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Division), respondents.
The material facts of the case, as found by the appellate Court, are as follows:
The Philippine National Bank had opened a letter of credit and advanced thereon $120,000.00 to
Edgington Oil Refinery for 8,000 tons of hot asphalt. Of this amount, 2,000 tons worth P279,000.00
were released and delivered to Adams & Taguba Corporation (known as ATACO) under a trust
receipt guaranteed by Manila Surety & Fidelity Co. up to the amount of P75,000.00. To pay for the
asphalt, ATACO constituted the Bank its assignee and attorney-in-fact to receive and collect from the
Bureau of Public Works the amount aforesaid out of funds payable to the assignor under Purchase
Order No. 71947. This assignment stipulated that:
The conditions of this assignment are as follows:
1. It shall remain irrevocable until the said credit accomodation is fully liquidated.
ATACO delivered to the Bureau of Public Works, and the latter accepted, asphalt to the total value of
P431,466.52. Thereafter, for unexplained reasons, the Bank ceased to collect, until in 1952 its
investigators found that more moneys were payable to ATACO from the Public Works office, because
the latter had allowed mother creditor to collect funds due to ATACO under the same purchase order
to a total of P311,230.41. Its demands on the principal debtor and the Surety having been refused,
the Bank sued both in the Court of First Instance of Manila to recover the balance of P158,563.18 as
of February 15, 1950, plus interests and costs. The trial court rendered a decision, in favor of the
defendants Adams and Taguba Corporation and Manila Surety and Fidelity Corporation.The Bank
recourse to the Court of Appeals, which affirmed CFI.
The Court of Appeals found the Bank to have been negligent in having stopped collecting from the
Bureau of Public Works the moneys falling due in favor of the principal debtor, ATACO, from and
after November 18, 1948, before the debt was fully collected, thereby allowing such funds to be
taken and exhausted by other creditors to the prejudice of the surety, and held that the Bank's
negligence resulted in exoneration of respondent Manila Surety & Fidelity Company.
Hence this petition.
Whether or not PNB neglected in collecting the sum due to the debtor.

This argument of appellant Bank misses the point. The Court of Appeals did not hold the Bank
answerable for negligence in failing to collect from the principal debtor but for its neglect in collecting
the sums due to the debtor from the Bureau of Public Works, contrary to its duty as holder of an
exclusive and irrevocable power of attorney to make such collections, since an agent is required to
act with the care of a good father of a family (Civ. Code, Art. 1887) and becomes liable for the
damages which the principal may suffer through his non-performance (Civ. Code, Art. 1884).
Certainly, the Bank could not expect that the Bank would diligently perform its duty under its power of
attorney, but because they could not have collected from the Bureau even if they had attempted to
do so. It must not be forgotten that the Bank's power to collect was expressly made irrevocable, so
that the Bureau of Public Works could very well refuse to make payments to the principal debtor
itself, and a fortiori reject any demands by the surety.
Even if the assignment with power of attorney from the principal debtor were considered as mere
additional security still, by allowing the assigned funds to be exhausted without notifying the surety,
the Bank deprived the former of any possibility of recoursing against that security. The Bank thereby
exonerated the surety, pursuant to Article 2080 of the Civil Code:
ART. 2080. The guarantors, even though they be solidary, are released from their
obligation whenever by come act of the creditor they cannot be subrogated to the rights,
mortgages and preferences of the latter. (Emphasis supplied.)
As to the letter of demand on the Public Works office, it does not appear that any reply thereto was
made; nor that the demand was pressed, nor that the debtor or the surety were ever apprised that
payment was not being made. The finding of negligence made by the Court of Appeals is thus not
only conclusive on us but fully supported by the evidence.
Even if the Court of Appeals erred on the second reason it advanced in support of the decision now
under appeal, because the rules on application of payments, giving preference to secured
obligations are only operative in cases where there are several distinct debts, and not where there is
only one that is partially secured, the error is of no importance, since the principal reason based on
the Bank's negligence furnishes adequate support to the decision of the Court of Appeals that the
surety was thereby released.
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is affirmed, with costs against appellant Philippine National

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