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Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

What if it all goes wrong?

Emergency equipment must be
maintained in state of
Are all operating personnel
familiar with functionality of
fire protection equipment?
Contingency plans established
with trigger points identified.

Emergency Preparedness
Emergency planning must address all high level
incidents including worst case scenarios.
Regulation usually requires detailed emergency plans
based on the inventory of highly hazardous materials.
Crisis Management & Emergency Response Plans
Must involve community stakeholders
Full scale emergency simulations and drills
Alarm plus Evacuation plans to account for personnel

Emergency Preparedness
Crisis management & emergency response
(CM&ER) plans
Based on main hazards (MAR) and any changes
Resources to implement
Incident Control System (ICS)
Drill and exercise programs
Emergency Response Exercise Plan
Evacuation plans to account for personnel

Is the evacuation plan adequate?

Incident Investigation

Incident Investigation
Reporting, analysis and investigation of process
All incidents including near miss events
Systematic examination of an incident
What happened?
What should be done to prevent a recurrence?
System to implement recommendations

Incident Causation Model

Critical Factors
Immediate Causes
Root Causes (System or Basic)

Root Cause Analysis

Use comprehensive
list of causes
Eliminate true root
cause, dont treat
Generate action
plan to prevent

Lessons Learned

Measurement & Audit

Key Performance Indicators

Focussed on Process Safety elements
Lagging Measures
Leading Measures
e.g. Instrumentation
Overdue function tests,
inspections, maintenance
Status of availability
Status of over-rides
Alarm frequency

Process Safety Dashboard

Area Area Area Area Area

1. Hazard Evaluation
a. Number of outstanding HAZID / HAZOPs from schedule
b. Percent assets/sites with hazard register in place
c. Percent operating envelopes defined and used


3. Mechanical Integrity
a. Percent cathodic protection in compliance
b. Leaks and spills per month
c. Overdue Integrity Management related repairs
d. Percent corrosion inhibitor pumped versus plan
e. Number of inspection saved failures





4. Protective Systems
a. Overdue SCE inspections
b. Overrides, inhibits and interlocks
c. Percent relief valves with overdue certification
d. No. of SCE temporary equip. exceeding approved time limit


5. Competent People
a. Percent training completed versus plan
b CMAS implementation

Process Safety Audits

Regular PSM system and facility audits
Examine documentation, history, systems,
competencies, behaviours, physical conditions
Must engage workers in field
PSM audits should examine how activities take
place at the field level.
Informal self audits provide best value.
Management Review
Measurement and Audit Results.

New Safety & Operations Audits

Why the Audit process needed to change
gHSEr audits were:
Inconsistent in scope, rigor, depth
Not connected with PSM, Compliance, HRO, etc
Lacking solid HSE management system reviews
Dependent upon volunteer leaders and auditors
In addition:
Audit findings not always clear
Actions not always completed
Reports were open ended and variable quality

S&O Audit Scope

The audit will check that
Local procedures address:
- Laws and Regulations
- GHSER management system framework and
local or Segment requirements
- Driving Safety standard
- Other Group Standards as they become
- Segment and BU special requests
Local Procedures are followed

Programme Assessments
Assesses 4 Areas:

Processes and Procedures

Clarity of Responsibility and Accountability Documentation
Self Assurance Programme
Field Execution
Implementation Effectiveness

Yields an overall rating for each element

gHSEr 13 elements
Driving Safety Standard 10 elements
Control of Work Standard 12 elements
Integrity Management Standard 10 elements
HSE Requirements 23 elements

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