandless' account of the late 1860s, since at that time he was unable to
enter what is now Acre because his oarsmen entertained a mortal fear of the valiant
Nahua, present in that remote region. In effect, during this period the Yaminahua,

rubber tappers as prizes, while only on exceptional occasions "domesticating" Indians

in settlements that were to supply forced labour to plantations and rubber estates.
These Pano-speakers retreated to lands in Peruvian territory, beyond the reach of
Hevea brasiliensis, where their descendants live to this day, with the days of the
correrias (massacres and slave raids) firmly embedded in their memory (Siskind,
1973:41; Aquino, 1982:68; Ribeiro 1970:44;Cabral, 1949;Parissier 1989b:78-79). The
Ashaninka (Campa), on the other hand, followed a different course, entering Acre
during this same period, possibly forming alliances with patrons in their skirmishes
against the Amahuaca and other Panoan groups, their traditional enemies (Mendes,
In 1904, when a joint Peruvian and Brazilian military expedition went up the
Jurua River to determine its course and population, it counted 325 rubber estates on
the Jurua, among which 74 fell within the present municipal boundaries of Cruzeiro
do SuI (Mendon~a 1989 [1907]:8-17). Also in 1904, referring to the same area of
Cruzeiro do SuI, Colonel Thaumaturgo de Azevedo, first Brazilian authority in the
region, reported 7,781 inhabitants (5,880 males), which probably mearit about 4,000
rubber tappers producing a total of 1,398 tons (349 kgs. per tapper).3 For the same
Cruzeiro do SuI area, Tastevin gives the figure of 12,000 inhabitants for 1912
(Tastevin, 1920: 140; Thaumaturgo de Azevedo 1905).
.3. In 1904, the total population of the Upper Jurua in Acre, including
Cruzelro do SuI. artd also the Tarauaca and its tributaries, reached 14,208 (10,581 males). ApproXImately 8,000 rubber tappers were responsible for a registered
output of 3,382 tons of rubber (Thaumaturgo de Azevedo 1905).

The Tejo River: the Last Frontier

The Tejo river constituted a particularly important rubber producing zone
within Cruzeiro do SuI, with some 600 tappers by 1912, and together with the
Brazilian Jurua river upstream to Vila Thaumaturgo it produced around 600 tons
rubber (Castelo Branco 1922:709-13, Prefeitura do Alto Jurua 1914). The Tejo
River apparently was first claimed by a Portuguese man (Parissier (1898b);
Mendonc;a 1989 [1907]:197 [111]); Tejo (Tagus), Tamisa (Thames) and other
European designations are used along this river to this day. Initially settled by 1895,
by 1897, the lavish steamer Contreiras, belonging to Melo & Co. of BeIem and
including an orchestra among its luxuries, paid an annual visit to the remote and
wealthy Tejo River, in a six-month journey carrying rubber and rubber tappers,
while occasionally running into Peruvian caucheros (rubber extractors) up from the
Jurua headwaters (Mendonc;a 1989 [1907]: 199 [113]). By 1899, the headwaters of
the Tejo had been explored to the Manteiga and Riozinho igarapes (small rivers).
Until around 1911, the Tejo estates were dispersed among several independent
owners. Bonifacio da Costa, son-in-law of the steamer's captain, managed the
principal trading post on the Tejo until 1912, when Melo & Co. of Belem became
the main proprietor in the Tejo area (Prefeitura do Alto Jurua, 1914-15).
At this point, the rubber trade found support in a significant transportation

later describes as "specialists" in marking rubber trails or "woodsmen "4 ,the

woodcutters, and the common labourers. Mendonc;a adds that there were "shelters
for temporary workers", stocks of firewood to supply the steamers, W.c.s over the
water and


with manioc flour, dried pirarucll, beans, rice, salt, biscuits, _

wheat flour and everything that may be found in a grocery store; "everything that a
civilised man might need" (Tastevin 1920:136; cf. 1925a:413-22; 1926:46-49;
These descriptions suggest that by 1911, just before the collapse of the
market for natural rubber, the Tejo river had become a centralised trade area with
investment in transportation, supplies, opening of trails and supervision of tappers5.
The fact that the Tejo was one of the most distant rubber zones suggests the high
profits generated by the rubber business. It should be noted, however, that the Tejo
river also attracted rubber tappers because of its high natural productivity.
According to a fl!:...bber tapper who penned his memoirs, a single tapper could collect
anywhere from six to ten kgs. of rubber per day in the Manteiga and Riozinho, while _
in 120 days of annual work could produce a ton, which was reason enough to
overcome his fear of Cashinahua and Catuquina Indians (Cabral, 1949:35-42)6.
These figures are still valid this area, which is were I did field research. Cabral's
memoirs describe how In 1899, after working as a tapper in a middle Jurua estate,

network. During the rubber cycle, the Tejo area was cut by many mule trails, thirtyfive of which still existed in 1920. The Tejo rubber estates were supplied and
managed from their headquarters at the mouth of the Tejo, described in 1905 by
Mendonc;a as having "great warehouses, an excellent office and around twenty
houses, along with cattle" (Mendonc;a 1907:110;27;194). According to Tastevin, the
Tejo headquarters had houses for the employees, . namely the fishermen, the
mateiros (which he first says are "in charge of supervising the rubber tappers" and

4. "Le pecheur du patron, ses 'matteiros' cha~ge~ de surve!ller les extrac~~urs

de ~omme les bucherons et les hommes de peme (Tastevm 1920: 136). Ces
sentlers (ru'bber tree trails) son traces par des specialistes qu'on appelle 'matteiros',
'hommes des bois' ... " (Tastevin 1920:141).
5. See previ~us note. Where they exist, today's mateiros are still 'spe~ialists'
who can mark trails linking rubber trees (cleared by another man), and Inspect
yearly the trees to check the tapping technique used.
6. The Cashinahua have survived in the neig~bouring Jordao river (Aquino,
1982; McCallum, 1989). Besides Cabral's memOIrS (Cabra!, 1949), fIrst-hand
accounts of the Tejo during the boom days found !? Mendonc;a (1989
[1907]), a military man, Castelo Branco (1941), a Judge, ArauJo (1910), a lawyer, _
and Father Tastevin (n.d.: 1919-22) . .

he followed his brother with five men to work in the unoccupied Riozinho and
Manteiga estates, authorized by the local owner. They were on their own to build up
their barracks, open up new trails and fight the neighbouring Indians (Cabral
1949:43-49). I proceed to add more pieces of information of the characteristics of
the upper Jurua rubber zone.
Limitations in Land Ownership and Political Power
In 1903, the eastern Acre territory was formally incorporated into Brazilian

Mello & Co. personnel boat, at the place later known as vila Thaumaturgo. Thewhole western Acre became then the Upper Jurua Department, directly under
federal rule.
The federal status of the Upper Jurua Department clashed with the interests
both of Manaus and of local merchants. The new and wealthy rubber zones, linked
to Manaus and BeIem by steamship navigation, were claimed by the state
government of Amazo~as.


their pad, the patrons of the Upper Jurua hoped to

sovereignty (Stokes 1974). At the same time, in the western Acre area which was

install an independent unit of the Brazilian Federation, separate from the state of

claimed independently by Peru, caucheros entered -in conflict with the rubber

Amazonas, but endowed with its own political and administrative order. Instead, the

tappers in the Am6nia river, just as few miles downstream of the Tejo river. The

federal department system, modeled after the federal lands of the United States,

caucheros were nomadic extractors who covered a determined area in search of the

meant that neither the local patron elite nor the regional elite of Manaus, who until

Castilloa elastica tree, which they struck down in order to obtain forty to fifty kgs. of

1904 ruled de facto over the upper Jurua area, were to control decisions regarding _

caucho latex all at once, producing in this fashion a total output of between two and

property, taxation and justice (Costa, 1973[1924]).

four tons per season (Pennano 1988:53). Caucheros never settled permanently,

This situation stood in stark contrast to the images of greatness that the

disappearing once and for all from the Upper Jurua after the boom years. 7 The

Cruzeiro do SuI elite wished to project. In advertisements that reached distant

rubber tappers established themselves in permanent installations, produced an

prospective rubber tappers, it was a city greater than Manaus or Belem, a place

yearly output around half a ton rubber, received regular supplies and constituted a

where any and everyone could strike a fortune. Exaggeration apart, the area did

fixed population whose boundaries were limited to the natural distribution of Hevea

grow from a simple trading post purchased by colonel Thaumaturgo in 1904 to a


town of 3,000 inhabitants in 1912 (Azevedo 1905; Tastevin 1913). In the urban area

In 1904, colonel Thaumaturgo started a Brazilian administration in Cruzeiro

of Cruzeiro do SuI, a monumental, thirty metre wide boulevard was projected. The

do SuI which he founded at the mouth of the Moa river. In the same year, the

town had a school, a workers' association, a courthouse, a customs house, a masorllc

Peruvian garrison at the Amonia river was defeated with the participation of the

lodge and a chapel, and from 1906 had a newspaper which defended political
autonomy for the region (Revista do Instituto Historico e Geographico Brazileiro,

7. Cauchero (Spanish) and seringueiro (Portuguese) are not synonymous

terms. Castilloa latex (jebe in Spanish, caucho in Portuguese) and Hevea latex
(shiringa in Spanish, seringa in Portuguese) must not be confused. "The cauchero
was considered a tree predator, an adventurer, nomadic in principle, whose 'harvest'
of latex almost always meant the destruction of the tree ... The seringueiro, for his
part, was a stable worker, organised in permanent sites of exploitation. He was
sedentary and as a consequence was a settler" (Pennano 1988:53).

1908, 1:48). In addition, there were a steam-driven sawmill, two brick and tile
factories, electrical power, an ice factory and about 150 commercial establishments
belonging to Brazilian and "Oriental" (Lebanese, Greek and Jewish) merchants. The
3,000 tons of rubber that left the Acrean Jurua annually allowed for the importation


of foodstuffs, bottled drinks, clothing, tools, medicine and firearms, though with a
deficit. No wonder the Cruzeiro do SuI elite became irritated by those of Rio de
Janeiro who treated the town as if it were a mere camp in the forest.
During the boom years, in fact, rubber exports produced revenues
comparable to those generated by coffee exports and Acre was the richest source ofrubber. Local patrons complained that federal taxes were excessive. They also
alleged that the distance separating them from the federal capital of Rio de Janeiro
made it impossible for efficient federal administration to exist. In 1910, the patrons
rebelled, pleading independent state status within the federation. But the federal
government responded by sending troops and stifling the uprising that same year, as
reported by one of its leaders in a book aptly named "The End of the Epopee"


for a small fee, but since what really mattered in the early days was the effective
occupation of rubber . trails and not the legal ownership of the areas, the estates
expanded with no concern for boundaries or areas (Magalhaes 1977; Araujo 1910).
After 1904, the federal government did not create mechanisms for the formal
acquisition of land by patrons, or to validate titles issued by the Amazonas State at a
time when the region officially belonged to Peru. Thus, according to Antonio Jose
Araujo, a lawyer who worked in Cruzeiro do SuI after 1909:
All the land in Acre is devoluta (public), it is not legitimate property, nor can
it be legalised for lack of laws to this effect, and it is kept under the power ofa few individuals only under the status of posse (claim) ... while the private
individual does not own land, which belongs to the Union, or rather to the

(Costa 1973[1924]).
Territory (of Acre), on the other hand there is not one square foot of land
The absence of local political institutions had important effects on the land
Issue. The land, in practice forests that were rich in rubber trees, became
monopolised by the patrons; in a legal sense, however, this monopoly was not
bolstered by legal titles, with the exception of deeds issued by the State ofAmazonas before 1904. In the early years of the boom, in order to take control of a
rubber zone, one needed simply "to occupy the area, to erect whatever building one
wishes, and to exploit it": as long as no one challenged this form of appropriation,
the occupant might remain decades in the area, according to a contemporary
(Libermann 1897). Only the frontage areas along river banks could become disputed
areas. A rubber estate, in effect, was a simple "assemblage of rubber tree trails", the

that he has not appropriated (Araujo 1910:104-5).8

One consequence was that rubber tappers could claim the right of de facto
acquisition, just as the patrons did. The point was apparently taken by Thaumaturgo
de Azevedo in his decree number 4 of December 1904, which states:
The aviado [he who receives an advance, usually a tapper] or fregues [client]
who, by his own initiative, opens new caucho or seringueira trails, beyond the
property of the patrons, has a right over them and will not be subject to rent,
being, however, obliged to deliver to the aviador [lending party, or patron]_
the rubber produced, to be recorded on his credit balance (Thaumaturgo .de
Azevedo 1905:191).

onlyreal measure of property values (Parissier 1898c:83-4; Araujo 1910; Magalhaes

1977; Silva 1982). However, from a legal point of view unappropriated land was the
property of the States of the Federation, such as the State of Amazonas (Magalhaes,
1977:13-16), and could be acquired only through purchase. Official titles in the
upper Jurua could be obtained until 1904 from the state government of Amazonas _

8. In 1913 the federal government set a deadline. of thre~ years for the
urchase of land - a solution refused by the patrons then III the mIddl~ of a d~ep
~conomic crisis (Rego Barros 1981:153). Additional sources on t?e l~nd Issue ~atIllg
from 1907 are summarised in Gon~alves (1991:35-36), confirmIng the pIcture
proposed here.


Implicit in this article of the decree (called "illegal" and "dictatorial" by


of debt-bondage as a single and homogeneous system during the rubber boom

lawYer Araujo) ~as' that a category of independent rubber tappers could emerge.

should therefore be qualified. An instance of this image is provided by Father

Trade Monopoly. Debts. and Violence


Another effect of the federal rule was that the patron's capacity to coerce the

".. .in order to pay his often fictitious debt, the tapper is forced to make yet

rubber tappers by violent means was apparently restricted at least at some moments

another season at his patron and extend thus indefinitely his slavery, and if,

during the boom. One of the issues was the trade monopoly sought by patrons,

overwhelmed by despair, he tries to escape, [the patron] chases him as if he

"owners" of rubber territories. In fact, during the rubber boom period a group of

were a robber, and he will not be able to find any employment elsewhere."

small, itinerant merchants operated throughout the area with river craft of one to

(Parissier 1898c:83).

five tons, propelled by oars or poles. These reg~t6es (peddlers) made up for a

Parissier asserted that, in theory, the rubber tappers could payoff their initial

shortage of capital through high turnover rates and through their specialisation in

expenses and their annual purchases at current prices, but most tappers remained in

commodities with a high value relative to weight (Parissier 1897, Belarmino de

debt because patrons manipulated the classification of rubber categories, and

Mendon~a 190?:10,9,141; Tastevin 1913; Moraes 1936:66-74; Andrade 1937). The

probably cheated on weights and accounts as well. However, according to Father

patrons certainly must have sought to undermine these itinerant peddlers. One

Libermann account, agricultural and construction labour remained extremely scarce

indication of this emerges in Thaumaturgo's second decree of 1904, his "River Law",

in the lower Jurua, because "nearly all the able men go to the seringais, that is to

inspired by the "constant complaints against the restraint exercised by owners who

say, to collect rubber, because this is better paid than whatever other job" (Parissier

judge themselves endowed with exclusive rights over the [water courses of publi y

1898c: 168). There is thus an apparent contradiction between the fact that debts

domain] on the grounds of having rubber estates on both banks of them"

were the means to impose abusive prices and thus exploitation, and the fact that -

(Thaumaturgo de Azevedo 1905:194-6). The "River Law" was passed to guarantee

rubber tapping "is better paid than whatever other job".10


the itinerant peddlers rights to navigation and commerce, subject however to ' the

Alfredo Lustosa Cabral, who worked on the Tejo headwaters in 1989, writes

proviso that itinerant traders proved to the patrons that they had not sold any

in his memoirs that in the rubber estates in the middle Jurua and in the Amazonas

merchandise to rubber tappers in debt.

in general, debts were impossible to payoff, the rubber trees's yield was 150 to 200

This point suggests that there could be rubber tappers able to pay their debts

kgs annually (2-3 kgs. a day), and the trade was strictly monopolistic. This was called

and still purchase from itinerant traders or to itinerant priests. 9 The generic image

the "toco" system, . were all rubber belonged to the patron to payoff debts. In
contrast, in the "upper river rubber zones" such as the Tejo headwaters, "the rubber

9. Father Parissi er wrote that the best time to receive contributions to the

chur~h.rell between October and Janu~ry, after the tappers settled their accounts

(Panssler 1922:113), and Father Tastevlll confirms this opinion indirectly when he
asserts that the J?atrons did not approve of visits to the church during this period of
the year (Tastevlll 1914).


tapper was free, he had a right to extract the rubber on his own account" (Cabral
10. On the possibility of positive balances and the consumption of
"superfluous" items, see Walle (c.1911:65, 148, 173); Wagley (1964:87, 173).



1949: 118). According to Cabral, in these places owners leased a pair of trails for 66

remained in debt or enjoyed a positive credit with his supplier. Back in Acre, the

kgs rubber and the tapper purchased his merchandise to the patron or to any other

patron then assessed the value of each tapper's rubber (at the current market price)

seller (Cabral 1949:118). This suggest that there were different trade arrangements

and deducted the tapper's debts from this total. The sale was thus "at the risk of the'

which were applied in different zones. Indeed, according to Woodrofe, in one such

tapper", which contained an incentive elemenL

system, "all rubber must be sold to the proprietor who makes it a condition that he

An incentive system, while increasing the productivity in remote areas where

may pay in goods or cash"; in the other system, "the rubber must be delivered to the

direct supervision was nearly impossible, implied the possibility of positive balances.

proprietor who sends it to the local market, paying all the freight and other charges,

Even a small debt was sufficient to force a tapper to remain on a rubber estate until

deducting for himself 15 per cent as a commission and paying the remaining 85 per

he settled it, but a small positive balance never was enough to buy the year's

cent of the net proceeds of the sale to the seringueiro" (Woodrofe 1916:56-7). This

supplies, from either the same patron or another, without contracting new debts.

is confirmed in the-memoirs of a federal administrator's son, who wrote, based on '

Nonetheless, a positive balance allowed for the tapper to buy at least part of his

his experience in 1913 in the Upper Jurua, that

supplies from an itinerant peddler or even from a different patron. On the other

. .

The extractor leased two trails for which he paid the rent of 60 kgs rubber.

hand, excessively high debts could -

The surplus was destined either to the payment of his debt towards the

the patron. There were frequent complains on the part of patrons against such

proprietor [Le. toco system], or embarked on the extractor's risk and

evasions and in particular on the lack of action on the part of federal administration .

responsibility [Le. embarked rubber system]" (Re go Barros 1981:199'

to force fugitives to return to the seringal. In principle, the spatial characteristics of

parentheses mine).

the rubber estates, at times spanning entire rivers, facilitated the control over

The point in this seemingly too subtle distinction was that in the second case

the rubber tappers to escape WIthout paymg

exchange, making it difficult for tappers in debt to leave the estates or sell their

the rubber, while "delivered to the proprietor", remained the tapper's property, a

product to itinerant peddlers (Parissier 1898b:34-5),

system known as the "embarked rubber" system. Older tappers and trade-post

141; Moraes 1936:66-74; Tastevin 1914, 1925; Azevedo 1905).

employees describe the workings of the latter system as follows. At the beginning of

movement on foot along the trails deep within the estates could hardly be controlled

each year, individual patrons received merchandise on credit from suppliers in '

in the same manner, and the backwaters were out of reach of the trade post

Mahaus or Belem; in turn, they supplied the rubber tappers at the outset of the

personnel. 11


1989 [1907]:227,
However, the

season. At the end of the season, the tappers turned over their rubber to the

The contemporary sources confirm the common knowledge that patrons used

patrons, who shipped the product once a year to Belem or Manaus. There, the

routinely of violence against tappers and agree in describing the rubber patrons as

rubber (which carried the initials of each tapper who had extracted it) was classified

"feudal masters" (Tastevin, 1914:502ff; Thaumaturgo de Azevedo, 1905:20). Judge .

and priced accordingly. The patron then settled in rubber (at current prices) the
merchandise he had received in advance the year before. At that point, he either

11. On flight and other forms of resistance, see Reis (1953:95); Levi-Strauss
(1978 [1955]:484); Wagley (1964:92),; Allegretti (1983:49 ff).

Castelo Branco wrote that during the first ten years of occupation (presumably

Oral traditi~n records stories of estate overseers who ambushed and killed

1895-1905), the rubber tapper was a "true slave, subject to severe punishment,

rubber tappers who had come out ahead in their accounts and left the estate with

including whippings" (Castelo Branco 1922). However, Thaumaturgo says in his first

money, and other brutal practices which are also part of oral tradition include the

report as a federal authority in Cruzeiro do SuI that he arrested some of the "most

torture and murder of tappers, particularly on "lower" rivers such as the Gregorio.

powerful and feared" patrons charged with violence, arousing "stupefaction"

Owners could prohibit the cultivation of garden plots, forcing rubber tappers to

amongst the others (Thaumaturgo de Azevedo, 1905:20; Tastevin 1914:502 ff.).12 It

purchase foodst~ffs as part of their debt, and did not allow the tappers to burn and

may well be that Thaumaturgo's "Labour Law" prohibiting the use of violence on the-

plant agricultural plots, during tJe dry season. 15

part of patrons against tappers and peddlers (Decree number 15, December 1904;
Thaumaturgo de Azevedo 1905:188-194) did not remain only a dead letter during


against the patrons. As early as 1889, Parissier reported:

some of the administrations which followed. Thus, writing in 1910, the lawyer

in a country where no policy is possible and the law of the mighty rules

Araujo complained that the military administration in charge in 1909 had

absolute, the caboclo never goes into the forest, or even steps outside of his

interrupted the practice of "legitimate coercion".13 Araujo found it necessary to

house, without his rifle ... when they aim at the patron, they may encircle the

request the government to force tappers "who desert the estates" to "return to their

trade post, kill whomever they can and put fire to the shed. This is what

posts until they settle their accounts" with the argument that the patrons had

happened to Mr. Bonifacio ... who has escaped but for a miracle, but who

invested capital in each rubber tapper (Araujo,191O:103-4), being at the same time

lost at a single stroke 300,000 francs, the equivalent of 30 tons rubber

"the most disinterested people that I have ever known". 14

(Parissier 1889c:68).

12. In 1905, the year following Colonel Thaumaturgo de Azevedo's arrival on

the ,upper Jurua, the army lieutenant Lui~ Sombra was sent to the uppe~ Tarau!lca _
River {an affluent to the upper Jurua) m order to repress the correnas agamst
Indians (Gon~alves 1991:20; Sombra 1913).

On the other hand, the rubber tappers themselves were capable of reacting

13. "Does the patron not su~fer a setback every time t?ey; (the w?rkers),
following bad counsels, abandon theIr shanty and the rubber traIls m the mIddle of
the night in quest of other places where they might escape from the debt they owe?
The '44,' regime has been substituted by the regime of 'the law' (federal
administration). Instead of tracking down fugitives, the patron must track down the
authorities. But the authorities tell him that in our country and under the
government under which we liye, one may not coerce .a citizen to :work ag~inst ~s
will . . . Thus one can explam one of the most senous accusatIons agamst HIS
Excellency Dr. Bueno, present prefect of Alto Jurua". Araujo, 1910:104.
14. "The hands represent ... an appreciable inversion of capital ... certainly
it is a loss both in the patron's labour and in the patron's capital, the fact of (a
rubber tapper) falling ill, escaping or dying" (Andrade 1937:105). ".,' . it is the owner
who introduces the workers. He makes large advances and takes nsks to lose them
by the constant escapes, diseases and deaths" (Araujo 1910:103).

As mentioned above, "Mr. Bonifacio" was an estate owner on the Tejo River

and boss at the main trade-post. The evidence from other reports suggests that such
violent uprisings continued to occur. In 1908, a report sent to the federal
administration by Bueno

e Andrada says that in the upper Jurua region "disorder

was widespread and many conflicts occurred between patrons and rubber tappers as
a consequence of a fall in the price of rubber"(apud Gon~alves, 1991:28). Writing in
1913, when the tappers were again "revolted" with the fall of rubber prices, Father -

15. Fishing and hunting were tolerated, be~~use they did not necessarily
compete with extraction activities. Guns, ammurutIon and salt were advanced
(Panssier 1898b).


Tastevin related that several violent deaths took place


the forest (Tastevin



settling their accounts, but also with violence. The patron-client relationship was not
that of the all-powerful estate owner and the passive rubber tapper (Hecht and

Balance: Some Conclusions on the Rubber-Boom Phase

Cockburn 1989:165; Almeida 1984, 1988). The conclusion is that the working of an

The rubber .estate system has been portrayed as an example of a periphery

economic world-system is influenced by class relations, political regime and ecology.

engendered by world capitalism, not only transferring surplus value to the centre but

Regional and temporal differences must also be considered before general

also transferring raw material and information, degrading nature in the process

conclusions on the working of peripheries.

(Wolf 1982:326-9; Bunker 1985; cf. Kahn 1980:204). However, it can be argued that

It is useful at this point to outline a comparison betwr-en rubber empires

extraction activities in the Amazon did not create enclaves as in the case of guano in

throughout Amazoiria during the boom phase. As the previous sections should have -

Peru, nor were they vertically controlled from the centre -- but rather by trade

suggested, the Hevea brasiliensis rubber estates of the Upper Jurua differed

companies as

& Co. --; and that workers resisted spoliation and monopoly

significantly from areas like the Putumayo, in ecological, political and social terms.

with varying degrees of success (Weinstein, 1983:14-23). The existing evidence for

Ecologically, the Putumayo was a Castilloa elastica zone (rather than a Hevea

the Upper Jurua, the westernmost frontier of Brazilian expansion led by rubber

brasiliensis zone); the Hevea brasiliensis of the up river areas could be sapped

extraction, confirms this picture.

permanently producing a sustained flow of income. In the Putumayo zone, labour

Melo l

During the boom years, the rubber estate system required vigilance and

was recruited from the local indigenous population, which was treated as a natural

coercion for three reasons: to ensure the patrons' commercial monopoly; to impose

. resource much in the same fashion as the Castilloa elastica, while in the upper Jurua

a monopoly of access to rubber trails; and to guarantee the payment of debts by

zone labour was imported with high costs and required skills to sustain productivity.

restricting the free movement of rubber tappers. But in the upper Jurua patrons did

Furthermore, unlike other areas, the northeastern migrants and the patrons in this

not have a full support on the part of federal authorities, who stayed for short

region were ethnically homogeneous. Other differences were of a political nature.

periods each and were sent directly from Rio de Janeiro. Estate owners faced the

The Putumayo; practically inaccessible to public administration, lay in a region-

competition of the itinerant peddlers, legal obstacles to establishing property rights

disputed by Peru and Ecuador, a sort of no-man's-land where the patrons wielded

over frontier resources, and the difficulty of controlling the movement and activities

absolute control, a fact that placed it alongside the Belgian Congo as terror zones

of workers within the isolated forest, both due to the dispersion of persons over

due to denunciations of atrocities against labourers (Taussig 1987). The upper Jurua

huge areas and due to limitations imposed by federal government. On the other

was from 1904 within direct reach of the Brazilian federal administration which

hand, rubber tappers reacted sporadically, not only leaving the estate without

stifled local uprisings both in western and in eastern Acre during the boom.
Economically, while areas like the Putumayo developed as enclaves of

16. Cases of rubber tapper's insubmission are mentioned in Chapters 2 3 and

4 for later periods.

British capitalism, the rubber estates of the Upper Jurua and Purus were financed
by merchants who were not directly subjected to British capital (as emphasized by


Weinstein 1983). indeed, the main reason behind the "Acre Revolution", when -

hypotheses suggest that the point was not necessarily maximizing net profits at the

eastern Acre rubber bosses seceded from Bolivia, financed by Belem and Manaus

local level (as a bala~ce between imports and exports), but obtaining a maximum

merchants and backed by the governor of Amazonas, was the Bolivian project of

overall product, thus guaranteeing a continued supply to the local patrons

turning the area over to American interests, which would assume direct

themselves. This suggestion is reinforced by the persistent accounts that local

administrative or military control over the area (Stokes 1974; Tocantins 1961). The

patrons remained themselves in constant debt -- thus under the obligation to sell to -

upshot of the "revolution", however, was the installation of federal and military

the Belem trader only. Patrons faced no great pressure to cut back on expenses or to

administration from 1904, against the wishes of the local patron elite, whose leader

increase efficiency. Local patrons remained constantly in debt, but debt meant that

in eastern Acre, Placido de Castro, himself a rubber patron, was assassinated during

they had also credit. 17

the prolonged conflicts with federal administrators (Prefeitura do Alto Acre, 1907;
Costa 1973 [1924]); AssembIeia Nacional Constituinte, 1946:passim).
Flight, attacks on trading posts, the consumption of items not reduced to


and abundant capital financed the exploitation of rubber estates at increasingly

greater distances. Since Amazonian producers monopolised the world market and

"subsistence", the pervasive presence of river peddlers and the possibility of positive -

demand continued to rise, prices were pressed upward, because supply was never

balances all suggest that the system was characterised by a struggle over distribution,

great enough -- neither the accessible natural areas nor the labour supply proved

and not simply by the automatic pumping of a maximum surplus. The patrons'

sufficient. Tappers in the

monopoly was based on the fact that each tapper hypothetically was specialised in

at least at the

least productive zones would have to be remunerated

s~bsistence level so that the patrons could enjoy a return on their

rubber extraction and depended on exchange to acquire commodities for extractive

. investments, after deducting expenses. Anything less than that would entice the _

activities and for consumption. Under these ideal conditions, a perfect monopoly

tapper to abandon the rubber estate, with or without debt. The most productive

could establish virtually arbitrary prices, provided that patrons could had complete

rubber estates such as the Tejo river would generate extraordinary profits. In order

information and violence could be employed fully and at reasonable costs.

to appropriate these returns, local patrons themselves increased supplies and thus

On the other hand, such system would not necessarily increase productivity,

We might imagine the following model for the boom period. Rising prices

their debts with suppliers in Belem and Manaus.

which was historically low (less than the current average of 400kgs/year) in the

Instead of increasing the output by investment in the intensification of

Amazon. A system based at least in part in incentive could more easily exploit the

extractive techniques -- both to increase worker productivity or to subordinate

differences in natural productivity or individual ability, given the difficulty ofmonitor directly workers dispersed at the rate of one per 300 hectares of tropical
forest. The locus of violence would thus be the monopoly itself, trade process not
the productive process; nor real incomes at the "minimum subsistence" level were
required, provided that in the average most of tappers were in debt. These

17 "The aviador patron needs, say in June, 500 million reis. Th.e exporter
advances 'him the sum ... The patron... must turn over ~b~er ... at a pnce already
established by exclusive buyers. The shipment is t;Iot sufficIent to pay the de~r Th~
e orter
forces him to sign another contract WIth the rubber harvest as co atera
xp And this situation is repeated and remains the same form many years, because
th~ relation of the rubber tapper to the patron is roughly the sa!lle as the f~~~~~5~~
the exporter" (Parliamentary Papers, Defesada Borracha, 1913 m Carone
8) . .



workers to capitalist control, transforming the labour process 18 --, patrons could use

Chapter 2

a combination of sheer violence against free trade and incentives to increase the
total output. Indeed, the labour process remained in the hands of the rubber tappers


themselves throughout the boom period. This meant that the tappers, in controlling
the labour process, developed a base for their subsequent permanence in the forest
even after the collapse of world wild-rubber prices.

Limits of the Extractive Rubber Economy

Up to 1870, the extractive economy of the Jurua and Purus Valleys remained
an external arena . with respect to the world market, in the terms .defined by_
Wallerstein (1989:27). Extraction was carried out through seasonal expeditions that
maintained barter relations with existing indigenous societies. Around 1870, this
region became a periphery, following Wallerstein's concepts: world demand was
now reflected immediately through the occupation of new areas and through the
increase in workers, with a corresponding increase in the volume of commodities
circulating in the- region. However, this kind response to world demand did not
mean an increase in the productivity of individual workers or of forest areas. The
reason for this was the absence of any real subordination of the work process under
the control of capitalists.
The intensification of the control over the circulation of rubber could in
principle force . tappers to work more - although evidence of tapper resistance _
suggests that exploitation had its limits. Direct supervision over the extractive
process was not an effective solution as labourers were spread throughout hundreds
of hectares of forest. As already suggested, the role of coercion as employed by the
patrons was therefore more that of guaranteeing a commercial monopoly - thus
avoiding the competition of other suppliers, increasing profits through monopoly
price-fixing - than that of assuring direct control of productive activities. Indeed,

18. "A wage labour regime, which might prove a solution to the problem, was
not practicable on the rubber estates due to the physical impossibility of controlling
workers on those Mesopotamian latifundia" (Rego Barros 1981:199).

though boom-period statistics vary, they suggest productivity rates similar or inferior
to present-day ones, with 350 kgs. per year on the Lower Amazon and 700 kgs. per

year in upland Acre (Chaves, 1913:48), or a 400 kgs. average output and 800 kgs.
maximum (Walle 1911:167). Other say that 230 kgs was the average (Santos

output per tapper and in terms of rubber output per area, boom-period expansion
developed with the horizontal expansion of extractive activities to all Hevea
brasiliensis (as well as other similar species) frontiers.
Only significant technical innovations could reverse the natural limitations to

of the total volume of production - determined by the physical

boundaries of forest areas with natural Hevea brasiliensis - and at the same time
subordinate workers and improve their individual efficiency. This revolution,
however, did not occur in the Amazon, but in Malaysia, Indonesia, Ceylon and
Indochina, primarily through the development of plantations based on indentured
labour (Coates, 1987;Dean, 1987;Tocantins, 1961). Beginning in 1912, the rubber
extracted from domesticated Hevea brasiliensis trees planted under the plantation
system in Malaysia -- with seeds previously smuggled from Amazonia -- flooded the
world market. Under the plantation system, each cultivated hectare included
- ,

Amazonia became superfluous on the world market from one day to the next.
The main cQnsequence if this was the disruption of the commercial structure _

Given its low and limited productivity both as measured in terms of rubber


Amazon (Santos 1980:235). Economically speaking, the rubber extracted in

between 200 and 400 rubber trees, which were tapped by a single worker; in the

of the rubber trade, initiated by the insolvency of import-export firms in Belem and
Manaus (Weinstein 1983). The principal characteristic of the rubber estates of

Amazonia, however, was their resiliency. Between the peak year of the rubber fever
(1912) and the worst year of the recession (1932), production in Acre State as a
whole fell from 12,000 tons to 3,000 tons, while prices plummeted at a much greater
rate, from a maximum of 26,000 reis to a minimum of only 4,000 reis (Table 2.1).
Within the municipal district of Cruzeiro do -SuI, output fell from 1,300 tons
during the boom to 500 tons already in 1923. But the local estates continued in
existence in the upper Jurua, although transformed.
Local population rose from 13,000 to 15,000 between 1913 and 1920.

According to Jud~~ Castelo Branco, population loss by out-migration as a response

to the crisis was more than made up for by natural growth through births, a new
tendency made possible by the development of families. Around 1910, the Tejo
River produced 160 tons and employed 600 rubber tappers; in 1920, this figures fell
slightly to 120 tons and 500 tappers, working 812 rubber trails (Castelo Branco

extractive enterprise, 300 hectares of forest were needed to occupy a tapper with the
same number of trees. Individual annual output on the plantations was between one
and two tons, while the average output in Amazonia remained at about 400 kgs. per


year (though inaXimum output could surpass a ton). In other words

the '
domestication process increased the productivity by area three hundred times, while


increasing individual output at least two-fold. Consequently, the total volume of

Current observations suggest processes that help explain the resiliency of the
rubber estates during the crisis between wars. From 1982 to 1991 rubber prices fell
from US$1.80 in 1982 to 40 cents in 1992 as paid to tappers. At the Riozinho Estate
in the Tejo headwaters where I did field research, the number of families fell from a
.maximum of 68 to 53 between 1982 and 1991, a decline to 78% of the previous level

production, peaking at 42,000 tons in the Amazon in 1912, reached over 100,000
tons in Asia already by 1915 and, in the decades that followed, levelled off at
something over 1,000,000 tons, though occupying an area ten times smaller than the

1. Population statistics for 1913 come from a municipal census, while data for
1920 is from the national census, subject to methodological reservations. See also
Castelo Branco (1923:721).



that hardly may be considered mass flight, while the overal Tejo river population did

while others lease trails, leaving it up to the labourer to purchase this

not drop signicantly. Now in the Thaumaturgo area as a whole only 65 percent of

merchandise or tools necessary for rubber extraction (Castelo Branco

the houses extracted rubber, while 35 percent cultivated riverside plots producing


tobacco, sugar and beans, while others sought employment on small cattle ranches
near the river. Thus, the main result of the acute fall in prices in the 80s was a
transference of many families from the hinterland extractive zones to riverside
agricultural activities (Almeida, 1991).
Both in the 1980s' crisis in rubber prices and in that of the period of 1912 to
1943 local response appears to have been the same: the conversion of labour and

And a decade later the change was confirmed in reference to the middle
Jurua river:
... the labour regime has changed. Thus today there are many rubber estates
leased to the seringueiros themselves, who pay rent to the owners, varying
from 50 to 100 kgs., for every pair of rubber trails: under this hypothesis,
tappers enjoy the liberty to buy and sell freely, which they do preferentially

resources from rubber production to other extractive activities and to agriculture.

with the itinerant merchants (Andrade 1937:106).
This provides a central hypothesis to explain the resiliency of rubber estates during

The Commercial Association of the Upper Jurua decided in a meeting in

the initial crisis ..

1913, in Cruzeiro do SuI, to stimulate agriculture, create agricultural schools and
Weak Rubber Estates
With the fall of rubber prices, patrons loosened their grip on the commercial


encourage the cultivation of rubber trees. In addition, the members of the

association asserted the rubber tappers' right to purchase goods "wherever they

monopoly. During the involution years, patrons who no longer could operate by

please" in cases of- excessive prices charge;d by patrons or of spoilt merchandise. -

advancing merchandise to the tappers chose to lease rubber trails to tappers without

These late concessions to old tapper demands may also be seen as reactions to the

monopoly clauses in the contracts. In 1919, several advertisements similar to the

social upheaval that reigned on the rubber estates in the aftermath of the crisis, or

following example were published in the Acre press:

as an attempt to retain rubber tappers who threatened to abandon the estates in


Any number of trails in this well-preserved estate for lease, at 25 kgs. of fine

droves (Prefeitura do Alto Jurua 1912-14). Reports on the bankruptcy of estates

rubber for each trail, and the lessees will remain free to buy merchandise for

emerged side-by-side with accounts of revolted rubber tappers who fled from the

their consumption and sell the rubber they produce to whomever suits them

estates without settling their debts. 2 The shock felt by the Tejo River rubber tappers

best (Loureiro 1986: 100).

Writing in 1922, Judge Castelo Branco reported in reference to Cruzeiro do
At present this labour system (the aviamento) varies, as some patrons only
receive rent from the rubber tapper, without selling him any merchandise,

2. In 1913 writing from a rubber estate he visited on the ~l River~ .a

tributary of the Moa, Father Parissier related: "At this time the tr?-dmg pos~ IS
ruined, and the personnel, in revolt, has fled. ~r thr~ate~ t,? flee. ~thout paymg
their debts, leaving the owner in a most cntIcal sltuatI~n (Panssl(:r 1922). In
November of the same year Father Tastevin reported on the great rrnsery caused
by the bad rubber harvest' and the fall of rubber prices on the world market"_
(Tastevin 1914).



thus was described by Father Tastevin in 1913, who in this year visited his entire

In 1918" the empire constructed by Melo & Co., the Para firm that had_
bought up the Tejo River on the eve of the crisis between 1910 and 1912, collapsed

The entire country suffered from extreme scarcity. All one had to eat was
in bankruptcy. The property was acquired by Nicolau & Co., which in turn went
maniac and beans, and even this threatened to disappear. In some places
under in 1942. Raimundo Quirino Nobre, a former manager of Nicolau & Co.,
there was no sugar or coffee ... One must remember that this is a rubber

became sole proprietor. 3 Nicolau & Co. maintained a fleet of twelve steamboats of

region par excellence, where all hands are busy with the extraction of this
the gaiola ("birdcages" propelled by a stern paddle) type, but even these gave way to
precious gum. All food and all beverages are imported by river in ste'a mboats
belonging t~ the large trading companies of Manaus and BeIem. Therefore,_

the canoes of itinerant traders and to locally-built craft of ten to twenty tons, which
after the 1940s were propelled by three to eighteen horsepower outboard motors.

when the steamboats fail to arrive at the expected time for one reason pr
The trails covered by mule trains, which allowed for bi-monthly visits to the rubber
another, the spectre of dearth immediately appears (Tastevin 1914).
tappers' homes (quinzenas), disappeared. Tappers in the most productive areas of
In a report written that same year, a public official of Cruzeiro do SuI
the Tejo headwaters, a place that cannot 'be reached even by canoe, now had to
described how the Tejo River rubber tappers were reacting to the insolvency of
Melo & Co.:

carry their product along forest trails. During the rainy season, rubber was
transported by the tappers themselves to the warehouses, from where tons were

at this time the tappers of Melo and Co., 500 or 600 strong, threaten to
floated downriver on rafts to Cruzeiro do SuI.


estate, the main rubber

abandon collectively the rubber tree trails, only because they have heard that
estate on the Tejo River, saw three schools closed in 1923 (Castelo Branco
this company, based in the capital of Para, now faces a most difficult
1923:645). The estate's church, which prided itself for possessing the region's largest
situation (Prefeitura do Alto Jurua 1914-15).


bell and for holding novena ceremonies, also disappeared. In short, the rubber
This same account asserted that the "older rubber tappers" not only fled but
estates had de capitalised.
also attacked the trading posts:
Also the Indians who live on the Breu River, seizing the opportunity of the

Regionalisation of the Economy

pitiful state of abandon in which all that area now lies, now descend to the

How could the population survive now that rubber production had been

Tejo River committing acts of the worst kind. The set fire to dwellings,

reduced drastically and prices had plummeted? On estates near the municipal seat


ambush and kill rubber tappers and arouse fear in every mind. In great

of Cruzeiro do SuI, rubber output fell to less than half of what it had been, but


numbers, armed with rifles, and said to be led by former rubber tappers, the

agriculture began to flourish, not only to supply tappers and patrons in the forest but-

Breu River Indians have thus become a dangerous element of unrest in the

also to attend to the urban market for manioc flour, sugar, coffee and other articles

Tejo River region (Prefeitura do Alto Jurua 1914-15).

3. Weinstein (1983:240). Interview with ~an.oel Messias (ex-employee of
Quirino), 12 July 1983. Procuradoria Geral da RepublIca 1989, 4:497 ff.



previously imported. Sugar mills and pastures became part of the Moa River
landscape, favoured by its proximity to the town of Cruzeiro do Su1. 4 Mter the crisis,
similar activitis developed along the Jurua, taking advantage of the fertile alluvial
soils. The remote Tejo River area now received manioc flour from the Moa and
other rubber estates and not, as before, from the Lower Amazon (Tastevin 1914;.
Castelo Branco 1922:719 ff.). The Nicolau & Co. estates, under Nobre's

copaiba oil, andiroba oil, vegetable ivory (jarina), timber, as well as otter, jaguar,
deer and snake skins (Andrade 1936: 116-20), and in fact Cruzeiro do SuI exports its
high-quality manioc flour to this day. Local tinsmi!s and blacksmiths began to
supply work implements such as knives and buckets used in rubber extraction;
clothes were confectioned locally; river vessels came to be built in the region,
inaugurating a solid tradition of master-artisans that survives to date on the Upper

management, now traded in hides and timber, besides rubber. 5

Jurua. To this day, sugar, tobacco, and beans are produced along the Jurua banks,
Together, headwater areas of upland forest like the Tejo (with rubber,
timber and hides) along with dowstream, riverside areas like the Moa River (with
agriculture) soon contributed a diversified productive base for exports from the
Jurua area of Acre to the Lower Amazon. "[The region] ... has transformed itself
into an agriculturalist, timber producer and exploiter of hides," wrote one

moving on to the city of Cruzeiro do SuI or to the Jurua tributaries, from where
comes most rubber.
This process explains why the rubber estates remained in existence. They
now became estates in which rubber was just another article in a diversified
agrarian-extractive economy, based on the domestic forest economy of rubber

contemporary (Andrade 1937:29).

tappers who now became collectors, hunters, fishermen, manioc farmers and small
To be sure, the annual statistics published by Cruzeiro do SuI's municipal

ranchers as well. With a low population density (about 1 inhabitant per km2), the

authorities, along with the 1920 census, show the increase of agricultural and

economy based o~ abundant game and fish reserves, on fertiie swidden agriculture

ranching products on municipal export lists as a function of falling rubber prices: .

beans and hides as of 1917; manioc flour and cotton as of 1919; rice, maize, sugar,
coffee, dried beef and tobacco as of 1920; bricks, vegetable oil and timber as of
1921; and cane brandy as of 1922. In 1922, 53 tons of manioc flour and 31 tons of
muscavado sugar produced on the Upper Jurua were sold on the Lower Jurua or in
Manaus (Prefeitura do Alto Jurua 1913, 1914; Brasil 1920; Castelo Branco
1922:709-13). By 1936, the Jurua River as a whole produced cacao, manioc flour
(exported to Manaus and BeIem), muscavado sugar, cane brandy, coconuts, rice,
4. In 1950, Cruzeiro do SuI was described as the only municipali!}' in Acre
with a significant income from agriculture, and its a,gricultural district Japhm (today
Maneio Lima) was characterised as "a real exceptIOn within the panorama of the
Acre economy" (Guerra, 1955:114).
5. Interview with Rubem Messias, 5 August 1983.

with long fallow periods, and on an arsenal of forest resources created several
patterns of permanent occupation of the forest niches, whose fabric resided in
groups of two-three houses (colocar;oes).6
Rubber tappers and riverside cultivators did not necessarily witness a decline
their standard of
living. If measured in terms of quantity and quality of food .
consumption, in terms of work routine and in terms of personal liberty, the quality
of life for rubber tappers probably improved. At the beginning of the 1920s, Father
Tastevin commented that the tappers' diet had improved substantially with the fall

6 While in the 1920s Amazonian rubber production fell to half of t~e

revious decade's average annual output (fr?m 30,000. t?ns to 16,000 tons), and. ItS
ealue fell to one-fourth (from 220 million relS to 60 mIllIon), b~b.a<;u nut extractIOn
lept from one to 60 million reis, Brazil nuts . from 14 to. 4? mIl~on, carnauba. wax
from five to 134 million, and timber from twenty to 162 mIllIon relS (IBGE 1986.86).


of rubber prices. Besides manioc and sugar, crops included rice, maIze, beans,
peanuts, watermelons, squash and potatoes - planted on the river banks during thedry season for quick harvest with little labour input, as one may witness these same
items planted and harvested along the banks of the Jurua between June and
October. In 1920, Father Tastevin observed:
... for the moment, the fate of agriculture is linked to the price of rubber,

meaning that the higher the price of rubber, the more the patron is able to
buy goods and obtain wealth through trade; and the less rubber brings to
him, greater are his own needs and the need to feed his workers (Tastevin


what they had been during the boom. An economy that had dedicated 180 working
days to the production of rubber and the consumption of manufactured goods
(clothes, soap, fuel), tools and foodstuffs (pirarucu, flour) was transformed to one in
which only 90 days a year were dedicated to rubber extraction and the consumption
of outside articles, as it came to produce foodstuffs (meat and flour) and a few
manufactured goods. The population density that could exploit rubber in a stablefashion coincided with that which the forest could support, using near-indigenous
subsistence strategies (swidden agriculture with the use of iron tools, hunting with
the use of firearms, and general collecting activities).

One consequence also noted by Tastevin was the constitution of families,
now a definite advantage, since


Conclusions on the Depression Period

The preceding comments confirm Weinstein's assertion that rubber tappers

. . . older b9Ys could tap rubber trees, while the father would fish and the _

survived the decline in purchasing capacity because they could count on a

women would occupy themselves with agriculture, washing and sewing

subsistence sector (Weinstein 1983). To extend this notion to the Upper Jurua, one

(Tastevin 1926).

is led to admit that a subsistence sector developed after the boom, and that it was

The situation worsened, of course, in terms of imported goods, but this

accommodated within the rubber estates. According to Weinstein, the main effect

probably affected more the patrons than the tappers. An employee on a Tejo River

of the crisis lay in the insolvency of financial concerns in Belem and Manaus. In fact,

rubber estate recalls that during the worst period for rubber prices papaya leaves

the Tejo river ~bb~r estates of the Nicolau & Co., received from the bankrupt Melo

were used to wash clothes, embauba wax and rubber were used as fuel and the bark

& Co., were able to survive tlirough the combined strategy of diversification in

from certain trees (envira) was used to roll cigarettes, while match sticks were split

extractive activities on the estates (pelts, timber and rubber) and of diversification

into two or four parts as an economic measure.

of activities at the Belem head office (industrial production for the regional

The high productivity of rubber in Acre attracted a new popUlation, and it

market). At the same time, the company gave its managers or local bosses

was this productivity that permitted the purchase of work tools and necessary

autonomy, which paradoxically allowed these to accumulate enough wealth during

~rticles, such as salt and ammunition, even when rubber prices fell to one-fifth of

the crisis years to buy out the estates by 1940, on the eve of the transformations to
be described in the following chapter. The tappers themselves became a category

7. My father's mother, who lived in the Purus valley, remembered the days
when her husband, a rubber tapper, received the patron's permission to plant beans
and manioc, as that time they began to have fresh manioc flour, instead of the sour
flour that had been brought in from downriver.

more like forest peasants and less like specialized extractors, while the verticallyintegrated properties of the boom years turned into estates oriented towards

subsistence production and regional market activities. Surviving local patrons lost
political and economic power, while rubber tappers developed families and
diversified their economic activities. Wallerstein's comments are pertinent here:
Since the world market had a lowered demand, it was not rational for the
landowners to produce at the same rate, or for some of them to produce at
all. We then saw occur what has sometimes been called 'inversion'.
Cultivated areas were left untended. The workers were permitted, nay
encouraged, to take up a plot of land and feed themselves off it. Trade with
the rest of the world diminished. Handicrafts, which had previously died out,
were revived. The commercial estate seemed to be reverting to the status ofa self-sufficient manor once again. The encomienda was transformed into the
hacienda. The landlord himself moved from the city to the rural area, to
partake at least partially in the ' isolated subsistence economy (Wallerstein
Some local patrons became impoverished landowners whose descendants are
rubber tappers or itinerant traders. Others continued to derive some income from
the leasing of rubber trails, though moving away from the forest; still others formed
small cattle ranches within the rubber estates. These transformations may be
illustrated by the personal stories of Tejo River residents. In sum, during the critical
years between wars, surviving rubber estates, like those in upriver areas of Acre,
remained marginally linked to the world economy, becoming estates with deeds I

(though mostly without legal validity) over forest areas inhabited by rubber tappers,
cultivators, fishermen, hunters, as well as small traders and artisans.
Authors such as Furtado (1959) have assumed that survival conditions in the
forest were intrinsically inferior to those of the arid backlands of the northeast and
therefore tappers, lured to the forest by the promise of fortune, would remain in
extractive activities only as long as chronic debts forced them to stay. However,

there are no reports of rubber tappers who starved to death as a result of the rubber
crisis, in contrast with the backland Northeast"s droughts. The forest had supported
indigenous populations with population densities comparable to those of the rubber
extractors for centuries, and indigenous subsistence techniques were easily adapted by
tappers with a minimum of imports, basically limited to iron tools and weapons for
hunting. In other words, it seems likely that rubber extractors had their own interests in
to assert

the forest, as they do today. They were likewise able

these interests in an arena

of conflict with the patrons.

During the boom years, when Acre alone produced from 10 to 15 thousand tons
of rubber, at least 17,000 and at most 30,000 (depending on what productivity
coefficient is adopted) rubber tappers were in activity; in 1985, there were 25,000.
During the crisis years, this section of Brazilian territory that had been occupied
exclusively as a function of the rubber trade remained inhabited by rubber tappers who
. had become forest peasants. As asserted above, these characteristics distinguished the
Upper Jurua rubber concerns from


cauchero empires of Fitzcarra1d, Arana and

Vaca Diaz, and allow for an explanation of the persistence of the estate system during
the crisis in the rubber trade. Native populations and natural resources were not simply
plundered as in the extractive enclaves. Instead, stable local systems of forest
exploitation by permanent migrants emerged, including bOth patrons and rubber
tappers. With the onset of the market crisis, these systems reallocated the respective .
proportions of export activities and productive activjties oriented towards internal
consumption. This conferred stability to the economic system, which lasted throughout
the period spanning the years between wars, without any assistance from the public
sector. This stability was not an effect of the coercive power exercised by patrons, nor
did it have to do with the weight of debts on clients. It resulted from the capacity of a
migrant population of rubber tappers, originating from semi-arid peasant regions, to
adapt to the tropical forest economy. This fact also allowed for the survival of patrons


on their involuted estates. A peasantry developed neither from pre-existing caboclos8

Chapter 3

nor from the patrons' abandon of the estates as in the eastern Acre (Bakx 1987): the
fundamental transformation had occurred within the system itself during the crisis,


when a new social type emerged in the Amazon, the forest peasant.

This chapter deals with the extractive economy of the Amazon region from
the Second World War. Amazonian rubber estates that survived into the betweenwars period gradually withdrew from the structures of international trade and
developed as local enterprises with diversified productive activities, in the process
retaining a population of forest peasants under the control of the resident patrontraders. Subsistence-oriented estates substituted the rubber properties that had been
oriented by capitalist accumulation on a world scale. Acre became the scene of
involuted rubber estates, where rubber extraction ceased to be a dynamic activity
involving fresh investments and new labour inputs. Through a mechanism that
marked other export econOlnies in Brazil, especially in the example of sugar
plantations, rubber estates became dualist enterprises, notably resistant to marketstimuli (Furtado, 1959; Boeke, 1953). Dualism, in the sense here employed, means
that both the labour force and natural resources may be used in two sectors: one
which produces foodstuffs and consumer goods that circulate at the level of local
markets, and the other dynamic sector producing commodities for the world market.
In this sort of enterprise, there is little room for technical innovation; price peaks
serve mainly to stimulate the expansion of the export sector; low prices are absorbed
through the reduction of imports and retraction of export activities. In both the
8. These new peasants were not caboclos (parker 1985) or the product of the
disinte~ration of indigenous societies. In Acre, the word "caboc'lo" applies specifically
to ~~Ia~S; but Acre tappers substitu~. an indigenous population th~t had been
declmatea or forced to retreat after prelImmary contact, WIth the exceptIon of a few
small groups recruited as agricultural or extractive labour (the Poyanawa and Huni-kui
on the Moa; the Arara, Iaminahua and Cashinaua on the Upper Jurua tributaries and
along the Tejo).

Northeastern sugar and Amazonian rubber examples, this type of economy is

associated with elites who perceive themselves as part of a traditional system, as
representatives of a regional culture, and as guardians of the interests of the poor.



The economic policy defended by the patrons was quite simple. They sought
measures to protect prices without incurring in transformations of the property and
distribution structures. According to Barbara Weinstein:
... most of the proposals and suggestions made by the regional elite were


characteristics which may appear to' have been vestiges of a hypothetical labour
coercion inherited from the boom years in fact developed as a result of the new
clientelistic relationship forged between the federal government and the patrons.

Thus there emerged a sort of "second serfdom' for Amazonian rubber tappers.

neither realistic nor practical... The Amazonians' stubborn insistence on the

efficacy of price supports bordered on folly ... A proposed tariff discount on
foodstuffs destined for the Amazon, a measure designed to reduce the cost of

Around 1932, the price of rubber reached its nadir. Japan's role in World

living, ... was an open invitation to smuggling. And the campaign to defend

War II and its subsequent control over Southeast Asia altered this situation

rubber reached its lowest point ~hen the . Paraenses demanded a higher

dramatically. The Japanese invasion cut off the allied forces' access to the principal

import duty on all manufactured goods containing plantation rubber

cultivated rubber exporters, which were located in the Dutch, British and French

(Weinstein 1983:229).
This chapter shows how all these measures, without exception, came to be

The "Battle for Rubber"

. colonies. Rubber proved of great strategic significance, since its use was vital for
inilitary ground ' and air craft tyres as well as for other applications, and had been -

adopted in the post-war period, when Ainazonian rubber patrons became a regional

identified as one of the major bottlenecks in the war effort (Martinello 1988:77-78).

political elite comparable to the coroneis of the Brazilian northeast in political

Brazil exported rubber to Nazi Germany until 1942, when the Vargas government

clout. The estates received price, capital and incentives, furthermore enjoying an

decided to join th,e allied forces, a decision which included an agreement to ship all

additional feature not present during the boom: sanctions of the federal government

rubber exports to the United States and to increase aggregate production.

backing up the patron-traders' power of coercion over rubber tappers. During four

Government measures had followed the so-called Washington agreements of 1942,

decades (1943- ~985), a period which witnessed a rapid and significant advance in

involving the American Rubber Development Corporation and the Brazilian

Brazil's industrialisation process - particularly in the motor vehicle industry - the

Rubber Credit Bank. At that point, prices immediately doubled, rubber exportation

activities of the rubber estates pressed the limits of their resiliency: no technical

became a state monopoly and the Brazilian government took on the task of

innovations were introduced, the extractive ecology remained intact, and social

transporting 50,000 northeastern labourers to headwater areas of the Amazon

relations followed the pattern established during the inter-war period, only now the

forest, areas rich in native seringueira rubber trees. Rubber extraction practically

patrons enjoyed broader political power.

achieved the status of a military operation (Martinello 1988:96; Lenharo 1986; -

The most notable economic characteristic of the post-war period is that

Decree 4.841, 17 October 1942.

rubber became a state monopoly: the nascent Brazilian industrial sector found itself

In October 1943, a presidential decree established a monopoly over the

forced to buy rubber from forest estates that were financed by the government.

Brazilian rubber trade to be controlled by the Banco de Credito da Borracha S.A.

Politically, the State began to sustain the local patronage system so that many

(Rubber Credit Bank), with American capital owning 40% of its stocks (Martinello

1988: 156), allowing rubber patrons to continue to exploit the forest areas they
claimed for six years, independent of valid property deeds (land use could be proved
by receipts of commodities supplied to tappers). Rubber prices came to be set by the
bank, whose norms established that 60% of the product's value was to go to the rubber tappers, 33% to the patron and the remaining 7% to the owner of the
property, thus distinguishing labourer, trader-businessman and land owner.
The State took on the task of transporting labourers through the "Comissao
Administrativa para

Encaminhamento de Trabalhadores para a Amazonia"

(CAETA - Administrative Commission for the Introduction of Labourers to the

Amazon), also created by presidential decree in September 1943. Workers were
transported from the Brazilian Northeast to the Amazonian urban centers, and from
there to the rubber-bearing forest areas (Decree 5813, 14 September 1943).

CAETA underwrote transportation costs, lodging, medical expenses and food,

supplying each tapper with a kit containing clothing, sandals, a hammock, a sack,
and.eating utensils ..Its term of responsibility ceased once the tapper was turned over _
to a rubber patron. In those days, tappers were called "rubber soldiers", and the
exemption of rubber patroes, itinerant peddlers and rubber tappers from service in
the armed forces, at this moment when Brazil was recruiting troops to send to the
Italian front, underlines the strategic-military dimension of the whole operation. 2

Patron-tapper relations were regulated by contracts which stipulated a sixday work week in rubber activities, which virtually undermined domestic economic
activities such as agriculture, fishing and hunting (Caderneta do Seringueiro, 1943
and 1945). According to the contracts, sale of rubber to anyone but the patron
became a criminal offence, whether or not the tapper had any outstanding debts.
Another clause prohibited indebted tappers from leaving the rubber estates, though
debts (along with tapp.ers' labour) c(;uld be transferred from one patron to another
(Caderneta de ' Seringueiro, 1943 and 1945). These conditions reflected the character of government support of the rubber estates, recreating the commercial
monopoly that the patrons had been losing since the end of the boom period.
It is likely that the Cruzeiro do SuI authorities attempted to restrain itinerant
merchants by summoning wartime federal legislation, while on the other hand,
tappers and independent traders resisted to this. Local authorities now sought
official support, arguing that "contraband" was proscribed officially by the laws and
decrees passed by~the federal government. Thus, in 1946, Colonel Mancio Lima of
Cruzeiro do SuI wrote a letter to the governor of Acre, a military man named
Guiomard Santos, plea.ding his support against what he called "an open insurrection"
of rubber tappers and itinerant inqependent traders, presumably against the new
measures which legalised the monopoly. Lima argued that local Cruzeiro do SuL
authorities already agreed to reduce taxes on "itinerant commerce" and to postpone

1. Cadernetas de seringueiro (rubber tapper's notebooks) were issued by

Comissao Administrativa para Encaminhamento de Trabalhadores para a
Comercio/Departamento de Imigra~ao. The following is based on two such
cademetas, one from 1943 and another from 1945, found in the possession of old
rubber tappers.

2. Decree 5225, February 1943; Notice from the War Ministry number 1262
May 1943. Charles Wagley's classic study of the caboclo peasants of the Amazo~
was a direct result of American participation in the "Battle for Rubber". Wagley
yvor~ed fro~ 1942 .to 1?45 as a member in a public pealth program intended "to
proVIde medIcal protection to the producers of strategIc raw materials __ the rubber gatherers in the Amazon Valley" (Wagley, 1964:vii-ix).

the register of "rubber brands" that were to identify the origins of each latex ball.
Both measures were designed to restrict commerce outside the trade posts, but
according to Mancio Lima, these concessions had little effect because "the real
problem lies in the prohibition against purchasing contraband rubber smuggled
from the estates." Mancio Lima blamed especially the itinerant traders, since they
"incited disobedience to the laws governing the

exploitation of rubber


estates."(Colonel Mancio Lima to the Governor of Acre,in Guiomard dos Santos 1946).

The final balance of the "Battle for Rubber" was quite modest, though. From


rubber prices came to be established by the government. 3 Now that the w'ar was
over, the only market for the Amazonian rubber production was the nascent

Protection for the Patrons


Brazilian tyre industry.

This industry, which enjoyed considerable growth in the 1950s, came to

16,000 tons in 1942, output rose to only 24,600 tons by 1947 (Pinto 1984). This

depend increasingly on imported raw materials as well as synthetic products-

means that the 50,000 who were said to have migrated to Amazonia would have

(IBAMA 1988:46),since the total output of the Amazonian rubber estates remained

added 8,600 tons or 170 kgs. per tapper, while the average annual individual output

stagnated from then on, always short of the peak of 42,000 tons reache~ in 1912. 4

stood at 400 kgs. per tapper.

Industrial entrepreneurs complained that the Amazonian rubber was inherently

Although the "Battle for Rubber" proved a fiasco in economic terms, its

unable to cope with the increasing industrial demand, and also that it involved

principal result lay in the important victory achieved by local elite of patron-traders.

higher costs than those of the plantation areas from where the product could be

For the first time in the history of Brazil, the regional interests of this elite came to


be recognised by the central government. Internally, the aviamento supply system -

While Brazilian natural rubber production levelled off at around 20,000 tons

associated with a trade monopoly - re-emerged from its stagnation, now backed by

per year during the post-war period, demand rose year after year. Already by 1958,

credit from the government; externally, rubber prices and market were guaranteed

Brazil managed to supply little more than 51 % of the 43,000 tons of natural rubber

by the same government. By 1946 the war had ended, but until 1950 Amazonian

annually consumed by native industries; by 1980 the Brazilian industrial sector

patrons forged a new battle, aiming to preserve the status quo of government

consumed nearly 300,000 tons of rubber, seven times more than in 1958, including _

protection over the extractive economy. Amazonian patrons triumphed in this

nearly 210,000 tons of synthetic rubber; 60,000 of natural rubber imported from

dispute. The Brazilian constitution of 1946 determined that three per cent of the

countries like Indian and Malaysia, arid only 30,000 tons produced in Brazil (Ibama

federal budget was to go to the Amazon; in 1947, the state monopoly over the

1988; 1985:3-4; 1985b; Pinto 1984). The government supported synthetic rubber

commercialisation of all types of rubber was renewed to 1950; rubber imports and

production (based on imported petroleum), while establishing a quota system

prices were to be controlled by the government (Law number 86, 8 September,

whereby industries could import rubber produced outside the country after

1947, in Braga c.1965; cf. Pinto 1984:95-112), and in 1950 the state monopoly was
extended indefirutely (Law Number 1.184,30 August, 1950; in Braga c.1965.)
Now under the organ called Banco de Credito da Amazonia (Amazonian
Credit Bank), whose president was appointed directly by the president of Brazil,

3. Between 1953 and 1979, rubber prices were readjusted according to the
inflation or above it. When corrected for the inflation, prices varied from 100% to
230% over the 1953. levels, except for the period 1966-67 (98% and 92%) and the
years 1973-1974 (96% and 86%). Pinto 1984:130, Table 14.
4. Mter the peak of 42/44 thousand tons in 1912 (according to different
sources), Brazilian exports went as low as 6 thousand tons in 1932; they rose
gradually up to 14 thousand tons in 1943 when the "Battle for Rubber" started; in
1944 the rubber output (from extraction alone) reached the 20/30 thousand tons
interval, where it would stagnate until the present. mGE 1987:309.



demonstrating that they had acquired Brazilian rubber, paying a higher price for

At the same time, though, this political advantage bolstered regional employment

both than the market price (Law 5.459, 21 June, 1968, Art.22, 1). SUDHEVEA


(Superintendencia da Borracha) collected the difference between the price paid by


income - .an argument frequently used by the patrons, and not totally-

industries and external prices.5

Clearly this system created a direct conflict between industrial capitalist
(automobile and rubber products manufacturers) interests, on the one hand, and the
petty-trade capitalist interests of the Amazonian rubber traders, on the other. The
interests of the latter prevailed within Brazilian power circles, which may be
explained by the nature of the electoral system. Acre Territory became a state in1961, and in cooperation with the other Amazonian states (Amazonas, Rondonia,
Mato Grosso and Para), Acre could influence the direction of important political
decisions. 6 The Amazon region's political representation in the National Congress,
which increased in the post-war years with the transformation of Acre, Rondonia,

Amapa and Roraima into states couldleactthe Brazilian State to maintain a

consistent policy in defense of rubber prices and markets during the period spanning
1945-1985, managing to act as a cohesive political force against the interests of
southern tyre manufacturers, who were only a small fraction of economic interests
centred in Sao Paulo. This afforded the Amazonian patrons, though a hindrance to
accumulation on a national scale and totally insignificant on a world scale, a power
to cut into the profits of powerful multinational tyre corporations such as Goodyear. _

The Second Battle for Rubber

These conditions led the federal government to launch an ambitious project
aiming to modernise the rubber production: the Program a de Incentivo

a Produ~ao

de Borracha Vegetal (PROBOR - Natural Rubber Production Incentives

Programme), which was formalised by decree in 1972. This program was implanted
jointly by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Superintendencia da
Borracha (SUDHEVEA), the latter organ presided by a man from Acre
(SUPERINTENDENCIA DA BORRACHA, 1972). Offering generous government
funds and technical support, SUDHEVEA hoped to stimulate rubber producers to
develop seringueira rubber plantations in Amazonia, overcoming the obstacles that

had defeated Ford in his attempt to develop similar plantations earlier in the
century. However, a basic flaw in the policy lay in the fact that it was based on the

Amazonian patron-trader class. No patron had ever invested his own resources in
rubber tree cultivation, neither during the boom years nor in the period of decline
that followed, and much less during the post-war years. Rubber tappers, who now
operated their holdings through a combination of extraction, agriculture and
collecting, were largely ignored (except in the final phase of the programme, ina

5. The tax charged on imported rubber was calculated as the difference

between the internal price and the international market price f.o.b. (at the Santos
pO.rt). F~om 1980 to 1985 international prices oscillated from US$0.74 to US$1.03;
pnces paid t? tappers ranged from US$1.29 to US$1.83, and prices paid by industry
to rubber-nulls ranged from US$2.6 to US$4.0. IBAMA 1988:25; Superintendencia
da Borracha 1985:1.

. 6.

1988, president Jose. Sarney needed Congress's approval to extend his

term from four to fIve years. An Acre Senator based in Cruzeiro do
SuI, dId not make a secret of a bargain in which ten of 'the eleven Acre votes
supported the President, in exchange for governmental support to the Acre-Pacific
road and credits for other projects. Bezerra 1988; Acre 1988; Petean 1986:

few projects implanting small rubber-processing units). The programme did not
invest in small-scale; domestically-run production, in contrast to the policies adopted
in Malaysia, where in 1973 over 60% of the total output came from small properties
(Norgaard 1980:791) and where state agencies played an important role in the
cultivation of rubber and palm trees at the family level (Robertson 1984:264; Hill



1982: 141ff; Bahrin, n.d.). This neglect of the rubber tappers may have been the
development of rubber plantations in southern Brazil, where investments stimulated 'by

major flaw of the SUDHEVEA plans.

In addition to the incentives to Amazonian rubber traders, PROBOR also
directly stimulated two economic systems that competed with each other: the
plantations and the "native" rubber reserves. Thus, PROBOR's first sub-programme
(the first in a series of three projects) aimed at "the recovery of the native rubbertrees", seeking to boost production by 10,000 tons (a 50% increase) simply through
the utilisation of idle capacity. In practice this meant financing owners or lessees of
rubber estates so that they could acquire tools and "hunting instruments" _ in other
words, the reinforcement of the old aviamento supply system. More significantly, in
the case of rubber traders who leased and did not possess legal title to the estates,

government prices led producers to substitute orange and coffee plantations with
rubber. 7 Thus, around 1988, Amazonian production stood at around 22,000 tons~ the
same as fifteen years earlier, which demonstrates that the increase in production was
based on the greater use of planted rubber trees in the South, while Amazonia used the
same labouring population and on the same extractive techniques that had been used
during the war. In '1986, the political manipulation of funds distributed by PROBOR
was exposed by the press nation-wide, and following an official investigation, the
projects were suspended in the midst of a scandal. 8
The Failure of Rubber Tree Domestication

PROBOR accepted the obligation of "rubber harvests to be achieved during the

One might argue that the rubber patron-traders who employed PROBOR funds

operation" as collateral for the loans (SUPERINTENDENCIA DA BORRACHA

to speculative ends or to invest in land acted rationally, not unlike the tappers who

1972:11). Thus, a lease contract for a rubber estate was sufficient to guarantee

refused to become cheap wage-labourers on plantations fmanced by the programme.

special SUDHEVEA loans, which were proportional to the number of rubber trails

Just as the tappers

on the estate and, consequently, proportional to the number of rubber tappers who ,

time to the forest subsistence and commercial economy - the capital offered to the

inight be employed. The rubber tappers' production thus constituted the ultimate-

patrons had a similar cost because it could be invested profitably in several activities,

guarantee for loans contracted by the patron-traders. Not unlike the wartime

from L'le traditional rubber operations to the

l~bour had a high opportunity cost - since they could dedicate their

legislation mentioned above, the government once again provided a legal

foundation for the patrons' monopoly over rubber production, since the patrons
could now claim that the rubber tapper's production belonged to the bank, as a
"collateral" for the loan.
This second "battle for rubber" was as much a fiasco as the first. Amazonian
rubber production was expected to triple within a decade, from around 20,000 tons
in 1973 to over 60,000 tons in 1981. Instead, production grew to only 30,000 tons by
1981, reaching a peak of 40,000 tons in 1985. It should be noted that the increase in
production between 1979 and 1988 owed less to Amazonian output than to the

7. Sao Paulo newspapers I agricultural supplements often informed ~eir readers '
of the advantages of rubber cultivation under the governm~nt-suPI?Orted pnces. There
was however the risk of a future loss of government protectIon (while rubber-trees took
a minimum of 7 years to start producing) Guia Rural Abril l(voll), April 1987: 101105' FoIha de Sao PauIo 8/9/87; Jomal do Brasil 10110/87; 0 Globo 24/0811987;
FoIha de Sao PauIo 19/0111988; 0 Estado de Sao PauIo 29/05191, Atualidades
Agropecmmas n.48, Nov. 1979; Tendencia, Abril de 1980.
8. "PIano da Borracha fracassa, conclui auditoria do Minisrerio da Industria".
Folha de Sao Paul,Q 30103/1986 A summary of findings from an official report:
"Insufficient stocks in a deteriorated state, production smaller than expected _ .
liberation of funds based on political criteria" decisions bolstered by unreahsttc
projections and an accumulated debt of 1.7 million cruzados" (1.7 million dollars at the




financial market to cattle-raising on the floodplains -- rather than in the risky, long-

ana and cacao cultivation. The
labour and on a combmatlOn of rub er, co ee, guar

term plan of rubber-tree domestication.

plantation was less than a day's journey by boat from Cruzeiro do SuI. Lobao

These ideas can be illustrated through the vicissitudes of the PROBOR

established a small residential nucleus, complete with zinc-covered houses with

projects in Cruzeiro do SuI, on the Upper Jurua. Legal title or a lease contract to a

sanitation facilities, electricity, running water, a chapel and a store, as well as stairs

rubber estate qualified a patron (seringalista in the post-war official jargon) to

h h
The bishop contributed with
and walkways connectmg the nverport to t e ouses.

request PROBOR funds. At that point, the patron received the benefits of long-

. and c
I thl'ng
o . By 1983 , Lobao had created nurseries for rubber trees,
me dlcme

term loans (with ten-year payment plans and interest rates lower than inflation).

~ofiee and gua~an~, and had cleared SQI;}e 100 hectares for pastures and another

Local offices provided technical support and determined what procedures were to

250 for rubber tree

be employed (clones, chemical pest controls and processing plants). But one obvious

plant 50,000 more), and 3,000 guarana plants.

alternative was the employment of loans to develop a cattle ranch under the cover
of a rubber plantation.

cu~tivation, having planted 60,000 coffee bushes (he expected to

On the occasion of my first visit in 1982, the labour force was made up of
d ho had a full time routine
. h'
twenty workers who were eqmpped With c amsaws an w

In one typical case which I personally followed, PROBOR funds were used to

beginning at 4 AM six days a week, controlled by radio and earning a minimum

clear a forest area and transform it into pasture, thus investing in cattle and labour.

wage. This staff remained much smaller than that which Lobao needed, in spite of

A small nursery was kept alongside the the river to show to PROBOR inspectors in-

t do Amor" (Corner of Love), as

the advantages supposedly afforde d by thIS ecan 0

case of surprise visits. PROBOR funds also were used to pay for the land title to

advertised on the

heirs of the original owners, following a suit pressed by a lawyer in Manaus seeking

that they could earn two or three times the daily wage offered by Lobao (in nominal

to revalidate an old deed from the pre-1904 period. The whole area, now with a

values) by extracting wild rubber from the forest. Thus, on the plantation men were

consolidated legal title and with an established cattle ranch, was then resold and the

paid 500 Cruzelros' per day (women were paid 300) while a kilogram of rubber was

profits invested in a commercial establishment in Cruzeiro do Sui and in further

worth 360 Cruzeiros - toe smallest amount produced by a tapper in the least

land acquisitions.

productive area, the floodplain, stood at 3 kgs. per day.

r~dio. The main reason for

this is that rubber tappers calculated

Although cases like the above were the rule, at least three businessmen in

A tapper who resided near the river could dedicate his or his families' time to

the municipal district of Cruzeiro do suI utilised programme funds to to cultivate

raising beans, tobacco, watermelon, manioc, maize and other agricultural products,

rubber trees seriously, and all three projects failed. underscoring the social and

which could either be consumed or sold to river traders. On the other hand, the

ecological barriers to the idea of transforming the labour process through the

"Corner of Love" prohibited its workers from cultivating manioc or any other food

domestication of rubber trees and the creation of wage-labour plantations.

crop. Debt did not exist in the "Corner of Love", but workers did not have access to

The first case was the Carlota estate, run by Lobao, member of one of the

credit either, which meant they had to work continuously to meet their subsistence

pioneer families of the region. Lobao set up a plantation based entirely on wage

needs. The only free time available to fish on the nearby lake was at night or on



Sundays. Lob:lo frequently complained about the riverside peoples' attitudes.

confused the Campa practice of extended journeys in search of commodities with

Instead of working for a wage, they preferred to "live on the riverbank, planting for

what he thought to be a p~rmanent decision to abandon their traditional way of life

subsistence on the beach and makin~ manioc garden plots on the mainland."

for the comforts qf regular labour. By 1987, PROBOR had been discontinued._

The main reason for building the residential nucleus near a lake, far from the

There was no more money to invest. The project had been abandoned.

riverbank, was precisely to break these attitudes. The land agency, INCRA, when

The "Corner of Love" project may be used as yet another example of the

completing the formal definition of Lob:lo's property deeds, took special care in

"woes of managers of tropical plantations having to deal with workers averse to the

locating the 100 hectares of each tapper-squatter well away from the river, in the

discipline of wage labour" (Schwartz, 1961). The permanent wage-labour eCullomy

depths of Lob:lo's estate. The idea was that these families, once removed from the

competed with the domestic economy for the scarce labour of the region. In

riverbank, would become a permanent source of wage labour for the enterprise. But

contrast, the rubber extraction for a patron combined with the agricultural, hunting

the riverside people never moved into the bush, giving up their new land titles in

and fishing activities carried out within a single family unit of production. A similar

order to maintain access to the abundance of the river banks, preferring to pay

argument was adopted by Kenelly to explain the failure of Fordlandia (Kenelly

"rights" for the use of rubber trails than property taxes to the land agency and


preferring debts to wages.

Lob:lo counted on the arrival of immigrants from southern Brazil to provide

However, the other two cases of attempts to implant rubber plantation seem
to confirm Warren Dean's hypothesis contending that Amazonian plantations were _


the labour he was unable to extract from the forest economy. Conveniently, INCRA

thwarted not by social barriers but by ecological ones. Both of these projects

was in the process of recruiting migrants for Cruzeiro do SuI, from where they were

managed to solve the labour dilemma by abandoning the idea of permanent wage

taken by plane and settled on a dirt road near the limits of Lob:lo's estate. A first

labour recruitment. Instead, they developed plantations alongside traditional

shipment of families arrived in Cruzeiro do SuI in 1982, lured by promises of free

extractive estates (where, as we have seen, rubber tappers operated domestic

homesteads complete with schools and medical assistance. When they were left at

economies and performed transactions through advances and payments in kind). In

the newly-opened dirt road at the beginning of rains, the men stayed on in order to

both cases, the labour force was made up of rubber tappers also employed in the

keep their claims, while their families were forced to beg in Cruzeiro do SuI for food

forest economy, whose labour was thus of a temporary character. Instead of

and shelter.

competing for labour with traditional estates, then, the patron-entrepreneurs of

Lob:lo made a final attempt to solve the labour question by recruiting Campa

Pucalpa and Treze de Maio plantations offered a supplementary money income

(Ashaninka) Indians from the Amonia River, offering medicine and clothing

source to rubber tappers. I visited one of these projects, run by the Messias family,

(actually donated by the Church) as well as salaries greater than those offered to

in 1983 and again in 1987. The plantations failed, due mainly to plant disease. The

Brazilians. In 1983, when I visited the "Re canto do Amor" for the second time, the

heaithiest trees 'we~e of feeble stature and low yield. But the entrepreneur did not

Campa were installed in a large barracks, but they did not stay on long. Lob:lo had

consider the plantation's failure inevitable: instead, he blamed it on the technical

advice imposed by the government agency, which demanded homogeneity in all
projects (any short-cycle or permanent crop was prohibited and the cultivation of
rubber trees had to be on completely cleared grounds), imported clones (native
rubber trees were to be uprooted) and chemical control of pests. Homogeneous
stands fell easy victims to plagues, chemical agents themselves caused the death of
thousands of trees (applied according to technical advice), and native trees which
~urvived inspectio~ and were not uprooted proved much healthier and greater in

diameter than the imported clones. According to the local entrepreneur, if he had
enjoyed the freedom to experiment with local species and to combine several crops,
the project would have been a success. This speculative opinion is supported by the
success of small stands of native rubber trees grown alongside local vegetation,
which I had the chance to observe on the banks of the Jurua and Madeira Rivers. 9

.). .

traditional families, or descendants of the early settlers, became impoverished or

lost their properties altogether. On the other hand, long-time managers and other
estate employees, along with a few cultivators and itinerant traders, managed to
accumulate capital and use the state machine to become land owners and to
diversify their economic activities, investing not only in traditional rubber estates
but also in cattle raising, the lumber business and in urban commerce.
Observed in greater detail, the stories of success and upward mobility also
show how the benefits of this period were appropriated by a small number of
emergent families. Three generations of patrons distributed in three principal
families succeeded in exploiting all the most advantageous business


available in the region: rubber estates, sawmills, ceramics works, urban commerce_
and cattle ranching. These three "houses", mixed by intermarriage and which I will

Local Control of Public Funds

call M, Sand C, are also the principal actors in the recent history of the Tejo River,

Besides the generous SUDHEVEA funds, local patrons from Cruzeiro do

which they leased, one after another from Sao Paulo purchasers during the 1980s -

SuI also had access to Banco do Brasil credit for commerce with rubber tappers.

subject of the chapter that follows. Thus, seven marriages in the M family within a

During the early years of the 1970s, this easy credit revived the extravagance of the

single generation of new patrons united urban merchants, federal bank employees,

golden age of the rubber boom in Cruzeiro do SuI, only different because the money

municipal administrators and military men within a family block. 10 If one considers

invested in cattle, money markets, and superfluous luxuries came from the Brazilian-

the M, S, and C families as an extended unit, one could travel for days along the

government. In 1972, a federal intervention in the Banco do Brasil reduced this

Jurua without ever leaving its territory, and in the same fashion their stores

euphoria somewhat, and many property deeds (though legally dubious) passed on to

occupied entire blocks in Cruzeiro do SuI. The group succeeded in capturing public

the bank. One of the consequences was the possibility of traders who became

funds and channeling them to a new generation of sons and daughters. In contrast

prosperous during this period to become "rubber estate owners". Many heirs of

with the old elite, which sent its sons off to school in Rio de Janeiro, the sons of
these new patrons were educated in the tasks of management on the banks of the

9. The trif to Madeira River in 1986 was part of my role as an advisor to the

N~tional C~u~ci of Rubber Tappers. In the Rib7ira Valley, Sao Paulo, which has a
ram cycle SImIlar to tpe Amazon,. early pl~ntatlOn projects (in the 60s) also were

affected by the leaf blIght, and I WItnessed m the 80s that abandoned nurseries and
rubber tree stands flourished after becoming ''bush''. These stands were rediscovered
only in the 80s and exploited by the Japanese families of the region.

10. Four M's (from the same sibling group) married C's (three belonging to a
sibling group). These alliances included Ratrons, urban merchants, and Banco do
Brasil employees. Another three M's (from the same sibling group) married
members of the S family (a bank employee, a municipal employee and a rubber

rivers. At the same time, this group effectively managed to block out competition,
particularly from the declining elite of older proprietors. For example, one M leased
an estate from a Nobre heir, managing the estate with money from the Banco do
Brasil. After six years of profitable activities, Nobre reclaimed the estate and installed his own son, who recently had returned from Rio de Janeiro, as manager,
but he was unable to obtain a loan from the Banco do Brasil and as a result the
enterprise soon failed.
Social Barriers to Modernization

native seringueira rubber trees on family scale and as part of mixed crop. A system
based on small holdings and less capital-intensive, however would depend on
granting to rubber tappers formal rights to the forest. In other words, peasant agroforest systems based on public investments would imply an agrarian reform on the
rubber estates, but this was unacceptable to patrons. If these assumptions are
correct, then there was a social and political barrier to the domestication of rubber
trees in Amazonia, not only an ecological one. This social and political barrier was
the power of the patrons over land and public funds.

Why did the modernization policy of the 1970s and 80~ fail on the rubber

Thus, Dean's hypothesis arguing that enterprises such as Fordlandia failed

estates? First of all, government policy in the 1970s basically was misguided for

not for socio-political but for ecological reasons needs to be complemented. It

having been addressed to the wrong group. A policy seeking to start a technical

assumes a combination of wage-labour and large-scale plantations, but it does not

revolution consisting in replacing extraction with cultivation of rubber trees was

consider seriously the possibility that households could domesticate the forest with

directed by priority to an elite of patron-traders. But these patrons chose to employ

an appropriate technology, and still be economically viable. Between the natural

funds on the supply of rubber tappers under the extractive economy (having profits

density of around one tapped tree by hectare and the 400 trees per hectare in

guaranteed by government prices), or in land purchases, instead of risking them on -

intensive plantations, a middle term of semi-domesticated forests could well prove

an enterprise that would take ten years to come to fruition. On the other hand, those

feasible, both ecologically and economically.

patrons who intended to "modernize" their estates faced the lack of interest on the

Between 1912 and 1943, attempts to introduce rubber production based on

part of rubber tappers who for their part had the option of maintaining their

domesticated plants and wage-labour, with direct investment by industrial capitalists

subsistence-oriented forest economy. Since the property structure was not reformed,

(Fordlandia and Belterra) failed not only as a consequence of worker resistance to -

rubber tappers continued to be denied the status of productive agents, and tappers,

disciplined wage labour (Kenelly 1989) but also because extensive homogeneous

who in fact managed extractive activities and agricultural production, were thus

plantations proved ecologically unfeasible (Dean 1987). The failure of these projects

ignored in the plans.

in the period that followed also bares these same factors, only now undermining a

PROBOR's failure attested to the existence of ecological barriers, as

proposed by Warren Dean (1987). This, however, applied to the development of
homogeneous plantations with imported clones and chemical control of the leafs
blight, since no' evidence exists that same barriers blocked the domestication of"

government policy 'directed towards the wrong social group employing the wrong
agro-forest technology.



Property Titles


During the 1970s, the rise in land prices engendered by the government

The analysis above should be contrasted with the interpretation proposed by

policy of colonising the Amazon laid bare the fact that patron-traders in Acre did

Bakx in an article published in 1991. Bakx asserts that the State's action in the early

not possess valid deeds to the estates they treated as their own properties. Until

eighties "eroded the power base of the traditional landowning class", opening a

1976, public lands could be acquired either through the legalisation of occupation

vacuum for the appearance of autonomous rubber tappers, who opposed "violent

(in the case of squatters with up to 100 hectares), or through "regularised property

struggle as they attempted to halt the advance of the ranching front which had been

titles" of areas up to 3,000 hectares (2,000 in border districts), or still through public

facilitated by that very [State] intervention" (Bakx 1991:50). Then, Bakx examines

proceedings (for agro-pastoral projects), but none of these conditions applied to the

the "State measures which have sought to defuse violent confrontation in the Acrean

patrons who "owned" areas ranging from 40,000 to 400,000 hectares in the Jurua

countryside and so stem the rural-urban exodus that it engendered", focusing the

Valley. This situation changed with a law passed in 1976, allowing for "regularised

"colonisation schemes and producer cooperatives", exemplified by INCRA and

titles" over large areas (Magalhaes 1977), at the same time that the government of

PROBOR projects respectively (Bakx 1991:49). Since our own analysis stressed that



Acre began to adopt an aggressive policy attracting investors from southern Brazil.

the State supported the patrons both on land and on financial issues, as exemplified

This was when the Tejo River region, covering 6,000 km2 (about 20% of the total

by the PROBOR projects and by INCRA action, Bakx's argument calls for some

municipal area of 31,312 km2), a small part of Nicolau & Co.'s holdings devolved to

commentary. 12

Quirino Nobre, was transferred to Consulmar enterprises, based in Sao Paulo. This

We deal first with the land issue. As stated above, until the early seventies,

deed was confirmed in 1982 by the land agency during a "land regularisation

the patrons had no valid title to land. In Eastern Acre, as Bakx points out, there

project", when it was announced initially that rubber tappers also would have right

were titles issued by the Province of Amazonas (until 1898), by the Independent

to their own lots, which later was ignored. As a result of such procedures, within one

State of Acre (1898-1904); by Bolivia and Peru (prior to 1903). Bakx's affirmation

decade the Acre state which legally was made up of vast areas of public lands, came

that "Land titles not descended from or based upon titles issued by the above were

to display one of the highest concentrations of property in the country (Duarte

deemed invalid" (Bakx 1991:55) implies that land titles descended from or based

1987:60). Patrons claimed rights to occupation to whole estates on the basis of

upon titles issued by the above authorities were "deemed valid". What is true is that

"animus domini" (Magalhaes 1977).11

none of these , (never validated by the Brazilian Republic, and covering only a
fraction of the area occupied by the estates, usually 10% in upper Jurua) were valid,
but were used to claim valid titles (Magalhaes 1977, Silva 1982). Thanks to special,

11. In 1988, this argument was upheld by INCRA's coordinator in Rio

Branco, Acre.

12. Bakx focuses on the "differential response of the residual rural population
to State intervention" (1991:49). In 1980, the "economically active population" of
91,588 included 46 1886 'rural workers' (51 %) and 23,203 rubber tappers (25%). Is _
this a "residual" figure?

ad hoc legal measures adopted during 1975-1976 and to Incra "regularisation"
programs of the early eighties, the patrons were able to sell their claims (not yet
validated legally) to southern investors at a period of soaring land prices. This is
described by Incra (and apparently accepted by Bakx) as "the regularisation of the
situation of those large property owners with legitimate title so as to facilitate their
access to credit and federal incentives" (my emphasis). As for the squatter's rights
(these did have a legal basis to claim up to one hundred hectares only), simple

shows t1;tat in a "traditional" estate with an average of 400 hectares per _

family, "regularising" 100 hectares per family and "regularising" the remainder for
the "traditional" landowner (on the basis of a new. ad hoc legislation designed for
Acre only) was indeed a scheme for wholesale appropriation of the public domain
by patrons (in the Jurua, the tapper's share remained a dead letter). Thus, as a


consequence of measures taken by the Acre government between 1975-6, while in

1972 the total titles on record at the land agency (including ranches, agricultural
areas and rubber estates) added up to 5 million hectares (a third of Acre's land
surface), this figure jumped to over 11 million hectares in 1976, and to over 15,
million hectares in 1982, more than the State's physical surface (Silva 1982:32-33).
One can hardly say that the conflicts between rubber tappers and southern investors
did take place on the wake of the demolition of the "traditional" landowners "by the _
State" (cf. Bakx 1991:52,55 passim). That "many state owners abandoned their
estates and left the resident tapper population to survive as best it could, cultivating
subsistence crops and selling rubber to itinerant river traders", is a sign that state

of land conflict and friction (Brasileia, Eastern Acre) should not suggest that therewas any policy intended to create a significant category of rubber-producing smallholders in the Amazon. During PROBOR's final year, SUDHEVEA collected 26.3
million dollars in taxes on imported natural rubber (Allegreti, May and Rueda
1990:3); from which 226 thousand dollars were earmarked to pay PROBOR I
projects (dating from 1972-1977), 11 million dollars went to PROBOR 11 projects
(dating from 1978-198,1), and 10 million dollars were dedicated to PROBOR III
projects. How great was the tappers' share? In Western Acre they received nothing
at all. In 1988, 50.4% of payments by PROBOR for existing contracts went to
landowners and planters, while 3% went to "community assistance" and to the
"settlement of colonists and protection of Indian communities" (Allegretti, May and
Rueda 1990:9). This hardly can be called a "blow to traditional landowners". 13
Rubber patron-traders succeeded in institutionalising their monopoly over
commodity distribution and labour beginning in 1943, also managing to appropriate

public funds on a large scale in the 1970s. Between 1975 and 1982, they used the
state machine to take control and then sell land titles, when the focus of the
Amazonian economy began to shift away from extractive activities to stock raising,
agriculture and lumber exploitation. The "traditional" system of the rubber estates
and the "debt slavery" associated with this system

continued in existence in

Western Acre, stimulated by a final flurry, both utilising federal funds in the socalled development plans between 1975 and 1985, and obtaining money from the
sale of land titles.

owners in Eastern Acre were able to convert land into money, leaving to newcomers
the task of actually evicting the squatters. In Western Acre, where land was
purchased only for speculation, the sellers did not bother to leave.
Now we may deal with the issue of financial support. The case of PROBOR
III investment in rubber-processing units for rubber tappers' cooperatives in an area

13. In Malaysia, the main rubber producer in the world (1.6 million tons by1980) the total planted area is 1.7 million hectares. From this, 1.1 million ha belong
to sm~llholders (less than 40 hectares per holder), producing 950 kg~ rubber ea~h
(Barlow 1978, apud Norgaard 1980:7.9~; COT-CAT 1981:31, s~ct.lOn 6.5; HIll
1982: 139-147ft). In Thailand (half a rrulhon tons of rubber, 1.7 1lllllion hectares),
95% of the output comes from 600,000 smallholdin& f~milies (COT-CAT 1981) ..The
small-holding sector in Malaysia was strongly subSIdIzed by governmental projects
(Bahrin and Perera n.d.; Robertson 1984:260-69,276-280).

Chapter 4

This chapter treats the relations between tappers and patrons in Tejo river
and in the sub-district of Thaumaturgo during the 80s. The focus is on problems of
hegemony in the forest extractive economy. The notion of hegemony involves a
process by which one group exercises domination through a combination of
"consensus" and "coercion" (Gramsci 1975: 1519, 1638 etc.). This Gramscian idea
leads to a concept of violence-biased regimes or "labour repressive" systems
(Barrington Moore Jr. 1966: 434,470). The cases described below furnish examples
of a "labour-repressive" system, which includes the ingredients of violence, contested
legitimacy, corruption and cooptation.

In treating tappers as peasants and in considering patron-tapper relations

within a framework of hegemonic struggle, one arrives at the logical conclusion that

the patrons failed to dominate the tappers through direct repression alone - or
slavery. Purely repressive measures do not significantly increase labour productivity
in an extractive economy; nor do they attract workers to a labour-scarce area.
Instead, the combination of policies of terror and violence (bolstered here by judges,
police authorities and priests) and policies of material incentives, cooptation and
corruption made a lot of sense.
The Tejo River. 1980-1985
The rubber estates where field research was carried out have their main
headquarters near the mouth of the Tejo River, two hours by canoe from the settlement of Thaumaturgo. We may begin with a description of some events in the
Minas Gerais rubber estate near Thaumaturgo during my first visit, in September




1982. Residents were apprehensive about the presence of a group of policemen in

the service of the patron-trader Carneiro. The controversy had begun when
Cameiro seized some rubber from a tapper's canoe, threatening him with a shotgun.
Cameiro justified his position as a reaction to the "invasion" of the Minas Geraisestate by itinerant peddlers (regat6es), a complaint which Carneiro took to Cruzeiro
do SuI, the municipal seat, where he sought support from his own boss (patrao)
Magalhaes. Through his prestige and political influence, Magalhaes was able to
recruit a police force to accompany Carneiro on an expedition to the Minas Gerais
estate. 1 The police then paid the tappers a visit, confiscating their rubber whether or
not they had debts with the trader. When the tappers sought to file a complaint in
Thaumaturgo about that which they considered a grave injustice, they heard the
following explanation from the local police authority: since the Minas Gerais estate
operated on a Banco do Brasil loan, all the rubber thus belonged to the bank and
could not be sold to peddlers. The confiscation was necessary to avoid further
'smuggling' of rubber by these itinerant merchants.
Local residents, both those involved in the episode and those who were not,
did not agree. For them, "the tapper who is not in debt, who has paid for trail rights
and other accounts, is owner of the rubber." The tappers did not protest against debt
payments as such, but rather asserted the principle that a person free of debts and
with the rent (renda2) settled is free to buy and sell as he is free to come and go as
he wishes. But the right to buy and sell freely meant the possibility of choosing
better terms of trade and of maintaining debts that could be kept at manageable

tappers were exercising this very right, which allowed them to remain "free of debt"
with the patron-trader. If Magalhaes wished to acquire rubber under fair conditions,
through his relationship as supplier to Carneiro, he would have to compete with the
itinerant peddlers. Instead, Magalhaes chose to use government-subsidised violence
to impose an undisguised monopoly. It is important to stress that, for patron and
police authority alike, coercion found its justification not in tappers' debts to the
patron, but in the idea of a state monopoly over rubber, which was extended to
patrons who received state funds. 3
Even the principle that indebted tappers could not "sell rubber outside" was
disputed. When the patron failed to provide for basic needs tappers felt justified in
"selling his rubber outside" - that is, to itinerant merchants, local peddlers and even
neighbouring patrons. For instance, in 1982 one indebted tapper in the upper Tejo
bought some medicine from a river trader, paying for it in rubber. While the local
patron Furtado


the Sao Francisco Estate) saw this as sufficient grounds to evict

the tapper, the accepted view among the local population was that the
circumstances justified the tapper's transgression: first, he had an urgent need of
medication for his son, and the patron did not have the necessary medicine in stock;
second, the patron refused to act as guarantor in the tapper's transaction with the
trader who sold the needed medication. Thus according to the rubber tappers, a welfare prerogative came before monopoly considerations.
Tappers also saw the violence itself as illegitimate. A head of house valued
moral values of personal dignity and independence. 4 For these heads of houses, the

levels by the tappers, and the repressive wave set off by Carneiro meant that many

1. Informal conversations (September 1982-November 1983, July 1986, JuneSeptember 1987, in January 1988, at various times 1989-91. See O'Dwyer, 1989.
2. Renda will be translated either as "trail rights" or as "rent" (for a moredetailed discussion, see Chap.5).

3. The tapper's view of rules is consistent with th~ pre-war period situation.
The patron's interpretation had a post-war tone, assurmng a state monopoly over
rubber trade.
4. In 1982, the case of the rubber tapper who killed a pat~on who .decided t,o
attempt to expel the tapper personally from his own house was stIll fresh III people s

humiliating invasion of their homes or canoes and the confiscation of their personal

reopened the trails, whicb were in the bush, since no one knew where the

possessions by the police was unacceptable. To be arrested and beaten by the police

outlets to the road were" (Account of Damiao Gon~alves da Silva).

was even worse. Both were seen as moral insult.

Indeed, the patron's ownership was dubious. The Correa company took

The notion of rights payments or rent was part of the "common sense", but

Damiao and his brothers to court only in 1989 for lack of rent payment ("trail

its rules also were the source of conflicting interpretations. For the tappers, the

rights") betwee~ 1982 and 1989, but the real reason was that Darzinho and his

payment of rent was illegitimate when the tapper was responsible for the opening

brothers had established a cooperative. A judicial decision against Darzinho, one of

and maintenance of the trail. One well-documented case occurred along the

Damiao's brothers, decreed his eviction of tr.e tapper from "rubber trails", but not

Cruzeiro do Vale stream, parallel to the Tejo River.

from homes and crops. Darzinho obstinately refused to leave the estate: the forest

In 1982, Correa & Irmaos company bought up the property titles, which later
were legalised by INCRA (the federal land agency). Though the titles covered an

where he and his brothers lived had abundant game, rubber, livestock and
agricultural produce. 6

area of 14,000 hectares, the company sought to gain control over an area of 114,000
hectares, within which lived Damiao, Darzinho and his other brothers. Correa
wished to collect rent from Damiao and his brothers, but Damiao did not agree. 5

Strong Patrons on the Tejo River

Since at least 1895, the Tejo river was owned by several patrons; on the eve
of the crisis of 1912, most of the area with Manaus titles was bought up by the

"I haven't paid rights since I arrived, since I've been there seven years (from
1984 to 1991 on the


powerful Melo & Co., which, bankrupt in 1918, sold out to Nicolau & Co.; in 1942,
tapping site), and never paid rights. Even when I
during the wartime,phase of rubber production, Nicolau went under and sold out to _

came down from upriver there was no payment here since three or four years
his local manager, Raimundo Quirino Nobre; and Nobre sold property titles to
before (rights had not been paid for this spot since 1981). I was the one who
Evilasio Maia in 1967, who passed them on to Consulmar Industrial Enterprises
between 1974 and 1976 (via its subsidiary company Santana Empreendimentos
5. The biography of Damiao illustrates several points' made in chapters I-Ill.
In 1913, Damiao's father arrived from Ceara on the Cruzeiro do Vale estate,
openin& a tapping area at age 13, and remainin~ their until his demise at 65. Mter
the CriSIS of 1913, the family began to plant mamoc, and according to Damiao "... the
original estate did not have this captivity that it now has.( ... )At first you could sell
rubber whenever you pleased, mainly to the local peddler; the estate owner was a
sort of small tnidee ... he [the patron] went as far as to split matches to help thepeople; from a little kilo of salt he would give a spoonful to one, a spoonful to
another ...". Mter 1943, prices improved - "the merchandise was favourable".
"Nobody took out [i.e. sold to outsiders] a single kilo of rubber", but on the other
hand rubber tappers often received "a small bonus" at the end of each year, taking
advantage of nsmg prices. In the late seventies and early eighties, "the fatron did
not allow the tapper to sell the product outside, since it was financed; i he sold a
kilo out, he was put out, and then they created submission to not sell rubber outside
... Then they started getting ambitious." (Damiao da Silva, 1991).

Agropastoris S.A.).
When Consulmar enterprises bought up the rubber estates on the Tejo
(including Restaura~ao), the former patron Geraldo stayed on as local patronlessee. With his demise in ' 1980 the change of ownership had a local impact. One

6. Correa & Irmaos vs. Manoel Gon~alves da Silva (Case Number 6.735/89,
F6rum de Cruzeiro do SuI). "Where I live is a good place to s~ttle. There's a lake,
good for fishing. Durin~ the summer (dry season) nobody worn~s much about food.
Summertime there is fish there is game, all kinds of game." WIth the onset of the
cooperative in ~98?, .the 'rubber ar.~a a "mine". ~ ...) They're getting on us _
because my busmess IS good" (Daffilaoda SIlva, recorded III 1991).



new manager hired by Consulmar remained indifferent to the rubber trade,

trader needed only to go to the head office in Cruzeiro do SuI to receive payment.

preferring to build a runway on the Peruvian border for suspect activities. The Tejo

At the same ti~e, Co~rea promised the tappers that he would supply the estate to

River abruptly became "a river without a patron".

the extent of making trade with the itinerant merchants unnecessary.7

That the Tejo became a "river without a patron", to adopt the terms used by

However, as 1982 drew to a close, with the settling of accounts in January-

the tappers, meant that there no longer existed a strong patron. The smaller patrons

February of 1983, the tappers began to realise that Correa was a wolf in sheep's

who lived at the trade-posts did not possess enough power or prestige either to

clothing. In the annual balance sheets for 1982-83, Correa charged the tappers 60%

secure bank loans or to mobilise repression - this power, as stated in the previous

interest over the debts bought from the itinerant merchants, in a year when ann~lal

chapter, was monopolized by a cartel of Cruzeiro do SuI families, and the minor

inflation stood around 30%. For their part, the itinerant traders noticed that their

patrons of the Restaura~ao area needed a strong patron above them in order to face -

"orders of payment" could not be discounted in cash without waiting for weeks, and

the itinerant traders and the tappers.

since they owed their own creditors in Cruzeiro do SuI on short term, the delay in

The Correa company came up from a humble background and it is said that

payments meant they would have to pay considerable interest. Thus Correa,

the "old Correa man" gathered his wealth by selling gramix6 or muscavado sugar.

although appearing to negotiate with tappers and itinerant traders alike, in effect

The old Correa succeeded in accumulating capital and lands in the 1970s, and was

severely punished both for dealing rubber "outside the trade post". When a few

the first to take advantage of PROBOR funds. Sebastiao Correa, one of the sons of

peddlers returned to the Tejo to resume trade with the tappers, Correa met them

the old Correa, entered the Tejo River in 1981 during the "patronless" period to sell

with law suits. O~ a brief visit to the post while awaiting the rains, I witnessed and

goods. Enthused by the high output of the rubber tappers, Correa obtained a lease

photographed an incident where Correa recruited a small police force to scare a

contract with Consulmar enterprises of Sao Paulo and in 1982 introduced himself as

tapper accused of "selling liquidated rubber outside" - the classic accusation of a

a new strong patron of the



Correa's first problem was the competition from itinerant river traders who

crime against the patrons' monopoly, the most serious offense to the customary rules
of the rubber estate. Patrons like Correa, who used tame methods, also were

dispersed the product. Through a Banco do Brasil loan, Correa bought a great -

capable of using wild methods as well. A inherent problem in the extractive

shipment of merchandise to the Tejo in June, in what appeared to be the beginning

economy based on trade arrangements with autonomous forest peasants was the

of a new age of large-volume supply - supposedly making the presence of itinerant

traders superfluous, attracting new tappers and stimulating greater output.
Always maintaining a calm demeanour, Correa seemed willing to negotiate
with the rubber tappers whom he described as a brutish folk, who should never be
provoked. His first measure was to propose to the itinerant merchants the purchase
of all tapper debts. Correa's offer meant the elimination of delays in collection - the

7. "When I was a boy, each of us had only two sets o~ clothes. My. father didn't
owe anything to anybody ... In my day there wasn't any radlo on the TeJo. There ~as_
bnly one engine. When the 'black mule' came about, by God, that was somethmg
amazing. Nowadays, who doesn't own a wat~h? Watches and record plaxers .
Nowadays everything is good."(Noe, a middle TeJo rubber tapper and a marretelfo).
"The TeJo River was too disorderly. Many people no longer worked. Th~y bought on
credit from the patron and then went to the hmterland and kept on buymg from the
river trader. By the end of the year, they had no~hing to pay the patron
with."(Timoteo, an upper Tejo rubber tapper and marretelro).



great range in individual productivity. Some tappers had an annual output of less

On the upper side of the range of productivity, the real issue was that these

than 400 kgs and remained usually indebted; the average output was around 600 kgs.

tappers could strike positive balances in their accounts with a cumulative effect. One

In the Riozinho igarape, almost half of the global output of around 42 tons came

method to deal with those cases was to push high-value merchandise to these

from 14 households (of a total of 66) producing over one ton of rubber.

tappers, in order to offset their credit.8 The largest producers received from the

On the lower side of productivity, the patron tried to evict the "lazy" tappers,

trade post Japanese watches (Orient and Seiko were the preferred brands), six-band

to be replaced by more productive ones. The basic problem, then, was not to

radios, gasoline engines (9 HP Briggs-and-Stratton, the "black mules", made in

immobilise tappers but, on the contrary, to expel unproductive or rebellious ones

Philadelphia and used .to power canoes; or 3 HP Montgomery, preferred to operate

and to attract others. He could simply cut off supplies to tappers with small outputs.

manioc flour mills).9 The

It was said that Correa planned to expel all tappers who produced less than 300 kgs

individual productivity. The patron could identify a group of men at a distance and -

. t h ese tappers only

a year. Besides that, Correa would say'. "I have confid ence III

comment: "Look, those are the Cunhas. They're all one-ton tappers!" Another

when they are five or six (in a single settlement), like the Nonatos. Those who work

method was to offer larger stocks to be re-sold at a minor trade-post, and also the

alone extract little latex, they have other work, these are not tappers, they are a

job of collecting debts from the other tappers for a per cent payment. As a

waste of time." Widows and couples with many small children, who needed to

consequence, the tapper with a surplus was transformed into a petty patron indebted

produce food on their garden plots, were included in the "hit-the-road" category.

inc~ntives policy assumed the capacity of identifying

towards the patron above him.

However, these tappers resisted the patron's pressure. When Soledade, a

Correa's lease consisted of a contract of three years, from 1982. Already in

single woman head-of-house with several children living in the Riozinho Estate

1983, the abundant merchandise began to disappear, and even the manager had to

WIshed to make a purchase at the


trade post in 1983, the manager told -

buy powdered milk from an itinerant merchant to feed his child. Correa now refused

her: "Soledade, your debt is too great. You owe 48,000 Cruzeiros." Soledade replied,

to make cash advances even to the most productive tappers who needed to go to

"that's not right." The manager: "I am right, Soledade." She said: "My debt is 32,000

town to treat illnesses in the family. As such, Correa began to show that he was not

Cruzeiros. You are stealing." The manager then said: "Correa's orders are to sell

really a patron, but.only a peddler, or a marreteiro.

only to those who have rubber." To which, Soledade retorted: "I have some rubber.

Early complaints already surfaced at the end of the first year (1982-83) when

l "1t up as SUIts
. me best.
The merchandise is yours but the rubber is mine . And I ' lgIve

the tappers realised that the customary practice of annual advances at fixed prices

But I will pay my bill only at the end of the year." The manager stood firm:
"Soledade, clients in debt cannot sell their rubber outside." From then on, she did
not return to the trade post, and began to buy from a Tarauaca river trader, through
a clandestine trail that cut through the back reaches of the estate - beyond the reach
of the estate's supervision.

8. Nascimento had a positive balance of 300 Cruzeiros, and obtained an

advance of 800 Cruzeiros which he invested in the years supplies. Within two years,
he possessed a wooden house in Cruzeiro do SuI with a refrigerator, gas stove and
sewing machine.
9. Today llHP and 16 HP diesel engines are preferred to power canoes and

was abolished. Under the new system the rubber turned over at the end of the year
commanded three different prices. Should the client refuse this system, the

Beginning in 1985, government rubber policy changed significantly. The

alternative was to turn over rubber at current prices but to pay interest on the value

PROBOR projects were interrupted amidst a public scandal. Rubber prices began

of the merchandise advanced. The rubber tappers were outraged:

to fall in real terms. Galloping inflation made long-term advances unthinkable, at

"Now with Correa here, it's difficult to take out any savings. In the old

the same time when the Banco do Brasil raised interest rates on their loans to

days, merchandise was sold at a price that did not change all year, and rubber

rubber traders. At the same time, union organisation backed up the tappers'

was bought at the price it had at the end of the year. Now prices go up with

resistance to the trade post monopoly and contested land claims.

rubber prices. In the end, the system of three prices and the interest system

j -

The Union Arrives on 'the Scene

This was the context for the transition from cooptation to violence in the

come out the same."

interior of the Tejo River area, as the Restaurac;ao estate's lease was transferred

Several itinerant traders returned and managed to stay, notwithstanding the

from Correa & Irm'aos to Cameli & Filhos in 1985. Already in 1986, Cameli

legal actions against them. Most itinerant traders who stayed on were sons, sons-in-

recruited a police unit to -'accompany the overseer "Banha" (Lard) on a debt-

iaw or relatives 'of the resident rubber tappers. How could one prohibit a son from-

collecting expedition. The outfit interrogated children in an attempt to discover

visiting his father - even if he brought merchandise that may draw the interest of

rubber hidden in the forest. When the tappers did not come forward with amounts

neighbors willing to buy and pay in rubber? There were other reasons for protest:

of rubber great enough to satisfy Banha's demands, the police would take sewing

Gedeao, book-keeper of the central post, himself once a rubber tapper, was famous

machines, diesel and gasoline engines, and even milch cows. This is a sample

for his accounting errors, and I spent long hours in each household that I visited that

account made by a rubber tapper:

year, checking account by account at the request of the tappers.

"There I was, working to make my living. I made a thousand kilos of rubber

During the dry season of 1983, between August and October, goods became up my account. When the other patron came, with this Manuel Banha,

scarce, but they were not replaced with the advent of the rains: now the patron

they went into the estate, taking the police with them, and went as far as my

awaited the rubber harvest to cover his own expenses, which would start only with

house. I wasn't there, my wife was. They already showed up with the police

the next rain period by December. Finally, in the third year, from june 1984 to 1985,

there, ordering me to present myself that same day, though it was already

Correa abandoned altogether his incentives policy. Debts contracted by tappers still

night, but I had to be there to settle accounts. Or else he'd take away the

outstanding would have to be settled by force. But instead of undertaking this task-

cow, the only thing I owned. I'm father of six children, it was the only thing I

personally, Cotrea transferred his lease to the estate to another important family of

owned, this cow, to give milk. I went there, and the police made me turn over

patrons, the Camelis.

the cow. They went and got the cow, and still made me go back half hour by
water. There I ran away to Vila Thaumaturgo. I got there and they kept my
cow. They got it inside my house. That's why I became so disgusted. Because-

I was so ashamed!; I drank so much jacuba [flour and water] to make so

much rubber, but it wasn't enough - so they kept my cow.,,10
Another indebted tapper was forced to carry a sixty-kilogram load of rubber
on his back to the Riozinho stream, cutting through over five kilometres of difficult
forest terrain. This man was a highly productive rubber tapper, and now he was
treated as if he was a thief. Revolt soon began to spread. Chico Ginu, the local
union delegate, at the time was returning from a training stint in Cruzeiro do SuI, to
find the headwaters
of the Tejo - along the Riozinho, Manteiga, Camaleao, Boa

Hora and Machadinho - stirred up by indignation. This was Ginu's community,

where he could count on the support of his friends and relatives, along with other
union members. Almost a hundred rubber tappers assembled and agreed to act~

under the auspices of the National Confederation of Agricultural Workers

. (CONTAG). By 1980, tappers from the Upper Tejo (Riozinho and Manteiga
igarapes) were crossing the forest to the Tarauaca headwaters in order to attend
union meetings, following the same trail used to acquire goods and sell rubber
clandestinely.ll In December 1980, loao Claudino, a tapper coming from Tarauaca,
inaugurated a local chapter of the union on the Upper Tejo. Within a short span of
time, Claudino scored an important victory, after leading a group of tappers to the

trade post and demanding a 30% reduction on all debts as well as the

cancellation of debt and rent payments of a tapper who had been arrested and
punished by the Thaumaturgo police during the previous year at the behest of
Armando Geraldo. Claudino also . counselled the tappers to refuse trail rent
. <,

while at least fifteen had the courage to accompany Ginu to the estate's
headquarters, where Ginu gave an inflamed speech demanding the immediate
evacuation of the police. The police retreated immediately, for they did not wish to
risk an open conflict with the tappers (each armed with a hunting gun) on their own
grounds, in exchange for a meager supplement to their regular salary. Following this
incident, even those tappers who had looked down on the union began to admit that

payments. Claudino confronted patrons on their own! grounds. In one case, he _

lent money to a debt-free rubber tapper who needed to travel urgently. 12 In another
case, the union succeeded in collecting 260 kgs. of rubber from twelve tappers on
short notice, in order' to pay transport costs for medical treatment. Furthermore, the
union acted as arbitrator in conflicts between tappers over the invasion of garden
plots by livestock, or over the right to rubber tree trails. 13

it served some purpose. In 1987, when I returned to the Tejo area after a three-year
absence, Chico Ginu's name was known even on the Lower Tejo, and the event had

The union began to demonstrate that the rubber tappers could act
collectively, provided adequate leadership and coordination. More important, one

been registered in song and in verse. Though many tappers never recovered their
possessions confiscated by the police, they had achieved an important moral victory
and, moreover, the union had recovered its own self-respect.
. The role of the union was the more significant because by 1986 it was largely
discredited in Tejo headwater estates as a result of Correa's shrewd tactics in the
previous years. In 1978, a rural labour union had been organised in Cruzeiro do SuI,
10. This account registered by me is recorded in Procuradoria Geral da
Republica 1989a.

11. In 1980, Raimundo Lino (from the rural ~nion of Tarauaca) ~dvised
suggested that Upper Tejo rubber tappers open a trail to the Tarauaca RIver. In
1983, this clandestine route still was in use.
12. Geraldo's widow refused to cash a money order sent b~ a manager, a~d
Claudino cashed it. When the manager collected the correspondmg rubber, lo_ao
Claudino assembled a dozen tappers and headed for the trade post C?f Restaura~ao. Claudino asked the group: "If this happened to you, and they came mto your home
to take your rubber, would you have the courage t~ go ~nto t~e boat to get you~
rubber back?" As the story goes, the answer came m umson: I would and I do!
Then Claudino said: "Then let's go!"
13. I witnessed some such arbitrations in 1982 and in 1983 in the Riozinho


of Claudino's plans, if successful, would deal a serious blow to the estate monopoly.

15% of the expected return of 15 tons of rubber. 16 This step proved fatal for

Union members were to contribute ten kgs. of rubber apiece to buy a boat with a

Claudino's authority. In the tappers' view, Claudino had been bought by the patron.

cargo capacity of three to four tons, powered by a Montgomery engine, at a total

He was "weak".

cost of 800 kgs. On the Riozinho and Manteiga alone, where there were 110 rubber

Besides, trade post employees received instructions from Correa to advise

tapper households,. the contribution of 80 households would suffice to make the

the tappers not to pay Claudino "if they didn't feel like it". Neither Claudino nor

transportation of "debt-free" rubber to Cruzeiro do SuI and the return of

Roberto collected a single kilo of rent rubber. Claudino had not only unpayable

merchandise purchased with cash, thus reducing the price of goods to at least one-

debts but also an unfulfilled contract with the patron. In the upshot, in January 19K\

half. 14

Claudino consented in leaving Restaurac;ao in exchange for the cancellation of both

But coordination and leadership had .its costs. Claudino needed a full-time

staff and had to cater for large meetings. 15 Claudino built a large, paxiuba wood

his debts and hi.s contract - also gaining the post of manager on a Correa estate on_
the Jurua Mirim, and a promise of a Banco do Brasilloan.

lodge, and planted a prodigious manioc plot that was to provide food as well as a

These incidents demonstrate how rubber tappers were able to articulate

source of income. These were investments that most tappers would refuse to cover

resistance by coordinating individual acts through a union-supported leader. On the

through increased union dues. The patron Correa, instead of contesting Claudino's

other hand, though, they also show that independent actions at the local level were

authority, extended him whatever credit he wished. Claudino's debt increased

limited by lack of material and symbolic resources. 1)1e tappers' movement against

rapidly, for he hoped to offset his expenses with the expected returns of the union

the monopoly policy was expressed as a confrontation of individuals: tapper

boat's trade and of manioc flour production.

leadership had to be as strong as the patron, able to muster its own client following,

In 1981, Claudino had recommended that no one pay rent on rubber trails,

to extend credit, to substitute the patron and face him in the arena of legitimacy.

but in 1982 the union president Saraiva asserted from Cruzeiro do SuI that these

Under these conditions, any tapper movement without external support comparable

rents or "trail rights" were to be paid up. The patron then proposed that Claudino

to the support offered by the state to strong patrons was doomed to fail.

himself collect these rents - receiving a percentage of the rubber collected. Thus, in

Although defeated in one battle, the union had scored a point in a larger war. _

the final months of 1982, as the period of rent collection drew near, Claudino signed

More than simply an alternative local authority (and also an intermediary to the.

an agreement by which he was to collect the rubber trail rents for 1982, receiving

hospital, the land agency, the pension institute, and other institutions), it provided a
vehicle through which the dissatisfaction of the tappers could be formally

14. This followed the example set by the most productive rubber tappers such
as Joao Nascimento, Chico Farias, his brother Cha~as Farias, old Ginu man, Chico
Roberto, and Joao Nascimento. Old Ginu's son, ChlCO Ginu, became a union leader
along with Chico Roberto, under Claudino.
15. Chico Roberto, a tapper recruited to assist Claudino, received 10% of all
union dues plus the promise of 500 kgs. of rubber per year, to compensate his losses
while away from the rubber trees.

articulated, along two important notions. First, debt disputes between tappers and
16. The Restaura~ao rubber estate had around 224 households (an averag~
of two rubber trails each). Since each house was to pay 66 kgs. of rubber for trail
rights, the total expected as rent was 14.8 tons. The amount promIse.d, 15%, thus
represented around 2.2 tons. Of this total, 500 kgs. would be paId to ChlCO Roberto.


patrons no longer were to be consid~red criminal issues but rather labour questions.
Thus they were not to be settled by the police but rather by labour courts andunions. Second, the notion that tappers possessed rights over the land they worked,
which in their case implied rights over forest resources, meant that they could not be
expelled from the area they occupied. Thus, the issue of trail rents should be treated
as a land question and not as a criminal case. This was a prelude to the legitimacy
crisis that followed.
The Tejo River 1985-1990: Crisis of Hegemony


.insisted on two issues: the new patrons' neg 1 ectof rubber trails and their plans of
large-scale lumber extraction, with its destructive effects on the peasant economy of
the tappers. The new patrons had no interest in investing in the conservation of the
rubber trees. They did not employ mateiros (forest keepers) and they urged young
and recently arrived tappers to employ predatory techniques, which could foster
high productivity during a year or two, but which killed the trees after a short while.In Ginu's words, repeating

a metaphor frequently summoned by tappers, this was as

much as killing one's mother, whose milk provided their life support.

In 1987, the Cameli group planned to move from rubber to timber extraction

In January 1988, Chico Mendes and other National Rubber Tappers' Council

on the Tejo River. They owned sawmills in Cruzeiro do SuI and heavy equipment

members invited Antonio Macedo to direct the Council's activities in Cruzeiro do

already used in other areas near the Tejo (including the Campa, or Ashaninka,

SuI. Macedo, son of a tapper, had been a rubber tapper, tractor mechanic, boat

Indian territory). When a survey team made an inventory of hardwood species,

pilot, cultivator and, finally, Indian scout for FUNAI (a post that did not require

seeking to confirm the area's reputation for mahogany, and also selected areas for -

formal training), where he gained notoriety for his work in founding indigenous

headquarters and other functions, some tappers realised that these plans were to

cooperatives in Acre, particularly in the upper Jurua valley where he had been born

involve drastic disruptions in their usual way of life.

at the headwaters' of the Tarauaca river. Macedo began his Council activities by

At this time, in the mid-1980s, when patrons prepared themselves to abandon

the rubber trade and begin the predatory extraction of timber, the rubber tappers

organising a meeting in the interior of the Tejo area and in July 1988 he developed a
project to create an Extractive Reserve on the Tejo.17

began to establish relations with social movements in other parts of Acre and of

In October of that year Macedo organised in Cruzeiro do SuI the First

Amazonia. In 1985, the Conselho Nacional dos Seringueiros (National Council of

Conference of Jurua Valley Forest Peoples, which included the participation of

Rubber Tappers) was founded.

around 700 rubber tappers, as well as women and children, coming eighty-five

The Council proposed he establishment of Extractive Reserves as a solution

rubber estates of four municipal districts in the states of Acre and Amazonas. 18 The

to guarantee their permanence in the forest. In 1986, the Council began to organise

central themes discussed were rent payments and patrons' violence. At the end of

municipal chapters, and that year a meeting was held in Cruzeiro do SuI with forty

the conference, sixteen delegates were elected to represent the tapper population on

participants. Between July and August of 1987, Ginu and Roberto took advantage of
the presence of the anthropologist to gather further support to their union and to
spread the Council's news. Ginu, now the main union's delegate at Restaura~ao,

17. Macedo 1988.

18. The 700 participants of the 1988 conference arrived in 80 different boats
at th~ir own expense, attracted by radio messages (I acted as a secretary for the


the Council. The union had worked for many years with agricultural labourers in
areas surrounding Cruzeiro do SuI and intervened to med'late agreements Wit
patrons on the rubber estates - but by then, under the presidency of a cousin the


determined operating rules, fees to be collected, credit mechanisms and the nature
of the commodities "to be purchased; the terms of the contract with the bank also
were discussed, "int"egrated and applied to the association's bylaws, which were to

Tejo's patron, it had become a conciliatory instrument manipulated by the patrons.

serve to orient the community managers.
Thanks to the external support represented by the Council, now grass roots union
delegates in the forest such as Chico Ginu had a direct channel through which to
voice their demands of not paying rubber trail rents and of denying the commercial
During the October conference the rubber tappers, in fact, openly criticised
rent payments "and the monopoly patrons' violence, in a spontaneous burst of,
protest, in the course of a meeting that had planned to discuss less burning issues,
such as the proposal to create extractive reserves as well as educational, health and
cooperative projects. Skipping several stages in their struggle, the tappers aimed
directly at the consequences each project implied - the elimination of the patrons
from their forests. Following the conference, tappers in some areas effectively
ceased paying "rights on rubber trails", while others established their own informal
associations for autonomous rubber trade (O'Dwyer 1989).
A project inspired by Macedo for the Tejo River sought the creation of a
commercial cooperative, nothing less than the abolition of the commercial
monopoly within the Tejo area and - not to mention the suspension of "rights"
payments. The project was approved by the National Development Bank (BNDES) .


de Janeiro in December 1988 - still under the impact of Chico Mendes'

murder, which had occurred earlier that month: international politics reached the
Upper Jurua and altered the local correlation of forces from without. Already in
January 1989 the first working meeting took place in Vila Thaumaturgo, involving


During the second half of the 1980s, state economic policy shifted from
rubber to other activities, notably stock raising and timber extraction. In 1988, the
state government of Acre was preoccupied mainly with obtaining funds from
multilateral banks to complete road projects connecting Acre to the rest of the
country and to the Pacific Ocean, while at the same time negotiating with
prospective lumber importers. Seeking to show an ecological concern capable of
placating the protests of environmentalist lobbies against World"Bank loans to pave
roads, the state Secretary of Planning in Acre State backed up the National Council
of Rubber Tappers' request to the National Development Bank (BNDES). At the
same time, it began to announce since January 1988 that the state's development'
policy no longer emphasised cattle raising and now was to be oriented by agro-forest
strategies, including the Extractive Reserves proposed by rubber tappers.
In January 1988, the state government inaugurated an "extractive reserve"
covering 30,000 hectares in Sao Luis Remanso, an area that had not made up part of
the plans of the tappers' organisation and where the federal government had
intended to implant an agrarian colonisation project. Thus, the suspension of the
World Bank loan to pave the BR 364 highway, which had resulted from Chi co
Mendes' expose made during a trip to the United States and reinforced by
environmentalist lobbies, had hopes of a reversal. This explains how the BNDES, a
federal bank for development projects, came to approve in the end of 1988 the
Tapper's Council project with the support of the Acre State's government.

"community managers" chosen throughout the Tejo area to manage financial funds,
construct new storage posts and operate the boats. At the same time, the meeting

19. The planning of activities (bylaws, maps, family rolls, budget, profit
margins, etc.) is reported in Almeida 1989.

When the Tejo-based extractive reserve started with the tapper's managed


on the fact that the Banco do BrasH had extended a loan to Messias (who sublet

cooperative in 1989, however, the situation changed and the State government
from Cameli, who in turn was Consulmar's lessee) to "finance the natural rubber
turned soon against the project. In the upper Jurua, the tappers' claim over an area
harvest", which was to be done through the "exploitation of the rubber estate." The
covering 500,000 hectares directly affected the major local economic and political
loan was to be used to purchase "utensils and tools" as well as "consumer goods for
bosses, the Cameli and Correa. Through Macedo's actions, the National Council of
the sustenance of the rubber tappers." As collateral for the loan, Messias placed "all
Rubber Tappers dealt a blow to the patrons' hegemony at the very heart of one of
the ' 'traditional''-ar~as. To be sure, in 1988 the Cameli family held a lease over the Tejo area, which they sublet .to the Messias family; while developing their plans (/
extracting high-value timber.

the natural rubber extracted from the estate", which meant the rubber that was to be
extracted the following year. The lawsuit


that the cooperative would impede

the patrons from honouring their debts to the bank. The patrons' lawyers argued
that the presence of Macedo and Ginu on the estate was "violation of property",

A cooperative with sufficient financial clout to cover the entire Tejo Basin,
based on the idea that bank obligations created monopoly rights:
which included at least 400 families, represented a blow that the patrons' had never
It is necessary to emphasise that the first plaintiff will not be able to meet his -

felt before. By April 1989, around fifty tons of merchandise were stocked on three
obligations with the Banco do Brasil if the invasion should take place, which
boats in Cruzeiro do SuI, the first of them called "Chico Mendes". In order to

will bring about disastrous consequences. 20

forestall the cooperative's operations, the Camelis who leased the estate from
Worse yet:
Consulmar, their subletters Messias and other lesser patrons joined forces and filed
It is true that the crisis brought about by the activists has generated a great
a lawsuit. The litigation sought specifically to prohibit Antonio Macedo,
deal of uneasiness and dissatisfaction, especially among banking/financial
representative of the tappers' Council, and Chico Ginu, union delegate on the Tejo,
institutions, which already are refusing to fund future harvests and,

from entering the -area with the boats loaded with merchandise. As a reaction,consequently, considering the fact that extraction is the mainstay of the local
Macedo drafted community managers Dolor, Damasio, Rubenir, Pedrinho, Gomes,

economy, one can easily imagine disorder taking over the region. 21

Leonardo and Damiao - all Tejo rubber tappers - to take their canoes and appear in
Patrons invoked not law, but tradition. Citing directly from the patrons'
Cruzeiro do SuI on the eve of the court hearing, set for April 25. While Tejo rubber
tappers thus were mobilised in Cruzeiro do SuI, in an unprecedented show of force
In the municipal district of Cruzeiro do SuI as well as throughout the Juruabefore the court, the patrons counted on the presence of experienced lawyers from a
Valley the payment of rights by rubber tappers to estate owners has been
Rio Branco law firm, who also represented the Uniao Democnitica Ruralista
(UDR), the powerful national association of large land owners.
The lawsuits filed by patrons constitute rare written examples of how labour
relations on the rubber estates were perceived by patrons. "Proof' in this case rested

consecrated by tradition and through the practice and custom of over one
20. Case number 6.673/89, 14 April 1989, Comarca (Court District) of
Cruzeiro do SuI, p. 5.
21. Ibid.



hundred years, with the occupation of tapping sites and rubber tree trails,

"environmental" dimension of the tappers' proposals afforded a precious political

from where latex is extracted ... The estate owners, proprietors and exploiters

trump for the federal government, but the Upper Jurua Extractive Reserve Project

of the natural resources of their rubber estate-properties in Amazonia,

conflicted with the Camelis' interests, which made up an essential part of the

ordinarily are those who outfit the rubber tappers with merchandise, they are -

political support upon which the Acre state government rested. World politics began

their suppliers, financial backers, transporters, fighting to Brazil's boundaries,

to affect the local scene, pitting Acre state government, now in retreat in the Jurua

extending and raising the nations sovereignty to the most remote corners, in

case, against the federal government - creating space for the activities of local

many cases where the devil himself refuses to go to seek his souls. And in

-organisations such as that of the rubber tappers. In January 1990, a presidential

that distant, inhospitable and inaccessible place, agreements between patrons

decree transfor~ed the entire area into the first extractive reserve to be defined by

and rubber tappers. are always honoured. The payment of trail rights is

federal law, and in January 1992 the area formally was expropriated. The Tejo River

universally accepted throughout the Jurua Valley, and that is a public and

case was a precursor to similar movements on neighbouring rivers. The effects

well-known fact. 22

spread to several other estates, where five new tapper associations were formed and

While lawyers argued for the legitimacy of patron traditions, the rubber

where rents also ceased to be paid.23 Tappers in other zones near the Tejo river

tappers now found allies of their own at the national level, who sought to defend

also contested prices and the repression of free trade, and asserted that rent

human rights. Beginning in March 1989, the Attorney General undertook an

payments for rubber trails should not be paid by old-time residents who had opened

investigation of the-Tejo River rubber tappers' situation. Aided by federal attorneys-

their own trails. Now, all these issues were came to be formulated under a general

and a lawyer from a non-governmental organisation, the tappers faced the patrons'

argument: that tappers had rights to the forest they occupied and to free trade, as
.. . .
well as access to publIc InstltutlOns as CItIzens.

lawyers and managed to block the lawsuit against them, forcing the judge to abstain
from any decision. Community managers took a canoe convoy up the Tejo River,

carrying merchandise on such a scale as to humiliate the patrons. From this date on,
the Tejo River monopoly ceased to exist, and the tappers suspended trail rent
payments definitively.

The notion of debt-slavery, as applied generically to Amazonian rubber

tappers, already has been criticised by others (Taussig 1987:60-66; Weinstein
1983:23-24). What remains to be explained, then, is the meaning and function of the

At the same time, the federal government under President Jose Sarney,
through the powerful Secretary of Environmental Issues Fernando Cesar Mesquita,
seized the opportunity to demonstrate its own humanitarian and ecologicallyminded policy towards the Amazon. In the international context of the 1980s, the

22. Ibid.



23. Ibid. In i991, Judge Heitor Macedo reopene~ old cases a?d ordered the
expulsion of tappers from other areas, such as the Cruzeuo do Vale flver.
24. The trail rights and monopoly issues generated a polemical debate in the
Rio Branco (Acre state capital) press. O. "Gazeta" and "0 Rio Branco", SeptemberOctober 1988. The poleJ?lc broke. out ~hen the C~meli fa~ily paid a reporter from
"0 Rio Branco" to publIsh an artIcle With accusatlOns ag~mst ~aced,?, myse~,f and
other persons, to which I wrote a page-length answer, publIshed m the Gazeta.



patrons' undeniable violence and its association with debt. I will argue that violence

education and public health. Thus, the legitimacy of the monopoly over commerce

is employed in order to guarantee a monopoly situation. The domestic economy of

and over forest resources' is questioned.

the tappers utilises nature and commodities. These resources are monopolized by

In the first situation, the local struggle remained based on the "moral

the patron-traders supported by customary rules and police power, and this

economy" level, or the interpretation of customary legitimacy from the perspective


appropriation becomes materialized through the payment of rents (for "rubber

of the forest. Later, the global struggle incorporated the goals of technical and

trails") and monopoly profits (through advances of commodities).

cultural advancement on the part of rubber tappers. A global economics logic would

In this chapter I described tappers' movement in the 1980s as a transition

predict the disappearance of wild rubber extraction in tropical forests. But between

from a situation of contested hegemony to a situation of crisis in the hegemony. In

the world system and real historical events lie national and local political structures.

the first situation, tappers accepted that patrons were owners and that they were

The alliance between local movements and national or international organisations

entitled a degree of monopoly over indebted tappers,

affect power relations, or, put in another way, local class struggle.

but they still found

unacceptable the abusive commercial gains derived from trade monopoly and the
iIse .of violence to back up such abuses, as well as the illegal physical expulsion of
settled tappers which derived from land monopoly. In the second situation, the
exploited group, bolstered by the intellectual and material support of outside allies,
begins to formulate alternative principles of legitimacy and means of opposing
themselves to violence (Cf. Lenin, 1975 (1902), cap.II, a.).
In the first situation, rubber tappers are based on what Gramsci called
"common sense" - which justified a permanent, undeclared war on the patrons'
monopoly over commerce and land, assuming the forms of smuggling, hearsay,
individual resistance and strikes, or the ''weapons of the weak" in Scott's terms, while
the patrons employed violence and individual corruption as weapons of the
powerful( Scott

198 5j), 1976) ..

In the second situation, the patrons lose their control over both "good sense"as well as over the state apparatus of banks, lawyers, judges and churchmen. The
tappers begin to articulate their struggle against arbitrary violence and monopolies
by adopting the language of land rights, free trade, individual freedom, and access to


Chapter 5
This chapter deals with the trade post institution as a commercial system, not
as an institution for labour management. We are thus making a clear distinction
between, on the one hand, units of customary appropriation of resources and of
trade-monopoly, and on the other hand the units of work and of natural resources
management. The former units are the seringais or rubber estates, headed by
patrons; the latter are the


or forest settlements headed by tappers and

leased from the patrons who often also act as traders who advance merchandise to
tappers.1 The control of access to estates or the monopoly over trade does not
guarantees also the-control over the work processes.
Weinstein advances this hypothesis with reference -to the boom years
(1983: 182ff). Bakx, to the contrary, asserts that there is a "production relation" and
not an "exchange relation" between the patron-trader (seringalista) and the rubber
tapper (Bakx,1986:72,74): in other words, that the seringalista

is not only a

shopkeeper but also a taskmaker. We should first mention that the term seringalista
(seringal entrepreneur) accepted by Bakx is a post-war neologism to replace the
term patrao in official jargon only. The detailed argument proposed by Bakx in
support of his thesis mentions that the tapper "must tap his estradas each day,,2

l.Mayor Thaumaturgo de Azevedo (1905) classified labour relations in

Cruzeiro do SuI within the categories of "rendeiros" (tenants), "meeiros"
(sharecroppers) and empregados ("employees" or wage workers). The context suggests that the first two occurred between tappers and patrons.
2. Bakx (1983:75). Bakx's quotes refers to Galvao, Wagley and Ross, none of
whom refer to Acre or to the "upper rivers", and none of which document the labour
activities .


(emphasis mine), when both field research and census data show that the average

they did not manage the actual labour process (Chapter 3); and that the patrons'

working week has four tapping days in contemporary estates under patrons and

main concern was to ~aintain a monopoly through coercion and incentives over

older estates did not enjoy a higher productivity; that "cooperative activity... tended

autonomous forest peasants (Chapter 4). In this chapter the role of the trade-post

to occur under the direction of the seringalista, e.g., in the formation of teams to

institution will be described in more detail. The main feature which will emerge

open up new estradas or guide ox trains and so on", while in the Upper Jurua such

from this description is that the sistema do barracao or trade-post institution

activities ended with the rubber boom and tappers could open up new trails on their

managed to collect rubber and supply merchandise from innumerable individual

own even before; he also argues that the patron employed "armed guards, 'fiscais',

and autonomous producers disperse in the forest through a many-tiered structur\~ oC

to police the estate" and that "the fiscais checked that the seringueiro tapped in the

non-monetary trade of a discontinuous nature, though punctuated by seasonal

prescribed manner ... [and] kept out the river traders", apparently mixing up the

rhythms and characteristically of a long-term character. Another result of this

distinct roles of armed guards (non-existent on contemporary Upper Jurua estates)

description is that the barracao, represented by the patroes, operating with long-

and of mateiros or trail inspectors. He goes on to add in support of the "task-master

term advance of bulk merchandise, was complemented by the network of regatoes

patron" thesis that "the seringueiro was also obliged to stamp the pelas of rubber

on a itinerant retail trade, and by the permanent marreteiro petty trade. And

with the mark of the seringalista", which fact "had the effect of re-enforcing the

although this structure of trade posts, itinerant peddlers and forest shops channeled

notion that the pelas belonged to the seringalista and not to the seringueiro", when

the rubber produced by the Tejo river's 491 houses in an annual ecological and

under the "embarked rubber system" the existence of both the patron's and the

economic cycle, establishing links through debts and credit with even the most

individual tapper's mark in fact asserted the individual tapper's ownership until the

remote units, the real production process almost always occurred within the forest

rubber was transferred by sale to the trade post. Finally, "the fiscais were ordered to

beyond the reach or action of any external management.

destroy any such subsistence plots that were discovered on the seringal", which
presumably refers to the boom period (Bakx 1986:76).3 Thus, Bakx's argument that
tappers were labourers under a capitalist boss (Bakx 1986) and his later argument
that a forest peasantry of tappers only emerged in Western Acre during the
seventies (Bakx 1990:50) is far from being conclusive.
We have argued instead that the peasantization of Acre rubber tappers in the

The Rubber Estate Region

The Tejo River, a tributary of the Upper Jurua River, is part of the
Thaumaturgo district of the Cruzeiro do SuI municipality (Map 2). This district
comprises the Jurua Basin above the Amonia River's mouth, and Vila Thaumaturgo
settlement (a population of 400 inhabitants) is the only urban area, with an air strip
for single-engine planes, an army outpost with half a dozen soldiers, a church

upper Jurua valley can be traced to the end of the rubber boom (Chapters 1-2); that
without a priest, a school, a few shops and a television set. A 1991 census of the
patrons were unable to modernize rubber production because among other factors
Thaumaturgo district (not included Vila Thaumaturgo, nor the Arara-Jaminawa and
3. On these points, see chapters 1-4.

Camp a Indian territories) revealed a total of5,983 persons in 856 houses, over an

area of 5,062 square kilometres. 4 The Tejo River valley, the richest in population
and rubber output in the Thaumaturgo district, had 3,432 inhabitants in 491 houses


of beans, maize and tobacco, while rubber was the seringueiro's main currency, both
barranqueiro and seringueiro were cultivators. Thus, over 90% of the Thaumaturgo

spread over an area of about 2,644 square kilometres, which excluding the Araradistrict houses had their own manioc gardens, irrespective of being "rubber tapper's"
Jaminawa Indian territory at the Bage River headwaters not counted, leaves around

houses of "river batik cultivators'" houses (Almeida 1991).

2,362 square kilometers (Map 3; Table 5.3). Field research was carried out mostly
The Tejo basin itself is clearly divided in "lower course" (0 baixo) and "upper
on Riozinho, an igarape at the Tejo headwaters with around 390 inhabitants living
course" (0 alto), and in "banks", the margem, and "hinterlands", the centros. On the
in 66 houses, on an area of approximately 230 square kilometers (Map 4; Table

Lower Tejo there were the rubber estates of Boca do Tejo and Iracema, holding
about 13% of the total Tejo popUlation. On the middle course of Tejo river both

Thus, while Thaumaturgo district as a whole (Vila Thaumaturgo excluded)

had 1.18 inhabitants per sq. km., the non-indigenous Tejo basin had 1.45 inhabitants
per sq. km. and theremote Riozinho had 1.7 inhabitants per sq. km. These numbers, .

hinterland estates (the Bage estate, on the Bage parana and the Chaleira igarape
with 21.8% of the Tejo population) and riverbank estates (the Horizonte, the
Fortaleza and the Maranguape With about 21.1% of the total Tejo popUlation)

which increase as one goes farther away from the banks of the Jurua, reflect the
existed. But the most populated zone was that of the Tejo headwaters, were the
basic feature of rubber extraction in the Thaumaturgo district. It is an activity

Tejo river branches off into several small courses - Dourado, Riozinho, Manteiga,

oriented towards the hinterland zones (centros), away from the riverbank areas
Camaleao, Boa Hora, Machadinho -, with their own trade posts, which together
(margem). The Tejo River is the main example on the Upper Jurua of this sort of
form the

Restaura~ao Estate, with 44% of the total population and

accounting for -

hinterland specialized in rubber production, and Riozinho is the Tejo River's pearl
as far as rubber extraction is concerned.
The remaining Thaumaturgo district inhabitants live either on other Jurua

half the estimated total of rubber (Map 3, Table 5.3).

The Fractal Structure of the Rubber Estates

river tributaries (Amonia, Arara, Sao Joao do Breu, Acuria, Breu) where they are

Although the overal density of settlements is higher the farther one goes

seringueiros (rubber tappers) as on Tejo River, or on the Jurua river banks where

away from the margin, it is accompanied by spatial dispersion of the rubber tapping

they are mainly cultivators, or barranqueiros. By 1991, around 70% of the

sites as they approach the Tejo headwaters, when the waters split into a seemingly

Thaumaturgo distr~ct population (excluding Vila Thaumaturgo) could be classed as_

endless series of igarapes, paranas, brooksan-d footpaths. Rain rarely falls between

rubber tappers, while the remaining were either river bank cultivators, or artisans,

the months of June and September. The water level of the Jurua diminishes laying

or worked on a dozen small cattle ranches along the Jurua banks. Note however that

bare huge sand banks, while the Tejo itself becomes a thin veil of water covering a

although the barranqueiro's main purchasing means derived from the seasonal crops

shallow, sandy bed, clogged with tree trunks which block even the lightest uba and
interrupted by rapids. By then, one drags canoes, axes are used to clear the way, and

4. For the Thaumaturgo district see Almeida 1991.

even the flat-b~tto~ed uba must be hauled land sometimes. The smaller streams

such as the Riozinho allow only foot traffic. Between October and December,

Dourado, Manteiga, Ri6zinho, Camaleao, Boa Rora, Boa Vista and Machadinho.-

sporadic rains cause repiquetes, or flash floods, but only between January and March

These had each their own petty resident patrons (often marreteiros which made

the water level of the Tejo make access possible to the middle course of the river,

arrangements with the middle Restaura~ao patrao or employed manager), formally

while during the heavy rains even the Upper Tejo temporarily accommodates boats

or informally, and independently or lease. The Riozinho is our example of a minor

and the Riozinho can be negotiated. For the 490 households spread throughout at

rubber estate. 5

area of 230,000 hectares of the Tejo river, both the supply of merchandise and the

The tree-like structure of the estate complex makes it possible to understand

shipment of rubber are conditioned by nature's rhythm and by the fractal geography

the hiemrchical multiplicity of patrons. First one must distinguish between lease

of the upper courses.

patrons and patron-traders, each constituting its own structure, within of which one

The structure of rubber estates may be described as a tree whose trunk

may identify the three-tiered tree-like structure. As a result of these concurrent and

spreads out to successive secondary branches until it reaches its leaves. The main

hierarchical patron struct~res, the notion of a "patron" may refer to different

trade post at the Tejo river's mouth (the seat of a major estate) feeds several of the

persons and roles within Tejo river. There was the major patron-trader with shops in

Tejo middle estates (either on the banks or on hinterland tributaries) and the Upper

Cruzeiro do SuI and who supplied merchandise to the main trade post at the Tejo -

Jurua's middle trade post; the latter branches off into several tributaries and

mouth; there were the mid-sized patron-traders (who sometimes lived on the Tejo

corresponding minor trade posts. Thus, a major estate splits off into middle estates,

River for two generations and were supplied by the major patron-trader, thus

and these finally are divided into minor estates, the smallest units with their own

belonging to the patrao-aviado category); and minor patron-traders, those resident

commercial network and system of rent payments. Let us consider this fractured

petty traders usually supplied by one mid-sized patron-trader or mere marreteiros

structure within the Tejo River hinterland, where all three levels - major, medium

absorbed under them.

This trade structure did not coincide necessarily with the (customary)

and minor estates - are well represented (Table 5.1).

The major estate (an unnamed unit which I call "Tejo Estates") comprised by a group of estates appropriated by Consulmar enterprises, leased to

a single, main,

property structure based on the payment of rent (Diagrams 5.1 and 5.2). At the top
of this property structure was the Sao PauIo company which claimed the whole Tejo

strong Cruzeiro do SuI patron (during the 80s, the Correa & Sons Co. or the Cameli

River Estates' rent. Below this there was the Cruzeiro do SuI company (Correa & .

& Brothers Co.), with a main barracao (storehouse) at the River Tejo's mouth. The

Brothers in 1982-1985) who leased the Tejo River Estates, which could sub-let parts

medium estates under the Tejo Estates were the Horizonte, Fortaleza, Bage and

of the Tejo River Estates as exemplified by the Cameli & Sons' sub-letting of the _


Restaura~ao Estate to the Messias in 1988. But there could be minor patrons on the

and they were either sub-let to medium patrons or managed by

employees as with Restaura~ao. Minor estates (an assemblage of coloca~6es, forest

settlements) were minimal units in that they did no have any other units
subordinated to it. The


Estate included seven such minor estates:

5. Major estates cover hundreds of thousands of hecta~es(around 200,000 in

Tejo); minor estates span between 20,000 and 30,000 hectares m SIze.

Tejo who were not patron-traders and who only collected rents, as in the case of the

individuarhouse, acoloca~ao could be exploited by a cluster of forest houses whose

Maranguape Estate and the Iracema Estate.

heads rent each a number of the trails.

At the top of this hierarchy, there were major patron-traders, wealthy men

In 1991, in the Tejo River Basin as a whole (2,632 square kilometres), there

with business and luxurious residences in the town of Cruzeiro do SuI; at the bottom

were around 1,414 trails distributed among 166 coloca~6es, but only 982 active trails

of the ladder there were minor patrons-traders who lived on the Tejo River and -

were rented by 491 houses (Table 5.3). On the Restaura~ao Estate (around 1,156


former rubber tappers such as Valdemar on the Dourado Estate whose

square kilometres), in 1981 there were around 657 trails from which 451 being

son was also a rubber tapper. Sales, a minor patron-owner without capital to run a

rented by 205 houses in 105 settlements (Table 5.2, 52a). Houses are situated in

trade in merchandise, also had sons working as tappers. A forest peasant could pay

groups of two or three on a central cleared area within each forest settlement,

rent to a lease patron who resided on the estate, while at the same time maintaining

expioiting as a whoie an area ranging from 11 to 15 square kilometers in which each

an account with the patron-trader of a neighbouring estate.

house uses a section of over 5 square kilometers as if it were a slice of a pie (Table

In short, though the tree-like structure of the estates made each forest house

5.5; Maps 4 and 5).

part of a vertical chain, consigning each person to at least one patron, a partial

Rent was the responsibility of individual house heads, whose names were

discontinuity between trade and ownership, together with the hierarchy of minor,

registered in the main trade post along with the number of trails rented. There was

medium and major levels, made the resulting structure more open to choice and

no record of "tappers", nor were the "trail rights owners" (titulares) mistaken for

competition than would appear at first sight.

tappers (facas or "knives"). The number actually rented ranged from a minimum of

We proceed to consider rent, a dimension of the rubber estates as units of-

one trail to four and even more trails. A house head (either man or woman) who

rubber trees owned by someone, and the supply of merchandise to the Tejo River

rented a trail was not necessarily a rubber tapper. Effective labour on the trails, and

estates, a dimension of the rubber estates as units of trade.

the number of trails rented, was a domestic issue, to be resolved by the house head
renting the trails from the patron. In most cases, labour came from the domestic

Rent for Rubber Trails

group, though there were cases where employees were hired by the house head, and -

The main natural resource of a estate is a set of wild seringueira rubber trees
found along the rubber trails or estradas. A rubber trail also constitutes a measure
of labour, production, as a number of rubber trees which are tapped in a day's work.
A number of rubber trails, usually around a central clearing, makes up a
(a forest settlement). The



is thus a resource unit above the trails, as a

continuous territory comprising a group of trails. While each trail was rented by an

where one house took on other houses as its own clients in private arrangements.
In principle, trail tenants paid thirty to thirty-three kilograms of rubber (from
which the usual tare for excess water was not deduced) per trail composed of 120
trees. Rent could not be paid in cash or with any product other than rubber and did
not depend on the productivity or the exact number of trees. Since each house
ordinarily rented two trails, the average rent on the Riozinho Estate stood at 66

kilograms of rubber per house. This amount corresponded to about ten per cent of

effectively were occupied, while 31 % were not. These proportions were reproduced

the total average output of each house.

on the smaller Riozinho Estate (Table 5.2a; cf. Table 5.3). It should be kept in mind

Reports from the boom years (1870-1912) mention that rent was paid as a

that these years were favoured by exceptionally high government-supported prices

proportion to output varying from 20 to 50% (a sharecropping arrangement) in the

and loans. Thus, the low overall occupation of trails could only reflect the scarcity of

middle Jurua river; as it is reported for the Tejo river, it was a fixed amount of 66

labour, since there yvas no sensible unemployement in the Cruzeiro do SuI region at_

kgs per "pair of trails" (a "rent in kind" system) already in 1899 (CabraI1949), which

the time.

is confirmed by old tappers who say that rent exists in this form "since the beginning

In 1982, the new patron Correa took control over Restaura~ao. One of .bis

of time". Although rent averaged 10% of production6, the point about a "rent in

measures was to introduce the "half-trail" unit as accountable for rent payments.

kind" is that variations in output owing to individual or natural productivity accrued

With this innovation, Correa was reacting to the tappers' practice of increasing the

to the house head; furthermore, rent in kind was not affected by price fluctuations

number of trees in each trail, in reality incorporating well above the standard 120

and could not be manipulated by the accounting system. Such a system was

trees each for extraction in 'each ,trail, while paying rent for only one. In effect, this

therefore compatible with the observed stratification of rubber tappers' houses. 7

meant that houses opening new trails were asserting the principle of not paying rent


for new trails. As a consequence of Correa's measure, between 1982 and 1983, the

Estate recorded rent payments in books with the

number of rented rubber trails in the Riozinho Estate increased seven per cent, with

Now let us consider the process of rent collection by the

post. In 1982, the


following information: name of the

total number of trails in the




where the trails were located, the

the names of house heads and the respective

an increase both In the number of houses paying rent (from 59 to 63) and the
number of trails per house from 2.20 to 2.23 (Table 5.6).

Rent owed

On the other hand, by the end of the first year of the Correa era, many

records showed

tappers had not paid rent. Thus, towards the end of 1983, though by the estate's

with 205 houses renting 451 trails; the total number of trails was

account the 63 houses owed 3,905 kilograms of rubber (on the Riozinho Estate),

657, which meant that 206 trails remained idle. In other words, 69% of the trails

only 2,662 kilograms had been collected (Table 5.6). Moreover, the actual amount

number of trails rented, and the number of idle trails in the

and amounts paid up also were recorded. In 1981, the




of registered rent represented for each house a payment of 62 kgs. of rubber per
6. Production was estimated in around 300 tons for 491 households' for an
average of two trails per household, total rent would be 32 tons of rubber an
estimate co~irmed by tappers and employees. This meant US$54,000 in i982
(Rubber pnce:. Cr$400; exchange rate: Cr$220 to one dollar; price paid to the
rubber tapper: US$1.80).(IBAMA 1988.)

house (and not 73.6, for the average of 2.23 trails). This occurred due to the

7. For Marx, "rent in kind" (as opposed to "sharecropping", "rent in labour" or

"money rent")
afforded the producer "more room for action to gain time for
surplus-labour whose product shall belong to himself ...". "Similarly, this form will
give rise to greater dIfferences in the economic position of the mdividual direct
producers" (Marx, 1962:776,768).

only three (90 kgs.); another house exploited 3.5 trails (as recorded in the trade

individual negotiations between the patron and the houses which had as an effect
the reduction of rent rates. For example, one house rented four trails but paid for

post), but paid 100 kgs. instead of 105; another paid only 45 kgs. for two trails. The
book-keeper, who had worked as a rubber tapper on the estate during half of the

harvest, was to pay only 30 kgs. for two trails. Two houses simply refused to pay rent,

Rubber and Commerce '

with special reasons of their own: they were female-headed houses, one run by a
widow and the other by a single woman, each with several children, and when a
fourth woman asked the patron to open an account and put the trails in her name,
given that her husband was chronically ill, she pleaded that he "pardon the rent". But
this rule was not always observed, since a fourth female-headed house head paid
rent with pride.
. In sum, reasons alleged for reducing or not paying rent included thus labour

jnvestments (trCl:il e.xtensions opened by tappers) and household handicaps (age, sex
and illness), but discounts could also be a result of bargain as part of the final
negotiation between patron and house head. The fact that rent allowed for
exceptions can be interpreted as suggesting that the institution itself was seen as
abusive. This may explain also why, contrary to what happened with rubber used to
"pay up accounts", rubber destined to pay rent was not subject to tare deductions:
"rubber to pay rent is tare-free", it was said, while the patron of Restaura~ao
claimed that he charged rent only because he had to pay his own landlord, although
the deeds to back up such an allegation were never presented to the tappers.
The patrons who claimed rights to trail rental fees never proved their
possession to the rubber tappers; on the contrary, it was the rent payment made by
tappers which, in a sense, proved ownership as based on "custom", while "custom"
itself prevailed only because it was sustained by municipal police authority since
outright non-payment could justify the eviction of tappers with the support of court

Credit and debts, advances and payments constituted the sources of wealthon the rubber estates. The financial and mercantile capital circuit in these estates
worked in the following fashion. Three large public banks - the Banco do Brasil,
Banco da Amazonia and the Banco do Estado do Acre directly financed the largest
patron-traders in Cruzeiro do SuI provided only that they demonstrate rubber estate
leases, giving to them loans to be paid within one year. Such annual loans were paid
with interest set lower than the 1982 inflation rate, with the future rubber "harvest"
serving as collateral (in the cases of sub-patrons who let a estate, and did not own
property themselves, rubber was the only guarantee offered). 8 The size of such bank
loans was determined according to a rule of thumb: each pair of rented rubber trails
(and thus each house) was worth 400 kilograms of rubber as collateral, the average
productivity per worker in Acre during lean years. Thus rents guaranteed financecapital.
On an estate like Restaura~ao, which had 225 "pairs" of trails rented to house
heads in 1982 (or 451 trails), a loan could r'each as much as the value of 90 tons of
harvested rubber, or around US$162,000 in money. This money was presumed to be
used in the purchase of merchandise, classified as "work instruments" and consumer
goods. Fabrics and hardware were 'acquired in Sao Paulo, Brazil's industrial
capital. 9 Cargoes were sent by ground transport overland to Belem, and from there
floated up the Amazon and Jurua Rivers. Major patrons such as the Cameli
possessed their own rivercraft which also transported rubber and bulky merchandise

decisions (Table 5.7). Rent was not so much a means for extracting a major surplus
from tappers, as a means for legitimation.

8. Furtado and Cameli vs. Macedo and Melo, lawsuit reproduced in Santoro _

~md' Vasconcelos (f989:204).

9. Two streets in Sao Paulo (Florencio de Abreu street and 25 de Mar~o,

respectively concentrating hardware and garment sh?ps, also ha,:e hotels occupIed
almost exclusively by Acre patrons and traders, With one servmg as a base for
Cruzeiro do SuI buyers.

harvest, was to pay only 30 kgs. for two trails. Two houses simply refused to pay rent,

Rubber and Commerce

with special reasons of their oWn: they were female-headed houses, one run by a
widow and the other by a single woman, each with several children, and when a
fourth woman asked the patron to open an account and put the trails in her name,
given that her husband was chronically ill, she pleaded that he "pardon the rent". But
this rule was not always observed, since a fourth female-headed house head paid
rent with pride.

Credit and debt~, advances and payments constituted the sources of wealthon the rubber estates. The financial and mercantile capital circuit in these estates
worked in the following fashion. Three large public banks - the Banco do Brasil,
Banco da Amazonia and the Banco do Estado do Acre directly financed the largest
patron-traders in Cruzeiro do SuI provided only that they demonstrate rubber estate
leases, giving to them loans to be paid within one year. Such annual loans were paid

. In sum, reasons alleged for reducing or not paying rent included thus labour

(tr~il e.xtensions opened by tappers) and household handicaps (age, sex

and illness), but discounts could also be a result of bargain as part of the final
negotiation between patron and house head. The fact that rent allowed for
exceptions can be interpreted as suggesting that the institution itself was seen as
abusive. This may explain also why, contrary to what happened with rubber used to
"pay up accounts", rubber destined to pay rent was not subject to tare deductions:
"rubber to pay rent is tare-free", it was said, while the patron of


claimed that he charged rent only because he had to pay his own landlord, although
the deeds to back up such an allegation were never presented to the tappers.
The patrons who claimed rights to trail rental fe~s never proved their
possession to the rubber tappers; on the contrary, it was the rent payment made by
which, in
a. sense, proved ownership as based on "custom", while "custom"

itself prevailed only because it was sustained by municipal police authority since
outright non-payment could justify the eviction of tappers with the support of court

with interest set lower than the 1982 inflation rate, with the future rubber "harvest"
serving as collateral (in the cases of sub-patrons who let a estate, and did not own
property themselves, rubber was the only guarantee offered).8 The size of such bank
loans was determined according to a rule of thumb: each pair of rented rubber trails
(and thus each house) was worth 400 kilograms of rubber as collateral, the average
productivity per worker in Acre during lean years. Thus rents guaranteed finance capital.
On an estate like Restaura~ao, which had 225 "pairs" of trails rented to house
heads in 1982 (or 451 trails), a loan could r'each as much as the value of 90 tons of
harvested rubber, or around US$162,000 in money. This money was presumed to be
used in the purchase of merchandise, classified as ''work jnstruments" and consumer
goods. Fabrics and hardware were acqtiired in Sao Paulo, Brazil's industrial
capital. 9 Cargoes were sent by ground transport overland to Belem, and from there
floated up the Amazon and Jurua Rivers. Major patrons such as the Cameli
possessed their own rivercraft which also transported rubber and bulky merchandise

decisions (Table 5.7). Rent was not so much a means for extracting a major surplus
from tappers, as a means for legitimation.
8. Furtado and Cameli vs. Macedo and Melo, lawsuit reproduced in Santoro _

~md Vasconcelos (1989:204).

9. Two streets in Sao Paulo (Florencio de Abreu street and 25 de Mar~o,

respectively concentrating hardware and garment sh~ps, also ha~e hotels occupIed
almost exclusively by Acre patrons and traders, With one servmg as a base for
Cruzeiro do SuI buyers.

. . '







for Cruzeiro do SuI commerce, such as gas. Major patron-traders also managed to

stocks (in the principal, medium and minor posts), and in the tappers homes as

avoid paying sales or value-added taxes, by declaring their companies as part of the

aviamento or year's supp1ies). Each of these stocks constituted an advance, to be

Duty-Free Zone of Manaus. These exemptions were sufficient to offset transport

paid in rubber at the end of the yearly 'harvest'. The corresponding chain of debts

costs over the course of 5,300 kilometres, by land and by river, from Sao Paulo to

linked rubber tappers to the minor deposits, the minor deposits to the mid-sized

Belem and Belem to Cruzeiro do SuI, or even to


goods by air and still

achieve profits. lO S"ince the major patrons also owned stores in Cruzeiro do SuI, part -

trade posts, the mid-sized trade posts to the main trade post, which in turn owed to
the bank (Diagram 5.2).

of the merchandise was sold to urban consumers, to minor patron-traders, to rubber

TIe average expected output of the Tejo Estates was 300 tons of rubber,

tappers, and to river traders who sought to replenish their stocks for resale on the

which would mean 612 kilograms produced on the average by 490 households.

upper river courses.

Deducting around 30 tons of rent payments, the remainder should correspond to the

Between March and April, at the beginning of the tapping season, the major

~al~e of debts for ~erchandise advanced to the rubber tappers. As we have seen,

patron in Tejo river supplied the principal trade post - the Boca do Tejo trade post,

the bank loan could be worth 196 tons (490 pairs of trails worth 400 kgs. each). The

in the Tejo's mouth - on bateloes and baleeiras, rivercraft of 5 to 25-ton cargo

205 houses of the Restaura~ao Estate were expected to produce something on the

capacity, powered by 18 to 36 HP diesel engines. Part of the merchandise remained

order of 120 tons of rubber, and on the Riozinho, a smaller estate, the

stocked at the Boca do Tejo post, while the rest was sent upriver on flatboats to the

approximately 70 households were expected to generate around 42 tons.

post. On the

After collecting the rubber from the seringal houses "as payment for the

Estate, goods were stocked in the storehouse, and in part distributed to

"merchandise advance, the main patron would sell rubber to refining plants in

medium trade posts along the Tejo, particularly to the



smaller trade posts such as the Riozinho's, now transported in canoes or flat- -

Cruzeiro do SuI (there were two plants with about 25 employees apiece), and pay

bottomed, one-ton uba boats, as long as the water was deep enough. Up until this

back the banks, keeping a profit. The plants (usinas) then would supply tyre

point, the merchandise was transported in the patron's vessels and by his employees.

manufacturers in Sao Paulo (such as Goodyear, Pirelli and Michelin) which must

The rubber tappers themselves carried supplies on their backs from the minor trade

buy it to meet the quota set by the government rubber agency.

post) to their homes, having to walk

With the"rubber bought from the estates in Cruzeiro do SuI and surrounding

for at least two and up to six hours in the furthermost forest settlements. There were

municipalities along the Jurua valley, the processing plants exported as much as

no convoys or any other system of transporting merchandise to the hinterland

3,000 tons a year (figure from 1982). Including the production of the other river

settlements. By the end of the whole process, the merchandise was split up in several

valleys in the state, Acre contributed with 13,000 tons of a total 20,000 tons of

posts (though sometimes from the


rubber extracted from the Amazonian forests by 1982 (Table 5.2).

10. Transport costs increased values paid in Sao Paulo by about 30%. But
these traders obtained a 30% discount through tax exemptions. Knives or taperecorders could cost less in Cruzeiro do SuI shops than in Sao Paulo.



Personnel and Equipment

In 1982, the_head office of Restaurac;ao Estate was composed of a group of_

The manager,Edmilson~ was the patron's trusted employee. While the

patron was away, it was he who made crucial decisions about sales, credit and loans.

wooden edifications including the trade post, the residences . of the administrative

The assistant manager helped weigh rubber and also attended customers in the

personnel (manager, assistant manager, and book-keeper), and the houses of other

store. The book-keeper maintained the individual accounts of rubber tappers and

residents. Only the trade post was more impressive, with piles of rubber on the

performed the general accounting of the store. Though the residents of the main

veranda and a variety of merchandise in the store: six Elgin sewing machines, five

settlemerit depe-nded in part on warehouse-food stocks, most of their basic food was -

three-band radios, three chainsaws, three gas stoves, five engines (two 10-HP Briggs

bought frofu an autonomous cultivator and from neighbours who sold meat and fish

& Stratton, one 3-HP Montgomery, one 8-HP Tiete and one 3-HP Branco), and

(a permanent hunter never stayed around for very long).

twenty-five wristwatches and clocks by October 1982. Besides these ''valuables'', one

The trade post, located on the top of a steep bank, was connected to a

could find tools, pots, plates, pressure-cookers, clothes, hammocks, blankets,

rudimentary river port by a stairway. Among its rivercraft, the estate had a baleeira

biscuits, coffee, sweets, cooking oil, soap, powdered milk, cosmetics, lighters, combs,

(a flat-bottomed boat with an eleven-ton capacity) and canoes powered by 13-HP

medicine. Basic goods such as regular soap, salt, kerosene, dried beef, beans, sugar,

diesel engines, which could carry lighter loads, including two flat-bottomed canoes


and ammunition were in stock, but not in plain view. A diesel-powered

(ubas), used to go up the Tejo during the dry months between June and September,

generator supplied electricity. A radio transmitter connected the Restaurac;ao trade

when even the flat-bottomed baleeira would get stuck. The rivercraft were operated

post to Cruzeiro do SuI.

by two permanellt employees, Dico and Zuzu, who live in the Tejo's mouth

The main store had a large, 150 kg. scale and a counter with a few smaller

headquarters and not on the Restaurac;ao Estate. Emergency trips also could be

scales and adding machines behind which the manager or his assistant occupied a

conducted by a -resident of the other bank, Ostemo, who used his own canoe and -

desk and jotted down the clients' purchases. In the back of the building there was a

charged for his services. Dieo, Zuzu and Osterno played an important role in "taking

warehouse with stocks, as well as the patron's or manager's office, where records of

the rubber out" from the tappers' homes, and in accompanying the canoes guiding

accounts, inventories, purchases, payments to river traders, rent receipts and

the rubber balls, when these were floated downriver.

expenses with personnel were kept.

In 1983, there was a mateiro on Riozinho Estate, hired by the new patron.

The manager's residence, where the patron stayed during his visits, stood on

His job was to visit each rubber trail at least once every year, inspecting its state of

one side of the warehouse. The assistant manager's house was on the other side, and

preservation. Before being hired for the job, this man, a Riozinho resident, was

the book-keeper's house behind it. These buildings differed from most rubber

himself a tapper and also a part-time tinsmith. The mateiro (literally, ''woodsman'')

tappers' houses for being made of timber planks instead of palm tree bark, and

held the authority to prohibit the tapping of a particular tree, or of a particular

covered with zinc instead of palm tree leaves.

tapping flag on a tree when he found damage done. In such cases he made a mark
on the damaged tree or flag, an "x" for instarice, which the tapper would encounter


on his next journey to that trail. The prohibition would be valid for the whole season

teacher was the blacksmith's daughter-in-law and did not receive any remuneration

or for the whole year, and it could be extended to a whole trail. The mateiro could

for the classes she taught in a one-room school without walls, built by the men of her -

also suggest the expulsion of a tapper as punishment for serious damage inflicted to

house. The carpenter frequently was called upon to erect wood constructions or to

a tree.

build canoes. The two tinsmiths were rubber tappers who bought their raw material
While occupied permanently with the hundreds of trails he had to visit each

(oil cans) from tappers and sold pails or tin cups to the trade post or directly to the


year on a mid-sized to large estate (small estates rarely could afford hiring a


woodsman), the mateiro could not keep tabs on the daily work routine of the

In the past, Restaura~ao's central settlement had a church, known for haviug

individual tappers, and his task was concerned with the technique employed, aiming

the largest bell in the region. There was no permanent priest, and the Restaura~ao

to avoid the dilapidation of the rubber trails, the rubber estate's natural. capital. The

received the visit of clergy only during the annual desobriga ceremonies of baptisms

rubber trails, not the land, the constituted natural resource holdings that made up

and marriages. By the early eighties, a priest still visited the area for desobriga once

the rubber estate: it made sense to preserve them. Depredation of the trails and

a year. The main role of the--church in old days, however, was to hold the annual

smuggling of goods constituted indeed the two majo~ crimes against the rubber

novenas: nine days of prayer and commerce, during a fixed period of the year,

estate in old times.

commemorating th~ patron saint's day. Several novenas are celebrated to this day_

The Riozinho tappers, particularly the older ones, refused to accept the new

along the Jurua, which function also as commercial fairs, drawing together a great

mateiro's authority. They argued that he did not have enough expertise on the job,

number of river tr~ders, rubber tappers and Indians. In the past there also used to

and some alleged that they could teach him a lesson on tapping techniques. The

be a "hostel", really a simple wood construction where dozens hammocks could be

main patron did not insist with the mateiro nor replaced him. The fact that the new

hung, to accommodate men and women who had come to the post for religious

patrons leased the estates for only three years may explain why they did not show

feasts and commerce. The central settlement also had a levelled area, which served

much interest in mateiros, or long-term conservation of trails. 11

as a football pitch, where young tappers fanatically engaged in matches.

Besides its commercial function, the central area of an estate also gathered

When tappers visited the central post for sporadic purchases or in case of

together other -seivices. There lived at the Restaura~ao head office area a -

emergency, this would involve often spending the night, when tappers lived far away.

blacksmith and a schoolteacher, and further away there were a carpenter (two lived

Patrons or managers were then expected to extend hospitality, offering lodging and

in the forest hinterland). These people were not trade post employees, but settlers

meals to tappers during their visits to the main trade post. But tbis rule ordinarily

whose residency rights derived from the fact that they rented rubber trails. The

was not observed, and only the friends of the patron or the manager received now_
such treatment. For the other tappers, there was the alternative of seeking shelter

11. The Residents' Association planned to reinstate the use of mateiros after
the patrons left. Cf. "PIano de Uso da Reserva Extrativista do Alto Jurua
(UtilIzation Plan for the Upper Jurua Extractive Reserve)" unpublished document
December 1991. See also Almeida 1991.

with the residents of nearby house (though there were plans to erect a new hostel),
and buying biscuits, sweets, condensed milk and canned beef. Cacha~a, or cane



brandy, was not sold because the patron feared that it would result in violent
incidents involving drunken rubber tappers, but the tappers would substitute it with
pure alcohol mixed with artificial fruit juice bought at the store, or would purchase it
from the river traders.
Besides the major trade post, other smaller storehouses or simply "goods
deposits" existed on the minor estates along the small streams that formed the-

to autonomous niarreteiros again. Thus, the minor posts were at the fringe of the
formal trade-post structure, and continued to operate without it, being then supplied
by itinerant traders or buying at other trade-posts downstream.
Recruitment. Rubber Removal and Weighing
There were two ways of becoming part of a rubber estate such as

headwaters of the Tejo. The managers of such deposits supplied merchandise over a


smaller area, collected rent and helped the main trade-post personnel. They might

colocaltao. This consisted in allocating a set of idle trails on one of the settlements,

be recruited for the position by the current patron, as was the case of Timoteo on

for which the person would now pay a rent. At the same time, the new trail lessee

the Riozinho. Until the previous year, Timoteo was one of the most productive

would have an . ac~ount open at the trade-post. The patron could also recruit a_

ma~aged stocks supplied by the

tapper el~ewhere, as Correa did in Cruzeir?"do SuI ~nd in "ila Thaumaturgo. The

rubber producers on the Riozinho; now he


trade post and kept his

own house. The book-keeper .

~wn book-keeper to run a store-house

by his

also tutored the children.

One was to ask the patron or manager at the trade post for access to a

other was to obtain trails by transfer from another rubber tapper, or to be recruited
by another tapper to work on the trails rented by him. Tappers who received rubber

Timoteo's two grown-up sons tapped rubber trees and himself and

trails through transmission or recruitment by other tappers usually presented

his wife worked on the manioc garden. He continued to be a house head paying

themselves to the patron or manager at Restaura~ao to settle rent payments and to

"rent" and holding rights over trails tapped by sons.

Other deposit managers had been since long marreteiros, or forest-based petty traders

on their own account


ese marreteuo-managers received

open an account at the trade post. But this was not always necessary when a house
head who exploited a trail was the client of another tapper, who possessed rights to
the trail and was responsible for accounts with the trade post.

merchandise from the central trade post and would resell it to tappers, using the

Between 1982 and 1983, in the Riozinho, I recorded six cases of rubber

rubber to pay for the products and drawing a profit from price differences, but also

tappers who were recruited directly by the trade post for the Riozinho, increasing

would assist the trade post employees in the transport of goods and in the reception

rent-payers to a. total of 66 households (three other houses did not pay rent).

of rents. Such marreteiros operated other trade-posts withln th .

elr own ouses,
without employees. During the 1980s, the presence of three different patrons at the

One of these quit his former patron Carneiro; another quit a seringal on the
Tarauaca river on the over the backwaters of the Restaura~ao, bringing with him his


own client. Both were cases of tappers unhappy with their former patrons and with a

and the implantation of a cooperative did not affect the three main

marreteiros on the Restaura~ao Estate's hinterlands who passed fro

t .
m marre elros
to the status of "supplied-managers" (patrao aviado) from "su 1 d
~"'-==-='-'-== ,
pp le -managers to
"cooperative managers" (gerente de cooperativa), and from "cooperative managers"

balance. Besides these six new tapping houses, other fourteen new house were
formed, of which ten as the result of newly married young men who came to occupy
part of their father'S, father-in-Iaw's, or brother's colocaao, or an idle trail within

the estate where they already lived. Other four new houses moved in from
~eighbouring i~ar~pes

(thus from minor estates belonging to


repiquetes _ flash floods that offered rare opportunities to float the rubber bundles,
which weighed more than 50 kilograms apiece, downstream. Patrons expected the

answering the call of relatives or acquaintances to occupy idle rubber trails. These

tappers to help to transport the accumulated rubber of their settlements to the trade

twenty new houses did not increase significantly the total number on the Riozinho

post, I witnessed cases in which five tons of rubber remained stocked in hinterland

Estate, since other houses disappeared in the


period as a result of out-

areas of difficult access from one year to the next, because the crucial rains were
missed. Once removed from the interior of the estate and placed at the trade post,_

migration or death.
A patron or his manager in principle had the authority to evict a house head,

the rubber bundles were tied together in long floats weighing scores of tons, which

or descolocar a person. However such an action had to be justified either for

in turn were piloted down-river by canoes, to the mouth of the Tejo and on to

smuggling rubber out while in debt to the trade-post, or failing to pay the rent, or for
doing damage to the rubber trails. If a house head refused the notice to leave, the

Cruzeiro do SuI.
"Weighing the rubber" constituted another important activity exercised by the

patron could resort to the Cruzeiro do SuI police. The patron would also cut off

trade post. The operation ostensively consisted in determining the weight of rubber

credit to the house in question. Attempts to expel tappers by merely cutting off their

stocks in the hinterland settlements, along the year. But in reality the operation also

credit at the trade post did not succeed in the cases I observed on Riozinho , since

meant the nominal transfer of rights on rubber stocks to the trade post: this was

rubber tappers always could make clandestine supply purchases from itinerant

called "liquidation". Weighed and liquidated rubber (marked bundle by bundle)

traders, or buy from nearby marreteiros.

could not be sold to marreteiros or river traders, unless it was "stolen".

I did not witness any successful eviction, which may have been a consequence

Weighing had to be authorised by the house head and performed in his

of my presence in the area. 12 Besides the presence of an unknown stranger in the

presence. Neither ~ves nor children could substitute the head during the weighing. _

area, it seems likely that the union played an important role in reducing evictions in

And there were house heads who refused to liquidate. These cases involved highly-

the early 1980s by establishing the principle of tapper's rights to property

productive tappers who' disagreed with the price and interest rules of the liquidation

improvements resulting from their own labour, which implied the payment of

process, but also included tappers with low productivity who had personal disputes

compensation for planted areas in the case of "justified" eviction.

with the trade post. Since the weighing procedure involved the political relations

At the end of January and the beginning of February, the trade post

between the trade post and house heads, sometimes the manager himself led

employees had to undertake a crucial activity. By necessity, the removal of rubber

weighing sessions, negotiating directly with the tappers. This occurred on the

from the densely-forested hinterland took place during heavy rains, or using the

Manteiga River, an area where the rural union's strength was felt in 1982-83, and in

12. I phot09,raphed. a P?lic.e team while on ~ mission of "scaring" a rubber

tapper charged of smugglmg lIqUIdated rubber", while on a casual visit to to trade
post. This suggests that my presence did not deter patron's violence.

the years that followed.

The weighing operation took place outside, since rubber was always kept in
the open (theft did not occur). Differences emerged over the scale (spring scales at


home showed one result, while the manager's scale showed another), over the
number on the scale (the result could be altered by a crooked pointer or by faded

to the households and not (as they argued in legal cases attempting to preserve their
monopoly) to the bank, or, by extension, to the patrons who were financed by the

numbers), over the use of calculators (according to the managers, electric

calculators did not calculate fractions of kilos), and over the volume of the tare,
which in theory would involve a deduction for the volume of water in each bundle.
The amount of water, depended on how long the rubber had been stocked (it started

out "green", gradually becoming "dry" with time), but the estimate usually was an
arbitrary exercise, varying from five to fifteen percent of gross weight. River traders

The trade post did not have personnel to construct or maintain the
footpaths, bridges and stairways that connected the main settlement to the tappers'
homes, nor did it develop any regular or even irregular transport system (using draft
animals or boats) linking the trade post ~o the colocac;oes, which took two to six
hours to reach on foot (see map 4).

were reputed to cheat tappers both on the weigh-scale and on the tare discount,
Supply of Goods and Accounts

while patrons were -reputed to cheat on accounts.

In 1983, the first series of weighings took place between June and August in

This is why I tell you that lam surprised with my account. I didn;t buy

four visits to the Riozinho estate, which accounted for the product of the first cut on

spoons, plates, knives, a motor, a shotgun, a saw, a new hammock, a blanket:

the Jurua (from April to July), or the dry season harvest. A total of 68 households

only sugar, coffee and oil. What surprises me is how the others manage to

were visited for weighing, though not on the same occasions. The total production

pay. Because I buy none of that. It's been three years since I bought a knife.

weighed in at 20 tons (20,027 kilograms), in bundles averaging 64 kgs. apiece (except

for the house ... Luxury, no sir: coffee is food, oil is food, sugar is food. One

for a group of brothers who introduced 10-12 kilogram strips of rubber, an

can live without these articles, but in ,a disgraceful mariner. Look: we can live

innovation to which we will come back), and an average household output of 294.5

without smoking, which isn't easy! (Freitas, a rubber tapper)

kgs. per half season. This production of 64-kilogram bundles was "to settle accounts",

Merchandise introduced from Cruzeiro do SuI was stored at the mouth of the

and did not include rubber sold in smaller amounts of ten to thirty kilograms, to the

Tejo, then transported to the Restaura~ao warehouse and finally distributed to the

river peddlers

minor patrons (which sometimes . we call 'marreteiro-managers') Timoteo,

and marreteiros.

Individual household

productivity varied


considerably, ranging from under 100 kilograms (two female-headed households) to-

Raimundo Leitao, Pedro Paiva, and

over 700 kilograms for the half-season (Tables 5.8 and 5.9).

kept at the Restaura~ao trade post, composed of stocks from the previous year

de Luna. Inventory balance sheets were

Besides the apparent function of transferring rights over rubber from houses

(including those in the smaller deposits) and the merchandise received during the

to trade-post, another purpose behind the weighing of rubber was to evaluate each

current year from the main trade post at the mouth of the Tejo. In order to

household's purchasing capacity, in order to calibrate the amount of merchandise to

appreciate the _si&nificance of these stocks, which were to supply over 220.

be supplied over the course of the year. But an inevitable conclusion is that through

households (almost 70 on the Riozinho Estate), goods may be divided into several

the weighing procedure, the patrons implicitly recognised that the rubber belonged

specific categories.


Goods that were used throughout the year (not including long-term
durables), which had to be acquired at the beginning of the year, were called

With diesel'engines (since gas

. ..
.. hI
db ause some households did not
not avalla e an ec


use their engines, displaying then in front of homes in a show of affluence).

"estivas" (gross goods). The "estivas" included articles for domestic consumption
(salt, soap, sugar, cooking oil, powdered milk for children), hunting needs


(ammunition), and fuel for engines used in the flour-making process. In contrast
~th the "estiva~", t~e "luxos" (luxuries) and "vicios" ~("Vices" or "habits") were articles

of current consumption which may be consumed in an intermittent fashion. The line

between "estivas" and "luxos" varied from house to house. Some consumers
considered sugar and vegetable oil "luxos" or even ''vicios'' (generally, "luxos"
included olive oil, guava paste, canned cream, crackers, powdered fruit juice,
candies and powdered chocolate; ''vicios'' clearly were alcohol and tobacco), others
saw them as basic food. Other articles of domestic consumption included "fabrics
and garments" (fabrics, blankets, hammocks, pants, blouses, shorts, towels, shoes,
boots, sandals), "miudezas" (odds and ends - buttons, thread, needles, as well as nonfood items such as cigarette paper, lighters, toothbrushes, soap, razor blades, combs,
mirrors, pencils, etc.). "Medicine", including especially powerful antibiotics, but also
remedies for malaria, intestinal diseases, "fevers", infections and a host of other
disorders, along with aspirin, were part of any respectable store's stocks, and also
constituted as part of the river traders' offerings, along with "odds and ends" and
some "luxuries".
"Utensils" included both non-domestic equipment (for agriculture, extraction,
fishing and construction) as well as domestic items (such as pots and pans). These
articles lasted for over a year. Finally, the "m6veis de valor" (valuables) were long-



Consumption goods, basic

Salt, Oil
Consumption goods, non-basic
Luxos (luxuries)
Of occasio~al use
Remedios(medicine) (Interml ttent flows)

Vicios (vices)

Miudezas (trifles)
Body care
Production goods, durable
Agriculture (Funds)
Tapping .
Household equipment, durable
Moveis de Valor

Investment Goods
(Long term funds, saleable)

Source: Field research

lasting articles with high unitary values, including gasoline and diesel powered
engines, chainsaws, mattresses, suitcases, gas stoves, sewing machines, radios,
watches and clocks. The term "m6veis de valor" suggests that these goods
constituted investments, which evidently is the case with gas stoves and frequently

To summarize, a first classification of goods distinguishes (a) non-durable

items acquired at the beginning of the season and consumed over the course of the
" . "". d as" "luxos" and ''vicios'') (b) durable items used over several.
year ( estlvas, mm ez ,~ . ~,


years, which may be repaired or substituted over time ("utensflios"), and (c) those
durable items that may be kept as property holdings ("m6veis de valor"). Another
important additional classification distinguished between basic items in any of the


a tapper calculating -the depreciation cost of his equipment (either that used inrubber tapping, or to make flour) in his assessment of the total value of the products
of his labour (rubber or flour).

above categories (such as salt, soap, petrol and ammunition, which always are
needed in day-to-day consumption; or such as the flour-mill engine, a permanent,
long-term necessity) and non-basic items (whether "luxos" or ''vicios'' for ready
consumption, or "m6veis de valor" kept over long periods).

The foregoing description seeks to make sense of the composition of stocks

in the trade post during any given year. All of the articles here described were in
stock at the


store at the end of 1982, but new items flowed in during

1983, brought from the main trade post to the


post or supplying the

various other smaller stores directly. The merchandise introduced to



Soap (coarse)
Basic Miudezas
Basic Cloth


Luxury food, vices
Soap ("sabonete")

between January and August 1983 (not including the goods stocked over from 1982)
had a total value of 29,000 kilograms of rubber, using the final prices paid by traders
at the smaller posts to the ;maintrade-post. At least -another 15% must be tagged on

? Luxury miudezas
Luxury cloths


Kitchen sets
As equipment
stock or display

Source: Field research



for the small trader's commission, resulting in the total value of 33,000 _

kilograms of rubber at tappers' prices - a little over one-fourth of the total expected
. R estaura~ao.
- 13
output of all the minor estates composmg

Once transferred to the tappers' houses, the goods were converted into a
growing debt to - be paid in rubber (Table 5.9). In a parallel process, houses
accumulated stocks of rubber until it was transferred all at once to the trade post.
The tapper did not know at any given moment the precise size of his accumulated

In principle,-the "goods of value" may be used not only as accumulated wealthor equipment stocks but also as capital: this was the case when a motor or other
instrument was lent in exchange for some sort of gain. Indeed, I observed on
different occasions payment for the use of a chainsaw or a flour-processor (equipped
with a 3 HP engine, a metal plate and tools to grate and press manioc), both of them
expensive equipment. But these (rare) payments were often part of a transaction
that included the purchase of manioc (together with the right to use the manioc

debt; an d, through the weighing procedure, the patron had only an approximate
estimate of the final stock of rubber.
River Traders and Forest Petty-Traders
Traders who carried their stocks on boats and canoes and sold merchandise
at the tapper's door for payment in rubber, the regat6es ("river traders" or "river peddlers"), are as old as the trade-post itself. These river peddlers represented, as it
were, an 'informal market' in the extraction zones, side by side to the monopolistic

owner's equipment) and the hiring of the chainsaw owner's labour. I never witnessed
13. The following is based on trade-post bills and stock inventories, 1982.


trade-post system. The regatoes were autonomous traders, without any connection
either to the (nominal) owner of the rubber estate or the patron-trader; they
possessed only small boats of one to five tollS, and purchased goods from urban
merchants on relatively short terms (three months) and high interest (30%), in
quantities up to the equivalent of five tons of rubber. These traders sold rubber to/

the same processing plants in Cruzeiro do SuI that bought rubber from the patrons.
While the trade posts faced the problems of storing bulky goods for the
totality of houses and for year-long periods, and transporting them throughout the
forest, restricted by the rain cycles and having to project the annual output and
payment capabilities of their clients, river traders operated on a small scale and with
a restrict temporal standard. The river traders' goods were light in weight, "nonbasic" in character, and turned over quickly. On the voyage upriver, goods were left
directly at the tappers' homes, and on the return trip, the itinerant trader collected
payment in rubber. A river trader would wait patiently in the vicinity or even at the
tapper's river outlet until he received payment. The river traders boat also was his
home, with a small cover and a fireplace in which to prepare food.
Though each journey yielded only a small amount of rubber, the river traders
could return often with with fresh merchandise, turning over their petty trade capital
several times during the year. While affording the tappers the opportunity to buy
goods and sell rubber in direct payments, they cut into the patrons' monopoly.
Though they did not supply households with the "estiva" portion of the monopoly,
they substituted the trade post by furnishing some non-durables (except food) to
houses whose supply-line had been severed because of low productivity or relatively
high debts (which means that supply did not correspond to production during the

powdered milk for children, medicine for the sick, alcoholic beverages or "luxury"
items for adults, such as candy, shoes or perfume.
As a canoe approaches on the bend of the river silently (to save fuel but also

because the river is shallow, making it necessary for two men to move the boat with
poles), the


population becomes excited and runs to the shore. From

under a plastic cover, the boat discloses wooden crates with a great many small
articles. A yOl:ng tapper buys shoes, another purchases a can of powdered milk, and
an old man acquires some sweets. These purchases will be paid with a fewkgs each.
In 1983, after siX months under a new and powerful patron, there were in the RestauraC$ao six tons of rubber (about five percent of its total estimated produdion)
committed to eight river traders who operated in the hinterland, including an
itinerant photographer and a dentist. This was the rubber still outstanding, that is
which had not already been transferred directly to the river traders, who were
waiting to receive it. This also was the debt bought by the patron, under the
condition that the traders agree to leave the area, as mentioned in a previous
chapter). Taking into consideration only these cases, which were recorded in the
trade post, an average river trader had a credit of 774 kilograms of rubber to receive
from 24 different clients (on the average, 10 from Riozinho and 14 from the other
sub-estates of RestauraC$ao); the average debt per client stood at 40 kgs. of rubber
(Table 5.10). ,The real volume negotiated by river traders over the whole year musthave been much larger, and the traders did not disappear after the agreement with
the patron. 14 It was not uncommon to find as much as thirty percent of the total
house budget committed to the river traders and local peddlers. The rubber tapper
Ferreira had the largest debt on the Riozinho Estate, in a case of high volume

course of the year). If a river trader was in reach, a tapper who was not being
supplied by the trade post could easily produce Within a couple of days ten sixteen to
twenty kilos of rubber (worthy approximately one U$ dollar a kilo) to pay for

14. In the following year, the patron took the issue to court.


purchases from the flver traders: sixty per cent of Ferreira's 490-kg. rubber
production went to the itinerant traders (Table 5.11; Table 6.3, Account 11).

At this point, it may be worthwhile to comment briefly on the terms

employed here. The term "regatao" designates the person and profession of the

The informal forest market included another category. The "marreteiros" are

itinerant merchant in a boat; in Portuguese, the verb "regatear" means to bargain or

small traders with fixed residence in the estate hinterland ("forest traders") (Table

to haggle, and mayor may not be related to the term "regatao". "Marreteiro" comes

5.12). They are often rent-paying household-heads

and thus also are 'rubber

from the verb "marretar", taken unambiguously throughout the Amazon only to_

tappers' in a wider sense (family members, employees or clients work trails rented

designate the act of buying and selling for profit, using bargaining or any other

by the head). As an example of the continuum going from tappers to petty traders,

method, licit or illicit, as fits. 15 River tradms or "regatoes'" may be considered

Ferreira's neighbour, also his stepson, whose household also produced considerable

itinerant "marreteiros".

quantities of rubber and manioc flour, was a marreteiro, because he sold

The transition from "marreteiro" to minor patron "aviado" (supplied) by the

merchandise to other houses for profit. In another house on the same settlement

main trade post, or a "minor patron" as I have called them sometimes, occurred


another of Ferreira's stepsons spent the tapping season at his brother's

from time to time - this constituted one of the ways in which the trade post absorbed

working as a tapper but also acting as a marreteiro (he was married to a regatao's

petty forest commerce into its own structure, transforming the "marreteiro" into a

and former minor patron's daughter), selling the goods he brought in his luggage. At

trade post debtor while at the same time holding him responsible for the rubber

one point, he enjoyed credits of 106.75 kilograms of rubber, spread among seven

strategy cou Id work because marreteiros were

tappers of his settlement. ThIS

clients, including his own stepfather Ferreira. Thus, in this settlement of three

sedentary, as opposed to regatoes.

houses, one belonged to an indebted house head, Ferreira (who owed heavily to

We have a~ready mentioned the fact that several "marreteiros" on the

peddlers and the trade post alike), while the other two were headed by stepsons, one

Restauracsao Estate held on for ten years under three different patrons, and in times

a resident marreteiro/tapper, the other hosting a a seasonal marreteiro/tapper.

without a patron, without refusing to participate in the cooperative in 1989, but

Other marreteiros were more specialized as individuals, but as a rule their

continuing to trade after the cooperative dismissed their services as "cooperative

houses as a whole included agricultural activity, tapping and hunting just as the

managers". This continuity, rooted in their participation in the forest economy and

others. These marreteiros sold at higher prices, which was inevitable since they had

in local social networks, confirm that the "marreteiros" were not simply an appendix

to make purchases from river traders, from the trade post or more rarely directly

to the estates' monopoly structure. Instead, they should be seen as part of the forest

from urban merchants. The patron tolerated more widely the marreteiros than the

peasant economy, of which tapping, cultivation, hunt and trade were part-activities.

river traders, because unlike the itinerant merchants, the rubber they received as
payment was stored along with the other rubber accumulated in the house, and sent
along to trade post at the end of the year.

15. Santos 1989:13. Definitions in an authoritative (Brazilian) ~ortuguese

dictionary include: "Brasileirismo, Nordeste, Uso popular: explorar, lesar.. trapacear,
burIar" [Brasilianism, from the Northeast, of popular usage: .to eNxpIOlb~~ cap~e
harm; to cheat, to swindle] (Aurelio Buarque de Holanda Ferrerra, ovo lClQnanO
da LIngua Portuguesa).



In fact, in 1987, the year when the trade post was closed up after a rebellion

fifty to sixty kilogr.ams apiece; the latter, in the past, suspect small bundles, the_

had expelled the Camelis' collection team in 1986, there was an immediate

"principios" ranging from 10 to 30 kgs (beginnings). Planks, pressed sheets weighing

proliferation of both river traders and "marreteiros" - four of these within Riozinho

ten to twelve kilograms, were suspiciously similar to "principios". Since patrons were

alone, all of them also heads of forest houses. It would be difficult to estimate the

concerned first with preserving the monopoly, they were suspicious of the plank

volume of rubber circulating within this horizontal forest trade, precisely because

system. Thus, the patrons' role in the productive sphere consisted, in this case, of

the number of "marreteiros" fluctuated in direct proportion to the economic power

impeding and not of organising production.

of the patrons. When the patrons introduced little merchandise, the number of

The data presented in this chapter show that the trade post that I studied in

itinerant traders increased to meet tappers' demands, as did the number of tapper-

the 1980s did not control the labour process and only partially realised its function

i'marreteiros" who ' acquired goods from the river traders to resell to .their -

of controlling the circulation of goods. There remains no doubt as to the existence Of


a "labour-repressive" system on the rubber estates. But repression, as illustrated in

A consequence of the above argument is that trade-post patrons were not
concerned with the efficiency of the productive process itself. On the contrary, as the
following example illustrates, the "shopkeeper" character of the patron-trader
entered in direct conflict with productive efficiency. During the early 1980s, one
family of tappers on the Riozinho Estate began to construct their own rubber
presses to replace the smoking house. Between 1983 and 1987, this technique spread
to most other houses in the district. The method proved labour-saving and in

preceding chapters with several examples, must be understood as the repression of

individuals (such as clients owing rent or selling rubber) and not as the control over
the labour process. In this perspective, repression aimed to secure the monopoly
over natural resources and over merchandise - these were the arenas of conflict
between patrons and the
peasant economy of forest houses. The patron
acted as a mercantile capitalist under a monopoly regime, and precisely because he
failed to control the labour process, the attempt to control the circulation of goods
and people physically were his basic strategies.

principle allowed for daily productivity to double, without additional capital costs.
Meanwhile, the patron of Restaura~ao sought to discourage the use of this method
introduced independently by the rubber tappers, asserting that "he did not know
how to work with rubber planks." The main reason for the patron's opposition to this
technical innovation lay in the fact that the final product were light rubber planks,
easier to smuggle and with less water content (the tappers claimed that tare should
be smaller or not deducted at all). Planks diluted the distinction between "rubber
used to settle accounts" and "rubber used to pay river traders", the first as bundles of
16. Cf. Pacheco de Oliveira 1971; Santos 1974:19; Weinstein 1984.


Chapter 6

The debt-peonage system was deceptively transparent, and the casually
authoritative way that it was and is still today referred to by outsiders, whether
'mere' travelers or sociologically astute historians and anthropologists, helped
mystify even more the network of histories, moral obligations, and coercions
ensuring that, just as indebtedness ensured peonage, so peonage ensured
advances of credit (Taussig 1987:63).
The case of the Tejo and Riozinho estates suggests that patron's power did not
follow a syllogistic scheme going from debt to enslavement to control over labour.1
Both rent payments and rubber collected as debts involved conflict. Taussig observes
that debt-peonage may be narrated as a story "whose plot moved, in Gramscian terms,
from dominio to egemonia, from the opening blast of brute force (the correria or slave
hunt) to the succeeding phase of debt-peonage and the subculture of mutually respected
obligations it assumed" (1987:64). This suggestion of a combination of physical and
economic coercion with selective and differentiated incentive contracts will be be taken
up in this chapter as an alternative to the theory of debts as a facade for disguised
forced-labour camps.
The "subculture of mutually-respected obligations" (in fact not so much
respected as having a claim to being respected) is summarised by Taussig in the
postulate that "just as indebtedness ensured peonage, so peonage ensured advances of
credit". Weinstein has suggested that debt relations - beyond obviating the use of
1. For such syllogistic reasoning, see Furtado 1962; Cunha 1967:24 ff; PauIa
1979; Teixeira 1980:262, 222, 245; Silva 1982: 18; Pinto 1984; Bakx 1987:77-8;
CoelTio 1982:78; Coates 1987:94; Bunker 1985:67; Martinello 1988:45; and Geffray
1991. Teixeira and Bakxare anthropologists; only Teixeira provides actual data on
debts and work. But his own data show that tappers were indebted only "on the
average" .

money and allowing for the imposition of "forced commerce", an expression I borrow
from Bhaduri (1983) - constituted a demand of the tappers themselves, who expected
patron-traders to provide long-term advances in kind (Weinstein 1983:23-25). It is not
difficult to illustrate this with examples. A Jurmi riverbank cultivator who neither paid
rent nor was a trade post client complained about an itinerant trader who wished to
settle his credit balance in cash, since this sort of "account liquidation" would represent
the rupture of a tacit contract implying the continued supply of goods, even when he
did not dispose of a positive balance. In this case, the preservation of debts served to
guarantee the continuity of mutual obligations, and in particular, to establish a
continued flow of commodity advances. In this respect, the aviamento supply relation is
not simply the result of coercion or of a paternalistic/clientelistic culture. The
aviamento supply relation represents a long-term exchange agreement which is
pervasive in the rubber, fishing and agricultural economies throughout the Amazon,

respected by either tappers or itinerant merchants. It follows, then, that rubber

tappers should not conSider as fair or moral the exchange relations with the patrons
either, when they see the latter resorting to violence in order to extract usurious
profits thanks to monopoly prices. This is confirmed by the resistance movements
discussed in previous chapters, where in a first moment rubber tappers did not fight
against the debt system as such, but against its use as a means of exploitation,
through the extraction of exorbitant profits. Furthermore, there is no evidence to
support the assertion that a morality of patronage led rubber tappers to preserve the
aviamento or debt system against their own interest. Using the words of economic
historian Roberto Santos, the tappers do not confuse the "tacit contract" of
commodity advances against future payment in kind with the "complementary pacts"which ensured a monopoly or with the ideology which deemed parallel commerce
"immoral" (Santos 1974:22).3

within the contexts of imperfect markets and of demonetised economies (Santos

1989:51 and 1971: 159).2 \Vhy, then, has so much emphasis been placed on the role

The Rules of the Trade Post

of violence in maintaining debt relations and, at the same time on the role of ,an

Rubber tappers began their purchases between March and April, at the

ideology based on moral kinship ties (Geffray 1991) in reinforcing these same

beginning of the summer season, and later at two or three-month intervals

relations? This may be due to the inability to distinguish between the aviamento relation

throughout . the year. On the remote

_ and a violence-based monopoly.


Estate, in 1982, goods arrived

.f rom the mouth of the Tejo (the major trade post) in June, September and

We shall argue that, even though the rubber tappers may consider the advance

November. A house-head living on the Riozinho Estate had the option of going to

credit system (and the corresponding debts) as legitimate, this does not mean they

the next store house (the Riozinho "Deposit")

accept as equa,lly legitimate either the monopoly clauses demanded by the patrons

an additional distance of three to six hours on foot. Once at the trade post, after-



to the Restaura~ao trade post, at

the use of violence to ensure this same monopoly, which is not

some informal conversation and a rest, he would buy goods on credit, without

2. The aviamento or advance supply system, deprived of violent coercion,

"would resemble, without adding much, the truck-system or shikomi of the Japanese
fishing industry" (Santos 1980: 156).

a commercial contract for the sale of

3. Santos defines the aviamento as:
goods on credit, a mutual contract referent to the m0l!ey lent,. a civil. contr~ct
committing the purchase and sale of rubber at an establIshed pnce ... mc1udmg
complementary pacts (based on the notion of the 'immorality' of the tapper to sell
rubber to anyone but his creditor" (Santos 1974:22).

having to deposit any money or rubber at this point, and usually not taking into
account the price of the products acquired. The articles purchased were recorded on
a "purchase receipt" or notas de compra. In principle, a copy of this "receipt" would

be given to the house head, the only person in his house allowed to buy goods at the trade post. "Purchase receipts" were then transcribed in a notebook for each house
head. In January, at the end of the tapping season when rubber was turned over to
the trade post, these accounts were tabulated in the form of balances. Though
double-accounting was used, accounts were complicated for several reasons,
including the existence of multiple categories of debts and credits, the presence of
two accountable currencies (money and rubber), the variation of prices over the
course of the year and the levying of interest and "commission" charges. Only rarely
did a Riozinho house head know how to read, though most were quite capable of
performing mathematical operations in their heads (Table 6.1).
The debit column of accounts included the closing debt of the previous year
(in kilograms of nibber, converted into Cruzeiros at the current price quotation); the cash value of the dated purchase receipts (including a "commission" charge if
rubber was to be paid at, the final price in the season); and debts for cash advances
(with 60% interest). Debts that one tapper owed to another also were accounted for
here (in this case, they were tabulated also as the other's credit). The sum of the
debt column or current gross debt was expressed in money. '
The credit column included the "liquidated" rubber turned over to the trade
post and converted into money (at distinct prices corresponding to the periods of
purchases, if the merchandise was debited without "commission" or interest; or at
the final price if goods purchased were charged interest), plus credits in Cruzeiros
for transactions between rubber tappers and for products or services sold to the
patron besides rubber. These itens made up the gross credits.

The final money balance was calculated in the equation of gross credits
minus gross debts. If this balance was negative (a net debt), it was converted into
rubber at current prices and forwarded to the following year's account (if rent had
not yet been paid, it would be added on the next year's account). If the balance was
positive (net credit), it would remain as a credit in money on the next year's account
- though, at the rubber tapper's criterion, it might be converted either into goods or
cash for""rubber surplus", in this order of freqt;ency. A further type of transaction

~as sometimes ~egistered separate from the accounting procedure described above:
the encomendas (advance orders), which involved particular goods, usually of high
value, ordered specifically for an individual rubber tapper, in exchange for a
previously-negotiated amount of rubber (a shot-gun was atypical case). These
encomenda transactions were liquidated with payments in rubber and were not
treated as the usual accounting debt, even 'though there was a period of months
between the order, delivery and final payment of the goods in rubber. They were
seen as "cash" and Were not affected by uncertainty on the terms of exchange; they
did not affect the previous balance, just as was the case when the trade post turned
over cash directly in exchange for rubber "in cash", i.e. surplus rubber delivered on
the spot or not, in a previously agreed amount. ,
Transactions between rubber tappers havin~ both accounts at a single
patron-trader could be cleared through the trade-post accounting, generally in the
case of somewhat elevated sums, such as those involved in the sale of garden plots
or livestock. They were recorded informally on the spot, without requiring the
presence of a trade post representative, on "receipts" (simple pieces of paper written
by a literate person) passed from one tapper to another, who authorised the trade
post accountant to transfer the amount from the buyer's account to the seller's. For
instance, when in 1983 a house head at the Jarana settlement decided to move to
another settlement, he sold his manioc gardens, coffee and coconut palms to


another house through a "payment order" cleared by the trade-post, involving

hundreds of kgs. The trade post was not notified beforehand of these transactions.
Small transactions, however, could be consummated directly through the transfer of
rubber from one tapper to another, usually small lumps that could be easily
produced and transported, just as purchases from regatoes or marreteiros. The sale
of beef on special occasions, such as union meetings or parties in the forest
hinterland (paid for in rubber on credit or on sight at the going urban rates) were
examples of these small transactions in which rubber played the role of currency.
This local circulation or rubber might. result in the flight of rubber from .the

'd f the rubber estate as in the case of illnesses requiring

cover expenses out SI e o '
emergency travel. Even on these occasions, in most cases the rubber tapper did not
'th . h but with an "order of payment" issued by the trade post,
leave the estate WI cas,
authorising a commercial establishment in town to furnish the cash (before 1980, at_
. .
. .
h' 60m:' 1982) a procedure which
30% interest for any period up to a year, reac mg -/0 m
. d t the patron's commercial
meant the rubber tapper would remam!le
. .
ers with "surplus
establishment while in town. In pnnclple at least, owever, app
rubber" at the end of the year had the right to receive its value in cash on the estate

estate's monopoly, when transactions involved parties from distinct, neighbouring

estates in the forest. Thus, the rubber credited to a house head could include a
variable proportion obtained through transactions with other tappers, whether
transferred directly or by the accounting process. Finally, besides the rubber

Manipulation of Accounts
The stages leading up to the final balance allowed for an ample margin of
account manipulation by the tra de pos t ,

beginning with the records registered

. h'
throughout the year _ the many purchase receipts and the weIg mg

rubber of sharecroppers, employees and tapper-clients. Although the trade-post did

frequently included mistakes, often outrageous ones, such as debiting the same _

not distinguish the sources of the rubber delivered by a house head, the debit due to

purchase to two different accounts from the same coloca~ao (settlement) - and often

purchases was subdivided into direct purchases by the house head and by

. h 't I b rinth of different prices,
occurring in the accounting process Itself, Wit 1 say
h' h in most cases rendered the final
interest rates, currencies and payment pans, w lC

subordinate houses, sharecroppers or employees, and in principle the latter had to

be authorized by the house head.
On the rubber estates, the circulation of specie was exceedingly rare. On the
Riozinho estate, there were middle-aged rubber tappers who had never been to a
city and did not know how to use money, and most children had never seen money

either. Ideally, a trade post should possess its own money supply, but money was
somewhat like certain kinds of merchandise, such as medicine, which had only
occasional use and in emergency situations (cf. HUMPHREY 1985:52). Cash
advances received different treatment than the advance supply of goods, because
they drew interest (called juro) and because cash advances only could be justified to


obtained through petty forest trade, the house-head's credit could also included the

result practically impossible to estimate beforehand with accuracy, and only in rough
terms within a broad margin of error.
However manipulated, the double accounting system recognised in principle
'vely commercial relation with the trade post - a
that the tappers had an exclusl
a monopoly, could not be
relation governed by prices, which although fixed by
ted On the other hand, the context for this
altered once a transactIOn was consumma .
brutal difference in the degree of information and
accountmg proce ure was a

I ed in the commercial transactions. Does this mean that_

control between pa.rts lflVO v



both commerce and prices were mere theatrics, masking the expropriation of rubber
by the trade post in arbitrarily-assessed quantities, in exchange for goods whose
quantities also were assessed arbitrarily by the same trade post?

A cruCial characteristic of the transactions involving the interval of a 'year _

resided in that effective prices were not really known until the final balance - when
the final price of rubber was established ("the town price"), after having increased

In considering trade post commercial strategies, we shall see that this clearly

two or three times during the year, which apparently made many rubber tappers

was not the case. Though manipulated, the gross debt was in fact tied up to the

think that this system worked in their favour. This hypothesis may serve to explain

going prices, however high or abusive; manipulation was constrained by the

why, in 1982 and 1983, most of the rubber tappers on Riozinho Estate refused to

appearances. Once the arbitrarily high monopoly prices were established,

accept that their rubber be settled at "several prices" at the end of the year - which

commodity prices .spread throughout the rubber estate, quoted in rubber. Rubber

in effect meant that the monetary value of their purchases were expressed in rubber

tappers can easily .assess the inflation ' along the last years quoting the successive

at different rates (of rubber) throughout the year. The tappers wished to derive

rubber-values of powder milk or of cooking oil; thus, "in that year (or at the time of

benefits from the "higher price" of rubber at the end of the year when their yearly

patron X, a can of powder milk cost one kg rubber; now it takes four kgs rubber to

production was "liquidated" - preferring to .accept payment of a 30% "commission"

buy the same" is a typical and accurate comment about the fall in real value of

over their goods purchases, whose prices they insisted maintaining constant during

rubber from 1985 to 1992. Hence, the tappers' insistence in maintaining steady

the year, for the right of having the "final price of rubber" paid for their product.

prices for goods all year long makes sense, since under the assumption of constant

With the escalation of Brazilian inflation in the 1980s, these rules became

prices prices gained an immediate transparence as rubber quantities.

increasingly impossible for the patrons to observe.

Patrons could have argued that prices kept constant over the year had to be

It must be noted one consequence of the principle according to which

much higher than prices on the urban market, since they both anticipated future

"surplus rubber" or borracha de saldo could be converted into cash: this could be

inflation and paid profits. Tappers reasoned that, given constant prices all season

used not only to buy goods "out", but also at prices much lower than the standard

long, they stood to gain with the rise in rubber prices if payments for rubber were set

trade-post price. In order to prevent tappers from achieving positive balances, some

at the final price quote, in a system where official price hikes were first announced -

patrons (especially those possessing bank loans) pushed greater amounts of goods

informally and later by radio. In the 1970s, the Brazilian government established

upon their clients. 4 Heavy debts or high level of purchases came thus to be

several radio stations in remote border regions as part of a national security policy.

associated with workers who were both hard workers and "courageous", or

The Cruzeiro do SuI radio station transmitted personal messages from town to

spendthrift tappers - "thriftiness" was not a general rule (cf. Gudeman 1990: 162ft).

tappers in the forest, as well as messages from patrons. But until 1982 messages with

We must thus bea~ in mind that the notion of "heavy debt" was not absolute but

the price of merchandise or of rubber could not be broadcast. Information was

dangerous because the tappers could put it to use.

4. We assume here a patron who had access to generous bank loans. But
remember the alternative strategy of seeking to thwart the exodus of "surplus
rubber" by summoning the police.

rather relative to the productive capacity of a household, since the advance (and
corresponding debt) of a 'valuable good", say a gasoline engine, worth 400 kgs. of
rubber would be an exceedingly high risk for a trade-post if it benefited a house
whose annual output was 400 kgs. (it would simply leave the debt outstanding at the

~nd of the yea~), while it might represent an investment in the case of a house
capable of producing 1,200 kgs. (who would convert it into an increase in the rubber

productive tappers on Riozinho who, during the 1980s, in making their annual
purchases with balances left over from the previous years and during a period of
rising rubber prices, were able to remain "in the black" and to accumulate wealth in
the form of "valuables" and cattle.7 For these tappers, the next step was the patrons'
attempt to recruit them as SUb-patrons, converting them from creditors into debtors
of capital advanced in the form of merchandise.8

product turned over to the trade-post).5 Thus, "heavy debt" was not a synonymous
for unpayable debts. In considering this accounting strategy in detail, one finds that
the accumulation of high gross debts over the year were stimulated, but they could
represent at the end of the year a low debt in net

terms (that is, when they

corresponded to an equally high gross production as well).

The problem with the patrons' strategy was that a category of tappers who
were both "hard workers" and "thrifty" did exist. 6 A house producing 1,200 kgs. of
rubber and possessing livestock might refuse advances of unnecessary goods, thus

The acccunting system's apparently unlimited capacity to manipulate

accounts has led some observers to formulate two propositions. The first proposition
(1) posits that no tapper could achieve a positive commercial balance (the tradepost would raise prices until the balance was offset); the second, stronger
proposition (2) argues that tappers' consumption would lean towards a minimum
while at the same time production would lean towards a maximum (the trade post
would raise prices to the point where the minimum necessary was equal to the
maximum produced).

ensuring a cash balance ("free of debt") at the end of the year, provided that the
!liles were observed. In this case, the patron would have to adopt another strategy to
keep the tapper's rubber within the trade post. One such strategy was that of
reducing his own profit margin per unit good (although not total profit), by selling
goods at "city prices" in exchange for the "surplus rubber". Thus the trade-post could
use both a monopoly price and a "free-market" price.

The picture outlined above contradicts these propositions. In logical terms,

they would be inevitable indeed provided certain conditions were met, to wit: (3) a
perfect monopoly (smuggling would be impossible on the part of clients); (4) a total
monopoly (there would be no production except of rubber, forcing clients to obtain
every item of consumption at the trade post and barring them from "purchasing

from the .forest
with their own work"); (5) an inescapable monopoly (clients_

By affording the access of some tappers to non-monopoly prices, "surplus

rubber" could result in a cumulative effect, as demonstrated by a few highly-

could not leave the game because flight would be impossible). But it should be


both from the historical record and from the ethnographic description that these

? A house. of means might also use livestock as collateral for loans,
Increasmg the secunty of patrons' investments.
6. Here, for simplicity, we identify highly-productive house heads as "hard
~o~k~rs". Nonet~eless,. a la.rge rubber output might be produced with little
IndlVIduallabo~r mp?t In a bIg house; and a low output of rubber might be related
to hard work. m .a~ncu1ture an~ .hunting. Thus, "hard working houses" is not an
assessment of mdiVIdual productiVIty.

7. Highly-productive houses included those headed by Chagas Farias,

Tim6teo, Nascimento, Leao, Cunha. All of them were above the mark of 1,000
8. These sub-patrons, receiving advances from other patrons, are identified
by the term "patrao-aviado" (supplied patron).

conditions were not necessarily valid, and thus there


no reason to expect

propositions (1) or (2) necessarily to occur.

.Juvenal from the trade post, and luveila1's purchases were made through Chagas'

If they did in fact occur, one might expect certain consequences, to wit: (6)

In February 1983, Chagas obtained a copy of his final balance from the
tappers would be homogeneous (differences would be erased by the trade post,


trade post. Chagas had a ton of rubber (1,061 kgs.) to his credit, which

which would appropriate productive margins for itself); (7) there would be no
was weighed at three different occasions, "corresponding to his purchases and his _
accumulation on the part of rubber tappers; (8) bargaining between tappers and
patrons would have predetermined results and would not allow for tapper gains. In

~ent during the -1982 harvest", according to

the formal account records of the trade

post. 9 Once rent was deducted (90 kgs. for three rubber trails), 971 kilograms of

the remainder of this chapter, it is suggested that (6), (7) and (8) do not occur, based
"tared" rubber remained. By his own accounts, Chagas should have had a debt-free
on real examples and on statistical data on debts. In other words, social
balance. My own estimates concluded that around 611 kilograms would suffice to
differentiation among tappers, local accumulation and even the exploitation of one
pay his gross debt; the 360 ks. of "surplus rubber" already had been exchanged for
tapper by another all can exist precisely because there was no absolute monopoly (a
cash in January, when Chagas used it to purchase articles at the Vila Thaumaturgo
combination of perfect, total and inescapable monopoly as in 3, 4 and 5) on the
novena. However, contrary to this expectation, Chagas final negative balance rose to
rubber estates. -Thus, a conflict in the sphere of distribution exists between the nearly 100 kgs., which could norhe explained even through an "error" (although the
accumulation of mercantile monopoly profits by patrons on the one hand, and the
accumulation of productivity gains by rubber tappers, on the other.

trade post accounting showed only 581 kgs. of rubber on Chagas' credit, an "error" of
30 kgs. according to our own calculations). The debit apparently had been
calculated according to the accounting rules described above. The 100 kgs. of net

House Account Strategies

The examples which follow of interaction between the trade post and forest

debt rubber rep~es~nted 55,425 Cruzeiros (approximately US$250), converted at the

going rate (Tables 6.2, 6.2A, 6.2B).

households come from the same coloca~ao or forest settlement where I lived and,

Chagas first thought that the patron had charged interest on the money paid

consequently, where I was able to observe in detail the movement of debts between

out in January in exchange for his "surplus rubber", which would have been contrary

September 1982 and November 1983. The "Tacaratu" settlement was occupied by

to the accepted rules. He arrived at this conclusion when he noticed that part of his

four houses. Three were located in the principal clearing and had independent

account included a a 60% "interest" charge. According to the current rules, 60%

accounts with the trade post: one house where old Ferreira lived with his wife

interest was levied on cash forwarded - but with the exception of payments for

Nazare; Nazare's married son Chagas' house; and the residence of Assis, another
married son of Nazare. Juvenal, Ferreira's brother, lived in a separate clearing, in
the same settlement. Juvenal was Chagas' "client". Chagas rented the trail tapped by

9 The cases under study exemplify how my own efforts to understand the
trade p~st accounting based on both current receipts and final account statements,
assisting the tappers of many other houses. During 1982-83 I never. had access to the
trade post general balance sheets. I obtained a copy of these only III 1987, thanks to
an ex-employee.



"surplus rubber". Chagas' reaction was filled with indignation: "I'm going to tell him

batteries --, along With small expenses with food. Chagas thus self-financed the

that I thought I had done business with a man!"

consumption of-durable and non-durable goods for the following year. He was able-

An important detail worth pointing out is that Chagas had calculated

to estimate his surplus because he had opted to pay the so-called "commission on

precisely the amount of "surplus rubber" available for cashing in and the trade post

goods" (a mark-up of 30% on merchandise prices) in order to turn over his rubber at



the year's final price quotation. Adding up his purchases at the trade post (including

"surplus rubber money" had to be available before January 20, first day of the Yila

the 30% "commission''' a term which distinguished this charge from "interest"), he

Thaumaturgo novena, when minor and major patrons, river traders and local

now arrived at the total of nearly 408 kgs, which together with the rent and to his

peddlers, urban merchants and neighbours get together for a week at a riverside

surplus rubber added up to 858 kgs or 80% of his delivered rubber (Table 6.3). The

bazaar. By that date, he had not transported all his rubber to the trade post yet, nor

272 kgs of his client's purchases at itinerant traders (plus 30 kgs not accounted for)

was his final balance prepared, but the trade-post acc~pted to grant him money for

added up to 29% of the delivered rubber, leaving an excess of 9% over the delivered .

his "surplus rubber" which he threathened to take over to Yila Thaumaturgo anyway.

rubber (Table 6.3). Now the interests charged by the trade-post on his client's

It is instructive to consider how Chagas spent the 176,000 Cruzeiros he received

purchases to itinerant traders amounted to 102 kgs of rubber, or precisely 9% in

from the trade post, for the 360 kgs. of rubber handled as "surplus rubber". First,

excess of his delivered rubber. The problem with luvenal's account was that most of-

Chagas bought basic provisions ("estiva" goods) for 1983 at the novena, at market

his purchases had been made from river traders, and were increased by 60%

prices, from his own patron (there competing with the other merchants), spending

"interest" charged by the patron, who had by the end of 1982 bought up the river

only thirty percent of his cash (50,000 Cruzeiros): 36 litres of kerosene, 60 kgs. of

traders' debts in exchange for their promise of leaving the area (see Chapter 4). This

salt, two sacks of sugar (60kgs), a box of soap bars, eight kgs. of coffee, three kgs. of

interest added up to 102 kgs. of rubber, about the final (and unexpected) debt that

shot for hunting and a kilo of gunpowder. It also should be noted that these goods

Chagas found on his account Apparently,Chagas was aware of the volume of his

were not readily available at the fair, since the patron displayed stocks composed

client's debts, but he did not suspect that the patron would levy "money interest" on

~ainly of "luxury" ~oods; Chagas was to receive the basic goods he purchased at the

these debts. The patron sought to justify his actions by claiming that in order for the

fair directly from the Restaura~ao trade post, once he had returned to the estate.

river traders to leave the area, they had to be paid "in cash" (when a 60% interest

The only difference lay in the fact that the transaction, settled outside the estate and

was charged). Mter going over the details of his account, Chagas redirected his

independent of the debt mechanism, carried much lower prices. Chagas spent the

indignation towards his own client, accusing him of falling deep in debt to the river

remaining 70% of his cash on "valuables" and "utensils" (according to the

traders by purchasing presents to give to the young women of the neighbourhood, in _

classification outlined in the previous chapter), bought from different river traders __

the hope of landing a wife. As a matter of fact, this was not true, since Juvenal's

a record player and two records, clothing, scents, a complete set of new pots and

major purchase was a new shotgun, really an investment and not a "luxury", but one

pans for the kitchen, a metal cabinet in which to store flour, two metal tubs,

which he probably would not be allowed to obtain from the patron, since he was a









tapper of low productivity (also, Chagas charged 25% higher than the trade post

At the end of the year, Ferreira owed 274 kgs. of rubber, while he had

prices). Chagas then sought out the patron Correa and complained that he had not

produced 499 kgs.Th.iswasa- heavy debt -: that is, 55% over his total output.

authorised luvenal to make such purchases from the river traders. The patron

Taking out 33 kgs. forre~t (though Ferreira tapped two trails depicted in Map 5, he

replied that, in any case, since Chagas was luvenal's patron, he was responsible for

refused to pay rent on the one he personally had opened), 466 kgs. remained. But

his client's debts.

Ferreira had paid 278 kgs. to river traders and local peddlers, leaving only 188 kgs.

Though neither Chagas nor his wife Maria could read, there can be no doubt

of "account rubber" (the trade post recorded only 177). The rubber turned over to

as to the fact that Chagas had calculated his account so as to . remain with a zero

the trade post, at 548 Cruzeiros each kilo, would yield 97,000 Cruzeiros in money

balance at the trade post, and to maintain a stock of goods - while the patron had

terms, but his account owed 247,542 Cruzeiros. His debt corresponded to 274 kgs. of

insisted that he purchase much more, trying to seduce him with a diesel engine and

rubber, almost exactly the amount he had spent in purchases with the river traders

an ubazada de mercadoria, or a canoe filled with goods, which presumably Chagas

(Table 6.3, Account II).

could resell at a profit to other rubber tappers. lO When Chagas refused to fall into

Unlike Juvenal, however, Ferreira did not pay. high interests, since he usually

what he considered a "trap", the patron called him a coward: "By the Virgin Mary:

paid for his purchases directly in rubber, and generally to socially close river traders:

are you afraid of bills?" Chagas played safe, but the patron was clever, as Chagas

77 kilos to Chico Farias (Chagas' brother), 40 kilos to Altevir Farias (another

admitted: "Nobody fools him. He never was fooled and never was marretado (Le.

brother of Chagas), 65 kilos to Magalhaes (Altevir's father-in-law), 53 kilos to

never lost money in a business deal)."

Furtado (patron of Dourado sub-e.state, within Restaura~ao), and 43 kilos to

Unlike Chagas, and like many tappers, old Ferreira (Chagas' neighbour and

Tim6teo, a river trader whose father was patron of the minor trade post of Riozinbo

stepfather) easily was satisfied with the vague notices of his account offered by the

(Table 5.9A). Had Ferreira not bought anything from the river traders, he would

trade post manager, such as: "Your bills with the river traders have already been

have to direct all his production to square away his account at the trade post. Buying

paid off ..." Or, to cut back on trade post supply advances, "Ferreira, your account is

from the river traders he obtained many small additional iteins.

getting a little heavy ..." When Ferreira asked to see his account, the book-keeper's

Taking a quick glance at the third house of the settlement, headed by Assis,

wife sought to appease him, saying: "Padrinho, you're not in too deep with the

one also finds aheavy debt as a proportion of the tot,al product. Assis produced 700

patron. You're in pretty good shape."l1

kgs. of rubber during the year, about half of what a young and strong tapper like

10. Though illiterate, Cha~as could propose and solve problems such as the
following. What is better: pay a bIll of 5,000 Cruzeiros to a river trader in rubber, at
the current rate of 800 Cruzeiros, or transfer it as a "trade post order", waiting for
rubber prices to reach 1,000 at the trade post, and then paymg 60% interest on the
11. Note that a tapper is the godfather (padrinho) to the trade-post's clerk's
wife. The clerk Gedeao first entered Restaura~ao in 1982 as a rubber tapper,

himself was capable of produ~ing, though no one could accuse Assis of not being a
hard worker. Alont!, ,vithout grown sons or hired hands, Assis tended one of the
largest manioc plots in the region and was proud of it. Of 700 kilograms of rubber
marrying a local woin~. He l~ter was r.ecruit~d by the patron as an accountant,
since he proved capable III readmg and ,anthmetIc.

produced, Assis bought goods worth 300 kgs. (a propOrtion similar to Ferreira) from

dozen bead of cattle ' (descended from a cow acquired by his first wife), thirty head

river traders, and after paying rent, the remaining amount of rubber proved insufficient

of swine, chickens and ,ducks. Chagas did not need to buy flour or meat (which he

to settle his account. Like Ferreira, his debt to the trade post added up to about the

would not find for sale anyway), and he had slaughtered an ox each year during the

. same amount he had spent on purchases from river traders, also with direct payments

last two years, whose meat he sold to tapper neighbours in exchange for rubber.
Note however that besides having sons able to work (although only part-

which avoided "interests".

The foregoing examples of three houses from a single settlement show both the

time), Chagas's rubber included that delivered to him by a client who worked a third

range of rubber productivity (500 to 1,000 kgs), the patron's account manipulation, and

~bber trail, th~s i~creasing his total volume of rubber production; and two also

the diversity of strategic responses on the part of the house heads. They also show how

grown-up girls lived as foster-daughters in his mother'S house, although Chagas

"debts" only have meanings as part of a different productive capacities and different

benefited from the settlement's working team including his stepfather Ferreira, his

purchasing strategies. Ferreira' s debt was high in relation to his productive capacity

brother Assis, and his client Juvenal, who lived in the forest a short distance away.

(55% over his current output), while Chagas' debt was low (9% over his current

By contrast, Ferreira, Chagas' stepfather, godfather and neighbour, was too old to

output), and thus Ferreira owed half of the following year's expected production, while

work efficiently as a rubber tapper and, following a stroke, had lost much of his

Chagas owed less than one tenth. At the same time, Chagas had by then purchased his

former hunting ability; his stepsons all were heads of their own houses and did not

basic needs for the next year (and had in fact accumulated over the year), while

have time to contribute much labour to their stepfather's unit; his wife also was old,

Ferreira's debt was inclined to grow even


unless he was to cut his consumption

drastically or increasing his production. 12

One obvious reason for differences between tapper house was the number of
house tappers. Chagas was a middle-aged house head, with two adolescent sons (from
a first marriage) and a young wife, his second, capable of undertaking the arduous
tasks of cultivation. He and his sons could thus exploit two rubber trails, cultivate

reasonable maize and manioc crops, as well as hunt - not to mention a

limiting herself to'household chores, leaving Ferreira alone to undertake cultivating

activities and to take care of two god-daughters, the Chagas' female children, "given"
to Feireira. Ferreira tried to attract hired tappers (empregados), young single men
of 17 or 18 years ,"old, but these were attracted precisely by houses whose total productivity might benefit them, but they showed little interest in supporting the

house of an old man like Ferreira.

Juvenal was a mature, adult tapper who lived on his own as a client, but there
were other cases of house heads with a full domestic group who remained the client

12. On the Born Jardim settlement, the record Nascimento's house had a net
debt a.t the end of 1983. B~t on that.year, Nascimento (1,800 kgs) bought a house in
Cru~lfO do SuI, along WIth a refngerator, a fan, a Jug and some chairs and in
preVIOUS y~s he had purchased a ~asoline engine, two Singer sewing machin~s, a gas
stove, flashlights, shotguns, a radlO and two Japanese watches. He Along with the
cattle he kept near the house, these were bonuses paid for by the labour of four adult
sons, as well as by Nascimento's own solid management, as he was one of the first to
buy his basic needs at urban prices wit.1 his "surplus rubber" (borracha de saldo). In

of another, thus avoiding dealing directly with the trade post. This was the case of
Ivan, a tapper who loved the forest and its game, and who was less interested in
larger agricultural or rubber production. He had planned to payoff his bills and
leave the estate by 1983, but he stayed on another year because he did not have the
"positive balance" he had expected.


In the foregoing analysis, we have assumed that the basic strategy adopted by
the trade post sought to maximise the total volume of rubber. In order to do this, the
trade post sought to maximise gross debts, subject to the productive capacity of each
house. This was achieved by increasing the volume of commodity advances (at a
given price that already included profits and costs), and then imposing an additional
mark-up over the capacity of the household to pay. Had this strategy been executed '
perfectly, two consequences would have resulted. First, the gross credit of the tapper
(result of rubber turned over and other transactions) would be canceled by the gross
debt (merchandise advanced), and thus all the tapper's rubber would be committed
to the trade post. This effect would increase the proportion of the total production
bought up by the 'trade post at monopoly prices (as "debt rubber"). This was a
monopoly effect. Second, rubber tappers would be encouraged to produce more
rubber as they received more merchandise. This second effect influenced the total
volume of production: it was an incentive effect. 13 Such a basic strategy, however,
could only work "on the average".


concerning debts on 'the Riozinho Estate, obtained from the



post. 14
It should be noted beforehand that the "rubber harvest" refers to the period

covering roughly April to January of the following year (hence, for example, the
"1983-84 harvest"). A "harvest", or the period of rubber extraction and production,
varies from house to house. Another useful preliminary observation is that final
balances are established beginriingin"February with fixed dates, which also vary
depending on each house's 'harvest end. Between the end of a harvest (that is, when
the rubber is "liquidated" and the accounts tallied) and the beginning of the next
(when, for accounting purposes, the net difference left over from the past year is
recorded as part of the "debt" or "credit" for the year to come), there is a lag of a few
months during which a house accumulates a growing debt, which may spread from
January to May. In other words, at the beginning of the harvest, a tapper's account
would include not only the net difference left over from the previous year, but also a
series of expenses from the inter-harvest period.
In the 1983-84 harvest on the Riozinho Estate data from 31 houses give a

The Distribution of Debts

volume of 150 kgs as the average net debt (Table 6.4). In order to estimate the total

Accounts included annual flows (gross debts and credits that grew at

production we look at the half-season output of 1983,- which


9,169 kgs for 28

different paces throughout the year), while the final balance was composed of a

cases (Table 6.4), which suggests an yearly product of around 18,338 kgs for 28

defined net quantity determined only at the end of the rubber harvest.

houses or 655 kgs/house/year. We thus estimate the average net debt as 23% over

Even the trade post faced the unpredictable nature of this process. Hence,

the yearly output. When we project these figures for the whole Riozinbo (assuming

the trade post adopted a global policy dealing with averages and totals, around
which houses were expected to oscillate between greater or lesser margins. By
quantifying the variables mentioned, these hypotheses can be checked with data
13. It should be noted that these effects of differential supplying would be
superfluous in systems with direct repression of the labour process or with an
abundant labour supply.

14. The data cover the 1982-83 harvest (balances of. Ja!1uary and February
1983, obtained at tappers' houses); the first half of 1983 (welghmgs of August 1983,
covering half of all houses); the 1983-84 harvest (balance~ from trade post books,
covering 70% of all houses). In these different sources, an~ In the same sources~ pa!t
of the data originally appears in money va.lues (~ruzerros, converted by me In
Dollars and Pounds Sterling) and part m kind (kilo~ra!llS .of rubber). There are
inconsistencies, ' but the data should be taken as mdlcatlOns. on the order ofma~nitude of debts (both global and average), as well as on the dIfferences between
indIvidual producers.


66 productive houses), we get a total output of 43,230 kgs (43 tons roughly), and a
total debt of 9,900 kgs (roughly 10 tons). These figures are within the order of
magnitude which would be expected on the basis of interviews.
Clearly, the distribution

, is biased for the debt side: 65 % of houses

sample had net debts, and the average among those with net debts was 273 kgs
(42% over the average output of 655 kgs/year), while the average among those 35%
houses which manage to strike net credits was only 73 kgs rubber (11% on the
average output). The data from this harvest show, however, a very high variation between individuals houses. Individual balances for 1982/83 ranged from net credits
worth 200 kgs rubber to net debts worth 898 kgs of rubber.
According to trade post balance sheets (obtained only in 1987) for 48 houses,
the average gross debt stood at the end of the 1982/83 harvest at 675,000 Cruzeiros
(US$675 or 452 at going exchange rates), while the average gross credit was
584,000 Cruzeiros (US$584 or 391); the average balance was thus a debt of 91,000
cruzeiros. At the rate of 500 cruzeiros to a kg rubber, this figure corresponds to 182
kgs rubber (compare with the figure of 150 kgs obtained on the basis of individual
accounts and interviews). Based on the trade post data (Table 6.5), we see also that
the gross credit (average over 48 houses) included 525,000 Cruzeiros in rubber
turned over (483 kgs. of rubber, without including rent) and 59,000 for credits of.

and the month of July 1983, resulting in the transfer of a debit of an average Of 399kgs. of rubber in July into the account. 15
In the trade-post books, the gross debt registered in July 1983 (incorporating
the net debt of the 1982-83 season and the inter-harvest debts) appeared as a single
item in the final gross debt of the 1983-84 harvest, which averaged 675 kgs. of
rubber. In other words, debts left over from 1982-83, along with additional
purchases made


July 1983, accounted for 59% of the final 1983-84 debt.

Once the tappers had turned over the rubber from the 1982-83 harvest, the average
final net debt remained at about 68 kgs.

It would appear as though the balance of February 1984 showed a smaller

average net debt than the balance of February 1983 (68 kgs. versus 150 kgs.). The
average product turned over to the trade post in 1983-84 was 483 kgs. to settle_
accounts and 66 kgs. for rent, or a total of 543 kgs. per house. Over this total, 66 kgs.
represent 12% (compare with 150 kgs

of debt for the previous year, over an

estimated total p:r:.oduction of 650 kgs on the average, or 23%)~

The moral of the story is that the average house maintained a constant net
debt ranging from 12% to 23% from one year to the next. There is reason to suggest
that this order of magnitude was a the result of a conscious policy on the part of the
trade post, which sought to guarantee a high profit return in spite of the variation

some other sort.

between individual house. In 1987, a former estate manager's (active from 1982 to
The same book .gives information on the accounts for the 1983/84 harvest.
The net debts left over from the 1982-83 harvest were incorporated into the gross
debit of the 1983-84 accounts, including inter-harvest expenses debited to accounts.

1984) observations begin by explaining how debts were transferred from one year to
the next as a consequence of the incongruity between periods of production and
periods of advance supply:

The 1982-83 negative balances were increased by the purchases made between the
liquidation of the previous harvest (sometime between January and March of 1983)
15. Note that for July 1983, .I converted .debts into money expre~sed in
quantities of rubber, using current pnces. In practice, t~e trade post used dIfferent
prices depending on individual arrangeII?-ents made With tappers. Therefore, the
figures in rubber must be seen as mere estimates.

Almost all the clients owe at the end of the tapping season and that debt
remains to be paid with the production from the following season, and then
comes another debt and so on. Like, for example, these debts left over from
83 will be paid off only in 85 with the production from 84. That's because one
year's accounts only are settled the other year in April or May.
In 1983, explaining the role of permanent indebtedness in the accounting

aggregate gross debt in money terms) as well as the total volume of rubber turned
over by the tappers of within each category (gross credit in money terms). We find
the trade post acting upon these macroscopic variables through the fixing of prices
for rubber and for merchandise (within the different classes of goods), increasing or
reducing the total volume of merchandise available at the post according to each
kind of good. In acting upon these variables, the trade post affected the total

system, the same manager had told me:

product turned over b,y tappers' houses. A global, statistical approach was enough to
I'll give you an example. It's not a real one, it is between you and me, it's just
to give you an idea. Suppose the merchandise is worth 20 million Cruzeiros.
At the end of the year, many rubber tappers do not settle their whole
account, and the rubber turned over doesn't reach 20 million ... But the
merchandise cost only five million. The patron is who sells it for 20 million.
So that's a lot to pay, even if the tappers stay in debt. Look, this merchandise
is bought in Sao Paulo. The price in Cruzeiro do SuI already covers
transportation, taxes, everything. It's already yielding profits. Then he tacks
on another eighty or a hundred percent to that price. That's how it is when it
gets here. Then we add on another twenty percent. So, when the client
complains we give him a fifteen percent discount, which still leaves us with
five percent over the price at which the merchandise arrived here. Then we
don't have any losses ... Even with the client in debt, 'he only owes in terms
of our price, but the rubber he turns over already is enough to pay for the

maintain profits and the average debt; it did not require a mechanical control of
invididual cases.
Excessively high profit taking (for example, much higher prices for "luxuries")could lead to a reduction in the amount of rubber turned over for these goods,
hence reducing global output; excessive profits in the "basic goods" sector could lead
to an increase in net debts without a corresponding increase in production - up to
the point where other control variables would step into action, such as the use of
physical violence to stifle river traders' activities or the seizure of tappers'
In other words, the same macroscopic state (for example, forty tons of rubber
distributed in 480 kgs. per account for advance purchases and 60 kgs. for rent) could
result from a great number of different microscopic conditions. On a hypothetical
rubber estate with two households, a macroscopic state characterised by an average
production of 600 kgs. of rubber could occur when house A produces 400 kgs. while-

the output of house B is 800; or when house A produces 800 kgs. and house B 400;
Average accounts included thus costs, profits at different points of the
mercantile hyerarchy, individual bargains and some tapper's refusal to settle their
entire bill, as well as an average debt.
On the Riozinho Estate, the average debt of about sixty-six houses
represented a macroscopic variable, as did the total volume of goods advanced (the

or when each house produces 600 kgs. and so on. Thus, the persistence of debts on
the average is consistent with the oscillation of individual houses between debts and
credits. Some macroscopic states allow for a great many micro-states to exist
(metaphorically, these states have high entropy), while other states do not permit
micro-state variations (low entropy). Hence, considering the hypothetical example

above, if the macroscopic state is characterised by an average production of 1,200

kgs., which, shall we say, also represents the maximum production, then orily one
microscopic state would be possible on this hypothetical rubber estate of houses A.
and B, where both houses produce exactly 1,200 kgs. of rubber. This macroscopic
state of maximum exploitation would permit a minimum of variation (it has low
entropy). Situations characterised by low entropy are unstable and the price to
maintain them involves a considerable degree of coercion and violence (which is
analogous to the maintenance of great differences in temperature, when it is
necessary to expend energy with refrigerators or heaters).
Within the context of the early 1980s, the Tejo River rubber tappers
operated under conditions marked by a relatively high degree of internal disorder.
This meant that the trade post could not predict the individual behaviour of each
household, nor could it obtains a theoretical maximum product _ on the other hand,
it proved able to predict average and total performances with confidence. The trade.
post advanced goods whose total nominal value was greater than the total
production expected (including 15% to offset costs with managers and employees).

Just as the political relations between patrons and rubber tappers have been
presented as a combination between violence and non-consensus legitimation in the
Chapter 5, in this chapter we have argued that the advance commodity trade is an
arena of dispute. However"it may appear as though I agree with a hypothesis
concerning the . "morality of patron-client relations", because I have argued that.
tappers accepted the principle of legitimacy with respect to the advance supply and
debt system. The term "debt fetishism" may be taken as a label for the idea that the
commodities in circulation become identified with the persons who receive them as
advances and who by extension would become the property of creditors (Taussig
1987:70). However, we have reiterated that "debt fetishism" is denied by the rubber
tappers who see themselves as autonomous agents. Therefore, we need to look more
on the notions of legitimacy and morality of exchange.
The terms of trade could be considered unfair by the tappers, even though
the existence of advances was viewed as legitimate. In conversations held at a

This level of exploitation allowed houses to react differently, as individual houses

ranged from "productive" to "unproductive" units. Most had debts that passed from
one year to the next, thus remaining tied to monopoly prices; even those house who
were not in debt were forced to assume debts at the beginning of the harvest; a few
accumulated resources to finance themselves and were then benefited by the
cummulative effect of non-monopoly prices.

distance from the trade post, it was common for tappers to entertain the notion that
the patrons cheated them - irrefutable evidence of this comes from the fact that.
many patrons turned rich simply buying and selling rubber, the only source of wealth
that could be converted into the merchandise that came from the distant world
"below", or downriver (cf. Allegretti 1979). But this should not affect the legitimacy
with regard to debts. A debt constituted the counterpart of an advance or credit.
Unavailable to tappers through public banks, credit was monopolised by the

Morality and Exploitation

patrons, which then constituted the single major source of long-term credit
I'm going to. tell Sebastiao that there is no patron here! Epaminondas, now.
there was a patron: he may have cheated, but he was a patron in times of
need (words of one of Chagas' brothers).

available, just as the lease-patrons afforded the only access possible to forest
resources. Rubber tappers were

', constrained by prevailing institutions who

concentrated both forest trails and credit in the hands of a few. But they were also

constrained to operate a demonetised economy at the fringes of the commodity

circulation, which included gift-giving, barter and monetary trade expressed in an
accounting rubber currency, and which could only operate on delayed credit on the
short, middle and long term (cf. Humphrey 1985). In order to clarify this, one must

which 'assumed ",the' formof bi-Iateral obligations: the patron was to continue
supplying tappers (eveQ in the in the case of illness or other disability) and to extend
debt payments over several years; the tapper remained committed to "paying off' his
debt sometime i.n the future.

demonstrate that patrons, river traders and local peddlers (actors in the forest trade
scene) may be distinguished by the nature of their stocks as well as by the different
terms of trade each adopted.

If indeed the content and terms of trade were different between these three

types, whether or not a moral difference existed remains to be seen. We argue first
that all three categories share a common core of ma~retagem, the act derived from

In the global forest economy, patrons, river traders and local peddlers were
complementary figures, occupying different commercial niches. Resident peddlers
("marreteiros") offered goods in the neighbourhood to tappers whose credit at the
trade post had been restricted, or when there were no river traders nearby, serving

the verb marretar which means to purchase with the intention of reselling for profit,
or "to cheat".16 This term applied especially to the small transactions of local
peddlers, involving bargaining and immediate profit turnover, but it also was used
by tappers when criticising patrons, who were supposed to be more than a simple

somewhat as forest "drugstores" accessible at any moment provided one had "cash
marreteiro - insofar, that is, as he fulfilled his obligation of extending long-term
rubber" to pay with; river traders sold low-weight "luxury" and "vice" goods in retail
and on short credit terms, lasting weeks or at the most months; patrons operated
with basic ("estiva") goods, such as salt, soap, fuel and ammunition, on a large scale
and with long credit terms of a year, but which could be transferred to subsequent

As we mentioned above; the marreteiro lived in the neighbourhood. Thus, he

was inevitably negl~cted to comply with extra-commercial obligations were based on _

kinship and neighbourhood. They sold on short terms, with visibly high profit rates;

years. In social terms, patrons, river traders and local peddlers could be found on a
but, as neighbours and relatives of their clients, they failed to offer services normally
scale ranging from distant to close: strangers living in town, acquaintances, or
neighbours and kin. On a temporal scale, they ranged from long-term to short-term
credit: annual debts that could be extended to several years; short-month terms, or
immediate payment. In material terms, they cover a scale ranging from large stocks
of basic articles to small stocks of superfluous items: from the "estiva" of work
implements and current consumer goods, to luxury articles, or liquor and odds-and-

associated with kinship positions. The superimposed functions of merchant and

relative cast the marreteiros in conflicting roles. In one case, a river trader stayed
over at a daughter's house along with his son, who had suffered an accident, in a
settlement where he often sold medicine at "river trader prices"; during his stay,
however, he had to ask neighbours for medicine, assuming the role of "relative".
Comments heard in the neighbouring houses were clearly negative. While in his role

ends. Finally, these three commercial types may be distinguished in terms of

obligations or responsibilities, which in fact is a consequence of the other
differences between them. For instance, the extended temporal dimension of
patron-tapper relations meant the continued supply and continued debt over time

16. The dictionary meaning is "to cheat". ~ccording ~o Miyazaki and On?, the
"term marreteiro is used to designate one who mterferes m ~n already-establ~shed
transaction (advances-debts), selling goods cheaply or bUyIng. th~m(M~xpen~vel~
breaking the existing harmony. It possesses a derogatory meanmg.
lyaza anOno: 366 and Santos 1989:53).

as marreteiro he would sell remedies for profit, he now did not seem ashamed of
asking for medicine in his role as "relative" (and thus would have to settle the
amount acquired in kind, following the tappers' ethic). Such ambiguity would not
arise had it involved a patron, precisely because he was not a relative and,
furthermore, would be expected to advance medicine as his part of the quasicontractual relations he had with the tappers (who would pay usurious prices).
For many rubber tappers, cash loans constituted the only situation in which
interest was acceptable. When one tapper demanded that another pay "interest"over the time his rubber was held over at the second tapper's house, union delegate
Chico Ginu determined, in a public meeting, that "rubber doesn't pay interest, only
money does." Once fixed in rubber values, debts extended from year to year could
not be altered. The confiscation of goods to payoff debts was illegitimate _ though
payment for them could be extended, tappers assumed that payment should not be
compounded by cumulative interest nor should .

have a deadline. This taci t

principle was respected within trade post accounting. In informal transactions

between tappers, I witnessed debts of over a year paid off in initial nominal values
(with no distinction made between inflation, "profits" or "interest"). 17 Thus, rubber
tappers' critical views on profits and exploitation applied both the marreteiros,
regatoes and patroes, although in each case the particular diagnostic of unfairness depended on the fulfilment or lack fulfilment of complementary obligations, such as

Many of the tappers"! knew reacted to being cheated in commerce, in a range

of ways which could include the use of the "weapons of the weak" (Scott 1985). As
an example of the latter, one tapper complained to me, as we drank



on our way home through the forest after making a purchase at the Riozinbo trade
post, of the amount of labour that would be necessary to square away that particular
bill at the prices charged, arguing that he at any rate would not pay the total amount
charged. In many


I heard tappers asserting that the patrons were

becoming simple marreteiros: that is, they only undertook marretagem, or the
middleman activities of buying to sell, and selling to buy. One tendency that
developed beginning in 1982, when the new patron implanted a system using three
different rubber prices, "the three price system", confirmed this feeling. This _

tendency was to intensify after 1985, when the next patron began to reduce the time
between purchases and payments and to collect debts on short notice, calling on the
police to seize tappers' possessions in cases of debtors who fell behind on their
payments - which provided the setting for police violence on the Riozinbo and

Restaura~ao estates and for the "strike" led by Chico Ginu, both in 1986. 19 The
same tappers who accepted, within certain limitations, the tacit contract involving
reciprocal obligations with patrons, also were capable of open rebellion when these
obligations clearly were violated. Precisely because there was a consensus around
the fact that patrons also grew rich from the labour of the rubber tappers, patrons

neighbourhood rules, or long-term credit. 18

no longer were considered patrons and only mere marreteiros when they refused to
offer transport to a client who had been bitten by a snake, or denied credit to a
17. This elementary problem created serious accounting problems for the
rubber tappers' cooperatlve, founded in 1989. By the accounts of the tappermanagers, patrons had "profit" margins of over 1,000% per year which they reduced
to 30% (the current inflation rate for one month being above 20%).
18. Priests would appear on the rubber estates only once a year, and were
identified with marreteiros (local traders) because they peddled not only the
sacraments, but also clothing and other products. By contrast, the venerated
"Brother Jose", a layman who wandered throughout the region and had become the

tapper of high ' productivity, or refused to supply goods over a long period, or
most revered "saint" of the Upper Jurua, developed a reputation for refusing to
touch money under any circumstances.
19. See Chapter 4. The "Alagoas Estate Rebellion", another document~d
example of rubber tapper revolt against the trade post, also ~as set off by c~anges III
rubber and commodIty price policies, which also accomparued a change III patron
(Allegretti 1979).


charged progressive interest, or seized goods in order to settle outstanding debts.

the equivalence of labour-values between independent household heads; in other

There then would be no reason for rubber tappers to pay for their own long-term

words, goods and services 'were exchanged using labour-time as a measure - child-


days were converted into adult-days, rubber-days converted into flour-days, and so



critical posture towards cheating in trade (which was vaguely _

on. Finally, in the commercial sphere, the agents essentially were unequal parts

associated with the concept of profit) naturally belongs to the age-old tradition

(patrons, river traders and the "social outsiders" who were the marreteiros), and the

according to which the accumulation of wealth was considered an objective that was

goods were merchandise introduced by social outsiders and produced by the tappers

incompatible with the continued reproduction of the good, a tradition which goes

(rubber); the underlyiI?-g ideology was that of marretagem - the notion that someone

back at least to Aristotle (Aristotle, Politics, 1,8 and Nicomachean Ethics, V,3; Marx

gained at the expense of another, a zero-sum game.

n.d. [1987]:152; Parry & Bloch 1989:4; Gudeman & Rivera 1990). One explanation

The gift exchange code, or language, regulated relations within units of

for the form this view assumed among rubber tappers is that different spheres of

cooperative action and consumption, which were the extended houses or macro-

circulation coexisted on the rubber estate, which may be grouped as trade (trade

houses of the hinterland settlements. The labour-value code was employed to gauge

post, river traders, local peddlers), barter (between houses independent from one

transactions between tappers of independent houses, and was equated to the

another) and the exchange of gifts (between houses within a single interconnected

tappers' product, rubber. Exchange between rubber tappers (producers of wealth)

settlement). These different spheres of circulation were not coterminous, and had

and patrons were not expressed in either of these codes. How could one establish

different uses.

the labour-value 'Of a gasoline engine imported from Philadelphia, or of a Seiko

Within the sphere of gift exchanges, the agents were co-habit ants of a

watch from the free-trade zone of Manaus, against rubber? How can one speak of

hinterland settlement who also maintained a game meat relationship, in which fixed

"kinship" or neighbourhood relations with a patron who lived in an urban palace,

portions of any slain game animal (though sometimes including fish or other articles

where it was inconceivable that a rubber tapper be received and given food, as was

collected) were transferred to neighbours: a side, a rear quarter, a front quarter, etc.

the custom of the forest?20 In these cases, the appropriate code was that of_

The reciprocal notion of bestowing neighbours with game meat was associated with

marretagem _ a Commodity/Rubber/Commodity circuit, where an initial stock of

the mystical danger of the panema, or bad luck that might strike a hunter as a

merchandise generated merchandise of greater value ("I won't sell an object if I

consequence of the inappropriate consumption of meat by women of the receiving

can't buy another one!", in the words of one marreteiro).

house: in sum, this regime was marked by the dangers of excessive proximity

Exactly how great is the difference between "another object" M' and the

(Galvao 1951 and 1976; see also Chapter 7, 8). In the barter sphere, agents were

previous one M? The marretagem ideal does not determine how much. The trader's

house heads from neighbouring settlements, and the items exchanged were either

own cleverness and ability establish this difference within bounds given by the

the products of labour (flour, rubber, baskets, manioc) or labour itself (days offered

20. Even. tappers. ~ho. we~e blood relatives of the patron did not have any
intimacy or "SOCial kinshIp With hIm.

by children or adults to execute specific tasks); the rule of exchange was based on


market (prices heard on the radio) or barter practices. There may be a minimum .
[1966]:471). It is obvious, for example, that a 1or d wh0 t akes the wives of 'his

and maximum profit for these traders, but the exact point depends on the agents'
subjects, who steals their food and who does not preserve peace is an exploiter. In
personal qualities and is not determined a priori. Distribution in this competitive
attempting to improve upon Moore Jr.'s formulation, James Scott fleshes out the
arena is determined post facto by the relative force of the agents involved, by the
idea that there is a "subsistence ethic", which is obvious to peasants: "a right to
capacity to bargain and by resistance. Therefore, in essence the marretagem trade
subsistence ... forms the standard against which claims to the surplus by landlords.
theory differs from a deterministic theory of exploitation - according to which the
surplus value rate is fixed by a minimum of subsistence consumption. 21

and the state are evaluated" (Scott 1976:7). There is much to say in favour of these
ideas in the case of peasants, who have weathered famines and natural catastrophes,

This conclusion leads to another problem. If there is a line between tappers'

gains and patrons' profits, which is not determined in economic terms but by the
post-facto correlation of political forces, then why are profits considered abusive
after a certain point? In a preliminary treatment of this problem, let us consider a
profit margin eman,ating from exchange relations and reproduced from year to year ..
A sudden increase in that margin will be perceived as abusive. This first answer
assumes that tappers react to changes in the degree of exploitation. Hence, there
would be no need to measure exploitation in absolute terms _ in order to recognise
exploitation, one only needs to perceive a change for the worse, which has to be
'attributed exclusively to the exchange relations between patron and rubber tapper.
In this respect, even tappers who had sided with the patrons began to recognise as
exploitative the transition that occurred between 1983 and 1984 on the rubber
estates: "He who had two shirts now will have only one."
Barrington Moore Jr., in a proposition also discussed by James Scott, has
suggested that there is an objective limit from where the relations between peasants
and lords can be identified as exploitation. Here, "objectivity" means a social
consensus regarding the acceptability of the state of things (Moore Jr. 1974

and who may be treated as "averse to risk", but this focus distorts the situation of
rubber tappers that I have known. Tappers did not seem to adopt an "image of
limited good" when wealth derived from their own labour - which is consistent with
their folk "labour-value theory" in rubber and manioc flour regimes. Though tappers
made pacts with the "rubber tree mother" (and not with the devil) to increase
productivity, and could use analogous pacts with "mothers of game", thus increasing
hunting "happiness" or luck, these pacts were not used to criticise hard-working

(Taussig 1987) or a an idiom to criticise illegitimate profit-making. Nor did I

perceive "thriftiness" (cf. Gudeman & Rivera 1990): on the contrary, a category of.
tappers seemed to have a Dionysian urge to acquire goods and novelties, not unlike
that described among certain indigenous groups (Hugh-Jones 1989), which urge was
compatible with the notion that incurring on high debts was a proof of "courage" in a
high-productivity tapper.
To be deprived of powdered milk (imported from Holland), of a shirt
(introduced from Sao Paulo), of a Seiko watch (from Japan) or of a gasoline engine
(imported from the V.S.), and to be deprived of health services ,and education
(attributed to patrons' greed and not to natural factors) are more significant as

21. That this theory comes from Marx is debatable. Marx said once that "The
matter resolves itself into a question of the respective powers of the combatants"
(1950(1898):401-402). The pomt is taken e.g. by William Baumol (1979:ix) but see
Morishima & Catephores on the same (1978:106).

evidence of greater exploitation than to be deprived of manioc or meat, in an

economy where manioc is produced at low risk ,and never is supplied by patrons.

While in this economy the relative abundance of manioc depends on the personal effort
exp1oitation hypothesis: the rules for leaving the game must be specified. If, for
of the producer and the availability of game meat depends in part on mystic factors, in

example, the rules det~rmine that the tappers "take the forest with them" in leaving_

the rubber tappers opinion shortages of imported goods (whether consumer goods or

the rent-patrons' game (in the case of agrarian reform), and all the tappers
articles used in production) clearly were linked to the traders' greed. Given this
obviously become better off (because they cease paying rent) and the only ones
perspective, an assessment of changes in the level of 'exploitation carries much more
worse off are the patrons, then this suggests that the prior situation was one of
weight than a fixed idea of !'subsistence". While not involving a drop below the
exploitation (of a feudal sort), which only was sustained by the monopoly control
"subsistence level", since only part of the tappers effectively could acquire "luxuries"
over the forest by the patrons, as a consequence of political dominance. Hence, this
that might be substituted by cheap local products, the loss of access to canned butter for
exploitation was based on the monopolistic appropriation of the forest. However, if
women following childbirth, or to Dutch powdered milk for small children, or to
the rent patrons had provided services that the tappers could not execute without
ground coffee from Sao Paulo for workers represented real deprivation. These changes
them (for example, the conservation of trails), then the tappers situation after the
reduced the economy's entropy, that is, they limited the degree of dispersion in the
individual houses' patterns.

expulsion presumably would have worsened, and the prior situation could not be
considered one of exploitation in Roemer's terms.

These ideas bear some relation to economist John Roemer's exploitation .

hypothesis, which proposes that we adopt the possibility of distributive changes in
society as a criterion for the existence of exploitation (Roemer 1982: 194 f). Roemer
identifies persons belonging to a coalition S (for example, tappers of a rubber estate) as
being exploited by group S' (persons outside of the coalition, such as the patrons and
managers), when three conditions are satisfied: (1) "There is an alternative, which we
may conceive of as hypothetically feasible, in which [the coalition] S would be better
off than in its present situation;" (2) "Under this alternative, the complement to S, the
coalition N - S

S', would be worse off than at present;" and (3) "S' is in a

r~lationship of dominance

to S" (Roemer 1982: 194-5). Therefore, what defines the

exploitation of a coalition of rubber tappers on an estate is the possibility that they may
abandon the game (say, by expelling the patron), improving their own lot (and not
making it worse for any of the coalition's components), while the only ones worse off
would be those outside the coalition (patrons and managers, in this case). There is a

If the tappers' coalition "takes the trade post" when withdrawing from the

game, which means access to financial credits, and all the tappers become better off

(because they no longer have to pay abusive interest and monopoly prices) and the
only ones worse off are the patron-traders, this means the prior situation was one of
exploitation (moved by usury capital). This exploitation was based on the
monopolistic appropriation of access to credit, guaranteed by the patron-traders'
political dominance. It should be noted that the existence or absence of exploitation
depends on the capacity of exploited groups to organise themselves: in the rubber
estate example, even eliminating monopoly barriers, the rubber tappers still must
overcome problems of communication, organisation and leadership, which
accompany the difficulties involved in distributing goods throughout the forest
(transport, storage and distribution). Analogous to the hypothetical situation
described in the previous note, if patron-traders had offered services of
communication and articulation that could not be substituted, the tappers would be

subtle aspect to Roemer's

worse off without the patrons, and there would be no exploitation in Roemer's



terms. It is worth mentioning here that the cooperative constitutes a solution for
Chapter 7

taking over the economies of scale formerly controlled by the trade post.


In this chapter, we have described the trade strategy of patrons, which tended

As employed here, the concept of house refers to a unit formed by a group of

to maintain a stable commercial monopoly over the rubber tappers, based on the '
maintenance of average debts that also were stable over time. At the same time, we

persons;to a material heritage which includes a residence and its possessions; to a

have endeavoured to show that the existence of average debts and high profit

territory of natural resources; and to a repertoire of knowledge and routines that

margins was compatible with the existence of individual variations between rubber

inform people's actions over nature with the intention of reproducing a good life.

tappers, emphasising the economic mobility of some tappers and the relative

Thus defined, the house is a discrete unit of technical action that comprises a group

autonomy of individual tapper houses. In other words, the commercial exploitation

of persons (who), a territory (where), material objects (what), technical procedures

of individual producers (or houses) is consistent with a model of several houses with

(how) and forms (what).1

internal differences as a result of demographic variables (as in models similar to

It is also a unit of social action, which establishes relations with the external

Chayanov's). On the other hand, we have suggested that the possibility of variation

world at given points in time .and is reproduced over time. As a unit of economic

between houses and particularly the accumulation on the part of a minority of

decision-making, of natural resource management and of distribution of labour and

houses show that the profit margins of the trade post were not the maximum

consumption, each house is represented by its head, who also exercises the function

possible. There was a conflict between the patrons' accumulation, on the one hand , .

of deciding over the use of material objects, of labour, and of natural resources, as

and the freedom of houses to establish their own economic strategies, on the other.

well as over which technical procedures are to be adopted. The head also answers
for the house hi social interaction, commerce, alliances and conflicts. It is he who'
keeps an account at the trade post and who pays rent for the use of rubber trails; in

1. Here, the "house" (casa) corresponds to the Greek oikos and the "house
head" to an oeconomicus, or "estate manager" (Xenophon 1990: 271; Aristotle 1977,
1977a; Descola 1987; Almeida 1988; Gudeman and Rivera 1990). It should not be
confused with the sljghtly more specific uses whereby a "house"or "maison" refers to
a kinship group defined by "claims on a particular estate" and perpetuated through
cognates or adopted heirs (Uvi-Strauss 1979; Goody 1990:469), or with the notion
of a household or a domestic group (Netting, Wilk and Arnould 1984). The use of
"house" as a translation for casa in the sense defined above should also preserve the
association of cas a in current Portuguese with a physical building (extended here to
a territory and its resources), a household ("family") and a home (Portuguese lar, a
domestic fire or, more generally, a set of technical activities involving a
household)(See Pina CabraI1991:128ff).


principle, he also decides when to torch forest clearings for cultivation, how many

, 'the individual-fantily'." Furthe'rmore, at the local level, the basic ecological character

trails are to be tapped and when to sell an ox. The house group is composed of

. 'III th e fac t th at "e ach environment affords a
of the extractive economy

relatives, children, godchildren and domestic hired help. These people have their

resource for trade purposes which could best be exploited by individual families

own interests, which may come into conflict with the house head's orientation; for

controlling these products within delimited territories." The "gradual shift from a

example, individuals may have personal rights over part of the house's property

subsistence economy to dependence upon trade is evidently irreversible," and "the

(such as head of cattle or of other livestock, personal objects, etc.); and there are

culmination point may be said to have been reached when the amount of activity

cases when the house head is a woman or even another relative who exercises a
considerable degree of power over house decisions. The incorporation of members

devoted to pruduction, for trade grows to such an extent that it interferes with the
and makes their
aboriginal subsistence cycle and associated social organization

into the house group (household) occurs mainly through marriage, adoption, fictive

continuance impossible" (Steward and Murphy 1977 [1956]:52).

kinship and friendship, and not on the basis of contracts.

Houses are production units involving various labour processes, reproductive

Steward and Murphy's hypothesis, which was formulated around the case of
the Mundurucu Indians who had become rubber collectors, might explain why

even when spatially discontinuous and accommodating persons who do not eat

rubber tappers did not form villages, rather becoming spatially distributed in
isolated family units through6utthe forest. This would have to do with the

under the same roof. On the other hand, houses have an ethical orientation, in that

maximisation of extraction returns; Such dispersion means more than simply low

the house is oriented towards its members' welfare, and decisions should ideally be

demographic den; ity, which can be compatible with the existence of an elaborate

weighed with the criteria of justice, equality and sensibility, to which in principle

social organization '(say, ten houses grouped together in a central clearing, exploring-

considerations such as efficiency in bargaining or profit-taking should be

a territory of thirty square kilometres). Here it is a question of reducing sociability

subordinated. 2

to the level of the "family", expressed physically in the isolation of individual units

units involving family relations, and consumption units with a common budget -

Julian Steward and Robert Murphy have written that extractive economies,

(let us say, ten isolated houses exploring three square kilometres each). It would be

exemplified by fur collectors and rubber tappers, are characterized by "an almost

a case of social entropy, so to speak. Extractive economies connected to trade posts

complete economic dependence upon trade goods which were exchanged for certain

would lead to an increase in entropy with regard to spatial organization and social

local produce", in combination with the "functional nature of local production,"

life. Families would represent the highest form of social integration at the local

whieh "led to reduCtion of the local level of integration from the band or village to-

level. Trade would integrate these sociologically minimal units at a higher level,
through visits punctuated in time and involving clients distant in space. The world

2. Houses are not classified according to a distinction between "subsistence"

and "market" economies, nor are we identitying them to a "pre-capitalist mode of
production" in opposition to a "caritalist mode of productlDn". Within capitalist
societies, different types of technica units co-exist, such as firms, houses and public
enterprises (cf. Gudeman and Rivera 1990 on the first two types).

market therefore would provide the only real social articulation of these houses

from without -- truly specialized in the techniques of commercial extraction.3 A

confirmation of such an image would be provided by the existence of a vertical

'. to th e un ders t an ding of their continuity

organization of forest peasants are essentIal
both under the pat;on-trader regime and without them.

political system associated to ritual kinship, paternalism and dependence.

In the preceding chapters, part of this confirmation

was gIven, In
the sense that we described a vertical, fractal-like commercial hierarchy whereby

House Members '

In the definition of the house, the concept 0 f f allll"ly is not included. The

forest houses are linked to national urban markets through the trade posts. But

domestic group or household which is part of the definition might not compose a

there is no confirmation of ritual kinship including patrons of and generalized

family as such, 'nuclear' or not (a forest house might be made up of a group of

patronage over atomized families. What we find, therefore, is not a patron-client

brothers, fnends,
a man an d h"IS h"ne d help) " Instead , our definition focuses on the

system but rather

amercantile system, marked by quasi-contracts of a commercial -

" H owever, most members of a house in

labour process that involves houses as a urnt.

nature between patron-traders and houses, partially legitimized by rules which were

fact form a group of relatives, and these relations provide the principal language

subject however to dissent, and essentially based on a combination of violence and


used in the organization of labour processes, as described in the chapters to come.

The individuals who make up the house head's reI"
atlves may be seen as a stock of

Instead of rubber tappers, we face forest peasants organized in houses. Such

men and women who are of working age, of growing boys and girls who work part-_

houses are not however isolated atoms. They are found in groups using the

time' and of children and aged
persons of both sexes. 0 v e
r , therefore , a house


or settlement areas. This chapter shows how the articulated groups of

grows and mo d"f"
lies 1"tS
, insofar as new children ,are born, old peop e

coloca~6es, and these into

expire, while other--.. members come and go. In sort,
1 e h 0 uses may be described

houses extend into "macro-houses" to occupy and use the

macro-house networks, which are related through common social activities and
share a moral identity, constituting thereby systems which are not isomorphous


., .

as stocks of people at a point of time, they also may be COnsld ere d as flows .4
Focusing on the population of Riozinho Estate, part of Restaura~ao Estate,

within the larger and smaller rubber estates. Rather, they constitute horizontal,

" .'
this chapter describes both the internal orgarnzatIOn


houses as well as the

flexible social structures, which overlap across the estates' boundaries, and although-

articulation between them. At the end of 1982, a popUlation survey revealed a total

subject to fragmentation and change, are real enough (Cf. Tanner 1979; Morris

of 370 persons distributed among 68 houses on Riozinho (Table 7.1). This total

1982: 163ft). These supra-atomic, so to speak molecular features of the social

included 109 men and 95 women (this classification covered residents aged ten and
up), along with 90 boys and 88 girls. Eight men appeared as resident hirelings. One

3. To use Hegelian/Lukacsian terms, tappers and trappers would thus exist

only "in themselves", but not "for themselves". Instead, they would only exist "for
others", i.e., the mercantile capitalism represented by trade posts and patrons"
Allegretti (1989) associates the vertical structure of the rubber estates with the
impossibility of autonomous politically-articulated social movements (absence of
groups of a critical size, and of horizontal communication), while others suggest as
reasons for the same Supposed "phenomenon" the paternalistic character of extrahouse social relations (Geffray 1991).

of the houses was that of the Riozinho patron.

ff) and Gudeman

4. On stocks and flows, see Georgescu-R oegen (1971219
and Rivera (1990).

The number of "men" defined as above corresponds approximately to the use
of the term "faca" (knife), used to denote the real or potential number of tappers in
each house. Thus, when the Riozinho patron composed an informal list of "facas", he
counted 100 "facas" for 63 houses, or an average of 1.6 cutters per house, which is
the ratio found ~n t~e demographic survey data (Table 7.1, first column 1).
Though in the under-ten category the number of boys and girls was roughly
equal, shortly later the number of females would fall off in relation to males (7.1).
The greater proportion of men among the adult population may be explained by the
fact that Riozinho attracted male rubber tappers. S In effect, besides the eight house
hirelings in the popUlation, there were houses composed only of men. For example,
one house was headed by a man who lived near the Tejo River and rented a series

and with his surplus production moved to Cruzeiro do SuI. There he kept a manioc
plot outside of town, sold bananas to the urban population, and sent his young son
to work seasonally as a tapper at Riozinho. Therefore, in such cases the ostensibly
specialized male labour in effect contributed to houses located outside the estate. In
1982 and 1983, the patron's recruitment strategy was responsible for the attraction
of male work groups, that is three groups without relatives on the estate, since they
had permanent


in town, but in none of these cases such tappers were

employed by the trade post. By 1984, part of these groups had constituted their own
houses within the estate, developing domestic economies. 6 After all, the status of
speCialized worker -was not at all a stable one. All things considered, then, we may _
assert that the popUlation of Riozinho belonged either to local houses (structured

of rubber trails on Riozinho Estate (hinterland area), where he conducted seasonal

around "relatives") or to extra-local houses.
labour along with his sons, while his wife, daughters and small children remained
along the Tejo tending manioc crops and making flour. Since the natural resources
and the members of a house might be geographically discontinuous, what appeared
to be an isolated settlement in the Riozinho hinterland could be in fact a specialized
outpost (with more men than women), of a diversified house having its
headquarters, as it were, at the Tejo banks.

The so-called "employees", in Riozinho, were hired by houses. They resided

in the houses and worked as part of the labour crews. alongside the other males,
including cultivation and hunting activities. When they were sharecroppers, they
received a percentage of the final product in rubber from the house head; in other
cases they worked for a "wage", which was set and paid at the end of the year, in
kilograms of rubber or in goods, but nonetheless benefited from the food and

In other three cases, groups of brothers (or of a father and sons) worked on
the rubber estate while having another residence in town. In another case, a house
head residing at the mouth of the Riozinho kept an unmarried son working at a
married son's house: here, one brother was a house head himself, while the other

laundry services offered by house women. In some cases, their "luxury" or

superfluous expenses (such as perfume or hair oil) were deducted from their final
pay: One reason why a young man could seek this sort of employment is that some '
young single men did not have relatives' houses nearby and wanted to quit their

worked to help support their father's house. Chagas Farias, left the estate in 1987
5. Anot.her re?son is the fact that women marry at younger ages than men:
the age of ~onslder~d acc~p~able (abducti<:n of 13 to 14 year old women was
popular on RlOzlnhO), whIle 16 IS Ideal for marnage. In contrast men married after
reaching 18. Thus, new houses were formed with the early exodus of women from
their parents' houses, often marrying men from outside the estate. Therefore on the
average, families with children over age 10 had less females than males.

6 Of these two house heads ended up abandoning the



concludi~g that the ~ost of food (which they did not pro~uce) absorbed theIr surplus

rubber production. A third, with two sons, developed mto two other local houses
after the two were married.

parent's house before marriage. These "employees" all were 17 or 18 years old in
Riozinho. 7


with an incomplete formation, reaching its apogee as a completed house, and

declining to a once again incomplete state. It also might recruit new members (as

Internal House Organization

Most of the members of a house constitute a kin group (Table 7.4). Kin

foster-children, single siblings, or employees), or remarrying at any point in the

cycle, to the point where it becomes impossible to deduce either its SIze or

groups include individuals who are related as parents and children, brothers and

productive potential by its age alone .

In theory, a house needed to have an authority, but this did not mean

sisters, or relations growing out of these sets. Eighty-eight percent of 60 households

in Riozinho included such, some with resident hired help. No residence contained

harmony always was preserved. Intra-domestic conflicts were especially common in'

more than one head, that is to say, a rent-payer ou account holder . .

houses recomposed through second marriages. One reason is that children might

A house has its. origins in the construction of a new residence by a 'couple. A

new home could be located in the husband's father's neighbourhood, or near the

dispute the property accumulated by the first house - as in the case of a dispute over
the offspring of a cow that had been raised by a mother who died.

house of his wife's father, or near the homes of his or her brothers or sisters. A

Some houses were female-headed, as those of widows with children, or of

recently-formed house might fill up rapidly with the head's adult unmarried

women whose husbands were disabled .. Three female-headed houses were recorded

?rothers, who on that occasion leave their father's house. Later, these brothers will

in the 1983 population survey (the 1982 census provided the base for numbers cited

form their own houses, while the first house itself expands with the arrival of sons

, above, though detailed information was available for only 60 of a total 68 houses).

and daughters. When these children arrive at working age, the house reaches its

Two houses were run by the widows Isaura and her daughter Nazare, living on the

maximum potential for producing rubber, foodstuffs and game. Older houses lose


their adult sons and in many cases lose one of the head couple as well. These houses

two houses, Isaura's sons and married daughters also lived in the neighbourhood.

frequently are recomposed through the incorporation of new couples and relatives

They did not pay rent (since they considered charging rent to a woman abusive) but-

(grandchildren, nephews, stepchildren) who are adopted as sons and daughters.

they had their own manioc .crops, and Nazare had a rubber trail, which was tapped

Only in rare cases, old women, incapable of working and without a husband, become

by her sons. Soledade, a single woman with several male children, headed the third

dep~ndents at their relative's house (though I did not see any cases of older men

house, where the boys all produced rubber in small amounts (in her smoke-house,

living with a son or son-in-law). Apparently, older men often can find new wives,
and these houses, in turn, become technically viable when they manage to recruit

Soledade had several quantities of rubber in sizes corresponding to the ages of her

~oys and girls as f~ster children. In sum, a house may experience a cycle beginning


the most densely populated settlement on Riozinho: besides these

The importance of having a house full of different people resides in the fact
that the house's productive structure requires not only adult male rubber tappers,

7. Domestic employees (empregados) should not be mistaken for clients

(fregueses) of other forest houses (outlined in the previous chapter) whl'ch h d th .
own houses.

but also cultivators (adults and children of both sexes who clear gardens), hunters
(adult males and boys), crop-tenders and housekeepers (women and girls). In terms

of the people who make up its composition, a house is a technical unit whose

common territory by diferent houses was attenuated when a macro-house (a set of

heterogeneity stands as an advantage and not a loss. A child might serve as a

closely linked houses, .often with a leadership) explored as a whole a single

specialist in raising ducks - one of many features of the domestic economy, with its

settlement, or part of it. 8 Macro-houses can also act as a unit of consumption or of

own peculiar technical problems (ducks spend most of the time in streams, facing

technical cooperation, as well as figuring as a "moral" unit under the leadership of-

the danger of flash floods; they lay eggs at the edge of the forest, etc.). One idea

an older house. Macro-houses are social groups of a size appropriate for the

behind the house is that a group composed of men, women, boys and girls must

exploitation of resource territories: typically, the colocas;ao of the rubber estate.

remain economically feasible over a period when people are born, die, and change

Composed of anywhere from one to five individual houses (Table 7.5),

status, as boys become men and girls turn into women. This, incidentally, provides

macro-houses form technical units for hunting, for making flour from manioc, for

an explanation for the high proportion of idle trails. Since each house is a process

clearing forest areas in preparing agricultural plots, and for torching these same

with a temporal dimension, idle trails guaranteed a stock of resources capable of

areas, and they are physically neighbour houses. The individual house heads of a

employing a groWing number of facas.

macro-house (for example, a father and his two sons, each with their independent
houses) may act as a team, each commanding the production of his own unit. A

Colocas;6es (Settlements) and Macro-houses

Each colocas:ao territory may be imagined as a more or less circular area of
forest, explored by a set of houses (Table 7.3). The


territory is marked by

a well defined number of rubber trails radiating from a central clearing. There are
no physical boundaries separating colocas;6es, but the areas crossed by rubber trails

macro-house does not need to have a head, though it might have leadership.
Observe that the set of houses that uses a settlement does not coincide necessarily
with what I call a macro-house. Houses claim rights over parts of a settlement (on the basis of renting trails in that settlement) and manage them, but houses could
either enter a settlement being ' recruited by the trade-post, or through direct

starting from a single clearing are considered part of a single settlement. In 1982,
there were 26 of these settlements in Riozinho, within an area of approximately

recruitment by a existing house.

Thus, the internal composition of settlements included the cases a single

23,000 hectares (Table 7.2, 7.2a). Therefore, each settlement held an average of
macro-house, of one macro-house and one or two additional houses, and of
around 850 hectares of area (8.85 sq km), and an average of 2.79 houses, so each
settlements with one or two isolated houses (Table 7.5). Note that the average
house accounted for an average of 338 hectares (3.38 sq km). The general
number of houses in those settlements with a single macro-house was 3.13, rising to
gopulation density stood therefore at 1.7 persons per square kilometre in the
3.71 in those settlements with one macro-house plus isolated houses, and to 4 in the
Riozinbo (Table 7a).
In the Riozinho, leaving aside one empty settlement, the number of houses in
settlements ranged from one to five (Table 7.3). These cases usually led to a
situation of potential conflict. ' The potential conflict involved in the use of a

8. We adopt a narrow, definition for the "m~cro-house" as a set of houses in ,a

same settlement linked by filial/affinal relatIOns 3Ego/son, Ego/d~mghter s
husband, Ego/wife's son, Ego/wife's daughter's husband, or ~rater~~l/affinal ones
(Ego/brother Ego/sister's husband, Ego/wife's brother. ThIS deflrutIOn e~cludes_
the sets of ho~ses hnked by contracted kinship ("fictive kirlship"), although this does
change significantly the number of "macro-houses".


case of two macro-houses. The settlements with one or two "isolated" houses (with

forest peasant's house or macro-house in the upper Jurua. Forest houses and macro- _

an 1.3 houses per settlement) might have been abandoned recently, altough not

houses were not a vehicle for land property.9 This is one of the reasons for the

necessarily so (Table 7.5). These figures suggest a cycle of settlement expansion,

emphasis given here to their role as units in the labour processes, while they

. fission and abandonment.

apropriate territories only in an impermanent basis. The minimal corporateness of a

Note that the case of two separate macro-houses sharing a single settlement

house (macro-house) resides thus in the set of persons which as a whole make up a

6% of the total number of houses and one single settlement), and in

viable labour unit, .endowed with the necessary knowledge, sharing a movable

such a case a settlements might go through a process of gradual fragmentation, as

equipment and being ~ble to explore territories in an impermanent basis. As will be

two sub-groups . of -houses become increasingly separate in the forest, no longer _

seen later, this corporateness includes also a mystical component more apparent in

occupying a single continuous clearing. A distinct forest clearing, often set up as an

the consumption of game.

was rare (

advance post of a settlement, may themselves become a separate



its own denomination.

But the problem of social organization of a settlement's use was not as

simple as keeping the absolute number of houses at a manageable level, but also

Houses (and macro-houses) easily moved on from one settlement to another,

that of defining leadership. This argument may draw support in the following_

a frequent outcome of conflicts between neighbours, a typical reason being the

negative example. In 1982, two neighbouring (and unconnected) at the same

invasion by pigs over a neighbour's manioc garden, panema accusations, or quarrel

settlement were about to establish an alliance through the marriage of one family's

between wives. Other reasons for moving could be the temporary exhaustion of local

son to the daughter of another. The couple was expected to remain on the

resources, was when a group of houses decided to look for a better environment

coloca~ao, but if this had been carried through, it would be the only case of a new

more rich in game, rubber patches or agricultural areas, often within a short

house pledging loyalty to two older houses at a single settlement: that of the groom's

distance of the first one -- a decision which again might be influenced by the existing

parents and that of his bride's. In the upshot, the marriage did not take place:

pressure over trails _and hunting areas.

instead, each of the engaged persons married someone from outside the settlement

From year to year the distribution of houses was reshuffled (Table 7.9), and

(the young woman wedded virilocally on another coloca~ao, while the man married

as a consequence of both social and ecological sources for spatial mobility, a

neo-Iocally, moving to his brother-in-Iaw's settlement). Later, as the two older


houses became distant from one another in spatial terms, the settlement split in two.

could be vacant, while others could crowded with as many as five houses

as an old macro-house. But these were transitory situations, since settlements went

Obviously, the problem with the proposed marriage lay in that the new house would _

through phases of abandon, reoccupation, growth, and abandon once more. This
was possible both because of a low overall density, and because under the patronproperty regime no permanent titles tied up a settlement territory to a given house
or macro-house. There was no land patrimony permanently associated with the

9. In contrast, the Xapuri rubber areas without pa!rot;l-!raders developed .a

notion of private negotiable titles to settlements, held by md1VIdual houses. In thIS
cases the inhabitantes of a given settlement may be made up of "e.mployees" and
share'croppers vis-a-vis an absent "owner of the settlement", or constitute a "macrohouse" who also holds permanent land titles.

be subordinated to two separate authorities (of the father and the father-rn-law)

marriage. Under this last strategy, neo-Iocal marriages carry with them the original

within a single work space. This would be inconsistent with the political aspect of a

fraternal cohorts of the .couple (or at least part of them): therefore, these marriages

macro-house. In short, while marriages can be either uxorilocal or virilocal, they

allow new houses to emerge free of paternal authority (or that of fathers-in-law),

cannot be both at the same time.

while at the same time preserve technical and emotional cooperation sets of the

We look further at two different kinds of macro-house structure. Macro- .

same age cohort. In this type of allied macro-house, ideological emphasis is placed

houses with father/son(s) or father/sons-in-Iaw compositions were the most

on reinforced consanguinity. These marriages are important to women, since they

frequent and also were ''big'', followed by macro-houses of heads related as brothers

become subject to the authority and frequent violence of husbands when they marry

or brothers-in-law (Table 7.5). Filial and affinity structures, with inter-generational

neo-Iocally, but carry the protection of their consanguineous relatives when their

differences, set the basic pattern of stable authority for the technically efficient

own brothers marry their husbands' sisters and become their neighbours. Having a.

macro-houses. These vertically-structured larger houses resulted from virilocal

brother as neighbour is obviously

marriages (typically father/son macro-houses) or succesive uxorilocal unions

settlement. Although a certain degree of violence on the husband's part is accepted

(father-in-Iaw/related sons-in-law macro-houses), as opposed to neolocal unions.

by some brothers and fathers of a young married woman, often a marriage is broken

On the other hand, macro-houses with a head and two unrelated sons-in-law were

at an early stage with the woman's kin support.

unstable. lO This suggests that one of the foundations of macro-house cohesion and
stability lay in a sort of principle of solidarity among fraternal sets. While the
permanence after


of a sibling group under a father or mother was common

(and corresponded to some of the most productive houses of the estate), some
married sons demonstrated a clear aversion to remaining under their fathers'
authority. The alternative was the neo-Iocal marriage pattern of the fraternal group.
Settlements with this sort of structure frequently were composed by a pair of houses,
where two married brothers or sisters live together in the same settlement. In some
cases, these fraternal macro-houses were associated with the exchange of brides,
which means that the settlement includes two fraternal groups allied through

convenient for a young woman in a forest

Houses and Macro-Houses as Technical Units

Though the Tejo River rubber trails were spatially dis~ributed in coloca~6es,
they were rented (or occupied) by individual houses. In addition to rights over
rubber trails (by virtue of rent payments or occupation), houses acquired rights over
their cultivated plots and other improvements. Finally, houses also possessed rights
over hunting and collecting territories, associated with the rented or occupied
rubber trails. The several houses of a given settlement divided the total area like
slices of a pie, with the exception of garden plots, which were grouped together in a
separate main clearing near the flour-house.
In tasks related to rubber production, agriculture, hunting and fishing,
macro-houses could act together as collaborative technical or labour units. This

10. In one case, the situation degenerated with a conflict between the
mother-in-law and one of the sons-in-law. In another case, two unrelated brothersin-law moved into the same coloca~ao, and an open conflict broke out between
them. Both conflicts had to do with the sharing of game meat, in one case associated
with witchcraft accusations.

prospect of cooperation was one of the advantages afforded by the macro-houses,

particularly important during activity peaks in the labour process. In rubber



production, peaks occurred twice a year, when trails were prepared for the latex

niece, godson or goddaughter of the members of the next house. When they belong

"harvest"; in agriculture, peaks occurred with the knocking down of trees, the

to a macro-house, it is difficult to distinguish the people who cooperate on the

burning of these areas and the coivara, or final clearing of plots {or cultivation; in

agricultural tasks of different houses, except for the fact that the final product

hunting, the capture of deer could benefit greatly from collective action. Groups

belongs exclusively to one of the units. A smoke-house for treating rubber also may

associated in a macro-house also cooperated in the preparation of manioc flour, in

be used by more than one house. Though each house has its own hunting and fishing

caring for children and domestic animals in common areas, and in raising a new

gear, sometimes brothers or sons borrow shotguns, dogs or casting nets.

home. In general, one house hosted the labour of others (except on hunting

Once the rubber or flour is produced, and game hunted, the consumption

expeditions): in this sense, the labour process belonged to a particular house, which

process becomes the private matter of each house. Rubber belongs strictly to

at any given moment could benefit from the cooperative labour of the oth~rs. The

individual houses, though within each unit there may exist different rights over the

tacit understanding was that either the labour was reciprocal (to be returned at a

value of the product - including those of-the hired help, the young manor woman

later date) or was donated by a young house head who assisted his elderly father's

who helped out, or the young rubber tappers, who expect some remuneration for

house. The cooperation within a macro-house was thus quite different from that

their part in contributing to the domestic economy. Just as rubber is the property of

between unconnected houses. In the former case, labour assistance was not .

individual houses (even when stored in common areas or left in the smoke-house),

measured in order to be paid off later in precise quantities which distinguished half-

flour is stored separately in each house (in the kitchen or bedroom). Each house's

days and children-days, as it was in the latter case.

flour stock, which is refreshed every couple of weeks, is the very symbol of its

In addition to forming extended work crews for peak moments of the labour

autonomy and welfare.

process, macro-houses also shared work equipment in two important cases: the

Game meat. constitutes a distinct case. Macro-houses cooperating on hunts.

flour-house and the smoke-house. The flour-house is a manioc-processing facility,

do not contribute to a single unit that was to own the product: on the contrary, the

which included expensive equipment such as a small gasoline engine (3.5 HP) and a

group hunts collectively. Whether or not the macro-house hunts as a team, it

circular or rectangular metal plate of one to one-and-a-half metres in diameter.

divides the product according among the individual houses according to precise

There is never more than one flour-house in a settlement, and though the

rules. A fixed portion of the slain animal is sent (not shared on a same kitchen-

equipment ("utensils") belongs to a single house, it is used by the others at no

floor) to "neighbours" with whom a special "neighbourhood" . relation has been

charge. The main manioc plots surround the flour-house, in a mosaic of areas

established. In the jargon of the rubber estate, "vizinhar" (to neighbour) is a

houses. This way work crews can operate in a contiguous

transitive verb meaning to share game meat with someone, so that "A neighbours

area, covering the same daily routine. The wife or child of one house can bring food

with B" with a portion specified as a quarter or a side plus half the spine. It should

or water to a work crew from another. This comes naturally, considering that the son

be stressed that such "neighbouring" relationship does not apply to domestic animals

or daughter of a house head probably is grandson or granddaughter, nephew or

or to other agricultural, cattle-related or extractive-commercial products: for

belonging to the


example, when an ox is slaughtered, its meat is sold even to brothers, stepfathers or

fathers-in-law; and "neighbouring" does not take place either with chickens, ducks or
turkeys. "Neighbouring", however, may be extended as to include products collected
in the forest, such as the much-appreciated fruit of the patoa, bacaba, acai or buriti

palms, made into wine frequently sent to socially-close neighbours, ordinarily

coinciding with the macro-house.
The institution of "neighbouring" game meat has a special implication worth
mentioning. Along with rubber and flour production, hunting represents the main
focus of attention in a man's life. Success in hunting is extremely important to
guarantee a good ,ife in the forest. Successful manioc flour production depends .
upon one's individual virtues as a labourer, competence to choose the right moment
for burning agricultural plots, and to select the right soils and stumps. Success as a

hunting sphere, wbich ' is ' one of the most essential components of the rubber
tappers' happiness. Just as trust between neighbouring houses must be complete, in
a certain sense the -coloca~ao's core, in the form of a macro-house, is a moral unit -insofar as each house is responsible for the integrity of hunters from other houses
who have provided them with meat from the forest. And more: the relations
between male hunters critically depend on the behaviour of women in the whole
macro-house, the only ones to handle and prepare game meat from the forest, once
it is introduced into her kitchen. This point helps clear up the distinction between
simply occupying the same settlement and composing a macro-house. In settlements
with two macro-houses tension and even open conflict are common, and one
particularly clear expression of conflict is precisely the absence of game meat
neighbouring. 11

rubber tapper may increase through pacts with the "mae-de-seringueira", or rubbertree mother, but it is again essentially due to the house's own efforts. In each of


Relatives and Co-parents

these cases, success is a matter restricted to the house's work crew. But success in

Houses comprising a macro-house usually are linked by kinship (thus, we-

hunting depends not only on personal ability and on one's own magic. In this case,

might call its members a macro-domestic group). "Family" (faITIl1ia) was the term

success also depends, in a negative sense; upon the voluntary or involuntary

used to designate the kindred known by a given person -- that is, the people within

behaviour of the other houses. A hunter may be ruined if he or his dog becomes

the sphere of memory who were identified by expressions involving filial descent,

panema (a Tupi term for one who is unfortunate in hunting), a condition inflicted by

marriage (in certain contexts) and adoption. The micro (macro) domestic group is

others who consume the meat of forest animals (Galvao 1951,1976). What is crucial
about neighbourhood relations is that a house receiving game meat from another
easily might empanemar (make panema) the hunter who killed the animal. A hunter
becomes panema when a pregnant woman, or a woman during her menstrual
period, comes in contact with, or pass over, the meat or bones of the game. Thus
special care must be taken in disposing of bones, lest a woman in these conditions or
even bitches in heat contaminate them inadvertently. Thus, neighbours who share
game meat must be trustworthy since they represent a potential threat to the

11. I lived for a time in a settlement with two neighbouring broth~rs-in-Iaw (a

young "macro-house") who were feuding with ano~her macro-~ouse m ~he same
settlement (father, son-in-law). At one point, I receIve~ a pot WIth armadIllo meat,
been sent over by one rival neighbour to whom.1 had gI~en sugar. ~t. once, my ho~ts
threw both the pot and its contents out of the )dtchen ~ndo~, claIITIlng that the gift
(which actually tasted bitter, a common fact m armadIllos III dry season) probably
was bewitched and would spread a "spotted" disease (pin~a) to all of us. On the
other hand, none of us could kill game, since the rival neIghbours, 0D;e of them .a
caboclo had "closed down the forest" to us. The same caboclo was Said to use hIS'
magic t~ obtain women's favours against their will. Thus, aside fr<?m panema, one
house could affe.ct at;other ne~a~ivel'y in hunting a~d sexual affalfs, by means of
mystical powers, m this case a dIstmctIve caboclo (IndIan) property.


composed of the part of the family that forms the house (macro-house), as well as

and other cooperative relations and who formalize this situation when house heads

hired help and other non-kin.

become the compadres arid comadres of one another.

Beyond this language of real kinship (based on filial, marriage and adoptive

It was quite common for compadres to be father-son or brother-brother

relations), "fictive kinship" was widely used to establish inter-personal relations.

pairs. 12 Fictive kinship relations between close and inter-connected houses

Compadres, ritual co-parents, were chosen, and thus "fictive kinship" could also be

frequently became superimposed over real kinship. Thus, they would be somewhat

labelled as "contracted kinship". This choice is formalized mainly on the occasion of

redundant if the only point in it were to contract a "kin" relationship. Indeed, the

infant baptism. For example, couple A and B have a child, C. They invite D to be -

practice of fictive kinship between dose relatives, such as fathers and sons or

godfather (or godmother, if D is a woman). Consequently, A becomes D's

brothers and cousins, suggests that this institution was more solid, in a sense, than

compadre, or co-father, while B becomes D's comadre or co-mother. Once

simple real kinship.

Why, then, was fictive kinship necessary? One explanation is that fictive

established, this ritually contracted kinship relation lasts forever, just like real
kinship. In addressing, it takes precedence over real kinship: a child does not call his

kinship, while ideally uniting people, at the same time creates new, contracted -

godfather by his name, nor by any real kinship term (for example, uncle,

formal links and barriers between houses. As emphasized above, the members

grandfather), but addresses (and refers to) him as padrinho and always asks for his

making up neighbouring houses (the macro-house) are often recruited among

blessing when first meeting him in a day, a treatment which persists in adulthood.

members who had belonged to a single house before setting out to create their own

Co-parents now begin to address each other as compadre or comadre, leaving aside

separate units. In becoming compadres, in a common example when a father is

proper names (even in the case of brother and sister). Fictive kinship ties may be set

godfather of his own grandson, father ana son can overcome the conditions of

on different occasions and rituals. Beside the main one at baptism (godfather of a

domestic authority and assymetry that had marked their relationship as part of a


on can also contract a compadre-relationship at Sao Pedro (Saint Peter) and _

single house. The newborn child marks a phase in the progressive growth of the new

Sao Joao (Saint John) feasts (godfather of the bonfire), and at birth (godmother of

house, and now the symmetrical compadre relationship replaces in a sense the

the navel, or umbilical cord).

assymetrical father/son relationship. Thus, while formal relations be~een

One acquires relatives by birth, but one chooses compadres. Social groups
here designated as macro-houses may be linked by contractual kinship relations

unconnected houses may be forged by compadre relationships, at the same time the
institution separates houses that in a certain sense are too close.

among their members, and usually do. We might be inclined to conclude that the
institution of contractual kinship thus allows for macro-houses to develop a formal
constitution, even when its members are not related in the language of "rear'
kinship. This in fact does occur, in the case of houses in a neighbouring relationship

12. On Riozinho Estate (1982-3), the patron did not serve as godfather to any
child (and hence was not the compadre of any rubber tapper). In ~o cases, tappe~s
were genealogical second-degree cousins of the patron Correa, though thIS
genealogical tie was ignored conspicuously. According one of t.he tappers'Jei
man addressing a rich man as "cousin" (pri~o) ~ght appear as If he was as ng or
a favour on the presumption of a close relatIOnshIp.


In another instance, man and his sister-in-law (brother's wife) who become
compadre and comadre will have a an often jocose relationship, which carries
however greater overtones of sexual taboo than any other relatlonsh
lp, except t at
between mother/son and brother/sister. The role of contractual kin h t
s Ip 0 ensure ..
that a formal distance is kept between "too close" indd I .
IVI ua s IS partIcularly effective
m cases involving opposing sexes as brother-in-law and sisters-in-law who are
neighbours. While there is no rigid taboo Proscribing extra-marital relations
between a man and his sister-in-law th t b
, e a 00 etween a compadre and his
comadre is extremely serious. 13

participation in parties and bigger work crews). In a certain respect, they also
comprise units of collective and political action, coming to the fore particularly in
situations of conflict and vengeance against similar groups, while also in establishing
common alliances and strategies, for example in the development of a cooperative.
Often, these groups assume the appearance of a kin group drawing their roots from
close ancestors, such as a mother or a grandparent, whose name they adopt. 14 Also
common are marriage patterns between cousins, which repeated in subsequent
generations, tend to keep such kin groups relatively isolated (Table 7.7, 7.7a).
In order to assess the extension of these relations between macro-houses, we

Macro-house Networks and Settlements Neighbourhoods

adopt a narrow definition for the "macro-house network" as a set within which it is

Extended networks made of several linked macro-houses constituted spheres

possible to go from one macro-house'to another through filial/affinal relations (son,

of interaction within which people found marriage partners, held parties, and joined

daughter's husband), or fraternal/affinal ones (brother, sister's husband), or affinal

together to face conflicts. If, on a map, we were to connect all the houses that had

ones (wife's brother, wife's father), always based on the house heads in tWo macro-

clearly manifest kinship relations between them (traced from house he d

. .
a s or elr
. I
wives only), most of the twenty-six settlements would be part f
o a smg e network
which extended itself throughout the Riozinho rubber
estate and crossed the
Riozinho boundaries into other Tejo river rubber estates or into neighbo.
uflng flvers
(Table 7.6).

houses. In this narrow sense, twenty-three of the twenty-six Riozinho settlements

(88%) were linked to a single network of macro-houses. Dense links designate then
macro-houses linked by more than one such link. The most dense blocks of this
principal network were four macro-houses blocks associated each to a living old
woman as a focal ancestor. These old women lived each in the"major house of a

In such networks, larger blocks of linked macro-houses stand out, insofar as

p.odal macro-house! surrounded by a forest neighbourhood composed of the macro-

the relations between their components have a greater de~slty Unl

k h
I e ouses or
macro-houses, these blocks of related macro-houses, ocuppying different

houses of sons and sons-hI-law: the Farias (linking three settlements, and whose
nucleus was the settlement occupied by Nazare Farias), the Castelo group (five

settl~ments (although often contiguous), do not have any technical function, that is

settlements, built around old woman Castelo's settlement), the Santana group (five

to say, do not act together at the labour processes. One might say that they are the

settlements, built around old woman Santana's settlement, and five more around

largest groups whose social activities are somewhat self-contaIn d ( .. t
e VISI s, courtmg,
. . 13. "A pior cama do inferno e a c
worst bed in the hell is the bed of a comp:~: Jfh~f!1pa re dCo1,;l) a comadre" ('the_
IS coma re ,as some put It to

14. Hence there are the "Is auras" (first name of the grandmother), the
"Ginus" (the father's and grandfather's nickname), and similar technonyms in other

her sister's), the Isaura group (five settlements, old woman Isaura). Such blocks, made up by close settlements, involved at most three generations of house heads.

. The dislocation of one group of interconnected houses provides an example

of common action. When Isaura changed rivers, leaving the Tejo for the Humaita

As these examples suggest, macro-house blocks were often centered around a

river, all of the houses connected to her's also moved as a block. Union leadership

mother and her sons and daughters. Often these houses were headed by widows

in Riozinho from 1980 to 1983 (Claudino, Roberto, Nazaro and Ginu) provide

(Isaura) or included a remarried woman with a childless husband (Farias and one of

another example. When Claudino, the only leader not originally belonging to the-

the Santanas); or, in the Castelo case, the houses had female heads. These

Riozinho, left the union, leadership became consolidated around Ginu, who

structures may be seen as groups of matrifocal, cognatic descent. They were

although the youngest of a group, belonged :to the broadest network around,

extended at most over over three generations, functioning as common interest

covering several sub-estates, being a grand-son 'of old Rita's. When a cooperative

groups and occupying contiguous territories. Thus, following forest paths, one could

was established in 1989, one-third of the thirteen local posts set up in the Tejo

cross the sub-estates of Dourado, Manteiga, Riozinho, Camaleao and Boa Hora

hinterland belonged to the sphere of these interconnected houses, being related to

always, or nearly always, meeting houses linked to one another. In going back one

old Rita or her sister, along with their sons, sons-in-law and stepsons in the

more generation (now refering decesead ancestors), the division between some o(

Riozinho, Manteiga, Camaleao and upper Tejo area.

the blocks describe above vanishes. The most notable case was that of the houses

Macro-houses and blocks -of linked macro-houses, kept themselves separate

linked to (deceased) old Rita and her sister, both Jaminawa Indians, whose

and distinguished, as in the case of Isaura's group (although the oldest to occupy the

daughters married rubber tappers and whose grandchildren also were married. The

same forest area continuously) and of "old Rita's people"; or the Farias, who stayed

two Santana groups (two within Riozinho) once were part of Rita's descendants'

on for along time on the neighbouring Tarauaca River and in which they counted _

group, as were other macro-houses on the Riozinho, Manteiga, Boa Hora,

patrons among their relatives; or the Castelos, or the Cunhas. As compared with

Camaleao and Dourado estates, all contiguous.

these blocks, temporary and isolated houses of workers from Cruzeiro do SuI proved

We resume now the initial argument of this chapter. Instead of isolated

unstable. A typical group of young and single rubber tappers (the Fonteneles),

"family" atoms whose only unity lies in the existence of a common trade post above

recently-arrived from the Lower Jurua, managed to establish a solid local base when

them, forest houses join together first as macro-houses with a strong technical and

they married in succession several young Farias women.

m<?ral unity, which is reinforced by real and fictive kin relations, and with a common
leader. In turn,


Coalitions and Marriages

act together as larger units around a strong nodal

. house, and their common action as a block of macro-houses is revealed in political

contexts. These blocks of macro-houses are in turn part of wider interconnected
networks, which are spread throughout the rubber estates.

Marriage is a means of establishing stable links among macro-houses, as well

as a reason for blocks of common descent to break apart, as they spread out within
the forest and establish alliances with other groups. The Castelos, the Cunh as , the
Santanas and the Nascimentos visited one another, supported one another in

conflicts and in party fights, and married one another. The Santanas were allied to
the Cunhas and Nascimentos; the Cunhas had a strong alliance with the Castelos,
cemented by seven marriages in all; the Castelos exchanged sisters with the
Cassianos (also linked to the Cunhas by marriage); the Farias had one marriage
with a Castelo and one with a Nascimento. The marriages tying together the second
generation of Cunhas, Santanas, and Cassianos tended to be repeated in the third

. 0 r at least having relations
aparently, local residents had no taboo agaInst
' h'IpS. 15
with their female cousins, and even showed a preference for such

hous~ n~tworks spread, they cannot impose themselves over rivalries and

. . . harmony m
. ki ns h'lp, and the unity of a network
conflicts. There was no mtnnslC

group could easily ero d e over the course of three generations. 16 The F


generation, as suggested by flirts and pregnancies. In short, while one generation of

fraternal sets married one another, in the next generation cousins married cousins
and uncles married nieces.
At least two houses in Riozinho were composed of couples who also were
first cousins (children of brothers and sisters) and four others included couples of
uncles and nieces (sister'S or brother's daughter). These were Castelos, Santanas,
Isauras and Cunhas. Such marriages attenuated the disruptiveo effect of distant
alliances. Potentially, a network of descendants can become completely closed when
couples are formed between cousins simultaneously from both the mother's and
father's sides of the family (carnal cousins). Rubber tappers were aware however
that priests - who visited the area in quick, annual desobriga ceremonies _ strongly
disapproved of marriages between such cousins. Two Santana brothers, who were
married to two Nascimento sisters and had children of opposite sexes, told me that
the priest would become upset if one's son married the other's daughter. Therefore,
the tappers consciously avoided the marriages of bilateral cousins, which they called
"carnal cousins", although this was sometimes mentioned as an afterthought. Thus,
when a Cunha (who was married to a Castelo woman) was about to visit his brother

15. I heard a tapper sing the following verse which illustrates the attitudes

o meu primo casou-se corn minha prima

Para fazer de mim urn pobre sofredor ,
Foi ao contrario pois quem t~ sofre~do e ele
Porque a prima por outro pnmo deIXou
A minha prima deu muita dor <de cabe~a
Aos seus pais que nao sabem 0 que fazer.
Vendo a mesma morando corn seus sobnnhos
Desesperados desejam a filha morrer
Que prima falsa essa prima ~o meu primo
Agora sei que ela nao cora~a<?
Deixou meu primo por urn pnmo ~o r:teu pnmo
Urn primo dele primo dela e meu umao ...
My (male) cousin married my (female) cousin
Trying to make me feel bad
But he's the one who wound up suf!enng
Since she left him for another cousm
My (fe~ale) cousin gave a lot of trouble '
To her pare~t~s w~~ don't .know what to do
Seeing her hvmg With theIr nephews
They desperately wish to see her dea~
How deceitful is this cousin of my cousin
Now I know she doesn't have ~ ~eart .
She left my cousin for my cousm s cousm
His cousin her cousin and my brother ...

(also' married to a Castelo), jokes and suggestions came up about the chances of a
Cunha boy courting a Castelo girl, until the Cunha father mused: "No, you are
carnal cousins." At first sight, these relations may appear quite obvious, and

16 Aldira was married to Chico Teixeira, havin~ Aldeni~ed ~~c:-:~~~e~!d

was married to .M~ndi~a, having Nonato. Later,.Ald~~:~~~dinho to his f~ther-
Nonato married FranClsca ~antant a~d g~~fdu~~rioshad a grandson Valdeci, born
in-l3;w Cario sanRtaI,la tOd ra~sthe Ndecisc: ldir~'s daughter. On one ~ccasio~ Carlo
) R'
d'nh (a Nasclmento
to hIS own son ill an WI
was delighted to see his foste! son (and gdrandsVon Id ~lm(u~; as0 a "Teixeira" his
adopted as a Santana) beat hIS other gran son a eCI se

Riozinho provide an example of this, as the group was about to break apart. Old

residents. Just as these houses were not isolated from one another in their forest

woman Farias lived with two married sons and daughters-in-law (a Castelo and a

clearings, they were not isolated as a whole fro"m the external world.

Santana) in a Riozinho settlement


Tacaratu); a third son and his own

sons-in-law (the Fontenele brothers), lived in the contiguous Born Jardim

From the starting point of a tapper house, one can follow downstream the

settlement. A bloody rift broke out between the Castelos and the Fonteneles. Since

property structure (over areas where rent is collected) or the commercial monopoly
" grams 5.1 5.2). But
structure (over routes where goods are advance d by patrons ) (D la

the Born Jardim Farias had three Fontenele sons-in-law, and the Tacaratu Farias

one might also walk across hilltops and streams, reaching the houses of neighbours

had a Castelo daughter-in-law, the result was a near-rupture between the two Farias

associated to extended houses, get-togethers, union meetings, or small commerce

blocks, divided between their ties to the Castelos, on the one hand, and the

within forest macro-houses, and farther ahead come into contact with faraway

Fonteneles, on the other. 17

relatives (Map 5). These internal circuits, cutting accross vertical structures of
commerce, constitute local webs mapping the long-term interests of forest houses in

People inhabiting and forming families in the forest over generations were
able to constitute relatively long-lasting social connections, in spite of the distances
imposed by the tropical forest extractive economy. Although without landed
property and without settling villages, rubber tapper house heads nonetheless joined
together in macro-houses, which behaved as technical units, as well as in extended
macro-houses networks and blocks, which can demonstrate solidarity in common

This analysis, supported by the quantitative data from Riozinho Estate, may

be extended to wider areas of the forest. Indeed, along the forest paths, rubber
tappers kept relations with tappers on neighbouring estates within and beyond

Estate, as well as within and beyond the Upper Jurua, communicating

regularly with the Upper Tarauaca and Jordao basins, and permanently with urban

wife's former husband's descendant, although also his own son's son). He
commented to his wife: "Look, Joao Nascimento beat up Chico Teixeira."
17. Parties - where tappers enjoy drinking and displaying valentia and other
macho qualities towards women - were reputed to be dangerous occasions, except
when attended exclusively by a close-knit macro-house group. TheX often ended up
in generalised fighting and threatening. On such occasions I identified many of the
cleavages between macro-house blocks here mentioned.

natUral resources and in their own livelihood.


Chapter 8


I have argued that the house is a discrete unit of labour involving persons
(who), territory (where), objects (what) and technical procedures (how). Now the
labour process will be understood so as to include the activities of the house as a
whole to produce the house itself, combining the house persons led by the house
head, a forest territory with a variety of niches, imported and non-imported goods,
and a know-how; a labour process which connects matter and form to reproduce
each of these componentes and is oriented towards an end expressed in a notion of
a good life. 1 From this perspective, the surrounding forest itself, which constitutes
the territory of a hinterland settlement, is reproduced through the human activity
linked to the houses, jus as are material objects, people, ideas. Houses' form exists
as an image previous to the actual labour process, and thus orients production and
consumption plans. In this chapter some aspects of this image will be described.
Spatial Aspects of the House
A tapper's life is centered around his forest dwelling, a residence on piles
with paxiuba bark floor and walls, a straw roof, and a rectangular layout, oriented
from the main room to the kitchen, through the corridor with access to the
bedroom. The kitchen is a woman's space. It is centered ona'wood stove made oL
clay and ashes where ,the fire is lit early in the morning, and over which salt and soap

1. "For it is possible for all the kinds of causes to apply to the same object;
e.g., in the case of a house the source of motion is the art (techne) and the architect;
the final cause (eneka) is the function; the matter (ule) is earth and stone, and the
form (eidos) is the definition (logos)" (Aristotle, Metaphysics, rn, ii, 6; also VII

are stored, and bananas ripened. Also in the kitchen is the iirau, a wooden platform
where women prepare game meat and wash dishes. Among the basic equipment of a
kitchen are pots, pans, plates, spoons, metal cups and a clay ewer with fresh water.
Adult women or young girls carry wood from the back yard into the kitchen, andfetch water from the igarape. At night, under the feeble lamparina light, the kitchen
floor is occupied by the complete domestic group of men, women, children, nephews
and nieces, stepchildren and hired hands sitting in a circle to eat the pirao of mixed
manioc meal and broth.

A house possesses various small house lamps (lamparinas), and larger forest
lamps (porongas), both using kerosene. Some houses are distinguished by a sewing
machine, a record player, a wall radio or a wall clock in the main room, and framed
family portraits taken by itinerant photographers; suitcases, perfumes and a mirror
in the bedroom; in the kitchen of some houses one sees a large set of shining pots
and pans, and rows of cooking oil here used to enhance the manioc meal or the
cooked broth.
A house structure may last ten years, with one or two replacements in the-

In the front room single men set up their hammocks and male visitors lodge ..

When they set out to work, the single men grab their well-preserved rubber tapping
blades from the straw roof, as well as the poronga lamp, a forest knife and a
smoking-bag with tobacco, lighter and cigarette paper; they may take to the forest
the shot-gun which also hangs from the wall. The front room is where men fill metal
or cardboard cartridges with shot, powder, beeswax and bark before starting out for
the hunt. The front room also may contain fishing nets and harpoon heads (the garden equipment, also used by women and children, is to be found at the back end
of the house). Visitors stay in the main room unless they are invited to eat, when
they pass to the kitchen. The front room is a place for conversation, card playing and

straw of the ceiling, as well as in the walls. As it gets older, it tends to become
infested with cockroaches, spiders and ants, the yard becomes impoverished as the
topsoil is washed away, and the remaining vegetation disappears, making an old
house terreiro, the patio, inappropriate for feeding chickens and other fowl or

The kitchen usually has its own foundations, separate from the rest of the

house building, which makes it possible to repair and rebuild it independently

(Table 8.2).
Although without locks, the forest house is respected by outsiders. One must
be invited to come in, after greeting- from an appropriate distance, not too far and
not too close to the house. Guests leave their guns in a discrete place, often in the

dancing to the sound of record players at week-end parties. The main room walls
forest, and give their knives to the house head who will put them away to becan be decorated with illustrations taken from magazines, advertisements or school

returned later.
A yard surrounds the house. It is a cleared area, sometimes swept with

- While the kitchen and main room have windows and unlocked doors leading
to the terreiro (and sometimes have no walls at all), the bedroom has no windows
and has a single opening to the corridor, closed by a curtain. This is where a married
couple sleeps on a hammock or in a bed under a mosquito-net, along with a variable
number of children and single young women on overlapping hammocks, suitcases
and personal possessions.

brooms. It has fruit trees, chickens and pigs, the smoking-hut and a suspended
garden where women cultivate tomatoes, onions and other plants used for
seasoning. Originally created as a forest clearing, a new yard always possesses a
stock of tree trunks to be used as firewood in the kitchen, and at least one calabash
tree which provides all-purpose gourds, the cuias (one also may find pepper shrubs,
lemon trees for medicinal purposes, annatto trees, avocado trees whose leaves serve


medicine, peppermint and other medicinal herbs, as well as flowers). At the '

edges of the yard, there is sometimes a field with isolated palms and other trees,
where cattle go to pasture, which is the final border between the house and the
forest. To have one's house separated from the forest by a beautiful campo is the

. the
' VISIt.
. . Rubb er tappers 'rties
, with music from batterysold to the houses paymg
operated record players, last well into the night, and may extend themselves from
one day to the next without interruption.

source of pride for forest peasants.

Houses always have direct access to water, either from a river or a stream,
following a trail which leads from the kitchen to the waterside "port", the source of
water for the jirau, and the place where women wash clothes and part of the dishes
on a solid-wood washboard. Some houses have a hut by the water where women
may protect themselves from the sun and enjoy privacy while bathing. Children may
bathe at any time and they often swim in the larger pools, while men will wash after
the sunset, separate from the women. Drinking water can be taken from the main .
river, but whenever possible, residents prefer to use somewhat distant streams
(igarapes) or springs (cacimbas) as a source for clean, fresh water. Several paths
lead to habitual places at the edge of the forest or in nearby capoeiras, where bodily
functions are relieved. When the stream is navigable, there is at least one canoe tied
up at the house port, used for fishing and as transportation.
A single glance can capture the house, yard, field and stream port complex
all together. Anywhere from one to four houses may be found on a single clearing,
which with the women and children, along with the rubber smokers, cattle, ducks
coming and going from the stream, pigs that spend most of their time in the woods,
and cattle that forages along the river banks or in the forest, impress the visitor who
emerges from the forest darkness with a feeling of brightness, heat and movement, .
as if he had hit upon a miniature village. People from different houses in the
settlement will often be mixed up in house or back yard chores, particularly small
children. On weekends, the articulated group of houses on a settlement might fill up
with visitors. Then the activity of the kitchens picks up, the boys and young men play

... .

football in the field, and an ox or pig might be slaughtered to be consumed by or

Seen from above, the yard and its surrounding campo appear as an isolated.
clearing in a dense forest. Seen from below, the clearing is connected to the other
components of the settlement by a series of paths and trails. Several paths lead to
other settlements, and at least one of them leads to the


(a word that, unless

qualified, means a manioc garden) which, in older settlements, is part of a colonia, a

continuous mosaic of garden plots belonging to the several houses in the settlement,
with varied crops in different stages of development, along with fruit trees used by
all houses, extending around the manioc flour house, which is used by all the
fl our. U sua11y acco mpanied by children, women
. . mto
settlement to process mamoc
often make the trek from the house to the garden plots almost every day, as part of
the routine of weeding, gathering maize to feed the chickens, or obtaining bananas
or other fruit.

~~ri~g the two days set aside for making flour every two weeks or so,

the entire domestic group gathers in the the flour house, accompanied by their dogs.
Every hand in the house (macro-house) 'is needed to make in two days the farinha
necessary to last for two weeks, at least one paneiro or around 30 kgs.
The well-trodden path leading to the garden plot is known in every detail by
the trees, vines and palms along the way. Other paths may lead to isolated garden
plots, especially rice patches that do not need to be close to the flour house. Garden
plots do not have fences around them, though at times the path is blocked off by a
gate so as to avoid the invasion of cattle. Paths leading to the rubber trails also issue
from the main clearing, and off in every direction, as a whole covering a roughly
circular area around the central clearing.



As a rule, the area marked by the trails also constitutes the each house's

capoeiras or abandoned cleared areas with pioneer vegetation in several stages,

hunting and collecting spaces, which is respected by the other houses of the same

which after fifty years only a trained eye can distinguish from the virgin forest; the

settlement and especially by the houses of other settlements, although there may be

forest at its clim~, the mata bruta. All of these systems and zones represent

conflicts between houses in specific cases involving trails which were unused, or

together a wealth of water, soil, plant and animal resources, organised within the

when a pursued animal is killed in another house's clearing. Sometimes it is not easy

collective memory as one organises goods on the shelves of a store. The men,

to distinguish between a borrowed section of an idle trail at the neighbourhood and

women and children of a house who go through these resource zones including

a newly formed section of one's own trail; or there is a problem when one hunter

forest, gardens, field, back yard and waters can name "1lbber tree by rubber tree, a

pursues a deer, but it is eventually killed at another settlement's terreiro by another

stump with bee's

man. The general principles involved are that rights were obtained either by renting

ripe assai fruits, a curve in the river whose good clay will serve to smooth one's hair,

trails or by actually using garden plots, hunting and gathering areas. If only a small

a rubber tree that ripened untended in the forest and is ready to tap, a paca trail, an

number of trails are idle at a settlement which is already occupied by two or three

area with soils and plants that promise a strong manioc crop, a river curve teeming

houses, however, they tend to be seen as a stock of trails to be employed by these

with fish. They spontaneously comment on such topics when walking along the

houses when they grow.

forest paths or trails, just as they never tire of talking about rubber, hunting and

The area of a settlement is thus formed by distinct niches of activity:

extraction of latex on the rubber trails, hunting and collecting along the forest trails


a palm that might yield heart of, another palm-tree with

gardening events and achievements,

eithe~ on one's own house or on neighbouring

houses (see Tables-8.8a, 8.8b, 8.8c, 8.8d).

and in the "heart of the trails", planting and processing of manioc at the col6nias,
Agriculture: Varzea and Terra Firme
raising cattle, chickens, pigs, ducks and turkeys in the yards (allowing them to roam
and forage), processing rubber in the smoke house and making food at home.

Terra firme (mainland), as opposed to varzea soils in the Amazon generally

have been described as infertile (in American taxonomic classification, Oxisols and
Ultisols; in Brazil, Latossolos and pzolicos Vermelho Amarel~s), in contrast to

The Forest
On the Riozinho Estate, the area of forest surrounding the central clearing of_

floodplain soils (Meggers 1977 [1971]); Roosevelt 1980; see however Moran 1979;

a hinterland settlement with two or three houses covers a continuous territory of 900

1984:378), but Tejo River has predominantly eutrophic soils, low in acids (IBGE

to 1,200 hectares. This was a well-known set of ecosystems spatially disposed in a


horizontal fashion (Denevan 1984). Such ecosystems may be graded according to

Rubber tappers' agricultural strategies exploit both varzea and mainland

the degree of human modification effected upon them. The areas recently affected

soils. Floodplain cultivation dispense with the use of swidden agriClllture. Flooded _

by the human action of houses (terreiro and campo often abandoned and replaced

areas on the banks, beaches or forest are used in complete annual cycles, beginning

for alternative clearings); the


or agricultural clearings in several stages; the

with the end of one rainy season (May) and ending with the beginning of the next

(December). Though with very steep slopes, the clayey, steep river bank frequently
is cultivated with maize - sometimes requiring a preliminary clearing with a
machete, around June or July, and the crop is harvested in October or November,
when the first rains come. Beaches are the convex and sandy side of the river bank,
formed by the deposit of sediments washed from the opposite bank. On different
beach levels, which possess distinct soil characteristics, cultivators plant beans and
inaize; watermelon'; potatoes. On the floodplain soil above the bank, also rich in sediments, they plant tobacco and manioc (in this case, it is a risky crop, since
protracted flooding can make the roots rot). In September and October, tobacco
leaves are prepared in riverside houses well into the night, while beans are shelled
and dried. On the Jurua itself, often cattle are raised on the sloping banks (feeding
on the vegetation grown after the waters recede) while crops are cultivated on the
beaches; other times, fences separate cattle from cultivated zones. Both the beaches
and the lakes are treated as a group of resources to be used by a group of houses,
which are not necessarily located nearby. Typically, a group of houses linked
through marriage, kinship and friendship (a macro-house) will divide both beach
and bank in strips, while maintaining common pasture areas and using the same
lake for fishing. -To 'have access to both the floodplain and the "mainland" represents the best of both worlds. This situation is characteristic of the Upper Jurua, where
the floodplain occupies a narrow strip of alluvial ground. Thus, a house may use a
mainland area located twenty minutes distance in the forest. With the horizontal
combination of mainland and floodplain niches, a single house may enjoy longlasti!1g manioc and maize plots (associated to a flour-house) on the mainland, and
temporary crops of beans and maize on the beach and cattle on the opposite bank.
A house of this sort then can combine seasonal crops (tobacco, beans), multi-annual
crops (manioc), rubber trails (perhaps rented from different patrons, and located
both on the floodplain and mainland) and oxbow lakes (maybe an hour's distance by

river). Ordinarily these areas all are rich in game, since houses are concentrated on
the margins and only


in the center - thus leaving the woods to the animals.

Such an area with highly diversified niches sometimes is exploited by three or more
houses together.
Agricultural procedures on the hilly mainland of headwaters, essentially ,based on swidden methods, deal' with erosion by the judicious use of aceiro palms
and banana on steep slopes, of interspersed crops (fast-growing maize and manioc)
and of the protective action of remaining trees after the burning. Gardens may be
managed for periods of up to ten years (cf. Tables 8.8a and 8.8b), and final
abandonment may not be due to declining fertility.
Mainland swidden agricultural plots .require greater efforts than varzea_
agriculture. The procedure calls for the striking down of large trunks with axes, after
the undergrowth has been cleared :with a machete; it also calls for the coivara
(which is the clearing of remaining trunks from an area that already has been
torched); it calls for careful sowing and

f~r weeding, which becomes progressively

harder as times passes, and wild animals corisume a significant share of the roots.
Although the floodplain shows greater diversity in niches, mainland territory
such as the Riozinho Estate have greater population densities (1.7 inhabitants per
square kilometre) than the region as a whole (1.2 inhabitants per square kilometre)
and than the floodplain in particular - which is immediately recognizable in the air
photography of the region. The main reason for this pattern is that the most
productive rubl?er areas are located at the mainland headwaters. It should be
observed that Tejo River headwaters are not new frontiers, and have been inhabited
at least since 1899 (Cabral 1949), when it had the same high rubber productivity of
10 kgs rubber/day as today (cf. also Tastevin 1925:422).

Swidden Agriculture Techniques on the Mainland

is followed immediately by their processing, involving all the house members in two

The continued exploitation of an area may last from three to ten years. The .

days of work, mainly to make flour (and sometimes along with baby food, cakes,

clearing of a new plot (first year) calls for an area of virgin forest (which might be a

juices). In short, the stock of ripe roots in the garden is transformed into a stock of

capoeira, or previously cleared area, provided that it has been regenerated for over

processed flour within the houses. If the plot is replanted as it is being harvested, it -

fifty years). The first stage, in July, involves the clearing of undergrowth by machete;

affords a second harvest in its third year of activity. During this second manioc

the second and most intensive stage, in August, is when the trees are stricken down

harvest maize will not be harvested, since it is not planted during the second year

with axes; thus exposed to the sun, the area remains abandoned during a variable

(ril~ybe becaus~ th~ y~ung plants do not receive sunlight because of the size of the

period covering the driest months of the year (August and September). House heads

manioc plants). It becomes more difficult to clear invading weeds; the size of the

determine the ideal moment for burning the vegetation, upon which the fertility of

roots diminishes. Manioc is not replanted a third time on a row (cf. Tables 8.3 to

the plot depends critically, gambling between the additional gain of greater
exposure to the sun and the risk of early showers. The vegetation that is partially .

At this point, the plot is left fallow during bne or two years (thus completing

burned is then removed from the area to be cultivated (a procedure called the

five years since the initial clearing). After the fallow period, the area will be covered

coivara). At this point (September-October), maize seeds and cuts from manioc

by a low vegetation. Then another weeding operation may be undertaken (with a

stalks are planted. By December, the maize becomes ready to be harvested and part

machete and a hoe), and the plot replanted with manioc, or with tobacco, sugar cane

is eaten as canjica (a sweetened maize dish); the rest is left to dry, serving a chicken

~r some other crop .. This operation is preferred by some older cultivators because it _

feed over the following year. Ideally - depending on the variety of manioc used - new

is not necessary to open a new clearing with an ax, though on the other hand

manioc ripens over a year, and is weeded twice during this period. Hence, the global

requires intensive labour with a hoe to eliminate low-lying weeds.

period between August of one year and August of the next is divided into an

This new cyCle lasts another two years (now seven years have elapsed since'

intensive male labour phase of initial preparation (August-October) and an

the initial clearing was made). The cycle may go on with perennial crops like sugar

extensive female labour phase of weeding (October-August). After a year, the

cane, which remain on abandoned plots or during transitional phases when the land

cultivated manioc (maniva) has an efficient size. One essential characteristic of

is turned over to a long fallow period.

mainland manioc plots is that the ripened manioc may remain an additional year

A colonia is a mosaic of plots at different stages of development, some in

under the ground. The second year of a mainland plot cycle is dedicated to the

their first year, others in their second, still others in temporary fallow; some with

gradual harvest of the ripe stock, along with the clearing of second-year weeds,

manioc, others with tobacco. The plots are surrounded by ubiquitous banana,

which are more aggressive. During the second year, the cultivator may choose to

pineapple and papaya trees. According to rubber tappers, papaya trees grow

replant manioc as he harvest the first batch - a simple operation requiring only the
reintroduction of stem pieces in the open holes. The process of pulling up the roots



spontaneously in recently-cleared areas from seeds that are spread by animals

removal of the mass from the press and the preparation of the wood stove. Then

(Table 8.8a).2

comes the long and- delicate operation of baking the mass in order to obtain 30 to 45

The unit of measure for cultivated plots is 1,000 covas de


Each cova

kgs. of flour, which is put in sacks and transported to the house.

(pit) correspond to a maniva bush. One thousand covas, occupying around 0.1

Women and children prepare food, bring water from home and prepare

hectare, require around 14 man-days of intensive preparation (clearing, striking

other products, among which the mass a fina (fine meal) made of starch flour mixed

down, burning, clearing the burned area and planting), and can yield between 15

with the liquid extracted from the manioc press, which is an essential foodstuff for

and 20 paneiros or as much as 600 kgs. of manioc flour (each paneiro weighs around

.infants. Another delidous though less frequent product are the manioc cakes (beiju

30 kilos). A typical plot measures 0.3 hectares and requires around 42 man-days of

and tapioca). The peel of the manioc root is taken to the house to feed the pigs.

labour per year (Tables 8.3 to 8.4). These figures do not include weeding visits, often

Rubber tappers take great care in preparing manioc flour, always concerned with its

done by women and children throughout the year, in casual visits that are not

quality. Men always take over at the critical phase of toasting the manioc .paste,

counted by the house head. In contrast, house heads count two or three annual

stirring it continuously over a hot stove (on an iron griddle 1 to 1.5 metres long,

weedings (for gardens planted in mata bruta area) during the initial year of the plot,

sometimes circular) with a wooden oar, until the past arrives at the consistency of a

each consuming around three man-days. This means an annual cost of six to nine

crispy, coarse meal so characteristic of the Upper Jurua. Women command the -

man-days for 1,000 covas (18 to 27 days for a typical roc;ado) for systematic clearing,

preparation of massa fina, which also is to~sted, though with the final consistency of

without counting the casual visits.

wheat flour.

Processing manioc is an intensive activity in which the entire household

Two sessions a month, yielding between 25 and 60 kilograms of flour, are

becomes absorbed for two whole days. The activity sequence is as follows. On the

enough to supply an average house (including dogs among the consumers), requiring

first day, roots are pulled up and transported to the flour-house by adult males, are

an annual planting Of 3,000 covas. The average plot, of 3,000 covas, requires at least

peeled (by men, women and children), and are washed in water brought from the

24 flour-making sessions (two a month), each involving the labour of the entire

stream. Peeled and washed manioc is then grated (by an adult male, using a wheel

house for two days, or almost 50 days per year each house. The variation in the

with alurninum teeth powered by a 3.5 HP engine) and the paste is poured into a

amount of flour produced depends on the extent of work in the flour-house, and

wooden vessel. At the end of the afternoon, a man prepares a press, covers the wet

does not necessarily reflect more or less days dedicated to flour making (cf. Tables

mass with leaves and places it with a metal cable between pieces of wood, exerting


pressure so as to extract the liquid from the fiber. The second day begins with the

If a house dedicates 150 days a year to rubber (about 120 days tapping, four-

days a week over eight months, plus 30 days to prepare two standard-sized trails)
2. Around the flour-house, an area frequently occupied by women, there is a
dense amount of domestic plants for medicinal and other purposes, such as the oaca
bushes used to prepare a paste used for stream fishing.

and develops a annual garden plot of 3,000 covas, it will be occupying 267 man-days
(150 + 117) to operate the rubber and maniac sectors of the settlement. Since the

total number of man-days per year is limited to 312 (52 weeks x 6 days),
Many animals are slain' simply because they are considered predators. This occurs
simultaneous rubber and manioc production take up 85% of available labour time,

with jaguars, who visit clearings in search of pigs to eat, but tappers also kill the

leaving approximately one day per week for hunting activities (not counting
tailed pacas, though they do not eat them, because this animal preys on the manioc
Sundays). The real income of the house would consist in 1,800 kgs. of flour (3,000
plot. Capibaras, though ordinarily not eaten by tappers, have been practically
covas x 600 kgs.) and 960 kgs. of rubber (120 tapping days x 8 kgs.). One must keep
exterminated along the Tejo River, maybe simply because they are easy to locate

in mind that these -are man-days, assuming that there is only a single adult male from canoes (on the other hand, their fat possesses medicinal properties). Animals

worker in the house (Tables 8.3)

such as sloths and anteaters are "neutral", since they do not serve as food and they

are not viewed as man's competitors ':; -though one type of anteater (the mambira) is

In the standard division of time during the week, Wednesdays and Saturdays
are the preferred days for hunting. If possible, tappers avoid hunting on Sundays; on

persecuted by tappers for no apparent reason. Some individual species in a group

are ,avoided (thus one species of armadillo and one species of squirrel).

some places, hunting on Thursdays is strictly avoided. Rain season the ideal season

Among birds and reptiles there is also a pattern of avoidance, with an even

for hunting (the hunter's presence is less easily detected because the soil is wet-,

greater degree of exclusion and restrictions. The nambu forest partridges are

more animals fat).

universally accepted as food without reima or restriction (occupying a position

Riozinho rubber tappers show exceptions to the rule that hunters maximize

among birds analogous to deer as safe food), and seem to be as abundant as the

returns by seeking out species that have a greater presence in the total anim al

paca. By contrast, large land birds such as curassows, guans, chachalacas and

biomass (Robinson & Redford 1991) According to this rule, animals thal are most

trumpeters are rare in Riozinho, and I only saw them kept as domestic animals,


capt~red should

correspond to those which have the greatest amount of -

probably captured while small (the trumpeter is a guardian the domestic fowl).

meat relative to the total amount available in the forest; they are both more visible

Killing a parrot or macaw is synonymous to

and give the largest return per effort. This rule is broken in almost every category of

serious shortages the sm,all, white egrettes, or the japinin birds, were never bothered

size. For example, both the tailed paca (paca-de-rabo) and the capivara have the

at the Tacaratu settlement. Among reptiles, river turtles have become very scarce

size of the paca (Agouti paca), but they are not eaten by rubber tappers. In a smaller

(though they

category which includes the larger monkeys, neither the anteaters nor the sloths are

abundant, even though collected intensively in the forest.


hunger, though even during

not disappeared completely), while land turtles are very

h'l e th e sqUlrre
. 1s

Just as agricultural activities are diversified and occupy different niches

are highly valued as food, tappers find repUlsive the forest rabbits, marsupials of all

within a settlement, the hunting economy also is developed in a variety of niches,

kinds, ground and tree rodents such as the bamboo rats, along with weasels, wolves

employing diverse techniques and affecting different animals in quite unequal ways.

and bats. The status of small monkeys is less rigid, and they are often kept as pets.

This means that concepts like "depletion", analogous to "impoverished soils", are

eaten. In the small mammal category of embiaras (Table 88d)


W 1

generalizations of little use. It remains necessary to specify what species and

techniques are involved (Vickers 1988: 1521). The rubber tappers themselves
distinguish demographic factors (high occupation density drives away game) from
technical factors (the use of pauIista dogs drives away game), and from a _
consumption perspective they are quite selective when it comes to game _
designating a restricted sub-group within each large animal category identified (see

years, and 'is 'l ike a grave ''illness affecting not only the hunter but the whole house
Some very successful hunters attribute their success to the use of hunting
amulets, the cabojos. These amulets may be extracted from animals (such hair balls)
or can be prepared with the nests of rare birds (such as the uirapuru). These hunters

also Brown 1989; 1991; 1982; Rylands 1990: 116ff).

maintain their amulets secret. Forest animals may be protected by "fathers of the
Hunting. Panema and Reima

forest", who can punish hunters who hunt the same species repeatedly, or hunt on-

Among rubber tappers, the consumption of game is associated to the panema

Thursdays or Sundays (d. Galvao 1976:81-85; Wagley 1964:78-81). Rubber tappers

and reima complexes. Unlike cultivation activities, the consumption of game is

with indigenous backgrounds (called caboclos, who on Riozinho are descendants of

surrounded by dangers of a mystical origin. Hunters facing persistent bad luck will

Cashinahua, Jaminawa or other Pano groups) are reputed to be lucky hunters

tend to blame another person for inflicting panema on them. The ultimate cause of

because they can control the mystical forces that govern hunting. 4

panema lies in a woman who has consumed game killed by the hunter. A woman

Reima restrictions divide game meats into one category that is safe for all to

might afflict a hunter with panema either on purpose or not. A hunter becomes

consume, and another whose consumption may be dangerous. An abundance of

inflicted when the meat or bones of game he gave (and did not sell) to another -

game meat is not enough to sustain a woman during the resguardo (post-partum)

house come into contact with a woman during her menstrual period or after

period, which might last a whole month, and during which she must avoid any sort of

childbirth; in fact a woman in this state has only to walk over an area where these

work, must remain secluded and must not eat reimosa food. A woman with sons who

bones are buried to affect the hunter. A bitch in heat can cause panema, which also

are hunters might allege that she cannot eat reimosa meats, which means that the

afflict hunting dogs in the same way, with disastrous results for a household. Even

hunters must supply the house with deer meat (the only large game that is not-

hunting trails, along which traps are placed, can become affected by panema.3

restricted), and of


embiara meats, such as agoutis and partridges.

A hunter cursed with panema (or enrascado, in trouble) tends to give up

During the post-partum period, women ideally should survive on a diet without

hunting larger game altogether, restricting his actions to embiaras, that is until he

forest foods - typically chicken broths flavoured with butter.5 Great ("lucky") hunters

beco_mes cured by herb baths and appropriate chants. The panema state can last for

, , ,3. I. attempted to photograph the setting up of a trap on a paca trail Thetapper s WIfe alleged that I co~ld empanemar or enrascar (get in trouble) the' trail.
The n.ext day we found a paca III the trap. From then on, I gained the reputation of
breaking panema states. It worked many times.

4. The Floresta settlement, on Riozinho Estate, had two feuding macrohouses in two different clearings (invasion of crops by pigs started it). The son-inlaw of the head in one macro-house was a caboclo who "closed off' access to the
clearing to the residents of the rival clearing (two brothers-in-law). The caboclo had
also the power to have all the women he desired, and was in conflict with the patron,
who thought that he produced little rubber.
5. During a meeting of cooperative managers in 1989, the only point raised
by women was to request the inclusion of canned butter among "basic commodities".

undeniably attract women. To be able to bring home food from the forest is a

was found to be around 2.33 kgs ' per day per house (mammals only), including by

decisive argument for winning over a wife. 6

order of weight, deer,.tapirs, boars, agoutis, monkeys, armadillos and squirrels _

The consumption of reimosa (restricted) game meat can prove extremely

(birds and reptiles also were not computed here).8 The contrast in daily house

dangerous to sick men and women, and to woman after giving birth. Both complexes

consumption confirms the current opinion that Riozinho has less game than the rest

affect the hunter's behaviour and consumption patterns. When combined with the
restriction of certain weekdays (Thursdays in some locations, Sundays and holidays

of the region.
Predatory action on tapirs, wild boars and, to a lesser extent, deer (on the

in others) and with limitations to the repeated preying on the same species, the

basis of the samples mentioned) seem to be higher than natural productivity

notions of panema and reima in a certain way limit the total pressure upon forest

reported for the Amazonia (Robins on and Redford 1991:422-24), which is


confirmed by fact that tapirs are inexistent, and boars and large monkeys are very
rare on the Riozinho according to the rubber tappers (cf. Bodmer et al 1988). On

Hunting Productivity
The region easily could accommodate larger garden plots (within a total area

the other hand, the comparison with published data reveals that the paca (Agouti
1li!-ca) also was being hunted at greater levels than theoretically sustainable, though

of around 400 hectares of forest per house, and annual plots of 0.3 hectares); it
its scarcity was not noticed anywhere, even in Riozinho. One possible explanation is could allow for greater rubber extraction (one third of the existing trails remain
that pacas feed on the rubber tappers' garden plots, and have a short reproductive
idle). In Riozinho, density reaches 1.7 persons per square kilometer. No one is
concerned about the shortage of land for cultivation; as for rubber trails,

cycle. According to the tappers, as much as 25 % of the manioc roots are eaten by
pacas and other rodents, while ambushes set up at the plots rarely failed to produce

approximately 30% of the trails remained idle; but the shortage of game remained a
game. N ambu partridges, and land turtles are other examples. According to rubber
genuine source of dissatisfaction.
tappers, deer have become more difficult to find since the introduction of "paulista"
On the headwater Riozinho, the average daily amount of game meat per
dogs in the early 1980s. The tappers' impression is that Riozinho is a place rich in
house could be 1.48 kgs.1 On the Tejo area including the Jurua varzea, the average
rubber but poor in game (ruim de rancho or "bad for food"), where one faces
6. I witnessed a conversation in which a woman accepted to live with a tapper
~he ~ad never seen before, on the information that there was plenty of monkey meat
III hIS house .
. ", 7. O.n Sep~ember 1983, during eleven days, three houses (a macro-house) on
RlOzlnhO killed eIght mammals (47.4 kilograms of meat): one deer (1752 kgs 370/
of the total. volume of meat), two pacas (16.~4, 34.7%), two squirrels (0.692 1.5%)
~4~~rkadII~f (7.02, 14.9%) and two agoutls(5,68, 12%). These figures av~rage t~
gs.T game per house per day; 0.269 kgs/person/day' and 0479
kgs./day/km . Game meat was available on nine of the efeven days' f~r three days
the houses also consumed on duck, one chicken and several egg~' bananas and
papayas m,ade up meals on four days, and fish was eaten twice. M~nioc flour was
always avaIlable.


. . 8. Mammals Hunted, September 1991, 49 houses: Of 108 mammals and 799.132 kilograms of meat, there were 10 deer (175.17 kgs., 21.9% of the t!>tal
volume of meat) 20 pacas (227.2, 28.4%), 17 squirrels (5.882, 0.7%), 4 armadillos
(14.16, 1.8%), 26 cotias (73.84, 9.2%), 21 monkeys (63.0, 7.9%), 8 pigs (90.88,
11.4%) and 1 tapir (149, 18.6%). These figures average O 2.33 legs. of meat per
house per day; 0.33 kgs/person/day; and 0.77 kgs.jdayjkm .



Consumption and the Quality of Life

Above, we have outlined the house's use of various forest niches, through
agricultural, hunting and collecting techniques (leaving the rubber activity to the
next chapter). Now we summarise what a house should obtain from these processes.

gathered from' t?e ~orest, sucb as honey, palm tree wines, or palm hearts, or forest_
Note that the presence of manufactured goods (purchased with rubber)
constitutes an essential component in the quality of life of a rubber tapper's house.

A house should never be deprived of manioc flour. The point in making the

Houses are not complete or even viable without hunting equipment (guns,

manioc flour is not to extract poison from the manioc. The varieties in use are not

ammunition), fishing equipment (nylon for nets and lead), agricultural tools (axes,

poisonous (at most some are bitter to taste). Manioc and bananas can be eaten

hoes, machetes), and extraction tools (blades, tapping knives, tins, pails, sacks);

cooked or roasted, but during a main meal these items do not replace flour. Indeed,

gasoline, metal plates for the flour-houses. Houses also need fabrics and thread, and

instead of making


neighbouring Indians bake or cook their manioc, but at a -

soap and salt to be used in the domestic processes. These imported goods, acquired

tapper's home, the absence of flour is a sign of poverty and a cause of shame.

as means of production and paid for by rubber exports, indirectly enter as part of the

Manioc flour is a universal food, with no reima or restrictions due to sex or age.

production process in every sector. This means that tt is not possible to separate two

Children under one are fed on a diet of massa fina or a special manioc flour rich in

discrete technical spheres within a house: one of subsistence production and the

starch, which must be mixed with powdered milk and sugar.

~ther of comm~dity production. This is the reason why I have suggested that basic

"Hunger" as a scarcity of rancho is a reference to game meat which should be

goods are those used as permanent flows, either as a flow of things (such as manioc-

part of every meal, in the form of a broth which together with the manioc flour

flour, game, salt, soap) or as a flow of services (such as the manioc-house, shot-guns,

makes up a pirao. Everyone appreciates the standard farinha and caldo (game

or tapping knives), in contrast with non-basic goods such as occasional food (fruits,

broth) staple, followed in some houses by coffee and the strong Jurua tobacco,

sweets) and non-productive durable goods (non-used mattresses, a motor in stock).

rolled into cigarettes or chewed. The use of ducks and chickens, eggs and fruits,

The line separating basic from non~basics cannot be easily drawn, since some itens

wine made from patoa or beans does not indicate only food variation, but rather

may classified differently by different houses. What looks like non-basic cooking oil

shows the absolute scarcity of game meat, which ideally should always accompany -

or coffee in one house is basic food (for male workers only) for another house in the

manioc. But game meat, contrary to manioc, is not a universal food. Women on

sense of being used as a continuous flow.

resguardo or protection after childbirth must avoid reima meat (which excludes

Shiny clothes, water and shock-resistant wristwatches, efficient motors, shoes,

most. of the forest food), and should have domestic food or commodity food

new records, and radios all are highly valued by many tappers, who also enjoy

(chicken and butter), similar in this respect to children under one (powder milk ans

decorating the ~alls of their homes with pages cut out from magazines and books.

sugar). These restrictions also apply to sick persons who should also avoid fruits

Men, women and children great pride in their imported possessions, and

such as pineapple, orange, lemmon and papaya. Are luxury food, in a sense, both

manufactured articles may draw the same interest as forest animals and plants.

commodity food such as chocolate, guava paste, crackers or sweets, and food

Imported objects are used for personal expression and in communication, and the

fact that game meat cannot be exchanged for commodities - ' , in general exchange

. econOITIles
. lk
that of the rubber tappers are essentially linked to
1 e

regimes distinguish that which is given and comes from the forest, that which is

the market both on the , production level (which makes it impossible to discern

exchanged in kind and comes from human labour, and that which is exchanged for

commodity production from subsistence production) as well as on the consumption

debt and carries overtones of exploitation - does not prevent watches, knives and

horizon (which makes it impossible to distinguish superfluous from necessary

shotguns from entering in cycles of barter-exchange among friends around the-

consumption), and also on the technical level (which makes it impossible to see a

neighbourhood (Douglas and Isherwood 1978:3f; Hugh-Jones 1989; Appadurai

"traditional" technology as fixed).

1986, 1989). Such barter exchanges among friends put into circulation novelties
such as records, new dog breeds, or new guns, in circuits which sometimes lead to
the exchange of an old gun for a new one. Game meat, manioc flour, imported guns
or dogs occupy, in their own ways, a central position, whether affectionate or
cognitive, social or personal, among the rubber tappers' interests and exchanges.
This means that the global quality of life simultaneously is a function of different
categories of goods - deer meat, patoa wine, but also chocolate and powdered milk -, and that the consumption sphere is not closed.
Similarly, the forest peasant's technical knowledge should not be seen as

Rubber . tappers possess a meticulous perception of the forest. They also _

have a keen intrest in mechanical processes. To take apart and rebuild a combustion
engine is a matter of pride to many rubber tappers. Watches and motors were
especially admired. Watches are tested for macho qualities. A friend of mine asked
during the noon break at the trail: How can all clocks be synchronised (among
themselves and with the sun)? The tapper mused that the first clock maker must
have "lost a lot of clocks" in trying to synchronise the hand with solar movements.
Rubber tappers also admired the builders of combustion engines. A toy car given to
a child immediately was taken apart by adults who were curious about the spring
mechanism. Interest in mechanical objects, from diesel motors to "super-sonho"
(supersonic corrupted to "super-dream") airplanes that crosses without making noise

was great.

The obje~tiv.e of this chapter was to outline the form of tappers' houses in the_
forest on the Upper Jurua, as an introduction to a more detailed analysis of rubbermaking in the next chapter. Rubber tappers are extractors, cultivators,
hunters/fishermen and artisans. They use fo_rest areas whose natural resources are
carefully mapped; they use technical procedures which depend both on the forest
niches and on imported equipment; they desire game and manioc flour as food, and
also imported commodities and are keen on new technical ideas.



Chapter 9
Structure of the Labour Process
We now introduce a definition of labour processes, which corresponds to the
definition of the processes of house maintenance during the short-term period of
technical activities. 1 This definition follows Marx's idea of labour, which is "above
all nothing more than a process between man and nature ( ... at the end of which ...)
emerges a result that already had been determined from the outset and, therefore,
ideally, in the worker's representation" (Marx 1969:149). Still according to Marx, the components of a labour process as "an activity oriented towards an end" are the
labourer, the object of labour (especially nature) and the means of labour (Marx
1969:149). This definition may be traced to Aristotle, who used it to describe the
existence of things, - substances - as in the articulation between matter and form,
through the action of a technical agent seeking an end. 2 In applying these ideas to
the study of the rubber tappers' economy, the labour process may be described by
specifying the technical agent (the working team of a house or macro-house), the
matter (the forest territory); the -tools (knives and so on), all this antecipated as an
image together with an .end (rubber balls and their commodity equivalent). In
quantifying these components, one may use the hours of a labourer, the number of
trees on a rubber trail, the cost (in rubber) of tools, the number of rubber bundles to be produced, and a final stock of commodities to be acquired.

1. Fortes (1971(1958):87) distinguished a short cycle of economic activities

which produce things (which I prefer to call technical actions) from a long social
reproductive cycle of persons.
2. Aristotle, Metaphysics, rn, ii, 6; also VII passim. Giannotti -1983:81-84.
Malinowski 1961 [1922]:Ch. 5; 1978 [1935]; Richards 1939; Firth 1956 [1946].


A rubber tapper's house is thus a unit of the labour process, that is, it is atechnical unit. It also is a juridical unit, in the sense that the components of the

"leg"). Some girls would cut and save sinall quantities of rubber in order to buy shoes
or a new dress.

labour process are under the house head control (rule over the house people; rights

(4) Dependent men over fifteen, considered as mature tappers, capable of

over rubber trails under a costumary contract; property of tools by purchase;

cutting and gathering the rubber of an entire trail by themselves, and able to smoke

knowledge of technical procedures). A house, represented by its head, takes

an entire rubber ball or bundle.

decisions over the volume of production, over the use of labour-time, over the

(5) Hired persons, who took care of particular trails or worked in teams of

exploitation of trails and over the techniques employed. 3 I shall use this framework

two with the house head. They were remunerated either in goods (a shotgun, for

to elaborate an understanding of the labour process involved in rubber production

example), or in fixed amounts of rubber or money (to be handed over at the end of

by tappers in the forest. 4

the harvest), or received a percentage of the final product (in this case we properly
speaking a meeiro or sharecropper).

In rubber production, the work group was composed of the facas (knives, or
available labour) of each house (house heads, dependent tappers "working for the
head", and auxiliary workers including women). Work crews varied from house to
house and included the following categories.

Summarizing the numerical data from 57 houses in Riozinho, there were 50

tappers who headed houses and 21 mature tappers who were dependent upon a
head, including 16 relatives and 5 hirelings. House heads ranged from 18 to 66 years
of age, though most tappers were concentrated between 18 and 30. Two houses were
headed by women ~ho did not cut trees; and five had heads who did not cut trees

(1) House heads who were also active tappers.

(they had dependel}ts or hired help as tappers).
(2) Auxiliary gatherers (children eight and up, women) participated in the
gathering of latex, during short periods and usually during daylight hours (when
there was the threat of rain, or being responsible for a third, or a quarter, or a "turn
in the trail").
(3) Auxiliary tappers were mainly ten to fifteen-year-old boys (girls only
rarely), who would both tap the rubber trees and gather latex, outfitted with a
complete set of tapper's equipment. They would cut regularly one part of the trail (a
3. For the distributive conflicts within houses cf. Sen 1984:346-68,369-85.
4. Property relations constrain the labour process (patrons monopolize the
rubber trails) and prices constrain the way in which the eXIsting technology can be
used (patrons may monopolize access to goods). Thus a space of production
possibIlities is formed. Houses can act within the boundaries of such a space (sec.
Chapter 10).

Dependent tappers who were sons of the house head worked "for their
father" in his house until marriage. 'During this stage, -. the young rubber tapper has
the capacity of an adult, but not the responsibilities of a house head with the maniac
garden. Tappers who are dependents of the head usually are distributed between
ages 16 and 24. A young tapper might leave to work either for a married brother ~
where labour relations and distribution might be more equal, or the work day less
intensive - or as a hired hand at another house, usually on another rubber estate, or
by establishing his own house by marriage. On Riozinho Estate, the five hirelings
aged 17 or 18, which suggests that the situation of hired help was transitory. Hired
help lived in the house and took advantage of the same services as the other

residents, such as food preparation and laundry, services provided by the women of
and remoVing forest resources. This is the case of wild honey extraction, when tree

the house (Table 9.1).

tru~s are stricken ' do~ and the whole honeycomb is withdrawn; or of fishing and

For 1980, the population census for the State of Acre recorded 23,830
tappers for the whole state, but a census of agro-pastoral activities declared 38,000
workers in natural extraction for the same state. The difference may be traced to the

hunting. According to this definition, the collection of animal pelts through the use
of traps also is a predatory activity. A plant or animal population submitted to
human predatory activities mayor may not be in equilibrium (and equilibrium may

inclusion (or exclusion) of female labour and of labour under age 16. The effect of
or may not be a stable one) depending on whether or not the number of individuals
this counting procedure is illustrated in the table above. One could argue that the
removed from tile population is offset by natural reproduction.
number of 28 auxiliaries in 57 houses (probably underestimating the real

Extractive activities in the sense employed here involves the removal of

collaboration of women and children) is a measure of the internal exploitation to .

substances without the removal of individuals: gathering of fruits, sap, latex, eggs,
which the house is submitted through the head's decision. While this idea is
bark, leaves, honey or feathers are examples: they amount to the use of forest life as
important, it needs to be qualified because the analysis of individual houses
a fund to generate a flow. The distinction between balanced and unbalanced
demonstrates that when youths enter the labour process, everyone's work day is
reduced. 5

procedures (in stable/unstable equilibrium, or far from equilibrium) also applies

here, since (as in the case of the tappers) continued, excessive extraction could lead"

The Use of Nature

to the death of a popUlation: one might say then that unbalanced extraction

The image of the tapper's work as a stroll through the forest where he

constitutes a predatory technique when considered in the long run. In both

collects a product yielded directly by nature is an illusion. Before I demonstrate this,

predation and extraction, activity levels compatible with maintaining a balance

describing in greater detail the gathering process, it is convenient to distinguish

iniply that a popUlation or group of populations remains roughly constant over time,

extraction from predation.

including that of predator/extractor, on the one hand, and that of prey and

Predatory activities are those which involve the permanent and irreversible

extractive resources.

destruction of a living thing, pi ant or animal. It amounts to transforming part of the

From the foregoing, it should be clear that neither predation nor extraction

forest's stock of life into a flow. Predatory techniques include searching for, locating

may be taken as synonymous with either the absence of human investment over
nature, or with disequilibrium. As soon as they are part of labour processes and

5. Chagas's house (38. years) included two young tappers, aged twelve and
thIrteen. One of the two traIls tapped had 150 trees (since the standard trail had
120, this one was equivalent to 1.25 trails). The trail was divided into a main course,
tapped by Chagas (100 trees, or 0.83 of a standard trail), and a section tapped by his
two sons (50 trees, or 0.42 of a standard trail for the two). Cacundo (46 years) had
thr~e young "blades" (aged 16, 15, a~d 14). Usually three of them tapped the same
traIl of 140 trees (1.17 standard traIls) - In other words, at Cacundo's house with
more workers than Chagas', each worker tapped the equivalent of 0.4 trails pe~ day.
Similar data have been obtained from the two surveys in Riozinho (1982/83).

therefore of the human order, predation/extraction involve an ideal anticipation of

its outcome (the "form" of the forest) and also depends on previous results of labour."
Thus, the specifically human labour process add to the pair predator/prey a
previously produced environment of ideas and things, and also link past action to
future endeavors.

- --



The components of predatory/extractive activity include both material

objects (equipment for searching, locating and removing, as boats, traps and guns);
ideas (knoledge on collecting seasons, taboos and prohibitions; on animal behaviour
and plant properties); and direct investment on the forest itself (replacement of
animals, sporadic planting, breaking of access trails, and production of foods used by
specific prey populations). This formulation stands in opposition to the notion thatpredatory/ extractive techniques are essentially different from pastoral/agricultural
domestication techniques because in the former there is no prior investment in the
transformation of the object of labour (a glance at the past), nor is any care taken to
preserve the object of labour (a glance into the future). Domestication is one mode,
but not the only one, of linking the past with the future by means of labour; the
concept of human predation/extraction may involve a degree of ideal and material
investment along an indefinite temporal horizon. 6
Rubber trails constitute exceptional human interventions in the forest. Trails
are wide and carefully cleared of vegetation, with bridges and steps linking trees
whose bark has been prepared individually to receive the precise incision of a
speCial blade'? Besides having its bark prepared, each tree is equipped with a set o(
bowls, along with ladders and bridges. Hence, first the trees are inserted into an
artificial landscape, later to have a balanced production assured by repeated
repairing and tapping with sustainable procedures. The forest surrounding a rubber
tree, nearly a hectare of vegetation, is not brought down for other purposes because
rubber trees need their surrounding vegetation. Rubber trails can never be mistaken

for other sorts of trails 'in the forest, which we call "paths". The latter are narrow,
grooved and directed roughly along a straight line; the rubber trails are wide, hardly
trodden, and meandering along a closed loop, though there are variations with
principal bends (volt as) and secondary bends (oitos), cul-de-sacs (mangas) and short
cuts (vara~6es) (Map 5).
The preparation of a rubber trail begins with three tasks:
raspar (scraping) -and. empausar (specially prepar;ng the trees).

ro~ar (cutting),



reproduces the agricultural procedure of cutting low vegetation with a machete,

applying it to trails measuring one metre breadth by five to nine kilometres length a total area of 0.5 to 0.9 of an hectare per trail. The area cut forms a tunnel (at
about a man's height) underneath the forest canopy, through which it is possible to
walk rapidly or run even at night, free of obstacles.
Raspar involves the scraping of tree with a special instrument, creating
surfaces in the form of parallelograms where daily incisions will be made in straight,
parallel lines. There were two types of incision: the "half cut" (half the tree diameter
for milking, the-other half to rest) and the "'one-third cut". The incision progressed uniformly either from below _to above or above to below. Once the number of
scraped areas ("flags") was determined, each received a dish whose size depended
on the productivity of the tree or the location of the _scraped area (experience
dictated the need to use a tin cup with a capacity ranging from 100 to 900
millilitres). Each tree had a supply of gathering tins of various sizes, placed on
forked sticks alongside the ladder (the operation was dubbed "entigelar").
The next step . (empausar) was to place trunks in such a way as to serve as

. ~. This use. of 'I?redation' and

LaraSlt1Sm~ ~~es bIOlogIcal metaph?rs

of 'extraction' (analogous to the notion of

(cf. Odum 1?83, Chapter 7,1) for special
abolfr actiVIties. We d? not use Tlm Ingold's termmological opposition between
and gathenng (human), and predation and extraction(nonhuman)(1986: 104).

ladders on trees to be milked, and to install or repair trunks over streams to serve as

. 7. Cf. Emperaire 3;nd Delavaux 1992:2. Trails are of course used not only for
tappmg, but also for huntmg and gathering.

getting it accustomed to the cut. It was important to accustom a tree during the-

bridges. Before proceeding to routing cutting, some tappers would spend several
days in a preliminary milking of the tree. This was called "taming" the tree, or


correct lunar phase and with the necessary regularity, in order to increase its
productivity gradually until reaching its maximum. By this time, the trail is ready.
The maintenance of a trail is a more difficult task than it appears to be at

Work Instruments
Rubber production required labour and trails, but it also demanded

All the equipment used in labour processes involved in rubber

first sight. The invasion of patches of prickly bamboo (taboca), a characteristic of

production belonged to individual houses: the tins, the smoke house, the press and

the tropical forest in Acre, makes the task of preserving a trail quite arduous. The

the rest of the equipment. To remove a rubber tapper's tins from a trail was the

taboca stands have an unpredictable life cycle, and they might fall at any point,

symbolic gesture meaning his expulsion - though these implements would be taken _

forming an impenetrable mass. During thunderstorms in the forest, trees frequently

by their owner upon his leave. They never belonged to the patron.

fall. The forest surrounding and above trails invades them during the months they

The purchase of this equipment was not the basis for the dependence of

are not used for rubber gathering (August-September, and February to May),

tappers on patrons either, since most implements were produced simply and locally.

cluttering them with branches, vines, trunks and taboca bamboo. 8 Tappers not only

Only the raw matenals used in these implements; ' such as tin and iron,. were

maintained but also added new turns to old trails, sometimes making entirely new

necessarily imported from outside the regional economy. In other words, the


functioning of the domestic extractive economy faced no barriers in terms of

When a tapper rented a group of trails, they became his during the period of

his contract, a fact made evident with cases of tappers subletting trails. Renting '

The most expensive equipment used in rubber extraction consisted of tin

created a right. The initial investment of opening or reopening and maintaining a

cups (to gather the l~tex that oozed from incisions), because of the number involved.

trail, planned and executed by a house head with the labour and equipment he

Individual tins could be made from scrap 'metal (vegetable oil cans were a main

commanded, created informal use rights over the new trails 9, but the tapper had no

source), and soldering was unnecessary since the coagulated latex itself sealed the

rights to compensation for the labour invested in the opening and conservation of a

~etal. Nonetheiess~ in"order to fit 240 trees,a house needed 500 tins or more. This

trail should they choose to leave the estate (in contrast with the case of agricultural

was not impossible for a young house tapper to ,invest. Part of the tins could be

improvements ).

purchase second-hand from other houses, and a young tapper might receive tins
from his father as a contribution to the equipping of the new house.

8: To r~open a trail (130 trees), a tapper spent. a total of 26 1/2 days of

labour, mcludmg two days and a half offered by a neIghbouring house and 23
partial days (since he tapped the the part already prepared). In another case
Parafba reopened a trail expending six work days in Afril to mark the route that
was practically lost in the trees, and then clearing the trai in eight additional days.
, . ~. One of t~e loops shown on Map 5 was opened by the current trail owner
who paId rent for only one trail. In another example, the tapper Ivan subletted a trail 'officially" with 130 trees from another tapper, but he added another 64 new
trees, obtaining a trail with 250 trees. He asserted that he could add still another 125
virgin rubber trees to the trail, located in the "heart" of the loop but this was not
worth the expense of acquiring additional gathering tins.

Rubber tree incision knives were made up of a durable part (a handle of

wood, old metal and wire) and a delicate, removable piece, which was the blade,
whose quality proved crucial to the milking process. A poor-quality blade not only
would kill the tree, but also would break easily. Usually, blades sold at the trade
post were of inferior quality, but tappers were demanding in their choice of blades
and always sought to acquire the best available in the region, even if that meant

higher costs. The best blades were fashioned by master blacksmiths along the Jurua,
and were sought on trips or ordered through friends and river traders.
The narrow-mouthed tin pails, holding from four to eight litres of latexlO,
were also manufactured by tappers, with no soldering. Sacks holding from 20 to 30
litres were used to transport the latex when' a pail was full. The opening of these

in rubber (annual costs

which represented about

plus' long~term

equipment) stood around 140 kgs rubber,

of the average annual output in rubber. The annual

replacement cost (48 kgs.) remained around eight percent of the average annuat
product. These relatively low figures indicate that the tapper maintained a
reasonable technical independence (Table 9.2) under the 1982 prices.

sacks are tied by a strip of solid rubber, and they were strapped onto tappers' backs
using estopas (rude cloths fashioned as back-packs). Sacks were sewn together by
women and fully coated by men with caucho latex mixed with sulphur.

The foregoing description of the use of labour, of nature and of technical

The poronga was a kerosene lamp, which could be held in one's hand or

instruments assume the employment of determined procedures. A technical

teeth by a wooden handle, with a protective device to protect the tapper's face,

procedure may be seen as a way of doing things - a recipe that includes material

allowing him to see the trail without being distracting by the glare. ll The forest or

ingredients, instruments and qualified labour, and which specifies what product is to

hunting knife usually was recycled from an old machete blade, equipped with a new

be the result. The notion of technical procedures is related to existing knowledge

wooden handle as well as a wooden sheath. The rest of the equipment belonged to

concerning the production of objects produced through the use of labour,

the smoke house, whose principal item was an underground clay oven built by the

instruments and nature. This is a structure which, just as material equipment, may

tappers and periodically repaired by the women with the kitchen ashes. In the

be appropriated, stored and transmitted, as a blueprint for actual labour processes. -

smoke house, the only piece that had to be bought was the basin in which the latex

Hence, the same equipment, the same people and the same natural resources

was deposited from the sacks (though some houses substituted metal basins with a

may be combined for different techriical procedures, yielding distinct production

piece of smoked cloth, the bangue). Tappers built their own rubber presses,

results and involving distinct qualities and intensities of labour. Under this

following a mechanical design common to flour-house presses.

definition, technical procedures may differ because of the instruments used (for

Expenses with purchased equipment reveal how much rubber Was necessary

example, a smoker or a press), because of the persons involved (one worker could

prices, in, order to produce rubber "12 The total equipment cos t expresse d
,at current

tap an entire trail in one day, while a team of two might be employed to tap a
similar trail); and because of the particular use made of nature, or because of the

h ]l~d' Labtebx w(as l!leasur.ed in latas. One lata = 2 litres of latex = roughly 1 kg
res so I ru er losmg weight thereafter).

know-how which mediates the use of instruments by persons on nature. For

example, the bark of a'rubber tree might be scraped during the waxing crescent or

11. In the nearby Tarauaca Valley and elsewhere in Acre (but not in the
upper Jurua), such lamps are fixed on tappers' heads, much like miners' lanterns.
. 12. In. 19~3, a tapper a!rived at Riozinho Estate, bringing the followin
e<jblpment with him (expressed m rubber values): three incision blades (8 16 k
ru ber), one handle (4 kgs.), one pail (4 kgs.), one sack (2.5 kgs. for the ciothl~~e

the waning one, or the same tree might be milked twice or three times a day, or half
or one third of the circumference of the tree might be used in tapping; each of thesebasin (10 kgs.) and 730 tins (116 kgs.), adding up to 144 kilograms of rubber. The
gathenng tins had been brought by Brasil.

situations constitutes variant technical procedures or styles. Technology is the

considering the resistance of the outer bark to the blade, the format of the trunk and

collective of technical procedures which might be applied in diverse combinations or

other characteristics that 'vary enormously from tree to tree, guided by his own


knowledge and manual dexterity. An incompetent rubber tapper wipes out rubber

Knowledge of the effect of moon on latex yield, on the one hand, and pacts

trails, by virtue of errors whether in the delicate incision process, in the division of

between the tapper and the "rubber-tree mother" on the other hand, point to

the trunk or in the tapping schedule. 14 Non-equilibrium extraction techniques may

different sources of productivity. In the first case, changes in nature; in the second

result in annual outputs twice as great as those in use, but they destroy the tree after

case, changes in the tapper himself (analogous to the "lucky" condition of a hunter.

two or three years of exploitation and must be considered as predatory techniques.

after similar pacts with game protectors). Such "mystical" productive forces (Santos

The rubber tapping example illustrates the general principle that one

Granero 1986:660; Malinowski .1978:passim) were more important in hunting than

essential component of extractive technology are avoidance rules, that is abstention.

in rubber tapping, and I could not see them in action in agricultural activities.

or non-action. It may appear strange that not acting upon a tree can be seen as a

The choice of techniques in rubber extraction and processing took place

technical procedure - ' but; much like hunting, fishing and collecting cannot be

within the range of possibilities offered by forest technology, that is, the forms of use

accomplished without game, fish and living plants, which are thus classified as

known to rubber tappers. The point to be stressed here is that there were no

means of production while in a natural environment (Marx 1987:181), abstaining

processes which required the presence of specialists or which fell beyond the

from predatory/extractive activity may be necessary in order to increase or stabilize

common knowledge shared by rubber tappers. Just as there were no equipment

predation and extraction, and thus such action may be classified as productive

barriers to the independent functioning of the domestic economy, there were no

investment. 15

technical (i.e. informational/organizational) barriers either 13 .

Let us consider the processes of tapping, gathering and processing of rubber. .

The limits to tapping intensity, to the number of cutting days per week, and
to the number of months of activity per year all were defined clearly, but divergence

The basic question involved in the tapping process is that of short and long-term

could exist. For instance, there was no consensus 'opinion regarding the respective

sustainability. The key to a tapper's expertise resided in' his ability to execute

merits of the "half cut or "one-third cut" systems, which differed in the proportion of.

incisions of a precise depth, millimetrically spaced and aesthetically pleasing - this

the tree's diameter used in tapping. The question was whether or not the "half cut"

was the cut that kept the tree healthy and maximized the amount of latex yielded

reduced the total productivity of the tree over the long run. I never found any doubts

over the long run. Another basic technical problem lay in the location, number and
frequency of incisions per tree (in a specific day and throughout weekly and yearly
periods). A competent rubber tapper will use procedures appropriate for each tree,

There was no "real sUbsumption of labour under capital", to use Marx's


14 On the cultivated rubber plantations at the Sao Paulo State, the cost of
labour is high as a consequence of the need to maintain permanently employed
workers and of training costs.
15. To produce ("to bring forward", "to b~ing forth", <;>r "!O bring ab~ut") by
means of labour includes both predation/extractIOn, domesticatIOn and !abnca~?Il:,
as modes by means of which ' men/women "treats (nature) as belongmg to lID
(Marx, 1974:341. idem).

as to the two-day per week limit for tapping a tree, or to the need of four months'

The basic process of latex extraction consisted in revisiting the trees during

g~thering latex when it is still in a liquid state, and this phase is_

annual rest for trails - which means that any given tree could be tapped only 20% of

the daytime and

the year. 16

associated with the procedure of processing latex in the form of solid blocks of

In the Upper Jurua Valley of Acre, tappers continue to cut at least until _

rubber. Up until 1982, this operation took place through two serial sub-processes:

January, and waist-deep water is no obstacle to tapping. While the tappers face the

the initial production of himps of eight to ten kilograms of coagulated latex (from

risk of losing part of the latex in case of rains (water fills in the cups), this risk is

Hevea sp.) as a "ray~fish,,18, with the aid of the oie (also mown as caxinguba) tree

compensated in part by the greater productivity of rubber trails during the rainy

sap (Ficus sp.); this~as cut into strips and Tl1ade into a bundle on which successive

season. 17 By July, when polar cold fronts make the temperature drop abruptly

coatings of latex (mixed with a thickening vine, Philodendron sp.) were applied,

below 15 degrees Celsius, the rubber trees increase greatly in latex production but
they are not tapped on those days because this would harm them. By August, when

" - nu t (Orb\Junia
sn) fire until
being simultaneously smoked. :~,'over
'. th e , ;c-ocao
completing a pela (ball or bundle) weighing around 60 kilograms (Table 9.3) The

the trees renew leaves and blossom, and productivity is low, they are not tapped

proportions of coagulated in the core of the rubber ball to the smoked outer layers

either. It is explained that the trees need their whole latex to grow the new leaves.

varied from tapper to tapper. Some rubber tappers who wished to save on labour

This period coincides with the best period when rubber tappers can strike down the

increased the amount of coagulated rubber, although this was considered a inferior _

forest and burn the dried up vegetation in preparation of garden plots, after a

process (other tap~ers, although I did not see it in Riozinho rubber, could increase

protracted period ~ithout rain.

weight adding foreign substances to the latex, including earth and manioc). Non-

The Riozinho tappers tend to complete at least half the tapping day before

coagulated rubber had a bad aspect and a strong smell.

dawn. It might appear that the reason for this is that the absolute length-of the work

In Process 11 (Table 9.3), the latex could coagulate in the tins (and thus does

day would require night labour; however, even when tappers work only a small part

not need to be gathered on the day it is tapped) or coagulated as "ray-fish" as before

of the trail, they begin work well before sunrise, oriented by the idea that trees cut

(using the coagulant agent); instead of being smoked, it is compressed in the press

during the night will yield more, and also because night work is preferred by some

to extract water and made into planks. Well dried planks make good quality rubber.

(the forest is cool).

With this new technique, the second foray into the forest could be put off and
converted into greater tapping time. This technique could double the production
and it was introduced, notwithstanding the patron's initial resistance to it.

16. On plantations, trees can bee tapped on alternating days. The life
expectancy of the plantation rubber tree is calculated at thirty years, and dead trees
are used as fuel.
17. In the Purus-Acre Valley, rubber tappers suspend the tapping activity
comletely already- by December. There, this season comcides with the lucrative brazil nut harvesting season.

18. On account of the round, flat form acquired by the latex left to coagulate
on a metal basin (the river ray-fish is round).
19. Cf. Emperaire and Delavaux 1992 for scientif terms.

1983, most rubber tappers began to use a combination of both

tappers commonly assert the number of days they intend to tap during the year; or

processes (sometimes on the same rubber, since smoking a plank protects the

how many kilograms .of .r ubber they jntend to produce. The assertions are for

rubber against bacterial decay; thus smoked rubber has a pleasing smell, in contrast

instance: "This year I am going to cut 110 days!" Or, "l want to see if make 800

to the acid smell of raw latex). I observed some tappers say that they missed the

kilos!" To be a tapper and to produce much rubber constitutes a source of pride for

waning hours of the day spent in the smoke house. In fact, these hours provided an

young men. Some young men between sixteen and twenty four spoke well of walking

opportunity for informal conversation with neighbours, associated with the pleasure

or running through the forest in ' the middle of the night, comparing this positively

of seeing the final result of one's labour transformed into a handsome ball.

with all-day agricultural work under the hot sun (particularly wage labour).


However, the tenacity of work rhythms - including walking, running, going up steps,
Work Plans
Work routines and rules may be distinguished from the daily work activities
in real houses: in other words, the distinction may also be expressed as that between
the structure and the organization of labour. Idealized routines and statistical
averages capture the essentials of a technical language. But labour processes - the use of language through actions, so to speak - vary tremendously in intensity, the
composition of crews and technical variants. This variation is related to fluctuations
in the composition of the domestic work group as well as in the natural resources
and in individual technical styles; and it responds to prices, according to the house's
production plans. The description that follows presents idealized work routines as
themes upon which individual houses construct their own variants.
Daily work is quantified. Some rubber tappers mark the number of days they
tapped with a knife on a post in the house. Many tappers can recall without
hesitation the exact number of days they cut trees in each trail that season. 20 They
know the minimum and maximum latex yield of each trail, and of individual trees.
Though almost all are illiterate, most of them know how to calculate how much dry rubber will result from a given quantity of latex. In the case of house heads , the
20. Each tapping day leaves a single incision in each scra ed area of the
c:;rrent s7ason. Actual work can be thus checked tree by tree. This ~as not done b
t e matelro who only was concerned with the state of conservation of a tree.

crossing bridges, and making precise incisions at heights of one to two metres,
without rest until finished - must be accompanied by a resistance to hunger, and the
required capacity to sustained labour is much greater than in agricultural work. -A tapper with any pride is capable of working six hours tapping without eating,
proceeding with the gathering activities after eating only manioc flour mixed with
water, while agricultural labour is always punctuated by meals and often by rests. A
tapper does not expect that manioc flour mixed with river water and consumed on a
broad leaf in the middle of the forest be his only daily nourishment on work days:
but the capacity to endure work in the forest with so-little food guarantees that the

~ork plan is c~mpleted, when there had been no game meat, whose availability
essentially is uncertain the day before. Beyond the capacity to work much while
eating little, another virtue of the tapper resides in his resistance to sleep. On the
eve of tapping days, he must sleep early, since he begins work well before dawn.
Stories about the "rubber-tree mother" ("mae de seringueira"), a mystical being who
inhabits the woods, are common .throughout the -forest. Single rubber tappers
courageous enough to face her on Fridays at midnight in the middle of a storm were
said to increase their production tremendously - provided they remain single.
Daily, weekly and annual production processes are the objects of specific
planning and calculations. These processes give origin to individual houses' plans,

involving not only the quantification of production goals but also the distribution of
Based on these weekly and annual plans, we may reformulate the annual

persons throughout the available trails.

plan for houses under the basic theme of "two trails, one worker" as follows,
Once the choice of technique is established and assuming the components of
the labour process described above are given, planning for a day's work requires the

, - . at most- a pro
- duc tIV!.ty---0 f elght kilograms of rubber per day on an ideal trail.

allocation of house tappers and of auxiliary on trails. The basic or ideal plan cans
for the occupation of 120 trees (one trail) by one worker. Actual plans can vary


around this pattern. Thus, the number of trees ranges from 60 to 180, divided among
one to three workers in cutting, maybe more for gathering. During the work week, a
house distributes tappers throughout a number of work days. As examples, I will
show three different weekly production plans, the first one with a single worker on a-

Trail A

Trail B


Trail A

Trail B


Days-year: Days per week x weeks = 4_X 26 = 10~ days

Product-year: Days-year x Prod.-day - 856 kgs. 1

single trail (cf. Tables 8.6 to 8.6d for an actual example):

The third basic plan is:


Trail A



Trail A


Days-year: Days per week x Max. no. of weeks

Product-year: Days-year x Prod.-day = 56 x 8



2 x 28 = 56
448 kgs.

Trail A

Trail B

Trail C

Trail A

Days-year: Oaysper week x weeks = 6 x 24

Product-year = 1,152 kgs. of rubber

Trail B

Trail C

144 days

Let us consider an annual tapping plan. A basic annual plan consists in

divided the year into two "seasons": the "summer season" and the "winter season",
separated by the driest summer months used for agricultural activities, and by the rainiest winter months. This division leaves a maximum of four months for the
"summer season" (April-June) and three for the "winter season" (October-January),
or 30 to 31 weeks for the total "harvest". Subtracting at least two weeks for the
preparation of trails, there remain 28 or 29 weeks of tapping per year.

The annual plan descnbed above corresponds to thirty weeks, which,

deducting six weeks of preparation activities per year, leaves 24 work weeks.
Rounding the figures from this last theme we arrive at 150 days per year and 1,200
kilograms of rubber per year as the maximum use of trails and labour and as the
maximum annual output.
The table below summarizes basic annual plans under the theme "one
tapper, 1,2, and 3 trails":
21. This is a norm. Real cases, for example, include that of a house tapping
105 days a year and yielding 890 kilograms of rubber (gross).

rubber trails _ a necessity that is self-imposed. Once under way, the rubber work day
should ideally follow a rigid progression. A trail with 120 trees would take about six


hours to tap (20 trees per hour). This means an average of three minutes per tree.



This time includes the time required to move from one tree to the next (about 100
metres distant, taking one minute) and two minutes to get the tins, go up a ladder



Dry Season


Labour Input
Rubber output










Tapping days

when necessary, make the inCision, insert the tin (repeating this operation according
to the tree's ~apacity). When arriving at a tree, there are no choices to be made: the








104 150 days

856 1200 kgs*

*Rounded figures

areas to be tapped already have been scraped in a number which depends on the
tree's circumference, and the tins already have been placed on a tree fork nearby.
Steps made of trunks already have been set, affording access to tbe several scraped
areas of the tre~. This activity should be initiated at night, sometime between one_
and six A.M., though most plans got under way between three and five. Tapping was
to be concluding during the early morning bours, before nine, after continuous

Routines and constraints

activity. The use of more labour would reduce the total time of each phase.

Houses are independent in the organisation of economic activities: that is the

The first rest came after the tapping. This pause could take place in the

argument of this chapter. Independence - the freedom to decide - is limited by

forest or at home, depending on the location of the "closing" of the trail where tbe

constraints external to the productive arena, including especially prices, but also

loop is completed. This might be as far as half hour from home. A good tapper was

access to natural resources and known technology. Given these constraints, house-

measured by his ability to continue working after eating only jacuba (manioc flour

heads make their decisions.

with stream water) at the end of the trail, far from his house, before starting again to

On the other hand, given the pre-determined plans, "there is a self-imposed

"gather the milk". This pause could last as much as an hour.

The second important phase was the gathering of latex deposited in the tins.


to ensure the development of production plans in spite of daily, weekly and


fluctuations brought on by uncertainties of various kinds. This self-imposed

Gathering on a 12q-tree trail took around four bours, or thirty trees per hour, two_

coercion adopts a special form in the case of rubber production: the demand that

minutes per tree, one to walk from one tree to the next, the other to scale the steps

work routines be executed in a continuous and complete way (whatever the size of

(if they exist), remove the tin, pour the latex into a pail, clear the remaining latex

the routine). This distinguishes the style of the extractive rubber labour process

with a finger, and replace the tin on the tree fork (repeating this operation as many

from the style of the agricultural labour process, and from collecting and hunting,

times as necessary). By the end of a work day, the product of 120 trees would fill a

none of which possess the continuous, sustained and necessary character of the

sack with 20 to 30 litres of latex, carried on one's back.22 This output could vary

balls, the globa1 sequence 'of activities "iiiduding tapping, gathering and smoking had

from 16 litres in the summer time (dry season) to 24 litres in the winter (rainy

to be completed by the end of the day. Yet, why was it not possible to reduce

season), or about 20 litres per trail on the average. Children and wives might

arbitrarily the length of a given work day? Here we must return to the issue of self-

participate at this stage to accelerate the gathering process, particularly under threat

discipline and to the role of the external constraints.

of rain - gathering, not only a faster activity, also was considered less intensive,
except for the carrying of the heavy sack filled with latex.

The rubber tapper is motivated by the final return of his labour, and does not
consider a work day with only partial results as "lost". In some instances, when the

At the end of the gathering stage, the tapper would return home. There

rains come unexpectedly, instead of gathering fmm only part of the trail, the tapper

followed another brief rest period during which he ate, and perhaps bathed; but he

leaves the latex in the forest to be gathered later as sernambi (an inferior grade of

might have to look for food on rapid incursions into the forest (fish or nambu

rubber); a delay in starting out may lead to the abandon of the entire day; a

partridges, or tinamous), or gather fuel in the forest for the next phase of activity. By

"crossed" trail (one in which gathering was interrupted in the middle due, for

mid or late-afternoon, the next stage began with the smoking of latex, occupying two

exa~ple, to the br'eaking of a cutting blade) is considered disgraceful by tappers

more hours. Around five in the afternoon, one who is on top of a cleared hill or

who take pride in their work. Norms of the labour process - pace, productivity,

travels on canoe will be able to pick out houses in the middle of the forest by the

extent of resources used - were transformed into self-imposedcoercitive habits.

columns of smoke issuing from the smoke-houses.

One woman expressed the compulsory character of labour thus: "The tapper

Tappers considered activities in rubber production finished only after

is like a pupil in school: he can't make up for a lost day ... if he doesn't produce so

concluding the smoking process, when six, eight, ten, or twelve kilograms of rubber

much, he can't buy the merchandise." Another tapper explained that he had to work

were added onto a rubber ball or bundle that was being developed; or this quantity

four days a week in tapping (two days for each trail) in order to complete the "120

was transformed into a plank. Tappers keep a specific volume in mind as a goal for

days by law", where "law" should be understoo~ as "duty" (a norm of what a tapper

the work day on one trail (a "volt a" or "round").

should do, but does not even on the average).

There is more than one explanation for the necessary pace and consistency of

The tension increased towards the final months of the harvest - October,

the labour process in rubber production. One reason is of a technical nature: rubber

November and December - when the final volume produced would be determined .

tappers explained that the trees were "accustomed to certain schedules", and yielded

before the final animal balance. Though houses remained independent in their use

far more during the night. Hence it was necessary to leave home early and at regular

of resources and in the organization of production, debts and prices forced them to

hours. In addition, according to the standard technique for elaborating smoked

adopt work norms, which although flexible from house to house and subject to dayto-day uncertainties, held the force of an imperative.

22. The average yield per tree was 170 millilitres per day, but there was great
variation between trees. Along one stretch of fourteen trees that I cut, one tree
yielded as much as ,900 rnI. oflatex from a single incision, gathered in a cooking oil.
can; other trees yielded as a whole less than 100 rnI.

The volume of debts to settle was calibrated not by the upper physical limit
of potential labour, but by the production anticipated according to the house's

productive norm. Once a norm or estimate was established, it became an obligation,
an internal production goal, but its actual application was a process necessarily


access to goods, and thmr it is 'felated to the strategic interations between tappers
and patron-traders.

subject to fluctuations. I emphasize that plans like "four days a week" and "120 days

b 1"



y aw were not targets enforced by trade-post


Uncertainty also arises with sickness, with the duration of flour since the last
They were house targets'
time it was prepared, and with the availability of meat, which depends on the

around which each house organized its members and its resources (taking under
success of the latest hunt. This means that what really is to be done remains a
consideration the demands of other activities, such as hunting and agriculture). But
decision to be made each day and each week. In order to set out early to tap it remains necessary to define more precisely within what interval of variations the
between three and six A.M. - the members of a tapper's house sleep little. Durhg
freedom to establish amounts of consumption and production plans to pay for them
was exercised. What follows is a discussion of this issue.

the rainy season, final decisions are made at the last possible minute. On occasions
when the day's tasks are decided, the head often discusses the matter with his wife


and children also voice their opinions; in addition, decisions involving work on the

In the case of rubber production, the accomplishment of goals is subject to

garden plots and in the processing of manioc flour, as well as those pertaining to

the unexpected and is accompanied by anxiety and worry. While a tapper progresses

hunting, illness, have to take into consideration the existence of a cooperation group

in his annual production of rubber, he at the same time is accumulating debts whose

in the neighbourhood.

exact value is the first source of uncertainty, since it is subject to manipulation by

the trade post.

For example, one house included a son who was a tapper, along with other

younger children; in the neighbouring house lived a married brother, who also was a

Another source of uncertainty emerges when annual production plans and

tapper. On the eve of the first cutting day, the single tapper of the first house

consumption patterns fall out of step with one another. In April, debts are high and

became ill and asked his married brother to cut the trail. But the brother had

the house is still preparing its trails; in August the product is at a peak due to four

planned to work on his own garden plot. The sick tapper's mother proposed that .the

months of work, but now commodities become scarce and extraction is about to be

members of her. household "give an afternoon" of labour to the married son's house.

interrupted for two months, August and September, in ord~r to take care of garden

(for work on the garden plot) in exchange for "a day" on his brother's trail. This was

plots. In October, the second preparation of trails begins under the tensions of

how the work plan for the following day was traced, exemplifying the cooperative

accumulated debts and of the need for a final effort to meet the year's goal: say,

action of a macro-house.

"two thousand pounds of rubber", but the January rains bring about yet another

During the "winter" months (from October to January) the toughest decision

source of uncertainty. Thus, a first basic source of uncertainty is related to the

lay in the risk of losing a good part of the latex in case of rain. On the night before

~ercantile are~a of prices and time lags separating the production of rubber and

latex gathering, it is common for house members in their hammocks to discuss the
probability of rain. Some tappers faced the risk (liThe cabra [goat, generic term for

man] who is afraid does not make rubber"), while others proved more cautious-

'The same reduction in daily intensity could be reached with the participation
of a higher number of worker in the labour process. Thus, in a house with three

("God does not wish for us to cut").

The basic problem with house decisions concerning latex extraction lies in

mature tappers, the following schedule yield the same total weekly yield as in the

that they are all-or-nothing propositions - at three in the morning the decision is

case above, now with a weekly work intensity of 1/3 for each worker (and not only a

taken to risk a day's work at tapping, and the crucial point is whether or not the

daily work inte~sity, of 1/3 for each worker).

rains will fall before the conclusion of the gathering period, lasting from nine to
noon. The alternative of reducing the size of the work day in order to reduce the
risk was not considered. This apparently rigid logic leads us to a discussion of







workers self-control in the context of extractive activities plans.

The combination of spreading work intensity over time (first case) and of
Work Intensity

spreading work intensity over individuals (second case) gives each house a great

What was the standard domestic work week really like? We look at this issue
having in mind

anotion of work intensity.

range of possibilities.
Suppose, one tapper covers a single trail.-

Then the following basic possibilities may occur (cf. example in Tables 8.6 to 8.6e):

(41 %) were dedicated to rubber trail labour. In other words, houses worked two or
three days a week on the trails at the beginning of the rainy season.

One worker, alternative daily intensities

1 Trail



1 Trail

Between November 18 and December 30, I registered the use of 187 work
days (excluding sundays) scattered in 32 tapper houses. In 187 work days, 77



Each house -had more than one tapper on the average. When multiplied by
the number of "facas" or "blades", 187 work days in fact constituted 288 man-days







(1.5 worker per house). Now considering the number of actual man-days used in







23. The total number of actual work days for th~ 32 houses in the period was
1,280. The sample of 187 corresponds to 15% of the umverse.

In all of these weekly plans, though the tapper might work on the trail during

24. Taking th~ total number of days available as 187 days and the t<;1tal
number of tapping days a 77 days, we can calculate a rate R of non-used rubber tIme
(and therefore of potential increase in absolute surplus-value) as

two, four or six days, the total number of trees tapped is the same. However, the
daily intensity of labour is variable, ranging from over one (a standard trail per day)
to one-third (40 trees per day).

= (187 - 77)/77 - 1 = 0.43

Presumably, houses could be forced to increase in 43% their output merely by

working more days in each week.

rubber production during the period, we come up with only 94 (2.9 man-days per
five trails were rented (five rented trails amount to ten trails technically available

week per house).25

per week), or the trail potential; (Ill) the weekly work plan adopted as a norm by

These two counts are summarized below as totals I and 11.

the house; (IV and V) examples of actual work weeks.

The first figure indicates the number of tappers involved in rubber


production during a given day, the figure under parentheses indicates the portion of
Week days
Tap days
Work days













Total I

Total 11

The table above shows that when we consider not just the house days

a trail that is tapped by a house during that day. Hence, 4(0.8) in the Wednesday
column means that four tappers worked on that day, each cutting an average of 0.8
trails; in other words, four tappers cut a total of approximately three trails that day.
Each "trail" is taken as a standard trail with 120 trees. 26

employed in rubber (Total I column), but also the house man-days employed in

rubber (Total 11 column), the total house work does increase, although labour
intensity declines per worker (per cent figures drop from 41 to 33). This may be
illustrated by the following example. One house had five rubber tappers, including
the head and four brothers, all over seventeen. Their father had the most productive
house on the Riozinho Estate. Seeking to work less intensively and to enjoy a









4 (:7)
2 ( 6)

4 ( .8)

4 ( .41)
1 ( .9)

4 ( .5)
3 ( .8)
2 ( 6)

4 ( .8)
2 ( .7)

2 ( .8)


greater participation in the returns, these four sons moved together to the. house of a
newly married brother.
In the table below, we show: (I) the maximum amount of work that could be
performed along the week by the four tappers (or 4x6=24 men-days) assuming there
were enough trails available (or 24 trail-days), or the labour potential; (11) the
maximum amount of work that could be performed along the week considering that

During the weeks under observation, the real labour undertaken (less than
four days-trail per week) amounted to about one third of the projected goal (nearly
than 12 days-trail per wee~); this goal, in turn, was half the labour potential (about
24 days-trail per week), being nearly equal to the trail potential (10 days per week).
Note that the idea behind the weekly work plan was that four brothers would work "
the trails, leaving the married brother free for agricultural tasks; Wednesdays would

25. Since the total available man-days amounted to 288 man-days and the
total used added up to 94 man-days, we may calculate the ration R' as

be set aside for hunting by a group of three brothers, while a fourth would work a

R' = (288-94)/94 - 1 = 1.06

This means that direct labour control could force houses to increase in 106% their
output by making them work more days in each week and by making each tapper
work more in each day.

" " 26 The number outside parentheses is the quantity of labourers .worki~g
under a given intensity; the number under parentheses may b~ seen as the mte~l~
of the work day for each labourer. The product of the two flgures mea}ures d ot
the number of standard-trails tap!>ed in a day, as well as the numb er 0 stan ard
work days realized as a whole withm a day.

trail; Saturday remained free for hunting or leisure. The work plan divided the trails
(628 available trees, over five trails) in such a way that each tapper only had to tap

initial investment Of around 105 kgs. of rubber, with an annual amortisation ~md
replacement cost of 64 kilograms.

an average of 3/4 trail per day on the average.

Minimums and Maximums

Adding 30 kilograms rent to 64 kilograms of annual equipment costs

(assuming the utensils were purchased, and not home-made), a total of 94 kilograms

While averages may be the most important indicator for outside observers,

of rubber would represent the minimum a house with a single tapper working one

individual hous~s pay more mind to the size of variations. If, over time, houses may

trail would have to produce only to meet rent and equipment expenses in the

be distributed among groups including one which produces around 400 kilograms of

"rubber sector" of the. do.mestic economy. This t:>tal could be produced in 11 work

rubber per year, another producing around 800 kgs. and a third group around 1,200

days by one man producing 8 kilograms per day. Adding another 12 days for the

kgs., although the average is 600 kgs., the important point is that an individual house

preparation of the trail, it would take 23 days (in seven work weeks).

can adjust its output within a margin of 800 kilograms. In terms of working days on

These costs do not include the consumption of the house. As we have seen, a

the Riozinho Estate, variation ranged from 40 to 150 days per year per worker.

house consumes "basics", "luxuries" and "valuables". In a house with six persons, two

According to the patron, a tapper who was not lazy should produce 1,000 kilograms

adult and four children (each representing a half-consumer), the minimum annual

of rubber. To be called a "1,000 kilogram rubber tapper" by the patron was a

"basics" of salt, soap, kerosene, ammunition, medicine and sugar, cost around 364

compliment, and this annual goal involved around 120 days of tapping per year

kilograms of rubber at 1983 trade post prices, after converted to rubber values. Now

(assuming a single worker). However, in particular houses the tapper's production

the list of necessary rubber expenses is complete, including rent and payment of

standard was constrained by lower and upper limits.

tools and consumer goods. From the following tables, we may assess the minimum

Let us consider the lower limits. If a house rented a single trail (the
minimum), it would have to turn over at least 30 kilograms of rubber (without the

production required from houses With only one trail, and the maximum production
of houses with only one trail (assuming one tapper only).

tare) per trail. If it rented two, it would have to pay 60 kgs., or 90 kgs. for three, and
so on. Therefore these were variable costs, which depended on the house's


production plan, and which grew with the projected amount of rubber production.

I calculated the average equipment cost per house at 140.2 kgs. of rubber

per year (Table 9.2). Now, since we are interested in minimum levels, we may
consider the case of a tapper who worked a single trail (and not two trails, as in the
"average" tapper described before). With this distinction, a tapper would need an



In Rubber
Tap Days
Total Days









458 kgs.
58 days



Available Capacity

Potential Surplus

In Labour

In Rubber

56 days

448 kgs. rubber

56 - 58

-2 days

448 - 458

-10 kgs

(Basic consumption for a house with 2 adults and 4 children

under 10)

We conclude that, at the current trade post prices, a tapper renting only one




In Rubber
Tap Days
Total Days










552 kgs.
69 days


trail and with a house to support would have to expend all his potential rubber
labour just to pay rent, equipment and basic consumption costs, still coming up with
With each work week employing two days for work on rubber
a deficit.
production, all the rubber produced would be used to pay for the house's expenses
paid in rubber. Note, however, that there would be four work days left over for
activities outside the rubber sector in the house economy.

Available Capacity

In Labour
108 days

Potential Surplus

108 - 69

39 days

In Rubber
864 kgs. rubber
864 - 552

312 kgs

(Basic consumption for a house with 2 adults and 4 children

under 10)

Assume now that a house rented two trails at a time. Four work days of the

A house with one tapper and two trails had a potential surplus of 312

house would be technically available for rubber production. Rent would rise to 60

kilograms. This house might, however, choose between (a) not occupying the total

kilograms per year; equipment costs would double as well to 128 kilograms a year.

surplus time available, (b) employing it to increase the consumption of commodities

But the minimum consumption expenses would not rise in the same proportion,

(more "basics", or "luxuries"

since we assume that the number of workers (one) is constant, and also that the

the ' rubber production (and thus the consumption of commodities) could be-

number of consumers (two adults and four children under 10) is constant. Thus, the

replacing the use of time to produce manioc-flour, game or the use of time as

potential rubber surplus would grow more than proportionately.



llvices"). We note that the use of time to


Let us now consider a house with one tapper and three trails. Following the
logic outlined above, we arrive at the following table:

27. From what we have seen before, this would also be the case of those houses that rented only one trail and had, say, three tappers each working at one
third of the full potential intensity.




-trails. The column 'i n the middle shows the surplus, expressed in the work days or in
the product that each hou'se could achieve over the amount found in a house



In Rubber
Tap Days
Total Days


191. 85







646 kgs.
82 days



operating on the minimum level.

These figures suggest that a house with one tapper could choose between
three basic strategies for employing time during the week - all of them economically
feasible, assuming the prices of the trade post in 1982.
We may also conclude that a house with the least intensive rubber strategy
determines the prices "of equipment and basic goods, in the following sense. How


Available Capacity


In Labour

In Rubber

150 ,days

1200 kgs. rubber .

high may these prices rise and still allow for the reproduction of all houses? The
answer lies in the first line of the table: to the point where the maximum output of
the least productive houses meets their minimum expenses, that is, where it is only
sufficient to pay for rent and imported goods.

Potential Surplus

150 - 82

= 68 days

1200 - 646

= 554 kgs

In other words, now we may formulate with greater precision the idea that
the trade post, in a conjuncture of high rubber prices, calibrated advances as a

Now we may summarize the three situations described above.

function of the productive potential of individual houses. For less productive houses,

this calibration had to include at least the equipment and basic subsistence goods MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM WORKING DAYS AND RUBBER PRODUCTION

1 Trail
2 Trails
3 Trails

Days Kgs


Days Kgs





and their prices, allowing for the free manipulation ' of the trade post, would be
equal to the maximum amount produced by these houses and ' a small margin in
rubber that would remain as debt.
It should be noted that we are assuming a fixed productivity of eight

kilograms per day for all houses, and a fixed consumption for houses with six
residents. But trail productivity could vary from settlement to settlement, as could

The column on the left indicates the minimum (in days and in kilograms of
rubber) necessary for each house to produce with the corresponding number of
trails . .The column on the right indicates the maximum capacity (in days and in
kilograms of rubber) that each house may attain with the corresponding number of

the number of consumers per house. Hence, it is perfectly possible that some houses
following the pattern of one tapper and one trail could have a greater total output
and a lower volume of basic consumption, while others would invert this formula.
The upshot is that houses with low productivity also would oscillate between net
debts and net credits at the end of the year, though the total distribution was biased '

towards the debt side. This debt will appear as an average debt, because even in
specific categories (such as one tapper with one trail) there remains an inevitable
internal variation.

economy with aCGess to the forest and a simple technology, the notion of
indispensable consumer goo~s becomes elastic. 29 In other words, cutting back on

costs with essential goods (which were paid for in rubber produced) did not mean
One consequence of setting prices for necessary consumption by the measure
of the least productive houses is that houses with greater productivity _ those which
adopt strategies of tapping two or three trails - would benefit from surpluses in
commodities above and beyond the minimum reproduction cost. They earned a
surplus over

ne~essary consumption. A patron had

to purchase surplus rubber with

surplus merchandise in order to expand the gross production of the rubber estate

absolute deprivation - although it did mean deprivation in terms of self-image,

expressed by the idea that people in certain houses lived "like animals".
The substitution of techniques requiring expensive imported inputs (for
intensive rubbe:-:- production) by cheaper procedures also was possible. Part of the
surplus of highly productive houses was invested in equipment for the capture,

processing and storage of foodstuffs and for transport: in this category, one finds

and thus the gross profits -- although at the cost of reducing his average rate of

dogs, shotguns, the 3.5 HP gasoline engines used to power manioc graters in the
flour houses; 9 to 16 HP engines to power canoes made from tree trunks; shotguns;

As a result, some houses consumed coffee and sugar, and had wrist-watches

motors and record players - just as other houses bore the appearance of the sheer
poverty in imported consumption/equipment goods. This distinction was measUJ ,i
by the difference described above: tappers on the upper bound of domestic potent!::il
acquired as advances not only basic goods but also "lUXUries", "vices" and

nylon for


nets and metal containers. Hence, the total distribution of labour

within each basic strategy was related both to the domestic consumption of
imported goods as well as to the productive inputs used in the domestic economy as
a whole. 30 This range of substitutions only was possible because relevant technical
decisions took place at the house level. This margin of technical freedom thus acted
as a barrier to the power of the commercial monopoly. Monopoly increased gross

Indeed, setting aside the simplified model of one worker per house and

output, but it could not maximise the rate of profits.

allowing for variations

in the number of workers per house, the above margins
become even wider, explaining why some houses turned over only 200 kilograms ofrubber to the patron while other came close to 2,000. At the lower level, a poor

~thout mature workers could cut costs by refusing to pay rent

(the case of

houses headed by widows), by saving on fixed equipment costs (producing homemade tins from recycled metal) and by cutting back on basic consumption. In an
28. Chagas possessed cattle, swine, an engine and a canoe' he run sometimes
a small local trade, ~n~ accum~lated m~ney in a savings account.' Juvenal, his client,
was reduced to a nnrumum, WIth all hIS modest material objects displayed on the
floor, or on the columns of his house without walls.

29. Manufactured soap could be substituted ~y d.omestic soap; coffee could .

be cultivated or substituted by av<?cado leaf tea or ~ld cmnamon; tobacco ~ould be
cultivated' imported vegetable oil could be substItuted by excellent-quahty palw
oils; wild' cocoa could can substitute chocolate; h<?me-made ~bber shoes ~ou
substitute imported shoes; and children could play WIth balls or shngshots fashIOned from wild rubber.
30. The point is that workers in the forest are scar~t: to m.eet the needs of
expanded production during favourable periods. The prevaIlmg P!ICe system at ~lle
same time allowed for the absorption of ~ven the least productIve w?rkers w e
simultaneously extracting surplus productIOn from the most productIve - always
measuring production in terms of rubber.


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Chapter 10
The goal-of this chapter is to analyse house activities combinations of rubber- making, manioc cultivation and hunting. These activities, which together make up
what we now call house action plans, constitute a simplification of the full array of
houses' activities, which include both production and consumption according to
gender and age, both hunting and fishing, and both cattle-raising and handicrafts. 1
The analysis focuses on the freedom enjoyed by houses in establishing action plans,
given the constraints imposed by the known technology, by the particular stage of a
house's life-cycle, by the available natural resources and by the level of prices and
forest-rent. In other words, I describe the place of houses within a range of action
This approacp builds upon a previous chapter, where the freedom available
for different levels of produ ction (and corresponding levels of surplus) in the _
rubber-sector of the house economy (given the number of tappers, the number of
rented trails and the level of prices) was described. We can say that this freedom in
the production of rubber by houses constitutes a "space" of one single dimension,
and a step is now taken towards generalising this approach to a set of three house
activities, which can be thought of as forming a space of three dimensions. This is
not done with the intention of realism, but to suggest how a metaphor can convey a
sense of variation under constraints. I propose moreover that the amount of

1. The terminology of "action plans", "production plans" and "consumption

plans" comes from Debreu (1959:32,37,50). However, the distinction between
"producers"(firms) and "consumers"(households) collapses in the case of peasant
houses (Morishima 1976:125).


freedom expresses the resistance offered by the tappers' houses to monopolistic

.h f
ods land or labour
best in an autarkical economy with no markets elt er or go

traders and abusive landowners.

(Chayanov 1986; Sahlins 1974[1972]).

Theories about Houses

It is useful to start by asking what feature distinguishes our approach from

other analysis of peasant houses' economy. To answer this, we group theories of

peasant economy in three groups, following Ellis (1988:63,80). A first group of
theories sees houses as profit maximisers, concentrating production decisions on the
use of "factors" to produce commodities, and often taking averages in order to test
the hypothesis that houses allocate scarce factors so as to maximise profits. Such an
approach is intended to demonstrate that peasants may be poor, but are nonetheless efficient in the pursuit of rational use of factors. In order to explain apparently nonmaximising plans, a variant of this approach modifies the initial hypothesis by
introducing modifying factors such as the aversion to risk (Hill 1970: 16, 21-29;
Lipton 1968; Ortiz 1973:240-69,271; Cancian 1972:136-59).
Theories of domestic economy deal more realistically with both production
and consumption as part of the house management, with greater emphasis on
variation among houses, and they substitute the maximisation of well-being for the
maximisation of profit as the goal of the houses. They belong to the group of
maximising theories.
The main example is Chayanov's theory of peasant economic organisation,
which considers. houses as allocating time between effort and non-effort so as to _
attain an optimal combination of goods and leisure, thus replacing market efficiency
by welfare efficiency. While the profit-maximising approach works best when there
is a market for goods (although "peasant" means the absence of either a market for
labour, or of a market for land, or of both), the domestic economy approach works

A third approach is possible which, while considering peasant houses as

A peasant house develops action plans around the labour time of its

producing/ consumption units facing a market for goods, takes into the account class

members, using a stock of natural resources and a set of technical procedures, in

relations, exemplified by the existence of land monopoly and trade monopoly

relation to an anticipated image of consumption. Although full action plans involve

CBhaduri .983; cf. Ellis 1988:120; Sen 1984:37-72). A natural hypothesis on this last

both the use of time (thUS, fishing and hunting may be valued and compared as such,

situation is that, where peasant units are forced to the payment of land rents and are

and not only as means to an end) and of objects of consumption (not only produced

part of advance systems, suchas it is reportedly the case in India, the peasant houses

goods, but also the forest environment itself), here the description of action plans

are exploited to a maximum level, behaving thus to all purposes as if they were a

will be specialised, in order to point out a further difference between the

proletariat (Bhaduri 1983). Thus, the mix of class structure and of domestic

Chayanovian domestic economy Chayanov and a generalisation which I call the

economies leads here to a maximisation-minimisation model: maximisation of

constrained production possibilities approach (Crr).

landowners' and traders' rents and profits, and minimisation of houses' income.

Chayanov's approach: deals with the allocation

of total time between a

However, I have argued that this kind of maximisation does not hold necessarily in

variable t, which represents labour intensity per domestic worker (with a

the extractive forest economy, where the "interlocking of factor and output markets"

~orresponding l~vei of per capita consumption w), and leisure.

(the same patron "owns" the trails and buys the rubber) does not lead to a situation.
where a patron controls "resource decisions including the number, size, and crop

crr approach: deals with the allocation of a vector of house labour L on a

vector of activities (with a corresponding vector of consumption items).

share of each tenancy" and" permits the extraction of every last ounce of surplus

The second approach captures not only a choice .between effort and

product above the bare survival needs of the tenant family" (Ellis 1988:157; cf.

consumption (which may then be reduced to a minimisation of effort or of

Badhuri 1983). The reason is, first, that forest houses oppose resistance. against

consumption), but also a choice among different kinds of labour combinations and

arbitrary rents and to monopoly, benefiting from the scarcity of labour and from the

of consumption bundles, which may not be comparable.

dispersive nature of the extractive technology. Also, the failure of patrons to enforce-

I now go into the details of the Chayanov approach, so as to make clear what

a maximum level of exploitation may be both cause and effect of the existence of

the basic ideas are. Each house has a numb~r a of workers (which is considered as

some degree of freedom for the action plans of houses. My own approach is

given by the "domestic demography"), and a labour intensity t (chosen, or observed


a combination of the domestic economy approach (without the postulate

ex-post), which represents how much each domestic labourer works (thUS, in a

of maxirnisation of welfare) and of the class relations approach (without the

rubber tapper's house, a is the number of males over 10 years of age, and t is the

postulate of maximum exploitation).

amount of days per year spent by each tapper on standard trails); L is here a
number which measures the total labour put to use by the house (L

House Economies

= at).


house product, Q, is obtained as a function of L (Q is a "production function" Q(L)

which depends only on t since a is given). How is consumption determined? The


product Q, divided equally among the consuming members b gives the (average) per

are working at maximum intensity t * (e.g., in the houses of tappers all males over 10

capita consumption w: thus, production is immediately consumption. Alternatively,

each tap three standard trails of 120 threes each, or six days a week). On the other

houses might first set the necessary level of per capita consumption w; then, since

hand, given a number b of consumers in a house, the lower limit Q* of consumption

the number b of consumers in the house is taken as given (the persons of the house,

ber has the indispensable

is established by the reqmrement t at eac mem

workers or not, weighed by age), the level of required consumption is determined as

consumption w* (say, in a tapper's house, all persons have the minimum of manioc

bw). This total of domestic consumption takes a certain labour

flour, game and clothes), and Q* requires a minimum labour of L*. Thus, *the

intensity t of each of the house labourers a. Thus, consumption plans are

condition of viability for a house economy is that L* must be lower than L , a

immediately production plans. The idea behind these Chayanov-type models is that

condition which is also expressed as per

a house may choose either t (labour intensity) or w (level of consumption) while a

difference L * _

(number of workers) and b (number of consumers) are given (Chayanov 1986:82-

survives and there is no question of alternative plans; if it is positive, the house has a

87), but it cannot choose freely both t and w. There is then a single degree of

surplus of its own. 3 I suggest that in this last case the house plan remains

freedom: when only one variable is fixed, it determines the other one.
While in Chayanov's theory houses choose an "optimum" with a degree of

This suggestion is better expressed when we generalise the Chayanov model,

freedom, the above exposition was intended to suggest two ways of eliminating the

by introducing the constrained production possibilities approach (Cpp).4 Here, total

Chayanovian degree of freedom, without appealing to factors external to the house:

labour L of the house is distributed among a set of actions, resulting in a vector of

in the first, it is assumed that peasants minimise labour intensity per worker, and in

final products.5 Now the feasibility condition for houses is that the maximum house

the second, peasants are seen as minimising consumption. The first angle

labour (thUS L *, when all a workers are employed at the intensity t *, summing up all

emphasises labour and is exemplified in "drudgery-averse peasant" models; the

kinds of labour) must be enough to obtain at least the indispensable house

second emphasises consumption and leads to "thrifty peasant" models. 2

consumption at its lower limit (thus, Q* distributed among b members consuming ,

Q (where Q

worker intensities t* and t * . If the

L* 'is negative, the house is not viable; if it is zero, the house barely

My own research did not support the hypothesis of a single peasant model.
Thus, I explore further Chayanov's idea that there are choices to be made within
certain bounds (Chayanov 1986:53). Given the number of house labourers a, the
upper limit L * for house labour is the total labour expended when all a members

2. Thus, "Chayanov's rule" (Sahlins 1974: 102, lorion 1984:74) sets the labour
intensity t as a function of the consumption w of family members. But Chayanov
himself assumes only that well-being is a function of labour utility U(w) and effort
disutility Vet). Since w itself depends on t, Chayanov's well-being function has only
one independent variable which is t on which both U and V depend.

nce t of su Ius is due to Gudeman (1978), following Sra~fa's
. IS oc o .caPrdo No~ that here both the house's structure (a,b) and pnces
3 Th
mterpre t atIOn f R1
affect the existence. of a surplus.
4 It will be noted that this is essentially a Leontief mO<;lefl of dPrlodductiOnt
. T
. g' models Leontle mo e sono
possibilities. In cont.rast. Wlt~ mearyr.ogrda(mrrun Buchl~r et alii 1986; lohnson &
assume that somethmg IS bemg maxlllllse as, e.g.,
Behrens 1982; but cf. Johnson 1980, 1983).
5 In a formal model we would write: L = (Ll,. L2 L3) This formal notation
will not be used here. Symbols are used only to make Ideas more clear.



each W*, where Q* is a vector). However, if there is a slack, then house plans may

(women's labour, men's labour and children's labour may not be interchangeable,

vary under the current prices and rent payments. 6

and thus may not be added together).7 Instead of choosing w, a single number

It should be noted that in Chayanov's formulation the emphasis is on the rate

expressing, say, the amount of manioc per capita, houses may now choose a

of house self-exploitation, and a capitalist wishing to maximise the rate or profit

commodities vector (game of different types and tastes; various manioc products,

would be interested in rising t and in lowering w, irrespective of house age or

such as cakes and beer; diverse wines made from forest fruits) which again may not

preferences; in the second formulation, once a rate is established, there is also the

be quantitatively comparable as greater and smaller. The spaces of labour plans and

issue of distributing the work among several activities, some of which may be

of consumption plans have each several dimensions. It should be noted that in this

preferred for their own sake.

model, the forest house produces its own work instruments, constituting a "sector"
not mentioned above (stone hatchets, bows and arrows).8
We now turn to a situation in which an economy of the sort described above

Forest House Models

participates in a market for goods (they may purchase production goods such as axes
Employing the terms introduced above, let us now consider different cases.
The most basic .mo.del (of the Chayanov type) has a single product (manioc, let us .
say), in terms of which we also expresses consumption (manioc per capita w). In this
simple case, which we may call a "single-product, autarkic forest economy", a house
chooses its level of labour use (t per capita) and consumption (w per capita) within a
range of possibilities that is constrained only by technical factors, by nature, and by
the availability of persons. In the more general formulation, the house economy
produces a total "crop" Q with the house labour L, where Q is now a vector of
garden produce, manioc cakes and meat, and L is a vector of gardening, cake-

and guns, consumer goods such as glass beads and brandy; and they may sell rubber
or sarsaparilla or slaves). Now there are two effects. When there is not a direct
political domination of the forest economy by colonisers, we may follow Wallerstein
and call this situatio~ an "external arena" model. Then, first, part of the time may
now be employed to acquire imported goods; second, the introduction of production
goods (iron tools and guns) presumably increases earlier productivity, with the'
possible result' that now less time is needed to produce manioc itself, or to hunt. It is
even possible that ritual life increases (more "leisure"). Thus, in principle gross
product may rise while work intensity is reduced or remains constant (or is reduced

making and hunting, distributed among men and women. Now house plans lie in
points.. which are qualitatively different. Instead of a single figure t expressing a
homogeneous labour, houses may choose a vector of heterogeneous labour
("hunting", "agriculture", "food processing") which do not add up to a number

6. It should be noted that "self-reproduction" or "simple reproduction" are not

assumed. Houses may be expanding or contracting (in persons, equipment, territory)
and they may use up surplus to do 'so. Absence of profit-maxunisation is not
equivalent to "simple-reproduction".

7. The comparability o~ activities as hOI?o~enous "times" is ~he work of ~be

market: only then beaver-huntmg may be quantItatIvely compared WIth deer-huntmg
as in Adam Smith's example.
8. The autarkic model underlies the "affluence. eco~omy" framework
(Bergman 1980:213; 10hnson 1983); or the "oikos" model m w~lch, ~ouses seek ~
"good life" and to which I am greatly indebted (Des cola 1987). A polI.tIcal economy
of autarkic economies (with accumulation of women-labour and mamoc produ,ct,s m
an "agonistic gift regime" without co~oditiy exchang~) ,wa~ developed by RIVIere
1984 for lowland South American IndIans. The maxImlsatlOn appr<:ach to t~ese
economies has been attempted through "linearprograrnrning" or "maxImal foragmg"
(cf. 10hnson 1980; cf. Hames and Vickers 1983),

for men and increased for women): the movement of t depends on the rate of prices

rt Under an absolute
kind) is a figure expressing the tapper's capacIty to Impo .

between the exported product and the imported iterns. 9 This model also applies to

monopoly, this .fig~lfe would be reduced to a minimum. At this minimum, the

the caboclo economy of detribalised Indians in the Amazon. When the indigenous

(.It may purch ase equipment and minimum
"house" is still econoffilcal1y

(or caboclo) economies are subject to direct political control of colonisers, they are

consumption goods), but it does not have any choices to make (the only alternative

become enslaved economies. It is then in theory feasible to push t to a maximum

'ty) .11
possible is to work at a maximum

(or beyond) and reduce w to a minimum (or even less), by ignoring the "subsistence"

Even during the boom this case may not have been general, for two main

needs (reproduction included). This is the reported effect of economic booms on the

reasons. First, i.:inerant traders competed with the patrons for the rubber, workers

periphery (Hardenburg 1912; Nordenskiold 1922; cf.Taussig 1987).10

were scarce and fled with frequency (Chapters 1 and 2). The degree of the

The rubber tappers' forest house during the boom may be seen as convergent

monopoly was not maximum, nor monopoly was homogeneous in all areas. Second,

to the above model, although having a non-indigenous origin. They are forest

. d accordI'ng to micro-regions and even between individual

productivity vane

peasants articulated to a market through monopoly patron-traders, and paying a

producers within the same rubber estate; it might increase with distance while

rent. In one case (which we might call the single-product, dependent forest house

supervision costs also increased (the case of upper Tejo river), and local

model), a house produces a single export product (rubber), which is sold in order to

administration might not be capable of minimising the price ration down to the _

pay for all consumer and production goods (flour, dried beef and iron tools). This
presumably describes the boom years (1870-1912), where the "house" is reduced to a

In the

forest house model which associate with the post-boom period

single working member, a rubber tapper without a family, controlling a single

(Chapter 2), the rubber tappers' house still purchases a bundle of commodities (as

variable (his own labour intensity t). The rubber tapper sought only to survive (by

"debt-commodities") and sells rubber (under monopoly conditions while under

obtaining at least the minimum consumption level w, after deducting equipment

debt). The house pays a rent (in kind and fixed) for the use of a number of rubber

costs). The relation between the price of rubber (paid to the rubber tapper) and the

trails chosen by the house itself. The house has now a variable number of workers.

total price of a package of imported commodities (paid by the rubber tapper, in

Finally, the house runs three sectors - hunting, flour and rubber production. The
rubber sector generates a final product that is converted (through the trade post)


9. See Gross (1969), Sweet (1974) and Farage (1991) for the early trade
across the frontier of "gift economy" and "commodity economy" in Amazonia; cf.
Hugh-Jones .1989 for the contemporary scene. Thus, several "exchange regimes" may
coexist within different "action regimes" (e.g. houses, firms). See Taussig (1980) and
Chevalier (1982) for an analysis of the contact between different regimes.

into imported commodities, which include both basic consumer goods ("estiva",

10. Both in the slave and wage-labour cases, one finds what Marx called the
"formal subsuming of labour under capital". We may further observe that what Marx
considered the "real subsuming of labour by capital" represents technical and
organisational changes: e.g., the substitution of house extraction of commodities by
plantations (cf. Marx 1987; 1976(1933)).

. . 11 Thiswo~ld be a case of maximum "absolute .surplus-v<;tlue" (in Marx's

terms), without labourers being forn:ally su?~~med hby capIta;~sts ~~~~;~I~~~Ze~~
wa e labour) Marx mentioned thIS possIbIlIty w en trea m g .
(M~rx 19~2:786). ~ote that here the reproductive needs are obViated by t e
continued ImportatlOn of new workers.

including hunting, fishing and rubber-tapping equipment, along with salt, soap and



kerosene) and non-basic goods ("valuables"). This model introduces two new

now be applied to different combinations along one vector of activities and of

features. One is the variable number of house members, which leads to a variable


rate of consumers to workers (a Chayanovian kind of house). A house may now

It occurs that ther~ are three notional plans which together delimited the set

reduce labour intensity per worker t, while increasing total house labour Land

of possible house actions 12. One extreme plan concentrates on rubber production,

increasing per capita consumption w, if the number of hands increase in proportion

renting many trails, purchasing equipment, and focusing on the upper limits of

to the number Of mouths; or a house may increase labour intensity t and thus total .

technical potential. This production plan affords a consumption plan including both

house labour L merely to keep constant per capita consumption w, if the number of

basics and non-basic articles ("luxuries" such as coffee, cooking oil, perfume and

mouths is increasing in relation to the number of able hands. Thus, the trader may

shoes, or "valuables" such as an engine and others). Those houses which managed

observe an increasing L (and the resulting output Q) even though he is not able to

also to buy outside of the trade post could, under 1982 prices, accumulate

control t or w. The second new feature is that house labour (and, correspondingly,

"valuables" and invest in a small-scale commercial activity. A second extremal plan .

house product) no longer is a number measuring the work days spent in rubber

concentrates on the agricultural plots, reducing rubber activities to a minimum

production per year (or kgs. of rubber), but a vector of rubber, agricultural and

(including here the increased cost of inputs to flour making such as gasoline). This

hunting activities (a vector of game meat, agricultural products and rubber). An

agricultural strategy afforded consumption plans based on extra flour reserves,

immediate consequence of this complexity is the increase in the degree of

sufficient to supply an expanded house with many dogs and backyard animals, and to

indeterminateness in the domestic economy. Suppose that .0-e price rate for a given

entertain visitors and neighbours in week-end visits, parties or social meetings. A

estate (for example, Riozinho) is set. Suppose that this estate operates with

third extremal plan consisted of minimizing both rubber and manioc production,

monopoly prices set in such a way as to maintain the total of houses as viable houses

using the surplus time for extensive hunting, fishing and collecting activities. Houses

(leaving aside the fact that the degree of monopoly is not maximum; see Chapters 5

actually identified with these plans were respectively houses of "rubber tappers", of

and 6). Then, after paying the rent for trails, those houses with a single labourer and

"ro<;;a people", and "lazy people". Most houses lay somewhere in the middle. There

a maximum number of dependents (otha wise, the hypothesis that all houses are

could be paths leading from one extreme to another, reflecting age changes (since

viable would not be valid) must be able to purchase a "minimum subsistence"

the ideal age for rubber collection was from 16 to 40, while a crop-tender's age

package with the maximum of a single worker (that is, all the time available during

~ould go well b~yo~d 40), and expressed in spatial movements from hinterland areas

the year is dedicated to acquire only the "estiva"). However, those houses with more

rich in latex, to good hunting zones, or to river banks appropriate for annual

than one worker and with fewer dependents could now use less work per labourer

planting activities.

and greater consumption for individual members of the house (Chapters 7 and 9), or
could diversify the use of the forest economy sectors, using the surplus time could

12. We do not assume that houses actually s~t out to fo~low a plan. Plans may
be the result of a sequence of actio~ which constram later actIOns (cf. Barlett 1980),
or may be accidental to a degree accldental (see later).



House Plans: Mechanical Models and Statistical Models

used in the "subsistence" sector (Livingstone & Ord 1981:115-17). How about

We go back to the issue of maximisation, now considering why houses

Chayanov's model? We st~ted above that it deals with production and with

distribute themselves in the space of production possibilities in the way they do. Can

consumption, considering the welfare of the house as a goal. However, by

we use the notion of maximising as an explanatory device? This notion (being the

substituting "happiness" for profit as the quantity which is supposed to be

basic tool of what we might call mechanical models) seeks to predict or deduce what

maximised 14, this model falls again within the class of maximisation models. 15 The

a house will do, perhaps introducing later ad hoc hypotheses in order to explain why

degree of house happiness is expressed, by analogy with a profit formula, as the

actual averages do not correspond to the expected outcome, or in order to explain

difference between "utility" U obtained from consumption (w in an et;alitarian

why individual houses fluctuate far away from the average. Such models try to mimic

house), and "d"isutility" V imposed by the effort (t expended by the house's

. 16
labourers). Thus, a house plan is the expressIOn of ratIOnal chOIce. 0 peratIOna y
speaking, the plan amounts to the choice of labour intensity t. However, while

the successful methods by means of which physical science obtains laws or principles
by assuming that some quantity is maximised or minimised (thus, e.g., optical laws
are deduced from the assumption that nature minirpises, so to speak, the time taken
by a light ray in its course across air and water).
A class model which ignores class struggle can be included under mechanical
models, or maximising models, as we have seen above. Thus, a forest house
specialised in a "single product, confronting a patron which combines extraction of
rents and advance of credit under monopoly clauses, is said to be forced to a unique
state which maximises physical the level of labour and minimises the consumption,
to their presumed physiological limits.13 Liberal maximisation models, in contrast
to marxist maximisation models assume that houses are trying to maximise profits,

14. The house is approached as a firm in which the manager-owner takes into
account the opportunity cost of his own labour)
15. "The peasants are guided in their allocational, effo~ts by the ai~ of
maximizing the happiness of the fa~ly"(~en 1984:38): Sen s artIcle wa~ publIshed
prior to the diffusion of Chayanov's Ideas III the West (it responds to Lew~s 1954 ~n~
Jorgenson 1961), but rediscovers and p~rfe~t~ Chayanov's m?~el: C~. wIth S~hlIlls
"Chayanov's rule" which is a greatly SImplIfIed (labour) rmmrmsatIOn verSIOn of
Chayanov's concept of utility.
16. The neo-classical Chayanovia~ h~~se maximises utility U -. V where .U is a
utility based on consumption and Va dISUtIhty based on labour. U IS ~ ~nctIOn of
per capita consumption w, which is equal to Q (the house's product) dIVIded by the
number of consumers b. U(w) = U(Q/b). On the other h,and, V depends upon
intensity t alone, V(t). The house head "assesses" this functIOn, and comes to the_
following progni.mrtle:

although allowing for the fact that they not be able to accomplish this goal due to

maximise satisfaction U(w) - V(t),

uncertainty (they protect themselves from price fluctuations in the "cash crop"

subject to:

sector),_or due to the impossibility of freely allocating labour or land, since male

w is greater than the minimum consumption per capita

labour may only be used in the "cash crop" sector, while female labour may only be

t is less than the maximum labour per worker

13. As it will be seen in more detail later on, this effect does not hold if
houses have different demographic compositions, In Chapter 3, we suggest that in
the "case of the "forest economy, the "real subsuming of labour under capItal" (e.g. substitution of forests by plantations) is a " previous condition fo r "formal
subordination" (wage labour) along these lines.

17. Observe that by choosing t the house produces Q with the labour L = tb.
This assumes a production function (and thus, a technology). Houses do not ma~e
technical choices (but if a tapper has a pact wIth the mother of rubber tre~s Q wI~1
presumably rise). Observe also that a (consumc:rs) and b (producers) are gIven: thIS
house has no foster-children, and does no~ hIre people. (Cf. Chapters 7 and 9).
Finally this model does not incorporate pnces. All of these features, on the other
hand, ~ould be added to the maximising theory of the house.

profit (or surplus-value) maximisation is a clear concept, there exists no similarly

nature of things (which may be non-comparable or non-interchangeable), instead of

clear measure of happiness. Anthropologists may of course postulate that houses

being taken as factors whi~h distort rational choice, are together summed up as a

have ordered all possible choices by increasing happiness, only in order to be able to

culturally existent form. Although we incorporate this notion of a house image, we

"deduce" that what they observe (actual plans, either stated or actualised in acts)

should observe that it alone does not provides an explanation (a kind of cultural

follows from the assumed effort to maximise happiness. This procedure is

mechanism) for actual house plans. '

tantamount to postulating maximisation as a behavioural property of each house. 18

. so as not to reI'fy an 1'd eal"h ouse.

" 20

This approach must be regarded with

In simpler language, houses do what they like best. The proposition of treating a

As opposed to the form as represented in images or descriptions of what a

house as analogous to a firm, thus, faces . a basic difficulty in that there lies a

house should be (a form of the house as part of culture), there is the actualised form

difference between a quantity of money and a complex state which presumably

as it is seen in the real life of houses. Individual variability may be due both due to

should correspond to well-being ("good life" in Aristotle's language ).19

strategic action toward specific goals (for instance to acquire a new motor ou

We consider now alternatives to the mechanical model for houses. Should we

increase a house's role in the union), and to chance, environmental and other

~dopt a culturai ~odel for the house plans? Along this direction, one assumes a

sources of unpredictable change. These difficulties constitute the reason why I have

previously given image for the form of a house, extensive to a group of persons

used the notion of a form of the house always as part of a labour process. A "house

which share a cultural heritage. Notions such as "moral economy", but also the ideas

form" comes in two ways. It is a component (as an 'image' or blueprint) of the

of "drudgery-averse peasants", "risk-averse peasants", "thrifty peasants" and "profit-

labour process, which is imprinted through the human action onto nature and things.

maximising peasants" (as a particular case), just as notions relating to the nature of

But a "house ior~" is also the actual result of the labour process. The form

forest (which may not be converted freely among uses or owners) and to the quality

anticipated by the house group should not be mistaken by the final product which

of persons (who may be essentially heterogeneous), as well as notions related to the

has form given to it by the labour process. If this identification were to be made,
then house forms would perpetuate themselves as an unchanging essence. Labour,

18. "... it requires something of an act of faith to assert that this [to construct
'curves' on the basis of a sample of individual, different houses] 'proves' that the
peasant farmers in the sample are efficie~t. .This ~ct of is that all farmers in the
sample are considered tc? have been. stnvmg, WIth varymg de~rees of success, t,o
reach [the optimal] pomt A" (BIllS 19~8:71~ .. C~mpare WIth Durrenberger. s
approach' (1984: 39-49) towards "operatlOnahzmg Chayanov. Cf. also OrtIz
(1973:271): "It is a" tautological system, but a very useful tautology"; and 10hnson
19. "Now it is clear that wealth-getting (krematistike) is not the same art as
household management (oikonomike), for the function of the former is to provide
and that of the latter to use ... "(Arlstotle, Politics, I, iii, 2). This distinction is
paralleled by Max Weber's contrast between Erwerbswirtschaft, acquisitive
management or "profit-making", and Haushalt, "management of a household"
(Weber 1947:187,191). Cf. Gudeman and Rivera 1990.

as an event, may follow unpredictable courses, as it faces natural and human

constraints, and individual labour processes may result in fluctuations that can
produce local expansion of one house or the impoverishment of another.

20 " I have accepted this idealisation for expository I?urpo~e~ in Chapter ~.

The reason for this was the impossibility (for space reasons) of glVlI?-g to domestic
consumption, agriculture and hunting the same detailed treatment gIven .to rubber
labour m Chapter 9 (in which idealised plans and actual labour actlOns were


Actual houses may suffer a degenerative process through demographic loss

or decline in the quality of life; or they may be on their way to becoming converted
to commercial enterprises run by marreteiros, regatoes or even patrons. The
components of a house (persons, territory, technical knowledge and objects), when
forced to an extreme (untenable prices or rents, excessive population for extensive
technology, epidemiological calamity) may lose its form. A house may die, or its
form may be corrupted. It may change its form, as would occur with the elimination
of game and prima.ry forest as normal parts of the house's form. A very important
issue is how individual houses and macro-houses make plans taking into account
what they see as ethically correct (e.g. cooperative action to maintain natural funds),
on the one hand, and as individually "rational" on the other hand (e.g. increase one's
participation in the shorHerm benefits of converting natural funds into flows of
commodities). Political institutions have an important role on thl'S l'S sue. Thus, ' as
said above, the house form (as a blueprint for future action) is not taken as
determining the actual action plans. But as blueprints, they are part of the actual
house form: thus, just as the actual house form is the concrete use of forest , of
persons, of things, in a certain proportion, this current form includes current ideas
and knowledge which will be used in the current labour process. A house form
contains, so to speak, a micro-model of itself, but this is itself subject to change and
mutation. Individual houses are then constrained by previous models, just as they
are constrained by the persons available, by natural productivity and by the stock of

which can be obtained - without being determined in a unique way -, but

previous models may be affected by the way they succeed or fail in orienting action
towards an acceptable life.


House Plans in the Riozinho

We exemplify this constrained variability by means of the house plans. On Riozinho Estate, the output of houses with a single adult tapper varied from 300 to
1,200 kgs. of rubber. In houses with two adult tappers, rubber production varied
from 500 to 1,400 kgs. In houses with five tappers, rubber production ranged from
600 to 1,800 kgs. This supports the idea that increases in the number of tappers
allo~ for new options to come into . existence, expanding the range of production

possibilities available to a house. One frequently adopted option is to reduce labour

intensity t (and thus the rubber output per tapper), widening the variation in other
sectors (hunting and flour production). Thus, a house with a single tapper might
produce 600 kgs. of rubber (exploiting two trails four days a week, while also
maintaining a small garden plot of 3,000 covas and hunting once or twice a week).
But a house with three tappers could increase the volume of production to 1,200 kgs. of rubber - each tapper now producing 400 kgs. of rubber, thus reducing the labour
intensity t per tapper, while at the same time increasing the total rubber output -,
leaving aside time for greater garden plots (the house head might become
specialised in increasing flour production) and for better game production (groups
. of brothers may chase deer on week-ends). Once the number of rubber tappers in a
house is increased, the volume of rubber produced by each individual tapper is
A portrait of manioc production yields results analogous to the rubber sector.
As in the case of rubber, manioc output increases in a linear fashion following the

growth in the number of labourers. This occurs because neither rubber trails nor
cultivable lands .are scarce, and therefore income does not decrease with an increase in the scale of production. But both in the case of rubber and of manioc, output per
cultivator decreases with the increase in the number of workers within a house.
Manioc and rubber production plans reveal a tendency of sparing labour per worker

as the number of labourers increases: in economic jargon, both rubber and manioc

invest heavily

labour are "inferior goods", since their use is decreased when the house can afford to

depriving themselves of game meat. Others invest heavily in hunting, in seeking land

do so as a consequence of more available labour, or, in other words, when it has a

turtles, in fishing and in forest collecting activities, while reducing their garden plots

potentially higher real income (Diagrams 10.1 to 10.3).

(and temporarily depriving themselves of flour) and their rubber production

There is a correlation between the number of consumer that each


large garden plots, maintaining an average flour output and

(depriving themselves of imported commodities). A house with a minimum rubber

cultivator/tapper must support, on the one hand, and the increase in effort by each -

output (and correspondingly low imports) and a minimum flour output (thUS unable

cultivator /tapper, on the other, apparently confirming Sahlins' version of "Chayanov

to attract visitors for festivities, for instance) may be viewed as a house with a high

rule" and various empirical studies. But the disperse pattern of houses along the

degree of time consumed directly by hunting, fishing or leisure. If the men of such a

hypothetical line correlating consumption per worker and labour per worker is

house value hunting over cultivating activities, the consumption of time in hunting

great. The appropriate conclusion is that there are lower and upper limits to the

(even with low productivity yields of meat) is not simply a question of "effort", but it-

efforts of cultivator-tappers in a given house, for each number of consumers that

is part of the house's well-being. Thus it is only possible to assert that of a given

each of these workers must support. There were houses where a tapper and his wife

stock of time in a house (also taking into account its consumption needs), there are

produced as much as 1,800 kgs of rubber in a single year; and other with a tapper,

minimums and maximums, between which the time of individuals can be distributed

his wife and several children who produced but 600 kgs of rubber (Diagram 10.4,

in varying combinations, corresponding to different styles of domestic life. Let us


consider a group of 66 to 69 houses as on the Riozinho Estate. We may think of a

Forest houses are involved simultaneously in extraction, cultivation, hunting

diagram on which the employment of labour in rubber and in agriculture is plotted.

and foraging for local use. hence, for a given number of labourers, two houses may _

Each house is represented by a point within the space of possible production plans.

be employing all of them at a maximum intensity, while distributing the total output

Within this space, each dimension represents the intensity with which a house

in different activity portfolios - a combination of kilograms of rubber, covas of

employs its labour in one of the basic activities: rubber extraction, flour production,

manioc flour, units of deer hunted or fish caught. In this case, the hypothesis holding

or cynergetic fauna predation. For simplicity's sake, only two activities are

that labour intensity will increase with consumer demand does not lead to a

represented at a time in each diagram (Diagram 10.6).

predictable outcome because there are several options for consumption as one

At one extreme (in the lower left-hand corner), we find houses that adopt a

draws away from the hypothetical point of minimum consumption. Some houses

minimum strategy. Their labour produces around 300 kgs of rubber to be turned
over to pay bills; they also produce a minimum amount of flour (3,000 covas).

The house with the greatest ratio of consumers per labourers in the
diagram included several persons ~ver 10, but by some demographic accident all
these people were women who dId not tap rubber. Hence, even with a high
consumer/worker ratio (seven to one), this house had only one rubber tapper,
whose annual output stood around 500 to 600 kgs.

Garden plot sizes correspond to minimum subsistence of people. The rubber is that
which is indispensable (after trail-rent payments) for the acquisition of agricultural
implements and basic household items (pots, clothing, hammocks, soap, salt and



fuel), of tools for rubber extraction itself, as well as of guns and ammunition for

garden plots and hunting teams (Chapter 9). It is also possible to allocate one

hunting, at 1982/83 prices (cf. Chapter 9). At another extreme (in the upper corner),

labourer for the crops alone, and use teams to increase hunting efficiency. The

we find houses that may be producing much flour (8,000 covas), while also

number of labourers may further be amplified by the formation of macro-houses,

producing around 700 kgs. of rubber (when the size of garden plots is maximised,

which act together at peak periods such as the preparation of trails or garden plots,

the minimum amount of labour in rubber also increases, in order to pay for more

and in the deer hunt; it also may be increased through adoption, or through the

fuel to process more flour). At a third extreme (the lower right-hand corner), we

incorporation of hirelings or client-houses. Furthermore, houses can choose more

find houses that employ "surplus" labour to increase rubber production (1,700 kgs.)

efficient technical procedures. The press technique both saves labour and allows for

and to acquire additional consumer goods, cattle or a second engine, while reducing

more free time either to produce more rubber, more game or more crops (thUS it

their flour production to a minimum (2,000-3,000 covas). If we observe the empirical

increases the range of production possibilities available to a house).

distribution of houses within this theoretical space, we also see that one group of

Prevailing agricultural, extractive and cyne' getic techniques assume that

houses appears only on the horizontal rubber axis, since they have no garden plots

there is a stock ~f ~t least 300 hectares of forest surrounding a house. Territorial use

during the year under scrutiny. A second observation is that the houses tend to

by hunting and collecting houses may be prolonged through the observation of

spread in a northwest uirection, which means a simultaneous increase in rubber and

balanced levels of predation and extraction: For example, this is the case when

flour production as a function of the increase in labour. We may also point out a "

patoa and bacaba palms are not stricken down during the collection of fruits, or

greater density of houses within the triangle formed by the ranges of 400 to 800 kgs.

when specialised "Paulista" hounds are not used in hunting. What one house

of rubber and 2,500 and 6,000 covas of manioc.

practices affects the options available to neighbouring houses.

A house with a single worker covering a single trail (thus with a potential for

If drawn in a tree-dimensional form, the diagrams would appear as

two work days a week in the rubber sector) produced the lowest amount of rubber

polyhedrons - something like a pyramid. At one of the vertices, we would find a zero

feasible; it would dedicate the remainder of its time to maintaining a garden plot

point with houses at a "subsistence minimum", producing barely enough rubber,

(tended twice a week) and to hunting and collecting (once a week). In the patron's

manioc and game to sustain not only house consumption, but also the basic needs of

estimation, these were the "lazy" houses. They were chronic debtors. It should be

the other productive sectors, both direct and indirect. It is at this vertex that we find


however, that houses producing between 500 and 1,000 kgs of rubber enjoyed

the possibility of a "maximum use of time for leisure. At the other three vertices of

the highest rate in deer hunting (over 14 per year), while the most productive houses

the pyramid we would find production plans where leisure is reduced to a minimum:

(over one ton) on the average captured fewer than six deer per year. When houses

either to increase rubber production to a maximum level (including increases in

begin to add on- more labour, their field of options grows correspondingly. Now it is "

manioc and game necessary to support the production of greater amounts of

possible to occupy three rubber trails and maintain the ideal routine of six tapping

rubber); or to increase manioc production to a maximum level (including increases

days a week, though rarely observed in practice, and at the same time maintain large

in rubber and game necessary to support the production of greater amounts of

manioc); or to increase game production to a maximum level (including increases in
rubber and manioc necessary to support the production of greater amounts of
game). In sum, there are four extremes: minimum use of labour at a minimum level
of operation in the three activities; and maximum use of labour at maximum levels
of operation of either activity.22
Is it possible to infer a generic house model from the foregoing? It seems
plausible to admit that houses follows courses constrained by the viability of the
house (some minimal notion of an acceptable standard of living), and then by the
external constraints, social, ecological, technical. This hypothesis does not entail acommon tendency among houses either to minimise labour or to maximise effort, or
to minimise or maximise whatever else.

variable in the model. This is the same as postulating the existence of a degree of
freedom in the agents' behaviour.
That which

~e call' the ergodic hypothesis asserts that for a great number of

(from e.g. mlm
. .mum and maximum use
houses and given a range of possIble
of labour)
all possible actions are equally prob abl e. 23 We might treat this
h t eally determines behaviour
as to war
hypothesis as an expression of our Ignorance
b u t we Ignore ItS
within the limits already known to us (there is determImsm,
. of the unpredictable course of actions, as in the
mechanism), or as an. expreSSIOn
chaos metaphor (small changes lead to great effects). In the last alternative, we may
. an d unpre d'IC table processes . Thus, it remains
reason that there are cumulatlve
impossible to predict the evolution of any given house over t h e Iong run, 24 although
statistical averages for the whole set of houses may be amenable to prediction.

The Ergodic Hypothesis


houses have a high information content (Shannon 1964:33,50).

This approach differs from mechanical models of maximisation (patrons do

Peasant houses in the forest are grouped in macro-houses, nuclei with an

try to maximise profits or rather total produce, but may not quite suceed), and

. a homogeneous
community, it
average of sixteen p~rsons apIece.
Instea d 0 f formIng

leaves the cultural form of houses open to a degree of variation. If one house has a

makes more sense that the individual houses fluctuate along different points; that

higher consumer-producer ratio than another, it might do one of two things:

. turn are amplified into

some capture others forming macro-houses, an d tb ese m

increase the amount of labour per producer to maintain an equal level of

networks of macro-houses in a competitive and mutually divergent manner. 25

consumption, or decrease per capita consumption to maintain an equal level of

labour. To postulate that a peasant always behaves in the first fashion, or always in
the secopd, is illusory. Instead, we postulate our ignorance of the state of one

22. This is a Leontieff model developed during field research in 1983. Similar
studies have been published (Buchler et aI, lohnson 1982 e outros). These are
constrained maximisation models: one may direct the same objections raised against
simple maximisation models. The approach suggested here, by contrast, seeks only
to Identify ranges within which individual choices can be made (when prices,
technology, resources and persons are given), and not to predict individual choices
on the basis of simple or constrained maximisation hypotheses.

., (
h G k ergon, translated as 'work')
23. The 'ergodic hypotheSIS from t ~ibl:e;;ith the constraints to which it is
a SJ:stem
all possible states (cf. Kemeny et alii
m the may
long adoP!
run It all
1959, chap. 6:2; Shannon 1964:45). See next footnote.
24. Teodor Sbanin's an~lysis o~ social mobility .among hea~ant houses (1972) _
may be considered from the pomt of VIew of the ergodlc hypot eSlS.
. tb t they are non-linear. Nono! ~omplex
ph enom~~~/sma~e
prediction intractable in
A characte~istic
mteract ID
that c~uses
individual cases (cf. Stem 1989).

Hence, we may explain how a single network of macro-houses dominated, so to

speak, the forest space of the Riozinho Estate. 26

Political economy
We go back again to the role of the prices and rents paid by houses to a

b h
as monopolists of their own'
they organise themselves m umons, houses may e ave
ining power which derives from the possibility of
produce. They possess a barga
h the parallel market or by
withdrawing frqm ~he patron's game - elt er t roug
d . th
1 of rubber and increasing
- "fleeing to the forest", that IS to say, by re uc10g e sa e
the production of other products. When there are two monopolies we speak of a
the terms of trade are not determined and there is no

patron. Suppose there is a drop in rubber prices (or an increase of rents). In this _

duopoly. In a duopoly,

new situation, the range of plans that may be adopted shrinks. Hence, the effect of

equilibrium even in theory - bargaining and conflict substitute the elegant points of
d' equilibrium which
equilibrium. The typical situation most likely wil rema10 m a IS
h' h
th t cunning cheating and
is both permanent and of pnnclples, w IC means a
1 r'
violence will enjoy a free course. This also suggests that patrona po lCles are
the part of the houses to fixing parameters - restricting the space for ree actlOn on

exploitation by way of prices lies in the compression of the houses' range of

freedom. Thus, the unpredictability of houses is decreased. An increase in external
exploitation corresponds to a decrease in the information content of the houses'
A fall in prices could result from monopoly27 price strategies on the part of
the trade post (maximisation of monopoly mercantile profits), or from change in

instead of directly controlling the individual action of houses, as they might in a

national price policies. In the first case, a maximum level of exploitation (and

wage-labour system.
This conclusion, which is valid for other peasant situations, also is consistent _

minimum informational content of house plans) can be theoretically obtained by a

with a marxist

discriminatory monopoly (prices adjusted house by house), thus maximising both the

Marx did not suppose that capitalism would tend towards a maximum degree of

per~eption of exploitation.28 Far from certain current impression,

total product while _at the same time maximising profits. Not only discriminatory, the
monopoly would have to be complete. We may now argue that as houses resist
against monopoly they in fact retain a high degree of information in the forest
economy, one implication being that they experiment with and discover species,
techniques and uses and thus are able to evolve their technical knowledge. This

of the forest increases the strength of houses to resist monopoly. When

26. If we pause to examine the area of local political influence of a leade r

like Chico Ginu, we will find an extensive networks of interconnected macro-houses.
A similar phenomenon may have occurred in the region where Chico Mendes led

27. For the sake of simplicity, we do not pursue the distinction between a
monopoly (a single seller of merchandise) and a monopsony (a single buyer of

excess of real wages over "sub'

SIS t en~e"ages
28 . Let d w be the
d tIt ppropnated by tea ourer
s(ay, in r~bber)+, tdhU)s mLeetadsu' rb1Oegt~~epost~%i~f 1~~~u~Cti~e (measured in the potenltia~
t hus W - W
d - t) The "surplus-va ue
rubber which it could yield) which IS not used (thus t + t - t' d + dt - dm by
coul~ then be increas~d (abSolu)te dethhld) !Oot0~c~:~:g w~rk). suy~ose ~hat making dw = 0 (reduc1Og wages a~ ma ng
dm is not zero (there IS a
labourers oppose resistanch~ ~o .thlS. tIn c~~::t~~e~~b actual surplus-value). The
potential surplus-valu~ w lC 1~ np co
h freedom to distribute dm
houses' resistance aga10st dJlo(ltatlO~ ~llow) ~:s~o~s how potential (absolute)
~~~~ Iel~~~~ . called the Chayanovian. "<;legree of
among dwl(mofre fohod) an
ov's basIc Ideas may
surplus-va ue or ouses an
ay an
loitation of
freedom" are different names for t~e s~me th1Og.. us,
thus be reformulated: (1) dm vanes 1Over~ely wIth the degr~~u~ese~th different surplus-labour potential of the house;. (2) If there are ~~ymonopoly' (3) if dm is
rates of consumers/wo!kers, then dm lSf nfot zJro, ~v~; for the house' namely, the
not zero then there IS one degree 0 ree om e
partition'of dm into dt and dw. Proposition (2) seems to be novel.



exploitation determined by some natural law. In his own English prose, and with his

Chapter 11

own emphases,
... although we can fix the minimum of wages, we cannot fix their maximum.
We can only say that, the limits of th~ working day being given, the maximum
of profit corresponds to the physical minimum of wages; and that wages

The rubber estates of the Amazon apparently serve as an ideal example to

being given, the maximum of profit corresponds to such a prolongation of the

illustrate a generic model for how the capitalist world system acts upon a

working day as is compatible with the physical forces of the labourer. The

periphery. 1 In this model, the world system consists of a centre with a free labour

maximum of profit is, therefore, limited by the physical minimum of wages

market and a periphery with forced labour, as in the case of debt slavery;2 a centre

and physical maximum of the working day. It is evident that between the two

with technological progress preying on prime-materials and information, and a

limits of this maximum rate of profit an immense scale of variations is

periphery which loses resources and labour (Bunker 1985; Hornborg 1992; Alier &

possible. The fixation of its actual degree is only settled by the continuous

Schlupman 1991). In this world-system model, the periphery seeks to maximise

struggle between capital and labour...The matter resolves itself into a

capitalist accumulation - in the example of the Amazonian rubber estates, by

question of the respective powers of the combatants (Marx 1974 (1989):101,

reducing rubber tappers to a physical minimum consumption and a physical

author's emphasis).

maximum labour. The Amazonian example also suggests a case of peripheralisation

followed by a period of economic stagnation or involution. During the boom period

(1870-1912), the rubber estates provide an example of how a periphery is formed,
This chapter had two objectives in mind. The first was to exhibit the range of
variations within the micro-economy of the forest houses. In houses, the presence of
the forest and of several technical procedures play a crucial role. They possess a
thriving technology precisely as a consequence of the range of their technical niche,

though leaving several questions that must be addressed through a more detailed
analysis. Why have the rubber estates remained active during the eight decades
ensuing the crisis? Why did the world system not 'transform this periphery? What
local history remains hidden behind the simplified negative concept of

which in turn is related to their ability to oppose resistance to exploitation.

1. Wolf 1982:325-30; Wallerstein 1974:302,350 (on the "advance system" in

India 1989:153-59). The basic ideas may be found in Hilferding (1968 [1909]);
Luxemburg (1970 [1912]); Marx 1962.

2. Rosa Luxemburg employed the rubber boom example and that of 'the
"primitive systems of exploitation" used on the Putumayo (Luxemburg 1970
[1912]:chap. 23, footnote 5). Rudolf Hilferding emphasised the effects of the world
market (Weltmarkt) as an economic arena (Wirtschaftgebiet) that generates the
coercion of labour in systems like that of the "contract labour" of coolies in the
British colonies of Asia (1968 [1909]: chapter 22, pp. 421,431-34, 447-48).



"involution,,?3 Is it merely a reflex of metropolitan history?4 Before considering the

regime" from a "commodities regime") to the study of the relation between an

answer to these questions it is worthwhile recapitulating the transition described in

indigenous economy and the capitalist market. One of his conclusions is that this

this thesis.

relation results in an "ambiguous economy", where objects "are now gifts, now

Beginning with the end of the boom (1912), rubber tappers within the

commodities". Like Meillassoux and others, Gregory insists on the idea that a "gift

Amazonian extractive economy no longer were labourers recruited by commercial

circulation regime" subsidises a commodities production regime. Hence, his

capitalists and with a status similar to that of indentured servants, instead becoming

argument provides ' an example of the theory postulating the functional role of a-

forest peasants. 5 The extractive economy survived the onslaught of Asiatic

presumably non-mercantile sector of the economy in capitalist growth (Gregory

plantation economies because of this peasantry (between 1912 and 1943), and was

1982:117). The post-boom Amazon example, however, demonstrates that this sort of

strengthened by government subsidies and protectionist tariffs (between 1943 and

analysis cannot be generalised to all local situations. There was no movement of

1985). The extractive economy moved from a phase dominated by firms with a

labour from the forest peasant sector to the capitalist sector (with salaries subsidised

dynamic response to the world market and with investment of capital in the

by the "gift sector", or, to be more realistic, by a "subsistence sector"). Furthermore,

importation of migrant workers and of basic goods (1870-1912) to a phase

industries were not subsidised by the exportation of goods produced below their

dominated by firms with a reflexive response to bureaucratic government decisions

value by a peasant sector of the economy.6

and with forest peasant houses providing the local reproduction of labour and of

This quick reference to Gregory suggests other considerations of interest to

basic goods (1912-1992). During the second phase, we find stagnated firms (which

the detailed analysis of the post-boom Amazon economy. My analysis of the

do not reinvest profits and do not act competitively) and peasant houses (which have

relations between a forest peasantry and forest patron-traders has not been

social mobility). The dynamic of commodities, in this phase, comes to depend on

formulated in terms of a dichotomy between exchange-value and use-value, or

decisions made by the national State.

between a "gift circulation regime" and a "commodity circulation regime", or even

This formulation calls for the need to refine concepts. Gregory applied

between subsistence production and production for the market. Instead, I have

Mauss's theory concerning regimes of circulation of goods (distinguishing a "gift

focused upon the differences between economic actors -- the commercial firms of
patrons and the houses of rubber tappers, which integrate the same economy --, who

3. Furtado employs the term "regression", while Frank prefers "involution"

1971 [1969]:173-248.
4. Furtado blames the Amazon boom for having misdirected an enormous
mass of workers from the Northeast to the Amazonian deadend, at a moment when
there was a great need for labour in the industrialisation process of the centre-south
(Furtado 1963 [1959]).
5. The neo-peasantry of rubber tappers formed during the inter-war period
belongs to the wider Amazonian neo-peasantry, alongside the caboclos of more
remote ori~ins (Parker 1985). This peasantry was free (squatters on abandoned
forest lands) or paid rent in kind for use of the forest.

appropriate and produce goods within several regimes of circulation. Thus, forest
houses operate under local gift regimes (between neighbours), simple commodities
exchange regimes (exchanges "for their value" between houses) and debt-

6. Brazilian rubber extraction reduced instead of increasing the profits of

multi-national tyre industries implanted in Brazil (Pinto 1984; cf. Hilferding 1968
[1909]:425 passim).

commodities circulation regimes (between houses and patrons). Houses use means
of production (which include commodities and non-commodities) to produce goods
converted into objects of consumption (acquired as debt-commodities, received as
gifts or obtained through simple exchange). Houses may make investments and
grow, in the process increasing their prestige and influence, while accumulating
some wealth. The patrons' firms experience phases of growth and of crisis without
any technical change, in effect simply reacting to external price fluctuations. The
expansion and contraction of patrons' firms also occurs as a reflex in relation to
government policies? In short, this discussion leads to the causal role of the State in

The role of the State thus leads to the role of politics and classes in the local
economy. Merchant-businessmen (firms) and forest peasants (houses) are not onlypart of a market. In the Upper Jurua situation, they also constitute dominant and
dominated classes, one subordinated to the other by virtue of the fact that the
patron-traders monopolise the forest (there is no land market; and there is a
monopoly over services of the forest trails) and they monopolise trade (debt-rubber
is the counterpart of State loans). Neither of these monopolies is perfect: there is
class struggle in the forest, and there is a middle class of small itinerant traders and
of free cultivators.

the economy.8
There is an intimate relationship between the stability of rubber trading

Capitalism and Peasants

destruction), on the one hand, and the role of State bureaucracy in regulating the

This analysis must be set against the theory according to which the patrons
form a class of capitalist-producers, and the rubber tapper form a proletariat

regional market. Indeed, bureaucracy plays an essencial role in the extractive

which, instead of selling its labour, is forced to a maximum degree of labour (that is,

economy formed by houses and firms. Hence, local history involves not only regimes

to a maximum rate of absolute surplus value) at a minimum level of consumption by

of circulation of things such as debt-commodities, goods (simple commodity

the debt system. In assuming that "capital" thus astutely subordinates labour on the

circulation) and gifts: there also are tax-objects. In the Amazonian exa'11ple, taxes

periphery, such an analysis forms part of a wider teleological theory of history of the

come in the form of subsidies transferred by the State to the patrons (thus

periphery. Marx's ideas on the "subsumption of labour under capital" are useful in

"redistributing" industrial and consumer taxes), as well as in the form of rubber trail

explaining why the rubber tappers are not proletarians. 11 Marx distinguished two

rents, paid by tappers to patronsY

forms of this process: formal and real. Formal subsumption involves the

7. According to Furtado (1963), the same mechanism that allows for growth
("vent for surplus", Hart 1982: 12) during market booms is also responsible for
involution dunn~ market slumps. This mechanism is "structural dualism" where a
non-export actiVIty plays the role of labour storage. This is not the "two economies"
kind of dualism found m Boeke (1953).

Northeast, and rubber. estate patrons in .the Am.azon) align~d ~hemse~ves ~th
industry, under the aegIS of the State, leadmg Braz!l to a combmatIOn of mdustn~l ,
growth (for example, the production of automobIles and tyres .for the ~omest1c
market) with subsidies for stagnated rural firms and the importatIOn of agncultural
inputs (e.g., extractive rubber is subsidised through import tariffs on plantat~on
rubber). At the same time, the State impeded agrarian reform (Berno de AlmeIda

8. National states are not passive in the face of the world market (Cardoso,
1979; 1976:191-204), contrary to what Wallerstein's and Frank's approaches imply
with which Cardoso at times IS mistaken (as in Hart 1983: 121-22).

10. Pradb Jr. 1979 [1960]:67-71; Frank 1971 [1969]. Applied to the rubber estates in Silva 1982; Pinto de Oliveira 1984; Bakx 1986; Geffray 1991 and others.

9. During the industrialisation of Brazil (1930-1990), large landowners and

rentier-capitalists from "involuted" regions (sugar plantation owners in the

11. "Formelle Subsumption der Arbeit unter .das Kapital" . (M~rx

1969(1872):460 passim). SUbsumption (German and EnglIsh) has a pnmanly
taxonomical sense, meaning "to include within a category."

firms (without transformation) and the mobility of peasant houses (without

transformation of workers into wage labourers: labour becomes part of "capital" and

distinct causal sequences: according to Warren Dean, there was a technical barrier

is placed at its command. This command allows the owner of capital (who is

(the domestication of the Amazonian seringueira tree) to that which I call here the

temporarily owner of the wage labourer) to control the labour process, to prolong

"real subsumption", which impeded social transition ("formal subsumption"); for

the work period and, with the relative abundance of labour, to maintain wages at a

Barbara Weinstein, it was the social barrier (the resistance of local merchants, the

fixed rate. Formal subordination thus permits the increase of surplus value in

resistance of peasants to wage labour) that blocked the subordination of the

absolute terms. But with the formation of Asian rubber plantations, the capital -

technical process by capitalists. 15 In any case, in terms of the world market and in

employed in the introduction and supervision of labour disappeared from the

terms of cap~talist accumulation at the beginning the century, the real and formal

Amazonian extractive economy, where the labour process is dispersed throughout

subsumption of the rubber production process occurred in Asia and not in the

three square kilometres. In an extractive economy, slavery, indentured servitude


(temporary slavery legitimised by debts) and wage labour all have supervision costs,
which, when adopted, are much greater than those of plantation economies with

Class Struggle in the Forest

A few comments should be added to the picture outlined above. I have

similar regimes. Indeed, I would argue that these systems never were established
asserted that forest peasant houses constitute a class (insofar as they are m
firmly and efficiently in the Amazon, even during the boom, because such costs face
opposition to a class of patrons who mOl}opolise land or trade), but also that they
limits in a forest extraction economy. 12
The method of real subsumption 13 is based on technological change, which

have social mobility. One implication of this model lies in explaining how forest
houses exist even in the absence of patrons; another holds that the advance

places the labour process out of reach for individual producers. This may be
trade/debt system is not synonymous to the trade post system. The trade-debt
illustrated by the replacement of the forest with plantations, the adoption of new .
regime is one of demonetised commerce, with long intervals between the reception
inputs (clones, pesticides and fertilizers) and administration. However, though
and supply of goods, dictated by the fractal dispersion of the extractive forest
attempted by Henry Ford, neither real nor formal subsumption occurred within the
economy. In this commercial circuit, goods assume the form of debts. This form may
Amazon rubber economy.14 In explaining this, different authors have adopted
be seen as a variant of commodities-form, demonetised and personalised through

2. "As to the limits of the value of labour, its actual settlement always
ep.en s upon supply and demand, I mean the demand for labour on the art of
capItal, and the supply of labour by the working men. In colonial countries &e law
of supply and demand favours the working man" (Marx 1950 [1898]:402).

long-term diadic contracts. This form operates over great distances and time .

13. "Reele Subsumption der Arbeit unter das Kapital".

14. Peasants can be subordinated technically ("material subsum tion") even
~~en they possess ~heir ow~ land (without "formal subsumption"), wher~ agriculture
IS mtegrated techrucally to md~stry (Amin and Vergopoulos 1974). Geffra (1991)
asserts tha~ rubber tappers are formally subordinated" to traders, a ainst M~rx's use
of the notIOn. Cf. Marx 1976 [1933]; 1969 [1872]:459; n.d.[1887]:~1O. The French

edition of Capital (Marx 1969 [1872-75]) does not include the aforementioned
15. The most direct form of developing a supply of labour, freeing up land
and selling the product is to expel the rubber tappers and allow immigrants in - and
not await their endogenous stratification. Thus the Brazilian counterpart of the
Russian debates on the disintegration of peasantry as a condition for the emergency
of an "internal market" for "national industry") IS irrelevant for tappers (cf.Lenin
1979 [1899]).

intervals in the forest economy, alongside the gift-form that operates between
neighbours. The debt-form of commerce may take place between equals (itinerant _
traders, small retailers in the forest) as well as between unequal parts (patrontraders and rubber tappers). In the latter case, violence (supported by the State) and
monopoly play roles; thus, a debt may be collected through the use of violence by
patrons, but not by regatoes or marreteiros. This distinction is necessary if we are to
understand why the debt regime is so persistent in the Amazon, with or without
patrons backed by forced monopoly or by violence. Debt is not the cause for
labour's immobility; but the immobility of labour through coercion allows for debtcapital (that is, merchant capital that exists under the form of debt-rubber) to obtain
extraordinary monopoly profits.
Perhaps it is necessary to justify both the idea that patrons and tappers
classes as well as the conflict model subordinated to this analysis. Patron- _

traders appropriate in a legal sense two components of the labour process (the
forest and production or consumption inputs), which finds support in the State and
which is legitimised by an ideology, and through these monopolies they obtain rents
on natural resources (tribute-goods, rubber to pay rent) and extraordi1J.ary profits
based on the commercial monopoly (debt-goods, rubber to pay debts).16 Control
over the State (police, judges) ensures the flow of these returns. Forest peasants
constitute a class because they are not only peasants but also "debtors" (of monopoly
rubber) and tenants. 17 Thus, the class conflict between patron-traders and peasantdebtors who owe rent and goods is expressed in the refusal to pay rent or to pay to

16 Patrons are thus in Weber's sense, both a "possession class" ("rentiers"

living on 'land rents or on interest) and an "acquisition class" (merchants). Weber 1947:424-29. Cf. Marx 1962 [1892]:862.
17. In Weber's terms, peasants belong to a "mid~l~ cl~ss", but t.hey ma~ also
be a "debtor class" vis-a-vis landowners; the latter pOSItIon IS a pOSSIble baSIS for
class struggle in Weber's sense.

the monopoly (by turning over rubber to an itinerant trader).18 The patrons' ,
hegemony is made up of two components: political force (control over State
agencies) and ideological

f~rce (a measure of consensus). Peasants move from

conflict within the hegemonic order to the contest over hegemony itself when they
form alliances with other groups, altering the correlation of political forces (for
example, in joining labour organisations,
representation in the public sphere) as well

or civil associations that seek


of ideological ones (through the

dissemination of concepts on agrarian rights and citizenship). We have adopted

John Roemer's formulation (1982), according to which under the current state of
things, tappers are exploited by patrons so long as there exists a viable alternative
where patrons lose and tappers gain in their respective well-being. The nature of
exploitation is signalled by the changes in the rules of the game that would be
necessary to permit the realisation of the alternative. In the tappers' case, the
necessary change involves the end of the patrons' monopoly over rubber trails, of
the patrons' monopoly profits and of usury profits (thus, one form of exploitation
may cease to exist while another persists). For an alternative situation to develop, it
is first necessary for those who had been exploited to overcome the problems of
coordination, communication and leadership involved
in the change, and they must
not be worse off ~s a consequence of expelling their former exploiters. In particular,
the future of the forest, which constituted a fund that generated both commoditygoods (latex sold to patrons) and gift-goods (game circulating between neighbours),
remains uncertain after the monopoly of patrons is eliminated: will the forest be

18. It should be noted the role of the components o~ the labour proc~ss in
this view of class. Exploiting classes appropriate persons, thm~s, nature, and Ideas:
this results in slave labour, capitalist profits, landed rent, royaltIes. I observe that the
theory of the labour process was also used by Marx to analyse techmcal change
(Elster 1983:164-68, 1985:143-154).

transformed into land and appropriated privately? We shall return to this point
(between houses and patrons), where the notion of distributive injustice



fonimlated by tappers to explain one-sided enrichment; nor does it apply to hunting

Value, Labour and Political Economy
In these considerations concerning the dynamic of local history, one might

(gift exchange between neighbours), where injustice may take the abusive form of
over consumption by other houses.

question why labour-value is relegated to a secondary role, while the central subject

Gudeman (1978) has revived the role of classical political economy in the

of the present thesis is labour. In Marxist theory, the concept of labour in fact has

study of peasants (supported by Sraffa's interpretation of Ricardo), while Sahlins

two different roles, one quantitative and the other qualitative. The first is

disseminated a neo-classical style based on Chayanov for the same objective. Both

represented by the theory of labour-value, under which a theory of the exploitation

approaches take labour as the base and measure for wealth. In the political

of workers by capitalists is formulated.' The so-called fundamental Marxist theorem

economy focus, it is a matter of examining the distribution of wealth generated by

(Roemer 1981) holds that profits exist only where there is exploitation (the net

labour through the exchanges between peasant houses and other social classes; in

transfer of labour value from one class to another). But this theorem has met well-

the domestic economy approach, it becomes a matter of studying the distribution of

known obstacles in its application to a capitalist economy (Morishima 1973:12-13;

labour and leisure within the house in order to find the point of equilibrium

Morishima and Catephores: 22-23; Roemer 1982), and in order for it to remain

between effort and satisfaction (Gudeman 1978; Sahlins 1974). To be sure, both

valid, it has been argued that it is necessary to abandon the notion that goods are

approaches should be combined when studying houses that are related to a market.

traded "at their value", or even that micro-values can be attributed to individual

But while both Gudeman and Sahlins seem to converge on the matter of the

1119 Here labour-value comes to be a global resource that society

commo d"Itles at a.

existence of some sort of equilibrium (subsistence wages and the external

allocates (as in Robinson Crusoe's economy, Marx n.d. [1887]: 76-79) among its

appropriation of maximum surplus; reduction of labour to the minimum necessary

members in different activities, such as fishing, hunting, CUltivating, or building.

to meet domestic subsistence), my suggestion points to an inherent disequilibrium.

Another function of the theory of value was moral: that is, it serves as an

This disequilibrium appears in the relations between houses and merchants; it also

ethical parameter ' for the existence of inequality. In exchange between non- '

shows up internally in house plans. In the first case, while patrons seek a monopoly,

neighbour houses (simple commodities exchange), rubber tappers frequently use the

labour is scarce; there is an arena of violence and bargaining, instead of a balance

idea of labour-value to regulate, for example, the exchange of flour for rubber. But

between supply and demand of labour and goods. There is thus a distributive border

this procedure does not work when imported goods are traded for local products

between houses and patrons (or a Ricardian frontier). This border moves between
extremes: minimum subsistence and maximum labour, zero profits and maximum .

. 19. "The. concept of exploitation is defined only socially: we do not define

SOCIal explOltatlOn as the aggregation of many individual exploitations of workers
but only as an a~gregate concept. In general models such as this one the questio~
does not even a~lse as to whether prices are proportional to labour ~alues: labour
values play no mIcro role" (Roemer 1981:60).

profits. But it is not fixed, and it is up to class struggle in the forest to determine the
exact level of exploitation (an idea consistent with Sraffa 1960).

But there also is a Chayanovian frontier. Houses employ variable quantities

of labour with different intensities and in different combinations, reaching distinct

margin of freedom in the houses' economy that allows for the existence of pockets
of "thrifty" houses, "labour aveI:se" houses, "spendthrift" houses, and so on.

consuming patterns. Only a complete, discriminatory monopoly - where prices were

adjusted house by house in accordance with the stock of workers and consumers


within each, and where consumption was homogeneous and paid for - would allow

The notion of forest houses and their extension as macro-houses and macro-

maximum profits to be extracted uniformly from all houses. Only an average rate

house networks provides a conceptual tool for understanding the political economy

can be established, but individual houses can then move around the average.

and the domestic economy of the rubber tappers. 20 Houses control forest

Let us turn our focus to the inside of the domestic economy. Each house can



which they may lease from patrons or come to occupy as

make choices about labour use and consumption, within the limits imposed by price

squatters (without individual property rights over the colocas;ao, as in the Jurua of -

levels and by the payment of rent, which regulates the relations between houses and

Acre), or they may have permanent rights over tapping areas, which in turn they

traders or patrons. This is the sphere of house production and consumption plans.

may sub-let to other houses (as in Eastern Acre, under the influence of a market for

We have shown that within this sphere houses are dispersed, much like particles

land). In the Upper Jurua region, the control over resources was not associated to

occupying the volume within the walls of a cylinder. In this metaphor, the piston

the permanent ownership of the forest; the forest was not a commodity. Houses

defines the borders of exploitation; the greater the resistance of the houses to the

manage domestic labour or that of hirelings or sharecroppers, choose production

level of exploitation, the greater the dispersion of houses between different

plans (combining hunting, commercial extraction and agricultural activities) and

production plans. This point is at the root of my refusal to accept the approach

make budgets for the acquisition of goods (including "valuables" and goods for

based on optimisation for each individual house. The state of the houses as a whole

resale). In their relationship to the market, houses focus on the collection of

is not the same as the sum of atomised actions of isolated houses: were this true, we

extractive products in upland zones and on the cultivation of agricultural products in

would be able to predict the behaviour of individual houses through the application

riverside areas. Houses can accumulate a certain wealth (people, things), which I

of micro-economic models. Instead, such behaviour first fluctuates and second is not

have not described -as capital accumulation but as the accumulation of a patrimony. -

individual. There are coalitions of houses forming macro-units of cooperation and

They occupy varied positions in the realm of production possibilities (constrained by

distribution, there are local movements of accumulation and sub-exploitation

prices and given technical possibilities).

between blocks of houses. Indeed, the piston metaphor makes sense because in the
relations between houses (seen as a whole) and the trade post, the role of the trade
post does not involve the control over individual labour and consumption processes
(as would happen if there was the "formal subsumption of labour under capital"),
but it does involve setting only global variables like prices and rents. There is thus a

20. Gudeman and Rivera (1990) describe in detail a "house form" as part of a
cultural tradition. A terminological note: these authors employ the term house
instead of household to express that which Weber called Haushalt and Aristotle
oikonomia. a. Goody's (1990:21) "house" (between quotation marks) with an
essentially similar connotation. a. French maison (Descola, 1978), and Portuguese
casa (Pina Cabral, 1983). Unfortunately, the concept of household has become
spe~iali~ed in ~he literature as meaning the domestic group, as in the French
maIsonee (Nettmg et al. 1984: xiv; xx).

A community of tapper houses does not exist. Houses become associated -

1989); a way of doing things. Hence, a house's actions are not turned only to the

with one another in flexible extensions that I call macro-houses 21 , which exploit a

final product resulting from those actions; the notion of maximisation may not be

contiguous territory under a common leadership and articulate their production and

applied here, as it could in the case of a firm oriented towards the accumulation of

consumption plans. Coalitions or macro-house networks may be formed, acting in

capital (Gudeman and Rivera 1990). The distinction between homes ("consumers")

solidarity in squabbles between neighbours, in commercial cooperatives and labour

and firms ("pr~du~ers") remains central to neo-classical economic theory, where

unions, during elections, in marriages, in religion and in business, and they may

homes choose "consumption plans" and firms choose "production plans", each

compete with one another. Since houses do not need to have a property stake in the

subject to comtraints (Debreu 1959: 37, 50). Peasant houses (not unlike artisans')

forest (as in the case of the highly mobile upper Jurua tappers), the continuity of

choose action plans that simultaneously act as consumption and production plans.

houses essentially resides in the unit of labour processes over time. People grow, a

Using this language, houses develop and execute dual "action plans" oriented

territory may undergo changes or be substituted for another when a house moves,

towards a quality of life standard (Sen 1987: 89), but which may turn out to be

objects are used up and replaced, and ideas are transmitted, invented and

agonistic plans (as when houses expand and develop feuds WIth other houses).

abandoned. A form persists, embodied in real houses that emerge, expand into -

House plans are constrained by matter (forest niches impose limits to

macro-houses and die, through repeated acts of labour.22 In the tappers' case, the

technical procedures), by prevailing technology, by people (since there are new and

house's form includes a forest with a stock of niches and living things; a group of

old houses), by objects (since gasoline engines and manual wheel presses result in

people with a social composition of women, children and men; things like flour,

different manioc production plans). Therefore, components of the labour process,

game meat and imported objects, necessary not only for the technical functioning of

though represented by a form ("culture"), themselves put up resistance when

the house but also to guarantee a decent life for each category of persons (Gow

becoming part of real processes. They are more than mere representations, made
evident by the difficulty of adopting a technique, the mysteries offered by the forest,

21. Compare with Morris (1982:56, 135, 165); Tanner (1979 passim); Murphy
1978:1-22,27-50, 80, 153-193; Murphy & Murphy 1974:179-203; Steward & Murphy
1977(1956). Cf. Wagley 1964:90-102.
22. The following concepts may be traced to Aristotle: the distinction
between use and exchange values, the theory of status-regulated exchange (not
market-regulated), the distinction between management aimed at providing and
profit-oriented management aimed at profit (Aristotle 1977a:39 1982:267-71
1977a:33). These distinctions are known more widely because of' their moder~ _
versions (with the due acknowledgements) by Marx, Polanyi and Weber
respectively. It shoul.d come as no s.urprise! then, that .the theory of labour processe~
also belo.ngs to ArIstotle (see Glannottl 1983). HIS theory on the on gins and
preservatIOn of a substance was formulated in the language of production actions
exemplified in the construction of a house (Aristotle 1980: 105), the making of a
statue or in the actions of a doctor (1980:211-15). Art anthropological focus on the
labour process originates with Malinowski 1978 [1935]; cf. Richards 1969 [1939]
Firth 1966 [1946], Salisbury 1962, Gudeman 1978, Wallman 1979 and Lee 1979.

and the birth a~d death of persons. Commodities form an integral part of the
houses' form, whether as means of production or as things to be desired and
consumed (Hugh-Jones 1989), but prices mediate the access to them, and establish
limits for houses' production plans, just as ecological constraints set limits to the
density of houses surrounding a given territory as well as to the size of macrohouses. In sum, the study of causal relations focusing on technology, nature and
23. Note that in Aristotle's description of house management, the hous~ head
must manage "instruments" (slaves and inanimate tools, Aristotl.e 1977:.1?), III two
senses: in organising the labour and consumption process, and. III acqmrmg ~oods
through exchange, necessary (and sufficient) for a "good life" (Anstotle 1977:39).

pnces, interfaces with the recognition of a human order that treats these as

a peasant gains squatter's rights over land by proving agricultural activity, while it

meaningful components of acts directed towards an end.

establishes an upper limit of 100 hectares (for the Amazon) for titles thus acquired.

In contrast to the Aristotelian cosmos, the sublunar world produced by

Therefore, there is no way to recognise the legal rights of rubber tappers over the

human labour faces the action of time in the form of corruption. Just as buildings

forest settlements (coloca~6es), which include 400 hectares of forest per house, used

crumble while memory distorts the purity of old ways, the very form of forest houses

for extraction and hunting. Around 1984, some rural unions in the Amazon involving

may cease to exist. The rupture in form may result from the excessive use of

rubber tappers began to push for lots ranging from 300 to 500 hectares. But there

material resources, from natural disaster, from death or ruin, or from inevitable

was another problem involved, different from the one represented by the dispute

increase in entropy' (Georgescu-Roegen 1971). A social catastrophe and that which _

between land buyers and occupants. All it took was for one house to agree to sell its

Lenin called the ."disintegration of the peasantry" (Lenin 1979 [1899]) may come to

rights to a fazendeiro - betraying the neighbourhood coalition - in order to affect the

pass with expulsion from the land. Where there were forest houses, plantations and

economic viability of neighbouring houses, stimulating further defections. The

ranches then would sprout up, or maybe they would give way to wasteland. But

reason was that the buyer immediately would obtain legal permission to strike down

another metamorphosis is possible, where forest houses cross a technological border

the area acquired, -affecting both hunting and extraction in neighbouring areas. No -

(gaining access to new production sets), becoming agricultural houses, or firms.

pre-existing moral economy would be sufficient to overcome this free-rider problem

What future do they have, though, as forest houses?

(Popkin 1986:199), a version of the "prisoners' dilemma" (Sen 1987:80-88) that here
emerges in the form of a "tragedy of privatisation".25 Thus in 1985, a meeting of

Extractive Reserves and Land Markets

tapper union leaders in Brasflia proposed the creation of Extractive Reserves,

In the Xapuri and Brasileia region, a peasantry without patrons occupied

characterised in terms of the- recognition of rubber tappers' rights over forest
forest areas that had been sold to buyers from the South. Since these land titles were
settlements, "without dividing the land in lots" (Allegretti 1990).26 In 1986, another
precarious and in conflict with squatter's rights guaranteed by law, the first task

meeting (now of the National Council of Rubber Tappers) discussed three

facing the new "owners" was to expel its inhabitants. The only sure method for this institutionalisation strategies: individual property holdings in the forest settlements,
sort of primitive accumulation was to strike down the forest, thus destroying the
allowing individual land sales, property in condominium, allowing land sales by
houses' material base, literally uprooting the forest peasantry itself. The occupants,
with support from the recently formed rural unions, began to develop a strategy of
empates. 24 In principle, Brazilian legislation for the agrarian sphere recognises that

24. An empate consists of (a) avoiding the act of striking down the forest by
peons, (b) protesting against a rubber tapper who sold his coloca~ao to a rancher.
Linguistic note: empatar means to prevent (someone) (from doing something), to
block. Empate is the action of preventing another action. It is not to be confused

with the dictionary meaning, which is "to even a match, to obtain a draw" (a common
mistake committed -by non-Amazonian authors).
25. The econo~st Peter May has coined the term "tragedy of non-common.s"
to illustrate a similar effect in Babassu palm areas. Unfortunately, I could not obtam
his Ph.D. thesis on the subject.
26. Silberling (1991) forcefully defends the argument that social movements
constitute an important factor in the success of commons management. Here I lend
support to this VIew.



majority decision, and public property conceded to peasants, blocking land sales (cf.

It should be noted that the institution of public property with individual ,

Brornley 1991:22). The final decision was reached after a morning-long session in

concessions made through a local association also blocked another effect of the

the absence of advisers (who recommended the second alternative): the extractive

"prisoner's dilemma" (cf. Dasgupta and Heal 1979: 18). One resident (or even a

reserves were to turn the forest into public property to be exploited exclusively by

minority network of houses) could become specialised in hunting for commercial

resident rubber tappers. In 1977, a group within the National Agrarian Reform

purposes, making other houses face hunger. In this case too, the Extractive Reserve

Agency (INCRA) developed a proposal to create reserves in the form of extractive

restricts individuals from disposing privately of a public good (which means the

settlement projects,27 prescribing use concession contracts to be made with

integrity of. the forest), thus distinguishing the sum of individual interests recognised

"families" and limiting the area of forest that could be stricken down. In 1989, a task

through the practice of concessions, from collective interests, which must be-

force of tappers and advisers (within IBAMA) introduced in law a formal definition,

established by means of a social pact. Hence, the rubber tappers formulated a

which allowed concessions of public domain or expropriated areas classified as a

solution of general interest, neither for altruistic reasons nor because of

national heritage (such as forests, fisheries etc.) to associations of traditional

environmentalists' influence, but because in this case their interests as forest

dwellers (and not only to individuals), subject to a use plan. 28 Local regimes

peasants coincided with more general collective interests. 29

("traditional" or not) were to enforce rules of access to, exit from and transmission
of forest, at the same time blocking the commoditisation of the forest and hence the
effects of the market over this peculiarly indivisible good (Dasgupta and Heal
1979:3-8, 472-73). The concept resulted from the objective of blocking the
privatisation tragedy.

In its institutional dimension, the concept of extractive

reserves thus provided the response of rubber tappers' political organisation to the
prisoner's dilemma (in the form of the privatisation tragedy), rather than
representing a mere case of the survival of a traditional system of access to

Extractive Reserves and Technological Change

Technological change represents an important new component in the rubber
tappers' social movement. 30 One kind of proposed technical change does not
require changes in the form of forest houses: this is the local processing of products
already known or yet to be experimented with, obtained through the use of wellknown extractive procedures (rubber, brazil nuts, andiroba oil, copaiba, and palm
fruits). The effeCt iies in the increase of gross local value. Initial costs (personnel
organisation and training, acquisition of plants and equipment, commercialisation)
are high, and cooperatives or associations provide means to introduce these
processes. A related strategy involves the domestication of plant species exploited in

27. The Instituto de Estudos Amazonicos played an advisory role in this

project. The Institute's head, Mary Allegretti, pioneered the anthropological study
of rubber tappers and championed the concept of Extractive Reserves.
28. Between 1985 and 1989, the CNS had as leaders Jaime Araujo (Novo
Aripuana), Osmarino Rodrigues (Brasileia), Raimundo de Barros (Xapuri) and
Chico Mendes (Xapuri). After Chico Mendes' murder, Julio Barbosa was elected _

29. This mechanism is being applied recently to traditional fishing areas (on
the Atlantic coast) and in babassu palm areas in Maranhao.
30. Tariff protection and subsidies for rubber production cOIl;tinue to b.e
demanded (similar to the protection of small farmers in the ~EC): ThIS. defence IS
corporativist and not universalist, using the terms of the foregomg dISCUSSIOn.

the above processes (agro-forestry). Palms, brazil nut trees, rubber trees, cupuassu

consider a short-term strategy in which forest houses maintain their prior niche

(a wild species similar to cocoa) and others are planted during part of the

diversity (they hunt, cultivate and extract commercially), while at the same time

agricultural cycle of houses (on abandoned plots), constituting patches of

integrating themselves into ~ variety of new markets for extractive products. These

domesticated forest with a high flow value. 31 This strategy requires time spans of up

markets exert different effects over different products. 32 Pred
tech ruques

to ten years to be tested. Agro-forestry patches included within (macro) house

possess an equilibrium level (when tapirs are preyed on too much, they disappear

territories coexist with hunting and extraction zones, and with agro-pastoral patches

locally), just as extractive techniques do (if copaIba oil is overexploited, individual

(as in the current pattern), under conditions of low population density. A third

trees die). The system of extracting latex is sustainable, for instance, because it

strategy is to expand agro-forestry areas, substituting extractive forest areas, and

combines an institutional mechanism (individual houses appropriate resources

increasing population density significantly, say from 1-2 inhabitants per square

grouped along trails, subject to the supervision of mateiros: the forest's character as

kilometre to 10-20 inhabitants (Anderson 1990,1989). While in the transition to

service fund is preserved) as well as a cultural one (there are consensus norms

agro-forestry without significant growth in population density the houses' form

concerning the beneficial character of the institution). Hunting remains at

essentially is riot .altered in terms of natural resources and persons (though -

sustainable levels (with a population affected by human presence) by combining

consumption increases as does the technical fund), forest houses in the second case

institutional mechanisms (federal legislation prohibiting hunting and inhibiting

become converted into agro-forest houses that exploit a domesticated oligarchical

commercialisation) and circulation regimes (circulation of game as gifts, taboos and

forest, with a significant weight on agriculture and stockraising, while hunting

panema). Now let ~s imagine unrestricted markets for copaIba oil and wild game. _

becomes a secondary economic niche. The number of inhabitants increases and the

Supervision may certify the preservation of a forest fund (for example the state of

forest gives way to an agro-forest. The three strategies described above do not

trees tapped for latex or copaIba), but the supervision of game reserves is much

represent phases. Global and local political factors, as in the past, can alter the

more difficult, and the effects are different according to species. The Rubber

operation of supposedly inevitable laws of technical evolution and of demographic

Tappers' Association of the Upper Jurua Extractive Reserve opposed the


commercial exploitation of timber, prohibited commercial game hunting as well as

non-commercial hunting with special hounds, and restricted the extraction of palm

Markets, Forest Value Flows and Forest as a Fund

In order to explain the interaction of local and global politics, I argue now
that the action of markets for forest products (just as in the case of a land market),
acting spontaneously, may lead to the script of a privatisation tragedy. First let us

31. Below, I return to the distinction between forest use as a flow and as a

fruits (Almeida 1992b). All of these strategies apparently come into conflict with the
idea that the best way to "preserve" the forest is to value the economic flow
withdrawn from the forest, that is, commoditise a fund (Robinson and Redford

32. Using the language introduced in Chapter 9, predatory techniq~es

withdraw part .of .the stock. (hunting, .fishing and lumber removal);, ex~ractlve
techniques withdraw a flow WIthout altenng the stock (latex, copaIba, a~aI fruItS).



1991). Rubber tappers are not moved by their love of animals and the environment,

macro-house to increase participation in agro-forestry projects, for example).

but they are defending a majority against the action of "free riders". For example,

Indeed, over the long run, this scenario may lead to a prisoner's dilemma syndrome.

hunting with Paulista hounds (of high value) in order to commercialise game meat

There is no guarantee that"the forest will ensure a stable pattern of livelihood for

was begun on the edge of the reserve by a small group that neither cultivated garden

peasant units following a significant demographic transition. Demographic growth

plots nor produced rubber; the effect was to ruin the neighbourhood as a hunting

accompanied by the homogenisation of the forest and by vertical industrial

area. 33 The effect of a market for game meat is comparable to the introduction of a
land market, and the solution here also involves a struggle to limit the market's

integration in fact could result in the future impoverishment and expropriation of

individual forest houses, aggravated by environmental degradation. The market


mechanism can lead into a long-term "tragedy of commons", putting a premium on

We may now "turn to the transition to local intensification (that is, the

introduction of domesticated forests within the settlements). Here the main problem

intensive agro-forestry (and later on intensive agro-ranching), and in the short run
putting a premium on depletion-oriented extraction and predation.

is whether or not there is an inevitable transition from extensive use of forests (with

Two arguments may be presented in defence of the transition from forests to

patches of agroforest, forest and intensive agriculture) to a regime of intensive use

domesticated landscapes: first, it includes more land to be distributed among the

of land and corresponding high demographic density. Lower prices for extractive

poor (Anderson, 1989; Browder 1992), and second, it is the only scenario that is

products and higher prices for agricultural products will be a stimulus to replace

economically competitive without depending upon state subsidies. As for the first

extensive-use forests (generating a "flow of copaiba, rubber and oils, along with

point, I argue that there is no absolute scarcity of land in the Brazilian Amazon, and

sustainable predation upon animals) with domesticated oligarchical forests or

no famine problem either that can be attributed to overpopUlation or to land

intensive agriculture. Will institutions or social movements fight against market

scarcity. The land problem in Brazil is a case of "entitlement failure" (Schwartzman

signals in the direction of a metamorphosis from forest (extensive) use to

1989; cf. Lipton 1990; McNicoll 1990); it is a case of the defeat of the agrarian

homogeneous agricultural (intensive) use of territory?

reform movement (Berno de Almeida 1991). The poor are blocked from access to

Perhaps such a transition is recoI1lITlendable. But is it inevitable everywhere?

An argument in its favour is the pressure of rising numbers. It is important to note

that the mechanism leading to demographic growth involves the competitive interest

of individual houses in always increasing their piece of the forest flow value pie
(either by seeking to enter in the area, or by increasing the number of houses in a

33. ~ blacksmith ";,,hose shop is,in the forest was be affected in the same way
as a tapper s house (preCisely because If he moved to town, he would have to give up
the niche diversity that subsidises him).

land or to food, which nonetheless exist in abundance. Rather than preventing land
34. The Malthusian cycle: population growth, pressure upo~ resour~es,
increased surplus and further po~ulatlOn growth. The attractor for thIS cycle I~ a
maximum population under SubSIstence levels ("misery checks'). T~e Bo~~rupIan _
cycle: population growth, pressure upon resources, mtensIfIcatlOn,
increased surplus, demographic growth, having as attractor SubSIstence levels ~nd
maximum sustainable populations at a higher level than before. A ChayanovIan
cycle: family growth, mcrease in resource use, labour intensification, incre';\sed
surplus per labourer, balance in family in~oI?e at subsist~nce levels (~CNIcoll
1990). In all three cases, the attractor is a rrnmmum of SubSIstence, a maxImum of
labour intensity, a maximum of environmental degradation. Such determinist~c
scenarios hinge, therefore, upon the inevitability of Hardin-type or demographIC
"tragedy of commons".



redistribution, Extractive Reserves have managed to grant land rights on an

where it is not native); the next step is to produce it synthetically. This argument may
unprecedented scale (10% of the total area of Acre); with low demographic density
or not work in particular cases (the fishing industry is a case in point); also, the point
they will also keep stocks of public resources for present use (as flows) as well as for
future social uses as a fund. 35 Tappers are successful forest peasants, and not a -

has been made that while in the short-term agricultural products may be of high value,
in the long-term extraction may yield a sustainable income at constant costs while

group opposed to the Amazonian peasantry. Another demographic argument holds

agricultural or ranching uses involve rising costs to keep fertility (Hecht and
that the population will rise endogenously in the future, even though today it is

Schwartzman 1988). I' will not pursue this line of reasoning which assume constant

distributed with a low density. This scenario may be avoided. Under current
relative prices, because, due to technical change in the overall economy, relative prices
conditions, it is avoided because children in excess leave the settlements, either
change. In the future, the price of any product which is extracted today may decline
spontaneously or moved by paternal authority. Systems of access and transmission
relative to the price of products that the extractive economy imports (just as happened
control the proportion of persons to resources; thus the essencial variable is not the
to rubber). In fact, this argument applies not only to extractive, but also to any
absolute population, but the parcel of which enjoys land rights (received through use
agroforestry or agricultural product. Thus, the intensification of population growth in
concessions) according to rules in force. In the absence of such systems, which along
such areas, even with a transition from extensive forest use to intensive agriculture,
with the formal mechanism of use concession guarantee the stability of resource
only increases the chances that such peripheries will assume the role of "poverty
exploitation, each house becomes economically unfeasible, whatever the technical
procedure in us~, and whatever the initial density. Indeed, each house has a stake in _
maintaining resources indivisible, thus blocking this variant of the "prisoner's
In assuming ( erroneously) that extractive reserves are "specialised" in
extraction (within the first of three scenarios outlined above), critics argue extractive
economies inherently are doomed to be replaced by domesticated economies and
later by industrial economies (Homma, 1989; Torres and Martine 1991). Thus, if a
vegetable oil is first extracted and there is a growing market for it, prices will rise
and signal to investment in the cultivation of the wild plant (usually in a region

reserves", with degraded areas and surplus population.

One primary error in diagnoses of the efficiency of forest economies lies in that
these diagnoses consider public intervention in the price system as subsidies granted to
a social group. But there is another way of looking at this situation. A forest economy
generates present flows in the form of materials extracted from or preyed upon in the
forest, ~hich then cross economic borders in the form of commodities and become
value flows through a price system. (Of course, there are also flows which do not cross
the borders of the forest economy, such as game used as food, palms used as raw
material for housing, land used for agriculture, commercial or not). Whether
transformed into commodities and crossing the border of the local economy, or

35. Generalising the "social movement" argument of Silberling (1991), one

might argue that the "landless workers moveme~t", the "mo~~ment ?f those affected
by hydroelectric dams" and the "rubber tap~ers moyement each mtroduced some _
sort of innovation in use-regimes, and thIS explams why they struck the only
re distributive victories during the 1980s.

maintained within the system, the flows originate from a forest stock, the value of
which then may be calculated in terms of the capitalisation of the flows' value. The
stock may be converted into flows at greater or lesser rates, and it is possible to
calculate the "optimum rate of depletion" of the forest stock in

terms of market prices; hence, at one extreme there is a flow level that preserves the
forest indefinitely, while at the other there is a level at which the forest will be used
up in a single year, after which land (and not forest) will be available for other uses
(which is the case of the immediate conversion of all the timber and animals into
commodities). Is this an appropriate way of assessing a forest's value? The forest
may be seen as a fund which generates services (just as living persons do), and which
as such is not assessed by market value~. There is no futures market for the forest as
a fund; nor is there for the services it affords in the present and ' which do not take
the form of commodity-flows (or local use-value flows). Can the value of a forest
such as that of the Upper Jurua be assessed correctly' in market terms through a
method of capitalisjng product flows and then estimating the optimum rate of stock
depletion? This method can lead us to consider as efficient the use of 1,000 hectares
of degraded pasture by a rancher (or by twenty impoverished families who cultivate
beans), while considering as inefficient the use of the same area by a group of three
houses generating a flow and, in addition, maintaining 955 hectares of forest with a
high degree of biological diversity (Wilson 1988: 193-226). This diversity involves
"materials" (such as latex, or a slain animal), but also includes information, such as
the chemical processes associated with biological systems (Brown 1989; 1982; 1991).
The limitations of the market in adequately signalling what natural resources are to
be used from a service fund (such as the air, water and, in this case, the natural

have been pointed out by mainstream modern economic theory (Dasgupta

and Heal

1979~ P~arce

1976), and include in particular


absence of future,

unborn participants from current market transactions (cf. also Alier & Schlumpann1991). Extractive reserves, which represent an institutional innovation insofar as
they block the prisoner's dilemma in its form as the tragedy of land privatisation,
also may check the same dilemma as it appears in the form of a demographic rush,
as in the rush to maximise present value flows in response to market signs. With


reference to the economic value of the forests, a non-mercantile assessment of the

social value of the forest as a service fund for society as a whole is necessary. That
which appears to be a "subsidy" bestowed upon forest-dwellers areas by global
society (via the State) in fact is by far overshadowed by the subsidy that the foresteconomy offers society as a whole, in reproducing a service fund without payment.
What can be concluded is that development scenarios for the forest economy should
include social pacts not only with respect to the land market issue, but also to the
market of objects and information issued from forests.
A further note is in order. In earlier regimes, forest peasants sometimes lived
in areas separate from the extractive zones (Amapa); in others, they resided within
the extractive areas themselves (Acre). In some areas, they maintained varied
portfolios of commercial extractive products (Amazonas), while in others they
specialised in the commercial extraction of a single product (Upper Jurua) or two
products (Upper Purus). Demographic densities also varied. These characteristics
are reflected in the composition of the National Council of Rubber Tappers, whichis by no means a grass-roots organisation. More appropriately it may be viewed as
an umbrella organisation formed by leaders coming from different union traditions
within the Amazon, all facing the problem of emerging from a defensive position in
their struggle against classes of patrons or against expulsion by ranchers or
agrobusiness. To imagine that the Council developed from a harmonious local
community is to promote an illusion. It was precisely the national character of the
Council and the universality of its program that ~llowed for the mobilisation of very
different local movement, on the one hand, while on the other, catalising external
support for these local struggles. In the Upper Jurua, forest

peasant~ initially fought

for the right to become free of rubber trail rents and for the right to sell their
product free of .debt (Macedo & Almeida 1988; O'Dwyer 1989; Brown & Cardoso _
1989, 1991; Embrapa 1989; Ministerio Publico 1989). Hence, contrary to the theory


which predicted that Western Acre possessed only debt slaves incapable of
mobilisation since they were subjected to all-powerful patrons, the effect of the
Council was to catalise existing struggles directed against rent payments and the
commercial monopoly. In . Eastern

Acre, the forest peasants' social movement

fought the invasion of lands by ranchers from the south; in Arnapa, they mustered
forces against the Jari project empire, while in Rondonia they challenged the wave
?f imigrants that pushed them into marginal areas. Analogously, in different
locations and under different political circumstances, different scenarios of technical change and of social pacts emerge to control components of the labour process of
the houses: the forest, the information, the persons, the objects.
A Maxwell Demon


crystallized permanently in culture, persons do not endure. There is a production

and reproduction process that reconstructs forms. Applied to the . forest economy
seen as a whole, the forest (a component of the labour process), people (the
population of a territory) and things (modes of consumption) change together with
alterations in the use of information (technical change). These changes are affected
by flows regulated by the market, in which individual houses make choices. The sum
of individual choices regulated by price signals have a global effect that can be
harmful to each individual house under consideration. This sort of perverse effect
occurs particularly in the case of service funds, such as a forest. Hence, a form may
become degraded and worsen conditions for all.
A metaphor comes to mind, that of the "Maxwell demon". This _

I have argued that forest-houses reproduce a form of articulation between

anthropomorphic being was conceived as a notional means to overcome entropy.

nature, persons and things by means of a technique and aiming towards an end. This

What is of interest is the way he acts. The stage set for this metaphor is a system (a

image could be extended to a forest territory as a whole, which is under the

box) linked to the rest of the world by a door. At the beginning, there are green

management of a body politic, and seen as a system, which involves flows that cross

things inside the box (the box has colour, so to speak). Outside the box, there are

borders. Objects (consumer goods and equipment), information (new techniques

mostly grey things (many different colours mixed together perhaps). Things flow in

and ideas), persons (migrants), and commodities that arrive; things (forest and

both directions. It is enough that some randomness exists in the movement of things

agricultural products, manufactured goods) that leave, information (application of.

to and fro. Each thing moves on its own, as individuals. Then, in the long term, there

chemical substances and other procedures) and persons -- all this crosses the

is a final homogeneity between the interior of the box and the rest of the world, both

boundary. In a market economy such flows constitute the commerce of goods

equally grey - maximum entropy.

regulated by a price system. Houses and their coalitions form decision units (atoms

so to speak) within the system. On the other hand, above the individual houses at
the system's border, there are associations, bills of rights and responsibilities,
supervision institutions, leaders and ideologies.
Forms are created and reproduced. They also die. Under human use, there i~
no inertia of forms: a forest is not perpetuated by custom, information is not

The Maxwell demon places himself at a door - the boundary between a

system and the rest of the world. He receives information on a flow of things in _
either direction. On the basis of the information gathered, the Maxwell demon
sometimes can close the door. Merely by favouring the entry of green things (there
are a few outside, some escaped previously) and favouring the exit of grey things
(those which entered the box), a distinctive green hue is maintained inside the box.
In this way a demon is able to arrest the increase in entropy locally.


This brings to mind the role of norms, institutions and other mechanisms means to use information on flows of things and ideas to make a form endure and as
a means to fight against corruption of differences. But the original metaphor also
leads to another conclusion. The Maxwell demon cannot exist forever. His existence
is of a local nature. Like a modern Nemi priest-king mounting guard at the doors of
the temple of Diana, he is subject himself to death, threatened by the continued
onslaught of objects and ideas that in the end affect his own ability to discern and to
take decisions, and degrade his own form. The metaphor asserts that such a demon .
may only overcome the increase of entropy locally as long as he is fed from without
with a subsidy of energy and information, so to speak. Thus, a dialectic of local
permanence and global processes emerges, combined with the possibility that local
history may develop its own course as the result of fluctuations that are amplified
but which cannot be foreseen as the inevitable outcome of determinism.










in tons

1851- 60







1880-90* 110,048
1891- 00 213,755
1901-10 345,070


1 102
1 780





1911-20 328,754
1921-30 185,222
1931-39# 103,722


1 696







1948 - 50
1951- 60
1961- 70
1981- 87
Peak year



Gold st. aver.

tons rubber


0 . 53
1. 30
value index (100=1850s)
0.38 317

*Data for 11 years. #Data for 9 years.

Value:in 1,000 sterling pounds . . Weight in metric tons.
Source: calculated from IBGE 1990:347.



Rubber Index


1911- 20
1932 - 39

32,875 100
11,524 35



Source: Table 1.1. Values are averages over decades.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------TABLE 2.2










TEJO RIVER, 1981/82



Tejo Estates
Boca do Tejo
Restaurayao 1,156


COELHO 1982:46-65.


Middle Estate

Minor Estate











Source: Trade-post data for Restaurayao, Maranguape and Iracema 1981/82;

census of indigenous Area 1983. *Estimated. Areas measured on maps at the
scale of 1:250,000 (Radambrasil 1977).


Major Estate



Indigenous Area






Source: field research 1982/83

(low course)
(upper course)

(low course)



Restaura y ao (Hdqrts)
Boa Hora
















data for Riozinho in tables for

Source: Trade post, 1981/82. Ct. census
for 1982.
Chapter 7 giving 66 houses and 390 persons













Tejo Estates
Boca do Tejo

-1 ,987



Indigenous Area
Total Tejo River


total rented
1,414 982



80-81 Harvest-Valdemar Furtado; after Armando Geraldo'death

Houses Trails Rent Received Rent Due Total
Harvest (Casa Correa)
Houses Trails Rent Received
82 ~ 83

1,414 982 3,432

Sourc e~

Rent Due


Field research (Trade Post's Data)

Sources: Census, 1991 (Almeida 1992) .



Area Claimed (km2)



Area in sq km
Persons/sq km


(1) 1982 census;

Tejo River
1. 45

1,292 1,195
1.12 1. 03

1 . .39

(2) 1991 census.


218 . 0



171. 0




Titles Recognized
0. 0
561. 90








per house
per sett'lement
Houses per settlement

5.64 km2
11.01 km2
1. 95


Sources: Tables 5.2 and 5.3 above. The 1991 census had the hous e a ~ its
unit and settlement names (recorded at the trade-post in 1982) may lluve
been dropped in 1991 when trade - post did not exist anymore.

BOA HORA(Aracati)
TOTAL Tejo River




Source: Santoro and Vasconcelos 1989; MINISTERIO DA AGRICULTURA 1989:27.

15 June
5 July
26 July
31 Augst


Output (kgs)
Average p/house

Source: Field research (Trade Post Data)



Output Range(kgs)
Number of houses
0 -100


Source: Field Research (Trad Post Data)




Yearly consumption
Montly consumption
Value in Rubber
cooking oil 1
liter 1.6 kg
0.8 kg
1.3 kg
1.3 kg
0.5 kg
0.25 unit 0.4
0.5 1
0.12 kg
0.12 kg
10.6 kg
axe (blade)
7.8 kg 10 years
4.6 kgs rubber
2 years
1 9.2
1 131. 0
4 years
1-2 years
1 3.9
1-2 years
1 6.6
1-2 years
1 5.3
small sacks 1 6.6
1-2 years
tin cups
10 years
Amount Monthly Value
O.~ ~aneiros)
5.3 kgs rubber
63.6 kgs
(1 paneiro=30 kgs)
Total Baslcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243.5 kgs
Non-basics (luxury,miudezas, vices, cloth, valuables) ...... 97
Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Tota 1 rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Source: field research, 1982/83.

TABLE 5.10








Number Houses











At Riozinho Estate
** At Restauracao Estate less Riozinho
U$1.00 = 222 cruzeiros (end of 1982)
Rubber prices = 500 cruzeiros/kg = US$2.25/kg
Source: Field Research

TABLE 5.11


Delivered to

Based in


Sub-total to regatoes/marreteiros
Sub-total to patron
Total rubber


Rubber (kgs)
297 (60%)
202 (40%)

Source: Field research, 1982/83. Cf. Table 6.3, Account 11.


TABLE 5.12




TABLE 6 . 2A








Boa Hora

E. Ribeiro

Rubber-Tapper; sometimes "manager"


Bills 82 june-aug.
"Commission" on goods
Bills 82 aug-dec.
Juvenal's bill to patron 3,815
Bills 83
purchases at trade-post
payment orders
It. peddlers/Chagas
It.Peddlers to Juvenal ' 80,415
Interest for the above
purchases not at trade post









Ze de Luna

Source: Field research






Source: Field Research, 1982/83


positive Balance (previous)

positive Balance (previous)
Negative Balance (previous)
Valuables (ordered)
Merchandise (advanced, a)
Merchandise (advanced, b)
Payments to tappers
Money (advanced)
Payments to Boat-traders
Credit for rubber delivered
Credit for other products
Payments tapper/tavpers
positive Balance (current)
Negative Balance (current)


Rubber (kgs)















Rubber delivered to trade-post (total)

Rent for Trails
"Debt-free" rubber, exchanged for cash
Rubber to pay the house's account
Rubber to pay the own client's account
Error etc.

The numbers show the order in which currencies are entered and
converted into , another. A comissao is charged for merchandise advanced
when rubber is paid "at final price".

Source: Field research, 1982/83.

Source: Field Re$earch, 1982-3

1,061 kgs




-100 kgs






Account I: Chagas
Rubber . account

rent traders "surplus"








100 kgs
9% over output

* Chagas' client's debt to itinerant traders paid by the

trade-post with 102 kgs charged as interest.'
AccountII: Ferreira, 1982/83 (summary)


rent traders "surplus"



499 kgs


June 1982/January of 1983, Dry Season of 1983




Account III: Assis, 1982/83

274 kgs
55% over output

( summary)

output .


rent traders "surplus"





Source: Field research, 1982-83


43% over output

Balance 82
+ 54
+ 21
+ 79
+ 3
+ 98
+ 31
+ 23
+ 6
- 81
- 88
- 45

3 3
Rui Santana
2 1
Altevir Vitorino 2 1
osmarino Cunha
1 1
Jose Sabino
2 1
Alfredo Avelino 1.5 1
Joao Cunha Filho 3 2
Hilario Benevenu 4 4
Aldenizio Loureiro2 2
Jose Candido
2 3
Manuel Vitorino
2 1
simeao Apolonio
3 1
Cario e Sansao
3 1
Francisco Roberto 6
Ferreira Freitas 1 1
Valdeir Vitorino 3 2
Esterlito Cunha
2 1
Claudio Elias
1 1
Alberci Alves
1.5 2
Franc. Teodoro 1.5 4
Evilasio Santana 2 1
Assis Farias
2 1
Raimundo Isaura
2 2
Joao Nascimento
2 1
Aurino Batista
3 2
Chagas Farias
3 3
Adelino Leao
4 5
Manuel .Apolonio
2 1
Joao Cunha pai
2 2
Narciso Lima
1 1
Joao Teixeira
1 2

70.5 54




2.3 1.8


-150 kgs

Balance Aug-83



+ 2
- 33
+ 2

. -195

- 55
+ 75
- 24
+ 17










I Rented rubber trails; II tappers; III net balances in January 1983,

converted into rubber at 500 cruzeiros/kg; IV rubber weighed to August
1983 (dry season harvest); V debts in August 1983, converted into rubber
at 800 cruzeiros/kg; VI balances estimated in August 1983.Source: Trade
post; interviews marked with ('). 1982/83



TABLE 6.4b


Houses with


a net debt:
a net credit:
total sample

20 65%
11 35%
31 100%

TABLE 7.2a

average balance
- 273.65 kgs
+ 73.00 kgs
-150.65 kgs


per settl.
per house
per sq km





source: field research 1982.

Source: Table 6.4



Houses per












Number of
Number of

Source: Field research, 1982.

Value in Cr$l,OOO.OO, Rubber in kgs; january 1984.

Source: trade post books for 1983/84




E=Ego W=wife










1. 32





House patterns

Source: field research, 1982. Census of 53 houses in 19 settlements (from

a total of 68 houses in 26 settlements, one of them empty) in 1982.



Census 19
Total 26

Pop. Houses


sq km


p/ settl

Source: field research 1982. Areas in square kilometres



S=son(s) D=daughter(s) O=other kin


h = hired

Nuclear Family:
(E, W, S) or (E, W, D), (,E, W, S, D)
Extended Nuclear Family:
(E,W,S,O), (E,W,D,O), (E,W,S,D,O,e)
Recombined, extended nuclear families:
(E,W, Ego'Son) , (E,W, Wife's daughter)
(E, W, S, WS, WDH).
(E,B) or E,e)





Source: Field research; 1982 census (total 68 houses).




houses settl.

One macro-house
(x+S+S+DH+Z), (X+S+S+DH=BS),
(X+B+B+ZH), (X+B) , (X+B)


3.1 3

Velha Rita

Flo r es t a


settlements with isolated houses only


Flore sta
Sao Salvador



Two macro-houses
(X+DH / Y+DH)



One macro - house and isolated houses

(X+S+S+S / Y), (X+WDH+WDH / Y) (X+DH / Y)
(X+DH / Y / Z)
(X+ZH I Y / Z) (X+ZH~WB / Y)
(X+WB / Y)

(X /








Os Pires










Each parenthesis represents a type of settlement. x = female head. X =

male head. (X+WDH+WDH / Y) designates a settlement occupied by the houses
of Ego X and by the houses of two of his wife's son-in-laws, and by a
separate house of Y. Source: Field research.

Ginu, Bispo
Luiz Barbosa


Source: field r esearch, 1982/83










Bom Jardim





Bom Jardim
Bom Jardim
V. Q.Quer
V.Quem Quer
Sao Salvador
Cafe Xique



Os piqui
Boa Hora
Os piqui
C Xique
C dos Baixos
Os Pires
Morada Nova
Cafe Xique
C.dos Baixos






Linked family





**Fonten'e le

Source: field research, 1982/83

Number of marriages in
(1 )



TABLE 7.7a






settlements with no houses moving

settlements with
with houses
with houses
with houses

Source: Field research

at least one move

moving in only
moving out only
moving in and out




Houses involved
16 in, 13 out


Total of settlements



Data from 45 houses and 21 settlements from a population of 68 houses a nd

26 settlements. Source: field research, 1982/83


Name of

Data per settlement

Hous. M F m f h Tot.

Bom Jardim
Os Piqui
Cafe Xique
Os Pires
Morada Nova
Duels Bocas



7 4
4 2
2 2
5 1
5 1
6 11
3 6
5 1
5 4
2 2
3 6
1 2
3 2
3 3
2 6
2 4
1 2
10 6
5 5

4 .


85 74 70 69 6
m f h
19 settlements -House M F
Source: field research, 1982/84





Over 60
37 to 48
15 to 18
10 to 14
3 to 5
under 1












Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta. 1982. Tables 8.1

to 8.7 refer to the same house. H=head. A,B,C= mature sons. e,f=working


Children (under 10)



Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982.









Fell trees
Gather the palm
Raise the structure
Cover with palm
Place the walls


head, mature son A

head, A, sons
head, son B
head, A,B,C
a team of four

man days

Walls, floor and ceiling materials are made from the paxiuba palm-tree
piles and the house framework are made from different hard woods; stro~g
tree-barks (enviras such as "iron envira") or vines (cip6s) replace nails
to fix together the structure. Poles and framework last 10 years; roof
floor and walls last half this time.

Garden 'Plot




0.3 ha

3000 covas


60 paneiros


Flour making


Man-Days '

1800 kgs. flour



Source: field research.




Working team


Man days





Garden of current year (royado I)




Aug.-Sep. 9 persons



3 sons+son-in-Iaw
1 mature son
3 daughterss

Young women e,f

Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta (1982).

Figures for days were given by the house head, who usually omit women's
and small children's work, particularly in the garden crops (weeding),
but also in helping in the rubber making (gathering and repairing the
smoker-house) and in hunting (casual fishing, traps, kills of deer
pursued to the river) .

Mata bruta

Banana '




pits (stems)
plants (lost to pigs)

Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta (1982).




3-years old fallow





Man days

21 dias

pits (stems)
litres (seeds)

Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta (1982).








Working team


team days




Head, 3 sons, son-in-law 2

Head, wife, 1 son



5 persons


Total of week

3 days

2 armadillos
2 peccaries (T.tajacu) 35
42 kgs 2.47* 3.0**
4 individuals


Man days

Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982


Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta.

*House compositios as in Table 8.1 and 8.1b. Note: use of timber as fuel
was around 3 cubic metres (monthly); cacao nuts were collected regularly
three times a week.






mata bruta

500 pits
o litres


Left from
3,100 pits
4 litres
60 bushes

Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982 . .



Consuming unit

Adults Children







225.0 kgs/month 13.24* 16**

* Observed consumption in 10 days. Heads or the two houses quoted 7

paneiros (210 kgs) and 10 paneiros (300 kgs) respectively. Some say that
one adult eats 12 paneiros/year. *17 persons. **14 persons (children
counted as 1/2 adult).
Source: field r.esearch. Riozi, settlement Floresta, 1982.



Trail Names

Rubber trees


Knives per trail


De Baixo





1. 21









0.38 0.5
0.46 0.61

*latex yield per day, measured in latas (one lata=2 liters=l kg smoked
rubber, not dry).
** trails converted in standard sizes of 120 trees.
H=head; A~B,C male sons, ages given in parenthese~.
Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982.




De Baixo








Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982.





De Baixo






Friday Sat Sunday


To itinerant traders and marreteiros

Liquidated (paid to the trade-post)
stored in the smoking-house




Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta. 1982.

H= head. A= son (18), B=son (15), C=son(17) D=Son-in-Iaw

Purchases at
A 15HP motor
Total at the
Purchases at



De Baixo


Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982.






Days Man-days









Days Man-days









Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982. Note that

"man-days" are here the product of tappers by tapping days. More
correctly, each tapping day should count as 1.2 of a standard man-day
(cf. Table 8.6).

cruzeiros Rubber kgs

trade post (on account)
at the trade post (encomenda)
itinerant traders and marreteiros

Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982.





powder milk
Gun shot
Metal caps



43.2 litres
54 litres
30 kgs
60 kgs
36 cans

1,5 kgs
4 kgs
3 boxes

Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement Floresta, 1982.





dogs (good for armadillos and paca)
old shotguns
A, B, C
fish net
motors (16HP, 14HP)
singer machine
ca~oe (1 ton of capacity)
wrlst-watches (Citizen orient) A,
broken wrist-wat.c h . (SeYkO)

1 ax

4 machetes


knifes (forest knives, not rubber knives)
battery-powered torchs

Source: field research. Riozinho, settlement FI oresta, 1982.





Man - days





1,434 kgs
1,260 kgs

Total days



*Note that teams ~hared a single trail. Thus two or three men would
contribute together with one man-day. source;field work, 1982. Not


QUINTAL (backyard)
coite (Calabash) and 20 other
fruit) and herbs, mainly medicinal.
HORTA (vegetables) Onions (3 kinds), pepper (two
garlic, squash, lettuce, kale.
CAMPO (field)
Over 22 kinds of domesticated
recorded in different gardens, Riozinho.
Watermelon, squash (beans in lower

plants (nonkinds) ,

Batatas (Roots)
Yellow (4 named kinds)
White (5 named kinds)
Other (5 named kinds)
Braba ("wild", slightly poisonous)
Sweet potato, Inhame
Maize (2 main kinds)
Beans (3 kinds as bush, 2 kinds as creeper)
sugar-cane, bananas (several kinds), pinn~aple,
Papaya, avocado, oaca) , banana (sev~ral.klnds),
pineapple, papaya, avocado, Oaca (tlngul

CAPOEIRA (Second-growth)
PLANTAS (plants)
At least 12 herbs (medicine, wrapping
manioc, tea)
At least 15 different common pests in first
PRAGAS (pests)
Source: field research. Riozinho, 1987.



TABLE 8.8b


MARGEM margin
varzea (covered in floods)
LOMBO (top beach)
PRACA (lower beach)
BARRANCO (river banks)

(small rivers)
(flooded streams)
(isolated lakes)
(deep places)
(small streams)

dry season crops

fishing places
water sources

CACHOEIRA (rapids)
REMANSO (whir pools, pits)
(oxbow lake)
SANGRADOURO (lake channel to river)
(non- flooded banks)
CAPOEIRA (second growth)
TABOCAL (bamboo forest)
MATA BRUTA (mature forest)
CAMPINA (open forest)
RESTINGAS (marshy areas)

manioc and other crops


Main environments, vegetation, soils






White sand
Dark sand

Beans (beach type)


Black clay

Weak Tobacco

Sandy clay
Red clay
Dark sand

Strong Tobacco, manioc

Peanuts, Squash, Potatos
Pineapple, sugar- cane, bananas


Source: field research. Riozinho, 1987.


TABLE 8.8c


PALHEIRAS (Palm trees) common in Tejo River.

Patoa (Oenocarpus bataua) (wine), Buriti (Mauritia vinifera) (wines),
Bacaba (Oenocarpus distichus) (wine), Ayai (Euterpesp) (wine), Cocao
(?Orbygnia sp) (oil, fuel, food), Aricuri (Attalea excelsa) (oil,
fuel), Pupunha - brava (Giglielma macrocarpa) (Food), Jaci (Attalea
wallisii), Maraja (Bactris major), Murmuru (Astrocaryum murumuru),
Jarina (Phytelephas macrocarpa), Paxiubao (Iriartea
ventricosa) (building), Paxiubinha (Iriartea exorrhiza) (Building),
Ubim (Geonoma) (Building). Other upper Jurua palm- trees: Caranai
(Lepidocaryum sp); Tucuman (Astroca r yum sp), Bacabi (Oenocarpus
multicaulis), Inaja (Maximiliana regia), Jauari (Astrocaryum
jauari), Mumbaca (Astrocaryum mumbaca), Palha Preta (Attalea sp),
Pupunharana (Cocos speciosa).
CIPOS (vines)
cip6s - ambe, c. - titica, c. - de - tracua (ropes), cip6 - canario (brooms),
cip6- de - aquecer (coagulant), Cip6- de - agua (water), cip6 (Ayhuasca)
(tea), Timb6-a yu (Derris gyuanensis), T.-pau (fish poison)
ENVIRAS (bark fibre)
Envira - seca, Envira - conduru, Envira - de-fogo (ropes, tatoos), Envira ferro (house- building), Envira - f6fa, Envira - sapotinha, Envira - deanta, Piaca, Priquiteira (baskets), Algodoeira (houses), Malva
agulant,ropes) , Frejo (Cordia goeldiana) (ropes), Massape,Tangerino
FRUTEIRAS (Fruit trees)
Cacau- da - mata or wild cocoa (Theobroma microcarpa) , Sapota (Matisia
cordata) , Ingas Inga sp) such as I.-do-barranco, I. - da - mata, I.-dacapoeira, Manga-de- anta, oiti, Caja - da - mata (=Cajarana? Spondias
Lutea), Pama, Biorana, Jatoba, Castanha-de- porco, Castanha-de-cumaru
PAUS (Woods)
P.MOLES ("Soft wood", for planks, stools, paddles, and sale)
Cedro (Cedrela odorata) , Aguano (Swietenia macrophylla) ,
Cumaru- de-cheiro (Torresea acreana).
AMAGOS ("Core wood", for canoe - building etc.)
Guariuba (Clarisia racemosa) , Pau d'arco and others
P.DUROS (Hard wood, .for house piles, ax handles etc.)
Araya (Myrciaria paraensis) , Amarelinho (Poecilanthe effusa) ,
Maria-preta, Araya - preto, Violeta , Miraba, Pau- brasil, Canelade - velho, Quare - quare, Maparajuba (Qualea sp), Carapanauba
(Aspidosperma carapanauba) , Cabelo- de-paca, Mulateiro,
Cumarurana (Taralea oppositifolia) , Sumauma (Ceiba pentandra) ,
Matamate (Eschweilera odora)
P.DE LEITE ("Milk trees", for latex, coagulants)


. Entauba(inferior latex), Sorva (Couma guianensis) , Seringa

(Hevea brasiliensis) , Caucho (Castilloa elastica) (used f -or
coating sacks), Ofe (Ficus insipida) (rubber coagulant), Copaiba
(Copaifera duckei) (medicinal oil), Louro (Ocotea sp), Oil,
Assacu (Hura creptans) (fish poison)
TABOCA (Bamboo)
Taboca (Guaua superba)

No apparent


TABLE 8.8d BlCHOS DA MATA, wild animals

CACA game

Source: field research. Riozinho, 1987.

wild plants mentioned by Riozinho inhabitants are listed in capitals.
Terms in upper-case are broad categories used by the seringueiros in
everyday languague. Botanical terms are merely suggestive, based on:

Deer ~

Veado vermelho/capoeiro
Veado roxo
Por quinho, caititu
Paca - moga (small)
Paca - concha (big)
Paca - de - rabo

Mazama americana
?Mazama gouazoubira reimoso
reimoso *
Tayassu tajacu
reimoso **
Tayassu pecari

Agouti paca
Dinomys branickii

not eaten

ANTA Tapir
CAPlVARA Capybara

Tapirus terrestris
H. hydrochaeris

edible, *
not eaten**

Q. - mandigueiro (edible), Q. - roxo (brings panema) , Q. - ver melho
COTlA Agouti
cotia - preta,c. - rosia(D. fuliginosa?}, Cotiara(Myoprocta pratii}
MACACO* Monkeys
Macaco- prego (Cebus apella), cairara (Cebus albifrons),
Guariba - vermelha(Capelao) (Allouata seniculus), Guariba - preta
(Allouata caraya?), Paruacu (Pithecia monachus), Zogue- zogue
(Callicebus molloch), Macaco - de-cheiro(Saimiri sciureus},
Macaco-da - noite (Aotus sp.), Macaco- barrigudo (Lagothrix
Lagothricha), Uacari or Cara - de-sola (Cacajao calvus
rubicundus, only left bank of Jurua river), Macaco- preto
(Ateles paniscus)

S. - Bigodeiro (Saguinus imperator,pet), S .-Branco,S.- Preto
'l'ATUS Armadillos
T. - verdadeiro (Dasypus septemcinctus) , T.-china (Dasypus sp?),
T. - agu (Dasypus kappleri, panema), T.-rabo-de-couro (Euphractus
sexcinctus), T.-da- grota (Dasypus novemcinctus), T. - canastra (
Priodontes maximus, tabu).
QUANDU (Porcupines)
Coendou prehensilis Rarely eaten
Nasua nasua
Rarely eaten


EMBIARAS (birds)
NAMBUS (Tinamous)
N.-galinha (Tinamus sp), Sulurinda (cripturellus soui?) t
(Crypturellus cinereus), N.-relogio (Crypturellus variegatus; a
N.-papo-de-fora (?), N.-azul (Tinamus tao?), N.-serra (?),
(Tinamus solitarius?), Nambuzinha-vermelha
(Crypturellus erythropus?) .
JURITI (Doves)
Leptotila verreaux
BICHOS-DE-PENA ("Plumed Animals")
Jacu (Guan) (Penelope jacquacu, edible,pet*), Aracua
. (Chac:halacas) (Ortalis gul tata ?), Jacamim (Trumpeter) (Crax
fasc~olata, pet*), Mutum (Curassow) (Mitu mitu
pet edible*)
Cujubim (Piping guan) (Pipile pipile, pet, edible*) ,
rarely eaten
P.-estrela (Amazona sp.), P.-urubu (Pionopsita vulturina?) etc . .
Toucans and Macaws appreciated for beaks and plumage (meat too hard)
(TUCANOS) (Toucans)
T.-grande (Ramphastus toco), T.-~iudo (Ramphastus tucanus),
Arayari (pteroglossus sp), Mayarlco (?)
ARARA (Macaws)
rarely eaten
Jandaia (Aratinga guarouba), Pedres (Ara manilata), Arara (Ara
chloroptera), Caninde (Ara sp), Maracana (Ara sp)
(Too small and have a hard meat)
Aratinga aurea etc. not eaten
not eaten
CURICAS (small Parrots)
Curica (Amazona vinaca), Curica-de-barreiro (Toiuite surda?),
C.Marianita (Pionites l.?)
EMBIARAS (reptiles)
BICHOS DE CASCO ("Shelled Animals")
edible, eggs
Tartaruga (river turtle), Tracaja (river turtle,
male:Capitari), Iaya (small river turtle, male:Ze Prego)
Jaboti comum, Jaboti-ayu (land turtle)


Tupinambis teguixin Rarely eaten

with the cUltivated oaca and put in shallow streams to catch small fish.
Harpoons and bow-and-.a rrow used.

Mandis, Piabas, Bodes, Curimata, surubim, piabachata, piaba-saburu,

Jundia, caparari
Mane-Besta, Traira, Sarapo, Piau
Piranha, bode, brayo-de-moya, cachorra.

Bodes, piaba-chata and piaus are instances of safe, nao-reima

fish. Most other have reima and may not be eaten by sick
persons or women in puerperium.
Honey bees (ABELHAS)
ARAPUA, URUCU (three kinds), others
TANAJURA (a flying ant, eaten roasted),TAPURU DO COCAO (Cocoayu nut worm, eaten roasted)
(controversial animals)
controversial animals. Some will eat them when find them and there is no
other food. Caymans, ray-fish, eels and frogs (white meat) are often
despised as Caboclo -- i.e. Indian.
FERAS ("Beasts")
(killed as predators).
onya-pintada (Panthera onca), onya-preta (Panthera
onca), suyuarana, mayaroca (Felis concolor)
Maracaja, o.-de-gapo (Felis pardalis), G.-peludo
(Felis wiedii), G.-preto (Felis yagouaroundi) , G.-ayu
(Felis tigrina)
Potus flavus
JACARE (Cayman)
J.-preto-terra firme, J.-preto-de-rio, Jacaretinga,
(Not eaten)

Fish is secondary as food in the Tejo headwaters. Fish is classified
in reimoso and not reimoso. The most common fish is the bottom-feeder
bode. ,sample kinds of fish are grouped according to the main fishing
technlques used. The tarrafa is the cast net. The bicheiro is a hook
which a diver inserts in a fish under fallen trees. Tingui may be made

Dolphins (Inia geoffrensis, sotalia fluviatilis) are
abundant on the Jurua, and are not killed or eaten.
GAL<;A (snowy egret), CIGANA ("gypsy woman") (Opisthocomus
hoazin), JABURU (Jabiru stork), URUBU (Vultures).


Small birds are only hunted by children. Some are protected, as the JAP
IIM (the yellow-rumped cacique, Cacicus c. cela) , MARIA-DE-BARRO
en-bird, Furnarius r. rufus) , BACURAU (Night-hawk), UlRAPURU (hunting
(Repul~iv~ animal~)

The animals below are repulsive to seringueiros as food. They are

consensually inedible in the Riozinho, although easily found. The
mambira, while not eaten, is sometimes beaten and killed when found.
(Tamanduas, Anteaters)
BANDElRA (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), TAMANDUAI (Cyclopes
didactylus), MAMBlRA (Tamandua tetradactyla)
lRARA Tayra
Eira barbara?
RATO-CORO(Bamboo rat)
Dactylomys dactylinus
MUCURA (Opossums)
MUCURA (Large Opossum), MUCURA XIXICA (Mouse Opossum)
COELHO (Rabbit) (sylvilagus brasiliensis), RAPOSA (?Atelocynus
microtis), CACHORRO-DO-MATO (?Speothos venaticus), MORCEGOS
INSETOS (bitting, poisonous beasts)
COBRAS (Some avoid killing snakes. Healers of snakebites need
the snakes alive in order to heal. They are themselves said to
be immune to snake poison)
(Poisonous snakes)
Pico-de-jaca (the bushmaster) (Lachesis muta) , Surucucu-debarranco (") (Lachesis) , Jararaca (lance-head) (Bothrops) ,
Coral (Micrurus sp), Papagaia, Caninana,Cobra-preta,
Piriquita-b6ia, Salamanta, Jib6ia (Boa; head used as
charm), several other named kinds.
(Scorpions, 2 named kinds),CABAS (Wasps, 8 eight
named kinds), FORMIGAS (Ants, 13 main kinds, four of them
subdivided in sub-kinds),
PRAGAS ("Plagues")
CARAPANAS (Mosquitoes, several kinds), PlUM (a gnat) (Simulium
pertinax?), MUTUCA (motuca fly) (Tabanidae?), MERUIM (a biting
midge) (Chironomidae?), CATUQUIN (a biting midge).
Source: field research, Riozinho, 1987.
Capital words are categories used by tappers, followed by translation
into English. possible implicit categories are within parentheses.
Scientific names are merely suggestive. They are based on consultation
with tappers on plates in SICK 1984 (birds) and EMMONS 1991 (mammals).


Averages per House
Number of Workers
House Heads*
Dependent Tappers
Auxiliary Tappers






1. 74

1. 50

1. 25


auxiliaries 1/2
Workers per h ouse, l'ncluding
counted ' as ,
Workers per house, auxl
III Workers per house,
7 house heads did not work in
Data from 57 houses (~rom a total
~'eid research, Riozinho, 1982/83.
rubber (including 2 wldows). Source.






Used by


Tap Knife
l/gatherer 2
l/ga therer 2.7
Carrying Sling l/ga th.
. .
Common Knife 1jtapper
Total Value











, ent described has 1.5 "blades",

The house used as referenc~ for the eq~~~~lS. Expenditures in equipment
o 1 auxiliaries for gatherlng and 2.1
a sample of 21 to 29 houses for
w~re obtained by means of an averag~o~~:~ for tin cups. Value of
blades, buckets and bags; and of 8,
for 1983.
uipment is given at trade post prlces
~~urce: field work, Riozinho, 1982/83.


TABLE 10 . 1


House age and workforce, rubber

Tappers (W)


Age of

Phase lA: FIRST BATCH (10-30 kgs in 1 to 3 days)


6 hrs.
5 am

1 hr.
11 am

4 hrs.

1/2 hr.
4 pm

5 am4:30 pm

Phase IB: FINAL BALL (60 kgs in 5 to 7 days)


6 hrs .
5 am

1 hr.
11 am

4 hrs.

1 hr.
4 pm

2 hrs.
5 pm

5 am6 pm






7 hrs.


5 am

1 pm


Source : field research, Riozinho, 1982/83.



1/2 hr.

8.5 hrs


5 am2:30 pm

No. houses Heads

Sons Brothers Hired Tot


10 - 19
1. 37
30 - 39
40 - 49
1. 25
50 - 59
60 - 69
----------------- -------------------------- - ----------- ---84
iozinho, 1982. Only male persons over 10 years
Source: field research, R
old included. 51 houses surveyed in 68.



Diagram 5.1




CRUZEIRO DO SUL.-------------------+--------------------------,
$ 30,000 (10% OUTPUT)










66 kgs. per house

Diagram 5.2

Diagram 6.1





NATURAL P777~'--_ _ _--J

(NDN -AMAZON) 10.0.00

So rln901 Rlov nho 198.3

<J.LI.:..c..,u.~ AMA ZDN WILD














_2200- 2000 - 1800-1600 - 1400-1200-1000 -800 - 600 - 400 -200



Year ly Accounts in C$1000






Diagram 6.2

Diagram 6.3



Se rinQ<ll RlozJnho 1 ~83


Serln90 1 Rl ozJ nho 1983



























1000 1 100 1 200

Rubbe r delive r ed t.o P<lY occount:o:J in . kg s


1 400

1 500

-800 -600 -400 -200

2 00




Yeo rly Bolonoes in CS1000



1400 1 600


Diagram 9.1



84 days

= -120

48 days

102 days

36 days




::; 150 days











.' , ,.'....,J;
. ' /'







/ / / / / / /














<J .'

























Rkninho 1983


Riozl n ho. 1 !OI83

















1COO 1 200 1 300 1 400 1 50 0 1 700 1 800

K<;II'J Rubber


Ki ll s in




4.~ .






t /'

















Year In t he Somple










Diagram 10.2

Diagram lO.3a




Rub~r (Rloz:lnho 1 ~82)



1 .~

1. 1






1 . .3


.. "J


v c








a:: '-"









:J ' - '









0 .3




Work<)rs p<)r House









Workers per House




Diagram lO.3b

Diagram 10.4



S~ rl n90 1 Rio zl nho 1983

S-e r1 n<J<'l1 Rlo zi nho 1 ee2

1. 2








" c


... :l





0 .8


... r-.



~ ~

... Q







0 .7


o. ~

0. 5

0 .3


0 .4





0 .1


Wo rkers p<')r Ho u se ( Mole ove r 1 0 )

Consumers per Hous e




Diagram 10.5b
Diagram 1O.5a





Ru bber CRlozlnho 1982)


S~ rl n<J('J 1 RIQzinho 1982




0 .9

~ ,.,.

o c


~ ::I












2 -









.. 'U





4 -


0. 6

.0 0



1 -f




Consume r/Wor k'"r Rote p er Hou::;e

Consumer/Worker Rote


Diagram lO.6b
Diagram 1O.6a




<:In<:! M<:Iniov. Rlozlnh<:l 82

Rubber ond Monioc. Riozinh<:l 82


7 Cl

6 -


6 -






.... :l



.. .


4 -







\ ' f-





4 -





., 411
.. :l




2 -



2 -




K9S Rue,o.,r per House








Cl 0




t -


1 - Cl


















KQ5 RUer per Worker



Diagram 1O.6c





1~ 1 !!I -


"- '-

,7 -

16 15 H~

RI'nJnno 1~J

" '-., "'-,


1.:5 12 -






11 10!J-

'-" "








o co


0 .1

4.:5- 0




, 0

- -- _ ._- - - __ 0_- _____















Ol"ll:!;ut (k<J5)


















'b.....0' ,




\tI /



.f .



Credit Credit Credit

Account Rubber
HBenvenut - 1129
- 1588
OG.u n ha
'AAvel In 0
48 4
VRodr Igue ~ -333
RNe r I
JTonhelro -1164

-675 483.062
419 316.553


Balance Balance OrdersOvdRent

-1 13
-1, 00
: 0
; .. 0



-2862 -605
-103 -130 .09 -12.8
390 292.151 45.03 15.8099
-387 -260
11 08




(half s.)(half s.)



320 - 212



















Rubber p/worker
Total (half)
i ~:;0
50 ;1
1. "t;.,.C"






1 ;;~6



2 '. 9


1 .2




2. 1

source: Genso Agropecu ar io 1980-Acre, T.3







B. Size of Extractive Holdings and Holder Status

--------------------- - ----------------------- - -------------Total
Rents Sha _recr.
---------- - ------------------- - ---------------- - ---------- -13360
1 .7
1 .7
------------------ - ------------ - ------------------ --------- Source: Genso Agropecuarlo 1980-Acre, T.<1


31 ~:i


;2 61

------------------------------------------- ----------------------------+1000 Total







500 - 1000





331 .3






3 "r.:"-...J




1"10 .


D. Working Hours


3 2 ~5





In Extractive Holdings (hours per week)





3 27
350 .

C. Size of Extractive Holdings (in ha)

- ------------------------- - ---------- --- ---- -- ---------------- - ~ -----13262








No data



5 00



Source: Genso Oemografico (Mao de Obra)-Acre, 19B2

.- }


9 \.1 0

t:...c' 1'::'
. \J







~3 00



-------------- - ---- - --- -- ----------- - ------- - - - -~ - - -- - - ----


5 66.1.


Labourers in Extractive Holdings

Famll Y



Over 14

Over 14


------------------- - -- - --- ---- - ----------------------------------------37688




14093 .




___ ; ;;~~ _____ ; ;~~ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ __ _ _ _ _______ ____ ~100

__ _ _ _ __ _ _ ~~0

A. Size of Extract I ve Ho Id i ngs and Land status

S tat e 0 f Ac re, 1 980
Ink m2
- ---- --- - - - -- - ---- - - - -- ---- -- - ----- - --------- - - --- ----- - --- Total
Re n t e d 0 c cu p .

--------- - - - - - ----- -- - - - - ----------- -- ---- - - - -- - - -- --- --- - --


:3 3L ;-:;
~2 ~1 :3. 3

43 .. 3

Hunt ing

3 67 ~:j



12 2

:t :30









7 00

1 983
Man i acl
p Iwor- k el~ Current
Wor ke r
(tot a l)
10 pits
70 0

- - - - -- - - - - 4 .. 6

------- - ----------- -- -- - -- - ------ - ---- --- - - ------ - - - ----- - ------- --- - - - -

Source: Censo Agrop e cuario 198D-Acre, T.20

~~_ ~~:~~= _ ~ ~_ ~~~~~ :~ ive Workers (in number of

of f i cial mi n imum wages)

0 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2
-~ ~~ = ~-- - -~= ;~ ~---- - - - ------- - - - ---------- - - -----_ ______________ _ _ _____________________ ~~:~: ______ :~~ ______ ~- 5


--------- -136
_ _____________________
Total; 19230 work e r s wit h a n ' n
- --------------------- - ------ - -- I com e.
ork e r s without I ncome;4145.

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- ------------------------------- --------------- - ------ ~~~---

____ _ ________ _ ~wn

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------------------------------------- - - - - - - - Number
60 5 8
Ar ea
1 .7
0 .7
----- -- -- - - - - - - - ------------ -- - - ---S ource; Censo Agropecu a rio 1 980 - Acr e~-~~~------- - --- - -------

__________________ _ _ _

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