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Lean Construction

Problems & Solutions

Problems Faced
Construction related problems from design to handover, all:

Design Related
Delay/Constant change in requirements on client side.
Regular revisions in final design.
Delay in distribution of revised design to all the parties like
Contractor / Sub-Contractor / PMC / Client.
Delay due to improper clarity of design.

Planning Related

Delay in receiving approval from concerned parties.

Delay in placing order for materials required in near future.
Delay due to improper clarity of material requirements.
Delay due to improper order of procurement of materials.
Delay due to untimely arrival of funds.

Problems Faced
Storage / Logistics Related

Unexpected / Untimely arrival of requested material to site.

Improper Storage arrangements and facilities on site.
Improper Inventorying of materials for immediate access.
Damage to materials due to improper storage and stocking.
Storage space issues of bulk & reusable materials on site.

Workforce Related

Unavailability of skilled workforce.

Improper / lenient screening of workforce.
Unskilled workforce masquerading as skilled for better pay.
Delayed identification and training of such workmen.
Improper or unplanned mobilization of workforce.
Expected and Unexpected situations like holidays and accidents.
Delay because of Improper compensation due to untimely
funding leading to strikes, non-cooperation etc.

Problems Faced
Equipment Related

Delay in mobilizing heavy equipment due to improper planning.

Unavailability of workforce to complement this equipment.
Unexpected failure of equipment and related repair time.
Extra cost incurred due to keeping this heaving equipment
booked and idle for extended periods.

Execution Related
Rework and related costs incurred due to constant revisions.
Cost incurred due to extra training of workforce due to
unavailability of skilled workforce.
Delay and cost incurred in arrival of bulk materials to site due to
excessive demand.
Delay in execution due to improper funding.
Damage and rework due to low quality materials and also due to
materials damaged due to over and improper stocking.

Problems Faced
Housekeeping Related
Need for constant housekeeping and related cost due to rework.
Improper management of waste leading to unorganized
scrapyards, and theft of materials, reduction in scrap value of
Lesser availability of usable space due to stocking and improper
waste collection.
Minor and Major accidents caused due to unawareness towards
safety related issues caused by loose / unsupervised material on

Handover Related
Rework after end user visit due to improper initial execution and
delay in handing over.
Escalation in cost due to continuous soft housekeeping due to
delay in handing over.
Costs incurred during the defect liability period due to improper
initial effort during execution.

Lean Construction Techniques


The 5 S Solution

Lean Construction Technique

Sort out the necessary from the unnecessary, discard the unnecessary.

Lean Construction Technique

Create and identify a place based on how often we use it.

Lean Construction Technique

Create a Physical and Visual control of the work area.

Lean Construction Technique

Create standard ways to keep the work areas organized, clean and
orderly and documenting agreements made during the 5Ss.
Have clear instructions for people who deliver goods or materials to
the site.

Lean Construction Techniques

Follow through with the 5 S agreements.



Lean Construction Techniques

Muda (Waste) Walk
Assume -the best way we do it today is the worst way tomorrow! Find a better
way to do it.
- CEO of Toyota
Walk around the site, demarcate the waste area and then suggest and
implement at least 2 improvement ideas per month.

See the

Lean Construction Techniques

Process Mapping and Value Analysis
Map the leading / lifting distance, cycle times etc. of a process and then
categorize them into:
1. Value added
2. Non value added BUT necessary
3. Non value added AND not necessary
Eliminate all #3s and look for ways to improve #2s by making the optimized
material/equipment flow chart; reduce set-up time & ultimately use the 5 S.



Lean Construction Techniques

Establishing Visual Control
To put in plain view all tools, parts, plans, schedules and performance
indicators so everyone can see at a glance what is happening.
Colored hard hats.
Posted daily/weekly schedules & progress (Progress Meetings).
Flow chart for how to run payroll.

Goal of LEAN Techniques

Keep Construction Going
Reduce Inventory
Reduce Cost
Improve Quality
Reduce Wastage


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