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praise for Clarity:

This is the most well written, inspirational, no nonsense and smart

book I have read in 30 years! If you want to rely on chance in
life, dont read it. If you want to clearly and enthusiastically get
from point A to Z, Steve has done a masterful job of capturing
the road to success from his own experience getting there.
E r i c Yav e r b a u m
Bestselling author of Leadership Secrets of the Worlds
Most Successful CEOs and PR for Dummies

I knew from the age of six exactly what I wanted to

do with my life, for those of you that dont have that
clarity; this bookwill equipyou tofigure it out.I highly
recommend you get it, read it and apply it to your life.
Brett Butler
Former Major League Baseball Player and Coach, and author of Field of Hope

Engaging, entertaining, and incredibly insightful are all wordsthat

I would use to describe both Steven Cesari and his excellent book.
M i c h a e l T. M u r r ay, N . D .
Author of the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine and 30 other books

There are so many useful and powerful concepts in this book

and those that resonate most with me are Finding Balance
and Understanding the Why. Steve has created a roadmap
for success in life and made it easy to navigate. You will
thank yourself for reading Clarity.Enjoy the journey!
Peter Roby
Athletic Director, Northeastern University

As an entrepreneur, I have learned the critical importance of

establishing priorities and maintaining a clear and consistent focus
to reach profitability and success.This book presents workable
strategies for readers who want to gain a clearer understanding of
who they are and how they can work toward their greatest purpose.
D eedee M o r r i s o n
Founder, CEO, Private Air/Private Shoppes

A balanced life is not the same for any two individuals. We are all
wired differently but being clear on what balance is for YOUR life
is critical to achieve the levels of success you seek. Steve has laid out
a great framework in this book that will assist you in finding your
balance, purpose and the confidence to pursue what is right for YOU.
Re a d D av i s
President, McGriff, Seibels & Williams, Inc.

I have known Steve for more than7 years and in that time
I have seen him personally transform the lives of countless
men and couplesin our community. Steve has a knack for
getting to the heart of the matter and helping people get clear
on what they need to do to change their lives. This book is
engaging, challenging and practical. If you are ready for change,
I recommend you pick up this book and start reading.
V i c P en t z
Senior Pastor, Peachtree Presbyterian Church

It is quite amazing how much time we spend developing

strategic plans in business...and how little time we spend
understanding and implementing God's plans and purpose
for our personal lives! Steve is one of the most passionate and
energetic leaders I know, and you won't want to miss out on
his story and life lessons about how we can live that way too!
B o nn i e W u r z b a c h e r
Senior Vice President, The Coca-Cola Company

I became a billionaire by surrounding myself with the right people

andtaking actions on my dreams. Nothing happens in life until you
take action. This book gives you a clear concise roadmap to take
your life, business and your relationship to the next level. Ihighly
recommend that you TAKE ACTION and buy Steve's book.
B i l l B a r t m a nn

NY Times bestselling author of Bailout Riches andNational Entrepreneur of the year

When I was a rookie with the Dallas Cowboys in 1965, I was

exposed to goals by Tom Landry. He believed strongly that you
had to have goals set each and every day to be a champion. In this
book Steve has really done a great job of helping you learn how
to set goals for your life personally and professionally. He helps
you focus so clearly in all areas of your life, mentally, physically
and spiritually. Goals have been a big part of my life. I wish I
had the knowledge in this book when I was a young man.
D a n Ree v e s
Legendar y NFL player and coach



to get it


to keep it



to use it to



Copyright 2010 by Steven Cesari

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
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Published by Advantage, Charleston, South Carolina.
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ISBN: 978-1-59932-214-8
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To my family,
my wife Indy
You are still my one in a million
and my children: Courtney, Stefany, Whitney, and Matthew
I am proud to be your dad.

aC K n o W l e D G e M e n T s

o many people work behind the scenes to bring a book to life that
its virtually impossible to name them all, but I want to recognize a
few who made this book a reality. Thank you to all the creative people
at Advantage Media: Adam Witty, Michelle Pyle, Brooke White, and
George Stevens. Thanks also to my editors, Denis Boyles and Ron
Geraci. Denis captured the vision and Ron created the outline, then
listened to my stories, sharpened my words and kept me focused.
To Chuck and my band of brothers at IRONMEN and to our couples
groups, you were all a constant source of encouragement and accountability. Iron truly does sharpen iron. A special thanks to Laura Poe,
who kept me motivated and on task.
Thank you to my former business partner, Tommy Newberry, who
directly and indirectly developed some of the concepts in this book.
A heartfelt thank you to my mom and dad, and my brothers and
sistersAlbert, Lucille, Linda, Jimmy, Cheryl, Susan, Rick, David, and
John. You have all helped to mold me into the man I am today. I love you
all and miss you very much. To my in-laws, George and Eleanor Soos,
whose determination and integrity I try to model every day.
To my beautiful wife, Indy, who is my biggest fan and source of encouragement. She listened to my stories, proofread manuscripts, supported
me through the process and kept me focused on the goal. She made
this a better book and she has made me a better man. I am eternally
grateful and I will love you always.

a cKNo WlEDgEmENts

To my childrenCourtney, Stefany, Whitney and Matthew, whose

lives exemplify the principles in this book. I love you guys and you are
all an inspiration to me.
Most of all, I want to thank God for giving me the wisdom and experiences I shared in this book and the courage to take action on my
dream, to make a positive impactat home, at work and in the world.


Ta b l e o f Co nt e n ts

Chapter 6: 129
Get Rid of the Junk!

Introduction: 13
Chapter 1: 25
We Are All Terminal Dont Accelerate the Process

Chapter 7: 158
Respect the Power of Exposures

Chapter 2: 52
Know Why

Chapter 8: 181
Create a Wow Experience

Chapter 3: 63
Live With Intentionality

Chapter 9: 210
Get More HPA In Your Day

Chapter 4: 94
Find Your Genius

Chapter 10: 224

Understand the
Importance of Balance

Chapter 5: 114
When The Will to Win Meets
The Will to Prepare

Epilogue: 239
Leave It All On the Course

CLARITY Doesnt End With a Single Book: 242

About the Author: 244

i n T ro D u C T i o n
If you dont know where youre going,
any roador oceanwill take you there.

hen I was in college, during the mid 1970s, I got a call from
my brother-in-law in New York, Bob Pontz. He said, Im
taking my sailboat down to Bimini, which is one of the small islands
in the Bahamas about 90 miles off the coast of Florida.
He asked if I wanted to come along as part of the crew on a
32-foot-long sloop called Narcissus.
I was 21 years old. And it took me half a second to answer him.
Are you kidding me? I said. I would love to!
When you think about being on a sailboat and sailing to the
Bahamas, what picture comes to mind?
All I could envision was lying on the bow of the boat, basking in
the sun, drinking beer, pulling into port, andthis was before I was
marriedfinding a bar or a party and having the time of my life.
The only problem? My brother-in-law planned this trip in
September, which is the start of the storm season. I later found out that

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this meant sudden wind shifts, small craft warnings and six-to-eightfoot waves much of the time.
There were, including me, four people on the boat: Captain Bob,
his 22-year-old brother Corky, and Jeff, who was one of Captain Bobs
The trip started out beautifully. Ill never forget when we set
sail from Mamaroneck, New York. I was standing on the bow of the
sailboat on that narrow plank of wood with the chrome railing going
around it. Everything seemed perfect. I was ready to start an amazing
Then the fog rolled in.
I couldnt see a foot in front of me. And that wasnt a great
situation, because my job was to look out for any junk floating in the
water, to make sure we didnt run into it.
As we sailed out past the Throgs Neck Bridge, I remember the
rain coming down so hard it was actually knocking the weatherproofing right off my rain jacket. Within five minutes, I was soaked. I was
beginning to regret that I had come on this sailing tripbut I tried
hard to keep an optimistic attitude, figuring we would get through this
unexpected rough patch and be laughing about it in no time. I was
on the boat, and there was no going back, so I was still hoping for a
magnificent experience.
Conditions improved as we sailed our way eastward. We finally
made it out to the Atlantic Ocean and were greeted by a couple of
days of perfect weather. I thought the rough start to the journey was
now behind us, and it would be smooth sailing from then on. It was
absolutely gorgeous as we sailed in the evening with the moon shining
on the ocean, and the plankton lighting up like fireworks as our bow
cut through the water.

i N t ro D u c t i o N

Everything was beautiful. Life was good.

As for crew duties, we all took four-hour shifts manning the
helm. When youre sitting at the helm of the boat, youre responsible
for keeping it on course. Even if youve never been on a large sailboat
for several days, Im sure you can imagine a problem that sailors have
been dealing with for thousands of years: You tend to get sleepy. When
you are staring at the compass and its 2 a.m., the rocking motion of the
boat makes you doze off. The other man on watch is supposed to keep
you awake, but hes usually dozing off, too. So you wake with a jolt to
see your incorrect compass reading and wonder how long youve been
going in the wrong direction.
This happened to me several times. I would try to get back on
course without making a fuss, because I didnt want the other guys to
know I had fallen asleep. And this was usually no big deal because, up
to this point, we were always within sight of land and could see the
lights on shore. After a few shifts at the helm, out on those gorgeous
nights, I felt I was actually getting the hang of it.
After sailing for several days, we pulled into port in Morehead
City, North Carolina, to replenish our supplies. As we left Morehead
Cityremember this name, pleaseand headed back out to sea, we
had to go past an area known as Frying Pan Shoals.
The Frying Pan Shoals are a large area of sandbars and gravel
bars about 50 miles off of the North Carolina coast. These shoals have
been a hazard to ships since the beginning of European exploration and
theyre still treacherous today. The area is littered with wrecks. In fact,
from May 1994 to August 2008, over 130 new shipwreck locations
were discovered there.
Of course, I didnt know any of this at the time. I learned it after
the trip.

cl arit Y

To steer clear of this peril, we set a course 50 nautical miles east

from Morehead City. This meant that, for the first time on the trip, we
would not be in sight of land.
As I mentioned, I only learned how dangerous Frying Pan Shoals
were after the trip. They meant nothing whatsoever to me at the time
we were sailing past them. There was one other piece of extremely
interesting information not then known to me: This was Captain Bobs
maiden voyage as the captain of a boat in the open sea.
His maiden voyage!
If I had known this before I went on the trip, do you think I
would have gone?
Even though I was in my twenties at the time, and was no
stranger to taking stupid risks, Im pretty sure I would have said, uh...
no thanks.
When inexperience meets a hazardous situation, things can turn
bad quickly.
And indeed they did. Right around midnight.
I was below in my berth, fast asleep and dreaming about partying
in the Bahamas. Suddenly, I was thrown off my bed and hit the
ceilingwhich was the underside of the deck in the bow of the boat.
We had gone over a huge wave. Half-awake and somewhat shocked,
I started climbing the steps to get up on the deck, and heard Captain
Bob yell out, Measurements! Another voice yelled back: 25 fathoms!
10 fathoms! 30 feet! 15 feet! 8 feet!
We were out in the middle of the ocean, 50 nautical miles from
land. And we were in 8 feet of water.
As I came up on deck, there was white water everywhere. Waves
were rolling around the boat, tossing us like a cork. I thought we were

i N t ro D u c t i o N

going to die. As I became fully aware of what was happening, and

realized this was not a dream, fear swept through my body. I had never
been so frightened in my life.
I heard Captain Bob yelling something to the effect of, Prepare
to come about!
I said, Come about?! Are you crazy?! Get us outta here!
He made some maneuver and we managed to get clear of the
white water. Finally, the sea calmed. But in the all the turbulence and
confusion, a small piece of electronics called a radio directional finder,
or RDF, was knocked off a shelf and broken. In the mid 1970s, well
before the modern days of GPS, an RDF used radio waves to determine
a vessels location at sea. It locates two radio frequencies on shore and
then triangulates them with the boat to calculate where you are.
With the RDF broken, we had no idea where we were. Does Gilligans Island ring a bell?
So now we had to figure out a plan of action. We agreed that from
this point forward we would captain by committee. We decided by
consensus that the best course was to head due west until we hit land.
I thought we were doomed. Unfortunately, I had just read a book
about the Bermuda Triangle and here we were, right in the middle of
it. In the weeks before the trip I had also watched the movie Jaws. I
kept replaying one of the famous lines over and over in my head: So,
1,100 men went in the water, 316 men came out and the sharks took
the rest.
We were towing a two-man life raft behind our sailboat because
there was no room for it on deck. All I could picture was our sailboat
going down, and me without a seat in the little raft because I was the
biggest guy. I had visions of hanging onto this raft as sharks started

cl arit Y

to feast on me. All I could think was: How did I get myself into this
mess? Im just a college kid looking for a good time in the Bahamas!
I was really, really, really afraid.
And things would get much worse.
When youre in the open sea and have no clue where you are,
Murphys Law starts to apply in sadistic ways. As we headed west in
search of land, the weather started to worsen again. The skies clouded,
rain fell and the wind began to blow. The sea became turbulent. The
waves were colossal. I was told they were 12- to-14-footers. As we came
up and over each wave, there was a wall of water in front of us and a
wall of water behind us.
After a full day heading due west in this weather, we still did not
see land or any other boats or ships. At this point, Captain Bob told me
to get on the radio and send out a distress signal.
This is sloop Narcissus! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
I said this for hours on end into a microphone, to no avail. Even
when the bad weather finally subsided, I kept on with the distress
Then there was the little issue of food and water. Remember,
we only had two days worth of supplies on board, because we were
planning on coming into port to restock every two days. We made the
decision to ration the food and the drinks we had, and this added to
the already tense situation.
For two full days we sailed westward, without any sign of land or
other ships. We were literally lost at sea and running low on food and
water. Day three came and went, and still no land sightings. I began to
wonder if we would ever see land again. I thought about my life and
started to negotiate with God. I didnt have a very strong faith back

i N t ro D u c t i o N

then, but the saying is true: There are no atheists in foxholes. I started
praying, asking God to get us through this mess.
By day four, we were down to the end of our rations. We had
some fruit and a six-pack of Diet Doctor Pepper. We called it DDP
and to this day, I cannot bring myself to drink it again.
At about noon on day four, we saw a bird. Not a seagull but
a regular bird. We all got very excited; land must be near! Later that
day, at about 4:00 p.m., the weather worsened again. But this time it
was a blessing. When lightning lit up the horizon, we could see the
distant outline of the shore. Finally, after four and a half days of fear
and misery at sea, and completely out of food and water, we found
land. We sailed into port, thanking God to be alive. We all jumped off
the sailboat and got down and kissed the ground.
We were in Morehead City, right where we had started several
days before.

l aC K o f Cl ariT y is The rooT of MosT failures

Let me make this clear: This story is a reflection of my life, and
quite possibly yours.
We all set off on our big adventure, without paying much
attention to where were going, how were going to get there, or if we
have the people and resources were going to need to make it happen.
As a result, we end up drifting through life and reacting to our circumstances as they happen, rather than clearly defining where we want to
go and surrounding ourselves with the right people and resources to
achieve our dreams.


cl arit Y

Wandering through life without a clear destination or a plan to

get there is just like drifting in a sailboat and letting the winds and
currents carry you wherever they may be going.
All of this is due to lack of clarity. More specifically, not having a
clearly defined vision of where you want to go.
I know this very well. I spent most of my life drifting like the sloop
Narcissus out in the Atlantic. I made wrong turns and bad decisions
because I lacked a clear vision of what I really wanted to accomplish
and who I wanted to become.
Once I transitioned from wandering aimlessly and really started
to practice the principles in this book, life got on course. I surrounded
myself with the right people and I got extreme clarity about my purpose
and passion in life. The creation of a $100 million business was just one
manifestation of having this clarity. Others were more personal. When
I achieved extreme clarity and passion about what it meant to be a dad
and what it meant to be a husband, it set me on the path to celebrate
30 years of marriage with my wife Indyand to be a father of four
grown children who are achieving their own purpose and passion in
In short, I had been driftingand Ill tell you much more about
those years in the chapters aheaduntil I learned to live my life differentlywith clarity, purpose and intentionality. Ive learned to
help other people live their lives that same way. Along the way Ive
developed a knack for helping people and companies identify their key
issues, so that they can move toward clarity, unlock their potential, and
create the results they want. Ive done this with Fortune 500 companies
and with entrepreneurs. Ive done this with NFL and college football
teams. Ive done this with couples and high school students. And I can
do it with you.

i N t ro D u c t i o N

Thats why Ive written this book.

When you implement the principles I explain in this book, they
will help to bring clarity and balance to your personal and business life.
You will experience a transformation that will boost your confidence
and take you places you never imagined you could go.

iTs liKe MaPQuesT f or life

You know the MapQuest website, dont you? The other day I was
looking for directions and, not knowing how to get to my destination,
I typed two addresses into MapQuest.
All I had to do was type in the location I was starting from, and
then enter the destination I wanted to reach, and click a button. In a
few seconds, I printed out a step-by-step map to take me there. Everything was laid out for me in a clear, concise manner.
Wouldnt it be great if there was MapQuest for life? Imagine if
you could tell a website or some other service where you want to go, or
what you want to do, and then, in a few secondsbingo!it would
provide a detailed, step-by-step map to take you there.
To my knowledge, no such website exists. Likewise, there is no
easy, quick way to gain clarity about your passion and purpose in life.
But the principles Ive laid out in this book are as close as you can get
to having a MapQuest for life. They represent a proven system that can
keep you on a steady course and save you significant time, energy and
When you apply this system to your business, your marriage,
your family, your relationships, your any aspect of your life,
it will provide a clear map to take you from where you currently are to

cl arit Y

where you want to go. Youll have to apply the dedication and the effort
to take the journey. But youll have a map in hand.
Heres the first empowering secret to keep in mind as you begin
this journey: When you get clear about the person you want to become
and what you want to accomplish, you will attract the things you need to
make it happen.
How do I know? I married one of those precious things. On
my second date with Indy, I asked her what she wanted to do in life.
Without hesitating, she said, I want to have four children before
Im 30, I want to get my Masters Degree in Speech and Language
Pathology in five years and my doctorate in ten years.
Then she asked what I wanted to do.
I said, I think want to marry you!
Indy was crystal clear. She had extreme clarity in her vision of what
she wanted to accomplish with her life. She knew what her purpose was
and she was passionate about doing it. Today, we have four children,
and she has a doctorate in Speech and Language Pathology.
Ill say it again: When you have clarity in your life, and you know
what your purpose is and what you want to accomplish, its amazing
how youll attract the right people and resources you need to make that
Most people lack this clarity.
We see it in marriages. Consider that about 40 percent of all
marriages end in divorce. Most couples spend more time planning
their wedding than they do planning their marriages! They have a clear
picture of what they want out of their wedding, and what they want
their wedding to look likebut they dont have a clue what they want
their marriage to look like.

i N t ro D u c t i o N

We see it in our jobs. When two million people were surveyed,

84 percent said they hated doing what they did for a living. They didnt
have clarity when they were seeking a profession, and now they have no
sense of purpose or passion for what they are doing.
We see it in our financial lives. Look at the scourge of credit card
debt and overspending that is affecting so many people in this country.
Did you know more than 70 percent of the U.S. population will retire
without enough money to support themselves and will be dependent
on somebody else?
We see it in our health. We have an absolute health epidemic
going on right now: More than one million Americans will die this year
from heart attack, stroke and cancer caused by poor lifestyle choices.
Public health experts say that 80 percent of them could be saved by
eating right and exercising, and by having a clear vision of a healthier

failure is a resulT of noT haVinG

a Clear anD ConCise Pl an
Remember, nobody plans to fail. Failure is a result of not having
a clear and concise plan. And our failure to plan is not always due to
laziness or lack of forethought. Nowadays, its easy to be overloaded.
Theres too much to do and not enough time to do it. Modern technology has exposed us to more daily information than previous generations could have imagined. But how do we discern what to listen to
and what to tune outand whom to listen to and whom to tune out?
The modern world makes the focused life seem almost impossible.
Life is like a smorgasbord with endless choices, and we keep going


cl arit Y

back and stung ourselves with everything thats there because we do

not have clarity.
Clarity is the remedy. Its found in setting wise goals and tuning
out other distractions. Clarity will tell your brain what to focus on and
what to tune out. Clarity will tell you whom to focus on and whom to
tune out. Clarity will minimize the distractions. Clarity will act as your
GPS to take you where you want to go. Thats why the main mission
of this book is to show you how to achieve clarity and bring balance to
your life.

W h aT a r e T he T W o MosT iMPorTanT Days of your life?

I had the pleasure of meeting General Russel L. Honor. Hes a
three-star general who was in charge of the initial response to Hurricane
Katrina in New Orleans. On the day I met him, he was recalling an
episode in which one of his mentors asked, What are the two most
important days in life? The response his mentor gave is one that should
resonate with all of us.
Number one is the day you were born.
Number two is the day you figure out why you were born.
My sincere hope and desire is that after reading this book, you
will be closer to understanding why you were born and have greater
clarity toward understanding your purpose and passion in life.


ChaPTer 1
If I knew I was going to live this long, Id
have taken better care of myself.
micKEY maNtlE

want to share a secret with you. If you violate one extremely

important principle in life, you are guaranteed to failno matter
what type of business youre in, what type of product or service you
provide, or how well capitalized you are.
If you violate this principle, you are guaranteed to fail in both
business and life.
This principle is very simple: Dont die.
Now, dont take this the wrong way. I know people die every day,
and its an inevitable part of life. But a lot of people needlessly accelerate
the process of making their own death occur. And they die far too soon
and much too young. Thats the principle Im talking about here.
My dad violated this principle when he was 46 years old.


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My dad was a hard-working guy. He worked about 70 hours a

week at his job as the owner of a grocery store in Valhalla, New York.
He didnt take care of his health, and he smoked two packs of Camel
(unfiltered) cigarettes every day. He was responsible for sustaining a
family of eight children, and I cant imagine the pressure he must have
felt financially, and in many other ways, in dealing with those responsibilities. Perhaps he smoked because he thought it would help him deal
with the stress he was facing as a father and a provider.
My dads death left a huge void in my life, and in the lives of my
brothers and sisters and my mom. Let me tell you about the day he
passed away.
It was July of 1968. I was 13 years old, on summer break before
starting the ninth grade. It was a Sunday morning, and we were getting
ready to go to church. My dad started feeling a little dizzy. It was a very
hot, humid day so my mom told him to sit in the room that was airconditioned. But his dizziness became progressively worse.
My mom called our pharmacist, Mr. Slotnik. He was a good
family friend and owned the business right next to my dads grocery
store. He said hed come right over. My dads symptoms still worsened,
so my mom called our family doctor, Dr. Ryan. This was back in the
days when doctors made house calls, so he said hed come right over,
too. As we were waiting for Mr. Slotnik and Dr. Ryan to arrive, my
dads eyes rolled to the back of his head and he lost consciousness.
We carried him to the back of our station wagon to take him to the
He was laying in my lap in the back of the car. I was a Boy Scout
and had learned to do CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and I
was trying to perform both on my dad. But he didnt regain consciousness. When we arrived at the hospital, we rushed him in and the nurses

WE arE al l t E r m i N a l D o N t a cc E l E r at E t h E P ro c E s s

and the doctors came out. It was like a scene on TV: They brought him
into that little room, they closed the curtains and they hooked him up
to a machine that beeped in time with his heart rate. Ill never forget
that. Its emblazoned in my memory.
The beeps from the machine became slower.
Beep-beep-beep-beep. Beeep. Beeeeep. Beeeeeeep.
Then they stopped.
The doctors and nurses came out from behind the curtains. One
of them said, Your dad didnt make it. I was confused, in shock,
and wondering how this was possible. My father had seemed perfectly
healthy two hours before and now he was gone.
While I remember every detail up to this moment, the hours and
days that follow are largely blank. I remember going back home and
friends and family coming around to console us. But I was in a daze,
simply trying to make sense of what had just happened to our family.
And what had just happened to me.

The leTTer
About 20 years after my dads death, I received a copy of a letter that
my mom had received during that summer in 1968. This letter was
written by a friend and business associate of my dads. I learned more
about my father from this letter than from all the other people and
stories combined. And although I didnt fully realize it when I first read
it, over time I came to view this letter as part of a road map that would
help guide me through life. I would like to share this letter with you,
along with some of the lessons and wisdom it has given me.


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Dear Linda, Jimmy, Cheryl, Susan, Steve, Ricky, John

and David,
As you know by now, your father has many, many friends.
He has been taken from all these friends but especially from
each of you. Theres no replacement for this loss. Now you have
only the courage God can give. I would hope each of you will be
able, over time, to face the fact of your loss without bitterness,
be able to accept life, be able to cherish all the fine memories
your dad leaves with all of us.
Each of you needs to do his part to behave in a manner
that would bring pride to your father if he were still with
us and to bring pride to your mother whose loss is at least as
great as yours, and who needs your help at every turn. Most
of all, you should know that to those outside your family, your
father was more than a friend, more than a businessman, more
than a member of a local organization. He was a very special
person. He was ahead of his years in anticipating the needs of
his community and taking action to meet those needs. He was a
counselor and a friend to those who came to him with trouble.
He had personal magic, the kind that gave a lift to those
he met each day and made him a person who was refreshing to
be with. As you get older you will become aware that his life, in
the sight of both God and man, was one of fine accomplishment
that his contributions were greater than those who were granted
many extra years, that the community in which you live is a
much better one because of him. I loved him, too.
Archie Bowes, Jr.


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Reading this letter always makes me emotional. On this very day,

even more so. Im actually writing these words on Fathers Day.
Its an understatement to say that Im extremely happy that I have
this letter. Most people arent lucky enough to have such an eloquent
tribute to their lost parent. Of course, I would much rather have learned
these details about my dad first-hand. But he left too soon for that.

Then anD no W
For my dad, on that summer day in 1968, my attempts at CPR were
too little, too late. The damage had been done. He made choices that
damaged his healththough he had access to much less information
about how to maintain proper health, fitness and nutrition than we do
And thats a difference I cant ignore.
Given this, its certainly no accident that I gravitate toward businesses that deal with health and fitness. My brother Rick and I started
Trillium Health Products in 1989, marketing a product called the
Juiceman Juicerwhich sold millions of units. I wanted to devote my
energies to a business that helped people make positive decisions about
their health, and helped them extend their lives through those positive
decisions so they might avoid my fathers fate. As a child, I couldnt
help my dad, but as an adult, I am passionate about helping others live
healthy and successful lives.
Thats why Ive put this chapter first.
If you dont follow the principles in this chapter, nothing else
matters. Sure, you can have a great impact on this planet even if your life
is short; I believe my father did. Certainly, you can have poor health, or
even be confined to a wheelchair or a bed, and still touch many peoples

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lives. But I firmly believe that you must do everything you can reasonably do to improve and safeguard your health, your strength, and your
energy in order to be effective in life. And today, you can do a great
deal. We now have an incredible amount of information about how to
live a high-energy, healthy lifestyle. And Im going to give you the basic
tools to do that.
Its important to understand that this isnt just about you. Our
poor choices have consequences for those who depend on us.
In our day-to-day lives, its very dicult to have a positive impact
on others if you dont have the energy and vitality to use your talents.
Further, there is a direct correlation between making good, healthy
lifestyle choices and making good choices in other areas of life. More
than any other factor, an unhealthy lifestyle will cause you to perform
poorly in many key areas of life. After all, if you are run down, tired
and out-of-balance, your ability to make good choices is compromised.
I see this every day. I recently met yet another person who is struggling in business and has poor healthand thinks his business trouble
is causing his health issues. In his case, I believe, its the other way
around. Quite frequently, when a person like this man starts making
better choices about his or her health, it has a ripple effect. They have
more energy and vigor, and essential tasks that languished begin to
get done. Fewer mistakes are made. Others place more confidence in
them. Its a cycle of improvement, and one thats quite gratifying to
watch. At this point, however, this man hasnt begun that turnaround.
And I know what hes dealing with, because Ive been there.
Some of the worst decisions I have ever made, in business and
in life, were made when I was extremely run down. And they hurt me
for long periods of time. The opposite is also true; some of my best


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decisions have come when I was in great shape both physically and
If you will follow the steps I have outlined in this chapter, you
can and will achieve a healthy, high-energy lifestyle. There is only one
catch: I cant do it for you. You have to implement it and make it

s i X sT r aT eGies f or healThy, hiGh-enerGy lifesT yle

If you get nothing else from this book, I hope youll put these six strategies into action. Why? Because if you follow all of the other principles
I talk about in the book but ignore these six strategies, youre almost
guaranteed to fail. Youll be engineering your life to violate the same
important principle that my dad did. Doing so can negate all of your
positive efforts in all other areas of your life, no matter how hard you
1. Create a clear vision for the healthy lifestyle you want.
Again, it all comes down to clarity. Answer these two questions:
A. When you say you want to have a healthy lifestyle, what
specific goals and achievements does that entail? What does
it really look like? Make it simple and specific, and write
those goals down.
B. How long do you really want to live? (Have you ever even
thought about this?)
My own written goal is stated like this: I weigh 205 pounds and
my body fat is 20 percent or less. Use whatever works for you. For
me, having a picture of what I am aspiring to do helps me stay focused
and helps me maintain a clear, concise picture of what Im trying to

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accomplish. Notice that the goal is written in the present tense and
stated with certainty, as if it was already accomplished; Ill explain why
in an upcoming chapter.
Visual aids help. I have a picture of myself from 1986, when I ran
the 10K Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta, Georgia in under 40 minutes.
I was in the best shape of my life, or very close to it, and I continue to
use that photo as a visual reminder of why I want to stay in shape.
As for the second question, take it seriously. If you want to live to
be 90 years old, what habits will help you achieve this, and what habits
will hold you back? The best way to look at this is to take a sheet of
paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side, write down
everything that is negatively holding you back. On the right side, write
down all the positive habits that will help you get there. Once youve
done this, you can start to work on getting rid of the negative habits
and replacing them with the positive ones.
Can you reach extreme old age without planning? Certainly. It
happens all the time, as a walk through any nursing home will reveal.
Id like to live to be 101, myself, but Id rather not join the ranks of
people who didnt arrive at that age ready to tackle its adversities.
2. Create and sustain a positive mental attitude.
It is not what happens to us in life; it is how we respond to what
is happening to us that really counts. Having a healthy, high-energy
lifestyle requires that you create and sustain a positive mental attitude.
It is not enough to have a clear goal if you are already telling yourself
that you cant do it. I call that stinkin thinkin.
An irony? All stressful or negative emotions begin as a stressful or
negative thought. The inability to deal with stress and worry has been


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linked to a multitude of illnesses, including depression, heart attack,

cancer, ulcers and chronic fatigue, to name just a few.
Studies show that over 75 percent of illness can be linked to what
I term stinkin thinkin. In other words, we cause over three quarters of
our illnesses in our mind. Remember, stress and worry only exist to the
degree that you allow them to exist.
Your attitude, not They are products of perception; it is the
your aptitude, will way you think about something that
actually makes it stressful.

help determine your

altitude in life.

Heres an example. My fatherin-law, George Soos, had triple bypass

surgery last year at age 77. George was
zig ziglar
in very poor health. He was about 60
pounds overweight. He drank a few cocktails every day to help alleviate
his chronic arthritic pain. Georges doctor gave him a workout plan
prior to his operation to help him get in shape for the operation, but
he saw little point in following it. He had a very wary attitude going
into the surgery.
Understand that George had spent much of his life being the
epitome of good health and productive living. He was a starting
defensive lineman for West Point back in 1954, and then a successful and honest politician who ran on the same ticket as Nelson
Rockefeller. He was an executive with Long Island Lighting and
later served as the County Clerk for the town of Roslyn, New York.
He had vigorous health, but he began to lose it as he pursued his
career and stopped taking care of himself. Diet was a large issue;
the older we get, the harder it becomes to overcome poor dietary habits
with exercise.


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A few weeks after the surgery, my wife and I flew to New York to
see him. When I asked him how he was doing, he said, Steven, I never
should have let them operate. I should have let God take me. I was
shocked to hear this.
My wife and I and other family members continued to support
and encourage him and give him a multitude of reasons why we and
others still needed him around. Slowly but surely, George fought
through the stinkin thinkin that had all but destroyed his will to live.
He slowly regained the can-do attitude that served him so well in his
life. He had to look inside himself and take action.
To recuperate, he started with just five minutes of exercise on a
recumbent bike each day. He slowly worked up to 10 minutes, and
then 15, and then 20 minutes each day. At the same time, he stopped
drinking and started to eat healthier. He began keeping a journal of
his food intake, exercise and weight loss; and he still keeps the journal.
As of the writing of this book, at 78 years old, George has lost over 60
pounds and isfor the first time since his West Point playing days
less than 200 pounds!
George demonstrated quite vividly to me that our attitudes can
either make us or break us. If you will take time to reflect on your
situation and choose to respond with a positive mental attituderather
than react with stinkin thinkinyou will be able to handle anything
life throws your way.
3. remember this formula: 75 + 20 + 5 = a healthy lifestyle.
What is it? Well, Ive heard almost every concept in existence to create
a healthy lifestyle, and this is the one that ultimately worked for me.


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Heres what it means: 75 percent of our health comes from

nutrition, 20 percent comes from exercise and ve percent comes
from supplements.
The problem? Most people want to reverse this formula. They
want to eat poorly, never exercise, and thenwhen they really need
totake a pill that will give them health (as well as a fit and trim
body). Fortunes have been made on selling this erroneous premise.
Years ago, there was actually a product called Exercise in a Bottle,
and the marketing suggested that taking this pill would deliver all
the benefits of exercise. People didnt fall for something so obviously
ridiculous, right? Ill answer that by telling you the product grew into
a $100 million company.

The seVen Keys To eaTi nG Well

Just how important is it to eat well? According to the 75 + 20 + 5 = a
healthy lifestyle, nutrition is the most influential factor to your health, by
far. It is the single most important factor in determining how much vitality
and vigor we have in our livesand how long well ultimately enjoy our stay
on earth. Again, think of nutrition as anything that passes between your
lips. The food we eat is the fuel for our bodies.
To illustrate this, Id like to share the story of a friend who was in a hurry
to get to his sons soccer game. He stopped at a gas station and filled his
car with gas. He got to the game, but when he was driving home his car
broke down. As it turned out, he was in such a rush that he put diesel fuel
in his new Audi and caused $6,000 worth of damage. He had to replace the
catalytic converter and many other parts.


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Our bodies react the same way to the fuel we put in it. We are usually in
such a rush; we put the wrong fuel in our body. Although it may not happen
suddenly, the body will break down as a result. And $6,000 wont come
close to fixing it. I can promise you that.
The consequences of poor nutrition are rampant today. Obesity and
juvenile diabetes are at epidemic levels. Health experts are now emphasizing a terrifying possibility: For the first time in U.S. history, the current
generation of children might not outlive their parents.
There are several reasons for this. For one, eating has become something
that we do to entertain ourselves rather than to provide healthy fuel for our
bodies. This sad fact has opened a ready path for many companies to sell
products that exploit our bad habits, and has allowed misinformation to
spread. Take dieting; people spend billions of dollars on commercial diets
each year. The irony? Statistics show that almost 100 percent of the people
regain 110 percent of whatever weight they lost within 12 months of going
off the diet.
The message in that particular case is very simple: Diets dont work. So,
what does work? Its pretty simple. Making the right choices about what we
eat, so that our daily nutrition supports (rather than sabotages) our goal of
having a healthy, energetic lifestyle.
Okay, back to the 75 + 20 + 5 = a healthy lifestyle formula. It means that
75 percent of our health and vitality comes from what passes between our
lips. If were not intentional and focused about what we eat, its all too easy
to give our bodies a mix of fuel that harms us. With proper nutrition, you can
prevent a lot of the major degenerative diseases that occur commonly in
the U.S. In fact, research has shown that over 80 percent of the deaths from
the three top killersheart attack, stroke and cancercould be prevented
with dietary changes.
Proper nutrition is so important to our lives, Id like to share a mini-plan
with you to make certain you have the tools you need to get a handle on the


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this often-misunderstood essential concept. Here are seven keys to eating

1. Have a plan. Again, it all starts with clarity. Being clear on what you
need to accomplish with your diet, and having a daily plan to achieve
those results, is the foundation of living a healthy, high-energy nutritional
lifestyle. When you take the time to plan your meals, you are more likely to
make wise choices that produce health and well-being.
Of course, most of us have such hectic, busy lifestyles that we usually
wing it when it comes to our meals. At the very least, have a plan when you
buy your food. It is a proven fact that when you go into the grocery store and
you have a well-thought-out list, you will spend less time and money than
if you went in unprepared. It is so important to be proactive and have clarity
when it comes to preparing your meals.
2. Eat less animal meat and animal byproducts. The major source of
cholesterol and fat in the American diet comes from animal and animal
byproducts. This includes meat, cheese, ice creamyes, all the things we
love. There are a multitude of healthier alternatives today to these foods,
and if you can just think about replacing some of them, youll be taking
a very positive step. For example, you can replace red meats with fish or
poultry alternatives, which can be leaner sources of protein and will be
more energizing to our body with less negative impact.
3. Consume five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day. If
you dont even come close to this, youre very similar to most Americans
who are slowly allowing their bodies to weaken and develop degenerative
diseases. The reality is that less than 10 percent of the population gets the
recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day. This disturbing
fact is what created the opportunity for my brother and me to start Trillium
Health Products, marketers of the Juiceman Juicer.


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Do I really juice? You bet I do. My family started juicing 20 years ago and
we still do it every day. Before working on this chapter today, I got up early
and I had my usual glass of pineapple/orange/grapefruit/strawberry juice.
I dont feel that I can get the right start to a good day unless I have all of
those nutrients from the fruits and vegetables in my morning juice.
Of course, rather than juicing you could eat your fresh fruit and vegetables in the raw (or as close to it as possible). That offers the best benefits
of all. Fruits and vegetables should be part of every meal and every snack.
They are packed with fiber and antioxidants that help our bodys immune
system. We need them to fight off the effects of environmental pollutants.
Usually the most colorful combination of fruits and vegetables contains the
most nutrients.
Im a juicer because its convenient, and it lets me consume more fruits
and vegetables every day than I normally would. I personally love fruits and
vegetables, but its very difficult to consume the quantity of fruits and vegetables you need for optimum health during the day. Having a glass of fruit
juice in the morning and vegetable juice in the afternoon gives me many of
the nutritional benefits of eating all those fruits and vegetables. Again, you
still need to eat fruits and vegetables to get the benefits of the fiber, but
to get the density and variety of many essential nutrients, juicing is a great
way to do it. It works for me and my family. Whatever works for you, employ
that daily strategy to continue to add more fruits and vegetables to your
meals and to your snacks.
4. Limit processed foods. What are processed foods? Think of them like
this: Anything thats not natural or has been processedwhite flour, white
sugar, saltall contribute to poor health. Do you know that the average
person consumes more than 200 pounds of sugar in the desserts, sodas,
candies, and other processed foods they consume each year? Thats 200
pounds of sugar! Thats scary, as studies have actually shown that sugar
acts as fuel for cancer cells to grow. And its obviously not helping with our
obesity epidemic.

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Sugar and refined foods are simple carbohydrates, because it doesnt

take our body very long to break them down and process them. The more
we can replace these products with complex carbohydrates such as brown
rice, wholegrain breads and wholegrain pastas, the more beneficial it is to
our bodies. It takes our bodies longer to break down these foods, and they
dont cause an immediate rush of blood sugar and insulin into our system
(which has negative health impacts for a number of reasons).
A confession? I love some processed foods. Especially oatmeal raisin
cookies. But heres how I personally deal with having treats and extras that
make life livable: If Im eating healthy 80 percent of the time, I find that I can
be more relaxed with the remaining 20 percent, and enjoy treats and some
less healthy foods without much problem.
Of course, eating healthy 80 percent of the time is no small feat. Keeping
junk food out of our house helps tremendously. If you dont keep any junk
food around, you may find that its out of sight, out of mind. So you dont
crave it. But if its sitting on the counter, Im going to attack it. So my wife
and I try to keep a healthy kitchen. If we want to indulge in a treat, we have
to leave our house to get itand that makes it so much easier to overcome
temptation in moments when Im craving something sweet.
Again, consistency is the most important trait when it comes to eating
wisely. I personally feel that if youre eating well 80 percent of the time, its
okay to indulge in some less healthy foods the other 20 percent of the time.
In fact, its positive to eat some unhealthy treats that you crave regularly so
that you can keep those cravings at bay.
5. Consume lots of water. Water helps our bodies in many ways and it is an
important part of a healthy, high-energy nutritional lifestyle. Our bodies are
composed of more than 65 percent water. Water helps to clean our bodies
and also to deliver nutrients in and out of our system. Mild daily dehydration has been associated with memory loss, so consuming enough water is
also very important in our mental acuity.


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How much is enough? The recommended formula for water consumption is to consume one half of your body weight in ounces every day. So if
you weigh 150 pounds, you should consume 75 ounces of water per day.
Another recommendation is to drink 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water
per day. Some nutritionists and medical researchers now feel that this
recommendation was never based on solid research, and may in fact be
an unnecessary volume of water to drink every day for most people, but I
personally feel that its a helpful guideline. Most people dont drink enough
water, so its important for you to find strategies that help you consume as
much water as you possibly can.
And by water, I dont mean fluids in general; I mean pure water. The more
you can replace other drinkscoffee, sodas, canned juices with waterthe
more vibrant your body and mind will be. Also if you drink an eight-ounce
glass of water before each meal it will help curb your appetite and you
will actually eat less, so its extremely important to maintain a high-energy
lifestyle that you consume the appropriate amount of water each day.
6. Eat smaller meals more often. Eating five to six smaller meals and
snacks per day is much healthier than the standard three large meals. Our
bodies and our metabolism function better when we eat smaller meals
more frequently. Large meals create a system overload, causing us to lose
energy and feel sluggish. When we consume smaller, healthier meals
more frequently, we allow our bodies and our digestive system to work
more efficiently and also to keep nutrients flowing throughout our body.
Our biggest meal of the day should be breakfast. A study done by
researchers at Vanderbilt University on overweight people found that
most were breakfast-skippers. Yet just by adding breakfast to the day, the
average person lost 30 percent of the weight they had put on.
While its a clich, breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day.
If youre going to eat a big meal, breakfast is likely the best time to do it


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because youre going to be more active during the course of the day and
youll give your body the opportunity to digest that meal.
Unfortunately, people typically tend to make dinner their largest and
unhealthiest meal of the day. Most of us are not very active after eating
dinner, so eating a large meal this late in the day leads our bodies to store
most of it as fat.
I recommend that you experiment with eating smaller meals more frequently, and see how it impacts your energy level. This will take planning.
Make sure you have healthy snacks already prepared and ready to grab.
This will help keep your metabolism going and avoid hunger.
Two tips to help you make eating small, frequent meals easier and more
Eat slowly. Try to consciously think about chewing your food, and try
to chew 20 to 25 times per bite. When you chew your food more thoroughly, youll help your body digest it, you will be more satisfied, and
you will tend to not eat as much. (I realize chewing every bite of food
20 to 25 times sounds a little crazy, but Ive done it and found it works
very well for me.)
Divide restaurant portions. Theyre usually too large for one person.
What used to feed a family of six now feeds a family of four, and the
portions that restaurants serve are truly enormous. Theres enough on
a plate to typically feed two people. So either share the portion, or just
tell your server when ordering to divide your meal in half and put half
in a to-go box, so you wont be tempted to finish the whole thing when
it lands in front of you. This will not only help you control the amount of
food that youre eating, but its also more cost-effective because youll
have another meal already prepared that you can eat the next day.
7. Use supplements wisely. Because todays foods do not always have the
appropriate level of minerals and nutrients, it helps to properly supplement
your food intake with vitamins and minerals. I personally take a good multi41

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vitamin along with omega oil once a day, as well as an energy powder called
Greenergy. I mix it in with my fresh fruit juice and it gives me a complete
boost in the morning. No need for coffee. If you want to learn more about
this energy powder, please visit my website at
I know people who take between 20 and 30 pills in a day. I think this
is foolish and unhealthy. Again, its called supplementation because its
supposed to supplement a good, healthy diet. In the formula I mentioned for
optimum health, 75 percent of our health is dependent upon nutritionor
the things we pass through our lips. Supplementation is just five percent
of this formula, so the pills are just supposed to fill in those nutrients and
minerals that we might be lacking.
Typically, people want to reverse this equation and use supplements
as a crutch. They want to take pills to replace healthy nutrition, and to
wholly compensate for the fact that theyre not eating properly. Again, that
just doesnt work. Im a big believer in nutritional supplementationand
I only take a daily multivitamin with omega oil plus and energy powder.
That should reveal a lot about the role I think supplements ought to play in
maintaining health.
With that said, remember that people have differing supplementation
needs, based on their individual diets, body compositions, level of health,
lifestyle, genetics, and other factors. In short, everyones bodies are
different and can react differently to certain stresses and stimuli (including
nutrients), so dont assume a cookie-cutter approach to supplements.
What works for another person wont automatically be best for you.
To learn what does suit you best, youll need to experiment. I recommend
that you become a student of good health and make it a habit to read as
much as possible about the latest information on nutritional science.
Explore the Internet for the latest studies. For example, if you did this now,
you will find that many physicians and researchers are recommending
that people take vitamin D supplements, as well fish oil supplements for
cardiac health. But things change. And thats why its important to keep tabs

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on the latest science. Ten years ago, for example, Vitamin E was the golden
supplement that received a great deal of positive press. Many doctors and
researchers believed it could help improve cardiac health, possibly reduce
the chances of developing Alzheimers disease, and positively affect a host
of other ailments. If you scoured the health press ten years ago, youd find
that a nutrient in tomatoes called lycopene was strongly thought to lower
the incidence of prostate cancer.
That was then; its different today. Science marches on. For both vitamin
E and lycopene, further studies did not show the same promising results.
Many physicians and researchers now feel differently about these two particular supplements. This is why its important to keep your knowledge of
nutritional science as up-to-date as possible. Granted, youll never have
an experts grasp of nutritional informationbut even if you did, youd only
find the experts often disagree. You can become better educated. I also
recommend that you have a reputable health professional advise you on the
latest research; I personally consult and recommend Dr. Michael Murray
( He has written more than 20 books. I suggest
starting with The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine and his latest book, What
the Drug Companies Wont Tell You and Your Doctor Doesnt Know.

T i P s f or ChoosinG a hiGh-Qu aliT y ViTaMin

No regulating body controls whats in nutritional supplements. Many times,
when you purchase inexpensive drugstore vitamins or other supplements,
the labels are pure fiction. The product itself will have none of the ingredient mentioned, or far less then the dosage indicated on the label. Is that
legal? Sad to say, it is. Thats why you need to buy from a reputable source.
So make sure you purchase supplements from a reputable company. I
recommend buying vitamins made from pharmaceutical grade materials,
based on pharmaceutical grade manufacturing requirements. They are
produced in FDA-approved facilities and comply with US Pharmocepia

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guidelines to ensure digestibility and absorption. This is referred to as

USP; look for that designation on the label. Also look for a stamp from
the NSF or These stamps dont ensure effectiveness,
but they do prove that the manufacturer has submitted its product for
testing. See my website,, for more information.

4. Get consistent exercise.

Consistent exercise is essential to maintaining an active, highenergy lifestyle.
Exercise is the vehicle that turns your body from a fat-storing
machine into a fat-burning machine. Exercise is also the vehicle
that provides mental and physical energy that allows you to be
as productive as you can possibly be. New studies also show that
exercise helps boost endorphins and makes your neurotransmitters
fire more rapidly. Getting consistent exercise will help relieve stress
and anxiety, and will improve your quality of sleep. The benefits go
on and on.
Simply translated, you will get a sense of well-being and
actually increase your focus and mental acuity if you get consistent

W haT KinD of eXerCise shoulD i Do?

When I operated sporting goods stores, people would always ask
me, Steve, what exercise do you recommend? And I would always
respond, Choose whatever exercise you will do on a consistent


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The kind of exercise that youll do consistently (and that wont

injure you) is the right kind of exercise for you. Whether its walking,
jogging, biking, yoga, or strength training with weights, or any one
of a hundred other varieties of exercise, all deliver great benefits. You
can exercise on your own, do it in a class or with a group of friends.
The important thing is to get some physical activity most days of the
week. You should try to exercise three to six times per week, mixing
aerobic conditioning (the type of exercise that significantly elevates
your heart and breathing rate, such as running) with strength and flexibility training. Of course, start slow.
There is an abundance of books, videos, and websites you can
explore to discover which exercise options are best for you. Keeping
up with exercise research and technology can be challenging. Whats
more, many trends and fadsfrom Tae Bo videotapes to the Wii Fit
systemcome and go. All have a worthwhile component, especially
if they get you to move. There are many exercise DVDs and programs
that have become quite popular, and Ive seen people receive great
benefits from using them.
Today, at age 56, I exercise regularly and am proud to say that Im
fit. Im not in the best shape of my life, but Im fitand Ive achieved
and maintain that fitness by practicing and living according to the six
principles Ive laid out in this chapter. I run three times a week and bike
at least one day per week. I also do 50 to 100 pushups per day along
with other strength exercises. On my 56th birthday, I rode my bike 56
miles with my friend and fellow ironman, Chuck. Next year, I plan to
ride 100 miles.


cl arit Y

yo u r e alreaDy in
G r e aT shaPe?
Thats wonderful. You have a big
head start, and a great advantage.
I would estimate that less than five
percent of the U.S. population is in
terrific shape, so youre in select
company. If youre already very
physical active, eating well, getting

A fringe benefit of exercising regularly? You may find

that your brain is capable of
receiving its greatest inspirations while youre strengthening
your body. Some of my best
and most creativeideas come
to me when Im exercising. I
always keep a digital recorder
(or a pen and paper) nearby to
record those ideas during my

enough quality rest and following

the other principles in this chapter,
I congratulate you and hope youll
use this information to reinforce

Its what you learn after you

know it all that counts.

your positive habits.

Also, when it comes to health
and nutrition, there are always
opportunities for people to learn
and grow and find some additional
morsel they might not have considered before. So please keep an
open mind.

5. Get proper sleep, rest

and rejuvenation.
I believe most people give
this principle far too little

On average, the most

effective rest comes from seven to eight hours of sleep. Some people
may need more, some may need less. If you find that you consistently
need much more sleep, you should examine the stress level in your life,
and see if you can reduce it. Research shows that people who deal with
stress effectively do not need as much sleep as those who dont.

WE arE al l t E r m i N a l D o N t a cc E l E r at E t h E P ro c E s s

There are some basic things that you can do to help create a better
sleeping environment.
First, avoid caffeine and alcohol products for four to five
hours before going to bed. Both of these substances tend
to disrupt the brain from getting into the state of deep,
revitalizing sleep.
You should also avoid eating a big meal in the evening. Most
health professionals recommend not eating for two to three
hours before going to bed.
If possible, its great to take a brisk, 15-minute walk after
eating that last meal to aid digestion.
Maintain a consistent bedtime and wake time. Keeping to a
routine helps.
Try not to watch TV or the news right before you go to bed.
They tend to leave negative thoughts or images that remain
in your subconscious and can, oftentimes, alter your sleep.
Well talk more about getting positive mental nutrition in an
upcoming chapter.
Review your written goals (well also get to these in an
upcoming chapter) for a few minutes right before you go to

Ta Ke Mini-breaKs ThrouGhouT The Day

When you work hard, you need to take mini-breaks so you can recover
and avoid burnout. I like to take frequent breaks throughout the day
during which I totally disengage on what I am working on, and give
my mind a rest. Sometimes I will take a quick walk or do some exercise

cl arit Y

to get my endorphins flowing. Other times Ill pick up an article, or

booksomething thats totally unrelated to what Ive been working on.
Giving yourself several five or ten-minute breaks during the
day will help you stay focused when you are really working hard and
digging deep.

TaKinG TiMe off

Even God rested on the Seventh Day. Research indicates that we need
to take off at least one day per week in order to avoid burnout and
remain effective in our professional and personal lives.
I recommend that you take a minimum of two weeks of vacation
per year, with perhaps three to four mini vacations in between. These
should be times when you are completely disengaged from work, so
your mind and body have adequate time to rejuvenate. You need to be
sure you schedule ample time for your mind and body to recover.
Taking time off also helps you to find time to pursue your hobbies,
and to engage in those things that help you to relax. I recently had the
opportunity to talk with Vince Dooley, the former head coach and
athletic director for the University of Georgia. He mentioned that he
has taken up gardening in his retirement because it helps him to relax.
What do you love to do that makes you relax?
6. Create a support system.
We all need a support system to help us get through dicult times, and
to hold us accountable to live a healthy lifestyle. Im talking about a
proper support system that includes faith, family and friends. Money
and success will not replace a support system. Many people find this
out the hard way. Im one of them.

WE arE al l t E r m i N a l D o N t a cc E l E r at E t h E P ro c E s s

As I mentioned earlier, my brother Rick and I started Trillium

Health Products in 1989. Within two years, we had 225 people
working for us, and had $100 million in revenue. During this growth
phase, juicers were selling so quickly that we couldnt keep up with
demand. In 1992, Inc. magazine ranked us as one of the fastest-growing privately-held companies in the United States. But while we were
spending $1.5 million a month on infomercials, competitors began
flooding the marketplace with inexpensive juicers. There was a glut of
juicers. By 1993, consumers bought five million juicersless than half
of the 11 million units that were on the market. The result? In 1993,
Inc. could have ranked us as one of the fastest-shrinking companies in
the United States.
I learned more coming down the ladder of success than I did
going up. I found out what the most important things in life are.
Money is not one of themalthough money sure helps when it comes
to paying the bills. Far more important are your faith, your family and
your friends.
Now, when I talk about friends, Im talking about the close friends
you can count on one hand. I mean those friends that are there for you
in the good times and the bad, and who know everything there is to
know about you. They know the very best and the very worst about
you. And theyre always there to support you and encourage you and
love you.
When my mom passed away several years ago, I arrived at the
airport ticket counter to find my two closest friends, Lowery Robinson
and Brett Butler, standing there. They looked at me and said, Weve
got your back. Were going with you. That didnt just happen in that
moment. It happened because we spent 15 years nurturing those relationships. I have been there for those two guys in their times of need.

cl arit Y

When you make those kinds of sincere investments in a relationship, it

will pay you back. If you have two or three friends like that, youre very,
very fortunate.
Importantly, we need a strong support system in place so we
have people who will tell us when were going off courseand hold
us accountable for maintaining our personal integrity and our sense of
purpose in the good times and in the tough times.
reaDy f or The Journey?
In this chapter, Ive provided you with a lot of information to help
you live a healthy, high-energy lifestyle. If youre sedentary and far
from fit, I hope it didnt overwhelm you. Its meant to inspire you.
Remember, we ALL have the same amount of time, and thats
exactly 525,600 minutes every year. We are not guaranteed a single
one of those minutes, of course.
In the forthcoming chapters, well talk about how to use that
time as wisely and as profitably as possible. But heres the question
I want you to consider as you contemplate the main points in this
chapter: Are you giving your body the care and attention it needs
to live everyone of those precious moments to the fullest extent? If
you are not, I hope youll rethink your approach. I hope youll make
Your energy, along with your passion and focus, will determine
how much you get done in a day, a week, a month, a year, a lifetime.
You cannot possibly fulfill your potential when you dont have the
necessary energy and vitality to do so. You owe it to yourself to have
a healthy, high-energy lifestyle. And you owe it to the ones you love


WE arE al l t E r m i N a l D o N t a cc E l E r at E t h E P ro c E s s

and the people who depend on you to live a healthy, high-energy

If you dont take control of your health, who will?
If you dont do it now, then when?


ChaPTer 2

He who has a why to live, can bear almost any how.

FriEDrich WilhElm NiEtzschE

The person who knows how will always have a job. The
person who knows why will always be his boss.
D i a N E r av i t c h

n the 2005 movie Cinderella Man, Russell Crowe plays the role
of James J. Braddock, a boxer in the 1920s and 1930s during the
Great Depression. In an era of limited opportunities, boxing was
the primary means for Braddock to provide for his wife and three
children, and he had several dicult years when he struggled just to
survive. After a streak of bad luck, he was given a chance to make a
comebackby fighting the heavyweight champion, Max Baerand
he took full advantage of it, fighting with all he had. Yet Braddock still
had moments when he faltered, when his confidence was threatened
and he had to remember exactly what he was fighting for.

K N o W W h Y

Have you ever had those feelings? I know I have.

During one poignant scene in the film, Braddock took a hard
punch in the head and was stunned for a few seconds. His strength
began to wane and he was on the verge of surrendering to his opponent.
Suddenly, he saw images in his mind of his wife and children going
hungry, of having no money to pay the bills, and he knew that losing
wasnt an option. He gathered his strength and his will and he won
the fight. Later, during a press conference, a reporter asked him what
changed his streak of bad luck and made his comeback so strong?
Braddock said softly, This time I know what Im fighting for.
What is that? said the reporter.

D o you Kno W WhaT you are fiGhTinG f or?

The survival of Braddocks family was a powerful motivator for him,
as it would be for most of us. Cinderella Man was incredibly inspiring
to me for many reasons, but one major thing that kept jumping out is
the importance of having something worth fighting for. Isnt it true that
a certain level of success breeds complacency, while hardship ignites a
fighting spirit? Most of us are not fighting a live opponent in the ring,
but our battles are still very real. Instead of fighting another man with
boxing gloves, we fight against our fears, our doubts and the temptation to give up when it gets too hard. But if we have a compelling
reason why we must succeed, then we will continue to fight, because
giving up is simply not an option.
Think about your past failures and be honest with yourself about
why you failed. Did you give up because you thought the battle was
hopeless, or were those pursuits just not important enough for you?

c l a r i t Y

You may still hold some unrealized dreams close to your heart.
You havent totally given up on them, but you dont have a compelling
reason to take action and move forward. Consider this question: Are
those unrealized dreams still worth fighting for, even if the fight takes
weeks, months, or years? Whats holding you back? What excuses do
you hold onto?
Ive been a dreamer most of my life. Somebody once asked me the
difference between the people who make their dreams reality and the
people who dont. I boil it down to something very simple: The people
who do, do; the people who dont, dont. The people who have a dream
and take action almost always have a compelling reason why they must
succeed at whatever it is theyre going to do.
In working with hundreds of successful people, Ive found that
they always have compelling reasons why they must succeed in business
as well as in life. They have a desire and a passion to be the very best at
what they do.
People are motivated by two things: The pursuit of pleasure or the
avoidance of pain. Weve all heard the saying no pain, no gain. And
you know what? Most people are not willing to pay the price. They
dont have a compelling reason why they must change, why they must
turn their life around, why they must get into shape or why they must
follow through and pursue their dreams. Having a compelling reason
why you must succeed is the big equalizer in business and in life.

siZe Does MaTTe r

When you have a bigger, more compelling reason to succeed, it will
give you the competitive advantage. In the true story of Cinderella
Man, James Braddock had a more compelling reason to win a boxing

K N o W W h Y

match than his famous opponent, Max Baer, and thats why he beat
him for the heavyweight title. Baer was fighting for glory. Braddock
was fighting for milk. He was fighting for his familys well-being.

r e a s ons CoMe firsT, resulTs CoMe seConD

Your why is the engine that drives your dreams. If you have a compelling reason why you must succeed at what you do, you have a much
greater likelihood of taking that desire, that dream and that passion and
turning it into reality. When you come up with a compelling reason
why you want to do something, you can accomplish any goal even if
youre not initially sure how to do it. When you know what you want
to do and why you want to do it, the how part seems to naturally
work itself out.
Let me share a story about my good friend Scott Rigsby. Scott
graduated from high school and took a landscaping job in rural Georgia.
One day on his way to a job, Scott was sitting on the trailer behind the
truck with two of his buddies. As they crossed a bridge, Scott noticed
a tractor trailer coming up behind them and getting real close. When
the big rig tried to pass them, it caught the trailer and flipped it over.
Scott was dragged for hundreds of yards while pinned under the trailer.
Scott thought he was going to die. Miraculously, a tow truck
appeared and lifted the trailer off. (To this day, Scott has not heard
from the man who showed up in that tow truck, and feels it was a
divine occurrence.) Scott was immediately taken to a hospital, where
the doctors were forced to amputate one of his legs, and do what they
could to mend his other leg, which was badly damaged. For the next
12 years, Scott went through more than 25 operations and bone grafts.


c l a r i t Y

He was in constant pain and became addicted to pain killers. As he says

today, he threw himself a pity party and nobody showed up.
As he continued to deal with his pain, anger and frustration,
becoming a victim of his circumstances, he grew so frustrated that he
actually threw himself prostrate on the floor, and said, God, if you will
just show me what to do, if you will open the door, Ill run through it.
At that point, Scott decided that he should have his other leg
amputated. After an evaluation, the doctors went ahead and removed
his other leg. Six weeks later, he was up and walking, pain free, for the
first time since the accident. Scott then dealt with some of the addictions that he had createdgetting off of the drugs and alcohol, getting
away from the I dont care mentality. He created a compelling reason
why he had to change his life, and why he had to resolve to take control.
Scott put a figurative stake in the ground when he decided, I
am going to change my life. He decided that the accident happened
for a reason, and that reason was to inspire him to help other people
to overcome their own obstacles. Specifically, he would work with
wounded vets coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq to show them
what was possible in their lives. So heres what Scott said to himself:
Im going to compete in the Hawaii Ironman Competition.
If youre unaware, thats 112 miles of cycling, 26.2 miles of
running and 2.5 miles of swimming. And heres the kicker: Scott didnt
own a bike, did not know how to swim, and had not runas he puts
itmore than the .2 part of the 26.2 miles in the marathon portion
of a triathlon since his accident.
In short, he did not know how he was going to compete, but he
had something more powerful. He knew why he was going to do it. He
had resolve born of passion and desire.


K N o W W h Y

Scott knew why he must succeed. He went out and found the
best trainers in Atlanta. He found people who helped him train to be a
world-class runner. He found a coach at a local high school who taught
him how to swim. He found an accomplished cyclist who taught him
how to ride the bike he had to borrow because he could not afford one.
Nothing could stop Scott because he had a compelling reason why he
must succeed.
When you step outside your comfort zone, when you take a
stance, when you decide that youre going to take action and move
forward to do something, when you have a clear vision of what it is you
want to do, you will attract the people, you will attract the resources,
you will attract the things that you need to make your business work,
to make your life work, to make your marriage work, to make whatever
it is that you are striving to do work. It has happened to me numerous
times in my life, and I know it will happen for you if you just create
that compelling reason why you must succeed.
Scott Rigsby was the first double amputee to compete in and
finish the Hawaii Ironman. While everybody else was changing their
clothes between events, Scott was changing his legs. He has a separate
set of legs for running, biking and swimming. His whole story is told
in a book he wrote titled Unthinkable. What a great example for all
of us. I always think of Scott when I feel like I cant go on and I ask,
Whats my excuse? So let me ask you the same question. What is your
excuse? Let me ask you a better question. What is your reason why?
Why MUST you succeed?
By the yard, its hard; by the inch its a cinch.
zig ziglar


c l a r i t Y

i f yo u K n o W The Why, The

h o W W i l l W orK iTself ouT
In the early 1960s, President




Americans to send a man to the

moon by the end of the decade.
Even though the technology to
do that didnt yet exist, there was
a compelling reason to do it: The
Russians were developing a space
program and had won the early
stages of the space race. Kennedy
wanted to make sure America kept
the upper hand. He knew what
he wanted to do, he just didnt
know how. You know the end of

Remember the story

George Soos? While recovering from triple bypass surgery,
he said to me, Steven, I dont
know if I should have let them
operate on me. I should have
let God take me. I told him
that we still needed him in
our lives, and that he was still
a mentor and an inspiration to
me, someone who I looked up
to and still needed after I lost
my dad. As we talked about
it, George began to create
that compelling reason why
he needed to recover and he
became motivated again.

For George, it started

moon first. Although it took tireless
out slowly. It usually does
effort from thousands of dedicated
for everyone. You dont go
people, the how took care of itself.
from where you are to success
overnight. George started
with five minutes a day on an exercise bike, thinking, I need to be here
for my wife and children and grandchildren. Im going to pedal a little
harder and a little faster. Im going to keep doing this. Im going to get
up and do a little bit each day.
the storythe U.S. made it to the

When you break it down, little by little, when you know what
it is you want to do and you have that compelling reason why, it

K N o W W h Y

will motivate you and help you build confidence. My father-in-law

continued to work out: Five minutes became 10 minutes, 10 minutes
went to 15 minutes, and so on. In less than a year, George went from
over 260 pounds down to 200.
When you understand why you must do something, why you
must take a stand, why you must change your life, your habits, and
your focus, amazing things start to happen.

o b sTaC l e s anD Pa sT failures are MaDe To be o VerCoMe

I have four smart, hardworking children, three girls and a boy. Time
and time again, theyve shown me how the principles in this book can
be applied to move through obstacles.
Take my son, Matthew. He was an All-State soccer player and an
All-City football player at Westminster High School in Atlanta, Georgia.
I vividly remember when he was playing in the quarterfinal game of the
state football playoffs during his senior year. If his team didnt win, this
would be the final football game hed ever play in high school.
Matthew was the placekicker, the punter and wide receiver. In
other words, he was out on the field for just about the whole game.
His team was playing a team theyd beaten earlier in the year, and with
1:50 left on the clock, Matthew caught a pass and the safety came up
and nailed him in the back. The ball was now on the 32 yard line, and
Matthews team trailed by two points, 16-14. The coach sent the field
goal team out on the field. Not in top condition, either, as the holder
had earlier injured his shoulder so badly he could hardly lift it above
his head. It was a misty, rainy evening and the field was soggy and slick.
The boys were tired from playing their hearts out for the entire game.


c l a r i t Y

Being the parent of a kicker is probably the most gut-wrenching

experience, other than actually being the kicker. There were more than
10,000 frenzied people in the stands. Matthew lined up for the kick,
the ball was snapped, Matthew kicked andthe ball hit the upright
and bounced out. No good. I can still feel his pain to this day. After the
game, his coach said to him, Matthew, you didnt lose the game for
us. There were many other opportunities for us to win this game. You
just lost a chance to be the hero. I walked over to my son, wrapped
my arms around him and said, Son, you were my hero, you always
will be.
About three days passed before I asked Matthew how he was
feeling. He said, Dad, you think Im going to end my career by missing
a field goal in the playoff game? No way. I want to redeem myself and
play in college.
Unbelievable! He had a compelling reason why he wanted to
move beyond that missed attempt. Sure enough, he went to Furman
University in Greenville, South Carolina, and walked on the football
team as a freshman. He watched from the sidelines for most of his
first three seasons behind a superb kicker. In his senior year, after the
other fellow finally graduated, Matthew got to be the starting kicker
and went on to become the Special Teams Player of the Week against
Clemson University in front of 85,000 people. He did well enough
(Matthew was chosen the Southern Conference Special Teams Player
of the Week several times) that they actually asked him to come back
for a fifth year, after he graduated on a full scholarship.
Your past does not equal your future when you have a compelling
reason why you must succeed and why you must take action.


K N o W W h Y

a Co MPellinG rea son susTains MoMenTuM

My youngest daughter, Whitney, is a medical student at the University of Tennessee. She was about three-quarters of the way through
her second year when she called me and said, Dad, were studying for
medical school, which is 24/7. Were studying for the boards that we
have to take in order to go to the next level. Everybody is burned out
and ready to give up and I need you to come and talk to our class.
I went in and spoke to the medical class of about 200 students. I
showed a PowerPoint slide that had a photo of an acceptance envelope
from the University of Tennessee Medical School. How did it make
you feel when you received that? What were you feeling? What were
you thinking? I asked. For some of the students, the envelope meant
the realization of a dream come true, proof all their hard work and
energy had paid off. For others, it was the realization that they didnt
get into the school that they wanted.
Then I showed a slide that had a photo of their White Coat
Ceremony. At the University of Tennessee Medical School, the very
first thing they do upon beginning school is present new students with
the white coat theyll wear when they graduate and become a doctor.
Why did you want wear that white coat? I asked. I listened to
about five or six different answersprestige, money, parents wanted
me tobut none had anything to do with a compelling reason why.
Finally someone said, To help people.
I reminded them of what they felt when they first realized they
wanted to be doctors, what they were really fighting for. They needed
to look back and hang on to that emotion, that compelling reason.
When you have that compelling reason why, itll get you through
medical school, itll get you through the boards, itll get you through


c l a r i t Y

make-up tests, and itll help you through the process and prevent you
from burning out.
I speak professionally quite a lot, and I get a lot of emails from
audience members. Never have I received such a volume of heartfelt
emails as I got after I spoke to those medical students. Even their professors wrote to me. Here is an excerpt from what I received:
You know, were all on the verge of burnout and I cant
tell you how timely, appropriate, uplifting and motivating your
presentation was. Thank you for reminding us why we wanted
to become doctors. And will you come back and do it every
If your why isnt big enough, your what wont matter. Knowing why
will carry you through any short-term obstacles and give you the motivation to keep moving towards your dream. What are you fighting for?
If you cannot answer that question, take time right now to figure it out.
Why MUST you succeed at what you are trying to accomplish? Come
up with a paragraph for each goal or dream that you have. Remember,
reasons come before results.


ChaPTer 3
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the
things you didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw
o the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade
winds in your sails. ExploreDreamDiscover.
marK tWaiN

hen I conduct my workshops, I sometimes have the participants do an exercise in which they break up into small groups
of five or six. Then I give each group an unassembled jigsaw puzzle
with several hundred pieces, and I have them lay the pieces out in
front of them on a desk. I give them about five minutes to put as many
pieces of the puzzle together as possible. There are no rules; they can do
whatever they need to do to make it happenbut they can only work
with what they have right in front of them. At the end, I give a prize to
the group that assembles the most pieces of their jigsaw puzzle.
Everyone struggles when they do this. Why? Because they dont
have a clear picture of what the end results should look like. And that
is exactly the same as going through life without a clear picture of what
we want to accomplish; its like having thousands of pieces of a puzzle


c l a r i t Y

but no clear view of the result were hoping to assemble, and no clear
plan of how to put them together.
During some of these workshops, I give the groups the cover of
their puzzle box (showing the finished puzzle) to use as a reference.
When they have a clear picture of the goal theyre going for, and are
able to continually look at what the end result should be, they increase
their productivity three to five times. In other words, they can put the
puzzle together much quicker than if they tried to figure it out on their
own, without using the assembled puzzle as a visual reference.
There are some other ways in which the unassembled puzzle is a
metaphor for most peoples lives. Its been said that the average person
has up to 64,000 thoughts per day. Ive never counted mine, but I bet
this number isnt far off. Now, those thoughts are actually like pieces
of a puzzle. And if theyre just randomly floating in our brains, theyre
of limited use to us. It is very dicult for us to figure out which pieces
of the puzzle to take and fit together and how to complete the picture
that we want to pursue.
Again, if we dont have a clear picture of what we want to do
with all those thoughts that are floating around in our mind, our mind
becomes a jumble of mini-images, all of which are nonsensical because
they are incomplete. And the puzzle pieces constantly change.
If we dont intentionally try to use the thoughts we have in a
productive manner, to make progress toward a goal we value, the randomness of life will take over. We will spend our life reacting to events
and circumstances as they happen, rather than actively pursuing the
life of our dreams. We will have less impact on those who depend on
us and on those we come in contact with, becausein living a life
without intentionalitywe react to things as they happen rather than
proactively pursuing the things we want to attain in life.

l i v E W i t h i N t E N t i o N a l i t Y

I spent a good deal of my life in just this way, as Ive already

mentioned. Through my high school and college years, and well into
adulthood, I lacked a clear vision, and did not have a clear goal of how
the random puzzle pieces floating around in my headand in many
aspects of my lifecould ever come together to make some useful and
satisfying whole. I wasnt aware of the need to have goals, so I was left
to react to life as it happened rather than pursuing my passions and my

The Po Wer of TaKinG aCTion

As I look back on my life, and look back at the major mistakes and the
major failures I had, those mistakes came from a lack of clarity. They
came from not knowing what I wanted to do, and from reacting to
situations as they came up. They came from not having a picture of the
finished puzzle that I could use as a guide.
I was a strong C student in college, and I wasnt exactly the
sharpest tool in the shed. I was aimless, living for pleasure, and lacked
ambition for anything other than football. As an athlete, I excelled
when I applied myself. Sports was the only area of my life in which I
felt I had a strong degree of competence.
Without goals, I didnt know what direction to go in. I didnt
know what actions to take. So I spent many years taking no action at
all. I was like the sloop Narcissus, floating aimlessly in the ocean, being
carried wherever the wind and waves took me.
Ive mentioned the letter to my family that Archie Bowes, Jr., my
dads friend and business associate, wrote just after my father passed
away in 1968. It stated something that I found striking when I contemplated just how many years I spent feeling stuck. The passage Im

c l a r i t Y

thinking of reads, he was ahead of his years in anticipating the needs

of his community and taking action to meet those needs. My father
had vision. He had clear goals of what he wanted to do, and he took
action to meet those needs.
Having a clear, defined goal is essential. But ultimately, will you
take action to make that goal a reality? Of all the people who are smart
enough to have specific dreams and goals, only a small percentage
actually makes it happen. Why? Because most never take the necessary
Vision without action is a dream;
action without vision is a nightmare.
J a Pa N E s E P r o v E r b

It wasnt until I read that letter, 20 years after my father died, that
I really began to understand the importance of having a vision and a
plan of action.
Reading the letter in 1988, when I was 34 years old, made me
think about what people would say about me after I had passed away.
What would somebody write in a letter about me? If they wrote to my
children and tried to state what I stood for, what I accomplished, what
would they say? I thought a great deal about this.
Still todayand this might sound a little morbidI often have
these thoughts when I attend a funeral. (Dont you?) I think about who
would show up at my funeral if I passed away at this point in my life.
I think about who would get up and talk about me. What would they
say? What type of things would I have accomplished that other people
would find admirable? Or meaningless? What type of stories would
people share about me? What type of legacy would I be leaving behind?

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As Stephen Covey says in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Eective
People, begin with the end in mind.
When we think about the end of our lives, how do we want to be
remembered? How do we want people to talk about us, to think about
us, to feel about us? What type of impact and influence did we have on
those who depended on us and on the people that we came in contact
with every day? How many children and grandchildren did we have?
How did we make the world a little bit different or a little bit better?
Did we live with purpose or did we just drift through life, letting things
happen as they came to pass?
How did our lives make a difference?
Think about these questions now. What type of legacy will you
leave behind?
The answers to all of these questions will be determined by what
you do with your life, and you really have only two choices: You can
leave it up to chance and react to life as it happens to you, or you can
live with intentionality and take action to move towards the life of your
dreams and create a life of success that will bless you and bless those
around you.
Stick with me, and I will give you some tools to help you do that.

seTTinG Goals
A lot of people ask me, Does setting goals really work? They look at
me skeptically, becauselets face ittheyve heard a million times that
you need to set goals in order to move your life in a positive direction.
Theyve heard it so many times that it seems like an old yarn that is very
easy to say, but has lost any real meaning.

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When I speak to an audience, one of the first things I do is ask,

How many people here have goals?
Recently, I did this at the beginning of a talk in Chicago. I was
speaking to a group of about 300 people who worked in the sales force
of an actuarial company. When I asked how many people had goals, I
would say that perhaps 80 people raised their hand.
Then I asked, How many of you have clearly defined, measurable goals that youve written down?
It went down to 20 people. I counted. Twenty out of 300 people
had written goals.
Finally, I asked, How many people have clearly defined, measurable goals in more than just your business life?
There was just one hand left. It belonged to a young man.
I had never met this young man. I had not spoken to him before
my talk. Nothing about him was unusual...except that he was the only
person in the room of 300 with his hand still raised.
I said, I can tell you, based on my past experience, that I would
wager the fee that Im getting paid to speak today that youre one of the
top income earners and influencers in this company.
And as it turned out, this young man was the number two revenue
generator in the organization. How did I know this? Im not psychic.
Its pretty simple. Statistics show that people who have clearly defined,
written, measurable goals outperform most other people. Hands down.


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W a n T To ouTPerf orM 97 PerCenT of PeoPle?

WriTe Do Wn your Goals!
Let me give you some support and validation for that statement,
using a study done on the 1954 graduating class from Yale University.
Researchers asked these young men the same type of question I now
use in my talks: How many of you have clearly defined, written, measurable goals?
At the outset, researchers found that three percent of the men
in Yales class of 1954 had written goals and an action plan to achieve
those goals. Researchers tracked those students over the next 20 years.
What did they find? The three percent of the class that had clearlydefined, written, measurable goals out-earned the other 97 percent of
the class combined.
Another study done at the Harvard Business School tracked the
graduating class of 1979. It found that 84 percent of the class had no
goals at all (other than to enjoy themselves), and 13 percent had goals
and plans but they did not write them down. Like the Yale 1954 grads,
only three percent of Harvards class of 1979 had written goals and a
written plan of action to complete those goals.
Ten years after graduation the Harvard class of 79 was resurveyed: The results showed that the 13 percent who had goals in their
headthose who had not written their goals down but at least said
they had goalswere earning twice as much as the other 84 percent of
grads. The remaining three percent who had clearly defined, measurable goals and a written plan of action were earning ten times as much
as the other 97 percent combined.
The point is clear: Having clearly defined, written goals will make
you more successful. And having clearly defined, written goals with a
plan of action that you review daily can make you extremely successful.

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s h o ulD you seT Goals in your MarriaGe?

Absolutely. If you set clear, long-term goals in your relationship, it will help
you overcome the short-term obstacles that occur in every marriage. Marriages
are particularly prone to complacency because people see no need for goals,
as they often believe they can keep repeating the behaviors that worked well
at one time.
For many couples, marriage is the epitome of early success. As newlyweds,
and perhaps for several of the early years, partners are happy with each other.
But as the marriage goes on, they hit a hiccup; bad things happen, challenges
come up; opportunities that bring stress arise, and financial struggles occur.
One day, partners look at each other and simply say, Im out of here. This is
not what I signed up for. Setting long-term goals can help you avoid becoming
a part of that unhappy pack. My wife and I set new goals for our marriage every
year, and every 90 days set aside time to review how we are doing. We ask
ourselves three questions:
1) Whats working?
2) Whats not working?
3) What will we do differently in the next 90 days?

if iTs so Darn ea sy...

If having written goals (and action plans to achieve them) is so powerfully effective, why do so few people have them?
There are several specific reasons Ive identified, which Ill share
with you now:

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1. Theyre comfortable right where they are.

Its called the law of familiarity. People without goals are often comfortable with what theyre doing, and comfortable in their surroundings. They dont genuinely wish to significantly change the state and
condition of their lives.
Perhaps they eke out a somewhat satisfying living or existence
by simply doing what theyve always done, and they have no point of
reference to compare their current lives with what theyre potentially
capable of doingso they stay right where they are, doing exactly what
theyre doing. They dont set compelling goals because they dont want
to move from where they are to where they could be.
You know several of these people. Do you feel sorry for them? Or
do you envy them?
2. Theyre afraid of what other people might think.
I remember when I started telling the people around me that I was
going to start a company with my brother, selling a machine that made
juice from fruits and vegetables. They looked at me like I was from
another planet. Some smirked. It wasnt pleasant.
I remember when I walked into a bank and told them that my
brother and I wanted to start a company to sell juicers to people,
to help them live a more nutritional, healthy lifestyle. I assured the
bankers that people would put carrots and oranges and celery and
spinach and parsley into our machines, and out would come juice that
can make people healthier. Well, the loan ocers werent receptive. I
went to 10 banks and everyone I met looked at me like I was crazy.
Needless to say, they wouldnt lend me any money. They didnt believe
in what I was doing. Im very lucky that I didnt take it too personally
and give up.

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Many people are afraid to share whats deep inside their heart,
what their dream is, because they fear getting this negative reaction.
Perhaps they want to be a Broadway singer, or they want to ride their
bike across the United States, or they want to go to Hollywood and
become an actor...but they never mention it to others for fear that they
will be ridiculed. So it never becomes a real goal. And they never take
action to accomplish it.
3. They never learned how to set goals.
Even if you attended college, you probably never had formal instruction on how to set and achieve goals.
Recently, I spoke to two graduate classes at a local university in
Atlanta. The students there had an abundance of knowledge but they
had no idea how to set goals, or how to push themselves beyond their
comfort zone, and how to take the knowledge they had and apply it in
the real world.
Herbert Spencer wrote that the great aim of education is not
knowledge but action. I can read all the books I want about good
health and how to get in shape, but until I start working out and eating
properly, I am not going to get into good shape.
Whatever type of knowledge you possess has to receive a dose of
action to turn it into a practical application.
Ive attended numerous seminars on setting goals. Ive read a
multitude of books and Ive listened to just about every CD on setting
goals. But nothing changed in my life, and nothing will change in your
life, until you take the action and turn that knowledge into a plan and
execute it. And move from where you are to where you want to be.


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4. They dont realize the power and importance of goals.

I didnt grow up in a home where goal-setting and success were topics
of conversation. So I wasnt exposed to it. I didnt know how powerful
goals were. Then I took some courses.
I remember the very first workshop I took. It was a Dale Carnegie
course. During the opening session, the instructor made us all repeat
I know men in the ranks that are going to stay in the ranks. Why? Ill
tell you why: Simply because they havent the ability to get things done.
To be politically correct, today they might say, I know men and
women in the ranks that are going to stay in the ranks, but the point
is the same. This made a lasting impression on me. Those in the ranks
who will always stay in the ranks, and never rise above, dont have the
ability to take action. Let me rephrase that: I believe we all have the
ability, but we dont all choose to use it.
Most people in the ranks dont set goals. And thats a contagious
bit of inaction. You tend to take on the habits and the tendencies of
the people you surround yourself with. Are the people youre hanging
out with high achievers? Are they goal-oriented? If theyre not, then
chances are you wont be setting any goals, either.
5. Theyve had some early success.
I see this all the time with clients. Success breeds complacency. When
people have had success (especially early in their careers), and have
had the experience of generating significant recognition or significant
revenue, they can get caught in a cycle of working and living that


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doesnt evolve. They dont go forward because what theyre doing had
worked quite wellat some past point in their lives.
This happened to me, actually. So, I know first-hand that if you
rack up some notable early success in business, you tend to stop doing
the things that make up, what I call a bootstrapping mentality. You
stop doing those things that got you to that successful point, and you
start relying on money. You begin to throw money at people, to try to
get them to fix problems, rather than using the same creative resources
and power that you used when you started your business.
You move from a bootstrapping mentality to what I call the
fat, dumb and happy mentality, where you just rest on your past
experiences and past success. In this place, we no longer look for ways
to continue to push ourselves out of our comfort zone or continue to
look for ways to improve our business, health, and relationships.
6. They fear failure.
Lets not sugarcoat it: Failure can certainly be worthy of fear. I know;
Ive failed quite a lot. And again, Ive already mentioned that failures
can be very valuable lessons, as long as they dont kill you.
But people who dont set goals have usually never failed themselves, because theyve never taken any risks. They have a vicarious
fear of failure, from (an often limited or misinterpreted) exposure to
someone elses experience.
In other words, people will say, My Uncle Bob tried to start a
business back in 1986 and he failed. Why should I make the same
mistake? Theyre afraid to step outside that little box where life is very
predictable, where they feel they cant fail because they know what they
need to do each day to maintain a status quo. They cant truly succeed


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at anything, but avoiding the fear of failure outweighs that negative for
many people.
People get stuck in that box and are afraid to step out because
they dont know whats outside of that safe environment. They dont
know whats going to happen if they leave their box, and they wont
act unless they can be certain of the outcome. Their mind monsters
offer many good excuses why they must never get out of the box: What
would happen if you failed? Would people think of you as a failure? Could
you live with yourself if you failed?
Heres the truth: If you havent failed, then you really havent lived
up to your potential, because you havent attempted anything significant enough that pushes you outside of your comfort level.
Just do it.

I remember when I first saw Nikes famous Just do it ad in

1992, in Sports Illustrated. Heres how the ad copy went:
Too often we are scared, scared of what we might not be
able to do, scared of what people might think if we tried. We
let our fear stand in the way of our hopes. We say no when
we want to say yes; we sit quietly when we want to scream,
and we shout with the others when we should keep our mouths
shut. Why? After all, we only do go around once. Theres really
no time to be afraid. So stop. Try something youve never tried
before. Risk it. Enter a triathlon; write a letter to the editor;
demand a raise; call winners at the toughest court; throw away
your television; bicycle across the United States; try bobsledding; try anything.

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Speak out against the designated hitter; travel to a country

where you dont speak the language; patent something; call her;
call him. You have nothing to lose and everything, everything,
everything to gain. Just do it.
That was one of the most compelling advertisements I had ever
seen. It still is.
The concepts apply to you and to me. If we dont step out of our
comfort zone, if we dont get beyond our fears, we wont accomplish
anything close to what we could if we just took that first step.
So, lets talk seriously about failure. Almost every batter in baseballs Hall of Fame, from Babe Ruth to Hank Aaron, failed 70 percent
of the time. But they succeeded at least 30 percent of the time, and it
put them in the Hall of Fame. It made them famous. Whatever we do,
we all have to step up to the plate of life and accept that we must fail at
some point in order to learn how to succeed.
How much have I failed? Well, Ive been involved in 17 different
businesses and I have failed at most of them. But those failures became
the building blocks of the greatest success that I have ever had.
Remember, failing is part of the process of gaining wisdom.

l i f e is a series of non-faTal MisTaKes

If a mistake doesnt kill you, and you learn from it, its not a mistake at
all; its part of the process of gaining wisdom and learning what to do
next time around. And thats true in business and life.
The only thing that constitutes true failure is if you get knocked
down and dont get back up and try again. That is the only true failure
in life.

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Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is

the courage to continue that counts.
WiNstoN churchill

7. They fear success.

Yes, you read that right. Some people dont set goals because they think,
What happens if I succeed? Will I create a new standard that I cant
live up to long-term? Will people expect me to always succeed? Will
people resent me? Will it change my relationship with my partner?
Success brings responsibilitywhat if I cant ultimately live up to it?
Many people feel these fears are quite legitimate. But few people
answer them honestly when they contemplate them. Instead, sour
grapes come into play. People will say, Well, people who succeed in
my profession have a lot of money, and their lives just become a disaster
because money ruins them.
For the record, money is not the root of all evil; its the love of
money that you need to watch out for. But if your motives are sound,
you can generate income and use that to create a life for yourself and
your family that will not only benefit you, but also benefit others. Your
success will bless others. The more successful you become, the more
you can benefit the people in your world, and the more you can contribute to making the world a better place.
Many people know this intrinsically; they just insist on believing
the opposite because it allows them to think that they have a plausible
rationale for not even trying to achieve the success they could very
likely attain. Its choosing to lose. Its sour grapes, plain and simple.
Success corrupts, power corrupts, some will say, shaking their
heads. If you truly believe that, then why not be a solution to the

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problem? Set compelling goals and come up with compelling reasons

to achieve them, and then let your success make a difference to your
family, your community, and the world. Ill say it again; your success
truly will bless other people, if you make it so.
Nelson Mandela expressed it beautifully:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our
light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your
playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were
born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its
not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own
light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do
the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
automatically liberates others.

T h e To P 10 rea sons To esTablish WriTTen Goals

Now that you have a firm idea why people dont create goals, here
are the reasons why you should take the timetoday, or this week
to create written goals. Some weve already alluded to earlier in this
chapter, but they are worth repeating.
Heres what you gain by clearly dening your goals and writing
them down:
1. You keep your life in better balance, as you proactively and intentionally determine how you will use your time and energy.

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Ive worked with thousands of people and hundreds of couples

over the years, and when I ask, What is your greatest challenge? the
number one answer99 times out of 100is, How do I balance
work and family?
That is the great challenge that most people face. Most households are dual income earners now; the husband and the wife are both
working. People spend an inordinate amount of time at work. And
people think, Well if I could own my own business and be my own
boss then I would have more freedom and more time.
But the reality is when you own your own businessand Ive
been thereyou spend a lot of time thinking, I dont know if I own
the business or if the business owns me. When you own the business,
youre involved with it 24/7. Its easy to become obsessed. So your
business temporarily thrives, but your husband leaves you. When you
have clearly defined, written, measurable goals in all areas of your life,
it creates the balance and harmony to dictate where you spend your
time and energy. Sundays are work-free, and only to be spent with
my wife and my children, is a pretty clear goal. And youll know when
youre violating it.
Again, remember the statistics: People who have clearly defined,
measurable, written goals in all areas of their life outperform the masses
combined. So come up with those clearly defined goals in every area
of your life.
2. Your goals serve as a GPS to guide you through life with intentionality, instead of just letting life happen to you. Remember my adventure
on the sloop Narcissus in the introduction of this book? Thats what no
written goals looks like. Instead of just drifting, having written goals
will give you a long-term perspective, which will help you to overcome
short-term obstacles.

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Most of the mistakes Ive made in my life were made in the heat
of the moment. I had a short-term perspective, was just looking at the
circumstances. When I fall back into that kind of knee-jerk behavior,
my wife Indy has a great saying to help me regain perspective. She says,
The storys not finished yet.
By taking the time to write down your goals, you automatically
move into a long-term perspective. You remember what it is youre
trying to accomplish, and you remember who it is youre trying to
become. Then, when short-term obstacles pop up, you can respond
according to your spelled-out life goals, rather than reacting in the
moment on your emotions, or reacting by asking, Well, what would
everybody else do? A much better question to ask in those moments
is: Given the person I want to become and what I want to accomplish,
what is the wise thing to do in this situation? And respond to that
question, rather than reacting to the situation.
3. Your goals tell your brain what to focus on and what to think about.
Remember all those puzzle pieces? When you have written goals, you
have clarity on what the final picture should look like. And that helps
put those 64,000 daily thoughts into some useful order.
Men may have a greater challenge in this category. Of those
64,000 thoughts that we have, up to 60,000 of them are about one
thing (do I really need to tell you what it is?). So we have to work a
little harder to really make sure that were focused on what we want to
accomplish, and to write those goals down, so we tell our brain what to
focus on and what to think about. Left to its own agenda, it certainly
knows how to amuse itself.
4. You build self-condence as you take action and begin accomplishing goals. The following is a personal example. When I wrote down


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my goal for running a road race, I stated it like this: It is July 4, 1986
and I just ran the Peachtree Roadrace (10K) in less than 40 minutes.
A 10K is a 6.2-mile race. Running it in under 40 minutes is a
challenging goal for someone whos not a dedicated, everyday runner.
To achieve this goal, I found a running expert and asked him, What
do I need to do in order to run a sub-40 10K? I have four months to
This expert was an All-American track runner in college, and he
developed an action plan for me that had many smaller, specific goals.
And I wrote each of those specific goals down. Accomplishing each
small goal gave me the confidence to tackle the next one, and they grew
progressively more dicult.
Running 6.2 miles in under 40 minutes breaks down to math.
You need to maintain a pace thats well under a seven minute mile. At
first, I needed to build endurance and speed. I needed to be able to
run a quarter mile in less than 1.5 minutes, and then run a half-mile
in under three minutes, and then run a mile in under six minutes. As
I followed the action plan, my runs became longer, stretching from
two miles to four, then to six and eight. By the end of my four-month
training regimen, I was on course to achieve my goal and running a sub
40-minute 10K race.
I finished the 10K in 38 minutes and 47 seconds. I didnt have a
clue how I was going to do it when I started; I could barely run a halfmile. But I accomplished this personally meaningful goal by following
a plan that you can use for any goal:
1. I decided what I wanted to do and produced a clear, defined
2. I enlisted an experts help to develop a plan of action.

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3. I created specific mini goals, which I wrote down.

4. I tackled each small goal, building up confidence and
increasing my ability slowly.
5. I celebrated when I reached my goal. Celebrating is
5. You know with assurance when to say yes and when to say no.
When you dont have clearly defined, written goals, every opportunity
can seem worth taking, or not worth taking. How can you tell? What
is the gauge you use to determine whether you want to move toward
something or away from something?
For example, my daughter Stefany had a clear, defined goal
regarding the job that she wanted. She specifically wanted to work for
a small boutique public relations firm that specialized in promoting
products. She worked in PR in New York, and was leaving the job
because it didnt fit her goal. She didnt have another job, and there was
an economic crisis going on. Many people were looking for work, and
many employers were laying people off.
As parents, Indy and I were a little nervous about her plans.
During the four months she spent searching for a job, Stefany
continued to have a clear vision of the position that she wanted. She
received three job offers during those four months, and turned them all
down. They werent specifically what she was looking for.
I started becoming more nervous. Im the one who tells everyone
to bypass the good to get to the great, but I said, Stefany, people are being
laid off; many companies arent hiring, and youve had three opportunities to go to work and you havent accepted them. Why?
She said, Dad, its not what I want to do. I know the opportunity I want is out there, and I know Im going to find it. I have to give

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up these good opportunities to find the best opportunity for me. I am

just following your advice.
Three weeks later, she found the position that was exactly what
she had envisioned. It was a perfect example of living with intentionality and sticking to clearly defined, written goals. If you do this, youll
know when to say yes, and you wont be afraid that youre settling
whether its in your career, relationship, or any aspect of your life.
6. You have a powerful source of intrinsic motivation. You wont
need to rely on something or someone else to get yourself fired up and
inspired. I spent most of my time in that camp, needing somebody to
tell me what to do, or needing a coach to get me excited.
But the people who are most excited in life, and have the greatest
influence and impact in life, are intrinsically motivated. They are
motivated internally to do the things that they wish to do. And typically
its because they create written, compelling goals that inspire them
to move in a set direction, to move outside their comfort zone, even
though they might not know how to do it at first.
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

John Wooden was someone I admired greatly. He was the only

basketball coach inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame who was
also inducted as a player. His teams recorded seven straight NCAA
championships, from 1967 to 1973. Between 1971 and 1974, UCLA
won 88 consecutive games, a college basketball record. John Wooden


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not only cared about winning, but he cared even more about how he
A surprising fact? For the first 16 years he was at UCLA, he didnt
win championships. He even had a losing record for some of that time.
But he had compelling goals, and he always had his players establish
compelling goals. For 16 years he persevered with a plan, grooming
people to buy into his plan. He had a dream; he had a vision.
He set college basketball records that many believe will never be
surpassed. Heres whats really ironic: If John Wooden were coaching
today at a Division One school with a losing record, they would likely
fire him after the first two or three years. Allow him to remain the
coach without winning any tournaments or events for 16 years? That
would be unthinkable today.
7. You have a means of correcting your course to arrive at your destination. Remember the Narcissus, heading for the Bahamas? When we
were adrift at sea, we had to readjust our course. And we changed our
goal from going to the Bahamas to just getting back to land. Similarly,
if Stefany had been searching for work for 15 months without finding
her dream job, instead of five, she might have had to change her course.
This isnt settling for second best, or reacting to circumstances of the
moment; its adjusting your course in a very purposeful way when its
necessary to do so.
Businesses have to do this all the time, though some will stubbornly stick to obsolete goals far too long, even when its obvious they
should change course.
To get to the heart of this, I always ask clients to answer three
questions honestly:
1. Whats working? Whats working in your business? Whats
working in your life? Whats working in your marriage?

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2. Whats not working? Whats not working in those same areas?

As you take inventory of whats working and whats not
working, it allows you to do the most important thing: Sit
down and make a course correction.
3. What are you going to do dierently in the next 90 days to help
correct whats not working? Write down those goals!
8. You attract the resources and people you need to achieve your goals.
Its called the law of attraction: The more clarity you have, and the
more you can write down and visualize what it is you want to happen,
the better able you are to attract the things that you want to attract in
your life.
When we started Trillium Health Products, we knew what we
wanted to do and we knew why we wanted to do it. The goal was to
build a $50 million company in five years. As for the why, once again,
I didnt want anybody to ever feel like I did when I lost my dad. I
wanted to educate people about good health and proper nutrition so
they could take care of themselves and live a healthy lifestyle, in part
for the sake of their families and children.
As for how we were going to do it? We had no clue. But, with a lot
of hard work, the how part naturally worked itself out.

i f yo u alreaDy Kno W ho W To aCCoMPlish a

G oal, is iT really W orTh PursuinG?
To sum it up, when you know what you want to do, and you have
a compelling reason why you want to do it, the how part will naturally
work itself out. You will attract resources and people you need to make
it happen.


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My advice? Always go big. Little goals and little visions will

attract little thinkers and little resources. Big goals and big visions
will attract big thinking people and big resources.
My oldest daughter, Courtney, demonstrated this principle
when she graduated from high school. Courtney, a brilliant student,
applied to six high-caliber schools. Her backup school was Vanderbilt
University in Nashville, Tennessee. She was told that getting into the
other schools would be a challenge because they are very competitive with their acceptances. The only school that accepted her was
Vanderbilt, so she consulted with us and her high school counselor
on what she should do.
The counselor told her to go to Vanderbilt, get straight As and
to transfer to an Ivy League school (if she still desired to do so) in
her sophomore year. This still wouldnt be easy, as Ivy League schools
only take about 10 percent of their total enrollment as transfer
students. So what did Courtney do? She pursued her dream goal
and got straight As her freshman year (I told you she was brilliant),
and then applied to two Ivy League schools and Georgetown University. She was accepted by all of the schools, and chose to enroll at
Columbia University for the next three years of her college experience. She was able to study abroad and even graduated a semester
Dont settle, go for your dream, and If at first you dont succeed,
adjust your plans and try, try again.
Remember, goals change everything. They tell your brain what
to focus on and what to think about. When you move from a goal that
you know how to accomplish to one you dont know how to accomplish it makes your brain think in a manner it normally wouldnt.
And its the same for you: If you set little goals that you know how to

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accomplish and you never fail, you wont ever learn what youre really
capable of.
9. Your goal-building helps you create the future in advance. I have
six pictures that represent a goal for every area of my life. Im looking
at them now. Its the picture of what I want to do, and of what I want
to be in the future.
Actually, the writing of this
book is a result of putting it on
my visual goal map, as a daily
reminder of what Im trying to
Heres the way it works:
The pictures you create in your
head turn into the reality you
hold in your hand. Anything
that was ever accomplished in
this worldthe greatest athletic
feats, the greatest scientific
feats, the greatest romances,
the greatest achievementsall
started as an idea or a vision or
a dream in somebodys mind.
And they didnt happen until
they were written down and
somebody took action to make
them happen.

This is me with Scott Rigsby, The Ironman

(whose story is told on pg. 55-57) after a 46
mile bike ride to raise money for The Scott
Rigsby Foundation. I look at this daily as
a visual reminder for my fitness goal and
also for inspiration.

Imperfect action is always better than perfect inaction.

harrY trumaN

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10. You stay on the oensive. Playing life to win is playing offense, not
defense. Playing defense is playing not to lose. I meet so many people
who play life not to lose. They play defense; they protect themselves,
they live in a sheltered world where they dont step out to see what
theyre really capable of doing.
Ive found that many business people in our volatile economy are
stuck in their businesses because theyre playing defense, and trying to
protect themselves from not losing, rather than playing offense and
being creative and taking action to make their product or service more
relevant in the current environment.
The people who are creative and make their product or service
more relevant in this marketplace are the ones who are thriving.
Remember, almost 70 percent of the current Fortune 500 companies
were started in a down economy.
When you play oense, you take control. In sports, a good
offense really is your best defense. In the last 15 years, teams with
offenses ranked in the top five have won more Super Bowls than teams
with top-five defenses. Offense is where its at. Its making something
happen, being creative, moving forward andabove alltaking
When you stand up and take action, good things begin to happen.

ho W To WriTe effeCTiVe Goals

So, how do you actually write an effective, clearly defined goal? The
SMART acronym is a simple and useful way to break it down.


l i v E W i t h i N t E N t i o N a l i t Y

pecic: Highly effective goals should be written and specific.

If a goal is not written down, and you merely keep it in mind,
it does not have the same power as a written goal. WRITE IT
DOWN, MAKE IT HAPPEN. When you write it down make
sure it is specific and well defined. Instead of saying: I want to
lose weight, say, I weigh 180 pounds and my body fat is less than
20 percent. Instead of saying, I want to make more money, say,
I make $150,000 a year. Your written goal should stretch you
beyond your comfort zone.

easurable: Highly effective goals are measurable. If you cant

measure your goal, how will you know when you achieve it? Let me
give you an example. If your goal is stated as, I will improve my
relationship with my wife, how will you know if you accomplish
it? Instead, if you say, I improved my relationship with my wife
by reading three relationship books this month, then you will, at
the very least, have something to measure. Your goals should also
be meaningful to you and motivate you to move toward them.
Remember, you must have a compelling reason why you want to
achieve a goal. The best way to keep a commitment, to reach a goal,
is to understand why you are striving for it.

ction-oriented: Highly effective goals are stated positively and

in the present tense, as if you have already accomplished the goal.
This moves you towards action. You should have an action step for
each of your goals; you need to compile the details, make a plan,
and write down all of the required activities. Prioritize and timeorganize them, and rewrite them as often as necessary to make your
plan effective. Revise your list of goals, improve it, plan itbut
most importantly, put it on paper.

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ealistic: Highly effective goals need to be realistic and relevant

to you. They need to be achievable. Make an assessment of available
resources, knowledge and time. Taking an action-oriented mindset
will attract people and resources that arent initially visibleyou
can and should factor this in. Just make sure you arent confusing
achievements with miracles. For example, I could state a goal of
wanting to become a professional football player, but I dont think
the NFL is looking for a 56 year-old tight end right now. This is
just not in the scope of my resources.

ime-based: Highly-effective goals are time-bound. Deadlines

put positive pressure on you to take action; otherwise its just
human nature to keep putting things off. Strangely enough, we
tend to procrastinate on goals that are the most valuable to our
long-term success.
To put it all together, here is an example of a written goal that hits
all of the above points:
I weigh 180 pounds and my body fat is less than 20 percent by
December 31, 2012.
Now I have a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented,
Realistic and Time-based. That seems SMART to me!

Ta KinG aCTion, TaKinG res PonsibiliT y

One of my favorite anecdotes about taking action concerns a good
friend and client, Bill Bartmann. You may have seen his name on Inc.
magazines list of the 25th Wealthiest Men that Nobody Ever Knew
About. Bill started a business back in the 1980s with a $13,000 loan.

l i v E W i t h i N t E N t i o N a l i t Y

He sat down with his wife and wrote his idea down on a napkin. Seven
years later he had a $3 billion dollar company.
In 2008, Bill and I were working together at a Get Motivated
event in Roanoke, Virginia, before an audience of about 10,000 people.
We were scheduled to zip off to the airport to catch our departing
flight, right after the presentation.
Naturally, as we got out to the parking lot, everybody was leaving
at the same time. There was complete gridlock. No one was moving.
We knew if we sat there much longer, we were going to miss our flight.
Suddenly, Bill jumped out of the car and disappeared into the
crowd of people and autos. About five minutes later, cars started
moving. As we got closer to the exit of the parking lot, we could see
Bill standing in the middle of the bottleneck point, directing trac!
He was the picture of calm authority, pointing, waving and signaling to
each driver. In 10 minutes, we were out of the parking lot and speeding
to the airport. We made that flight with time to spare.
I guess thats why hes a billionaire, I remember thinking. He
didnt let circumstances dictate his fate. He got up and took action.
He took responsibility. You cant do one without the other. When he
took action, he took responsibility for changing the circumstances that
10,000 people found themselves in. And when he took that responsibility, he had to make something positive happen.
Many people are stuck in their own gridlock; letting circumstances
(or their perceptions of their circumstances) dictate what happens to
them. They sit there and wait for something to change instead of taking
Nothing happens until you take action.


c l a r i t Y

aCT on WhaT you alreaDy Kno W

Heres a rule of the action-based life that took me a long time to learn:
Stop asking or praying for wisdom and take action based on what you
already know. For example, most of us already know that smoking cigarettes will increase our chances of getting cancer and heart disease. For
my part, I already know that if I dont invest time and effort and energy
with my wife and children, those relationships will falter. I already
know that if I sit down and eat a pint of ice cream before I go to bed
every night, it is not going to be good for my health. I know that if I
dont get out and network with the right people every day, my business
is not going to have an opportunity to grow.

P r ay e r h elPs, buT aCTions alW ays CreaTe resulTs

I remember when I first learned how to pray. It was really uncomfortable.
My prayers usually sounded something like this: Dear God, gimme, gimme,
gimme, help me, help me, help me. The focus was totally on me.
And as I grew in my faith, I started to pray more for others. I might say,
God, please help the Smith family, the Jones family. Please help the people
in Haiti who went through the earthquake. The focus went onto other people.
As I continued to grow, it went into the third phase. Instead of just praying,
I took action.
When you hear about somebody that is in need, instead of just praying for
them, take action. In my opinion, God always works through other people.
The earthquake victims in Haiti didnt receive help until others took action.
Its the same way in your local community or in your own small circle of
influence. Prayer works, but actions always create results. So pray as if
everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on you.


l i v E W i t h i N t E N t i o N a l i t Y

Goals + Action = Change. The actions we take today will start to

change the outcome of what happens tomorrow. And the more you can
crystallize your goals into a form that makes them real and tangible,
the more compelling they will be. And the better able you will be to
achieve them.
What action do you need to take right now that will move you
one step closer to one of your goals? Dont wait. Do it now.
Youll find more exercises and tools to help you set effective goals
at my website,


ChaPTer 4:
Dont ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what
makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because
what the world needs is people who have come alive.
harolD WhitmaN

Follow your passion, and success will follow you.

arthur buDDholD

ou have no greater responsibility than to determine what you are

meant to accomplish on this earth. Why do you exist?

As human beings we need a sense of purpose in our lives as much

as we need food, water and oxygen. This sense of purpose provides
meaning and significance to our lives. It makes us feel useful, and is a
constant reminder that my life matters. With a deep sense of purpose
or mission, you live from the inside out. You become the force that
triggers your actions. Your outer life honestly and accurately reflects
your inner lifeyour values, priorities and principles. You begin living
authentically, behaving more freely and intuitively. When you tap into

F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

your personal mission, you become more creative, energetic and passionate. Like a child at play, you become totally absorbed in the pursuit
of your goals because your goals are in sync with what youre all about.
According to the depth of which you draw your life,
such is the depth of your accomplishment.
ralPh WalDo EmErsoN

Without a deep sense of purpose, life is empty and devoid of true

significance or long-term meaning. This type of existence is characterized by cynicism, pessimism, apathy and, ultimately, a life of mediocrity where you go through the motions in perpetual survival mode.
The 1981 movie Chariots of Fire offers some vivid illustrations of
a life lived with purpose. Two scenes in particular stand out to me. In
the first, Harold Abram is on a training table, getting ready to run the
race of his life: The 100-yard dash in the Olympics. He says, I am 24
years old, I am constantly in pursuit, and I dont even know what it is
that I am chasing.
Without purpose our lives seem unfulfilled, uncontrollable and
tiresome. Contrast that scene with another, in which Eric Liddell says
to his sister, Jenny, I believe God made me for a purpose, the mission
fields of China. But he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His
When do you feel Gods pleasure?
There are four benefits to knowing your lifes purpose: It will
give you focus, it will simplify your life because you stay focused on
the things that matter and delete everything else, it will increase your


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motivation in life because youll have a clear direction, and it will give
meaning to your life.
If you recall the letter my fathers friend wrote to my family after
my dad had passed away, it stated, Your dad was ahead of his time in
anticipating the needs of others and taking action to meet those needs.
He was a counselor and a friend to those who were lost or stumbled.
He had personal magic, and gave a lift and brought a smile to those he
met each day. In the eyes of God and the eyes of man, your dad lived
a successful life.
To me, that illustrates a life lived with purpose and clarity. Even
though I didnt know this about my dad, other people saw him as
having an evident sense of purpose. We all share a common purpose
of learning and growing, but within that larger purpose we must find
our genius.
Your genius is your unique path to learning, growing and contributing to the world. No matter how far you stray from your genius
it is always waiting for you, because no one but you can fulfill it. Every
life experience, no matter how random it may seem, can be utilized to
your advantage. It can fuel your genius. As I like to say, everything you
have experienced in life has prepared you for what youre about to do.
When you arrive at your genius, you will know it.
A sense of destiny will come over you as you come to understand
the difference in the world that only you are equipped to make. The
more you experience your genius, the more you will be drawn into it.
Tinges of dissatisfaction will fade. You will enjoy invigorating surges of
self-worth as you let go of the need to compare yourself with others.
You will be healthier, more prosperous and full of joy.
We spend a lot of our lives wishing we could act like him, or
look like her, or be as successful as him. When you unlock your

F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

genius, however, your sense of purpose and passion sweeps away

your desire for what somebody else has. We each have many different
potential paths in life, but we have only one genius.
They say perfect is the enemy of the good, meaning we should
go ahead with a small, useful action instead of waiting for some absolutely ideal solution. Theres logic in that, but I feel we must often
bypass things that are merely good in order to reach what is truly great.
Developing your genius is all about this: God had one purpose when
He made you. You came into this life with a unique vision or dream.
For some this dream will shake the entire world and for others it will
soothe just one tiny home. In either case the world is left a better place.
Sooner or later, we are all confronted with the internal question
of whether we are heeding our call and following our ultimate vision.
Dont measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but
by what you should have accomplished with your ability.

We each have a unique gift and purpose. Our job is to find it

and use it to the best of our ability. Throughout your life you will
constantly change and become slightly or extensively different from the
previous version of yourself. With each change you will move closer or
slip farther from your genius. Most people consider change to be an
external event that occurs randomly and haphazardly. We react to life
as if it happens like a leaf in a windstorm. This causes us to be thrown
off course by our circumstances. As James Allen wrote in As a Man
Thinketh, Circumstance does not make a man, it reveals him. This is
one of the most important laws of human nature. Our circumstances


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are just a reflection of what is going on inside our world of thoughts,

emotions and beliefs.

P r i VaT e ThouGhTs DonT sTay PriVaTe f or lonG

What you think about most frequently will ultimately be revealed for
everyone to see. In other words, your private thoughts dont stay private
for long. Human beings are really human becomings. As we begin
to change, our world changes with us. As we become better our lives
become better, and the prerequisite for changing circumstances is that
you must first change yourself. To have it any other way is pretending
to be the tail and trying to wag the dog.
We have two choices when life doesnt go our way: We can get
bitter or we can get better. Regarding our past, we can become bitter
and drag that bitterness through the rest of life, or we can embrace it
and deal with it, and use it as the means to positively impact others.
Staying on purpose requires you to change and grow into the person
you were meant to be. To do that you must get in touch with your core
desires. It is these high-intensity desires, often referred to as the DNA
of success, that reveal the role you are meant to fulfill. Accept the fact
that you have been custom-made to serve an exclusive function in this
world, even if that role and plan to fulfill it are not yet clear to you.
This is your genius, and its up to you to nd it.
You might ask, If this is so compelling, why isnt everyone doing
it? After working with thousands of people over the years at the 1%
Club and undertaking an enormous amount of research, my former
partner Tommy Newberry came up with some strong conclusions:
1. We are all born with unique gifts and have a specific purpose
to fulfill.

F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

2. This purpose for your life will align with your unique gifts,
talents and a combination of other factors.
3. The activities and pursuits that you find most enjoyable
and attractive are the best indicators of strong talent and
4. When you engage in activities that demand your special talent,
your brain releases chemicals that trigger within you a sense of
satisfaction and significance as an incentive for you to keep it
up. Its a positive reinforcement mechanism that is part of our
perfect design. These talents get converted into strengths and
eventually genius if we sustain the course long enough.
5. Your unique combination of talents, life experiences and
personality merge together and spark a vision or dream
within you. The more you engage in your strengths, the
more crystallized your ultimate vision becomes.
6. With this dream imprinted on your mind, you become very
intrinsically motivated, requiring less and less prodding from
the outside. You become inner-directed, and self discipline
becomes effortless.
7. This whole process is contrarian and countercultural. Instead
of competing to max out their potential, most people
compete to keep up with each other. They are in the wrong
race. Philosophically they tend to desire comfort more than
character. Strategically, they often find themselves in the
wrong career. Tactically, theyve resigned themselves to simply
enjoying their evenings, weekends and vacations. Thats the
very definition of the rat race. My friend Pat Morley says in
his book The Man in the Mirror, When youre in rat race,
even if you win, youre still a rat. Think about that. When

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youre in the rat race, even if you win, youre still a rat. This
leads us to
8. The dream in your heart wont come to fruition by accident.
Naturally, there is a price for all of this, one that requires you
to surrender the concept of safety and comfort in exchange for the
higher and more significant reward of living the life you were intended
to live, and leaving your unique mark on the world. You must grant
yourself a promotion and escape from your personal comfort zone if
you want to become a difference-maker. We all have the tendency to
get complacent and comfortable. Its like having a box around you, and
as you step beyond the borders of that box, you start to get an uneasy
feeling because you dont know what lies beyond that border. As Ive
mentioned previously, youre afraid of what people might think if you
try something and fail. Youre afraid of failure itself. Youre afraid of
succeeding. Youre afraid of the unknown, so you never wander beyond
the borders of that self-contained box. I have spent most of my life
trying to get myself out of that box, and, having learned how, it is now
my purpose and passion to help other people and organizations get
themselves out of that box.

ab anDon all ThouGhT of reTreaT

All along the path you will face resistanceinstitutional resistance,
cultural resistance, relationship resistance, financial resistance, mental
resistance. Often we are our own worst enemy because of the mind
monsters that inhabit our brain. This is simply part of the dream
game. You must press on against the forces of conformity. You must
take action that is committed to your ultimate vision, and you must


F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

do this before you have the money, before you have the confidence and
even before you have the blessing of those closest to you.
The rst step is unconditional resolve. You must draw a line in
the sand. Then the plan will come, the resources will emerge, and
with all thought of retreat cast asideyou become an unstoppable
force. It reminds me of the historical account of De Sotos landing on
the shore of what is now Florida.
When the Spanish conqueror Hernando De Soto reached the
New World five centuries ago, he ordered his troops inland. They
marched along as ordered until they came to a rise. Looking back, they
saw the smoke and flames of burning shipsthe ships theyd arrived
on. Now they knew they had no alternative. They could not go back.
The only decision they could make was to move forward, do battle, and
defeat the enemy and win the cause.
What ships do you need to burn so that you dont have an excuse
to go backwards?

The inTerseCTion of Genius

Your area of genius is the intersection where what you enjoy doing
most intersects with what you do best. This is the specific area where
youre capable of making the greatest difference or contribution in the
world. Excellence is achievable once you find your genius. You find
your genius by first asking yourself what youd do all day long if money
were not a factor. Only when you really love what you do will you
have what it takes on the inside to generate tremendous results on the
A genius is someone who believes and takes action on the ideas
and dreams inside them. We all have dreams and ideas. The only dif101

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ference between dreams that come to life and dreams that dont are the
actions or inactions of the dreamer. I cant tell you how many people
approach me with ideas but are afraid to take the first step. I always ask
them this question: Are you willing to mortgage your house and everything you have and invest it in this idea?
Most often the response is, No, thats why I came to you.
My response is always, If youre not willing to invest in it, why
should I be willing to invest in it?
The point is, most people arent really committed to their ideas.
Rather, theyre committed to the idea of the idea, but are unwilling to
follow through and sacrifice and take the steps to make it happen. Successful people follow their dreams by getting them out of their head
and down on paper so they can take action on a daily basis. They dont
always succeed, but they learn, they grow and have information for next
time. What do you secretly want to do with your life? Can you exercise
the courage to honestly identify where you have been uniquely blessed,
where you have special talents and abilities? If you dont know, pray about
it, ask your spouse or ask your friends. But whatever you do, seek it out.
I believe every person has the ability to become outstanding at
in at least one pursuit if they are strategically selective and they throw
their whole heart into it. Excellence and the abundant opportunities that
come with it can only be achieved if you do what you love and love what
you do, focusing on your unique strengths to the exclusion of all else.
If youre not passionate and excited about what you do, how can
you expect anyone else to be?
The concept of genius is closely aligned with two major principles of
peak personal performance: The Strength Principle, which states that by
focusing on your strengths you ultimately render your weaknesses irrelevant, and the 80/20 Principle, which states that 80 percent of your results

F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

come from only 20 percent of your input. Over the course of my career,
I have seen it time and time again. In business, 20 percent of your clients,
20 percent of your customers, 20 percent of your actions, will produce 80
percent of your results. In relationships, its the same way: 20 percent of
your input creates 80 percent of what comes out the other side.
What exactly is your genius? Your genius is a set of related activities that, collectively, produce superior results in the marketplace,
whether youre an athlete, a pastor, a business leader, an entrepreneur,
in law enforcement or a teacher. Everyone has a marketplace, a group
of people they are charged with serving in one way or another. When
you operate in your genius, you produce outstanding results. Best of all,
these outcomes are generated with an investment of time and effort that
is disproportionately smallas long as its properly calculated.
Your genius is where you are most fully leveraged. This is where you
can work less and earn more. This is where you can do less but become
much more. This is where you can significantly increase the dollar value
of each hour of your time. This is where youre capable of making the
greatest difference or contribution in the world and create the most
influence on others.
Courage is rightly the foremost of virtues for upon it all others depend.
WiNstoN churchill

Almost everyone has experienced brief glimpses of genius, yet only

a small percentage have capitalized on their potential and transformed
it into their daily operating system. When most people look back on
their lives, they dont regret the things they did as much as the things
they didnt do. How many times have you wanted to do something that
you knew would make you and the people around you better off, but
you hesitated out of fear? It takes courage to push beyond our fears.

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ho W To iDenTify your Genius

How can you best acknowledge and understand what you were uniquely
wired to do? These six clues will help you identify your genius.
1. Be passionate: Your area of genius is characterized by enthusiasm,
intent, interest and pure fun. This passion will be dicult to turn off even
when youre away from work. Youll have boundless energy. Working in
your area of genius will energize you physically, mentally and emotionally, and when you do experience fatigue it is accompanied by a powerful
sense of satisfaction. On the flipside, non-genius activity drains your
Norman Vincent Peale shared the story about a trapeze instructor
who was teaching a group of people. After getting some basic instruction
on the ground, they had to climb way up the pole and stand on a little
platform waiting to launch out and jump for the trapeze. One particular
young man froze like a deer in headlights. The instructor shouted out to
the young man, Throw your heart over the bar and the rest of your body
will follow. Your heart is your emotional center, the control panel for
the rest of your body. Whatever that bar is in your life, being passionate
about it is part of the process of understanding your genius.
When we started Trillium Health Products, I commuted between
Atlanta and Seattle. On plane rides I would ask people about what they
were eating, and theyd ask me what I did for a living. My response was,
Well, I have a company and our mission is to educate people about
good health and nutrition and provide them with products to live a
healthy and nutritional lifestyle. Inevitably, theyd start pushing their
airline food away because I was so passionate about talking to people
about what I did. Whether flying to or from Seattle, the person sitting
next to me would usually wind up purchasing a juicer after witnessing
my passion.

F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

How often do you talk about what you do for a living? When youre
out socially, when youre around other people, when youre having lunch,
when youre at the ballpark? Im not talking about being overbearing and
always trying to sell somebody, but the first time you meet people, the
first question they ask is: What do you do for a living? Do you respond
with passionate enthusiasm or do you just say, Im a clerk.
Lyndon Johnson was on a tour of NASAs Mission Control in
Houston when he came across a particularly energetic and enthusiastic
janitor. Johnson said, Young man, I just cant get over it. I never met
a janitor who was as energetic and as passionate as you are. The young
man replied, Mr. President, Im not just a janitor. Im part of a team of
people that put a man on the moon!
How do you think about what you do? Are you just a janitor? Or
are you part of a team of people that put a man on the moon? The way
you think about what you do makes all the difference about the passion
and energy you exude to other people and if you arent passionate about
what you do, how can you expect anyone else to be?
2. Never stop learning: In your area of genius, youll notice that learning
new information takes little time and comes quite easily. New concepts
are easily visualized and quickly integrated into your existing knowledge
base. Just as important, the learning process is fun. Never-ending
improvement comes naturally. Your area of genius is characterized by a
vivid, clear and almost perfect memory. Facts, figures, dates, names, conversations and key points related to your genius activities are effortlessly
recalled when needed.
Im a voracious reader on the subject of health and fitness. I love to
read articles and books that talk about the latest breakthroughs. I make
it a point to stay up on it, not just so I can share it with everybody
else, but so I know for myself and I can take advantage of cutting-edge

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information. You have to be a continuous learner in order to become

a continuous earner. The more you learn and the more you can apply
your new information to helping other people, the more youre going to
be compensated.
3. Maintain unstoppable momentum: When youre operating in your
genius, youll be totally immersed in what youre doing and lose yourself
in the moment. Youll lose track of time. World-class athletes sometimes
refer to this as being in the zone. Researchers have also called this phenomenon flow. Its when youre totally absorbed in the present moment
and able to shut out everything else.
When do you feel in the zone? For me, its when Im in front
of groups of people (or for that matter just one person) sharing what
Ive learned to help get them unstuck. I get so passionate that it creates
unstoppable momentum toward success.
4. Follow your gut: In your genius, youll naturally tap into your intuition
and be inclined to go for it. Let me add: Youll be right most of the time.
You will experience a strong, instinctual knowledge that helps you make
quick, positive decisions that move you towards your goal. I remember
one specific decision I made when we were involved in a lawsuit with
another company over a trademark violation. We had already spent
hundreds of thousands of dollars on this lawsuit, and almost 50 percent
of my time was focused on this issue, rather than being creative and
helping my business grow. I was sitting with our attorneys one day and I
asked, Well, what does the next four or five months look like?
Were going to have to spend several hundred thousand more
dollars and there are going to be 40 to 50 depositions, said one.
And what is the outcome going to be? Were going to win this
case? I asked.


F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

Even though we were correct legally, morally and ethically, the

lawyers said we had only a 70 percent chance of winning the case. In
other words, we were totally in the right and there was a 30 percent
chance that we were going to lose. My instincts said, This is not right.
Ive got to stop spending the money and wasting my time. I announced
to the room that I was going to phone the CEO of the other company.
You cant do that! they all said at once.
I disregarded their advice and went with my instincts. I called the
CEO on the other side and said, Im spending hundreds of thousands of
dollars, and expending a massive amount of time and effort and energy,
and you must be doing the same. If youll agree to a cease-and-desist
order, I will drop the lawsuit. In five minutes, we had a deal. Because
I was working in my genius, my instincts were correct and I regained a
vast amount of time and money to use for better purposes. Your instincts
will work for you when youre working in your zone and in your genius.
5. Say goodbye to burnout: By operating in your genius, you will insulate
yourself from burning out since youll be working at what you love to do.
You will get more done in less time and be happier, healthier and much
more balanced.
Burnout is the mental, emotional and physical consequence of
overwork in an area of weakness, or non-genius. In other words when
you identify your strength, the more you work in it, the more energy,
health and vitality you have. When you work in your non-genius areas,
it sucks the energy out of you. Burnout is the breaking-point result of
accumulated resistance to non-genius activity. If youre not working in
your genius and you yearn to be working in another area, take this as a
sign that you have yet to discover your genius.
Heres an incredible statisticGallup surveyed more than two
million people at companies around the world and asked them this

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question: Do you get to use your greatest strength every day at work?
Amazingly, 8 out of 1080 percent!said they do not get to use their
greatest strength every day at work. That means that 80 percent of us are
yearning to work in our genius, but the environment we work in doesnt
allow it. Companies are losing billions of dollars collectively because
people arent working at what they do best.
I realize that at times we all need to do certain things. When you
have a boss and youre working for a company, it is very dicult to
launch out on your own and do your own thing. But the more you
can gravitate towards understanding what you do best, the more positive
contributions youll make to the company. If you run your own business,
it will help create more revenue and more downtime for you to spend
with your family.
6. Wing it: For a good portion of my life, I would do little prep before
I got up and spoke to people. I would just get up and wing it because
I really didnt know any better, and I was amazed that I received great
feedback. If theres something in your life you do well and get great
results from without much preparation, pay attention to that. It might
be a sign that you are working in your genius.
The above are all clues to discovering your genius. What follows
are the roadblocks to nding your genius. When you notice these roadblocks, go around them or over them or through them. You owe it to
your team and to yourself.
The foreign-concept roadblock: Most people are unaware of the concept
of genius and thus are uncomfortable associating themselves with it. Its
simply inconsistent with their self-concept. To most of the world, work
is something done for the sole purpose of paying bills, and enjoying
evenings, weekends and, ultimately, retirement. In that same Gallup poll
mentioned above, 86 percent of the people reported that they would

F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

rather be in another line of work. In one business I owned, I asked a

person during an interview, Why did you leave your other company?
I didnt enjoy working there, he replied.
How long did you work there? I asked.
Seven years.
How could you spend seven years working someplace where you
didnt enjoy what you were doing? I asked. He had no answer for this.
Dont get me wrong. I know we all need to make a living, I know
we need to put food on the table. I know we need to take care of our
families. But the more you work towards your genius, the more you can
work towards your passion, the more you can plug into what you were
put on this earth to do, the more productive your results will be, and
the more influence and the more impact youre going to have on others.
Your success blesses other people, and the more you can apply yourself
and understand how to do this, the bigger and better your contributions
will be.
They dont teach you these things in school. When one of my
children was a junior in high school, she scored 780 out of 800 on
the math portion of the S.A.Ts, and 150 points lower in English. The
amazing thing is that the school counselor didnt say, Wow, youre a
math genius, you should focus on that. There are so many opportunities
out there that will use that that gift. Instead, the counselor said, Youre
great at math, but you need to work on your English and bring that up.
That makes no sense to me whatsoever. In the real world, you get
paid for your strengths, not your weaknesses. Why shouldnt we focus on
our strengths? I understand that in high school you need to be exposed
to a lot of things, but by the time youre a junior, you have a pretty good
idea of where you excel and where you dont. For the most part, our

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educational systemsand our corporate systemsare not structured

to help people understand what their strengths are and how to leverage
those strengths.
The obstacle of inertia: You remember the statement, A body at rest
tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force? Thats the
grade-school definition of inertia. Most people have no outside force to
get them moving, and the longer theyve been operating in a stagnant
system, the greater the force needed to move them. A little taste of
success, mixed with some comfort and security, often suppresses the
desire for phenomenal success. In other words, success tends to breed
I saw it in my own company when we grew it from zero to $100
million in a short period of time. Once we had some success, we lost
the bootstrap mentality that got us to that point. In short, we stopped
doing the things that created our success and started resting on the
money in the bank. Its human nature to get comfortable and forget
what got us there, but Ive learned thats a weak spot in human nature.
You always need to keep pushing the envelope. Youre either growing,
and moving forward, or youre moving backwards. There is no middle
Bureaucracy and red tape: A bureaucratic organization seldom provides
employees with the opportunity to achieve full leverage and support in
their area of genius. Strangely enough, bureaucracies tend to promote
away from unique strength and genius, not towards it. This is common
with sales superstars who get promoted to sales manager only to underperform or burn out.
The Peter Principle, where employees get promoted one time
too many, illustrates this bureaucratic barrier. At Trillium Health
Products, as I mentioned before, we grew from two to 225 people. I

F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

found that every time we doubled in size, the person who had been the
perfect manager in a given position quickly became obsolete, because
they could not handle fast-track growth. Its not a reflection on that
person. The company simply outgrew their experience. I found we
needed to hire people for where we were going, not where wed been
or where we were.
The Lone Ranger mentality: This approach works for a while and then
you and your horse hit a wall. Ive seen many a startup superstar who
wouldnt give up certain parts of their business to others, even if it
would improve production. Some dont want to share the credit or
split the pie into another piece, even if it means the pie would be much
bigger. This is called the scarcity mentality, and its the opposite of
huge thinking.
I know what I know, but more importantly, I know what I dont
know. Most of my success has come from surrounding myself with
people who were much smarter than me. Someone once said, it would
be amazing what we could accomplish if we didnt care who got credit
for doing it. That person was right. If you are part of a team thats
working together with a consistent vision and mission, it will improve
the productivity of everybody when you empower them to do what
they need to do. When you sustain them, encourage them, compliment them, praise them and then constantly communicate your vision,
the environment will be such that goals have a much higher chance of
being realized.
The roadblock of mediocre hiring: This ones quite obviousyou get
what you pay for. Some of the biggest breakthroughs for our clients
occur when they hire an extremely able assistant who can take care
of their non-genius workload. They become much more productive.
With an average support staff, youll never acquire the confidence to

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unload the activities that are holding you back the most. With good
support staff, your output wont just be increased, it will be multiplied.
You can double or even triple your results over time.
When I was a partner in the 1% Club, the people who were
engaged in and practiced our coaching and accountability techniques
doubled or tripled their income in 12 to 18 months. This is not only
possible, its probable. And if you diligently apply these principles to
your entire life, you will see results. It wont happen passively or conservatively, you must be willing to break convention. You must be revolutionary or maybe even somewhat eccentric. When youve risen to the
next peak of super-effectiveness, youll find it hard to believe you used
to operate in any other way.
When I was trying to find my genius, I sent a letter to the people
around mepeople that I worked with, some family members, some
friends, and people who had interacted with me on business dealings. I
asked them two questions: In your observation, what are my greatest
strengths? and What do you feel I am most passionate about?
You can send the same letter, and it will either validate what you
already know or help you identify things that you werent aware of.
When we are acting in our genius, it comes so naturally, were often not
aware of it. The other part of this? You realize that those genius things
youve been giving away for free can earn you compensation.
If you still think you need more help in determining your genius
after using the clues Ive given you, and sending letters to those people
around you and receiving feedback, there are a variety of places you
can find tests and assessments that will help you uncover your genius.
One of my favorites is located at, and
is a series of tests from Kolbe ( that Ive found very
helpful. Another assessment Ive used is called the StrengthsFinder

F i N D Yo u r g E N i u s

Test ( Finally, I recommend the book

Now, Discover Your Strengths, by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O.
Clifton, Ph.D. It offers several resources to find assessments.


ChaPTer 5:
Im not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be outworked.
You may be more talented than me. You might be smarter than
me. And you may be better looking than me. But if we get on
a treadmill together you are going to get o first or Im going to
die. Its really that simple. Im not going to be outworked.
Will smith

remember when I was a senior at Valhalla High School in New

York. I was part of the two mile relay team. We were the last event
of the meet against our cross-town rivals. If we won, wed win the meet.
I usually ran in the number two spot, but our coach moved me to
the anchor position (the key number four spot) because he knew we
needed to do something different to get a better time. My previous
best time in the half mile event was 2:21 (2 minutes and 21 seconds).
It was a close race and I had a 10-foot advantage over our rival as I was
handed the baton. I knew I couldnt let my team and my coach down.
I ran like someone was trying to kill me. I would not let the other racer
pass me and I crossed the finish line just ahead of him, in a time of


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2:03, and as I crossed the line, I fell down from exhaustion. I left it all
on the course.

yo u Can faCe The Pain of DisCiPline no W

or The Pain of reGreT l aTer
We all have the will to win. But the will to win without the will to
prepare to win is nothing. The only place in which success comes
before work is in the dictionary. There is no easy, pain-proof route
to success.
What we continually forget is that it takes sacrifice and discipline
to build and maintain anything that is worthwhile in life. Whether its
your marriage, your family, your health or your business, we get what
we put in and we reap what we sow. How you perform on game day,
whether thats a football game or your presentation to a new clientis
determined by what you do to prepare seven days, seven weeks, seven
months and even seven years in advance.
Whether youre a pro athlete, a heart surgeon, or a retail salesperson, this formula holds true. You can make it to a certain level on talent
alone. You can make it to a certain level on discipline alone. You can
make it to a certain level on passion alone. But when you have all three
working together, you are an unstoppable force.
Discipline + talent + passion = unstoppable force
There are a lot of very talented people who are not performing to their
full potential because they avoid rigorous preparation. Discipline
and the will to prepareis the X factor that will take whatever talent
and passion you have to the next level and beyond.


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Here are six steps to becoming more disciplined and putting the
X-Factor to work in your life.
1. be a true student of your craft or profession
To continue earning more, you have to keep learning more. What can
you do to learn more about your profession? The more you can learn,
the more you can contribute to it. What can you read? What seminars
can you attend? In general, the more you learn about your profession,
the more youll be compensated.
2. Give more value than youre paid for
I cant overemphasize this. When you go the extra mile, you wont
find many other competitors on the road. Give your customers, your
employees, your colleagues and your family more than they expect.
When you bring more value to the table than expected, people respond
positively. And that goes for everyone, in all areas of life.
For example, when I speak to a group, I go the extra mile by
calling some members in the group ahead of time and asking, What
do you really hope to get out of the seminar? Ill ask what their greatest
challenges are at the current time. Ill ask how the time that Ill be with
them would be most profitable to them.
The benefits of this are clear: I give a targeted presentation thats
tailored directly to the group Im addressing that day, and I know that
people wont be leaving the seminar disappointed.
The downside? I dont have the luxury of doing canned
In 17 years, youre the only speaker who ever called ahead of time
and asked these questions, and I really appreciate it, one company rep116

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resentative said to me. I received invitations to do six more talks based

on his recommendations.
What can you do to go the extra mile in your business? Give
that question some serious thought. In your job, whats one thing you
can do to go the extra mile internally, for the people youre working
with, and whats one thing you can do externally, for your customers
or the industry?
What is one thing you can do to go the extra mile in your relationship, or with your family, or your community?
Take a moment to think about this and write these down.
3. Dont hope to succeed. expect to succeed
The more you prepare, the more you can expect to achieve the outcome
or result that you want. The less you prepare, the more you will hope to
achieve the outcome or result that you want.
Given the preparation I put into each talk I give, I dont hope
to connect with the audience and deliver exactly what theyre looking
for. I expect to connect with the audience and to give them the specific
information, motivation, and other tangibles that they came to the
seminar expecting to receive. Ive already put in the effort on the front
end to ensure that.

h oPe is noT a sTraTeGy f or suCCess

During the 1990s and early 2000s, when the Atlanta Braves won 14
straight National League East division titles, someone asked Chipper
Jones, one of their All-Star players, Why are the Braves so successful?


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He replied, When we step on the field we expect to win. The

other teams hope theyll win.
When you expect to win, your confidence level will grow. As you
prepare to win, your expectations to achieve the outcomes you want to
achieve will grow.
You need to expect to succeed. But that is not enough. You must
prepare in advance for that to happen.
When you call on a sales prospect, do you hope to get the sale or
do you expect to get the sale? If your marriage is currently rocky, do
you hope to one day have a better marriage, or do you expect to have a
better marriage? How you respond to these questions can reveal a great
deal about why you haveor have notachieved the goals you want
to achieve. In business, and in life, hopes often go unanswered.
You dont get what you want in life. You get what you expect.
When we first started Trillium Health Products and began
marketing the Juiceman Juicer, we created a plan to give free seminars
about health and nutrition. During these seminars, we demonstrated
our juicerwhich was conveniently for sale at the back of the room
during the seminar. Over a year and a half, we gave free seminars to
650,000 people. And those people told us, face-to-face, everything that
they liked and didnt like about our product.
My brother Rick and I sat in the back of the room and took
extremely detailed notes during these seminars. When The Juice Man
was talking, there would be spontaneous moments when a person
(or a group of people) would get up and go to the back of the room
to purchase our Juicer. When that happened, we would write down


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exactly what he said during those moments before they got up to buy
the Juicer.
We continually refined and tweaked the seminar until we knew
with great reliabilitythat 22.6 percent of the people who attended
the free seminar would buy a Juicer.
Now, lets fast forward 12 months. We were putting together a
direct marketing TV program, aka an infomercial. I took all of the
information that we had learned over a year and a half of the seminars
and applied it to a direct marketing program.
Given my research and my notes, I knew the words we needed to
say. I knew the concepts and specific selling points that made people
get up and purchase our product. When we put it on TV in an infomercial, we didnt hope it would work; we expected it to work. We had
done our homework. And the infomercial was just as effective as the
We knew it would be.
Had we not gone through all of that preparation with the free
seminars, and just put together a TV marketing plan without knowing
how people would respond to the selling points, we would have lost a
lot of time, effort, and money.
Now, dont get me wrong. Just because you prepare meticulously
in advance and you do everything youre supposed to do doesnt mean
you can control the outcome with utter certainty. But when you
prepare in advance, and put great effort into that preparation, you are
drastically increasing the odds of achieving the outcome you seek.


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4. become an expert
In the hours youll spend preparing for success, you can reap an
extremely worthwhile and unexpected reward that may change the
course of your life.
You become an expert in a specific field or topic.
How much time? In his book Outliers, author Malcolm Gladwell
wrote that it takes 10,000 hours of focused practice at a fairly high level
to become an expert at whatever profession you choose to pursue. This
typically takes a minimum of 10 years.
This makes sense, whether youre looking at doctors or lawyers,
or professional football or basketball players. Many start working on
their craft early, whether through reading or hobbies, or organized
team sports. Especially for athletes, their practice usually intensifies
greatly through the four years of high school and four additional years
in college. If they join the pro ranks right out of college, most need two
more years of solid practice before they start performing well.
Quarterback Peyton Manning of the Indianapolis Colts is a
prime example. He had losing seasons his first two years as a pro and
didnt play particularly well, but in the years that followed he set the
standard for quarterback play in the NFL. Thats certainly 10-plus
years of dedicated practice. Its not dicult to see how someone could
compile 10,000 hours of active experience if they live, eat and breathe
their sport or profession during that decade.
Again, its more than just putting in time. If youve been driving
an automobile for 30 years, youre probably no more proficient at it
now than you were 15 years agoeven though youve put in thousands
of hours of practice time. Those 10,000 hours need to be spent performing at a challenging level that forces you to learn and growand


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an important part of that process in many fields is spending time

around other people who are performing at an extremely high level.
5. eat the frog first
Preparation work isnt glamorous work. Its often grunt work. Its
poring over data and information, taking notes and performing tasks
that seldom bring the word fun to mind. But since its so critical to
your ultimate success, and it cant be done half-heartedly, Ill share a
tactic I use to make it easier.
Its a concept called eat the frog first, and it was developed by
self-help author Brian Tracy. Its simple, but ruthless: Do the absolute
worst task first.
The frog represents the important thing that you hate to do the
most, but will have the greatest impact towards reaching your goal.
And you have to eat it. First.
Its pretty disgusting to think about eating a frog, and Im not sure
that putting it in a juicer would make it much better. Heres why youre
going through this horrible thought exercise: If you eat the frog first,
anything else you eat afterwards will taste pretty doggone good.
The frog is that task that you dont want to tackle, but if you did,
it would have the greatest impact on creating the results youre trying
to accomplish.
One of my frogs is writing. I hate to write. It is very dicult for
me to sit down and write. I have diculty focusing for long periods of
time, so writing is incredibly tedious. Lately, this has been a problem
that I just cant avoid. In creating a book, writing is pretty important,
isnt it? What typically happens with me is that I will look for anything
else I can possibly do besides writing. And there are usually hundreds
of options. But ultimately, when I procrastinate and I dont do the

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writing I need to do, it makes me feel less productive because I know I

didnt do the most important thing I need to do.
Im sure you have the same feeling when you dont do the thing
you know you really need to do. It sets off a chain of events that mentally
take you down a very gloomy path. When you procrastinate, youre
sabotaging yourself and you know it, so harboring negative feelings
and chastising yourself is both logical and expected.
On the other hand, when I do the writing first thing in the
morning and get it out of the wayI eat the frog first, so to speakI
feel on top of the world and ready to take on more tasks.
So I do it first. I eat the frog first. And then the rest of the chores
that must get done seem much easier in comparison. Plus, I feel
energized, elated and productive. Instead of procrastinating, I got the
dicult, but most important thing done first!
What is the frog in your life? What is the dreaded task you avoid
at almost any costbut know that if you did it, you would be much
better off?
Eat that frog right now.

beaTinG ProCra sTinaTion

Eating the frog often means overcoming procrastination. You must win
the battle against procrastination to rise above the average. I struggled
with this for a long time. Peak performance and procrastination simply
do not go together.
Procrastination is the delaying of higher priority tasks in favor
of lower priority tasks. Its responsible for more frustration, stress and
underachievement than any other single factor. Procrastination causes

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emotional anguish, devastates personal relationships, wrecks any

attempt at effectiveness and promotes physical and mental exhaustion.
Procrastination is all about excuses, and we all know that the
excuses you have today are the excuses you will have tomorrow.
Remember, tomorrow changes today. You have to break the procrastination habit today in order to have a better, brighter tomorrow.
So how can you defeat procrastination and start creating results?
The hardest part of getting started is simply getting started. You need
to develop a sense of urgency. Once youve begun, youve overcome the
toughest hurdle. You dont always have to start at the beginning. If the
first step seems hard or too large, start with another part of the project.
Or set a mini goal such as working at something for 15 minutes, whether
its reading, exercising or a work project. Oftenafter 15 minutes, youll
want to continue. You may even complete the entire task.
6. Find a mentor or a coach.
I cant overemphasize how
important it is to learn
directly from somebody who
has achieved success in the
area that youre pursuing. The
best athletes at the top of their
game, in every single sport,
have a coach or a mentor to
help them play what we call
their A game.

froM froGs To elePhanTs

Question: How do you eat an
Answer: One small piece at a time.
And thats how you tackle any
large project without giving in to
procrastination. You forget about
the overwhelming whole and start

A lot of professional
doing it one small piece at a time.
athletes can make it to the
top level of competition on
talent alone. They could cut it in the pros and be an average player.

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But when they take the discipline of preparing every day with their
passion, and they get a coach or a mentor to continually help them
play their position better, it can take them to the elite level.
If you want to become an expert in your industry or field, you
need to find a mentor. Find a person who has already achieved success
in the field and, if you dont have a personal connection with them,
ask them for an hour of their time.
And pay them if necessary.
I have done this many times. Ive paid people their hourly rate to
sit down and pick their brains. I have paid people $1,000 to sit down
with them for 90 minutes of their time. You might think thats crazy, but
what if I tell you that those 90 minutes gave me an idea that generated
$50,000 in revenue? Would that sound crazy? This actually happened
to me. I consulted with a seasoned expert when I was in the middle of
negotiating a contract with a client, and the advice he gave me netted
an additional $50,000 of income in the first 60 days of the deal. People
have paid me thousands of dollars for my advice, and some of them have
made millions from it.
Ive paid mentors for their advice, but there have been many
other people who gave me free advice, or took the time to coach me
and mentor me without asking for payment. These relationships and
the wisdom theyve imparted have been the basis for some of my most
satisfying successes in several areas of my life.
For example, my wife and I knew an older couple that mentored
us on how to be a better husband and a better wife. We looked to them
for this purpose because they expressed the same values and stood for the
same principles that we did. We said to them, Look, 25 years from now,


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wed love to have a relationship like you have. What do we need to do?
They talked to us at length and they gave us the benefit of their wisdom.
I cant tell you how many times in business I have reached out to
people for advice.
And its often unbelievable how eager people are to share their
wisdom with you, to give you the benefit of their experience. Just make
certain that wisdom is truly all youre seeking. If your motives are suspect,
or if you want to get something other than advice from an expert or a
potential mentor, youre using that person and asking to be burned.
I remember a young man who called me and said he really admired
my accomplishments, and asked if I would be willing to have a cup of
coffee with him. I knew this young mans parents, though I didnt know
him very well, so I agreed to spend an hour with him.
When I showed up for this meeting, he brought his boss with him.
He didnt tell me he was bringing anyone with him, which was discourteous and unprofessional. To make matters worse, his boss had one motive:
To persuade me to buy the product he was selling. I sat at that table for
an excruciating 30 minutes. Then I said, Im sorry, Im going to have to
cut this meeting short. Thank you and have a good day.
I promptly telephoned this young man. Im really disappointed,
I said to him. I was prepared to give you an hour of my time and to give
you some wisdom that I have learned over the last 30 years. But instead, I
hope youll learn a valuable lesson from the mistake you made today. In
a nutshell, I told him to always let people know what your agenda is for
requesting a meeting, and to always inform them that other people will
be attending (or ask their permission before inviting other people). I told
him it would be a long time before I would agree to meet with him again.


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That might sound pretty harsh. But I believe that it was the best
thing I could have done for that young man in the situation, to help
him learn. You must have the right motives when you ask someone
to give you their advice. You have to care about the other person. If
you dont, youve broken a social contract that has helped generations of highly motivated, ethical people achieve their dreams. When
you find someone who will graciously coach or mentor youeven if
youre paying themalways remember to ask, How can I help you
in return?

u s e a P e n , noT a KeyboarD
When you meet with somebody
and they give you your time, write
them a handwritten note. Especially these days, a handwritten
note of appreciation means so
much more than an email. People
arent used to getting handwrit-

Being a mentor can be

extremely rewardingin a lot
of ways. The more people you
help, the more chances there
are for help to come your way
when you need it. The natural
law of giving is that when you
help someone, it just seems to
come back to you in ways that
you could never imagine.

But again, when it

ten notes any more, so sending a
comes to mentoring, you
handwritten note will really make
must give to give, with no
you stand out.
expectation that youre going
to get something in return. If
you give to get, its typically very obvious to the other party. And its
often self-sabotaging.


WhEN th E W i l l to W i N m E E t s t h E W i l l to P r E Pa r E

finDinG PoTenTial MenTors

The following exercise will help you identify the people whom you can tap for
advice and wisdom, in order to help you achieve the goals youve set. Contact
potential mentors for those areas of focus that are relevant to you and your
goals. The exercises are excerpted from a workbook I developed with Tommy
Newbury for a CD series entitled Success Is Not an Accident, Secrets of the Top

1%, available from

1. Pick an area of focus:




Spiritual Growth



2. Identify potential candidates who demonstrate the following characteristics:

High integrity

Exceptionally experienced

Proven track record

Leader in their field

Name your candidates below:

3. Develop your plan:

ASK: I would really value a little bit of your time each month to mentor
me. This would just mean a 10-15 minute phone call each month
where I could ask you a few questions. Would you be open to that?
Create your own strategy and structure for this relationship.
YES: schedule the first appointment.
NO: ask for a referral, or if they might reconsider at another time.
Move on to the next person on the list as necessary.


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This chapter about preparing to succeed is worth putting a

bookmark in. There is no shortcut to success; it takes time, preparation, and experience. There is no easy path or magic bullet to take you
there. You must put in the time and effort to get the results you want,
on the way to creating the success youve envisioned for yourself.
You need to expect to accomplish these goals. And in order to
expect them, you have to increase your levels of preparation and discipline. The more disciplined you become about preparing, the more
confidence youre going to build, and the better youre going to perform
at any pursuitwhether its getting a big sale, getting a big date, or
accomplishing any other goal.
Again, youll be tapping into the equation that allows you to truly
flourish: talent plus passion plus discipline equals an unbeatable force in
almost any realm, from golf to football, banking to medicine, art to
The final ingredient is experience; having a mentor or a coach can
be an incredible help.
I hope, no, I EXPECT youll use the strategies in this chapter to
bring it all together.


ChaPTer 6:
Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your
last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.
W aY N E D Y E r

n 1845, a lavishly equipped two-ship expedition led by Sir John

Franklin sailed from England to the Canadian Arctic to chart the
last unknown parts of the Northwest Passage. The crew loaded their
sailing ships with non-essential cargo: A 1,200-volume library, fine
china, crystal goblets and sterling silver tableware. Amazingly, each ship
carried just a twelve-day supply of coal for its auxiliary steam engines.
Confidence was high, given that there was less than 300 miles of
unexplored Arctic mainland coast by then.
When the ships failed to return after two years, relief expeditions
and search parties explored the Canadian Arcticwhich resulted in a
thorough charting of the region, along with a possible passage. Many
artifacts from the expedition were found over the next century and a
half, including notes revealing what had happened to the ships and the


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They had become trapped in ice about halfway through the

passage, near King Williams Island, unable to break free. After several
months in the trapped ship, Lord Franklin died and the men decided
to trek to safety in small groups, but none survived. One story is especially heartbreaking: Two ocers pulled a large sled more than 60 miles
across the treacherous terrain. When rescuers found their bodies they
discovered that the sled was filled with table silver.
Those two ocers contributed to their own demise by dragging
behind them what they didnt need. But dont we all sometimes do the
same thing? Dont we drag junk through life that we dont need? I dont
mean crates of silverware. I mean negative thoughts and memories that
hinder us, bad habits that drag us down, grudges we wont let go of,
and false beliefs about ourselves and others.

e V e ryone ha s soMeThinG froM Their Pa sT

T haT They are TryinG To o VerCoMe
The more I talk with people, and take time to really hear their stories,
the more I realize we all have junk that we drag through life. And if
you take the timeand I mean really take the time to talk with people,
getting below the surface talk and listening carefullyyou will find
that everyone has something from their past that they are trying to
Im no exception. Ive already shared with you the story of my
dads death, and the huge void it left in my life. That was my first experience, at age 13, with life-changing grief. I would soon face another
tragedy, one that would prove even more devastating.
Two years after my dad passed away, my four-year-old brother,
Johnny, drowned in a lake on our property in New York. While I was

g E t r i D o F t h E J u N K !

watching TV, one of our neighbors came running in and said, Johnny
fell in the lake and David cant find him. David was my other brother.
I ran down to the lake. I remember David standing on the raft,
panicked, and just screaming, I cant find Johnny! I took off my shirt
and pants and dove into the lake. I swam frantically, trying to find my
brother. But I couldnt. Neither could the rest of my family.
Within hours, several hundred people were lined up around the
fence outside our lake. There were ambulances, fire trucks, and police
cars. Out on the water was a rescue boat with those hooks they throw
overboard when they want to find a body.
I remember standing there, after three hours, as they finally found
my little brother.
I was 15. I was just starting to recover from the loss of my dad.
I didnt know how to deal with the grief of this loss, and, in time, it
became more heavy baggage that I carried through life.
Several years later, we would lose my brother David, too.
David was five years behind me in school. He was a fine athlete
and a leader as well, the captain of his West Point baseball team. In
May of 1983, my family was planning a big reunion up at West Point
to celebrate his graduation. On a Sunday morning two weeks before
Davids commencement, someone from the college phoned our home.
There had been an auto accident the night before, after a baseball game.
My brother was a passenger in a car that was part of the accident. He
had been killed instantly. Still today, I cant hold back tears when I
recall that awful loss. A huge void still wells up in me.
My brothers funeral was held at West Point. Instead of gathering
there for a family reunion and graduation festivities, we stood together
in shock and grief. The night before Davids funeral, on Friday evening,

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the cadets gathered in what they call The Quad for a moment of silence
at midnight. And they called out the full Corps of Cadets. And after
that moment of silence, they played taps. It was just like a scene from
a movie.
If youve never been to West Point, it is in an incredible setting. I
see it as vividly today as I did when I was experiencing it so many years
ago. On the day of the funeral, I remember going to the banks of the
Hudson River, and arriving at the cathedral where they were having his
service. The band was playing America the Beautiful as they brought
the American flag-draped casket into the chapel. Then the mourners
filed in. There must have been 1,500 people in that chapel.
The family members had been asked if we wanted to give a
eulogy, or just take a moment to say something about David. I didnt
volunteer. My older sister said a few words. Then many West Point
cadets, teachers, coaches and friends of Davids spoke. Hearing their
words, I realized I had feelings and thoughts I needed to share. I made
my way to the front of the chapel and looked out at the crowd of
I told a few brief stories of the things my brother and I had done
together. I mentioned the time when I was his coach in high school,
and also his substitute teacher. He and a bunch of the other football
players were in my seventh period class, and I fell asleep because I was
up till 3 a.m. the night before. When I woke up, they were all gone!
Finally, I said, Out of all the things I did with my brother, I
never told him that I loved him. Dont wait until its too late. Tell the
people who are closest to you how much they mean to you and how
much you love them because you never know how much more time
youre going to have to spend with them.


g E t r i D o F t h E J u N K !

Im not sharing these stories so you will feel sorry for me. Ive
had dicult losses of loved ones that have shaped who I am. I share
these stories to emphasize that, in some way, shape or form; we are all
adult children of dysfunctional families. We all have pain and tragedy
weighing on us, and we really have two choices in life: We can drag our
past with us, use it as an excuse for why we cant succeed, or we can
learn to live with it and use it to help other people.
Its common to try and keep the worst of this bad stuff locked
away. The deepest, darkest secrets we carry have a huge effect, despite
the silence around them. It could be the pain we feel from the loss of
a loved one, or from an action or a mistake that we made in the past
and still regret. We think that if anybody ever knew these secrets, they
would never respect us or talk to us again. But when you bring that
thing out into the open, and deal with it, it not only frees you up to
become everything you were meant to be, but it also becomes a great
opportunity to help others who are struggling with the same issue.
I have personally found that in my life, those secrets that Ive
kept, and the things that I regard as tragic mistakes or regretswhen I
brought them out in the open, it freed me. It gave me the opportunity
to say to someone who was hurting, Ive been where you are, and
heres how I got unstuck. If I can do it, you can do it, too.
Of course, it took me time to reach that point.

The seX, DruGs, roCK-n-roll era

Most of my life, I didnt deal with the junk I had dragged around. I
used it as an excuse to go through what I call the sex, drugs, rock-n-roll
era of my life. I was trying to mask the pain and loss that I felt with


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external things. But I learned that regardless of what I did to mask the
pain, I would wake up the next day to find my junk was still there.
If youre struggling with personal issues and pain, and trying to
mask it, youll learn what I learned, if youre fortunate. You can do lots
of things to mask that pain, but until you bring it out in the open and
learn to deal with it, you will never have peace.
I remember a benchmark moment that occurred when I was
in church almost 20 years ago. Our minister, Frank Harrington, was
preaching a sermon, talking about how we can best deal with the bad
things that happened to us in the past. He related stories of people that
had suffered tragedy upon tragedy, along with smaller-scale mishaps
and failures.
Then he said, There comes a point in your life when regardless of
what has happened to you in your past, you need to take responsibility for
who you are and where you are today. I was sitting there with hundreds
of other people, but I felt like he was talking directly to me. I had so much
stuff happen in my life and such trouble making sense of it all.
That sermon lit a spark under me. I took action to deal with the
junk that was holding me back by seeking out the advice of a friend,
Dr. Mark Crawfordand this friend just happened to charge me $175
an hour to listen to me. He said, Steve, we all have demons running
around the house, and the secret is to keep them locked in the basement
so they dont take over the whole house.
And then he handed me a little skeleton key. And he said, I
want you to use this as a visual reminder that when those demons start
to pop up in your life, you bring this out and lock them back in the
basement. And I still carry that key with me as a visual reminder to
keep my demons locked in the basement.


g E t r i D o F t h E J u N K !

Now, this doesnt mean that you shouldnt deal with your issues.
If you need to seek professional help, do it. But you dont let those
demons prevent you from living the life you were meant to live. In
other words, you need to let go of that junk thats holding you back. If
you cant let it go, you must at least decide that you wont use it as an
excuse or a reason why you cant do something in life.
If you adopt a victim mentality, it holds you back. When you
think somebody owes you something, or that somebody has to do
something for you because of the things that you experienced in your
past, youre not letting yourself live the life that you were meant to live.

yo ur Pa sT Does noT eQu al your fuTure

Let me ask you something: Do you have a greater commitment to
your past, or a greater commitment to your future? Do you think your
best days are behind you, or do you think your best days are still yet to
come? You dont have to let the past failures and mistakes and events
prevent you from having a compelling and bright future.
When you want to make the present better than the past, look
at what happened in the past, learn something valuable from it, and
do things differently in the present. If you take the time to talk with


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peopleand, again, I mean to really dig below the surfaceyou will

find that everyone has a story and pain from their past.

JusT WhaT is JunK?

My goal in this chapter is to get you to effectively deal with the junk all
around you, and even within you that prevents you from being more
productive and from becoming the person you were meant to be. I
will show you how to simplify your life, and, in essence, how you can
achieve more with less.
Websters dictionary defines junk as anything meaningless.
That is a pretty good description. And Im going to help you identify
anything thats meaningless in your life and give you some tools to deal
with it and discard it.
But let me give you my definition of junk: Anything that adds complexity to your life without increasing your quality of life or your financial
bottom line. When I talk about junk, Im talking about messes, stuff,
lifestyle irritants, procrastination, filler, unnecessary complexity, energy
leaks, disorganization, unfinished business, obligations, over commitment, busywork, incomplete tasks, low-payback activities, brain
clutter, scams, stagnation, congestion and resistance.

J u nK is a byProDuCT of ProDuCTiViT y
Junk is a product of our past mistakes and past decisions, and a product
of disorganization. But junk is also the byproduct of productivity. Let me
give you an example. My wife Indy is an incredible cook. She loves to
serve her homemade, three-cheese ravioli with sage and butter sauce.
Im getting hungry just thinking about it.

g E t r i D o F t h E J u N K !

When she cooks, her goal is to create an excellent meal. But in the
process she uses every pot and every pan in the kitchen. Flour ends up
everywhere. Before shes finished, it really looks like a tornado came in
through the kitchen.
Now, remember, the goal was to create an excellent meal: Threecheese ravioli with sage and butter sauce. But in the process she created
a mess, basically leaving a trail of junk. Thats not a bad thingunless
you dont clean it up. Thankfully for her, thats something I love to do.
But most people dont clean up the junk thats the byproduct of
their productivity. They let it pile up. Now, imagine starting to cook
meal six when you havent cleaned up any of junk left by the previous
five meals. Imagine all the pots, pans, dishes, and silverware are still
sitting in the kitchen. That would create congestion and confusion,
and make it dicult for you to cook an excellent meal. It would make
cooking more stressful, less fun, and the results and the quality would
be extremely diminished.
You face exactly the same challenges and complexities in business
and life in general. When were productive, we sometimes leave a trail
of clutter and junk behind us. And if we dont take the time to clean it
up (or hire somebody to clean it up), it makes it more dicult for us to
continue performing at that same level.
This means we are always going to have some level of junkof
mess and clutteraround us. Its a natural byproduct of life. Some of
it is preventable, but some of it is not. You must deal with it swiftly and
consistently, orin timethe junk will consume you.
There are six specific types of junk that I want to identify.


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1. Physical junk
The storage industry is one of the fastest-growing businesses in the
country because we are all pack rats. We love to collect and accumulate
junk, but we hate to part with it. And the average person accumulates
a massive amount of junk.
An example: We recently sold a home in Atlanta we had lived in
for almost 15 years. My wife and I raised four children in that house,
and now that they are all grown up, it was simply too big for just the
two of us. It was a rather large house, with ten bathrooms and seven
bedrooms. And, of course when you have all those rooms, and all those
shelves and spaces, you think you have to fill them up with stuff. You
cant have a big, empty house, right?
In the process of preparing for the move, we found that the stuff
we accumulated over time was absolutely overwhelming. There were
boxes in the attic. Every closet was chock-full. We discovered possessions we didnt even know we had. My wife and I set a goal: We werent
going to put a single thing in storage. We agreed to sell or donate
everything we didnt need.
It was a painful process and a very emotional one. We came up
with guidelines and had dear friends hold us accountable to them. If
we hadnt worn a piece of clothing or used an article for one year, it had
to go. We accomplished our goal, but it wasnt easy.
Sorting through the sentimental items was the most dicult.
We all have those things that we think we might want one day, but
what we found out was that we really didnt need very much, as long
as we had each other. In almost all cases, youre better off parting
with those reminders of your past that you dont absolutely cherish.
Its amazing how much you can simplify your life when you take the


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time to get organized and get the physical junk and clutter out of your
When you keep a messy environment, it tends to make you less
productive. You can control your physical environment by cleaning up
the messes you have around you and staying more organized.
2. financial junk
We all have too many credit cards. Many of us have too many bank
accounts. Others have too many accounts payable and accounts receivable on top of it all. And the vast majority of people I meet dont have a
financial plan, or they have an out-of-date financial plan. Not surprisingly, they find that more money is always going out than is coming in,
and theyre living beyond their means.
My wife and I were part of a pilot for a TV show called The
American Dream (unfortunately, it never launched). We worked with
a nationally acclaimed financial author and radio personality. And his
stats showed that seven out of ten people live paycheck to paycheck and
are in deep debt.
We also served on the board of an organization called Pro-Athletes
Outreach, which is an organization that helps equip athletes to have a
positive impact at home, at work and in the community. Through this
organization, weve learned that a surprising number of former athletes
are in financial ruin.
Consider some statistics for an NFL football player. They play
professionally for an average of about three years. And within 12 to 18
months of leaving the game, 78 percent of former pro football players
are bankrupt or divorced, or both.
Why? Financial clutter, a lack of planning, and just living for today
and not planning for the future. How can a football player making

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$3.5 million a year for three years be bankrupt in just 18 months? Well,
its pretty easy. They (or their spouse) spent $4 million a year.
Dont get hung up on the numbers. It doesnt matter if were
talking about $40,000 per year, $400,000, $4 million, or $40 million.
Its never about the size of the income; its always about lifestyle.
Getting your financial life in order means living a lifestyle thats within
your means. Countless books have been written about this subject. For
our purposes, Ill sum it up this way: When youre carrying a severe
financial burden, its very dicult for you to perform at a high level.
3. legal junk
There are legal vulnerabilities on a personal level and on a business
level. Im talking about not updating documents, or having an out-ofdate will or not having a will at all. Do you know that 80 percent of
people do not have a will?
One of the fastest-growing legal problems out there right now is
identity theft, and this is a growing cause of legal junk (and financial
junk, as a byproduct). When somebody steals your identity, its your
obligation and responsibility to undo the mess. For the average person,
it can take six to twelve months to undo the damage that the criminal
has caused.
Over those six to twelve months, spent untangling the mess
caused by identity theft, a lot more damage is done. During that
period, are you going to be at the top of your game? Are you going to
be productive in the workplace? Are you going to be fully present in
your relationships?
Of course not.


g E t r i D o F t h E J u N K !

Legal junk can be the most time-consuming, energy-draining

variety of junk, because it keeps growing out of controland you cant
take care of it by renting a dumpster and a team of professional cleaners.
As an example, we once hired a woman to write a book for our
marketing company called Juicing for Life. We paid her an hourly rate
to write the book, and we split the royalties with her. The average book
sells about 5,000 copies, so nobody thought much about this arrangement. When we were doing our Juiceman advertising, the book took
off. To date, it has sold almost three million copies. Im gratified by
that, but one of the byproducts of that extreme productivity was
guess what?a mountain of legal junk.
The writer sued us, saying she had not been paid the appropriate
amount of money and wanted to renegotiate. I suggested that we pursue
arbitration rather than going to court, and she agreed. The attorneys
were hostile, the proceedings were acrimonious, and the whole ordeal
was draining a massive amount of productive energy from my life.
At one point during the arbitration, in arguing over how to
divide the remaining cache of proceeds from the book that we had
not yet agreed how to divide, things blew up. Both attorneys became
frustrated, stood up, said some inappropriate words to each other, and
were about to walk out of the room.
I stood and said, Look, instead of trying to settle this by deciding
which one of us gets the money, what if we take the money and split
it fifty-fifty, and give it to the charitable organizations of our choice?
Astonishingly, the writer and her party went into the other room,
came back and agreed to the suggestion. A legal problem that had been
consuming our lives for months disappeared in five minutes. Days later,
my lawyer received a note from the Arbitrator, who was a former State
Supreme Court Judge. It read, Just a short note to thank you and Mr.

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Cesari for your help in settling this case. Mr. Cesaris idea of benefiting charity through this settlement was very creative and thoughtful.
Mediation of cases like this is clearly better than the risk, anxiety and
expense of going to the courthouse. I enjoyed working with you and
Mr. Cesari. Please extend to him my thanks for his assistance.
I could have fought for the remaining funds; they were significant. I could have demanded that the lawyers work it out. But instead,
I came up with an expedient way to get rid of a huge legal messa
colossal amount of legal junkthat was preventing me from focusing
on my business and my life. It was worth it, many times over.
4. Mental junk
We only have the ability to focus on a limited number of things. When
we spread ourselves too thin and lose focus of whats important, or we
over commit our time or energy, we are heading for breakdown and
Your brain is just like a computer. Your computer has a limited
amount of RAM, or random access memoryand thats the immediate
working memory that allows the computer to operate. When you open
up several programs at once, you begin to overtax the computers RAM.
So your computer slows down. If you keep opening up more programs,
what finally happens? The computer freezes or crashes.
Again, your brain is just like a computer: It has the RAM to focus
intently on one or two activities at a time, and if you keep giving it
more to focus on without getting rid of those attention-drainers, it will
slow down and eventually crash.
When you have a dozen open programs in your brain, thats
mental junk. We need to be able to compartmentalize the things we
think about, to make sure were staying focused on the things that are

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moving us toward our goals and helping us become the person we want
to become. We need to shut down the programs that cause us to dwell
on past mistakes or what we could or should have done.
5. emotional junk
Emotional junk comes from failing to deal with negative feelings or
emotions. Its guilt, resentment, fear, worry, anxiety. The pain of the
emotions that I felt (but never dealt with) when my dad died, when my
younger brother drowned and when my other brother was killed in a
car accidentthey caused me to carry around a great deal of emotional
Over 35 years ago, while attending that aforementioned Dale
Carnegie course, I bought one of the books they sell. I still carry it in
my briefcase. Its cover is crinkled and torn and hardly recognizable, but
the words on the inside still resonate today.
The title of the book is How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. In
it, Carnegie listed some fundamental steps for overcoming worry and
anxiety. Ill paraphrase the steps that I found most helpful.
Live in day-type compartments. Deal with what you can control
and deal with it today. Dont project in the future what might or might
not happen because you dont know what tomorrow holds. To face
trouble, ask yourself this question: What is the worst that can possibly
happen? I did that when I started Trillium Health Products. I thought,
Whats the worst that can possibly happen? Well, I can go bankrupt; I
can end up losing everything Ive built; my reputation could suer; people
might not want to associate with me anymore because theyll see me as a
I sat down and looked at each of those fears, and took the next
mental step: I prepared myself to accept the reality of them coming to

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fruition, and then did all the preparation I could to control the factors I
could. Then I compiled another list of all the positive outcomes, being
in business with my brother, fulfilling a lifetime dream, being my own
boss, traveling to the West Coast and helping to educate others about
good health and proper nutrition. Its a funny thing when you have
two conflicting thoughts; the one you dwell on is usually the one that
will come to pass. I chose to dwell on the later thoughts and develop a
plan of action to make it happen, and it did!
So let me reiterate the message: Stay focused in the present. Learn
from your past mistakes, learn something valuable from them, and then
do things differently in the present. Focus on now. And then respond
to what I call the WIN moment: Whats Important Now? Stay focused
on that, take action, and dont worry about what might or might not
happen tomorrow. Action overcomes fear and worry.
6. relationship junk
Who among us has not carried around some relationship junk thats
affected every other aspect of our life? Ive been married to my wife
Indy for 30 years. Ive noticed that when things are going well at home,
things usually go well for me in business. And when things are disruptive at home, when Im putting off dealing with an issue, it tends to
flow over into my business. (Yes, it works both ways; business issues
certainly tend to overflow into home life. But most people expect this,
because they remain hyper-focused on their business lives. Theyre
usually much more surprised to notice that having diculty in their
relationship will cause diculty in their business.)
Compartmentalizing is key. When youre home, be at home.
When youre doing business, do business. Try to keep them wholly
separate. Sometimes you cant help itthere are emergencies. But

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for the most part, its possible to compartmentalize these two major
spheres of life and still deal with many unexpected issues that come up.

Co M Pa rT M e nTaliZeMore effeCTiVely Than The TiTaniC

To repeat, compartmentalizeand keep those compartments, those
boundaries, intact. The Titanic was built with several different compartments in its hull to make it unsinkable. The theory behind this is
sound. If the ship develops a major leak in one compartment, the water
will be confined and wont flow into other parts of the ship.
The Titanic had a major design flaw: Those compartments were
not sealed; they were too short and didnt extend all the way to deck
level. So when water eventually filled one compartment, it simply
flowed over into the next one, and eventually filled it. On and on this
continued, until the ship sank. The damage to one small part of the
ship ended up destroying the whole ship.
The same thing happens in our relationships. If we dont compartmentalize that little issue or that little destructive conversation, and
if we let it flow outside that containment area to other areas, it has a
tendency to disrupt our balance and our focus and our emotionsand
it can seep into every aspect of our life, and our partners life.
Compartments need to be airtight. Build them to the top.
My wife and I do this by scheduling time on a weekly basis to
discuss important issues. We air important issues during this time, so
they dont spill over into other areas of our life, such as our date night
or other times when were enjoying each others company.
Compartmentalizing issues and conflicts doesnt always mean
youre going to resolve them in a short time frame. But its cathartic
when you talk about them, get them out of your system, and then

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know they wont be a cancerous force that lingers and grows because,
while youre dealing with them, youre keeping them in their place.

iT all Goes b aCK To C l ariT y

The number one reason we suffer from junk and the clutter in our
lives? I believe its lack of clarity. When youre not clear, you tend
to be indecisive; you tend to vacillate between the course of action
you should take to accomplish goals in all areas of life, and courses
of action (or inaction) that wont yield those results. Youre not clear
on what direction to go, so you dont make a decision. This tends to
create clutter, and it tends to create junk that we drag with us. We get
bogged down. Sometimes, this indecision is a function of paralysis by
analysis. We sit there and look at many options, overanalyze each of
them, and end up doing nothing.
The reason, always, is that youre not clear on what you want
to accomplish. So you do things (or dont do things) that have consequences, and the byproduct of this is junk and clutter. Clarity of
intention leads to clarity in action, and that generates much less junk
as a byproduct.

T h e blessinGanD Curseof TeChnoloGy

A major area of distraction for most people I work with involves technology. Its a major cause of clutterwhich is ironic as its supposed
to help keep us organized. In theory and promise, technology was
supposed to help us do things faster, so wed have a greater quantity of
time and more quality time. But the reality is that technology has made
us available 24/7. We are working more because were available more.

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Statistics show that we are actually 17 percent less productive because

were so busy dealing with junk and clutterand demandscreated
by technology.
Email is one of the biggest culprits. It is one of the foremost lowpayback activities (Ill give more details on this soon) and the cause of
many big mistakes we commit.
During my speaking engagements, I often walk up to an audience
member with a piece of paper and say, Heres a memo; I need an
answer to this. I need an answer right now. I need you to respond to it
right now. Theyll look at me with a puzzled expression. Then I say,
Pretend there are 25 people standing behind me, each holding a piece
of paper, each of them needing an answer from you right now.
Would you tolerate that? Never. If you were forced to tolerate it,
youd go crazy.
In effect, thats email.
When people email you, your brain cannot help but react. You
will immediately open the email, or at least look to see who sent it and
read the subject line. Youll stop what youre doing, losing productivity
and focus, and9 times out of 10youll be dealing with somebody
elses agenda at that immediate moment, instead of focusing on what
you need to do to be most productive.
I know we all need to deal with email, and some emails are highpriority. But your goal should be to deal with email on your terms, not
somebody elses.
How to accomplish that? Have specific times when you check
your email and respond to emails. During the rest of the time, keep
your email program closed. Put your mobile device away, or turn off
the email function. Get it out of your peripheral vision so it wont

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distract you from doing the things that you need to do. Follow this
advice and you will stay clear and focused on the objectives that you
need to deal with. Youll stay intentional on your own high-priority
tasks instead of dealing with somebody elses stuff.
Those urgent emails you might miss? Believe me, if its truly
urgent, theyll connect with you.

JusT in Ca se
What are the three words that cause more junk and clutter than the rest
of the dictionary contents, combined?
Just. In. Case.
We often dont let go of junk because we think it maymay
benefit us to have it down the road. We will hold onto a relationship, a
job, and countless material things just in case we end up wishing we
had them. We dont want to regret getting rid of themespecially if we
fear that we wont be able to replace them.
This is the scarcity mentality. And its deeply rooted in the just
in case scourge.
I know this might not be the best relationship for me,
but what if I cant find another person like her?
I know this job isnt the best fit, but what if I quit and I
cant get another one?
Ive had this thing sitting in my basement for 20 years,
and I could really use the space. But what if I get rid of it and
then wish I had kept it later?
I better just leave things alone. For now. Just in case.


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Simply stated, the scarcity mentality sets in when youre afraid

that theres not something better out there then what you already have,
even though what you already have is not benefiting your life. You may
know you need a better relationship, a better job, but until you become
intentional and take action to pursue it, it will seem worthwhile to
stick with the non-satisfying situation you have.
Its all too easy to spell out the solution: You need to let go of the
past, and let go of the things in the present that arent working for you.
If youre an American, you live in the most abundant country
on the face of this planet. Even in the worst of times, there is so much
opportunity, so much creativity and so many resources around us,
having a scarcity mentality is completely illogical. There are oceans of
opportunities for you to pursue your goals. But youll never do it if
youre holding on to the status quo out of fear.

if Theres a MisT in The PulPiT

Therell be a f oG in The PeW
I first heard this bit of wisdom a long time ago, and I think its an
apt description of how even a tiny failure of clarity from the leaders can
degenerate into total confusion among those being led. If the person in
a leadership role doesnt have clarity, that confusion will filter down to
everybody elseand multiply in severity.
This same principle is at work when you have even a minor lack of
clarity in your own purpose. By the time your thoughts translate into
actions that lack of clarity will multiply in severity. A small amount of
inner clutter and confusion can lead to illogical, aimless actions that
seem wholly confused.


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J u n K insiDe, JunK ouTsiDe (anD ViCe Versa)

To put it in very simple terms, the junk that were carrying on the
inside will eventually show up as junk on the outside. And vice versa:
If our physical surroundings are bogged down with junk, well end up
with the junk on the inside.
Having clarity reduces the junk in your life, because you are able
to say, I do need this, but I dont need that. I do need to work on this
relationship, but I dont need to work on that one.
Of course, not everything we put aside is truly junk. Often our
go or no-go decisions involve two options that are each viable. Any
choice we make to pursue something or someone tends to also be a
choice (sometimes inadvertent) to not pursue something or someone
else. And this can cause what I call values conflict, resulting in a
mental tug-o-war.
Two options are competing with each other, because we dont
have time or resources (or we know it isnt fair) to pursue both of them.
Then, given a lack of clarity, and a lack of clear priorities, we dont know
how to resolve the conflict. These are both important, the brain says.
So which do I pursue? Which do I neglect?
Heres the classic mental tug-o-war:
Its important for me to be at work and put in the extra time
so I get promoted, but its also important for me to be home with my
Other times, it can be much simpler: I want to do this, but I
know I really shouldnt, you may think subconsciously.
This is when paralysis and procrastination often kick in. The
tug-o-war becomes a stalemate. Inaction becomes your path. The
answer is to push for greater clarity and assign a finer priority scale to

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your values. You probably already know which choice deserves priority,
and which path you should take. If you have clearly defined, written
goals, they will give you the answer. If being a more attentive father is
one of your top goals, and getting a promotion is one of your bottom
three goals, youll have your answer.
Having clarity doesnt remove all discomfort surrounding your
decision and next steps. Many choices are interrelated. But at least you
wont be the person who lacks clarity and, at any given time, doesnt
know which path or action is truly the most important one to take
based on their individual goals and desires.

GeTTinG riD of The JunK

So how do we deal with the junk?
When I work with clients I try to get them to identify a major
clutter project for every 90 day period, then a couple of smaller ones
that they know they can knock out right away. If you chip away at the
junk and clutter in your life for a short period each day, you will soon
achieve an amazing sense of freedom.
You can also commit a full day to the cause. This may be especially helpful if you are working on a clutter-removal project with your
Whether its a little bit of time each day, or a lot of time all at
once, committing and starting are the two biggest parts of the equation.
Make this a written goal! Just knowing that you have a plan of action to
deal with junk and clutter will help you to stay focused.
There are countless ways you can attack clutter. Here are a few
examples of sample clutter projects that clients have performed:

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Catch up on incomplete filing. You can set up or streamline

the home filing system, or you can update your will or estate
plan. One of the best gifts I ever gave my wife and family? I
made a complete list of all of our financial and accounting
information. Included in the list was the location of my
will, contact information for my attorney, the location of all
our financial assets and who the contact people are in each
Organize family pictures into digital photo albums, and
create annual family video highlights.
Clean out and organize a garage or an atticor just start
with a single drawer. Do something!
Set up an automatic payment for recurring bills. Thats
something I put off for the longest time and now I pay all
my bills electronically. Its an incredible timesaver and paper
saver. Plus, Im more organized at the end of the fiscal year,
personally and professionally, as I have an accounting and a
summary of all my bills.
Create a nutritionally healthy house, which only contains the
food and drinks that support a high-energy and nutritional
lifestyle (see chapter 1).
Schedule time with people you have been meaning to invest
time with.
Make reservations for your annual physical to make sure
youre in shape for peak performance.
Take action on overdue acts of appreciation. Write somebody
a letter and let them know how much you appreciate them.


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Back up or store key computer files. I have an external hard

drive for my computer, for just this purpose. If your computer
died tonight and all the files on your hard drive were gone,
what would happen? If thats too scary to contemplate, back
it up today!
Reach out to restore a weakened or damaged friendship or
other relationship.

Three QuesTions To iDenTify JunK

Not certain if its junk? Asking yourself these questions will help you
get a clear idea of where the real junk in your life is located.
1. What situation or circumstance is disrupting your peace of
mind? Its a question I ask every business owner and every
CEO of the companies I work with. What keeps you up at
night? I remind them that the issues keeping us up at night
are the issues were not dealing with during the day. Were
letting them sit there as mental clutter.
2. What do you need to start doing, and what do you need to
stop doing? This puts a finer point on identifying the things
that are helping and hurting you. Now that youve identified
them, which are you going to pair to the immediate actions
of starting and stopping?
3. Are there areas of your life where you are not being honest
with yourself? Are you pretending that everything is OK in
your personal or professional life when it really isnt? I cant
tell you how many people I meet that pretend they have their
lives all together. They want to create the outside perception
that their relationships are doing great, their finances are in

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good standing, and they have no big concerns. But youll

find something quite different when you take the time to
really talk with them, to really dig deep, as Ive mentioned
And by dig deep, Im certainly not talking about prying into
their personal lives without invitation or hunting for dirt or gossip to
share with other people. Im talking about investing the time to find
out where theyre hurting and help them. You may learn that they were
not being honest with themselves and putting up a front in order to
cope with an extremely stressful situation. I have found when you take
the time to talk with people; you will find that everyone has a story.
Theyve got something significant that theyre dealing with. Remember,
the first step in eliminating junk is identifying it and then taking action
to deal with it.
As junk is really a catch-all for an almost countless variety of
specific psychological issues that can prevent people from accomplishing the most meaningful goals in their life, the information in this
chapter really only scratches the surface in trying to address this thorny,
universal topic. I recommend seeking more information if you want to
gain a broader understanding. Of course, a mental health expert can
be of immense help. Finally, I co-created a CD series entitled Success Is
Not an Accident, Secrets of the Top 1%, that offers more tips to identify
and eliminate specific types of junk. For more information, please go

80-20 PrinCiPle
Just as prioritizing is vital to eliminating junk, having a reliable formula
you can apply to all your decision-making is extremely valuable.

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Remember the 80/20 Principle from Chapter Four? Its so valuable,

and so accurate, its worth spending the effort to get a full understanding of how it works.
The Pareto Principle, or The Strength Principle, or the 80/20
Principle basically states that 20 percent of our eorts create 80
percent of our productivity, in all realms of life. Restated, 20 percent
of our time, effort and energy are responsible for creating 80 percent of
the results we reap.
This is true in business, in relationships, and just about anything
you can apply it to. Its actually been proven scientifically and statistically to hold true in many situations. For example, 20 percent of
your clients will generate 80 percent of your gross revenue. If youre
making sales calls, 20 percent of your calls will generate 80 percent
of your successful sales. If youre running a company, 20 percent of
your employees will be responsible for 80 percent of your companys
income. Dropping 20 percent of your most problematic, time-consuming vendors will free up 80 percent of the time you spend dealing
with vendors in general. In a relationship, 20 percent of the actions you
take create 80 percent of the positive results youre looking for. On and
on it goes.
When you identify the key 20 percent thats directly responsible
for so much of your success (or your trouble), you have a very powerful
opportunity to use The Pareto Principle. If you can identify the 20
percent of your clients or customers who are giving you 80 percent of
your revenue, and focus on that 20 percent of your client base, think of
all the time, effort and energy you could save by cutting back on your
low-yield clientsthe 80 percent of your clients who only generate 20
percent of your revenue!


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Think about that again. What would happen if you just focused
your time, eort, and energy on the 20 percent of your customers that
generated 80 percent of the income or revenue to your business?
To get a very good grasp on The Pareto Principle, I highly
recommend that you read Living the 80-20 Way, by Richard Koch.
Heres an excerpt from his book:
As you simplify your life, youll notice many positive
changes. Living the simple life means less things done out of
a sense of duty and more done for fun and recreation. Living
the simple life means less routine and more surprises. Living
the simple life means less activities with a low return on your
energy and more activities with a high return on your energy.
Living the simple life means less time waiting or worrying
and more time enjoying what you do. Living the simple life
means seeing less of the people you dont like and more of seeing
the good friends and people you do like. Living the simple
life means less going to the places you dont like and more of
going to the places you do like. Living the simple life means less
phone calls and more time to think. It means less travel and
commuting and more peace and quiet. It means less driving
and more walking and cycling. It means less exercise you dont
like and more exercise you do like. It means fewer crises in your
life and more thinking about how to avoid crises in your life. It
means less taking the rough with the smooth and more taking
the smooth with the smooth. It means less information overload
and more information of specific and special interest. It means
less spending and more giving away and recycling. It means
fewer habits you dont enjoy very much and more daily rituals
you love. It means less big things that make a little dierence
and more little things that make a big dierence.

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The siMPle life

Heres an exercise that can help you simplify your life and live an
uncluttered, junk-free existence:
1. Describe the most ideal simple life for you. How does it differ
from the life you are living today?
2. Do you really think its possible to get more with less? If so, what
gives more in your life? What gives less?
3. What negative things in your life consume the most energy but give
little, if anything, in return?
4. If you had to abandon one current project, challenge or goal or
dream that has been chronically stalled, which one would you
choose to remove and why? And then how could you reallocate the
energy and focus that you were using on that stalled project to move
in the direction you want to go?

Dont let the junk that life throws at you drag you down. Dont
let it prevent you from accomplishing everything you were meant to do
and from becoming the person you were meant to be. Apply the principles and tactics in this chapter, and you will find that you truly can
remove the junk and clutter from your life. Now go make it happen.


ChaPTer 7:
Be around thepeople you want to be like, because
you will be like the people you are around.
sEaN rEichlE

ne day shortly after shed graduated from Columbia University,

my daughter Courtney came home from work and asked me,
Dad, how do you maintain your integrity and still manage to have all
of the business success that you have?
She asked this because she saw some people she worked with
cutting corners and doing things that didnt demonstrate integrity.
Also, in the news at that time, there were several examples of CEOs
who took short cuts and ended up costing their company millions of
dollars, due to business practices that were less than legal, moral and
ethical. Greed got to them and they took paths that caused the demise
of themselves and, in some cases, their companies.
I answered my daughter by recounting the following story.
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be in business
for myself. And after graduating from college and getting fired from
my first three jobs it became apparent that I would have to be self158

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employed. The first business opportunity I pursued was in the sporting

goods industry. It involved one of the first mall-concept sporting goods
retailersa company headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.
Its two principles were growing their company from one store to
about 40 stores by bringing in a family member or a good friend to
be their partner and the owner/manager at each specific site around
the country. I was the first recruit who was not a friend or a family
member. Nothing so special about methey simply ran out of friends
and relatives they could use as partners. I started working for them in a
small store in Daytona Beach and increased store sales by 150 percent
in 18 months. My formula was a simple one: I was always there, I gave
great customer service and I managed the operation conscientiously.
Without realizing it, all along I was being taught by the people
who owned these stores about how to run them and how they did
business. I call it the Ferrari Syndrome, and it works like this: If you
do as I say and play by our rules, you too can have a 308 GTI Ferrari
written off on the business. Both of the principle owners had such
cars, and you know what? I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I wanted a
red Ferrari. I found out that playing by their rules meant that I had
to break everybody elses rules in order to get that Ferrari.
Thats how I learned what not to do in business, and I promised
myself that when I had my own company I would do things the right
way, the legal way and the moral way, and surround myself with the
right people. You maintain your integrity by surrounding yourself with
the right people and by doing whats right regardless of the circumstances. Whats wrong is wrong no matter who is for it, and whats right is
right no matter who is against it.


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lifTinG uP V s. PullinG Do Wn
I have a dear friend, Lowery Robinson, who tells a story about speaking
to a group of young children. He asked a young girl to come forward
to the edge of the stage and give him her hand and just stand there.
Lowery used to play professional baseball and was a very fit guy. He
tried to pull this young girl up onto the stage with him, but he pulled
with all his might and he couldnt do it. Then Lowery said to the young
girl, I want you to grab my hand, and try to pull me down off the
stage. Sure enough, she gave one tug and down he came. He turned to
the group and said, Its just like that in life. Its hard to lift people up
to your standards and expectations, and its easy for them to pull you
down to theirs.

There is no neuTral GrounD

The people we surround ourselves with are either lifting us up and
moving us closer to our goals, or pulling us down and dragging us
farther from our goalsfarther from being that person that were
striving to become. There is no neutral ground on either a professional
or personal level.
Obviously, that was the case with my sporting goods venture. At
the time I simply didnt know any better. I was young, pursuing an
opportunity to be in business for myself. I learned a lot about business
there, but I also decided from then on I would always do what I call a
value add. In other words, start off with the right values and then add
the business element. It means having a pre-determined idea of how
to respond to any situation that arises. If you dont pre-determine how
youre going to respond in any situation, you may react to the circumstances


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based on what everybody else is doing, regardless of whether its legal, moral
or ethical.
A couple I know told me a story from when their son (whos now
grown) was four years old and had just finished preschool. At a conference with the teacher, they were told that their son was in a class with
several disruptive boys. Now was the time to decide whether hed stay
with this class, or be held back a yeara decision that might affect him
for his entire school career.
You might say, How can someone look at a four-year-old and
make that determination?
The teacher recommended that the parents hold their four-yearold son back a year. If they didnt, he would be with these same boys
for the next ten years. The class behind him, she said, had a group of
children from really solid families. So the parents made the decision
to hold their son back. They decided that this was the best choice for
them and their son, even though it went against the norm.
Now lets fast forward. Its almost 20 years later. Four of those
disruptive boys from the original class have actually been in jail, or are
struggling with alcohol and drug issues. The boy who was held back
a year? He has graduated from college and is currently getting his law
degree. Now, there are no guarantees that his being removed from his
original class was the influential factor in his current success. One cant
automatically assume that he, too, would have gone to jail or struggled
with substance abuse if he had remained with the original group of
disruptive boys. But theres good reason to believe that his being held
back a year, and spending his early childhood with a different set of
peers, was an influential factor in his development.
I find it amazing that the parents recognized the potential negative
impact that the association with those other boys could have on their

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child, and made a proactive but unconventional decision to increase his

chances of success by surrounding him with a better group of people.
As a parent, you might lose count of the times youll say to your
children, I dont want you hanging out with those people, because
theyre a bad influence on you. But how often do you subject the
people that you associate with to the same type of scrutiny? Do they
have the same values that you have? Are they lifting you up or are they
pulling you down?

The DiaMonD anD The roCK

My middle daughter Stefany was the first of my girls to come
home from college with a boyfriend. Ill never forget that day. Dating
was a big issue; our daughters didnt date until they were 16 years old.
We took Stefany and the young man to lunch and then returned
to our house. As he was about to enter into our home he said, Mr.
Cesari, do you want me to remove my shoes before I come into your
It was a polite request. However, I looked at him and said, Im
going to say this one time only. As long as youre in my house, you
dont take off any clothing, at any time, in any room. I just turned
around and walked away, and my daughter was none too pleased.
Stefany dated this young fellow for almost a year. Although he
was very bright, we could tell he was not lifting her up. When she came
home for break by herself, I called her into the kitchen. I took a big,
sparkling replica of a diamond my wife had just purchased and put it
on the kitchen table. I said, Stefany, do you know what that diamond

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That represents you. When you walk into a room you light it
up, you make it sparkle. Youre a diamond in the rough. You have an
incredible personality that positively impacts other people.
Then I put a rock on the table and said, Do you know what this
She said, No.
Now, I dont want to use the young mans real name, so lets call
him Bob.
I said, That represents Bob. Bob does not light you up. He does
not help make you sparkle. And you need someone who can make you
sparkle and lift you up and help you be all that you can be.
My daughter began to cry. My wife was frustrated with me for
not telling her ahead of time what I was going to do. But, to this day,
my daughter says, Dad that was one of the most important things you
ever did in my life.
When I asked her if I could share the story in this book she said,
Yes, because I learned such an important, valuable lesson, and I really
want other people to learn it too.
Remember, sometimes we have to bypass the rock to get to the
diamond. Legendary coach Lou Holtz used to ask his potential players
or potential coaching hires three questions that can transform the
quality of any relationship:
Can I trust you? If you cant trust the people in your life,
thats a big red flag, whether its a personal relationship or a
business relationship.
Do you care about me? What are the motives of your business
associates and people in your personal relationships? Do they


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truly care about you, or are they just associating with you to
get to something?
Are you committed to excellence? So many people in so
many companies are just committed to maintaining the
status quo, to just getting by and are not really committed
to continually growing on a personal and professional level.
If the answer to any one of these questions is no, you have
a problem. If you ask yourself the same questions, how would that
impact the choices you make? Remember, this whole book is about
clarity and making proactive decisions. Who you associate with is one
of the most important factors in that quest.

T h e s e V en Qu aliTies of effeCTiVe rel aTionshiPs

These qualities hold true for every relationship we have. They impact
us whether we are aware of them or not, so it is important that you
familiarize yourself with these laws and utilize them to maximize your
1. Priority
All relationships are not of equal value. This is true both personally
and professionally. So exercise great care in choosing the key alliances
in your life. Distinguish between whom you can afford to spend a few
minutes with and who deserves a few hours. It is your responsibility
to give your time to people who are going to help lift you up. In John
Maxwells book, Laws of the Inner Circle, he notes that your advisors
will make you or break you. Every leader ought to build an inner circle
that adds value to him or her and to the organization. But choose well,
for the members of this inner circle will either make you or break you.

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2. attraction
You are a living magnet. You see this so often with people in dating.
People attract others who conduct their lives in a similar way, or individuals who reflect their most dominant thinking. It follows that
becoming the right person is the fastest way to attract another right
personin dating, business, and any other area of life. Relationships
are basically mirrorsthey reflect the quality and level of our thinking.
When you think well of yourself, for the right reasons, youre going
to attract that same type of person into your life. Remember, clarity
attracts. When youre clear about what youre looking for, youll attract
the right people and the right resources into your life.
3. excluded alternatives
When you choose to allow somebody into your life, you almost subconsciously choose to not allow someone else into your life. Low-value
relationships displace high-value relationships. When youre spending
time with the right people, you arent investing time with the wrong
Please note that when I use the term right people, I dont mean
you should be judgmental in a petty way. Im talking about surrounding yourself with people who are going to lift you up and continually
challenge you and help you grow to be the person you were meant to
be. This doesnt happen by accident.
4. association
You inevitably take on the values, attitudes, beliefs, habits, and even the
body language and mannerisms of the people with whom you spend
the most time.


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So if youre trying to become an engineer, should you hang out

with a group of attorneys? Or should you hang out with a group of
engineers? If youre trying to earn $100,000 a year and are currently
earning $40,000 per year, should you only hang out with people who
make $40,000? My point isnt strictly about money, but rather that you
naturally take on the habits, values, attitudes and beliefs of the people
with whom you associate.
One of my clients is the 25th wealthiest person in the country,
a multibillionaire. He thinks and acts and has habits that are different
from most people, and they reflect the reason why he became a
5. nurturing
When you pay attention to something, it grows and expands. When
you neglect something it atrophies and deteriorates. To thrive, relationships need to be nurtured. Time, effort and creativity must be
summoned constantly and proactively to keep any relationship growing
and flourishing.
6. understanding
Learn all you can about your most important relationships. The more
you know, the better you can serve, and the more meaningful deposits
you can make and the greater the harvest you will reap. Learn what
people like and what motivates them. Learn what type of gifts they
like, so that you can write them a note or give them a word of encouragement or send them something thats relevant to them.


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7. accountability
Seek relationships and alliances with those who will hold you accountable to ever-higher standards of personal performance. Iron does
sharpen iron. How are your primary associations encouraging you to
grow? One of the common missing links in really helping people grow
is holding them to a higher standard, to the values that are important
in their life, and giving them the permission to tell you when you are
moving away from those values yourself.

neVer unDeresTiMaT e faTe

When I was a freshman at Northeastern University in 1972, I played
football on scholarship. I had early success as a tight end on the junior
varsity team. In my very first game I caught 11 passes for 97 yards. I scored
a touchdown and a conversion. These stats remain a freshman record to
this day.
After that first game, I was brought up to the varsity. Unfortunately,
someone was already in my spot. There was a junior who played tight end
on the varsity squad and he started most of that year. I practiced with the
varsity but I would play in the JV games.
During my sophomore year, the tight end in front of me was a senior. Our
coach said he liked to play the older players; that was his policy. During
practices, I would always outperform this older player in my slot; I would
out-block and out-catch him. Yet I never got to start. Most everybody on
the team knew I was better football player than the senior tight end. The
offensive line coach was frustrated at my lack of playing time, but the head
coach stuck to his decisionthe senior played and I didnt.


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Our fourth game of the season was against the University of Rhode
Island. I sat on the bench as usual and started getting some stinkin thinkin
and a bad attitude. I was at college on a full scholarship but I was ready to
walk away due to my frustration at not playing. Quitting the team meant I
would probably lose my scholarship, and without that scholarship money I
would have to drop out of college.
I was frustrated. I was discouraged. I was ready to quit and give up.
But something happened in that game that changed my life. About two
minutes before halftime, the senior tight end ran across the middle to
catch a pass and took an incredible blow to his midsection. He got knocked
out of the game. We didnt know it at the time, but the blow had ruptured
his spleen and he was out for the rest of the season.
Although it happened under extremely negative circumstancesthe
injury of a fellow playerI finally had my chance. I played the whole second
half and gave my best effort. I didnt do anything spectacular. I caught a few
passes and made some nice blocks.
But after the game, the Rhode Island defensive end who played against
me came up to me and he said, I cant believe that youre not starting.
He said, In the first half of the game I totally owned the tight end that was
in here. But in the second half you owned me; you beat me on just about
every play.
I looked back and smiled, and said, Thanks. You see that guy over there,
the head coach? Can you go tell him what you just told me?
I had never met this guy before. All he did was walk over and give me a few
words of praise and encouragement. But it literally turned my life around.
In that instant, I stopped my stinkin thinkin. All thoughts of quitting were
gone from my head after this short exchangeeven though I still expected
to be back on the bench the next game, as no one knew the senior tight
ends injury was season-ending.


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I kept my place on the first string for the rest of that season, and was
the starting tight end for the next two years. I think about how close I
came to giving up. If that tight end hadnt been injured, and I didnt change
my stinkin thinkin, I could have walked away from a full scholarship and
dropped out of college. But due to a hard tackle and a few words of encouragement from a stranger, I completed my education and had a great college
football career.

b e i n G a Ceo (Chief enCouraGeMenT offiCer)

In their book How Full is Your Bucket?, Tom Rath and Donald O.
Clifton, PhD, suggest that people are either bucket fillers or bucket
dippers. Is your spouse, your best friend, your co-worker or even a
stranger filling your bucket by making you feel more positive? Or do
they dip from your bucket, leaving you more negative than before?
Even the briefest interactions affect your relationships, your productivity, your health and your longevity. I just want to share a few
of the statistics that came from How Full is Your Bucket?, because I
think theyre absolutely incredible. If you can use these lessons in your
personal and business life, it will revolutionize your relationships and
the way you look at people and the way other people look at you.
The number one reason people leave their jobs is that they
dont feel appreciated. A study found that negative employees
can scare off every customer they speak with for good. Nine
out of ten people say they are more productive when they
are around positive people. The magic ratio is that it takes
five positive interactions to counter one negative interaction,
whether youre talking to your children, your spouse or
someone at work. Remember, people crave appreciation
almost as much as they do financial compensation.

c l a r i t Y

A negative boss can increase your likelihood of having a

stroke by 33 percent. On the other hand, increasing positive
emotions in others could lengthen your lifespan by up to ten
Appreciate everything your associates do for the business; nothing
else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere
words of praise. They are absolutely free and worth a fortune.
W a l- m a r t F o u N D E r s a m W a lt o N

Every company and organization that I speak to has what I call

an energy troll, or that person who walks into a room and immediately sucks the energy out of it no matter how positive the meeting has
been. Thats why we all need to be the Chief Encouragement Ocers
(CEOs) wherever we work. We need to encourage those around us by
showing honest, sincere appreciation.
This begs the question, of course, who is your CEO? Who lifts
you up? Who encourages you? The most successful people in business
and in life are those who offer encouragement and sincere appreciation
to people they come in contact with every day, beginning at home.
Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of
their personnel. If people believe in themselves it is amazing what they
can accomplish, said Sam Walton.
I have a good buddy named Dave who really exemplifies this. I
met Dave on a plane coming back from Arizona where I had addressed
300 medical salespeople. He paid a compliment to me and my wife as
we were standing on the plane, and I really felt uplifted. Dave shared
a story with me that back in the days of Eastern Airlines, before the
airline industry really tightened up; he would buy a single rose in the

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airport for a few dollars and give it to the female attendant in charge of
ticketing. Then he would say, You are a first class person, and so am I,
but you know what? Today theyve stuck me in coach. Is there any way
you can move me up front?
Eighty percent of the time he got a free upgrade for the price of a
rose and a sincere compliment.
Im not suggesting that you have an agenda or expectation when
you pay someone a compliment, but it will always make the other
person feel special, and that person will naturally want to help you.
I recently met with the CEO (chief executive ocer, in this case)
of Daves company in Oklahoma City, and you know what else I found
out about Dave? Hes the number one salesperson and producer in the
company. Do you think thats an accident? I dont.
When I was returning from Oklahoma City, I arrived at the
airport early and decided to try Daves tactic of a flower and a sincere
compliment. The only problem was that when I got up to the counter
there was a male attendant. I struck up a conversation anyway, paid
him a sincere compliment, and he started asking me about Atlanta.
He was seeking more culture than where he lived, in Oklahoma City.
We talked for maybe five minutes since no one was in line behind me.
When we were done talking, I said, Gosh, is there any room in
first class? Id love to have the room to spread out on the way back. He
put me on a list, and by the time I got to the gate, Id been approved
for first class. It just goes to show, when you appreciate other people,
they want to return the favor.
Becoming a CEO at home is important, too. Its easy to be
negative and point out when our children or our spouse are doing
something wrong that annoys us. Instead, find them doing something
right and praise them for it.

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Ask yourself these questions: Who in your life needs to hear sincere
appreciation? Is it your spouse, one of your children, a co-worker, or
your boss? We all have daily opportunities to impact somebody in a
positive way, to serve them, to encourage them, to show sincere appreciation. My challenge to you is to find somebody doing something
right at home, at work, or even in the community, and praise them for
it. Doing so can transform a life; it can transform a relationship; it can
re-energize a business.

PosiTiVe MenTal nuTriTion

Positive mental nutrition is the deliberate, productive input that comes
from what you read, watch or listen to. Just as with people, there is no
neutral ground in this regard. The information you consume is either
lifting you up or dragging you down.
We all need a healthy mind as much as a healthy body, a mind
that will work for us instead of against us. A healthy mind keeps your
attention on your intention, and stores up goal-directed thoughts as
opposed to fear-based thoughts.
What can you do to achieve a healthy, disciplined mind? You can
start by being intentional about what you expose it to. Most people just
absorb things as they happen. They listen to whatever is playing on the
TV or radio; they read whatevers printed in the daily newspapers; they
read the books that everybody else is reading. They take a very casual
and reactive approach to what they are feeding their minds, just as
many take the same low-end approach to feeding their bodies.
While its important to keep in touch with what is going on in
the world, you dont need to feed your brain all the negative junk now
offered in the media. We are bombarded with more information than

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at any other time in our history. And the question is, how do you
discern what is truth, what is garbage and what is healthy and nutritious for your mind? I like what Zig Ziglar says about this: Every
morning when I wake up I read the Bible, and then I read the paper;
that way I can keep track of what both sides are doing.
The most successful people I know closely monitor what they let
into their minds.
When you put garbage into your body, you pay the unpleasant
short-term and long-term consequences. When you allow garbage into
your mind, you clog your potential for satisfaction and lasting success.
I used to think it was just garbage in, garbage out; but now Ive realized
that the garbage we let in our minds stays there. Our subconscious
mind retains the junk and retrieves it later. When you put the right
positive mental nutrition into your mind then good, positive benefits
come out.

G e T your PosiTiVe MenTal nu TriTion in beD

Pay very close attention to what you allow into your mind during the
15 minutes before you go to sleep. The stimuli we receive at bedtime
can determine whether we wake up with a positive, can-do attitude or
wake up with stinkin thinkin. If you tune into the 11 oclock news
before you go to bed, youll hear a rundown of all the crises around the
world. Youll hear about murders and rapes. And youll go to bed with
that in your subconscious. I believe that it can alter the quality of your
sleep, affect your dreams and cause you to wake up with a negative
outlook. Instead, read something positive. I often read Bible verses, but
anything uplifting will do.


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To live an exceptional life you must deliberately immerse yourself

in inspiring and uplifting thoughts. You must capture the hidden
opportunities and spare moments and surround yourself with positive
mental nutrition. Everything you read and everything you watch and
listen to, impacts your character and personality. As a result, directly or
indirectly, it influences every decision you make.
Your television can be a great source of negative stimuli, even if
you only keep it on in the background without attentively watching it.
My wife and I once made a New Years commitment to turn off the TV
for a month. We were amazed how it automatically opened up the door
for so many other positive things to occur, because your mind searches
for things to occupy the time you waste watching TV. We spent more
quality time together. I read more books in one month than I had read
the previous year.
When our children were young, we had a rule in our home that
they could watch a half hour of TV for every hour of reading they did.
It made watching TV a reward, and even then we were very selective
and intentional with what we allowed them to watch. You need to
take the same perspective for yourself. Dont allow yourself to take in
information accidentally. Look for things that are inspiring, from faith
to fitness to marriage to parenting.

PosiTiVe self-TalK
I once went to Canada to launch a new line of supplements on The
Shopping Channel. I was well prepared for it, having spent lengthy
prep time with a mentor. I rehearsed in front of him before I made the
trip, and on my own I rehearsed in front of the mirror repeatedly. I had
about eight minutes on camera to make several pitches. The first spot

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was at 6:30 a.m., and I thought I nailed it. I came out of there pumped.
Immediately afterward in the green room I could see the sales numbers
as they registered on a monitor. My brilliant presentation had sold two
bottles of supplements. Typically, they want you to average between
$10,000 and $25,000 each time you go on air.
I sold $50 worth of product.
I felt like a loser. My confidence fell from the mountaintop to the
valley floor. I went back in to my dressing room and started packing
my bag to go home. I was supposed to go back out there six more times
over the course of the next ten hours, about once every 90 minutes, but
now I was scared to death. I didnt want to go back out and humiliate
myself again.
I called my partner, Tommy, back in Atlanta, and thank goodness
he picked up the phone. Tommy is very gifted at helping people
through tough situations. I explained everything that had happened.
His response: Steve, youre going to talk yourself back into success.
Get a pen and paper and write this down:
I am ready. I have an important message to deliver today.
I instantly connect with my audience. My voice is strong, smooth
and pleasing to hear. I smile a lot. I turn all conditions to my
advantage. I am calm and poised when I speak. I radiate confidence, competence and conviction when I speak. I am focused
like a laser. Ive got what it takes and more for this engagement. I feel ten feet tall when I speak. I love to be bold and
take charge. I have a commanding presence. I have boundless
self-confidence. I am turbocharged. I energize and inspire my
audience. My mannerisms are appropriate and eective. My
mind is quick, sharp, and alert. I am powerful, persuasive and
entertaining and charismatic. I have perfect command of the

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English language. I speak clearly and passionately. My open is

strong and dazzling. Perfect and powerful words flow to me
eortlessly, right when I need them. I have lots of fun in front
of groups. I know my stu. I know more about teamwork and
peak performance than 99.9 percent of the population. I ask
powerful and provocative questions when I speak. I am in
complete command of my material and my audience.
I gave myself that talk and took the stinkin thinkin out of my
mind. In the next segment, I sold $23,000 worth of product, and
in the following five I averaged the same. And to think I almost left
because I bombed the first time out!
Among the most powerful influences on your character, personality and attitude is what you say to yourself and what you believe. At
every single moment of every day, youre either talking yourself into
or out of success. Think about it: What are you saying to yourself
about yourself? You are constantly redefining and reinventing yourself
and your future with every thought in your mind. Its a scientific fact
that we continually talk to ourselves and this inner dialogue or self-talk
must be controlled if you are to maximize your full potential.
So what is self-talk? Simply put, its every thought that either
moves you toward your goals or away from your goals. No thoughts are
neutral; every thought counts, just like the people we let into our lives.
Unfortunately, about 90 percent of the thoughts most of us have
today are repeats from yesterday and the day before and the day before
that. This is the main reason why making a permanent, positive improvement in your life tends to be such a challenge. The human mind loves the
status quo; it loves the comfort zone; it loves the known. If not trained
to do otherwise, it will feed you a constant repetition of old ideas. And


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those old thoughts, like an automatic pilot, will keep you steering your
life in the same direction that its always gone.

D oes your Pa sT eQu al your fuTure?

What you have done matters far less than where you are going. Your past
does not equal your futureunless you make it so. If you constantly
identify with current or prior performance, where you are and where
you are going will be one and the same. Then your past will equal your
This holds true for your golf game, your business, your career,
your marriage and every other area of your life. Imagine some part of
your life that youd like to improve. It can be anything. Since this area
causing dissatisfaction is below your standards, you consider yourself to
be in a ditch, far beneath your potential. It doesnt matter how you got
in the ditch, only that youre aware of being there.
The first rule of getting out of a ditch? Stop digging.
In order to get out, you have to think up, look up, speak up,
and, ultimately climb up. Most people have diculty climbing out of
the ditches in their lives simply because they focus more on the ditch,
which represents their current circumstances, than on where they want
to climb, which is the goal or the solution.

W h aT D o you say To yourself abouT yourself?

In order to get something different, you have to do something different.
And it all begins with telling yourself that you can do it. Remember,
your self-talk tends to work against you unless you are aware of it and
use it for your own goals and ambition. Positive self-talk is a thought

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you intentionally choose to think because of the results it will produce

in your life. Effective self-talk is created by using what I call the PEPP
formula. Specifically, effective self-talk is:

Precise and Positive

Present tense
Lets look at each of these four qualities in detail.
Precise and Positive
Use specific, precise, positively-phrased language in your self-talk. Say
I am reading for one hour every evening, rather than, I am no longer
wasting my evening watching TV. Instead of I am not eating ice
cream, say, I am eating only low-fat, nutritious foods.
emotion provoking
Your self-talk should be emotion-provoking, causing you to pre-live
the experience. As I mentioned before, my son was a field goal kicker.
In a conversation once with the fine NFL kicker, John Kasay, my son
heard the following: Matthew, if youre going to really do this in high
school and want to do it in college, you have to realize that youre going
to make some and youre going to miss some, and that when you miss
you just need to blow it off and walk away, and come back and do it
again the next time. You have to kick a 50-yard field goal in your head
before you can kick one in a game. You have to convince yourself that
you can do it in your mind before you can do it on the field. Matthew
has applied this concept to other parts of his life from becoming an

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Eagle Scout, to his recent career choice, to growing into a man of high
character and integrity. If you can see yourself achieving it in your
mind, you can make it happen in reality.
Theres an oft-told story that the actor Jim Carrey. Before he became
a star, he wrote a check in the amount of $10 million payable to himself.
He visualized that someday, someone was going to pay him that much
for his gifts and talents. He actually achieved making that $10 million
because he believed it in his head before it happened in reality.
Present Tense
Like your goals, your self-talk should always be in the present tense.
The subconscious mind, where permanent change becomes rooted,
does not understand or acknowledge the past or the future; it operates
only in the here and now. You can affect subconscious change only by
communicating in the language of the present tense.
When you arm your goals and dreams as if theyre already
attained, you make the shift from being bogged down in reality to
being a visionary. Remember the most powerful words in the English
language are those that come after the words I am Thoughts such
as, I am responsible for my thoughts and I am relaxed and poised,
even when others are not, are mighty indeed.
Heres a sample list of present tense, positive self-talking points:
I am responsible
I discipline my mind
I experience maximum energy
I am clear about my goals
My thoughts, words and actions are positive
I think I can, I know I can

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I plan ahead
I let go of junk
I take action now
I am ready
I practice gratitude
I am centered and focused
I am honest with myself and with others
I see the big picture
I develop simple, effective rituals
I get lifted up just speaking those words. Even if youre not doing
the actions mentioned, youll be lifted up by just saying the words.
Self-talk is most effective when it is personal to your life and your goals.
You need to make up your own list and personalize it toward your own
goals. The more you positively pump yourself up, the better chance
youll achieve the goal. I use my list before I give a talk. I tell myself
about the outcome I want to achieve, and I achieve it in my mind and
convince myself Ive already done it before I even begin.
Whenever negative talk intrudes, I replace it with a positive
thought or a Bible verse. The first thing you need to do when you experience stinkin thinkin is to put a positive armation into your mind.
When you surround yourself with encouraging, uplifting people
and fill your mind with positive mental nutrition on a daily basis, and
then constantly reinforce your goals with positive self-talk, you will
become an unstoppable force.


ChaPTer 8:
There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire
everybody in the company from the chairman on down,
simply by spending his money somewhere else.
s a m W a lt o N

f youre a basketball fan, you may remember the excitement back in

late June and July of 2010, when 2009 MVP LeBron James prepared
to make a major announcement to reveal the team he would go to via
free agency. The media and the fans could barely stand the tension in
waiting for his decision. Will he stay in Cleveland or go to Miami,
Chicago or New York? Everyone from the President of the United
States on down gave their opinion on where the man simply known as
LeBron should go. The excitement hit a fever pitch on Thursday, July
9which was termed Decision Day by the media.
To unveil the decision, LeBron and the people who advise him
decided to hold a one-on-one live interview on ESPN at 9 p.m. on
July 8th. After being briefly interviewed by ESPNs Jim Gray, LeBron
let the whole sports world hold its breath in the final moments before
his announcement: He then told the nation that he would leave the
Cleveland Cavaliers and sign with the Miami Heat.

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In announcing his decision in this manner, James created one of

the biggest media events in the history of sports, even though it was
quite brief. (If youre not a sports fan, please take my word for itthis
was a very big deal.)
In my opinion, it was a brilliant way to create what I call a WOW
LeBron had 30 million people tuning in to learn his decision during
the live interview. He and ESPN put the National Basketball Association
brand squarely in the limelight. Whats more, there was a philanthropic
angle. LeBron sat for the interview and made the announcement from
the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Connecticutand ESPN pledged
to give the advertising and sponsorship proceeds to support the Big
Brothers and Big Sisters program (a charity James regularly supports).
This is what I call a win-win-win proposition. It helped LeBron promote
himself (and, to be sure, he received scathing criticism from some
peopleespecially disappointed Cleveland fanswho considered his
live prime-time announcement the height of narcissism). It helped his
commercial flagship, the NBA, and it helped the Big Brothers and Big
Sisters program.
So, lets re-cap the benefits from this win-win-win experience.
First, LeBron won. He whetted public appetite for his product, pro
basketball. Secondly, the NBA won. And thirdly, the customers, NBA
fans, wonbecause it generated excitement for a sport they love and
gave them a thrilling shared experience.
I think it was a brilliant marketing strategy. Not everyone agreed.
But almost everyone can agree it qualifies as a WOW experience.


c r E at E a W o W E X P E r i E N c E

WhaT is The W o W eXPerienCe?

There are three levels of effective customer service:
1. Meeting customer expectations
2. Exceeding customer expectations
3. Amazing your customers
A WOW experience is when your customers are amazed. Ideally,
you want that to happen at every point of contact with your business.
The purpose of business is to create and keep customers. The true
measure of business success is customer satisfaction. The true measure
of customer satisfaction is repeat business. Creating a WOW experience will create more repeat business.
When we started marketing the Juiceman Juicer, we wanted to
create a WOW experience at every point of contact with our customer.
While this was 16 years ago, its more important to create a WOW
experience for your customers today than its ever been. If you dont
create a WOW experience for your customers, somebody else will.
What were some of the WOW experiences we created with
customers? Well, we started off the Juiceman business by doing free
seminars, as I mentioned in an earlier chapter. We created a highenergy, informative and fun environment at all of our seminars. In
addition to being entertained and informed by Jay The Juiceman
Kordich, attendees also sampled free juice recipes that we made fresh
in the back of the room.
Jay Kordich had already been selling juicers for 40 years before we
got involved with him. As we conducted these free seminars, we met
some people who were unhappy with Jay, due to an unpleasant experience in the past. They typically said that Jay had taken their money but
not sent them a juicer, or sold them a defective juicer. So we would

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always have a handful of people who had done business with Jay in the
past, and reported a negative experience.
We had a choice.
We could have said to them, Well, look, we didnt own the
business at that time. Its not our problem. We werent responsible for
Jays actions or mistakes during that time.
Or, we could have decided to take responsibility and make those
people happy, at our expense. And thats what we chose to do. We
chose to make 100 percent customer satisfaction our corporate policy.
In the first 12 months of the business, we absorbed almost
$100,000 in losses for problems we had nothing whatsoever to do with.
We incurred these losses mainly by giving Jays disgruntled customers
free juicers. But our higher goal was to create a WOW experience.
Jays past customers werent our only issue. We had product-quality problems of our own. When we started doing business, we had what
I privately called the best of the juicers on the market. The problem
was, there werent any really good juicers at the time. Ours was one of
the better products, to be sure, but it was still lacking.
We listened to what our customers were saying to us about our
product at the live seminars. It was like having hundreds of focus groups
a year. They told us what they liked and didnt like. As we received
feedback, we would ask our manufacturers to incorporate the changes
in our product. So we constantly worked on improving the quality of
our juicer as we grew our business. We constantly poured revenue back
into upgrading our juicers and upgrading our customer experience.
Staying in constant contact with your customer and then responding to what the customer is telling you to do is the most important

c r E at E a W o W E X P E r i E N c E

thing you can do in business. Even after we stopped doing the seminars,
and sold our product exclusively on television and through retailers, I
would spend three hours every Friday morning sitting in the customer
service department and taking phone calls to hear the problems people
were having, either with the juicer or with customer service, and determining how to fix them.

a JuiCer, shoT ThrouGh The hearT

We had more than 50 customer service reps in our organization. One
day, customer service received a call from a woman that had to be
transferred up to me. The woman told me her son had put live ammunitionlive bulletsinto her juicer. And one of the bullets fired when
he turned on the juicer. Thank God, nobody got hurt. But the bullet
went through the motor of the juicer, and obviously this rendered it
ineffective and inoperable.
The customer service person who originally fielded her call said,
Maam, we stand behind our product for manufacturing defects, not
from abuse.
And yes, that was the policy. But whenever a phone call came to
me, as the president and owner of the company, I would always go for
100 percent customer satisfaction. And this ladys problem eventually
reached me.
Even though this was an extreme case, I replaced the ladys juicer.
In speaking to the woman, I said, Maam, well be more than
happy to send you a new juicer, but can I ask you a favor? Can you send
us the juicer with the bullet hole through the motor? Id like to display
it here as a piece of memorabilia.


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And, sure enough, she sent it in. We put it up on the wall in our
customer service department as a visual reminder that we would do
whatever was necessary to achieve 100 percent customer satisfaction.

GiVe your CoMPany a Call

Want to know if your customer service hotline or any other area of
your company is delivering a WOW experience to your customers?
Give your company a call. I read this once in an article, and decided
to do it.
I called our company and tried to get through to customer service,
and was put on hold for 11 minutes due to call volume. This seemed
impossible. Not only did we have 50 customer service reps, we also
had six full-time nutritionists on staff. Employing nutritionists meant
our customers could call in and discuss their specific illnesses with a
professional, who would offer juice recipes that offered the optimum
health benefit.
We had more than enough people to answer the phones
and to create a WOW experience. So when I was on hold for 11
minutes, I almost blew a gasket. I investigated the cause and discovered that 80 percent of our call-delay problems were caused not
by our staff but by technology. Our phone system couldnt accommodate the volume of incoming calls, even though our people could.
I met right away with our IT people to work on a solution. We
developed new softwarecustomized, not off-the-shelfthat would
address our needs. It was called TOES, short for Trillium Order Entry
System. Once the new system was installed our average call wait time
shrank to less than one minute. Even then, we gave a caller the option

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to leave their name and phone number, with the promise that we would
get back to them the same day (which we did).
How did this impact our bottom line? This helped us continue to
grow and become one of the fastest growing privately held companies
in the U.S.
This all happened because I dialed in one day on a whim. I gave
my own company a call. Had I not read that article, or been busy that
morning, it may have taken me many more months to learn about the
call delays.

These DaMn CusToMers

Early in my career, back in the 1980s, I worked at a sporting goods
retail store called Sports Town. It was the first warehouse sporting
goods concept in the marketplace. When a location came to Atlanta, I
joined as general manager.
Sports Town was a 40,000-square-foot store. I had about 125
employees. Every one of them wore a button that read Rule number
one: The customer is always right. Underneath that another line read,
Rule number two: Never forget rule number one.
I hated those stupid buttons. I kept asking my bosses why, if
customer service is our top priority, do we need buttons proclaiming
this fact? Shouldnt our customers be able to figure it out by how we
treat them?
Customer service begins and ends with upper management, and
it has to filter through every part of the organization. It is a mindset
and an attitude rather than a procedure. Its not something that you
pay lip service to. It is something you ingrain into the whole corporate

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Well, during his calls, the senior vice president of operations

would constantly remind us that customer service was our number one
priority. Then, in his very next breath, he would say you need to cut
payroll. He did this constantly. So we kept cutting payroll until we had
about ten people covering those 40,000 square feet.
Do you know what its like when you walk into a store and you
cant find anybody to wait on you? Of course you do. We all do. Well,
one day, a few of my remaining associates were stocking shelves and
having a conversation, and I happened by in the next aisle. I could hear
them, but they couldnt see me standing behind the shelves, so they
didnt know I was there. And Ill never forget what one of them said.
You know, we sure could get a lot of work done if it wasnt for
these damn customers.
They all agreed with this statement.
I revealed myself and ask them, Do you know who is responsible
for your paychecks?
You are, they replied. Their paychecks read authorized by Steve
I said, No, the customers are responsible for your paychecks.
So if it wasnt for these damn customers, you wouldnt have a job. I
wouldnt have a job. Nobody would have a job.

saM W alTon anD W al-MarT

Sam Walton was the founder of what came to be known as Wal-Mart.
A child of the Great Depression, Walton came from humble and hardworking roots. It goes without saying that he was a pioneering retailer,


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personally reinventing the discount general-merchandise industry in

Walton began his retail career in 1940 when he and his brother
opened the first Wal-Mart discount store in Arkansas. Sams shrewd
business plan included cutting costs to the absolute minimum and
passing savings on to the customer. He was also the first to use advanced
computerization to set up automated distribution centers, a lynchpin
of Wal-Marts success.
Today, Sams empire has grown to more than 3,000 stores and
over $100 billion in revenue. Sam was a visionary. He was a pioneer.
Sam knew how to create a WOW experience for his customer. Not
only did he create a WOW experience, but he also created an incredible

our Mission sTaTeMenT

One of the best ways to achieve clarity in an organization is to create
a mission statement and corporate philosophy, and to make sure all
employees know it by heart. Following is the mission statement I
developed at Trillium Health Products.
The companys mission is to improve the lives of people
through nutrition education and related natural health
products. The basic principles which govern the companys course
are a dedication to the highest in product quality, providing the
latest nutrition information and preventative medicine research
and exceeding our customers expectations. And demonstrating
environmental responsibility and building the organizational
integration necessary to produce win-win-win results for the
companys customers, suppliers and associates.

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What is the mission statement of your organization? What is

your corporate philosophy? What do you do on a daily basis to exceed
your customers expectations? We set out with a vision and a mission
to exceed our customers expectationsbut we just didnt pay it lip
service. We took action and followed through.

hirinG The RIGHT PeoPle

The WOW experience begins with hiring the right people and then
taking care of them, so they, in turn, can take care of your customers,
your clients or your patients.
As always, everything comes back to clarity. Our company had a
clear mission to improve the lives of people through nutrition education
and related natural health products. Having this clarity was a paramount
factor in our hiring decisions.
Let me illustrate why.

W e h i r e P e oPle Who sMile

Someone once asked the CEO of
Starbucks, How is it you have so

If the mission of your

company is to climb a tree,
would you rather hire a squirrel
or train a horse?

Most people end up

trying to train a horse to do
walk into your stores? His answer:
the job. And they end up with
We hire people who smile.
an associate who acts like a
specific part of the horse; the
horses behind. When organizations have clarity, when they have a clear
vision and a mission, it makes it much easier to attract and hire the
right people.
many employees who smile when I


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Im working with the president of an organization right now. In

discussing personnel I had him write out the specific qualifications of
the employee hes looking to hire. We made this description extremely
detailed. To the point that, when a job candidate is referred to the
organization, or walks in to apply, its going to be obvious whether they
belong there or not.

e M P o W e r i n G your eMPloyees To CreaTe a W o W eXPerienCe

Its important to empower your employees at every level of the organization to make decisions that will create a WOW experience for the
customer. When you allow your associates to take responsibility for
their results, it gives them more control over their destiny. They dont
feel helpless. And the customer doesnt get frustrated.
How many times have you dealt with someone in a business who
said, I have to talk to my supervisor? In every company that I work
with, 90 percent of the decisions can be made by a frontline person
who has the most direct contact with the customer. This person has a
great deal of responsibility and control. When youre responsible for
your results, you become an active contributor rather than a passive
observer. Contributing actively allows all employees to perform better,
and clears the way for the truly exceptional people to show their talents.
Why? Employees who are empowered to do whatever is necessary
to achieve great results have a ready pathway to excel and to be promoted.
Those who take full advantage of this will become the leaders in your
organization. This starts a domino effect. A staff member takes ongoing
responsibility for business results, that staff member achieves increasingly impressive goals, and others begin looking to him or her for leadership. Thats why the people who take the most responsibility for their

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results are the people I look to promote within my organizations, as do

most other business owners and leaders.
When you are responsible for your results, you gain a reputation
as a problem solver. The people who solve the most problems get paid
the most money, and theyre worth it. Business is all about solving
the problems experienced by customers and solving the organizations
internal problems. People that can do that on a consistent basis provide
the highest value to the operation. You must recognize this and pay
them accordingly.
People who are responsible for their results experience less anger.
They experience less frustration and helplessness because they are takecontrol types who seldom feel victimized by circumstances. This all
leads to better health. And a better bottom line for both the employees
and the company for which they work.

h e r e s a sTory abouT noT TaKinG resPonsibiliT y

One day a farmers donkey fell into a well. The animal cried relentlessly for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, the
farmer decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered
up anyway. It just wasnt worth the trouble to retrieve the donkey.
So he invited his neighbors to come over and help him. They
all grabbed shovels and began to throw dirt into the well. At first the
donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to
everybodys amazement, he became calm. Finally, the farmer looked
down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of
dirt that hit the donkeys back, the donkey would shake it off and take
a step up.


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As the farmers neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the

animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone
was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and
trotted happily off.
The donkey later came back to the farm and bit the farmer. The
gash from the bite became infected and the farmer eventually died in
agony with septic shock.
The moral of the story? When you do something wrong and try
to cover your rear, it always comes back to bite you.
Here are a few other morals from this tale that you can share. Life
is going to shovel dirt on you. If you can shake it off and take a step up,
each of your troubles can be a stepping stone. We can escape the deepest
wells just by never giving up, shaking it off and taking a step up.

T h e T r i l l iuM healTh ProDuCTs eMPloyee hanDbooK

The text below comes directly from the employee handbook we used at
Trillium Health Products, and I still use it in my business today:
We believe those who enjoy their work keep getting better at it, which
makes us a more productive company. We believe individuals can learn
and grow rapidly if eager to do so and surrounded by others equally
anxious to learn, to teach and encourage. Because we consider people
so important, we are extremely selective. Congratulations on becoming
part of our team.
General expectations. Our number one goal is to provide outstanding
customer service and exceed their expectation. Set both your personal
and professional goals high. We have great confidence in your ability

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to achieve them, and well provide you with every possible tool to make
our relationship mutually rewarding.
Customer service. We are committed to offering exceptional products
and exceeding our customers expectations. As a result, company
policies and decisions are made with the customer in mind. We are
confident that by listening to our customers, we can continue to expand
our customer base and strengthen our position as one of the nations
leading marketers of health and nutrition products and information.
Corporate philosophy. We operate under an inverted pyramid style of
management. This system exemplifies our belief that the customer
always comes first. In this system, the customer is the initial source
of contact influencing the decision-making process in the chain of
Following in importance is the sales and customer service staff,
which are the direct link to the customer. The next level of the pyramid
includes supervisors, managers and department heads. And then
underneath them and supporting them are the officers and owners
of the company.
We encourage people to be innovative in their sales technique. There
is no method or procedure manual of specific selling practices. Associates are simply asked to use good judgment and accepted business
practices, which are within the realm of being legal, moral and ethical.
And then, finally, we are a goal-oriented company. We encourage our
associates to continually strive for and maintain high standards of
performance. This quest to be the best has produced a welcome spirit
of competition and camaraderie throughout the company. Associates are constantly encouraged to expand their interests physically,
mentally and spiritually. Associates who join us become part of an
organization where individuals are accountable for their actions and
become total team players.


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G o i n G abo Ve anD beyonD The Call of DuT y

We set high expectations for our associates, and, in turn, compensated
them above industry average. It always paid off. Sure, there was the
occasional exception. But for the most part, the corporate environment we created empowered and encouraged our associates to take
responsibility, to take action, to go out and do whatever they had to do
to exceed customers expectations.
This resulted in some special demonstrations of associates going
above and beyond what most people would think was reasonably
expected of them. For example, a customer who lived two hours away
from our corporate oce in Seattle had a problem with her juicer. She
was disabled and could not get out of her house. One of our associates suggested that he deliver the juicer personally. So he drove to her
house after his work hours. He did this because he was empowered to
make those types of decisions, and he was an exceptional individual.
People will create WOW experiences that customersand bosses, and
everyone elsewill remember forever.

CreaTinG Value
After the juicer, the next product we developed at Trillium was the
Bread Man Bread Machine. It was a very good product. Consumer
Reports rated our bread machine one of the best on the market. But we
created more value by offering things customers did not expect.
For example, we were the first company to include natural whole
grain bread mixes with the product. The machine came with its own
bread mix, so that within 90 minutes of getting the product home, you
could be eating fresh bread. You didnt have to go to the store and buy
ingredients. This really differentiated the product and customers loved it.

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Nordstrom, a retail company based in Seattle, is world-renowned for
its customer service.
Few stories illustrate this like the one about the woman who came
to a Nordstrom location and wanted to return four tires. She had a
receipt, but it wasnt from a Nordstrom store. Nordstrom didnt even
sell tires. But they gave this lady store credit to purchase other products.
Now, thats going to an extreme. I dont know if I would have
done that in one of my businessesand Im a guy who replaced a juicer
that was destroyed when someone put bullets in it. But Nordstrom has
become world-renowned for creating the type of environment where the
customers have their expectations exceeded all the time. They create a
WOW experience every time you walk in the door. They train their associates to be astute in handling any sort of customer. Sure, they offer highquality products, but they offer a great environment in which to buy them.
When I started Trillium Health Products, I adopted the inverted
pyramid style of management, which came from Nordstroms example.
In a nutshell, the owners and executives of the organization support the
managers and supervisors who support the front line associates who
deal with the customers or clients every day.
When we looked at Nordstroms inverted pyramid system, we
believed it was the most direct way to create win-win-win situations in
which the customer wins, our associates win and the company wins.
And we believed it gave us the optimum environment for continued
company growth and new opportunities for both customers and associates through the following decade. We grew from zero to $100 million
in revenue in two and a half years.


c r E at E a W o W E X P E r i E N c E

T h e reW arDs of The W o W eXPerienCe

There are many benefits of creating a WOW experience and going the
extra mile (a phrase I use a lot to describe creating a WOW experience). For one, youll engender customer loyalty. When you go out of
the way to exceed a customers expectations, do you think that person
is going to do business someplace else? Secondly, youll also create extra
value. That means you can normally charge more for your product
or service. People are willing to pay more when they get more, and a
WOW experience is more.
Another reward? The most talented people in the marketplace
want to work in organizations that are creating WOW experiences.
So you get a better caliber of employee seeking a position with your
business. This held true in every company Ive worked with. When you
create an exciting environment, people want to come and work there.
Google is the epitome of this. Thousands of people want to work
for Google as a result of this company creating WOW experiences. So
it can pick the brightest and the best people coming out of the colleges
and the universities.
Finally, industry leaders and influential parties in the marketplace
notice when youre creating a WOW experience. In 1992, I received
the following letter from Kenneth Kolker, who was the CEO of May
Corporation, the largest conglomeration of department stores in the
country at the time. He was actually congratulating me for creating a
WOW experience.
Dear Steve,
Even though we havent met, I would like to congratulate you for conceiving and carrying out one of the greatest
marketing strategies in years. As the individual who first
knew and worked with Jay Kordich some 25 or more years

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ago, I congratulate you and your fine organization for recognizing and utilizing a unique marketing happening.
Kenneth Kolker
To sum it up, when you create a WOW experience, people want
more of your product. They want to be connected with you. When you
come out with your next product, everybody will line up to get it. And
thats exactly what happened in our organization.

W h aT a r e you DoinG To CreaTe a W o W eXPerienCe?

As in, right now?
How are you differentiating yourself individually or as a company?
Are you a person who goes the extra mile, takes responsibility, goes out
of their way to take care of people, and adds value to their employer
and to the customer every day you show up at work? What is your
value proposition? Why should someone do business with you or hire
you when considering all the other options available?
When you ask yourself these questions, it creates the opportunity
for you to explore how you can become a more valuable member of
your team or organization. If you own the business, it can help you
create a greater value and empower your team to go out and exceed
customer expectations. You want a top-quality product or service that
offers the best possible value. And by that, I dont mean the lowest
When you live by price alone, youre going to die by price. You
may face the dismal reality of seeing your product become a commodity.


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You may compete and survive, but without added value, a competitor
who can tolerate a lower margin will eventually wear you down.
It bears repeating: There has never been a more important time
in history for you to create a WOW experience on a personal and
a business level. People have too many choices now, for goods and
services, and for employees. The Internet has added limitless options
to these realms. So you cant be complacent. When youre in business,
there are only two choices: Youre either growing and playing offense
and moving forward, or youre shrinking and moving backwards and
becoming obsolete.

An example of how a business went the extra mile to give me a WOW
experience? I was having problems with my phone, so I had to call
the customer service line at a phone company in Florida. Typically, I
anticipate the worst-case scenario when I have this need. I expect to be
confronted with an endless maze of keypad- or voice-operated options,
and then, if I do get a human, ending up with someone who doesnt
care about my problem.
Well, I ended up getting Matisha as my customer service rep.
She solved my immediate problem, which satisfied my immediate
need. I was gratified to have this done, even though what she provided
was within the minimum expectation a customer should have. But
then Matisha went the extra mile. She looked at my billing record,
and said, You know, Mr. Cesari, we have mistakenly been billing you
for two accounts for the past three years.
She researched the problem. She voluntarily went above and
beyond the call of duty, and spent about 30 minutes researching and

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resolving a problem that I was not even aware I had. As a result, I ended
up getting a tremendous refund.
When this matter was settled I sat down and, for the first time
in my life, wrote a letter of appreciation to a phone company. I sent
this letter to Matisha and her supervisor, and I sent Matisha a book.
Thats how moving the experience was for me. She went the extra mile
and did something incredible that I didnt expect a phone company
to do. (She didnt just exceed my expectations; she amazed meand
remember, thats the nucleus of all WOW experiences.)
Now, how do you think Matishas supervisor reacted? Do you
think the supervisor clearly recognized that shes a special person?
Whats going to happen when Matisha comes up for her review? Do
you think she will be a likely candidate to be promoted, to be put in
charge of more people, to teach other people how to do what she did?
I certainly hope so, and expect as much. Ive certainly seen terribly
run businesses in which she would have been chastised for refunding a
large sum of money without being compelled to do so. But those businesses dont last long, because they are fundamentally flawed. I dont
know exactly what ensued in Matishas case due to my praising letter,
but Im willing to bet that she did very well at the company. Or shes
doing very well at some other job, and her company is making more
money because shes there. People who go the extra mile excel in the
marketplace. Thats a universal fact.

C r e aT e your o Wn Pl ayinG fielD anD DoMinaTe iT

Eric Yaberbaum is a friend and a business associate who prides himself
on standing out from the pack. Eric is a PR executive and he wrote PR


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for Dummies, along with several other books. He has a simple philosophy when it comes to differentiating your company from the others.
His advice: Dont try to figure out how to capture part of an
existing market. Instead, go out and create your own market. Create
your own playing field and dominate it.
Eric actually worked with our company when we marketed the
Juiceman, and his PR philosophy helped us expose our WOW experience to a lot of people. Eric was responsible for helping us deliver free
seminars to 650,000 people over a period of two years. He created a
PR machine that established us as experts in the health and nutrition
industry and established our product as one of the best available.
I have built several successful companies using these strategies.
Whether its on a personal level or a business level, differentiating
yourself from your competition is critically important. A very famous
example of this follows.

The GeorGe f oreMan Grill

The company that bought Trillium Health Products is the same
company that launched the George Foreman Grill. My brother Rick,
whos a genius at marketing (if I do say so myself, as his brother),
oversaw most of the direct marketing for the George Foreman Grill.
Ill tell you, at first, nobody had heard of the George Foreman
Grill. It was not distinct. There were already grills on the market. We
didnt just want to capture part of the existing market, even though
it was growing. We wanted to create a new market. The question
was, how could we differentiate the George Foreman Grill to create a
dierent playing field and dominate it?


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I remember sitting with George Foreman and his daughter in a

limousine once. I asked him, George, what are you most passionate
He said, Oh, thats easy. I love to talk about my faith, and I love
to cook, and I love to eat.
You see, the marketing message for the George Foreman Grill
grew out of one of Georges passions. He loved to eat, and he loved to
cook. And he wasnt just endorsing a product. It was an extension of
who George really is.
That was a good foundation, anyway.
My brother developed the infomercial, which opened with
George Foreman in a boxing ring, wearing his robe and his heavyweight-championship belt. The message was, knock out the fat from
your food by using my grill. Because this was the first grill that was
actually elevated in the back so the grease would run off, and the first
grill that cooked food from both the top and the bottom, it had some
unique selling points.
So the grill was being marketed from a health perspective, not
simply as another grill in the marketplace. Thats how it was differentiated. Rick believed that this point of difference, along with a celebrity
like George lending his force to the marketing, would translate to sales
Well, that didnt happen. The infomercial aired for several months,
at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars, and its message failed to
A little more due diligence was done. Research revealed that over
80 percent of the people watching the infomercial and likely to make
the purchasing decision on an item like this were female. The lesson:

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Know your customer. Females arent generally huge boxing fans. So

they took George Foreman out of the boxing ring and put him in
a kitchen. They took off his heavyweight belt and swapped it for an
apron. They reshot the infomercial using a female host and went back
on the air. Within 12 months, the George Foreman Grill was doing
several hundred million dollars in revenue.
Today, nine out of ten people I talk to own either one or multiple
George Foreman Grills. The marketing and the product created a
WOW experience. They connected with their customer with a health
message. They created their own playing field and dominated it.
The company that was responsible for the George Foreman Grill
bought out George Foremans endorsement contract for the product.
The price tag for that was over $126 million in cash and stock. At the
time, it was bigger than the deal Nike made with Michael Jordan. It
was the biggest single product endorsement in history, a pretty amazing
fact that few people know.

CuMberl anD DiaMonD eXChanGe

I worked with a local business here in Atlanta called Cumberland
Diamond Exchange. Mark Jacobson, his wife Rhonda, and his brother
Wayne exemplify going the extra mile for customers. They make you
feel like family the moment you walk into their store. They are truly
creating a WOW experience by treating you like royalty when you
walk through the door. You are greeted with a warm smile, offered
a beverage and then serviced by the most knowledgeable staff in the
industry. They dont try to sell you; they educate you so you can make
an informed decision.


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And as a result, their business has been thriving for over 20 years.
When others are struggling in this down economy, they are receiving
national recognition for their outstanding service and knowledge in
their industry.
Why? The Jacobsons are not in the jewelry business. They are
in the people-pleasing business, and it makes all the difference. They
create a WOW experience because theyre passionate about what they
do. They do it better than anybody else.

Dr. haTraK
I work with a chiropractor here in Atlanta named Dr. Michael Hatrak.
There are about 40,000 working chiropractors in Atlanta, so the first
thing we did when we started working together, was rebrand Dr. Hatrak.
Instead of competing against 40,000 chiropractors, we positioned Dr.
Hatrak as a certified Synergy Release Physician. He developed an entire
certification program for candidates wishing to become a certified
Synergy Release Physician, and now trains other chiropractors to be
Ive worked with Dr. Hatrak and his team on creating a WOW
experience for his clients, and they have grown and moved from a
1,900-square-foot nondescript oce building behind a fast-food restaurant into a 5,000-square-foot Class-A, state-of-the-art oce space,
which they transformed into a state-of-the-art clinical environment.
Dr. Hatrak works with over 450 pro athletes, and this is part of
the WOW experience he creates for his clients. When you go to his
facility, you feel like you are being given the same caliber of treatment
professional athletes receive. As a matter of fact, when you walk into


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his oce, chances are good that youll rub elbows with a professional

The reW arDs of CreaTinG a W o W

eXPerienCe in your Personal life
By now, you clearly see the value and benefit of creating a WOW experience at the business level. But what about creating it in your personal
Recently, a man I know was talking about a deal he was trying to
put together with his biggest client. Another young man, an attorney,
told him, Your wife and your family are your biggest client. Its true.
Your spouse and your family are your biggest single client, collectively,
and they deserve WOW experiences.
So how can you create a WOW experience at home? How can
you create a WOW experience in your marriage? How can you create a
WOW experience in your relationship with your children? The same
principles and concepts that apply for business apply here. You need to
do more than exceed expectations. You need to amaze them.
To me, it is unacceptable to be a success in business and a failure
at home. And by applying these same principles, by rejecting passivity
and being intentional, by taking responsibility and looking for ways to
constantly create a WOW experience, you can improve the quality of
your relationships.

a Mission sTaTeMenT f or MarriaGe

My wife and I developed a mission statement for our marriage and for
our family, along with a set of values for which our family stands. Some

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people might think this is going to an unnecessary extremebut if its

so important to have a mission and a vision for your business, shouldnt
you have a mission and a vision for your marriage and your family?
Heres the mission statement that Indy and I agreed on for our
The mission of our marriage is to love each other
unconditionally and to continually encourage and support each
other in all areas of life. We are lifelong partners committed
forever to bring out the best in each other as we strive to reach
our full potential.
How can you create a WOW experience in your marriage, or
your relationship? You know best what your partner likes (and really
likes), so Ill leave the nitty-gritty particulars up to you. But following
are some guidelines that will help. I often work with couples to help
them establish goals for their marriage, and these five areas of focus
can help stimulate ideas. My wife and I are also currently working on
a marriage book.
To have a WOW experience in your marriage, you need to have:
1. Purposeful communication
One of the greatest lessons I have learned is that my wife doesnt want
me to fix her problems. Most of the time, she just wants to know that
I am listening to her and that I hear her. So now I always ask the
question, do you want me to respond or do you want me to listen?
Another great tool is one I call React and Reject vs. Reflect and Respond.
When you are in a conversation, it is always better to take time and
understand what the other person is saying rather than automatically
reject what they have to say.


c r E at E a W o W E X P E r i E N c E

How could you make the communication with your partner

more purposeful and empathetic?
2. Perseverance
After you get married you have two jobs to do: You must be be committed
to keeping the marriage going, and you must be committed to making the
marriage great. As with anything else in life, you have to keep learning
and growing in a marriage or you will become stagnant. When you
are better educated about the realities of marriage, you have a bigger
toolbox, and you are better equipped to build a higher-quality relationship. Theres an enormous supply of resources covering virtually every
aspect of marriage. You name it, from communication and conflict
resolution to intimacy, theres a virtual ocean of learning possibilities.
What are you reading, watching and listening to thats helping
you move your relationship in the direction that you want to go?
3. intentional, consistent actions
Just as with exercise, small deposits made on a consistent basis will keep
your relationship fresh and exciting. Having goals for your marriage
will help in this area. Schedule date nights together, plan vacations and
surprise each other with kind acts or gifts that are not for any specific
occasion. Get creative when it comes to your marriage and good things
will follow.
In what ways could you grow closer by traveling the extra mile
for your spouse on a consistent basis? In what ways could you really
surprise your spouse in the next 12 months or in the next 30 days?
What type of surprises would you like your spouse to be planning for


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4. Clear priorities
My wife, Indy, always reminds me that we have to deal with the whole
pie. We have the social, emotional, spiritual, financial, intellectual and
physical aspects of our marriage, and we must always try to keep them
in harmony. It is a balancing act. If you take care of several pieces of the
pie, but ignore one that needs attention, it can have a major impact on
you and your marriage.
What piece of the pie do you need to work on the most?
5. Progress, not perfection
There are no perfect people, so there are no perfect relationships. As I
mentioned before, its easy in any relationship to find someone doing
something wrong and scold them for it, but it works much better if
you can find your spouse doing something right and praise him or her
for it.
What can you praise your partner for today? Remember, you are
not looking for anything in return. You will be amazed at what can
happen to a relationship if one or both people do this.
Treat a man as he is, he will remain so. Treat a man the way he can
be and ought to be, and he will become as he can be and should be.
JohaNN WolFgaNg voN goEthE

inDys birThDay ParT y

Heres a specific example of something I did to go the extra mile for my
wife. It was her 40th birthday, and I had planned a small dinner with
some friends and family at a restaurant she really enjoys in Atlanta. As
we were sitting there eating, what my wife didnt know, was that I had

c r E at E a W o W E X P E r i E N c E

invited the rest of the family and about 100 of her friends, many of
whom she hadnt seen since high school. People came from all over the
They were all waiting upstairs in a separate room in the restaurant. When we finished eating our dinner, I said, Were going to have
dessert upstairs in a special place. As we walked into the room to a
warm ovation, Indy was naturally shocked.
It took a lot of time, planning and effort, but it was certainly
worth it.
Thats just one example. But when you go the extra mile, it doesnt
have to be extravagant or expensive. Any small act can let your partner
know that youre thinking about them.

T h i s MonTh, i TraVel The eXTra Mile f or

Heres an exercise that we use when we conduct couples retreats. We have
our couples fill out little cards that have This month I travel the extra mile
for_____ by _______ written on them. For example, I would write Indy, my
wife, or the name of one of my children (or anyone in my life) in the first blank
space. In the second blank, I would write the action I want to take to go the
extra mile for that person. We collect these at the end of the conference, and
then each month we send them back to each partner as reminders of what
they wanted to do.
Its a great exercise to keep your spouse and your children on the top of your
mind and to create those moments that can impact them so positively.


ChaPTer 9:
Lost time is never found again.
bENJamiN FraNKliN

n 2008, I was giving a keynote talk in Chicago to a group of over

400 actuaries.

They say that the definition of an actuary is an accountant

without a personality (no offense intended to actuaries), but I really
wanted to connect with this group.
At the start of the talk, I showed a slide with a big red number
525,600. Ive mentioned this number in an earlier chapter so it may be
familiar to you.
Does anybody know what this number represents? I asked.
There were various answers, and after a few minutes someone
correctly said that it was the number of minutes in every year. I told
them my task in this presentation was to help them maximize every
one of those minutes in order to get the most out of business and out
of life.
As I was talking, I noticed a hand waving wildly near the front
of the room. Again, as this was a keynote talk, it really wasnt meant

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to be an interactive presentation. I asked the young lady, Can I help

you? She told me that there would not be 525,600 minutes in 2008.
It was a leap year, so there are 527,040 minutes. Thats why youre an
actuary, I told her.
Well, whether there are 525,600 or 527,040 minutes in a given
year, we all have the same amount of time, but we dont all use it the
same way. We have already talked about taking action. Now were going
to talk about taking the right actions and making the most out of every
minute we have.
The Dash
By Linda Ellis
I read of a man who stood to speak at a funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke of the following date
with tears.
But he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth,
and now only those who love her know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own, the cars, the house, the cash.
What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard.
Are there things youd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough to consider whats true and real
and always try to understand the way other people feel,
and be less quick to anger and show appreciation more,
and love the people in our lives like weve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile,
remembering that this special dance might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read with your lifes actions to rehash,
would you be proud of the things they say about how you spent your dash?

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I love this poem. Linda Ellis was a virtually unknown poet until
this poem was read on the radio one day. The phone lines lit up at the
radio station. Since then, it has changed her life, and shes gone on to
become a nationally acclaimed poet. Millions of people have read The
Dash and responded to the reality of it.
How will you live your dash? As you know, a three-page letter
from one of my fathers friends written way back in 1968 told me how
my dad lived his dash, and helped me define how I live mine.
One way I want to live my dash is to practice something that Ive
learned. Ive learned that is not the things we accumulate in life or how
long we live that determines our success, but rather the hearts we touch
along the way and the difference we make in the lives of others.
Thats really what the dash is all about.
When all is said and done, the significance of our livesthe
dashwill be a reflection of the choices we make. And since we only
go around once in life, we need to choose wisely.

The ParaDoX of TiMe

There is always enough time to achieve what needs to be accomplished.
But there is never enough time to do everything.
This means that the key to successful living lies in taking action
on your most important priorities and continually simplifying your life
by removing the junk from it.
There is always enough time to do the right things. Determining what those right things are can be challenging, especially when we
are constantly bombarded by so many distractions, cultural trends and


g E t m o r E h Pa i N Yo u r D aY

suggestions. The clamor and noise in life can distract even the most
focused person.
No matter who you are or what you do, your progress and success
in life will depend, more than any other factor, on how you choose to
invest the 24 hours, the 1,440 minutes, the 86,400 seconds that you
are given each day.

s u r f i n G T h e inTerneT: a
M o n sT e r T i Me-W a sTer

buT iTs JusT 15 MinuTes...

I read an interesting statistic.

Think of this. Misusing just 15
It stated that people who use
minutes a day, over the course of a
the Internet spend an average
year, can cost you 90 hours. Thats
of 60 hours per month online:
more than two full work weeks.
22 percent spend it on social
networking, 41 percent spend it on viewing content, and 36 percent
spend it on email or surfing the net.
Are the years you may spend online really worthy of your dash?
For many people, the endless hours on the Internet are a massive
time-waster, and a low-payback activity. Cut back, and spend more
time on more rewarding activities and pursuits.

I was blessed to be the chairman of an organization called TOPS. This
is an acronym for the Techwood Outreach Program through Sports. It
was started by Bill Maness, a graduate of Furman. Right in the shadows
of Georgia Tech was one of the worst housing projects in Atlantaand
in the country.

c l a r i t Y

In that housing project, the statistics were harsh: Only 1 out of

126 children would graduate from college.
I remember going to those housing projects for the first time. It
was scary. They were infested with violence and drugs. The data showed
that a lot of children came from single-parent homes. The boys and
young men, in particular, did not have a successful male role model to
show them how to live life. So they would resort to violence and other
negative acts.
I spoke to a group of children from these housing projects while
working with TOPS, and asked them, Whats your goal? Whats your
One specific response stood out. A boy who was 12 years old
said he wanted to get a girl pregnant before he turned 15, because
he wouldnt live to be 16. In his perspective, his dash wasnt going to
represent very much, and there wasnt much to live for. So he had a very
short-term focus. That young man accomplished his goal when he was
13 years old. He became a dad.
We found, over time, that throwing money at the social problems
in these housing projects yielded very little benefit. Creating great
programs didnt help much, either. What made the most difference was
having a consistent presence in the life of these young men who were
not used to having a male role model. The best investment we made
was investing our time and energy to establish trust with these young
We did this for six years. The first two young men who had gone
through the program continued to excel and overcome the challenges
of their environment as they grew. Those two young men were exposed
not only to sports but to the experience of working in successful

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Ill never forget the day I drove those two young men to college.
They were given a vision of what is possible in life beyond the environment that they were brought up in, and they expanded their dash.
It wasnt giving them a handout. It was giving them a hand up.
And it created a longer-term focus. Several years later, the former
mayor of Atlanta, Andrew Young, wrote that TOPS was one of the best
programs of its type and should be used on a national level to help lift
people up.
To me, its amazing what people can accomplish in every aspect
of their life when they can identify ways to expand their dash. And the
outcomes or results usually come from the choices they make. You and
I have the ability, every day, to choose what it is we focus our attention,
effort and energy on. And Ive learned that the most successful people
in lifethe clients I work with that grow the quickest in their business
and their personal relationshipsare the ones that choose wisely. They
are the ones who focus on what I call high-payback activities in each
area of their life.
One of the biggest breakthroughs occurs when clients identify
their high-payback activities, or HPAs, and find ways to spend more
time working on them. Usually their high-payback activities will
also line up with their genius, which we discussed in chapter four.
Remember, your genius is what youre most passionate about and also
what youre really good at doing.
When my clients identify their high-payback activities and spend
more time engaged in themand delegate or get rid of their low-payback activitiesthey make the biggest breakthroughs. This is where
you will make the biggest breakthrough too, because then you wont
just be taking action, but youll be taking the right actions that move
you closer to becoming the person you want to be.

c l a r i t Y

hiGh-Payb aCK aCTiViTies

Below are my definitions of a high-payback activity.
On a business level: The actions or activities that create the results for
which you get compensated, or that create the results that move you
closer to the mission of the company.
On a personal level: The actions or activities that create the results that
move you closer to becoming the person youre striving to become, and
help to lift up the people in your circle of influence.
Here is my definition of a low-payback activity: Anything you
can delegate or get rid of that does not add value on a business or
personal level.
Its pretty simple. After you have defined your goals, and developed
a compelling reason why you want to accomplish these goals, the next
step is to identify the top three to five high-payback activities in each
area that will help you accomplish them.

yo u a re only really W orKinG When you are

W o r KinG on your hiGh-Payb aCK aCTiViTies
Let me show you my own high-payback activities, which Ive identified
in five key areas of my life.
The first key area is marriage, though for you it may be another
relationship. My top high-payback activity in my marriage is spending
quality time with my wife, Indy. In a book I highly recommend, The
Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman identifies quality time as one of
the specific things people tend to crave most. (I tend to crave words
of armation, by the way, because I didnt receive a lot of words of
armation when I was growing up.) Typically, in our relationship, we

g E t m o r E h Pa i N Yo u r D aY

tend to give the other person what we crave ourselves. If you want to
know what your partner craves, just ask.
Praying together is another high-payback activity for my wife
and me. It didnt come very naturally to me at first, but I persevered.
One study showed that out of 1,700 couples that were followed over a
ten-year period, the couples that stayed together often prayed together.
In fact, the divorce rate for couples that pray together is less than one
percent. Basically, that says to me that the couples that pray together
stay together. So we have made praying together one of the high-payback activities in our marriage. We have found it is dicult to be mad
at someone you pray with.
In business, one of my high-payback activities is speaking. When
I am speaking to people, I am in my genius. I am working on what
Im passionate about and what I do very well. When I am speaking to
people, its also a natural networking environment because people want
to ask questions. They want to learn more about the things I talk about,
which leads to consulting opportunities that help grow my business.
Another high-payback activity for me is developing content and
products. Im constantly looking at how to take my information and
develop it into content that will be relevant to the people that need it,
to help them get unstuck. Its a goal of mine to help them move their
life in a direction that will improve their business and improve their
personal lives.
The third focus area for me is health and tness. One of my highpayback activities in this arena is eating five to six nutritional meals
and snacks per day instead of three big heavy meals. I am very aware of
what I put into my body. Im 56 years old. Im 62. I weigh about 205
pounds. When my body fat is low, I feel really good.


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Sleeping is another a high-payback activity in my health area,

even though it doesnt sound like an activity. If I dont get six to eight
hours of sleep, then Im not as effective as I could be mentally and
Running and cycling are HPAs, as well. I do one or the other five
days a week. I try to cycle once or twice a week, and then run three to
four times a week. For me, those are high-payback activities.
The fourth area is spiritual. An HPA here involves reading a daily
devotional or doing a Bible study. While praying together is a marriage
HPA, I also try to pray on my own every day.
In every area, when I do my HPAs, I have more energy. I am more
in tune and in sync with my life. I am more productive in my business.
Conversely, if I remove any of the high-payback activities in any of
those areas, my quality of life starts going downhill.

an hPa eXerCise
Heres a high-payback activity exercise that you will find quite easy to
do. It will help you identify the HPAs that most effectively move you
in the direction you need to go.
Identify your different key areas of life and write them down.
They will likely be business, personal, health and tness, marriage or
relationship, parenting (if appropriate) and spiritual. Feel free to add
your own areas. You can also add a financial area if you wish.
For every area of life, write three high-payback activities that you
have identified. What are the three steps or acts that would yield the
greatest return in each area?


g E t m o r E h Pa i N Yo u r D aY

Remember, these are the actions, activities or choices that create

results that will help you become the person you want to become, or
help generate compensation.
The top three in each area should be obvious to you; they are
probably the frogs (remember chapter five?) that youve been doing
everything you can to avoid eating. Take the time to do this exercise,
because if you dont know what your high-payback activities are in each
key area of life, you will be lost.

lo W-Payb aCK aCTiViTies

As important as the high-payback activities are, some of the biggest
transformations my clients experience, have come from identifying the
opposite. They identified their low-payback activities, or LPAs.
As Ive already mentioned, these are the activities you need to
delegate or eliminate.
If you work for somebody else, this can be a little tricky because
you must adhere to their agenda and sometimes engage in low-payback
activities. But in my experience, I have found that the people who excel
in organizations are the ones who can focus more on the HPAs and
delegate or get rid of the LPAs. Even with the most unreasonable of
bosses, it can still be done.
What are some examples of LPAs?
1. Doing things other people want you to do.
This is their agenda versus your agenda. Meetings are big culprits.
Whenever I call a meeting, I always state the goal of the meeting. I
often ask this when I attend meetings. I ask that people prepare the

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goal in advance. Then I always ask the bigger question: Is the meeting
really necessary?
Meetings need to have a goal. You need to have agenda. You
need to be prepared and, before scheduling one at all, ask the really
important question: Is the meeting necessary?
2. Doing things a certain way because this is the way weve always done it.
In my consulting work, Ive found that this causes more LPAs than
anything else. Due to traditions or habits, people get used to doing
things a certain way. In any organization, people tend to take on the
culture of that company. Remember, we tend to take on the habits of
the people we spend the most time with. These people may say, Weve
always done it this way. Why should we change now?
Well, heres one of the rules that Ive implemented in every
company Ive had: When it comes to productivity and the way we do
things to create results, if you have a more effective way of doing any of
them, speak up. We give people incentives to do this. We make a point
of rewarding people who have saved the company money by doing
something differently, or revealing an opportunity for a new revenue
stream. We compensate them and give them a percentage of the new
3. Doing things you are not good at doing.
I know what my strengths are. Im what they call a rainmaker. I have a
great ability to influence people. Im very good at identifying problems.
I can see problems from a gut, instinctual level.
But Im not the classic detail person.
For example, I am not good at developing graphics for presentations. I delegate that responsibility to the other people on my team

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who are extremely good at this. They can create a WOW experience
through graphics. I cant. More accurately, any WOW that someone
may utter in response to seeing a graphic I created certainly wouldnt
be positive.
4. Doing things you dont enjoy doing.
When you dont enjoy doing something, you wont have your heart in
it and you wont do it well. Of course, there will always be things in
your work or personal life you dont enjoy doing. But the more you can
decrease them, and the more you can work in your genius, the more
productive youre going to be.
When you identify specific tasks that youre not good at doing
or that you dont enjoy doing, realize that there is almost assuredly
someone in your organization who loves to do themand is very good
at doing them. Were all wired differently, and we all have different
interests and different abilities. Your LPA is someone elses HPA.
The secret on any team is finding those people, and delegating
those LPAs that you dont like doing or dont do well. Again, the more
you can make this happen, the more successful youre going to be.

ho W MuCh is your TiMe W orTh?

Heres a great exercise I do with my clients: I have them determine
the value of their time. Consider that if you make $50,000 per year
and you work 40 hours a week, you average about $26.04 an hour. If
you make $50,000 and work 60 hours a week, you make $17.36 an
hour. The math here isnt dicult. Just divide your annual salary by the
number of hours you work every year.


c l a r i t Y

If you work
20 hours a week
30 hours a week
40 hours a week,
50 hours a week
60 hours a week

That adds up to...

960 hours per year
1,440 hours per year
1,920 hours per year
2,400 hours per year
2,880 hours per year

Take your annual salary and divide it by the number of hours

worked in a year, and you will come up with your hourly rate. This
was an eye-opening exercise for me. It gave me a benchmark to make
If youre asked to do something that will generate much less than
your typical hourly rate, try to delegate it. One of my employees was
making about $125,000 a year and working about 50 hours a week.
That comes out to $52.08 per hour. I had been recommending for
years that he hire an assistant. Why? He was mired in low-payback
activities; a lot of administrative stuff, scheduling, emails.
I said, You need to hire an assistant and pay them $40,000 a year
out of your own pocket.
He resisted for almost a year, but finally relented. Within 12
months, he was making $225,000 per year.
Now, was that investment of delegating his low-payback activities
to his assistant worth the $40,000 a year he paid out? It absolutely was.
Once you have this perspective on how you spend your time and
how much your time is worth, you have a benchmark to determine if
you are doing a low-payback activity or not. If you make $150,000
a year working 50 hours a week, your rate is $62.50 per hour. If you
find yourself doing work you could pay someone $12 an hour to do so


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you can continue to focus on your high-payback activities that would

obviously be worth it.
Now, you may not be in a position to hire an assistant, but I
guarantee you are in a position to get rid of some of your low payback
Your time is valuable. The more you understand the value of your
time, the more you will understand how important it is to guard it and
use it wisely, focusing on HPAs in your business and relationships.


ChaPTer 10:
We come into this world head first and go out feet
first; in between, it is all a matter of balance.
Pa u l b o E s E

vacationing American businessman stood on the pier of a quaint

coastal fishing village in southern Mexico. He watched as a small
boat with a single young Mexican fisherman aboard pulled into the
dock. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. Enjoying
the warmth of the early afternoon sun, the American complimented
the Mexican on the quality of his fish.
How long did it take you to catch them? the American casually
Oh, a few hours, the Mexican fisherman replied.
Why dont you stay out longer and catch more fish? the
American businessman then asked.
The Mexican warmly replied, With this, I have more than
enough to support my familys needs.
The businessman then became serious. But what do you do with
the rest of your time?

uND E r sta N D t h E i m P o rta N c E o F b a l a N c E

Responding with a smile, the Mexican fisherman answered, I

sleep late, play with my children, watch ball games and take siestas with
my wife. Sometimes in the evenings I take a stroll into the village to see
my friends, play the guitar and sing a few songs.
The American businessman impatiently interrupted. Look, I
have an MBA from Harvard, and I can help you to be more profitable.
You can start by fishing several hours longer every day. You can then
sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra money you can buy a bigger
boat. With the additional income that larger boat will bring, before
long, you can buy a second boat and a third one and so on until you
have an entire fleet of fishing boats.
Proud of his own sharp thinking, he excitedly elaborated a grand
scheme which could bring even bigger profits. Then, instead of selling
your catch to a middleman, youll be able to sell your fish directly to
the processor or even open your own cannery. Eventually you could
control the product, processing and distribution. You could leave this
tiny coastal village and move to Mexico City or possibly even Los
Angeles or New York City where you could expand your enterprise
even more.
Having never thought of such things, the Mexican fisherman
asked, But how long will all this take?
After a rapid mental calculation, the Harvard MBA pronounced,
Probably about 15 to 20 years, maybe less if you work really hard.
And then what, seor? asked the fisherman.
Why, thats the best part, answered the businessman, with a
laugh. When the time is right, you would sell your company stock to
the public and become very rich. You would make millions.


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Millions? Really? What would I do with it all? asked the young

fisherman in disbelief.
The businessman boasted, Then you could happily retire with
all the money youve made. You could move to a quaint coastal fishing
village where you could sleep late, play with your grandchildren, watch
ball games and take siestas with your wife. You could stroll to the
village in the evenings where you could play the guitar and sing with
your friends all you want.
But seor, I already do that, the young fisherman replied.
The price of anything is the amount of life you have to exchange for it.
h E N r Y D av i D t h o r E a u

Over the years, I have worked with thousands of people through

my seminars, consulting and speaking. And whenever I ask the
question, What is your greatest challenge in life? nine times out of
ten, it is balancing work with family or home life. I believe this is
even more prevalent today. With the down economy, statistics show
that more than 50 percent of families are dual-income earners. And it
makes that balancing act even more dicult.
I have found that one of the biggest reasons for lack of balance is
simply that people are not intentional about their choices and priorities, so they tend to let life happen to them instead of taking the time
to create clarity, develop a plan and take action to implement it.


uND E r sta N D t h E i m P o rta N c E o F b a l a N c E

The CarDinal
My wife and I used to live in an area where a beautiful red cardinal
lived. Cardinals are very territorial birds and will fight off intruding
birds aggressively. We had just purchased a new car, and I remember
coming out in the morning to see the cardinal attacking the mirror,
constantly flying away and then flying back into the mirror.
What a stupid bird, I thought to myself. His enemy is merely a
reflection of himself in the mirror. And then it came to me. You know, we
can be our own worst enemy and not realize it. By the choices we make,
by the people we associate with, by the habits we practice, we tend to
live our life as it happens rather than being intentional on how we want
to live life, and that is how we get out of balance. Its not on purpose. Its
usually by default. The only way to get into balance is to make it a priority,
develop a planand develop specific action steps to make it happen.
What is important to you? Is it your leisure time, career, friends,
family, volunteer work, your faith, hobbies or sports? Because we all
have different priorities, goals and values, there is no one-size-fits all to
achieving a balanced life.

The b al anCe TesT

Let me give you a quick test to see if your life is in balance. I want
you to answer these questions, true or false.
1. I live a healthy lifestyle that helps me feel energized.
2. I have sucient time to do what I enjoy doing.
3. I am passionate about my work, and find it satisfying and


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4. I love the environment I live in (contents and location).

5. I have quantity and quality time for my family or important
6. I eat healthy, nutritious foods that make me feel energized.
7. I take at least 15 minutes of quiet time each day.
8. I have clarity on my passion and purpose in life.
9. I have friends who encourage and support me and whose
company I enjoy.
10. I get six to eight hours of sleep each day.
11. I have no emotional baggage or addictive behaviors.
12. I focus on my blessings and not my problems.
13. I have activities or hobbies outside of work and family.
14. I do not work on weekends.
15. I am organized and have no clutter in my home, car or
16. I am excited when I wake up to take on the day.
17. I take at least two weeks of vacation per year.
18. I do not have any people in my life who drain me.
19. I feel like I am in control of my schedule and my time.
20. I am pursuing what I want in life.
21. I love my life.
So, how did you do? Typically, if you answered 15 or more of
these questions true, that indicates you have a reasonably balanced life.
If you answered 14 or fewer of these questions true, you have room to


uND E r sta N D t h E i m P o rta N c E o F b a l a N c E

improve the balance in your life. The fewer questions you answered
true, the more room for improvement you have.
Dont get me wrong; there will always be times when certain
aspects of your life are out of balance. I remember several years ago
when my wife Indy was working on her doctorate. Our lives were
basically turned upside down. She was out of balance, and our lives
were out of balance because she had to focus so much time, effort and
energy on studying and going to class.
So there are always going to be dicult times. But heres what I
want you to remember about balance: Its all about progress, not perfection. Its about moving from where you are currently and becoming
more intentional about creating balance in your life.

The Cesari faMily Values

As Ive mentioned quite a bit in this book, my wife Indy and I have
four children. When they were younger, we developed what we called
the Cesari Family Values. We developed these with our children and we
posted them on our refrigerator. To this day, I still carry a small walletsized version with me. Your own family values will depend on several
factors, including the environment you were brought up in and your
own particular beliefs. Here are the values we developed for our family.
1. Let your actions speak for your beliefs. Be sure anything
youre doing will glorify God.
2. Respect one another. Be loyal, encouraging, kind, uplifting
and positive.
3. Always strive to be honest and truthful in all situations.


c l a r i t Y

4. Forgive others, even when you feel they dont deserve it. Its
easy to love people who are loveable. The real trick in life is
to love those who arent very loveable, and forgiveness works
the same way.
5. Practice unconditional love. We would always tell our
children, Look, we might not always like or agree with what
you are doing, but there is nothing you could ever do that
will ever make us stop loving you.
6. Stand by each others side at all times and in all situations.
7. Be humble and God-centered, not self-centered.
8. Seek to understand the other person before you seek to be
Now, again, dont get me wrong. Were not the perfect family, but we do
know what we stand for. And what I have found is, if you dont know
what you stand for, you will fall for anything. Once you have taken time
to identify your core values, you are then ready for the next steps.

eiGhT PrinCiPles
To aDD b al anCe
a ParenTinG
M i s s i o n sTaTeMenT
Indy and I developed a goal for
our parenting:
To model and mentor for our
children and their children
a life dedicated to loving
God and loving each other


How can we begin to bring

balance to our lives? Ive
developed eight concepts and
principles that I have taught
over the years. Ive learned
from other people and my
own experiences that these are
the best ways to bring balance
to your life.

uND E r sta N D t h E i m P o rta N c E o F b a l a N c E

1. Clarify and prioritize your values.

A value is defined as a principle standard of quality, considered worthwhile or desired. Values guide our actions, and they are usually a result
of our life experiences. When you are clear on your core values, it helps
to determine the choices you make and what you say yes to and what
you say no to.
Policies are many, principles are few. Policies always change;
principles never do. Principles and values become the foundation by
which you filter all of the other things that you potentially do in life.
Your values become the guidelines that help you make decisions. I have
found that people who lack good, strong core values tend to wander
through life more than the people who have good, clear values and
make their decisions based on them.
A litmus test for every decision: Given the values that I stand for,
will this action or choice (or relationship, or opportunity, etc.) help
move me closer to the person I want to become, or will it move me
farther away?
2. Make sure your goals are in harmony with your core values.
If they are not, it can create tension and stress in your life. Weve already
touched on this in the book, but its an extremely important part of
developing balance and it bears repeating.
Let me give you an example. If its important for you to have
dinner with your family but its also important for you to work late,
it will create stress. It will create dissonance. The whole idea behind
balance is to have less stress and more time to do the things that are
important to you. Being intentional and setting goals that are in line
with your core values will help you reduce stress and stay focused on
those things that are really important to you.

c l a r i t Y

3. Manage your time.

Or someone else will. When you dont have clarity on what your
purpose is or what your goals are, you will tend to let everyone and
anyone take up your time. And thats a recipe for imbalance.
When I ask my clients what their priorities are in life, it usually
goes something like this: Faith or God, family or spouse, and then
My next question is the eye-opener. I ask, Well, how much time
do you actually spend in each of those areas on a given day?
Now, I know we have an obligation to work a certain amount of
hours. Thats reality. But are you really managing your time based on
your most important priorities in life?
Ive personally found that the biggest regret most people have is
that they didnt spend enough time with those who meant the most to
them: Their wife or husband, their children, or other family members.
Many people who have been extremely successful from a worldly perspective leave a trail of broken relationships behind them. To be truly
successful, you must make certain that youre devoting time to the
people and things that are most important to you.
In order to do that, youre frequently going to be forced to say no
to some very good opportunities. I used to say yes to everybody who
asked me for my time. Yes, I will meet you. Yes, I will go to that event.
Yes, I will participate in that fundraiser. Yes, I will be happy to meet
with your son or your daughter. I felt like I was supposed to give my
time to anybody who asked. I thought that I was being polite.
But I found that as I started saying no, it gave me the opportunity
to say yes to the right thingsthe things that were congruent with my
values, and my passion and purpose in life.

uND E r sta N D t h E i m P o rta N c E o F b a l a N c E

sT e fan
My friend Stefan is 37 years
old. He works four and a half
days a week in the financial
service industry and he is
usually finished with work by
3 p.m. He works hard and he
earns a great living. He plays
hard, and he spends lots of
time with his family.
How much time?
He takes ten weeks of
vacation a year.
Ten weeks.
Thats two and a half
months, or almost 25 percent
of the year.
You may be saying,
Well, Steve, that sounds
great. Stefan owns his own

WhaTs MosT iMPorTanT

To you? in WhaT orDer?
Sit down and rank the things
that are most important to you,
whatever they are. In my life, the
ranking goes like this: God, my wife,
my children, then my business and
then exercising. So I try to schedule
my time around all of those things,
and I am intentional about putting
those things on my calendar and
my organizer.
Right now, take the time to help
balance your life by scheduling
time to do those things that are
most important to you. Schedule a
date night once a week with your
spouse. Schedule a time to write
a letter or call a friend. Schedule
time to take a trip with your family.

He doesnt. Stefan works

for a company. He came up
with a formula that allows him to work very hard, creating the results
he needs to create for his employer, and then spend the extra time with
his family. He presented the plan to his boss and convinced his boss to
give it a try.


c l a r i t Y

Stefan is a devoted dad and devoted husband. He could work

longer hours and make a lot more money. But he has clear priorities
and goals. To him, its more important to spend time with his family,
to take vacations, than it is to make more money.
As Stefan says, I work harder than anyone else when I am at
work, and I give honest, sincere appreciation to those who deserve it,
beginning with my family.
4. Maintain a high-energy lifestyle.
I spoke in detail about this in chapter one, but its a critical part of
living in balance. Having a high-energy lifestyle is really the key to
being able to do everything else you want to accomplish. If youre run
down, or sick, you cant hope to have a balanced life.
5. Dont should on yourself.
If you are like me, you sometimes look back on life and say to yourself,
I should have done this, I should have done that. Cut yourself some
slack. One of the worst things you can do is to go through life feeling
guilty. You need to understand your limitations and be realistic.
I have come to realize that I am not perfect, and there are no
perfect people. So I dont expect perfect outcomes for everything I do.
Remember, we are looking for progress, not perfection. I used to spend
a lot of time comparing myself to other people. If only I had his job. If
only I came from his family. If only, if only, if only.
When I stopped comparing myself to everyone else and began to
build confidence in myself and my abilities, I didnt have the time or
desire to compare myself anymore.
Dont compare yourself to anyone else because there is no one else
like you.

uND E r sta N D t h E i m P o rta N c E o F b a l a N c E

When Im at my seminars, I will sometimes ask everyone to look

at their hand and specifically at their fingers. I then remind them that
there is no one else in this world that has the same fingerprints as them.
They are unique, one of a kind. And each one of them has unique gifts
and talents that will impact the world in a way that only they can.
There is no other you, so cut yourself some slack. Stop shoulding
on yourself and start living the life that only you can live.
6. live in the present.
Theres a great book entitled The Present by Spencer Johnson, M.D.
that gives these three tips:
1. Be in the present. When you want to be happier and more
successful, focus on what is right now. Respond to what is
important now.
2. Learn from the past. When you want to make the present
better than the past, look at what happened in the past.
Learn something valuable from it. Do things differently in
the present.
3. Plan for the future. When you want to make the future
better for the present, see what a wonderful future would
look like. Make plans to help it happen and then put your
plan into action in the present.
Stay in the moment. Today is the only thing that we have to work
with. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Yesterday is gone. So stay with the
present and deal with whats important now.


c l a r i t Y

7. Turn off the TV.

Or at least turn it on a little less often. This is probably going to be one
of the toughest ones to tackle.
I like television. I have certain shows that I watch faithfully. But
its selective watching. And as Ive mentioned, my wife and I were very
intentional with our children when it came to the TV. We required that
they did an hour of reading before they could watch a half hour of TV.

h aV e a bl aCKberry?
I do. I typically turn my BlackBerry off at 6:00 p.m. unless I have
pre-arranged a phone call. Thats
when its time to be with my family.
I turn it off so I dont see the red
email blinking telling me that I
have a text and or an email. I turn
it off. Have I missed many emergencies? No. If people need to
reach me after hours, they can call
me on my home phone number
and I find many people are more
reluctant to do that then they are
to just speed dial you on their cell
at 8 p.m. So there are far fewer

Why? Its all too easy

to overdose on TV. In fact,
in a three-month period in
2010, Nielsen reported that
the average American television viewer watched more
than 151 hours of television
per month, an all-time high,
up from more than 145 hours
during the same period in
This doesnt count
the additional screen time
on computers and other
handheld devices. Nielsen
also found that Americans
are watching more videos on
their cell phones.

If you just turn off the

television, you will gain five
hours per day. What could you do with those five hours?


uND E r sta N D t h E i m P o rta N c E o F b a l a N c E

If you just cut down by half the amount of TV that the average
family watches, that will give you two and a half hours a day. Two and
a half hours to interact with your loved ones. Two and a half hours to
give back to your community. Two and a half hours to exercise. Two
and a half hours to read a book.
8. be creative.
Think outside the box, as the clich goes. Think outside the box in
your work and also in your personal life. Nothing takes the excitement
out of life as much as getting stuck in the same routine. Do something
out of the ordinary to avoid the well-worn routines of your life. Try a
new route to work, a new radio station. Break out of your mold occasionally. If youre a runner, try something different. Try cycling. Try
swimming. Try anything different.
If your spouse usually plans dates and vacations, shake it up and
do this yourself and try something new. Read a good book on intimacy.
Travel someplace youve never traveled before. Try painting or writing
or photography. Meet new people. Its important to socialize. Your
employer expects you to be vibrant and enthusiastic and healthy. Your
friends want you to go to ball games and block parties and volunteer to
build a habitat house.
To keep your life balanced you need to meet new people and
exercise your wit, your wisdom, your humor and your charm. They say
the only difference between who you are today and who you will be five
years from now will come from the people you meet and the books you
read. Are you choosing both with any sense of purpose? Spend time
around other people who can help you think of new, creative ways to
put spice in your life and to put some pep in your step and to help you


c l a r i t Y

be more energized at work, at home and in the community. You can do

it. You have the ability. You just have to be intentional about it.
Be creative at work. There are so many people who operate a
virtual corporation right now. In fact, part of my company is virtual.
I have some of the best people in the country working for me, but
theyre not on my payroll. They just work with me on specific projects.
I spend about 25 percent of my time speaking, 50 percent consulting
and the other 25 percent developing products. Most of the consulting
is done by my virtual staff.
I have one independent contractor in particular who has a
demanding personal life. Shes married. She has young children. And
she can only work between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. But
you know what? We got creative, and she got creative. We work around
her family schedule and allow her the flexibility to work from home
when it is convenient for her. And she is one of the best associates I
have ever worked with. Shes very good at what she doesand this is
one huge reason why I took efforts to allow the arrangement to work.
She works about 15 hours a week, and our clients love it. She loves it.
And ultimately it works well for the business. Thats a win-win-win.
Remember those?
So get creative. There are ways to create the margin you need. You
dont have to do the nine-to-five thing every day. There are always ways
to overcome challenges on a personal and business level if youll just
look for innovative solutions.
What creative solution to a big problem is right under your nose,
right now?
Its there. You just need to see it. And bring it to life.


e P i lo G u e
It is not enough to do your best; you must know
what you want to do and then do your best.
W. E D W a r D D E m i N g

have four smart, hardworking children, and Im proud of all of

them. But I want to close this book with a story about my youngest
daughter, Whitney.
When Whitney was in high school, she was the captain of the
lacrosse team and captain of the cross-country team. She wasnt your
prototypical cross-country runner. Whitney was 58 and weighed 150
pounds. Most of the girls who were very good at cross-country running
were much shorter than her and weighed 110 pounds. They were much
faster than Whitney, but she always trained hard and kept her times in
the top ten on a team that usually won the state.
During her senior year, Whitney was preparing for a big meet.
She said to me, Dad, I want to break my personal best.
Her personal best for this particular run was about 23.5 minutes.
To put this time in perspective, the girls that usually won these meets
had running times under 18 minutes for this course. But Whitneys

c l a r i t Y

goal was to beat her own personal record, and run the course in under
23 minutes.
The big meet was held at Berry College in Rome, Georgia.
Perhaps eight or ten high schools participated, and hundreds of people
attended it. Now, in case youve never watched a massive cross-country
running meet, Ill tell you that you dont get to see a heck of a lot. From
a short distance, you typically see the runners start, and then you see
them finish.
During Whitneys event, my wife Indy and I made our way
to a spot near the finish line, so we could wait to catch sight of our
daughter. The fastest runners soon came into sight, and began crossing
the finishing line in packs of eight and ten.
At about the 22-minute mark, we finally saw Whitney coming
down the final stretch. Ill never forget seeing her come into view. She
was clearly fighting the clock, knowing that she was approaching 23
minutes. She was running her heart out.
When she crossed the finish line, she collapsed and passed out.
Panicking, my wife and I fought to get to her, but there was a
massive crowd of people slowing us down. In the few moments while
we were fighting our way through, we lost sight of Whitney and she
disappeared. She had quickly been taken off the course, to the medical
tent. When we learned this, we found the medical tent as quickly as we
could; though fighting the crowd still took several minutes. When we
walked into the medical tent, we spotted Whitney lying on a stretcher.
She was conscious, thank God. She was packed in ice, with a moist
towel on her head.
I knelt down next to her and took her hand. It didnt cross my
mind at that moment, since I was so concerned for her, but she had
done it. She had beaten her personal best. Lying there, she knew she had

l E av E i t a l l o N t h E co u r s E

done it. She later revealed that she had seen the clock and heard her
time before she collapsed. Whitney had crossed the finished line in just
under 23 minutes.
I held her hand gingerly, just hoping she was all right.
Whitney, are you okay? I asked.
Dad, if I dont pass out when I cross the finish line, I feel like I
didnt leave it all on the course, she replied.
Thats a great metaphor for the kind of dedication you can have
when youve achieved total clarity and identified your unique genius
and found true purpose and passion in your life. Its the dedication we
owe our families. Its the dedication we owe our careers. Its the dedication we owe the people whom we care about the most.
We only run this course once. We need to give it our personal best,
and that will require everything weve got. Finding clarity, purpose and
passion in your life is the best way for you to give everything you were
meant to give, and reap all the rewards and satisfaction you were meant
to receive.
Now, go and make it happen.
And remember; leave it all on the course.


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in addition youll receive the following audio messages in MP3 format:

1: Secrets of The Top 1%

Join The Magnificent Minority

2: Getting Results Part 1

Design Your Environment

3: Getting Results Part 2

Manufacturer Positive Expectations

4: Unleash Your Genius

Live The Life God Gave You

5: The Power of Goals

Own Your Future Today

6: The Power of Goals THINKshop

Experience Goals Gone Wild

7: The Mental Edge

Win at The Mental Game of Life

8: The Right People

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Abou t the a u thor

Steve Cesari is the President of Vital Visions (, a
company dedicated to equip, empower and bring clarity to individuals
and organizations, in order to maximize the desired results. He has over
30 years of business experience and has launched or owned 17 companies
in 8 different industries. In 1989, Steve started Trillium Heath Products,
marketers of the Juiceman Juicer. In 1992, Trillium was ranked by Inc.
magazine as one of the fastest growing, privately held companies in
the US and in that same year, Steve was nominated by Inc. magazine
as Entrepreneur of the Year. He has been featured on TV and radio
and has been the subject of articles in The Wall Street Journal, Fortune,
USA Today and Success. Steve resides with his wife Indy in WaterSound,
Florida and Atlanta, Georgia. They have four grown children.

bo o K sT e V e C e s a r i To b r i n G C l ariT y To your eVenT

With Steve Cesari as your next speaker, your group will be engaged,
encouraged and equipped to take on business and life with a new CAN
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presentations are content-rich, thought provoking and full of usable,
result-producing ideas. He is a dynamic speaker with a refreshing and
unforgettable message delivered in style that makes it easy to connect.
Steve Cesari is a leading expert on health, high-performance, and
entrepreneurial effectiveness. As President of Vital Visions Inc, Steves
passion is to Equip, Empower and bring Clarity to individuals and
organizations through his books, programs, speaking and consulting.
visit for more information.

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