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May 22, 2004

National Democratic Front of the Philippines
The Communist Party of the Philippines and the National Democratic Front of the
Philippines convey their heartfelt condolences to the family, relatives and friends of
William Hinton who died on the 15th of May 2004.

We join them and so many revolutionaries throughout the world in mourning the
death of this great proletarian internationalist. William Hinton served the Chinese
Revolution for more than half a century. He integrated deeply with the Chinese
people, learned from their experiences as well as shared his own skills and
experience. He participated in the daily revolutionary tasks. From his integration into
the life of the people in Long Bow Village, he wrote his classic work, Fanshen: A
Documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village. He carried his voluminous Fanshen
notes for months. He walked with Chinese comrades out of the Taihang Mountains in
1948, all the way to Chengding which was out in the Hebei Plain, about 150 miles,
carrying those notes on his back.

When he returned to the United States in 1952, it was the height of the McCarthyite
anticommunist repression. Customs officials seized his papers. He courageously
faced the Senate International Security Subcommittee headed by Senator Eastland
and fought lengthy court battles until he got back his notes in 1958. After six years of
working on the manuscript, his book was ready for publication. But all the major New
York publishers turned it down. Almost three years after, the Month Review Press
eagerly published it. More than two hundred thousand copies were sold.

William Hinton wrote a sequel to Fanshen in 1971: Shenfan: The continuing

revolution in a Chinese Village, as well as Iron Oxen: A revolution in Chinese

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Farming (1970), Hundred Day War: The Cultural Revolution at Tsinghua University
(1972), Turning Point in China: An Essay on The Cultural Revolution (1972).

He sharply criticized the policies of Deng Hsiao Ping and came out with his book in
1990: The Great Reversal: The Privatization of China, 1978-1989.

At a conference in India in 1996, he was the keynote speaker sharing his rich
experiences with over nine hundred Indian activists and mass leaders as well as
international guests. His narrations on the victory of the new democratic revolution
and the painstaking and complex twists and turns in the socialist revolution and
construction achieved by the Chinese people under the leadership of Chairman Mao
Zedong held the attention of his listeners. Deep into the night, the activists gleaned
valuable lessons and drew inspiration from his first hand account of the Chinese

William Hinton gladly shared his deep insights and rich experiences. In 1997 he
joined the Anti-APEC Conference and mass actions in the Philippines, mingling with
Filipino activists deeply involved in the struggle for national and social liberation. He
demonstrated his firm support for the Philippine revolutionary movement.

William Hinton has left a potent weapon for proletarian revolutionaries. He has put
down in written form the concrete details of the great achievements of the Chinese
people in the new democratic revolution and socialist revolution and construction
under the leadership of Chairman Mao Zedong. The impact of his writings is
intensified by his exemplary life as a proletarian internationalist who was not only an
outstandingly effective writer on revolution but most importantly was an active
participant in the revolution. His life and works has had and will have far-reaching
effects for present and future generations of proletarian revolutionaries.

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The Communist Party of the Philippines, the National Democratic Front of the
Philippines and the entire Philippine revolutionary movement render the highest
tribute and honor to William Hinton, a great proletarian internationalist.

Communist Party of the Philippines and National Democratic Front of the Philippines

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