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Krishna Rahasyam (Spiritual Secrets): Radha-Krishna, Krishnas 16100 Girlfriends, Krishnas

Ashtabhaaryas (8 Wives), Kundalini-Shakti (The Caduceus)

Posted on October 19, 2012 by journey2light
The following is a compilation of tweets from my twitter a/c @onabrokenwing. The original twees
have been penned in a series of 140 characters; but here it has been edited into longer sentences to
make for more comfortable reading.
The Spiritual Secret of Radha And Krishna; Krishnas 16100 Girlfriends; Krishnas Ashtabhaaryas (8
wives) Part I
In the story of Radha and Krishna lies the very secret of soul evolution a soul rising from its base
level, and upward journey towards salvation.
Hindu calendar differs from English calendar w.r.t adjustment of months. Hindu calendar is designed
acc. to lunar movement. Every 2.5yrs, an extra month surfaces in Hindu calendar. Its known as
Adhik Maasam; its dedicated to Lord Vishnu.
I have delved a lot into depths of Hindu religion; but so far, never into understanding the finer
nuances of Vishnu, esp. Krishna. Its quite a coincidence that a stray line of song from a dance class,
led me to dig this deep into the essence of Radha & Krishna. Coincidentally too, it happened in the
current running month of Adhik Maasam. Ive been into nothing but Vishnu for more than 3wks.
Right now I feel like dog gone half-mad digging for 1 bone; because wherever hes digging, hes
finding a bone. Theres very interesting piece that I dug out; its related to Krishna, but is much
beyond religion. I have an urge to share it.
1/Krishna had 1 consort (Radha), 8 wives (Ashta-bhaaryas) & 16100 girlfriends.
2/Hidden in Krishnas: Radha, 8 wives & 16100 girlfriends is d secret of Souls evolution towards
soul-mates, soul-twin & ultimately God.
3/Hidden in Krishnas Radha, his 8 wives & his 16100 girlfriends; lies the secret of Indias TantraYoga, Kundalini-Shakti & Moksha.
This is beyond Hinduism; beyond religion; this is Universal Truth about soul-evolution. Please stay
tuned. Beyond Hinduism, beyond religion, this is the Universal Truth about soul-evolution. Please
interpret information from that perspective.

1/ (Hindu God) Lord Vishnu is depicted in supine pose; on a serpent; in the vast milky ocean
(Kshirsaagar/MilkyWay); that holds our universe.
2/Lord Vishnu decides to incarnate on earth; he takes the form of Lord Krishna. There begins our
Kundalini Yoga.
3/Lord Vishnu divides himself into the male & female energies of Krishna & Radha respectively.
Lessons will come from Krishna.
4/In deep milky-way of our subtle body (human Aura) lies a serpent (Kundalini); in coiled form; is
lifeless; it has to be infused with energy.
5/Energy that will awaken serpent (Kundalini) is Love; whenever we emanate Love; serpent awakens
hazily & stretches itself.
6/The stronger the love-force, the more alert our serpent (Kundalini) becomes; lack of love makes it
fall asleep again.
7/When the serpent (Kundalini) is awake & alert, it wishes to make a journey through the milky-way
of our Auric body.
8/Milky-way of our Auric body will have 7 center-points in ascending order, known as Chakras; milkyway is inter-twined thru these Chakras.
9/Serpent energy (Kundalini) divides into 2 at our Base Chakra (1st & lowest); divided 2 will journey
thru different halves to meet at top.
10/Krishna & Radha 2 divided energies of serpent (Kundalini Shakti). The energy that activates this
serpent is `Love (Krishnas purpose).
11/Radha embodies softer, passive energies; Krishna d opposite; Radha journey to top is quicker;
Krishnas journey more arduous.
12/Halves of serpent energy (Kundalini), travel through 16100 secondary channels; 8 main
channels; 2 primary channels; then merge into 1.
13/ 16100 secondary channels are easy traverse; but 8 primary channels are sticky; their aim is to
hold down/block the serpent (Kundalini).
14/Each of the primary 8 channels wants to hold the serpent (Kundalini) in itself; these are places
where Kundalini will get stuck.
It is important not to be confused by gender. Gender references are necessary to facilitate a storyformat. If you are male gender ref. stands; if you are female change the gender of your

consorts/partners accordingly. `Krishna is male half of your soul; `Radha is female half of your soul.
They both exist `inside you. Since life-lessons will be taught by Krishna, not Radha; it is important to
stay focused on the Krishna-aspect of serpentine energy.
Krishna had 16100 girlfriends; 8 wives; and 1 twin consort. Krishnas twin consort: Radha. Krishnas
8-wives: Ashta-bhaaryas. Krishna (Kundalini) dances through 16100 girlfriends with ease; they dont
hold him back; but his 8 wives well, thats the story.
1/Each `wife depicts a specific love-energy that we can encounter in this world; often we may even
be married/committed to 1 of 8.
2/Of Krishnas 8 wives, 4 carry more importance than others, as they are stickier, trickier & more
difficult to navigate.
3/Krishna & Radha will emerge as 2 twin DNA-like channels; after Krishna completes his successful
journey thru 16100 + 8 channels.
4/Halves of serpent energy Kundalini (Radha & Krishna), travel thru 16100 secondary & 8 primary
channels; 2 twin DNA-like channels; then merge into 1.
This is depicted in Gujarats favorite dance Raas Leela is Krishnas journey. `Raas-Leela is a
dance form, especially dedicated to Krishna. `Raas is `Rasa or essence. `Leela is playful/loving
enactment. Radha & Krishna enact the `Raas-Leela for us, as a teaching. `Raas Leela comprises a
formation of concentric circles with women in inner circle & men in outer circle, facing each other.
Number of circular rings will depend on number of ppl participating in the dance; men & women
move in opposite directions. With every conclusive dance beat, you change partners; so in effect,
every man dances with every woman & vice-versa.
Krishna starts his dance (Raas Leela) at periphery of ring of circles; dancing skillfully, he works his
way thru 16100 Gopis (girls ) to reach the innermost circle of 8; here it becomes tricky & sticky; the
girls are very watchful & dont let him out of sight. Krishna can offend no-one; the lesson lies in
Krishnas cleverness; he has to please his inner-8, yet be alert enough to escape. Waiting in the
centre is Radha; here they (Radha & Krishna) dance till dawn oblivious to all else; then suddenly
they disappear. The sudden disappearance of Radha & Krishna from centre of circle is their
`Union/Merger into ONE.
In world parlance:1/Kundalini Shakti (Soul Energy) is YOU yourself.
2/You (Kundalini Shakti/Soul Energy) have to successfully navigate 16100 secondary & 8 primary
channels before you reach your twin half.

3/Here, 16100 secondary channels = 16100 people who will make a significant difference to your
life, over many lifetimes.
4/Here, 8 primary channels = 8 significantly strong love-energies that you will have to successfully
navigate over lifetimes.
5/You (Kundalini Shakti/Soul Energy) have to leave every channel `happy & satisfied before you can
exit that channel (love-energy).
6/Number of lifetimes you take to navigate your 8 primary (depicted as sticky & tricky) channels,
depends on your `awareness.
7/Simply `being aware & `being able to recognize these 8 (esp. 4/8) means you have crashed
through a huge barrier to enlightenment.
8/The real journey begins AFTER you meet your twin; many lifetimes with your twin will have to be
dedicated to Earth-causes.
9/Once you have made significant difference to Mother Earth, along with your twin-soul, you can opt
10/Answer to recognizing & understanding your 8 primary channels lies in understanding Lord
Krishnas 8 wives.
In world parlance:1/Krishnas Ashta-bhaaryas, 8 wives, are many times depicted in Indian Classical dance, as Ashtanaikas (8 heroines) 8 forms of love.
2/Amongst these primary 8 wives, energies of 4 are sticky & disruptive; energies of 4 are sticky but
3/Disruptive energies are advised against by astrologers, as they are not conducive to the typical
Indian large family set-up.
4/Disruptive energies are not very sharing; they want their Krishna all to themselves; non-disruptive
energies are easier to navigate.
5/In higher stages of soul evolution, most definitely, almost all 8 energies would have come your way,
and you would have picked 1.
6/Here, theres nothing like `right choice or `wrong choice. Every choice presents its challenges &
takes you further in evolution.

7/Its important to stay connected with every `energy that you recognize; if not as partner, then as
friend, mentor, guide.
8/Sometimes, souls in higher stages of evolution may consciously shy away from a partner, if they
sense their inability to navigate well.
9/But `shying away is not the answer, the answer lies in `going through with it. Sooner or later, it has
to be done.
10/This explains Indias concept of `Gurus/`Guides. We may not have all information, but someone
who has, can make our journey quicker.
11/Here again, its improper to advise people, who they should choose as partners; that should be
free will.
12/The only advice that shld be given, is to list pros & cons of an `energy & allow ppl to make an
informed choice. Here astrology helps.
13/Whatever choice a person makes, if they learn the `essence of an energy, they can navigate
successfully without getting stuck.
Krishnas twin-soul Radha is an amalgamation of the traits of all of Krishnas 8 wives but here,
there is knowingness, understanding and awareness. Radha is not defined by the traits of 8-wives;
she merely enacts them in Raas-Leela (her dance with Krishna) as a gentle reminder to mortal souls
like us.
Objective is to teach the world various aspects of love; the ways in which love can bloom; & (as
Krishna) how do you handle it, without killing it. In Krishnas 8-wives, this experience is more detailed
& is narrated from female-perspective; what `she (female half) feels about love.
The 8-wives of Krishna depict the 8 forms of love that you will come across in more advances stages
of your human evolution. As you edge closer to your own `Radha/Krishna, you will become `aware
of the `types of love that have crossed/crossing your path. Invariably, they will be from amongst the 8
`types described as Krishnas wives. Perhaps, one of them will be your closest partner.
The quickest form of soul-evolution would be, to `recognize correctly all 8 forms of love that may
have crossed your path. To understand & accept every `type of love; and take them through their
ups & downs of life as: mentor, counselor, friend, philosopher, guide.
Allow them to feel your presence in their life. By doing so, you help them deal with their difficult
karma. The more skillfully you `dance through this situation (will be explained in Kundalini Yoga);
closer you will move to your `Radha/Krishna.

The Spiritual Secret of Radha And Krishna; Krishnas 16100 Girlfriends; Krishnas Ashtabhaaryas (8
wives) Part II
Krishnas 8 wives:- Rukmini, Satyabhaama, Jaambavati, Kaalindi, Mitravrinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadraa &
Lakshanaa. What are their specific energies?
1/Rukmini: She tries to `channelize Krishna by being his friend, philosopher, guide & peacemaker.
She is simple, pretty, modest, good listener; respects all of Krishnas alliances, partnerships &
relationships. She enjoys playing role of counselor & peace-maker; Krishna uses her to counsel &
maintain peace among his other wives. She is often depicted by Krishnas side as his talkingcompanion; worshipped as main-consort in south-India. She is a highly recommended energy for
worldly partnerships, as she offers most support to Krishnas causes.
Affirmation of Rukminis love: Love is Peace.
2/Satyabhaama: She tries to `channelize Krishna with her tantrums; if he doesnt accede, she will
leave. She is proud, arrogant, domineering, self-centered, opinionated; with her, Krishna must play a
supportive role. She believes she has done Krishna a favor by offering him marriage; wants Krishna
at her beck & call at all times. Her energies can be navigated by mollifying her tantrums in
playfulness, yet not succumbing to them. Her energies can be navigated with flattery, as her pride
succumbs easily to this.
Affirmation of Satyabhaamas love: Love is Me.
3/Jaambavati: She tries to `channelize Krishna with her beauty; believes beauty can reign in
Krishna. She is vain, desires appreciation; confident about the power of her beauty; willing to share
Krishna with others. She is exquisitely beautiful, well-groomed, well-adorned at all times; believes
Krishna is attracted to her for her looks. She makes special effort to showcase her beauty so she
appears cut-above-others at all times. Her energies can be navigated offering her appreciation she
rightfully deserves; offer her limelight along with responsibility. Her energies can be navigated by
gently highlighting her inner beauty & allowing that to over-shadow her outer beauty.
Affirmation of Jaambavatis love: Love is Beauty.
4/Kaalindi: She tries to `channelize Krishna with her games, nets, traps, lures; uses forbidden-love &
guilt as weapons. She is sister of Yamuna; uses her siblings proximity to Krishna, to gain entry into
his life; she lays the trap; yet appears the victim. The excitement of `trapping Krishna into being with
her, is higher than excitement of being with Krishna. She enjoys competition; creates competition;
enjoys winning over competition; Krishnas desirability with other women excites her. She enjoys
catching Krishna with his guard down; lures Krishna into secret confessionals; feels empowered by
others secrets. Her energies in worldly living may mean alienation from loved ones to accommodate
her; Krishna may be forced to make a `choice. Her energies can be navigated by not empowering
her negatively; by not succumbing to guilt; by `playfully seeing thru her game. Her energies can be

navigated by gently/lovingly holding your ground; Kaalindi will always need you more than you need
Affirmation of Kaalindis love: Love is a Contest.
5/Mitravrinda: She tries to `channelize Krishna with her amiable, amicable, friendly, mischievous
nature. She rarely takes offence to anything Krishna says or does; works hard to manage &
harmonize Krishnas relationships. She is Krishnas closest confidante; her advice is usually selfless;
is a perfect hostess to Krishnas social circle. She is closest confidante to Krishnas wives also; they
find her a safe haven to share their grievances. She is companionable, conversational &
mischievous; usually lightens conflict with her naughtiness. Her energies can be navigated by
offering her unconditional friendship; by giving her responsibility.
Affirmation of Mitravrindas love: Love is Friendship.
6/Nagnajiti: She tries to `channelize Krishna with her openness, her truths; her name itself means
blatant truth. For her, love has to be an open book; diplomacy doesnt cut ice with her; her conflicts
center around Krishnas cleverness. For her, whatever is open is truth; whatever is hidden is false;
she bares her soul & dares you to do the same. Krishna usually uses her to convey hard truths to his
other wives, while he himself stays in the background. She is very blunt in her expression; in worldly
sense, it can create conflicts in social & family circles. Her energies can be navigated by not killing
her true spirit; by appreciating her honesty; but at same time allowing her to see that truths which
hurt people cannot help them much; channelize her truths into softer/gentler expressions. Her
energies can be navigated by offering her a straight-forward & honest approach to love.
Affirmation of Nagnajitis love: Love is Truth
7/Bhadraa: She tries to `channelize Krishna by blending into him; she is happy to be what Krishna
wants her to be. She chooses not to have a defined personality; she believes individuality = division
from Krishna. She is gentle, subservient, unassuming, selfless; she places herself last in priority; she
believes this is love. Hers is a motherly, nurturing, nourishing, forgiving; she serves not only Krishna
but all of Krishnas relationships dutifully. In a worldly sense, it is very easy to take advantage of
Bhadraas goodness; shes usually the cornerstone that goes unnoticed. Her energies must be
navigated with care & sensitivity; as her Krishna, its important to ensure she gets her due. Her
energies can be navigated by encouraging her to stand-up-for-herself; by encouraging selfdevelopment thru interests & hobbies.
Affirmation of Bhadraas love: Love is Submission.
8/Lakshanaa: She tries to `channelize Krishna with a focused approach; with her love is like a game
of Chess; move-countermove. She is focused; goal-oriented; plans & rehearses all her moves; will
always have Plan-B in place. According to her, she has to checkmate Krishna & win her rightful
crown; other wives are opposing pawns. She is characterized by a strategic, methodical mind;

extremely logical; every action needs to have a purpose. In a worldly sense, Lakshanaa will be less
of disruptive & more of uninteresting; her predictability overtakes her creativity. She can be an
extremely efficient partner; but her compulsive behavior can kill the charm. Her energies can be
navigated by giving her responsibility; by encouraging creativity & spontaneity. Her energies can be
navigated by gently showing her fun side of failures, inefficiencies & mistakes; by loosening her up.
Affirmation of Lakshanaas love: Love is a Goal.
9/Krishnas Radha: Radha is an amalgamation/a merger of all 8 wives. From that confluence, from
that merger, emerges her own unique affirmation of love. In Radha, Krishna can navigate all 8 forms
of love with ease & expertise; he knows every high, low, bend, curve, fall & illusion.
Affirmation of Radhas love: Love is Krishna.
The Spiritual Secret of Radha And Krishna; Krishnas 16100 Girlfriends; Krishnas Ashtabhaaryas (8
wives) Part III Interpretation of Kundalini Shakti
1/Go to Google Images. Search for Caduceus (inter-twined snakes on a sword); this is the symbolic
image of Krishna and Radha.
2/In the image you will see 2 serpents (Krishna-Radha), stretching themselves in DNA spiral, rising
from bottom to top. These are the Ida-Pingala channels of Kundalini Shakti.
3/Go to Google Images again. Search for Caduceus Kundalini Awakening. Now study the
Chakras of Auric-body super-imposed on Caduceus (inter-twined snakes on a sword).
4/When Kundalini-Shakti splits into 2, both halves have to traverse thru 7 Chakras, while
simultaneously navigating 16108 channels.
6/Krishna-Radha will meet, after long wayward journeys, just before Crown-Chakra; then they drop
down in unification back into Base-Chakra.
7/The `drop from `pre-Crown-Chakra to `Base-Chakra, happens via the `Sword that is pierced thru
centre-points of all 7 Chakras.
8/Sword = Sushumna-channel. When energies enter the Sushumna-channel, its cleansing process
begins. Progressive Cleansing = Progressive Enlightenment.
9/From the Base Chakra, they rise again in unification (in a DNA spiral), moving slowly upwards. This
journey is a representation of twin-souls-together-journeys on Earth.
10/Till the Sushumna-channel is totally cleansed & totally enlightened, Ida and Pingala will continue
their rise & drop.

11/It is during these numerous journeys, that Ida and Pingala will make a significant difference and
contribution to the Mother Earth.
12/At some point, they will finally make it to the Crown-Chakra. The time frame is free-will, but
whenever they do = Moksh. Oneness with God.
13/That is the story of every soul & every soul-half. This is why Sages/Rishis/Gurus frown upon selfawakening of Kundalini-Shakti.
14/This journey can be done totally inwards (yogic/transcendental meditation) or by simply living in
the world, in awareness.
15/Either way, guidance becomes important. God forbid, should energy get stuck in a channel, it can
stay there for a really long time.
In world parlance:1/Remember youll be moving from love-energies in reverse order, as in, channels 8 through 1.
2/Amongst lower 4 channels, Mitravrinda (channel 5) is toughest to navigate. Channels 8,7,6 are
relatively easier to navigate.
3/Mitravrinda is so amiable, so companionable, so pleasant, so fits into your social setup; that you
wont wish to leave her.
4/Chances are you will choose to navigate Mitravrindas channel over & over again; she has that
5/When you do choose to move beyond Mitravrinda, youll enter lowest of upper channels Kaalindi
(channel 4).
6/Amongst upper 4 channels, Kaalindi (channel 4) is toughest to navigate. Channels 3,2,1 are
relatively easier.
7/Kaalindi holds you back with her traps; you may find yourself navigating her channel several times
over, out of guilt or fear.
8/Its not easy to leave Kaalindi; she has her own charm; sometimes staying put in her channel
makes worldly life lot easier.
9/When you do choose to move beyond Kaalindi (channel 4), youll find Jaambavati, Satyabhaama,
Rukmini (3,2,1) will be fairly easy to navigate.

10/Once you reach Rukmini, and she emerges as your main consort/partner, you know youve
reached a comfort zone in evolution.
11/In higher stages of soul evolution, energies 5,6,7,8 may come back as your siblings, friends,
loved ones.
12/Energies you have navigated well in past lives will return back to you in purest platonic love.
13/It explains why Indian gurus/astrologers frown on disruptive love-energies / love-partnerships, that
disturb existing family relationships.
14/Blocking an already well-navigated channel (eg. family / parents / siblings) will mean coming back
in another lifetime and making another herculean effort to re-navigate it.
15/Journey becomes faster under expert guidance, or if youre lucky to identify your Radha/Krishna;
then purpose becomes evident.
16/Twin souls may not identify each other at same time; the wiser soul with longer, harder Earth
journey will realize it first.
17/The 2nd soul will realize automatically at appropriate time. Patience, faith and perseverance is the
key to soul evolution.
Thats it. Im done with this volcanic eruption of information that I analyzed & interpreted with a
compulsive obsession. Ive spent every waking moment this month (Adhik maasam 2012), on
Krishna & more Krishna. Lets hope He recognizes my patience, efforts, diligence.

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