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Step by Step Guide to

Getting the Results You Want

Student Support & Development 2009

Table of Contents

Page 3 Step One Study Preparation

(How to be organised)

Page 4 Step Two How to Study Effectively

Page 5 Step Three Sample Study Timetable

Page 6 Step Four Exam Preparation

(What you need to know)

Page 7 Step Five Exam Checklist

(Rules & Regulations for Exams)

Page 8 Step Six Exam Performance

(How to perform at your best)

Page 9 Step Seven Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

Page 10 Step Eight After the Exams (What next?)

Step One
Study Preparation

Check list before you sit down to study

Tick each box to help you get organised and create an effective study
I have gathered all lecture notes and my own notes from Weeks 1 - 12
for all subjects (mark the week on the top right corner of first page each
week e.g. wk1, wk2, you can flick from one week's lecture notes
to the next with ease)
I have lecture notes in week order in a folder with tabbed sections to
separate each subject (If you have too many notes - have one folder per
I have past and sample exam papers to help with revision.
I have enough books bought/on loan and photocopied/printed pages
from books/journals/articles to supplement lecture notes. These can
provide extra information on topic areas that are of importance.
I have printed off extra information and statistics from the Internet in
topic areas I know are coming up in the exam.
I have my exam timetable and know in what order the exams take
I have enough pens, paper and material for studying and for the exam.

I have a comfortable area with a desk to study that is quiet e.g.
bedroom, living room or library.
I have a study area that is accessible early mornings and late in the
evenings (If you have a large family or share a bedroom, you will need to
factor in alternative study areas into your timetable, e.g. Library
Opening Hours)
My study area is well lit and has good heating/ventilation
I have my study timetable set out for the study weeks prior to and
during the exams.
I have factored in social and leisure time into my study timetable.
I have enough food stocked in the house to have proper meals - healthy
body = healthy mind

Step Two
How To Study Effectively

To get the grades that you want, you must be willing to ac-
cept that you have a certain amount of studying to do. Prior
to your exams, you will have two weeks of no lectures.
These two weeks should be given over to structured study-
ing. When the exams start, you can then use the days in
between exams to revise and catch up on key facts—this
way, you are less likely to panic. If you have done the work,
all you can do is go into the exam and do your best.

Key Points to Studying Effectively

• Set up a study timetable for the two weeks prior to the exams (see
page 5 for a sample study schedule). Make an agreement with your-
self that you will study a certain amount of hours each day and what
you will achieve within those hours. Remember to allocate time for rec-
reational activity—this allows a certain amount of leeway in your day so
that if you ‘run over’, you have some time to play with. This also re-
duces the feelings of guilt or frustration when you do take some time- you have ‘factored it in’.
• Notice when you have the most energy during the day and schedule
study time for those periods. Some people are more alert mornings
and afternoons and others are more alert afternoons and evening.
• Break down the study schedule into exams to be taken, no. of topics to
be studied for each subject and then no. of hours given to each subject
each day.
• Factor in breaks between sessions to keep fresh.
• Goal set for each day and for each week of study, e.g. you must have
all topics covered and extra notes taken by end of Week One. Week
Two can focus on memorising key facts, text, formulae, practising
graphs, looking at past exam questions, etc.
• Use highlighters to highlight key facts during study so you can refer
back easily.
• Allow time for searching the internet for extra facts and figures that will
help you answer exam questions. Up-to-date facts, statistics and fig-
ures can help you bring more depth to your answers.

Step Three
Sample Study Timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

9.00am - 10.30am Session 1 Morning Lie In 9.00am - 10.30am Session 1
10.30am - 11.00am Break 12noon - 1.30pm Session 1 10.30am - 10.45am Break
11.00am - 12 noon Session 2 1.30pm - 1.45pm Break 10.45am - 12.15pm Session 2
12 noon - 1.00pm Session 3 1.45pm - 3.15pm Session 2 12.15pm - 1.00pm Lunch
1.00pm - 2.00pm Lunch 3.15pm - 4.00pm Break 1.00pm - 2.00pm Session 3
2.00pm - 3.30pm Session 4 4.00pm - 5.30pm Session 3 2.00pm - 3.00pm Session 4
3.30pm - 3.45pm Break 5.30pm - 6.30pm Dinner 3.00pm - 3.30pm Break
3.45pm - 5.15pm Session 5 6.30pm - 8.00pm Session 4 3.30pm - 5.00pm Session 5
Evening Free Evening Free

Total Hours = 6 1/2 Total Hours = 6 Total Hours = 6 1/2

Thursday Friday Saturday

Morning Lie In 9.00am - 10.30am Session 1 9.30am - 10.30am Session 1
12noon - 1.30pm Session 1 10.30am - 11.00am Break 10.30am - 10.45am Break
1.30pm - 1.45pm Break 11.00am - 12 noon Session 2 10.45am - 12.15pm Session 2
1.45pm - 3.15pm Session 2 12 noon - 1.00pm Session 3 12.15pm - 1.00pm Lunch
3.15pm - 4.00pm Break 1.00pm - 2.00pm Lunch 1.00pm - 2.30pm Session 3
4.00pm - 5.30pm Session 3 2.00pm - 3.30pm Session 4
5.30pm - 6.30pm Dinner 3.30pm - 3.45pm Break
6.30pm - 8.00pm Session 4 3.45pm - 5.15pm Session 5
Evening Free

Total Hours = 6 Total Hours = 6 1/2 Total Hours = 4

Key Points:

• Sessions are broken down to 2 x 1 hour sessions or 1 x 1 1/2 hour sessions. The brain
needs to keep fresh so if you are doing a 2 hour session—change the subject you are
studying half way through.

• If you play sport or are planning a night out—allow for a lie in the morning after if you are
tired from the night before. It is okay to have a social life and getting out is a good bal-

• Make sure you take at least one day off. It is also good to analyse your work to make
sure you are on top of everything.

• You need study time and free time to have a healthy balance!

Step Four
Exam Preparation

Your hard study is now complete and

you are on the last stretch of the road.

Here are important tips to prepare for the exams:

1. Exam Timetable—Make sure you know what rooms your exams are in
and what time they start!
2. Materials—Do you have enough pens, pencils, a watch, calculator,
ruler, glasses, student card?
3. Food for Energy- Have a balanced breakfast or lunch before the
exam. A meal with lots of carbohydrates and proteins will give the body
enough energy to get through the exam, e.g. a fried breakfast with
eggs, meats, toast, etc. or a chicken and pasta lunch.
4. Last minute revision-It may help to use blank cards for writing your
key notes to help with last minute revision. Also some students prefer
to switch off before an exam and leave the notes at home.
5. Nervous? - Yes, this is normal—it is adrenalin moving around the
body—use this energy to motivate yourself to do well.
6. If you are worried about anything—talk to your lecturer, Chairperson,
family or friends. Student Support Advisors in the Student Advice Cen-
tre are also available Monday—Friday , 9.30am—5.00pm if you have
any concerns and you wish to talk.

Step Five
Exam Checklist

1. Check your examination timetable on your portal page prior to starting your
examinations to ensure that you are certain of all dates, times and venues. At
the start of the examination you will receive an answer booklet. You will be
required to enter your full name and student ID number on a sealed flap on
this answer booklet and you are then required to seal this flap securely.
*Your examination number, your seat number and the first four digits of your
user portal page password (as received at registration) must be written accu-
rately and legibly, on the front of the answer booklet in the spaces provided.
Be sure to take note of your six digit anonymous marking examination number
which you will need for all examinations.
2. Ensure you are familiar with the University's Examination Regulations.
3. You are required to bring your current student identification card to all exa-
4. Reference your seat number outside the exam centre before entering the
room. (You are NOT required to sign the list displayed outside the venue.)
You will receive a different seat number for each exam. Please ensure that
you sit in the correct seat.
5. Some items not permitted in the examination centre's are:
Mobile phones /Text storing or programmable calculators /Notes or books of
any kind (unless expressly approved) /Pencil cases /Paper, log tables, statis-
tic tables, graph paper, formula (all supplied by the invigilator) / Food and
6. When you receive the examination paper, check it to ensure that you have
been given the correct one.
7. Ensure that all the details are completed on the front of your answer book-
let before returning it to the invigilator.
8. If you have any queries during the examination, if you have forgotten an
item of stationery or are feeling unwell you can discuss these issues with one
of the invigilators.

Step Six
Exam Performance

“You may now turn over your

papers” - What next?
• Write your details, as re-
quested, on all answer

• Read the exam paper a cou-

ple of times to make sure
you understand the instruc-
tions and questions. Do not dive into writing without first reading the
entire paper.

• Calculate how much time you will give to each question and stick to it.

• If you have rough work done at the back of the answer sheet—note it
near your answer so the examiner can see it.

Solutions if things go wrong!

1. Panic—Take three deep breaths, in through the nose and out through
the mouth. This will slow the heart down and reduce panic.
2. Going Blank—As above, breath deeply for a few moments and then
write down key words on the exam paper to help jog your memory or try
to remember the day you studied this topic and see if this helps.
3. Emergency—If you have been ill during term or during the exam or an
event took place that greatly effected your performance, you can submit
an ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ form signed by your Chairperson to the
Registry. The form can be downloaded at:

Step Seven
Health Body = Health Mind

You need energy for the body and for the mind when you
are studying and during the exams. Here are a few tips to
ace the exams.

Power Food — Smart foods include ‘Omega-3 Fatty Acids’

such as tuna, salmon, eggs and bananas, as they release energy slowly— and
iron-rich foods including red meat, breakfast cereal and green vegetables.
Water – The more hydrated you are, the more efficient your brain and body will
work. Keep a bottle of water at your study table at all times.
Exercise - During your study break, get out and play football for 30 mins. or go
for a 30 min walk/run with friends. During study you can also keep your head,
neck and shoulder muscles relaxed. Simple exercises include; 1. Gently roll the
neck clockwise whilst breathing in and out slowly and then anti-clockwise (5
times). 2. Put hands on your lap whilst sitting in a chair. Pull your shoulders up,
breath in and squeeze muscles. Exhale forcefully and let the shoulders drop.
Relax—Essential oils such as Lavender help reduce anxiety and increase re-
laxation. Put two drops on your pillow at night or on
a handkerchief during the day.
Sample Smart Food Plan for the Exams:
Wholegrain cereal with milk, fresh orange juice or
Bowl of porridge with sultanas or
Wholemeal toast with chopped banana or
Full Breakfast with sausages, bacon, egg and toast.
If you are too nervous to eat a full breakfast, blend a banana, apple, pear, cran-
berry juice and yogurt to make a smoothie.
Vegetable soup with wholemeal scone/bread or
Chicken/ham/egg sandwich or
Chicken and pasta meal with a sauce or cold as a salad or
Tuna/pasta salad with wholemeal bread
2 glasses of water

Step Eight
After the Exams

Unexpected Absence from Exam:

Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances,
a student may not be able to present
him/herself for examination on the day. In this
unfortunate event, don’t worry—here’s what to
Contact your Chairperson by email/telephone
(leave a message if necessary) as soon as
possible to explain your absence and fill out
the ‘Absence from Examinations’ form (download from the Registry Web-
site). Please note the date for submission on the form.

Extenuating Circumstances:
Should you feel that difficult circumstances beyond your control should be
taken into consideration when the Examination Board is reviewing your
grades, the Chairperson of your programme should be made aware of this.
These circumstances could include illness, accident, bereavement or other
personal issues. The only official mechanism to do this is to fill out an ex-
tenuating circumstances form, which can be found on the Registry website

Consultation Days:
Make sure to book an appointment (via email / telephone or in person) with
your lecturers to get feedback on exams and/or assignments during the
official Consultation Days (see Academic Calendar for confirmation of
During this period, your lecturer will be happy to discuss your performance
in the exam/assignment and provide important feedback—especially if you
are disappointed with your results.

Word of Advice

Academic Integrity:
Each year a handful of ill-advised students find them-
selves in a situation that they perhaps feel unpre-
pared for the exams or assignments. Some students
chance a few notes on the hand, in the jacket pocket
or perhaps a few chunks from somebody else's essay. They feel that this
might give them that additional edge that they need to get through a particu-
larly difficult subject. Being a member of the Disciplinary Committee of the
University gives me the unfortunate duty of having to deal with students that
are found to fall for the fallacy that this is the right thing to do and that the
‘risk’ is worth it.

In order to uphold the academic integrity of the University—and the validity

of and respect for a DCU degree, the University takes this major offence ex-
tremely seriously. Students will be penalised and will put their entire degree
in jeopardy.

Take it from somebody who has seen the distraught students sitting in front
of the Committee, suddenly realising this was the wrong thing to do—don’t
even contemplate it. Speak to your lecturer or to me directly if you are really
feeling unprepared...there are always better ways of solving this problem…

Dr. Claire Bohan

Director of Student Support & Development

Important Websites and Contacts

Absent from Exams/Deferral of Exams

Registry: or Tel: 01 700 5338
Opening Hours:
Morning 9.30am to 12.30pm
Afternoon 2.00pm to 5.00pm

Out of Hours Contact (Security):

Security: 01 700 5999

Other Contacts:
Student Advice Centre: or Tel: 01 700 7165
Health Centre: or Tel: 01 700 5143
Past Examination Papers:
Opening Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 22:00 and Friday 8:30 - 21:00
Saturday 9:30 - 17:00 and Sunday 5, 19, 26 April / 3, 10, 17, 24 May
10 am - 5 pm Study only

Best of Luck in Your Exams!

Produced By: Student Support & Development
Telephone: 01 700 7165
Email: [email protected]
Address: Ground Floor
Henry Grattan Building
Dublin City University
Dublin 9


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