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I Am With

You Always
Empire State Bulletin Official Publication
of the New York State Council
Knights of Columbus
Vol. 54 Issue 9 March 2016
Organized February 3, 1896
A Message From Your State Deputy, Robert D. Weitzman
To The New York State Columbian Family,
I would like to thank you for all you do to support our Church, Community and our Knights of Columbus family.
We, as a Catholic fraternity, have a calling. Our calling is to live our faith and set an example for our Catholic
families. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson has asked us to renew the alliance between our Church and our family
life. We are called to bring our faith beyond the walls of our Church into our homes and communities. I know that
this is not an easy task in todays world where there is a strong movement for a progressive, secular society. I also
know that we as Catholics will overcome this movement by staying steadfast in the teachings of our Savior Jesus
Christ. We sometimes may feel overwhelmed, but, all things are possible because the Risen Christ is with us
We should welcome all practicing Catholic men into our Fraternity and to join us in building the Domestic Church.
As we grow in numbers, we will grow in faith, self-esteem and strength. We, as Knights, are in the best position to
strengthen our Church communities. We will strengthen our families, our Parishes and increase our charitable work
that will help to evangelize and declare our faith.
Here we are in the middle of Lent, a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and self-reflection. We must
understand that our faith is founded on the love of God, and the love of our neighbor as well as forgiveness. As
long as we strive to live our faith, accept that we are imperfect, and are willing to address our imperfections, we
will grow as individuals. Our humility will be an inspiration for our families and Church
Holy Week will soon be upon us. It is a time to remember the Passion of Christ, who died
on Good Friday in reparation for our sins and rose on Easter Sunday to give new life to all
who believe. Holy Week is solemn and sorrowful. It also anticipates the joy of Easter
through the recognition of God's goodness in sending His Son to die for our salvation.
All who believe in Him, will find eternal life in Christ Jesus.
May God bless you and your family. Peace be with you.
Vivat Jesu!
Bob Weitzman, SD

Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney

God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest,
Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the
generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may we follow your Son,
Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the
Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may
continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your servant Father Michael
J. McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now
present (make your request here). Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Visit the New York State Council

Website for up to the minute
information! Let us know
how you like it!

If members of your
council are not
receiving the Empire
State Bulletin, please
send their e-mail address to
[email protected] with a
subject of ESB - add me to your
list. Help us share our news with
all of New York State.

Highlighted In This Issue

Message from your State Deputy

Table of Index

Message from Senior Associate Chaplain

Weve Moved

Membership Information

5- 7

Various Reports

8 - 13

Around the State

14 - 20

State Event


State Convention - Brunch and Bowling

22 - 25

Telecare Schedule
Prayer for Lent, St. Patrick and St. Joseph

27 - 28

Staff of the New York State Council


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New York State

Knights of Columbus
Page 2

A Message from our Senior Associate State Chaplain,

Fr. Brian McWeeney...
My Brothers in Columbianism,
One of the advantages or disadvantages of my present assignment in the Cardinal Cooke
Catholic Center is having the ability to seeing the big picture in terms of the Church. In our
Archdiocese, like others, we have seen the closing and merging of parishes. The causes are
very complex: reduction in parishioners, changing demographics, the secularization of our
communities, conditions of buildings etc. However, the most troubling cause is the reduction
in the number of priests and religious. I think in this Year of Mercy we might want to reflect
on the causes for this happening. Again, the causes are complex but we do have some ability
to confront the problem and change it. All of us must pray to the Father for laborers in the
harvest. Our brothers and sisters are befuddled by many temptations that come their way.
They need the guidance of faith. But as Saint Paul wrote how can they believe if they do not
hear the Word. We must ask our children and the children of others if they have ever thought
of being a priest or religious. In our high schools and colleges there are recruiters espousing
their particular vocations. Do we as Catholics do the same? How do we speak about the
Church and her ministers? Are we respectful? Or do we descry the terrible homily, or
question the intelligence of the priest, brother, or sister? Do we engage the priest through
invitations to dinner or other family occasions? All too often our young people do not know
their priests or religious. The future is up to all of us. It is not immutable. We can see our
churches continue to close or see some reopened. We can get Father to do a Baptism on
Sunday or two months from now when he returns to the area. We can seek the Sacrament of
Penance every week or once in a blue moon. For the Church and our faith to prosper all of us
must be one in the vocation effort.
I hope that you are having a spiritually enlightening Lent. Two suggestions I might make
are: read the Pope's wonderful book Mercy is the
Name of God and gather the family and see the film:
Risen. It is truly an experience. Pray for me as I will
pray for all of you.
Vivat Jesus,
Father Brian
Senior Associate State Chaplain

Page 3

We have moved the

New York State Council

Knights of Columbus
Executive Office
Our new address is
201 Portion Road, Suite A, 2nd floor
Lake Ronkonkoma, New York 11779
Same phone numbers:
631-366-3787 631-366-3788
Fax 631-366-3786
Same Email Address:
[email protected]

Page 4

Its all about the members!


Sal Restivo, PSD, Membership Director

Everyone has March Madness on his mind. Take that 3

point shot! Get it down the court and go to the net! Drive
the ball! Action! Action! We want action the crowd
would cheer. My basketball coach would tell the team,
Just give the ball to Restivo, hell know what to do with
it!. I really loved my days as the equipment manager on my HS basketball team!
We, in the Knights of Columbus, know that March means major recruitment drives and
Action! Action! We want action! Your district deputy, membership vice chairman, and
the entire state membership team is here to assist you in your endeavors to bring in
members. Remember that the Supreme council has reinstituted the $4.50 per
billable member incentive for those councils that reach STAR council. Bringing in
mew members will help your conference raise money for charity under our New York
State Conference Recruitment Incentive. The current standings are posted in this
issue of the ESB.
It is often said, There is nothing new under the sun. Our Order has been in existence
since 1882 and for Catholic men and their families, it is the most important Catholic
Fraternity in the world. Our mission, especially in New York State, is to keep our very
Catholic, very charitable, fraternal benefit society alive and well. If you dont know
what to do with the completed form 100 after the first degree, scan it and email it to
[email protected], or give it to Restivo, hell know what to do with it!
As of this writing, we need 1262 new members by April 21! Lets get to the goal!

Remember, Just ask him"!

Have Faith, Act and Focus on the Future!

Page 5

Conference Membership Incentive

Back in July, we introduced the minor conference recruitment
incentive program. This program will continue until
June 30, 2016. Conferences achieving their membership
goals will receive a financial reward for the charity of their
choice. The chart below illustrates where each conference
is in membership recruitment as of February 29, 2016. The
chart also illustrates how many new members are needed to
each of the 3 goals. Conference that reach goal 1 will receive
$1,000 for their charity, goal 2 brings $1500 and reaching
goal 3 the conference receives $2,000 for Charity.

Long Island Major Conference Challenge

Below are the standings for the LI membership recruitment
competition. Each Long Island minor conference contributed
$300 toward the prizes. The L.I. minor conference that brings
in the most members from February 1, 2016 to April 21, 2016
will receive $500. Second place$400. Third place is $200 and
consolation prize is $100. If any major conference wants to
set up a similar competition, please do so. Need information?
Contact me at [email protected].

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2/1/16 TO















Page 7

Essay and Poster

Council Contests
The 2016 Essay Contest is in full swing. The topic for this years
contest is: The Importance Of Religious Freedom. Participating
students from grades 8-12 are welcome. Winning entries from each
Council are to be sent to me by March 30, 2016 at 57 Amsterdam Ave.,
Hawthorne, NY 10532. Please use the Supreme K of C Fraternal Services
site for official rules etc.. Councils should be either judging or getting
ready to judge their entries by this point.
For the Substance Abuse Poster Contests: The age Groups are 8-11 year
olds and 12-14 year olds. There are two categories for the contest, which
are: Drug Awareness and Prevention or Alcohol Prevention/Awareness.
Winning entries are to be sent to me at the above address no later than
March 7, 2016 as State winners are due at Supreme by March 31, 2106.
The office of Fraternal Services on the Supreme site has all the relevant
rules and information. Please use their site as a reference.

Submitted by Bill Julian,
Chairman for Essay and Poster Contests

Page 8

Family of the Year

All councils who intend to submit a family to compete for the
title of Family of the Year must submit a completed entry
from directly to:
Anthony B. Palazzolo
4 Preekness Court
Goshen, NY 10924
All Family of the Year entry forms must be in my possession
on or before March 30, 2016. This will allow me to form a
committee to choose the Family of the Year prior to the start
of the New York State Convention on April 21st.
If any council has questions regarding the Family of the Year
program, do not hesitate to call me at 845-360-5239.
Anthony B. Palazzolo
State Chairman
Family of the Month and Family of the Year

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NYS K of C School Support

This year has been a very good year so far for the Catholic school's in New
York State as far as support from the council's within the state. Since the
beginning of our fiscal year starting July 1st 2015 the Catholic school's in
the state have received over $50,000.00 between the state and the individual
council's in support of their need's . We as members of the New York State
Knights of Columbus should be very proud that we have been able to help
our students by supporting their school. It is through the catholic education
of our student that we will succeed in having a better world to live in.
This is a program every council should get behind and push because without it
some of our school programs will fall and possibly even the school will fall. It
is a program that shows what is meant by our first principle Charity. We can
show our love and charity to our students by supporting this worth while endeavor.
I am hoping that by the end of this Columbian year, July 31, 2016, we will have
presented our Catholic Schools of New York State with over $100,000.00
between the donations from our councils and the State matching funds.
It can be done with your help and generosity and I know it will be.
God bless each and every one of you.
Tony Zibella
State Chairman School Support

Page 11

This Columbian Year the NY State Council has hosted many events for different
On Wednesday July 15, 2015 there was a fundraiser for the Mission of the
Immaculate Virgin during the Staten Island Yankee game. Our State Deputy
Bob Weitzman made a presentation on the field with many who attended.
The New York Yankees game was held on Saturday August 22, 2015. We sold
791 tickets for our Charity "Archdiocese for the Inner City Scholarship
The New York Islander game on November 30, 2015 for New York Special
Olympics; we sold 172 tickets.
A) Our State Deputy Bob Weitzman presented a check to the Long
Island Director Diane Colonna during the game on the Big Screen.
B) 9 of the Squires and 12 Special Olympics Athletes welcomed the
hockey players to the ice with High-Fives.
C) The Long Island Assembly 4th Degree Color Corp presented the
Colors during the National Anthem.
Thousands of fans cheered for the NYS State Knights of Columbus for the
Charity work that is done for the community.
We tried something new this year the Radio City Christmas Spectacular on
December 13, 2015. Everyone that attended enjoyed the day.
On Sunday, April 3, 2016 at the Brooklyn Nets game we will have a fundraiser
for HeartShare Human Services of New York. Once again we will be getting
plenty of publicity for all the good work we do.
A) The State Deputy will present a check to HeartShare on the court.
B) There will be 2 High-Fives for the Squires.
C) An information table on the main floor.
D) The 4th Degree will be presenting the Colors.
F) We will have a Radio Spot at Halftime about the Knights of Colum
bus. (We must Sell 300 tickets)
The total charitable dollars spent by your councils for these 2015 events
was $87,171 and 8,649 charitable hours. The New York State Council was able to
donate $30,111 to all of these charities that were chosen for the events. The New
York State Council greatly appreciates you and your council's support for all
these public fundraising events.
We are looking to do events throughout New York State. If anyone wants to
organize an event, please dont hesitate to ask for my help. These events not only
raise money for Charity, they inform the general public attending our events what
a charitable organization our NYS Knights of Columbus is. The New York State
Council greatly appreciates you and your council's support for all these public
fundraising events.
Vivat Jesus,
Rocco F. DErasmo, Administrator State Coordinator External Fund Raising
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Page 13

St. Jude Council #5814, Rocky Point

Celebrates their 50th Anniversary
Pictured in the photo above to the left are three of the four Charter Members.
Pictured in the photo above to the right are Past grand Knights of the Council and the current
Grand Knight, Andrew Deligatti.
A great time was had by all.

Page 14

Happy Valentines Day

Page 15

Council #206 hosts their Annual Right to Life

Dinner and love every minute of it!

Prayer to End Abortion

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life,
And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters.
I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion,
Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son.
I am ready to do my part in ending abortion.
Today I commit myself Never to be silent,
Never to be passive, Never to be forgetful of the unborn.
I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement,
And never to stop defending life
Until all my brothers and sisters are protected,
And our nation once again becomes
A nation with liberty and justice
Not just for some, but for all.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen!

Page 16

Our Lady of the Rosary Council N0.4428,

Knights of Columbus in Deer Park, held their annual Clergy Night on
February 18th, 2016. Traditionally this night is set aside for all the Clergy in the
area to get together with each other, the Council, and the community. Members of
the Clergy give some background information on themselves and the Parish/
Church they represent. The Council presents each of the Clergy with a gift and
refreshments are served. Seated Left to Right: Joan Loring, O.L.O.R.
Columbiette President, Msgr. Robert J. Clerkin, Pastor, Ss. Cyril & Methodius
Parish, Fr. Stephen H. Donnelly, Chaplain of Our Lady of the Rosary Council,
Fr. Moise Aime, Associate Pastor, Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish, Fr. Charles
Scrion, Associate Pastor, Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish and Deacon William Sperl,
Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish. Standing left to Right: George Lundin, Suffolk
Chapter President, Host & MC, Nicholas LaSorsa, Grand Night, Our Lady of the
Rosary Council, Gerard Wilhelm, Faithful Navigator, Our Lady of Fatima
Assembly, and Carmine E. Soldano, Past Grand Knight and
District Deputy of the 8th NY District.
Page 17

K of C Northern Conference Free throw Competition

Twenty-five district winners, ages 9 to 13, participated in
the Conference-wide Free Throw competition held by the
Knights of Columbus of the Diocese of Ogdensburg on
Saturday Feb. 13th in Massena.
The 5 girl and 5 boy winners (in photos) will advance
to the sectional tournament in Syracuse. The winners
there go on to the State finals at West Point.
District Deputies Gerry Soulia, Charlie Robinson
(in boys photo) and Jim Akay were aided by
Mike Rayome (in girls photo) and other Knights from
Massena and other councils in the diocese.

Page 18

The Knights of Columbus of the 8th New York District

recently held the Districts Annual Free Throw Basketball Championship. The event
was held in the gymnasium at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish in Deer Park on Saturday,
February 6, 2016 at 9:30am. Boys and Girls between the ages of 9 through 14 who were
winners at their council levels competed against each other. The participating councils
were Our Lady of the Rosary Council #4428 in Deer Park and Our Lady of Grace Council
#11968 in West Babylon. The eleven (11) winners above, 5 girls and 6 boys will be
advancing to the Suffolk County Championship on March 5th. 2016.
Pictured Left to Right:
Front Row Kneeling: Felicia Barreiros(F-13), Grace Canonica(F-12), Kelly Bianco(F-11),
Dahlia Lind(F-10), Jaclyn Morra(F-9)
Middle Row: Jonathan Cook(B-13), Tyler Wynn(B-14), Giuseppe Vitale(B-12), Bobby
Murphy(B-7), Matthew Terrano(B-11), Billy Murphy(B-10), Carmine E. Soldano, District
Deputy, 8th NY District.
Back Row: Thomas Humel, Grand Knight, Our Lady of Grace, West Babylon, Nicholas
LaSorsa, Grand Knight, Our Lady of the Rosary, Deer Park, John Lazar, Council Free
Throw Coordinator, Our Lady of the Rosary, Frank J. Schook, Deputy Grand Knight,
Our Lady of the Rosary, Lance Karniewich, Free Throw Coordinator, Our Lady of Grace.

Page 19

8th New York

District Free Throw

Page 20

Page 21

Our First Lady is hosting a Brunch Baby Shower

and she would love for you to join her on
Friday, April 22, 2016 at 11:00 a.m.
at the Club House at the Villa Roma!
Connie Weitzman has selected The Sisters of Life
as the choice charity for this years
New York State Convention Ladies Brunch.
All attending the Brunch are asked to bring a
baby item which the Sisters will take back with
them as they will be joining us for this event. We
are anxious to make this a spectacular event
and we know we can with your support!
All Brother Knights attending the convention
are invited to donate baby items too!
Some ideas are:
Baby Toiletries: Shampoo, Lotion, Diaper Rash Cream
Baby Necessities: Diapers, Wipes, Blankets, Towels
Baby Tools: Pacifiers, Teething Rings, Rattles
Baby Clothing: Boy or Girl! Have fun shopping!
If you have any questions, please contact
Connie Weitzman at (607) 437-9441 or you
can email her at [email protected].

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Page 25

Be sure to view the Knights of Columbus

Building His Dream Show on Telecare, the Best in Catholic TV!
This years schedule will begin on Monday, November 30, 2015.
Listed below are times, dates, and channels.
Channel 296 FIOS
Channel 20 Nassau & Suffolk Cablevision / Elsewhere on Ch. 137 on Cablevision
Channel 471 on Time Warner and you can always watch it live on the internet
Monday, 9:15 a.m. and 7:15 p.m., Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 9:00 a.m., Friday, 7:00 p.m., Each show will air 6 times.

We know you will like what you see.

Page 26

Prayer to Saint Patrick

Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, and in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

Prayer to St. Joseph

Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is
so great, so strong, so prompt before the
throne of God. I place in you all my
interests and desires.
Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your
powerful intercession, and obtain for me
from your divine Son all spiritual blessings,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that,
having engaged here below your heavenly
power, I may offer my thanksgiving and
homage to the most loving of Fathers.
Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary of
contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in
your arms; I dare not approach while He
reposes near your heart. Press Him in my
name and kiss His fine head for me and ask
him to return the Kiss when I draw my
dying breath.
St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls Pray for me.
Page 27

Lent is a time of
preparation for the
death of Christ on
Good Friday and
His Resurrection
on Easter Sunday.
It is a period of 40 days of
repentance, with prayer,
fasting and abstinence, and
Confession. Lent begins on
Ash Wednesday,
February 10, 2016.
May you have a
Lenten Journey.
Page 28


Knights of Columbus
New York State Council
359 Route 111, Bldg. 1, Suite 2
Smithtown, N.Y. 11787

via e-mail
Register Now!


Honorary State Chaplain........His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan
State Chaplain......Most Rev. Robert Cunningham
Senior Associate State Chaplain..Rev. Father Brian McWeeney
Associate State Chaplain.............Rev. Msgr. James Cox
Associate State Chaplain....Rev. Fr. Donald Bourgeois
Associate State Chaplain...Rev. Fr. Robert Dwyer
Associate State Chaplain...Rev. Fr. Darr Schoenhofen
State Father Prior of Youth.Rev. Father Dennis Nikolic
State Deputy........Robert D. Weitzman
State Secretary....Kenneth Latham, Jr.
State Treasurer..Edward Kennedy
State Advocate......Gary Leonardo
State Warden..........Edward Ciulla
Chief of Staff.......Edward OToole
Secretary to State Deputy..John G. Joseph
Warden to State Deputy..Thomas Boslet
Admin. Assistant to State Deputy.............Frank Bagley
Admin. Assistant to State Deputy..............Jerry Connelly
Events Coordinator......Anthony Sonny Mangone
Counsel to the State Deputy....Carmine Musumeci, Esq. PSD
Counsel to the State Deputy....Joseph Lupia, Esq.

A message from
the Editor:
We want to share the good
work of our Order with
everyone! Kindly submit
your article to me by the
15th of each month
and it will be in the next
Empire State Bulletin.
Please send articles to
[email protected].

State Membership Director..Salvatore A. Restivo, PSD, XS

Assistant Membership Director...Rich Elias
State Program Director.......Michael Flanagan
State Youth Director........ Michael Hearney
State C&B Director........Anthony Ippolitto
Assistant State C&B Director....Hank Theiling

I look forward to
hearing from you.

State Ceremonials Chairman....James. A. Foy, PSD

Admin. State Coord. Ext. Fund Raising.....Rocco DErasmo
ESB Editor....John G. Joseph
Web Master.........Brian Ennis
State Logistics Chairman..Deacon Charles Esposito
Insurance Liaison......James Grabinski

John G. Joseph,
Secretary to the State Deputy
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