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Technical Requirements for Supply of REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (RTU)

1.0 Scope:
Tender is for supply, erection, testing and commissioning of RTU panel along with
Radio link and associated equipments as per the schedule. Work is to be completed on
Turnkey basis by Vendor i.e. he will be responsible for supply, erection, testing and
commissioning of RTU and data concentrator RTU with GE SCADA system as well as
with existing GE D-20 RTU, where ever required, and integration of other equipments
like radio link. Any changes in the database at control centers, if required, will be
carried out by GETCO / SLDC in co-ordination with the vendor.

Codes and Reference Standard

Vendor shall ensure that equipment and required practices conform to Quality Assurance
Standards ISO 9001. Adhere to Modem standard BELL CCITT.
The RTU shall not be affected by operation of microwave and mobile radio equipment per
RFI/EMI Radiation Specification FCC Part 15. Nor should RTU emit radio interference
contrary to Department of Communication Standards as pertaining to digital apparatus
Adhere to Standards for SCADA system ANSI C37.1-1979.
Adheres to Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) ANSI C37.90a-1974/78 and IEEE 4721974/78; and SWC Fast Transient ANSI C37 90 1-1989; and IEC -255 - 4.
Adhere to Communication Equipment Interface and handshaking standard EIA RS232, 422
and 485; Definition, Specification, and Analysis of Systems used for Supervisory Control,
Data Acquisition, and Automatic Control.

Qualifying Requirements:

Vendor is required to submit all the relevant test reports carried out for
RTU and should submit its copy, which is duly approved by nominated testing
Technically accepted vendor will have to give demonstration of their RTU
product with the GE SCADA system at our control center for all the features as

Other Requirements:
As the RTU communication involves Radio Link it should comply communication
standards and the frequency used in the Radio Link is from the free band allocated by
Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing, Ministry of Communications and
Information Technology, Govt. Of India, for the equipments used in the Radio Link
and must be exempted from the licensing requirement, i.e. no operating license will be

3.0 Technical specifications


The RTU shall be compatible so as to work with existing GE SCADA system

which supports IEC 60870-5- 101 and capable of performing the following


Designed around an open ended distributed processing configuration consisting of

main processor, peripheral I/O modules, termination panels, power supplies &
communication equipment/interface.
Collecting, processing and transmitting status changes, accumulated values and
analog values.
Time resolution for time tagged events 1 ms
Receiving and processing digital and analog commands from the master station(s).
Accepting polling messages from the master station(s)
Supporting data transmission rates from 50 to 9600 bits per second.
Supporting minimum four communication ports on outgoing side to interact with
multiple Masters on con-current protocols.
Supporting up to 32 IEDs on a RS 485/RS232 port for communication line.
Support Multi-tasking, to enable RTU to concurrently scan input status, whilst
executing application program or reporting functions.
Function of switching of channels if dual data communication channel is available.
The protocol for communication between RTU & Master sites shall be IEC 60870-5101 or DNP3.
The protocol for communication between RTU/BCU & slave device like Numerical
relays shall be IEC 60870-5-103.
Support Multi-tasking, to enable RTU to concurrently scan input status, whilst
executing application program or reporting functions.


3.2 Main Processor.


Advanced 32-bit or higher microprocessor

Programmable RS-232 Series ports
Communication between Main Processor and I/O Modules shall be on high speed
Communication ports of 256 Kbps.
Three nos. programmable RS 232 serial ports for simultaneous communication with
a host of intelligent IEDs at speed of 38.4 KBaud.
9600 baud RS 232 maintenance port.


The Memory capacity of processor shall be with 2 MB Flash Application memory

adequate enough for satisfactory function of system request.
The input voltage to the RTU power supply will be provided through 48 VDC
Self diagnostic shall Program memory checksums, RAM test, Configuration
verification, Interrupt controller verification, Serial port test, Watchdog and power
monitor, Peripheral communication checks, Error logger.

3.3 I/O Modules.

The I/O MODULES shall be with separate 16 bit microprocessor based, intelligent, modular
unit, capable of data acquisition, control and local data processing. Each I/O MODULE must
be capable of standalone operation for data acquisition and processing so that when it is
used in a non-fault tolerant configuration, it will continue its data acquisition, processing
and programmable logic functions and subsequently update the Station Level Processor
following elimination of the fault.
3.4 Communication Interface
The RTUs shall have the capability to support simultaneous communications with multiple
independent master stations, a local user maintenance interface and a local logger
(printer). Each RTU shall be able to support a minimum of five communication ports. Three
of these ports shall be capable of supporting communications to peripheral devices such as
multiple SCADA master stations, solid-state meters, microprocessor based relays and
remote/local PCs; and the fourth port to be a dedicated maintenance port.
The RTU shall simultaneously respond to independent scans and commands from master
stations, local logger and local user maintenance interface using a centralized controller
and database. The RTU shall support the use of a different communication data exchange
rate (bits per second), scanning cycle, and/or communication protocol to each master
station. Also, each master stations data scan and control commands may be different for
different data points within the RTUs database.
3.4.1 Master Station Communication interface
RTUs shall provide multiple communication ports for possible con-current communication
to SCADA system/master stations.
3.4.2 Local User Maintenance computer Interface
The RTUs shall include the interface to support the portable local computer configuration
and maintenance/test terminal. The interface shall provide easy access to allow purchaser
to use the maintenance terminal at the RTUs installed at the site.

3.5 Master Station Communication Protocol

Vendor Shall provide a communication protocol for communicating with master stations
using the IEC 60870-5-101 communication standard. The communication protocol shall
support all the requirements of this standard. The communication protocol shall be
nonproprietary and the vendor shall provide complete description and documentation of
the protocol to purchaser for future implementation of additional RTUs due to expansion of
power system. The RTU shall also be capable of supporting other communication protocols
that may be required to communicate with additional master stations in the future.
3.6 Communication Channel Control
The RTU shall perform as a slave on the communication channel to SCADA systems. The
SCADA system master stations shall initiate all communication, where the RTU must notify
the master stations of an unusual condition at the RTU (such as a power fail/restoration or
RTU malfunction) or must initiate the transfer of changed data, the notification shall be
accomplished within the framework of the periodic data acquisition exchanges.
3.7 Exception Reporting
The RTU communication protocol shall report changes by exception. The communication
protocol shall also support an update demand scan of all status data by master stations
regardless of the lack of any change in data. The reply to an exception scan request for
status points shall consist of an indication of the presence or absence of a change of the
status indication points in the RTU. A master station will then request the input of the
changed points. The RTU shall continue to indicate exception changes until the master
station acknowledges successful receipt of the changed data. The RTU shall report the
current state of all status indication points to the master station in response to an update
scan even if data has not changed.
3.8 Message security (to be defined in the protocol)
Each RTU communication message shall include an error code, the use of which shall result
in a very low probability of an erroneous information frame (data) being accepted as valid.
The error code shall be determined and appended to the message for all messages
transmitted by the RTU and verified by the RTU for all messages addressed and received
by the RTU. Cyclic error detection codes such as Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) are
required. High data integrity and consistency is required of the RTU protocols.
The protocols used shall provide an adequately low Residual Error Rate (RER), depending
on the Bit Error Rate (BER) of the line in use. The minimum required RER is as specified in
IEC 870-5-101 protocols with the T-101 profile. This requires the following integrity:
10-5 10-14
10-4 10-10
10-3 10-6
The implemented protocol shall ensure satisfactory performance at Bit Error Rate of 1x10-4

3.9 Analog Inputs

Each analog input shall be furnished with signal conditioning to provide a nominal full-scale
voltage to the analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. The A/D converter and associated signal
conditioning shall meet the following minimum characteristics over a 0 Deg C and plus (+)
60 Deg temperature range:
A. Automatic self-calibration
B. Full scale accuracy of 0.1%
C. Linearity of 0.05 per cent full scale
D. Thirteen bit binary resolution or better; plus one sign bit.
The RTU must scan all analog inputs at a rate of at least once per second and support
analog dead-band reporting limits. Unless otherwise specified, the transducers will be
provided and installed external to the RTU by the vendor. The transducers are "selfpowered" off the sensors.
3.9.1 Analog Input Types
The RTU must support the following analog input types: 10 VDC, 0 to 1 mA, -1 mA to 1
mA, 0 to 5 VDC, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 5 mA, 0 to 5 mA, and others as requested.
For all 0 to 5 mA transducer inputs, the RTU analog sense must be set up to over range 0
to 6 mA. At 6 mA, the transducer outputs are still linear. The RTU analog inputs must be
set to over range 120% on all Customer field analog inputs.
Individually shielded twisted pairs of wires with an overall shield may be used by the
vendor for connections between the transducers and the analog inputs at the RTUs. The
system shall have high noise immunity from stray circulating currents in the cable shield.
Common-mode noise rejection: 90 dB minimum, 0 to 60 Hz
Normal-mode noise rejection: 60 dB minimums at 60 Hz.
Adjacent channel voltage isolation: withstand the common-mode voltages of any two
channels on the same analog input module differing at least 35 volts AC or peak AC.
3.9.2 Programmable Input Ranges Programmable gain instrument amplifier
permits programming of voltage input ranges. Ranges are stored in NVRAM
on a per point basis. (+/- 1, +/-5, +/- 10 V scale)
3.9.3 Variable scan rate Programmable scan rate of 16.7 to 20 ms (50/60 Hz) on
a per module basis
3.9.4 A/D Conversion
The RTU shall accommodate Analog input current from transducers, which are isolated,
unipolar or bipolar, 2-wire ungrounded differential signals with full resolution.
The Analog input accuracy shall be 99.8% or better at 250 C ambient temperature. Mean
accuracy shall drift no more than 0.002% per 0 C within the temperature range of 5 to
+550 C. Determination of accuracy shall be made while the Analog multiplexer is operating
at rated speed. The Analog-to-digital converter shall have a minimum resolution of + 2048
counts (sign plus 11 data bits).

Each input shall have protection and filtering to provide protection against voltage spikes
and residual current at 50 Hz, 0.1 ma (peak-to-peak). Overload of up to 50% of the input
shall not sustain any failures to the input.
The RTU shall make all appropriate signal level conversion and conditioning to allow full
utilization of Analog inputs and meaningful reasonability checking. Including signal
conditioning components, the input impedance shall not be greater than 250. Input scaling
shall allow for 20% over range.

Digital Status Inputs

The digital status input interface shall be capable of accepting isolated wet or dry contact
status inputs. The Contractor shall supply necessary sensing voltage, current limiting,
optical isolation, and debounce filtering independently for each digital status input. The
Contractor supplied sensing volt shall not exceed 48 Vdc. The sensing voltage source shall
be isolated from that of the RTUs logic power such that any noise or a short circuit across
the sensing supplys output terminals would not disrupt the RTU operation other than the
shorted digital status input.1 ms resolution for time tagged messages is required for fault
The RTU shall store all status changed for retrieval by the master stations. For
communication delays or short-term failure of communication with a master station, the
RTU shall store a minimum of 2000 status of change events. The RTU shall report any
overflow of this status-changed buffer to the master stations.
It shall be possible to configure each status input for one of the following functions:
1. Single status input
2. Change of state
3. Sequence of event (SOE) time tagging with resolution of 1 ms.
4. The SOE buffer capability to store 1024 events.
5. Three-level programmable software filtering for debounces and chatters.
6. Pulse accumulator; one of Form A, B, or C at 50 Hz maximum input rate 16 bit binary
7. Alarm input
8. Trip/block protection signaling.
9. Hysteresis to prevent false state changes due to noise or other conditions.
4.0.1 Two-State Devices
All switching devices (breakers) shall be supported by a dual-contact status indication.
Breakers with reclosing capability shall also be supported with momentary change
detection (MCD). All other status indications shall be two-stage single-contact inputs
without MCD. Single-contact two-state status point inputs will be from a single normally
open (NO) or normally closed (NC) contact. Dual-contact two-state status point inputs will
be from two complementary contacts (one NO and one NC). A switching device status is
valid only when one contact is closed and the other contact is open. Invalid states shall be
reported when both contacts are open or both contacts are closed.

4.0.2 Momentary Change Detection

Two-state status input points with momentary change detection shall be used by purchaser
for points where multiple operations (changes of state) can occur between RTU scans (e.g.
breakers with reclosing devices that operate faster than the scan rate). The RTU shall be
set to capture contact operations of 20 ms or more duration. Operations of less than 20 ms
duration shall be considered no change (contact bounce). The duration used to determine
change versus bounce shall be adjustable from 4 to 25 ms in increments of 1 ms.

Power Supply Protection

Over voltage and under voltage protection shall be provided within the RTU power supply
to prevent the RTU internal logic from being damaged as a result of a component failure in
the power supply and to prevent the RTU internal logic from becoming unstable and
causing mal-operation as a result of voltage fluctuations.

Noise Level

The audible nose generated by the RTU equipment shall not exceed 50 dbA one meter from
the enclosure.
7.0 Climatic / Environmental Requirements
The RTUs will be installed in control buildings without temperature or humidity control. The
RTUs shall be capable of operating in ambient temperatures from 5 to + 55 0 C and
relative humidity from 5 to 95%, non-condensing with rate of temperature change of 200


The RTU design shall facilitate isolation and correction of all failures. The features which
promote rapid problem detection, isolation and replacement of failed components, shall be
provided as following:
(a) Self-diagnostic capabilities within each RTU, which can be initiated at the RTU site.
(b) On-line error detection capabilities within the RTU and detailed reporting to the
connected master stations of detected errors.
(c) Local indication of major RTU failures.


The software provided to support the functions of the RTUs should meet the characteristics
described in this section.

Real-Time Executive Software

A real-time operating system shall come with the firmware, characterized by:
A. Integrated, multi-tasking with structured efficient supervisory layer
B. Priority scheduling of processes in coordination with other tasks; user applications
partitioned into sets of processes
C. Inter task communication and synchronization
D. Dynamic memory allocation
E. Real-time clock to maintain calendar and time, and perform RTU timing functions.
F. Efficient real-time responsiveness.
G. During initialization, memory self-diagnostics shall occur and then initialize the system
hardware and various I/O devices.
H. Device drivers will be required for:
- Managing input and output through the serial communication ports,
- High-speed link to peripheral boards, and external high-speed port, if needed.
I. Interrupt controller and interrupt servicing procedure shall prioritize and process
hardware interrupts as they occur.
J. Debugging tools shall allow users, via a PC, to monitor functions, examine memory,
perform communication port loop back tests, adjust modem communication port
settings, check CPU usage, and process profiling.
10.0 Design Characteristics
All software shall be implemented according to established design and coding standards.
Purchaser reserves the right to reject any software that does not conform to these
standards. Complete and comprehensive documentation shall be provided for all software.
The software and the database shall be sized to accommodate growth within the sizing
parameters defined for the RTU without requiring software or database regeneration. The
design of the software and the database shall not restrict future expansion beyond the
sizing parameters. Expansion beyond the original design parameters may require software
or database regeneration.
At the time the RTU is accepted, all software delivered must be up to date and in final
form, including all standard software changes and field changes initiated by the Contractor
or the Contractors suppliers prior to acceptance. The software documentation must reflect
these changes.
11.0 Operating System
The Contractor shall use a non-proprietary operating system capable of managing the
distributed applications of the RTU. The operating system shall support multi-tasking and
multi-programming. The minimum real-time facilities to be provided shall include process,
job, database, and memory management, process synchronizing message services for
communication between jobs, and device and interrupt handling.

12.0 Initialization/Restart Program

Software shall provide automatic restart of the RTU upon power restoration, memory part
errors, hardware failures, and upon manual request. The software shall initialize the RTU
and begin execution of the RTU functions without intervention by master station. All
restarts shall be reported to the connected master stations.
13.0 RTU Operations Monitoring
Software shall be provided to continuously monitor operation of the RTU and report RTU
hardware errors to the connected master stations. The software shall check for memory,
processor, and input/output errors and failures.
14.0 RTU Configuration Support
A RTU Configuration complier shall generate or modify the database of the RTUs. The
database compiler shall provide error detection services and shall produce a printed listing
of the input data and the resulting RTU configuration. It shall be possible to maintain the
RTU database locally and from a master station using the web server function.
15.0 Diagnostic Software
The Contractor shall supply diagnostic software, which monitors and individually tests each
of the components of the RTU demonstrating all the capability of RTU as mentioned in this
section. The diagnostics shall provide comprehensive user interaction and printout
16.0 Other requirements

Some of the existing RTUs at GETCO site may be used as a master (In case of Data
concentrator). Vendor has to carry out integration of their RTU(SLAVE) in GETCO
Vendor may visit the site for assessment of actual work involved.
Vendor has to carry out engineering of all RTUs and the engineering drawings
should got approved from the GETCO / SLDC. After approval only vendor shall
start RTU panel work.
After completion of RTU panel work vendor shall offer site acceptance test
before actual delivery of material.
Vendor is required to submit all the relevant test reports carried out for RTU
and should submit its copy, which is duly approved by nominated testing
Technically accepted vendor will have to give demonstration of their RTU
product with the GE SCADA system at our place within 2 weeks time.
Vendor should have supplied RTUs to other state electricity boards and
should have experience to integrate RTUs with GE SCADA system.

17.0 Special instruction to bidder:



RTUs are to be provided at 66KV/132KV/220KV wind farm sub stations owned by

wind farm developers. Since there is no communication media available
between 66KV wind farm s/s and near by 132KV / 220KV s/s of GETCO, it is
proposed to have a Radio Link communication media between 66KV wind farm
s/s and GETCO s/s. Wherever PLCC link is available between 132KV/220KV Wind
farm sub station and GETCO s/s PLCC will be used for communication. Between
GETCO s/s and control center the communication media will be PLCC.
RTU for Wind Farm stations should comply IEC 60870-5-101 protocol and should
also have minimum three ports for communication i.e.
1. For communication with MFM.
2. For communication with control center / data concentrator and
3. For communication with local HMI / other Master station.

18.0 Routine Test

Vendor shall offer for carrying out routine tests as per IEC before dispatch of the
equipment at his premises.
19.0 Acceptance Test:
Bidder has to offer the RTU for inspection at their works and acceptance tests as per
IEC shall be carried out in presence of inspector of GETCO / SLDC
20.0 Type Test:
Vendor should have carried out all the type test as per IEC for the equipments intend
to supply, from the NABL accredited testing agencies and shall have to submit with the
21.0 Bar Chart
Vendor shall provide the bar chart for his intended execution of work for the

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